Friday, September 14, 2007

September 14, 2007

Session Start: Fri Sep 14 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Fri Sep 14 00:00:00 2007

[05:32] {cosmo} ah...back to normal...all is right, again
[05:33] {Threei} depends... what one considers normal
[05:33] {cosmo} had to fix the 'puter yesterday...again
[05:33] {Threei} morning anyway :)
[05:33] {cosmo} couldn't log in
[05:41] {Threei} 08:33am [AMTD] Updates client spam investigation: no evidence of ID theft
[05:41] {Threei} e-mail list is stolen but identity isn't... that's a relief
[05:49] {gabby} Morning all. hope you keep em out now
[05:50] {Threei} hi gabby
[05:50] {gabby} morning 3i
[05:51] {Threei} gremlins... multiply faster than we care for
[05:51] {gabby} me too all the time
[05:52] {Threei} NQ -17
[05:53] {cosmo} gremlins?
[05:53] {Threei} do we have black Friday in the making or market shows resilience again
[05:53] {Threei} that is the question
[05:53] {cosmo} black?
[05:54] {Threei} as in no light
[05:54] {Threei} deep shadows
[05:54] {Threei} full of digital noise
[05:54] {Threei} common for low grade consumer digital cameras
[05:54] {cosmo} but...there is a tunnel
[05:55] {Threei} and the train
[05:55] {cosmo} lets hide there
[05:55] {Threei} but the train?
[05:55] {cosmo} just another gremlin
[05:57] {BillyD} morning RT
[05:57] {Threei} billy :)
[05:59] {cosmo} SHPGY pre mky high = 70.2 fwiw
[06:05] {Raven} Morning group :)
[06:06] {Threei} R :)
[06:06] {Raven} hey 3i :)
[06:06] {esemde} ah...there we in....morning
[06:06] {Threei} ese :)
[06:06] {Raven} gm ese
[06:06] {markweb} gm all
[06:06] {esemde} server problems still?
[06:07] {Threei} mark :)
[06:07] {markweb} :)
[06:07] {Threei} no ese, things are back to normmal
[06:07] {cosmo} gee...i thot it was me
[06:07] {Threei} whatever normal is
[06:07] {Raven} normmal ?
[06:07] {Threei} it was cos... we staged server problem to keep you out
[06:07] {cosmo} checking
[06:08] {BillyD} yes and he thought it was his worked Vad
[06:08] {Threei} :)
[06:08] {cosmo} it was a presonal growth opportinity, then
[06:08] {cosmo} sheesh
[06:08] {Threei} that's the spirit
[06:09] {Raven} keek clam cosmo
[06:09] {cosmo} kick?
[06:09] {Raven} OK
[06:09] {Threei} PETA will object R
[06:09] {Threei} clams are protected
[06:09] {Raven} PETA ?
[06:10] {Raven} steamed clams ... yum
[06:10] {Threei} People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA
[06:10] {Raven} ah
[06:10] {cosmo} i buy their bread sometimes
[06:10] {Raven} lol cosmo
[06:10] {cosmo} save a cow
[06:10] {Raven} rofl
[06:11] {Raven} Friday
[06:11] {Threei} kill a beaver - save a tree?
[06:11] {Raven} saves on flood insurance too
[06:11] {gabby} I feel rather confused. Are you fellas on something I aint got?
[06:11] {Raven} don't ask
[06:11] {Threei} on daily basis gabby...
[06:12] {cosmo} just coffee here
[06:12] {cosmo} ...for now
[06:12] {Threei} but vodka is being chilled?
[06:13] {cosmo} never chilled
[06:13] {Raven} real men drink it heated
[06:13] {cosmo} body temp is fine
[06:13] {cosmo} for the IV...ya know
[06:14] {Raven} sheesh
[06:14] {Threei} lol
[06:16] {cosmo} if SHPGY breaks 69.60, i'm done with it
[06:16] {cosmo} done watching, that is
[06:20] {dino} gm all
[06:20] {Threei} dino :)
[06:21] {Threei} CNQR GUIDES Q1 EPS $0.11 V $0.09E, R $45M V $33.9ME
[06:22] {cosmo} nice spread
[06:22] {dino} you can tell its' friday, you guys talking about steamers, vodka, etc
[06:23] {dino} hooker one cos
[06:24] {cosmo} if its a salmon ,maybe
[06:28] {dptl} good morning all
[06:28] {Threei} dp :)
[06:29] {magoo} morn rt
[06:29] {cosmo} CRXL pre mkt high = 21.10
[06:30] {cosmo} ... bird flu play...
[06:31] {Threei} AMTD .63 short if stays under .75
[06:32] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:33] {Raven} hi MaGoO
[06:33] {magoo} : )
[06:33] {gabby} morning magoo
[06:37] {Threei} CEPH small shares short under 72
[06:37] {Roman} OMTR long
[06:37] {Threei} 72.20 stop
[06:37] {Roman} 25.93
[06:37] {Roman} 1/2 size
[06:38] {dino} hl drys .00
[06:40] {Roman} out 1/2 OMTR +.42
[06:40] {Threei} nice
[06:40] {dino} nice
[06:40] {Roman} ty
[06:41] {Roman} out remaining OMTR +.51
[06:42] {dino} out drys .64, +.64
[06:44] {dino} you the man today rfr
[06:44] {Threei} modification to AMTD setup: .61 short if stays below .70
[06:44] {dino} magoo's pissed, i yelled to him to get out of mens room to get out of his drys
[06:46] {magoo} literally scared the sh@t out ogf me
[06:47] {Threei} rofl
[06:47] {Threei} RMBS on watch
[06:48] {dino} you think pulp moves, :)
[06:48] {Threei} if holding .80... .95 long
[06:49] {cosmo} tarr
[06:49] {magoo} in sh amtd va
[06:49] {Threei} AMTD stop to .66
[06:50] {Roman} CTDC
[06:50] {Threei} TARR?
[06:51] {cosmo} i c nothing
[06:52] {Roman} XMSR
[06:52] {Roman} long
[06:52] {Roman} 1/2 size
[06:52] {Roman} 14.53
[06:53] {magoo} whats a roman half? 5k
[06:53] {Roman} 700 shares
[06:53] {dino} cat l .60, stop .19
[06:53] {magoo} CFC spike
[06:54] {Roman} CTDC there
[06:55] {Threei} out AMTD, waste of time
[06:56] {magoo} me too
[06:58] {magoo} any read CFC vad?
[06:58] {Threei} not really...
[06:58] {Threei} tarr
[06:59] {Threei} if breaks .70 has a chance for another round of madness
[06:59] {Threei} stop under .60
[07:00] {dino} out cat .84, +.24
[07:04] {Threei} ANAD
[07:04] {Threei} .51 long if holding above .40
[07:06] {BillyD} tarr stopped
[07:08] {Roman} SCON
[07:08] {Threei} resurrection?
[07:09] {Roman} they just want to suck in more people
[07:09] {Roman} pop that thing
[07:09] {Roman} to near 6
[07:11] {Roman} ADBL super thin but the bastards want to it higher
[07:11] {Roman} not playing it, it moves on with almost no volume
[07:12] {Roman} cramer ADBE
[07:13] {Threei} MPEL
[07:14] {Threei} .50 long if stays above .40
[07:15] {Roman} out 1/2 XMSR +.20
[07:16] {Threei} 1:1 MPEL
[07:17] {BillyD} out MPEL in full thx
[07:17] {Threei} welcome
[07:17] {gabby} nice quick one 3i :-)
[07:17] {BillyD} now anad
[07:17] {magoo} out mpel
[07:17] {Threei} 1:2
[07:17] {magoo} ty
[07:17] {Threei} out
[07:19] {Threei} ANAD 1:1
[07:19] {Threei} 1:1.5 even
[07:19] {Roman} out remaining XMSR +.40
[07:19] {Threei} nice one XMSR
[07:20] {magoo} mkts going green
[07:20] {Threei} beautiful
[07:20] {BillyD} out ANAD thx
[07:20] {Threei} welcome
[07:22] {dptl} out anad +.20thnx
[07:22] {Threei} :)
[07:22] {magoo} out anad THABNX vad
[07:23] {dino} onxx hl l .12
[07:23] {dino} stop .74
[07:23] {Threei} wow MPEL
[07:24] {magoo} just gavev mpel your phone number
[07:24] {BillyD} lol
[07:25] {BillyD} not answering here
[07:25] {Threei} me neither
[07:25] {magoo} mpel will leave long nasty message
[07:25] {dino} spec. pptrshipw/harrahs
[07:28] {Roman} FCEL
[07:28] {Roman} slow bouncer
[07:29] {tomg} ty mpel vad
[07:29] {Threei} :)
[07:29] {Threei} you held for this move tom??
[07:29] {tomg} yes, got out at 16.24
[07:29] {Threei} eeck
[07:29] {dino} aack
[07:29] {Threei} congratulation,s and I hate you
[07:30] {tomg} really was luck, walked away from compuer
[07:30] {Threei} lol
[07:30] {Roman} long FCEL 9.13
[07:30] {dino} you know what i'm thinking
[07:30] {tomg} sad but true
[07:30] {dino} shortting it
[07:30] * magoo slaps tomg around a bit with a large trout
[07:30] {tomg} ouch
[07:30] {tomg} :)
[07:30] {magoo} : )
[07:32] {magoo} l tarr here
[07:32] {magoo} .68
[07:32] {dino} micc fast fall
[07:32] {magoo} waiting .94
[07:33] {Roman} long SCON
[07:33] {Roman} small
[07:33] {Roman} 5.39
[07:34] {magoo} with ya bro
[07:34] {magoo} anyone take tarr with mahgoo?
[07:35] {tomg} i dd
[07:35] {tomg} .70
[07:35] {tomg} i did
[07:35] {magoo} stop it flat cause you winning
[07:36] {tomg} ok, ty
[07:36] {magoo} lay out 90 area
[07:36] {magoo} let it hit u
[07:36] {Roman} BRLC
[07:36] {Roman} mentioned on CNBC
[07:37] {dino} cat fight too, bartiromo and one of the gals
[07:37] {magoo} cacacacacac catfight??
[07:38] {dino} lol
[07:40] {tomg} out tarr flat
[07:40] {Roman} NFLD
[07:40] {Roman} long small
[07:40] {Roman} 2
[07:40] {Roman} 1k
[07:45] {Roman} AGIX
[07:45] {Roman} bouncing a bit
[07:46] {dino} onxx stop to .23
[07:47] {dino} to .30
[07:47] {dino} to .34
[07:49] {dino} out onxx .40, +.28
[07:49] {dino} too tight
[07:50] {dino} but, it is friday
[07:50] {Roman} OMTR almost done
[07:59] {dino} break of .00 perhaps
[08:03] {dino} onxx lod, hmm
[08:04] {magoo} waiting .69 roman.....scon
[08:04] {Roman} i am much higher
[08:04] {magoo} i figure it will breathe
[08:04] {magoo} can reenter
[08:10] {BillyD} JNPR maybe a short off .70
[08:10] {BillyD} Vad any read JNPR
[08:11] {Threei} quite weak today
[08:12] {Threei} ideally, would bounce a little, kept under .80 and break .70 for short
[08:12] {BillyD} you,
[08:12] {BillyD} ok
[08:12] {BillyD} it tends to stop me
[08:18] {BillyD} VAD is over .80 too tight on JNPR
[08:18] {BillyD} stop that is
[08:18] {BillyD} ss .70
[08:18] {Threei} that's where I keep it
[08:18] {BillyD} ok
[08:18] {Threei} as dino said, it's friday
[08:19] {BillyD} and it's JNPR
[08:19] {BillyD} it seems to stop by pennies and do what I thought
[08:19] {BillyD} more than not
[08:27] {dino} micc hl l .06, risky, wide
[08:36] {dino} axys
[08:36] {dino} that was fast
[08:37] {Threei} nice SCON
[08:37] {magoo} roman....feels like it wants 6 ..scon
[08:38] {Roman} selling 1/2
[08:38] {magoo} out .77 THANX rfr
[08:38] {Roman} flippers are noticing it
[08:38] {magoo} + /.37
[08:39] {magoo} i may reload on pullbck
[08:43] {BillyD} out JNPR -.11
[08:44] {Threei} shy 1 cent of 1:1, eh?
[08:44] {BillyD} no kidding...thought a quick dip under .60
[08:44] {BillyD} these index related stocks not really my style
[08:45] {Threei} they change...
[08:45] {Threei} I mean, some days they are perfect read
[08:45] {Threei} and some days it's impossible to get anything out of them
[08:46] {BillyD} yeah
[08:46] {Threei} some days you are bug, some days you are windshield
[08:46] {BillyD} lol
[08:48] {magoo} whats the last thing a bug sees when hits windshield?
[08:48] {BillyD} it's killer
[08:49] {magoo} its ass
[08:49] {Threei} lol
[08:53] {dino} micc stop to .58
[09:04] {dino} to .25
[09:06] {dino} stopped, rinsed +.18
[09:17] {magoo} .
[09:24] {Threei} CREE is asking to be shorted
[09:24] {BillyD} not available
[09:25] {BillyD} tried it
[09:25] {Threei} yeah
[09:25] {Threei} oh well
[09:25] *** Disconnected
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[09:25] -admin- [Welcome-#discussions] Welcome to the RealityTrader Discussion Room. Please read our disclaimer at: before proceeding.
[09:26] {dino} winn
[09:34] {dino} hl s winn .42
[09:35] {dino} stop is .66
[09:42] {dino} chilli dogs are under-rated
[09:42] {Threei} brazilian dogs beg to differ
[09:44] {dino} what?
[09:44] {Threei} ok... my sense of humor is overrated
[09:44] {Threei} even being rated as low as it is
[09:44] {BillyD} I got it
[09:45] {Threei} that's disturbing billy
[09:45] {magoo} roflol
[09:45] {BillyD} took a while
[09:45] {Threei} I would be very alarmed if I were you
[09:45] {BillyD} so there is still hope
[09:47] {dino} micc feels like a capit whoosh coming
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[10:06] {magoo} i was knocked out
[10:06] {dino} hl l micc .20
[10:06] {Chaeron} well, stay down or I'll hit you again... :)
[10:06] {dino} got knocked out
[10:07] {dino} winn bstop to .27
[10:08] {dino} winn bstop to .27?
[10:08] {dino} huh
[10:08] {dino} chaeron, jimmy stewart, wonderful life?
[10:09] {dino} stay back bert or i'll hit you again
[10:10] {Chaeron} :)
[10:12] {dino} micc stop is .95
[10:14] {Chaeron} someone want to let Vad back in? :)
[10:15] {dino} he's banned
[10:15] {dino} winn stopped +.14
[10:20] {dino} micc stop to .29
[10:21] {dino} out micc .41, +.21
[10:22] {dino} taking a break, 6/6 over goal
[10:28] {Chaeron} great job dino... great way to head into a weekend
[10:29] {magoo} anyone got anything at anytime
[10:31] {BillyD} like a trade idea
[10:31] {Threei} gremlins...
[10:33] {dino} ty chaeron
[10:35] *** Disconnected
[10:40] *** Attempting to rejoin...
[10:40] *** Rejoined channel #discussions
[10:40] -admin- [Welcome-#discussions] Welcome to the RealityTrader Discussion Room. Please read our disclaimer at: before proceeding.
[10:44] {Threei} I can't believe it
[10:45] {Chaeron} ?
[10:45] {Threei} sigh
[10:45] {Threei} great... MICC under 72, and my comment on it fell through cracks twice
[10:48] {Threei} amI here?
[10:49] {Threei} or lost in cyberspace?
[10:49] {magoo} yes]
[10:49] {Chaeron} :P
[10:49] {Threei} thank you
[10:49] * Chaeron slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[10:49] {Threei} thank you again
[10:49] * Chaeron slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[10:49] {Threei} that reaffirms my being alive
[10:49] {Chaeron} just figuring I owed magoo that one
[10:49] {Threei} you have dcc btw, chaeron
[10:49] * Threei slaps LaserDave1 around a bit with a large trout
[10:50] {Chaeron} I don't do dcc's if they're bad news 3i
[11:00] {Threei} AKAM .61 long
[11:00] {Threei} .49 stop
[11:03] {Threei} 1:1
[11:08] {dino} asei fast fall
[11:12] {Threei} CMED about to top out it seems
[11:17] {Threei} .74 short if stays under .90
[11:19] {Threei} no worky
[11:32] {Threei} magoo
[11:32] {Threei} if you are in the mood... AAPL looks like short
[11:33] {dino} asei down 8 points in 5 days
[11:35] {dino} onxx hl l .00, stop .67
[11:35] {Threei} ASEI maybe ready to bounce on daily dino... but not on intraday
[11:35] {dino} thinking the same, want around .20ish
[11:38] {magoo} scon vad??
[11:38] {Threei} no read
[11:38] {Threei} this thing is pure speculation
[11:39] {Threei} who overcomes who, squeezers or non-believers
[11:40] {dino} missed asri
[11:40] {dino} asei
[11:54] {Threei} tell me you took AAPL mags
[11:54] {magoo} i did
[11:55] {Threei} covered?
[11:55] {magoo} not yet
[11:55] {Threei} ok, careful from here
[11:55] {Threei} it either drops fast or bounces violently
[11:55] {magoo} waiting .67
[11:55] {magoo} watching qqqq
[11:56] {Threei} that is beyond the scope of my read... :)
[11:58] {magoo} out
[11:58] {Threei} 138 was end of complacency... this way or that but things were to become faster from there
[12:01] {Threei} BEAS
[12:02] {Threei} ICAHN REPORTS 8.53% STAKE, UP FROM 2% STAKE REPORTED IN JUNE-He asked the company to explore options, including a sale
[12:16] {Threei} SCO, squeezers win so far
[12:16] {Threei} SCON
[12:30] {dino} onxx stop to .83, not moving
[12:38] {magoo} i gotta hop...c u mondaty
[12:39] {Threei} take care mags
[12:40] {dino} me too. take care all
[12:40] {Threei} bye dino
[12:40] {dino} cutting onxx .89, -.11
[12:41] {Threei} ok guys, week started nicely and ended ina garbled way with the tech hell
[12:41] {Threei} let's relax and take the steering wheel back after weekend
[12:42] {Threei} have a good one, see you on Monday!