Session Start: Fri Nov 30 00:00:00 2007
Session Time: Fri Nov 30 00:00:00 2007
[05:57] {cosmo} OVTI
[05:58] {cosmo} OmniVision Technologies 2Q Earnings Rise
[05:58] {cosmo} AP (Thu 5:52pm)
[05:58] {cosmo} OmniVision Expects 3Q Earnings Will Rise
[05:58] {cosmo} AP (Thu 6:03pm)
[06:00] {Threei} just so you know:
[06:00] {Threei} there... wisdom for the day
[06:00] {Threei} good morning
[06:01] {cosmo} SOLF's market?
[06:02] {BillyD} the mkt is forced when I have to pay 3.00 per gallon or not drive
[06:02] {BillyD} good morning :)
[06:03] {Threei} 87 years old wrote a letter to local paper (and it was published), saying:
[06:03] {Threei} don't you all understand, in order to stop global warming and save the planet we have to ban all theprivate cars immediately
[06:04] {cosmo} he needs to grow up...
[06:04] {Threei} if that's necessary attribute of the age, I hope to expire before 85
[06:04] {BillyD} I know see what is really happening now
[06:04] {BillyD} cosmo
[06:04] {cosmo} :)
[06:04] {Threei} good one
[06:05] {Threei} be back in 5
[06:07] {cosmo} SOLF pre mkt high = 17.20 fwiw
[06:08] {magoo} morning RT
[06:09] {BillyD} magoo :)
[06:09] {BillyD} welcome back
[06:10] {esemde} morning......
[06:11] {esemde} magoo....
[06:11] {BillyD} ese :)
[06:11] {Threei} ese, magmeister :)
[06:13] {Threei} [XMSR] XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc Bear Stearns analyst says DOJ decision on merger may be imminent
[06:13] {Threei} - Upside/Downside. Upon a positive announcement, we expect both the stocks to appreciate - our analysis suggests XM at $20 and SIRI at $4.50. On the downside, XM could decline to high single digits as investors look for visibility into strategy, and potentially, mgmt transition. SIRI could decline to ~$3.
[06:14] {Threei} all bases are covered eh?
[06:14] {BillyD} sounds like Fed commentary
[06:14] {Threei} lumdus, look dcc please
[06:14] {esemde} morning distracted here.......was in a studio mixing a CD....of the High Sch R&B band...
[06:14] {Threei} today?? :)
[06:14] {cosmo} OVTI pre mkt high = 20.45 far
[06:14] {esemde} listening to it it.....sounds great
[06:14] {dino} gm all
[06:14] {Threei} busy month for you...
[06:15] {Threei} dino :)
[06:15] {BillyD} hi dino
[06:15] {esemde} indeed
[06:15] {Threei} can I have a copy? :)
[06:15] {Threei} signed?
[06:15] {BillyD} ese are you a school teacher as well
[06:15] {esemde} yes...should be out in just over a week
[06:16] {esemde} yes billy
[06:16] {esemde} Band and mathematics
[06:16] {BillyD} cool
[06:16] {esemde} don't calculate winners as fast a Vad though
[06:16] {BillyD} so how do you find time to trade then
[06:17] {esemde} it's 6:oo am here. market opens at 6:30 ,,,start teaching at 9:00am
[06:17] {BillyD} gotcha
[06:18] {magoo} thanx for nice warm welcome
[06:18] {esemde} have 2 1/2 hrs
[06:18] {Threei} talk about utilizing the day to its fullest
[06:18] {Threei} how was it mags?
[06:18] {magoo} one more weelk eft of hunting, so still will be in and oyut
[06:18] {cosmo} ese... you gotta teach those kids to trade
[06:19] {magoo} very good time vad
[06:19] {magoo} i need to be outdoors
[06:19] {Threei} I am full of envy
[06:20] {magoo} especially since i've become this computer geek
[06:20] {Threei} hey, can you have double fun? one part for me
[06:20] {Threei} please?
[06:20] {Threei} I'll live vicariously through you
[06:20] {magoo} i party/play hard enough for both of us vad
[06:21] {Threei} thank you :)
[06:21] {magoo} i drank 3/4 bottlke stoli at dino's the other nite
[06:21] {magoo} figure half those shots for u
[06:21] {Threei} deal
[06:22] {Threei} I appreciate you sacrificing your own health for my fun sake
[06:22] {Threei} I need translation...
[06:22] {Threei} those FX chartists speak unknown language
[06:22] {cosmo} 32 days?
[06:23] {Threei} I guess
[06:23] {cosmo} nah
[06:23] {Threei} or it was 13th month?
[06:23] {cosmo} ah
[06:23] {cosmo} there use to be one
[06:23] {cosmo} used
[06:25] {magoo} vad, u do the new laserdownload yet?
[06:26] {Threei} I did but I can't get this OMS module to work
[06:26] {Threei} not sure I need it... but was curious
[06:26] {Threei} will ask dave to find out what I am doing wrong
[06:26] {BillyD} it is for the stop orders right vad
[06:26] {Threei} the rest seems to be working as usual
[06:27] {Threei} that's what release notes say,
[06:27] {Threei} also, there should be access to Swiss Credit dark pools
[06:27] {BillyD} just what I been waiting for
[06:27] {esemde} all is right with the world...your basic christmas rally is under way....followed by appathy period christmas to new years...then market goes down the shi(you know whater) start of the year so that it has somewhere to go by the end of the years ho hum....
[06:28] {Threei} sorry, Credit Suisse dark polls
[06:28] {Threei} lol ese
[06:29] {Threei} my Laser shuts down when I try to summon OMS module
[06:29] {dino} frpt?
[06:29] {Threei} had troubling news
[06:29] {Threei} lemme find it
[06:30] {Threei} 08:41am [FRPT] Hearing negative comments at Friedman Billings
[06:31] {magoo} one helluva STOP systewm, just shot it down he he
[06:31] {magoo} what is "dark polls?
[06:31] {Threei} lol, I guess they took word stop too literally
[06:31] {Threei} pools
[06:31] {Threei} kind of hidden liquidity
[06:31] {Threei} orders that never show up
[06:32] {cosmo} like black ops?
[06:32] {Threei} but can be executed against if your system has access to those
[06:32] {Threei} usdually associated with additional cost
[06:32] {Threei} but may offer favorable prices
[06:32] {Threei} I'll find out more about this offering
[06:32] {Roman} solars
[06:32] {magoo} u watching CFC vad?
[06:33] {Threei} not as a rule...
[06:33] {Threei} one of those with deep issues
[06:34] {magoo} just, its a player today, BUT i way out of sinc, been away
[06:34] {Threei} ESLR
[06:34] {Threei} Roman has better read on this one
[06:35] {Roman} FCEL
[06:35] {Threei} if holding above 13.90, break is worth a try
[06:35] {Roman} long PLUG slow
[06:35] {esemde} SOLF as well
[06:35] {Threei} CSIQ had news about secondary
[06:35] {Threei} but holding strong still
[06:36] {Threei} [CSIQ] Canadian Solar Inc. To offer $75M in convertible notes due 2017
[06:36] {Threei} - $11.25M over-allotment
[06:37] {esemde} you'd think that would tank it
[06:40] {esemde} how do you interpret that Vad ...due 2017
[06:40] {Threei} I truly have no slightest idea
[06:40] {esemde} must expect stock price to go up...maybe....?
[06:40] {Threei} this stock still has a lot of fuel under it
[06:41] {Roman} long URRE
[06:41] {dino} yeah
[06:41] {Roman} small
[06:41] {Threei} unless whole attitude toward solars changes for some reason, it has a lot of upside
[06:41] {dino} and 2017, lots can happen
[06:41] {Threei} yeah, this kind of horizon renders news practically non-issue
[06:42] {Threei} I mean in a sense of worries that secondaries can create negative pressure
[06:42] {lumdus} 3i, are we in any position
[06:42] {Threei} not yet
[06:42] {Threei} Roman is
[06:43] {Threei} ESLR invalidated for now
[06:43] {Threei} TIVO is interesting
[06:43] {BillyD} yes
[06:43] {Threei} feels like prepares for another run
[06:43] {BillyD} I played off .50 for scalp
[06:43] {Threei} break worth a try, just remember its wierd sudden drops sometimes
[06:44] {Threei} if missed, don't chase
[06:44] {BillyD} it stalled I bailed
[06:44] {Threei} wait for pullback
[06:45] {Threei} CPSL
[06:45] {Threei} 5.60 long half lot
[06:45] {Threei} stop under 5.40
[06:47] {Threei} aggressive entry is an option for this one
[06:47] {dino} zumz
[06:47] {Threei} in fact preferrable
[06:47] {Threei} in .46
[06:47] {Threei} 5.34 stop
[06:47] {Threei} half lot
[06:48] {dino} hl s zumz .99, stop hod
[06:50] {Threei} stop to .39
[06:51] {Threei} want to keep it tight
[06:52] {Threei} out
[06:56] {Threei} watching NVDA for one more leg down and entry for bounce
[06:56] {dino} zumz stopped -.32
[06:57] {Threei} .25 long NVDA if holding above .15
[06:57] {bruce} jrcc l vad?
[06:58] {dino} zumz s hl .00
[06:58] {Threei} 1:1 NVDA, half out
[06:58] {magoo} in NVDA
[06:58] {BillyD} same here
[06:58] {BillyD} out 1/2
[06:58] {Threei} stop to .24
[06:58] {Threei} scalpers know what to do
[06:59] {Threei} JRCC trades by appointment bruce... no read
[06:59] {BillyD} lol
[06:59] {Roman} SEAC sqeezer
[06:59] {Roman} slow
[06:59] {Threei} NVDA is amazingly obeying this week
[06:59] {bruce} k
[06:59] {Roman} long SEAC 7.28
[07:00] {Roman} 1/3
[07:00] {Threei} gotta make sure we don't go to this well one too many times :)
[07:00] {bruce} nice quick play nvda
[07:00] {Threei} I don't think we got a single stop on it
[07:00] {Threei} and we played it quite a lot
[07:00] {dino} stopped again, done w/it
[07:01] {dino} frpt l .96
[07:01] {Roman} DRYS spike
[07:01] {BillyD} out rest NVDA thx Vad
[07:01] {lumdus} we get out nvda ?
[07:01] {Threei} me half lumdus
[07:01] {lumdus} oh, ok.. let me get some out here.
[07:02] {Roman} long EGLE
[07:02] {magoo} waiuting .54
[07:02] {Threei} [09:56] {Threei} 1:1 NVDA, half out
[07:02] {Threei} *OCT CONSTRUCTION SPENDING: -0.8% V -0.3%E
[07:02] {bruce} frpt ready to bounce?
[07:03] {Threei} ready for another spike NVDA
[07:03] {magoo} [10:01] {magoo} waiuting .54
[07:03] {Threei} I'd stay away from it bruce
[07:03] {Threei} come on NVDA, be a good boy
[07:04] {Threei} girl?
[07:04] {bruce} k vad
[07:04] {Threei} some stocks you know...
[07:04] {Threei} so full of it, they never met a toilet they couldn't overflow
[07:05] {Threei} FRPT feels like one of those to me
[07:05] {bruce} lol
[07:05] {Threei} markwet losing it
[07:06] {Threei} maybe let's trail NVDA to .29
[07:06] {BillyD} it looked ready to pop .50
[07:06] {Threei} this big red bar NQ killed the move
[07:06] {BillyD} yup
[07:06] {lumdus} ouch
[07:06] {BillyD} uncalled for
[07:07] {Threei} it has a chance to prove itself by holding .30
[07:07] {Threei} it does good,
[07:08] {Threei} no, so be it
[07:08] {Threei} we wanted bounce, we got it
[07:08] {BillyD} held well
[07:09] {Threei} yes, now needs NQ help
[07:09] {dino} rimm -3
[07:09] {dino} -4
[07:09] {Threei} or at least for NQ not to get in the way
[07:09] {Threei} RIMM had news
[07:10] {Threei} pipr lowered their 2009 estimates
[07:10] {dino} ty
[07:10] {Threei} some nonsense about mixed demand
[07:10] {dino} they had to get in
[07:10] {Threei} what's wrong with mixed demand, I don't know... you demand mix of vodka with beer, get it, drink it and drop; under the table happy
[07:11] {magoo} hey..u got a hidden camera on me?
[07:11] {Threei} lol, I knkew I would get your attention
[07:11] {Threei} lety' go NVDA
[07:11] {Threei} everything's in place
[07:12] {Threei} no hidden camera magster, I am just already under that same table
[07:13] {dino} rimm l .50
[07:13] {Threei} if NQ breaks 2115 we are golden... if loses 2110, all bets are off for NVDA
[07:14] {Threei} but gotta admit, it's doing all it can
[07:14] {Threei} not good NQ
[07:14] {lumdus} in esignal how can i see nq - what's the symbol ?
[07:14] {Threei} out NVDA
[07:15] {Threei} it should be some variaon of NQZ7 lumdus
[07:15] {Threei} could be with slash in front
[07:15] {_liranme} it is NQ Z7
[07:15] {_liranme} with a spce
[07:15] {_liranme} space
[07:15] {Threei} gotta ask provider, symbols are a little bit different
[07:16] {lumdus} liranme $NQ Z7 ?
[07:16] {_liranme} no
[07:16] {Threei} $ is for cash indexes
[07:16] {_liranme} just NQ Z7
[07:16] {_liranme} a spce after NQ
[07:17] {Threei} if you don't have NQ feed, use NDX
[07:17] {Threei} second best thing, and often just as good
[07:17] {magoo} use QQQQ
[07:17] {magoo} thats what i use
[07:17] {Threei} NDX should be something like $NDX or $NDX.X
[07:17] {Threei} thanks for help, liranme
[07:17] {lumdus} ok, i got ndx thank you
[07:18] {Threei} that'll do
[07:18] {Threei} NQ usually requires additional fee
[07:18] {Threei} no terrible need to pay it
[07:19] {dino} pspt
[07:19] {Threei} numbers that I cite as indficative levels for NQ will be a bit different for NDX,
[07:19] {lumdus} ok, thank you
[07:19] {Threei} but looking at the chart you will usually see the right level
[07:19] {BillyD} they are pretty close
[07:19] {Threei} I mean, it's just ranges
[07:19] {bruce} yhoo long?
[07:19] {Threei} no complicated math
[07:20] {Threei} YHOO, if pulls back a little first
[07:20] {Threei} like this
[07:20] {Threei} .21 long if holding above .15
[07:20] {Threei} just a scalp most likely
[07:21] {bruce} k
[07:21] {dino} s .00 pspt
[07:22] {BillyD} u calling YHOO Vad
[07:23] {dino} frpt stopped .68-.28
[07:23] {Threei} it wouldn't be my first choice billy... answering the question
[07:23] {BillyD} reason to ask :)
[07:23] {Threei} kind of... "worth a try, not horribly compelling"
[07:24] {BillyD} we need picky picky
[07:24] {Threei} should give a scalp... but overall, it's a bit narrow today
[07:24] {BillyD} VRSN off the 41 area for bounce maybe
[07:24] {Threei} would require really sizeable NQ move
[07:27] {bruce} you like horrible vad?
[07:27] {bruce} lol
[07:27] {Threei} I prefer terrible
[07:27] {Threei} but will settle
[07:28] {bruce} k - that clarifies things
[07:30] {dino} pspt bstop to .76
[07:30] {dino} out +.24
[07:31] {Threei} nice catch
[07:31] {Threei} I missed it
[07:33] {Threei} CAD just lost parity
[07:34] {magoo} 100 sh bidu long 390
[07:36] {magoo} stopped _2.50
[07:36] {magoo} thats why only 100 shares
[07:37] {magoo} need a wider stop he he
[07:37] {BillyD} NVDA approaching .50
[07:39] {BillyD} thoughts on NVDA Vad...if NQ jumps ?
[07:39] {magoo} i like it billy
[07:39] {magoo} IF naz goes
[07:39] {Threei} if it';s a big sudden green bar and NVDA gives a delay for entry
[07:40] {BillyD} ok
[07:40] {Threei} it didn't even want to wait
[07:40] {BillyD} I tried but too late
[07:40] {BillyD} was looking for green bar
[07:41] {Threei} it will pull back now most likely
[07:41] {Threei} not sure about the play here
[07:41] {Threei} changes behaviour vs what we saw last several days
[07:41] {Threei} gotta observe and re-adjust
[07:44] {BillyD} SOLF looks to tes hod
[07:44] {BillyD} crazy moves
[07:47] {BillyD} NVDA just not showing it's hand completely for me
[07:47] {BillyD} is strong
[07:51] {Threei} I wish LUNA had better volume
[07:51] {Threei} with this daily chart I'd be all over 8.50 break
[07:52] {BillyD} one cast too many eh
[07:52] {BillyD} if you took LUNA
[07:53] {BillyD} Vad...any feel for SOLF as a player
[07:54] {Threei} feels like a player... cand find the play itself for now
[07:54] {BillyD} ok...what I meant
[07:54] {Threei} 17 break is obvious, but its volatility makes it a tough cal;l
[07:54] {BillyD} tough to read it w/ reducing alot of risk
[07:55] {BillyD} maybe if shallow PB then break
[07:55] {BillyD} too late
[07:55] {Threei} if it didn't break this time, would be better read on the next try
[07:56] {BillyD} agree
[07:56] {Threei} see?
[07:56] {BillyD} yes
[07:58] {magoo} NVDA here vad?
[07:59] {Threei} not sure
[07:59] {cosmo} ... maybe Bernie needs to say something
[07:59] {Threei} it has different feel to it today
[07:59] {magoo} k
[08:00] {magoo} need bernie to say "i am fully invested in market here" he he
[08:00] {Threei} well, half lot SOLF 17 break
[08:00] {Threei} stop under .80
[08:02] {magoo} in solf .95
[08:02] {magoo} wait .29
[08:03] {Threei} 1:1 SOLF
[08:03] {magoo} drats .28 prints
[08:03] {BillyD} out thx Vad
[08:03] {Threei} welcome
[08:04] {magoo} out .2o TY vad
[08:04] {Threei} :)
[08:04] {BillyD} stock make ya nervous
[08:04] {Threei} yeah, SOLF has this "feature"
[08:05] {BillyD} u know it has potential to go...but dances a bit to make be happy 1:1
[08:05] {BillyD} Romans kind
[08:06] {Threei} with all this mad dancing around, we hit it just right as far as I am cincerned
[08:06] {Threei} cuaght the wave
[08:07] {BillyD} yes...not too greedy but still opportunistic
[08:07] {magoo} wow,,insightful billy : )
[08:07] {BillyD} :)
[08:08] {bruce} algn - any read vad?
[08:10] {Threei} impressive strength...
[08:10] {Threei} let's see how it's holding during this another red leg in the market
[08:11] {Threei} if stays above 16.95, will be worth try on a break
[08:11] {dino} seac s hl .71, stop .04
[08:11] {Threei} if breaks no matter what market does I'll stay away
[08:11] {Threei} too high chance of a trap
[08:11] {Threei} and being that thin, trap could be nasty
[08:13] {Threei} NVDA off 33
[08:13] {Threei} 32.99 stop
[08:13] {magoo} u in already?
[08:13] {Threei} no, missed while typed
[08:14] {Threei} lol
[08:14] {Threei} maybe double bottom if retreats once again
[08:14] {Threei} don't want to chase
[08:15] {magoo} solf holds 17 now..not in
[08:16] {dino} s hl dptr .37, stop .52
[08:16] {bruce} thanx vad
[08:16] {Threei} here is retreat, watch NQ for quidance on NVDA, they reconnected again
[08:17] {Threei} in .05
[08:17] {Threei} .99 stop
[08:18] {magoo} in .08
[08:19] {Threei} out
[08:19] {Threei} NQ elected not to hold double bottom
[08:19] {BillyD} NDX didn't really give a signal for me
[08:19] {Threei} it paused at support just enough to fool
[08:20] {BillyD} hada one eye on NDX and one on NVDA....really need a third
[08:20] {magoo} yeah..out
[08:21] {Threei} XMSR
[08:27] {lumdus} xmsr nice gap, maybe wait for a pullback if ever
[08:27] {dino} hrbn s hl .42, stop .66
[08:30] {BillyD} not sure if NVDA in sync w/ NQ at this pt
[08:31] {BillyD} seems to be at moment
[08:32] {Threei} I really wanted to call XMSR at .23 and didn't find guts
[08:32] {Threei} with market getting redder by minute
[08:32] {BillyD} yes.....tough
[08:37] {dino} rudolf moment
[08:37] {Threei} the reinder?
[08:38] {dino} yes, redder by the minute
[08:38] {Threei} it's official - I am a whimp on XMSR
[08:38] {lumdus} out xmsr here.. enought for one day
[08:38] {BillyD} lol...that hurts
[08:39] {lumdus} +.35
[08:39] {Threei} good job
[08:39] {BillyD} gj
[08:40] {lumdus} tx to you
[08:42] {bruce} nvda staging that reversal now?
[08:42] {Threei} I am dropping it bruce
[08:42] {Threei} time to give it some rest, it was very readable for a week,
[08:43] {bruce} k
[08:43] {Threei} but as I said this morning, it had to be over very soon
[08:43] {Threei} superimpose its chart with NQ
[08:44] {Threei} while there was ideal match last days, today is different
[08:44] {Threei} you'll see divergences
[08:44] {Threei} without leading indicator this one is tough
[08:44] {bruce} got you
[08:46] {bruce} any thoughts on rimm? 115 break?
[08:47] {Threei} RIMM is too hot for me today
[08:48] {Threei} I pick my battles
[08:48] {dino} toughy today
[08:48] {Threei} this is not the one I want to fight
[08:48] {bruce} yes dino
[08:48] {bruce} I'm treading water today
[08:49] {dino} penx
[08:50] {dino} need a bottom
[08:50] {bruce} damn - I hate xmsr
[08:53] {dino} l hl .50
[08:54] {bruce} xide vad
[08:55] {bruce} scraqtch it - not enough range
[08:56] {Threei} OK I give up... XMSR will never stop
[08:56] {Threei} ever
[08:56] {Threei} it will just go and go
[08:56] {magoo} i could stop it
[08:56] {bruce} yes vad
[08:56] {bruce} leaving us to mourn
[08:56] {BillyD} lol magoo
[08:57] {bruce} lol
[08:57] {bruce} only I have that power mags
[08:57] {magoo} :)
[08:57] {bruce} not planning to exercise it
[08:57] {bruce} xmsr is poc
[08:58] {bruce} not looking any more
[08:58] {bruce} hall vad?
[08:58] {BillyD} there will be another one bruce
[08:58] {Threei} 40 K volume. HALL...
[08:58] {bruce} you bet billy
[09:02] {bruce} guess thats not good
[09:02] {bruce} sorry vad
[09:02] {bruce} desperate suggestion of a desperate trader
[09:02] {bruce} course -
[09:02] {Threei} gosh...
[09:02] {bruce} we could corner market in it
[09:02] {Threei} day after day we run at 80-100%
[09:04] {bruce} xmsr is finally pausing
[09:06] {dino} penx stop to .97
[09:06] {dino} out +.47
[09:07] {BillyD} wtg dino
[09:07] {Threei} cool beans
[09:07] {dino} ty, a bit better today
[09:07] {esemde} hey all...have a great weekend.....
[09:07] {bruce} congrats dino
[09:07] {BillyD} cya ese
[09:07] {bruce} see you ese
[09:07] {_liranme} What about short in XMSR ?
[09:07] {bruce} same to you
[09:08] {dino} u2 ese
[09:09] {Threei} can't pinpoint down short entry on it liranme
[09:09] {Threei} it's still uptrending
[09:10] {lumdus} you could lose your shirt like that ..
[09:11] {lumdus} rimm get a big hit again
[09:12] {Threei} hot potato
[09:12] {Threei} too hot for my hands
[09:14] {dino} potaaaato or patato
[09:15] {Threei} told ya XMSR will never stop
[09:16] {bruce} lol- just waiting for you to buy vad
[09:16] {Threei} me?
[09:16] {Threei} why would I want to spoil best month of the year on its last day
[09:18] {Chaeron} just run out the clock buddy :)
[09:18] {bruce} any thoughts nbix?
[09:18] {BillyD} take a knee
[09:18] {Chaeron} heheheh
[09:19] {bruce} forget it - its dumping
[09:19] {Threei} NBIX, if holding above .60... but don't count on much
[09:19] {dino} penx again
[09:21] {dino} seac bstop to ,.41
[09:22] {dino} cov +.30
[09:22] {BillyD} ESLR potential short idea....but it's nature cause hesitation
[09:22] {lumdus} in nvls 26.05 stop 25.99
[09:23] {bruce} taking a break
[09:23] {bruce} back in 30
[09:25] {dino} penx hl l .23
[09:28] {magoo} jesus..dow gonna go red
[09:29] {dino} hrbn bstop to .18
[09:31] {dino} make it .04
[09:31] {dino} penx stop to .64
[09:32] {dino} out penx +.39
[09:33] {dino} hrbn to .97
[09:34] {Threei} 15.79 short XMSR if stays under .90
[09:34] {Threei} if breaks it, look for entry closer to 16
[09:35] {Roman} PEIX
[09:35] {Threei} with stop above 16
[09:35] {Roman} PEIX & MGPI radar
[09:35] {magoo} don't short entry until i go long...then hit it
[09:39] {dino} dptr bstop to b/e
[09:39] {dino} not thrilled w/it
[09:41] {BillyD} Vad...did I mess up shorting XMSR at .79 since it barely went over .90
[09:42] {dino} stopped/cov. hbrn .95, +.47
[09:42] {Threei} hard to tell... just keep stop at .91
[09:42] {BillyD} ok
[09:45] {Threei} 1:1
[09:46] {BillyD} out most
[09:46] {Threei} :)
[09:46] {BillyD} ty
[09:53] {BillyD} out rest thx again
[09:54] {Threei} good job
[09:54] {Threei} 1:2
[09:54] {dino} gj bd
[09:54] {BillyD} ty...probably has to .50 area
[09:54] {magoo} nice one vad, out here .61
[09:54] {dino} bwld and rrst spikey
[09:54] {Threei} mags :)
[09:56] {lumdus} nvls go now already dammi
[09:57] {Threei} want me to kick it?
[09:58] {lumdus} yes, please
[10:01] {lumdus} 3i, you kick 2 pennies.. i am talking .80
[10:02] {BillyD} rflol
[10:04] {Threei} ah forgive me for not instilling as much vioelnce as you would like
[10:04] {Threei} I am mostly peaceful prson, I kick stocks and people for fun only
[10:04] {magoo} violence??
[10:04] {Threei} (well, my idea of fun may need some revision of course)
[10:05] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[10:05] {Threei} see? fun starts
[10:05] {Threei} now I can see magster is back
[10:06] {magoo} felt good
[10:06] {Threei} I have no doubt
[10:13] {magoo} vads XMSR short loss .50 w/market tank
[10:13] {magoo} ?
[10:14] {Threei} kind of 50/50
[10:14] {Threei} market can easily bounce off 2090
[10:15] {BillyD} Vad..on a positive note people liked you this week
[10:16] {Threei} it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment in my book, Billy
[10:16] {Threei} I am more comfortable being disliked
[10:16] {BillyD} you're twisted
[10:16] {magoo} out her 1:1
[10:16] {BillyD} lol
[10:16] {BillyD} I try to be nice ...and noooo
[10:17] {BillyD} wtg magoo
[10:17] {magoo} i took his 50/50
[10:17] {Threei} :)
[10:17] {magoo} exit was .36
[10:20] {lumdus} starting to like nvls more, a break of .20 and i think we off to the races.
[10:21] {Threei} we better... my foot is numb of all the kicking
[10:21] {magoo} soak it in vodka vad
[10:22] {Threei} can't
[10:22] {Threei} some wierd disalignment in action: every time I try to pour vodka on any body part, it somehow ends up in my throat
[10:26] {dino} hl l penx .75
[10:28] {magoo} good problem too have
[10:39] {BillyD} SOLF keepshanging around
[10:39] {BillyD} 17.69 is 52 wk high
[10:44] {bruce} fsnm vad
[10:46] {Threei} these 100-200 shares sizes...
[10:46] {Threei} dunno... trades a bit randomly
[10:47] {bruce} k
[10:47] {bruce} I like pattern but volumes a bit low - thanks for read
[10:50] {magoo} XMSR vad?
[10:51] {Threei} if puylls back closer to .50, long will be interesting
[10:58] {Threei} .56 was the lowest it went
[10:58] {Threei} wasn't easy to get it there
[11:04] {lumdus} you xmsr make a run for HOD ?
[11:04] {Threei} I'd be very surprized if it does
[11:05] {lumdus} ok, then i stay away from it.. to much noise and no movement in PM session today.
[11:06] {Threei} that about sums it up
[11:07] {BillyD} mkt drop
[11:17] {Threei} WHITE HOUSE: ECONOMY IS SOUND, BUT WANTS TO MAKE SURE IT HAS 'BULWARK' AGAINST HOUSING WOES - WIRE HEADLINE- Reiterates Bush opposes using taxpayer money for housing bailout
[11:18] {Threei} i am with him on this one
[11:18] {bruce} brcm short?
[11:19] {Threei} to me, on bounce only
[11:19] {Threei} around .15 area
[11:20] {bruce} k
[11:22] {dino} nstk
[11:23] {Threei} nothing fresh
[11:25] {dino} hayn
[11:26] {dino} morn
[11:28] {Threei} bruce... Environment Canada predicts the coldest winter of the last 15 years
[11:29] {bruce} nice
[11:29] {bruce} keeps mosquitos down
[11:29] {Threei} yeah... but how about global warming
[11:30] {bruce} gives them polar bears a break
[11:30] {bruce} I say pass the wodka
[11:30] {bruce} or maybe sake would bebetter?
[11:30] {cosmo} global warming would be offset
[11:31] {cosmo} like a counter measure
[11:31] {Threei} sigh... LUNA
[11:32] {bruce} what about it vad?
[11:32] {bruce} levle 2 looks real thin in it
[11:32] {Threei} [10:49] {Threei} I wish LUNA had better volume
[11:32] {Threei} [10:49] {Threei} with this daily chart I'd be all over 8.50 break
[11:33] {bruce} there we go
[11:33] {bruce} not enough volume
[11:35] {dino} out penx -.08
[11:36] {cosmo} tivo
[11:37] {cosmo} teasing again
[11:37] {bruce} thoughs on bwld breakvad?
[11:38] {Threei} just one:
[11:39] {Threei} skip it
[11:39] {bruce} lol
[11:39] {magoo} ok, ty vad, everyone
[11:39] {bruce} skip skiip skipping
[11:39] {magoo} going
[11:39] {magoo} hunting again
[11:39] {Threei} take care magoo, have a good weekend
[11:39] {BillyD} have a good one magoo
[11:39] {magoo} be in sporadic next week
[11:39] {Threei} when are you back?
[11:39] {bruce} bye mags
[11:39] {Threei} ok :)
[11:40] {bruce} have a great hunt
[11:40] {dino} fsin
[11:41] {bruce} luna s at 9 now vad
[11:41] {bruce} not that we care
[11:42] {dino} cov dptr +.04
[11:42] {dino} doesn't move
[11:46] {BillyD} raining here ...forst time in some while
[11:46] {BillyD} first
[11:47] {bruce} want some adrenaline vad?
[11:47] {bruce} could try jrjc
[11:47] {cosmo} get ready for lush green savanas, BD
[11:47] {BillyD} lol
[11:47] {BillyD} brown becomes green overnight
[11:48] {cosmo} global warming is key
[11:54] {dino} zolt
[11:59] {dino} ugh, missed it
[12:00] {BillyD} not for the faint of heart
[12:01] {dino} buck and a half
[12:01] {dino} cmcsa
[12:03] {BillyD} cmcsk as well
[12:04] {BillyD} same company it seems
[12:05] {Threei} yeah, it's some kind of diff classes of shares for the company
[12:06] {BillyD} think XMSR anything on short side .40 support is drawback
[12:08] {Threei} SENATE BANKING CHAIRMAN DODD OFFERS TO WORK WITH TREASURY'S PAUSLON ON MORTGAGE CRISIS - WIRE HEADLINE- Dodd urges efforts to reduce foreclosures, make home ownership sustainable
[12:14] {bruce} markets really dumped
[12:16] {bruce} should we be expecting a bounce aro0und here vad?
[12:16] {Threei} toughie... dartboard
[12:16] {bruce} k
[12:16] {dino} risky, l zolt .10
[12:17] {bruce} brcm iddn't quite make its retreacement short entry
[12:17] {bruce} would have been a nice one
[12:23] {dino} penx l .64
[12:24] {BillyD} hard to follow these moves
[12:24] {BillyD} w/ NQ
[12:26] {lumdus} maybe time for a little short here.
[12:27] {dino} meoh
[12:28] {lumdus} 3i, like the comment of dartboard here. maybe just time to pakc it in
[12:28] {Threei} I guess
[12:29] {BillyD} the short was the gamble under last support of NQ
[12:30] {lumdus} maybe hang out and watch a little longer. can't expect much from this
[12:35] {dino} stopped zolt -.45
[12:38] {bruce} that sucks dino
[12:39] {bruce} sounds like you had a good day overall though
[12:39] {dino} yes, a little under goal, thx
[12:40] {bruce} good
[12:40] {dino} ty
[12:41] {bruce} you trade the 2 weeks during traditional chstismas break vad?
[12:42] {Threei} if there is tradeable setup, if i have a read,.... sure
[12:42] {bruce} k
[12:46] {Threei} I'll call it a day guys
[12:46] {BillyD} thx for great week Vad
[12:46] {Threei} thank you aall, have a great relaxing weekend'
[12:46] {dino} what a reversal on dow
[12:47] {bruce} just thought the same dino
[12:47] {Threei} I'll see you on Monday
[12:47] {bruce} see a bunch of stocks with big green moves
[12:47] {bruce} thanx vad
[12:47] {_liranme} Thanks Vad
[12:48] {Threei} welcome guys
[12:48] {Threei} too bad this month is over
[12:48] {Threei} I loved it :)
[12:48] {dino} up until this week i loved it
[12:48] {dino} still was my best of year
[12:49] {BillyD}'s endless..u can keep prifiting monday as well
[12:49] {BillyD} profiting
[12:58] {bruce} have a good weekend all
[12:59] {dino} you too
[12:59] {dino} i'm cutting out too, thx all, back on monday
Realitytrader Trading Room Transcript - updated daily. TRADE WHAT YOU SEE, NOT WHAT YOU THINK implemented. To see and trade these calls real time JOIN US LIVE!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
November 29, 2007
Session Start: Thu Nov 29 00:00:00 2007
Session Time: Thu Nov 29 00:00:00 2007
[05:47] {bruce} gm all
[05:48] {BillyD} bruce :)
[05:48] {bruce} billy
[05:59] {dino} gm all
[06:02] {bruce} hi dino
[06:04] {bruce} would think all this current volatility is great for your trading style now dino
[06:06] {dino} actually yesterday did not do well (no pullbacks), but the month of nov. was very good
[06:06] {Threei} Good morning folken
[06:07] {bruce} I remember lots of days when naz futures only did 12 -15 points
[06:07] {BillyD} dino, Vad :)
[06:07] {bruce} but 40 - 80 of late
[06:07] {Threei} Billy :)
[06:07] {bruce} hi vad
[06:07] {Threei} bruce :)
[06:08] {Threei} dino, just much fan can magoo have?
[06:08] {Threei} fun
[06:08] {bruce} lol - jealous vad?
[06:08] {Threei} very
[06:08] {dino} dk, thought he would be here today
[06:08] {Threei} :)
[06:08] {Threei} btw, funny thing
[06:09] {Threei} slow big climb days,
[06:09] {Threei} usually not good for your style,
[06:09] {Threei} and not good for mine
[06:09] {bruce} poor vad can't spend his nigerian millions cause hes committed to helping us newbies
[08:12] {Roman} long URRE small & slow
[08:12] {dino} zolt stopped -.32
[08:13] {bruce} any read eslr vad?
[08:14] {Threei} Roman called it earlier
[08:14] {Threei} he has better grip on these solar moves today
[08:14] {bruce} k
[08:15] {Roman} i am not sure at this point, i am sitting from 13.25
[08:15] {Roman} it just keeps moving higher slow which is good
[08:15] {BillyD} ONNN should go now if possible
[08:16] {BillyD} 80K blk
[08:16] {Roman} long PEIX boucning on daily, may keep swing
[08:16] {bruce} thanks roman
[08:16] {bruce} chart looked good but thought it might be near end ofmove
[08:18] {Roman} CTDC
[08:18] {Roman} long small
[08:18] {Roman} 5.65 area
[08:19] {Roman} out 1/2 CSUN +.46
[08:23] {Threei} market is ready for break
[08:24] {BillyD} .
[08:24] {Threei} needs to hold 2100 and break 2105
[08:25] {Threei} watching NVDA for long entry
[08:25] {Threei} closest support is.10
[08:27] {BillyD} re enter JADE .32...stop under .30
[08:27] {Threei} in
[08:28] {Threei} .09 stop
[08:28] {dino} flir bstop to .18
[08:29] {dino} stopped .19, +.39\
[08:30] {Threei} half out NVDA 1:1
[08:30] {Threei} NQ obliges
[08:31] {BillyD} I hesitated on it and then tried .21 too late
[08:31] {BillyD} gj
[08:31] {Threei} ah, better entry price... like to lure of siren's song... never what it promises to be yet qwho of us can resist it
[08:32] {dino} hl l flir .50
[08:33] {Threei} out in full NVDA
[08:33] {Threei} +.30
[08:36] {Threei} does oil go sour?
[08:36] {bruce} zolt is really climbing
[08:37] {Threei} XING tries for 2 day's break
[08:37] {Threei} tough read, not sure
[08:38] {BillyD} out some ONNN here
[08:38] {esemde} have a great day all...
[08:39] {BillyD} cya ese
[08:39] {Threei} take care ese
[08:39] {Threei} great job with CSIQ today
[08:39] {dino} hl l sirf .27
[08:40] {bruce} bye ese
[08:40] {BillyD} ONNN new high
[08:40] {Threei} new high ONNN, believe it or not
[08:40] {BillyD} yahoo
[08:40] {Threei} I personally don't
[08:40] {Threei} out half
[08:41] {Threei} sharp downtich NQ
[08:41] {Threei} gotta secure it
[08:41] {BillyD} now you tell me lol
[08:44] {Threei} CAMD?
[08:44] {Threei} I don't see news
[08:45] {BillyD} me either
[08:46] {Threei} .76 another NVDA trigger, if stays above .65
[08:48] {Threei} 1:1 NVDA
[08:48] {BillyD} out ...only a 100 fill
[08:48] {BillyD} ty
[08:49] {Threei} out in full
[08:49] {Threei} .97
[08:50] {BillyD} nice
[08:51] {Threei} NVDA behaves much better than BRCM today
[08:51] {Threei} glad to make right choice betwen them
[08:51] {BillyD} yeah
[08:58] {dino} flir stopped
[08:59] {BillyD} out more ONNN here
[08:59] {dino} \sirf stopped flat
[09:01] {BillyD} out rest ONNN ty vad
[09:01] {Threei} welcome
[09:01] {Threei} what a torture
[09:02] {Threei} fooled me by being so perky yetsterday,
[09:02] {BillyD} yeah...but honestly chart looks good on daily
[09:02] {BillyD} who has the patience
[09:02] {Threei} and with strong market and important resistance break today I expected real continuation
[09:03] {BillyD} .47 area is daily resisitance
[09:03] {BillyD} it seems most my trades today been tortur trades
[09:14] {BillyD} notice how ONNN is holding
[09:19] {bruce} zolt inally looking weak dino
[09:20] {dino} ltre s hl .28
[09:20] {dino} tough one zolt'
[09:27] {dino} ltre stopped -.34
[09:27] {dino} taking a break
[09:30] {BillyD} out JADE .35 ....enough slowness for now
[09:31] {dino} teloz
[09:31] {BillyD} Vad..any read NVDA here
[09:32] {Threei} not at the moment
[09:32] {dino} l .67 teloz
[09:33] {BillyD} seems abit disconnected
[09:34] {bruce} arna - any read vad?
[09:35] {Threei} at this point it's ONNN's sibling
[09:36] {bruce} lol
[09:36] {bruce} sisters in torture
[09:41] {dino} teloz stopped .50 -.17
[09:44] {bruce} taking a break here
[09:47] {dino} tbsi s .20
[09:52] {dino} cov tbsi 37.80, +1.40
[09:54] {Threei} good one... quick too
[09:55] {dino} finally
[09:55] {dino} osip
[09:56] {dino} sxci s .49
[10:02] {cosmo} TIVO acting up
[10:02] {Threei} - Subsidiary has entered into an agreement to place its Electronic Bingo Machines with a leading slot operator in Asia
[10:04] {cosmo} TiVo Statement on the United States Patent and Trademark Office Decision
[10:04] {cosmo} PR Newswire (Thu 12:55pm)
[10:04] {cosmo} fwiw
[10:04] {Threei} 12:57pm [TIVO] Says pleased that Patent Office found Time Warp DVR patent claims valid
[10:05] {cosmo} time warp?
[10:05] {dino} sirt
[10:05] {Threei} chronoclastic infundibula
[10:09] {cosmo}
[10:09] {cosmo} sigh
[10:12] {dino} sxci bstop to .51
[10:14] {dino} stopped -.02
[10:15] {Threei} if you are bored and want action badly, TIVO .15 long with .04 stop
[10:22] {Threei} almost 1:1 TIVO
[10:23] {cosmo} santa likes it
[10:24] {Threei} 1:12
[10:24] {Threei} 1:1
[10:24] {Threei} nice and clean
[10:25] {Threei} that's 4 for 4 today
[10:25] {Threei} can I go home?
[10:25] {BillyD} good selectivity
[10:30] {dino} gj 3i
[10:30] {Threei} ty
[10:31] {Threei} 1:2
[10:32] {Threei} me no held
[10:32] {Threei} if thee did, thee happy
[10:36] {dino} gs sm l .73
[10:42] {dino} stopped
[10:47] {Threei} MOGN pulled back into support
[10:47] {Threei} bounce candidate
[10:48] {Threei} just a scalp, don't count on major move
[10:48] {BillyD} entry?
[10:48] {Threei} would like one more leg of selling
[10:50] {BillyD} didn't see selling pronounced enough to enter
[10:50] {Threei} missed it
[10:55] {bruce} amex is down
[10:55] {bruce} dinos probably been overtrading it
[10:57] {Threei} lol
[10:58] {Threei} if not for ETFs trading on AMEX, not many would even suspect it existed
[10:58] {dino} lol
[10:58] {bruce} dltr vad - any read?
[10:59] {Threei} I can read all 4 letters just fine, thank you
[10:59] {Threei} beyond that... not much
[10:59] {bruce} k
[10:59] {bruce} thats about it for me too
[10:59] {Threei} oh, and I like company name
[11:00] {BillyD} vAd...MOGN seems holding a bit here
[11:00] {Threei} artcile in today's paper titled Earth fails to meet warming prediction for 2007
[11:00] {BillyD} Vad...dis regard last comment
[11:01] {Threei} I am going to start believing in global warming predictions for 2050 and beyond when they get current year right at least 3 out of 5
[11:01] {cosmo} volcanism has been slacking
[11:01] {Threei} no worry Billy, I disregraded it before looking at quotes
[11:01] {bruce} sure a lot warmer here vad
[11:02] {bruce} live on priaires and winters are way milder than 20 yrs back
[11:02] {Threei} hmmm... I lived through copldest winter on record in manitoba
[11:02] {Threei} and it was much more recent than 20 years :)
[11:03] {Threei} as a matter of fact... I managed to arrive to Canada on the coldest day in manitoba's recorded history
[11:03] {Threei} Feb 1 1996, -52 C
[11:03] {BillyD} lol...mere coincidence
[11:04] {bruce} hmmm
[11:04] {cosmo} they must have need you 3i
[11:04] {cosmo} needed
[11:04] {Threei} not my problem anymore
[11:04] {bruce} brought some of htat old moscow chill with you sounds like
[11:04] {bruce} must have felt lke home
[11:04] {Threei} not at all
[11:04] {Threei} I am from way milder climate area
[11:05] {bruce} stec is moving
[11:05] {bruce} ?
[11:05] {Threei} before coming to prairies I had no slightest idea it can be THAT cold
[11:05] {bruce} there is a "mild" climate area in russia?
[11:05] {Threei} have you seen russia on map? :)
[11:06] {bruce} sure
[11:06] {Threei} not even mentioning that I am from Ukraine
[11:06] {bruce} its just a little speck
[11:06] {bruce} lol
[11:06] {Threei} yup... that it is
[11:06] {bruce} ah
[11:06] {bruce} ukraine
[11:06] {bruce} that explains it
[11:07] {BillyD} Vad....TIVO got any gas left in 7.50 break
[11:07] {Threei} I am not comfortable with it at this level Billy... looked at it too
[11:07] {dino} tbsi s .64
[11:07] {BillyD} ok...ty
[11:07] {Threei} opullback maybe
[11:07] {Threei} but break, not anymore
[11:08] {Threei} see this ugly formation it made after this last break?
[11:08] {BillyD} yes
[11:08] {Threei} barely made new high, then formed something otherwordly
[11:09] {BillyD} it dropped right as I posted
[11:09] {BillyD} kiss of death
[11:09] {Threei} in universe I trade in, stocks don't behave like this
[11:09] {cosmo} its your fault BD
[11:09] {BillyD} lol
[11:11] {BillyD} lots of marginal trades out there
[11:11] {Threei} venezuela wants to establish its own unique time zone
[11:11] {BillyD} and they seem not to work as often lately
[11:11] {Threei} now, that's the idea that resonates with me
[11:11] {Threei} that's why I am so picky these days billy
[11:12] {BillyD} u have been very good at it
[11:12] {bruce} expe - any read vad?
[11:12] {Threei} I am willing to take marginal setups in streaming market, it's more forgiving
[11:12] {Threei} but in what we have now, you better shoot for sure thing
[11:12] {BillyD} I should just only take yours
[11:12] {Threei} as much as sure thing exists in the markets
[11:13] {Threei} EXPE, if pulls back into .10-1.15 area I'd be interested
[11:14] {bruce} k-
[11:19] {dino} major slippage stopped tbsi
[11:19] {dino} taking break
[11:19] {BillyD} tbsi a tough one for slippage
[11:20] {dino} indeed
[11:20] {BillyD} TIVO teasing mode
[11:20] {BillyD} still disinterested Vad?
[11:22] {Threei} yeah
[11:22] {cosmo} 7.50 tease
[11:22] {cosmo} maybe
[11:22] {BillyD} yes cosmo
[11:28] {Threei} how about this
[11:28] {Threei} TIVO I mean
[11:28] {cosmo} its warping
[11:29] {cosmo} TIVO I mean
[11:31] {bruce} spls vad
[11:32] {Threei} maybe around .80
[11:39] {Threei} NVDA should provie scalp opportunity if pulls back closer to 33 and NQ stages another spike
[11:39] {BillyD} is on my screen
[11:41] {Threei} pause... be ready
[11:41] {Threei} in
[11:41] {Threei} .98 stop
[11:41] {BillyD} k
[11:46] {Threei} like violin
[11:46] {Threei} scalpers, take your 1:3
[11:47] {BillyD} out full ty
[11:47] {Threei} "that was easy"
[11:47] {BillyD} low risk
[11:48] {Threei} that's how I like them
[11:49] {Threei} with 4 cents stop, $80 risk on 2K, 12 cents profit = $240 in couple minutes
[11:49] {BillyD} did you buy the TIVO pb.....that is what you meant earlier right?
[11:49] {Threei} no
[11:49] {Threei} it lost all credbility with me
[11:50] {BillyD} you just mentioned it "how about this" and then ?
[11:50] {BillyD} wasn't sure what u meant
[11:50] {Threei} there was unbelievably ugly red bar
[11:51] {Threei} engulfing entire range before that
[11:51] {Threei} just wanted to attract your attention to how untradeable it became
[11:51] {BillyD} I thought maybe if spiked up u were gonna say a possible short
[11:51] {Threei} nah
[11:52] {Threei} why would I want struggle
[11:52] {Threei} I like easy money
[11:52] {Threei} let ego-driven traders fight every battle
[11:52] {BillyD} well if popped uo into mid to high .40's againg w/ .50 stop is low risk
[11:53] {BillyD} is this unreasonable
[11:53] {Threei} I don't know what to say... see, I just don't think like this
[11:53] {BillyD} should I be
[11:53] {Threei} if there is a setup I can recognize, any trade is reasonable
[11:54] {BillyD} ok
[11:54] {Threei} general expectations based on price alone, it's just not enough for me to engage
[11:54] {BillyD} I figured as jumpy up w/ .50 resistance possible jumpy spike cover for scalp
[11:55] {Threei} TIVO was easy and safe money on 7 break, which I missed,
[11:55] {Threei} it was reasonable at that break that we took,
[11:55] {BillyD} I see your point as to take the cleaner/safer setup
[11:55] {Threei} after that it became a struggle
[11:55] {Threei} be kinder to yourself, trade simple easy things
[11:56] {Threei} don't drage yourself into overly hot battles
[11:56] {BillyD} u r right
[11:56] {BillyD} make it easier
[11:56] {BillyD} and execute the easier ones more accurately
[11:58] {Threei} non-scalpers who held NVDA, take your indecent r/r whatever it is and I will pretend I don't know you
[11:58] {BillyD} lol
[11:59] {Threei} hmmm... this is something you don't see every day
[12:00] {Threei} ASTI vs ASTIZ... Z always follows the stock,
[12:00] {Threei} right now it overshot it
[12:00] {cosmo} it has a premium
[12:06] {Threei} RIMM india rumors
[12:08] {cosmo} tivo teasing soon
[12:16] {dino} scor hl s .08
[12:28] {cosmo} solf
[12:29] {BillyD} SOLF requires a wide stop
[12:29] {BillyD} keeps trudging up
[12:31] {Threei} VRSN
[12:31] {Threei} feels like there should a short in it
[12:32] {dino} y
[12:32] {Threei} now, with stop above 41
[12:33] {Threei} needs supporter at .90 to give up
[12:33] {BillyD} yup
[12:33] {BillyD} yes
[12:36] {Threei} ah come on, give up already
[12:36] {BillyD} lol
[12:36] {Threei} .96 stop
[12:37] * Threei hits VRSN on the head with 2x4
[12:38] {Threei} OK... violence works
[12:39] {bruce} yep - handy 2*4
[12:39] {Threei} endowed with rusty nails too
[12:40] {bruce} double ouch
[12:41] {bruce} target? - took off half at .80
[12:41] * BillyD kicks VRSN w/ Vad's army boots
[12:41] {Threei} who knows bruce
[12:41] {Threei} let it trade and keep stop
[12:41] {bruce} lol
[12:42] {bruce} will consult the tarot
[12:42] {Threei} no need
[12:42] {Threei} VRSN will tell
[12:42] {Threei} stop to .91
[12:42] {bruce} ah yes - tightening stops
[12:42] {bruce} that I like
[12:42] {dino} shld s .10
[12:43] {Threei} 1:1, stop tyo b/e... also, last bounce held under .90 establishing new resistance level
[12:43] {Threei} so trailing is justified
[12:44] {bruce} with some luck - next stop .5
[12:44] {BillyD} out thx Vad
[12:44] {Threei} :)
[12:44] {Threei} 1:2
[12:44] {Threei} could it be any simpler
[12:44] {BillyD} could have happened ungrateful
[12:44] {Threei} lol
[12:44] {bruce} lol
[12:44] {bruce} you tell him billy
[12:44] {Threei} that's two slow trades by me today
[12:45] * Threei spreads ashes over his head
[12:45] {BillyD} no...nothing compares to ONNN
[12:45] {dino} gj bd
[12:45] {Chaeron} don't go ripping your clothes Vad
[12:46] {BillyD} thx dino
[12:46] {Threei} no?
[12:46] {Threei} I hoped it would be a jusatification to update my wardrobe
[12:46] {dino} u2
[12:46] {Chaeron} lol
[12:46] {Threei} I have just one tutu
[12:47] {Threei} and it's pink
[12:47] {BillyD} as long as new wardrobe covers tutu we are ok with it
[12:47] {Threei} need masculine color
[12:47] {cosmo} clear
[12:48] {bruce} riding vrsn w stop to .75 now
[12:50] {bruce} all out .62
[12:50] {bruce} thanx vadster
[12:50] {bruce} nice trade
[12:50] {BillyD} well done bruce
[12:51] {Threei} welcome sir
[12:51] {Threei} it was what, 7 for 7?
[12:51] {Threei} I l.ost count
[12:51] {BillyD} 100%
[12:51] {Threei} just want to know how many straight winners I need to call to get endorsed by bruce {G}
[12:51] {bruce} you did well vad
[12:51] * Threei takes a bow
[12:51] {dino} shld stopped flat
[12:52] {dino} very nice vad
[12:53] {Threei} ty
[12:53] {Threei} best month of the year for me
[12:53] {Threei} one losing day, -whooping 50 bucks
[12:53] {BillyD} you have such clarity in reading
[12:54] {BillyD} in strange mkt
[12:54] {Threei} you should see how fluently I read in Russian...
[12:54] {BillyD} hmmmm
[12:54] {bruce} you've always had my endorsement vad
[12:54] {Threei} just pulling your leg bruce :)
[12:54] {bruce} I just have a knack for jinxing your trades
[12:54] {bruce} a really nice day all in all
[12:55] {bruce} low stress
[12:55] {Threei} ahha
[12:55] {Threei} finally
[12:55] {dino} ironically, negative for me
[12:56] {BillyD} PEIX running
[12:56] {dino} need to go to scalp mode for a few days
[12:56] {Threei} sorry dino
[12:56] {Threei} it doesn't happen to you often
[12:56] {dino} i was due.
[12:57] {dino} s tleo .70
[12:57] {Threei} lol
[12:57] {Threei} funny way to look at it
[12:57] {Roman} out PEIX swing +1.2
[12:57] {Roman} from today
[12:57] {Threei} but then again... what's funny for me is usually the same that is funny for 11 years old
[12:57] {Threei} you are not allowed to close swing same day Roman
[12:58] {dino} scor stopped -.40
[12:58] {Threei} you'll have to re-enter it immediately and hold... alternatively, transfer profits to some charity
[12:59] {Roman} long MGPI
[12:59] {Roman} swing
[12:59] {hawkfan4} lol, thx for PEIX Roman, although i was perfectly happy when i sold it at 5.29
[12:59] {Threei} for the next 3 minutes?
[12:59] {bruce} today was romans day
[12:59] {Roman} out remaining PEIX
[12:59] {Threei} yeah, roman read them solars perfectly
[12:59] {bruce} would love to do more of those long holds
[13:00] {Threei} OK guys, thank you all
[13:00] {Threei} have a great evening
[13:00] {bruce} night all
[13:00] {BillyD} ty...take care
[13:00] {Threei} I'll see you all tomorrow
[13:01] {bruce} you do ok overal dino?
[13:01] {dino} cov tleo .46, +.24
[13:02] {dino} down about $500
[13:02] {bruce} k
[13:02] {bruce} sorry to hear
[13:02] {dino} vacation messed me up. :)
[13:02] {bruce} maybe -
[13:03] {bruce} I watched a bunch of them though
[13:03] {dino} don't worry....i'll go to scalp mode until clear
[13:03] {bruce} they went further than expected before reversining
[13:03] {dino} yes, and all of the sudden market is positive bias. i must adapt
[13:04] {bruce} I'm looking more for double bottoms and tops
[13:04] {bruce} can't seem to get the tops and bottoms rith at all
[13:05] {bruce} so waiting for a better confirmation
[13:05] {bruce} night all
[13:05] {dino} makes sense. prior to yesterday, it was reversal city
[13:05] {dino} take care all, have to coach son's basketball team
Session Time: Thu Nov 29 00:00:00 2007
[05:47] {bruce} gm all
[05:48] {BillyD} bruce :)
[05:48] {bruce} billy
[05:59] {dino} gm all
[06:02] {bruce} hi dino
[06:04] {bruce} would think all this current volatility is great for your trading style now dino
[06:06] {dino} actually yesterday did not do well (no pullbacks), but the month of nov. was very good
[06:06] {Threei} Good morning folken
[06:07] {bruce} I remember lots of days when naz futures only did 12 -15 points
[06:07] {BillyD} dino, Vad :)
[06:07] {bruce} but 40 - 80 of late
[06:07] {Threei} Billy :)
[06:07] {bruce} hi vad
[06:07] {Threei} bruce :)
[06:08] {Threei} dino, just much fan can magoo have?
[06:08] {Threei} fun
[06:08] {bruce} lol - jealous vad?
[06:08] {Threei} very
[06:08] {dino} dk, thought he would be here today
[06:08] {Threei} :)
[06:08] {Threei} btw, funny thing
[06:09] {Threei} slow big climb days,
[06:09] {Threei} usually not good for your style,
[06:09] {Threei} and not good for mine
[06:09] {bruce} poor vad can't spend his nigerian millions cause hes committed to helping us newbies
[08:12] {Roman} long URRE small & slow
[08:12] {dino} zolt stopped -.32
[08:13] {bruce} any read eslr vad?
[08:14] {Threei} Roman called it earlier
[08:14] {Threei} he has better grip on these solar moves today
[08:14] {bruce} k
[08:15] {Roman} i am not sure at this point, i am sitting from 13.25
[08:15] {Roman} it just keeps moving higher slow which is good
[08:15] {BillyD} ONNN should go now if possible
[08:16] {BillyD} 80K blk
[08:16] {Roman} long PEIX boucning on daily, may keep swing
[08:16] {bruce} thanks roman
[08:16] {bruce} chart looked good but thought it might be near end ofmove
[08:18] {Roman} CTDC
[08:18] {Roman} long small
[08:18] {Roman} 5.65 area
[08:19] {Roman} out 1/2 CSUN +.46
[08:23] {Threei} market is ready for break
[08:24] {BillyD} .
[08:24] {Threei} needs to hold 2100 and break 2105
[08:25] {Threei} watching NVDA for long entry
[08:25] {Threei} closest support is.10
[08:27] {BillyD} re enter JADE .32...stop under .30
[08:27] {Threei} in
[08:28] {Threei} .09 stop
[08:28] {dino} flir bstop to .18
[08:29] {dino} stopped .19, +.39\
[08:30] {Threei} half out NVDA 1:1
[08:30] {Threei} NQ obliges
[08:31] {BillyD} I hesitated on it and then tried .21 too late
[08:31] {BillyD} gj
[08:31] {Threei} ah, better entry price... like to lure of siren's song... never what it promises to be yet qwho of us can resist it
[08:32] {dino} hl l flir .50
[08:33] {Threei} out in full NVDA
[08:33] {Threei} +.30
[08:36] {Threei} does oil go sour?
[08:36] {bruce} zolt is really climbing
[08:37] {Threei} XING tries for 2 day's break
[08:37] {Threei} tough read, not sure
[08:38] {BillyD} out some ONNN here
[08:38] {esemde} have a great day all...
[08:39] {BillyD} cya ese
[08:39] {Threei} take care ese
[08:39] {Threei} great job with CSIQ today
[08:39] {dino} hl l sirf .27
[08:40] {bruce} bye ese
[08:40] {BillyD} ONNN new high
[08:40] {Threei} new high ONNN, believe it or not
[08:40] {BillyD} yahoo
[08:40] {Threei} I personally don't
[08:40] {Threei} out half
[08:41] {Threei} sharp downtich NQ
[08:41] {Threei} gotta secure it
[08:41] {BillyD} now you tell me lol
[08:44] {Threei} CAMD?
[08:44] {Threei} I don't see news
[08:45] {BillyD} me either
[08:46] {Threei} .76 another NVDA trigger, if stays above .65
[08:48] {Threei} 1:1 NVDA
[08:48] {BillyD} out ...only a 100 fill
[08:48] {BillyD} ty
[08:49] {Threei} out in full
[08:49] {Threei} .97
[08:50] {BillyD} nice
[08:51] {Threei} NVDA behaves much better than BRCM today
[08:51] {Threei} glad to make right choice betwen them
[08:51] {BillyD} yeah
[08:58] {dino} flir stopped
[08:59] {BillyD} out more ONNN here
[08:59] {dino} \sirf stopped flat
[09:01] {BillyD} out rest ONNN ty vad
[09:01] {Threei} welcome
[09:01] {Threei} what a torture
[09:02] {Threei} fooled me by being so perky yetsterday,
[09:02] {BillyD} yeah...but honestly chart looks good on daily
[09:02] {BillyD} who has the patience
[09:02] {Threei} and with strong market and important resistance break today I expected real continuation
[09:03] {BillyD} .47 area is daily resisitance
[09:03] {BillyD} it seems most my trades today been tortur trades
[09:14] {BillyD} notice how ONNN is holding
[09:19] {bruce} zolt inally looking weak dino
[09:20] {dino} ltre s hl .28
[09:20] {dino} tough one zolt'
[09:27] {dino} ltre stopped -.34
[09:27] {dino} taking a break
[09:30] {BillyD} out JADE .35 ....enough slowness for now
[09:31] {dino} teloz
[09:31] {BillyD} Vad..any read NVDA here
[09:32] {Threei} not at the moment
[09:32] {dino} l .67 teloz
[09:33] {BillyD} seems abit disconnected
[09:34] {bruce} arna - any read vad?
[09:35] {Threei} at this point it's ONNN's sibling
[09:36] {bruce} lol
[09:36] {bruce} sisters in torture
[09:41] {dino} teloz stopped .50 -.17
[09:44] {bruce} taking a break here
[09:47] {dino} tbsi s .20
[09:52] {dino} cov tbsi 37.80, +1.40
[09:54] {Threei} good one... quick too
[09:55] {dino} finally
[09:55] {dino} osip
[09:56] {dino} sxci s .49
[10:02] {cosmo} TIVO acting up
[10:02] {Threei} - Subsidiary has entered into an agreement to place its Electronic Bingo Machines with a leading slot operator in Asia
[10:04] {cosmo} TiVo Statement on the United States Patent and Trademark Office Decision
[10:04] {cosmo} PR Newswire (Thu 12:55pm)
[10:04] {cosmo} fwiw
[10:04] {Threei} 12:57pm [TIVO] Says pleased that Patent Office found Time Warp DVR patent claims valid
[10:05] {cosmo} time warp?
[10:05] {dino} sirt
[10:05] {Threei} chronoclastic infundibula
[10:09] {cosmo}
[10:09] {cosmo} sigh
[10:12] {dino} sxci bstop to .51
[10:14] {dino} stopped -.02
[10:15] {Threei} if you are bored and want action badly, TIVO .15 long with .04 stop
[10:22] {Threei} almost 1:1 TIVO
[10:23] {cosmo} santa likes it
[10:24] {Threei} 1:12
[10:24] {Threei} 1:1
[10:24] {Threei} nice and clean
[10:25] {Threei} that's 4 for 4 today
[10:25] {Threei} can I go home?
[10:25] {BillyD} good selectivity
[10:30] {dino} gj 3i
[10:30] {Threei} ty
[10:31] {Threei} 1:2
[10:32] {Threei} me no held
[10:32] {Threei} if thee did, thee happy
[10:36] {dino} gs sm l .73
[10:42] {dino} stopped
[10:47] {Threei} MOGN pulled back into support
[10:47] {Threei} bounce candidate
[10:48] {Threei} just a scalp, don't count on major move
[10:48] {BillyD} entry?
[10:48] {Threei} would like one more leg of selling
[10:50] {BillyD} didn't see selling pronounced enough to enter
[10:50] {Threei} missed it
[10:55] {bruce} amex is down
[10:55] {bruce} dinos probably been overtrading it
[10:57] {Threei} lol
[10:58] {Threei} if not for ETFs trading on AMEX, not many would even suspect it existed
[10:58] {dino} lol
[10:58] {bruce} dltr vad - any read?
[10:59] {Threei} I can read all 4 letters just fine, thank you
[10:59] {Threei} beyond that... not much
[10:59] {bruce} k
[10:59] {bruce} thats about it for me too
[10:59] {Threei} oh, and I like company name
[11:00] {BillyD} vAd...MOGN seems holding a bit here
[11:00] {Threei} artcile in today's paper titled Earth fails to meet warming prediction for 2007
[11:00] {BillyD} Vad...dis regard last comment
[11:01] {Threei} I am going to start believing in global warming predictions for 2050 and beyond when they get current year right at least 3 out of 5
[11:01] {cosmo} volcanism has been slacking
[11:01] {Threei} no worry Billy, I disregraded it before looking at quotes
[11:01] {bruce} sure a lot warmer here vad
[11:02] {bruce} live on priaires and winters are way milder than 20 yrs back
[11:02] {Threei} hmmm... I lived through copldest winter on record in manitoba
[11:02] {Threei} and it was much more recent than 20 years :)
[11:03] {Threei} as a matter of fact... I managed to arrive to Canada on the coldest day in manitoba's recorded history
[11:03] {Threei} Feb 1 1996, -52 C
[11:03] {BillyD} lol...mere coincidence
[11:04] {bruce} hmmm
[11:04] {cosmo} they must have need you 3i
[11:04] {cosmo} needed
[11:04] {Threei} not my problem anymore
[11:04] {bruce} brought some of htat old moscow chill with you sounds like
[11:04] {bruce} must have felt lke home
[11:04] {Threei} not at all
[11:04] {Threei} I am from way milder climate area
[11:05] {bruce} stec is moving
[11:05] {bruce} ?
[11:05] {Threei} before coming to prairies I had no slightest idea it can be THAT cold
[11:05] {bruce} there is a "mild" climate area in russia?
[11:05] {Threei} have you seen russia on map? :)
[11:06] {bruce} sure
[11:06] {Threei} not even mentioning that I am from Ukraine
[11:06] {bruce} its just a little speck
[11:06] {bruce} lol
[11:06] {Threei} yup... that it is
[11:06] {bruce} ah
[11:06] {bruce} ukraine
[11:06] {bruce} that explains it
[11:07] {BillyD} Vad....TIVO got any gas left in 7.50 break
[11:07] {Threei} I am not comfortable with it at this level Billy... looked at it too
[11:07] {dino} tbsi s .64
[11:07] {BillyD} ok...ty
[11:07] {Threei} opullback maybe
[11:07] {Threei} but break, not anymore
[11:08] {Threei} see this ugly formation it made after this last break?
[11:08] {BillyD} yes
[11:08] {Threei} barely made new high, then formed something otherwordly
[11:09] {BillyD} it dropped right as I posted
[11:09] {BillyD} kiss of death
[11:09] {Threei} in universe I trade in, stocks don't behave like this
[11:09] {cosmo} its your fault BD
[11:09] {BillyD} lol
[11:11] {BillyD} lots of marginal trades out there
[11:11] {Threei} venezuela wants to establish its own unique time zone
[11:11] {BillyD} and they seem not to work as often lately
[11:11] {Threei} now, that's the idea that resonates with me
[11:11] {Threei} that's why I am so picky these days billy
[11:12] {BillyD} u have been very good at it
[11:12] {bruce} expe - any read vad?
[11:12] {Threei} I am willing to take marginal setups in streaming market, it's more forgiving
[11:12] {Threei} but in what we have now, you better shoot for sure thing
[11:12] {BillyD} I should just only take yours
[11:12] {Threei} as much as sure thing exists in the markets
[11:13] {Threei} EXPE, if pulls back into .10-1.15 area I'd be interested
[11:14] {bruce} k-
[11:19] {dino} major slippage stopped tbsi
[11:19] {dino} taking break
[11:19] {BillyD} tbsi a tough one for slippage
[11:20] {dino} indeed
[11:20] {BillyD} TIVO teasing mode
[11:20] {BillyD} still disinterested Vad?
[11:22] {Threei} yeah
[11:22] {cosmo} 7.50 tease
[11:22] {cosmo} maybe
[11:22] {BillyD} yes cosmo
[11:28] {Threei} how about this
[11:28] {Threei} TIVO I mean
[11:28] {cosmo} its warping
[11:29] {cosmo} TIVO I mean
[11:31] {bruce} spls vad
[11:32] {Threei} maybe around .80
[11:39] {Threei} NVDA should provie scalp opportunity if pulls back closer to 33 and NQ stages another spike
[11:39] {BillyD} is on my screen
[11:41] {Threei} pause... be ready
[11:41] {Threei} in
[11:41] {Threei} .98 stop
[11:41] {BillyD} k
[11:46] {Threei} like violin
[11:46] {Threei} scalpers, take your 1:3
[11:47] {BillyD} out full ty
[11:47] {Threei} "that was easy"
[11:47] {BillyD} low risk
[11:48] {Threei} that's how I like them
[11:49] {Threei} with 4 cents stop, $80 risk on 2K, 12 cents profit = $240 in couple minutes
[11:49] {BillyD} did you buy the TIVO pb.....that is what you meant earlier right?
[11:49] {Threei} no
[11:49] {Threei} it lost all credbility with me
[11:50] {BillyD} you just mentioned it "how about this" and then ?
[11:50] {BillyD} wasn't sure what u meant
[11:50] {Threei} there was unbelievably ugly red bar
[11:51] {Threei} engulfing entire range before that
[11:51] {Threei} just wanted to attract your attention to how untradeable it became
[11:51] {BillyD} I thought maybe if spiked up u were gonna say a possible short
[11:51] {Threei} nah
[11:52] {Threei} why would I want struggle
[11:52] {Threei} I like easy money
[11:52] {Threei} let ego-driven traders fight every battle
[11:52] {BillyD} well if popped uo into mid to high .40's againg w/ .50 stop is low risk
[11:53] {BillyD} is this unreasonable
[11:53] {Threei} I don't know what to say... see, I just don't think like this
[11:53] {BillyD} should I be
[11:53] {Threei} if there is a setup I can recognize, any trade is reasonable
[11:54] {BillyD} ok
[11:54] {Threei} general expectations based on price alone, it's just not enough for me to engage
[11:54] {BillyD} I figured as jumpy up w/ .50 resistance possible jumpy spike cover for scalp
[11:55] {Threei} TIVO was easy and safe money on 7 break, which I missed,
[11:55] {Threei} it was reasonable at that break that we took,
[11:55] {BillyD} I see your point as to take the cleaner/safer setup
[11:55] {Threei} after that it became a struggle
[11:55] {Threei} be kinder to yourself, trade simple easy things
[11:56] {Threei} don't drage yourself into overly hot battles
[11:56] {BillyD} u r right
[11:56] {BillyD} make it easier
[11:56] {BillyD} and execute the easier ones more accurately
[11:58] {Threei} non-scalpers who held NVDA, take your indecent r/r whatever it is and I will pretend I don't know you
[11:58] {BillyD} lol
[11:59] {Threei} hmmm... this is something you don't see every day
[12:00] {Threei} ASTI vs ASTIZ... Z always follows the stock,
[12:00] {Threei} right now it overshot it
[12:00] {cosmo} it has a premium
[12:06] {Threei} RIMM india rumors
[12:08] {cosmo} tivo teasing soon
[12:16] {dino} scor hl s .08
[12:28] {cosmo} solf
[12:29] {BillyD} SOLF requires a wide stop
[12:29] {BillyD} keeps trudging up
[12:31] {Threei} VRSN
[12:31] {Threei} feels like there should a short in it
[12:32] {dino} y
[12:32] {Threei} now, with stop above 41
[12:33] {Threei} needs supporter at .90 to give up
[12:33] {BillyD} yup
[12:33] {BillyD} yes
[12:36] {Threei} ah come on, give up already
[12:36] {BillyD} lol
[12:36] {Threei} .96 stop
[12:37] * Threei hits VRSN on the head with 2x4
[12:38] {Threei} OK... violence works
[12:39] {bruce} yep - handy 2*4
[12:39] {Threei} endowed with rusty nails too
[12:40] {bruce} double ouch
[12:41] {bruce} target? - took off half at .80
[12:41] * BillyD kicks VRSN w/ Vad's army boots
[12:41] {Threei} who knows bruce
[12:41] {Threei} let it trade and keep stop
[12:41] {bruce} lol
[12:42] {bruce} will consult the tarot
[12:42] {Threei} no need
[12:42] {Threei} VRSN will tell
[12:42] {Threei} stop to .91
[12:42] {bruce} ah yes - tightening stops
[12:42] {bruce} that I like
[12:42] {dino} shld s .10
[12:43] {Threei} 1:1, stop tyo b/e... also, last bounce held under .90 establishing new resistance level
[12:43] {Threei} so trailing is justified
[12:44] {bruce} with some luck - next stop .5
[12:44] {BillyD} out thx Vad
[12:44] {Threei} :)
[12:44] {Threei} 1:2
[12:44] {Threei} could it be any simpler
[12:44] {BillyD} could have happened ungrateful
[12:44] {Threei} lol
[12:44] {bruce} lol
[12:44] {bruce} you tell him billy
[12:44] {Threei} that's two slow trades by me today
[12:45] * Threei spreads ashes over his head
[12:45] {BillyD} no...nothing compares to ONNN
[12:45] {dino} gj bd
[12:45] {Chaeron} don't go ripping your clothes Vad
[12:46] {BillyD} thx dino
[12:46] {Threei} no?
[12:46] {Threei} I hoped it would be a jusatification to update my wardrobe
[12:46] {dino} u2
[12:46] {Chaeron} lol
[12:46] {Threei} I have just one tutu
[12:47] {Threei} and it's pink
[12:47] {BillyD} as long as new wardrobe covers tutu we are ok with it
[12:47] {Threei} need masculine color
[12:47] {cosmo} clear
[12:48] {bruce} riding vrsn w stop to .75 now
[12:50] {bruce} all out .62
[12:50] {bruce} thanx vadster
[12:50] {bruce} nice trade
[12:50] {BillyD} well done bruce
[12:51] {Threei} welcome sir
[12:51] {Threei} it was what, 7 for 7?
[12:51] {Threei} I l.ost count
[12:51] {BillyD} 100%
[12:51] {Threei} just want to know how many straight winners I need to call to get endorsed by bruce {G}
[12:51] {bruce} you did well vad
[12:51] * Threei takes a bow
[12:51] {dino} shld stopped flat
[12:52] {dino} very nice vad
[12:53] {Threei} ty
[12:53] {Threei} best month of the year for me
[12:53] {Threei} one losing day, -whooping 50 bucks
[12:53] {BillyD} you have such clarity in reading
[12:54] {BillyD} in strange mkt
[12:54] {Threei} you should see how fluently I read in Russian...
[12:54] {BillyD} hmmmm
[12:54] {bruce} you've always had my endorsement vad
[12:54] {Threei} just pulling your leg bruce :)
[12:54] {bruce} I just have a knack for jinxing your trades
[12:54] {bruce} a really nice day all in all
[12:55] {bruce} low stress
[12:55] {Threei} ahha
[12:55] {Threei} finally
[12:55] {dino} ironically, negative for me
[12:56] {BillyD} PEIX running
[12:56] {dino} need to go to scalp mode for a few days
[12:56] {Threei} sorry dino
[12:56] {Threei} it doesn't happen to you often
[12:56] {dino} i was due.
[12:57] {dino} s tleo .70
[12:57] {Threei} lol
[12:57] {Threei} funny way to look at it
[12:57] {Roman} out PEIX swing +1.2
[12:57] {Roman} from today
[12:57] {Threei} but then again... what's funny for me is usually the same that is funny for 11 years old
[12:57] {Threei} you are not allowed to close swing same day Roman
[12:58] {dino} scor stopped -.40
[12:58] {Threei} you'll have to re-enter it immediately and hold... alternatively, transfer profits to some charity
[12:59] {Roman} long MGPI
[12:59] {Roman} swing
[12:59] {hawkfan4} lol, thx for PEIX Roman, although i was perfectly happy when i sold it at 5.29
[12:59] {Threei} for the next 3 minutes?
[12:59] {bruce} today was romans day
[12:59] {Roman} out remaining PEIX
[12:59] {Threei} yeah, roman read them solars perfectly
[12:59] {bruce} would love to do more of those long holds
[13:00] {Threei} OK guys, thank you all
[13:00] {Threei} have a great evening
[13:00] {bruce} night all
[13:00] {BillyD} ty...take care
[13:00] {Threei} I'll see you all tomorrow
[13:01] {bruce} you do ok overal dino?
[13:01] {dino} cov tleo .46, +.24
[13:02] {dino} down about $500
[13:02] {bruce} k
[13:02] {bruce} sorry to hear
[13:02] {dino} vacation messed me up. :)
[13:02] {bruce} maybe -
[13:03] {bruce} I watched a bunch of them though
[13:03] {dino} don't worry....i'll go to scalp mode until clear
[13:03] {bruce} they went further than expected before reversining
[13:03] {dino} yes, and all of the sudden market is positive bias. i must adapt
[13:04] {bruce} I'm looking more for double bottoms and tops
[13:04] {bruce} can't seem to get the tops and bottoms rith at all
[13:05] {bruce} so waiting for a better confirmation
[13:05] {bruce} night all
[13:05] {dino} makes sense. prior to yesterday, it was reversal city
[13:05] {dino} take care all, have to coach son's basketball team
November 28, 2007
Session Start: Wed Nov 28 00:00:00 2007
Session Time: Wed Nov 28 00:00:00 2007
[05:32] {Threei} *OCT DURABLE GOODS: -0.4% V -0.1%E; DURABLES EX-TRANSPORTATION: -0.7% V 0.3%E
[05:32] {Threei} - Prior Ex-Transportation revised from 0.3% to 1.1
[05:33] {BillyD} a simple good morning entry would do :)
[05:33] {Threei} yeah but that would be too common
[05:33] {Threei} I like to create drama entry
[05:33] {Threei} hmm... by posting dyrable goods data... I need to get out more
[05:33] {BillyD} your consistent
[05:39] {BillyD} seeing if JADE gets follow thru today
[05:41] {Threei} nice move on no news
[05:41] {BillyD} yeah....eating nice offers as well
[05:43] {Threei} tough read for me
[05:43] {Threei} looked at it several times, couldn't get a feel
[05:46] {cosmo} MRVL?
[05:49] {dino} gm all
[05:51] {Threei} dino!
[05:51] {Threei} 00:21am [MRVL] Price target cut to $19 from $21 at Goldman
[05:52] {cosmo} hmm
[06:02] {Threei} rob peter to pay paul?
[06:03] {cosmo} its a theory
[06:03] {dptl} good morning all
[06:04] {Threei} dp :)
[06:10] {Threei} "Jeez, let me out" is a weak defense I'd say
[06:12] {bruce} morning all
[06:12] {Threei} bruce :)
[06:13] {bruce} hi vad
[06:15] {Threei} BIDZ formed breakout pattern on chart with .40 trigger... honestly I am not too jazzed about it
[06:17] {BillyD} because of its nature?
[06:17] {Threei} there is a hot conroversy around it right now
[06:17] {Threei} kind of battle I don't want to participate in until the air clears
[06:17] {esemde} good morning.....
[06:17] {Threei} ese :)
[06:17] {BillyD} ok...thx
[06:17] {BillyD} morn ese
[06:18] {esemde} morning vad, billy
[06:18] {Threei} for canucks who don't watch CAD real time... it flirted with par overnight,
[06:19] {Threei} slightly retreated
[06:19] {Threei} I doubt we will see those blessed 1.50 - 1.60 levels in our lifetime, but I'd be grateful even for 1.10
[06:20] {BillyD} never say never
[06:20] {Threei} recent .90 is plain brutal
[06:23] {BillyD} take a hit on the conversion in trading
[06:23] {Threei} "hit" is understatement of the century
[06:23] {Threei} from 1.50 for each buck made to .90?
[06:23] {BillyD} ouch
[06:24] {BillyD} sorry to hear
[06:24] {Threei} oh well... when the wheel rotates faster, what a ferret to do :)
[06:24] {BillyD} lol
[06:25] {BillyD} good attitude
[06:31] {Threei} welcome aboard lumdus
[06:31] {BillyD} welcome lumdus
[06:31] {lumdus} thank you
[06:32] {esemde} bstop SPLS 22.96
[06:32] {Threei} no obvious plays at the open
[06:32] {Threei} SPLS, I'da rather try entry on the retreat ese
[06:32] {Threei} 22.40 support
[06:32] {esemde} ok
[06:33] {BillyD} Vad...not a fan of EFTC
[06:33] {BillyD} ETFC
[06:33] {Threei} try to get it on first sign of strength
[06:33] {Threei} .61 let's say
[06:33] {esemde} was thinking just over .60
[06:33] {Threei} :)
[06:33] {Threei} BIDZ, .40 buyer wishes he never heard of this stock
[06:34] {dino} sm wynn l .00
[06:34] {Threei} ETFC is another one of "battle I don't want to take on" billy
[06:34] {BillyD} ok
[06:35] {Threei} bankruptsy or buyout, which happens first, at what price, when... let them guess and gamble
[06:35] {bruce} nvda spike
[06:35] {esemde} quotes have stopped.....whats goin on?
[06:35] {BillyD} ok here
[06:35] {Threei} .73 .74 ese
[06:35] {Threei} SPLS
[06:35] {esemde} what Bs it's .74
[06:35] {Threei} never got your entry?
[06:36] {esemde} my screen froze
[06:36] {BillyD} in JADE .13
[06:36] {BillyD} partial fill
[06:36] {esemde} what a load of........
[06:36] {esemde} will look at the bstop again
[06:36] {dino} wynnstopped -.50
[06:36] {Threei} don't want to harp ese... but you know what I have to say about it...
[06:37] {Threei} wow JADE... you are playing it like violin Billy
[06:37] {BillyD} out +.16
[06:37] {esemde} nope screen froze again......will see you all in a few minutes
[06:38] {dino} wynn rinsed
[06:39] {Threei} SOHU is getting ahead of itself
[06:39] {Threei} probably your client dino
[06:40] {dino} ty
[06:41] {Threei} ATVI
[06:41] {BillyD} just noticing
[06:41] {Threei} .60 long if stays above .45
[06:43] {Threei} if loses it, looking for long of .20 or so
[06:43] {esemde} am back....
[06:43] {Threei} lost
[06:44] {dino} risky, s sohu .50 hl
[06:44] {BillyD} ATVI held .40 area ok
[06:44] {Threei} holding better than expected ATVI
[06:45] {Threei} let's try .50 break
[06:45] {dino} stop is .87, fwiw sohu
[06:45] {Threei} .35 stop
[06:46] {Threei} mildly aggressive
[06:47] {Threei} break that wall ATVI
[06:47] {BillyD} yes
[06:47] {Threei} good boy, now go
[06:48] {Threei} 1:1
[06:48] {Threei} half out .70
[06:48] {Threei} scalpers know the drill
[06:48] {dino} stopped sohu, -.38
[06:49] {BillyD} new stop Vad?
[06:49] {Threei} .49
[06:49] {BillyD} got it
[06:50] {esemde} long NTAP
[06:50] {esemde} .7171
[06:50] {esemde} thats just .71 small
[06:51] {Threei} nice two day's break NTAP
[06:51] {Threei} .55 stop ese?
[06:51] {esemde} yes
[06:51] {Threei} ATVI stop to .54
[06:52] {Threei} DIVX
[06:53] {Threei} tough one...
[06:53] * Threei kicks ATVI in the rear
[06:54] {dino} tbsi hl l .00
[06:54] {BillyD} out rest +.38 thx Vad
[06:54] {Threei} welcome sir
[06:54] {Threei} out 1/4 more ATVI .92
[06:54] {Threei} +.40
[06:55] {Threei} last portion is for spike over 23
[06:55] {Threei} or .85 stop
[06:55] {esemde} out.....don't know what price mid .80's i thinkl...quotes have stopped again
[06:55] {Threei} it's at .86 ese
[06:56] {esemde} tks
[06:56] {Threei} just dove under .80
[06:56] {esemde} .87 +.16....
[06:57] {esemde} no more trading today....we gotum computor problems....
[06:57] {Threei} sorry :(
[06:57] {esemde} hmm don't know whats going on.......
[06:58] {BillyD} spyware or virus
[06:58] {Threei} good out ese
[06:58] {BillyD} maybe
[06:58] {Threei} it's under .70
[06:59] {esemde} yes bs luck......quote connection box went yellow instead of green so i fired in a fast sell order
[07:00] {dino} gj ese
[07:00] {esemde} anyone else using Questrade?
[07:00] {esemde} dp?
[07:00] {Threei} it's been nice knowing you ATVI
[07:00] {BillyD} Laser here ese
[07:00] {BillyD} a good one Vad
[07:01] {Threei} NVLS
[07:01] {Threei} .95 long
[07:01] {Threei} if stays above .80
[07:02] {Threei} keep an eye on NQ for this one
[07:02] {Threei} don't buy it if triggers while NQ drops
[07:02] {BillyD} it dropped
[07:02] {Threei} *OCT EXISTING HOME SALES: 4.97M V 5.0ME
[07:03] {Threei} HOKU?
[07:03] {Threei} ETFC
[07:03] {Threei} HEARING RENEWED CHATTER BUFFETT IS TAKING STAKE IN CO.- Note that the WSJ's Deal Journal report highlights potential pitfalls to any deal
[07:03] {dino} out tbsi .44, +.44
[07:03] {Threei} sigh
[07:04] {Threei} wtg dino
[07:04] {dino} ty
[07:06] {Threei} NVLS is valid, same setup, same condition
[07:06] {esemde} am still long my 100 shs CSIQ at 14.50 though
[07:06] {BillyD} NQ tinker down again
[07:06] {dino} risky, hl l bidz .65, stop .33
[07:06] {esemde} it's making a move toward todays high at 15.50
[07:06] {Threei} SCON buyers
[07:07] {esemde} yes indeed it is
[07:07] {dino} stopped, hmmmm
[07:08] {esemde} should have been it has
[07:08] {Threei} BIDZ is on my stay away for now list dino
[07:09] {dino} pretty beat up
[07:09] {dino} another rinse job, looks like
[07:09] {Roman} long URRE small
[07:09] {dino} or not
[07:09] {Threei} too much arguing around it right now
[07:10] {Roman} 11.32 small
[07:10] {Threei} want to let the dust settle
[07:10] {dino} i'll wait way lower
[07:11] {Threei} RMBS
[07:11] {Threei} 19.01 long
[07:12] {Threei} if stays above .80
[07:12] {Threei} if treiggers from here, stop .85
[07:13] {Threei} lost interest in NVLS breakout
[07:13] {BillyD} vol low for RMBS from memory
[07:15] {bruce} out ebay + .45
[07:15] {Threei} SMSI
[07:15] {BillyD} nice bruce
[07:15] {Threei} half lot short .48
[07:15] {bruce} \thanx billy
[07:15] {Threei} stop above .61
[07:16] {BillyD} good spot Vad
[07:16] {BillyD} in .46
[07:16] {Threei} missed your entry bruce... good one
[07:17] {dino} vrgy s hl .15
[07:17] {dino} stop .53
[07:18] {bruce} thanx vad .42 on pause
[07:19] {dino} gj bruce
[07:19] {bruce} thanx dino
[07:22] {Threei} roman, any clue on SCON?
[07:22] {dino} vrgy stopped, taking a break
[07:24] {Threei} let's tighten SMSI to .56 billy
[07:24] {BillyD} k
[07:25] {Roman} no reed on SCON vad
[07:25] {BillyD} RMBS still?
[07:25] {Roman} but CSIQ looks interest
[07:25] {Threei} ty
[07:25] {Threei} sure, RMBS is as valid as ever
[07:26] {Threei} let's dance RMBS
[07:26] {Threei} don't be a party pooper
[07:26] {Threei} out SMSI
[07:26] {BillyD} out smsi RMBS
[07:27] {Roman} long CPSL
[07:28] {Roman} full size
[07:28] {dino} vrgy rinse job too, sheesh
[07:29] {BillyD} dino...u have Vad's TTR book
[07:29] {dino} yes
[07:29] {BillyD} pg 142...expanding range mkt
[07:29] {BillyD} he showed us yesterday
[07:29] {BillyD} FYI
[07:29] {dino} ahh
[07:29] {Threei} to be precise... I found it yesterday
[07:29] {Threei} {G}
[07:30] {Roman} long KONG
[07:30] {Roman} 1/3 size
[07:30] {Roman} 4.80
[07:31] {Threei} NQ is ready to bust 75
[07:31] {Threei} done
[07:31] {Threei} come on RMBS, follow
[07:33] {Threei} DOE CRUDE: -400K V -750KE; GASOLINE: +1.4M V +1ME; DISTILLATES: -100K V -1ME; UTILIZATION: 89.4% V 87.6%E
[07:33] {Threei} Crude: -5.3M
[07:33] {Threei} Distillate: +2.6M
[07:33] {Threei} Gasoline: +88
[07:34] {Threei} are we swimming in oil or what
[07:34] {Threei} RMBS stop to .89
[07:34] {cosmo} we float on it, 3i
[07:34] {Threei} not sure I like this stall
[07:34] {BillyD} agree on RMBS
[07:34] {Roman} XFML
[07:34] {Roman} long
[07:35] {Threei} should have broken .10 more easily on last NQ spike
[07:35] {BillyD} took some off here
[07:35] {BillyD} .09
[07:35] {Threei} probably a good idea
[07:36] {BillyD} hate to do it as I am trying to hold faithfully
[07:36] {BillyD} but my goodness
[07:37] {BillyD} noe RMBS
[07:37] {BillyD} now
[07:38] {Threei} NVDA demonstrates happiness and perkiness today
[07:38] {Threei} somehow it escaped my attention on .50 breakout
[07:38] {lumdus} i missed the call on rmbs - what was it ?
[07:39] {Threei} 19 lumdus
[07:39] {BillyD} if RMBS can't do it a sign
[07:39] {Threei} 18.84 original stop, .89 now
[07:39] {lumdus} tx .. need to pay more attention here.
[07:39] {dino} btrx s hl .60 stop .93
[07:40] {Threei} why would you do that... even my cat doesn't pay any attention to me when I forbid it to step on buy button
[07:40] {BillyD} does your cat type?
[07:40] {BillyD} that would explain a lot
[07:40] {Threei} no but it likes my keyboard shortcut
[07:41] {Threei} ah, you are mean
[07:41] {Threei} you dislike my grammar
[07:41] {Threei} and spelling
[07:41] {Threei} I would cry if not for the fact that you are not alone
[07:41] {bruce} ebay continues - exited way too early
[07:41] {BillyD} cat like mindset...hehe
[07:42] {BillyD} humor
[07:42] {BillyD} etc, etc
[07:42] {Threei} RMBS like chinese water torture
[07:42] {BillyD} where you at Vade for 1/2
[07:42] {BillyD} rflol
[07:42] {Threei} want .16 - .17
[07:42] {BillyD} ok...thx
[07:42] {bruce} now if you can just train the cat to do winning trades vad!
[07:42] {Threei} but I am flexible
[07:43] {Threei} trying bruce
[07:43] {Roman} show QQQQ
[07:43] {Roman} short
[07:43] {Roman} 51.22
[07:43] {dino} amln hl l .50, stop .23
[07:43] {Threei} party pooper
[07:43] {BillyD} out little RMBS .15
[07:44] {BillyD} .13
[07:44] {BillyD} chinese torture getting best of me
[07:44] {bruce} my level 2's giving crossed quotes today
[07:44] {Threei} offering .17
[07:45] {Threei} server 2 here bruce, looks fine
[07:45] {BillyD} ?me undercuts Vad at .16
[07:45] {BillyD} lol
[07:45] {bruce} out rmbs
[07:45] {BillyD} can't even post jioke properly
[07:45] {Threei} ah that's how is it going to be?
[07:45] {BillyD} jk :)
[07:45] {Threei} won't announce my exits in advance then!'
[07:46] {BillyD} never even entered order and RMBS backs down
[07:46] {Threei} you scared it
[07:46] {BillyD} my whole 200 shares left
[07:47] {Threei} hmm.. NVDA sells while NQ upticks
[07:47] {Threei} either fluke or it's ready to be shorted
[07:47] {Threei} 32.99 short trigger, half lot
[07:48] {Threei} .30 resistance
[07:48] {Threei} if NQ nosedives, short aggressively
[07:48] {BillyD} k
[07:48] {Threei} no full lot today on it
[07:48] {Threei} it's more volatile than usual
[07:49] {BillyD} not sure I'm up for NVDA
[07:52] {BillyD} pivotsal moment for index
[07:54] {dino} bucy fast fall
[07:55] {Threei} out half RMBS
[07:55] {Threei} I obviously like being tortured...
[07:55] {BillyD} good patience
[07:56] {BillyD} do or die mentality
[07:56] {Threei} it's just coma
[07:56] {Threei} I trade much better if I never wake up
[07:57] {Threei} stop .99
[07:57] {Threei} will trail it to .09 if it breaks .20
[08:01] {BillyD} out rest of RMBS...thx Vad
[08:01] {Threei} welcome
[08:02] {BillyD} your NVDA working nicely
[08:03] {Threei} need one more leg down
[08:03] {Threei} maybe I got too greedy
[08:03] {Threei} it had huge bid at .75 when lost .80
[08:03] {BillyD} u n at .99 or higher
[08:03] {Threei} .05
[08:04] {Threei} felt to me like it was ready to bust than bid and drop to the center of Earth
[08:04] {Threei} wishful thinking that proved to be
[08:04] {Threei} than = that
[08:06] {BillyD} where's your stop on NVDA
[08:07] {Threei} that was question I just asked myself
[08:07] {Threei} I guess I'll trail it to above .10
[08:07] {BillyD} .10
[08:07] {BillyD} lol
[08:07] {Threei} stop looking over my shoulder
[08:08] * Threei sweeps his office for hidden cameras
[08:08] {BillyD} check the cat
[08:08] * Threei send his cat to catscan
[08:08] {BillyD} lol
[08:08] {Threei} (pun intended and admittedly lame)
[08:09] {BillyD} got it
[08:10] {BillyD} my JADE disappointing w/ no follow thru
[08:11] {Threei} NVDA stop to 33.01
[08:11] {Threei} no way I lose money on it
[08:13] {BillyD} odds in your favor of down
[08:13] {Threei} out RMBS balance, obviously oversat this one
[08:13] {BillyD} I wasn't quick enough to short it when large .18 showed up w./ NQ slowly sliding down
[08:18] {Threei} out NVDA .80
[08:19] {Threei} +.25
[08:19] {BillyD}'s stubborn
[08:19] {Threei} most likelyt drops down more
[08:19] {Threei} but I seem to be oversitting them today
[08:20] {BillyD} SCON continues...but this one togh for me
[08:27] {BillyD} seems things slowed
[08:29] {dino} inin hl sa .80, stop .11
[08:30] {dino} hmmm, that was fast
[08:31] {dino} core
[08:35] {Threei} LOCM...
[08:38] {bruce} rrgb vad?
[08:41] {Roman} out CPSL
[08:41] {Roman} cover QQQQ
[08:42] {Threei} I like bruce
[08:43] {Threei} just would like help by NQ
[08:43] {Threei} small shares
[08:43] {Threei} it's on a thin side
[08:43] {bruce} yes see that- fairly big spread too
[08:46] {BillyD} are traders waiting on the Fed Beige book at 2pm EST ?
[08:50] {Threei} try to offer it above .50 bruce
[08:50] {Threei} above .30, sorry
[08:52] {bruce} missed entry
[08:52] {bruce} was hoping to see activity about .20
[08:52] {bruce} but skipped ritgh over that
[08:53] {Threei} too thin to trade it like that
[08:53] {bruce} guess so - that was last high so I figred there wouldbe some action
[08:53] {bruce} needed to enter about .15 - 18 I guess
[08:54] {Threei} yes
[08:56] {Threei} feels like upward from here
[08:57] {Threei} let's try half lot NVDA long .85
[08:57] {Threei} stop under .70
[09:01] {Threei} stop to .73
[09:04] {Threei} upward it is
[09:05] {Threei} come on NVDA, break 33
[09:05] {Threei} if uncomfortable, feel free to take profit right under
[09:06] {BillyD} not in here
[09:06] {Threei} suuure... let me suffer alone
[09:06] {BillyD} actually stepped away...and could have entered on PB
[09:07] {BillyD} didn't have faith in mkt cont upward
[09:08] {Threei} beauty
[09:08] {Threei} me out
[09:08] {Threei} +.20
[09:08] {BillyD} gj
[09:11] {dino} out mrvlk +.24
[09:11] {dino} mrvl
[09:11] {Threei} :)
[09:12] {BillyD} in some JADE 3
[09:15] {BillyD} QLTI....take a look Vad
[09:16] {dino} apei
[09:17] {Threei} hard to tell QLTI
[09:17] {BillyD} a bit overextended on daily
[09:17] {BillyD} w/ flatline tendecies
[09:18] {BillyD} and 5 resistance area
[09:19] {bruce} any thoughts efii vad?
[09:21] {Threei} 23 - 23.10 range
[09:21] {Threei} break is valid play
[09:22] {Threei} keep it to half lot
[09:22] {bruce} k saw spike on last run to .1 so wondering if valid or likely done
[09:23] {bruce} in
[09:31] {Threei} market in deep coma
[09:31] {BillyD} ETFC might be getting interesting...I know u don't like Vad
[09:32] {Threei} who doesn't like Vad?
[09:32] {Threei} are there really such people?
[09:32] {Threei} qait... about 6 billions
[09:33] {BillyD} nah....not possible
[09:33] {Threei} 7?
[09:35] {bruce} stopped efii
[09:40] {esemde} see you all tomorrow
[09:40] {Threei} take care ese
[09:40] {esemde} tks for your help today vad...
[09:41] {Threei} I gave any?
[09:41] {esemde} SPLS...
[09:41] {Threei} you mean I was actually here when I typed all my incoherent nonsense?
[09:41] {BillyD} see....people like you Vad
[09:42] {Threei} hard to believe that billy...
[09:44] {BillyD} Vad....u ever use auto stop order w/ Laser
[09:48] {Threei} nope
[09:48] {dino} ppco
[09:51] {Threei} no news
[10:03] {BillyD} QLTI is interssting
[10:26] {dino} wynn hl l .05
[10:31] {Threei} getting interested in RMBS round 2, .21 long
[10:32] {Threei} watching where the support forms
[10:32] {Threei} if it does
[10:32] {BillyD} want more torture eh
[10:32] {Threei} I don't see anything of a fast variety
[10:33] {BillyD} no....I am hostage to JADE
[10:33] {BillyD} may bail to get out of jail
[10:34] {Threei} be thankful you never bought into ETFC
[10:34] {BillyD} I was waiting for the .45 area
[10:35] {BillyD} yeah...glad not aggressive on it
[10:40] {Threei} NQ forms breakout chart...
[10:40] {BillyD} C& H
[10:40] {Threei} don't know how to take it having beige book in 22 min
[10:41] {BillyD} good pt
[10:42] {dino} cov btrx .35, +.25
[10:42] {BillyD} gj
[10:43] {dptl} internet missed half a day
[10:43] {BillyD} NVDA stcuk in a range Vad
[10:43] {Threei} - says does not see recession on the horizon
[10:43] {BillyD} rally
[10:44] {dino} conn
[10:44] {Threei} qwhere?
[10:44] {bruce} sorry to hear dp
[10:44] {bruce} not much going on now
[10:44] {Threei} we may rally now though, market was waiting for dp to reconnect
[10:45] {BillyD} sorry didn't see my humor
[10:45] {BillyD} lol
[10:45] {dptl} i am not sure about that
[10:45] {Threei} that was humor?
[10:45] {BillyD} it's bad I know
[10:45] {Threei} happy to see that billy... I am not alone in bad humor department
[10:46] {BillyD} my humor use to be ok
[10:46] {Threei} then mine rubbedd off
[10:46] {Threei} sorry about that
[10:47] {BillyD} np
[10:47] {BillyD} u r not alone anymore
[10:47] {Threei} yes, it goes into your good deed list
[10:48] {dino} hl l conn .60
[10:53] {BillyD} out some JADE +.07
[10:54] {Threei} enduring torture pays off
[10:54] {BillyD} good exercise for me
[10:54] {Threei} it's verey easy actually
[10:54] {Threei} fall in coma
[10:55] {Threei} stay numb
[10:55] {BillyD} yup
[10:56] {bruce} is your win/loss ratio affected by time of day vad?
[10:56] {Threei} I decrease my activity midday as a rule
[10:57] {Threei} so no, not really... but it would if I pressed ahead all day
[10:57] {bruce} k
[10:57] {bruce} thats what I fugured
[10:58] {bruce} a lot of people don't trade at all after 11
[10:58] {Threei} well, here is always chance of a news play
[10:58] {Threei} or some other reason for atcivity
[10:58] {Threei} so it's not like I withdraw completely
[10:58] {Threei} but I aam much more picky
[10:59] {Threei} it would take more for a stock to lure me in
[10:59] {BillyD} u just play hard to get then
[10:59] {Threei} marginal setup that I may take at 10 I will ingore at 12
[10:59] {Threei} right
[10:59] {BillyD} that is the best way to play it imo
[11:00] {bruce} biggest moves are usually in am
[11:00] {BillyD} people usually full of enrgy first thing
[11:01] {bruce} but there seems to be a lot of major selloffs during lunch time over last few months
[11:01] {Threei} 2 min till Beige bunch of nonsense
[11:02] {Threei} wow
[11:03] {Threei} I am impressed by the depth of insight
[11:04] {BillyD} out more Jadew
[11:05] {BillyD} out rest
[11:05] {Threei} - Retail spending is relatively soft, retailers expect slow holiday season
[11:05] {Threei} - Manufacturers mixed across districts, glut of home putting pressure on prices and construction, business loans high, lending tight on consumer loans, mortgage delinquincies rose significantly
[11:05] {Threei} - Price pressures moderate outside of food and energy
[11:05] {Threei} - Exports are bright spot due to weaker USD
[11:05] {Threei} - Chicago sees higher steel production due to less competition because of the weaker USD
[11:06] {Threei} and market was waiting for this to come out?
[11:06] {BillyD} beat a ded horse
[11:06] {BillyD} dead
[11:13] {lumdus} nvls setting up
[11:14] {Threei} 27 break?
[11:15] {Threei} RMBS too is about to trigger - for those who like being tortured
[11:15] {Threei} .120 support
[11:15] {Threei} .10
[11:21] {Threei} - Fed decisions to be based on incoming data
[11:21] {Threei} - says right now markets are still brittle, but the Fed will not be bullied by markets
[11:21] {Threei} -says unsure if inflation rate will decelerate; biggest inflation threats are energy and food prices
[11:21] {dino} out conn .84, +.24
[11:32] {Threei} wow... haven't seen market that flat in a while
[11:46] {BillyD} maybe look for some shorts if mkt continues to drift down
[11:47] {Threei} well NVDA and BRCM are obvious candidates, they repeat NQ formation
[11:48] {Threei} it's that I don't have rel;iable read on NQ
[11:48] {BillyD} it seems small support levels all the way down
[11:51] {Threei} there is just no "stream" of activity
[11:51] {Threei} there is a trickle
[11:51] {Threei} drop here drop there
[11:51] {Threei} it's not a foundation for a read
[11:51] {Threei} see this spike?
[11:51] {Threei} was there anything to read it?
[11:51] {BillyD} yes
[11:52] {BillyD} is vol low for NQ
[11:52] {Threei} and both NVDA and BRCM reacted accordingly
[11:52] {BillyD} it was like that yesterday to
[11:53] {BillyD} the spikes from nowhere
[11:53] {Threei} don't fool yourself, it's simply "no action because no reason for action" situation
[11:53] {Threei} it's not that we are unable to find it - it's simply not there
[11:53] {Threei} fals "work ethics" push us to do something in such situations
[11:53] {BillyD} I feel better now
[11:54] {Threei} false
[11:55] {BillyD} and we are up 316
[11:55] {Threei} if you put me me in the corner and demand at gunpoint to pick direction - I would pick up
[11:56] {BillyD} I would never do that to you...sounds harsh
[11:56] {BillyD} lol
[11:56] {Threei} with cannon at my temple I could even enter :)
[11:56] * BillyD sends dirty harry to Vad's house
[11:57] * Threei put Yuri the Kneecapshooter and Ivan the Enforcer to guard the door
[11:57] {BillyD} rflol
[11:59] {Threei} just to keep you all from falling asleep
[12:00] {Threei} why would I pick up rather than down?
[12:00] {Threei} anyone, wild guess? or educated one?
[12:00] * Threei slaps LaserDave1 around a bit with a large trout
[12:00] {BillyD} because crowd mindset is up
[12:00] {BillyD} trend
[12:00] {Threei} up to this point, yes
[12:01] {Threei} what about this particular moment?
[12:01] {BillyD} held last suupport
[12:02] {BillyD} thru prior resistance
[12:02] {BillyD} now
[12:02] {Threei} being up 320 NYSE, 65 NASDAQ,
[12:02] {Threei} retreating a little from highs,
[12:02] {Threei} having nothing but bleak outlook from feds
[12:03] {Threei} isn't down too obvious?
[12:03] {Threei} having very very dull market after such run,
[12:03] {BillyD} people numb to it
[12:03] {Threei} isn't it's the best illustration to "never short a dull market"?
[12:04] {Threei} if there is any significance to it, this dullness is masking a trap
[12:04] {BillyD} dull markets can come in downtrends as well right
[12:04] {Threei} sure
[12:04] {Threei} but this combination screams down
[12:04] {Threei} and when something is so "in my face", I refuse to take it at face value
[12:05] {BillyD} but the hanging around of it says otherwise?
[12:05] {Threei} that's suckers game
[12:05] {Threei} it suggests higher chance for it to be a trap, and market to stage surprize rally
[12:05] {BillyD} meaning it's hanging around near high areaqs
[12:05] {Threei} now, there may be not any signifcance to this combination,
[12:06] {Threei} and it could be caused by simple loss of orientaion
[12:06] {Threei} and that's why I don't want to press either way
[12:06] {Threei} but if I had to assign any meaning to this situation
[12:06] {Threei} it would be:
[12:07] {Threei} this is a trap for gullible shorters
[12:07] {Threei} and market is going to explode in their face
[12:07] {Threei} faces?
[12:07] {BillyD} quiet before the storm
[12:09] {BillyD} most stocks bifg and small seem to follow broader mkt lately
[12:09] {BillyD} not too many independents
[12:09] {Threei} oh, it's just a phasw
[12:09] {Threei} phase
[12:09] {Threei} no pronpunced manias last week or two, that's all
[12:10] {Threei} we lived through two manias recently, china and solars
[12:10] {Threei} another one is around the corner
[12:10] {BillyD} overall, most not sure whereto go
[12:11] {BillyD} traders that is
[12:11] {Threei} martial arts principle... "not sure what to do - make a step forward"
[12:11] {Threei} :)
[12:11] {BillyD} long vs short
[12:12] {Threei} NVDA is up 20 cents since we decided no ahort
[12:12] {Threei} consider it profit in a sense... money not lost :)
[12:12] {BillyD} ty Vad
[12:12] {BillyD} mkt getting ready
[12:12] {Threei} new highs
[12:14] {Threei} why don't I write a book about this
[12:14] {Threei} wait... I did
[12:14] {BillyD} pg # please
[12:14] {Threei} correction: why don't I read it
[12:14] {Threei} all of them
[12:15] {Threei} entire book is about this
[12:15] {Threei} first one at least
[12:15] {BillyD} minority vs majority
[12:15] {Threei} major idea of tape reading, yes
[12:20] {_liranme} I quit, good evening everybody.
[12:20] {BillyD} bye liranme
[12:20] {_liranme} I had a great first day here with 100% success.
[12:21] {_liranme} Thanks Vad for ATVI, RMBS, and NVDA
[12:21] {BillyD} great to hear
[12:24] {Threei} wow
[12:24] {Threei} nice to hear
[12:25] {BillyD} 2nd person that likes you today
[12:25] {Threei} I am going to mark this day in calendar
[12:25] {BillyD} will RMBS go
[12:26] {BillyD} 4th time up here
[12:26] {Threei} if eats through .20
[12:28] {lumdus} same here vad great day. just need to concentrate too much
[12:29] {Threei} good to hear
[12:29] {Threei} it wasn't very active day, required discipline to stay on a sideline
[12:31] {Threei} and I am glad it cooperated to show the theoretic principles of market read in real time
[12:37] {dino} risky, s tbsi .15 hl
[12:46] {bruce} checking out
[12:46] {bruce} gday all
[12:46] {Threei} take care bruce
[12:46] {bruce} see you in am
[12:46] {BillyD} bye bruce
[12:46] {bruce} thanx vad
[12:47] {bruce} fending off that nasty cold from your former wi\ter peg
[12:47] {bruce} lol
[12:50] {Threei} TBSI works for dino
[12:50] {Threei} perfect action by market
[12:50] {Threei} kill both sides
[12:51] {Threei} up about 15 pointys from the max dullness moment, just enough to shake out everyone,
[12:51] {Threei} all the way back down, just enough to kill overly optimistic
[12:52] {BillyD} you sound happy about this
[12:52] {Threei} of course I am
[12:52] {BillyD} or the cosnsistent cy
[12:52] {Threei} I could read it just about right not be sucked in on any side,
[12:53] {Threei} a bit more volume and pace and I would even be able to benefit
[12:53] {BillyD} right
[12:53] {Threei} but heck... nicely in the black for the day as it is
[12:53] {BillyD} yes
[12:54] {Threei} and on top of all that...
[12:54] {Threei} 2 (two) people liked me today
[12:55] {BillyD} lol
[12:55] {BillyD} I knew it
[12:55] {Threei} make no mistake, this is not daily occurence for me
[12:55] {Threei} as my wife says, "you are right too often to be liked"
[12:55] {BillyD} you need to pay your family more $
[12:55] {Threei} to make them leave?
[12:55] {BillyD} surprise surprise
[12:56] {BillyD} poor woman...bless her soul to put up with you
[12:56] {BillyD} and a know it all cat
[12:56] {Threei} lol
[12:56] {BillyD} lol
[12:57] {dino} cov .91, +.24 tbsi
[12:57] {BillyD} so tell me....who really calls the trades?
[12:57] {BillyD} nice dino
[12:57] {dino} ty billy, under-performed today.
[12:57] {Threei} you would think at my age I should learn not to voice out my opinions about things so people could conrtin ue liking me... but nooooo
[12:58] {Threei} this is overly long weekend dino... lost touch a little :)
[12:58] {BillyD} always tomorrow dino :)
[12:58] {BillyD} look at bounce move now
[12:58] {BillyD} crazy
[12:59] {Threei} this one I couldn't read at all
[12:59] {Threei} that was pure 50/50 to me
[12:59] {Threei} coyuld break 2090 just as easily
[13:01] {dino} yeah you're right 3i. will be better tomorrow
[13:01] {BillyD} thx Vad aand everyone...cya tomorrow
[13:01] {Threei} thank you all
[13:01] {Threei} have a great evening
[13:01] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[13:02] {dino} later all
Session Time: Wed Nov 28 00:00:00 2007
[05:32] {Threei} *OCT DURABLE GOODS: -0.4% V -0.1%E; DURABLES EX-TRANSPORTATION: -0.7% V 0.3%E
[05:32] {Threei} - Prior Ex-Transportation revised from 0.3% to 1.1
[05:33] {BillyD} a simple good morning entry would do :)
[05:33] {Threei} yeah but that would be too common
[05:33] {Threei} I like to create drama entry
[05:33] {Threei} hmm... by posting dyrable goods data... I need to get out more
[05:33] {BillyD} your consistent
[05:39] {BillyD} seeing if JADE gets follow thru today
[05:41] {Threei} nice move on no news
[05:41] {BillyD} yeah....eating nice offers as well
[05:43] {Threei} tough read for me
[05:43] {Threei} looked at it several times, couldn't get a feel
[05:46] {cosmo} MRVL?
[05:49] {dino} gm all
[05:51] {Threei} dino!
[05:51] {Threei} 00:21am [MRVL] Price target cut to $19 from $21 at Goldman
[05:52] {cosmo} hmm
[06:02] {Threei} rob peter to pay paul?
[06:03] {cosmo} its a theory
[06:03] {dptl} good morning all
[06:04] {Threei} dp :)
[06:10] {Threei} "Jeez, let me out" is a weak defense I'd say
[06:12] {bruce} morning all
[06:12] {Threei} bruce :)
[06:13] {bruce} hi vad
[06:15] {Threei} BIDZ formed breakout pattern on chart with .40 trigger... honestly I am not too jazzed about it
[06:17] {BillyD} because of its nature?
[06:17] {Threei} there is a hot conroversy around it right now
[06:17] {Threei} kind of battle I don't want to participate in until the air clears
[06:17] {esemde} good morning.....
[06:17] {Threei} ese :)
[06:17] {BillyD} ok...thx
[06:17] {BillyD} morn ese
[06:18] {esemde} morning vad, billy
[06:18] {Threei} for canucks who don't watch CAD real time... it flirted with par overnight,
[06:19] {Threei} slightly retreated
[06:19] {Threei} I doubt we will see those blessed 1.50 - 1.60 levels in our lifetime, but I'd be grateful even for 1.10
[06:20] {BillyD} never say never
[06:20] {Threei} recent .90 is plain brutal
[06:23] {BillyD} take a hit on the conversion in trading
[06:23] {Threei} "hit" is understatement of the century
[06:23] {Threei} from 1.50 for each buck made to .90?
[06:23] {BillyD} ouch
[06:24] {BillyD} sorry to hear
[06:24] {Threei} oh well... when the wheel rotates faster, what a ferret to do :)
[06:24] {BillyD} lol
[06:25] {BillyD} good attitude
[06:31] {Threei} welcome aboard lumdus
[06:31] {BillyD} welcome lumdus
[06:31] {lumdus} thank you
[06:32] {esemde} bstop SPLS 22.96
[06:32] {Threei} no obvious plays at the open
[06:32] {Threei} SPLS, I'da rather try entry on the retreat ese
[06:32] {Threei} 22.40 support
[06:32] {esemde} ok
[06:33] {BillyD} Vad...not a fan of EFTC
[06:33] {BillyD} ETFC
[06:33] {Threei} try to get it on first sign of strength
[06:33] {Threei} .61 let's say
[06:33] {esemde} was thinking just over .60
[06:33] {Threei} :)
[06:33] {Threei} BIDZ, .40 buyer wishes he never heard of this stock
[06:34] {dino} sm wynn l .00
[06:34] {Threei} ETFC is another one of "battle I don't want to take on" billy
[06:34] {BillyD} ok
[06:35] {Threei} bankruptsy or buyout, which happens first, at what price, when... let them guess and gamble
[06:35] {bruce} nvda spike
[06:35] {esemde} quotes have stopped.....whats goin on?
[06:35] {BillyD} ok here
[06:35] {Threei} .73 .74 ese
[06:35] {Threei} SPLS
[06:35] {esemde} what Bs it's .74
[06:35] {Threei} never got your entry?
[06:36] {esemde} my screen froze
[06:36] {BillyD} in JADE .13
[06:36] {BillyD} partial fill
[06:36] {esemde} what a load of........
[06:36] {esemde} will look at the bstop again
[06:36] {dino} wynnstopped -.50
[06:36] {Threei} don't want to harp ese... but you know what I have to say about it...
[06:37] {Threei} wow JADE... you are playing it like violin Billy
[06:37] {BillyD} out +.16
[06:37] {esemde} nope screen froze again......will see you all in a few minutes
[06:38] {dino} wynn rinsed
[06:39] {Threei} SOHU is getting ahead of itself
[06:39] {Threei} probably your client dino
[06:40] {dino} ty
[06:41] {Threei} ATVI
[06:41] {BillyD} just noticing
[06:41] {Threei} .60 long if stays above .45
[06:43] {Threei} if loses it, looking for long of .20 or so
[06:43] {esemde} am back....
[06:43] {Threei} lost
[06:44] {dino} risky, s sohu .50 hl
[06:44] {BillyD} ATVI held .40 area ok
[06:44] {Threei} holding better than expected ATVI
[06:45] {Threei} let's try .50 break
[06:45] {dino} stop is .87, fwiw sohu
[06:45] {Threei} .35 stop
[06:46] {Threei} mildly aggressive
[06:47] {Threei} break that wall ATVI
[06:47] {BillyD} yes
[06:47] {Threei} good boy, now go
[06:48] {Threei} 1:1
[06:48] {Threei} half out .70
[06:48] {Threei} scalpers know the drill
[06:48] {dino} stopped sohu, -.38
[06:49] {BillyD} new stop Vad?
[06:49] {Threei} .49
[06:49] {BillyD} got it
[06:50] {esemde} long NTAP
[06:50] {esemde} .7171
[06:50] {esemde} thats just .71 small
[06:51] {Threei} nice two day's break NTAP
[06:51] {Threei} .55 stop ese?
[06:51] {esemde} yes
[06:51] {Threei} ATVI stop to .54
[06:52] {Threei} DIVX
[06:53] {Threei} tough one...
[06:53] * Threei kicks ATVI in the rear
[06:54] {dino} tbsi hl l .00
[06:54] {BillyD} out rest +.38 thx Vad
[06:54] {Threei} welcome sir
[06:54] {Threei} out 1/4 more ATVI .92
[06:54] {Threei} +.40
[06:55] {Threei} last portion is for spike over 23
[06:55] {Threei} or .85 stop
[06:55] {esemde} out.....don't know what price mid .80's i thinkl...quotes have stopped again
[06:55] {Threei} it's at .86 ese
[06:56] {esemde} tks
[06:56] {Threei} just dove under .80
[06:56] {esemde} .87 +.16....
[06:57] {esemde} no more trading today....we gotum computor problems....
[06:57] {Threei} sorry :(
[06:57] {esemde} hmm don't know whats going on.......
[06:58] {BillyD} spyware or virus
[06:58] {Threei} good out ese
[06:58] {BillyD} maybe
[06:58] {Threei} it's under .70
[06:59] {esemde} yes bs luck......quote connection box went yellow instead of green so i fired in a fast sell order
[07:00] {dino} gj ese
[07:00] {esemde} anyone else using Questrade?
[07:00] {esemde} dp?
[07:00] {Threei} it's been nice knowing you ATVI
[07:00] {BillyD} Laser here ese
[07:00] {BillyD} a good one Vad
[07:01] {Threei} NVLS
[07:01] {Threei} .95 long
[07:01] {Threei} if stays above .80
[07:02] {Threei} keep an eye on NQ for this one
[07:02] {Threei} don't buy it if triggers while NQ drops
[07:02] {BillyD} it dropped
[07:02] {Threei} *OCT EXISTING HOME SALES: 4.97M V 5.0ME
[07:03] {Threei} HOKU?
[07:03] {Threei} ETFC
[07:03] {Threei} HEARING RENEWED CHATTER BUFFETT IS TAKING STAKE IN CO.- Note that the WSJ's Deal Journal report highlights potential pitfalls to any deal
[07:03] {dino} out tbsi .44, +.44
[07:03] {Threei} sigh
[07:04] {Threei} wtg dino
[07:04] {dino} ty
[07:06] {Threei} NVLS is valid, same setup, same condition
[07:06] {esemde} am still long my 100 shs CSIQ at 14.50 though
[07:06] {BillyD} NQ tinker down again
[07:06] {dino} risky, hl l bidz .65, stop .33
[07:06] {esemde} it's making a move toward todays high at 15.50
[07:06] {Threei} SCON buyers
[07:07] {esemde} yes indeed it is
[07:07] {dino} stopped, hmmmm
[07:08] {esemde} should have been it has
[07:08] {Threei} BIDZ is on my stay away for now list dino
[07:09] {dino} pretty beat up
[07:09] {dino} another rinse job, looks like
[07:09] {Roman} long URRE small
[07:09] {dino} or not
[07:09] {Threei} too much arguing around it right now
[07:10] {Roman} 11.32 small
[07:10] {Threei} want to let the dust settle
[07:10] {dino} i'll wait way lower
[07:11] {Threei} RMBS
[07:11] {Threei} 19.01 long
[07:12] {Threei} if stays above .80
[07:12] {Threei} if treiggers from here, stop .85
[07:13] {Threei} lost interest in NVLS breakout
[07:13] {BillyD} vol low for RMBS from memory
[07:15] {bruce} out ebay + .45
[07:15] {Threei} SMSI
[07:15] {BillyD} nice bruce
[07:15] {Threei} half lot short .48
[07:15] {bruce} \thanx billy
[07:15] {Threei} stop above .61
[07:16] {BillyD} good spot Vad
[07:16] {BillyD} in .46
[07:16] {Threei} missed your entry bruce... good one
[07:17] {dino} vrgy s hl .15
[07:17] {dino} stop .53
[07:18] {bruce} thanx vad .42 on pause
[07:19] {dino} gj bruce
[07:19] {bruce} thanx dino
[07:22] {Threei} roman, any clue on SCON?
[07:22] {dino} vrgy stopped, taking a break
[07:24] {Threei} let's tighten SMSI to .56 billy
[07:24] {BillyD} k
[07:25] {Roman} no reed on SCON vad
[07:25] {BillyD} RMBS still?
[07:25] {Roman} but CSIQ looks interest
[07:25] {Threei} ty
[07:25] {Threei} sure, RMBS is as valid as ever
[07:26] {Threei} let's dance RMBS
[07:26] {Threei} don't be a party pooper
[07:26] {Threei} out SMSI
[07:26] {BillyD} out smsi RMBS
[07:27] {Roman} long CPSL
[07:28] {Roman} full size
[07:28] {dino} vrgy rinse job too, sheesh
[07:29] {BillyD} dino...u have Vad's TTR book
[07:29] {dino} yes
[07:29] {BillyD} pg 142...expanding range mkt
[07:29] {BillyD} he showed us yesterday
[07:29] {BillyD} FYI
[07:29] {dino} ahh
[07:29] {Threei} to be precise... I found it yesterday
[07:29] {Threei} {G}
[07:30] {Roman} long KONG
[07:30] {Roman} 1/3 size
[07:30] {Roman} 4.80
[07:31] {Threei} NQ is ready to bust 75
[07:31] {Threei} done
[07:31] {Threei} come on RMBS, follow
[07:33] {Threei} DOE CRUDE: -400K V -750KE; GASOLINE: +1.4M V +1ME; DISTILLATES: -100K V -1ME; UTILIZATION: 89.4% V 87.6%E
[07:33] {Threei} Crude: -5.3M
[07:33] {Threei} Distillate: +2.6M
[07:33] {Threei} Gasoline: +88
[07:34] {Threei} are we swimming in oil or what
[07:34] {Threei} RMBS stop to .89
[07:34] {cosmo} we float on it, 3i
[07:34] {Threei} not sure I like this stall
[07:34] {BillyD} agree on RMBS
[07:34] {Roman} XFML
[07:34] {Roman} long
[07:35] {Threei} should have broken .10 more easily on last NQ spike
[07:35] {BillyD} took some off here
[07:35] {BillyD} .09
[07:35] {Threei} probably a good idea
[07:36] {BillyD} hate to do it as I am trying to hold faithfully
[07:36] {BillyD} but my goodness
[07:37] {BillyD} noe RMBS
[07:37] {BillyD} now
[07:38] {Threei} NVDA demonstrates happiness and perkiness today
[07:38] {Threei} somehow it escaped my attention on .50 breakout
[07:38] {lumdus} i missed the call on rmbs - what was it ?
[07:39] {Threei} 19 lumdus
[07:39] {BillyD} if RMBS can't do it a sign
[07:39] {Threei} 18.84 original stop, .89 now
[07:39] {lumdus} tx .. need to pay more attention here.
[07:39] {dino} btrx s hl .60 stop .93
[07:40] {Threei} why would you do that... even my cat doesn't pay any attention to me when I forbid it to step on buy button
[07:40] {BillyD} does your cat type?
[07:40] {BillyD} that would explain a lot
[07:40] {Threei} no but it likes my keyboard shortcut
[07:41] {Threei} ah, you are mean
[07:41] {Threei} you dislike my grammar
[07:41] {Threei} and spelling
[07:41] {Threei} I would cry if not for the fact that you are not alone
[07:41] {bruce} ebay continues - exited way too early
[07:41] {BillyD} cat like mindset...hehe
[07:42] {BillyD} humor
[07:42] {BillyD} etc, etc
[07:42] {Threei} RMBS like chinese water torture
[07:42] {BillyD} where you at Vade for 1/2
[07:42] {BillyD} rflol
[07:42] {Threei} want .16 - .17
[07:42] {BillyD} ok...thx
[07:42] {bruce} now if you can just train the cat to do winning trades vad!
[07:42] {Threei} but I am flexible
[07:43] {Threei} trying bruce
[07:43] {Roman} show QQQQ
[07:43] {Roman} short
[07:43] {Roman} 51.22
[07:43] {dino} amln hl l .50, stop .23
[07:43] {Threei} party pooper
[07:43] {BillyD} out little RMBS .15
[07:44] {BillyD} .13
[07:44] {BillyD} chinese torture getting best of me
[07:44] {bruce} my level 2's giving crossed quotes today
[07:44] {Threei} offering .17
[07:45] {Threei} server 2 here bruce, looks fine
[07:45] {BillyD} ?me undercuts Vad at .16
[07:45] {BillyD} lol
[07:45] {bruce} out rmbs
[07:45] {BillyD} can't even post jioke properly
[07:45] {Threei} ah that's how is it going to be?
[07:45] {BillyD} jk :)
[07:45] {Threei} won't announce my exits in advance then!'
[07:46] {BillyD} never even entered order and RMBS backs down
[07:46] {Threei} you scared it
[07:46] {BillyD} my whole 200 shares left
[07:47] {Threei} hmm.. NVDA sells while NQ upticks
[07:47] {Threei} either fluke or it's ready to be shorted
[07:47] {Threei} 32.99 short trigger, half lot
[07:48] {Threei} .30 resistance
[07:48] {Threei} if NQ nosedives, short aggressively
[07:48] {BillyD} k
[07:48] {Threei} no full lot today on it
[07:48] {Threei} it's more volatile than usual
[07:49] {BillyD} not sure I'm up for NVDA
[07:52] {BillyD} pivotsal moment for index
[07:54] {dino} bucy fast fall
[07:55] {Threei} out half RMBS
[07:55] {Threei} I obviously like being tortured...
[07:55] {BillyD} good patience
[07:56] {BillyD} do or die mentality
[07:56] {Threei} it's just coma
[07:56] {Threei} I trade much better if I never wake up
[07:57] {Threei} stop .99
[07:57] {Threei} will trail it to .09 if it breaks .20
[08:01] {BillyD} out rest of RMBS...thx Vad
[08:01] {Threei} welcome
[08:02] {BillyD} your NVDA working nicely
[08:03] {Threei} need one more leg down
[08:03] {Threei} maybe I got too greedy
[08:03] {Threei} it had huge bid at .75 when lost .80
[08:03] {BillyD} u n at .99 or higher
[08:03] {Threei} .05
[08:04] {Threei} felt to me like it was ready to bust than bid and drop to the center of Earth
[08:04] {Threei} wishful thinking that proved to be
[08:04] {Threei} than = that
[08:06] {BillyD} where's your stop on NVDA
[08:07] {Threei} that was question I just asked myself
[08:07] {Threei} I guess I'll trail it to above .10
[08:07] {BillyD} .10
[08:07] {BillyD} lol
[08:07] {Threei} stop looking over my shoulder
[08:08] * Threei sweeps his office for hidden cameras
[08:08] {BillyD} check the cat
[08:08] * Threei send his cat to catscan
[08:08] {BillyD} lol
[08:08] {Threei} (pun intended and admittedly lame)
[08:09] {BillyD} got it
[08:10] {BillyD} my JADE disappointing w/ no follow thru
[08:11] {Threei} NVDA stop to 33.01
[08:11] {Threei} no way I lose money on it
[08:13] {BillyD} odds in your favor of down
[08:13] {Threei} out RMBS balance, obviously oversat this one
[08:13] {BillyD} I wasn't quick enough to short it when large .18 showed up w./ NQ slowly sliding down
[08:18] {Threei} out NVDA .80
[08:19] {Threei} +.25
[08:19] {BillyD}'s stubborn
[08:19] {Threei} most likelyt drops down more
[08:19] {Threei} but I seem to be oversitting them today
[08:20] {BillyD} SCON continues...but this one togh for me
[08:27] {BillyD} seems things slowed
[08:29] {dino} inin hl sa .80, stop .11
[08:30] {dino} hmmm, that was fast
[08:31] {dino} core
[08:35] {Threei} LOCM...
[08:38] {bruce} rrgb vad?
[08:41] {Roman} out CPSL
[08:41] {Roman} cover QQQQ
[08:42] {Threei} I like bruce
[08:43] {Threei} just would like help by NQ
[08:43] {Threei} small shares
[08:43] {Threei} it's on a thin side
[08:43] {bruce} yes see that- fairly big spread too
[08:46] {BillyD} are traders waiting on the Fed Beige book at 2pm EST ?
[08:50] {Threei} try to offer it above .50 bruce
[08:50] {Threei} above .30, sorry
[08:52] {bruce} missed entry
[08:52] {bruce} was hoping to see activity about .20
[08:52] {bruce} but skipped ritgh over that
[08:53] {Threei} too thin to trade it like that
[08:53] {bruce} guess so - that was last high so I figred there wouldbe some action
[08:53] {bruce} needed to enter about .15 - 18 I guess
[08:54] {Threei} yes
[08:56] {Threei} feels like upward from here
[08:57] {Threei} let's try half lot NVDA long .85
[08:57] {Threei} stop under .70
[09:01] {Threei} stop to .73
[09:04] {Threei} upward it is
[09:05] {Threei} come on NVDA, break 33
[09:05] {Threei} if uncomfortable, feel free to take profit right under
[09:06] {BillyD} not in here
[09:06] {Threei} suuure... let me suffer alone
[09:06] {BillyD} actually stepped away...and could have entered on PB
[09:07] {BillyD} didn't have faith in mkt cont upward
[09:08] {Threei} beauty
[09:08] {Threei} me out
[09:08] {Threei} +.20
[09:08] {BillyD} gj
[09:11] {dino} out mrvlk +.24
[09:11] {dino} mrvl
[09:11] {Threei} :)
[09:12] {BillyD} in some JADE 3
[09:15] {BillyD} QLTI....take a look Vad
[09:16] {dino} apei
[09:17] {Threei} hard to tell QLTI
[09:17] {BillyD} a bit overextended on daily
[09:17] {BillyD} w/ flatline tendecies
[09:18] {BillyD} and 5 resistance area
[09:19] {bruce} any thoughts efii vad?
[09:21] {Threei} 23 - 23.10 range
[09:21] {Threei} break is valid play
[09:22] {Threei} keep it to half lot
[09:22] {bruce} k saw spike on last run to .1 so wondering if valid or likely done
[09:23] {bruce} in
[09:31] {Threei} market in deep coma
[09:31] {BillyD} ETFC might be getting interesting...I know u don't like Vad
[09:32] {Threei} who doesn't like Vad?
[09:32] {Threei} are there really such people?
[09:32] {Threei} qait... about 6 billions
[09:33] {BillyD} nah....not possible
[09:33] {Threei} 7?
[09:35] {bruce} stopped efii
[09:40] {esemde} see you all tomorrow
[09:40] {Threei} take care ese
[09:40] {esemde} tks for your help today vad...
[09:41] {Threei} I gave any?
[09:41] {esemde} SPLS...
[09:41] {Threei} you mean I was actually here when I typed all my incoherent nonsense?
[09:41] {BillyD} see....people like you Vad
[09:42] {Threei} hard to believe that billy...
[09:44] {BillyD} Vad....u ever use auto stop order w/ Laser
[09:48] {Threei} nope
[09:48] {dino} ppco
[09:51] {Threei} no news
[10:03] {BillyD} QLTI is interssting
[10:26] {dino} wynn hl l .05
[10:31] {Threei} getting interested in RMBS round 2, .21 long
[10:32] {Threei} watching where the support forms
[10:32] {Threei} if it does
[10:32] {BillyD} want more torture eh
[10:32] {Threei} I don't see anything of a fast variety
[10:33] {BillyD} no....I am hostage to JADE
[10:33] {BillyD} may bail to get out of jail
[10:34] {Threei} be thankful you never bought into ETFC
[10:34] {BillyD} I was waiting for the .45 area
[10:35] {BillyD} yeah...glad not aggressive on it
[10:40] {Threei} NQ forms breakout chart...
[10:40] {BillyD} C& H
[10:40] {Threei} don't know how to take it having beige book in 22 min
[10:41] {BillyD} good pt
[10:42] {dino} cov btrx .35, +.25
[10:42] {BillyD} gj
[10:43] {dptl} internet missed half a day
[10:43] {BillyD} NVDA stcuk in a range Vad
[10:43] {Threei} - says does not see recession on the horizon
[10:43] {BillyD} rally
[10:44] {dino} conn
[10:44] {Threei} qwhere?
[10:44] {bruce} sorry to hear dp
[10:44] {bruce} not much going on now
[10:44] {Threei} we may rally now though, market was waiting for dp to reconnect
[10:45] {BillyD} sorry didn't see my humor
[10:45] {BillyD} lol
[10:45] {dptl} i am not sure about that
[10:45] {Threei} that was humor?
[10:45] {BillyD} it's bad I know
[10:45] {Threei} happy to see that billy... I am not alone in bad humor department
[10:46] {BillyD} my humor use to be ok
[10:46] {Threei} then mine rubbedd off
[10:46] {Threei} sorry about that
[10:47] {BillyD} np
[10:47] {BillyD} u r not alone anymore
[10:47] {Threei} yes, it goes into your good deed list
[10:48] {dino} hl l conn .60
[10:53] {BillyD} out some JADE +.07
[10:54] {Threei} enduring torture pays off
[10:54] {BillyD} good exercise for me
[10:54] {Threei} it's verey easy actually
[10:54] {Threei} fall in coma
[10:55] {Threei} stay numb
[10:55] {BillyD} yup
[10:56] {bruce} is your win/loss ratio affected by time of day vad?
[10:56] {Threei} I decrease my activity midday as a rule
[10:57] {Threei} so no, not really... but it would if I pressed ahead all day
[10:57] {bruce} k
[10:57] {bruce} thats what I fugured
[10:58] {bruce} a lot of people don't trade at all after 11
[10:58] {Threei} well, here is always chance of a news play
[10:58] {Threei} or some other reason for atcivity
[10:58] {Threei} so it's not like I withdraw completely
[10:58] {Threei} but I aam much more picky
[10:59] {Threei} it would take more for a stock to lure me in
[10:59] {BillyD} u just play hard to get then
[10:59] {Threei} marginal setup that I may take at 10 I will ingore at 12
[10:59] {Threei} right
[10:59] {BillyD} that is the best way to play it imo
[11:00] {bruce} biggest moves are usually in am
[11:00] {BillyD} people usually full of enrgy first thing
[11:01] {bruce} but there seems to be a lot of major selloffs during lunch time over last few months
[11:01] {Threei} 2 min till Beige bunch of nonsense
[11:02] {Threei} wow
[11:03] {Threei} I am impressed by the depth of insight
[11:04] {BillyD} out more Jadew
[11:05] {BillyD} out rest
[11:05] {Threei} - Retail spending is relatively soft, retailers expect slow holiday season
[11:05] {Threei} - Manufacturers mixed across districts, glut of home putting pressure on prices and construction, business loans high, lending tight on consumer loans, mortgage delinquincies rose significantly
[11:05] {Threei} - Price pressures moderate outside of food and energy
[11:05] {Threei} - Exports are bright spot due to weaker USD
[11:05] {Threei} - Chicago sees higher steel production due to less competition because of the weaker USD
[11:06] {Threei} and market was waiting for this to come out?
[11:06] {BillyD} beat a ded horse
[11:06] {BillyD} dead
[11:13] {lumdus} nvls setting up
[11:14] {Threei} 27 break?
[11:15] {Threei} RMBS too is about to trigger - for those who like being tortured
[11:15] {Threei} .120 support
[11:15] {Threei} .10
[11:21] {Threei} - Fed decisions to be based on incoming data
[11:21] {Threei} - says right now markets are still brittle, but the Fed will not be bullied by markets
[11:21] {Threei} -says unsure if inflation rate will decelerate; biggest inflation threats are energy and food prices
[11:21] {dino} out conn .84, +.24
[11:32] {Threei} wow... haven't seen market that flat in a while
[11:46] {BillyD} maybe look for some shorts if mkt continues to drift down
[11:47] {Threei} well NVDA and BRCM are obvious candidates, they repeat NQ formation
[11:48] {Threei} it's that I don't have rel;iable read on NQ
[11:48] {BillyD} it seems small support levels all the way down
[11:51] {Threei} there is just no "stream" of activity
[11:51] {Threei} there is a trickle
[11:51] {Threei} drop here drop there
[11:51] {Threei} it's not a foundation for a read
[11:51] {Threei} see this spike?
[11:51] {Threei} was there anything to read it?
[11:51] {BillyD} yes
[11:52] {BillyD} is vol low for NQ
[11:52] {Threei} and both NVDA and BRCM reacted accordingly
[11:52] {BillyD} it was like that yesterday to
[11:53] {BillyD} the spikes from nowhere
[11:53] {Threei} don't fool yourself, it's simply "no action because no reason for action" situation
[11:53] {Threei} it's not that we are unable to find it - it's simply not there
[11:53] {Threei} fals "work ethics" push us to do something in such situations
[11:53] {BillyD} I feel better now
[11:54] {Threei} false
[11:55] {BillyD} and we are up 316
[11:55] {Threei} if you put me me in the corner and demand at gunpoint to pick direction - I would pick up
[11:56] {BillyD} I would never do that to you...sounds harsh
[11:56] {BillyD} lol
[11:56] {Threei} with cannon at my temple I could even enter :)
[11:56] * BillyD sends dirty harry to Vad's house
[11:57] * Threei put Yuri the Kneecapshooter and Ivan the Enforcer to guard the door
[11:57] {BillyD} rflol
[11:59] {Threei} just to keep you all from falling asleep
[12:00] {Threei} why would I pick up rather than down?
[12:00] {Threei} anyone, wild guess? or educated one?
[12:00] * Threei slaps LaserDave1 around a bit with a large trout
[12:00] {BillyD} because crowd mindset is up
[12:00] {BillyD} trend
[12:00] {Threei} up to this point, yes
[12:01] {Threei} what about this particular moment?
[12:01] {BillyD} held last suupport
[12:02] {BillyD} thru prior resistance
[12:02] {BillyD} now
[12:02] {Threei} being up 320 NYSE, 65 NASDAQ,
[12:02] {Threei} retreating a little from highs,
[12:02] {Threei} having nothing but bleak outlook from feds
[12:03] {Threei} isn't down too obvious?
[12:03] {Threei} having very very dull market after such run,
[12:03] {BillyD} people numb to it
[12:03] {Threei} isn't it's the best illustration to "never short a dull market"?
[12:04] {Threei} if there is any significance to it, this dullness is masking a trap
[12:04] {BillyD} dull markets can come in downtrends as well right
[12:04] {Threei} sure
[12:04] {Threei} but this combination screams down
[12:04] {Threei} and when something is so "in my face", I refuse to take it at face value
[12:05] {BillyD} but the hanging around of it says otherwise?
[12:05] {Threei} that's suckers game
[12:05] {Threei} it suggests higher chance for it to be a trap, and market to stage surprize rally
[12:05] {BillyD} meaning it's hanging around near high areaqs
[12:05] {Threei} now, there may be not any signifcance to this combination,
[12:06] {Threei} and it could be caused by simple loss of orientaion
[12:06] {Threei} and that's why I don't want to press either way
[12:06] {Threei} but if I had to assign any meaning to this situation
[12:06] {Threei} it would be:
[12:07] {Threei} this is a trap for gullible shorters
[12:07] {Threei} and market is going to explode in their face
[12:07] {Threei} faces?
[12:07] {BillyD} quiet before the storm
[12:09] {BillyD} most stocks bifg and small seem to follow broader mkt lately
[12:09] {BillyD} not too many independents
[12:09] {Threei} oh, it's just a phasw
[12:09] {Threei} phase
[12:09] {Threei} no pronpunced manias last week or two, that's all
[12:10] {Threei} we lived through two manias recently, china and solars
[12:10] {Threei} another one is around the corner
[12:10] {BillyD} overall, most not sure whereto go
[12:11] {BillyD} traders that is
[12:11] {Threei} martial arts principle... "not sure what to do - make a step forward"
[12:11] {Threei} :)
[12:11] {BillyD} long vs short
[12:12] {Threei} NVDA is up 20 cents since we decided no ahort
[12:12] {Threei} consider it profit in a sense... money not lost :)
[12:12] {BillyD} ty Vad
[12:12] {BillyD} mkt getting ready
[12:12] {Threei} new highs
[12:14] {Threei} why don't I write a book about this
[12:14] {Threei} wait... I did
[12:14] {BillyD} pg # please
[12:14] {Threei} correction: why don't I read it
[12:14] {Threei} all of them
[12:15] {Threei} entire book is about this
[12:15] {Threei} first one at least
[12:15] {BillyD} minority vs majority
[12:15] {Threei} major idea of tape reading, yes
[12:20] {_liranme} I quit, good evening everybody.
[12:20] {BillyD} bye liranme
[12:20] {_liranme} I had a great first day here with 100% success.
[12:21] {_liranme} Thanks Vad for ATVI, RMBS, and NVDA
[12:21] {BillyD} great to hear
[12:24] {Threei} wow
[12:24] {Threei} nice to hear
[12:25] {BillyD} 2nd person that likes you today
[12:25] {Threei} I am going to mark this day in calendar
[12:25] {BillyD} will RMBS go
[12:26] {BillyD} 4th time up here
[12:26] {Threei} if eats through .20
[12:28] {lumdus} same here vad great day. just need to concentrate too much
[12:29] {Threei} good to hear
[12:29] {Threei} it wasn't very active day, required discipline to stay on a sideline
[12:31] {Threei} and I am glad it cooperated to show the theoretic principles of market read in real time
[12:37] {dino} risky, s tbsi .15 hl
[12:46] {bruce} checking out
[12:46] {bruce} gday all
[12:46] {Threei} take care bruce
[12:46] {bruce} see you in am
[12:46] {BillyD} bye bruce
[12:46] {bruce} thanx vad
[12:47] {bruce} fending off that nasty cold from your former wi\ter peg
[12:47] {bruce} lol
[12:50] {Threei} TBSI works for dino
[12:50] {Threei} perfect action by market
[12:50] {Threei} kill both sides
[12:51] {Threei} up about 15 pointys from the max dullness moment, just enough to shake out everyone,
[12:51] {Threei} all the way back down, just enough to kill overly optimistic
[12:52] {BillyD} you sound happy about this
[12:52] {Threei} of course I am
[12:52] {BillyD} or the cosnsistent cy
[12:52] {Threei} I could read it just about right not be sucked in on any side,
[12:53] {Threei} a bit more volume and pace and I would even be able to benefit
[12:53] {BillyD} right
[12:53] {Threei} but heck... nicely in the black for the day as it is
[12:53] {BillyD} yes
[12:54] {Threei} and on top of all that...
[12:54] {Threei} 2 (two) people liked me today
[12:55] {BillyD} lol
[12:55] {BillyD} I knew it
[12:55] {Threei} make no mistake, this is not daily occurence for me
[12:55] {Threei} as my wife says, "you are right too often to be liked"
[12:55] {BillyD} you need to pay your family more $
[12:55] {Threei} to make them leave?
[12:55] {BillyD} surprise surprise
[12:56] {BillyD} poor woman...bless her soul to put up with you
[12:56] {BillyD} and a know it all cat
[12:56] {Threei} lol
[12:56] {BillyD} lol
[12:57] {dino} cov .91, +.24 tbsi
[12:57] {BillyD} so tell me....who really calls the trades?
[12:57] {BillyD} nice dino
[12:57] {dino} ty billy, under-performed today.
[12:57] {Threei} you would think at my age I should learn not to voice out my opinions about things so people could conrtin ue liking me... but nooooo
[12:58] {Threei} this is overly long weekend dino... lost touch a little :)
[12:58] {BillyD} always tomorrow dino :)
[12:58] {BillyD} look at bounce move now
[12:58] {BillyD} crazy
[12:59] {Threei} this one I couldn't read at all
[12:59] {Threei} that was pure 50/50 to me
[12:59] {Threei} coyuld break 2090 just as easily
[13:01] {dino} yeah you're right 3i. will be better tomorrow
[13:01] {BillyD} thx Vad aand everyone...cya tomorrow
[13:01] {Threei} thank you all
[13:01] {Threei} have a great evening
[13:01] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[13:02] {dino} later all
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
November 27, 2007
Session Start: Tue Nov 27 00:00:00 2007
Session Time: Tue Nov 27 00:00:00 2007
[05:31] {Threei} [BIDZ] Has Record Holiday Weekend; Updates Guidance
[05:31] {Threei} - Announced that sales during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, from Friday to Sunday were up 78% over last year.
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides Q4 R $56-58M v 56Me
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides FY07 Rev $180-182M v $181.3Me
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides FY08 Rev $225-230M v $229.7Me
[05:31] {BillyD} morning Vad
[05:33] {Threei} billy :)
[05:58] {cosmo} ATVI: Activision Raises Third Quarter and Fiscal Year 2008 Outlook Marking Record Results for the Company
[05:58] {cosmo} Business Wire (Tue 6:30am)
[05:58] {bruce} morning all
[05:59] {BillyD} morning bruce, cosmo
[05:59] {cosmo} BD:)
[05:59] {Threei} bruce, cosmo :)
[05:59] {cosmo} br, 3i:)
[06:01] {cosmo} ATVI pre mkt high = 20.89 fwiw
[06:01] {bruce} hi billy
[06:05] {dptl} good morning all
[06:05] {Threei} dp :)
[06:06] {cosmo} SPLS (beat est) pre mkt high = 21.84 fwiw
[06:06] {BillyD} dp :)
[06:09] {Threei} my old place of living endures -34 C right now
[06:10] {Threei} it's about -37 F for you metric-challenged
[06:10] {BillyD} 37 below zero?
[06:10] {Threei} yes sir
[06:11] {BillyD} ouch
[06:11] {Threei} exactly
[06:11] {BillyD} scary
[06:11] {bruce} dp
[06:12] {esemde} GM all...
[06:12] {Threei} ese :)
[06:12] {Threei} I gotta paste a quote from yesterday for you
[06:12] {BillyD} lol
[06:12] {esemde} pls do....
[06:12] {Threei} [15:12] {BillyD} Vad...start singing
[06:12] {Threei} [15:12] {Threei} oh you don't want that
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {Threei} believe you me
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {BillyD} I guess I need to think of your family
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {Threei} when I sing people break windows in futile attempt to escape the horror
[06:12] {Threei} [15:14] {BillyD} lol
[06:13] {Threei} [15:15] {Threei} if you ever see ese running for cover, desperately trying to get asylum in another country and complaining to UN about cruel and unusual punishment or torture - you know I sang in his presence
[06:14] {esemde} your assuming i actually know what i'm doing.....
[06:14] {Threei} one of us should...
[06:14] {bruce} ese
[06:15] {esemde} morning bruce
[06:16] {cosmo} ATVI
[06:18] {cosmo} gee... where CAN you seek asylum anymore?
[06:18] {esemde} fickle dumped 200pts on you all yesterday once again.....
[06:20] {Threei} be back in 5
[06:25] {bruce} yep ese - market rises all summer during traditional "flat" period
[06:25] {bruce} then dumps during traditinal christmas rally
[06:25] {bruce} go figure
[06:25] {esemde} ATVI looks good cos got an entry point in mind....
[06:26] {cosmo} it was only a turkey rally, i say
[06:26] {Threei} no pattern work that reliably
[06:26] {BillyD} well bru8ce...anything can and will happen in the mkt.....never fails
[06:26] {Threei} it would be too easy
[06:26] {cosmo} watch the open for a pull back....maybe
[06:27] {cosmo} should hold 20.50
[06:27] {cosmo} must hold...actually
[06:28] {esemde} never ceases to amaze me....some goof just casually mentions that this credit crunch might not be over and at 2:30 BAM....
[06:28] {BillyD} people are nervous
[06:29] {BillyD} and that goof is probably right
[06:29] {cosmo} hmm ... open break
[06:30] {cosmo} should hold 20.70
[06:31] {esemde} that looks like support on pull back
[06:32] {cosmo} support
[06:32] {cosmo} 21 tests
[06:32] {esemde} yep
[06:32] {cosmo} oops
[06:33] {cosmo} not much of a test
[06:33] {esemde} look at that go
[06:33] {Threei} let it pull back or consolidate, IMO
[06:34] {bruce} bidz dump
[06:36] {Threei} .80 support for a stop placement
[06:36] {Threei} worth a try here
[06:37] {Threei} in 21
[06:37] {BillyD} same here
[06:37] {Threei} for scalpers stop .89
[06:39] {Threei} 1:1 was easy... don't know what's next
[06:39] {Threei} 50/50
[06:39] {cosmo} SPLS
[06:39] {Threei} CFO: SMALL BUSINESS UNSETTLED BY ECONOMY, ONLY BUYING WHAT THEY NEED - CONF CALLNotes Black Friday store traffic was 'tremendous'
[06:39] {Threei} that's SPLS
[06:40] {Threei} VRSN
[06:40] {Threei} watching
[06:41] {Threei} half lot play whatever it is
[06:41] {Threei} .68 long if stays above .50
[06:41] {Threei} if loses it, want something like .20
[06:43] {Threei} ATVI 1:2
[06:43] {BillyD} for scalpers 1:2
[06:43] {cosmo} TIVO
[06:44] {cosmo} low vol
[06:44] {Threei} holding better this time VRSN
[06:45] {Threei} setup is back
[06:46] {Threei} invalidated second time
[06:46] {Threei} really don't want to play it with stop under .40
[06:47] {Threei} aggressive entry is possible if NQ shows sharp reversal
[06:48] {Threei} .50 break long, .39 stop
[06:50] {BillyD} looking for break of huigh on VRSN
[06:50] {Roman} JADE continueing
[06:52] {Threei} half out VRSN
[06:53] {Threei} over 1:2
[06:53] {Threei} scalpers know what to do
[06:53] {Threei} beauty of aggressive entry
[06:53] {BillyD} yeah out in full thx
[06:53] {Threei} welcome
[06:53] {Threei} out in full .95
[06:54] {Threei} +.43
[06:54] {Threei} and don't underestimate math skills it took me to compute that
[06:58] {Threei} ORCL .95 long, .79 stop
[06:59] {Threei} if NQ jumps up, grab it aggressively
[07:00] {Threei} triggered
[07:02] {Threei} NOV CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: 87.3 V 91.0E- prior revised to 95.2 from 95.6
[07:02] {Threei} ugh
[07:03] {Threei} EFUT
[07:09] {BillyD} out ORCL
[07:09] {Threei} yeah, market gets killed
[07:09] {Threei} canadians, see loonie pushing for parity again?
[07:09] {Threei} from another side of the fence this time
[07:12] {BillyD} watching BRCM for short set up
[07:15] {BillyD} in BRCM short .40
[07:16] {Threei} - Iraqi Oil Min: Says OPEC may increase its output by 500K BPD at its Dec 5th meeting
[07:19] {BillyD} out BRCM -.17
[07:26] {BillyD} .
[07:26] {Threei} good point
[07:33] {Threei} what a hystreical market
[07:34] {BillyD} crazy
[07:39] {BillyD} the NQ spikes seem to stop you out of what looks to be good setups
[07:39] {Threei} expanding range
[07:40] {BillyD} ?
[07:42] {Threei} TTR page 141
[07:42] {BillyD} roflol
[07:43] {Threei} what... I said everything already, lol
[07:43] {BillyD} the first sentence
[07:43] {BillyD} The expanding range is the worst market ever
[07:44] {BillyD} encountered
[07:44] {Threei} read the description and explanation how it grinds you, you will recognize the action
[07:45] {Threei} dream come true... instead of answering any question I simply name the page... :)
[07:46] {BillyD} so wouldn't playing the moves aggressively near te ranges be better....
[07:46] {Threei} yes... and the worst thing about this kind of day is that it's nearly impossible to recognize early
[07:46] {Threei} intuition may be helpful sometimes... not always
[07:46] {BillyD} it's kind of been this way for a while though
[07:47] {Threei} noticed how I stopped activity at some point?
[07:47] {BillyD} some days more or less than others
[07:47] {BillyD} yes
[07:47] {BillyD} it seems get your scalp and get out
[07:53] {BillyD} VAD..what type of psychological state attributes to this kind of mkt
[07:53] {Threei} maniac-depressive
[07:53] {BillyD} lol
[07:54] {BillyD} people just tweaked
[07:59] {Threei} RIMM 114.50 break should be big long catalyst
[07:59] {Threei} let's see what happens
[07:59] {Threei} not playing it here, just want to watch whether patterns are back in action
[07:59] {BillyD} ok
[07:59] {BillyD} any stocks in mind
[08:00] {Threei} not at the moment
[08:02] {Threei} not too bad RIMM
[08:03] {Threei} BRCM .98 short
[08:03] {Threei} 27.03 stop
[08:03] {Threei} and don't laugh
[08:04] {BillyD} I' not
[08:06] {BillyD} tgt area?
[08:07] {Threei} what is NQ going to do?
[08:07] {BillyD} got it
[08:07] {Threei} :)
[08:08] {Threei} if expanding range pattern holds, drop all the way
[08:08] {Threei} if not, who knows
[08:08] {Threei} stop is just 5 cents, play by the book
[08:09] {Threei} half out
[08:09] {Threei} 1:2
[08:09] {Threei} 27.01 stop
[08:09] {BillyD} same here
[08:09] {Threei} let' it trade or take profit, whatever you fancy
[08:13] {Threei} hmmm... interesting disconnect between NQ and RIMM
[08:14] {BillyD} out some more here
[08:18] {BillyD} out rest ty
[08:18] {Threei} welcome
[08:19] {Chaeron} hi all... sorry I'm late.. :)
[08:19] {Threei} chaeron :)
[08:22] {bruce} hi chaeron
[08:28] {bruce} asia - any read vad?
[08:30] {Threei} not really
[08:30] {bruce} k
[08:31] {bruce} was expecting something like - ttr - page 122 = paragraph 3
[08:31] {Threei} lol
[08:32] {bruce} new training mode
[08:32] {BillyD} I've been keeping my TTR book next to me
[08:32] {bruce} I cuddle with it at night
[08:33] {Threei} uh oh
[08:33] {bruce} lol
[08:34] {Threei} sigh
[08:37] {bruce} sndk?
[08:38] {Threei} a bit too volatile for my taste... with .40 trigger stop would have to be .10
[08:38] {Threei} if it's tolerable for you, why not
[08:42] {Threei} if you took it, trail stop to .24
[08:46] {bruce} out - got .36 entry and out .5
[08:46] {Threei} scalps r us
[08:47] {bruce} about sums it up
[08:53] {Threei} NVDA long with stop under .50 if NQ shows bounce
[08:54] {Threei} if losing .50 let it be
[08:55] {cosmo} or let it bleed
[09:06] {Threei} LDK seems to be nearing the "drama unfolding" levels
[09:07] {Threei} and all this time it's unavailable for shorting...
[09:11] {Threei} what a trap in the morning BIDZ, eh?
[09:12] {BillyD} since yesterday morning at 20
[09:17] {BillyD} someone throw mud on this mkt
[09:17] {BillyD} like sludge
[09:29] {Threei} EFII
[09:29] {Threei} half lot .40 long
[09:29] {Threei} .29 stop
[09:31] {Threei} - repeats Oct cut was largely a risk management move; economic risks not one sided
[09:31] {Threei} - rise in oil, commodities prices suggest significant inflation pressure exist; price expectations are 'more fragile' that 4 months ago; recent
[09:31] {Threei} inflation data has been encouraging
[09:31] {Threei} - says Fed expects economy to rebound by mid 2008 to trend
[09:41] {bruce} nvda broke
[09:44] {Threei} EFII stop to .34
[10:05] {Threei} no idea what irt means:
[10:05] {Threei} minesweepers?
[10:23] {BillyD} any feel for mkt direction here Vad
[10:26] {Threei} pick any
[10:26] {Threei} will be equally valid
[10:26] {Threei} it's just period with no activity at all right now
[10:26] {Threei} it resolves itself into whatever
[10:26] {Threei} up is a little nbit more likely
[10:26] {BillyD} seems so
[10:26] {Threei} but not enough to commit
[10:46] {Threei} market is still locked in tight range
[10:46] {Threei} don't push anything for now
[10:46] {Threei} activity is likely to pick up soon
[10:49] {Threei} ZIXI
[10:49] {Threei} fluff...
[10:51] {Threei} MLNM .49 short
[10:51] {Threei} just a scalp
[10:53] {Threei} aggressive entry with .61 stop
[10:59] {BillyD} out
[10:59] {Threei} yeah, stronger than market
[10:59] {BillyD} mind of its own
[11:01] {BillyD} JADE
[11:05] {Threei} Feds nonsense on wires again
[11:05] {Threei} - Notes potential US GDP growth now 'slightly above 2.5%", yet 'good deal of uncertainty' in economy, including reduced liquidity as key economic growth risk
[11:05] {Threei} aand other 6 say negative and deteriorating?
[11:06] {Threei} make your pick
[11:06] {BillyD} no wonder maniac-depressive
[11:10] {Threei} let's see if we get bounce to short into
[11:10] {Threei} feels like down is going to be the theme for the rest of the day
[11:11] {Threei} NVDA, as close to .60 as possible
[11:11] {Threei} BRCM closer to .80
[11:13] {Threei} if no bounce and NQ continues down, NVDA .35 short
[11:13] {Threei} with stop above the high of current bounce
[11:16] {Threei} NVDA keeps its head down
[11:16] {Threei} most likely short candidate
[11:16] {BillyD} BRCM more iffy
[11:16] {Threei} yeah, BRCM follows NQ to the letter while NVDA is weaker
[11:18] {BillyD} right thru it
[11:18] {Threei} NVDA is dancing to the tune
[11:20] {BillyD} sheesh took small scalp on JADE and keeps it going
[11:20] {BillyD} .46 stop on NVDA or .47
[11:21] {Threei} .47
[11:28] {Threei} die already NVDA
[11:28] {BillyD} yeah
[11:29] {BillyD} I added more on bounce into low .40's and cov'd 1/2 .29
[11:30] {BillyD} that blk earlier didn't help
[11:38] {Threei} I parroted you billy
[11:38] {Threei} hope you'll forgive me
[11:39] {Threei} .43 - .31, second lot :)
[11:39] {BillyD} :)
[11:39] {Threei} fiiinally
[11:40] {Threei} covered half of first lot
[11:40] {Threei} sheesh, it's getting complicated
[11:40] {Threei} need calculator
[11:40] {BillyD} out rest here
[11:40] {Threei} ah come on
[11:41] {Threei} sure... leave me alone with this wierdo
[11:41] {BillyD} u r just tougher than me
[11:41] {Threei} no, I am more lazy
[11:41] {Threei} I don't want to be clicking that often
[11:42] {BillyD} it seems the ones I have tried to hold on to, I end up regretting
[11:42] {Threei} (truth be told, I am greedy )
[11:42] {Threei} I can't blame you, on serious note
[11:42] {Threei} market's been whippy today
[11:43] {Threei} it's just that I am having quite nice day with morning plays,
[11:43] {Threei} this one worked nicely with two lots too
[11:43] {BillyD} my situation different than yours I know
[11:43] {Threei} so I have luxury to try and milk it
[11:43] {Threei} yes sir
[11:43] {Threei} never mind my blabbing
[11:43] {BillyD} I have to trade it according to that
[11:44] {BillyD} you say something?
[11:44] {Threei} my feeling is, all htese bounces last 30 min or so is nothing but shakeout attempts
[11:44] {Threei} and we are to see more selling
[11:45] {BillyD} honestly, earlier when Fed made comments and mkt went up I was very surpised
[11:45] {BillyD} hinting towardss no rate cut
[11:45] {Threei} come to papa NVDA
[11:45] {BillyD} very nice
[11:46] {Threei} out
[11:46] {Threei} .03
[11:46] {BillyD} well done
[11:46] {Threei} was it fried to perfection or what
[11:47] {cosmo} ATVI holds21 far
[11:47] {BillyD} we'll see
[11:47] {Threei} I won't
[11:47] {Threei} I take it off screen
[11:47] {BillyD} man
[11:47] {Threei} in my mind it was perfect trade even if drops another point :)
[11:47] {Threei} make sure and don't tell me
[11:47] {Threei} (yeah right)
[11:47] {BillyD} that would be mean
[11:48] {Threei} and mean is not what we do here of course
[11:48] {Threei} no sir
[11:48] {Threei} ATVI is suprizingly strong cos...
[11:49] {Threei} hey I peeked... 20 cents bounce NVDA, me happy with my cover
[12:00] {Threei} NQ came into resistance
[12:00] {Threei} watching NVDA for another short
[12:01] {BillyD} how about BRCM
[12:01] {Threei} less willing
[12:01] {BillyD} ok
[12:03] {BillyD} say when
[12:03] {Threei} in
[12:03] {Threei} ugh
[12:03] {Threei} was too fast billy, sorry
[12:04] {BillyD} np
[12:04] {Threei} got .28
[12:04] {Threei} just a scalp
[12:04] {BillyD} have order there
[12:04] {Threei} not counting on much
[12:04] {Threei} out 3/4
[12:05] {BillyD} my NDX bars have gaps of space shoing jumps on these little moves
[12:05] {BillyD} showing
[12:07] {Threei} out in full, losing read here
[12:08] {Threei} feeling is the same, it just becomes a bit too jerky
[12:09] {Threei} notice how BRCM is utterly useless
[12:09] {BillyD} yes
[12:09] {Threei} wouldn't give as much as readable 10 cents
[12:13] {Threei} is it jerky or is it jerky
[12:14] {BillyD} thinking of short but too crazy
[12:14] * Threei sends flowers to his intuition, it works full power today
[12:14] {BillyD} it's almost the only way it seems....intuition
[12:15] {Threei} well... what's inuition if not experience colletcted over years and applied without thinking involved
[12:15] {Threei} "without thinking" is my favorite part
[12:15] {Threei} thinking is too much like work
[12:16] {Threei} and I lost my thinking hat somewhere in bowels of washer
[12:24] {cosmo} Santa wants ATVI
[12:26] {Threei} was a great long off support... sorry I missed it
[12:29] {BillyD} look at that drop down
[12:30] {Threei} it fits into general read I gave earlier... but renders it useless too
[12:31] {bruce} cmtl - risky - any read?
[12:32] {Threei} no... too thin
[12:33] {bruce} k
[12:39] {Threei} whatever it was, I hope traders had fun with it... sheesh
[12:39] {Threei} glad to be on a sideline
[12:40] {BillyD} I ss NVDA at .36 area on the bounce and cov'd at .40 on that spike
[12:41] {BillyD} too crazy
[12:41] {Threei} it's untradeable
[12:41] {BillyD} yeah....I shorted into resistance with small stop
[12:41] {BillyD} worth a try
Session Start: Tue Nov 27 13:23:08 2007
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Session Time: Tue Nov 27 00:00:00 2007
[05:31] {Threei} [BIDZ] Has Record Holiday Weekend; Updates Guidance
[05:31] {Threei} - Announced that sales during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, from Friday to Sunday were up 78% over last year.
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides Q4 R $56-58M v 56Me
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides FY07 Rev $180-182M v $181.3Me
[05:31] {Threei} - Guides FY08 Rev $225-230M v $229.7Me
[05:31] {BillyD} morning Vad
[05:33] {Threei} billy :)
[05:58] {cosmo} ATVI: Activision Raises Third Quarter and Fiscal Year 2008 Outlook Marking Record Results for the Company
[05:58] {cosmo} Business Wire (Tue 6:30am)
[05:58] {bruce} morning all
[05:59] {BillyD} morning bruce, cosmo
[05:59] {cosmo} BD:)
[05:59] {Threei} bruce, cosmo :)
[05:59] {cosmo} br, 3i:)
[06:01] {cosmo} ATVI pre mkt high = 20.89 fwiw
[06:01] {bruce} hi billy
[06:05] {dptl} good morning all
[06:05] {Threei} dp :)
[06:06] {cosmo} SPLS (beat est) pre mkt high = 21.84 fwiw
[06:06] {BillyD} dp :)
[06:09] {Threei} my old place of living endures -34 C right now
[06:10] {Threei} it's about -37 F for you metric-challenged
[06:10] {BillyD} 37 below zero?
[06:10] {Threei} yes sir
[06:11] {BillyD} ouch
[06:11] {Threei} exactly
[06:11] {BillyD} scary
[06:11] {bruce} dp
[06:12] {esemde} GM all...
[06:12] {Threei} ese :)
[06:12] {Threei} I gotta paste a quote from yesterday for you
[06:12] {BillyD} lol
[06:12] {esemde} pls do....
[06:12] {Threei} [15:12] {BillyD} Vad...start singing
[06:12] {Threei} [15:12] {Threei} oh you don't want that
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {Threei} believe you me
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {BillyD} I guess I need to think of your family
[06:12] {Threei} [15:13] {Threei} when I sing people break windows in futile attempt to escape the horror
[06:12] {Threei} [15:14] {BillyD} lol
[06:13] {Threei} [15:15] {Threei} if you ever see ese running for cover, desperately trying to get asylum in another country and complaining to UN about cruel and unusual punishment or torture - you know I sang in his presence
[06:14] {esemde} your assuming i actually know what i'm doing.....
[06:14] {Threei} one of us should...
[06:14] {bruce} ese
[06:15] {esemde} morning bruce
[06:16] {cosmo} ATVI
[06:18] {cosmo} gee... where CAN you seek asylum anymore?
[06:18] {esemde} fickle dumped 200pts on you all yesterday once again.....
[06:20] {Threei} be back in 5
[06:25] {bruce} yep ese - market rises all summer during traditional "flat" period
[06:25] {bruce} then dumps during traditinal christmas rally
[06:25] {bruce} go figure
[06:25] {esemde} ATVI looks good cos got an entry point in mind....
[06:26] {cosmo} it was only a turkey rally, i say
[06:26] {Threei} no pattern work that reliably
[06:26] {BillyD} well bru8ce...anything can and will happen in the mkt.....never fails
[06:26] {Threei} it would be too easy
[06:26] {cosmo} watch the open for a pull back....maybe
[06:27] {cosmo} should hold 20.50
[06:27] {cosmo} must hold...actually
[06:28] {esemde} never ceases to amaze me....some goof just casually mentions that this credit crunch might not be over and at 2:30 BAM....
[06:28] {BillyD} people are nervous
[06:29] {BillyD} and that goof is probably right
[06:29] {cosmo} hmm ... open break
[06:30] {cosmo} should hold 20.70
[06:31] {esemde} that looks like support on pull back
[06:32] {cosmo} support
[06:32] {cosmo} 21 tests
[06:32] {esemde} yep
[06:32] {cosmo} oops
[06:33] {cosmo} not much of a test
[06:33] {esemde} look at that go
[06:33] {Threei} let it pull back or consolidate, IMO
[06:34] {bruce} bidz dump
[06:36] {Threei} .80 support for a stop placement
[06:36] {Threei} worth a try here
[06:37] {Threei} in 21
[06:37] {BillyD} same here
[06:37] {Threei} for scalpers stop .89
[06:39] {Threei} 1:1 was easy... don't know what's next
[06:39] {Threei} 50/50
[06:39] {cosmo} SPLS
[06:39] {Threei} CFO: SMALL BUSINESS UNSETTLED BY ECONOMY, ONLY BUYING WHAT THEY NEED - CONF CALLNotes Black Friday store traffic was 'tremendous'
[06:39] {Threei} that's SPLS
[06:40] {Threei} VRSN
[06:40] {Threei} watching
[06:41] {Threei} half lot play whatever it is
[06:41] {Threei} .68 long if stays above .50
[06:41] {Threei} if loses it, want something like .20
[06:43] {Threei} ATVI 1:2
[06:43] {BillyD} for scalpers 1:2
[06:43] {cosmo} TIVO
[06:44] {cosmo} low vol
[06:44] {Threei} holding better this time VRSN
[06:45] {Threei} setup is back
[06:46] {Threei} invalidated second time
[06:46] {Threei} really don't want to play it with stop under .40
[06:47] {Threei} aggressive entry is possible if NQ shows sharp reversal
[06:48] {Threei} .50 break long, .39 stop
[06:50] {BillyD} looking for break of huigh on VRSN
[06:50] {Roman} JADE continueing
[06:52] {Threei} half out VRSN
[06:53] {Threei} over 1:2
[06:53] {Threei} scalpers know what to do
[06:53] {Threei} beauty of aggressive entry
[06:53] {BillyD} yeah out in full thx
[06:53] {Threei} welcome
[06:53] {Threei} out in full .95
[06:54] {Threei} +.43
[06:54] {Threei} and don't underestimate math skills it took me to compute that
[06:58] {Threei} ORCL .95 long, .79 stop
[06:59] {Threei} if NQ jumps up, grab it aggressively
[07:00] {Threei} triggered
[07:02] {Threei} NOV CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: 87.3 V 91.0E- prior revised to 95.2 from 95.6
[07:02] {Threei} ugh
[07:03] {Threei} EFUT
[07:09] {BillyD} out ORCL
[07:09] {Threei} yeah, market gets killed
[07:09] {Threei} canadians, see loonie pushing for parity again?
[07:09] {Threei} from another side of the fence this time
[07:12] {BillyD} watching BRCM for short set up
[07:15] {BillyD} in BRCM short .40
[07:16] {Threei} - Iraqi Oil Min: Says OPEC may increase its output by 500K BPD at its Dec 5th meeting
[07:19] {BillyD} out BRCM -.17
[07:26] {BillyD} .
[07:26] {Threei} good point
[07:33] {Threei} what a hystreical market
[07:34] {BillyD} crazy
[07:39] {BillyD} the NQ spikes seem to stop you out of what looks to be good setups
[07:39] {Threei} expanding range
[07:40] {BillyD} ?
[07:42] {Threei} TTR page 141
[07:42] {BillyD} roflol
[07:43] {Threei} what... I said everything already, lol
[07:43] {BillyD} the first sentence
[07:43] {BillyD} The expanding range is the worst market ever
[07:44] {BillyD} encountered
[07:44] {Threei} read the description and explanation how it grinds you, you will recognize the action
[07:45] {Threei} dream come true... instead of answering any question I simply name the page... :)
[07:46] {BillyD} so wouldn't playing the moves aggressively near te ranges be better....
[07:46] {Threei} yes... and the worst thing about this kind of day is that it's nearly impossible to recognize early
[07:46] {Threei} intuition may be helpful sometimes... not always
[07:46] {BillyD} it's kind of been this way for a while though
[07:47] {Threei} noticed how I stopped activity at some point?
[07:47] {BillyD} some days more or less than others
[07:47] {BillyD} yes
[07:47] {BillyD} it seems get your scalp and get out
[07:53] {BillyD} VAD..what type of psychological state attributes to this kind of mkt
[07:53] {Threei} maniac-depressive
[07:53] {BillyD} lol
[07:54] {BillyD} people just tweaked
[07:59] {Threei} RIMM 114.50 break should be big long catalyst
[07:59] {Threei} let's see what happens
[07:59] {Threei} not playing it here, just want to watch whether patterns are back in action
[07:59] {BillyD} ok
[07:59] {BillyD} any stocks in mind
[08:00] {Threei} not at the moment
[08:02] {Threei} not too bad RIMM
[08:03] {Threei} BRCM .98 short
[08:03] {Threei} 27.03 stop
[08:03] {Threei} and don't laugh
[08:04] {BillyD} I' not
[08:06] {BillyD} tgt area?
[08:07] {Threei} what is NQ going to do?
[08:07] {BillyD} got it
[08:07] {Threei} :)
[08:08] {Threei} if expanding range pattern holds, drop all the way
[08:08] {Threei} if not, who knows
[08:08] {Threei} stop is just 5 cents, play by the book
[08:09] {Threei} half out
[08:09] {Threei} 1:2
[08:09] {Threei} 27.01 stop
[08:09] {BillyD} same here
[08:09] {Threei} let' it trade or take profit, whatever you fancy
[08:13] {Threei} hmmm... interesting disconnect between NQ and RIMM
[08:14] {BillyD} out some more here
[08:18] {BillyD} out rest ty
[08:18] {Threei} welcome
[08:19] {Chaeron} hi all... sorry I'm late.. :)
[08:19] {Threei} chaeron :)
[08:22] {bruce} hi chaeron
[08:28] {bruce} asia - any read vad?
[08:30] {Threei} not really
[08:30] {bruce} k
[08:31] {bruce} was expecting something like - ttr - page 122 = paragraph 3
[08:31] {Threei} lol
[08:32] {bruce} new training mode
[08:32] {BillyD} I've been keeping my TTR book next to me
[08:32] {bruce} I cuddle with it at night
[08:33] {Threei} uh oh
[08:33] {bruce} lol
[08:34] {Threei} sigh
[08:37] {bruce} sndk?
[08:38] {Threei} a bit too volatile for my taste... with .40 trigger stop would have to be .10
[08:38] {Threei} if it's tolerable for you, why not
[08:42] {Threei} if you took it, trail stop to .24
[08:46] {bruce} out - got .36 entry and out .5
[08:46] {Threei} scalps r us
[08:47] {bruce} about sums it up
[08:53] {Threei} NVDA long with stop under .50 if NQ shows bounce
[08:54] {Threei} if losing .50 let it be
[08:55] {cosmo} or let it bleed
[09:06] {Threei} LDK seems to be nearing the "drama unfolding" levels
[09:07] {Threei} and all this time it's unavailable for shorting...
[09:11] {Threei} what a trap in the morning BIDZ, eh?
[09:12] {BillyD} since yesterday morning at 20
[09:17] {BillyD} someone throw mud on this mkt
[09:17] {BillyD} like sludge
[09:29] {Threei} EFII
[09:29] {Threei} half lot .40 long
[09:29] {Threei} .29 stop
[09:31] {Threei} - repeats Oct cut was largely a risk management move; economic risks not one sided
[09:31] {Threei} - rise in oil, commodities prices suggest significant inflation pressure exist; price expectations are 'more fragile' that 4 months ago; recent
[09:31] {Threei} inflation data has been encouraging
[09:31] {Threei} - says Fed expects economy to rebound by mid 2008 to trend
[09:41] {bruce} nvda broke
[09:44] {Threei} EFII stop to .34
[10:05] {Threei} no idea what irt means:
[10:05] {Threei} minesweepers?
[10:23] {BillyD} any feel for mkt direction here Vad
[10:26] {Threei} pick any
[10:26] {Threei} will be equally valid
[10:26] {Threei} it's just period with no activity at all right now
[10:26] {Threei} it resolves itself into whatever
[10:26] {Threei} up is a little nbit more likely
[10:26] {BillyD} seems so
[10:26] {Threei} but not enough to commit
[10:46] {Threei} market is still locked in tight range
[10:46] {Threei} don't push anything for now
[10:46] {Threei} activity is likely to pick up soon
[10:49] {Threei} ZIXI
[10:49] {Threei} fluff...
[10:51] {Threei} MLNM .49 short
[10:51] {Threei} just a scalp
[10:53] {Threei} aggressive entry with .61 stop
[10:59] {BillyD} out
[10:59] {Threei} yeah, stronger than market
[10:59] {BillyD} mind of its own
[11:01] {BillyD} JADE
[11:05] {Threei} Feds nonsense on wires again
[11:05] {Threei} - Notes potential US GDP growth now 'slightly above 2.5%", yet 'good deal of uncertainty' in economy, including reduced liquidity as key economic growth risk
[11:05] {Threei} aand other 6 say negative and deteriorating?
[11:06] {Threei} make your pick
[11:06] {BillyD} no wonder maniac-depressive
[11:10] {Threei} let's see if we get bounce to short into
[11:10] {Threei} feels like down is going to be the theme for the rest of the day
[11:11] {Threei} NVDA, as close to .60 as possible
[11:11] {Threei} BRCM closer to .80
[11:13] {Threei} if no bounce and NQ continues down, NVDA .35 short
[11:13] {Threei} with stop above the high of current bounce
[11:16] {Threei} NVDA keeps its head down
[11:16] {Threei} most likely short candidate
[11:16] {BillyD} BRCM more iffy
[11:16] {Threei} yeah, BRCM follows NQ to the letter while NVDA is weaker
[11:18] {BillyD} right thru it
[11:18] {Threei} NVDA is dancing to the tune
[11:20] {BillyD} sheesh took small scalp on JADE and keeps it going
[11:20] {BillyD} .46 stop on NVDA or .47
[11:21] {Threei} .47
[11:28] {Threei} die already NVDA
[11:28] {BillyD} yeah
[11:29] {BillyD} I added more on bounce into low .40's and cov'd 1/2 .29
[11:30] {BillyD} that blk earlier didn't help
[11:38] {Threei} I parroted you billy
[11:38] {Threei} hope you'll forgive me
[11:39] {Threei} .43 - .31, second lot :)
[11:39] {BillyD} :)
[11:39] {Threei} fiiinally
[11:40] {Threei} covered half of first lot
[11:40] {Threei} sheesh, it's getting complicated
[11:40] {Threei} need calculator
[11:40] {BillyD} out rest here
[11:40] {Threei} ah come on
[11:41] {Threei} sure... leave me alone with this wierdo
[11:41] {BillyD} u r just tougher than me
[11:41] {Threei} no, I am more lazy
[11:41] {Threei} I don't want to be clicking that often
[11:42] {BillyD} it seems the ones I have tried to hold on to, I end up regretting
[11:42] {Threei} (truth be told, I am greedy )
[11:42] {Threei} I can't blame you, on serious note
[11:42] {Threei} market's been whippy today
[11:43] {Threei} it's just that I am having quite nice day with morning plays,
[11:43] {Threei} this one worked nicely with two lots too
[11:43] {BillyD} my situation different than yours I know
[11:43] {Threei} so I have luxury to try and milk it
[11:43] {Threei} yes sir
[11:43] {Threei} never mind my blabbing
[11:43] {BillyD} I have to trade it according to that
[11:44] {BillyD} you say something?
[11:44] {Threei} my feeling is, all htese bounces last 30 min or so is nothing but shakeout attempts
[11:44] {Threei} and we are to see more selling
[11:45] {BillyD} honestly, earlier when Fed made comments and mkt went up I was very surpised
[11:45] {BillyD} hinting towardss no rate cut
[11:45] {Threei} come to papa NVDA
[11:45] {BillyD} very nice
[11:46] {Threei} out
[11:46] {Threei} .03
[11:46] {BillyD} well done
[11:46] {Threei} was it fried to perfection or what
[11:47] {cosmo} ATVI holds21 far
[11:47] {BillyD} we'll see
[11:47] {Threei} I won't
[11:47] {Threei} I take it off screen
[11:47] {BillyD} man
[11:47] {Threei} in my mind it was perfect trade even if drops another point :)
[11:47] {Threei} make sure and don't tell me
[11:47] {Threei} (yeah right)
[11:47] {BillyD} that would be mean
[11:48] {Threei} and mean is not what we do here of course
[11:48] {Threei} no sir
[11:48] {Threei} ATVI is suprizingly strong cos...
[11:49] {Threei} hey I peeked... 20 cents bounce NVDA, me happy with my cover
[12:00] {Threei} NQ came into resistance
[12:00] {Threei} watching NVDA for another short
[12:01] {BillyD} how about BRCM
[12:01] {Threei} less willing
[12:01] {BillyD} ok
[12:03] {BillyD} say when
[12:03] {Threei} in
[12:03] {Threei} ugh
[12:03] {Threei} was too fast billy, sorry
[12:04] {BillyD} np
[12:04] {Threei} got .28
[12:04] {Threei} just a scalp
[12:04] {BillyD} have order there
[12:04] {Threei} not counting on much
[12:04] {Threei} out 3/4
[12:05] {BillyD} my NDX bars have gaps of space shoing jumps on these little moves
[12:05] {BillyD} showing
[12:07] {Threei} out in full, losing read here
[12:08] {Threei} feeling is the same, it just becomes a bit too jerky
[12:09] {Threei} notice how BRCM is utterly useless
[12:09] {BillyD} yes
[12:09] {Threei} wouldn't give as much as readable 10 cents
[12:13] {Threei} is it jerky or is it jerky
[12:14] {BillyD} thinking of short but too crazy
[12:14] * Threei sends flowers to his intuition, it works full power today
[12:14] {BillyD} it's almost the only way it seems....intuition
[12:15] {Threei} well... what's inuition if not experience colletcted over years and applied without thinking involved
[12:15] {Threei} "without thinking" is my favorite part
[12:15] {Threei} thinking is too much like work
[12:16] {Threei} and I lost my thinking hat somewhere in bowels of washer
[12:24] {cosmo} Santa wants ATVI
[12:26] {Threei} was a great long off support... sorry I missed it
[12:29] {BillyD} look at that drop down
[12:30] {Threei} it fits into general read I gave earlier... but renders it useless too
[12:31] {bruce} cmtl - risky - any read?
[12:32] {Threei} no... too thin
[12:33] {bruce} k
[12:39] {Threei} whatever it was, I hope traders had fun with it... sheesh
[12:39] {Threei} glad to be on a sideline
[12:40] {BillyD} I ss NVDA at .36 area on the bounce and cov'd at .40 on that spike
[12:41] {BillyD} too crazy
[12:41] {Threei} it's untradeable
[12:41] {BillyD} yeah....I shorted into resistance with small stop
[12:41] {BillyD} worth a try
Session Start: Tue Nov 27 13:23:08 2007
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