Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27 2014

Not very active but nicely profitable day. We are adjusting to the summer market as this week showed.

Session Time: Fri Jun 27 00:00:00 2014
[09:08] {dino} gm
[09:08] {RonS} hello
01[09:08] {@Threei}  morning dino, ron
[09:15] {nemo} Russell rebalancing premarket spy volume
01[09:15] {@Threei}  yeah, I am looking at this pathetic number thinking say what?
[09:16] {nemo} what?  Les's IQ report?
01[09:18] {@Threei}  actually the name was blanked out and for a sec I thought it was mine
[09:19] {nemo} figures, can't short IWM today
[09:27] {thomcbell} vad what number were you speaking about?
[09:28] {nemo} spy volume
[09:28] {thomcbell} ah
[09:28] {thomcbell} tu
01[09:28] {@Threei}  :)
[09:28] {nemo} vous
[09:29] {ese} morning
[09:29] {nemo} our token communist
[09:29] {ese} getting a chance to spend a it of time trading this morning
[09:30] {ese} ouch
01[09:30] {@Threei}  hey ese
[09:30] {ese} gm vad
[09:30] {nemo} just refer to him as "komrade"
[09:31] {ese} sheesh
[09:31] {nemo} slow week
[09:31] {nemo} no Les
[09:32] {nemo} ur an easy target
[09:32] {ese} alright.....who pee'd in your cornflakes this morning nemo
[09:32] {nemo} I did
01[09:32] {@Threei}  who didn't
[09:32] {thomcbell} mu - 31.93 long break if holding 31.82
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .20 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[09:33] {thomcbell} mu invalidated
01[09:34] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:37] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .65 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:38] {dino} dg hl l .56 pulp
01[09:39] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:41] {dino} dg to .16
[09:42] {thomcbell} MYGN TRADING WELL HERE
[09:42] {thomcbell} sorry caps
[09:42] {thomcbell} daily chart struck me as good
[09:42] {dino} to .36
[09:42] {nemo} frickin' biotechs
01[09:43] {@Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
[09:43] {dino} out dg slip ave .32, +.75
01[09:43] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[09:46] {ese}  L litb .13
01[09:49] {@Threei} Long Setup:  LVS  .35 break
01[09:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
[09:49] {dino} dg hl l .60 pulp
[09:51] {thomcbell} twtr very nice vad
[09:51] {dino} wuba quite the swing
01[09:51] {@Threei}  :)
01[09:52] {@Threei}  1:1  LVS
[09:55] {dino} out dg .88, +.28
01[09:57] {@Threei}  1:1  GDX
01[09:57] {@Threei}  been a good while since we shorted this one
[09:59] {dino} dg hl l .60
[10:00] {ese} L amed .83
01[10:02] {@Threei}  nice one ese
[10:03] {ese} tks
[10:04] {ese} out .99 +.16
[10:04] {nemo} can't short the frickin' iwm
[10:04] {nemo} wtf
[10:10] {dino} dg gap fill
[10:21] {dino} dg hl l .01
[10:23] {dino} dg stop .74 -.27
[10:35] {dino} vrtx smr s .00
[10:35] {dino} bs .31
[10:35] {nemo} iwm looks short unfortunately
01[10:36] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[10:36] {@Threei}  not sure
[10:37] {nemo} yeah a bit iffy
[10:39] {dino} dg resis .75 area, if breaks may go
[10:40] {dino} vrtx stop
[10:52] {dino} dg sm l .75
[10:53] {thomcbell} mu they have tried to break it
[10:54] {thomcbell} still watching for a long setup
[10:57] {ese} L litb .83 avg .03
[10:59] {ese} opps avg .98 not .03
[10:59] {RonS} good thing you don't teach math...
[10:59] {RonS} :)
[11:00] {nemo} you forget there are no math qualifications to being a math teacher in public schools
01[11:00] {@Threei}  lol
[11:00] {ese} lol
[11:01] {nemo} Ron, it's all about indoctrination
[11:02] {ese} my degree is an Education degree with percussion performance major and a history minor.  I have not taught one minute of history in my entire life ....just math
[11:03] {nemo} as I said...
[11:03] {nemo} but you toe the party line admirably
[11:03] {RonS} tow
[11:03] {nemo} seen it both ways
[11:04] {ese} becasue the fools look through yur transcripts and go ..."hey...look at this...he's done a couple of courses in math and calculus".."lets chuck him into a math class"
[11:04] {nemo} Have you received the Order lf Lenin yet ese?
[11:04] {cosmo} the best teachers do it as a hobby
[11:04] {ese} yes....this week....why do you think I was away for a couple of days
01[11:05] {@Threei}  lol
[11:05] {ese} agreed cos
[11:05] {cosmo} don't need no credentials if its only a hobby...
[11:06] {ese} I have fun teaching math......i'm a real goof in classes have a waiting list
[11:06] {nemo} yeah, they know they won't have to learn anything
[11:06] {nemo} I bet you hope Les comes back soon
[11:06] {cosmo} i had a trigonometry teacher who played guitar...every class....i almost flunked
[11:07] {ese} touche!!!!!!  this is the nemo i've come to know and love......your hot this buddy
[11:07] {nemo} Yeah, I almost feel guilty
[11:07] {ese} lol
[11:09] {thomcbell} glog 31.75 short break?
01[11:10] {@Threei}  half lot
01[11:10] {@Threei}  looks right but thin
[11:10] {ese} now there a great symbol the "glog" glog, we glog, they glog.......lets invest in the glog......bought a couple of shares of "glog"
[11:10] {ese} awesome
01[11:12] {@Threei}  glogged today some
[11:12] {ese} am always looking for new vocabulary........what the "glog" is going on with nemo?
01[11:12] {@Threei}  he is a famous glogger
[11:12] {ese} oh ya!!! forgot about that
[11:13] {ese} lol
[11:13] {ese} ok not laughing at my own jokes
[11:13] {RonS} pronounced gee logger = male porn star or gigilo...
01[11:14] {@Threei}  sounds gloggish
[11:15] {dino} prefer grog
[11:15] {ese} hmmmmm  55 minutes to picket duty.......what a frickin "glog" that is...
01[11:15] {@Threei}  grog goes well with 2-3 slices of glogl
[11:15] {RonS} aye matey
[11:15] {nemo} more famous "glocker" actually
[11:15] {ese} aye!
[11:16] {thomcbell} glog 1:1
[11:16] {RonS} lol
[11:16] {RonS} we're screwing around...tbell making money
[11:17] {ese} ya no kidding
01[11:28] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .10 break
01[11:28] {@Threei}  enough glogging
01[11:28] {@Threei}  If holds  118
01[11:28] {@Threei}  with trail to .05 after .15 break
01[11:33] {@Threei}  1:2
01[11:33] {@Threei}  GLOG that is
01[11:37] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  118 break
01[11:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
01[11:46] {@Threei}
01[11:48] {@Threei}  half out
01[11:48] {@Threei}  stop to .09
01[11:49] {@Threei}  PhotographyWeek shortlisted this photo of mine for their cover:
01[11:49] {@Threei}
[11:51] {ese} gotta the stop loss in for litb at .90.....have a great weekend
01[11:58] {@Threei}  New EU leader picked despite british opposition
01[12:00] {@Threei}  British Prime Minister David Cameron said earlier Friday he would vote against Juncker because he views the 59-year-old as the embodiment of a pro-integration, consensus-favoring, empire-building Brussels clique that won't return power to member nations.
01[12:00] {@Threei}  GLOG is beautiful
01[12:00] {@Threei}  great find thom
[12:00] {thomcbell} tu
[12:05] {thomcbell} wuba is nuts
[12:16] {nemo} aapl if it rejects .50 area may be setting up short
[12:19] {nemo} mmhhhh
[12:20] {nemo} now it shouldn't get back above .50
[12:23] {dino} was watching wuba earlier, crazy
[12:23] {nemo} makes me think of J. Geils
[12:24] {dino} band?
[12:24] {nemo} yeah, from their live album
[12:24] {nemo} wuba gooba with the green teeth
01[12:24] {@Threei}  sheesh... lol
[12:25] {nemo} It's a classic lead in to their song "Must have got Lost"
01[12:25] {@Threei}  thom bangs out some good symbols today, giving room for the imagination... glog, wuba
[12:25] {nemo} what's the name of that chick with the long hair?
[12:25] {nemo}
[12:29] {nemo} mmmhhhh aapl looking remakably like spy
[12:35] {dino} emes smr l .40
[12:39] {nemo} bbby
[12:47] {dino} added vxx calls
[12:52] {nemo} cvx
[12:54] {dino} stc gild calls from last week, +.90/25%
01[13:02] {@Threei}  wtg
[13:02] {dino} ty
[13:17] {nemo} news, or did they just pull the bids
01[13:20] {@Threei}  don't see any
01[13:35] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .45 break
01[13:36] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
[13:38] {dino} ice drop
[13:40] {dino} sale drop
[13:41] {nemo} cvx looks like a good short
[13:42] {nemo} it drops this two day low, has some travel room
[13:42] {dino} ron, what are you trading today?
[13:43] {RonS} took some king early for +45c...followed you on dg for +.85   currently in dg at .27
[13:46] {RonS} distracted really since my grandaughters are here running amok
[13:46] {dino} you haven't been posting them lately, i miss that
[13:46] {dino} ahh, understand that
[13:46] {dino} rax drop
[13:48] {RonS} 3 yr old prompts the 1 yr old to scream...amusing at first then you start thinking...jesus, when are they going to get tired of it
01[13:48] {@Threei}  lol
[13:48] {dino} lol
[13:49] {thomcbell} any news on rax?
[13:49] {dino} nothing i can find, gap around 30.60
[13:50] {dino} not going to get there
01[13:50] {@Threei}  [RAX] Ticking higher on chatter a M&A blog speculates it is having difficulty attracting takeover bids
01[13:50] {@Threei}  - Reminder: on 5/15 RAX confirmed it had been approached by multiple parties who have expressed interest in exploring a strategic relationship, ranging from partnership to acquisition
[13:52] {dino} damn missed rax
[13:54] {thomcbell} i got lucky - 33.56
[13:54] {dino} rax smr l .50 stop .24
[13:56] {dino} you dog
[13:57] {dino} not liking the paws (haha)
[13:59] {dino} stop to b/e
[14:00] {dino} out rax .80, +.30
01[14:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .70 break
[14:08] {RonS} wow a 500k block went off in dg
01[14:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[14:11] {dino} vwap stopping it
[14:15] {dino} rax smr l .89
01[14:16] {@Threei}  change to .60 break
01[14:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[14:18] {dino} rax to b/e
[14:20] {nemo}
[14:21] {dino} out rax .98, +.09
[14:31] {nemo} RAX delisting dive
01[14:41] {@Threei}  1:3
01[14:41] {@Threei}  out
01[14:41] {@Threei}  anyone?
[14:42] {dino} gj
01[14:42] {@Threei}  ty
01[15:05] {@Threei}  so weird to see this about people you know... :)
01[15:05] {@Threei}
01[15:17] {@Threei} Long Setup:  RAX  34 break
01[15:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[15:17] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[15:22] {dino} pulp
[15:24] {nemo} thou shalt not close red
[15:26] {nemo} we may get the lowest trading volume of the last 1000 trading days today
[15:27] {nemo} on the spy anyway
[15:27] {nemo} 45,368.800
[15:28] {nemo} 6 mil to go
[15:41] {RonS} good weekend to all...
01[15:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  RAX  .90 break
01[15:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[15:41] {@Threei}  oops
01[15:41] {@Threei}  wrong symbol
01[15:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .90 break
01[15:41] {@Threei}  still there
01[15:44] {@Threei}  [MNKD] FDA approves NDA for Afrezza in treatment of Diabetes, with boxed warning for acute bronchial spasm and requirement for post marketing studies
[15:44] {dino} mnkd drop
[15:45] {dino} smr l .81
01[15:46] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[15:46] {@Threei}  no time for recalibration
[15:47] {goinshort} thanks everyone - cya monday
01[15:47] {@Threei}  thank you all
01[15:48] {@Threei}  have a great weekend, see you Monday
[15:51] {dino} out mnkd .21, +.40
01[15:51] {@Threei}  wtg
[15:51] {dino} ty
[15:51] {dino} emes hours, to .88
[15:52] {dino} to .93
[15:53] {dino} to .96
[15:54] {dino} out emes .04, +.64
[15:55] {dino} calling it a day, thx all, gn