Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apr 24 2103

Once again a very strong day, with great profitable morning followed by a slow afternoon - but even during that slowdown we found 4 or 5 winning scalps in row.

Session Time: Wed Apr 24 00:00:00 2013

[05:00] {KSystems} *yawn*
[08:18] {cc_9} Morning gents
[08:29] {KSystems} hey
[08:43] {nemo} aapl gonna' be an anchor today it looks like
01[08:49] {Threei}  morning guys
[08:50] {nemo} I'll make the assumption that is NOT directed at me
01[08:51] {Threei}  why?
[08:51] {nemo} it had an air of niceness and civility
01[08:52] {Threei}  that's just me... nice and civil
[08:56] {KSystems} morning vad
01[08:56] {Threei}  ks :)
[08:57] {nemo} Jung
06[08:57] * KSystems considers this might be the only irc server left in the world that is being used commercially
01[08:57] {Threei}  really? why?
[08:57] {nemo} can you delete it from Les' platform?
[08:58] {KSystems} because it lacks all the useless colorfulness of today's mainstream taste
[08:59] {KSystems} maybe some sites still use it as a backend for frontends like our mibbit
[09:04] {dino} gm
[09:06] {cc_9} Futures relatively flat into the open
01[09:06] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:07] {nemo}'s a relatively stone age application...technically speaking....perfect for Vad
01[09:07] {Threei}  you got it
[09:07] {patel} Good Morning Traders
[09:07] {nemo} tree fire women vodka...what more does a man need
[09:07] {backman} gm
01[09:07] {Threei}  oatel :)
01[09:07] {Threei}  bman :)
[09:07] {nemo} and women are a temporary, but chronic affliction
[09:08] {patel} thats 2 days in a row. yesterday platel and today oatel
01[09:08] {Threei}  really?
01[09:08] {Threei}  lol... sorry
[09:08] {KSystems} exactly nemo :D
[09:08] {patel} haha
[09:08] {KSystems} ancient but rock solid
[09:08] {patel} its fine.
[09:08] {backman} ahh, i was just going to suggest 2 women
[09:08] {nemo} Verdammten Frauen
[09:08] {nemo} oh, I got a story about that-did not end well
[09:09] {KSystems} futures turned out to be flat but have been causing me a busy morning
01[09:10] {Threei}  this is hillarious
[09:14] {cipher} gm
01[09:14] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:15] {Les} never fear the fool from Switzerland is here
01[09:17] {Threei}  les :)
[09:18] {nemo} cipher-you salivating over aapl?
[09:18] {Les} why Nemo?
[09:19] {Alexs} gm
01[09:19] {Threei}  alex :)
[09:19] {KSystems} oh didntknow that
[09:19] {nemo} the likelihood of volatility from earnings
[09:19] {KSystems} where exactly les?
[09:19] {Les} ah today is it
[09:19] {nemo} Der Narren kommt
[09:19] {Will49} gm
01[09:19] {Threei}  despite AAPL and horrid numbers earlier, market is greening
[09:19] {Les} after all the media bashing let's see how it delivers and is treated
01[09:19] {Threei}  will :)
[09:22] {Les} I really appreciated ... who did you link too yesterday Vad ... remarking on difference between cold hard maths & logic vs a narrative, the latter which sucks too many investors in
[09:22] {nemo} Hey Les, you can get a DNA test for $150 bucks...I think anthropologists world wide would be thrilled
[09:22] {Les} F&%รง you
[09:22] {jdetente} gm
01[09:22] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:22] {Les} heck I might just be next evolutionary step
01[09:22] {Threei}  Ritzholz I think Les
[09:23] {Les} right
[09:23] {nemo} de-evolutionary perhaps
[09:24] {Les} narrative. really putting finger on the typology of human thought
[09:24] {Will49} i see you guys are off to another day of brotherly love
[09:25] {Les} piss off Will
[09:25] {Les} :)
[09:25] {Will49} touche
[09:25] {nemo} don't stick your fingers in the cage Will
[09:25] {Les} LOL
[09:25] {Will49} jus watching
01[09:25] {Threei}  Raven seriously stuck with his birds
[09:30] {nemo} iwm spy look week, but FAS strong so far
[09:31] {jfjf64} mornin
[09:31] {Les} giddy up
01[09:31] {Threei}  jf :)
[09:32] {nemo} spy at the base of another gap
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  If holds  .15
[09:34] {dino} ew sm l .91
01[09:35] {Threei}  1:1
[09:36] {dino} \ew stop .61 -.30
01[09:37] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .70 break
01[09:38] {Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:41] {thomcbell} short setup fcx 29.29 break
[09:43] {thomcbell} invalidated
01[09:43] {Threei}  stop to .71
01[09:43] {Threei}  out
[09:44] {dino} wyn sm l .10
[09:45] {Les} slw dt?
[09:46] {cipher} ew l .61
[09:46] {thomcbell} slw looks like a cup and handle
[09:46] {thomcbell} same with gdx
01[09:47] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .40 break hl
01[09:47] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:47] {dino} ew sm l .19
01[09:47] {Threei}  no go
[09:47] {cipher} out EW .27 +.66
[09:48] {dino} out ew .79, +.60
[09:48] {nemo} chop todeay
[09:48] {dino} lol cipher
[09:49] {nemo} spy need to get above .20 to get into the gap
01[09:49] {Threei}  today is 18 min long, lol
[09:49] {nemo} yeah
01[09:49] {Threei} Short Setup: BBY  24 break
01[09:50] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[09:50] {dino} out wyn .60, +.50
[09:52] {cc_9} Stocktwits has got to be the biggest circle jerk of all websites
[09:52] {Les} thought they were the best of the best
[09:52] {cc_9} Pre-market everyone was slamming their keyboards that AAPL would tank and they were all short
[09:52] {cc_9} Now everyone is long AAPL and is making their biggest trades ever
[09:52] {cc_9} makes me cringe
01[09:53] {Threei}  those who are losing stop talking and won't ever admit it
01[09:53] {Threei}  those who win scream loud
01[09:53] {Threei}  and then there are liars
[09:53] {Les} yeh it's to fess up to loss
[09:53] {Les} hard to fess up
01[09:54] {Threei}  1:1
[09:54] {cc_9} pathetic to read the feeds
[09:54] {Les} out for the scalp
[09:54] {Les} ty
01[09:54] {Threei}  you should see them when FB lockup expiration date came up
[09:54] {Les} treating today as scalps until I see otherwise
01[09:54] {Threei}  everyone was short
01[09:54] {Threei}  everyone was talking about mother of all shorts
01[09:54] {Threei}  sure enough FB went up
01[09:55] {Threei}  sll of a sudden everyone was talking how it was too obvious, and had to be a losing trade
[09:55] {cc_9} I read enough about the RIMM shorts (pre BBRY) who were calling the death of it
01[09:55] {Threei}  no single voice a;erted about it before the date
01[09:55] {Threei}  we called FB long based on that alone
[09:55] {cc_9} lol gg
01[09:55] {Threei}  and got it exactly right
[09:56] {dino} wyn sm l .78
01[09:57] {Threei}  too many storytellers
[09:57] {Les} better get the ice and arm sling nemo
[09:58] {nemo} I'll get the bone saw instead
[09:58] {Les} C stuck at these highs
01[09:58] {Threei}  BBY works nicely though
[09:58] {Les} short aapl here for $2 stop
[09:58] {nemo} should be good to .60
01[09:58] {Threei}  BBY?
[09:58] {nemo} y
[09:59] {dino} ll
01[09:59] {Threei}  I'll be happy with .70
[09:59] {nemo} just putting in my hft spreads worth
01[09:59] {Threei}  lol
[09:59] {nemo} thought you'd like that ;-)
[10:00] {Les} CAT at lows
[10:00] {backman} GILD geting crushed
[10:00] {nemo} which is pivot Les
[10:00] {Les} yeh
[10:01] {Les} CAT got bite. was thinking of .00 long but wait and see
[10:01] {dino} out wyn .28, +.50
[10:01] {Les} sweet
[10:02] {Les} GDX .10 long holding .00?
[10:03] {Les} SLW taking off
[10:03] {Will49} slim pickins this morning
[10:04] {cipher} lulu l .76
[10:04] {nemo} amgn weak
01[10:05] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:05] {Threei}  whew
01[10:05] {Threei}  held trailing stop to the cent
[10:05] {nemo} celg weak
[10:06] {nemo} so, what was I saying about chop?
[10:06] {dino} pork
[10:06] {Les} sui
[10:06] {dino} athn sm l ave .05
[10:06] {thomcbell} gdx looks like a long setup here
[10:06] {nemo} push coming to shove though
[10:06] {Les} suey
[10:07] {nemo} whoa there goes amgn
[10:07] {dino} amgn dr5op
01[10:07] {Threei}  1:3
01[10:07] {Threei}  me out
[10:07] {nemo} srpt weak too
[10:07] {Les} well done vad
01[10:07] {Threei}  ty
[10:07] {cipher} lulu stopped -.12
[10:08] {Les} c .80 short?
[10:08] {Les} holding .90?
01[10:08] {Threei}  yes
[10:08] {Les} FAS just quit VWAP support
[10:12] {Les} C the squeezer
[10:12] {Les} squeezer means brown noser in the army
01[10:13] {Threei}  wow... nemo's .60 is here
[10:13] {Les} SLW is at range resistance here
[10:13] {nemo} it's getting iffy at .60
[10:15] {cipher} IBM L.23
[10:18] {Les} C may have a day of further squeezing to do here
[10:21] {dino} man drop
01[10:21] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .20 break
06[10:21] * Les smack C around the .80 mark with a round of holey swiss cheese
[10:22] {Les} which incidently is called Emnental. we have 200 variety of cheeses inthis country
01[10:23] {Threei}  1:1
[10:25] {nemo} I'll miss youwhen you're gone, Les.  You give me so much material
[10:25] {cipher} out IBM .83 +.50
[10:25] {Les} holding for 1:3 vad GDX?
[10:25] {Les} going nowhere bunny buggerer
01[10:25] {Threei}  I think so
01[10:25] {Threei}  Will... pickings are slimmer than usual, but still can sustain a starving man, can't they :)
[10:25] {Will49} oh yeah
[10:26] {dino} man gap fill
[10:26] {dino} sm l .65
[10:28] {Les} you're always welcome to have a go Nemo. you are the life of the party in this room
[10:28] {nemo} amgn might be a good short here
[10:29] {nemo} having said that, Les-one could say that about a human sacrifice
01[10:29] {Threei}  1:2
[10:29] {dino} wyn new lod
[10:30] {nemo} rax below 45
[10:30] {nemo} little thin
[10:30] {Les} game is still on for rally
01[10:31] {Threei}  Gold prices tick lower as desks circulate CME daily delivery notce indicating JP Morgan called to deliver substantial amount of gold-
01[10:32] {Threei}  not sure why it depresses gold price
[10:32] {nemo} yeah
[10:32] {nemo} ask the tinfoil hat crowd
01[10:32] {Threei}  but it sure helped our GDX
[10:33] {Les} guess JPM would like to see lower price
[10:34] {Les} triple .50 top for JPM here
[10:34] {Les} trying to break out
[10:35] {dino} man stop .37 -.28
[10:39] {dino} wyn sm l .24
[10:42] {Les}
[10:42] {Les} AAPL coughing up for its shareholders
[10:44] {thomcbell} very large cup in process on aig 1 min
[10:50] {dino} wyn to .44
[10:50] {dino} wlk spike
[10:51] {dino} out wyn +.20
[10:56] {backman} short GDX at .24
[10:56] {Les} CAT vad .00 break short?
[10:56] {dino} man sm l .45
[10:56] {Les} if it hlds .10
01[10:56] {Threei}  yes
[10:57] {ese} morning ladies and gents..........just a busy morning getting ready for Memphis tomorrow.........but thought that i would check in to say hellow.......nemo?,,,,ya comin to see us at the STAX TO THE MAX FESTIVAL SATURDAY?  huh?
01[10:58] {Threei}  hi ese
[10:58] {ese} mornin vad
[10:58] {dino} hello ese
[10:58] {ese} hows tha day goin
[10:58] {ese} dino
[10:58] {nemo} I'm a ways away
[10:58] {dino} good
[10:58] {nemo} like 1500 miles
[10:58] {nemo} Come play at Berklee ;-)
[10:58] {ese} I knew
[10:59] {ese} that may happen one day
[10:59] {Les} and Montreux dude. why always Italy and never Montreux?
[10:59] {nemo} Les, what country are you in?
[10:59] {Les} China
[11:00] {ese} That may change to
[11:00] {nemo} right, well think about it...the answer is simple
[11:00] {Les} lol
[11:00] {Les} damn you
[11:00] {ese} lol
[11:00] {Les} someone cut his hardlines for friks sake
[11:01] {ese} rotflol
[11:01] {nemo} microwave
[11:02] {Les} partial .93
[11:02] {Les} 1:1
[11:02] {ese} theres a reason I pay the big bucks to be one this board.............ya just can't get this kinda insulting for matter how hard ya try
[11:03] {Les} covered .82
[11:03] {backman} thanx les
06[11:04] * dino slaps ese around a bit with a large trout
06[11:04] * Les slaps ese around with big bucks cause he likes it
[11:04] {Will49} good call on CAT Les
01[11:04] {Threei}  1:2 CAT
[11:04] {ese} see what i mean
[11:05] {dino} wow scanners not moving
[11:05] {Les} surpassed my expectations sought only scalp on it
[11:05] {Les} SLW showing weakness too
[11:05] {ese} supressed what emotions Les?
[11:06] {ese} here have a seat on the couch.......lets talk about that
[11:06] {dino} uh oh
06[11:06] * Les slaps ese around with a British English dictionary
[11:06] {Will49} out CAT 1:3 tks Les
[11:06] {dino} stsmartpro crash
[11:07] {Les} nice will
01[11:07] {Threei}  ese, this is one of my major targets in building this community: maintaning high quality of insults, encouraging copnstant honing of the fine craft of hurting thy neighbor
01[11:07] {Threei}  1:3, out
[11:07] {ese} nice one boys with CAT...........expect no less
[11:07] {backman} out GDX 1:1
[11:07] {ese} well done will
[11:08] {Will49} tks
[11:08] {ese} Grimbergens are on you buddy next time
[11:08] {Will49} hahaha
[11:08] {Will49} only if I know that ONE waiter is working
[11:09] {ese} awesome community building vad...........
[11:09] {Les} VAd .10 aggressive short of SLW for 23 break?
[11:09] {Les} dunno, but looks like its lost its mojo
[11:10] {Les} although SPY doing another swan dive here
01[11:10] {Threei}  I'd feel more confident about this one if it bounced a little first
[11:10] {Les} k
[11:10] {ese} take care gents......gotta go.......if anyone on this board is close to Memphis this saturday......come and say all in a week and a bit
[11:10] {Les} enjoy ese you global traveller you
01[11:10] {Threei}  have a safe trip ese
[11:10] {Will49} be good ese
01[11:10] {Threei}  so Les... how does it go without indicators?
[11:11] {Les} I am sufficiently intrigued that I'll keep the trading platform clean for further practise
[11:12] {Les} after this week
[11:12] {Les} you see
01[11:12] {Threei}  well, you found CAT
[11:12] {dino} less is more les
01[11:12] {Threei}  so it is possible to see thikngs clearly without all that crap on your charts
[11:12] {dino} wtf, trading platform crashed, still not up
01[11:13] {Threei}  trading gods are telling you something dino :)
[11:13] {Les} true
[11:13] {dino} telloing me to bend over
01[11:13] {Threei}  or talk to cc_9, lol
01[11:14] {Threei}  Les, to be sure:
[11:15] {dino} sheesh, finally
01[11:15] {Threei}  the idea is not to maske you trade without any visual help
01[11:15] {Threei}  rather to make you pay major attention to the substance of the chart
[11:15] {dino} i guess i'll just imagine it
01[11:16] {Threei}  which is price formation
01[11:16] {Threei}  and use indcitaors as they should be used - as help
[11:16] {cc_9} Dino, what platform are you on ?
01[11:17] {Threei}  too many take trades going by indicators alone
01[11:17] {Threei}  "MACD crossed, I am in"
[11:17] {Les} yeh, been a slave to indicators, this I can see
[11:17] {dino} schwab, street smart pro
[11:18] {cc_9} Time to switch to a trading platform then.
[11:18] {dino} cnbc said denial of use attracks on schwab this a.m.
01[11:18] {Threei}  lol
[11:18] {Les} well it worked dino
[11:19] {cc_9} Dino, you have 2 options : 1) you switch to Das, Laser, Fusion etc...or you have to send Anonymous 1,000 bitcoins to stop the DDoS
01[11:19] {Threei}  that reminded me an old joke about CEOs of Heinecken, Pielsen and Guiness in the bar
01[11:20] {Threei}  first says to a bartender "give me a pint of the best light beer in the world, Heinecken"
01[11:20] {Threei}  second orders his, with some marketing bs too
01[11:20] {Threei}  Guiness CEO asks for a glass of lemonade
[11:21] {dino} for most part its a good platform. once in awhile (just like others) an issue
01[11:21] {Threei}  first two surprised, ask why wouldn't he order his Guiness
01[11:21] {Threei}  he says: well, out of sheer comradiere... you don't drink beer, so I won't either
[11:21] {Les} hehehe
[11:21] {Will49} :)
[11:22] {dino} nuan spike
[11:23] {dino} sm s .20
[11:23] {Les} SLW .10 shrot holding .20?
01[11:23] {Threei}  nah
[11:28] {Les} C might try to launch itself higher here at 47
[11:47] {Les}
[11:47] {Will49} isn this BOHICA in disguise?
[11:47] {Les} wonder if I can start one of htese chapters up based on Aikido training?
[11:47] {dino} lol
[11:48] {Will49} i knew you'd get it Dino
[11:48] {Will49} or were you laughing at Les?
[11:49] {dino} you
[11:50] {nemo} look at fas compared to indexes..nobody will sell the banks
[11:51] {Les} yeh C slowing down but not stopping yet
[11:52] {thomcbell} aig wicked today again
[11:52] {Les} still, daily resistance is around thse levels
[11:52] {dino} nuan won't move bs to .27
[11:53] {Les} C hourly suggesting tomorrow or friday might be game on for selling
[11:53] {dino} man to b/e
[11:55] {dino} out athn .85, +.80
[11:55] {dino} took awhile, but wtf
01[11:56] {Threei}  really
[11:56] {dino} nuan stop -.07
[11:57] {dino} man to .55
[11:59] {dino} out man +.10
[12:00] {Will49} yeah really tough work :)
[12:01] {dino} wyn sm l .80
[12:01] {dino} stop to .85
[12:03] {dino} :) will
[12:04] {dino} out wyn .85 +.05
[12:04] {dino} taking a break
[12:05] {Will49} deserved
[12:05] {dino} lucky
[12:08] {backman} tbell, where was your entry in AIG?
[12:09] {thomcbell} when - i only did one today
[12:09] {thomcbell} i liked how it looked on the close thought it had serious breakout potential
[12:10] {backman} thnx
[12:10] {thomcbell} i had a 41.41 long break today  for 0.30 cents - but i didnt publish because i didnt think it was a great one
[12:12] {Will49} }+.30 not great? fool:)
06[12:14] * Threei hands tbell a bottle with antigreeding
[12:15] {thomcbell} when posted i didnt think the entry was worthy rather
[12:15] {thomcbell} 0.30 is great
[12:16] {Will49} ahhh, the entry!
[12:16] {Will49} the entry didn't look great, got it
06[12:17] * Threei takes the bottle of antigreeding back
[12:18] {Will49} do you have any anti-frugality pills Vad?
01[12:19] {Threei}  only in liquid form
[12:19] {nemo} oh, thanks for reminding me
[12:19] {stevw} LULU on a 75 break?
[12:19] {Will49} is it a clear liquid with a potato base?
01[12:20] {Threei}  grain rather
[12:20] {Will49} whatever:)
[12:21] {Will49} sorry stevw...i butted in on you
[12:21] {stevw} no worries,
[12:22] {stevw} just curious if anyone thought LULU had some potential
[12:23] {Will49} Vad must have gone to get a shower
[12:24] {dino} ran too much yeterday for me stew
[12:24] {Will49} and everyone else by the look of it
[12:25] {Will49} good old reliable dino
01[12:25] {Threei}  too volatile for my taste, stev
[12:25] {Will49} maybe nor old
[12:25] {Will49} not
[12:25] {Will49} how was the shower Vad?
[12:26] {Will49} I need to take some ritalin...I'm rambling on
[12:28] {stevw} Vad, is that a general comment about LULU, or it's price action today?
[12:28] {stevw} its
[12:31] {dino} your nickname makes me think of family guy
01[12:31] {Threei}  both
[12:31] {stevw} i don't watch the show, but i suspect i wouldn't choose it
01[12:31] {Threei}  it's generally thin stock
01[12:32] {Threei}  and today it's less jumpy than udual but still
01[12:32] {Threei}  usual
[12:32] {stevw} i take it the "thin" comment isn't in reference to the asses of their yoga pants
[12:33] {dino} lol
01[12:33] {Threei}  no... lol
01[12:33] {Threei}  thin as in thinly traded
[12:33] {stevw} sorry, my mind goes elsewhere first
[12:34] {stevw} i'll have to think about your answer in relation to how i'm looking at today's chart and seeing a trend continuation
[12:34] {stevw} i haven't been factoring in volume adequately perhaps
[12:35] {dino} mkt drop
01[12:35] {Threei}  trend is fine... but look how it jumps sometimes 30 cents and more in single bar
01[12:35] {Threei}  how do you control risk when it moves like this
[12:35] {stevw} but is .30 meaningful in a $75 stock?
01[12:36] {Threei}  it's more of a dino/cipher territory
01[12:36] {Threei}  well, how large of a stop you want to maintain, whatever the price of a stock is?
01[12:36] {Threei}  I mainly try to pick stocks where 10-15 cents stop can be kept
01[12:37] {Threei}  the move in a smooth manner
01[12:37] {Threei}  they
01[12:37] {Threei}  their spread tends to be 1-2 cents
[12:37] {stevw} that's a question i'm still resolving for myself - am i setting the stop relative to price movement or to my individual trade tolerance
01[12:37] {Threei}  luckily, I resolved it for you :)
[12:38] {stevw} cool!
01[12:38] {Threei}
[12:38] {stevw} yes, i know i'll have to read it a few times to get it to settle in
01[12:39] {Threei}  look through all our today's trades,
01[12:39] {Threei}  or any day's actually,
01[12:39] {Threei}  how often do you see a stop set more than 10 cents?
01[12:40] {Threei}  next question will be, can you keep such stop when a spread is 20 cents?
[12:40] {stevw} you wouldn't do that with AAPL though, would you?
01[12:40] {Threei}  or when a stpock jumps 30 cents in a single breath?
01[12:40] {Threei}  hell no, lol
01[12:40] {Threei}  look at it this way:
01[12:40] {Threei}  you can control risk this way,
01[12:40] {Threei}  or you can move into dino and cipher type of stocks
01[12:41] {Threei}  and play much more volatile ones with wider stop and smaller shares size
01[12:41] {Threei}  nothing worng with that, but let's learn to walk before run
[12:41] {stevw} indeed
[12:42] {Les} C dropped harder and faster than what I thought it would
[12:42] {Les} such a lovely evening, took a walk to the shops
01[12:43] {Threei}  after this morning you had enough to shop woth
01[12:43] {Threei}  with
[12:44] {Les} could have done better. WAlked into BBY and CAT expecting only scalps, which is what I was paid
01[12:45] {Threei}  OK, so you just had a coffee and bagel...
[12:45] {Les} can see the need to keep it light and easy as the market bottoms and grinds up, but when the trade is there, not to get too focused on what it should or shouldn't do
01[12:46] {Threei}  CAT, waitching for short if bounces into .40 - .50 range
01[12:46] {Threei}  you are getting it Les... inch by inch, step by step
[12:46] {Les} I see how you pick the weakest links and attack them for all they're good for
01[12:46] {Threei}  exactly
01[12:47] {Threei}  sorry, wrong spelling... ekzaqtly
01[12:47] {Threei}  you want a dinner, don't fight a young healthy lion
01[12:47] {Threei}  you will make his dinner'
01[12:47] {Threei}  pick a tired anthelope
01[12:48] {Threei}  and hit it with 2x4 you just took from nemo while he was drunk
[12:48] {Les} while he was trying to hit me no doubt
01[12:48] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .40 break
01[12:48] {Threei}  If holds  .50
[12:49] {Les} maybe .50 recross
01[12:50] {Threei}  btw, notice how you start see theswe strategic things better when you get rid of all that indicator abundance on your charts
[12:50] {Les} not focusing on squiggly lines, yeh
01[12:50] {Threei}  seeing proverbial forest through the no less proverbial trees
01[12:51] {Threei}  change CAT to .50 break short
01[12:51] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[12:54] {Threei}  1:1
[13:08] {Les} C .10 short?
[13:08] {Les} holding .20?
01[13:09] {Threei}  yes
01[13:12] {Threei}  good thing we grabbed all we could in the morning, action has almost stopped
[13:28] {Les} Good news spin on appointment of Italian Prime Minister.
[13:28] {Les} journalist obviously doesn't know italina politics
01[13:29] {Threei}  1:1
01[13:29] {Threei}  took its sweet time
[13:29] {Les} can I go home now? :)
01[13:29] {Threei}  but whatever... adds to a nice day's profit
01[13:29] {Threei}  (US) Senate moves internet sales tax bill through procedural process - press**Note: On Apr 21st - US Senate expected to support internet sales tax - financial press - The Senate is expected to pass the 'Marketplace Fairness Act' this week, which would allow states to tax online purchases, closing what supporters call an unfair loophole that benefits online retailers over brick-and-mortar shops. Currently, states can only collect sales taxes from retailers that physically located within their state. - Though it is expected to pass the Senate, it may have a more difficult time in the House
01[13:30] {Threei}  no Les... you need creamceese with lox on that bagel
[13:30] {Les} lox? sounds dangerous
01[13:30] {Threei}  want me to google that for you? :)
[13:30] {Les} please do
[13:31] {Les} :P
01[13:31] {Threei}
[13:31] {Les} hmmmm yum
[13:32] {Les} probably the only good thing u canucks send over our way
[13:32] {Les} pacific silver salmon
01[13:32] {Threei}  man... you Europeans don't know basic foods {G}
[13:32] {Les} oh and that stuff that comes out of yer trees
[13:32] {nemo} yes, and you not being in North America is addition by subtraction
[13:33] {jdetente} making me hungry... lunchtime just about
01[13:33] {Threei}  nemo gets award of the day for the most sophisticated insult of the day
[13:33] {Les} nah that stank Nemo. C'mon, u already on the bottle?
[13:34] {Will49} good one nemo
[13:35] {cc_9} LAD slow creeper all AM after that pre-market death.
[13:41] {nemo} you can tell it's sophisticated when Les says it stinks
[13:42] {nemo} another utterance by the Luddite proletariat
[13:43] {Les} me, proletariat?
[13:43] {nemo} you missed the first adjective
[13:43] {Les} luddite I accept
[13:43] {Les} but I can't remember the last time I worked a real job
[13:43] {Les} which makes me less than proletariat
01[13:44] {Threei}  so you are lazy proletariat
[13:44] {nemo} lumpen
[13:44] {nemo} phillistine
[13:44] {Les} was gonna ask you for another adjective
[13:44] {Les} but apparently there is lazy proletariat
[13:44] {Les} I can wear that badge with pride
[13:44] {nemo} Les rides the short bus
01[13:44] {Threei}  I never took it off
01[13:45] {Threei}  when asked if I want a shovel, I ask back whether they have one with engine
01[13:46] {Threei}  and when asked whether I am, per chance, a coal miner, I say I am not one per principle, not per chance
[13:46] {Les} it's taken me a while
[13:46] {Les} but I see this now as good guidance for life
01[13:47] {Threei}  which one
01[13:47] {Threei}  took a while I mean
[13:50] {Les} being a lazy prolo
[13:50] {Les} intellectuals get bumped off
[13:50] {Les} or derided like the idiots in charge today
[13:51] {Les} businessmen get taxed and strung up for imaginery offences against those inpower
[13:51] {Les} better to be an anonymous bum
[13:51] {cc_9} Have another drink Les.
[13:52] {nemo} try the hemlock tea with honey
[13:52] {Will49} mean bunch
[13:54] {Les} a drink. sounds like a good idea
01[14:17] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  138 break hl
01[14:17] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[14:22] {Les} 2 way for potential cup and ahndle?
01[14:23] {Threei}  uip
01[14:23] {Threei}  yup
01[14:23] {Threei}  my personal sympathies are more on a short side but that's jusrt a reflection of my general skeptical worldview
[14:28] {Les} talking alittle off at .18
01[14:33] {Threei}  1:1
[14:34] {dino} gotta hop early. r.e. opportunity
[14:34] {dino} thx all, very good day
01[14:35] {Threei}  take care dino :)
[14:35] {Les} cheers dino
[14:38] {backman} GLD ..would u short on break of .10?
01[14:38] {Threei}  nah
01[14:38] {Threei}  dropped into support, no colsolidation
01[14:38] {Threei}  consolidation even
[14:38] {nemo} they got spy into the gap, now it heeds to hold .15, does that we're off tho the races
[14:39] {backman} kk...first time i traded a big # a latte at SBUX for my efforts
01[14:40] {Threei}  hey... get trained AND paid for it?
[14:40] {thomcbell} long setup hig 27.80 break ifholding 27.74
01[14:40] {Threei}  not many traders have this luxury
[14:50] {thomcbell} hig invalid for now
[14:50] {thomcbell} not time for breakouts
[14:52] {Les} HD .35 short?
[14:52] {Les} holding .45?
01[14:52] {Threei}  not sure... a bit too narroe day's range
01[14:52] {Threei}  narrow
[15:01] {Les} WLT dt?
[15:02] {Les} another commodity trying to find a bottom
01[15:03] {Threei}  can't tell between double top or breakout
[15:03] {Les} yeh
01[15:11] {Threei}  (SI) Slovenia Govt forecasts banking system requiring approximately �900M -
01[15:12] {Threei}  next crisis creeping closer
[15:12] {Les} hmmm gnat on an elephants ass no?
01[15:12] {Threei}  900 M of course will quickly turn to be 4B
[15:12] {Les} I'm waiting for France to crap itself
01[15:13] {Threei}  it's not even the size of these local failures
01[15:13] {Threei}  it's indication of the whole structure being non-viable
01[15:13] {Threei}  so weak points and cracks appear here and there
01[15:13] {Threei}  until they create a net of bigger cracks
01[15:14] {Threei}  and whole thing goes crashing down
[15:14] {nemo} yeah, try to explain that to my lefty friends...the high tax european economies are going broke, so why do you think raising taxes will work here?
[15:14] {Les} cause dummies like your neighbours will vote for it
01[15:14] {Threei}  but nemo
[15:14] {Les} neighbours as in whole country
01[15:14] {Threei}  they don't see it this way
[15:15] {nemo} I know
01[15:15] {Threei}  they don't beluieve it's high taxation-central planning that is at fault
01[15:15] {Threei}  they think it's speculators attacking the system
01[15:15] {Threei}  bond vigilantes
01[15:15] {Threei}  futures traders
01[15:16] {Threei}  currency traders
01[15:16] {Threei}  HFT
01[15:16] {Threei}  day traders
01[15:16] {Threei}  list is endless
[15:16] {nemo} les
[15:16] {Les} heck they don't even sell it as tax anymore. call it 'obamacare'...
[15:16] {nemo} forgot him
[15:16] {Les} :)
[15:16] {Les} 'jobs' act
01[15:17] {Threei}  when did communists think their dream system was a failure
01[15:17] {Threei}  it's always damn capitalists
[15:18] {nemo} there weren't any capitalists in the Soviet Union, whose fault was that?
01[15:18] {Threei}  depends on period
[15:19] {nemo} always comes back to women
01[15:19] {Threei}  in Stalin times it was people's enemies, foreign spies
[15:19] {Les} good one nemo
01[15:19] {Threei}  always world capitalism of course, at any time
[15:20] {Les} damn WLT for being sneaky prick
[15:22] {Les} slw and GDX have short potential here. Not sure though
01[15:22] {Threei}  GDX, yeah
01[15:22] {Threei}  atempt at little H&S
[15:22] {Les} 30 short?
01[15:22] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  30 break
01[15:23] {Threei}  SLW isn't really easy to discern formation but can help with reading GDX
01[15:30] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .20 break
01[15:30] {Threei}  If holds  .27
01[15:33] {Threei}  PA, we could use one of those fake tweets right about now
[15:34] {Les} what was the password?
[15:34] {jdetente} APAPAPAP
01[15:35] {Threei}  today they are smarter - it's APAPAPAP2013
[15:35] {Les}
[15:35] {Les} someone dares to say it in Germany
01[15:35] {Threei}  5 years?
01[15:36] {Threei}  sounds way too optinistic to me
01[15:36] {Threei}  tensions rise faster that that
[15:36] {Les} you always were a pessimist
01[15:36] {Threei}  actually it's optimism
01[15:36] {Threei}  the faster it breaks down the better
01[15:39] {Threei}  Rather than accept the break-up of the euro, the German government is demanding tighter, Europe-wide controls over national budgets.
01[15:39] {Threei}  heh
01[15:42] {Threei}  very boring afternoon
[15:46] {cc_9} have a good EOD fellas
[15:46] {cc_9} a demain
01[15:46] {Threei}  you too
[15:46] {patel} You holding FB overnight.
01[15:47] {Threei}  no, why would I
01[15:47] {Threei}  it has about 11 min to resolve
[15:47] {patel} yeah
01[15:47] {Threei}  look at daily
[15:47] {patel} I was just messing around.
[15:47] {jdetente} let's all become investors
01[15:48] {Threei}  who can tell which way it goes from here
[15:48] {jdetente}  I'm told that's the quickest path to prosperity lol
01[15:48] {Threei}  yeah
01[15:48] {Threei}  buy gold at 1800 and hold
[15:48] {jdetente} buy high sell low
01[15:48] {Threei}  it's to hit 50,000 soon, haven't you heard
[15:48] {jdetente} believe in Cramer
01[15:49] {Threei}  die FB
[15:51] {Les} GDX giddy up
06[15:52] * Threei pours molten lead in FB's throat
[15:54] {jdetente} FB is one stubborn SOB...refuses to die. Monty Python-esque
01[15:54] {Threei}  well, considering time pressure, stop to .21
01[15:55] {Threei}  riskless trade
[15:55] {Les} vwap is .12
01[15:55] {Threei}  3 more min to get a few more cents or to get stopped about b/e
01[15:56] {Threei}  how do you know Les?
[15:56] {Les} just a guess
01[15:56] {Threei}  are you secretly looking at indicators?
[15:56] {Les} lol I am out of here
[15:56] {nemo} he mentioned vwap earlier today Vad and you missed it
[15:56] {Les} out .12
06[15:56] * Threei slants at Les ascance
[15:56] {nemo} Les go find a round room and stand in the corner
01[15:56] {Threei}  no, I saw it
01[15:57] {Threei}  just let it slide for the time being
01[15:57] {Threei}  here we go
01[15:57] {Threei}  out .11
01[15:57] {Threei}  4th successful scalp in a slow afternoon
[15:57] {Will49} tks vad out .11 also
[15:58] {patel} thanks
[15:58] {Will49} great day!
01[15:58] {Threei}  thank you all
[15:58] {Les} decent day for such a dead one. ty. a+ c u tomorrow
01[15:58] {Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:58] {jdetente} have a good one all. Thanks Vad
[15:58] {Will49} you too
[15:59] {backman} gnite

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Apr 23 2013

Fantastic day with couple 1:4ers, a few 1:2 ans 1:3. Mostly usual suspects (C, CAT etc) with some outsiders like SRPT.  Even for the fake news by hacked AP account on Twitter we were short so it played right into our hands... OK, that was pure luck.

Session Time: Tue Apr 23 00:00:00 2013

[08:52] {dino} gm
[08:53] {patel} gm
01[08:54] {Threei}  dino, platel :)
[08:55] {cipher} gm
01[08:55] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:08] {Les} yo
01[09:09] {Threei}  les :)
[09:10] {Les} guess the bounce in SLW is over lol
[09:11] {Les} where'd you photo this central american butterfly vad?
01[09:11] {Threei}  butterfly gardens
[09:11] {Les} k
[09:12] {Les} we have one in switzerland, but pretty crappy, far away and expensive
[09:12] {Les} not a recipe for repeat visits
[09:12] {jfjf64} mornin all
01[09:13] {Threei}  5 min drive from me, amazing piece of jungle with butterflies, flamingoes, exotic birds
01[09:13] {Threei}  jf :)
01[09:13] {Threei}  Pipe bomb found, detonated by bomb squad in Miami Beach; no injuries reported
01[09:13] {Threei}  Cyprus Fin Min Georgiades stated that the Govt was fully committed to bailout deal and believed Parliament would approve measures. He noted that gold sales were on the agenda. Capital control measures could be eased in next days or weeks
01[09:13] {Threei}  or months
01[09:13] {Threei}  or years
[09:13] {Les} goddam it, I'm moving to west Canada and that's it
01[09:14] {Threei}  or never
[09:14] {Les} I'll even tolerate annual visits from Nemo
01[09:14] {Threei}
[09:14] {Les} speaking of the devil
[09:15] {jdetente} gm
01[09:15] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:15] {stevw} been to butchart gardens, but not the butterfly gardens - very nice!
01[09:16] {Threei}  stev :)
[09:16] {stevw} g'mornin
[09:16] {nemo} none of that around here
01[09:16] {Threei}  the book I made for them:
[09:17] {Les} lol u did one did you?
01[09:17] {Threei}  they commissioned it
[09:17] {Les} way to go
[09:17] {Les} in demand, on and off the trading floor
[09:18] {stevw} some fabulous stuff there vad - you'll have to teach me about macro lenses some day
[09:18] {Les} this link is permanent? want to show the missus tonight
01[09:18] {Threei}  yes
[09:18] {backman} gm
01[09:18] {Threei}  bman :)
01[09:18] {Threei}  thanks stev
[09:19] {Les} got a victoria thru the lense book too I can link to?
[09:19] {Les} lens
[09:19] {Will49} gm
01[09:19] {Threei}
01[09:19] {Threei}  will :)
01[09:20] {Threei}  and
[09:21] {nemo} iwm continued yesterday's grindup
[09:21] {Les} curious, how did you convince them to commission you? contest?
01[09:21] {Threei}  nope
[09:21] {nemo} knee pads?
[09:21] {Les} dumbass
01[09:21] {Threei}  just showed them my shots from their gardens
[09:21] {Les} always the flatterer
[09:21] {Les} cool
[09:22] {Will49} great stuff Vad
01[09:22] {Threei}  ty
01[09:22] {Threei}  their avatar on FB is one of my shots, too :)
01[09:25] {Threei}  GDX .65 break is tempting setup
[09:25] {Les} RIG is flush up against 200 MA resistance in daily here
[09:25] {nemo} you goldbug you
[09:25] {Les} 49 b/d maybe?
01[09:25] {Threei}  opening volatility is concern of course
[09:25] {Alexs} good morning
[09:25] {nemo} yeah love those instant flushes $.30 below your stop
[09:26] {nemo} another one
01[09:26] {Threei}  alex :)
01[09:27] {Threei}  RIG... let it settle... volatility on this one is beyond tolerance at the open
[09:27] {Les} k
[09:27] {nemo} let's short nflx
[09:27] {Les} FCX daily hammer while price hovers around yesterdays high
[09:28] {Les} let's short(en) Nemo
[09:28] {ese} morning
[09:28] {ese} anyone on this board from Memphis?
[09:28] {nemo} that's better
[09:28] {backman} nemo, ur my kindof guy
01[09:28] {Threei}  ese :)
[09:28] {jfjf64} wow nflx
01[09:28] {Threei}  before we open, do you know nemo's favorite love story, and why?
[09:29] {nemo} got the kind of spread that can give you hemmrhoids
[09:29] {ese} no why?
01[09:29] {Threei}  Romeo and Juliette... because the both DIE!!
[09:29] {Les} sounds about right
[09:29] {dino} i was going to say nutcracker
[09:30] {Les} lol
[09:30] {nemo} well of course, my life's vocation is helping souls transition...forcibly if necessary
01[09:30] {Threei}  lol dino
[09:30] {nemo} bastids are going to close the aps a day ahead of my schedule
01[09:31] {Threei}  GDX 1:1 if you've gone mad and took prematket entry
[09:31] {nemo} aps=gaps
[09:31] {nemo} I got the first part covered  ;-)
[09:31] {Les} damn didn't realise you were talking premarket. was contemplating SLW .60 at the open, would've fit in
[09:32] {nemo} guess who didn't take his ritalin????
[09:32] {Les} guess who doesn't have any indicators on his screen
[09:32] {dino} lol
[09:32] {Les} makes me lot less cocky
[09:32] {nemo} yeah, but you can't fix stupid
[09:32] {Les} hehehe
[09:33] {Les} you haven't succeeded in having it outlawed in vad's room yet
[09:33] {Les} RIG death dive
[09:33] {backman} CAT also
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .40 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  late alert
01[09:33] {Threei}  don't chase
01[09:34] {Threei}  valid again
01[09:34] {Threei}  same setup
01[09:35] {Threei}  stop .46
[09:35] {nemo} iwm through gap, next stop test of 82 and the 50 day
[09:36] {dino} hasi? wtf was that?
01[09:37] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .35 break
01[09:37] {Threei}  If holds  .45 
01[09:37] {Threei}  SLW 1:1
01[09:38] {Threei}  fresh IPO dino... does wierd things
01[09:38] {Threei}  weird too
01[09:39] {Threei}  Invalidated  GDX 
01[09:41] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .65 break hl
01[09:41] {Threei}  If holds  .75 
[09:41] {thomcbell} short setup fio 16 break if holding 16
[09:41] {thomcbell} 16.10
01[09:42] {Threei}  I liked first version better... it challenged my imagination
[09:42] {jfjf64} did i get kicked off again for open
01[09:42] {Threei}  looks like
[09:43] {thomcbell} fio invalid - watching it for another setup 
01[09:44] {Threei}  GDX seriously got away
[09:44] {nemo} financials homebuilders retail and semis strong
01[09:45] {Threei}  no go LVS
[09:46] {KSystems} Hey
01[09:46] {Threei}  ks!
[09:46] {nemo} Scheiss egal!
[09:47] {KSystems} argh
[09:47] {nemo} Was machst du, Jung?!
01[09:47] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .25 break
01[09:47] {Threei}  If holds  .35 
[09:47] {nemo} FAS long here
[09:48] {nemo} break of .20 holds .10
01[09:49] {Threei}  TSLA... insanity incorporated
[09:49] {KSystems} i can try that too
[09:50] {Les} I see RIG and CAT doing their best TSLA impression
[09:50] {thomcbell} long setup hig 27.06 long break 
01[09:51] {Threei}  trail SLW to .31 now
[09:51] {KSystems} s GCLM3 88.35 stp 88.47 tgt 88.23
01[09:51] {Threei}  hard to read here
01[09:52] {Threei}  let's limit risk
01[09:52] {Threei}  out
[09:53] {ese} agnc 1/2 .39
[09:54] {KSystems} out GCLM3 88.253 (+.12)
[09:54] {dino} lxk
01[09:55] {Threei}  rinse
01[09:55] {Threei}  grrr
[09:55] {ese} molx 1/2 .16
[09:56] {nemo} faas what a tease
01[09:56] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .15 break
01[09:56] {Threei}  change to .10 break
01[09:56] {Threei}  If holds  83 
01[09:57] {Threei}  target 1:4
[09:57] {dino} irwd sm s .87 stop hod
01[09:58] {Threei}  1:1
01[09:59] {Threei}  1:2
01[09:59] {Threei}  *(US) MAR NEW HOME SALES: 417K V 416KE
01[10:00] {Threei}  1:3
[10:00] {backman} thank u
01[10:00] {Threei}  yw
[10:00] {Alexs} thanks Vad
01[10:00] {Threei}  :)
01[10:00] {Threei}  out on the trail last part
01[10:00] {Threei}  that's better
[10:00] {KSystems} l GGCM3 1406.7 stp 1403.9 tgt 1409.5
[10:01] {Will49} yes...tks Vad 1:3
01[10:01] {Threei}  welcome guys
[10:03] {dino} irwd stop .04, -.17
[10:04] {nemo} tol almost looks short
[10:05] {dino} lxk sm s .99 pulp
01[10:05] {Threei}  {TOL} I see those shoes don't help...
[10:06] {Les} GDX .10 long?
[10:06] {Les} holding .00
[10:06] {Les} forget it
01[10:06] {Threei}  I wouldn't
[10:06] {Les} yeh no vol
01[10:06] {Threei}  trend is still intact
01[10:07] {Threei}  but short 28 is still a possibility
[10:07] {Les} getting close to previous lows
[10:08] {backman} 1:1 JPM 
01[10:08] {Threei}  invalidated for now
01[10:08] {Threei}  but on watch
[10:08] {KSystems} out GGCM3 1409.5 (+2.80)
01[10:09] {Threei} Long Setup:  C  .90 break
01[10:09] {Threei}  If holds  .85 
01[10:10] {Threei}  aggressive for 46
01[10:10] {Threei}  target 1:2 or 1"3, not sure yet
01[10:10] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:10] {Threei}  yeah, 1:3
[10:11] {dino} cov lxk .38, +.61
01[10:11] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:11] {Threei}  don't you love aggressive entries
01[10:12] {Threei}  5 cents risk, 20 cents already in the pocket
[10:12] {ese} du du du du.........sleepin on the job  was stopped molx .01 -.15
[10:12] {nemo} next thing you know, Ksystems will be trading R2D2
[10:12] {thomcbell} Good one C vad 
01[10:12] {Threei}  ty
[10:13] {patel} Thanks 
01[10:13] {Threei}  :)
[10:14] {KSystems} nah nemo, that one is much to....noisy for my taste
[10:15] {cipher} LXK L .61
01[10:15] {Threei}  hah... Bush approval rating has doubled since 2008
[10:15] {cipher} IRWD L .10
[10:15] {Will49} so has his chin
[10:15] {thomcbell} hig 1:1
[10:16] {KSystems} s 6EM3 130.24 stp 130.32 tgt 130.16
[10:17] {cipher} out  LXK ..90 +.29 
01[10:17] {Threei}  changing target to 1:4
01[10:18] {Threei}  wtg cipher
[10:18] {Les} these r european stocks K is trading I'm guessing. Thank god for American acronyms
[10:18] {KSystems} out 6EM3 130.32 (-0.08)
[10:19] {KSystems} actually they are American futures
01[10:19] {Threei}  futures Les
[10:19] {Les} ah
[10:19] {KSystems} GGCM3 is gold, 6EM3 is EUR/USD
[10:19] {Les} k
[10:19] {ese} l lpl .56
01[10:20] {Threei}  1:3
[10:20] {cipher} out IRWD .20 +.10
[10:21] {Les} GDX returning to lows
[10:22] {thomcbell} hig 1:2
[10:25] {KSystems} one more
[10:25] {KSystems} s ESM3 1570.50 stp 1572 tgt 1569
[10:26] {thomcbell} hig taking last 1/4
01[10:26] {Threei}  nice
06[10:26] * Threei kicks C in the rear
[10:26] {Les} SPY rising in a channel, breakout to .70 would hit upper channel line
[10:27] {dino} czr spike
01[10:28] {Threei}  1:4, over and out
[10:28] {Will49} tks Vad 1:4
01[10:28] {Threei}  yw
[10:28] {Will49} learning to hang in there :)
06[10:29] * Threei pats himself on the back, dislocates his shoulder and goes to the fridge for an ice and a drink
[10:30] {cipher} MDCO L .94
[10:30] {KSystems} stopped ESM3
[10:31] {KSystems} just too strong here
[10:33] {Les} CAT stuck at 84
[10:34] {cipher} CZR S .18
01[10:34] {Threei}  C 1:5... can I have a mulligan?
[10:35] {Les} CAT .90 short holdign 84?
[10:35] {Les} no
01[10:36] {Threei}  I'd prefer a long on 84 break
[10:36] {Les} yes
01[10:37] {Threei}  let's make it official, nice-looking setup
01[10:37] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  84 break
01[10:37] {Threei}  If holds  .90 
[10:38] {cipher} out MDCO .16 +.22
01[10:39] {Threei}  gj
[10:39] {cipher} ty
01[10:39] {Threei}  CZR... rooting for you
01[10:39] {Threei}  this thing has no right to go like this
01[10:39] {Threei}  Invalidated  CAT 
[10:40] {nemo} watch for bounce in .60 area
01[10:40] {Threei}  finally CZR
[10:45] {nemo} cat
[10:45] {Les} small cup and handle slw might be worth fading if fails
[10:46] {cipher} JBHT L .98
[10:47] {thomcbell} vad what do u think about buying a pullbck on dfs to 44.35 or so 
01[10:48] {Threei}  I'd be interested, hl
01[10:48] {Threei}  the symbol makes me hesitant though
[10:49] {Will49} sounds like dufus
01[10:49] {Threei}  :)
01[10:49] {Threei}  there was a stock in 90s, symbol DURA
01[10:49] {Threei}  no Russian could trade it without laughter
01[10:49] {Threei}  means she-fool
01[10:50] {Threei}  and makes reports like "I am in DURA" sound dirty
[10:50] {Les} c short .30?
01[10:50] {Threei}  nah
[10:51] {thomcbell} so much for that 
[10:51] {nemo} I've been hearing that word alot lately
[10:52] {dino} utx sm l .80
[10:53] {nemo} cat
[10:54] {dino} athn sm l .05
[10:54] {dino} gappy
[10:55] {backman} long GILD .29
[10:56] {cipher} CZR stopped .24 -.06
[10:57] {cipher} UTX L .58
[10:57] {ese} been watchin tol all morning.....thoughts vad
[10:57] {cipher} out .80 +.22
[10:58] {ese} does it have the ability to go up from here or does it look like it's finished
01[10:59] {Threei}  with this stall, anything can happen
01[10:59] {Threei}  your guess is as good as mine
[10:59] {ese} tks .....
[10:59] {KSystems} l GCLM3 88.38 stp 88.29 tgt 88.47
[11:00] {dino} roc
[11:00] {ese} hard roc?
[11:00] {Will49} "rest of Canada" eh ese?
[11:01] {Will49} Quebec term
[11:01] {ese} definitely
[11:01] {nemo} think we go higher, iwm has to reclaim the 50 day
[11:02] {backman} out +.11
[11:03] {KSystems} out GCLM3 88.47 (+.09)
[11:05] {dino} utx stop -.30
[11:08] {thomcbell} long setsup lvs 54.011 break if holding 53.96 
[11:08] {stevw} CAT?
[11:09] {thomcbell} dfs - should have played it differently vad - could have done a micro fast 44.11 break 
[11:09] {thomcbell} and then much lower risk 
01[11:09] {Threei}  no clear setup on CAT
[11:10] {stevw} took too long to clear 84?
01[11:10] {Threei}  breakout is the only chart setup here, but time of the day is not conducive
01[11:10] {Threei}  a bit too volatile, tbell...
[11:15] {cipher} out JBHT .16 +.18
[11:16] {dino} unxl sm l .40
[11:17] {dino} out unxl .80, +.40
[11:18] {cipher} wtg
[11:18] {dino} ty, u2
[11:18] {Les} c&H GDX SLW
[11:21] {Les} fading GDX .34 stop above .40
[11:21] {Les} stopeed
[11:21] {Les} stopped too
[11:23] {dino} ustr drop
01[11:31] {Threei}  meanwhile in la la land, a gold guru made a call for gold to hit $50,000 target
01[11:31] {Threei}  these folks won't quit until last gold bug loses everything
[11:33] {cipher} USTR L .15
[11:33] {backman} out GILD +.21
[11:34] {dino} ustr sm l .65
[11:34] {nemo}
[11:37] {cipher} out USTR .94 +.79
[11:45] {dino} wtg
[11:47] {cipher} ty
[11:52] {Les} frik me we bored Nemo
[11:55] {stevw} anybody have any thoughts on SU.TO today?
01[11:55] {Threei}  I don't even have quotes for Toronto exchange, lol
[11:55] {dino} nope
[11:55] {stevw} really?  rather unpatriotic
01[11:56] {Threei}  when they have volume, spreads, movements and technology like US exchanges, I will gladly look into trading them
[11:57] {stevw} yeah, that's probably one of my problems to date - just trying to work the weak activity on the tsx
[11:57] {nemo} No, I'm tired, didn't get home until after 4 this morning
01[11:58] {Threei}  if you never traded direct access with US exchange, you have no idea how stone age that technology is, stec
[11:59] {thomcbell} long setup gwre - 39 break
[11:59] {stevw} just got my td waterhouse active trader account last week, so i've got plenty to learn
01[11:59] {Threei}  last time I used anything like that was in 1997, broker named Datek
[12:00] {dino} lol, i had account w/them early 2000
01[12:00] {Threei}  getting your order in and getting it executed was cutting edge technology - filling a form on the website
01[12:01] {Threei}  typing in symbol, price, # of shares
01[12:01] {Threei}  and clicking Send
[12:01] {dino} yeah, i remember that
01[12:01] {Threei}  then refreshing a page to see whether it's executed
01[12:01] {Threei}  man... :)
01[12:02] {Threei}  half of Canada still trades like that actually
[12:03] {ese} out agnc .62 +.23
[12:03] {ese} out lpl .59 +.03
[12:06] {cipher} MELI  S .37
[12:06] {ese} molx........bastard!!!
[12:08] {Les} CAT lol why didn't you just put blindfold on vad and press button. come back after lunch
01[12:08] {Threei}  yup... promoted this trading approach yesterday
[12:08] {stevw} i kinda did
[12:09] {stevw} acted before i asked
06[12:09] * Les slaps stevw around with ese's trading manual
[12:09] {stevw} lol
[12:09] {ese} lol
[12:13] {thomcbell} wow tol - dino didnt you buy some at 30 yesterday?
[12:15] {dino} yeah and sold it for .30 gain
[12:15] {dino} dumb ass that i am
[12:16] {Les} yay found volume up/down colours. I am officially no longer a member of DENSA
[12:17] {dino} six drop
[12:18] {ese} whoa now........I represent that remark!!!!!!! so there
[12:19] {Les} which one? Dumb ass or DENSA? :)
[12:19] {ese} trading manual remark
[12:19] {Les} lol sorry, I think it was Vad's revised trading manual to you on your return from Denmark
[12:19] {ese} bastard.......couldn't even spend the train fare to come and see me in denmark.................some friend
[12:20] {Les} eeek. 3 day train ride. yuk
01[12:20] {Threei}  lol
01[12:21] {Threei}  ese, ever had someone telling you "hey, I am in Canada next week, wanna meet?"
01[12:21] {Threei}  then you ask, and they say they are in Toronto
[12:21] {ese} ya so?  whats your point?
01[12:22] {Threei}  you say, emm, nah, I don't think so... and they are like: com one man, I am there so seldom, can't you come out for a 30 min, to have a coffeee with me?
01[12:22] {Threei}  I had this kind of conversation
[12:22] {ese} lol
[12:22] {ese} your kidding right
01[12:22] {Threei}  nope
[12:22] {ese} ok ...that is funny
01[12:22] {Threei}  conversation of a kind:
01[12:23] {Threei}  oh, you are from Canada, I knew one guy from there once, maybe you know him
[12:23] {dino} lol
01[12:23] {Threei}  yeah, Canada is like 50 people, of course I do!
01[12:23] {Threei}  but still salesperson from NY beats it all
01[12:24] {Threei}  no shipment to Canada, sorry, we do not ship overseas
[12:24] {ese} too funny
[12:25] {ese} the gates are down...the lights are flashing.......but the train just ain't a comin
[12:27] {thomcbell} long setup kors 54.36 break if holding 54.26
[12:29] {thomcbell} gwre 1:1
[12:31] {thomcbell} kors invalidated
[12:32] {cipher} cov MELI .55 -..18
[12:32] {thomcbell} interested possibly in buying a rinse and mini setup near 54 on kors
[12:32] {thomcbell} gwre 1:2 kind of 
[12:34] {Les} TOL smack straight in 50 day here. looking for potential 34 short after 1pm
[12:35] {Les} into 50 day resistance
[12:43] {Les} RIG .20 short holding .30?
01[12:44] {Threei}  no
01[12:44] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .50 break
01[12:44] {Threei}  If holds  .60 
[12:44] {thomcbell} gwre stop to 39.04 due to thinness
[12:45] {Les} FCX short .50 if holding .60?
01[12:46] {Threei}  yup, looks right
[12:49] {dino} utx drop
01[12:49] {Threei}  CAT
01[12:49] {Threei}  valid again
[12:56] {dino} utx sm l .00
[13:01] {dino} out utx .40, +.40
[13:02] {Les} nice
[13:02] {Les} wsa too big a stop for me
[13:02] {Les} as
[13:02] {Les} was
[13:02] {dino} ty
[13:05] {ese} am now bored......outta here cya tomorrow
01[13:06] {Threei}  (US) House Oversight Committee Republican's Issa (R-CA) and Jordan (R-OH) demand details on the Federal Reserve exit plan - press- Oversight committee reportedly plans to use subpoena power assuming the Fed does not comply with its request; claims that the Fed is willfully withholding nonpublic documents
01[13:07] {Threei}  what exit plan
01[13:07] {Threei}  they have none
[13:07] {Les} market certainly don't seem worried
01[13:07] {Threei}  why would it?
01[13:07] {Threei}  no exit plan means more printing
[13:07] {patel} 1:1 baby
01[13:07] {Threei}  more printing means more money voming in the market to suppirt uptrend
[13:07] {dino} pretty much said its based on unemplyment %
[13:07] {patel} 1:2
[13:08] {Les} oops I spoke early
01[13:08] {Threei}  1:2
01[13:08] {Threei}  wow!!!
[13:08] {Les} shit
01[13:08] {Threei}  fake??
[13:08] {patel} out of CAT
[13:08] {patel} damn
01[13:09] {Threei}  out .05
01[13:09] {Threei}  +.43
[13:09] {Will49} nice C out
[13:09] {cc_9} whoa
[13:09] {cc_9} tankathaon
[13:10] {cc_9} THAT is a bounce, dang
[13:11] {dino} must not be true
[13:12] {jdetente} who tweeted that?
[13:12] {jdetente} bizarro
[13:12] {patel} Vad tweeted it
01[13:12] {Threei}  AP
[13:12] {patel} he should tweet more often especially when we are SHORT
[13:12] {jdetente} wow the power of twitter
[13:13] {jfjf64} luv it
01[13:13] {Threei}  well, official AP account
01[13:13] {Threei}  maybe hacked
[13:13] {jdetente} hacked I guess
[13:13] {jdetente} yeah
[13:13] {cipher} +.59 TNA
01[13:13] {Threei}  yes
[13:13] {dino} gj
[13:13] {cc_9} Cipher, gg, TNA was the play.
01[13:13] {Threei}  AP apparently now confirming their twitter account was hacked
[13:13] {dino} after ap covered
[13:15] {Les} does that qualify as flash crash?
[13:15] {Will49} financial terrorism
[13:15] {nemo} no
01[13:15] {Threei}  if I were FBI I would have pursued this seriously
01[13:16] {Threei}  well, good thing we were short at the time
[13:16] {patel} hahaha
[13:16] {patel} for real 
[13:16] {jfjf64} yes
[13:16] {patel} CAT needed that boost
[13:17] {cipher} CTSH L.71
[13:19] {Les} fcx
[13:20] {cipher} out CTSH .92 +.21
[13:20] {dino} gj
[13:20] {cipher} ty
01[13:23] {Threei}  of course Twitter is not full of idiots putting this on HFT
01[13:23] {Threei}  not = now
01[13:23] {Threei}  "they withdrew liquidity"
01[13:23] {Threei}  who wouldn't??
01[13:24] {Threei}  what ombecile would want to buy inti that until it was confirmed to be a fake?
[13:24] {Les} fcx short .50?
01[13:25] {Threei}  no
01[13:25] {Threei}  back off for now
01[13:25] {Threei}  charts are broken
01[13:25] {Threei}  no patterns until they digest this crap
[13:28] {cipher} IBM L .80
[13:32] {dino} ew drop
01[13:37] {Threei}  lol, twitter
01[13:37] {Threei}  earing the AP's twitter password was Pasw0rd2013
01[13:37] {Threei}  "What do you mean our password is APAPAPAP?!?"
[13:37] {Will49} LOL
01[13:38] {Threei}  hey AP - you should use more secure passwords, like D0ucheNOzzl3_1976
01[13:38] {Threei}  lol, reletnless
[13:38] {cipher} out IBM .87 +.07
01[13:41] {Threei}  Will... can you see Esquimalt Harbour from your place?
01[13:42] {Threei}  with good glass?
[13:42] {Will49} no, can see Westshore though
[13:42] {Will49} why/ is it on fire
01[13:42] {Threei}  ok... two ships collided
[13:43] {Will49} yikes
01[13:43] {Threei}  big fishing vessel and HMCS
[13:43] {Will49} I'll do my daily walk dowm that way after close
01[13:43] {Threei}  Fire and emergency crews are on the scene
[13:44] {Will49} I noticed a couple of escorts doing maneovers yesterday
[13:44] {Will49} they were practicing
[13:44] {Will49} :)
[13:44] {Will49} practicing colliding
[13:45] {Les} rig vad
[13:45] {Les} RIG inverted c&H?
[13:45] {Les} 49 break?=
01[13:46] {Threei}  hl...
01[13:46] {Threei}  chart is right but I am still somewhat hesitant
[13:47] {cipher} ibm l .84
01[13:54] {Threei}  Fishing trawler crashes into docked navy ship at Esquimalt base
01[13:54] {Threei}  poor navy destroyer can't even get some rest while moored
[13:54] {Will49} Captain was likely watching his trading screens when the flash crash hit
[13:55] {Will49} should say twiiter crash
[13:55] {Will49} twitter
[13:55] {dino} you canuks have a navy?
[13:55] {Will49} yeah, we have to be ready to defend against a USA attack
[13:56] {dino} what do you have, like two ships/
[13:56] {Les} good luck with thtat will
[13:56] {Will49} 3 ships but now down to 2 after the crash this morning
01[13:56] {Threei}  yes, and we know how to use it: during Swiftsure, a yacht race, one of our navy ships creates a start line
[13:56] {dino} :)
[13:56] {cipher} CTSH drop
[13:57] {cipher} CTSH L .04
[14:00] {Les} look at C
[14:00] {Les} sorry wrong chart
[14:00] {Les} was admiring ctsh
[14:01] {Les} nice long cipher
[14:01] {Les} rig stopped -.02 made 1:1 but didn't collect my bid
[14:01] {dino} out ctsh .30, +.25, thx cipher
[14:02] {Will49} is that .56 bid on CTSH yours Les?
[14:04] {jfjf64} cat .21 long 3i
[14:05] {cipher} out CTSH .44 +.40
01[14:05] {Threei}  I like, jf
[14:05] {jfjf64} hold .12
01[14:05] {Threei}  I'd still keep it hl
01[14:06] {Threei}  rather .10... CAT is too liquid for .80 stop
01[14:06] {Threei}  .08
[14:09] {Les} vad u credit SLW with ugly cup and hanlde break .70?
[14:10] {Les} more like a latrine bucket
01[14:10] {Threei}  nah
01[14:10] {Threei}  no drive
[14:14] {thomcbell} wow this ctsh is really sick
[14:29] {dino} cnqr drop
[14:29] {dino} sm l .10
[14:31] {cipher} cnqr +.40 thx dino
[14:31] {dino} out cnqr .40, +.30
[14:32] {dino} np, you threw a few to me today
[14:33] {cipher} VIAB L .33
[14:36] {Les} VAD GDX  .30 short?
01[14:37] {Threei}  can't tell...
01[14:38] {Threei}  formally chart is roght, but it's too narrow
01[14:38] {Threei}  action stalled
[14:39] {cipher} out VIAB .43 +.10
[14:42] {cipher} BSFT L.63 stop .60
[14:46] {cipher} missed IBM off whole bounce :(
[14:48] {dino} out viab .57, +.22 ty cipher
[14:48] {cipher} nice
[14:49] {cipher} you beat me at my own game :)
[14:49] {dino} sh*t happens
[14:53] {Les} VAd SLW tried to break out and failed. 70 short?
[14:53] {Les} with GDX lagging by so much
[14:53] {Les} ahh maybe not
[14:54] {Les} trying to close yesterdays gap
01[14:55] {Threei}  Les, they are all bob up and down with no dtermination
01[14:55] {Threei}  don't push
01[14:55] {Threei}  wait for a real play
01[14:56] {Threei}  unless you want to scalp 4-5 cents, none of them presented any worthy setup
[15:01] {cipher} out BSFT .73 +.10
01[15:03] {Threei} Short Setup: SRPT  31 break hl
01[15:03] {Threei}  If holds  .15 
[15:08] {dino} gotta hop, thx all, gn
01[15:10] {Threei}  take care dino
01[15:12] {Threei}  A group calling itself the Syrian Electronic Army, which is supportive of that country's leader, Bashar Al-Assad, on Tuesday claimed responsibility on its own Twitter feed for the AP hack.
[15:22] {cipher} CNQR L .40
[15:24] {cipher} stopped -.20
01[15:29] {Threei}  die SRPT
[15:29] {cipher} CNQR L .03
[15:30] {Les} can't borrow CNQR
[15:30] {cipher} out .48 +.45
[15:30] {Les} SRPT sorry
[15:30] {cipher} I guess it's a good thing Les
[15:31] {thomcbell} aig daily chart pretty impressive - and volume 
01[15:37] {Threei}  guys, who has FB account... everyone has followed RealityTrader page, so I wouldn't have to post links here when new post is made?
[15:37] {Will49} i have
[15:38] {backman} me 2
01[15:38] {Threei}  ok, cool
01[15:38] {Threei}  who hasn't,
[15:39] {jdetente} no FB for me...I have so far resisted the Borg
01[15:39] {Threei}  I wish I could too
01[15:39] {Threei}  alas, no such option
[15:40] {stevw} oh great, so much for my FB reputation - I've now liked some guy with a pipe!
01[15:40] {Threei}  hey, better than previous photo that was a guy woth 2x4!
[15:40] {stevw} a 2x4?
01[15:40] {Threei}  a teaching tool
[15:40] {stevw} ouch
01[15:41] {Threei}  there are two variations
01[15:41] {Threei}  ordinary 2x4
01[15:41] {Threei}  and special one for nemo, endowed with rusty nails
[15:41] {Will49} teaching tool I like is vodka bottle shaped like a machine gun
01[15:42] {Threei}  pointy end out of course
01[15:44] {Threei}  nemo is asking me to spike them with ricin, but I refuse... that would make his suffering too brief
01[15:45] {Threei}  ha;f out SRPT
[15:45] {backman} you are known for your kindness....your ricin reluctance is just another affirmation of same
01[15:46] {Threei}  you get me... :) :) :)
[15:47] {backman} and, on that note, i bid u all gnite
01[15:48] {Threei}  see you tomorrow :)
[15:49] {Les} yeh me 2 a+
01[15:49] {Threei}  still want to squeeze more out of SRPT
[15:53] {Will49} tks Vad out 1:2
[15:53] {jdetente} there it was. Thanks Vad
01[15:53] {Threei}  out too
01[15:53] {Threei}  thank you all, another great day
01[15:54] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:54] {Will49} yes...great day tks
[15:54] {stevw} cheers

Monday, April 22, 2013

Apr 22 2013

Internet service provider dropped us for a few minutes and then lost connection to Google services for a few hours, so the log is coming with some delay. Sorry about that, out of our control.

Beautiful start to the day with 7 wins out of 8 calls. One great trade got away as it never gave us a pullback for entry. Chart is educational anyway, look at this classic C&H followed by explosion

Session Time: Mon Apr 22 00:00:00 2013
[08:40] {patel} GM
01[08:50] {Threei}  patel :)
[08:51] {cipher} gm
01[08:52] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:06] {dino} gm
01[09:06] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:06] {thomcbell} gm all 
01[09:07] {Threei}  tbell :)
[09:08] {Les} morning or afternoon, depending on your worldy location
[09:09] {Les} or good night for Vad. Is there sunlight there yet?
[09:09] {jdetente} gm
01[09:09] {Threei}  it's 6:10 am... of course there is sunlight
01[09:09] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:09] {backman} gm
01[09:09] {Threei}  bman :)
[09:14] {Les} wasn't sure if it was 6 or 5:30 your way
[09:19] {Will49} gm
01[09:19] {Threei}  will :)
[09:19] {ese} GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!! errr I mean.....ahhhhhh back from Denmark
01[09:19] {Threei}  ese, welcome back
[09:19] {Will49} welcome back
01[09:19] {Threei}  how was the trip?
[09:19] {ese} hey vad will
01[09:19] {Threei}  what exactly is rotten over there?
[09:19] {ese} fabulous
[09:19] {ese} nothing
[09:20] {ese} 4th time being there and have loved it everytime
01[09:20] {Threei}  hmmm... frikin Shakespeare... fooled us
[09:21] {ese} yup.........went to that castle Kronborg......although he calls it Eisinore or something in the book
[09:21] {stevw} is that the one that sank into the swamp?
[09:22] {ese} hmmmmmm ...don't think so
[09:22] {ese} ain't no swamp there
[09:22] {stevw} oh right, that was python, not shakespeare:s
[09:22] {ese} beautiful view of Sweden accross the straight
[09:23] {dino} welcome back ese
[09:23] {ese} strait
01[09:23] {Threei}  morning stev, welcome to the room
[09:23] {ese} tks dino............everyone filthy stinking rich yet
[09:23] {stevw} thank you, a pleasure to join you!
[09:23] {ese} nice to meet you stev
01[09:23] {Threei}  even nemo??
[09:24] {ese} lets not go too far eh
[09:24] {nemo} Vad, no piling on, it's bad enough I have to adjust to ese being back...
[09:24] {ese} ok ....let me see do we do this........whats a quote.......and ahhhh wha a bid and ask........
01[09:24] {Threei}  sorry
01[09:25] {Threei}  refresher ese:
[09:25] {ese} lol
01[09:25] {Threei}  you click one button (just pick which one randomly), close your eyes, count to 5, open them, click another
[09:25] {nemo} remeber ese, don't use stops, just let it ride
01[09:25] {Threei}  look whether it was a profit or loss,
01[09:25] {Threei}  move to the next trade
[09:26] {ese} am here for a couple of more days and then am off to Memphis for 8
[09:26] {ese} ya tks nemo
[09:26] {backman} 3i,love these quick reviews....confrims evrerythign ive been doing:=)
[09:26] {ese} with friends like that............who needs ......well you know how it goes
01[09:26] {Threei}  some suggest not open your eyes between clicks, but I disagree
[09:27] {ese} lol
[09:27] {Alexs} gm
01[09:27] {Threei}  alex :)
[09:27] {ese} someone else new on the board..........welcome Alex
01[09:27] {Threei}  no clear opening candidate, let's wait a few min to see what transpires
[09:28] {ese} only away for a week.......
[09:28] {Will49} we right wingers had a ball in your absence
[09:29] {Will49} hockey term
01[09:29] {Threei}  and if it was "balls," it would be a pool reference?
[09:29] {dino} cat, hmm, bad report and up
[09:30] {Will49} :) Vad
[09:30] {Les} watching C as it drops back to lows of last week. important support
01[09:31] {Threei} Short Setup: BP  .90 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  Invalidated  
01[09:34] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .20 break
01[09:34] {Threei}  If holds  .30 
01[09:34] {Threei}  1:1
01[09:36] {Threei}  nice smakdown C
[09:38] {Will49} winning start..tks Vad
01[09:38] {Threei}  had bigger potential...
01[09:38] {Threei}  market had to drop suddenly
[09:38] {Will49} next time
01[09:39] {Threei}  and GDX is still acts as a hedge
[09:39] {dino} cat sm s .47
01[09:39] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  24 break
01[09:39] {Threei}  If holds  .10 
[09:39] {thomcbell} gdx day high 
01[09:41] {Threei}  SPY should bounce here a bit
[09:41] {dino} cov cat .17, +.30
[09:42] {Les} wow C, short into bounce might be profitable
01[09:42] {Threei}  yeah, on watch
01[09:42] {Threei}  and SLW just has to be 1:2
[09:43] {cipher} xone l .99
[09:43] {cipher} lrcx l .15
01[09:43] {Threei}  I mean, look in its eyes... obviously ill
[09:44] {ese} L akam.52
01[09:44] {Threei}  1:1
[09:44] {cc_9} TNA what a lovely snapback
01[09:44] {Threei}  [09:41] {Threei} SPY should bounce here a bit
01[09:45] {Threei}  TNA obeyed
[09:45] {cc_9} Russell took a bigger beating than the rest
[09:45] {Les} here's C bounce back
[09:45] {ese} stop to break even
01[09:45] {Threei} Short Setup: C  56 break
01[09:46] {Threei}  45
[09:46] {ese} sucre blu.......damn stopped akam .52 +/-.00
[09:47] {ese} rats loosing my touch....had .16 in my hands
01[09:47] {Threei}  stop .07 C
01[09:47] {Threei}  SLW 1:2
01[09:47] {Threei}  that's better
01[09:49] {Threei}  C 1:1
[09:50] {thomcbell} short setup hig 26.50 break if holding 26.60
[09:51] {dino} elli sm l .60
[09:52] {dino} c sm l .90
01[09:54] {Threei}  SLW 1:3, out
[09:55] {Les} interesting to be trading the inverse of someone else in the room, yet not feel threatened by it
[09:55] {Les} 15:53] {dino} c sm l .90
01[09:56] {Threei}  why not, this is at the 1:1 of our entry
[09:56] {thomcbell} covering half hig 26.44
[09:56] {thomcbell} stop to break even 
01[09:56] {Threei}  our risk is covered,
01[09:56] {Threei}  our stop is at 45 break,
[09:56] {dino} lots of ways to trae les
[09:56] {Les} yer right of course
01[09:56] {Threei}  which kills the balance of our trades and adds fuekl to dino's trade
[09:56] {thomcbell} hig 1:1
[09:57] {dino} you gys need to cover and push it up for me
[09:57] {Les} but Dino doing that would have me jumping ship or changing sides, today I just shrugged
01[09:57] {Threei}  and if you ask what fuekl is, you need the Treeiihs-English dictionary
[09:57] {Les} I smell another book sale coming
01[09:57] {Threei}  we will at 45 break dino
[09:58] {dino} "shrugged" i like that, as in atlas
01[09:58] {Threei}  L)
01[09:58] {Threei}  grrr
01[09:58] {Threei}  :)
01[09:58] {Threei}  it's official: my typing hits new low today
01[09:58] {Threei}  and you thought it was a rock bottom
01[09:58] {Threei}  there you go
01[09:59] {Threei}  SLW... knew it was really sick
01[09:59] {Threei}  *(EU) EURO ZONE APR ADVANCED CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: -22.3 V -24.0E
01[10:00] {Threei}  hmmm... that's an improvement I guess
[10:00] {Les} gold advancing without silver is risk off
01[10:00] {Threei}  *(US) MAR EXISTING HOME SALES: 4.92M V 5.00ME
01[10:02] {Threei}  frikin C
01[10:02] {Threei}  rinsed second half
[10:02] {Les} yeh vwap was .05 traders said no
[10:02] {Les} .03
01[10:02] {Threei}  it's just housing news, Les
[10:02] {Les} no to bidding C higher. dunno about the news
01[10:02] {Threei}  disappointing, and came up right when it hit that high
[10:03] {nemo} msft
[10:03] {jfjf64} mornin
[10:03] {Les} oh ok
01[10:03] {Threei}  jf :)
01[10:03] {Threei}  slept through a good morning
[10:03] {jfjf64} comp prob
[10:03] {ese} i'm likin msft nemo......been watchin it most of the morning
[10:03] {Les} MSFT squeeze on what news?
01[10:04] {Threei}  MSFT Valueact to announce $2B stake in Microsoft - CNBC's Faber
01[10:05] {Threei}  ese, you are jetlagged still or what... look, jf is back
[10:06] {jfjf64} mornin ese
01[10:06] {Threei}  SLW 1:4...
[10:06] {jfjf64} 1;4
[10:06] {jfjf64} im jetlagged
01[10:06] {Threei}  lol
01[10:06] {Threei}  we cobvered at 1:3 though
[10:08] {cc_9} TNA starter .81
[10:09] {dino} out elli flat
[10:10] {thomcbell} hig 1:2
[10:10] {thomcbell} flat
[10:11] {Les} sm short slw .58 stop at fridays closing
01[10:12] {Threei}  hmmm
01[10:12] {Threei}  feels a bit overstretched, and due to a bounce
[10:13] {Les} gonna bounce with the indexes?
01[10:13] {Threei}  just a snapback
01[10:14] {Threei}  I wouldn't pklay it long, but snapback potential is enough to keep me from shorting it here
01[10:14] {Threei}  watch CAT for possibler db
[10:14] {cc_9} Need VXX under 28.70. Back to highs here
01[10:15] {Threei}  crap, it's like I have swimming fins of a wrong sixe on my hands on today
01[10:15] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .50 break hl
01[10:15] {Threei}  If holds  .40 
[10:15] {cc_9} Russell lagging behind big time
01[10:16] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:16] {Threei}  should be 1:3er
01[10:16] {Threei}  1:2
[10:17] {dino} tol sm l .10 stop lod
01[10:17] {Threei}  1:3, out
[10:18] {Will49} tks Vad...nice one
01[10:18] {Threei}  yw
01[10:18] {Threei}  jf, that was for you, to compensate for missed morning
[10:19] {jfjf64} ty pal
01[10:19] {Threei}  always
01[10:20] {Threei}  strange divergence between GLD and SLW
[10:20] {Les} slv?
01[10:21] {Threei}  ok... between SLV and SLW too
01[10:21] {Threei}  I just don't like trading SLV
01[10:21] {Threei}  and SLW was always a good proxy
[10:21] {Les} oh ok
[10:23] {dino} c stop -.26
[10:23] {nemo} pay
[10:25] {Les} CAT short of .40?
[10:25] {Les} cup and hanlde or head and shozlders
01[10:25] {Threei}  can't tell
[10:25] {Les} inverse c&h
01[10:26] {Threei}  something is off
01[10:26] {Threei}  can't quite put my finger on it
[10:26] {Les} that I guess. sudden drop into support
[10:27] {Les} C's a dirty prick
[10:27] {nemo} gave ya' the strap-on huh?
[10:28] {Les} nah had the direciton but squeezed bugger all out ofit
[10:28] {cc_9} Russell (IWM) taking the lead now, SPY lagging.
[10:28] {cc_9} Finally!
[10:28] {Les} IWM 15 mins way out of bb's bounce back only natural
[10:29] {Les} banksters overextended too
01[10:30] {Threei} Short Setup: COH  .40 break hl
01[10:30] {Threei}  If holds  .50 
01[10:31] {Threei}  Invalidated  
[10:31] {Les} CAT death
01[10:34] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  53 break
01[10:34] {Threei}  If holds  .10 
[10:36] {dino} c sm l .57
01[10:36] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:38] {Threei}  that's all? oh well
[10:38] {thomcbell} dont see a setup but fb looks like shinook move coming 
[10:38] {Les} shinook?
[10:38] {Les} spike?
[10:38] {thomcbell} salmon moving against current
[10:39] {Les} SLW seeking retest of lows
[10:39] {dino} elli sm l .72
[10:41] {Les} k
[10:42] {Les} aggressive entry on GLD for .50 break?
01[10:43] {Threei}  yes, hl
01[10:43] {Threei}  .40 break
01[10:43] {Threei}  with stop under .30
01[10:43] {Threei}  liking an idea
[10:44] {cc_9} TNA =D
[10:44] {cc_9} finally.
[10:44] {ese} L fig sm .05
[10:45] {ese} what the fig eh?
01[10:45] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:45] {Threei}  and has at least 1:3 potential
01[10:45] {Threei}  really ese... lol
[10:45] {ese} lol
01[10:46] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:46] {Threei}  that was really good strcture for the play Les
01[10:46] {Threei}  1:3, my a$$ is out
[10:47] {Will49} good call Les
[10:47] {Les} half rationalised half intuition, given SLW is on screen at same time and looking like a dog
[10:48] {Les} difficult to ignore the attempt to break .50 at 10:38
01[10:49] {Threei}  you can view it as a min-C&H, with aggressive entry
01[10:49] {Threei}  mini
[10:49] {Les} was gonna call it but thought no too small
[10:49] {Les} gonna ask about it
01[10:49] {Threei}  a bit, yeah, that's why mini
[10:50] {Les} had to ignore my indicators for that one ;)
01[10:50] {Threei}  anyway, we are what, 6 for 6?
[10:50] {Will49} :)
01[10:50] {Threei}  Les, let me offer you an experiment
01[10:51] {Threei}  just do it for a week, andf it will do wonders for your trading
01[10:51] {Threei}  starting tomorrow
01[10:51] {Threei}  eliminate everything from your charts
01[10:51] {Threei}  leave price and volume, period
01[10:51] {Threei}  not even those few I use
[10:51] {Les} uh can I keep my bb's?
01[10:52] {Threei}  in a week
[10:52] {Les} hmmmm
01[10:52] {Threei}  4 days with nothing
[10:52] {cc_9} TNA, all out here, sweet trade.
[10:52] {nemo} vodka?
[10:52] {Les} done
[10:52] {Les} feel naked
01[10:52] {Threei}  1 min candlestick chart, daily chart, volume
01[10:52] {Threei}  right, you will
01[10:53] {Threei}  and it will force you in using minimalist setup,
01[10:53] {Threei}  and minmalist setup gives you incredible clarity
01[10:53] {Threei}  Your brain searches for patterns,
01[10:53] {Threei}  it will have to finsd them in merely price and volume
01[10:53] {Threei}  you will be amazed what it sees
01[10:54] {Threei}  and how liberating it is
01[10:54] {Threei}  Next Monday, add BBs back
[10:54] {thomcbell} i got a lot of setups out of the reversal section in the course so far today 
01[10:54] {Threei}  maybe MA
[10:54] {nemo} vodka?
01[10:54] {Threei}  111 Trades you mean, tbell?
[10:55] {cc_9} Vad speaks the truth, simplicity is key when you are trading based on charts.
01[10:55] {Threei}  nemo, stop asking... it goes without saying
[10:55] {thomcbell} yes - been doing continual reviewing 
[10:55] {thomcbell} VERY HELPFUL esp. on day like today 
01[10:55] {Threei}  :)
01[10:56] {Threei}
[10:58] {dino} asr smr l .05
[10:59] {backman} Les, I will be trading over your shoulder....:=)
[10:59] {Les} one thing is clear, I know need to identify candlesticks
[11:00] {Les} now
01[11:00] {Threei}  as in japanese formations?
[11:00] {backman} your wife will thank u for them 
[11:00] {Les} yeh
01[11:00] {Threei}  nah, don't overcomplicate it, keep it to the simplest level
01[11:01] {Threei}  doji, star
[11:01] {Les} no, just individual
[11:01] {Les} yeh
01[11:01] {Threei}  grab an MPP
[11:01] {jfjf64} has
01[11:01] {Threei}  they are all in there'
[11:01] {Les} heaven forbid I couldn't identifly formations
[11:01] {jfjf64} short ??
01[11:01] {Threei}  not sure jf...
[11:02] {Les} damn MSFT has stopped squeezing
[11:02] {Les} forgot 31
[11:03] {thomcbell} short setup hig 26.43 break if holding 26.50
[11:04] {Les} slw .75 short?
[11:05] {Les} GDX seems better defined as seutp but this could be just jellyfish action. can't tell...
[11:05] {Les} feel naked
01[11:05] {Threei}  trim your activity dow why your brain adjusts
01[11:06] {Threei}  swicth to paper, see how it works
01[11:06] {Threei}  why = while
[11:06] {Les} aaagh this is a conspiracy to get me to shut up
[11:06] {Les} now I see it
[11:07] {Les} p&v limits me to your setups
[11:07] {Les} or perhaps restrains me...
01[11:07] {Threei}  well, yes but it doeas one more thing, most important
[11:07] {Les} pattern visual recognistion?
01[11:07] {Threei}  it makes you start seeing only clearest of the setups
[11:08] {Les} hmmm
[11:08] {Les} k
01[11:08] {Threei}  filter out marginal ones
01[11:08] {Threei}  see, the trade should scream at you
01[11:08] {Threei}  when it says, :hey, I might be there" - shrug and walk by
01[11:08] {Threei}  when it screams "Oh Les, take me, take me..."
[11:09] {Les} not a frikin word nemo
01[11:09] {Threei}  lol
01[11:09] {Threei}  recall again that GLD setup
01[11:09] {Threei}  not even setup itself, but how you felt when saw it
01[11:10] {Threei}  intuitive feel that it's a really good one
[11:10] {nemo} ?
01[11:10] {Threei}  now look at both SLW and GDX
01[11:11] {Threei}  do they have this drive, this feel of imminent resolution coming?
[11:11] {Les} nooooope
01[11:11] {Threei}  they are like a jellyfish hanging from a flagpole in windless afternoon
[11:11] {dino} actg
01[11:12] {Threei}  and here is a kicker:
01[11:12] {Threei}  no indicator will show you that
[11:12] {stevw} BBRY looking interesting at 13.85?
01[11:12] {Threei}  you get to feel these things when you listen the original market language
[11:12] {jfjf64} price/vol
[11:12] {nemo}  {&Threei}  they are like a jellyfish hanging from a flagpole in windless afternoon
01[11:12] {Threei}  BBRY, looked at it a few times today
01[11:13] {Threei}  formally, setup is here
[11:13] {nemo} mmmm...something tells me Les can identify with that analogy
01[11:13] {Threei}  but activity is very low on it
[11:13] {Will49} LOL
01[11:13] {Threei}  narrow, no pace, no volume
01[11:13] {Threei}  I am afraid this one will hold us hostage for two hours
[11:13] {dino} actg sm s .80 break
01[11:14] {Threei}  stay with these naked charts Les
[11:14] {stevw} being held hostage for hours is certainly consistent with my last week's trading!
01[11:14] {Threei}  hehe
[11:14] {nemo} it's also consistent with Les' marriage
[11:14] {Les} oh that is just so naughty nemo
[11:14] {Les} no shame
01[11:14] {Threei}  week later, you won't believe how much difference it makes
[11:14] {Will49} hit a nerve there nemo
[11:16] {stevw} i've been trading tsx stocks only so far, and the days have started active, then gone dead
01[11:16] {Threei}  that usually happens on market positive days
[11:16] {Les} RIG .40 short if holding .50?
01[11:16] {Threei}  selling days are more active
[11:16] {stevw} aaah
[11:17] {Les} ACTG 23 short?
01[11:17] {Threei}  man... I haven';t had time to look at one stock, and I already have no time to look at another
01[11:17] {Threei}  RIG, no
[11:17] {Les} ACTG has gone
[11:18] {dino} yes les
[11:21] {Les} MSFT .80 interesting
[11:22] {dino} out tol .40, +.30
[11:25] {Les} cover ACTG +.30 ty dino
[11:26] {Les} MSFT  .80 short?
01[11:28] {Threei}  charts right, just don't expect it to be fast
[11:28] {Les} dam wall to be broken at .80
[11:28] {nemo} weird Monday slowing into lunch
[11:28] {Les} could be quick drop into support
[11:29] {nemo} if it can't get above vwap, then short it, but I'd watch it for awhile
[11:29] {Les} lol I have no indicators Nemo
[11:29] {Les} where's vwap?
[11:29] {nemo} oh 30.88
[11:30] {Les} will keep it small then already a good day
[11:32] {thomcbell} flattening hig 26.40 basically flat 
[11:32] {Les} yep
[11:32] {backman} ss GILD .67
[11:32] {Les} flood gate opened
[11:33] {nemo} geez Les, you're giving me so much material today
[11:33] {Les} practise yer mushin
[11:34] {nemo} I would say I've operated out of mushin quite well today
01[11:34] {Threei}  wow... that was fast for a MSFT usual manner of moving
[11:34] {dino} our asr 127.15, +2.10
[11:34] {Les} squeeze to help someone offload here I wonder
[11:35] {dino} ahh, c'mon
[11:35] {Will49} sweet dino
01[11:35] {Threei}  wtg
[11:35] {dino} thx
[11:35] {backman} out -.10
[11:35] {Les} bman. jellyfish fluttering in the wind and all that...
[11:36] {backman} need to find my stoopid stik
[11:37] {dino} les, actg stuck, tighten to b/e
[11:37] {nemo} hey backman, found out a friend of mine's sister got her leg blown off at the marathon
[11:37] {Les} [17:26] {Les} cover ACTG +.30 ty dino
[11:38] {dino} bummer nemo
[11:38] {nemo} yeah, she was there with her 2 year old daughter
[11:38] {dino} gj
[11:38] {nemo} guess she's o.k.
[11:38] {Les} 2year old ok?
[11:38] {nemo} yeah, he didn't mention anything about her
[11:39] {ese} out fig .16 +.11   good enough
[11:40] {Les} an age when mingling in large crowds is not a good idea
[11:40] {Les} at least in the US
[11:40] {backman} sry to hear that....made a donatoin to BostonOne fund yesterday
[11:40] {nemo} I've been staying away from large crowds for about 20 years now
[11:40] {Les} yeh army taught me that
[11:40] {dino} out elli .02, +.30
01[11:41] {Threei}  be honest nemo... large crowds just don't want to accept you
[11:41] {dino} cov actg flat
[11:41] {nemo} match made in heaven then Vad
[11:41] {stevw} took my eyes of BBRY for 10 minutes and bam
[11:42] {stevw} missed the entry
[11:42] {Les} heh it woke up
[11:42] {dino} got greedy actg, had .30
01[11:42] {Threei}  that was news-caused move stev
01[11:43] {Threei}  BlackBerry Ticks higher on chatter that a strategic investor may be building a stake- Third Point (Loeb) rumored to be building a stake in BBRY.
[11:43] {stevw} volume backed off quickly
01[11:44] {Threei}  if not for this headline, this thing would have sat in the range for hours
01[11:44] {Threei}  even with it, it's anemic
[11:45] {Les} BBY somethign to keep an eye on around here. consolidating in daily around 23
[11:45] {dino} c to .77 mkt drop
[11:46] {Les} SLW returns to intraday low
01[11:46] {Threei}  Trading Subdued Ahead of a Busy Earnings Week
[11:46] {dino} ?120 pt dji range
[11:47] {Les} SPY bouncing of friday close here
01[11:47] {Threei}  I guess against last week moves it's subdued :)
[11:47] {Les} off to a pyjama party. c u's for close
01[11:51] {Threei}  17% Rate U.S. #Economy As Good or Excellent
01[11:52] {Threei}  this % of imbeciles is incredibly elusive number... I continue missing the estimates
01[11:55] {Threei}  I am losing my touch
01[11:55] {Threei}  blog post for goldbugs, 24 hours later - just 6 hate mails??
01[11:55] {Threei}  man...
01[11:55] {Threei}
01[12:05] {Threei}  watching CAT for pullback entry
[12:07] {dino} c to .87, brb
01[12:08] {Threei}  no pullback to speak of
[12:10] {cc_9} TNA, whoa, talk about a comeback :)
01[12:17] {Threei}  frikin CAT
01[12:17] {Threei}  left us on the platform
[12:22] {dino} out c .87, +.30
01[12:22] {Threei}  wtg
01[12:22] {Threei}
[12:23] {dino} ty
[12:38] {ese} gotta go...cya tomorrow
[12:41] {backman} what just happened...everything i was watching just went green
01[12:43] {Threei}  take care ese
01[12:44] {Threei}  no news bman, just that annoying slow creep-up, with some spikes
[12:44] {backman} thnx
01[12:44] {Threei}  hate it... no trades
01[12:44] {Threei}  look at CAT
[12:45] {backman} yes...scalped it below 82 earlier to short side.....glad i wasnt attached:=)
01[12:45] {Threei}  next time I see this C&H on it while market establishes this climb, I issue alert: buy CAT and faint for an hour
[12:46] {backman} r you referring to 1130 or 1230...seems like they were both there
01[12:47] {Threei}  12:06 break
01[12:47] {Threei}  [12:05] {Threei} watching CAT for pullback entry
[12:48] {backman} gotcha...thax
01[12:48] {Threei}
[12:53] {dino} horrible report and cat rocks, wow
[12:54] {cc_9} Anyone watching ACAD on 60min/daily ?
[12:54] {dino} wed gap fill
[12:57] {dino} acad, some kind of fda news cc9
[13:02] {backman} scalped ACAD ss a little earlier....happy to be long gone
[13:06] {thomcbell} cat lord god
[13:15] {dino} osis
[13:21] {dino} sm l ave .46
[13:24] {dino} wtf, stop
01[13:28] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .50 break hl
01[13:28] {Threei}  If holds  .60 
[13:28] {nemo} how dare you short gold!!!
01[13:28] {Threei}  sorry
01[13:29] {Threei}  if I am wrong, trading gods will punish me with stop
[13:32] {Will49} not available
01[13:34] {Threei}  gods say it's wrong
06[13:34] * Threei pours ashes on his head and swears off shorting gold
[13:34] {Will49} even god couldn't borrow shares
[13:39] {nemo} will, you can always trade inverse gold etf
[13:39] {jfjf64} 3i
01[13:40] {Threei}  jf
[13:41] {nemo} anybody else get a 2.3 million bar on spy just after 1:30?
[13:42] {nemo} hings looking like they might pull in here
[13:42] {nemo} things
[13:42] {Will49} yes, here
01[13:43] {Threei}  yes
[13:43] {nemo} interesting
[13:43] {Will49} but aren't we all looking at the same 1 minute chart?
[13:43] {nemo} ?
[13:43] {nemo} Les Jr.
01[13:43] {Threei}  some charts are more equal than others willl
[13:43] {nemo} or senior as the case may be
[13:44] {Will49} hmmm
[13:44] {thomcbell} long setup for a scalp only - kors 52.02 break if holding 51.92 
[13:45] {thomcbell} target 1:2
[13:47] {Will49} so, is it not true that the only way you wouldn't "see" a volume spike like that is if you don't have volume as one of your indicators?
[13:48] {nemo} or you aren't looking at the screen, don't have spy up, are blind...etc
[13:48] {Will49} of course
01[13:48] {Threei}  it is... nemo asked because that was very unusual spike, and sometimes it's simply a software fluke, so he wanted to make sure it appears across other platforms
[13:48] {Will49} ok i get it
[13:49] {Will49} apologies nemo for thinking you asked a stupid question:)
[13:49] {Will49} live and learn
01[13:49] {Threei}  also, considering that nemo himself is pretty much a fluke...
[13:49] {nemo} ow
[13:49] {nemo} sniff
06[13:49] * nemo racks slide
06[13:50] * Threei hides underneath nearest rock
06[13:50] * nemo calls in drone attack
[13:50] {Will49} are you going to show slides of your vacation nemo?
[13:51] {nemo} don't make me pee my pants laughing
[13:51] {Will49} you Americans even know all the technical terms for your gun parts I see
[13:52] {nemo} I sell 'em, I better
[13:52] {Will49} admirable
[13:52] {thomcbell} kors invalid 
01[13:52] {Threei}  no kidding
[13:52] {nemo} oh, that spike looks like the prelude to the pullback...bastids
01[13:53] {Threei}  I still remember a salesperson from a NY store that, asked whether they ship to Canada, said sorry, no overseas shimpping
[13:53] {Will49} lol
01[13:53] {Threei}  I mean I knew that some in US are not very well versed in geography, but...
[13:54] {nemo} Usually Americans are getting dinged for their Phillistine skills in geography, so in the early 80's I'm in Germany and the conversation goes like this, "So you're from Boston, is that on the east coast or the west coast?"
01[13:54] {Threei}  the number of people all over the net that last week confused Chechnya with Chechoslovakia...
[13:55] {Will49} we Canucks (with our inferiority complex)love to collect anecdotes like that
01[13:55] {Threei}  but the best ones are the stories of Eiropenas booking vacations in Sidney... Nova Scotia, instead of Australia
01[13:56] {Threei}  happened more than once
[13:56] {nemo} now canucks, you're somewhere between homo habilus and australopithicus, right?
01[13:56] {Threei}  small town, total backwater
01[13:56] {Threei}  cold
01[13:56] {Threei}  guys walk off a plane in shorts and t-shirts
01[13:56] {Threei}  looking around, bewildered
[13:57] {nemo} tuning in to the eagles nests
[13:57] {Will49} is that part of Vad's joke?
01[13:58] {Threei}  not a joke
01[13:58] {Threei}
01[13:58] {Threei}  just one of exanples
[13:58] {Will49} thought there was a punch-line coming
[13:58] {Will49} you know...two guys walk into a bar...
01[13:59] {Threei}  as far as travellers were concerned, punch happened right at the airport
[14:00] {dino} both guys say "ouch"
01[14:00] {Threei}  The grandfather and grandson aren't the first travellers who came to Sydney, N.S. thinking they were headed to Australia.
01[14:00] {Threei}  In August 2002, Raeoul Sebastian and Emma Nunn, both of London, England, spent their vacation in Cape Breton and became local celebrities after a flight mix-up brought them to another Sydney.
01[14:00] {Threei}  And in December, an Argentinian woman, Monique Rozanes Torres Aguero of Buenos Aires, had been daydreaming about her vacation in Sydney, Australia, when her Air Canada Jazz flight landed in Sydney, N.S.
[14:01] {Will49} changing planes in Montreal should have tipped her off
01[14:05] {Threei}  White House: Boston Marathon suspect will not be tried as an enemy combatant
01[14:06] {Threei}  Canadian police to announce arrests in planned terrorist attack; suspects detained in Ontario, Quebec
01[14:13] {Threei}  total stall everywhere
01[14:14] {Threei}  if SPY breaks 156, I'd look for TNA long
01[14:14] {Threei}  there
01[14:14] {Threei}  half lot .35 break
[14:15] {nemo} they're going for the overhead gaps
01[14:15] {Threei}  just take profit or partial as you see fit, I can't assign a target here
01[14:15] {Threei}  1:1
01[14:18] {Threei}  White House expresses support for the internet sales tax bill due to be taken up in the Senate today; feels bill will level playing field for businesses
01[14:20] {Threei}  (EU) ECB's Noyer: Cyprus crisis is not a sign of fragility for the EMU
01[14:20] {Threei}  no, it's a sign of strenght
01[14:20] {Threei}  imbecile
[14:21] {dino} mx spike
01[14:21] {Threei}  1:2
[14:21] {nemo} spy and iwm into the gap
[14:21] {nemo} maybe we'll get there before Tuesday  ;-)
[14:22] {dino} out tna .55, +.17 thx vad
01[14:22] {Threei}  yw
01[14:22] {Threei}  cc9 shamed me into playing TNA
[14:22] {nemo} what's the russian word for "wimp"?
06[14:23] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a 2x4 decorated with peaceful pink tie at the working end
[14:23] {nemo} fine....I have other sources
01[14:24] {Threei}  like, umm, google?
[14:24] {nemo} like, um....Al
01[14:25] {Threei}
01[14:27] {Threei}  fair warning for all who speaks russian here... don't waste your time teaching nemo, he remembers only swear words
01[14:27] {Threei}  and uses them non-sparingly
[14:28] {nemo} the algo has nothing but green on it and getting stronger, bend over bears
[14:28] {dino} bohica
01[14:28] {Threei}  yeah ursine sodomy is back on agenda
[14:29] {nemo} Bear meat is back on the menu, boys!!!
[14:40] {thomcbell} dd impressive 
[14:46] {Les} what r we in?
[14:47] {dino} nada
01[14:47] {Threei}  nothing at the moment, just closed TNA 1:2
[14:47] {Les} i c we're going up
[14:48] {nemo} this may be it, spy hit R2, IWM the Weekly Pivot as well as FAS, and Les is it's all downhill from here
[14:49] {Les} lol
01[14:49] {Threei}  lol
[14:49] {nemo} Got anything to say Will?
01[14:49] {Threei}  stevw... I have to ask on your first day... impressions of this asylum?? :)
[14:50] {Les} what u need a fan club bunny boy?
[14:50] {dino} i prefer jungle
01[14:50] {Threei}  asylum in the jungle
[14:50] {dino} ok
[14:50] {stevw} interesting, of course - and nice to see the joviality
[14:50] {Will49} nemo....I'll let Les speak for me :)
01[14:51] {Threei}  yessss.... "Nemo the Jovial"!
[14:51] {stevw} i couldn't see what you were seeing in the price movements at the beginning of the day
[14:51] {stevw} but that's why i'm here - to learn
[14:51] {Les} very british...jovial. jolly good 
[14:51] {stevw} tally ho
[14:51] {Les} GDX lacking buyer enthusiasm
[14:52] {stevw} tried joining you guys on an early short, but got a rejection message - have to find out why
[14:52] {stevw} haven't shorted before
[14:52] {nemo} wasn't available to short
[14:52] {dino} need margin account
01[14:52] {Threei}  which broker?
[14:52] {stevw} td active trader margin/short account
01[14:53] {Threei}  ok... no idea about that one
01[14:53] {Threei}  most likely no inbentory for the particular stock
01[14:53] {Threei}  inventory
[14:55] {stevw} i'll have to make sure i'm caffeined-up for the morning open, that's for sure
[14:55] {stevw} by the time i start to see patterns 2 hours into the day, the volume's gone
[14:55] {nemo} try vodka stevw
[14:56] {stevw} hmmm
01[14:56] {Threei}  with caffein
[14:56] {nemo} wanna' see stuff?  Psyllocibin
01[14:56] {Threei}  lol
[14:56] {stevw} growing in vad's backyard?
[14:56] {Les} ritalin
[14:56] {nemo} buddy of mine grows it
01[14:56] {Threei}  vodka??
[14:56] {nemo} shrooms
01[14:56] {Threei}  U always knew there is such thing as a vodka tree!!
01[14:56] {Threei}  I
[14:57] {jfjf64} lol
01[14:57] {Threei}  frikin botanists denied
[14:57] {Les} ritalin with vodka and mushrooms hmmmm
01[14:57] {Threei}  wanted to keep it all for themselves
[14:57] {dino} stevw, where are you located?
[14:57] {stevw} scenic hamilton, ontario
01[14:58] {Threei}  I want a Grey Goose variety... grafted with Russian Standard
[14:58] {Les}
[14:58] {Les} found it
[14:58] {stevw} hopefully back to the west coast in the next couple years
[14:58] {Will49} Hey hometown. Last lived on St Clair Blvd in east end
[14:59] {stevw} nice street - beautiful victorian homes
[14:59] {stevw} where now?
[14:59] {Will49} yeah...our was built 1912 and is a heritage protected property
[14:59] {Will49} now in Victoria
[15:00] {jfjf64} lulu strong
[15:01] {stevw} often traveled to Victoria, (and Nanaimo), when I lived in burnaby
[15:01] {Will49} thinking of coming back, are you?
[15:01] {stevw} yes, i love the west coast
[15:02] {Will49} will never go back
[15:02] {stevw} it'll be the island for me, now that i don't need the action of the big city
[15:02] {Will49} only advantage would be not having to start trading at 6:30
[15:02] {stevw} lol - i do chuckle at the thought of you guys getting up that early
[15:03] {Les} would love to get up that early
[15:03] {nemo} yeah, but they have the rest of the day
[15:03] {dino} lol
[15:03] {Les} have rest of day free
[15:03] {stevw} that said; must be nice to shut it down in the early afternoon
[15:03] {nemo} Les, you're frickin''ll never be free
[15:03] {Les} free to hit the pub with daily winnings
[15:03] {Will49} hahaha
[15:03] {Les} gotta keep it under control, trading from 3pm to 10pm
01[15:04] {Threei}  1 pm, done, whole day ahead... beautiful in the summertime
[15:05] {Les} C lingering close to 45
01[15:05] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .85 break hl
01[15:05] {Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[15:07] {Threei}  Invalidated  
[15:11] {Les} ACTG 22 short?
[15:11] {nemo} looks like good area for bounce
[15:12] {Les} yeh stretched in daily
[15:12] {Les} oops I still have BB's on a chart
[15:12] {Les} 2 way then
01[15:13] {Threei}  I think so
01[15:15] {Threei}  Sinclair - The US Will Be Cyprused & We Will See $50,000 Gold
01[15:15] {Threei}  f&$k
Session Close: Mon Apr 22 15:15:34 2013

Session Start: Mon Apr 22 15:15:34 2013
Session Ident: #discussions
02[15:15] * Disconnected
02[15:24] * Attempting to rejoin channel #discussions
03[15:24] * Rejoined channel #discussions
01[15:24] {Threei}  something with connection
[15:24] {dino} too strong today
[15:24] {jfjf64} it is
[15:24] {jfjf64} train
01[15:24] {Threei}  not risking any trades or calls guys, internet is acting up
[15:24] {jfjf64} drink
01[15:24] {Threei}  sorry
[15:25] {Will49} completely failed here
01[15:25] {Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:25] {Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:25] {jfjf64} ty
[15:25] {Les} cheers
[15:25] {jfjf64} 3i going to beach
[15:25] {Will49} peace
[15:25] {jdetente} gn all
[15:25] {dino} have a good one
[15:26] {thomcbell} kors annoying 
[15:27] {thomcbell} cest la vie
[15:27] {dino} coors maybe
[15:27] {dino} issc spike
[15:30] {dino} back in 10 or so
[15:31] {Les} AAPL bouncing back. got any legs in this I wonder?
[15:31] {Les} yer ACTG bounce ws on the mark mark
[15:42] {dino} .
[15:52] {dino} calling it a day, thx all, gn