Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11 2014

That was one interesting day. Shaky morning, with a few stops that made it look like irreparable losing day - then win after win, for 1:3s and 1:2s took us back to breakeven, then slightly positive, then nicely positive. FB, EBAY, DE, FCX, JPM, both long and short (mostly short though),  something else out of other universe, like FCEL... all in all, ended well in positive territory.

Session Time: Tue Mar 11 00:00:00 2014
01[08:59] {@Threei}  ilya, dcc please
[09:00] {dino} gm
01[09:00] {@Threei}  dino :)
[09:02] {_illyakuryakin} i forgot how to do that...
[09:02] {_illyakuryakin} :)
01[09:02] {@Threei}  double click on my name
01[09:02] {@Threei}  pop up wondow is dcc
[09:20] {munky} morning
01[09:20] {@Threei}  munky :)
[09:21] {goinshort} morning all !
01[09:21] {@Threei}  gs :)
[09:21] {munky} short:)
[09:22] {RonS} greetings & salutations you 'uns
01[09:22] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:23] {munky} .
[09:27] {nemo} o.k. so we have a crow and a raven...sheesh
[09:28] {ese} gm
01[09:28] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:28] {ese} vad nemo
[09:28] {nemo} hey ese
[09:28] {thomcbell} hi all
01[09:28] {@Threei}  thom :)
[09:28] {mojo1} gd morning yall
01[09:29] {@Threei}  mojo :)
01[09:29] {@Threei}  looking for longs on pullback
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .40 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:32] {munky} in
01[09:35] {@Threei}  stop .34
01[09:35] {@Threei}  out
01[09:35] {@Threei}  missed .49 exit
[09:36] {munky} got half out .49
01[09:37] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .65 break
[09:37] {nemo} A group helium molecules walk into a bar. Bartender says: "sorry we don't serve noble gases here." The helium doesn't react.
01[09:37] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:38] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .70 break
01[09:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:42] {@Threei}  what's with bouts of selling
01[09:42] {@Threei}  not liking it
01[09:42] {@Threei}  no news
[09:42] {dino} urbn sm l .29
01[09:43] {@Threei}  no go EBAY
[09:44] {dino} fcx gap fill early feb
01[09:45] {@Threei}  (US) Preview: Jan Wholesale Inventories expected at 10:00 ET (14:00 GMT)**Consensus expectations: - Wholesale Inventories MoM: 0.4%e v 0.3% prior (**Note: Dec reading was a 5-month low) - Wholesale Trade Sales MoM: 0.2%e v 0.5% prior
01[09:46] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .25 break
01[09:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .18
[09:48] {dino} cdti
01[09:49] {@Threei}  SPY looks bottomed
01[09:49] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .40 break
01[09:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:49] {RonS} took urbn .29 to .65 +.36  thanks dino
01[09:50] {@Threei}  wtg
01[09:50] {@Threei}  come on, really?
[09:50] {ese} c nope
01[09:50] {@Threei}  backing off
[09:50] {nemo} selling into the numbers at 10
01[09:50] {@Threei}  from 9:30?
[09:51] {nemo} buy cheaper
[09:51] {dino} out urbn .61, +.32
[09:52] {RonS} gj
[09:52] {dino} ty
[09:53] {RonS} aegr  want it somewhere in the 48's...
01[09:53] {@Threei}  ok EBAY, you chance to shine
01[09:53] {@Threei}  use it
[09:54] {fish_49} are you in?
[09:54] {ese} L C .26
[09:56] {dino} teso l .34
[09:57] {ese} if your asking me fish yes C L .26
[09:57] {fish_49} I was asking Vad if he took Ebay
01[09:58] {@Threei}  yes
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) JAN WHOLESALE INVENTORIES M/M: 0.6% V 0.4%E; WHOLESALE TRADE SALES M/M: % V 0.2%E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  WHOLESALE TRADE SALES M/M: -1.9% V 0.2%E
[10:00] {RonS} ambc hit
01[10:02] {@Threei}  EBAY starts loking like DBI if can't break .40
[10:05] {dino} watching it ron
[10:05] {dino} db l .08
01[10:07] {@Threei}  finally... move your butt now
[10:07] {dino} ambc sm l .70
[10:08] {fish_49} lol  push it Vad
01[10:08] {@Threei}  cleared large seller, no overhead for the 40 -50 cents
01[10:09] {@Threei}  just needs some help by SPY now, and should revisit day high
[10:09] {dino} teso stop .19 -.15
01[10:10] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:14] {fish_49} 1:2
01[10:14] {@Threei}  1:2
[10:15] {dino} gj
[10:15] {fish_49} gonna try and get .72 on the remaining
01[10:15] {@Threei}  .85 my target
01[10:15] {@Threei}  with usual trails of course
[10:15] {fish_49} ok I will hold it
[10:16] {fish_49} i dont see a good place to trail right now
01[10:16] {@Threei}  by the book
[10:16] {fish_49} I'm still at BE  for my trail
01[10:16] {@Threei}  .49
[10:16] {fish_49} ok
01[10:17] {@Threei}  why invent the wheel
[10:17] {fish_49} I had a good entry  .38
[10:25] {dino} out ambc .10, +.40
01[10:25] {@Threei}  wtg
[10:25] {RonS} gj
01[10:25] {@Threei}  1:3
[10:27] {dino} ty
01[10:28] {@Threei}  closed on a trail
[10:31] {ese} L some more C avg .27
[10:32] {ese} stop .17
[10:37] {dino} db stop to .38 brb
[10:38] {ese} sheeeeesh C.......get your but above .35
[10:38] {ese} butt
[10:40] {fish_49} out ebay +.34  thanks Vad
01[10:41] {@Threei}  yw
01[10:41] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .45 break
01[10:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
01[10:46] {@Threei}  meh
[10:46] {fish_49} FB  SOG
[10:47] {fish_49} Son of  a Gun
[10:47] {fish_49} I'm being polite today
[10:47] {fish_49} even to Nemo
[10:47] {nemo} Crimea River
[10:47] {dino} out db .38, +.30
[10:48] {RonS} gj
[10:49] {ese} well.....will miracles never cease
[10:49] {dino} ty
[10:53] {fish_49} somebody buying a ton of Big Macs today
01[10:54] {@Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .25 break
01[10:54] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
[10:54] {fish_49} did you get any?
01[10:55] {@Threei}  ?
[10:55] {fish_49} wrong send  sorry
[10:55] {munky} i gotta
[10:56] {ese} it's about time C
06[10:56] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
01[10:56] {@Threei}  EBAY at my target
01[10:56] {@Threei}  .85
[10:56] {ese} out ½ C +.10
[10:56] {ese} .37
01[10:59] {@Threei}  Invalidated  SLW
[11:00] {RonS} amba looks short for another leg down...
[11:01] {dino} .
01[11:02] {@Threei}  frikin FB
[11:02] {mojo1} dino JAZZ up 3
[11:02] {mojo1} any thoughts on it
[11:03] {RonS} quiet gone this pm...daughter & family here then w/ hyper 2 1/2 year old...
[11:03] {RonS} JAZZ...sounds upbeat?
[11:03] {dino} pega sm l .46
[11:04] {dino} teso l .24
01[11:04] {@Threei}  ron... you wished for it :)
[11:04] {dino} enjoy it ron
01[11:05] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .60 break
[11:05] {RonS} ya, they need to be here to look for a place...rental market here really tight...they may have to buy something...
01[11:06] {@Threei}  If holds  .54
[11:07] {RonS} hey ese...have you seen Gary Clark Jr play?...the guy is off the hook...like a combo of bb king and hendrix
[11:08] {ese} no......not sure actually that I know who he is
[11:08] {RonS} http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Clark,_Jr.
[11:09] {RonS} Clapton invited him to his guitar fest last summer...
01[11:09] {@Threei}  nope
01[11:09] {@Threei}  downward moves are more prolonged than they used to be, gotta change bottom hunting strategy
[11:09] {ese} cool.... am gonna look at that
[11:09] {dino} out teso .21 -.03
[11:10] {RonS} ...fastest hand speed that I have ever seen on a guitar
[11:11] {fish_49} ebay looks long here Vad
[11:12] {ese} thats saying something....
[11:12] {munky} nemo, hows volume today vs averages
[11:13] {nemo} slow day so far...looks like 80 mil will be the day
[11:13] {munky} ty cap'n
[11:16] {fish_49} what is a stronger bird  Corvus or a Raven?
[11:17] {nemo} Raven larger, Corvus is a crow
[11:18] {RonS} tal pulp
[11:18] {nemo} Corvus was also a weapon used on ships to puncture other ships back in the Roman times I think
[11:19] {munky} nemo, r u reincarnated like patton?
[11:19] {Corvus} Raven = Corvus corax
[11:19] {Corvus} Common Raven
[11:19] {nemo} yeah, same genus  Raven and crow
[11:19] {fish_49} I see that  Crow and Corvus  same
[11:20] {nemo} http://goo.gl/JWvIxD
[11:20] {Corvus} American Crow=Corvus brachyrhyncos
[11:20] {nemo} actually two different species from the same genus
[11:20] {Corvus} actually correct
[11:20] {dino} nevermore
[11:20] {Corvus} neverenough
[11:20] {fish_49} Baltimore Corvus?
[11:20] {nemo} wait til Raven comes back
01[11:20] {@Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .60 break
01[11:21] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
[11:21] {nemo} stop while you're behind fish
[11:21] {Corvus} Raven is always predsent
[11:21] {Corvus} present
[11:21] {nemo} no...we have a Raven in this room, he's not here today
[11:21] {RonS} hmm...here i thought corvus was the plural of corvette...
[11:21] {Corvus} so say you
[11:24] {ese} forgot to report stopped C with balance .17-.10
[11:25] {nemo} unless you're Raven and changed ur nick
[11:25] {fish_49} same domain
01[11:29] {@Threei}  military draft started in my town in Ukraine
[11:30] {RonS} centuries ago?
[11:30] {fish_49} They plan to fight until the end
[11:30] {ese} Do you still have family there vad
01[11:30] {@Threei}  no... friends, yes
[11:31] {fish_49} of the age where they would be drafted?
01[11:32] {@Threei}  no, but their son is 18
[11:33] {fish_49} I hope it can be resolved without blood
[11:33] {nemo} already been blood
01[11:33] {@Threei}  so far, it's straight-up escalation...
01[11:34] {@Threei}  good boy FCX
[11:34] {fish_49} click click FCX
[11:34] {fish_49} 1 more tick
01[11:34] {@Threei}  1:1
[11:35] {fish_49} there we go
01[11:35] {@Threei}  honestly, I see no good options over there... it's a choice between very bad now and very bad later
01[11:36] {@Threei}  and one hot head on either side is enough for the powder keg to explode
01[11:36] {@Threei}  in pre-WW2 months, it was the same... no one thought it was possible
01[11:37] {@Threei}  and everyone stumbled toward it making one logical step after another
01[11:37] {@Threei}  1:2
[11:39] {mojo1} ty VAD
01[11:39] {@Threei}  yw
01[11:39] {@Threei}  1:3
01[11:39] {@Threei}  out .31
[11:39] {fish_49} out here
[11:39] {fish_49} ty
[11:39] {dino} josb
01[11:40] {@Threei}  two 1:3ers make it better, but still negative for the day
[11:41] {RonS} mw news?
01[11:42] {@Threei}  JOSB Men's Wearhouse nearing a deal for the company at $65/shr or a bit higher- press (vs last rejected offer at $63.50/shr) -
01[11:42] {@Threei}  wow FCX
01[11:43] {@Threei}  and at the beginning of the trade I was thinking, maybe limit it to just a scalp
[11:43] {mojo1} unreal
01[11:43] {@Threei}  good thing decided against it
01[11:43] {@Threei}  oh
01[11:43] {@Threei}  here is why
[11:44] {nemo} what copper futures doing?
01[11:44] {@Threei}  IPath DJ/UBS Copper Copper futures move to new lows back below $3.00/lb- Weakness attributed to renewed chatter of potential for further corporate debt defaults in China.
01[11:44] {@Threei}  Lowest since July 2010
[11:44] {fish_49} down Nemo
01[11:44] {@Threei}  that's what kills FCX
[11:44] {RonS} gs hit
[11:44] {nemo} yep
01[11:44] {@Threei}  what can I say... perfect timing on our short
01[11:45] {@Threei}  PLUG
01[11:45] {@Threei}  Plug Power Inc Citron research makes cautious comments; sees fair value at $0.50/shr- Citron tweets: "Citron comments on this casino stock. Management wouldn't buy it at .15 cents why should you buy it at $11?"
01[11:45] {@Threei}  Cotron tends to kill stocks
01[11:46] {@Threei}  kill them dead
01[11:46] {@Threei}  Citron too
[11:47] {fish_49} I wanted FCX long at the break of .16  I chickened out
01[11:48] {@Threei} Short Setup: PLUG  .90 break hl
[11:48] {thomcbell} cant borrow plug
01[11:48] {@Threei}  no, not here
[11:49] {goinshort} not here
01[11:49] {@Threei}  on validated anyway
[11:49] {nemo} good thing
01[11:49] {@Threei}  invalidated anyway
[11:55] {dino} pplt drop
01[11:55] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .95 break
01[11:56] {@Threei}  fans of aggressive entries just take it here with .89 stop
[11:59] {munky} would vxx long be a similar trade?
01[11:59] {@Threei}  more volatile
01[11:59] {@Threei}  but as an idea of playing market breakdown, yes
01[12:00] {@Threei}  JOSB halt
[12:07] {RonS} josb deal confirmed $65
[12:08] {nemo} Men's Warehouse to buy Joseph Bank for $65/share in cash.
01[12:08] {@Threei}  half out from .92
01[12:11] {@Threei}  1/4 more out
01[12:12] {@Threei}  that same case... 5K shares at .92, 3-4 cents stop
[12:13] {dino} out tza .04, +.11 fl
[12:14] {fish_49} out in full here  thanks Vad
01[12:14] {@Threei}  vasil, look private message please
01[12:14] {@Threei}  yw
01[12:14] {@Threei}  want a few more cents for last 1/4
01[12:14] {@Threei}  stop .94
[12:14] {dino} outr sm l .00
[12:15] {fish_49} could take awhile to break .05
[12:15] {fish_49} ohh  wow
[12:15] {fish_49} lol
01[12:15] {@Threei}  what's your hurry?
01[12:15] {@Threei}  gotta be somewhere urgently?
[12:15] {fish_49} yes
01[12:15] {@Threei}  come on, draft is only in Ukraine
01[12:16] {@Threei}  the rest can wait
01[12:16] {@Threei}  well, unless it's wife calling
[12:16] {fish_49} amazing  Level II looked like the berlin wall at .05
01[12:16] {@Threei}  my a$$ is out
[12:16] {fish_49} no  wife  making lunch  On my way to get more coffee
01[12:16] {@Threei}  back in black, finally
[12:16] {fish_49} AC/DC?
01[12:16] {@Threei}  :)
[12:16] {RonS} showing outr halt...
01[12:19] {@Threei}  vasil
01[12:19] {@Threei}  private message please
[12:19] {dino} no
[12:19] {RonS} ya, was mistake...
01[12:29] {@Threei}  more downside or bottom is in
01[12:29] {@Threei}  that is the question
01[12:29] {@Threei}  right after to be or not to be
[12:30] {fish_49} let me check the 8-Ball
[12:30] {nemo} 187 test or back to vwap
01[12:30] {@Threei}  gut says more downside
01[12:30] {@Threei}  brain says don't listen to gut
[12:30] {thomcbell} gotta go do kid stuff today guys good lucks
[12:30] {thomcbell} luck
01[12:30] {@Threei}  take care thom
[12:30] {fish_49} tc thom
[12:30] {fish_49} Thom
[12:35] {dino} out outr .49, +.49
[12:36] {fish_49} 2nd pot of coffee on..  Lets rock and roll Vad
01[12:36] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[12:37] {@Threei}  I have to say, no man offered me that before
[12:37] {fish_49} ohhh my
01[12:37] {@Threei}  {GGG}
[12:37] {fish_49} Somewhere my comment got lost in translation
[12:37] {fish_49} lol
[12:38] {fish_49} Vad do you drink Coffee?
01[12:39] {@Threei}  very much so
01[12:39] {@Threei}  in fact right now
01[12:39] {@Threei}  and what I call coffee not many north americans can drink
01[12:39] {@Threei}  ask ese
[12:39] {goinshort} tried the Russian Standard over the weekend - very good!
[12:40] {fish_49} I'm setting up my camera out near the bird feeder later.  Will use the wifi  inside the house  and try to snap a cool pic
01[12:40] {@Threei}  good to hear gs
[12:40] {fish_49} Cardinals  are here and purple martins  but the martins don't hang out at the feeder
[12:40] {goinshort} gonna order a case
[12:40] {fish_49} GS  you drink it straight?
01[12:41] {@Threei}  is there any other way?
[12:41] {fish_49} not sure  I don't rink Vodka
[12:41] {fish_49} I like Scotch
01[12:42] {@Threei}  I do too, but they are not mutually exclusive :)
[12:42] {goinshort} straight
[12:43] {fish_49} fcx breakout  back to Vwap?
[12:43] {fish_49} HG (Copper Futures)  still sliding down
01[12:43] {@Threei}  I am not jazzed about this trade
[12:44] {fish_49} k
01[12:44] {@Threei}  chart is right but underlying asset is in deeper troubles than it show so fart
01[12:44] {@Threei}  copper might be in real bear for a while
01[12:44] {@Threei}  it doesn't mean FCX is untradeable on a long side, but this setup is not very compelling
01[12:45] {@Threei}  heh
01[12:46] {@Threei}  anyone wondered why Putin denied the obvious saying that it's not his troops in Crimea?
01[12:46] {@Threei}  among other reasons, this:
[12:46] {fish_49} y
01[12:46] {@Threei}  Russian oligarchs and senior politicians are likely to escape sanctions over the occupation of Ukraine, Downing Street admitted today. Any asset freezes or visa bans imposed by the West on Moscow in reprisal for the deployment of Russian troops in Crimea will be targeted at “officials who have links to the action that has been taken with regard to the violation of Ukrainian sovereignty", the Prime Minister’s Official Spokesman said.
01[12:46] {@Threei}  go ahead, prove it
01[12:47] {@Threei}  wealthy businessmen who are close to Vladimir Putin, many of whom have vast fortunes in London and across Europe, are unlikely to be hit.
01[12:47] {@Threei}  Sources said Mr Putin and Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, are unlikely to be affected as the Foreign Office wants them to be free to travel to talks over Ukraine.
[12:48] {fish_49} He starting to sound like Baghdad Bob
01[12:48] {@Threei}  only he actually has military and is not afraid to use it
[12:48] {fish_49} http://www.free-lebanon.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Baghdad-Bob.jpg
01[12:49] {@Threei}  More U.S. F-16 fighting falcons will be deployed to Poland in the coming days and weeks, the Pentagon press service has reported.
[12:50] {fish_49} words can't fix it  so we send planes
01[12:50] {@Threei}  planes can't either
01[12:50] {@Threei}  they already said they are not goihng to engage militarily
01[12:50] {@Threei}  so who cares about those planes
[12:50] {dino} poland does
[12:51] {fish_49} I agree but when did they ever do what they say?
[12:51] {fish_49} it's just a show of force
[12:51] {fish_49} I agree with the comment yesterday Ukraine needs Nuc's
[12:51] {dino} they are there to say you get ukrain, but no more
01[12:51] {@Threei}  that's all he wants
[12:51] {fish_49} Another cold war
[12:52] {dino} good for defense companies
01[12:52] {@Threei}  no one does anything about such incursion, that WILL lead to another
01[12:52] {@Threei}  just as Georgia in 2008
01[12:53] {@Threei}  there wouldn't be Crimea if that wasn't allowed and forgiven
[12:53] {dino} agreed
01[12:53] {@Threei}  also, when such precedent is created with broken guarantees for giving up your nukes, how's that going to play in the future?
01[12:54] {@Threei}  Iran gets the message loud and clear - get those nukes if you want to be safe
[12:54] {fish_49} Yep
[12:54] {fish_49} Kim Jung Un will work harder as well
01[12:54] {@Threei}  right
01[12:55] {@Threei}  this us why I said I see no good options there
01[12:55] {@Threei}  no one wants war
01[12:55] {@Threei}  but all the measures avoiding it only create more pretext for further confrontations
01[12:55] {@Threei}  we didn't get here in one step, there were a lot of errors made in the past
01[12:56] {@Threei}  and as a result, we have this situation with bad choices and worse choices
01[12:58] {@Threei}  Ukraine's Security Service detained a Russian saboteur in Donetsk Oblast on March 10, said SBU Chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko. The suspect is accused of preparing explosions and orchestrating other acts of diversion, said Nalyvaichenko in a statement on March 11. His activity is suspected of serving as a pretext for a wider Russian military invasion of Ukraine beyond Crimea.
01[12:59] {@Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .90 break
01[12:59] {@Threei}  If holds  31
[13:06] {dino} tza l .10
[13:09] {dino} stop .05
01[13:14] {@Threei}  oh boy
01[13:14] {@Threei}  e-mails I get...
[13:14] {dino} teso l .05
01[13:15] {@Threei}  just heard from the guy who argued with me in 1999, when he bought ELNK somewhere in $80s, stock started dropping, he refused to take a stop
01[13:15] {@Threei}  I advised him to take a loss and look for re-entry
01[13:16] {@Threei}  he said something about it being largest ISP in nA
01[13:16] {@Threei}  etc
01[13:16] {@Threei}  e-mailed me today, out of all these days and years
01[13:16] {@Threei}  to say that I was right
[13:16] {dino} lol
[13:16] {dino} 15 years later
01[13:17] {@Threei}  can youi believe it, lol
01[13:18] {@Threei}  said his username was magic... doesn't ring a bell
01[13:20] {@Threei}  market slowed down to a crawl
01[13:21] {@Threei}  FVX is valid still
01[13:21] {@Threei}  FCX
01[13:24] {@Threei}  not anymore
01[13:25] {@Threei}  be back in 20
[13:26] {dino} feels like everybody walking on egg shells, afraid to move
[13:26] {dino} viix l .89
[13:30] {dino} out viix .15, +.26
[13:30] {RonS} gj
[13:31] {dino} ty
[13:42] {fish_49} is the paint dry?
[13:46] {ese} yaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!
01[13:50] {@Threei}  back
[13:50] {fish_49} wb
[13:51] {ese} no....fell asleep
[13:52] {ese} ohhhhh....ya mean your back.......ahhhhhhh....like I said .....fell asleep
[13:53] {fish_49} Did ya bring the market back with you Vad?
01[13:53] {@Threei}  what am I, semitrailer
01[13:54] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .05 break
01[13:54] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
01[13:56] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[13:56] {@Threei}  for now
[13:58] {fish_49} Ebay . 40 and .50
[13:58] {fish_49} I mean FB  sorry
01[14:00] {@Threei}  FB looks uooish
[14:00] {fish_49} it broke
01[14:00] {@Threei}  uppish
01[14:01] {@Threei}  yup
[14:01] {fish_49} yep
[14:01] {fish_49} Vwap 72.05
01[14:01] {@Threei}  with stop under .40 of course
[14:01] {nemo} spy probably only got .10 more in it
[14:03] {fish_49} that was some serious selling pressure
01[14:03] {@Threei}  looks like usual shakout before move up
01[14:03] {@Threei}  normal for this time of the day
01[14:04] {@Threei}  that's some bid
01[14:04] {@Threei}  wow
01[14:04] {@Threei}  huge block
[14:04] {fish_49} yep
01[14:04] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .30 break
01[14:04] {@Threei}  hl
01[14:04] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[14:06] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:08] {dino} hsp drop
[14:09] {nathan} short PG .25 break
[14:10] {nathan} invali
01[14:11] {@Threei}  out FB
01[14:11] {@Threei}  1:2 is close enough
[14:11] {dino} hsp smr l .47
[14:11] {dino} pulp
01[14:13] {@Threei} Short Setup: DE  .95 break hl
01[14:13] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
[14:15] {fish_49} Dino you were trying to catch a bottom there with HSP?
01[14:16] {@Threei}  EBAY
01[14:16] {@Threei}  setup is back
01[14:17] {@Threei}  fish, what do you mean "trying?" There is no try, do or do not {G}
[14:18] {dino} hsp stopped -.25, idiot trade, had .30 on it
[14:19] {dino} y fish
[14:19] {fish_49} yea  when I looked you were already up .30+  then I blinked and it was falling fast
[14:19] {dino} turns into a rinse, pulp, pulp, pulp
[14:20] {dino} .45 trig
[14:23] {fish_49} DE 1;1
[14:23] {dino} gj
01[14:25] {@Threei}  1:1
01[14:25] {@Threei}  Ron
[14:25] {RonS} yes
01[14:25] {@Threei}  DE is on my radar thanks to you
[14:25] {fish_49} we didn't take any money from wmt today  who was supposed to watch it?
[14:25] {RonS} np
[14:26] {RonS} spring is when people like to think farm equip...
[14:27] {fish_49} I sit on 1 acre  not looking forward to cutting this year
[14:29] {fish_49} Did ebay trigger?
01[14:30] {@Threei}  sorry fish, I know we are friends and all that, but I am not cutting your grass for less than a box of hennessy paradis
01[14:30] {@Threei}  yes
01[14:31] {@Threei}  and before agreeing lightly you may want to look up the price of one bottle
01[14:31] {@Threei}  1:1
01[14:32] {@Threei}  sheesh, this day turns to be fairly nice... who would have thought in the morning
01[14:34] {@Threei}  1:2  FB
01[14:34] {@Threei}  1:2  DE
01[14:36] {@Threei}  nathan... today market is kinder to you within your time window, eh? :)
[14:36] {nathan} lol
[14:37] {nathan} though not a good day for me
[14:37] {nathan} 2 stops in a row
01[14:37] {@Threei}  3 1:2 calls since you connected
[14:38] {nathan} i missed all of them
01[14:38] {@Threei}  that was 1:2 EBAY above, not FB, sorry
01[14:38] {@Threei}  FB was fast... EBAY and DE were slow and easy to get
[14:38] {fish_49} yea I thoiught so  I thought you already dumped FB
[14:39] {fish_49} you sold half just b4 1:1  and the second half  should have been gone on the trail
01[14:39] {@Threei}  yeah, just too mnay stocks on radar, plus early onset of Alzheimer
[14:39] {nathan} yep but i was already in trade when i read youra
[14:39] {nathan} not enough BP
[14:39] {fish_49} I can and will only manage 1 at a time  for now
01[14:39] {@Threei}  on FB fish?
[14:40] {fish_49} you should have been out  FB right?
01[14:40] {@Threei}  no, sold half at 1:1 and second half just under 1:2
[14:40] {fish_49} oh  I got out  and was not watching  I thought it pulled back
01[14:40] {@Threei}  [14:11] {@Threei} out FB
01[14:40] {@Threei}  [14:11] {@Threei} 1:2 is close enough
[14:40] {fish_49} ohhhh
01[14:40] {@Threei}  it pulled back after that
[14:41] {fish_49} it was 1:2 that you sold just short of I was thinking it was 1:1  I need more Ginko
01[14:42] {@Threei}  Herbalife Ltd. Pershing (Ackman): Company has yet to disprove any of the issues set forth in the presentation - presentation- Claims that research conducted in Chinese markets show that HLF has violated multi-level marketing (MLM) rules in China including violations of how it pays distributors and how they recruit new representatives.
01[14:42] {@Threei}  you need real coffee, fish
01[14:42] {@Threei}  brewed in jezva
01[14:42] {@Threei}  not this drip crap
[14:43] {fish_49} ohhh no  When I was a working man  there were some cubans  that gave me a small plastic tiny cup of mud  they said was coffee
[14:43] {fish_49} I thought I didnt sleep for days
01[14:43] {@Threei}  I swear HLF will be the end of Ackman
[14:43] {nemo} anybody else's buying power screwed up
[14:43] {dino} herbalife is ackman's white whale, going to ruin him
01[14:43] {@Threei}  and he will be proven right after he goes bankrupt
[14:43] {dino} thats what i'm thinking
[14:43] {fish_49} my BP seems off
01[14:43] {@Threei}  - "Herbalife would have you believe that its distributors are paid as hourly consultants" when it is 100% paid on commissions. Pershing claims that the consulting pay is a "fictional" construct based on distributing commissions divided work hours. Says this practice enables them to talk to recruits at public seminars, and circumvent Chinese law. - Distributors in China that were interviewed suggested that they had multiple layers of distributors working under them, violating Chinese law which does not allow distributors to recruit other distributors.
[14:44] {fish_49} Is there a CC around?
[14:44] {vasil} FCEL for poolback ?
01[14:45] {@Threei}  skype him fish
01[14:45] {@Threei}  FCEL... worth a try long on .20 break
01[14:46] {@Threei}  stop/invalidation under .10
[14:46] {munky} fish, bp wrong here aslso now
01[14:47] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:47] {fish_49} I emailed  and I am in skype  right now  but  no reply yet
[14:49] {fish_49} Nonko Trading
[14:49] {fish_49} ‎2‎:‎49‎ ‎PM its fixed on your account‏
[14:49] {fish_49}  so they should tell us their users case by case‏
[14:50] {fish_49} he said  each of you with messed up BP  will have  to contact him
[14:51] {dino} out hsp .49, +.03
[14:51] {munky} i just emailed him
01[14:54] {@Threei}  1:2 FCEL
01[14:54] {@Threei}  cute little trade
[14:54] {vasil} done
[14:55] {vasil} thanx
01[14:55] {@Threei}  sure thing
[14:55] {nathan} Look HLF
[14:55] {nathan} nice spike
[14:56] {nathan} too much spread
[14:56] {RonS} outta here...daughter's flight arrived 45 min early...see u guys in the a.m....
01[14:56] {@Threei}  HLF recently changed its reason for existence
01[14:56] {@Threei}  take care ron
01[14:57] {@Threei}  up to last year it was to sell that crap they make and squeze money out of believers
01[14:57] {@Threei}  since last year, it exists with single purpose in mind: to destroy Ackman
01[14:58] {@Threei}  when it's done with him, it can go bankrupt itself
01[14:58] {@Threei}  and very likely will
[14:58] {vasil} fcel out
[15:01] {dino} athm sm l .78
01[15:07] {@Threei}  come on DE. give me 1:3
01[15:08] {@Threei}  1:3
01[15:08] {@Threei}  out
01[15:08] {@Threei}  happy
[15:08] {fish_49} gj
[15:08] {fish_49} I didnt get that one
01[15:09] {@Threei}  got EBAY instead?
[15:09] {dino} stop athm .63 -.15
[15:09] {fish_49} yea  but  got out a bit early
[15:09] {fish_49} Wife asked me  to help her with some things...
01[15:10] {@Threei}  man... you just don't want to learn how to do those slaps and kicks, do you
[15:10] {fish_49} lol  I will
[15:10] {fish_49} I like Ebay and wmt  both of them I have had great luck on
[15:11] {fish_49} I rarely do well with FB  and avoid it in the mornings as it could jump past my stop in a split second
[15:11] {fish_49} Do we rally back up to VWAP on a few of these over sold stocks?
[15:12] {fish_49} Nemo?
[15:12] {fish_49} thoughts?
[15:12] {nemo} don't think there's a rally today
[15:12] {nemo} not to vwap anyway
01[15:12] {@Threei}  yeah, my gut was right about more selling
[15:17] {fish_49} C
[15:17] {fish_49} wow
01[15:21] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .25 break
01[15:21] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[15:22] {fish_49} missed
01[15:23] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:25] {nathan} take care
01[15:26] {@Threei}  take care nathan
[15:26] {nathan} tomorrow a new day
[15:28] {goinshort} back to green -calling it a day - thanks everyone !
01[15:28] {@Threei}  gs :)
[15:28] {fish_49} later GS
01[15:38] {@Threei}  “A country which willingly gave up its nuclear arsenal . . . and received guarantees from the world’s leading countries finds itself unprotected, one-on-one with a country which is armed to its teeth,” Arseniy Yatseniuk, Ukraine’s interim prime minister, said.
01[15:39] {@Threei}  “If you do not uphold these guarantees which you signed up to in the Budapest Memorandum, then explain how you will convince Iran and North Korea to give up their nuclear status?” he asked.
[15:39] {dino} he's right, our word means nothing
01[15:39] {@Threei}  yup
01[15:40] {@Threei}  still, looking at him every girl in the world thinks "not only I refused to go out with this guy in high school, I did all I could to make sure no one know he even asked me"
01[15:40] {@Threei}  http://www.kyivpost.com/media/images/2014/03/10/p18ims6a9jdml1cf216pf1u7i1pab4/big.jpg
[15:41] {vasil} haha :)
01[15:44] {@Threei}  FCX, no support whatsoever
[15:48] {fish_49} just as you said that it found some legs
01[15:48] {@Threei}  those are very shaky legs...
[15:49] {fish_49} non the less they are legs  lol   .60 break will get 1:1
[15:49] {fish_49} lol
[15:49] {fish_49} maye
[15:49] {fish_49} maybe
[15:49] {fish_49} did you mean cut grass for case or  just one bottle?  and cut grass for the season or just one time?  lol
01[15:50] {@Threei}  still... if FCX was a girl, I'd recommend it to wear very long skirt
[15:50] {fish_49} lol  skinny nobly knees
[15:50] {fish_49} yes Nemo I made that word up
01[15:50] {@Threei}  case, one time
[15:50] {fish_49} oh  your expensive
01[15:51] {@Threei}  that's because in high school... oh, never mind
01[15:51] {@Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
[15:51] {fish_49} gn
01[15:51] {@Threei}  have as good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:51] {fish_49} thanks Vad
01[15:51] {@Threei}  nice day
[15:51] {vasil} good evening :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10 2014

Very quiet low volume day, ended slightly positive. Many winning entries but mostly just scalps, with couple larger wins.

Session Time: Mon Mar 10 00:00:00 2014
[08:39] {_illyakuryakin} gee...it worked :)
01[08:49] {@Threei}  what did?
[08:50] {_illyakuryakin} logging on for day 6
[08:50] {_illyakuryakin} :)
01[08:51] {@Threei}  honor system
[08:51] {_illyakuryakin} ugh...now you tell me...
01[08:51] {@Threei}  want me to change it to block, kick, chase and shoot system?
[08:52] {_illyakuryakin} heck no
[09:09] {dino} gm
01[09:09] {@Threei}  dino :)
[09:09] {fish_49} gm
01[09:10] {@Threei}  fish :)
[09:14] {munky} morn
01[09:14] {@Threei}  munky :)
01[09:16] {@Threei}  https://www.facebook.com/VadymGraiferPhotography/posts/618022274943958
[09:17] {RonS} hello and no kidding...
01[09:17] {@Threei}  Ron :)
[09:20] {RonS} so, does Canada change their time with the US?
01[09:21] {@Threei}  most of it, yes
01[09:21] {@Threei}  one province doesn't
01[09:22] {@Threei}  too bad it's the only reason to like it, or I would have moved for that only
[09:22] {fish_49} I like moving clock ahead  in Spring,  It was the only time I could stay up past 9 pm  I felt young again
01[09:23] {@Threei}  yeah but payback in the morning is such a bitch
[09:23] {fish_49} yea  I slept unti 7:30  this morning
[09:25] {mojo1} gd morning vietnam
01[09:25] {@Threei}  mojo :)
[09:25] {ese} morning...mojo vad
01[09:25] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:26] {fish_49} they find that plane yet?
[09:26] {goinshort} gm all !
01[09:26] {@Threei}  gs :)
[09:26] {_illyakuryakin} i like daylight savings; grass grows better.
[09:27] {ese} fish short....mr uncle
01[09:29] {@Threei}  reiterating the feeling for late arrivals: https://www.facebook.com/VadymGraiferPhotography/posts/618022274943958
01[09:30] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .15 break
01[09:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .25 
01[09:31] {@Threei}  no go
[09:33] {munky} stopped
[09:33] {munky} in .14
01[09:33] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .50 break hl
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .60 
01[09:36] {@Threei}  valid again
01[09:37] {@Threei}  not anynore
[09:37] {dino} vod hl l .45
01[09:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .35 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .25 
[09:40] {nemo} NY now on Daylight Savings, Europe doesn't close until 12:30 
01[09:40] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
01[09:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .70 break hl
01[09:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .60 
01[09:41] {@Threei}  valid still
[09:41] {nemo} chop city out there
[09:42] {ese} nope
01[09:42] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
[09:42] {ese} thought sure as heck fb was gonna do it
[09:42] {ese} bull flag
01[09:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .30 break
01[09:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .20 
01[09:44] {@Threei}  pennant breaks to the upside
01[09:44] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[09:47] {@Threei}  1:2  
01[09:48] {@Threei}  FB is in play again, same setup
01[09:48] {@Threei}  hl
[09:48] {dino} fmx smr l .85 ave
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:1  FB 
[09:48] {munky} no way to catch
01[09:48] {@Threei}  yeah
01[09:58] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .70 break hl
01[09:58] {@Threei}  If holds  .60 
01[09:59] {@Threei}  stop to .64
01[10:00] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:01] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .55 break
01[10:03] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
[10:05] {dino} fmx stop -.35
01[10:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FAZ  .65 break
01[10:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .58 
[10:10] {dino} risky, smr l athm .30
[10:10] {ese} not risky for you there buddy
[10:11] {ese} whats up with all the fuel cell stocks....going nuts today PLUG BLDP etc etc
01[10:12] {@Threei}  (RU) Russia troops reportedly open fire during attempts to take over a Ukraine military post in Crimea, no injuries
[10:13] {_illyakuryakin} using blanks maybe?
01[10:13] {@Threei}  or aim high
01[10:14] {@Threei}  at this point they do try to avoid full blast shootout
01[10:17] {@Threei}  stop to .61
01[10:21] {@Threei}  stop to .64
01[10:26] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .05 break
01[10:27] {@Threei}  1:1  FAZ 
01[10:27] {@Threei}  If holds  .12  wmt
01[10:27] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
[10:27] {nemo} look for .20ish short
[10:27] {mojo1} 1:1
[10:28] {mojo1} ty
01[10:28] {@Threei}  yw
[10:28] {thomcbell} gm
01[10:28] {@Threei}  thom :)
[10:29] {dino} bita smr l .66 wide
[10:29] {nemo} lvs
[10:29] {nemo} twp wau [;au
[10:29] {nemo} two way play
01[10:29] {@Threei}  sorry nemo
[10:30] {nemo} yeah
[10:30] {fish_49} I was away  did WMT trigger  and thanks for FAZ  Im out here
01[10:30] {@Threei}  never thought my negative influence on your typing would reach such depths
01[10:30] {@Threei}  no fish, invalidated
[10:30] {fish_49} thanks
[10:32] {fish_49} FAZ is not shortable?
[10:32] {nemo} faz is the short, take tna
01[10:32] {@Threei}  no
01[10:32] {@Threei}  FAS
[10:32] {fish_49} not asking for that reason Nemo  thanks
[10:32] {nemo} oh yeah, right
[10:32] {nemo} oh
[10:32] {nemo} short the xlf then
01[10:33] {@Threei}  FAS long = FAZ short
[10:33] {nemo} huh
[10:33] {fish_49} I had my stop loss order in and then tried  to plug in my 1:1 sell order and it wouldnt let me  ....  I had  to cancel the stop loss and then take profit
01[10:33] {@Threei}  yup, that's why
01[10:33] {@Threei}  it interpreted it as one order = sell and another = short
01[10:34] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .15 break hl
[10:34] {fish_49} yep
01[10:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .25 
[10:37] {nemo} volume way below 20 day average...
01[10:37] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:39] {@Threei}  FAZ balance stop to .69
01[10:40] {@Threei}  frikin CAT
[10:41] {fish_49} yea
[10:41] {fish_49} we just had the stop a couple cents low
01[10:41] {@Threei}  1:2  FAZ 
[10:41] {goinshort} 1:1 cat 
[10:42] {goinshort} out Cat
[10:42] {nemo} dull market
01[10:42] {@Threei}  quite heavy though
01[10:43] {@Threei}  slides rather willingly
[10:43] {fish_49} Monday sell in prep for tuesday buy  lol
[10:43] {nemo} relative volume for time of day is very low, and algo is very red...so lots of stocks "selling" but not much index movement, this isn't weak
01[10:43] {@Threei}  it's been a good while since we saw such players as FAZ or TZA making this kind of extended moves
[10:44] {nemo} Weekly Pivot spy 187
[10:44] {nemo} at weekly pivot on IWM here
[10:47] {dptl} good morning all
01[10:48] {@Threei}  dp :)
01[10:57] {@Threei}  stop to .74
01[10:58] {@Threei}  time to chock ut
01[11:02] {@Threei}  to .77
[11:02] {fish_49} how many montage windows do you normally have open Vad?
01[11:02] {@Threei}  5
[11:03] {fish_49} thanks
[11:03] {mojo1} ty
01[11:03] {@Threei}  one is for SPY, so it's kind of indicator, not a working one
[11:03] {munky} i have 4 fish
[11:04] {fish_49} what are you gonna do with those fish Munky?
[11:04] {dino} 6
[11:04] {nemo} Hey Vad, he said montage, not monitors
[11:04] {munky} lol
01[11:04] {@Threei}  yes
01[11:05] {@Threei}  monitors, 4
01[11:05] {@Threei}  and please don't ask about the size, it's personal
[11:05] {nemo} usually an inverse relationship
[11:06] {fish_49} Size don't matter
[11:06] {nemo} I use flip phone screens
01[11:06] {@Threei}  out FAZ
[11:07] {fish_49} the reason I asked is because of FAZ  I wanted to stay in  but was not comfy managing it while in other trades.  If  I could have put in my sell orders, I would have felt comfy going on  to another trade
[11:07] {RonS} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvrupRQD44I
[11:08] {fish_49} I will set up 4 montages 2 Montages per trade
01[11:08] {@Threei}  2 per trade?
01[11:08] {@Threei}  why?
[11:08] {fish_49} it's personal
01[11:08] {@Threei}  sorry
[11:08] {fish_49} lol
[11:08] {dino} why can't you lay out sell orders?
[11:08] {munky} news tsla
[11:09] {munky} ?
01[11:09] {@Threei}  nothing fresh
[11:10] {fish_49} vad  to answer...  I like 1  for the stop loss so I can execute fast  and one for the profit.  I think this is the fastest way  until I become pro on DAS
01[11:12] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .30 break
01[11:12] {@Threei}  If holds  .20 
[11:13] {ese} man....don't have a plan......been so sporadic since midn january.....am not sure what to look for
[11:14] {nemo} ese, watch the indexes for awhile, get rythm of the markets back
[11:14] {nemo} xlf, spy, iwm, vxx, qqq
[11:15] {nemo} dcc ese
[11:16] {dino} slxp smr l .99
[11:20] {dino} chill ese
01[11:21] {@Threei}  ese... just let the scanner run, look at those candidates that pop up often, track how they follow through... that will form your trading basket and let you ease in
[11:22] {dino} you mean, "let you ese in
01[11:23] {@Threei}  no... I wouldn't risk competing with Ron that bluntly :)
01[11:24] {@Threei}  1:1  
[11:25] {dino} out slxp .39, +.40
01[11:25] {@Threei}  wtg
[11:25] {dino} 07 green
[11:25] {dino} ty
01[11:25] {@Threei}  downtrend got broken right when we tightened and closed FAZ trade
[11:29] {dino} out bita .36, +.70
01[11:30] {@Threei}  nice back to back winners
[11:30] {dino} ty
06[11:30] * @Threei kicks EBAY in the rear
[11:32] {fish_49} * kicks anyone in the rear
[11:33] {fish_49} kicks u 
[11:33] {fish_49} kicks u in the rear
[11:33] {munky} kicks munky in the groin lol
[11:33] {fish_49} * kicks u in the rear
[11:33] {fish_49} {--- Gives up on kicks
06[11:34] * @Threei remembers a promis to teach fish mirc slaps and kicks when fish reports a day of 100% following the rules
[11:35] {fish_49} today is not that rule  I got out too fast on FAZ
[11:38] {RonS} what? really?  Analyst Actions: Himax Soars 9% on Price Target Increase to $20 From $17.50 at Northland  
[11:38] {thomcbell} what is symbol on himax
[11:39] {RonS} -a
[11:42] {RonS} munky news:  http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2014/03/10/chiquita-fyffes-banana-deal/6250273/
[11:43] {munky} roflol
01[11:45] {@Threei} Short Setup: JPM  .45 break
01[11:45] {@Threei}  If holds  .50 
[11:48] {RonS} kkd stiffy
[11:48] {thomcbell} himx great daily chart on volume
[11:49] {RonS} hearing lots of call buying too...
01[11:49] {@Threei}  closed EBAY balancer on a trail
01[11:51] {@Threei}  1:1  JPM 
[11:51] {fish_49} half out
[11:52] {ese} did i get cut off
01[11:53] {@Threei}  not that I see
[11:53] {RonS} wait...let me call your wife...
[11:54] {fish_49} Ron your bad
[11:54] {fish_49} lol
01[11:55] {@Threei}  Ron... you must come for our summer shishkebab gathering.... I am suree ese can't wait to introduce you to his wife
[11:56] {fish_49} yep ee got cut off
[11:56] {RonS} wow agio
[11:57] {RonS} alr flash crash
[11:59] {RonS} crto pulp but the French govt can kiss my butt...
[11:59] {fish_49} click click 1/4 out jpm
01[11:59] {@Threei}  1:2  
01[12:03] {@Threei}  - NYSE volume 214M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; - NASDAQ volume 890M shares, about 8% above its three-month average
01[12:04] {@Threei}  IMF's Blanchard: Eurozone deflation risk is real
01[12:04] {@Threei}  duh
[12:07] {fish_49} trailing JPM to .32?
01[12:08] {@Threei}  aftre losing .25 again, yeah
[12:11] {RonS} Z a+ day
01[12:13] {@Threei}  ok, JPM to .31
[12:13] {munky} i have apptmts so have to go now, wont be back
[12:13] {munky} good luck all
[12:14] {fish_49} ty Munky  see ya tomorrow
[12:14] {mojo1} cya banana head
[12:15] {thomcbell} fb 71.88 long break if holding 71.80 half lot
01[12:16] {@Threei}  closed JPM
[12:16] {fish_49} click click out in full  ty
01[12:17] {@Threei}  yw
[12:17] {fish_49} my click click was not working this morning I installed windows 8.1  over the weekend  and had to migrate everything over from Win 7
01[12:18] {@Threei}  why, why would you do that
[12:18] {fish_49} Had issues with 7  and if I were going to re-install might as well install 8.1  
[12:19] {fish_49} it was free
[12:19] {RonS} and worth the money...
[12:19] {dptl} lol
[12:19] {fish_49} I know you Vad  you don't like upgrading  anything except a camera.  If you could  you would still be running DOS
01[12:20] {@Threei}  well, true...
01[12:20] {@Threei}  but Win 7 is great
01[12:20] {@Threei}  and win 8 is ugly
[12:20] {dptl} agree :)
[12:20] {fish_49} beauty is in the eye of the beholder
01[12:21] {@Threei}  True. Go away Angelina
[12:21] {fish_49} you can make win 8.1 look just like win 7 if you want
[12:21] {fish_49} and still have the lower overhead and better security  if your running the enterprise edition
[12:23] {thomcbell} fb 1:2
01[12:23] {@Threei}  wtg
[12:23] {fish_49} good call thom
[12:23] {thomcbell} tu
[12:23] {dino} gj
[12:24] {dino} whats with all the low volume days
01[12:28] {@Threei}  seems to me, not much appetite for risk with all the te'nsions
01[12:35] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .20 break
01[12:35] {@Threei}  If holds  .15 
[12:47] {nemo} UAL
[12:52] {nemo} stealth C&H spy Finnies
01[12:55] {@Threei}  lol
01[12:55] {@Threei}  http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6956694/photoshop-has-gone-too-far
[12:56] {fish_49} lol
[12:59] {mojo1} u like VAL nemo
[12:59] {nemo} stealth C&Hs break
[12:59] {nemo} long possible mojo
[12:59] {nemo} should have gone with the indexes though
01[12:59] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[12:59] {@Threei}  took its sweet time
[12:59] {fish_49} yea my click click sounded  weird  lol
01[13:00] {@Threei}  no news for this market spike
[13:00] {thomcbell} feye 81 long break if holding 80.90 
[13:00] {thomcbell} i nibbled only 
[13:01] {nemo} If I knew for certain that a man was coming to my house to do me good, I would run for my life. - Henry David Thoreau
[13:01] {thomcbell} target is 81.50 
[13:01] {fish_49} sounds personal
[13:02] {fish_49} toad
[13:02] {nemo} rates right up there with CS Lewis
[13:03] {nemo} "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of 
[13:03] {nemo} their own conscience."
[13:03] {nemo} – C.S. Lewis
[13:03] {RonS} if some woman was coming to my house to do me bad, I would warm up the bed. - Brigham Young
[13:03] {nemo} yeah, unless you got the incurable drips as a result
[13:05] {thomcbell}     BofA raising DANG pt from $14 to $23 saying:"New initiatives to drive long-
[13:05] {thomcbell}     term growth and profitability"
[13:06] {thomcbell} looking to buy a pullback
[13:06] {thomcbell} to 17 
[13:06] {fish_49} is that BAC?
[13:07] {RonS} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg9YGmmPX6w
[13:07] {thomcbell} yes on bofa
[13:08] {thomcbell} feye no go 
[13:11] {thomcbell} waiting for some sort of confirmatin on dang
[13:16] {fish_49} out remaining YHOO on trail
01[13:24] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .40 break
01[13:24] {@Threei}  If holds  .35 
[13:29] {thomcbell} nice miss dang 
[13:29] {RonS} vietnamese hooker?
[13:30] {RonS} "iso hawney"
[13:31] {nemo} TMI
[13:32] {nemo} wow, snuck that by us
[13:33] {dino} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[13:35] {thomcbell} feye looks dangerous 
[13:35] {thomcbell} 80.50 norning low and yest low 
[13:36] {nemo} you seem to have a....cough....feyetish for this stock
[13:36] {RonS} lol good one
01[13:36] {@Threei}  wow
[13:36] {nemo} inspired by u Ron
01[13:37] {@Threei}  that's deep
01[13:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .05 break
[13:38] {RonS} stymied me 'cause there was a long-time denver rock concert promoter:  Barry Feye
01[13:38] {@Threei}  If holds  38 
[13:39] {mojo1} see you tom, thanks
[13:40] {nemo} bid dropped out of feye
[13:41] {thomcbell} feye quick 1:3 there - 1:8
[13:41] {thomcbell} lol
01[13:41] {@Threei}  FEYE is DANG scary
[13:42] {fish_49} Like tammy?
[13:42] {nemo} tammy faye?
[13:42] {fish_49} i know  spelling is not same
01[13:43] {@Threei}  this sounds better than what nemo writes to me upon reading some of my texts
01[13:43] {@Threei}  he limits himself to "s[elling is not"
01[13:44] {@Threei}  and when I ask "huh?" he answers "don't even"
[13:44] {fish_49} he smiled at my comment about scary tammy faye  he just won't admit
01[13:45] {@Threei}  now... smiling nemo - THAT'S scary
01[13:45] {@Threei}  dang scary
[13:46] {nemo} wow
01[13:48] {@Threei}  what?
[13:48] {nemo} my reputation
01[13:48] {@Threei}  there is one?
[13:49] {RonS} lol
01[13:49] {@Threei}  I thought it shot itself in the temple long ago
[13:49] {RonS} kate hot
[13:49] {nemo} winslet or beckinsale or both
01[13:49] {@Threei}  perry'
[13:50] {RonS} spade trumps today...
[13:50] {nemo} her chest is
[13:50] {dino} thinking upton
01[13:51] {@Threei}  quite a few kates, eh
[13:51] {nemo} yeah
[13:51] {nemo} then, of course, there is the all important question...
[13:52] {RonS} turning blue here...holding breath...
[13:52] {nemo} gag reflex...
[13:52] {RonS} oof
[13:53] {nemo} whoa...cc checked out on that one
[13:53] {nemo} that's the difference between a 10 and an 11
[13:55] {dino} pega l .49
[13:58] {thomcbell} feye wowza - decided not to do that one 
[14:02] {nemo} lvs drop of 85 interesting
01[14:09] {@Threei}  LOL: "When we asked Obama to stop illegal immigration we didn't mean make the country so shitty no one would want to come"
01[14:26] {@Threei}  (CY) Eurogroup approves next Cyprus aid tranche in principle, finds that Greece needs to increase the speed of its reforms - financial press- Eurogroup notes that Greece needs to finish the talks with Troika before the weekend
01[14:26] {@Threei}  {Greece} go f... just go, OK?
01[14:27] {@Threei}  TSLA Hearing a financial blog makes cautious comments
[14:29] {nemo} vxx setting up long here
01[14:30] {@Threei}  hmmm
[14:30] {nemo} would have to hold .15 for setup, but may test 44
01[14:30] {@Threei}  if loses .10 - .15 area looks short to me
[14:31] {nemo} 1:00 pm low
01[14:31] {@Threei}  and SPY rather sets up long
[14:31] {nemo} resistancea at .80 on spy
01[14:31] {@Threei}  yeah, that's the one to break to get bears run scared
[14:32] {nemo} spy iwm and finnies having problems getting above vwap
01[14:32] {@Threei}  USA Today: Ukraine may have to go nuclear, says Kyiv lawmaker
[14:35] {fish_49} where would they get their hands on Nucs
[14:36] {fish_49} or do they mean Nuclear Power
[14:37] {nemo} Nucular
01[14:37] {@Threei}  they have know how since USSR times
[14:38] {fish_49} have the materials?
01[14:38] {@Threei}  and plants capable of manufacturing the equipment
[14:38] {fish_49} and the ability to convince the world it's just for energy?
01[14:38] {@Threei}  uranium mining, yes
[14:38] {fish_49} lol
01[14:39] {@Threei}  they won't have to
01[14:39] {@Threei}  world guaranteed them territorial integrity in 1994 in exchange for giving up their nukes
01[14:39] {@Threei}  guarantee is not kept, they feel free of their part of obligation
[14:39] {nemo} vxx long
[14:41] {fish_49} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hORaebYWDwk
[14:42] {fish_49} VXX entry is .24 Break Toad?
[14:42] {nemo} .21
[14:42] {fish_49} stop .14?
[14:42] {nemo} now yeah
[14:42] {nemo} yeah
[14:43] {nemo} thie issue is, are the indexes going to jerk around vwap or move away
[14:44] {nemo} if vxx reaches .26 I"m moving stop up to under .20
[14:44] {nemo} looking for vwap run 
[14:46] {fish_49} VWAP around .50?
[14:47] {nemo} do members of the ursine genus defecate in arboreal areas?
[14:47] {nemo} this ain't looking good
[14:49] {fish_49} Does Rabbit Fur stick to the butt of the usine genus when they poop in the arboreal areas?
[14:50] {nemo} Eddie Murpht
[14:50] {nemo} Murphy
[14:51] {nemo} to the fur of the lepine genus you mean
[15:07] {nathan} hello!
01[15:07] {@Threei}  hi nathan
[15:07] {nathan} so quiet today
01[15:07] {@Threei}  I am scratching YHOO here
[15:07] {nathan} ok
01[15:08] {@Threei}  out .05
01[15:08] {@Threei}  you just connected at the quiet time
[15:08] {nathan} :-)
[15:08] {nathan} yes, it's all sold :-)
[15:09] {nathan} GILD
[15:09] {nathan} i would say short
01[15:10] {@Threei}  with .87 stop
[15:10] {nathan} yep
[15:11] {thomcbell} vxx nice idea 
01[15:11] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:11] {thomcbell} a bit of noise in there but 
01[15:11] {@Threei}  good spot nathan
[15:12] {nathan} yw
01[15:14] {@Threei}  nailed it with VXX, nemo
01[15:15] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .07 break
01[15:15] {@Threei}  If holds  15 
01[15:15] {@Threei}  If holds  .15 
[15:19] {fish_49} 15:16:30 TradeLog Send_Rej,Shrt,GLD,500,129.06,SMAT,15:16:26,Security is not shortable![1259],Oid:0
01[15:20] {@Threei}  yup
[15:22] {fish_49} did I make an error or is it not shortable?
01[15:22] {@Threei}  not shortable
01[15:23] {@Threei}  who got it, trail to .11
01[15:23] {@Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  .10 break
01[15:23] {@Threei}  If holds  .05 
[15:28] {fish_49} gld not shortable is specific to DAS?
01[15:29] {@Threei}  some brokers might have it, some not
[15:29] {fish_49} ok
[15:29] {dino} i can short it
01[15:29] {@Threei}  usually DAS has most stocks, their short list is quite extensive
01[15:29] {@Threei}  but in some particular names it can ber in reverse
01[15:29] {@Threei}  and it changes from day to day
[15:30] {fish_49} thanks for explaining
01[15:30] {@Threei}  to make it more universal:
01[15:30] {@Threei}  there are cases of a name being not shortable across the board, for various reasons,
01[15:30] {@Threei}  mostly legal,
01[15:31] {@Threei}  and the rest is a matter of having inventory for a name
01[15:31] {@Threei}  since shorting is borrowing, broker must have inventory for a stock to lend
[15:32] {fish_49} yhoo finally chewed up that huge road block at 38
01[15:32] {@Threei}  yeah, glad we checked out
[15:32] {fish_49} yea  but was fun to watch 38 area battle
[15:37] {nathan} c u tomorrow
[15:37] {nathan} have a nice evening
01[15:37] {@Threei}  take care nathan
[15:39] {dino} out pega .47 -.02
01[15:39] {@Threei}  half out
01[15:39] {@Threei}  time becomes an issue
[15:39] {thomcbell} gn all
01[15:39] {@Threei}  take care thom
[15:40] {fish_49} same here but why}
01[15:40] {@Threei}  why what?
[15:41] {fish_49} why half out?  u mean SLW?
01[15:41] {@Threei}  yes
[15:41] {dino} well, looks like the winning streak stops at 12 days, negative today
01[15:41] {@Threei}  too close to eod, want to secure profit
01[15:41] {@Threei}  might not be enough time to sit out the pullback
01[15:41] {@Threei}  gotta happen sooner or later, dino...
01[15:42] {@Threei}  I know you are not going to throw a fit over it :)
[15:42] {fish_49} stop .15?
[15:42] {dino} on the contrary, quite happy w/the 12
[15:42] {fish_49} no  just wanted to know why you bailed  so fast  lol
[15:42] {nemo} baled
[15:43] {nemo} frickin' LEO
[15:43] {fish_49} take your word for it
[15:43] {fish_49} too lasy  to look it up
[15:43] {fish_49} get the s?
[15:43] {nemo} oy
[15:44] {fish_49} why baled
[15:44] {fish_49} bailed was correct
[15:45] {nemo} whoa...I'll have to sit down
[15:45] {fish_49} out in full
[15:45] {nemo} mmmhh...indexees going positive?
01[15:46] {@Threei}  QQQ did
[15:54] {fish_49} see ya all tomorrow  thanks Vad
[15:54] {fish_49} Thanks Toad
01[15:55] {@Threei}  yw
01[15:56] {@Threei}  closing SLW
01[15:56] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[16:00] {dino} thx all gn

Friday, March 7, 2014

Market Week Wrap-up

TradeTheNews.com  Weekly Market UpdateCold Weather, Cold War

- The S&P500 notched new all-time closing highs this week and not even the prospects of war in Ukraine managed to unseat the relentless bid. Ukraine became a central issue after Russian troops occupied Crimea without a shot fired and the Ukrainian province prepared to legitimize the move via referendum. In Europe, ECB President Draghi was more hawkish than expected and resisted calls to offer additional accommodation or even say the word deflation. At China's National People's Congress, Beijing unveiled its official 2014 targets, most notably maintaining the 7.5% GDP objective for the third year in a row and set the inflation target at 3.5%. Meanwhile, China's Feb manufacturing PMI fell to an eight-month low of 50.2, just a hair away from contraction. For the week, the DJIA rose 0.8%, the S&P500 gained 1.0% and the Nasdaq added 0.7%.

- On Monday, Russia's MICEX index fell 11%, the DAX was down as much as 3% and the CAC fell as much as 2.5% as Europe responded to Russian escalation over the weekend. The ruble was in free fall, prompting the Russian central bank to raise its key lending rate to 7% from 5.5%. At its worst, USD/RUB rose as high as 36.6, the ruble's weakest level since the 1998 currency crisis. An air of unreality surrounded Russian statements about the situation, as Putin denied that Russian troops were even participating in the occupation of Crimea (he said the troops were just extraordinarily well-armed local Russians). The Crimean parliament asked Putin to start the procedure of formally allowing Crimea to join the Russian Federation and scheduled a referendum for March 16th. Ukraine called the moves illegal and promised to hold on to the peninsula. Europe responded by threatening to consider sanctions, while the US is actively establishing a limited sanctions regime and sending token military assets to the region.

- The February jobs report took markets by surprise on Friday. After the ADP miss (at +139K jobs v +155Ke) and various weak employment components from February regional Fed reports, many participants were assuming the Labor Department report would be terrible. On Thursday, Fed Governor Lockhart said he did not expect to see an outstanding jobs report. But in the event, the Feb NFPs roundly beat expectations (+175K v +149Ke) and the unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth to 6.7%. The biggest surprise in the data was a 0.4% increase in average hourly earnings, the largest increase since last June, while average hours worked fell, likely due to distortions caused by weather.

- The February ISM manufacturing data was slightly better than expected, rising to 53.2 from January's nine-month low of 51.3. The key new orders component saw solid gains, rising to 54.5 from 51.2 prior. Note that the weakness in December and January was chiefly seen in the new orders component.

- February auto sales numbers are the latest economic data to be impacted by winter weather. Ford and GM both saw sales decline on a y/y basis, although total unit sales were more or less in line with expectations. Sales executives from both firms cited the weather as restraining sales. Chrysler's sales grew 11%, and executives said the weather only helped sales of their Jeep line, which were up 47% y/y. Nissan's sales grew 16% y/y, although this was a bit shy of expectations.

- In earnings news, shares of Radio Shack are down 20% this week after the troubled retailer reported brutally bad fourth quarter results, with losses three times the year ago figure and retail comps down 12%. Homebuilder Hovnanian dragged down the entire sector after it missed revenue expectations and racked up an unexpectedly large quarterly loss. The firm's contract cancellation rate crept up and its net contracts signed metric fell y/y. HOV is down 17% while fellow luxury home builder KBH is down nearly 10% this week. Costco missed top- and bottom-line expectations in its second-quarter report. The price club's same store sales held up well, up 2% overall while US comps were up 4%. Earnings fell y/y, dragged down by weak margins in the holiday season and tough FX conditions.

- Safeway announced a formal merger deal with Cerberus's Albertsons after a long courtship. The $40/share price values Safeway at more than $9 billion. Note that there have been reports that Kroger is still mulling a higher offer. A Deutsche Bank analyst wrote that Kroger should bid and that Safeway could fetch a price above $40.

- The ECB resisted calls to fight disinflation with more easing at its policy meeting on Thursday. EUR/USD was steady after the ECB left rates on hold and refrained from launching any new programs, and then moved sharply higher, testing 1.3850, once it was clear that ECB President Draghi would merely reiterates familiar positions at the post-rate decision press conference. Draghi said that recent improvements in the eurozone obviate the need to halt SMP sterilization. On Friday morning, EUR/USD moved even higher, probing briefly above 1.3920 to its highest level since late 2011. The euro weakened after the US jobs report.

- China has now witnessed its first corporate default in history. Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy is looking to sell overseas assets to make up a missed bond payment and neither banks nor government entities are stepping in to help. Chaori's default took place during the annual People's Congress session, reinforcing the signal that Beijing is letting market forces play a stronger role in the economy. However analysts point out this is only the beginning given that the number of Chinese companies with debt levels double equity has surged since the financial crisis began.

March 07 2014

Much better day as some rhythm re-emerged. A few 1:3 and 1:2 trades made a decent trading session; notable ones were short on C and long on VXX.

 Session Time: Fri Mar 07 00:00:00 2014
[08:29] {nemo} Here it comes....
[08:29] {nemo} must be good
[08:29] {nemo} 190 here we come
[08:29] {fish_49} ohhh mmyyy  fun spike
[08:30] {nemo} only if you were in
[08:30] {nemo} makes sense though, if it was bad, it would be the weather, if it was good.yippeeee
[08:30] {fish_49} i joined my Futures class late  they were short YM and NQ  glad I was late to class  lol  they stopped out
[08:30] {nemo} should have known when Goldman Sucks came out yesterday saying it would be a big miss...trying to get people out of the way
[08:31] {nemo} short made no sense given previous reaction to misses, especially with the weather
[08:32] {nemo} we've already hit R4 on the daily although the range is only about half the 20 day average
[08:33] {fish_49} the numbers were positive...  We trade up on negative news  and we trade up on positive news...  Go figure
[08:34] {fish_49} ther folks that took the upper zone  on the NQ  are gonna be fine
[08:34] {nemo} so big gap up, gonna' be a quiet day trading...that's a bull market fish
[08:34] {nemo} when you trade down on good news, then we'll start thinking bear
[08:35] {fish_49} well that has been the case while Feds were not clear on tapering  but  now they are firm
[08:35] {nemo} yeah, and economy is showing strength without the Fed's training wheels
[08:36] {fish_49} in my humble opinion  the issue is now  "when do we raise rates"  and that key number was when the unemployment rate hits 6.5 and stays there or below 6.5  for awhile
[08:36] {nemo} yeah, and the unemployment rate went up
[08:37] {nemo} I think they've said, not until 2015 at least
[08:37] {fish_49} they can't say that
[08:37] {fish_49} they dont have crystal ball toad
[08:38] {nemo} they did say that
[08:38] {nemo} they have to finance the government debt also
[08:38] {nemo} that's unspoken in this
[08:40] {fish_49} GC fell like a brick but now in Demand zone..  lets see if it can break down in that  zone
[08:43] {_illyakuryakin} GC?
[08:43] {nemo} futures illya
[08:44] {fish_49} Gold
[08:44] {_illyakuryakin} ah
[08:44] {nemo} likely going to be a very quiet trading day here
[08:44] {_illyakuryakin} yea...no war
[08:45] {nemo} no, gap up
[08:45] {nemo} if this doesn't close, doesn't give you much range to work with
[08:46] {nemo} index gaps, tend to bring most of what is in that index with it
[08:47] {_illyakuryakin} 20.80 silver at this time
[08:47] {fish_49} unless Ukraine news then we are in the Hurry up and wait stage?  Gap up and wait
[08:47] {fish_49} illy you trade silver?
[08:47] {_illyakuryakin} it has better movement these days
[08:48] {_illyakuryakin} i like to watch
[08:48] {nemo} like to stick ur chin out, huh?
[08:48] {fish_49} yea  But the Silver Futures  trades at $25 a tick  too much risk for me...
[08:48] {_illyakuryakin} below $19...yes
[08:49] {nemo} we're supposed to get above freezing today
[08:49] {fish_49} 50 here tomorrow
[08:50] {_illyakuryakin} that would be a sell nemo
[08:50] {fish_49} I have some outside work to do and need some warm weather
01[08:51] {@Threei}  Russian soldiers may be the only tourists in Crimea this year
01[08:51] {@Threei}  I guess, lol
[08:52] {_illyakuryakin} no sailors?
01[08:52] {@Threei}  they are stationed permanently... they are not tourists
[08:54] {_illyakuryakin} confusing
01[08:55] {@Threei}  why... sailors are locals, soldiers are tourists
01[08:55] {@Threei}  easy
[08:55] {fish_49} Russian Navy in that port or Ukraine Navy?
01[08:55] {@Threei}  both
[08:55] {fish_49} I mean on a regular basis
01[08:55] {@Threei}  yup
[08:55] {_illyakuryakin} they must be buds
[08:55] {fish_49} wow  and they get along fine?
01[08:56] {@Threei}  used to be up to a week ago
[08:56] {fish_49} share the same hookers
[08:56] {_illyakuryakin} we need F-1 to start up
[09:09] {dino} gm
01[09:09] {@Threei}  first Obama-Putin phone discussion on Ukraine took and hour and a half. Second, just an hour. At this rate in a year they'll be done in a minute. "- Hello! - Hi! - You still in? - Yup. - OK, talk to you in a week. My best to yours!"
01[09:09] {@Threei}  dino :)
[09:11] {thomcbell} feye priced secondary at 82 should be a wild one
[09:11] {thomcbell} was crazy strong on wednesday
01[09:11] {@Threei}  "- Don't even want me to get out anymore? - Ah, what's the point, you won't anyway." Both laugh in a good-hearted way
[09:15] {RonS} hello everyone
01[09:15] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:16] {fish_49} GM Ron
[09:23] {_illyakuryakin} curious about that precious metals gap this morning...
[09:23] {_illyakuryakin} new shorts?
01[09:24] {@Threei}  or longs exit
01[09:24] {@Threei}  or mix
[09:24] {nemo} good jobs, Ukraine quieting down
01[09:24] {@Threei}  only as long as world accepts that Crimea is gone
[09:24] {_illyakuryakin} gone where?
01[09:25] {@Threei}  from Ukraine
01[09:25] {@Threei}  to Russia
[09:25] {_illyakuryakin} oh
[09:25] {ese} gm
01[09:25] {@Threei}  ese :)
01[09:25] {@Threei}  and new round of EU talks will launch new fit by Russia
[09:26] {_illyakuryakin} chess players get fits?
01[09:27] {@Threei}  look at the map... Ukraine as a NATO member means 600 km from NATO rockets to Moscow, rendering air defenses useless. Russia sees this as existential threat
[09:27] {munky} morm
01[09:28] {@Threei}  munky :)
01[09:28] {@Threei}  crap... GLD and GDX broke down before open
[09:29] {mojo1} g day!
01[09:29] {@Threei}  mojo :)
01[09:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .50 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:32] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:33] {@Threei}  JASO Roth Capital Initiates JASO with Buy, price target: $15
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  120 b reak
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:36] {@Threei}  stop .94
01[09:37] {@Threei}  meh
01[09:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .50 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:42] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:42] {dino} skul s .61
[09:44] {mojo1} dino sm smr
01[09:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .40 break
01[09:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:45] {fish_49} ouch
01[09:45] {@Threei}  nope
01[09:46] {@Threei}  rinse...
01[09:46] {@Threei}  ^%#()$@
[09:48] {dino} mojo fl
01[09:48] {@Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .25 break
01[09:48] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
[09:48] {dino} bstop is .73
[09:48] {ese} employment numbers come out
[09:49] {dino} skul stop -.13
01[09:51] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:55] {dino} rinsed
01[09:55] {@Threei}  1/4 more out
01[09:55] {@Threei}  stop .21
01[09:57] {@Threei}  stop .16
01[09:59] {@Threei}  out
[09:59] {fish_49} out
[09:59] {fish_49} ty
01[09:59] {@Threei}  yw
[10:02] {dino} .
01[10:02] {@Threei}  good point
[10:02] {nemo} sick of that meme
01[10:03] {@Threei}  that's because you have negative outlook
[10:03] {RonS} gme sm l .80
01[10:04] {@Threei}  embrace the positivity... eschew your nature
[10:06] {RonS} eschew your handkerchief...
[10:06] {dino} stx sm l .51
01[10:07] {@Threei} Short Setup: P  .40 break hl
01[10:07] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[10:07] {ese} anybody here wanto to buy a Musser M250 Concert Grand Marimba.....am thinking about parting with it......my days of playing in symphony orchestras here in Canada is over i'm thinkin
01[10:08] {@Threei}  I was just thinking of starting concert tour
[10:08] {fish_49} How many rounds does the magazine hold  ese?
01[10:08] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:08] {ese} LOL!!!
[10:09] {fish_49} when I clicked P it was already at .35  can't count that one Vad
01[10:10] {@Threei}  .38 was there long enough...
[10:12] {dino} incy pulp, smr l .00
[10:13] {dino} stx stop .18 -.33
01[10:13] {@Threei}  watching C for pullback entry
[10:15] {thomcbell} vad u got your chaos today
01[10:16] {@Threei}  I want panic
[10:16] {fish_49} how deep of a pullback would you want on C  .92 enough?
01[10:17] {@Threei}  around .90, yes
01[10:17] {@Threei}  ideally, just under
[10:17] {fish_49} ok  .88 buy the break of .90  lol
01[10:18] {@Threei}  no luck
[10:18] {munky} why u think mkt panic? mkt up 70
[10:18] {fish_49} .15 will cause pullback
01[10:19] {@Threei}  I don't "think," I "want"
[10:19] {munky} ah
[10:19] {munky} we all want things
[10:19] {munky} i want u to call 4 in a row 1:3 lol
[10:20] {fish_49} Munky the market not up 70  the market down 7.5  lol
[10:20] {RonS} out gme on trail +.29
[10:20] {fish_49} NQ is the weak one again today
01[10:27] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .10 break
[10:27] {dino} out incy 64.10, +1.10
01[10:27] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[10:27] {RonS} gj
01[10:27] {@Threei}  wtg dino
[10:27] {dino} ty
[10:30] {munky} out incy .64.23 half
[10:30] {thomcbell} fb wow
[10:30] {thomcbell} its trying to put itself together here
[10:31] {dino} stx rinsed too, thats 2 today
[10:33] {mojo1} ty dino
[10:33] {dino} ?
01[10:40] {@Threei}  stop to .16
[10:42] {dino} partial fill rnet l .83
[10:42] {dino} .82
01[10:43] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:43] {dino} gj
[10:44] {goinshort} 1:1 C
[10:44] {munky} c 1`:1 vad
[10:44] {munky} ty
[10:45] {mojo1} 1:1 ty
01[10:45] {@Threei}  yw
[10:45] {munky} 1;2
01[10:46] {@Threei}  1:2
[10:48] {goinshort} 1:2
01[10:48] {@Threei}  1:3
01[10:48] {@Threei}  out
[10:49] {goinshort} 1:3 out thanks V - nice one
01[10:49] {@Threei}  :)
[10:49] {munky} 1;3 out ty
01[10:49] {@Threei}  yw
01[10:49] {@Threei}  ok fish... if you tell me you missed it I am going to cry
[10:50] {mojo1} 1:3 thanks vad
01[10:50] {@Threei}  actually worse than that... I am going to drive to ese's house and cry there
01[10:50] {@Threei}  mojo :)
[10:51] {munky} now vad, only 3 more to go for what i want lol
01[10:51] {@Threei}  hehe
[10:52] {fish_49} No Vad  I was out at .01
[10:52] {munky} oh oh
[10:52] {munky} u be in big troub fish'
01[10:52] {@Threei}  ese... here I come
[10:53] {fish_49} I know  I did it just to see Vad go over and Bond  with ese
[10:55] {thomcbell} splk 91.90 short break if holding 92.05 half lot
[10:55] {goinshort} today I received my first bottle of RUSSIAN STANDARD
[10:55] {goinshort} expecting my trading to greatly inprove
[10:56] {fish_49} lol
[10:56] {goinshort} or improve
[10:56] {dino} lol
01[10:56] {@Threei}  let us know how you like it :)
01[10:57] {@Threei}  and lol
[10:57] {goinshort} since coffee helps me make mistakes faster - perhaps vodka will slow me down?
[10:57] {nemo} yeah, until you start seein doubles of your keys
01[10:57] {@Threei}  don't know... reaction is individual
01[10:58] {@Threei}  ese for instance after 3rd shot starts demanding coffee intravenously
[10:58] {thomcbell} cancelling splk idea looks more like a long
[10:58] {goinshort} I use an IV drip for my vodka
[10:59] {munky} lol
[10:59] {dino} tza l .70
01[10:59] {@Threei}  wow C
01[10:59] {@Threei}  1:5
[10:59] {fish_49} c:1:5  but whos watching
[11:00] {munky} c bounce soon
01[11:00] {@Threei}  new Ukraine PM looks exactly like a geeky guy in high school who everyone hated
[11:01] {fish_49} Like Assad?
[11:01] {fish_49} I have no idea why Assad can be a bad dude  he looks like a total gentleman
[11:02] {munky} fb clocked
[11:02] {munky} but spy rollin
[11:02] {nemo} looks like a dweeb
[11:02] {nemo} yeah missed perfect fas short entry
[11:06] {dino} tza to .84
[11:06] {dino} out, +.14
01[11:06] {@Threei}  C, you are overdoing it
[11:06] {RonS} gj
[11:06] {thomcbell} wow
[11:06] {dino} eft spike
[11:06] {thomcbell} C
[11:06] {dino} wtf was that
[11:08] {dptl} good morning all
[11:08] {dino} gm dp
01[11:08] {@Threei}  hey dp
[11:08] {dptl} :)
01[11:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .50 break
01[11:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
[11:11] {_illyakuryakin} Pretty chart:  http://finviz.com/fut_chart.ashx?t=SI&cot=084691&p=m5
01[11:12] {@Threei}  that's what we played whan shorted SLWE I guess
[11:12] {fish_49} out
01[11:13] {@Threei}  ?
[11:13] {_illyakuryakin} it looks more like SLV
01[11:13] {@Threei}  out of what?
[11:13] {fish_49} i sold at the print of .39
01[11:13] {@Threei}  why were you in??
01[11:13] {@Threei}  it never triggered
[11:14] {fish_49} oh my  I watched the tape  .51 and hit buy
[11:14] {fish_49} I swear
[11:15] {munky} what was ur in price fish?
01[11:15] {@Threei}  I did the hover so watched L2 not bklinkiong
[11:15] {munky} if its 51 it hit .51
01[11:15] {@Threei}  blinking
[11:15] {fish_49} filled at .49
01[11:15] {@Threei}  .50 offer was never broken
01[11:15] {@Threei}  there you go
01[11:16] {@Threei}  do you watch T&S only?
01[11:16] {@Threei}  not level 2?
[11:16] {fish_49} T&S
01[11:16] {@Threei}  come on...
01[11:16] {@Threei}  out of bounds print
[11:16] {fish_49} Vad  I swear
[11:16] {fish_49} I cant scroll down
01[11:16] {@Threei}  .50 offer was firmly in place, never metled down
01[11:17] {@Threei}  [11:16] {@Threei} out of bounds print
[11:17] {munky} might re valid vad
[11:18] {_illyakuryakin} SLV at hod
01[11:18] {@Threei}  FB Reportedly Instagram has signed an advertising deal with Omnicom worth up to $100M - AdAge
[11:18] {_illyakuryakin} 20.12
[11:18] {fish_49} No place for a stop now Munky
01[11:19] {@Threei}  would need it to spend some time in the range again to reestablish
[11:20] {munky} is that fb news positive or neg?
01[11:21] {@Threei}  positive
[11:21] {RonS} hearing unconfirmed report russian convoy rolling through Kerch...
01[11:21] {@Threei}  but doesn't react
[11:22] {thomcbell} rats splk
[11:23] {ese} have a great weekend all
[11:23] {RonS} cya ese
[11:23] {dino} you have a great set of ears to hear that ron
01[11:23] {@Threei}  take care ese
[11:23] {ese} cya ron
01[11:23] {@Threei}  lol dino
[11:23] {ese} vad din fish et al
01[11:24] {@Threei}  Foreign Ministry: Russian soldiers preparing to install air defense systems in Crimea
01[11:24] {@Threei}  told you... Crimea is effectively annexed
[11:25] {fish_49} ese insulting me?  I dont speak french  lol
[11:25] {dino} itmn spike
[11:28] {dino} takeover rumors
[11:29] {dino} smr l .75
[11:29] {dino} out .25, +.50 itmn
[11:30] {nemo} wow frickin' dax down 1.85%
[11:30] {dino} wow $ too soon
[11:30] {munky} wow u hit that fast in-out, gj
[11:30] {dino} ty
[11:32] {fish_49} Vad you were able to see the print of .51  on C  where did you find that info  ?
01[11:33] {@Threei}  at the time, on T&S
[11:33] {thomcbell} vad - come on that splk just worked like this
[11:33] {fish_49} ahhh I scrolled down it was gone
01[11:33] {@Threei}  didn't watch it at the moment, thom...
01[11:34] {@Threei}  fish... why are you searching for it??
01[11:34] {@Threei}  no one disputes it was there
[11:34] {fish_49} I'm pissed
01[11:34] {@Threei}  that's not the point
[11:34] {fish_49} It seems as I was seeing things?  but  It printed .51
01[11:34] {@Threei}  so how finding it changes anything?
01[11:34] {@Threei}  I am not sure you are reading what type...
[11:35] {thomcbell} 91.90 short break
01[11:35] {@Threei}  please stop for a minute and read this:
01[11:35] {@Threei}  T&S is not the ultimate display of everything that happens, since prints on it can be a) legit b) erroneous c)late
01[11:36] {@Threei}  T&S in addition to Level 2 is much more complete indication
01[11:36] {@Threei}  since Level 2 will show you actual bids and offers
01[11:36] {@Threei}  so you can see where the print is in relation to those
01[11:37] {@Threei}  No one disputes that .51 print could have been there
01[11:37] {@Threei}  the point is, it's was out of market print,
01[11:37] {@Threei}  actual breakout never happened
01[11:37] {@Threei}  as offer at .50 was not broken.
[11:37] {fish_49} Thanks
01[11:38] {@Threei}  If you go back to scalping video course,
01[11:38] {@Threei}  you will see that Level 2 is placed next to T&S
01[11:38] {@Threei}  and it's both windows that re used to gauge the action
[11:39] {fish_49} Thanks
[11:39] {RonS} The oil industry is pressuring Obama to end the ban on most crude exports. BP isn’t waiting for a decision: http://bloom.bg/1fMW2iq
[11:41] {_illyakuryakin} BP exports are in the Gulf Stream already
[11:41] {munky} i gotta do this, sorry in advance
01[11:41] {@Threei} Short Setup: RIG  42 break hl
06[11:41] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
01[11:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[11:41] {dino} lol
[11:42] {RonS} don't look itmn...
[11:44] {RonS} panw spike
[11:44] {munky} incy comin bacxk
[11:44] {munky} still got half
[11:44] {munky} never got near my stop
[11:44] {munky} in 63.23
[11:46] {dino} bita lod
[11:47] {RonS} panw...fwiw...hearing jury in deliberations re case w/ panw jnpr...careful
[11:47] {RonS} bita chewed on?
[11:48] {RonS} once bita twice shy?
01[11:52] {@Threei}  lol
[11:52] {nathan} g morning gentelmen
01[11:52] {@Threei}  hey nathan
01[11:53] {@Threei}  let's move RIG to .05
01[11:56] {@Threei}  Some France Banks said to be under investigation by US authorities for alleged breaches of sanctions and purported money laundering with Iran and Cuba
[11:56] {RonS} shocked!
01[11:56] {@Threei}  (RU) Turkey PM Erdogan: Turkey will back Crimean Tatars to protect their rights amid the ongoing crisis in Ukraine- We will not leave Crimean Tatars in the lurch
01[11:57] {@Threei}  hmmm... where exactly will you leave them then?
01[11:58] {@Threei}  out RIG
[11:58] {munky} out rig to
[11:58] {munky} too
[11:58] {munky} .05
[12:01] {RonS} Tartars Muslim?
[12:01] {nemo} yeah, until Stalin relocated them, they were Crimeans
[12:02] {RonS} crimeans in italy?  been wating for that one...
[12:02] {RonS} waiting
[12:02] {nemo} Crimea River
[12:03] {RonS} lol repeat...
[12:03] {nemo} have to
[12:07] {nemo} fcx Vad, but boy is it stretched today
[12:09] {thomcbell} amd back from the dead
[12:09] {munky} nemo, u use das?
01[12:09] {@Threei}  the way these setups tarde last days, it's a long
01[12:09] {@Threei}  let's let it lose .20 and byt recross for the fade
01[12:09] {@Threei}  buy
[12:10] {nemo} yes simian
[12:10] {munky} anyone know how to change das montage setting so i can buy odd lots like 50 shares? FISH?
[12:10] {nemo} set hotkeys
[12:11] {munky} well, without hotkeys
[12:11] {nemo} don't know
[12:11] {munky} its prob a setting from 100 sh
[12:11] {munky} to 50
[12:12] {dino} nemo i was looing at fcx too, gap around 31.10
[12:13] {nemo} just down so much already today dino
[12:13] {nemo} hotkey best way to do it munk
[12:14] {dino} copper down 4%, look jjc
[12:14] {fish_49} HG sitting at 120 minute support Nemo  For what it's worth
[12:14] {munky} ok fish, ty
[12:15] {fish_49} ty for?
01[12:18] {@Threei}  (RU) Russia President Putin Press Sec: Putin does not see another Cold War emerging, the West and Russia can find common ground
01[12:18] {@Threei}  absolutely
01[12:19] {@Threei}  in his eyes common ground is: you don't intrude in my dealings with Ukraine, and we are good
01[12:26] {@Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .17 break
01[12:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
[12:41] {dino} markets are daed
[12:41] {dino} dead, lol
01[12:44] {@Threei}  difficult to imagine eod wouldn't see some selling
[12:44] {dino} try harder
01[12:45] {@Threei}  with tensions rising and reports aboyt preparations to storm military bases over the weekend
01[12:45] {@Threei}  I would but I am too lazy
[12:45] {dino} sometimes i expect too much
01[12:46] {@Threei}  sorry to disappoint
01[12:47] {@Threei}  oh boy
01[12:47] {@Threei}  for years we had one former fed chairman incapable of shutting up
01[12:47] {@Threei}  now it's two
01[12:47] {@Threei}  (US) Former Fed Chair Bernanke: Fed felt more communication from the Fed to markets was better than less as it needed to help markets understand the goals from the Fed
[12:47] {munky} stopped
[12:47] {munky} gdx
[12:47] {mojo1} same here
01[12:48] {@Threei}  just now?
[12:49] {munky} yes, i bought it 12:37
[12:49] {munky} was away from desk
[12:49] {fish_49} I'm sorry but I have to..
[12:49] {munky} was it alreadyt done
[12:49] {fish_49} slaps Munky with a wet banana
[12:49] {munky} got .19
[12:49] {fish_49} fish slaps munky with wet banana
[12:49] {munky} necver saw invalidated
[12:49] {fish_49} how do you slap in Mirc?  lol
[12:50] {munky} oh noi took .18, trig was .19
01[12:50] {@Threei}  I don't see any single print above .25
[12:50] {munky} trig was .17
[12:51] {munky} i am out .25
[12:51] {fish_49} 12:36
01[12:51] {@Threei}  why if .25 is not broken?
01[12:51] {@Threei}  he talks about now fish
[12:51] {fish_49} ahhhh
01[12:51] {@Threei}  he entered later
[12:51] {munky} just stop, this is a repeat of fish lecture
01[12:51] {@Threei}  I am lost
[12:52] {fish_49} tell me how to use  slap  and I wont laugh too much Munky
01[12:52] {@Threei}  you guys are in some other universe than I am
[12:52] {nathan} lol
[12:52] {munky} like this fish
06[12:52] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
06[12:52] * dino slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
06[12:52] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
06[12:52] * fish_49 slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
01[12:52] {@Threei}  slapfest
[12:52] {munky} so r u in or not vad?i
[12:52] {munky} because
01[12:53] {@Threei}  I am although a trade is not inspiring
01[12:53] {@Threei}  just trying to understand why you jump in and out willy nilly
[12:53] {goinshort} I'm still in
01[12:53] {@Threei}  with no trigger or stop hit
[12:53] {munky} i dont usually, just then
[12:54] {fish_49} so the stop of .25 now means  .30  or some random number?
[12:54] {fish_49} I didn't take the trade  just asking
[12:54] {munky} im just trying to figure out why u cant pick multiple winners he he
06[12:54] * munky slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
01[12:54] {@Threei}  aigh
01[12:54] {@Threei}  sigh
01[12:55] {@Threei}  tell you what
[12:55] {fish_49} how can I change trout  to 2x4?
[12:55] {_illyakuryakin} why use a trout?
[12:55] {fish_49} thats right Illy
01[12:55] {@Threei}  the day you find someone who never has losing days, calls one winner after another etc, let me know pls
01[12:56] {@Threei}  I'll sign up right away
[12:56] {munky} thats DINO!!!!!
[12:56] {fish_49} Or Alex  but he left
[12:56] {munky} 11 days straight
[12:56] {goinshort} what happen to cc-9?
[12:56] {fish_49} Vad fired him
[12:56] {munky} just teasing u vad, u are losing it in the translation
[12:57] {goinshort} lol
01[12:57] {@Threei}  translation?
[12:57] {fish_49} {{{-----Back to cave with blankie  to reflect on errors
01[12:57] {@Threei}  sorry... what language do you guys speak here??
01[12:57] {@Threei}  I was told it was Chinese
01[12:57] {@Threei}  which I studied all these years
01[12:58] {@Threei}  did nemo lie to me?
[12:58] {fish_49} the answer is Yes if he told you Munky was a good guy
[12:58] {dino} munky, not me, 2 stops today
[12:59] {dino} altho, i am positive for the day (so far)
[12:59] {fish_49} I just had  to Munky  to get even when you slapped me while Vad was lecturing me
[12:59] {fish_49} I was positive until I saw the ghost print on C..  I'm slowly getting past it
01[13:00] {@Threei}  and that's even though you took a scalp on our 1:3 short
[13:00] {fish_49} Yes  Please let me know ahead of time if it's going to 1:3
01[13:00] {@Threei}  shows you how close you are to being profitable
01[13:01] {@Threei}  just lick out these errors
[13:01] {fish_49} I will
01[13:01] {@Threei}  and calm down enough to hold the winners
01[13:02] {@Threei}  look at your trading sheet today, and run a hypothetic one, in which you let that short ride to 1:3 and didn't make that error,
01[13:02] {@Threei}  compare reults
01[13:02] {@Threei}  that will be good motivation to get these little things right
01[13:02] {@Threei}  and here is my personal promise to you:
[13:02] {fish_49} you will trade my account for a week?
[13:02] {fish_49} lol
01[13:03] {@Threei}  you are having good legit profitable day where you let trades develop as they should and make no mistakes, I show you how to slap with whatever you want
[13:03] {fish_49} ok  you got it
[13:03] {fish_49} how many days in a row?
01[13:03] {@Threei}  then we will see how crafty munky really is {G}
01[13:03] {@Threei}  just one
[13:03] {fish_49} you got it
01[13:03] {@Threei}  here comes that selling
01[13:04] {@Threei}  even though it's not eod yet
01[13:05] {@Threei}  (UR) White House: Proposals to alter existing US policies on exporting natural gas to deal with the Ukraine crisis would not have an immediate impact
01[13:05] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[13:05] {@Threei}  can they really export that much ng to Europe at reasonable cost, as to replace russian supply?
[13:05] {dino} aegr spike
[13:06] {thomcbell} about this regn
[13:06] {thomcbell} apparently
01[13:06] {@Threei}  REGN halt
[13:07] {dino} aegr smr s .01
[13:07] {RonS} someone bot 1800 aegr mar 50 this a.m. for 2.20...saw it posted in real time...
[13:08] {dino} cov aegr 55.18 +.83
[13:08] {RonS} already made $500k...
[13:08] {dino} damn too soon
[13:09] {RonS} $REGN halted news Bloomberg report Adverse events related to PCSK9 $AEGR spiking on news
[13:10] {dino} thx ron
[13:12] {dino} damn, missed re-short was at 55.99
01[13:17] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .80 break
01[13:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[13:22] {nemo} cam
[13:23] {nemo} xcuse me WDC
01[13:23] {@Threei}  very similar symbols
[13:23] {nemo} yes, both have 3 letters
01[13:23] {@Threei}  easy to see how you mistype one for another
[13:23] {nemo} pot meet kettle
[13:23] {fish_49} Vad had nails for breakfast today
01[13:23] {@Threei}  hey, typing with knees is my trademark
01[13:24] {@Threei}  fish... today?
01[13:24] {@Threei}  this is my staple breakfast, with bacon grease
01[13:25] {@Threei}  notice... EBAY, legit trigger
01[13:25] {@Threei}  no ifs and buts, and easy to execute
[13:26] {fish_49} Ohhh my  I love Das
[13:27] {nemo} ur wife will be thrilled
01[13:27] {@Threei}  what happened?
[13:28] {fish_49} send_Rej Shrt 400 EBAY 58.77 ARCA 132:25:15 Buying Power
[13:31] {munky} nemo, fb short u see anywhere?
[13:32] {munky} vad, u seem to be thinking mkt sell into bell correct
01[13:32] {@Threei}  well, as much as word "thinking" i applicable to me
01[13:33] {@Threei}  let's say, that's the working assumption
[13:33] {munky} so whos ur short candidates so i can chart them?
[13:33] {munky} fb
[13:33] {munky} c
01[13:33] {@Threei}  market may confirm it or not
01[13:33] {@Threei}  sure
[13:33] {munky} i know
[13:33] {munky} cat
06[13:33] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
06[13:34] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
01[13:34] {@Threei}  stop to .86
[13:35] {dino} stop rnet .64 -.19, no volume today
[13:35] {RonS} lol
[13:35] {RonS} any day?  buyers/sellers communicate via snail mail...
[13:36] {nemo} frig...wdc broke while I was dealing w/the oxygen guy
[13:36] {RonS} blowhard eh?
[13:36] {nemo} no...that's why the oxygen guy
[13:38] {dino} taking a break, back in about an hour
[13:39] {munky} happy hour dino early
[13:40] {munky} vad, where u waiting for exits on ebay, the actual numbers?
01[13:41] {@Threei}  if panic hits, it can turn into large trade
01[13:41] {@Threei}  but I am not guessing, just following SOP
01[13:41] {@Threei}  missed .71 first exit
[13:41] {nemo} ADBE
[13:41] {munky} i know, wrong time day here for big move
[13:41] {munky} i missed .71 too
[13:41] {nemo} wrong life munky
[13:42] {fish_49} ok  to prove it was not my error I send email to support  they say issue fixed.  I don't feel so stupid  now
[13:42] {nemo} just because u were right once is no reason not to fell stupid
[13:42] {dptl} lol
[13:43] {fish_49} Back off Toad  it's been a bad week
01[13:44] {@Threei}  fish, don't feel bad
01[13:44] {@Threei}  here is the truth:
[13:44] {nemo} yeah, sith lord and the truth
01[13:44] {@Threei}  no matter how much you read, some mistakes just have to be made
[13:44] {nemo} can you say "oxymoron"
[13:44] {nemo} oh yeah, absolutely
[13:45] {nemo} you're married aren't ya?
01[13:45] {@Threei}  you learn by making them and stopping making them
[13:45] {fish_49} no but my wife is
[13:45] {nemo} we learn through pain and suffering...hopefully
01[13:45] {@Threei}  the difference between those who succeed and those who don't in not in making mistake or not,
[13:45] {nemo} watch ADBE
01[13:45] {@Threei}  it's in learning from them
01[13:45] {@Threei}  some do, and don't male them anymore
01[13:46] {@Threei}  some don't, they get pissed and press harder
01[13:46] {@Threei}  instead or press smarter
[13:46] {nemo} yes the wise man does at first what the fool does finally
01[13:46] {@Threei}  instead of
[13:46] {fish_49} well I was waiting for someone to say  "Oh You didn't know  You can't short EBAY on the 2nd Friday of the Month of March if your from Maryland
01[13:46] {@Threei}  lol
[13:46] {nathan} lol
[13:47] {nemo} ahem....should be "you're from Maryland"
01[13:47] {@Threei}  see, I trade from 1996,
01[13:47] {@Threei}  and I run RT from 2000
01[13:47] {@Threei}  dealing with traders via room, via e-mail, via whatever,
01[13:47] {@Threei}  you can imagine how many I heard from and worked with.
[13:47] {nemo} imagine that...internet has been subjected to his humor for 14 years....wtf
01[13:48] {@Threei}  yeah, poor internet
01[13:48] {@Threei}  so,
01[13:48] {@Threei}  in all these years
01[13:48] {@Threei}  I haven't seen any single trader
01[13:48] {@Threei}  no
01[13:48] {@Threei}  zilch
[13:48] {fish_49} they had internet when Vad started?
[13:48] {nemo} nope
01[13:48] {@Threei}  who wouldn't start with losses
[13:48] {fish_49} Thank God for Al Gore
[13:48] {nemo} phone
[13:48] {munky} vad had hair when he startedlol
01[13:48] {@Threei}  or wouldn't go through losing period
01[13:49] {@Threei}  hey, I still have some
01[13:49] {@Threei}  hair I mean
06[13:49] * nemo "thinks to himself...I think Munky's room rate just went up..."
01[13:49] {@Threei}  if you are frustrated because of initial losses, don't be
01[13:49] {@Threei}  it's absolutel;y part of the process
01[13:49] {@Threei}  no one avoided it,
01[13:49] {@Threei}  many lost a few trading accounts
[13:50] {nemo} ADBE
[13:50] {fish_49} My frustration is the method  only...
[13:50] {nemo} look at that HFT stuff around 68
[13:50] {nemo} whoa
01[13:51] {@Threei}  and if you think you are frustrated more than others, how about this:
[13:51] {munky} can i just ask ?
01[13:51] {@Threei}  just a sec, lemme finish
01[13:52] {@Threei}  imagine losing 3/4 of your trading account, having trading as you only hope of survival, with no actionable English, being with no legal immigrant status and having a wife and two kids to feed
[13:52] {nemo} running spell check there Vad?
01[13:53] {@Threei}  Go through that and recover, making trading work for you... come to me with box of Hennessy, we will trade stories :)
[13:53] {nemo} wow, not one spelling mistake
01[13:53] {@Threei}  oh, then publish couple trading books in that same English
[13:53] {munky} it might help us, on ebay short, break .80, so entry is either .80 or .79, a true 1;1 gotta be .70 or .69,
01[13:54] {@Threei}  and then meet nemo and deal with THAT
[13:54] {munky} but u were trying .71
[13:54] {munky} many times u critique my 1 penny stop or entry
[13:54] {nemo} right...and have NEMO edit stuff and write stuff, and sometimes carry the humor load in this Godforsaken redoubt in the etherworld
01[13:54] {@Threei}  trues 1:1 is still .70, risk reawrd ratios do not change depending on your entry since it's a market feature, independent on where you got your fill
06[13:55] * fish_49 slaps munky around a bit with a large trout
[13:55] {munky} trying to help u fish
[13:55] {fish_49} just getting even Munk Brother
01[13:55] {@Threei}  munky... point is:
[13:55] {munky} but hey, munkys eat fish as well as fruit
[13:55] {nathan} nice ADBE nemo
[13:56] {nathan} i missed
01[13:56] {@Threei}  break of meanongful support or resistance should be a signal for your action
[13:56] {nemo} what's ur real name Munky....Thelonious?
[13:56] {RonS} Spanky?
[13:56] {fish_49} Spunky
[13:57] {fish_49} what is the rabbit name at the dog races
[13:57] {nemo} o.k.  I'm throwing the flag for piling on
[13:57] {fish_49} here comes spunky?  or is it Sparky?
[13:57] {fish_49} we have  to
[13:57] {fish_49} I mean I have  to
[13:57] {fish_49} I just getting even for him ragging me  when I was boiling  a couple hours  ago
[13:57] {nemo} yes, I understand...it's a moral imperative
[13:58] {munky} someone slap fish, he is ranting
[13:58] {nemo} kick a man while he's down and keep kicking, if he gets up he might start kicking u
[13:59] {nemo} any bets we go out at vwap again today?
[13:59] {fish_49} Kick a man when he is down.  If he gets up, Run like hell
[14:00] {nemo} won't happen if you have a clue what you're doing
[14:01] {munky} sheesh, vad kicked me out of mirc
[14:02] {fish_49} he must be feeling nice  he let you back in
01[14:03] {@Threei}  1:1
01[14:03] {@Threei}  btw
[14:03] {munky} ok, got .70
[14:03] {munky} im at .61 next, correct?
01[14:03] {@Threei}  .60 strictly speaking
01[14:04] {@Threei}  unless tops the balance at .81
01[14:04] {@Threei}  and if gets to .60, we might adjust by a cdent or two, let's see how things go
01[14:04] {@Threei}  tops = stops
[14:04] {munky} so now stop is .81 correct?
01[14:05] {@Threei}  right
[14:06] {goinshort} had to reboot -are we trading anything ?
[14:06] {nemo} yeah....
[14:06] {nemo} barbs
01[14:06] {@Threei}  EBAY is half out
[14:06] {munky} good, i just want to know if im getting ur thoghts
01[14:08] {@Threei}  you continue making this mistake...
01[14:08] {@Threei}  I have no thoughts
01[14:08] {@Threei}  I have SOP
01[14:08] {@Threei}  I follow it
[14:09] {nathan} spike on CRM
[14:12] {nathan} there it goes
[14:14] {munky} so nemo, u thinking/watchin spy my go up close vwap?
[14:15] {munky} my=may
[14:15] {nemo} it's a possibility, but this weakness looks like we may test the low end of the range
[14:16] {munky} ok, ty
[14:16] {munky} cap'n
[14:16] {nemo} volatility picking up a bit
[14:16] {munky} vxx trade ?
[14:17] {nemo} that top on vxx is the start of a gap...it would be long if indexes come in
[14:17] {nemo} I'm not seeing a clean setup though
[14:18] {munky} u see a sh in fb nemo?
[14:18] {munky} or depends on spy
[14:19] {nemo} could use a consolidation, this is a vad setup in the making
[14:19] {nemo} everything kinda' depends on spy
01[14:19] {@Threei}  close GDX
01[14:19] {@Threei}  annoyed
01[14:20] {@Threei}  here comes more selling
01[14:20] {@Threei}  folks, let me share what I hear from, well
01[14:20] {@Threei}  let's call it sources
01[14:20] {@Threei}  on the ground so to speak
01[14:21] {@Threei}  to make it succinct, without too much theory
01[14:22] {@Threei}  1. Ukraine is not going to abandon its EU ascension ambitions, they see it as their only protection
01[14:22] {@Threei}  2. Russia is not going to allow NATO this close
[14:22] {munky} ww3?
[14:23] {_illyakuryakin} east -west split?
01[14:23] {@Threei}  3. All these western discussions about finding compromise etc are not applicable, this is just not the way Putin thinks
01[14:23] {@Threei}  4. He has no respect for current western leadership, in both EU and USA, considers them rotten and lazy
01[14:24] {@Threei}  5. He is widely supported by population where media promotes such views for a good decade playing of nationalistic feelings and wounded pride
01[14:25] {@Threei}  This situation is going to escalate
01[14:25] {@Threei}  there is only one thing that can stop him
01[14:25] {@Threei}  and that's exactly the thing West refuses to do
[14:25] {nemo} coup
[14:25] {fish_49} In my humble opinion, if he just sits and waits  it will unfold his way  without violence from Russia
01[14:26] {@Threei}  that's what he will do fish, if Ukraine abandons EU/NATO plans
01[14:26] {@Threei}  but if those pkans proceed, he qwon't have that luxury
[14:27] {fish_49} no,  then he will be in same situation as Obummer was in with Syria
[14:27] {fish_49} if they proceed they will paint him in a corner
01[14:27] {@Threei}  only he acts on nis red lines
01[14:27] {@Threei}  his
[14:28] {dino} .
[14:29] {fish_49} there is no fear of WW3  that will not happen
[14:29] {_illyakuryakin} but only if there's a coup?
01[14:29] {@Threei}  I don't see any chance for a coup
01[14:30] {@Threei}  his grip on power is very strong
[14:30] {dino} the only thing that will stop putin is if the business guys in russia (the money men) tell him to, because its costing them billions
01[14:30] {@Threei}  no dino
01[14:31] {@Threei}  he doesn't care if they can't get to their yachts in Nizza
01[14:31] {@Threei}  and he showed many times that they better stay away from pol,itics
[14:31] {nemo} they've never seen them anyway
01[14:31] {@Threei}  remember Khodorkovsky?
01[14:32] {@Threei}  for him it's an existential threat
01[14:33] {@Threei}  he backs off, he loses his position in power
01[14:33] {@Threei}  his bet is, West won;t go to war
01[14:33] {@Threei}  just as it happened with Georgia
[14:33] {dino} i think he is empire building, doesn't give a f#$k about anything or anyone else
01[14:34] {@Threei}  pretty much
[14:34] {fish_49} correctamundo  Dino
[14:34] {dino} nepoleon complex
01[14:34] {@Threei}  to get why he is so sensitive about Ukraine/EU thing, look at the geographic map, not political
01[14:35] {@Threei}  look at huge border Russia has, with nothing natural to protect it
01[14:35] {@Threei}  no major rivers no mountains
01[14:35] {@Threei}  direct access
01[14:36] {@Threei}  that's why throughout the centuries Russia saw its security in surroounding itself with buffer countries
[14:36] {RonS} data leaking
[14:37] {dino} don't really think that its a fear/buffer thing. i think he wants to take it and he will take.  trying to prove to the world that he is in charge
01[14:37] {@Threei}  VXX nice move
01[14:37] {@Threei}  buffer thing is what lies under the very concept of influencing nearest countries, dino
01[14:38] {@Threei}  when that concept is internalized as a cornerstone of foreign policy, actions follow
[14:38] {dino} its about power, you got it, i want it
[14:39] {dino} think about it, nobody else simply taes countries. but putin does. power/ego/etc
[14:39] {dino} takes
01[14:39] {@Threei}  my point is, this concept shows wy there is no way to calm this down
[14:39] {dino} he is the guy that takes without payment or penalty.
01[14:39] {@Threei}  as long as EU tries to embrace Ukraine, it will escalate
[14:39] {dino} so why not take some more?
[14:41] {dino} sure it will escalate, putin will take the entire country. eu will talk tough, but do nothing as usual. then putin will look for his next acquisition
[14:41] {munky} at least when months over ill be an expert in euro/russo politics
[14:41] {dino} emoire building
[14:42] {dino} empire
[14:42] {fish_49} EU will be forced  to turn the blind eye and hope the issue goes away.  what choices are there?  non.. Zilch...
01[14:43] {@Threei}  that choice is horrible too
[14:43] {fish_49} yes  agree but who is in a position to stop it  Vad?
[14:43] {dino} yes it is horrible, but eu has no balls
01[14:43] {@Threei}  Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons in exchnage for guarantee of its territorial integrity
[14:43] {mojo1} is this the trading room, not sure
01[14:43] {@Threei}  that means next time someone is offered such tradem he will refuse sxeeing how guarantees do not work
[14:44] {dino} and obummer agreed not to place missles in eastern europe.
01[14:44] {@Threei}  mojo... where do you think my idea of shorting into eod came from?
01[14:44] {@Threei}  that same that works on EBAY and VXX?
01[14:45] {@Threei}  I started this to inform you about nearest perspectives that will have censequences for the market
[14:45] {munky} and how does this all affect the south american banana supply?
01[14:45] {@Threei}  it doesn't
01[14:46] {@Threei}  other than slight price increase
[14:46] {munky} well, thats a priority to this chimp
01[14:46] {@Threei}  as a result of oil goong up in secalation scenario
01[14:46] {@Threei}  escalation
[14:46] {_illyakuryakin} but trout in Peru, they should do well
[14:47] {fish_49} thanks Illy
[14:47] {munky} trout?????
[14:47] {dino} panw all over the place
[14:47] {fish_49} especially the ones at high elevation
[14:47] {munky} trout????
[14:47] {_illyakuryakin} in the highlands
06[14:47] * munky slaps _illyakuryakin around a bit with a large trout
01[14:47] {@Threei}  (UR) Russia forces could be storming a Ukraine base near Sevastopol, Crimea - Ukraine press- Said to have broken through the gates using a truck and advancing toward the base command center. - Base said to have 100 Ukrainian soldiers; No indication to the size of the Russian forces
[14:48] {dino} mistrial panw case
[14:49] {fish_49} I'm confused .. why would Russian forces storm something they already control?
[14:49] {dino} for photo ops
01[14:50] {@Threei}  they surrounded those bases
[14:50] {fish_49} ahhhh   better Vodka and girls on the other side
01[14:50] {@Threei}  now they are taking them
[14:50] {_illyakuryakin} its only a drill too
[14:51] {fish_49} taking them?  under who's command?  Didn't the Putin dude say he wouldn't attack?
[14:51] {dino} panw smr l .80
[14:51] {dino} out panw .18, +.38
[14:52] {munky} r u going in/out in a minute?
[14:52] {munky} or late post?
[14:52] {dino} yes
[14:53] {dino} no post was right on it
[14:53] {dino} less than 30 seconds
[14:53] {munky} ok,just trying to understand
[14:53] {dino} as soon as i enter, i post
[14:53] {dino} wanted $100 so entered sell as soon as buy filled
[14:54] {munky} scvanner find it?
[14:54] {dino} scanner finds them all
[14:54] {dino} would be lost w/o it
[14:55] {munky} using intelliscan?
[14:55] {dino} no. street smart edge has scanners, i tweek them
[14:56] {munky} is that free?
[14:56] {dino} yes, comes with the platform
[14:56] {fish_49} not sure they will give you the platform without opening an account
[14:56] {dino} damn, i'm cutting everything a $1 too soon today
[14:57] {dino} correct fish
[14:57] {dino} $25k minimum
[14:57] {fish_49} I have it  I use it at times
[14:57] {fish_49} it's a clean platform no hicups
[14:57] {fish_49} charts are beautiful
[14:58] {dino} charts and scanners are excellent
[14:58] {_illyakuryakin} i like charts
[14:58] {_illyakuryakin} any good one min. charts these days?
[14:58] {dino} das faster executions, but for my style edge works better
01[14:59] {@Threei}  munky, open "top list" in DAS
01[14:59] {@Threei}  you'll se many of the stocks dino trades
[14:59] {dino} illy, freestockcharts.com
[15:00] {nemo} vwap and pivots, huh dino?
[15:00] {_illyakuryakin} :)
[15:00] {dino} yes
[15:00] {dino} nemo, you got me hooked on that
[15:00] {nemo} yeah, Vad still rues the day
[15:00] {_illyakuryakin} its illya, btw
[15:00] {dino} opps
01[15:00] {@Threei}  Palo Alto Networks Markman Advisors tweets that a mistrial has been declared in patent case brought by Juniper Networks **NOTE: Juniper is currently pursuing patent claims against PANW and the trial started in late Feb. Juniper claims that Palo Alto co-founder Nir Zuk, who worked at Juniper for about a year between 2004-2005 after Juniper acquired NetScreen (where Zuk was CTO), used some of its technology in Palo Alto's products.
[15:01] {_illyakuryakin} k
[15:01] {nemo} Illyavich
[15:02] {_illyakuryakin} that hurts
[15:02] {dino} aero spike
[15:02] {munky} dam missed cat, and been watching it
[15:02] {munky} all day
[15:02] {dino} arto halt?
[15:03] {dino} aero
[15:03] {dino} l2 funny on it
[15:04] {_illyakuryakin} any over the weekend candidates?
[15:04] {_illyakuryakin} just kidding
[15:05] {dino} not for me
[15:05] {nemo} too much headline risk
[15:05] {_illyakuryakin} really
[15:06] {nathan} have a nice weekend
[15:07] {_illyakuryakin} we loose an hour
[15:07] {nemo} shit
[15:07] {fish_49} ahh is this weekend DLST?
[15:07] {nemo} one less hour of drinking this weekend
[15:08] {dino} yes
[15:08] {fish_49} markets open an hour faster  lol
[15:08] {dino} put in a shift yesterday for happy hour, ended up happy 4 hours
[15:08] {fish_49} now that I retired I hate weekends
[15:08] {_illyakuryakin} grass will grow better
[15:09] {_illyakuryakin} more daylight
[15:09] {munky} i feel bad for u fish
[15:09] {dino} ???
01[15:09] {@Threei}  watching VXX
[15:10] {nemo} we could be very flat for the rest of the day given the locations near vwap
[15:15] {nemo} spy finnies and iwm all got to vwap at the same time...how convenient
[15:15] {nemo} divergence developing too, but I don't expect to much room to play
[15:17] {nemo} too much
[15:18] {dptl} have a good weekend all
[15:19] {nemo} don't drink too little dp
01[15:19] {@Threei}  take care dp
[15:19] {dptl} never Nemo :)
[15:19] {dino} cya dp
[15:22] {nemo} mmhhhh, this is actually a 3 hour divergence...this might be interesting
[15:23] {fish_49} price and volume?  what chart are you looking at?
[15:23] {nemo} proprietary
[15:24] {fish_49} symbol is prop also?
01[15:24] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .44 break hl
01[15:24] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[15:24] {nemo} my primary indexes are vxx iwm spy and finnies, (fas, xlf, iyf) take ur pick
[15:24] {nemo} I watch those 4 all the time
[15:25] {nemo} you mean 44 break, right vad?
01[15:32] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:32] {dino} calling it a week, thx all for ideas, very good week
01[15:32] {@Threei}  take care dino, have a good one
01[15:33] {@Threei}  here comes my eod selloff
01[15:35] {@Threei}  1:2
[15:36] {goinshort} 1:2 and out
01[15:36] {@Threei}  that's geopolitics for ya {G}
[15:36] {goinshort} Thanks everyone great week -cya monday
01[15:37] {@Threei}  take care gs
01[15:37] {@Threei}  1:3
01[15:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .10 break hl
01[15:43] {@Threei}  If holds  44
[15:46] {nemo} and back to vwap we go
[15:47] {fish_49} how did the divergence play out toad
[15:47] {fish_49} gotta run  have a great weekend  see ya monday
01[15:48] {@Threei}  take care fish
01[15:51] {@Threei}  meh
01[15:51] {@Threei}  OK guys, decent day
01[15:51] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a great weekend
01[15:51] {@Threei}  see you Monday