Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec 13 2013

Despite being Friday 13, that was a very strong day for us. With one small stop, trades just worked and worked. Aside of all the usual suspects (C, JPM, GDX, GLD, FB etc, you know) we also got two strong trades on ADBE and one on LULU. Just to make a menu less boring, you know. Very nice week overall, mostly thanks to the last two days.

 Session Time: Fri Dec 13 00:00:00 2013
[08:48] {nemo} Where's Knuckles?
[08:49] {nemo} Here's a scary thought...I haven't watched financial TV in years...I had a dream where I was watching Cramer's
01[08:51] {Threei}  lol
01[08:51] {Threei}  morning
[08:52] {barbo} GM
01[08:52] {Threei}  barbo :)
[09:05] {cc_9} [yawn]
[09:05] {cc_9} GM all
[09:05] {nemo} Knuckles
01[09:05] {Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:05] {nemo} apc and rh cc
[09:06] {cc_9} yup, u got it nemo, gm m8
01[09:07] {Threei}  wow... Kim killed his uncle
[09:07] {cc_9} APC triple downgrade nemo
[09:08] {nemo} bfd...god what I would do if I could get away with it
01[09:08] {Threei}  learned from the best I see... pages from Stalin's book
[09:08] {nemo} ahhh, yes, the seminarian
[09:09] {cc_9} North Korea is Best Korea, comrade
[09:12] {cc_9} SPY not much action overnight and on eco #s pre-market.
[09:14] {dino} gm
[09:15] {fish_49} huh Kim fired him  now he killed him?
01[09:15] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:15] {fish_49} his Sam Chun (Uncle) is who got him the position
01[09:15] {Threei}  yup... internal power struggle obviously
01[09:16] {Threei}  and very fine understanding of Stalin teachings
[09:16] {fish_49} CC is a Commie for sure
01[09:16] {Threei}  liquidate everyone who helped you on your way up
[09:16] {dino} rule thru fear
01[09:16] {Threei}  they know who you really are and how you evolved, they are a potential threat
01[09:17] {Threei}  they know skeletons in your closet
[09:17] {fish_49} wonder  how he took him out..  Who he had do it and method..  You think it was like the old Josun days of Sword across neck?  lol
[09:17] {Will49} gm
[09:17] {dino} 8" of snow tonight
01[09:17] {Threei}  will :)
01[09:17] {Threei}  sorry dino...
[09:17] {fish_49} where Dino?
[09:17] {dino} northeast pennsylvania
[09:19] {fish_49} hmmm must be Scranton area  Im 2 hours south of you  I didn't  know there was bad weather coming
[09:20] {dino} 40 miles ne scranton. storm starting around midnight, all day tomorrow
[09:21] {dino} where you at fish, allentown?
[09:22] {cc_9} the cc list for today : GILD - AFSI - RH - CIEN - GDX - DGAZ - XIV - APC
[09:22] {fish_49} no  half way between Philly and Baltimore  perhaps more like 3 hours south of u
[09:23] {fish_49} I wonder if Denis Rodman will be attending the funeral of his Uncle in law  lol
[09:24] {fish_49} thanks Dino for the info  I will get the snow blower ready
[09:24] {dino} apc, insy
[09:25] {fish_49} Targeting Crude  Long set up CL at 96.10
[09:29] {cc_9} GILD nice gap up
01[09:31] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .20 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:32] {cc_9} APC some bids
[09:33] {cc_9} nope, slammed back under 74 fast
[09:33] {cc_9} long APC here
[09:33] {cc_9} for 75+ tgt
01[09:35] {Threei}  stop to .26
01[09:36] {Threei}  1:1
[09:36] {dino} insy sm l .01
[09:36] {dino} rh sm l .65
[09:36] {cc_9} APC lets go
[09:37] {cc_9} damn it i missed RH
[09:37] {cc_9} APC nice buys here, staying with it
[09:37] {dino} out rh .35, +.70
[09:37] {dino} too soon
[09:38] {cc_9} APC $75.00 tgt
[09:38] {cc_9} stiull going
[09:39] {cc_9} all out APC +$1.16
[09:39] {cc_9} booyah
[09:39] {robbers} nice.
[09:39] {Will49} great!
01[09:39] {Threei} Long Setup:  C  .05 break
01[09:39] {Threei}  If holds  51
01[09:40] {Threei}  aggressive for .10
01[09:40] {Threei}  meh
01[09:40] {Threei}  SPY suddenly died
[09:40] {cc_9} APC } $75.50 still going
[09:40] {cc_9} will revisit if retraces
[09:41] {nemo} 74.90 =23.6
[09:42] {cc_9} RH flying
[09:44] {dino} out insy .80, +.79
[09:44] {Will49} hit'n em dino
01[09:44] {Threei} Short Setup: JPM  .23 break
[09:45] {dino} thx
01[09:45] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[09:45] {cc_9} APC setting up for another run up
[09:46] {cc_9} long APC here again
[09:46] {cc_9} for 76 tgt
[09:47] {cc_9} all out APC for another $0.63
[09:47] {cc_9} I freaking love this stock today
[09:47] {nemo} wait cc I didn't tell you to sell yet
[09:48] {cc_9} already at my goal for today
[09:48] {cc_9} Friday, gonna take it easy m8s
[09:49] {dino} same here cc
[09:50] {cc_9} wtg
[09:50] {cc_9} Best way to finish the week
[09:50] {cc_9} I am certain APC flies way higher,  but this week has been radioactive green
[09:51] {dino} apc 76 wall/trig
01[09:52] {Threei}  1:1
[09:52] {nemo} wow look at that activiy apc
01[09:53] {Threei}  just heard from ese
[09:53] {Will49} what jail?
[09:53] {fish_49} lol
01[09:53] {Threei}  no need for a bail will
01[09:54] {Threei}  which is a welcome relief
[09:54] {Will49} i'm ready
[09:54] {fish_49} out JPM thanks Vad
01[09:54] {Threei}  yw
01[09:54] {Threei}  crazy buzy with permormances, says hello to everyone and promises to be here as soon as he can
01[09:54] {Threei}  1:2
[09:55] {Will49} yes..he's buzy alright
[09:55] {dino} out apc .34, +.33
[09:56] {cc_9} RH killing it wow
[09:58] {cc_9} here
[09:58] {cc_9} comes
[09:58] {cc_9} the
[09:58] {cc_9} crash
[09:58] {cc_9} get ready folks
[09:58] {nemo} apc running too
[09:59] {Will49} bring it ON
[09:59] {dino} apc, rh, and insy, nice way to start the day
[10:00] {cc_9} APC is a darling today
[10:00] {cc_9} soon as it cracked $75.00 the downside was pretty much all put
[10:00] {cc_9} and only up from there
[10:01] {Will49} so much for the crash
[10:02] {nemo} 77.50ish next test area
01[10:04] {Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .90 break
01[10:04] {Threei}  If holds  .85
[10:05] {cc_9} will, its all headfakes, if market wanted to rally, it would not be testing yesterday's LOD
[10:05] {cc_9} we shall see
[10:06] {cc_9} FB all out goat
[10:06] {cc_9} charging
[10:06] {dino} gimo drop
[10:06] {nemo} one would think it will stay in a range today, why scare people going into the weekenbd
01[10:06] {Threei}  why not?
[10:07] {dino} will, crash? f' the talking heads. the tape is the truth
01[10:07] {Threei}  scare them young
[10:08] {Will49} is cc our talking head?
[10:08] {cc_9} dino is my new gap plays buddy
[10:08] {cc_9} nice work on apc/rh/insy
01[10:08] {Threei}  can I pich the talking heads for that purpose?
[10:08] {dino} thx & happy to help
01[10:08] {Threei}  pick
[10:08] {cc_9} SCTY breaking out
[10:13] {cc_9} wowza P
[10:13] {nemo} yeah, number 1 strong on the algo
[10:13] {nemo} followed by x amzn bidu scty
[10:13] {cc_9} idk how in the crap i took it off my list
[10:13] {nemo} weak:  slb lulu anf cam
[10:13] {cc_9} i traded P yesterday
01[10:14] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:15] {Threei}  ok... it's official: my parcel with wines and cheeses has landed on the top of Mt. Olympus yesterday morning. Whatever I did to anger trading gods on Wed, all is forgiven
[10:15] {Will49} as cc says ..we shall see:)
01[10:16] {Threei}  hey, nobody said they won't get angry every again {G}
01[10:16] {Threei}  ever
[10:16] {Will49} indeed
[10:16] {Will49} live for the moment
01[10:17] {Threei}  right... at the moment I am distracted by the process of selection of talking head dino suggested to do some naughty things to
01[10:17] {Threei}  CNBC and bloomberg have some fine choices
[10:17] {fish_49} lol
[10:18] {Will49} they've cornered the market
[10:18] {fish_49} I suggest a CC talking head  to keep you busy after markets close
[10:18] {fish_49} lol
01[10:18] {Threei}  I'll pass, thanks
[10:18] {fish_49} lol
[10:18] {fish_49} lol
01[10:18] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:19] {Threei}  btw, speaking of adjusting to the market... you did notice this pattern of late, SPY sudden drops?
01[10:19] {Threei}  TZA trade was based on this
[10:19] {cc_9} you see now Will ?
[10:19] {cc_9} there is the tank :)
[10:19] {cc_9} VXX now going ;)
[10:19] {Will49} better late than...
[10:20] {Will49} broken clock is right twice...
[10:20] {Will49} etc etc
[10:20] {cc_9} w/e you say
[10:21] {cc_9} SPY needs to lose this 177.80 for a proper dog tank
[10:21] {fish_49} Speaking of Patterns  I used your DB pattern in the book (PG 143) on a 5 min  to get 25 ticks on the Crude Oil Contract
[10:22] {fish_49} perfect picture  first drop outside BB's  second drop just inside BB's
01[10:23] {Threei}  :)
01[10:23] {Threei}  amazing how these things work over and over
[10:23] {cc_9} and there you have it Will
[10:23] {fish_49} Trading is the hardest Easy money I have ever earned
[10:24] {Will49} ok, i give
01[10:24] {Threei}  well... thing to remember is,
01[10:24] {Threei}  market is the easiest place to make money,
01[10:24] {Threei}  and the hardest place to keep it.
01[10:25] {Threei}  Thus, risk control is paramount
01[10:25] {Threei}  that's what allows you to keep what you make
[10:25] {fish_49} yes  this is why I use hard stops  lol
01[10:25] {Threei}  anyone can make money when get the setup right
01[10:25] {Threei}  what separates men from boys is how you act when you get it wrong
[10:25] {cc_9} GILD 15min looks tired
[10:26] {Will49} hey fish...the "hover" method is superior to hard stops
[10:26] {dino} profuts=luck; losses=skill
[10:26] {dino} profits too
01[10:26] {Threei}  see full internet of people who can't take their stop for the world of them
[10:26] {Will49} goverment approach
01[10:26] {Threei}  see them whine about their huge losses
01[10:26] {Threei}  blaming damn manipulators
01[10:26] {Threei}  fed
01[10:26] {Threei}  government
01[10:27] {Threei}  talking heads
01[10:27] {Threei}  neighbor's dog
[10:27] {nemo} wow, weak side really filling out on algo
[10:27] {Will49} haha Vad
01[10:27] {Threei}  meanwhile the only person to blame is themselves
01[10:27] {Threei}  it was up to them to take small loss
[10:27] {fish_49} Will the hover method works well until you lose data connection
[10:27] {fish_49} lol
[10:27] {cc_9} SPY for now held yesterday's lows
[10:27] {cc_9} GDX new highs
[10:27] {Will49} true fish
01[10:27] {Threei}  but no, they had to get all proud and strong and prove they were right
[10:28] {dino} twc spike
[10:29] {dino} missed it
[10:29] {cc_9} Charter to offer TWC under $140.00
[10:29] {cc_9} dumpathon
[10:30] {nemo} hey cc, how about some more of your off-color non-pc humor
[10:30] {fish_49} lol
[10:30] {fish_49} lol
[10:31] {fish_49} Vad if ur not busy look at CAT
[10:31] {fish_49} a pull back into around .67 then rally tto gap fill?
[10:31] {cc_9} I'm waiting for 2PMish, when Vad slips in his jammies and takes a nap
[10:31] {cc_9} then the jokes will come out
[10:31] {cc_9} i dont want to get banned on a Friday
01[10:32] {Threei}  lol
[10:32] {nemo} why?  he has all weekend to calm down and let you back in on Monday
01[10:32] {Threei}  but fish... I am really busy NOT looking at CAT
[10:32] {nemo} the worst that could happen is if you go and visit he makes you stay with ese
[10:32] {fish_49} ok  play with your CC talking head  then
01[10:33] {Threei}  .67, I doubt it'll go that low
01[10:33] {Threei}  and if it does, we will need some new pattern
[10:33] {fish_49} .70
01[10:33] {Threei}  as it stands, .85 break is long setup
[10:33] {cc_9} TWC back to lows
01[10:33] {Threei}  not powerful enough to get me interested
01[10:34] {Threei}  but it's a valid setup
[10:34] {fish_49} 15 minute setting up a C&H
01[10:34] {Threei}  if loses .75, no read until something new shapes up
01[10:35] {Threei}  (US) Reportedly FBI to hold press conference later today to discuss arrest involving a "national security matter" - twitter sources
[10:35] {fish_49} Found Snowden?
[10:35] {cc_9} Today I think I want to get a proper straight blade warm towel face shave by a professional
[10:35] {nemo} arrested Obummer
[10:36] {nemo} I'll do it for you CC...I'll use my CRKT
[10:36] {dino} we can only hope
[10:36] {dino} chtr spike
[10:36] {cc_9} its sad nowadays we dont have many of those places around
[10:36] {cc_9} nice shave
[10:37] {fish_49} I get one at least every other day when I'm in Korea or Japan
[10:37] {fish_49} Plenty of places
[10:37] {cc_9} "Korean or Japan", might as well say you also get one on Jupiter's Europa
[10:38] {cc_9} Cuz they are just as far
[10:38] {fish_49} not so far
[10:38] {fish_49} lol
[10:38] {fish_49} I will be there next week again
[10:38] {fish_49} gonna spend the holidays  there
[10:38] {cc_9} Tell the truth
[10:38] {cc_9} why are you going there
[10:38] {fish_49} The happy ending massage?
[10:38] {cc_9} No, that's thailand
[10:38] {cc_9} Japan is for the vending machines that dispense used panties
[10:39] {cc_9} no lie, google it.
[10:39] {fish_49} hahahah  yuck
[10:39] {nemo} yeah, everything on google is gospel
[10:39] {fish_49} do they come with expiration label?
[10:39] {cc_9}
[10:39] {fish_49} a few years back I was in a Sushi bar there and they had O2 booths
[10:39] {Will49} sheeesh
[10:39] {dino} well if its on the internet it has to be true
[10:40] {fish_49} administer your own O2
[10:40] {nemo} yeah, dino, you can keep your doctor
[10:40] {cc_9} Who in their right minds would go on the internet to tell lies...of course its true
[10:40] {Will49} another "world going to hell..." example
[10:40] {nemo} aaahhhh
[10:40] {nemo} fellas
[10:40] {nemo} last Pope said that whole "Hell" thing they just made up
[10:40] {fish_49} now tell us  CC what brought you to the point of Looking that up?
[10:40] {fish_49} lol
01[10:40] {Threei}  No One ever lies on Internet. ~G. Washington
[10:41] {Will49} lol
[10:41] {fish_49} Gore made a rule when he invented the internet.  NO LYING
[10:41] {cc_9} oh, the simple fact that you said you get shaves in Japan every other day
[10:41] {cc_9} and me implying thats not why you go there for
[10:41] {cc_9} you know, THE TRUTH
[10:41] {fish_49} lol
[10:41] {fish_49} too expensive  there and when I travel there, the wife is always with me
[10:42] {cc_9} the wife as in the plastic Japanese doll that you dress ?
[10:42] {cc_9} bc thats big in Japan too
[10:42] {fish_49} Korean
[10:42] {fish_49} lol
[10:43] {fish_49} nothing is Big in Japan CC
[10:43] {cc_9} lol touche
[10:43] {cc_9} and the e is with an accent
[10:43] {cc_9} also, lets crash
[10:44] {Will49} better to ask isn't ti?
[10:44] {Will49} it
[10:46] {cc_9} it depends on how drunk she is
[10:47] {Will49} :)
[10:47] {cc_9} look at that beautiful rape face
[10:47] {cc_9} :) has to be the creepiest face
[10:47] {nemo} ?
[10:47] {Will49} ?
01[10:47] {Threei}  janitor starts frowning
[10:47] {cc_9} ???
[10:48] {Will49} what you smokin?
[10:48] {fish_49} CC you woke Nemo and Will up
[10:48] {cc_9} lol fish
[10:48] {nemo} it's not 2
[10:48] {cc_9} SPY setting up for a dump imo
[10:48] {cc_9} its under its close, could not break yesterdays highs and still testing yesterday's lows
[10:49] {Will49} smokin chrystal....ball
[10:49] {nemo} but do they want to really start a panic going into the weekend S1 at .65
[10:49] {cc_9} I think we will see a stampede this year, not a santa rally
[10:50] {cc_9} no buyers stepped in on Wednesday nor Thursday
[10:51] {fish_49} Holding out for Fed meeting
[10:51] {fish_49} makes me wonder if someone leaked any infor  or is it pure speculation
[10:51] {RonS} open smacked
[10:52] {cc_9} APC setting up for another rally here to 78
[10:52] {fish_49} Lost S1
[10:53] {RonS} Apple Files for a Patent on a Restaurant Reservation and Ordering System
[10:53] {cc_9} DGAZ, look at this pathetic 15min chart
[10:53] {cc_9} DGAZ back to all time lows
[10:54] {cc_9} there goes APC
[10:54] {fish_49} Bounced off S1  lol  5 minute chart looks like inverted H&S on SPY
[10:55] {cc_9} FB "the goose is loose"
[10:56] {nemo} apc butting it's head on the 38.2 retrace
[10:57] {nemo} that's that .50ish level
[10:58] {cc_9} DGAZ getting gassed
[10:58] {cc_9} 8.10
[10:58] {cc_9} death imminent
[10:58] {nemo} hanging around with Ron too much
01[10:59] {Threei}  I had different version... "not enough"
01[10:59] {Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .15 break
[11:00] {dino} dgaz stinks
01[11:00] {Threei}  of course... they add the stinking component
[11:01] {cc_9} "most Americans think Bitcoin is an iPhone app or a video game"
[11:01] {fish_49} It's not?
[11:01] {cc_9} why am I not even remotely surprised
[11:01] {fish_49} lol
[11:01] {cc_9} HON pop on share buyback
[11:04] {cc_9} SPY, there is the fear
[11:05] {nemo} apc going up in this drop
01[11:05] {Threei}  1:1
[11:06] {cc_9} IWM at lows
[11:06] {cc_9} SPY playing catchup
[11:06] {cc_9} crash already
[11:06] {fish_49} Out here Thanks vad
[11:06] {Will49} peace fish
[11:07] {Will49} oops thought you were leaving
[11:07] {fish_49} Peace to u too Will
[11:07] {fish_49} lol
[11:07] {cc_9} if any drop in FB, will get long
[11:07] {cc_9} very strong so far today
[11:07] {Will49} as our Quebecois say...peace on you Anglais
01[11:08] {Threei}  and what they actually mean is "pees"
[11:08] {Will49} yup
[11:13] {cc_9} SPY just teasing...
[11:13] {cc_9} lol @ I still have an order to short HON at 87.45
[11:13] {cc_9} damn it...
[11:14] {fish_49} buy the pull back  BTFD
[11:15] {cc_9} buyback and M&A chatter stocks, I only short the upside, which I intended to do on HON, only my limit was slightly higher
[11:16] {Will49} HON was my career company..recruited right out of school
[11:17] {fish_49} what field
[11:17] {nemo} engineering?
[11:17] {Will49} commercial HVAC
[11:17] {nemo} wow
[11:17] {Will49} yes...sales engineer
[11:17] {fish_49} better than their Sanitation Engineer
[11:17] {Will49} lol
[11:18] {cc_9} FB still going
[11:18] {RonS} tsla acting like it's going to rip
[11:18] {cc_9} SPY no dog crash :(
[11:19] {fish_49} Will  Is  JCI  (Johnson  Controls)  doing the same HVAC stuff?
[11:19] {Will49} yes
[11:19] {Will49} they were main competition in those days
[11:20] {fish_49} I see plenty of HON  hardware around but never any hardware for JCI
[11:20] {Will49} yeah, noticed that too
[11:21] {Will49} JCI may have sold off controls division
[11:21] {RonS} better than selling the johnson...
[11:21] {Will49} LOL
[11:22] {fish_49} lol
[11:24] {nemo} vad like lulu drop of .85?
[11:24] {cc_9} late, but lol
[11:24] {nemo} too late
[11:25] {cc_9} so sad...cant even get a proper crash :(
01[11:26] {Threei}  looks right to me... maybe gives a chnace for entry
01[11:27] {Threei}  there
01[11:27] {Threei}  see if recrosses .85 again
01[11:27] {Threei}  stop .95
[11:28] {cc_9} lol, even DGAZ bounced
01[11:29] {Threei}  1:2
01[11:29] {Threei}  good spot nemo
[11:30] {RonS} open part doo
[11:31] {cc_9} strange, a bunch of bids just came in on just about everything
[11:33] {cc_9} DGAZ going now
[11:39] {cc_9} GILD soaring
[11:46] {cc_9} nap time
01[11:49] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .50 break
[11:53] {cc_9} most boring half Friday in a while
[11:53] {cc_9} SPY did nada
[11:54] {nemo} can't get above vwap, none of the indexes can
[11:54] {Will49} bosa nova piece spydidnada
[11:54] {nemo} looks like downside break if any
[11:54] {nemo} oh great Will is getting Ron's sense of humor
[11:55] {Will49} and proud of it
[11:55] {Will49} now if i could only trade like him
[11:57] {cc_9} This is what I'm talking about
[11:58] {nemo} apc
01[11:58] {Threei}  Invalidated
[12:04] {cc_9} glad to know you all are watching the video
[12:36] {dino} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[12:36] {fish_49} yea  at least we got to watch a shave video
[12:36] {fish_49} CC liked the eyebrow flick perhaps
[12:36] {fish_49} lol
[12:36] {dino} going to take hour break
[12:48] {dino} insy smr l .78
[12:49] {RonS} cheater
[12:49] {RonS} 1 hr...  :)
[12:50] {dino} yeah, i know...
01[12:50] {Threei}  lol
[12:51] {cc_9} going to take a 3 hour break
[12:52] {RonS} lol
[12:52] {cc_9} amateur day
[12:52] {cc_9} no proper dog crash
[12:52] {RonS} going to yoga so you can do a "dog leg down"?
[12:53] {cc_9} VXX gaining some ground here
[12:54] {cc_9} GILD new session highs
[12:57] {fish_49} Nemo you around?
[12:57] {Will49}  he's about 32 inches around
[12:58] {cc_9} GILD setting up for a big breakout
[13:00] {dino} insy stop -.40
[13:02] {dino} should've taken the hour break
[13:02] {Will49} do you set defined stops dino?
[13:02] {Will49} or play by ear
[13:03] {fish_49} or play by eye
[13:03] {Will49} so to speak
[13:04] {Will49} eggsaccttley fish
[13:04] {fish_49} Spy looks like it wants another leg up
[13:05] {Will49} dino either taking a break now or sitting there thinking "what DO i do anyway?"
[13:06] {dino} lol, depends on the character of the stopock, gappy ones need more leeway imo
[13:06] {RonS} if in BC or CO might be do be do be do...
[13:06] {dino} hard stop on insy would just crush you, so must manage
[13:06] {Will49} so discretionary then
[13:09] {dino} thick ones i have limits established
[13:10] {Will49} tks dino
[13:11] {dino} irwd drop
01[13:13] {Threei}  LOL:
01[13:13] {Threei}  Re Jan $FED hand-off, some cartoonist should draw Bernanke and Yellen in a relay race, w smiling Bernanke handing Yellen a stick of dynamite
[13:15] {fish_49} lol
01[13:15] {Threei}  pretty much on target
01[13:16] {Threei}  now, this one requires one additional line:
01[13:16] {Threei}  House Speaker Boehner formally invites Obama to give State of the Union address on Jan. 28
01[13:16] {Threei}  ...and invites South Africa sign language interpreter
01[13:17] {Threei} Long Setup:  LULU  59 break
01[13:17] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[13:18] {Threei}  btw will... you still doubt that parcel safe arrival? it's been two more winning trades since you questioned it
[13:19] {Will49} i'm sold!
[13:19] {Will49} and i was being facicious too
06[13:19] * Threei crosses one more skeptic out of the lost, before handing list to nemo
01[13:19] {Threei}  list
01[13:19] {Threei}  see... you may have just saved your life {G}
01[13:20] {Threei}  nemo finally got that license
[13:21] {Will49} sorry Vad..can't type too well with right finger on "hover" button
[13:22] {Will49} hey ron...i'm practising hovercraft
[13:22] {cc_9} what a boring freaking day
01[13:22] {Threei}  so the best time to insult you with no pushback... got it. writing it down
[13:22] {cc_9} im about to amputate a finger out of boredom to see what happens
01[13:23] {Threei}  whose, cc?
[13:23] {cc_9} my own
[13:23] {Will49} want to know what to do with it after you cut it off?
01[13:23] {Threei}  I thought some neighbor was careless enough to wander by
[13:23] {cc_9} go fishing
[13:23] {Will49} that'd work
[13:25] {fish_49} yuck
[13:25] {cc_9} SPY volume is a total joke
[13:25] {cc_9} might as well ring the bell now
01[13:26] {Threei}  be back in 30
[13:27] {cc_9} be back in 3,000
[13:28] {Will49} haha
[13:28] {Will49} i'll laugh at anything today
[13:28] {cc_9} The Healthcare System is working
[13:28] {cc_9} hahahahaha
[13:29] {cc_9} laugh with me
[13:29] {cc_9} hahaha
[13:29] {cc_9} holy shit
[13:29] {cc_9} so funny
[13:29] {cc_9} brb
[13:29] {Will49} hahahaha
[13:29] {Will49} rediculous
[13:30] {Will49} hey you think Vad put a hrad buy stop on LULU?
[13:30] {Will49} hard
[13:31] {fish_49} lol
[13:32] {fish_49} I'm sure he has his secretary taking care of it while he changes batteries  in his camera
[13:32] {Will49} maybe he's onto the OCA technique that cc suggested
[13:33] {fish_49} OCA?  Order Cancels All?
[13:33] {Will49} yes
[13:33] {Will49} one cancels all
[13:34] {Will49}
[13:36] {fish_49} yea  OCO
[13:36] {fish_49} I use them
[13:36] {Will49} yeah..cancels "other"
[13:37] {cc_9} Once Cancels Other
[13:37] {fish_49} correct  on my platform  they are used for two reasons
[13:37] {fish_49} 1.  if your in the trade and forgot to place target and stop
[13:37] {fish_49} or 2.  Wrap orders around a break out  or break down  which ever  hits  cancels  the other
[13:37] {Will49} neat
[13:38] {cc_9} OCO is a very useful tool, glad to see someone using it
[13:38] {fish_49} that is the class I teach once in awhile at the training center I attend
[13:39] {mrcanada} hi....
[13:39] {fish_49} on TS  its point and click no keying in info
[13:39] {fish_49} MRC  how are u today
[13:39] {Will49} hey mrc
[13:39] {Will49} comment ca va?
[13:39] {mrcanada} parlez francais?
[13:40] {Will49} un put
[13:40] {Will49} is that right?
[13:40] {mrcanada} un petit peu?
[13:40] {Will49} yes
[13:40] {Will49} high school French long time ago
[13:41] {mrcanada} k....had to go out and split some wood to keep my little shack warm....minus 22 with the wind chill
[13:41] {Will49} ouch
[13:41] {Will49} 9C here today
[13:41] {Will49} +9
[13:41] {mrcanada} right now the sun is heating us....its 26 Celsius in the sunroom....
[13:42] {mrcanada} +9...I'd probably be golfing
[13:42] {Will49} all year 'round here
[13:42] {Will49} gets a bit wet at times though
[13:42] {mrcanada} that's what I hear....
[13:43] {mrcanada} so was trading good this a.m.?
[13:43] {Will49} depends who you ask
[13:43] {mrcanada} I am asking you...
[13:43] {Will49} very goos tks
[13:43] {Will49} good
[13:44] {Will49} 3 wins no losses
[13:44] {mrcanada} great....
[13:44] {Will49} Vad had 4 wins 1 loss i think
[13:44] {mrcanada} kind of like what the canucks wished too
[13:44] {Will49} sheesh...don't get me going
[13:45] {mrcanada} the Sens stink this year too
[13:46] {Will49} Canucks have too many big contracts feeling secure
[13:46] {Will49} Sedin twins are coasting IMHO
[13:46] {nemo} the Sedin sisters?
[13:46] {Will49} LOL
[13:46] {Will49} that's it nemo
[13:46] {mrcanada} Luongo....?
[13:47] {nemo} when Bruins kicked their ass a few years back local scribe coined the term
[13:47] {Will49} he's still motivated to win
[13:47] {Will49} yeah...he was right on
[13:48] {mrcanada} the Bruins still have a very good team
[13:48] {Will49} true dat
[13:48] {nemo} pretty beat up right now
[13:48] {Will49} Vancouver is looking like Toronto in that they fill the rink every game
[13:48] {Will49} owners don't need to work at the business at all
[13:49] {mrcanada} my brother use to be a team dr. for the Leafs
[13:49] {Will49} really?
[13:49] {mrcanada} yep
[13:49] {Will49} name?
[13:49] {Will49} Had season tickets to MLG for twenty years
[13:49] {mrcanada} all the dr.s that work for them don't get paid....just get to put it on their CV
[13:50] {Will49} ahhh
[13:50] {mrcanada} they get 2 tickets to every home game
[13:50] {Will49} yeah i remember now..they just call them over PA
[13:50] {mrcanada} we got to sit right behind the leaf's bench....these are the kind of tickets that are inherited in estates
[13:50] {fish_49} just got the first captured video of Kim Jung Un Killing his Uncle
[13:50] {fish_49} lol
[13:50] {Will49} had first-row end blues...perfect for an old goalie
[13:50] {fish_49}
[13:51] {mrcanada} was Dennis Rodman giving him advice?
[13:51] {RonS} nutz lost track of lulu and missed...
[13:51] {Will49} me too...craaaaap
[13:51] {Will49} had a hard buy on and it blew right past it
[13:52] {fish_49} hover craft not working?
01[13:52] {Threei}  back
01[13:52] {Threei}  LULU baby
[13:52] {Will49} din't use hover that time
[13:53] {Will49} sorry teacher...we kids were messing around and missed an entry
01[13:54] {Threei}  stand in the corner, say hail mary 5 times, drink 3 ounces of vodka straight
[13:54] {Will49} talkin' hockey and such s*&^%t
[13:54] {fish_49} not too late  buy it now  so I can get out
[13:54] {fish_49} lol
[13:54] {fish_49} lol
[13:54] {Will49} oooo, that sounds like fun
01[13:55] {Threei}  wait, best part is ahead
01[13:55] {Threei}  ... go shake hands with Rob Ford, whether he wishes to do so or not
[13:55] {Will49} he might knock me over
01[13:56] {Threei}  well, this is punishment, isn't it
[13:56] {Will49} right over my head Vad
[13:57] {Will49} the other part of the punishment is having to fly Air Canada to Toronto
[13:58] {Will49} flying Westjet to Maui this time even though it's more expensive
01[13:58] {Threei}  yup... no westjet
[13:59] {fish_49} If available  grab Asiana Air...
[13:59] {Will49} not from here fish
[13:59] {fish_49} ahhhhh
[13:59] {Will49} but i hear good things
[13:59] {Will49} have a daughter living it Taipei who likes them
[14:00] {fish_49} yea  I normally fly United  however, if I get a chance to fly Asiana  I take it.  Great service, better comfort  and they are in the Star Aliance with Air Canada
[14:01] {fish_49} alliance*
[14:01] {Will49} pitty them
[14:01] {fish_49} corrected b4 nemo can see it
[14:02] {Will49} nemo=grammar police
[14:02] {nemo} pity
[14:02] {Will49} see
[14:02] {nemo} that's spelling dude
[14:02] {fish_49} nemo  what is S1 and S2  for spy today
[14:02] {Will49} he's always watching
[14:02] {Will49} see
[14:02] {nemo} S1=177.647
[14:03] {nemo} S2=177.15
[14:03] {nemo} I think we've topped out on the indexes for the day
[14:03] {fish_49} I have an indicator on my platform for floor trader pivots
[14:04] {fish_49} wanted to see if accurate
[14:04] {dino} 07 red
[14:04] {nemo} likely are, have to find out from where the data is pulled and what calculations they are using
[14:05] {fish_49} it shows S1 at 178.27
[14:05] {nemo} what platform?
[14:05] {fish_49} Trade Station
[14:05] {nemo} mmmhhhh
[14:05] {fish_49} and showing S2 at 178.03
[14:06] {nemo} I'm looking at freestockcharts, and on my spreadsheet, which pulls data from yahoo, they are the same
[14:07] {fish_49} if on a 5 min char it's numbers match up with the numbers you gave me
[14:07] {nemo} time should be irrelevant to pivot calculations
[14:07] {fish_49} I agree
[14:07] {nemo} unless, the pivots are dynamically developing
[14:07] {fish_49} we just pierced S2?
[14:08] {nemo} that Pivot Boss guy has an indicator that calculates pivot levels throughout the day-Ochoa, it might be part of their package
[14:09] {fish_49} Resistance Level 3 = R3 = R2 + YestHigh - YestLow
[14:10] {nemo} my r3 =H+2*(PP-L)
01[14:14] {Threei}  ugh... was looking at FB for 53 short
[14:15] {Will49} go stand in the corner
[14:16] {nemo} what up with adbe?
01[14:16] {Threei}  good report, upgrade
[14:17] {cc_9} THE DOG CRASH
[14:17] {cc_9} THE DOG CRASH IS HERE
01[14:17] {Threei}  guidance looks lousy though
[14:17] {cc_9} YIPEEEEEEEE
[14:17] {nemo} o.k. Steve
[14:18] {fish_49} thanks Nemo  Got it to plot auto mode
[14:19] {nemo} ahhhh
[14:20] {fish_49} vad did you see my video of Kim Jung Un Killing Uncle?
01[14:21] {Threei}  no
01[14:21] {Threei}  where?
01[14:21] {Threei}  1:2, LULU
[14:21] {Will49} in N Korea
01[14:21] {Threei}  ah
01[14:21] {Threei}  helpful
[14:21] {fish_49}
01[14:22] {Threei}  or as dini would say, value added
[14:22] {fish_49} lol Will
[14:22] {fish_49} not sure if it will play
01[14:22] {Threei}  lol, it did
[14:22] {fish_49} Only in North Korea can you kill your uncle  and tell everyone
[14:23] {fish_49} Even Putin would Kill his uncle  but he would Deny it and say it was CIA hit
01[14:23] {Threei}  and in Ukraine you can win election and immediately put your opponent in jail
01[14:24] {Threei}  and it's all fine, because you after all won, right?
[14:24] {fish_49} yea  It's not Kim Jung Un's first execution.  His X Girlfriend wouldn't serve him properly (We all know what he wanted)  and he had her killed
[14:25] {dino} you mean "service"
[14:25] {nemo} can't blame him
[14:26] {fish_49} yea Dino  something to do with the name of a bird
[14:26] {fish_49} Swallow
[14:26] {nemo} doubt it was the stork
01[14:26] {Threei} Short Setup: ADBE  .50 break hl
01[14:27] {Threei}  If holds  .60
[14:27] {nemo} gonna' bounce here
01[14:29] {Threei}  Snow is Australia summer. Snow in Egypt. Heavy snow in Israel. Where is Al Gore?
[14:29] {fish_49} I cant short ADBE  I have a long positon
01[14:29] {Threei}  get second broker
[14:29] {nemo} I'm getting a JD position
[14:29] {fish_49} yea  I should  some people mentioned that so I could short term short while in a longer term long
01[14:30] {Threei}  Federal officials to announce arrest of Kansas man who wanted to set off a suicide bomb at the Wichita, Kan., airport
01[14:30] {Threei}  get cc9 to furnish you with low finds high BP account
[14:30] {fish_49} was that the big FBI news scheduled for today?
01[14:30] {Threei}  use it for quick day trades
[14:31] {dino} it was only a matter of time for suicide bombers to show up here
01[14:31] {Threei}  keep slower account for swings
[14:31] {fish_49} I tried that platform  I'm not knocking it, just not for me
[14:31] {nemo} wish they'd show up in Brookline, Newton, Cambridge, Harvard....
01[14:31] {Threei}  yeah dino, and just wait till they start going for soft targets...
[14:31] {dino} fish, thats what i am doing w/two accounts. started end of nov.
01[14:32] {Threei}  what do you need for a platform, fish? other than lightning quick executions and accurate quotes
01[14:32] {Threei}  from
[14:32] {dino} ironically, the daytrading account is destroying the swing account
[14:32] {nemo} just because the market been so choppy of late dino
[14:33] {fish_49} I just really prefer Tradestation's Matrix for order entry
[14:33] {dino} and have to give cc9 credit, that das trader is fast
[14:33] {nemo} fish.....
01[14:33] {Threei}  yikes
[14:33] {nemo} how many platforms you tried?
[14:33] {fish_49} yes fast and instant
[14:33] {fish_49} I'm not saying anything bad
[14:33] {fish_49} just personal preference
01[14:34] {Threei}  it's anything but instant when you have right one for comparison... :)
[14:34] {fish_49} MB trading  which is very close to DAS
[14:34] {nemo} Vad would know
[14:34] {fish_49} Trade Station, and street smart pro
[14:34] {nemo} adbe teleport
[14:34] {Will49} jeeeze
[14:35] {nemo} had that look
[14:35] {fish_49} I mean DAS  Vad  )Instant)  that is the one thing about it  is almost instant fills
[14:35] {nemo} could almost see that coming
01[14:36] {Threei}  TA ia about IB level fills speed wise
[14:36] {dino} fish, using stsmartedge for swings, charts, scanners, news. das for daytrades
01[14:36] {Threei}  TS
[14:38] {fish_49} what is IB  Vad
01[14:38] {Threei}  International Brokers
[14:38] {fish_49} yes that is what I have used b4  Edge  (SSE)  I like it except the Charts
[14:38] {nemo} Interactive
01[14:39] {Threei}  right
[14:39] {fish_49} lol
[14:39] {nemo} just testing us, I know
01[14:39] {Threei}  ADBE... 1:3... grrr
[14:39] {nemo} Friday afternoon=vodka=Vad
[14:39] {nemo} although it's only 11 there
[14:40] {dino} basketball night here. daughter jr 8th grade game, son varsity game
01[14:40] {Threei}  can't... got a doc visit 30 min after market close
[14:40] {nemo} it'll thin your blood
[14:40] {Will49} did you get to keep your doc vad? :)
01[14:40] {Threei}  he won't appreciate drunk patient I guess
01[14:40] {Threei}  lol will
[14:41] {nemo} 59.70 target for adbe
[14:42] {Will49} now that we know NSA got our guys to spy for them, we'll be forced into Obummer care before we know it
[14:42] {nemo} start stretching you'll need to be able to grab your ankles
[14:43] {Will49} our tax system has already taught us that skill
[14:43] {nemo} well, at least nobody hears when you fart then
01[14:43] {Threei} Long Setup:  ABDE  .25 break hl
[14:44] {dino} lol
[14:44] {nemo} wow
01[14:45] {Threei}  If holds  .15
01[14:45] {Threei}  so, between O ever-increasing taxes, Kim shooting and Yanukovich jail time, doesn't Harper start looking good?
[14:45] {dino} charlie harper?
01[14:45] {Threei}  1:1
01[14:45] {Threei}  lol
01[14:46] {Threei}  that one looked good always
[14:46] {dino} letting him go has ruined that show.
01[14:46] {Threei}  yeah, went to dogs
01[14:46] {Threei}  his new one isn't stellar either\
[14:47] {dino} better than 2 1/2
[14:48] {nemo} wow
[14:48] {nemo} glass of JD just appeared on my desk
01[14:48] {Threei}  magic?
[14:49] {nemo} must be
[14:49] {dino} lucky dog
[14:50] {nemo} now if the girlfriend would stop by
01[14:50] {Threei}  lemme try...
06[14:51] * Threei says loudly "Bottle of Glenlivet, I command you to come forth right now"
01[14:51] {Threei}  hmmm... nothing
[14:51] {nemo} it's all about the Qi, Vad
01[14:52] {Threei}  lend me some?
[14:52] {nemo} btw...this might be a good place to go short adbe
01[14:52] {Threei}  mine is all tied uo to fend off the doc later today
[14:52] {nemo} mmmhhhhh
[14:52] {Will49} just hope the doc is out of rubber gloves
[14:52] {nemo} I'll leave that alone
01[14:53] {Threei}  nah, we are just friends
[14:53] {Will49} lol
01[14:54] {Threei}  not that he didn't try to get friendlier but displaying 2x4 prominently when marching in his office did the trick
[14:54] {Will49} large trout would work too
[14:55] {cc_9} sup
[14:56] {dino} 'sup w/you?
01[14:56] {Threei}  may the Sup be with you
[14:56] {Will49} :)
01[14:58] {Threei}  1:2
[14:58] {cc_9} not much , eyeing P here for a bounce
01[14:58] {Threei}  this one you couldn't have missed, will
[14:59] {Will49} no didn't
[14:59] {Will49} it moved slowly enough for me that time
[15:00] {Will49} and stop pickin' on me Vad :)
01[15:00] {Threei}  heck, it was slow enought o TS users to get {GGG}
[15:00] {cc_9} Stays the used Japanese school girl panties dispenser user
[15:00] {cc_9} says*
[15:00] {fish_49} Grrrrr
01[15:00] {Threei}  see? switching picking to others :)
[15:00] {cc_9} wait, was that Fish or Will
[15:00] {cc_9} eh, both
[15:00] {fish_49} hard to pick on a fish
[15:00] {fish_49} I have scales
[15:00] {cc_9} you creeps
01[15:01] {Threei}  lol
[15:01] {nemo} I have a rabbit
01[15:02] {Threei}  but you are a fish... lost one, too
[15:03] {nemo} who u talkin' 2?
01[15:04] {Threei}  you
[15:04] {nemo} wow...miraculously that glass of JD is empty
[15:04] {nemo} the
[15:04] {nemo} Immaculate Consumption
01[15:05] {Threei}  holy grail of all consumptions
[15:05] {nemo} The Shambala of Baccanalia
[15:06] {nemo} Bachanalia (?)
[15:06] {Will49} you mean you can't spell THAT?
[15:07] {fish_49} JD  JDente  what happened  to him
[15:08] {nemo} Bacchanalia
[15:08] {nemo} Fish, you obviously haven't been following the dialogue
[15:08] {Will49} i knew that (cc)
[15:08] {fish_49} No I was busy
[15:08] {fish_49} Just seen JD  and remembered a JD in this room awhile back
[15:08] {cc_9} GILD is trying to orangutan
[[15:13] {fish_49} What did Vad say the other Day? I don't know any of you
[15:14] {nemo} Fish, notice how I never say anything about when I'm near Maryland?
[15:14] {cc_9} GILD making a goat run
[15:14] {fish_49} no I didn't notice
[15:14] {fish_49} lol
[15:15] {Will49} fish..nemo's on his third glass of JD
[15:15] {nemo} Yeah, was down your neck of the woods over Thanksgiving
[15:15] {nemo} 1st
[15:15] {fish_49} Thought I smelled something
[15:16] {Will49} sounds like your third (lick?)
[15:17] {cc_9} GILD going for it
[15:18] {Will49} Vad..looks like some serious blog editing for you today
[15:19] {Will49} mrc..private line
01[15:20] {Threei}  I've no time nor desire for that...
[15:21] {Will49} maybe you'll attract a new bunch of gypsy vagabonds to the room
[15:21] {Will49} if you leave it as is
[15:21] {fish_49} lol
01[15:21] {Threei}  we don't mind those, do we
[15:22] {Will49} cc is the only non-gypsy here
[15:22] {fish_49} The one guy that told me he was going to sign up in the room was an old presidential appointee from the GW Bush days
[15:22] {fish_49} his assignment was something to do with world religious freedoms
[15:22] {fish_49} so I warned him ahead of time about Nemo
[15:23] {Will49} haha
01[15:23] {Threei}  he was assigned to keep them aor to eliminate them?
[15:23] {cc_9} GILD the goat that could outrun a horse
[15:24] {dino} how'd we miss trla today?
[15:24] {fish_49} he went around the world and beggd world leaders to be more liberal on religion is what he said
[15:25] {dino} yeah, that did alot of good, sheesh
01[15:25] {Threei}  begging always does
[15:25] {Will49} did he get to the Vatican?
01[15:25] {Threei}  it's the most effective way to get anything out of world leaders
[15:25] {fish_49} I didn't talk to him much he was a bit
[15:26] {RonS} with wives as well...
[15:26] {fish_49} well I should not say he might be reading logs
[15:26] {fish_49} lol
01[15:26] {Threei}  Pussy Riot begs for forgiveness for 2 years, and there you go, court reviews their case
[15:26] {Will49} Pussy is agnostic
01[15:26] {Threei}  but Riot isn't
[15:26] {fish_49} hahahahahahaha
[15:26] {fish_49} TGIF
[15:27] {Will49} yeah...we all need a couple of days off
[15:27] {cc_9} GILD goating
[15:28] {fish_49} I finished well into the black this week  ... Thanks Vad
[15:28] {fish_49} Im gonna swim away
[15:28] {fish_49} see you guys in a few weeks
[15:28] {Will49} keep your gills open
01[15:28] {Threei}  good job fish'
[15:28] {dino} cya fish
01[15:28] {Threei}  take care, safe travel
[15:28] {Will49} upstream
[15:36] {RonS} shooter inside the local high school my daughter went to...
[15:36] {Will49} yikes
[15:40] {dino} calling it a week, very good one. thx for ideas all
[15:41] {Will49} peace dino
01[15:41] {Threei}  ok guys, let's call it a week
01[15:41] {Threei}  ending on a very good note
[15:41] {Will49} yeah let's
[15:41] {Will49} see ya all monday
01[15:41] {Threei}  thank you all, have a great weekend
[15:41] {Will49} good day
01[15:41] {Threei}  see you Monday

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dec 12 2013

Successfully shorting a bank in the morning - good way to start the day

With the rest of the day providing us with 1:3ers, 1:2ers and a few scalps, the day was almost perfect. GLD short for 1:3 as a finishing touch.

Session Time: Thu Dec 12 00:00:00 2013
[08:41] {fish_49} hmmm retail sales good but jobless claims increased.  Mixed bag of news  but the jobs report rules in my opinion..  perhaps the fear of Taper will go away for another month. and we see a bit of a rally today
[08:45] {fish_49} Nice push up on the indexes
[08:59] {barbo} GM
01[09:01] {Threei}  good morning fish, barbo
[09:03] {fish_49} GM all
[09:09] {cc_9} Good morning lads.
01[09:09] {Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:09] {RonS} g'day mates
[09:11] {fish_49} CC  Ron  hope all is well
01[09:11] {Threei}  ron :)
[09:11] {fish_49} Currencies took a hit this am
01[09:12] {Threei}  PMs getting killed again
[09:12] {cc_9} GDX getting killed
[09:12] {RonS} ...bitcoin pressure?...  :)
01[09:13] {Threei}  lol
[09:13] {cc_9} Litecoin
[09:13] {cc_9} Stablecoin
[09:13] {cc_9} all these are new derivatives
[09:13] {dino} gm
01[09:13] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:13] {cc_9} SPY no gap so far, still sideways since #s
[09:14] {Will49} gm
01[09:14] {Threei}  will :)
[09:17] {nemo} this is the highest premarket spy volume in quite a while
[09:18] {RonS} lol...what a line... :  Being fat is popular, but trying to be fit is trendy
[09:19] {RonS} ...sounds like nemo making a market call...oops
[09:19] {cc_9} SPY dropping ahead of the bell
[09:19] {nemo} ?
[09:19] {mrcanada} gday
[09:19] {fish_49} I'm the most Popular guy in my town  Ron
[09:19] {fish_49} lol
[09:19] {nemo} guess we'll call you mraustralia
[09:19] {RonS} lol
01[09:19] {Threei}  mrc :)
[09:19] {cc_9} My list today : GILD - GDX - XIV - LL - DGAZ - LULU - CIEN - P
[09:20] {cc_9} too bad CIEN already made a full $2.00 comeback pre-open
[09:20] {fish_49} Cien  is aon the long list?
[09:20] {cc_9} That was a good dip buyer
[09:20] {cc_9} "Cien is aon the long list?". You wat mate ?
[09:20] {mrcanada} CC-9...where do u get the stocks that make up your list each day?
[09:21] {mrcanada} ie...what criteria do u look for?
[09:22] {cc_9} the same criteria everywhere : buy low sell high
[09:22] {mrcanada} how do u find them?  what service do u use?
[09:22] {cc_9} hopefully LULU does something similar, altho they missed on guidance
[09:23] {RonS} sorry in advance...can't help myself this a.m.
[09:23] {cc_9} NSA stock filter
[09:23] {mrcanada} NSA?
[09:23] {cc_9} I use The Fly on the wall to see whats up/down pre-market and why
[09:23] {cc_9} then take it from there
[09:23] {RonS} cc:  ...have they come out of my rear end?...
[09:24] {fish_49} CC had nails for breakfast today
[09:24] {RonS} enough of that...hey cc see the range in ATHN?
[09:24] {cc_9} kinda late on that bounce play Ron
[09:25] {cc_9} if drops to 118 good for starter
[09:25] {cc_9} that stock always moves in $2.00 increments as far as wall/supports go
[09:26] {fish_49} CIEN bounce on .50?
[09:26] {fish_49} It was a serious question CC was that on your long list?
[09:26] {cc_9} CIEN was nice off $21.00 for breakout
[09:26] {cc_9} CIEN was on my long list for today yes, but it already ran up, so unless it tanks, wont touch
[09:26] {cc_9} i only buy dips
[09:27] {cc_9} look @ pulpy IMUC lol
[09:28] {cc_9} XIV came back a little then plunged a few mins pre-open
[09:28] {cc_9} gonna be a violent day again
[09:29] {cc_9} P looks like it put a base yesterday, so if cracks 29.40, will look for long to 28+
[09:31] {cc_9} GDX for a bounce
[09:32] {cc_9} long GILD here 70.42
[09:32] {cc_9} gonna try 71+ again
[09:32] {cc_9} long P here for reversal
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .80 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  If holds  .90
[09:34] {cc_9} LL looking for reversal on 15mins should be good to 93
[09:34] {cc_9} GDX looking for 21+ tgt
[09:35] {cc_9} GILD needs 70.65 for breakout
[09:35] {cc_9} SPY 179 we crank fast
[09:36] {cc_9} if cant get 179, will visit short side
01[09:36] {Threei}  trail to .86
[09:37] {dino} pdce sm l .45
[09:37] {cc_9} LL so far so good, @ highs
[09:38] {dino} out pdce .48, +.03
01[09:38] {Threei}  1:1
[09:39] {dino} mkt drop
[09:39] {cc_9} CIEN going
[09:39] {cc_9} GILD some bids, still needs .65
[09:40] {cc_9} GILD .65s
[09:40] {cc_9} should be good to 71 now
[09:40] {cc_9} GILD flying bids
[09:40] {cc_9} .90s coming
[09:40] {cc_9} all this without SPY going anywhere = bull
[09:41] {nemo} or rotation
[09:42] {cc_9} GILD here comes the 71s
[09:42] {fish_49} my stop moved to .74  not giving it back
[09:42] {cc_9} GILD } $71.00
01[09:42] {Threei}  stop to .76
[09:42] {robbers} Out half.
[09:43] {cc_9} gonan stay with GILD for a break of 71 then will unload
[09:43] {nemo} 71.40 likely
01[09:43] {Threei}  be a good bank C, and die
[09:43] {cc_9} GILD lovely
[09:44] {cc_9} all out GILD +$0.73
[09:44] {RonS} wtg
[09:44] {fish_49} im out here  thanks Vad
01[09:44] {Threei}  yw
[09:45] {cc_9} P so far so good
[09:45] {cc_9} staying in
[09:45] {dino} gj
[09:46] {cc_9} thanks GILD for giving me a good start :D
[09:46] {Will49} out..good start Vad
[09:46] {cc_9} SPY tanking, GILD going up LOL
[09:47] {cc_9} GILD is going to 73 today
[09:47] {cc_9} mark my words
01[09:47] {Threei}  1:2
[09:47] {cc_9} GDX long again here
[09:48] {robbers} Out in full.
[09:48] {nemo} wow, just pulled the bids on the indexes
[09:48] {cc_9} SPY tanking, P holding up, P should be good
[09:48] {robbers} Thanks Vad.
01[09:48] {Threei}  yw
01[09:49] {Threei}  1:3, out
[09:49] {fish_49} great play
[09:50] {fish_49} great way to start the morning
01[09:50] {Threei}  what's with severe lack of patience, ya'll?
[09:50] {cc_9} XIV floored
[09:50] {Will49} guilty
[09:50] {nemo} spy premarket lows
[09:50] {fish_49} It's C  need I say more?
[09:50] {fish_49} lol
[09:50] {robbers} guilty.
[09:51] {cc_9} SPY trying to hold pre-market lows
[09:51] {robbers} Exiting a trade, luckily, is the only thing I do prematurely.
01[09:51] {Threei}  come on fish, we even made will friends with CAT... your turn to learn to love C :)
[09:51] {cc_9} GDX trying some bids here
[09:51] {fish_49} I like it  that's a start
[09:51] {cc_9} XIV wow
[09:51] {cc_9} skipped $0.20 and tanked
[09:51] {dino} lol robber
[09:51] {Will49} robbers...that's admirable!
[09:52] {Will49} and funny
[09:52] {dino} 07 scrolling red
[09:53] {cc_9} all out crash SPY again
[09:53] {cc_9} loading XIV here 31.05
[09:53] {fish_49} nice bounce off of .50  on Cien
[09:54] {cc_9} keep an eye on DGAZ, we get gas inventories in a few
[09:54] {robbers} * C slapping us around for getting out early.
[09:54] {cc_9} and this ETN is already hammered
[09:56] {cc_9} market tank, LL did not even budge lol
[09:56] {cc_9} HLT IPO soon (Hilton Hotels)
[09:57] {RonS} re-ipo...hlt
[09:57] {dino} xiv target, cc9?
[09:57] {robbers} Let me know when Paris Hilton has an IPO so I can short it.
[09:57] {Will49} LOL
[09:57] {fish_49} short paris Hilton?  I will take her Long
[09:58] {robbers} lol
[09:58] {cc_9} out XIV +$0.23
[09:58] {dino} gild sm l .75
[09:58] {dino} w/ya fish
[09:59] {cc_9} P crashing again
[09:59] {cc_9} hmmm
01[10:00] {Threei}  *(US) OCT BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.7% V 0.3%E
[10:00] {cc_9} increase
[10:00] {cc_9} should get a pop lol
[10:01] {fish_49} huh  pop?
[10:01] {fish_49} ahhh your right  I forgot, market pops on bad news
[10:01] {fish_49} lol
[10:02] {cc_9} its good news
[10:02] {cc_9} stop shilling
[10:03] {cc_9} P you dog...
[10:04] {fish_49} measures inventory right if business sitting on inventory wouldn't tht be a bad thing? or am I reading it wrong?
[10:04] {nemo} are they building to sell for Xmas?
[10:04] {cc_9} SPY up $0.01 from the news = good news
[10:04] {cc_9} dont question it!
[10:04] {RonS} depends on match w/ sales
[10:04] {cc_9} stop asking questions!
[10:04] {cc_9} COMPLY COMPLY
[10:05] {nemo} assimilate
01[10:05] {Threei}  You are the borg
[10:05] {nemo} damn swedes
[10:06] {Will49} LOL
[10:06] {cc_9} XIV scalp }}}
01[10:08] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .20 break
01[10:08] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[10:08] {RonS} LH lowered 2014 guide 14%...says high deductible Ocare gonna cut lab work demand...
[10:08] {RonS} where is ese?
01[10:08] {Threei}  haven't heard from him in a week
[10:09] {Will49} me either
01[10:09] {Threei}  Invalidated
[10:09] {cc_9} GDX, still in, no bounce yet
[10:09] {RonS} Z worth watching...22% short float
[10:10] {cc_9} damn P, no bottom, getting truckdumped
[10:10] {cc_9} P should get a run once breaks 26.50
[10:10] {cc_9} GDX need .70 for rip
[10:11] {cc_9} C long trade here vad ?
[10:11] {cc_9} its put a bottom already
[10:12] {nemo} cc keep losing server connection
01[10:12] {Threei}  quotes are down for me
[10:13] {Will49} no problem here Vad
[10:14] {cc_9} no issues here either
[10:14] {cc_9} C catching bids nicely
[10:15] {Will49} quotes just stopped here
[10:15] {nemo} me 2
[10:16] {fish_49} SPY taking another leg down
[10:16] {dino} gild stop -.25
[10:17] {cc_9} P liquidating fast
[10:18] {nemo} yeah quotes keep dying
[10:19] {cc_9} Let me check with Das
[10:19] {Will49} damn swedes
[10:20] {fish_49} Who is Swedish Will
[10:20] {Will49} Das
[10:20] {Will49} a joke
01[10:20] {Threei}  lol
[10:20] {Will49}  a lame joke
[10:21] {dino} das issues
[10:21] {fish_49} ahhh DAS  as in platform?
01[10:21] {Threei}  Das Borg. Lower your shileds.
[10:21] {dino} same problems
[10:21] {nemo} gov't employee
[10:21] {fish_49} Love u Nemo
[10:22] {nemo} the clap
[10:22] {fish_49} BTW  I finished assimilating
[10:22] {Will49} how was it for you?
[10:23] {fish_49} The business inventories released by the US Census Bureau measures the monthly percentage changes in inventories from manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers. The sales figures do not move the markets as they do not reflect personal consumption
[10:23] {dino} well they move me
01[10:23] {Threei}  and we are publishing them just for the kicks.
[10:23] {fish_49} lol
[10:24] {fish_49} and indicator has @ red !  which indicates market mover
[10:24] {fish_49} lol
[10:24] {cc_9} GDX still in
01[10:24] {Threei}  cc9 is the only one having quotes?
01[10:24] {Threei}  this is so unfair
[10:25] {fish_49} he has a connection
01[10:25] {Threei}  colocation
[10:25] {Will49} i figured he had connections
[10:25] {fish_49} let me look that one up Vad
[10:25] {Will49} sounds painful Vad
01[10:25] {Threei}  welcome to the dark world of HFT, fish
01[10:26] {Threei}  I dunno will... cc9 seems to be enjoying it
[10:26] {fish_49}  a noticeable arrangement or conjoining of linguistic elements (as words)
[10:26] {fish_49} however,  in that meaning there are 2 L's
[10:27] {fish_49} lol
01[10:27] {Threei}  ok... look up in trading context
[10:27] {Will49} colo-cation=sitting with finger up your butt waiting for quote server to come back
[10:27] {fish_49} wonder why nemo didn't catch that
[10:28] {cc_9} P at last, a dog run
[10:28] {cc_9} lets see how much it can bounce here
[10:28] {nemo} it sucked
[10:31] {RonS} trla sm l .03
[10:31] {Will49} Das saying anything about outage?
[10:32] {RonS} Das:  no gut...
[10:32] {Will49} lol
[10:33] {Will49} you're hot this morning Ron
[10:33] {RonS} not really...but the temp is warming here...
[10:33] {fish_49} Good Call Ron
01[10:33] {Threei}  quotes are back
[10:35] {RonS} out trla .65 +.62
[10:35] {RonS} been watchin that thig for 2 weeks...been pure death
01[10:35] {Threei} Long Setup:  C  .50 break
[10:36] {RonS} w/ selloff yest on fha cap restriction figure it was capit day
[10:36] {Will49} sheeesh..still can't connect to order server
01[10:36] {Threei}  If holds  .45
01[10:36] {Threei}  close and reopen, will
[10:38] {Will49} did...but won't load at all now
[10:38] {dino} 07 green
[10:39] {dino} giddy-up
[10:39] {cc_9} P flyingggggggg
[10:40] {dino} hmmm
[10:41] {dino} air pockets
[10:42] {Will49} crap...rebooted, Das won't load
[10:43] {Will49} says can not connect to order server
[10:44] {dino} threw me out 4x will
[10:45] {Will49} tks dino
[10:46] {Will49} must be scary to be in a big trade when this happens
[10:49] {dino} out xiv .60, +.40
[10:49] {dino} ccp thx for idea
[10:50] {dino} ccp=cc9
[10:50] {RonS} one c short of calling him a commie  :)
[10:50] {nemo} yeah Komrade CC
[10:51] {dino} just gave me shivers
[10:51] {dino} like saying the "L" word
[10:51] {nemo} Lesbian?
[10:51] {dino} liberal
[10:51] {RonS} lol nemo
[10:52] {nemo} Love?
[10:54] {cc_9} nice one dino
[10:54] {cc_9} i hope someone took P :)
01[10:54] {Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .60 break
[10:55] {Will49} cc...Das still wont connect to order server...have closed and opened a few times and even rebooted PC...nothing
[10:55] {Will49} any ideas?
[10:57] {RonS} lulu sm l .94
[10:57] {dino} will,....punt
[10:57] {Will49} LOL
[10:57] {fish_49} no help desk number?
[10:58] {Will49} THERE IT IS!
[10:58] {cc_9} all good ?
[10:58] {dino} you need quotes will? in anything?
[10:58] {Will49} all good!
[10:58] {cc_9} ok great
01[10:59] {Threei}  stop .54
[10:59] {Will49} even caught MCD in time:)
[11:00] {Will49} tks dino
01[11:01] {Threei}  Sign interpreter at Mandela memorial submitted nonsense for hours
[11:01] {dino} np bud
01[11:02] {Threei}  heh... I always suspected those folks just wave their hands in the air and pretend it makes sense
[11:02] {dino} that guy's just like obummer, nonsense
[11:02] {RonS} hand jive...
[11:02] {Will49} jazz hands
[11:03] {fish_49} Your all gonna go blind  for making fun
[11:03] {fish_49} like that English Nemo?
[11:03] {Will49} hahaha
[11:03] {RonS}
[11:03] {dino} don't you mean deaf
03[11:03] * Retrieving #discussions modes...
[11:03] {fish_49} no
[11:03] {nemo} forgot the apostrophe
[11:04] {fish_49} deaf would be too easy
[11:04] {fish_49} if your blind you can't see the dude
[11:04] {Will49} hahaha ..takes me back Ron
01[11:04] {Threei}  1:1
[11:04] {fish_49} got two of them that time Nemo
01[11:04] {Threei}  JC Penney Company Inc (Holding Co) Reportedly intending to reduce the size of some brands related to 'in store shops' to make way for others - financial press-- To cut size of Joe Fresh, replace Martha Stewart everyday line with Liz Claiborne home goods
[11:05] {fish_49} out here
[11:05] {fish_49} thanks Vad
[11:05] {nemo} actually, my issue:  homonymistic confusion
[11:05] {fish_49} gotta un
[11:05] {fish_49} see ya'll tomorrow
01[11:05] {Threei}  take care fish
01[11:05] {Threei}  how would fish run...
01[11:06] {Threei}  shouldn't it be "gotta swim"?
[11:06] {Will49} or gotta fly
01[11:06] {Threei}  that would be one horribly confused fish
[11:06] {cc_9} damn, i let go of GDX too early
[11:06] {cc_9} damn, i let go of P too early
[11:06] {cc_9} damn, i sold GILD at proper price
[11:06] {cc_9} damn, im still in LL
[11:06] {cc_9} damn, its only 11AM
01[11:08] {Threei}  funny, I stop perceiving the username as something with meaning... only remember when something is said, like when I compared some easy trade to shooting fish in a barrel, and he said "why does it always have to be fish," lol
[11:08] {RonS} damn the pusher:
[11:09] {Will49} BC's national anthem
[11:10] {Will49} at least the "smoked a lotta grass" part
[11:11] {RonS} lol...used to play this on an 8 track...
[11:11] {RonS} classic
[11:11] {Will49} those were the days, eh?
01[11:12] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .85 break
01[11:12] {Threei}  If holds  .90
[11:14] {cc_9} i have nothing new to watch anymore
[11:15] {cc_9} so i started Game of Thrones
[11:15] {cc_9} anyone here seen all of it ?
[11:15] {nemo} does the Ursine genus defecate in boreal areas?
01[11:15] {Threei}  Invalidated
[11:20] {dino} scannres slow again
[11:22] {RonS} writing like nemo?
[11:22] {nemo} ?
[11:22] {RonS} old english spelling...
[11:24] {nemo} Watch Die Leben der Anderen CC
[11:25] {nemo} The Emerald Forest is good on mushrooms or Peyote too
[11:27] {cc_9} CYTR still ape mode
[11:27] {cc_9} I actually read the news for once, their drug helped test patience live an additional 3.5 months
[11:27] {cc_9} I guess that warrents a 100% move in stock
01[11:31] {Threei}  (US) Sen Feinstein and Coburn introduce bill to eliminate corn ethanol mandate
[11:32] {Will49} hurray
[11:32] {Will49} finally Feinstein shows some intelligence
[11:33] {Will49} most stupid mandate ever
[11:33] {RonS} she is the only broad from ca that has it...
[11:33] {nemo} I wish they would mandate abortion
[11:34] {Will49} yikes
[11:34] {nemo} retroactively
[11:34] {Will49} haha
[11:34] {nemo} ;-)
[11:35] {nemo} Ha!  Sprott was ousted from his own firm
[11:35] {RonS} apple sauce?
01[11:35] {Threei}  silver guru?
[11:35] {nemo}  yep
01[11:35] {Threei}  good
01[11:36] {Threei}  precious metal charlatans are responsible for destruction of so many portfolios, it's mind boggling
[11:41] {RonS} Top Russian court orders review of Pussy Riot case
[11:43] {RonS} snapper case? and shut?
01[11:43] {Threei}  lol'
[11:43] {Will49} hahaha
[11:46] {cc_9} hello :)
[11:47] {RonS} post pasted
[11:48] {RonS} mr stupified
[11:49] {Will49} somebody say hello to cc
[11:49] {Will49} he's lonely
[11:50] {nemo} nah, he just puts a coupla' mirrors on his desk
[11:50] {RonS} lol
[11:50] {Will49} don't we all?
[11:50] {RonS} hilarious
[11:50] {nemo} nah, scare the shit out of myself
01[11:50] {Threei}  I don't... my wife confiscated all mirrors
[11:51] {nemo} surprised she hasn't gouged her eyes out yet
[11:51] {nemo} mmmhhhhh
[11:51] {nemo} that was over the top
[11:51] {Will49} lol
01[11:51] {Threei}  said she couldn't listen to these creams of horror anymore
01[11:51] {Threei}  screams
[11:51] {nemo} I'll leave that one alone
[11:51] {Will49} creams of horror = pussy riot
01[11:51] {Threei} Short Setup: MCD  .50 break
[11:52] {RonS} rotflol
[11:52] {Will49} ooops...over the line AGAIN
01[11:52] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[11:58] {Threei}  stop to .56
[12:05] {cc_9} lets get a proper crash so we can get a nice trade in
[12:05] {cc_9} CIEN tankish, looking for entry
[12:06] {cc_9} DGAZ slowly catching bidz
01[12:06] {Threei}  I am all for crash
01[12:06] {Threei}  always
[12:08] {dino} sm l gild .30
[12:08] {cc_9} CIEN starting small position long here 21.20
[12:08] {cc_9} looking for only $0.25
[12:12] {cc_9} instant gratification
01[12:13] {Threei}  nice entry
01[12:13] {Threei}  whoever thought of pussy riot comment, shut up please :)
[12:14] {Will49} LOL
[12:14] {Will49} you gypsy vagabond Vad
[12:15] {cc_9} DGAZ still going
[12:15] {cc_9} this was on the list i posted this morning.
01[12:20] {Threei}  room's shenanigans rub off of me, will
[12:20] {Will49} :)
[12:20] {cc_9} SPY all out dogish
[12:23] {dino} woof
01[12:23] {Threei}  1:1
[12:25] {Will49} patience Will, patience
[12:25] {cc_9} DGAZ still going
01[12:27] {Threei}  1:2
[12:27] {cc_9} no one bot DGAZ ???
[12:27] {cc_9} ugh !
[12:31] {dino} aer spike
[12:33] {RonS} sm l afsi .61
[12:35] {dino} aer sm s .48
01[12:39] {Threei}  heavy snow in israel
01[12:39] {Threei}  global warming accelerates
[12:39] {RonS} 2 camel night?
[12:40] {cc_9} oy vey
[12:40] {Will49} haha ron
01[12:40] {Threei}  rofl
[12:41] {Will49} we had a 3 dog night in Victoria last earlier
[12:41] {RonS} hey nemo...
[12:44] {dino} cov aer .08, +.40
[12:44] {cc_9} Lets get a flushathon already
[12:45] {cc_9} i want to grab some cheap XIV
[12:45] {Will49} nice dino
[12:45] {dino} ty
[12:47] {cc_9} this is what happens when u want things cheaper, u dont get them at all
[12:47] {cc_9} was bidding .75 XIV
[12:47] {cc_9} :(
01[12:49] {Threei}  stop .36
[12:49] {cc_9} DTV sharebuyback
[12:53] {cc_9} damn it XIV, missed $0.20
[12:53] {RonS} out afsi -.10  looks short now
[12:54] {cc_9} SRPT breaking out
[12:54] {mrcanada} back from for the next 3 hours
[12:54] {cc_9} on 15min that is
01[12:55] {Threei} Long Setup:  CIEN  .10 break
01[12:55] {Threei}  If holds  .05
01[12:56] {Threei}  1:1
[12:57] {Will49} mrc..nice to see a guy from Que using that nickname
[12:57] {cc_9} need to get through .25 then should be good for .40
[12:59] {mrcanada} Will49....u would be surprised how many Quebecors really don't want anything to do with separation....most of the younger generation all count themselves as Canadians...there is only 30% and they all live north of the St. Lawrence who want separation....
[13:00] {Will49} excellent
[13:00] {Will49} so the trend is good then...
01[13:00] {Threei}  mrc... the rest of canada knows that... it's just that separation talks used a device to squeeze more money for the province irritate the hell out of the rest
[13:00] {Will49} amen
01[13:01] {Threei}  I for one believe that if any province ever separates from Canada, it will be Alberta
[13:02] {mrcanada} of Nfld....they have lots of oil now too
[13:07] {dino} afsi drop
[13:08] {dino} acct issues
[13:09] {cc_9} AFSI hmmm
01[13:09] {Threei}  (US) US Dept of Transportation Sec Foxx: DOT will examine whether it should ban in-flight phone calls - financial press
01[13:09] {Threei}  god, please no
01[13:10] {Threei}  listening to jerks discussing their personal lives or whatever with no regard to the volume of their voice
[13:10] {cc_9} }what are headphones
01[13:10] {Threei}  in this context, headphones are ostrich way to deal with external world {G}
[13:11] {cc_9} CIEN could not break that .25
[13:11] {cc_9} smacked back down
01[13:12] {Threei}  which btw reminds me my old favorite joke (fair warning: Ron, skip the next line)
01[13:12] {Threei}  Sign in the zoo: "Do not frighten ostriches, the floor is solid concrete"
01[13:13] {Threei}  sigh... whatever
01[13:13] {Threei}  closed MCD on a trail
[13:14] {Will49} long but good
[13:14] {Will49} the trade, not the joke
06[13:15] * Threei packs his ostriches and goes away. Far away
[13:16] {Will49} to the monestery with you
[13:16] {mrcanada} at .61?
01[13:16] {Threei}  You are not coming. You no like me jokes
01[13:16] {Threei}  john kill
01[13:17] {Threei}  I like it nrc
01[13:17] {Threei}  and cc9 has better feel for this one
[13:18] {dino} 07 green
[13:20] {cc_9} AFSI defended at FBR Capital.
[13:20] {cc_9} should get a pop
[13:20] {cc_9} long AFSI here
[13:20] {cc_9} tgt 33.50
[13:23] {cc_9} Vad, john is kill bc nobody knew who was phone
[13:24] {cc_9} CIEN no dice...tanking now
01[13:24] {Threei}  no"
01[13:29] {Threei}  (UR) Ukraine Deputy PM: Ukraine plans to sign a free trade and association agreement with the EU "soon"; cannot give a specific date- EU official overseeing new membership: we have agreed to create a roadmap for a Ukraine trade and association agreement; if Ukraine signs the accord, the EU's support will get "bigger and bigger" and EU will facilitate and IMF agreement with the Ukraine.
01[13:29] {Threei}  uhhu
01[13:29] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .20 break
01[13:30] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[13:30] {cc_9} AFSI crash
01[13:30] {Threei}  AFSI kill
[13:31] {cc_9} someone just now reading the news and dumping AFSI heavy
[13:31] {cc_9} picking up the drops here
[13:31] {cc_9} for bounce back
[13:31] {cc_9} AFSI is kill
[13:32] {cc_9} if it does not hit 32.75, i will be eating smegma butter for the rest of the week
[13:32] {cc_9} me and pjotr
[13:33] {cc_9} AFSI all out crash now
[13:33] {cc_9} new cost 32.17 AFSI
[13:33] {cc_9} damn it
[13:34] {nemo} 31.18 support maybe
[13:35] {cc_9} i will sell anything over 32
[13:35] {cc_9} this trade too spooky right now
[13:35] {cc_9} dumps fast on light volume
[13:36] {cc_9} still just sellers
[13:36] {cc_9} need bid back .80+
[13:37] {nemo} 31 looking like a good bt
[13:37] {nemo} bet
[13:37] {cc_9} good, set a limit to buy at 31 then
[13:38] {cc_9} CIEn at last...
[13:38] {cc_9} sitting on this trade all day
01[13:38] {Threei}  GILD 1:1 for you, mrc
[13:38] {cc_9} AFSI no love
[13:39] {cc_9} news i guess bad and big holder dumping
[13:39] {cc_9} AFSI needs .50 bid to rip again
[13:39] {cc_9} come on, i dont want kill
[13:39] {dino} took awhile, but out gild .74, +.42
01[13:39] {Threei}  wtg
[13:40] {dino} ty
[13:40] {cc_9} GILD rarely disapoints (just yesterday)
[13:40] {cc_9} good job dino
[13:40] {cc_9} now lets get AFSI to go :(
[13:40] {dino} thx
[13:41] {cc_9} CIEN trying
[13:41] {dino} not in afsi, acct issue claims throw everything out of wack
[13:41] {dino} gl to ya tho
[13:42] {cc_9} i just need 32 and im out
[13:42] {cc_9} AFSI smells like it wants another crash, no buyers
[13:43] {cc_9} i hope i am wrong and it bounces through .50 fast
[13:43] {cc_9} but here comes 31
[13:43] {nemo} 30.45 below that
[13:44] {cc_9} and then 0
[13:44] {nemo} 29
01[13:45] {Threei}  nice GILD
[13:45] {cc_9} AFSI no bounce yet :(
[13:45] {cc_9} still looking or 31.50 bids...
[13:46] {cc_9} out CIEN for peanuts, focusing on AFSI only
[13:46] {cc_9} dumb trade on my part.
01[13:47] {Threei}  will?
[13:47] {cc_9} new cost 31.35
[13:47] {cc_9} feeling the pain
[13:48] {Will49} no
[13:48] {cc_9} AFSI volume spike on the buy side
[13:48] {Will49} won't go there
[13:48] {cc_9} CIEN, awesome, let her go early, she rips
[13:50] {cc_9} AFSI come on you dog
[13:50] {cc_9} CIEN, of course she rallies now
[13:51] {cc_9} AFSI gonna sit right under my avg price
[13:51] {cc_9} not funny
[13:51] {nemo} should ge to .50 test
[13:51] {Will49} you need a hug cc?
[13:51] {cc_9} unfreaking believable....
[13:52] {cc_9} bounces to my cost then crashes back
[13:52] {nemo} we'll just call him Icarus
[13:52] {cc_9} from now on, if you need a target price for a bounce, just use my avg cost
[13:52] {cc_9} you can never go wrong
[13:52] {cc_9} it will always go there, then tank, so just do that
[13:53] {cc_9} anyways, i got 4k shares i gotta get rid of, brb
[13:54] {nemo} wow
[13:54] {nemo} 4000 shares on a knife drop like that
[13:54] {cc_9} .25s need to get eateh so it flies fast
[13:54] {nemo} should get the chance to unload now
[13:54] {cc_9} big seller at .25
[13:55] {cc_9} thats why soon as .25 clears, should move up fast
[13:55] {cc_9} you see him on EDGX ?
[13:55] {nemo} yeah
[13:55] {nemo} bingo
[13:55] {nemo} gtfo!
[13:55] {cc_9} trying to
[13:55] {cc_9} order at .52
[13:56] {cc_9} and .55
[13:56] {nemo} greedy
[13:56] {nemo} bid is not thickening
[13:56] {cc_9} I will sell .52 and .55
[13:56] {cc_9} watch how the big men do it
[13:57] {nemo} God Bless ya'  You love the smell of napalm in the morning
[13:57] {cc_9} there
01[13:57] {Threei}  NQ Ticks higher on chatter that special independent committee has concluded its review and speculation that it will find Muddy Waters accusations are unfounded
[13:57] {cc_9} another block .62
[13:57] {cc_9} MASSIVE block
[13:58] {nemo} independent committee?
[13:58] {cc_9} here we gooooooooooooooooooooo
[14:00] {cc_9} come on...come get me out in the .60s so i can call it a day
[14:00] {cc_9} all out
[14:00] {cc_9} AFSI
[14:00] {cc_9} thanks team for the moral support@
[14:00] {Will49} fun to watch a big boy do it
01[14:00] {Threei}  will was behind you all the time
[14:01] {RonS} lol
[14:01] {cc_9} AFSI sells }}}
[14:02] {cc_9} nemo, yes, knife catcher, but here and there, I like to make a nutty trade for nutty return
[14:02] {cc_9} god damn it AFSI....
[14:02] {cc_9} why did you guys tell me to sell
[14:02] {cc_9} lol...
[14:03] {cc_9} i just left a bunny farm on the table
[14:03] {nemo} what was the news?
[14:03] {cc_9} } $32.00
[14:03] {nemo} whoa
[14:03] {cc_9} time to make kill
[14:03] {cc_9} 4k freaking shares
[14:03] {cc_9} sold for god damn $0.31
[14:03] {cc_9} when coulda made freaking $0.60+
[14:05] {nemo} .89
01[14:05] {Threei} Long Setup:  NQ  .35 break
[14:05] {nemo} .80 sorry
01[14:05] {Threei}  If holds  .25
[14:07] {cc_9} AFSI $32.20
[14:07] {cc_9} sell cc_9 sell!
[14:07] {cc_9} }2013
[14:07] {cc_9} }taking advice from nemo
[14:07] {cc_9} }never again
[14:07] {cc_9} }12/12 never forget
[14:07] {cc_9} $4k left on the table
[14:08] {nemo} how much you average down?
[14:08] {cc_9} i started with 500 shares
[14:09] {cc_9} added 500
[14:09] {cc_9} then added 1k at a time
[14:09] {cc_9} ended up 31.278 avg
[14:09] {cc_9} and my sells are up there to view
[14:09] {cc_9} got out way way too early
[14:09] {nemo} at 13:48 you had a 31.35 cost, down at 30.50 wow
[14:10] {cc_9} my cost at the 4k was 31.278
[14:10] {nemo} ok
[14:10] {cc_9} nemo, i already made money today on P / GILD / XIV
[14:10] {nemo} stil a bit of a wow
[14:10] {RonS} how many diapers did you go through?
[14:10] {cc_9} so the paperloss was no biggie
[14:11] {cc_9} Ron, speaking of, I think i need to go check
[14:12] {cc_9} AFSI $32.50
[14:12] {cc_9} oh god...what did I do
[14:12] {nemo} you made money
[14:12] {cc_9} lol, thats one way of looking at it
[14:13] {nemo} you turned chicken shit into chicken salad
[14:13] {nemo} better than a sharp srpt stick in the eye
[14:13] {cc_9} words of wisdom
[14:13] {cc_9} ugh, you just had to
[14:13] {cc_9} that SRPT was by far my worst trade in all 13 years
[14:13] {cc_9} bio pharmas = never again
[14:13] {cc_9} (unless its GILD)
[14:14] {nemo} well, if it's a once in a triskadecade great
[14:14] {cc_9} its a freak trade, happens here and there to everyone, just gotta space them out
[14:15] {cc_9} holy shit CYTR
[14:18] {RonS} took afsi 31.77 ave out 2.81 +1.04 used 3 diapers...
[14:18] {dino} lol
[14:18] {dino} gj
[14:19] {RonS} ty...30% float short...they had to cover some time...
[14:19] {cc_9} ron, today you are a man
[14:19] {cc_9} Son, I am proud.
[14:19] {cc_9} but Ron, you coulda asked me to give you my shares for $0.10 cheaper...
[14:20] {dino} you make me look like a calm trader cc9
01[14:21] {Threei}  no go
[14:22] {cc_9} lol dino
[14:25] {dino} gild drop
[14:28] {nemo} vxx
[14:36] {dino} cstm spike
[14:42] {dino} damn missed it
[14:42] {dino} mhnc drop
[14:43] {cc_9} last hour coming up, IWM flush ?
01[14:44] {Threei}  looking at SPY, rather yes...
01[14:45] {Threei}  feels heavy
01[14:45] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .50 break
01[14:46] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[14:47] {Threei} Short Setup: LULU  .70 break hl
01[14:47] {Threei}  If holds  .80
[14:47] {cc_9} LULU flat line all day, need dog crash
[14:48] {cc_9} AFSI, look @ that beautiful I H&S formation
[14:48] {cc_9} Lord have mercy
[14:49] {dino} risky, smr l mhnc .21
[14:50] {RonS} what the heck is info here...
[14:50] {RonS} not on finviz or has no news...ever
01[14:50] {Threei}  GLD 1:1
[14:51] {dino} dk ron, just trading it
[14:51] {RonS} lol
[14:51] {cc_9} news on what
[14:51] {cc_9} so i can check on my end
[14:52] {cc_9} lol, 0 info
[14:52] {RonS} mhnc...bermuda prop and casualty co
[14:52] {cc_9} all blank
01[14:52] {Threei}  (US) Budget bill passes proceedural hurdle in the House, final passage in the House seen later today - press
[14:53] {cc_9} dino, you got a knack for obscure stocks, i love it
[14:54] {RonS} probably hit 'cause afsi...
[14:54] {dino} lucky
[14:55] {RonS} tsla rippin on the shorts
[14:57] {RonS} nutz about selling too soon...
[14:57] {RonS} ...$2
[14:58] {RonS} true oddity...Russian company named QIWI...
[15:00] {cc_9} TRLA Ron
[15:00] {cc_9} funny i added to my list overnight, never took the trade
[15:00] {cc_9} i feel you
[15:00] {cc_9} CYTR anusing the shorts
[15:01] {cc_9} no profit taking, no pullback, no dog tank
[15:01] {cc_9} up and up only
[15:01] {cc_9} thats what placebo 3.5+ additional months of life to dying cancer patients does to your small float
[15:01] {nemo} afsi kissing vwap
[15:02] {cc_9} 14:48 cc_9 AFSI, look @ that beautiful I H&S formation
[15:02] {cc_9} ;)
[15:02] {nemo} I like "H"
[15:02] {cc_9} you like it "I" or regular ?
01[15:02] {Threei}  LULU is valid
[15:02] {nemo} with a glass of wine
[15:04] {cc_9} next time i go buckwild on a trade like AFSI, i need to take a 2 hour walk
[15:04] {cc_9} then come back to see the P&L
[15:05] {RonS} cc...for tomorrow maybe MR
[15:05] {cc_9} that's what im talking about!
[15:05] {cc_9} always look for the dog tankers, save them in your watch list and wait for the base, then go heavy
[15:05] {nemo} 2nd day plays
[15:06] {cc_9} yup
[15:06] {cc_9} "48 hour rule" i call it
[15:06] {cc_9} unless its IMUC, then its 48 year rule
[15:06] {nemo} MR  Chinese company
[15:07] {nemo} and CC..............
[15:07] {cc_9} GDX, beautiful chart today
[15:07] {cc_9} no craziness, nice and steady, each pullback gets bot
[15:07] {cc_9} lol @ DGAZ
[15:08] {cc_9} back to dog house
[15:08] {nemo} that's what Les calls his harem
[15:08] {cc_9} AFSI, i cannot look anymore...$34.20s printing.
[15:08] {RonS} twtr 55.50 going to $60...
[15:09] {nemo} how does twitter make money?
[15:09] {cc_9} it doesnt'
[15:09] {nemo} that's what I thought
[15:10] {RonS} ...they tweet it nicely and it grows?
[15:10] {cc_9} mobile ad is a bubble imo
06[15:10] * nemo faints
[15:10] {cc_9} AFSI $35.00
[15:10] {RonS} omg afsi...
[15:10] {RonS} $35
[15:10] {Will49} i liked it ron
[15:11] {cc_9} i fucking sold 31.60s like a TOTAL MORON
[15:11] {RonS} 35.33
[15:11] {nemo} how many Veyron's cc?
[15:11] {cc_9} jesus ran back to where it started the tank
[15:12] {cc_9} 35.50...this is just insulting now
[15:12] {RonS} twtr trying 56
[15:13] {cc_9} yea well, AFSI volume through the roof now
[15:14] {cc_9} let me check on stocktwits who bot the LOD on AFSI
[15:14] {cc_9} and just now getting out
[15:14] {dino} out mhnc ..91, +.70...gappy sucker
[15:14] {cc_9} nice 1 dino
[15:14] {dino} ty
[15:14] {Will49} nice .70 dino
[15:15] {dino} ty
[15:15] {cc_9} come on SPY, give a proper crash
[15:15] {nemo} probably holds this area
[15:17] {RonS} cphd pop
[15:18] {cc_9} you remember earlier nemo
[15:18] {cc_9} when you said AFSI wanted $31.00 and I said "why dont you put a bid there"
[15:18] {RonS} tsla acting like it wants $150
[15:18] {cc_9} you kinda should have
[15:19] {RonS} dvn 59.44
[15:20] {cc_9} energy all bearish lately
[15:20] {nemo} it went 30.54 and I thought that was the next level...I put a bid at 31 and then it dropped...I'da pooped myself
[15:20] {cc_9} you would poop yourself over a .46 drop ?
[15:20] {cc_9} even with 200 shares ?
[15:20] {cc_9} i sat on over a dollar tank on a few thousand and still told jokes
[15:21] {nemo} alright maybe not poop
01[15:21] {Threei}  1:2
[15:21] {nemo} what was the news on it?
[15:22] {RonS} sa accounting slam
[15:22] {nemo}  what's "
[15:22] {nemo} "sa"
[15:22] {RonS} seeking site where any bozo can present their case...
[15:22] {nemo} oh jeez
[15:23] {cc_9} AFSI with comments on its share price "outlook remains unchanged and fins never been stronger"
[15:23] {nemo} well, that puts a different light on the subject
[15:23] {RonS} this piece was really detailed
[15:23] {nemo} good disinformatzya always is
[15:23] {RonS}'s muddy waters for the masses
[15:24] {nemo} Archbishop Desmond Tutu's home robbed during Mandela memorial
[15:24] {RonS} lol...
[15:24] {nemo} got his photo album with his altar boys
[15:25] {cc_9} i need to start a hedgefund
[15:25] {cc_9} "Diapers Management LLC"
[15:25] {cc_9} we just buy anything that crashes
[15:25] {RonS} the signer dude was telling them through the tv...yep, he's still here...get it all buys...still no al
[15:25] {nemo} we shit money
[15:25] {cc_9} and cut the phone lines when clients call
[15:26] {RonS} ...or crap our in between...
[15:26] {RonS} buys = boys
[15:27] {nemo} qcor buyer at .50 since noon
[15:27] {cc_9} lol @ AFSI was running just fine
[15:27] {cc_9} until company said "everything is fine"
[15:27] {cc_9} now it dips
[15:27] {cc_9} useless management
[15:27] {cc_9} just stay quiet
[15:27] {nemo} kissed S3
[15:27] {nemo} coming back to vwap it looks like
[15:28] {cc_9} SPY no crash
[15:28] {cc_9} only up
[15:28] {RonS} relief
[15:29] {RonS} tsla 147.50
[15:29] {nemo} it hit S1 today and bounced, typical bull market behavior
[15:29] {nemo} SPY that is
[15:29] {nemo} afsi vwap at 34, bounce might be coming
[15:30] {dino} jny spike
[15:30] {dino} wtf
[15:31] {dino} no pullback yet, odd
[15:31] {RonS} got nothing jny
[15:31] {RonS} tsla 148
[15:33] {cc_9} soon as AFSI management open its mouth, stock took a hit
[15:33] {cc_9} too funny
[15:33] {dino} jny, maybe sycamore is back
[15:34] {nemo} indexes pretty choppy since 2
[15:34] {RonS} mr full meltdown
[15:35] {dino} awi spikey
[15:36] {RonS} gogo full ape
[15:36] {dino} mhnc drops again
[15:36] {nemo} looks more macau to me
[15:36] {dino} have to say this, afternnon was good, lots of plays out there today
[15:36] {cc_9} missed short on RAX, gorgeous setup
[15:37] {cc_9} IWM about to crash
[15:37] {cc_9} if cannot hold $110
[15:37] {cc_9} i root for all out dogtank
[15:37] {nemo} IWM may go to vwap
[15:39] {cc_9} VXX aint even doing much on this market pullback
[15:39] {cc_9} not many are convinced
[15:39] {RonS} Sycamore Partners nears deal to buy Jones Group $JNY according to sources...$15
[15:43] {RonS} ndls soggy
[15:44] {nemo} I can hear him giggle when he comes up with these
[15:44] {RonS} tape saying something bad happening w/ MR
[15:44] {nemo} is qcor gonna give up .50 wtf
[15:44] {nemo} Chinese company Ron
[15:45] {nemo} Soggy Bottom probably coming out with a story
[15:45] {cc_9} IWM dogging
[15:45] {RonS} 7800 employees making real stuff...
01[15:46] {Threei}  1:3 baby
01[15:46] {Threei}  over and out
[15:46] {dino} gl
[15:46] {cc_9} Vad, LULU right ?
[15:47] {dino} opps gj
01[15:47] {Threei}  I guess my parcel reached Mt Olympus overnight eh?
01[15:47] {Threei}  no, GDX
01[15:47] {Threei}  GLD
01[15:47] {Threei}  short from .50
[15:47] {cc_9} ok
01[15:47] {Threei}  beautiful day
01[15:47] {Threei}  thank you all, have a great evening
01[15:48] {Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:48] {Will49} cheers
[15:48] {cc_9} AWESOME day indeed
[15:48] {cc_9} you nice folks of the internet have a great evening
[15:48] {cc_9} Tomorrow we take it easy, Fridays are spooky days.
[15:48] {dino} thx all, great day.
[15:48] {dino} gn
[15:51] {nemo} was it something I said?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec 11 2013

Not really our day as morning generated a few too many stops in a low volume patternless movements. A few scalps and one 1:3er in the afternoon took some sting off but still left us in the red.

Session Time: Wed Dec 11 00:00:00 2013

[08:42] {fish_49} where is everyone?  The market closed today?  lol  No premarket routine?  slackers....
[08:48] {nemo} smells like fish in here
[08:48] {fish_49} ever smelled a fish fart?
[08:48] {nemo} seen the bubbles
[08:49] {nemo} actually now that you mention it, was diving the Great Barrier Reef...saw this fish take a dump right in front of me...that was different
[08:49] {fish_49} Mortgage Apps huge jump
[08:49] {fish_49} and we have Sec Lew Speech today
[08:49] {nemo} spy volume pretty low this morning
[08:50] {fish_49} Lew Speech impact themarkets normally?
[08:50] {nemo} no...Fed next week
[08:50] {fish_49} a budget deal last night so no closing GOV
[08:51] {fish_49} ahhh perhaps it will be a slow vol day today waiting retail sales tomorrow?
[08:53] {nemo} probably...also, things are likely to become more stock specific as opposed to indexes...
[09:00] {barbo} GM
01[09:01] {Threei}  morning barbo
[09:01] {mrcanada} gday
01[09:01] {Threei}  mrc
01[09:01] {Threei}  shouldn't both houses still vote on a deal?
[09:01] {drewj} gm all
01[09:01] {Threei}  drew
01[09:02] {Threei}  I am not sure why it sounds like deal is reached when it's merely preliminary document to present for approval
[09:02] {mrcanada} don't understand all these deals in the U.S. government about budget....just do it each year
[09:04] {nemo} oh mrcanada, don't be silly
[09:04] {nemo} today is looking very dead
[09:05] {fish_49} my gut feeling is it will pass Vad
[09:05] {mrcanada} why does the U.S. do it every month?
[09:05] {fish_49} lol
[09:06] {fish_49} because we have nothing better to do in Washington
[09:06] {nemo} mrcanada...don't ask questions that cannot be answered
[09:06] {mrcanada} o I c
01[09:06] {Threei}  mine too fish
01[09:06] {Threei}  but still, it sounds like two senators agreed, and that's all
[09:07] {barbo} has to be passed by the house and senate then signed by Obama to become law.
01[09:07] {Threei}  right
[09:07] {fish_49} The far right should object but when it comes down to it they must pass it because this is the first time the Dems and Repubs have actually worked together.  They will let this slide  to live another day
01[09:07] {Threei}  mrc... every month?
01[09:07] {Threei}  it's an annual deal
01[09:08] {Threei}  it's FOMC rate set that occurs every month
[09:08] {fish_49} it was a joke Vad
01[09:09] {Threei}  with today's state of affairs in US, it's difficult to say where joke ends :)
[09:09] {fish_49} We in the US still trying to get budget passed for 2012
[09:09] {fish_49} lol
[09:09] {mrcanada} hahaha
[09:09] {mrcanada} yes....but atleast u don't have to pay any taxes then...
[09:10] {fish_49} Gov Employees and retirees  took a big hit but it could have been worse
[09:10] {mrcanada} so then the government saved $$
[09:11] {mrcanada} to put against the debt?
[09:11] {fish_49} The way Im reading it, it's future money  nothing immediate
[09:12] {mrcanada} do they pay much to retirees in the U.S. ?
[09:13] {Will49} gm
[09:13] {fish_49} lol
01[09:13] {Threei}  will :)
[09:14] {fish_49} MRC the GOV retiree pay is from a pension, 401K and social security which usually adds up to about 80% of working salary
[09:14] {dino} gm
01[09:14] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:15] {mrcanada} that's better than in Canada....
[09:16] {mrcanada} at least according to my inlaws...that sounds better
[09:17] {fish_49} are the CDN Gov  workers?
01[09:17] {Threei}  if you are in Victoria, about hallf of them are, fish
[09:19] {fish_49} ahhhh
[09:19] {fish_49} back when I started with the Gov , nobody wanted my job
[09:19] {fish_49} now that the economy is bad, they are crying that I earned too much
01[09:21] {Threei}  not very active pre-market
[09:21] {nemo} It's not so much that fish, it's that there are no market forces that act on government compensation.  There's one customer the taxpayer, and they, in all reality, have no power at all
[09:22] {nemo} [09:05] {nemo} today is looking very dead
[09:22] {nemo} mmmhhh, where's knuckles this morning?
01[09:22] {Threei}  you are so melodramatic
01[09:23] {Threei}  do you consider everyone who is not very active to be very dead? {G}
[09:23] {fish_49} hahahahha
[09:23] {fish_49} good point  VAD
[09:23] {nemo} is looking somnolently lethargic
01[09:23] {Threei}  lol
[09:24] {fish_49} Will not dead  Nemo
[09:24] {mrcanada} what about COST ?
[09:24] {nemo} joy
[09:25] {nemo} index volumes thin mrcanada
[09:25] {fish_49} they have news  today  JOY
01[09:25] {Threei}  COST is on radar
[09:25] {fish_49} earnings  right?
[09:25] {nemo} joy
[09:25] {nemo} why is joy down
[09:25] {fish_49} earnings?
[09:25] {mrcanada} yes....I didn't spend enough there yesterday
01[09:25] {Threei}  guided lower
01[09:26] {Threei}  JOY Reports Q4 $1.11 v $1.11e, R$1.18B v $1.11Be- Guides initial FY14 $3.00-3.50 v $3.65e, R$3.6-3.8B v $3.78Be
[09:26] {cc_9} Morning lads
01[09:26] {Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:26] {nemo} knuckles!
[09:26] {mrcanada} Vad...where did u get this report?
01[09:27] {Threei}  Costco Wholesale Corp Reports Q1 $0.96 v $1.02e, R$25.0B v $25.2Be- Net sales: $24.5B v $23.2B y/y
01[09:27] {Threei}  news wire
[09:27] {fish_49} Cost earnings  lower but sales up?  Overhead issues?
01[09:28] {Threei}  merchandising costs increase
[09:28] {Will49} are they buying back shares?
[09:28] {cc_9} CYTR - ULTA - GILD - LL - BBRY - GERN
01[09:28] {Threei}  - US SSS 3% (ex gas 4%) - International SSS 1% (ex gas 6%) - Total SSS 3% (ex gas 5%) - Op margin (implied) 2.7% v 2.7% y/y - Merchandising costs: $21.8B v $20.7B y/y - Costco currently operates 648 warehouses, including 461 in the United States and Puerto Rico, 87 in Canada, 33 in Mexico, 25 in the United Kingdom, 18 in Japan, 10 in Taiwan, nine in Korea and five in Australia
01[09:29] {Threei}  BBRY?
01[09:29] {Threei}  what do you see in that mortally wounded corpse?
[09:30] {fish_49} gold in teeth?
01[09:30] {Threei}  lol
[09:31] {cc_9} CYTR if you're feeling like a hero
01[09:32] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .90 break
01[09:32] {Threei}  If holds  .85
[09:34] {cc_9} GILD long small
[09:34] {cc_9} keeping eye on LL
01[09:35] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .50 break
01[09:35] {Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:35] {Threei}  C two-sided
01[09:35] {Threei}  long it is
01[09:36] {Threei}  meh C
[09:37] {nemo} .40 support
01[09:37] {Threei}  should have stays with short
01[09:37] {Threei}  stayed too
[09:38] {cc_9} out GILD +$0.41
01[09:38] {Threei}  wtg
[09:39] {cc_9} CYTR going nuts here again
[09:39] {cc_9} this gonna be a good short imo
01[09:41] {Threei}  after it kills all the premature shorts
[09:42] {cc_9} if it cannot get through HOD, will be a nice short
[09:42] {cc_9} eyes on $4.30
[09:43] {cc_9} back to $4.00
01[09:44] {Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .55 break
[09:44] {cc_9} GILD flushing again
01[09:44] {Threei}  If holds  .45
[09:46] {cc_9} CYTR no flush yet, too much bid support
01[09:46] {Threei}  don't be a scalp
01[09:47] {Threei}  ok... scalp
01[09:47] {Threei}  SPY lost will to live
[09:48] {cc_9} SPY flash crash
[09:48] {dino} pdce odd
[09:48] {cc_9} CYTR @ highs
[09:48] {nemo} spy might enter gap
[09:48] {cc_9} GILD holding up while market crashing
[09:48] {cc_9} long GILD here again
01[09:49] {Threei} Long Setup:  TNA  .30 break hl
[09:49] {fish_49} out MCD  thanks Vad
01[09:49] {Threei}  If holds  .20
[09:50] {cc_9} SPY "I dont want to live in this world anymore"
01[09:50] {Threei}  no go
01[09:50] {Threei}  tough read today so far
[09:50] {nemo} spy into the gap
[09:51] {dino} gild blood
01[09:51] {Threei} Short Setup: MCD  .45 break
01[09:51] {Threei}  If holds  .55
[09:52] {cc_9} ok guys, this is it
[09:52] {cc_9} time to buy the dip at this level
[09:53] {cc_9} buy all you can, we bounce now
01[09:54] {Threei}  very low volume on a bounce...
[09:55] {dino} pdce sm l .90 gappy sucker
[09:55] {cc_9} CYTR lord have mercy
[09:56] {cc_9} Loaded GILD to the GILLS
[09:56] {cc_9} we bounce over $72
[09:56] {cc_9} 09:53 cc_9 buy all you can, we bounce now
[09:58] {cc_9} here we go GILD
[09:58] {cc_9} time to soar
[09:58] {cc_9} $$$$$$
[09:58] {dino} arcw app hod
[09:59] {cc_9} still going up GILD
[10:00] {cc_9} Printing money on this GILD bounce
[10:00] {cc_9} here comes $72
[10:00] {cc_9} and then more upside
[10:00] {dino} gj
01[10:01] {Threei} Long Setup:  C  .25 break
01[10:02] {Threei}  If holds  .15
[10:02] {cc_9} SPY weak bid, GILD going up
01[10:04] {Threei}  if this is SPY bottom, C should be easy 1:3. If not, I want a banana to cut my wrist with
[10:04] {dino} arcw crazy, news?
[10:04] {nemo} that's getting old vad
01[10:04] {Threei}  ARCW Brean Capital, LLC Initiates ARCW with Buy, price target: $25
[10:04] {dino} damn missed it air pocket arcw
[10:05] {cc_9} CYTR needs to flush damn it
[10:05] {cc_9} good ol fashion clean flush
01[10:06] {Threei}  sheesh
[10:06] {cc_9} whoa SPY
[10:06] {cc_9} the hell was that
01[10:06] {Threei}  trading gods woke up today and said "let's watch his calls and kill them"
[10:06] {nemo} gap filling
[10:07] {fish_49} give Vad the Banana
[10:07] {fish_49} lol
01[10:07] {Threei}  dino, see IEP?
[10:07] {fish_49} put some salt in the banana  first
[10:08] {fish_49} C  DB?
[10:08] {dino} yes
[10:08] {cc_9} CYTR still no sellers
[10:08] {dino} its a crazy trade type iep
01[10:08] {Threei}  yup
[10:08] {cc_9} GILD trying to hold double bottom here again
[10:08] {cc_9} reloading for bounce #3
01[10:10] {Threei} Short Setup: VLO  .80 break
01[10:10] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[10:11] {Threei}  1:1
[10:12] {fish_49} missed it
[10:12] {Will49} me too
01[10:12] {Threei}  :(
[10:12] {Will49} was already down 5 cents
[10:13] {Will49} at .75 and no retrace
[10:13] {Will49} oh well
[10:13] {cc_9} GILD lets go
[10:14] {cc_9} CYTR, the suckers need to start dumping under $4.00 damn it
[10:14] {cc_9} GILD go go go  :D
[10:15] {cc_9} back to almost its previous high before market dumped
[10:15] {cc_9} GILD is my #1 bounce ticket for today
01[10:16] {Threei}  who pulled rug from under gold?
[10:16] {dino} sorry
[10:17] {Will49} who shot the sherriff?
[10:17] {cc_9} GILD gonna go full on URANGORILLA when sees $72
[10:17] {cc_9} im holding all shares
01[10:17] {Threei}  everything I watch today is patternless
01[10:18] {Threei}  sudden spikes and drops
[10:18] {cc_9} each time GILD tries to breakout, SPY flushes down
[10:18] {nemo} stop looking at Les's brainscans
[10:18] {dino} gmlp drop
[10:19] {cc_9} CYTR, can we finally get these sellers under $4.00 ???
01[10:19] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .70 break
01[10:19] {Threei}  If holds  .80
[10:19] {nemo} mmhhh gild dt'd under vwap
01[10:19] {Threei}  clean inverted C&H
[10:20] {cc_9} GILD is like the cool guy that tries to get the ladies, SPY keeps ruining his game
[10:20] {dino} pretty good decline
[10:20] {cc_9} I'm selling GILD only when over $72.00
01[10:20] {Threei}  if this doesn't work, I'll leave to nemo to invent something new so he doesn't berate me for recycling jokes
[10:20] {cc_9} Ackman type trade "will stay with it till the end of the world"
[10:21] {cc_9} CYTR tried a little under $4.00 but not enough pressure on it
[10:21] {cc_9} SPY getting a leg, lets see if GILD reacts up with it here
01[10:22] {Threei}  Invalidated
[10:23] {cc_9} SPY headfake central
[10:25] {cc_9} GILD going for triple bottom
[10:27] {cc_9} GILD must hold 71.20 LOD range here
[10:27] {cc_9} SPY putting major drag
[10:27] {cc_9} VXX still at highs
[10:27] {cc_9} today's direction = throw a dart
01[10:28] {Threei}  pretty much
01[10:28] {Threei}  every time pattern forms, sudden move against it ruins the setup
01[10:29] {Threei}  this kind if days is relatively rare, but I hate them nonetheless
[10:30] {cc_9} energy inventories out
[10:30] {cc_9} w/e the numbers are, SPY wants to crash anyways
01[10:30] {Threei}  P Pandora Spotify unveils new free mobile music service at press conference- Free music streaming available to all mobile devices. - Lets users skip tracks and create playlists. ***Reminder: On Dec 5th, there were press reports that Spotify would introduce a free music service for mobile.
[10:30] {cc_9} CYTR die you dog
01[10:31] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .75 break
01[10:31] {Threei}  If holds  .85
[10:31] {cc_9} VXX fresh highs nonstop
[10:32] {nemo} Ackman?  you still in GILD?
[10:32] {cc_9} nemo yes
[10:33] {cc_9} its still over yesterday's lows
01[10:33] {Threei}  that's some bid at .70
[10:33] {cc_9} selling the fear is never a smart trade
[10:33] {nemo} figure they'll try to shake this whole number level for stops
[10:34] {cc_9} yes
[10:34] {cc_9} so im sticking with it for now
[10:34] {cc_9} ill shave off once gets back 71.40s
[10:34] {cc_9} right now just need VXX to slow the f down so we get a dead cat
[10:35] {cc_9} never ever ver sell the fear
01[10:35] {Threei}  ok... it's official
01[10:35] {Threei}  should go back to bed now
[10:35] {cc_9} SPY trying a little here, GILD somehow finding no love
[10:35] {fish_49} did CC say Sell CAT?
[10:36] {cc_9} very straight since it was the most loved on the first 2 sell-offs
[10:36] {cc_9} strange*
[10:36] {cc_9} GILD should be bouncing ahead of the market here, no dice for now :(
[10:37] {dino} pdce re-load .35
[10:37] {cc_9} GILD needs through 71.20s for love
[10:38] {cc_9} CYTR i could not get much under $4.00, took what I could
[10:38] {cc_9} focusing on GILD only for now
[10:40] {cc_9} SPY nobody stepping here for now
[10:40] {cc_9} needs through 179.90 to get some bids
[10:41] {cc_9} LL on the other hand is bouncing and back to green
[10:42] {fish_49} Did Vad really go back to bed?  lol   Vad no trading in PJ's  it's not allowed
[10:42] {cc_9} GILD .30s come on SPY dont fail me now
[10:42] {nemo} he's got those bunny ear slippers too
[10:42] {cc_9} long some LL here for bounce to 92
[10:42] {fish_49} I hope not your Bunny  Nemo.  YOur dad and the bunny getting along?
[10:43] {cc_9} LL about to fly
[10:43] {nemo} Yeah...although she was obnoxious last night
[10:43] {nemo} I keep a few treats under the pillow in case she visits in the middle of the night
[10:43] {nemo} Well....
[10:43] {nemo} it's progressed from a treat to her punching my pillow to wake me up to give her some
[10:43] {fish_49} She mistakes your ummm for a carrot?
[10:43] {Will49} used to do that with my first wife
[10:44] {nemo} nah,  just spoiled female
[10:44] {fish_49} can you house train a rabbit?
[10:45] {cc_9} LL +$1.20 so far
[10:45] {cc_9} jesus christ...GILD catches a bid, SPY tatnks on it
[10:45] {cc_9} here we go again...
[10:46] {fish_49} shhhh you might wake up Vad
[10:46] {Will49} let him sleep:)
[10:46] {cc_9} unfreakingreal....
01[10:46] {Threei}  I am not sleeping... I am too busy packing finest wines and cheeses for trading gods
[10:46] {cc_9} finally catching bids, SPY comes flushing it all back to lows
[10:47] {cc_9} on a good note, VXX is not upticking much for now, so maybe bottom for SPY is in
[10:47] {nemo} this is s3 daily for spy
[10:47] {nemo} and finnies
[10:47] {nemo} s2 iwm
[10:48] {cc_9} LL so far so good, staying with it till $92
01[10:48] {Threei}  should I throw some chicken entrails in for a good measure?
[10:48] {cc_9} another market flush....
[10:48] {cc_9} SPY sabotaging all trades right now...
[10:48] {nemo} gets into the keyboard vad
[10:50] {cc_9} SPY trying to put a double bottom here
[10:50] {cc_9} like i said, that 179.90 is key for breakout and reversal today
[10:50] {nemo} they're setting up for the retail report tomorrow
01[10:50] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .85 break
01[10:51] {Threei}  If holds  .75
[10:51] {cc_9} VXX winning
01[10:51] {Threei}  aggressive for .90
[10:51] {dino} anly halt?
[10:51] {cc_9} need VXX under 46.00
[10:51] {cc_9} SPY threading in dangerous waters here
01[10:51] {Threei}  from Aug 28, dino
[10:52] {dino} lol, thx
01[10:52] {Threei}  8/28/2013 7:55:18 AM Halted; news pending; To be acquired for $6.45/shr (61% premium to closing price)
01[10:52] {Threei}  lol
[10:52] {cc_9} LL so far so good, still long
01[10:52] {Threei}  (US) House Speaker Boehner (R-OH): House could hold vote on budget deal tomorrow; have not seen any acceptable proposal from the White House on extending unemployment benefits
[10:53] {cc_9} LL today is ULTA of yesterday
[10:53] {cc_9} same exact play/idea
01[10:53] {Threei}  your GILD should break .40 and fly now, cc...
01[10:54] {Threei}  canadians, saw this?
01[10:54] {Threei}
[10:54] {cc_9} Vad, GILD each time catchs a bid, SPY downticks and kills momo
[10:55] {cc_9} but my LL is doing good
[10:55] {cc_9} LL nonstop
[10:55] {cc_9} $92.00 target BOING
[10:57] {cc_9} SPY block trade
[10:58] {cc_9} nvm, error print
[10:58] {cc_9} SPY trying some
[10:59] {cc_9} GILD lagging, needs 71.40
[10:59] {cc_9} VXX coming down here under 46
[10:59] {cc_9} jeez GILD, get it together....
[10:59] {nemo} .60 the likely roof on gild
[11:01] {cc_9} you're saying thats the top ?
[11:01] {cc_9} im not sure about that
[11:01] {cc_9} GILD once cracks 71.40 should be good till at least 71.80 double top
[11:01] {nemo} likely=probable
[11:01] {nemo} not sure
[11:01] {cc_9} GILD volume coming in
[11:03] {cc_9} SPY must taget 180 for BTFD signals
[11:03] {cc_9} VXX under 45.90 should be nice
[11:04] {cc_9} of course not...why should SPY get to where it needs to be then flush again
01[11:05] {Threei}  here it comes cc
01[11:05] {Threei}  .40 break and, ummm, iksplozhion
[11:05] {cc_9} needs to be in tandem here Vad
[11:05] {cc_9} SPY must cooperate so GILD gets some breakout love
01[11:05] {Threei}  this is how you spell it, right?
[11:05] {cc_9} anything over 180.10 will be great
01[11:05] {Threei}  or is it eeqsplozhion?
[11:06] {nemo} today
[11:06] {nemo} today's action would imply a roof on spy of 180.10
[11:06] {cc_9} god damn it
[11:06] {nemo} or, I'm inferring said roof
[11:06] {cc_9} it takes GILD 40 minutes to reverse $0.40
[11:06] {cc_9} and with 1 SPY downtick loses it all
[11:07] {nemo} looks like db 3minute vxx
[11:08] {cc_9} god damn it...
[11:08] {cc_9} every single time GILD gets a bid, SPY comes ruining the party
[11:11] {cc_9} when the hell are we going to get our fast and furious SPY bounce today....
[11:11] {nemo} spy hit the telephone pole today
[11:11] {cc_9} so far nothing but sideways boredom
[11:14] {cc_9} SPY another tank on the way, VXX moving higher
[11:14] {nemo} twitter keeps going
[11:14] {dino} pdce tear down that 53 wall
[11:14] {cc_9} Tell me again why did I cover CYTR too early ?
[11:14] {cc_9} damn it
[11:15] {nemo} spy bearflaggish
[11:15] {cc_9} VXX going, SPY about to lose it
[11:15] {cc_9} on a good note : 10:42 cc_9 long some LL here for bounce to 92
[11:15] {cc_9} HOD was indeed 92 on the nose
[11:16] {cc_9} sell algos about to trigger for flush
[11:17] {cc_9} SPY another LOD test
[11:17] {dino} good girl pdce
[11:17] {cc_9} GILD trying very hard to hold here while market dumping
[11:19] {cc_9} FB is a new inverse SPY ETF
[11:21] {cc_9} GILD come on, hold it together while we get passed this phase
[11:21] {fish_49} get'm Nemo
[11:22] {nemo} spy 179.48 is S4  we only get there 3% of the time
[11:23] {cc_9} so you're saying BTFD ?
[11:23] {nemo} I'm not implying anything, I stated exactly what I was thinking
[11:23] {cc_9} ok guys, nemo said btfd
[11:23] {dino} out pdce .45, +1.10
[11:24] {nemo} just like my frickin' girlfriend
[11:24] {nemo} sheesh
[11:24] {fish_49} I think Nemo was a Lawyer in his previous life
[11:24] {dino} nobody followed pdce?
[11:25] {cc_9} i think we get 1 more SPY flush to get all intraday stops
[11:26] {nemo} monthly pivot is 179.20  iwm 50 day approx: 109.80
[11:27] {cc_9} so let me get it straight
[11:27] {cc_9} SPY tanks, GILD tries to hold up
[11:27] {cc_9} SPY tries to bounce, SPY goes down
[11:27] {cc_9} ok, got it now
[11:27] {nemo} call Les, he'll explain it to you
[11:31] {cc_9} no mercy on SPY today, 0 buyers for now
[11:31] {cc_9} back and forth nonsense at session lows, i.e wants to flush lower
[11:31] {cc_9} getting ready for another SPY crash
[11:31] {cc_9} and there it is
[11:34] {cc_9} on a sidenote, GILD is not crashing....
[11:34] {nemo} iwm checked 110
[11:37] {nemo} vxx dt?
[11:37] {cc_9} SPY tagged 179.50 on the nose, round #
[11:38] {cc_9} if SPY can get 179.75, going to pick up some XIV
[11:39] {cc_9} SPY wants another leg down
[11:39] {cc_9} VXX just upticking at highs
[11:40] {cc_9} this is far from a normal "btfd" day on sell-off, this looks like people are cashing out for 2013 all together
01[11:40] {Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .95 break
[11:40] {nemo} ok Ving
01[11:41] {Threei}  shooting straight upward, and missing the sky - second best description of my trading today
01[11:42] {Threei}  first being, can't trade my way out of wet paper bag
[11:42] {Will49} no whining Vad :)
01[11:42] {Threei}  wait, I have one more
01[11:42] {Threei}  may I?
01[11:42] {Threei}  it will annoy nemo
[11:43] {Will49} ok then
[11:43] {nemo} the banana
01[11:43] {Threei}  can't trade 25 cents for a phone call
[11:43] {nemo} pheeeewwww
01[11:43] {Threei}  it's even older than banana
[11:43] {nemo} why rax so happy today
01[11:43] {Threei}  it got VVUS shares
[11:44] {nemo} wow, crashed and burned on that one Vad
[11:44] {nemo} interesting vix really coming in and spy go not
[11:44] {cc_9} VXX dumping here, could finally see market lift up
01[11:46] {Threei}  half out TZA
[11:46] {cc_9} well of course not...that would make too much sense
01[11:46] {Threei}  stop to .94
[11:46] {nemo} IWM to test the 50 day
[11:47] {cc_9} long XIV here 31.95
[11:48] {cc_9} GILD losing steam, crap
[11:49] {cc_9} this is where GILD should be moving higher now that SPY somewhat stable...
[11:49] {RonS} dino, LH...
[11:51] {dino} on it
[11:51] {cc_9} ron, LH imo same as ULTA / LL
[11:51] {cc_9} needs 24 hours to find bottom first
[11:51] {dino} iep new lod
[11:51] {cc_9} ULTA did same, crash first day, went next day
[11:52] {cc_9} LL crash first day, bounce next day
[11:52] {RonS} dino iep...icahn selling $2 mil more new shares...has not priced
[11:53] {RonS} -$
[11:53] {cc_9} SPY way too close to LOD for comfort
[11:53] {cc_9} and splat...back to fresh lows on index
[11:54] {dino} ron, lh downgrade city, lowered guidance.
[11:54] {dino} over daily goal, so getting picky here
[11:54] {dino} brb
[11:55] {cc_9} GILD largest volume block all day
[11:55] {cc_9} looks like it was buyers
01[11:56] {Threei}  TZA... just a scalp...
[11:57] {cc_9} anyone else see the volume surge on GILD 1/2min ?
[11:57] {nemo} I see it now
01[11:57] {Threei}  was it one block or a lot of smaller prints?
[11:58] {cc_9} not really sure, but it happened twice
[11:58] {cc_9} should get more volume if gets back over .20
[11:59] {RonS} PCYC
[11:59] {cc_9} XIV fast uptick, market should go now
[12:00] {cc_9} GILD losing bids...what a migraine of a trade
[12:00] {cc_9} i should just ell so it goes to 72
01[12:01] {Threei}  - Rep Ryan and Senator Murray announced their $85B budget package last night. The agreement would undo $63B of sequester cuts that are set to take place over the next two years and puts 2014 spending at $1.012T, higher than the $967B that would have taken effect under the sequester law on Jan 15th. The package does not include an extension of unemployment insurance demanded by Democrats. The modest deal has already drawn heavy criticism from fiscal conservatives, even as senior Congressional Republican leaders voiced their support. S&P called the modest deal a positive.
01[12:01] {Threei}  - It appears that a truce in the budget battles of the last several years may be in the offing this morning, offering hope that one of the last major source of uncertainty for the recovery could be dragged out of the way. And as usual, this very good news may be inspiring many participants to bet on an earlier taper and to sell, sell, sell.
01[12:02] {Threei}  by the way, the guy who came up with word "Dectaper" must be taken out and shot
01[12:02] {Threei}  I mean, no one appreciates butchering language more than I do, but this is just lame
[12:03] {RonS} pcyc sm l .30
[12:03] {nemo} Pot meet kettle
[12:03] {cc_9} SPY 179.70 previous intraday support now wall
[12:03] {cc_9} we are stuck in a $0.20 channel on SPY
[12:04] {cc_9} 179.50 - 179.70, therefore, need at least 179.80 to start reversing
[12:04] {cc_9} damn it all to hell, lets go -500 today to get it over with already
[12:05] {nemo} tested s4 daily spy twice
[12:07] {cc_9} proper crash, no way around it
[12:08] {cc_9} and this so far today aint even the crash yet
[12:09] {cc_9} looks like GILD really wants LOD test :(
[12:12] {nemo} finnies holding the monthly pivot, spy trying to hold daily S4, looks like they're trying to get IWM to the 50 day
[12:13] {cc_9} yes, IWM so far biggest drag
[12:13] {nemo} this monthly on finnies also daily S4
[12:13] {nemo} No CC
[12:14] {cc_9} soon as we see 179.60, i think bottom for day is put
[12:14] {nemo} lowest I think possible is .20
[12:15] {nemo} IWM 50 day
[12:16] {cc_9} SPY absolutely no bottom
[12:16] {cc_9} each small bounce gets dumped, nonstop since 11AM
[12:16] {cc_9} it wants under 179
[12:16] {cc_9} about to get brutal
[12:17] {nemo} got 2 levels to get through
[12:18] {cc_9} GILD they finally crashed it
[12:18] {cc_9} VXX soaring, shits about to get super ugly
[12:19] {nemo} spy tested monthly, finnies kinda holding
[12:19] {dino} ron pcyc, you in at 108.30 ?
01[12:21] {Threei}  frikin TZA
[12:21] {RonS} no 9.68 ave
[12:21] {nemo} you're so stretched to the downside Vad
[12:21] {cc_9} GILD all out crash
[12:21] {dino} thx
[12:22] {cc_9} GILD held through the SPY pullbacks, but they are fast dumping it now, almost as if they are going at it sector at a time liquidation
[12:23] {cc_9} GILD now testing yesterday's lows, ultra ugly now that lost 71 for good
[12:23] {cc_9} SPY no sign of reversal, slow decay
[12:23] {dino} sitting, waiting...
[12:24] {cc_9} no floor on SPY...she wants under 179
[12:25] {nemo} fill that gap
01[12:25] {Threei}  (US) ShopperTrak: In-store shopper activity falls following busy Thanksgiving shopping period- Consumers spent a majority of last week recovering from "Black Weekend" holiday shopping.
01[12:25] {Threei}  recovering from shopping
[12:25] {dino} spy gap 179.01
01[12:25] {Threei}  just how backwards our heads are?
[12:25] {nemo} when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping
[12:25] {cc_9} just down down down, everything down
[12:25] {nemo} like a good girll
[12:26] {nemo} s3 iwm
[12:26] {cc_9} IWM i see nothing till 109
[12:26] {dino} lol shoppertrak, as if the severe weather didn't keep people from shopping
[12:26] {dino} we've had 3 days of ice, nobody downtown
[12:26] {cc_9} SPY nothing till 178.80
[12:27] {dino} gap 179.01 area
[12:28] {cc_9} i tell ya, nothing, SPY wants under 179
[12:29] {dino} what are you trying to say?, lol
[12:30] {cc_9} im trying to say SPY going to 0.00 today mate
[12:30] {cc_9} no such thing as bottom today
[12:31] {cc_9} no dip buyers, nada
[12:31] {cc_9} once we give up, then market will reverse lol
01[12:32] {Threei}  that's how it works
[12:32] {nemo} that should be it for vix
[12:32] {cc_9} vad yes, its usually at maximum pain and near capitulation that finally the trade works
[12:33] {cc_9} (on days like today)
01[12:33] {Threei}  eqzaktly
[12:33] {cc_9} although SPY is trying a little here, chart still unreadable
01[12:34] {Threei}  meanwhile, I finally finished Breaking Bad
[12:34] {cc_9} will only make sense as far as giving it a name once we get back to 179.70. anything under is uncharted for intraday
[12:34] {cc_9} oh goodie, now you can start on Boardwalk Empire
01[12:35] {Threei}  'twas good, although I wouldn't necessary agree with title of the best ever
[12:35] {cc_9} GILD = 0 love on this SPY bounce
[12:36] {nemo} weak side dropping fast on algo, but no correspoinding buying
[12:37] {cc_9} GILD needs 70.80 to put bottom
[12:38] {cc_9} i did not think id be typing a zero after the first 7 as far as GILD goes today
[12:38] {cc_9} VXX losing bids, lets see if helps
[12:40] {cc_9} VXX that was strange
[12:41] {cc_9} were those .30s actual prints or just skinny finger
[12:42] {nemo} gotta' figure iwm won't give up the 50 day today
[12:42] {nemo} at least on a close basis
[12:45] {cc_9} VXX still losing bids
[12:45] {cc_9} SPY needs at LEAST 179.60 to buck this trend
[12:46] {cc_9} GILD some bids at last
[12:47] {cc_9} XIV tagging 32 at last
[12:48] {cc_9} GILD this is it, time to freaking break 71 and stay above it
[12:49] {cc_9} i should have not even said anything, it was going just fine on its own
[12:50] {cc_9} XIV, if I can get 32.30 ill be happy
[12:50] {cc_9} SPY some trouble 179.40, needs .50s to clear upside
[12:52] {cc_9} QQQ major wall 85.60
[12:54] {dino} lunch time might be hard time to get markets moving
[12:55] {cc_9} the market dumped at its most starting 12PM ET
01[12:55] {Threei}  The case for using comma in a screenshot:
01[12:55] {Threei}
01[12:56] {Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .35 break
01[12:56] {Threei}  If holds  .25
[12:57] {cc_9} VXX fast pop
[12:58] {cc_9} this SPY pullback is good so long that it holds 179.20 to make a higher low
[12:59] {cc_9} QQQ fresh lows
[12:59] {nemo} OK going to see if I can find something to kill
[12:59] {cc_9} you mean someone ?
[13:00] {nemo} Only got a deer license...if I could get a human license...or...a more convenient way to get rid of the body....
[13:00] {cc_9} GILD back to .80, another 71 test on the way
[13:00] {cc_9} last high on GILD bounce was .90
[13:02] {cc_9} anyone else buying GILD at these levels ?
[13:02] {cc_9} SPY about to start bouncing now
01[13:02] {Threei}  decent auction
01[13:02] {Threei}  supports SPY
01[13:02] {Threei}  - Indirect bidders take 48.9% of competitive bids, with 74.9% allotted at high - 10.57% go to direct bidders; 40.5% go to dealers - Median 2.783%, Low 2.735%
[13:03] {nemo} 10 year?  Bennie is buying all those
01[13:03] {Threei}  look at bidders distribution
01[13:04] {Threei}  this is not all Bennie anymore
[13:04] {cc_9} XIV, at last!
[13:04] {cc_9} i can smell the freedom
[13:04] {cc_9} GILD what the hell no bounce! :(
[13:10] {cc_9} no crack at 71 :(
01[13:13] {Threei}  TNA... watching for pullbck entry
01[13:14] {Threei}  ideally, around .30
01[13:21] {Threei} Long Setup:  TNA  .30 break
01[13:21] {Threei}  If holds  .20
01[13:23] {Threei}  1:1
01[13:27] {Threei}  I see my parcel with wines and cheeses is half way to the Mt Olympus
01[13:27] {Threei}  they start allowing scalps
[13:28] {cc_9} SPY no follow through...lame
01[13:28] {Threei}  no
01[13:28] {Threei}  weak bounce instead of picking up and proceeding to new highs
[13:29] {cc_9} SPY is once again .20 away from cracking session lows
[13:29] {cc_9} QQQ is already there
[13:31] {cc_9} GILD accumulation before the pop
[13:31] {cc_9} through $71 brings back buyers
[13:31] {cc_9} $0.10 to go
[13:31] {cc_9} giddy
[13:32] {cc_9} GILD $71 offer
[13:32] {cc_9} come on, break it
[13:33] {cc_9} good goy GILD, get through 71
[13:33] {cc_9} yesssss
[13:35] {cc_9} ok chartists, where do you see GILD pushing now
[13:36] {cc_9} QQQ needs 85.60 for ape zoo move
01[13:38] {Threei}  frikin TNA
01[13:38] {Threei}  hate it when you get the idea right and timing is just a tad off, enough to leave you in a dust
[13:39] {cc_9} can always get back in Vad
[13:39] {cc_9} plenty room to the upside
[13:39] {cc_9} i aint sold a single GILD share
[13:39] {cc_9} and still holding XIV to 32.30
[13:39] {cc_9} }implying its ever going there
01[13:39] {Threei}  didn't get any aetup on the ultimate bounce
01[13:39] {Threei}  it just rocketed up
[13:40] {cc_9} GOLD give me 71.30s so i can start unloading
[13:43] {cc_9} GILD*
[13:43] {cc_9} sorry for poor english...smegma butter etc...
01[13:43] {Threei}  john kill?
01[13:43] {Threei}  no
01[13:44] {Threei}  TNA... ^%#!@(*&^
01[13:44] {Threei}  this just has to be nemo's fault
[13:45] {cc_9} im gonna get arrested for all these shekels im collecting on XIV
01[13:45] {Threei}  if you don't give us our fair share, you will
01[13:47] {Threei}  PM: Canada is deeply concerned about Ukraine political unrest
01[13:47] {Threei}  reallY?
01[13:47] {Threei}  why?
[13:47] {cc_9} im dumping GILD by the metric ton
[13:47] {cc_9} im almost all out
[13:47] {cc_9} if it goes higher, i will ask to be arrested
[13:48] {dino} bnft spike
01[13:48] {Threei}  last I checked, Canada's interests are as intervened with Ukraine's as Mongolia's camel breeding techniques with Argentina's oyster gathering
[13:49] {cc_9} all out GILD
01[13:49] {Threei}  wtg
01[13:49] {Threei}  this one took a lot of patience
01[13:50] {Threei}  and will to suffer
[13:50] {cc_9} yes, thanks guys for the moral support
[13:50] {cc_9} i want to dedicate this trade to all dip buyers from all around the world
01[13:50] {Threei}  and Mongolia camel breeders?
[13:50] {cc_9} all of it
[13:50] {cc_9} anyone who makes smegma butter
[13:51] {cc_9} So, fellers, am I gonna regret this ? }}}
01[13:52] {Threei}  you know you are nemo's favorite, right?
01[13:52] {Threei}  and here is the reason:
01[13:52] {Threei}  [14:04] {nemo} that boy is a piece of work
01[13:52] {Threei}  [14:04] {nemo} he makes me look socially acceptable
01[13:53] {Threei}  (US) Israel's Fischer reportedly a leading candidate for the Fed Vice Chairman job - press- The Vice Chair position will be left open when Yellen is approved as Chairman
01[13:53] {Threei}  ???
[13:54] {cc_9} im gona laugh so hard im gona be depressed when SPY flies rest of the day
[13:54] {cc_9} and GILD goes to $72
[13:54] {cc_9} pls crash market!
01[13:54] {Threei}  I wouldn't regret if I were you
01[13:54] {Threei}  can't grab each last 1/8
[13:54] {cc_9} u saw my sells Vad ?
01[13:55] {Threei}  that was a bvery decent return on your troubles
01[13:55] {Threei}  yes
[13:55] {cc_9} nearly all @ the top of the rally
[13:55] {cc_9} i usually leave a tiny position, 500 shares or so in case goes higher
[13:55] {cc_9} but this trade took me all day, kinda tired
[13:59] {RonS} out pcyc 10.95 +1.27
01[14:00] {Threei}  wtg
01[14:00] {Threei}  *(US) NOV MONTHLY BUDGET STATEMENT: -$135.2B V -$140BE- Receipts: $$182.4B v $161.7B y/y- Outlays: $$317.6B v $333.8B y/y
[14:00] {dino} wtg ron
[14:02] {cc_9} ok
[14:02] {cc_9} i do not regret my GILD sells
[14:02] {cc_9} :D
01[14:14] {Threei}  pk... TNA wants us to have second cnace
[14:15] {cc_9} SPY tankish
[14:15] {cc_9} niiiiiiiice
01[14:16] {Threei}  no news
01[14:16] {Threei} Long Setup:  TNA  .10 break
01[14:16] {Threei}  If holds  67
01[14:17] {Threei}  1:1
[14:18] {cc_9} GILD vad
[14:18] {cc_9} creme of the crop
[14:18] {cc_9} just dipped to 71
[14:18] {cc_9} back up $0.30 ahead of the market
01[14:18] {Threei}  no kidding
01[14:18] {Threei}  even if it does go higher, I wouldn't regret that sale of yours
01[14:19] {Threei}  that was high time to cash out
[14:19] {cc_9} yes
[14:19] {cc_9} no tears
[14:19] {cc_9} the top was .45
[14:19] {cc_9} i sold .45 and .43
[14:19] {cc_9} cant get better fills
01[14:21] {Threei}  ok TNA
[14:21] {cc_9} i think getting long GILD here is good for another pop
01[14:21] {Threei}  stop fooling around
01[14:21] {Threei}  .60 is our target
01[14:21] {Threei}  just go there
01[14:22] {Threei}  1:2
[14:22] {cc_9} GILD going again
01[14:23] {Threei}  1:3
[14:24] {dino} sni spike
01[14:25] {Threei}  out last piece on a trail
01[14:25] {Threei}  finally something decent
[14:25] {cc_9} GILD trouble at .50 first wall, SPY also not helping
[14:25] {cc_9} will revisit GILD on .50 break
01[14:26] {Threei}  come on... anyone took that??
[14:26] {cc_9} GILD if tanks back 71, will re-load
[14:34] {cc_9} long GILD here 71.25
[14:34] {cc_9} held nicely on SPY crashola
[14:38] {cc_9} whats with this whole ron burgundy shit...its not even funny or anything
[14:38] {cc_9} did everyone just turn 12 all of a sudden
01[14:39] {Threei}  ?
01[14:39] {Threei}  burgundi?
[14:40] {cc_9} "anchorman"
[14:40] {dino} overboard w/it. its just a stupid movie
[14:40] {cc_9} its kinda lame really
01[14:40] {Threei}  I don't even know what you are talking about, lol
[14:40] {cc_9} i get the jokes and the humor...its just too weak
[14:40] {cc_9} What is Google ?
[14:40] {cc_9} thats a good start Vad
[14:40] {cc_9} actually, dont
[14:40] {cc_9} its not even worth knowing about
[14:41] {RonS} saw him do an interview w/ Peyton Manning...hilarious
01[14:41] {Threei}  I refuse to use that
[14:41] {cc_9} the humor is just "meh"
[14:41] {Will49} Vad...TNA gapped fom .09 to .15 in one jump and I decided not to chase
01[14:42] {Threei}  got .12 here...
[14:42] {Will49} not me
01[14:42] {Threei}  lol, this is a good humor, just from TV:
01[14:42] {Threei}  in Ukraine, protesters refuse to meet with Yanukovich until he meets their demands. They demand that he resigns...
01[14:43] {Threei}  so, they'll meet with him only after he resigns. Got it
[14:44] {cc_9} QQQ trying to put a bottom in
[14:44] {cc_9} VXX big volume + drop
[14:45] {cc_9} GILD being a twat
[14:47] {cc_9} QQQ lets break 85.60
[14:53] {cc_9} XIV losing bids, QQQ no dice on the .60 break
[14:53] {cc_9} blahhh
[14:53] {cc_9} last hour about to get started
[14:53] {Will49} no kidding
[14:55] {Will49} sorry cc...i get grumpy in a losing day :)
[14:55] {cc_9} u losing today ?
[14:55] {cc_9} well, it was a tough day for sure
[14:55] {Will49} uh huh
[14:55] {cc_9} GILD i want either 72 or 70.50
[14:55] {cc_9} this sideways shit is putting me to sleep
[14:56] {cc_9} SPY just needs the usual buy algos EOD then recrash last 10 minutes
01[14:57] {Threei} Long Setup:  GILD  .20 break
01[14:57] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[14:57] {cc_9} Market down = headline reads "talk about tapering making markets nervous"
[14:57] {cc_9} Market up = headline reads "no taper, market new all time highs, buy buy buy you fucking shmucks"
[14:57] {cc_9} amazing
01[14:58] {Threei}  same event is mentioned with "because of" or "despite" depending on what marjet did after
01[14:58] {Threei}  Invalidated
[14:59] {cc_9} loading some GILD here 71.08
[15:00] {cc_9} ill sell some .28 if XIV decides to get a freaking bid
01[15:00] {Threei}  bitcoin/us dollar Ernst & Young Analyst: Bitcoin should be seen as a payment system, not a currency replacement - Guardian- Ernst and Young "have a balanced view" on bitcoin. There are definite possible gains, in terms of lowered transaction costs, but there are some significant negatives, in terms of accountability and how to deal with anonymous users.
[15:00] {cc_9} ok, let me say it again for the record : Vad, I do not regret any of my GILD sells lol
01[15:00] {Threei}  lol
[15:01] {cc_9} SPY double bottom
[15:02] {cc_9} possible a fake before they pull the rug
[15:02] {cc_9} and get under 179
01[15:02] {Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .15 break
01[15:02] {Threei}  If holds  .05
[15:03] {cc_9} GILD should be good now
[15:03] {cc_9} back to .20s
[15:03] {cc_9} beybey
[15:04] {cc_9} SPY wants to crash to 179
01[15:04] {Threei}  at least
[15:04] {cc_9} this double bottom fake is a joke, even newbies can see it
01[15:04] {Threei}  this can easily turn into full blown panic
01[15:05] {Threei}  which is my favorite kind of panic
01[15:05] {Threei}  as opposite to partially blown one
[15:05] {cc_9} kinda like aids right ?
01[15:05] {Threei}  I guess
[15:06] {cc_9} SPY, here we go
[15:07] {cc_9} either it holds LOD and does a newbie bounce
[15:07] {cc_9} or dog crash and get panic mode engaged
[15:08] {cc_9} I hope I am wrong (yes Will, I do), but i think the SPY will flush below the LOD so fast, most wont even get a chance
[15:08] {cc_9} yup, here we go
01[15:08] {Threei}  well, we are positioned just for that
01[15:09] {Threei}  so the sooner the better
01[15:09] {Threei}  and the deeper the betterest
[15:12] {cc_9} GILD dog tank
[15:14] {cc_9} there goes all the stops under 179
01[15:16] {Threei}  stop to .09
[15:17] {mrcanada} just got back from Christmas shopping...what is happening?
01[15:17] {Threei}  market is trying to tank
01[15:17] {Threei}  we are trying to profit
[15:17] {cc_9} trying to tank ?
[15:18] {Will49} your bank account just dropped
[15:18] {cc_9} market tanked and then some
[15:18] {mrcanada} oh well....nothing new
01[15:19] {Threei}  ok TZA... 3 cents more please
01[15:19] {Threei}  oh, and canada post is about to stop delivering mail to your door, mrc
[15:20] {mrcanada} that is all over the news stations about Canada post....
01[15:20] {Threei}  1:1
01[15:20] {Threei}  the sheer volume of moaning all over internet is mind boggling
[15:20] {mrcanada} my lane is 3/10 of a kilometer long....I never got mail delivered to my door
01[15:21] {Threei}  half of victoria if not more gets mail in community mailboxes
[15:21] {mrcanada} that's the way it should be
[15:21] {mrcanada} everywhere!
01[15:21] {Threei}  no one complains - and this is in Victoria where complaining is a favorite sport
[15:21] {cc_9} looks like no bounce at all...
[15:21] {cc_9} market totally giving up
[15:22] {cc_9} GILD : "why did you not just stay away once you sold ?"
01[15:22] {Threei}  ok Will, don't tell me you are not in TZA
[15:22] {cc_9} cc_9 : "because i wanted a few more shekels "
[15:23] {Will49} am
01[15:24] {Threei}  whew
[15:26] {cc_9} wow...VXX back to session highs
[15:26] {cc_9} SPY no bottom
[15:27] {cc_9} QQQ @ lows
[15:27] {cc_9} XIV losing all forms of bids
[15:27] {dino} pdce drop
[15:27] {cc_9} yea, this aint looking pretty, at all.
01[15:27] {Threei}  one of the silliest compaints: we have established relationship with postmen, we talk, we say hello... you don't talk to anyone when go to mailbox
01[15:27] {Threei}  really? you are willing to pay more to have a chance to talk to a postman?
01[15:27] {Threei}  talk to your dog
[15:27] {dino} lol
[15:30] {cc_9} SPY just nothing...straight crash
[15:30] {cc_9} cant even bounce $0.50 to save a life
01[15:30] {Threei}  tell you what... life depending on SPY bounce is not worth saving
01[15:31] {Threei}  even jonh kill
[15:32] {mrcanada} Warren Kinsella the great Liberal statesman has said that this one issue (no postal service to the door) will get Justin Trudeau as our next PM
[15:33] {cc_9} they might trap the market by crashing it
[15:33] {mrcanada} when he promises to restore it in the next election
[15:33] {Will49} tell me it isn't so
[15:33] {cc_9} with the clock running out
[15:33] {cc_9} SPY more crash
[15:33] {cc_9} god damn it
01[15:34] {Threei}  look at the positive side, mrc... if that happens, we are going to have practically bottomless well of jokes
01[15:34] {Threei}  Justin is guaranteed to deliver in that department
[15:34] {cc_9} very rare that market does not get ONE bounce on day like today
[15:34] {mrcanada} listen we have bottomless well of jokes now...
01[15:34] {Threei}  rob ford?
01[15:35] {Threei}  true...
01[15:35] {Threei}  but competition is good :)
[15:35] {mrcanada} cc...will this continue or bounce back tomorrow and start a santa rally?
[15:35] {Will49} Bieber
[15:36] {cc_9} im afraid no santa rally this year, market up too much, we are seeing nothing but profit taking past few days
01[15:36] {Threei}  quote:
01[15:36] {Threei}  I guess I'm old school because I love my mail carrier! We chat, we give him cookies and cupcakes, he waves to us when he sees us around town! I'll be sad to lose that connection.
[15:36] {cc_9} SPY new lows
[15:37] {cc_9} and nothing but new lows
01[15:37] {Threei}  true story
[15:37] {cc_9} surprisingly, IWM is not @ lows yet, QQQ and SPY crashing
01[15:37] {Threei}  I mean... get a life!
[15:37] {Will49} my grandmother used to say the same thing about the milkman
[15:37] {RonS} lol
[15:38] {mrcanada} yes...I remember the breadman too....
01[15:38] {Threei}  also, who said you can't wave hands to your FORMER mail carrier?
01[15:38] {Threei}  or give him cookie?
[15:38] {cc_9} SPY running the clock while tanking, typical EOD trap
[15:38] {Will49} how about the iceman?
[15:38] {cc_9} Market is still open no ?
[15:38] {mrcanada} he can come and mow my lawn or shovel my long laneway!
01[15:38] {Threei}  we are waiting for it to tank cc
01[15:39] {Threei}  we are in TZA still
[15:40] {mrcanada} should I sell my national bank stock?
01[15:41] {Threei}  only to your mail carrier
[15:41] {cc_9} Jeez...not even one freaking bounce ?
[15:42] {cc_9} GILD trying to bounce without market
[15:44] {cc_9} no mercy, SPY full on crash, VXX near 47
[15:45] {cc_9} wow, lotta paint SPY
[15:46] {dino} calling it a day. nothing since noonish, but over goal. thx and gn
01[15:46] {Threei}  wtg dino
[15:46] {cc_9} nothing since noonish ?
[15:46] {cc_9} market literally crashed
[15:46] {dino} no trades
[15:46] {cc_9} VXX going nuts now as fear sets in
01[15:47] {Threei}  good
01[15:47] {Threei}  a few more cents, TZA
01[15:48] {Threei}  stop to .14 btw
[15:48] {cc_9} Now we get our dead cat bounce
01[15:48] {Threei}  we need no stinkin' bounce
01[15:48] {Threei}  we need full-on crash
[15:49] {cc_9} well i loaded XIV here and GILD for small bounce
[15:49] {cc_9} i think max pain we just hit on SPY
[15:49] {cc_9} SPY trying to bounce = GILD doing down
01[15:49] {Threei}  stop to .19, time becomes an issue
[15:50] {cc_9} SPY look @ that volume bar
[15:50] {cc_9} on 5 min
[15:50] {cc_9} thats max pain
[15:52] {cc_9} damn...clock running out, no bounce
[15:52] {cc_9} they gona bounce it the last 30 seconds
01[15:53] {Threei}  5 min
01[15:54] {Threei}  move your heavy butt, TZA
[15:55] {cc_9} come on SPY, bounce for me
[15:55] {cc_9} i need about 179, but im not gona see it
01[15:55] {Threei}  nope
01[15:55] {Threei}  unless world peace is announced next 2 min
[15:55] {cc_9} we bounce here
[15:55] {cc_9} and we bounce heavy
[15:55] {cc_9} to get suckers back in
01[15:56] {Threei}  and kill them tomorrow
[15:56] {cc_9} here comes the bounce
[15:56] {cc_9} come on VXX tank
[15:56] {Will49} peace guys..c ya tomorrow
01[15:57] {Threei}  ok guys, time's running out. Out last part of TZA, happy to finish this miserable day with a few wins
01[15:57] {Threei}  see you tomorrow