Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 07 2013

Not as spectacular as yesterday but still nicely profitable day. 

Session Time: Thu Mar 07 00:00:00 2013
[08:59] {patel} Good Morning!!!
01[09:02] {Threei}  morning patel
[09:02] {dino} gm
01[09:02] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:03] {jdetente} Good morning
01[09:05] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:10] {scottie} good morning
01[09:11] {Threei}  scottie :)
[09:18] {dptl}  gm
01[09:18] {Threei}  dp :)
[09:20] {Will49} gm
01[09:20] {Threei}  will :)
[09:24] {ese} gm
01[09:24] {Threei}  ese :)
01[09:25] {Threei}  likewarm gap up
[09:25] {Will49} ese..are you all clmed down this morning?
[09:25] {Will49} calmed
[09:26] {ese} kinda
[09:26] {ese} was not in a good mood yesterday
[09:26] {Will49} really
[09:26] {Will49} we love you anyway
01[09:27] {Threei}  who needs calming down before ferst trades, and some distraction for the first chaotic minutes, here:
[09:27] {cipher} gm
01[09:27] {Threei}
01[09:27] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:27] {ese} parent wants to take her kids on a cruise right in the middle of the Memphis trip the R&B band has planned....effectively destroying one of the greatest opportunities a school band will ever have
[09:28] {Will49} wow
[09:28] {ese} the trip was sponsored by one of the founding directors fo the Canadian JUNO awards
[09:28] {ese} kid not kids
[09:28] {Will49} is she seeing the error of her ways?
[09:28] {ese} nope
[09:29] {nemo} kill the bitch
01[09:29] {Threei}  no replacement?
[09:29] {ese} lol
[09:29] {Will49} can see why you were bugged
[09:29] {nemo} send me a ticket
[09:29] {ese} not yet
[09:29] {ese} do you play alto sax nemo
[09:29] {nemo} no...I'll kill the bitch
01[09:29] {Threei}  ok... thinking short but will wait couple min
[09:30] {nemo} I need you to get aboutt 20 liters of Lye though
[09:30] {ese} lol
01[09:30] {Threei}  GG
[09:32] {nemo} this market is going up forever
[09:32] {cipher} rost l .90
[09:32] {nemo} whoa commie phone company
[09:32] {thomcbell} jcp
[09:33] {cipher} ibb l.33
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: GG  .50 break hl
01[09:33] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .50 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  hl
01[09:34] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:34] {Threei}  change SLW to .60 break
01[09:35] {Threei}  Invalidated
[09:35] {Les} I'd say good morning but Fusion is pissing me off and it's all Nemo's fault
01[09:36] {Threei}  no go GG
[09:36] {nemo} I am a mere cat
[09:36] {Les} :)
[09:37] {cipher} out ibb -.06
[09:38] {ese} gdx
[09:40] {dino} nsm sm l .19
01[09:40] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .75 break hl
01[09:40] {Threei}  If holds  .85
01[09:41] {Threei}  lol
[09:41] {cipher} +. 28 nsm thx dino
01[09:41] {Threei}  good luck getting that fill
[09:41] {jdetente} yeah that was a miss err
[09:41] {dino} out nsm .59, +.40
[09:41] {cipher} out rost .36 +.46
01[09:42] {Threei}  too bad, drops nicely
[09:42] {dino} gj, np cipher
[09:42] {Les} outside 15 min bb's likely to bounce back
[09:42] {nemo} think lvs two way here
[09:43] {cipher} sgen l .27
[09:44] {Les} long .73 on paper
[09:45] {Les} partial .85
[09:45] {cipher} scty l .03
[09:46] {Les} all out .95
01[09:47] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .90 break
01[09:47] {Threei}  If holds  32
[09:47] {nemo} that's two way too
01[09:49] {Threei}  1:1
[09:49] {cipher} out scty .68 +.65
[09:50] {dino} nice
01[09:50] {Threei}  1:2
[09:51] {cipher} BBRY L .00
[09:51] {cipher} out .15 +.15
[09:52] {ese} good one C
[09:52] {cipher} ty
[09:52] {dino} nsm sm l .00 trigger, gappy
01[09:52] {Threei}  last 1/4 stopped on a trail .81
[09:53] {cipher} out sgen .43 +.24
[09:54] {ese} am eyeing nsm as well dino
[09:55] {ese} L nsm .94
[09:56] {ese} ugly .08 spread though
[09:56] {Will49} not ugly enough for our gunslingers
[09:56] {ese} tis true tis true
[09:56] {Les} oh btw vad, where's my 'yw' welcome this morning?
[09:57] {thomcbell} long setup mtg - 5.14 braek if holding 5.05
[09:57] {ese} will what are you doing tomorrow night?
01[09:57] {Threei}  I decided to save some innocent pixels
[09:57] {Les} what a guy
01[09:57] {Threei}  lord knows we murder enough of them here
[09:57] {dino} nsm, f the spread ese, thru size
[09:57] {Will49} no plans ese
[09:58] {ese} come and meet my wife and I over at the Oak Bay Beach hotel for a Grimbergen beer
[09:58] {Will49} let me check with wife
[09:58] {Les} vad SLW sitting smack on VWAP support here
[09:58] {cipher} scty l .09
[09:58] {ese} after the week i've had it'll be 2 of them for sure
01[09:59] {Threei}  hmmm... I am not invited...
[09:59] {Les} short slw again .82
[09:59] {Les} cover .70 easy money
[09:59] {Will49} she says yes
[09:59] {dino} w/ya cipher scty
[09:59] {Will49} what time?
[10:00] {ese} somewhere between 7 and 8 depending on when we get get done helping our son deliver his papers
[10:01] {Les} oh look you guys are scaring the other traders off
[10:01] {Les} bunch of pissheads
[10:01] {ese} will know a little closer tomorrow.......ah....lets say 8
[10:01] {Will49} 8 it is!
01[10:01] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .50 break
01[10:01] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[10:02] {Threei}  Invalidated
[10:02] {ese} ok onto something not as important ...let me see......hmmm trading...ya thats it
[10:03] {Will49} Vad's dating site
01[10:03] {Threei} Long Setup:  HIG  .20 break
01[10:03] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[10:03] {cipher} prgo l .69
[10:04] {dino} out scty .34, +.30 ty cipher
[10:06] {cipher} gtls l.77
[10:06] {cipher} np
[10:07] {dino} nsm tightening
[10:09] {cipher} rost l .76
[10:11] {cipher} scty bid
[10:14] {cipher} out scty .60 +.51
[10:14] {dino} nsm sm l .57
[10:14] {Will49} nice C
01[10:15] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .85 break hl
01[10:15] {Threei}  If holds  .75
[10:16] {dino} mdp sm l .50
[10:17] {ese} in .86
[10:19] {thomcbell} mtg didnt quite make it and stopped
[10:20] {ese} L some more cat avg .93
[10:20] {ese} .83
01[10:20] {Threei}  .25 break should launch HIG
01[10:21] {Threei}  here we go
01[10:21] {Threei}  or as nemo'd say, thar she blows
[10:21] {Les} him and that rabbit of his...
01[10:22] {Threei}  half out
[10:22] {ese} mrkt tentative.....not helping things
[10:22] {scottie} half out
[10:22] {nemo} look at how tight the range
01[10:22] {Threei}  yeah, SPY looks hesitant
[10:22] {nemo} plus you have initial stress test reports after close today
01[10:23] {Threei}  no go CAT
[10:23] {ese} rats stopped cat .71 -.12
[10:24] {Les} bearish divergence on the 15 min range here in SPY nemo
[10:26] {ese} L cat .72
[10:31] {ese} come on there little kitty kitty......lets more than make up for the little divey divey
[10:31] {ese} yes yes
01[10:31] {Threei}  (KR) US Envoy: Will not accept North Korea as a nuclear state; assures Japan and South Korea of extended missile defense and nuclear deterence- Notes that the US will not reward North Korea for returning to nuclear talks - Separately UN Security Council unanimously approves new sanctions on North Korea after latest nuclear test. US Sec to the UN Rice: New sanctions will 'bite hard'; North Korea will achieve nothing by making threats and provocations
01[10:32] {Threei}  don't they know, they just need to play basketball with NK leader
[10:32] {Les} ?
01[10:32] {Threei}  look up dennis rodman and north korea
[10:32] {ese} nice kitty kitty
[10:32] {patel} I say Dennis Rodman should be US ambassador to North korea.
[10:32] {patel} lol
[10:33] {cipher} mdco drop
[10:33] {cipher} mdco l .00
[10:33] {dino} rodman should move there
[10:33] {patel} yeah he fits in really well
[10:33] {ese} nice kitty ,,,,nice kitty
[10:34] {nemo} mmmhhh....lost power in the storm
[10:34] {ese} all you need is one trade per demonstrated by cat and ese
[10:35] {Will49} wtg ese...3 beers for you
[10:35] {ese} out cat .01 +.29
[10:35] {ese} and for you
[10:35] {jdetente} gj ese
[10:35] {patel} nice
[10:35] {ese} tks
[10:37] {dino} gj
[10:37] {cipher} rost blood
[10:38] {scottie} CSCO l .90 ?
[10:38] {dino} mdp stop -.22
[10:39] {cipher} rost cap coming
[10:39] {ese} mrc
01[10:39] {Threei}  too narrow for my taste scottie
[10:39] {cipher} rost vl.78
[10:39] {scottie} tks
01[10:40] {Threei}  20 cents range so far
[10:40] {cipher} was off by 2 pennies on rost
[10:41] {ese} What does this mean?:06 Mar 15:24[MRC] Majority shareholder PVF Holdings LLC upsizes common stock offering from 17M to 23M shares, will sell at $28.00/shr in registered underwritten public offering .............somebodies dumping stock right?
01[10:41] {Threei}  increased secondaries
[10:42] {cipher} out rost .88 +.11
[10:42] {ese} dilution then
[10:43] {cipher} out mdco .13 +.13
[10:44] {cipher} rost reload .82
[10:44] {dino} dgaz sm l .00
[10:45] {cipher} out rost .98 +.16
[10:45] {cipher} dgaz l .05
01[10:46] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .50 break
01[10:46] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[10:51] {Threei}  GDX not a scalp
[10:52] {thomcbell} cit takeover rumor and great chart
01[10:54] {Threei}  1:1
[10:54] {ese} lookin good vad......nice one
01[10:55] {Threei}  1:2
[10:56] {Les} nice of the silver bugs to give the heads up
[10:56] {ese} silver bugs?
[10:56] {patel} yes
[10:56] {patel} .31
[10:56] {Les} the believers holding SLW
[10:56] {ese} ah
[10:56] {Les} dropped first
01[10:57] {Threei}  SLW .60 was perfect short setup, I missed it... so was looking for a sympathy play
[10:57] {Les} I totally sympathise
[10:58] {ese} ya me too
[10:58] {Les} seems 10 dma was enough to stop buyers in their tracks
[10:58] {ese} it's too bad you had to make money on gdx
[10:58] {ese} feel bad about that for you
01[10:58] {Threei}  and since I am very emphatic about goldbugs' suffering...
[10:58] {ese} indeed
[10:58] {Les} empathic you mean?
01[10:59] {Threei}  you mean I an eqspekted to spell things right?
[11:00] {Les} dunno. empathic and emphatic have two very different meanings
[11:00] {cipher} amcx drop
[11:00] {nemo} lymphatic?
[11:00] {Will49} autocratic?
[11:01] {cipher} amcx l .04
[11:01] {ese} L some more nsm avg .65
[11:01] {cipher} enoc l .65
[11:01] {ese} enoc already?
[11:02] {ese} or is that enough already?
[11:02] {Les} given your attitude to gold bugs I'm inclined to think you have very emphatic attitude towards their suffering ;)
[11:03] {cipher} out amcx .15 +.11
[11:04] {ese} here kitty kitty...........l cat .99
[11:07] {nemo} vrtx might be worth a try here
[11:07] {Les} ty for GDX stopped out last part .41
[11:08] {ese} nice kitty....nice kitty.......
[11:08] {ese} thats a good kitty........good pee in nemos yard....there you go
01[11:09] {Threei}  yw
[11:10] {jdetente} yes thank you Vad...holding for 37.20 on my last quarter
[11:11] {jdetente} and got it
01[11:11] {Threei}  here it is
01[11:11] {Threei}  wtg
[11:11] {Les} shoulda woulda coulda
[11:12] {jdetente} I'm becoming more patienter...
[11:12] {jdetente} ha
[11:12] {nemo} where did you go long cat, vad?
01[11:12] {Threei}  ?
[11:12] {nemo} simple question?
01[11:12] {Threei}  betterer spellerer too jd
[11:12] {ese} it's me .99
[11:13] {cipher} lamr drop
[11:13] {cipher} lamr l .41
[11:13] {nemo} my power went out, remember?
01[11:13] {Threei}  this is what we have #floor for, nemo... uncluttered way to see the calls
01[11:13] {Threei}  ahhh
[11:13] {ese} nice kitty....nice kitty....... 08:08 ese thats a good kitty........good pee in nemos yard....there you go
01[11:13] {Threei}  OK, you are forgiven
[11:13] {nemo} thanks Pahan, now where?
01[11:14] {Threei}  10:15] {Alert} Threei Long Setup: CAT .85 break hl
01[11:15] {Threei}  OK, time to look at photos
01[11:15] {Threei}
[11:16] {dino} esv sm l .50
[11:16] {jdetente} got that email last night Vad. Great photos.
[11:16] {cipher} out lamr .59 +.18
01[11:16] {Threei}  :)
[11:17] {cipher} out dgaz .35 +.30 thx dino
[11:17] {cipher} shpg drop
[11:17] {Les} .90 vwap plus today's opening on CAT ese
[11:20] {ese} y
[11:20] {dino} out dgaz .23,
[11:20] {dino} +.23
[11:21] {dino} nsm sm l .50
[11:29] {Les} bands tight in GDX and slw
[11:29] {nemo} nsc
01[11:30] {Threei}  watching LVS for bounce to short
01[11:33] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .30 break hl
01[11:33] {Threei}  If holds  .40
[11:33] {dino} out nsm .84, +.34
[11:42] {cipher} out gtls .07 +.30
01[11:43] {Threei}  no go
[11:45] {nemo} look at spy and iwm on 3 minute strong trends
[11:46] {cipher} cone drop
[11:47] {cipher} cone l .17
[11:53] {cipher} gtls l .01
[11:55] {cipher} gtls stop .02 +.01
[11:59] {cipher} out cone .60 +.43
[12:01] {Will49} crank'em out cipher
[12:01] {cipher} hibb drop
[12:02] {Will49} machine-gun cipher
[12:02] {dino} gj
[12:03] {cipher} incy l .63
[12:07] {cipher} hibb l.99
[12:11] {ese} L some more nsm avg .30
[12:13] {cipher} breaking rules ese?
[12:13] {ese} y
[12:13] {dino} becoming an iwestor?
[12:13] {dino} inwestor?
[12:14] {ese} no
[12:14] {dino} it does look like its going up
[12:14] {ese} smelling some money
[12:14] {dino} 39.40 target
[12:14] {ese} don't try this at home
[12:14] {cipher} out incy .75 +.12
[12:18] {dino} nsm sm l .75
[12:19] {cipher} out hibb .06 +.07
[12:21] {cipher} cost drop
[12:21] {cipher} cost l .11
[12:22] {thomcbell} one more time mtg - 5.14 long break if holding 5.08
[12:23] {thomcbell} may need a day to digest this big secondary
[12:23] {thomcbell} but demand for the shares is definitely there
[12:25] {Les} ty cipher COST for .10
[12:25] {cipher} np
[12:26] {cipher} shold go to .40 aat least
[12:26] {cipher} should
[12:26] {Les} need to get a better feel for these things. picked up a couple of dead ones like HIBB cost me a couple of cents
[12:28] {cipher} out cost .43 +.32
[12:28] {cipher} perfect
[12:28] {cipher} doesn't get any better than that
[12:29] {Les} LVS trying for .50 here
[12:29] {cipher} les, yeah hibb was a bummer
[12:29] {cipher} got stopped for a small profit
[12:29] {Les} had expectations to high. didn't make my offer of .10
[12:36] {nemo} see how tight the range is today Les?
[12:40] {Les} huh?
[12:40] {nemo} about your expectations
[12:41] {Les} :)
[12:44] {Les} charts suggesting GS ready to roll over
[12:45] {nemo} not unless xlf rolls over or iwm or spy GS index unto itself
[12:45] {nemo} +stress test results after close, don't you find it interesting GS so strong before stress test results
[12:46] {dino} i would expect it to be non-issue for gs
[12:46] {nemo} that's my point, they tend to be a canary in the coal mine regarding the market too, so they are very strong...mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh??????
[12:47] {dino} yeah, i don't think it matters to most of the banks
[12:48] {cipher} vrsn l .01
[13:04] {ese} gotta go little tour nightmare is back on my front page
[13:04] {ese} cya tomorrow
[13:04] {Les} cioa'
[13:05] {Will49} be good ese
[13:08] {dino} unxl
[13:08] {dino} none avail here
[13:09] {dino} tup drop
01[13:10] {Threei}  for crying out loud
01[13:10] {Threei}  White House: US fully capable of defending against North Korean ballistic missile attack
01[13:10] {Threei}  I hope so!!
01[13:11] {Threei}  with biggest military in the world and history, vs. the poorest schmacks on the planet
[13:11] {cipher} out vrsn .14 +.13
[13:11] {nemo} we oughta' make N Korea a nuclear test area
[13:11] {dino} indeed
[13:11] {dino} tup sm l .41
[13:11] {cipher} tup l .35
[13:11] {Les} :) cold war dead and buried vad no one remembers the nuclear umbrella
[13:12] {nemo} wish we could say the same about you
[13:12] {nemo} over the top?
[13:12] {dino} yeah
01[13:13] {Threei}  Facebook Announces redesigned news feed: want to give users a "personalized newspaper"- Feeds should include top stories in your personal areas of interest and ability to add items from any source you want including pictures and pins from Pinterest. - Allows sorting news feeds by topic. - Zuckerberg shows images of the revamped news feeds including a mobile version
[13:13] {Les} lol
01[13:14] {Threei}  stock says "eh"
[13:14] {thomcbell} monetization?
[13:15] {Les} vwap is .05
[13:15] {Les} .07
01[13:15] {Threei}  all their tweaking of late feels like they are out of ideas
[13:15] {dino} out nsm .14, +.39
[13:15] {Les} yep
[13:16] {Les} ty dino TUP +.14
[13:16] {cipher} tup should go to .70
[13:17] {cipher} cprt drop
[13:17] {jdetente} dino thanks +.40 NSM
[13:19] {dino} np
[13:19] {dino} just doing my job
[13:19] {cipher} vrsk drop
[13:19] {nemo} just the facts mam
[13:19] {jdetente}
[13:20] {nemo} nice
[13:20] {Les} vad SLW back to lows
[13:21] {Les} heading to 31?
01[13:21] {Threei}  you want me to predict what happens next?
[13:21] {Les} :P
01[13:21] {Threei}  I am simply watching for setups
[13:21] {cipher} out tup.48 +.13
[13:21] {thomcbell} mtg invalidated
[13:22] {Les} .10/.15?
01[13:22] {Threei}  leave that crap to those who never learned to trade but for some reaon think they know how to do that, as if trading skills are birthright
[13:22] {Les} suggesting it was magnet from here
01[13:22] {Threei}  I don't see any setups so far
01[13:23] {Threei}  .20 break was more or less
[13:23] {Les} k
[13:24] {cipher} vrsk l .03
[13:27] {dino} out tup -.08, stupid
[13:28] {cipher} rost l.50
[13:29] {cipher} out .69 +.19
[13:30] {thomcbell} what do u think vad fb
[13:30] {thomcbell} looks like a short break there
[13:30] {dino} sell the news, imo
01[13:31] {Threei}  hard to tell
[13:31] {thomcbell} come on bounce it back up to 28.10
01[13:31] {Threei}  looks short but
01[13:31] {Threei}  something in me whispers "trap"
[13:31] {Will49} the natives are getting restless to trade
[13:33] {dino} nav?
01[13:34] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
[13:34] {cipher} out vrsk .17 +.14
[13:34] {nemo} this market makes me so itchy to do something
01[13:34] {Threei}  If holds  .20
01[13:35] {Threei}  it's like honduras from ancient russian joke nemo
[13:35] {thomcbell} feel like it is short with lod target
[13:35] {cipher} amzn s .51
[13:35] {thomcbell} fb
01[13:36] {Threei}  in far east, the least likely place to discuss anything but the daily necessities, two locals with bottle of vodka, in contemplative sielnce
01[13:36] {Threei}  one suddenly says: You know, this Honduras worries me...
01[13:37] {Threei}  another: don't scratch it, it won't bother you
[13:37] {nemo} hehehehehe
[13:38] {Will49} lol
[13:39] {dino} nav sm s .25
[13:41] {cipher} cov amzn .42 +.09
[13:42] {dino} cov nav .89, +.36
[13:42] {cipher} gj
[13:42] {dino} ty
[13:47] {Les} had right idea on GS but mostly terrible setups except one. Thought I'd duck in and out but this stock bounces around harder than a chinese laundry girl
[13:47] {Les} the triple top becomes apparent in hindsight 20/20
[13:49] {Les} FB stuck at VWAP resistance.
[13:56] {jdetente} what do you think Vad keep normal stop or move to .16?
01[13:56] {Threei}  let's move to .16
[13:57] {nemo} ohoh, power getting iffy again
[14:00] {jdetente} meh
[14:00] {Les} check for fried rabbit...
[14:01] {cipher} ntap drop
[14:01] {dino} elli drop
[14:02] {cipher} ntap l .01 stop.96
[14:03] {dino} esv stop -.22
[14:10] {patel} GDX held the original stop.
01[14:10] {Threei}  ugh
[14:10] {patel} sucks
01[14:11] {Threei}  shouldn't have trailed
01[14:11] {Threei}  oh well
01[14:11] {Threei}  but I'll suggest... if 6 cents stop deserves definition "sicks"... you need to rethink priorities {G}
01[14:11] {Threei}  sucks
[14:12] {cipher} cprt drop
[14:12] {cipher} cprt l.92
[14:15] {dino} nav break .75 trig short
[14:16] {cipher} elli l .25
[14:17] {cipher} out cprt .10 +.18
01[14:20] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  31 break
01[14:20] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[14:21] {cipher} ntap 1:1 lol
01[14:22] {Threei}  friking GDX
01[14:23] {Threei}  right idea, flawed execution
[14:23] {Les} GDX .83 daily pivot
01[14:23] {Threei}  1:1 SLW
[14:24] {Les} I shorted both
[14:24] {cipher} out elli.42 +.17 thx dino
[14:24] {cipher} ntap 2:1
[14:25] {dino} np
[14:25] {jdetente} jeez GDX...sorry I mentioned tighter stop
01[14:25] {Threei}  that'll teach you
[14:25] {Will49} all your fault jd:)
[14:25] {jdetente} for shame
[14:25] {Les} so just as GDX dropped sympathetically with SLW leading previously, SLW bounce at pivot 31 was enough to get bottom fishers on board
[14:26] {cipher} ntap 3:1
[14:26] {cipher} out ntap .16 +.15
[14:26] {cipher} stop was .05
[14:29] {Les} nice one gave itup as a sleeper
[14:29] {cipher} 5:1 now
[14:30] {cipher} les one thing I learned...
[14:31] {cipher} you can never tell in advance which one will work and which won't
[14:31] {cipher} I'm not into guessing
[14:31] {cipher} I take ALL valid setups
[14:31] {cipher} my hit rate is up there
01[14:31] {Threei}  that's the spirit
[14:31] {cipher} so if a dus comes along so be it
[14:31] {cipher} dud
01[14:31] {Threei}  see them - take them - let market sort it out
[14:32] {Will49} some do, some don'!
[14:32] {cipher} that's correct, I learned from vad
[14:33] {Les} fair enough, but can't watch .05 stop on these fast droppers and live trades at same time. So I dump the paper trade
[14:33] {cipher} oh I see
[14:33] {cipher} didn't know it was paper
[14:34] {cipher} :)
[14:34] {Les} gotta get my account in shape before playing these extras
[14:38] {cipher} aegr drop
[14:39] {cipher} aegr l.32
[14:40] {dino} cov nav .40, +.35
[14:43] {cipher} aegr target .50+
[14:43] {nemo} nav looks good to .20ish then maybe to below 30
[14:44] {dino} thinking the same, to vwap perhaps, but it jumps .16 each time it drops, wanted to book it
[14:44] {Les} +.12 AEGR ty
[14:45] {cipher} aegr at target
[14:45] {cipher} out .49
[14:45] {cipher} was it real or paper les?
[14:46] {Les} I'll tell you the day I go real cipher
[14:46] {dino} memorex
[14:46] {cipher} k
[14:47] {Les} but in consideration of limitations of paper account I hit bids and offers instead of laying out bids and offers most of the time
[14:47] {cipher} gotcha
[14:47] {cipher} that way it's more realistic
[14:47] {nemo} so between bank stress test part 1 and the NFP numbers we should hit 156 tomorrow
[14:48] {dino} i nthink we are up every friday this year and down every monday
[14:49] {cipher} cost l .08
[14:49] {cipher} expe on radar
[14:50] {nemo} this market could drive me to drink
[14:51] {Les} trade cipher setups its the next best thing
[14:51] {dino} lots of things do that to me nemo
[14:51] {nemo} yeah, well, you're married
[14:51] {dino} nsm any chance of breaking out here? thinking .00 trig
[14:51] {nemo} ebay
[14:51] {cipher} drinking while trading takes the boredom from it
[14:52] {nemo} 39.25 roof dino
[14:52] {cipher} alny l .56
[14:52] {dino} vwap
[14:52] {nemo} vxx is doing fear
[14:52] {nemo} yeah dino
[14:54] {nemo} at this rate, gonna' have really tight pivot ranges tomorrow
[14:56] {cipher} l expe .30 break stop .19
[14:56] {cipher} in expe
[14:57] {nemo} sheesh trip
[14:57] {cipher} cost 1:1
[14:58] {Les} 3 min 15 min macd saying up will hold cipher
[14:58] {cipher} yeah feels like it
[14:58] {cipher} going on gut feel
[15:00] {nemo} market lulls you to sleep drops a little, and now will go for new highs
[15:00] {dino} nav 31.20s w/o me
[15:06] {cipher} expe 1:1
[15:10] {cipher} out alny .72 +.16
[15:11] {cipher} out cost .20 +.12
[15:12] {cipher} out expe .48 +.18
[15:12] {dino} nice trading cipher
[15:12] {cipher} ty
[15:13] {patel} gj cipher
[15:16] {thomcbell} cipher crazy pace
[15:17] {thomcbell} can u count a box of matches when they fall on the floor?
[15:17] {dptl} lol
[15:17] {cipher} lol what do you think I am Rain Man???
[15:17] {Les} nice exit on cost out +.05
[15:17] {thomcbell} hehe
[15:18] {thomcbell} in a good way
[15:23] {nemo} more volume was done in dark pools last month than on open exchanges
[15:29] {dino} nav spike
[15:30] {cipher} brli l.26
[15:31] {Les} COST again at 102 for a scalp
[15:31] {cipher} nice catch
[15:31] {cipher} missed it
[15:32] {dino} nav sm s .75
[15:32] {dino} too soon
[15:32] {cipher} nav is scary
[15:32] {cipher} moves like a drunk in the dark
[15:33] {dino} lol
[15:35] {dino} one hell of a new hire ceo to add 27% in a day to company value
[15:38] {cipher} out brli .33 +.07
[15:39] {thomcbell} cit big move on increasing vol
01[15:41] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .20 break
01[15:41] {Threei}  If holds  .26
[15:42] {Les} ty dino caught a .80/.90 setup on NAV cover .54
[15:43] {dino} gj
01[15:43] {Threei}  who hit FCX with 2x4 over the head?
[15:43] {Les} will have to log dino and cipher trades. a few weeks of solid setups like this and I'll have to put 100 shares down
[15:43] {Les} perfect timing vad
[15:43] {Les} pivot and vwap at 33
[15:44] {jdetente} FCX deserved it Vad
01[15:44] {Threei}  just a standard setup
[15:44] {dptl} have a good night all see ya tomorrow
01[15:44] {Threei}  lol jd
[15:44] {dino} cya dp
[15:44] {Will49} peace dp
01[15:44] {Threei}  take care dp
[15:44] {Les} cheers dp
01[15:44] {Threei}  let's cover half FCX here
01[15:45] {Threei}  wanted a scalp only, but it fell so fast, maybe has more
01[15:45] {Threei}  stop .21
[15:50] {nemo} yeah, they're expecting the banks to raise dividends off the reports
[15:53] {dino} stop nav -.27
01[15:55] {Threei}  out FCX in full
01[15:55] {Threei}  nice way to finish the day
[15:55] {jdetente} see 2x4 worked
[15:55] {jdetente} and it deserved it
01[15:55] {Threei}  usually does
[15:55] {Will49} Cheers guys
01[15:55] {Threei}  thank you all
[15:55] {patel} gj on FCX
[15:56] {jdetente} Have a good day all. Thanks Vad.
01[15:56] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:56] {patel} take care all
[15:56] {Les} bye jd
[15:56] {Les} good riddance to him
[15:56] {Les} ciao patel
[15:56] {Les} NAV
[15:57] {Les} .96
[15:57] {jdetente} may you lose on all of your paper trades Les :D
[15:57] {Les} take em as seriously as a real trade jd

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6 2013

When you go with main trend, trades are smooth and easy. Silver is still in downtrend, so...

One CAT, two shorts:

Needless to say, it was a very good day, ending with perfect 1:3 short on STT.

Session Time: Wed Mar 06 00:00:00 2013
[09:08] {dino} gm
01[09:08] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:09] {jdetente} Good morning
01[09:09] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:12] {Les}
01[09:14] {Threei}
[09:14] {Les} :)
[09:14] {nemo} I've created a monster...should never have given bunny raisins
[09:14] {Les} likes the sweet stuff hey
[09:15] {nemo} ow....what, you have that all set up to go?
[09:15] {nemo} yeah, ridiculous
[09:15] {nemo} she's sitting on my chest in the middle of the night looking for them...I mean, addict behavior
[09:16] {nemo} FCX very strong this morning
[09:16] {scottie} good morning
01[09:16] {Threei}  scottie :)
[09:16] {Will49} gm
01[09:17] {Threei}  will :)
[09:19] {Les} BBRY itching for a breakdown
[09:20] {nemo} we'll call Les RFA
[09:21] {Will49} afriad to guess what RFA means
[09:22] {Les} piss off Nemo
[09:23] {nemo} Ready, FIRE!, Aim
[09:26] {cipher} gm
01[09:29] {Threei}  cipher :)
01[09:30] {Threei}  SOHU...
01[09:30] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .85 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .95
01[09:32] {Threei}  no go
[09:32] {cipher} EBAY L .64
[09:33] {cipher} out +.01
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .10 break hl
01[09:34] {Threei}  If holds  .20
01[09:38] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .20 break
01[09:38] {Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:40] {Threei}  1:1
[09:40] {Les} +.13 scalp ty
01[09:40] {Threei}  fast and easy
01[09:40] {Threei}  just as we like them
01[09:41] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  51 break hl
01[09:41] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[09:42] {cipher} URBN L .96
[09:43] {cipher} HSNI L.73
01[09:43] {Threei}  SLW if triggers is not a scalp
01[09:43] {Threei}  should have more in it
01[09:44] {Threei}  30 is obvious magnet, and most likely won't hold
[09:44] {cipher} IEP L .01
[09:45] {scottie} missed
[09:45] {jdetente} in at .08
01[09:45] {Threei}  1:1
01[09:46] {Threei}  1:2
[09:46] {Les} screwed my approach so took the scalp +.11 ty
01[09:46] {Threei}  yw...
[09:46] {Les} mucho regret
01[09:47] {Threei}  what is it you managed to screw up in such straightforward play?
01[09:47] {Threei}  1:3
01[09:47] {Threei}  (US) Fed's Plosser: Fed cannot commit to holding its assets; latest round of bond buying was a 'bad idea' - comments to reporters- Seeing some signs of some markets becoming unbalanced - Cautious about becoming too specific on tapering of asset purchases - Fiscal policy at the moment is concerning - Sees a bigger risk that the Fed could tighten too late - Would be hard to commit to not selling assets when inflation starts to rise
[09:48] {Les} took aggressive half entry at loss of .15. was prepped for stop not 2nd entry. pressed for sell again with price of .23...
[09:49] {Les} so I guess pays to stick to plan :)
[09:49] {Will49} wisdom of the day
[09:49] {jdetente} out in full. Tks Vad
01[09:50] {Threei}  yw
[09:50] {Les} if you know of any others Will, pass them now please and save me some time
[09:50] {Will49} you da man les
01[09:50] {Threei}  LVS was two-sided, eh?
[09:51] {Les} was DB at .80 legit setup vad?
[09:51] {cipher} UNXL L .32
01[09:52] {Threei}  yes but there was no clear eantry... kind of arbitrary
[09:52] {Les} j
[09:52] {Les} k
[09:52] {Les} vad fingers
[09:52] {cipher} out UNXL .47 +.15
[09:54] {cipher} out HSNI .28 +.55
[09:54] {dino} gj cipher i missed it at 23.75, stupid
01[09:55] {Threei}  wtg
[09:55] {cipher} ty
[09:56] {nemo} dow ripping
[09:59] {cipher} hsni s .39
[10:00] {scottie} GG s .85 ?
01[10:01] {Threei}  chart's right
[10:01] {scottie} but...
[10:02] {dino} tfm sm l .61
01[10:02] {Threei}  just looks to get invalidated
01[10:02] {Threei}  yeah
[10:03] {dino} stop -.30
[10:03] {scottie} ok
[10:06] {jdetente} miners turning back up
01[10:06] {Threei}  PMs too
01[10:06] {Threei}  they really start look like a hedge to SPY
[10:07] {jdetente} And lack of VXX action
01[10:11] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .65 break hl
01[10:11] {Threei}  If holds  .55
[10:12] {cipher} cov hsni .19 +.20
01[10:14] {Threei}  Invalidated
[10:14] {nemo} pay momo today
[10:18] {scottie} CRUS s .40 ?
01[10:19] {Threei}  hl
01[10:19] {Threei} Short Setup: MRK  .10 break
01[10:19] {Threei}  If holds  .20
[10:22] {cipher} SOHU S .62
[10:23] {cipher} cov .39 +.23
[10:24] {cipher} adp l .12
01[10:29] {Threei}  CRUS 1:1
01[10:29] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:29] {Threei}  nice breakdown
[10:30] {nemo} missed that one
[10:30] {dino} tfm sm l .60
[10:30] {cipher} CRUS L .25
[10:30] {scottie} was invalidated before breakdown
01[10:30] {Threei}  hmm? just touched .55
01[10:30] {Threei}  never broke it
[10:30] {cipher} out CRUS .35 +.10
[10:31] {scottie} trigger was at .40
01[10:31] {Threei}  ugh, you are right... why did I have ,45 in my head
[10:31] {nemo} mine's on my desk
[10:31] {scottie} .45 in your head is not good
[10:33] {nemo} fcx not going down with the market
01[10:33] {Threei}  a lot of disconnects
[10:34] {cipher} adp stopped -.02
01[10:34] {Threei}  no go MRK
[10:34] {jdetente} goodbye MRK
[10:36] {dino} out tfm .90 +.30
[10:36] {cipher} biib l .33
[10:40] {ese} morning.....way late......working on scheduling conflicts with one of my band tours
01[10:40] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .50 break
01[10:41] {Threei}  ese :)
01[10:41] {Threei}  If holds  .60
[10:43] {Will49} ese...where are your priorities:)
[10:44] {ese} with what happened this morning....................drinking!
[10:44] {cipher} out BIIB .85 +.52
[10:45] {dino} gj
[10:45] {ese} pick the bar will............i'm gonna call in sick at school and i'll see you there at 1:00
[10:45] {Will49} :)
[10:46] {cipher} gdx s .83
[10:47] {cipher} biib s .85
[10:49] {cipher} cov biib .71 +.14
[10:49] {dino} gra
[10:50] {Les} TFM
[10:50] {cipher} gra s .95
[10:51] {cipher} cov .51 +.44
[10:51] {cipher} thx dino
[10:51] {dino} gj sm s gra .60
[10:52] {cipher} cov gdx .90 -.07
[10:53] {cipher} biib l .41
[10:53] {dino} cov gra .17, +.43
[10:54] {cipher} stopped biib .19 -.22
[10:55] {Will49} our gunslingers are getting good action this morning
[10:56] {cipher} syna l .66
[10:56] {Les} potential GDX blow off top coming
[10:57] {Les} daily R3 is .16
[10:57] {nemo} don't think it blows off  think 37.25 area maybe
[10:57] {Les} k
[10:58] {dino} dust choking
01[10:58] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .20 break hl
01[10:58] {Threei}  If holds  .30
[11:01] {cipher} SIRO L .33
[11:01] {Les} 37 was it for GDX
01[11:02] {Threei}  1:1
[11:03] {cipher} out syna .75 +.09
[11:03] {cipher} gdx s .85
01[11:04] {Threei}  1:2
[11:04] {patel} out thanks.
01[11:04] {Threei}  yw
[11:04] {Will49} tks Vad
01[11:05] {Threei}  :)
[11:07] {cipher} EVEP DROP
[11:07] {cipher} evep l.65
[11:08] {dino} esv sm l .85
[11:11] {dino} lp's are getting tagged today and yesteray
[11:12] {dino} lstr sm l .15
01[11:13] {Threei}  1:3, my a$$ is out
[11:14] {jdetente} tks Vad.
01[11:14] {Threei}  yw
01[11:16] {Threei}  awww... 1:4
[11:16] {Will49} look away...look away
01[11:18] {Threei}  I don't know where away is
01[11:18] {Threei}  ah, here it is:
01[11:18] {Threei}
[11:19] {patel} no girls in bikinis
[11:19] {cipher} lstr l .00
01[11:19] {Threei}  got some... but don't post them there, for wifey looks at it too
[11:20] {Les} thx cipher joined you after the bounce gdx for +.10
01[11:20] {Threei}  oh, and
[11:20] {Will49} breakwater is hard on the back when sunbathing
01[11:20] {Threei}  lol
[11:20] {Will49} great pics Vad
01[11:20] {Threei}  ty
01[11:21] {Threei}  btw, every time I make new photoblog, automatic e-mail goes to the list of followers... let me know if you want to be on a list
[11:21] {jdetente} yes please
[11:21] {Will49} yes please
[11:21] {Les} you mean you wanna spam  me on FB and email?? :)
01[11:21] {Threei}  if I did, I wouldn't be asking :)
[11:21] {Will49} a liitle art will do you good les
[11:21] {Will49} little
[11:22] {Les} Vad's got me going again in the photography space will
[11:23] {Will49} excellent
[11:25] {dino} lstr stop -.30
[11:25] {cipher} out lstr -.17
[11:26] {nemo} DE interesting
[11:26] {dino} lstr messed w/us back to .99
01[11:27] {Threei}  watching LVS
01[11:27] {Threei}  let's see if we can get it on the usual trick it does midday
01[11:27] {Threei}  .70 break, sharp drop trapping breakout buyers,
01[11:27] {Threei}  and we will try to get it under .60 for bounce
[11:28] {dino} esv stop -.13
[11:29] {thomcbell} I am not following what you are looking to do on LVS Vad
[11:30] {Les} 3 min bb's tightening on DE here. New move coming
[11:30] {cipher} AAWW L .60
01[11:30] {Threei}  false break followed by rinse
01[11:31] {Threei}  I don't want to buy breakout at this time iof the day
01[11:31] {Threei}  instead I want to wait for a rinse,
01[11:31] {Threei}  and when breakout buyers dump theijr shares under .60, I want to try and catch the bottom for bounce scalp
01[11:32] {Threei}  here is breakout
01[11:32] {Threei}  meh, it worked
[11:34] {Les} market was counter thinking your thinking vad
[11:35] {cipher} esv l .61
[11:39] {jdetente} frikin LVS
[11:42] {dino} tcbi s .59
[11:43] {cipher} tcbi s .59
[11:43] {nemo} we
[11:44] {nemo} we'll just call the ciphino
[11:44] {nemo} them
[11:44] {dino} lol
[11:44] {nemo} algo's not giving the gap close today
[11:46] {Les} ty dino esv for .19
[11:47] {dino} yw
[11:47] {cipher} out esv .82 +.21 thx dino
[11:48] {cipher} evep to .80
[11:48] {dino} lstr sm l .04 ave
[11:48] {nemo} that looks like going above 58
01[11:48] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .80 break
01[11:48] {Threei}  If holds  .90
[11:50] {cipher} hoping that evep will get short squeeze
[11:51] {cipher} lstr l .08 tlast try
01[11:53] {Threei}  stop .86
[11:54] {cipher} out lstr -.08
[11:54] {cipher} evep to .53
[11:55] {cipher} target .30
[11:57] {dino} cov tcbi .38, +.21
01[11:58] {Threei}  1:1
[11:58] {dino} esv to .88
[12:00] {dino} stop lstr .97 -.07
[12:00] {dino} out esv +.28
[12:01] {Les} i could kiss you vad
01[12:01] {Threei}  1:2
01[12:01] {Threei}  ummm... handshake?
[12:01] {Les} gangham style
[12:01] {dino} brb
[12:02] {Will49} out tks Vad
01[12:02] {Threei}  :)
[12:03] {cipher} CBRL L.12
[12:09] {Les} looks like market addicts need another fed injection
01[12:10] {Threei}  since next fed chairman is yellen, it's forthcoming
01[12:15] {Threei}  why does my trading log gets hits from the site
01[12:15] {Threei}  are you guys talking about purses when I am not looking?
[12:16] {dino} wpz
[12:16] {Les} I'm a longchamp man myself
[12:25] {dino} esv?
01[12:27] {Threei}  no news
[12:27] {dino} ex div is all i see
[12:27] {dino} sm l .50 trig
01[12:27] {Threei}  yeah but that's Feb 26
[12:28] {Les} bullish divergence buiding here on ESV
[12:28] {thomcbell} now lets wait for a setup
[12:34] {Les} IWM db?
[12:34] {dino} mgln
[12:36] {dino} missed it
01[12:40] {Threei}  visual:
[12:42] {Will49} keeper
[12:43] {Les} DB worked for a TNA scalp on paper +.25
[12:48] {cipher} ftnt l .14
[12:54] {dino} jci
01[12:54] {Threei}  JCI Said to be evaluating the sale of its auto interior segment - financial press -
[12:59] {cipher} out ftnt .21 +.07
[13:03] {cipher} arii l .27
[13:11] {dino} jci sm s .70
[13:14] {dino} stop -.31
[13:21] {dino} jci sm s .35
[13:22] {thomcbell} esv nice
[13:23] {dino} indeed
[13:27] {dino} bidu drop
[13:28] {Les} +.34 on JCI ty dino
[13:28] {Les} paper trade
[13:28] {dino} gj
[13:32] {cipher} bidu l .72
[13:32] {cipher} out .88
[13:32] {cipher} thx dino
[13:32] {dino} np, gj
[13:32] {dino} any chance it searches out vwap?
[13:33] {cipher} looks weak
[13:33] {dino} jci i mean
[13:34] {nemo} has to get below .80 first
[13:34] {nemo} then .30
[13:34] {dino} .85 tough area so far
[13:34] {dino} out esv .79, +.29
[13:37] {cipher} QCOR DROP
[13:37] {cipher} qcor l.81
[13:37] {Les} rebuilding my account with Vad and trading Dino on paper for a few months. trade structure on Dino setups much clearer now
[13:37] {Les} cipher on the hand scares me
[13:37] {nemo} APC look volume over 20 minutes
[13:37] {dino} cipher is fast
[13:40] {cipher} I play slower stocks as well
[13:40] {nemo} when?
[13:40] {cipher} but of course prefer fast ones
[13:41] {nemo} cipher speak with forked tongue
[13:41] {dino} you must be younger than i cipher
[13:41] {cipher} out qcor .09 +.28
[13:41] {dino} gj
[13:41] {cipher} not by much
[13:41] {cipher} ty
[13:44] {cipher} arii to .47
[13:49] {cipher} out arii .45 +.18
[14:01] {cipher} AMZN L .00
[14:02] {dino} cov jci .74, +61
[14:02] {dino} .61
[14:07] {cipher} out amzn .18 +.18
[14:07] {dino} gj
[14:08] {cipher} ty
[14:10] {cipher} life s .83
[14:10] {cipher} cov .70 +.13
[14:13] {cipher} life l .36
[14:16] {cipher} out .49
[14:20] {Les} fcx
[14:31] {nemo}
[14:33] {cipher} amzn l .16
[14:37] {cipher} out .44 +.28
[14:43] {dino} aegr
[14:47] {nemo} they're gonna' run this thing
01[14:50] {Threei}  Dell Inc Carl Icahn is said to built a 6% stake and to have urged the board's special committee to pursue a leveraged recapitalization - CNBC's Faber- Icahn stake of around 6% would be over 100M shares; may be filing his 13D disclosure shortly.
[14:56] {jdetente} these slow grind up days...on verge of passing out from boredom.
[14:56] {nemo} at least you don't have to talk to Les
[14:57] {jdetente} I don't want to become an afternoon drinker like some people here...
[14:57] {nemo} That's rather offensive....
[14:57] {nemo} I start in the morning
01[14:57] {Threei}  you mean you want to remain a morning drinker?
[14:58] {jdetente} drinking is best first part and last part of the day
[14:58] {jdetente} the afternoon though...a bit depressing hehe
[14:59] {cipher} life l .28
[15:02] {Les} out +.13 Nemo thanks
[15:02] {cipher} aegr s .87
[15:02] {nemo} Oh, you're very welcome Les
06[15:03] * nemo {=polite
[15:04] {Les} sickly sweet insincerity comes across loud and clear with Nemo, even on the net
01[15:06] {Threei}  oh come on, could have been much worse... he could say "my pleasure, to serve you is first thought I wake up with every morning, you make my day by acknowldeging my modest effort"
[15:06] {Will49} ha
[15:06] {dino} vips
01[15:06] {Threei}  and that would drip with sarcasm so thick, internet would stop funstioning for a day
[15:09] {cipher} vips wow
[15:10] {cipher} out life -.11
[15:12] {cipher} cov aegr .74 +.13
[15:12] {dino} gj, its tough to get out of
[15:13] {cipher} ty
[15:15] {cipher} vips drop again
01[15:15] {Threei} Short Setup: STT  59 break
01[15:15] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[15:16] {cipher} vips l .74
[15:17] {dino} cov aegr +.06, ting too jumpy
[15:20] {cipher} disca l .50
[15:20] {dino} dust sm l .28
[15:27] {cipher} out disca -.06
[15:29] {dino} dust stop -.26
01[15:34] {Threei}  1:1
[15:35] {cipher} disca l.00
01[15:39] {Threei}  1:2
[15:40] {patel} out at .77 thanks VAD
[15:40] {patel} VAD for president
[15:40] {Will49} out tkd Vad
[15:40] {cipher} out disca .28 +.28
[15:40] {Will49} tks
01[15:40] {Threei}  yw guys
[15:40] {jdetente} dittoditto Vad. Ty!
01[15:40] {Threei}  :)
[15:41] {Les}
[15:41] {Les} greed yhere
[15:42] {Will49} good call Vad...good day!
[15:43] {jdetente} yupypu closing the day strong
[15:44] {jdetente} *yup
[15:44] {thomcbell} long setup deck 48.89 break if holding 48.76
01[15:44] {Threei}  1:3
[15:44] {Les} vwaps are failing
01[15:44] {Threei}  over and out
[15:45] {cipher} fngn l.53
[15:47] {thomcbell} invalidated
[15:48] {Les} cover .70 nice scalp ty sir
[15:48] {Les} outta here need my beauty sleep
[15:48] {Les} ty all for great setups great day it was
01[15:50] {Threei}  yw
[15:50] {Will49} aahhhh, les didn't see you say yw
01[15:51] {Threei}  oh well
[15:51] {Will49} we shouldn't bully Les
01[15:51] {Threei}  I will send him e-mail
01[15:51] {Threei}  saying "yw"
[15:51] {Will49} :)
01[15:51] {Threei}  or will greet him by these letters tomorrow
[15:51] {nemo} Will, go to your room
[15:51] {Will49} LOL
[15:53] {jdetente} alright fellas good day. Thanks for the trades Vad.
[15:53] {Will49} Cheers guys...tks Vad -take the rest of the day off
[15:54] {Will49} see....I'm waiting to see if Vad laughs
[15:54] {dino} gn all, thx for ideas
[15:55] {Will49} gn dino
[15:55] {patel} GDX i came with 14 dollars net profit
01[15:55] {Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
[16:01] {cipher} out fngn .70 +.17

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5 2013

Almost perfect day with 6 wins, 1 stop and one breakeven. And about 15 not funny jokes.

Session Time: Tue Mar 05 00:00:00 2013
[09:06] {jdetente} Good morning all
01[09:06] {Threei}  morning jd
[09:08] {dino} gm
01[09:08] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:08] {nemo} Les, you sick?
06[09:08] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a frozen rabbit
[09:10] {dino} nemo, this northeast weather is getting tiresome. 10 degrees f this a.m. only 20 now
[09:10] {nemo} It's not so bad here, but let me look at what's coming
01[09:10] {Threei}  I don't know how you cope guys
[09:10] {nemo} alcohol
01[09:11] {Threei}  oh
[09:11] {scottie} good morning
01[09:11] {Threei}  scottie :)
[09:12] {nemo} yeah, we're getting whacked with snow Wed night and Thurs
[09:13] {cipher} gm
01[09:13] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:19] {Will49} GM
01[09:20] {Threei}  will :)
01[09:20] {Threei}  let's sit out first minutes after opening
[09:20] {nemo} wow, all of 273k shares done on spy this morning so far
[09:23] {Les} morning Nemo. nah playing around with a new juicer. Wicked toy. Thinking up a horror film with my boy... "I juiced my sister..."
[09:24] {ese} morning............
01[09:24] {Threei}  ese :)
[09:24] {Les} new lease on life. quitting alcohol, bacon, drinking raw fruits and veges...
[09:25] {nemo} bacon?
[09:25] {nemo} wtf...
[09:25] {ese} NO!!!!!! WAY!!!!!!!!!
[09:25] {nemo} frickin' liberal
01[09:25] {Threei}  sigh
[09:25] {ese} exactly
[09:25] {Will49} comon
[09:26] {Will49} come on
[09:26] {nemo} obviously he's lost something
[09:26] {Les} Doc put me on Ritalin last week. Found out thru me boy that I have ADD.
01[09:26] {Threei}  sanity?
[09:26] {Les} Ritalin is a great appetite suppresor and was originally marketed so
[09:27] {ese} lol
[09:27] {Les} so going the whole hog with newfound new years resolution
[09:27] {dptl} gm
[09:27] {ese} whiskey still works for me.........cures ADD like nothing else
[09:27] {Will49} well...good for you:)
01[09:27] {Threei}  dp :)
[09:27] {Les} but I think missing variable to my poor performance has been found finally
01[09:28] {Threei}  yeah, but what does bacon have to do with all this
[09:28] {ese} and vads vodka injections
[09:28] {nemo} identified you mean?
[09:28] {Les} nothing, absolutely nothing
[09:28] {Les} whatever nemo
[09:28] {Les} bacon's just a throwover for old time's sake
[09:29] {nemo} jesting about bacon....mmmmmmhhhhh
[09:29] {Will49} you offend all Canadians nemo
[09:29] {Will49} :)
[09:30] {jdetente} you can't quit makes the world go round
[09:30] {nemo} that's fine....but why?
[09:30] {nemo} Will answer the question...
[09:31] {Will49} duhhh
[09:32] {Will49} question is above my pay grade
[09:32] {Will49} Vad says we are not to think
[09:33] {Will49} thinking gets in the way, or something
[09:33] {nemo} then explain your statement
[09:33] {Will49} i refuse to answer on the grounds that...
01[09:33] {Threei}  watching BBRY for short into bounce
[09:33] {Will49} saved by Vad
01[09:34] {Threei} Short Setup: BBRY  .75 break
01[09:35] {Threei}  If holds  .85 
[09:36] {cipher} dltr l .33
01[09:36] {Threei}  back to bounce idea, breakdown invalidated
01[09:37] {Threei} Short Setup: BBRY  .85 break
[09:37] {cipher} out dltr .44 +.11
01[09:38] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .55 break
01[09:38] {Threei}  hl
01[09:38] {Threei}  If holds  .65 
[09:38] {thomcbell} short setup rdn 10.62 break if holding 10.72
01[09:39] {Threei}  all time high DOW
01[09:39] {Threei}  no go SLW
[09:40] {thomcbell} rdn invalid 
01[09:41] {Threei}  rinse
01[09:41] {Threei}  BBRY stop .91
[09:41] {cipher} ebix l.36
01[09:42] {Threei}  should be 1:3er
01[09:42] {Threei}  1:1
[09:42] {cipher} meli s .90
[09:44] {thomcbell} rdn still on watch here 
[09:45] {cipher} bbry +.15 thx
01[09:45] {Threei}  yw
[09:46] {dino} panw sm l .01
01[09:48] {Threei}  1:2
[09:48] {thomcbell} good job vad
[09:48] {scottie} +.18 tks Vad
01[09:48] {Threei}  :)
[09:53] {Will49} nice one Vad
[09:53] {dino} panw stop -.21
01[09:54] {Threei} Long Setup:  JCP  .75 break hl
[09:54] {jdetente} very nice. tks Vad
01[09:54] {Threei}  yw
[09:54] {thomcbell} emn on long watch here 
[09:54] {thomcbell} too wide for us here 
[09:55] {thomcbell} rats rdn 
[09:55] {thomcbell} ago 19.80 short break if holding 19.90 a bit late there 
[09:56] {cipher} cov meli .53 +.37
01[09:59] {Threei}  BBRY stop for the last piece to .71
03[10:00] * Retrieving #discussions modes...
01[10:00] {Threei}  *(US) FEB ISM NON-MANUFACTURING COMPOSITE: 56.0 V 55.0E
[10:00] {dino} wtf panw rinsed and runs .60
[10:01] {Les} slw
01[10:06] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  31 break hl
01[10:07] {Threei}  If holds  .10 
01[10:08] {Threei} Long Setup:  JCP  .60 break hl
01[10:09] {Threei}  If holds  .50 
[10:09] {dino} cree sm s .20
01[10:09] {Threei}  SLW is valid still
[10:10] {cipher} VRSN S .40
01[10:10] {Threei}  JCP, is triggers looks like a good double bottom
01[10:10] {Threei}  1:2 or 1:3
[10:10] {jdetente} stop at .49?
01[10:10] {Threei}  yup
[10:11] {dino} cree stop -.22
01[10:11] {Threei}  SLW nice juicy bid to break
01[10:12] {Threei}  Invalidated  SLW 
01[10:12] {Threei}  still on radar if reconsolidates
01[10:12] {Threei}  couple min in a range
01[10:15] {Threei}  some comparisons of today and last time DOW was at this level
01[10:15] {Threei}  SLW is valid again btw
01[10:15] {Threei}  Regular Gas Price: Then $2.75; Now $3.73
01[10:15] {Threei}  GDP Growth: Then +2.5%; Now +1.6%
01[10:16] {Threei}  Americans Unemployed (in Labor Force): Then 6.7 million; Now 13.2 million
01[10:16] {Threei}  Americans On Food Stamps: Then 26.9 million; Now 47.69 million
01[10:16] {Threei}  Size of Fed's Balance Sheet: Then $0.89 trillion; Now $3.01 trillion
01[10:16] {Threei}  US Debt as a Percentage of GDP: Then ~38%; Now 74.2%
01[10:16] {Threei}  US Deficit (LTM): Then $97 billion; Now $975.6 billion
01[10:16] {Threei}  Total US Debt Oustanding: Then $9.008 trillion; Now $16.43 trillion
01[10:16] {Threei}  Gold: Then $748; Now $1583
[10:18] {Les} how's that buy and hold working for ya
01[10:18] {Threei}  depends on where you bought :)
[10:18] {Les} scalping day today. out .70 JCP ty
01[10:19] {Threei}  yw
[10:19] {Will49} charts all stpped here
01[10:19] {Threei}  mine too
01[10:20] {Threei}  T&S is correct
[10:20] {dino} streetsmartpro 5 days are crashing me
[10:21] {thomcbell} nem just briefly went red despite its being in the spx 500 
[10:22] {Les} no problems in europe
[10:22] {thomcbell} gld looks vulnerable here 
[10:24] {cipher} MDVN drop
[10:24] {dptl} no qoutes laser
[10:25] {jdetente} SLW triggered and went to 1:1
[10:25] {jdetente} covered half and then it bounced to stop
[10:25] {Les} ditto jd
[10:26] {cipher} mdvn l .81
[10:26] {jdetente} Good deal Les. thanks Vad
01[10:26] {Threei}  yw sir
[10:26] {nemo} I'm having some issues...ARCA is toast
[10:27] {nemo} frickin' hackers I'll bet
[10:27] {Les} not yer storm brewing up problems?
[10:28] {Will49} Laser back up
[10:29] {cipher} out mdvn .87
[10:30] {Les} vad slw bouncing on VWAP support at .90 let it consolidate and take it short again?
[10:30] {Les} GLD dropping hard
01[10:31] {Threei}  not sure yet
01[10:31] {Threei}  onw more bounce to establish resistance
[10:31] {cipher} sina drop
01[10:31] {Threei}  like this
[10:31] {Les} k
01[10:32] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .90 break hl
[10:32] {cipher} sina l .42
01[10:32] {Threei}  If holds  31 
[10:32] {nemo} lotta' support just below 48 in sina
01[10:34] {Threei}  goldbugs just can't catch a break
[10:34] {dino} sina sm l .45
[10:36] {ese} htz position L .97 startin to pay off +.34 so far
01[10:36] {Threei}  SLW 1:1
01[10:36] {Threei}  what are we, 4 for 5 today?
[10:37] {jdetente} yup
[10:37] {jdetente} smooth morning
01[10:37] {Threei}  despite gap up and market climb
01[10:37] {Threei}  adjusting
[10:38] {nemo} euphoria day in the markets
[10:38] {cipher} out sina .78 +.36
01[10:38] {Threei}  being this close to all time high, it was obvious magnet
[10:39] {scottie} out +.15 tks Vad
[10:40] {jdetente} 1:2
01[10:40] {Threei}  :)
[10:41] {jdetente} ok it may be time to start early St Patrick's Day celebration...
[10:42] {thomcbell} bbry decent bounce on volume there 
[10:42] {jdetente} now which Irish Whiskey do I want today...mmm
[10:43] {nemo} what was that whiskey with honey you mentioned last week
[10:43] {jdetente} Bushmills Irish Honey
[10:43] {nemo} cool
[10:43] {jdetente} that's a good one. They have another Bushmills called Black Bush that's supposed to be good
[10:43] {jdetente} aged in Sherry Caskets
[10:44] {Les} blend or single malt?
[10:44] {jdetente} blends
[10:44] {cipher} sina reload .56
01[10:45] {Threei}  wow JCP
01[10:45] {Threei}  bottomless
[10:45] {nemo} they may not have merchandise to sell this spring
[10:46] {cipher} out sina .72 +.16
[10:46] {dino} out sina .65, +.20, ty cipher
[10:46] {cipher} yw
[10:48] {ese} there she blows..................all time high for htz
[10:48] {nemo} thar
[10:48] {ese} ahhhhh.....eggzactilly
[10:49] {nemo} I'm from that neck of the woods
01[10:49] {Threei}  "eqzaktly"
01[10:49] {Threei}  come on ese, what's with english, it's horrible
[10:50] {ese} ok vad..........need some experience here............been along long while since i've been in this kinda resistance far can i expect this thing to go.....what forces play on a stock like this or not
[10:50] {Les} jcp capitulation coming
01[10:50] {Threei}  anuone's guess... it's uncharted territory
[10:51] {Les} k
[10:51] {ese} oh......excuse my spelling.......
[10:51] {ese} gotta be some kinda blow off top for a stock like this.......yes
01[10:51] {Threei}  maybe
01[10:52] {Threei}  it may explode in a parabolic move
01[10:52] {Threei}  opr it mauy quietly fizzle out
01[10:52] {Threei}  just trail your stop and let it trade
[10:52] {ese} and i guess anyone stupid enough to short it is gonna fuel it going higher
01[10:53] {Threei}  pretty much, yes
[10:54] {ese} the anal...sists are saying 23...........that works for me
[10:55] {Will49} painful
01[10:55] {Threei}  just keep in mind, they have zero idea
01[10:55] {Threei}  zilch
[10:55] {ese} hmmmmmmm......speaking from experience per chance there will
01[10:56] {Threei}  they throw these numbers out there making sure of one thing only: their face expression is all serious, muzing, reflecting deep thought process
[10:56] {ese} lol
01[10:57] {Threei}  one says 21.80
01[10:57] {Threei}  another says, no 23
01[10:57] {Threei}  meanwhile stock trades at 24.50
01[10:57] {Threei}  how many times have we seen this?
[10:57] {cipher} jcp l.17
[10:57] {ese} lol ya
01[10:57] {Threei}  it's like they don't even have real time quotes
01[10:57] {Threei}  "value added," my a$$
[10:58] {cipher} out.23
[10:58] {ese} that i can an article where one of those duffusses refused to look at real time stuff.......said it was folley
[10:58] {ese} not based in fact or reality
[10:59] {ese} wonder if he's still employed anywhere
01[10:59] {Threei}  imbecile
[10:59] {cipher} my vrsn short from .40 oficially turned into an investment
01[10:59] {Threei}  all he is interested in is his mental constructs
[10:59] {cipher} been sitting on it for an hour
01[11:00] {Threei}  lol cipher
[11:00] {ese} remember reading that just before or after I got onto this board about 4/5 years ago
01[11:00] {Threei}  those folks don't get that the price is the only reality
[11:00] {ese} lol...good one C.......that used to happen here before vad
[11:01] {cipher} are you saying this room was here before vad???
01[11:01] {Threei}  lol
[11:01] {dino} this rooms always been here
[11:02] {dino} i think jesse livermoor started it
[11:02] {dino} or al gore?
[11:02] {cipher} gotcha
[11:02] {cipher} :)
01[11:02] {Threei}  oh and btw, I am here just to pit wallpaper on
[11:02] {thomcbell} love the al gore - 
01[11:02] {Threei}  accidentally dropped some stock advice
[11:02] {ese} lol good one dino
[11:02] {dino} ;)
01[11:03] {Threei}  and everyone thought I was there for that... so I stuck around
[11:03] {Les} JCP again vad for a short?
[11:03] {ese} vad did you buy the room in a combination stock and money deal...........or just straight violent takeover
01[11:03] {Threei}  tempting...
01[11:03] {Threei}  not sure
[11:03] {Les} actually no
[11:03] {cipher} seems like jcp wants to go lower
[11:04] {Les} charts showing bullish divergence don't wanna short it
01[11:04] {Threei}  owner walked out for a min ese
01[11:04] {Threei}  I locked the door from inside
[11:04] {ese} smooth......nobody gets hurt
01[11:05] {Threei}  well... at first... but then he started knocking on the door too often and too loud
[11:05] {ese} lol
01[11:05] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .75 break
[11:05] {ese} hmmmmmmm....I know now trying to figure if that is fact or fiction....hmmmmmmm
01[11:06] {Threei}  If holds  .85 
[11:06] {cipher} cov vrsn .22 +.18
01[11:06] {Threei}  easy to find out ese
[11:07] {ese} check the morgue registry?
01[11:07] {Threei}  next time before opening the door, pry a few voards of the floor
01[11:07] {Threei}  boards
01[11:07] {Threei}  if there is a body under there, true
01[11:07] {Threei}  if not, fiction
01[11:07] {Threei}  Invalidated  LVS 
[11:08] {ese} I said ....I know you......
[11:10] {cipher} clmt dropping
[11:10] {Les} JCP's bounce finished quick back to LoD
[11:10] {cipher} clmt l .60
[11:10] {ese} hey dino.......whats the closet PGA tour event to your place?    Wanna catch one down there sometime......then use your place for after round drinking
[11:11] {thomcbell} 15 big round number on jcp 
[11:11] {dino} lol ese, not really sure on closest pga
[11:11] {cipher} didn't I say jcp wants lower?
[11:12] {cipher} ahy didn't I short the bounce then???
[11:12] {cipher} why
01[11:12] {Threei}  you may have fainted for a min there...
[11:13] {dino} tbell, 10 is bigger
[11:13] {cipher} that's eqzaktly wha happen
01[11:14] {Threei}  as in:
01[11:14] {Threei}  "on 5th hour of dieting, walking by the fridge I must have lost consciousness for a min because next thing I remember, I was washing down a cake with borscht"
[11:14] {cipher} lol
[11:14] {thomcbell} awesome image 
01[11:14] {Threei}  lol
[11:15] {cipher} my last "dieting" ...
[11:15] {cipher} I'm not exactly overweight
[11:15] {cipher} more on a skinny side
[11:15] {cipher} but I tried for 3 months
[11:16] {Les} indexes double topping here?
[11:16] {cipher} wnet from 16.5 body fat to 6.5
01[11:16] {Threei}  wow
[11:16] {jdetente} 6.5???
[11:16] {cipher} yep
[11:16] {cipher} 6.5
[11:16] {Les} anorexic dude
01[11:16] {Threei}  that's anorexia territory
[11:16] {cipher} was also working out
[11:16] {thomcbell} no lasagna in that diet right?
[11:16] {cipher} just to prove the point
[11:16] {cipher} that it can be done
01[11:17] {Threei}  ok... skeleton with muscles
[11:17] {cipher} have pics to prove it
[11:17] {cipher} before and after
[11:17] {ese} is that 6.5 on the Richter scale per chance?
[11:17] {cipher} lol ese
[11:18] {cipher} no lasagna
[11:18] {dino} ayi sm s .15
[11:18] {cipher} and what was even worst...
[11:18] {cipher} no alcohol for the entire 3 months!!!
[11:18] {cipher} I'm a beer connosieur
[11:19] {ese} wife and I are looking to buy a villa......ok apartment on Lago di Como........whanna help with the financing?
[11:19] {jdetente} what kind of beer are you into cipher?
[11:19] {cipher} all kinds
[11:19] {dino} i've been on the ultra and miller 64. atkins for last 7 weeks. -17.5 lbs
[11:19] {jdetente} my buddies and I have been doing a lot of homebrewing lately
01[11:19] {Threei}  tried my favorite?
01[11:20] {Threei}  Innis&Gun
[11:20] {cipher} except the usual AB crap
[11:20] {ese} ? huh
01[11:20] {Threei}  atkins works like charm, dino
[11:20] {cipher} didn't want to spell it ese... anheuser busch
[11:21] {dino} yes
[11:21] {jdetente} lately we've done a Scotch Ale. Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock, and Steam beer
[11:21] {ese} ah
[11:21] {jdetente} lots of fun to brew and it cuts down on drinking costs!
[11:21] {cipher} I'm putting it on my sopping list vad
[11:21] {cipher} shopping
[11:21] {thomcbell} how is that miller 64?
01[11:21] {Threei}  just don't bother with anything but original
[11:21] {Les} ese u mean do I know know any disreputable lender that would provide to an american because no bank would touch them?
[11:22] {dino} like water w/shot of beer
[11:22] {dino} but only 2.4 carbs
[11:22] {ese} rotflol........eggzactilly
[11:22] {thomcbell} interesting 
01[11:22] {Threei} Long Setup:  COG  63 break hl
[11:22] {dino} miller 64 2.4, ultra 2.6, miller lite 3.3, busch light 3.2
01[11:22] {Threei}  If holds  .90 
[11:23] {ese} except that i'm Canadian eh!
[11:23] {ese} heavy on the eh
[11:23] {cipher} the last one I discovered...
[11:23] {cipher} Samuel Smith Chocolate Stout
[11:24] {jdetente} oh that's a good one!
[11:24] {cipher} from a small UK brewery
[11:24] {cipher} yes
[11:24] {jdetente} tried it over the holidays
[11:24] {Les} canadian... american... same thing
[11:24] {ese} htz out 1/2 .61 +.64 2600 to go
01[11:24] {Threei}  just don't say anything like that when in Canada les
[11:24] {Will49} les...WTF
01[11:24] {Threei}  you won't get out of here alive
[11:24] {Les} :)
[11:24] {ese} lol
[11:25] {nemo} we can only hope
01[11:25] {Threei}  COG to-sided
[11:25] {Les} hehehe
01[11:25] {Threei}  two
[11:25] {cipher} btw there's a very good website that rates beers from al over the world
[11:26] {cipher}
[11:26] {jdetente} beeradvocate?
[11:26] {cipher} :)
[11:26] {jdetente} yeah that's a good site they review everything
[11:26] {cc_8} i am logging into right now
[11:26] {ese} anyone tried 
[11:26] {ese} GrimBergen from Belgium
[11:26] {dino} i think its run by stock analysists
[11:26] {ese} very rare to get
01[11:26] {Threei}  look what you've done... corrupted cc_8
[11:27] {ese} only one place on Vancouver island that you can get it........Oak Bay Beach Hotel
[11:27] {cipher} nah, he was already corrupt
[11:27] {jdetente} Here's another one I tried over the holidays. It's a belgian quad. Very tasty
[11:27] {jdetente}
[11:29] {scottie} in .89
[11:29] {dino} ayi stop -.35
[11:30] {nemo} vix not dropping so they're buying hedges up here
[11:30] {jdetente} yup been watching VXX leveling out here
[11:31] {nemo} tlt rising though at vwap
[11:31] {dino} clmt partial l .34
[11:31] {cipher} nice entry 
[11:32] {dino} ty, only got 200
[11:34] {dino} thrx drop
[11:34] {cipher} thrx l.20
[11:35] {cipher} out .39 thx dino
01[11:35] {Threei}  1:1
[11:35] {Les} out for the scalp ty
01[11:35] {Threei}  yw
[11:35] {scottie} half out tks
[11:35] {dino} np
[11:37] {scottie} +.19 tks Vad
[11:37] {jdetente} ditto. thanks
[11:37] {Will49} good one vad tks
01[11:38] {Threei}  out too in full
01[11:38] {Threei}  yw guys
[11:38] {dino} rprx sm l .17
[11:39] {dino} nbl drop
[11:41] {dino} sm l .19
[11:41] {dino} out .61, +.42
[11:41] {cipher} wtg
[11:41] {dino} ty
01[11:50] {Threei}  1,000 flights canceled in Chicago as storm threatens to dump as much as 10 inches of snow
[11:50] {Will49} warming
01[11:51] {Threei}  one and only
01[11:51] {Threei}  living in Victoria, one starts losing perspective of what real winter is like...
01[11:52] {Threei}  this is our winter:
[11:52] {Les} yeh yeh one day earthquake will come along and clean up that smug attitude...
01[11:53] {Threei}  so frikin what
01[11:54] {Threei}  something will happen one day everywhere
[11:54] {cipher} MDVN L .39
[11:54] {Will49} weather great even for smug guys like us
[11:54] {nemo} yeah, and if the Swiss smarten up they'll deport you as a national threat to IQ
[11:54] {Les} where u at will?
[11:54] {Will49} Victoria..where else?
[11:55] {Will49} Vad and I live together in an underground bunker
01[11:55] {Threei}  you want no treat of a quake, live in Saskatoon
01[11:55] {Threei}  congratulations, are you safe
01[11:55] {Threei}  or are you miserable?
[11:57] {Les} who r u talking to? Earthquake rumbles the alps south of here whole damn state will be washed away by the dam breaches
[11:57] {cipher} out MDVN .65 +.26
01[11:58] {Threei}  so, let me get this straight
[11:58] {Les} SLW support pity its lunch
[11:59] {cipher} mdl s.47
01[11:59] {Threei}  our place and yours are equally subjected to quakes, we have great weather, you have cruel winter - and you call us smug?
01[11:59] {Threei}  hell yeas, we are!
[11:59] {Les} :)
[11:59] {Les} dunno if u wanna call it cruel
[12:00] {Les} lot of idiots like the snow
[12:00] {cipher} cov NBL .29 +.18
[12:00] {Will49} we are smack in the middle of a 500 year window for our "big one" so it looks like a two-sided trade to me
[12:01] {Les} qcom
[12:02] {nemo} lunch
[12:02] {nemo} algo bait
[12:03] {Les} fair enough
[12:06] {thomcbell} vad - HCA 37.06 long break if holding 37.03
[12:06] {thomcbell} lol
[12:07] {cipher} CLMT S .30
01[12:07] {Threei}  lol
[12:08] {cipher} cov CLMT .19 +.11
[12:09] {cipher} CLMT L .20
[12:10] {thomcbell} ctsh trying here 
[12:10] {dino} clmt stop -.09
[12:12] {cipher} out  CLMT .36 +.16
[12:13] {dino} another rinse for me, that makes 4 today
[12:18] {cipher} MELI S .75
01[12:19] {Threei}  (ES) IMF: Spain must retain reform momentum, risks to Spain economy and financial sector remain elevated- Spain bank losses are set to rise futher. - Dividend cuts, new share sales are needed to bolster banks
01[12:19] {Threei}  new share sales, eh? but you institute transaction tax, idiots!
[12:20] {Les} hehehe
[12:21] {cipher} cov MELI .79 -.04
[12:21] {dino} tcbi drop
[12:21] {dino} sm l .98
[12:27] {ese} ok all........"time gentleman's time to drink up your beer...time gentleman's time we were no longer here"...hmmmm what was tt from...regardless gotta go cya tomorrow....
[12:27] {dino} cya
01[12:27] {Threei}  take care ese
[12:27] {ese} later D
[12:27] {ese} vad
01[12:30] {Threei}  action stopped
01[12:30] {Threei}  I'll be back in 40 min guys
[12:39] {Les} TCBI killing me
[12:39] {Les} some patience there dino
[12:39] {nemo} we could only hope
[12:40] {Les} you want me to have to call the janitor?
[12:40] {nemo} that's up to you
[12:40] {Les} touché
[12:41] {nemo} douche
[12:42] {dino} lol
[12:42] {nemo} ;-)  pure stream of consciousness
[12:42] {Les} you're an evil man mark
[12:43] {nemo} wow...I'm touched
[12:43] {nemo} thank you
[12:43] {nemo} even from you
[12:44] {Les} yeh well all things being balanced in Tao someone has to do it
[12:44] {nemo} harmony
[12:44] {Les} slwl crapping itself missed the .50 break
[12:45] {Will49} sheesh, i go away fro ten minutes and the kids are fighting
[12:45] {cipher} conn drop
[12:45] {cipher} conn l .56
[12:45] {Will49} kids=les/nemo
[12:46] {cipher} tcbi finally
[12:48] {cipher} out conn .74 +.18
[12:48] {cipher} tcbi +.10 thx dino
[12:50] {cipher} SIVB l.88
[12:51] {dino} np
[12:55] {cipher} TCBI reload .23
[13:01] {cipher} out .32 +.09
[13:03] {cipher} ipgp drop
[13:03] {cipher} ipgp l .05
01[13:07] {Threei}  back
01[13:08] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .75 break hl
[13:09] {scottie} stop .81 or .86 ?
01[13:10] {Threei}  both are valid... but with hl, I'd prefer .86
[13:10] {scottie} tks
[13:13] {cipher} ipgp target .30+
[13:14] {thomcbell} hca long is excruciating 
[13:18] {thomcbell} prlb nice chart - thin - going to do a 47.84 long setup Half lot
[13:20] {thomcbell} good luck getting them 
[13:20] {cipher} ipgp to .23
[13:20] {thomcbell} i got a few hundred
[13:20] {thomcbell} wow 1:2
[13:21] {thomcbell} 1:3
[13:21] {cipher} wtg tbell
[13:21] {thomcbell} stupid 
[13:22] {thomcbell} thanks 
[13:22] {thomcbell} wanted to play it long this am when ssys had the good report 
[13:22] {dino} gj
[13:23] {scottie} out +.09 tks Vad
[13:23] {thomcbell} forgot about it 
01[13:23] {Threei}  FB 1:1
01[13:23] {Threei}  yw
[13:24] {cipher} ipgp at target
[13:26] {dino} nice call, out +.20, ty
[13:26] {thomcbell} PRLB 1:6
[13:26] {cipher} +.18 prlb thx tbell
[13:29] {cipher} out IPGP .44 +.39
[13:29] {thomcbell} OUT PRLB 48.41
[13:30] {cipher} congrats
[13:30] {Will49} nice tbell
[13:31] {cipher} prlb s .22
[13:32] {cipher} cov .96 +.26
[13:32] {thomcbell} thanks guys
[13:32] {cipher} thx for heads up on it
[13:32] {cipher} prlb atm
[13:33] {thomcbell} ago with a bit of consolidation here and thru 20.02 
[13:33] {Will49} out fb tks vad
[13:33] {cipher} ipgp had more juice in it :(
[13:33] {thomcbell} things has traded great all day 
01[13:34] {Threei}  yw
[13:34] {thomcbell} this prlb should be on our radar - it smells like it could be a real performer
01[13:34] {Threei}  1:2, out
[13:37] {scottie} Vad, you needed patience to wait for 1:2 against SPY. What made you keep faith on the trade
[13:37] {scottie} ?
01[13:37] {Threei}  simply lack of anything else to trade, and good buffer from previous trades
[13:37] {cipher} fb l .58
01[13:37] {Threei}  just waited for formal resolution, that's all
[13:38] {cipher} out .60 don't like it here
[13:38] {scottie} ok
[13:38] {dino} out rprx .38, +.21
[13:39] {dino} out tcbi .18, +.20
[13:41] {scottie} Gotta go, tks for profitable day Vad :)
[13:41] {Will49} see ya scottie
01[13:41] {Threei}  very welcome, see you tomorrow
[13:41] {Les} cheers scottie
[13:42] {cipher} ipgp s .49
[13:42] {thomcbell} jcp may be a donut 
[13:43] {thomcbell} 30% decline fter earnings
[13:43] {scottie} gn all
[13:43] {thomcbell} wow prlb
[13:45] {cipher} cov ipgp .33 +.16
[13:46] {dino} idcc sm s .50
[13:47] {thomcbell} ok AGO long setup 20.02 break if holding 19.94
[13:52] {dino} pzza spike
[14:02] {dino} cov/stop idcc .43, +.07
[14:05] {cipher} pzza s .40
[14:10] {cipher} pzza should go below 58
[14:11] {dino} none avail here
[14:12] {cipher} mdso drop
[14:18] {cipher} mdso l .44
[14:28] {dino} ect
[14:28] {cipher} out mdso .53 +.09
[14:29] {cipher} cbst drop
[14:29] {cipher} cbst ..22
[14:29] {cipher} long
[14:29] {thomcbell} ago invalidated
[14:32] {cipher} out CBST .39 +.17
[14:33] {Les} GDX
[14:35] {dino} gwre sm l .67
01[14:37] {Threei}  rofl... "I have a condition called "selective hearing," so if I don't answer, it's because my medical condition filters out bs"
01[14:40] {Threei}  come on... it's funny!
[14:40] {Will49} hahaha
01[14:40] {Threei}  sigh
01[14:40] {Threei}  I won't call 6 wins out of 7 anymore
[14:41] {Will49} :)
[14:41] {Will49} we're all daydreaming about how to spend our new-found fortune
[14:41] {Will49} so not seeing your jokes
[14:42] {Will49} apologies
01[14:42] {Threei}  sniff sniff
[14:46] {cipher} pzza finally
[14:46] {cipher} expecting rug pull on it
01[14:47] {Threei}  watching JCP for another dive and long entry for bounce scalp
[14:55] {thomcbell} how do you all think we close 
[14:56] {dino} +80
[14:56] {nemo} with Vad making a bad joke
[14:56] {dino} roflol
[14:56] {Les} lo
[14:56] {Les} lol
01[14:57] {Threei}  let me think of one
[14:57] {thomcbell} divergences in breakout of indexes 
[14:57] {Les} fine form today nemo
[14:57] {nemo} yeah, but they're right at vwap or very close
[14:58] {nemo} with Europe closing so strong I doubt we go much lower...famous last words of course
[14:58] {thomcbell} dow and spx are both through - but comp possibly failing - and russell not close at this point 
[14:59] {nemo} russell and spy spitting distance from vwap, as are finnies and dow and QQQs...I just don't see them selling off, unless they want to preempt a European retrace
[15:01] {nemo} Come up with one yet, Pahan?
[15:01] {nemo} if market weakens though, lvs good short
[15:03] {nemo} btw...WR1 is 92.02 in IWM
[15:03] {Les} SLW back at yesterdays low
[15:03] {nemo} finnies just above MR1
[15:04] {nemo} now they're getting jerky
[15:04] {dino} out gwre .97, +.30
[15:08] {cipher} infi s .88
[15:08] {thomcbell} jcp explosion
[15:08] {Will49} yikes
01[15:09] {Threei}  just as I was getting ready to call it
01[15:09] {Threei}  JCP Investors could be pushing to replace CEO
[15:09] {nemo} careful .66 pivot cipher
[15:10] {cipher} k thx
01[15:10] {Threei}  or demand sale of the company if sales continue to slide lower
01[15:10] {Threei}  amazing... just as setup formed
[15:14] {cipher} out INFI .78 +.10
[15:15] {cipher} out pzza .13 +.27
[15:15] {cipher} very dissapointed with pzza
[15:15] {Will49} too little cheese?
[15:15] {cipher} yep
[15:23] {dino} bummer gwre keeps going up
[15:25] {Les} SLW ready for a new short vad?
01[15:25] {Threei}  yeah
01[15:25] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .20 break
01[15:26] {Threei}  juggled between this and FB .35
[15:28] {cipher} pzza l .30
[15:29] {thomcbell} wow did that jcp rally get stuffed 
[15:33] {nemo} arguably, iwm looks long here, but....
[15:33] {cipher} out pzza .51 +.21
[15:34] {dino} sohu
[15:34] {cipher} wow
[15:35] {nemo} what u do cipher?
[15:35] {cipher} watch
[15:35] {dino} sm l .92
[15:35] {cipher} no guts
[15:35] {nemo} de-listing chatter
[15:35] {cipher} s .95
01[15:35] {Threei}  from nasdaq
[15:36] {nemo} getting sick of the subterfuge
01[15:36] {Threei}  no word of listing somewhere else
[15:36] {dino} out 41.40, +.48
[15:36] {dino} wicked ride
[15:37] {cipher} cov .35 +.60
[15:37] {cipher} wow
[15:37] {nemo} omg
[15:37] {dino} f#ck, went 2 bucks more
[15:37] {cipher} glad i'm out
[15:37] {nemo} try 4 dino
[15:37] {nemo} 5
[15:37] {cipher} holy s*!t
[15:37] {nemo} 6
[15:37] {dino} crying...
[15:38] {dino} news?
[15:38] {nemo} might be de listed
[15:38] {cipher} s sohu .92
[15:38] {cipher} cov .55
01[15:38] {Threei}  05 Mar 15:34[SOHU] Said to be preparing to delist from Nasdaq as it enters talks on financing to consider going private
[15:38] {cipher} +.37
[15:38] {thomcbell} what stock are u talking about 
[15:39] {cipher} brb...diaper break
01[15:39] {Threei}  lol
[15:39] {cipher} made my day
[15:39] {Will49} haha
[15:39] {dino} sohu
[15:40] {thomcbell} jcp 15.15 long break if holding 15
[15:40] {nemo} look what id did to bidu
[15:40] {nemo} and sina
[15:40] {dino} sob and i sold at 41.40
[15:41] {nemo} just be glad you didn't short, Cipher came close to losing his ass
[15:41] {cipher} dino you did the right thing
[15:41] {cipher} no kidding nemo
[15:41] {dino} yeah, unknowns, but wow
[15:41] {nemo} woulda shoulda coulda, you wouldn't have been able to get out
[15:41] {cipher} this just confirms that anything can happen
[15:42] {cipher} you never know
[15:42] {dino} eggzacally
[15:42] {Will49} live by the sword......
01[15:42] {Threei}  and wear diaper
06[15:42] * nemo slaps dino around with a "Dictionary of the English Language according to Vad"
[15:42] {Will49} the slap did it
[15:43] {dino} i like to think of the capitulation buys as "the quick or the dead"
[15:47] {dino} wow cyou, sina, bidu all popping on sohu
01[15:53] {Threei}  scratching SLW brealeven
01[15:53] {Threei}  time's running out
[15:53] {cipher} shpg l.78
[15:54] {cipher} out .86 
[15:54] {Will49} excellent day Vad...tks
01[15:56] {Threei}  :)
01[15:56] {Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:56] {Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:56] {Les} cheers
[15:56] {jdetente} great day thanks Vad. Have a good one.
[15:57] {thomcbell} take care all
[16:01] {dino} thx all
[16:01] {dino} gn

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4 2013

Catch of the Day, GDX short, making new multi-year lows. Power of a trend carries your trade to profits.

Somewhat rough start to the day, then we hit our stride and righted it into profit with a few nicely winning ones in a row, GDX above being one of five.

Session Close: Mon Mar 04 00:36:41 2013

[08:59] {dino} gm
01[09:00] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:11] {jdetente} good morning
01[09:11] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:11] {nemo} JD?
[09:11] {nemo} oh
[09:11] {nemo} got excited for a minute
[09:12] {Les} bit early even for a pisshead
[09:12] {nemo} it's after lunch in Switzerland
[09:12] {Les} always 5pm somewhere
[09:13] {nemo} yep
[09:21] {scottie} good morning
01[09:21] {Threei}  scottie :)
[09:23] {ese} morning
01[09:23] {Threei}  ese :)
[09:23] {ese} wasn't able to make it to the board friday........
[09:24] {ese} to busy prepreping for the Union Club 100 anniv celebration on saturday night
[09:24] {dino} your fired
[09:25] {ese} tks
[09:25] {dino} :)
[09:25] {nemo} homonymic issues dino?
[09:25] {Will49} Good morning
[09:25] {ese} it's the wealthy of weathy club here in victoria.......the premier of the province gets an honnary membership
01[09:25] {Threei}  FCX... break of .30 on daily looks tempting for short
01[09:25] {Threei}  will :)
[09:25] {ese} will
[09:26] {Will49} hi ese
01[09:26] {Threei}  really ese?? just bfore dumping her as premier, lol
[09:26] {ese} she was invited but didn't show up
[09:27] {ese} little to much controversy lately
[09:27] {cipher} gm
01[09:27] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:27] {ese} C
01[09:30] {Threei}  FB swan dive
[09:31] {ese} as it should be
01[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .70 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .60
[09:31] {ese} supposedly loosing 5 to 10K accounts a day
[09:32] {thomcbell} looking for long setup bbry
01[09:32] {Threei}  not ready yet
01[09:32] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .30 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  If holds  .40
[09:35] {cipher} bidu l .23
[09:35] {dptl} gm
01[09:35] {Threei}  dp
[09:35] {thomcbell} bbry long setup 13.29 break if holding 13.18
[09:36] {cipher} out bidu -.24
01[09:36] {Threei}  FCX stop to .36
01[09:36] {Threei}  .25 becomes critical support
01[09:36] {Threei}  when lost, 1:2 should be easy
[09:37] {cipher} BIDU L .68
[09:40] {thomcbell} bbry invalidated
[09:41] {cipher} scss l .94
01[09:41] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .40 break
01[09:42] {Threei}  If holds  .50
[09:44] {jdetente} stopped FCX
01[09:45] {Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  49 break
01[09:45] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:47] {Threei}  grrr
01[09:54] {Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .80 break
[09:54] {cipher} VRA L .40
01[09:55] {Threei}  was it out of bounds print at .91?
[09:56] {jdetente} didn't see it go to .91...
01[09:56] {Threei}  neither did I, had sell at .90
01[09:56] {Threei}  must be erroneous print
[09:57] {Les} slw
[09:57] {jdetente} frikin FB
01[09:57] {Threei}  wtf
01[09:57] {Threei}  not delighted
01[09:59] {Threei}  SKW short is valid
01[09:59] {Threei}  SLW
01[10:00] {Threei}  target 1:3
[10:04] {nemo} is the market trading?
01[10:05] {Threei}  in a very wierd way
01[10:06] {Threei}  as if everyone is afraid to cough
[10:06] {dino} slow
[10:07] {thomcbell} bbry long setup 13.09 break if holding 12.98
[10:07] {Les} banksters weak again as indexes try for higher
01[10:07] {Threei}  1:1
[10:11] {Les} JPM
[10:14] {thomcbell} bbry invalidated
01[10:14] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .10 break hl
01[10:14] {Threei}  If holds  90
01[10:16] {Threei}  1:1
[10:16] {dino} csod partial s .98
01[10:21] {Threei}  SLW 1:2
[10:23] {thomcbell} 1 more time b bbry 13.05 break
[10:23] {thomcbell} if holding 12.95
[10:25] {Les} potential db on iwm scalping off tna
[10:25] {cipher} out vra .47 +.07
01[10:26] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  90 break hl
01[10:26] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[10:30] {Les} 2 way?
01[10:31] {Threei}  can't tell
[10:34] {dino} stop csod -.32
01[10:38] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
[10:40] {thomcbell} bbry 1:1
01[10:42] {Threei}  one of the wierdest mornings
[10:42] {nemo} o.k. so it's not just me
[10:42] {cipher} and me
[10:42] {cipher} sitting on hands
[10:42] {cipher} notings works
[10:43] {jdetente} we're in bizarro world today
[10:43] {nemo} Well, it is us cipher, it's just that the market is apeing us today
01[10:43] {Threei}  where did this spike come from
[10:43] {dino} same here cipher
[10:44] {Will49} wither thou goest
01[10:45] {Threei}  a.k.a., Quo vadis
01[10:46] {Threei}  die already GDX
[10:46] {Will49} even praying doesn't help this morning
01[10:51] {Threei}  stop .76 GDX
[10:52] {thomcbell} flat second half of bbry
[10:53] {thomcbell} 13.05
01[10:54] {Threei}  unless it's just a monay morning confusion, this strange market behabios might be just what we qwant - sign of radical change coming
[10:54] {thomcbell} y
01[10:54] {Threei}  jeez, typing...
[10:57] {Les} CAT hesitates at the lows
01[10:58] {Threei}  3 cents more, GDX?
01[10:58] {Threei}  then lose .60 and die?
01[10:59] {Threei}  please?
01[10:59] {Threei}  (trying to kill it with kindness)
[10:59] {Les} never been your strong suit
01[10:59] {Threei}  no
01[10:59] {Threei}  and, if killing with kindness doesn't work, baseball bat is right there
[11:00] {Will49} Vad always speaks kindly of you Les:)
01[11:00] {Threei}  once again have to notice, GDX moves in opposite to SPY
01[11:00] {Threei}  so does SLW
01[11:00] {Threei}  grrr SLW, look at it
01[11:01] {Threei}  ok... 1:1 GDX
01[11:01] {Threei}  hopefully that's not all it has in the store for us
01[11:02] {Threei}  being third win a row, makes morning a bit brighter, but far from the morning of my dreams
[11:02] {Les} .45 is vwap resistance for FAS banksters getting cold shoulder here
01[11:05] {Threei}  market spike... time to die, GDX
01[11:07] {Threei}  see? market drop kept it from breakdown
01[11:08] {Threei}  precious metals are seen as hedge,
01[11:09] {Threei}  and miners, represented by GDX, are first to drop
01[11:15] {Threei}  good boy
01[11:15] {Threei}  do 5 cents more
01[11:16] {Threei}  look at GDX daily
[11:16] {Les} ready to vomit sooner or later
01[11:17] {Threei}  going 4 years back, no such lows
01[11:17] {Threei}  and no support in sight
01[11:22] {Threei}  1:2 baby
01[11:23] {Threei}  ok... 1:3 and I am almost happy camper
01[11:23] {Threei}  let's say, content camper
01[11:28] {Threei}  new low
01[11:30] {Threei}  ok, this I gotta share
01[11:30] {Threei}  new line of perfume for traders, Spray'n'Profit
01[11:30] {Threei}  credit to cc_8
01[11:31] {Threei}  no?
01[11:31] {Threei}  oh well
[11:32] {Will49} how about spray n pray?
[11:33] {Will49} no?
[11:33] {Will49} oh well
01[11:34] {Threei}  tough crowd will
[11:34] {Will49} :)
[11:34] {Will49} all alseep
[11:34] {Will49} asleep
[11:34] {cc_8} lol
[11:35] {Les} nice one on GDX
01[11:35] {Threei}  will be in 6 cents
[11:36] {Les} c&h JPM?
01[11:37] {Threei}  yes...
01[11:37] {Threei}  not sure I want to play it
[11:37] {Les} y
[11:38] {thomcbell} bbry 13.16 break - if holding 13.05
01[11:49] {Threei}  GDX...
01[11:50] {Threei}  my carefully nurtured baby
01[11:51] {Threei}  (IR) Israel PM Netanyahu: Iran has not crossed the red line with its nuclear program, but it keeps getting closer- Neither words nor sanctions will stop Iran, a credible military threat is needed. - Iran is using negotiations to run out the clock.
01[11:51] {Threei}  1:3
[11:51] {Will49} tks Vad out
01[11:52] {Threei}  I'll be out with first uptick
01[11:52] {Threei}  finger on a trigger
[11:52] {Will49} see why you stayed
01[11:52] {Threei}  out .36
01[11:52] {Threei}  whew
01[11:52] {Threei}  day saver trade
[11:52] {Will49} i can put my straight razor away now:)
01[11:53] {Threei}  hehe
[11:53] {jdetente} out .35...awesome trade. day getting more delightful
01[11:53] {Threei}  :)
01[11:59] {Threei}  visual:
[11:59] {thomcbell} IM still long bbry from 13.15 buy stop - but now setup looking better
01[12:01] {Threei}  wow GDX... underestimated
01[12:01] {Threei}  I guess I was eager to fix the day :)
[12:01] {Will49} greedy, greedy
[12:01] {Will49} :)
01[12:01] {Threei}  not greedy enouhg in this instance :)
[12:01] {nemo} fearful fearful fearful
01[12:02] {Threei}  goldbugs must be pulling hair out of their heads seeing this move
01[12:04] {Threei}  week hasn't started yet and we already have a winner in stupidest comment contest:
01[12:04] {Threei}  (EU) Former-ECB chief Trichet: Europe monetary union has been a great success; Europe needs an economic and monetary union.
[12:17] {thomcbell} short setup splk 37.58 break if holding 37.66
01[12:17] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .60 break
01[12:21] {Threei}  wtf
01[12:22] {Threei}  1 cent to 1:1
[12:22] {jdetente} what the heck was that..
01[12:23] {Threei}  no idea, no news
[12:23] {thomcbell} long setup mbi 10.75 break if holding 10.65
[12:24] {jdetente} I was contemplating taking .51 on that sucker too
01[12:26] {Threei}  I am out
01[12:26] {Threei}  this is too weird
[12:27] {jdetente} FB does not like us today
[12:28] {nemo} at least I'm consistent
[12:28] {jdetente} lol
[12:28] {nemo} subtle, huh?
[12:30] {dino} vxx l .30
[12:32] {thomcbell} out bbry with tiny profit
[12:32] {dino} out vxx .42, +.12
[12:47] {dino} pamw sm l .40
[12:50] {dino} bidu sm l .95
[12:51] {thomcbell} mbi out balance
[12:51] {thomcbell} 1:5
[12:52] {thomcbell} holy bathroom run
01[12:53] {Threei}  lol
01[12:56] {Threei}  (EU) ECB said to refute press speculation that indicated the ECB has considered exiting the Troika due to concerns about central bank independence - financial press- An earlier German press story suggested that the ECB was considering separating itself from the Troika structure with the IMF and EC because of worries about political influence in both directions; ECB members are said to be concerned that the Troika may exhibit undue influence on central bank policy, and in turn that the ECB may have increased influence on European politics. -
[12:56] {thomcbell} covering half of splk here flat at 37.59
[12:57] {thomcbell} wow - mbi just hit 1:9
01[12:57] {Threei}  I don't see any news on it
01[12:57] {Threei}  ahh here it is
01[12:57] {Threei}  MBI Said to have defeated lawsuit on 2009 lawsuit regarding restructuring
[12:59] {dino} out panw .69, +.29
[12:59] {thomcbell} better to be lucky than good i suppose vad
01[12:59] {Threei}  :)
[13:00] {dino} indeed
[13:04] {thomcbell} 1:18
[13:05] {thomcbell} hehe
01[13:05] {Threei}  lol'
[13:05] {jdetente} yowzas
[13:06] {dino} i can't borrow it
01[13:06] {Threei}  so far, it has been a good thing, lol
[13:06] {dino} yeah, so far, but...
[13:09] {dino} panw sm l .04
[13:18] {dino} bidu to b/e
[13:21] {dino} out panw .34, +.30
01[13:21] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .50 break
[13:30] {dino} out bidu .29, +.34
[13:53] {dino} depo
[13:53] {dino} sm s .96
01[13:54] {Threei}  wow GDX
[14:00] {dino} depo to .91, thing isn't dropping
[14:01] {dino} stop flat w/slip
[14:15] {Les} wake up vad slw broke trigger
01[14:16] {Threei}  yes... yawn...
01[14:16] {Threei}  2-3 hours more, and it may even reach 1:1
01[14:16] {Threei}  yes, you heard that right - today!
01[14:22] {Threei}  wow
01[14:22] {Threei}  maybe even faster
01[14:22] {Threei}  I am about to faint
[14:25] {scottie} half out .41 tks Vad
[14:26] {Will49} yes, tks for fainting
01[14:27] {Threei}  hah? umm... what happened?
[14:30] {Will49} hey there scottie...where you been?
[14:30] {scottie} hanging around... loosing money... well
[14:31] {Will49} too. education is expensive eh?
[14:31] {Les} big c and h here on IWM
[14:31] {Will49} but effective
[14:31] {scottie} managed to catch all the loosers, this is my first winner :)
01[14:31] {Threei}  wow
01[14:31] {Threei}  how... winners were not all that fast
[14:32] {scottie} I know, but took some time off
[14:32] {Will49} scottie. i told you never say that out loud when Vad's around :)
[14:32] {scottie} lol
[14:33] {Will49} he'll take the ruler to us
[14:34] {Will49} any of you younuns know what means?
[14:34] {Will49} young-uns
[14:34] {scottie} I'm not that young, I remember l0l
[14:35] {Will49} :)
01[14:35] {Threei}  what ruler... 2x4, and if that doesn't work, nemo comes in play wi'th ak-47
[14:36] {scottie} out +.19 finally tks Vad :)
01[14:36] {Threei}  yw :)
[14:36] {Les} last piece here ty vad took some time but the drugs help...
01[14:36] {Threei}  I am holding out for 1:3
[14:37] {Will49} tks Vad...getting brighter out there
01[14:37] {Threei}  this one made day nicely green
01[14:38] {Threei}  3 before that, with FDX being 1:3er, evened it out
01[14:38] {Threei}  GDX
01[14:45] {Threei}  1:2
01[14:45] {Threei}  1:3
01[14:45] {Threei}  me out
01[14:45] {Threei}  me happy
[14:45] {Will49} wtg Vad
01[14:45] {Threei}  ty
01[14:45] {Threei}  rough start
01[14:45] {Threei}  ironed out perfectly
[14:48] {dino} tgt
[15:00] {dino} strange day...not many set-ups for my edge
01[15:01] {Threei}  strange is right
01[15:01] {Threei}  only PMs and miners act as I thought they would and in readable manner
01[15:01] {Threei}  the rest is groggy
[15:03] {dino} agree. 07 scanners' running gappy, usually smooth
[15:17] {dino} athn drop
[15:19] {dino} sm l .80 wide
01[15:20] {Threei}  BBRY, looks sad
[15:20] {dino} no go, stop
[15:26] {nemo} remember what I said about bear lube in the post
[15:26] {nemo} ?
[15:27] {dino} rprx gap fill
[15:27] {jdetente} hahaha
01[15:32] {Threei} Short Setup: BBRY  .85 break
[15:33] {scottie}  H&S ?
01[15:35] {Threei}  smaaaal one :)
[15:37] {Les} can't borrow here
01[15:52] {Threei}  stop .86
01[15:55] {Threei}  time's pressing
01[15:55] {Threei}  2 min more
01[15:55] {Threei}  come on BBRY, a few more cents
[15:56] {scottie} out .78 +.06, patience level 0
01[15:56] {Threei}  hehe
01[15:58] {Threei}  oh well, saved by the bell
01[15:58] {Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:58] {Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:58] {scottie} gn all
[15:58] {Will49} Cheers guys
[15:58] {jdetente} Hasta manana