Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apr 18 2013

I guess after two weeks of very strong performance it was a high time for us to have a losing day. Got a few winners to trim the damage down as much as possible and cut down on activity, so it came out as a trivial loss. Some days you are a windshield  some days you are a bug.

Session Time: Thu Apr 18 00:00:00 2013
[08:49] {patel} good morning
[08:49] {nemo} not again...sheesh
01[08:49] {Threei}  lol
01[08:49] {Threei}  patel :)
[09:09] {Les} piss off nemo
[09:09] {Les} right, having got that out of the way
01[09:09] {Threei}  see patel? that's the greeting nemo can appreciate
[09:09] {Les} morning all
01[09:09] {Threei}  les :)
[09:09] {cipher} gm
01[09:10] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:10] {nemo} wombat poker
[09:16] {jdetente} gm
01[09:16] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:20] {Will49} gm
01[09:21] {Threei}  will :)
[09:22] {Alexs} gm
01[09:22] {Threei}  alex :)
01[09:23] {Threei}  shouldn't ese be back from Denmark yet?
[09:23] {dino} gm
01[09:23] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:23] {Will49} don't know
01[09:26] {Threei}  I want to know what exactly is rotten over there
[09:26] {Will49} :)
[09:30] {cc_9} Morning Gents.
01[09:30] {Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:30] {nemo} wow that's raisin Les' status
[09:31] {jfjf64} mornin all
01[09:31] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
[09:31] {backman} gm
01[09:31] {Threei}  jf, bman :)
01[09:32] {Threei}  stop is so obvious, I won't insult your intelligence by mentioning it
[09:33] {Les} better, for Nemo's sakes
[09:33] {Les} -s
01[09:33] {Threei}  not bad
01[09:33] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  22 break
01[09:34] {Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:34] {Threei}  GDX to .76
01[09:34] {Threei}  Invalidated  SLW
01[09:34] {Threei}  for now at least
01[09:35] {Threei}  out GDX
01[09:37] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .10 break
01[09:37] {Threei}  If holds  .20
[09:38] {thomcbell} WOW LVS
01[09:39] {Threei}  frikin GDX
01[09:39] {Threei}  rinse
01[09:39] {Threei}  1:1 SLW
[09:39] {Les} 'they' be reading your blog vad
[09:40] {cipher} BIDU L .99
[09:40] {cipher} TNA L .91
[09:41] {dino} nice bidu entry
[09:43] {patel} SLW frickin rinse for 1:2.
01[09:44] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .10 break hl
01[09:44] {Threei}  If holds  .20
01[09:45] {Threei}  no go
[09:45] {dino} len sm l .86
01[09:46] {Threei}  both GDX and SLW are irritating today
[09:46] {cipher} out BIDU .68 +.69
[09:47] {dino} gj
[09:47] {cipher} ty
[09:47] {dino} tna nice too
[09:48] {dino} sndk drop
01[09:49] {Threei}  nice one cipher
[09:50] {cipher} DECK L .06
01[09:50] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .90 break
01[09:51] {Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:51] {Threei}  change to 28 break
[09:51] {cipher} out DECK -.07
01[09:51] {Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:52] {Threei}  If holds  .10VALID
01[09:52] {Threei}  valid still
[09:52] {cipher} DNKN L.51
[09:54] {thomcbell} at the 50 day dnkn - i joined
01[09:54] {Threei}  no go
01[09:54] {Threei}  not my morning so far
[09:55] {cipher} out DNKN .46 -.05
[09:57] {nemo} sndk short here
01[09:57] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .35 break
01[09:58] {Threei}  If holds  .45
[09:58] {nemo} numbers coming
[09:58] {nemo} philly fed, that could move things
[09:58] {dino} sndk sm l .80
[09:59] {nemo} indexes setup for long
[09:59] {nemo} bad numbers
[09:59] {cipher} SNDK +.26 thx dino
01[09:59] {Threei}  bad
01[09:59] {Threei}  both
[10:00] {dino} yw
01[10:00] {Threei}  Fil Fed 1.3 vs 3E
01[10:00] {Threei}  Leading -.1 vs .1
[10:00] {dino} printing press continues
01[10:01] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:02] {Threei}  1:2
[10:03] {backman} out C...ty
01[10:03] {Threei}  1:3, out
01[10:03] {Threei}  yw
[10:03] {Will49} tks Vad
[10:04] {cipher} ibm l.22
[10:04] {backman} gdx selling ....expect bounce in finnie
[10:04] {cipher} out .48 +.26
01[10:05] {Threei}  nice
01[10:06] {Threei} Short Setup: RIG  .85 break hl
01[10:07] {Threei}  If holds  .95
[10:07] {jdetente} out 1:4 on C. Thanks Vad
01[10:07] {Threei}  :)
[10:07] {thomcbell} rumor about a french bank in trouble a friend tells me
01[10:08] {Threei}  why, out of all countries, French one failing will please me the most...
[10:10] {cipher} IBM L.73
[10:11] {dino} sndk sm l .15 stop lod
[10:11] {backman} any trail on Rig
01[10:12] {Threei}  not yet
01[10:12] {Threei}  meh
[10:13] {Les} stopping here
[10:13] {Les} break time
[10:13] {jdetente} hmmm drinking Les?
[10:13] {jdetente} a little early
[10:14] {Les} :)
[10:14] {dino} elli sm l .95
[10:14] {jdetente} speaking of I tried a pretty good American Rye yesterday :)
[10:14] {Les} nursing a small short in SLW from .20 otherwise wanna let this volatility settle down
[10:14] {jdetente} Bulleit Rye 95
[10:16] {cipher} out IBM .90 +.17
[10:20] {nemo} arguably mos a short here, but it's right at it's 200 day
[10:20] {cipher} IBM L.47
[10:21] {backman} c gonna follow Jpm?
[10:21] {dino} c sm l .00
[10:22] {cipher} out IBM .67 +.20
[10:23] {Les} yanks making whiskey is like a Scottish doing a texas rodeo...
[10:24] {Les} frik it. time to open the new bottle
[10:25] {Will49} Jack Daniels=mother's milk
[10:26] {cipher} FFIV L.45
[10:27] {dino} joining ya at .60
[10:28] {cipher} out FFIV .72 +.26
[10:29] {jdetente} Les you need to go back to putting together your cuckoo clock
[10:29] {thomcbell} fb horrendous today
[10:30] {dino} out ffiv .98, +.38 ty cipher
01[10:30] {Threei}  gj
[10:32] {dino} out c .32, +.32
[10:32] {cipher} yw
[10:33] {dino} 07 all green
[10:33] {backman} out c 1:1
[10:35] {nemo} I think "erudition" is not a word to be affiliated with Les
[10:36] {Les} I'm erudite...
[10:37] {Les} with my wife sometimes
[10:37] {Les} the chickens not so often
[10:37] {Les} just checking the definition
[10:37] {nemo} I would say you are *rud**e
[10:37] {Will49} not rude Les, erudite!
01[10:38] {Threei}  I am luddite... nothing to do with erudite but it rhymes
[10:38] {Les} lol good one
[10:38] {nemo} Phillistine too
[10:38] {nemo} sndk
[10:38] {Will49} things are slowing, let's pile on Les:)
[10:41] {cipher} IBM S.76
[10:44] {cipher} cov .80 -.05
[10:47] {Les} BBY looking like it wants lower but not giving me a setup to work with
[10:49] {Les} GDX SLW cup and handles forming
01[10:51] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .95 break
01[10:52] {Threei}  If holds  .85
01[10:52] {Threei}  aggressive for 81
01[10:52] {Threei}  target 1:3
01[10:53] {Threei}  1:1
[10:54] {Les} screwed it and scalped ty
01[10:54] {Threei}  yw
01[10:55] {Threei}  grrr... 1 cent to 1:2
[10:55] {Les} ran out of ritalin lol and the doc ain't in till tomorrow
[10:55] {Les} not in peak peformance
06[10:55] * Les slants at Nemo slyly
[11:00] {cipher} MELI S .25
[11:00] {nemo} that ritalin or ricin?
[11:02] {Les} do I need to call the FBI?
[11:02] {Les} VAD GDX 28 short?
[11:03] {nemo} heard they've been looking for you
01[11:03] {Threei}  looks like
[11:03] {Les} SLW failing to push premarket resistance
01[11:03] {Threei}  chart is right, I just don't have a good feel for it today
[11:04] {nemo} bet you have a good feel for the vodka bottle?
[11:04] {Les} at this point I'd say something about you having a good feel for bunny but that'd probably be cause for the janitor
[11:06] {Les} ...
[11:06] {nemo} actually Les, your wife was asking about the ricin
01[11:06] {Threei}  what, hemlock doesn't work anymore?
[11:06] {nemo} she muttered something about inflicting suffering
[11:07] {Les} dude, she'd go to a professional not some animal loving liberal tosh who pretends to be bad
01[11:07] {Threei}  you called nemo liberal
[11:08] {Les} yep
01[11:08] {Threei}  this is probably way too far
[11:08] {nemo} ROTFLMAO!!!!!
01[11:08] {Threei}  GDX invalidated
01[11:11] {Threei}  poor AAPL
[11:12] {Les} curious to hear its next numbers release
[11:12] {Les} Ithingy overexpensive gadget BS
[11:12] {Les} BBY .20 break?
[11:12] {Les} holding .30?
[11:12] {nemo} I told bunny...never seen a rabbit roll over on her back laughing before
01[11:13] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .75 break
01[11:13] {Threei}  If holds  .85
[11:14] {cc_9} GDX breaking out a bit here new high
[11:16] {cipher} LBTYA L .06
[11:16] {cipher} UTEK .13
[11:16] {backman} NUGT threatening to do same as gdx
[11:18] {cc_9} ABX also due for a baby comeback.
06[11:22] * Threei hits FB over the head with 2x4
01[11:23] {Threei}  1:1
01[11:23] {Threei}  violence works
[11:23] {cipher} UTEK stopped .80 -.33
01[11:29] {Threei}  1:2
[11:31] {Les} SLW short here just made me flat. will stop until close otherwise just paying the broker
[11:31] {Les} will check in at 3pm a+
01[11:32] {Threei}  day becomes a bit brighter
01[11:32] {Threei}  not really bright yet but brighter
[11:46] {nemo} well, the blackspot did leave for awhile
01[11:46] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .25 break hl
01[11:46] {Threei}  If holds  .35
01[11:47] {Threei}  Invalidated
[11:47] {nemo} spy at 50 should bounce here
01[12:10] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .50 break
01[12:10] {Threei}  If holds  .60
01[12:25] {Threei}  meh
[12:25] {nemo} frickin' Rod Serling Territory
[12:34] {dino} sndk sm l .70 stop lod
[12:35] {backman} long nugt....62   small
01[12:37] {Threei} Short Setup: BBY  23 breask
01[12:37] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[12:39] {backman} out -.06
[12:53] {Will49} we're in probability hell :)
[12:54] {nemo} it would be much worse if Les were here
01[12:54] {Threei}  also known as clkusterf**k :)
[12:54] {dino} out sndk .30, +.60
[12:54] {Will49} LOL
[12:56] {dino} unxl sm l .25
[12:56] {Will49} dino - nice
[12:56] {patel} just coming back
[12:56] {patel} miss anything
[12:56] {Will49} ha
01[12:56] {Threei}  not by me
01[12:56] {Threei}  dino and cipher are still cleaning it
[12:56] {dino} out unxl .63, +.38
[12:56] {Will49} double nice
[12:57] {dino} ty
01[12:57] {Threei}  see?
[12:57] {patel} yeah
[12:58] {nemo}
[13:01] {nemo} fcx potential short
[13:02] {nemo} or long above .60
[13:04] {Will49} amazing utube
[13:04] {nemo} lucky they're in one piece
[13:04] {Will49} amen
[13:04] {nemo} well looks like they want to check the other side of the range
[13:06] {nemo} wow coh
[13:06] {nemo} dino!!!
[13:06] {nemo} news?
[13:07] {dino} m s .10
01[13:07] {Threei}  not that I see
[13:07] {Will49} oh oh, my wife's out shopping
[13:07] {dino} bstop is .40
[13:07] {dino} stop
[13:08] {nemo}
[13:09] {dino} sm s .30
[13:09] {dino} hod bstop
[13:10] {nemo} kors had a sympathy run
[13:11] {dino} cov coh .80, +.50
[13:12] {dino} ty nemo
[13:12] {Will49} will be nice some day when we don't need that Saudi oil
[13:12] {nemo} never happen, they're part of the world cartel
[13:12] {thomcbell} L’Oreal CEO Says Luxury Business Doing ‘Really Well’ in China  12:54   Luxury business performance extremely good in U.S., CEO Jean-Paul Agon says on conf. call. • Only problem in luxury division is S. Korea• Says he’s “pretty happy” with overall growth acceleration in Brazil• Confident eastern Europe is back to sustainable growth
[13:14] {Will49} some day Nemo...not likely in my lifetime though
[13:14] {Will49} there was once a world cartel in whale oil
[13:22] {dino} rh sm l .80, wide
[13:23] {dino} octx drop, otc
[13:31] {nemo} fdx
[13:33] {cc_9} yawwwwwwwwwwwn
[13:34] {nemo} 3rd try at the high for fdx
[13:38] {thomcbell} aapl looks like its going to break again
[13:39] {thomcbell} verizon reported a 33% drop in iphone sales
[13:44] {dino} lulu drop
[13:44] {dino} sm l .80
[13:45] {dino} out lulu .33, +.53
[13:45] {dino} out rh .30, +.50
[13:47] {Will49} nice pair dino
[13:47] {dino} ty
[13:50] {thomcbell} slw 23.16 short break
01[13:51] {Threei}  isn't FB a rat bastard?
[13:52] {patel} I think "rat bastard" was a nicer term for FB.
01[13:53] {Threei}  ok... rat bastard squared?
[13:53] {Will49} we need them to change to symbol to RB
01[13:54] {Threei}  lol
[13:57] {dino} sndk db?
[13:57] {dino} sm l .60
[13:58] {dino} stop is .39
01[13:59] {Threei}  with any luck should give you 53.10 or so
[13:59] {dino} heck of a stock, beats by .05 and raises, then crushed
01[14:02] {Threei}  3 upgrades too
[14:03] {dino} efficeimt market
01[14:04] {Threei}  hehe
01[14:04] {Threei}  frikin FB at 1:2 almost
01[14:05] {Threei}  SNDK loses will to live
[14:05] {dino} good old fade-book
[14:06] {backman} any read on C?
[14:06] {dino} following dji, watch that for c imo
[14:06] {nemo} spy walking the 50 day
01[14:06] {Threei}  45 short is the only setup I see here
01[14:07] {Threei}  if SPY helps, great
[14:07] {backman} tu
01[14:07] {Threei}  if not, leave it be
[14:09] {backman} out JPM 2:1
01[14:10] {Threei}  wtg
[14:12] {dino} gj
[14:12] {dino} sndk was stopped
[14:15] {thomcbell} so was slw
01[14:16] {Threei}  if SPY loses 154, it should turn into cascade
[14:21] {dino} spy gap around 153 feb
[14:24] {cc_9} XIV anyone ? =)
[14:24] {Les} cracking the harder of two nuts in SLW and having my patience tested for it...
[14:26] {dino} sndk sm l .12 stop lod break
[14:27] {cc_9} EBAY interesting here, big candle forming
[14:30] {thomcbell} what time frame cc
[14:31] {cc_9} 15min
[14:34] {dino} meli drop
[14:34] {nemo} love it when silverlight shits the bed
[14:34] {cc_9} tbell, got a 52.08 L with s/l 52.70 $EBAY
[14:35] {cc_9} tgt 53.50 - .75, raising stop to cost on the first break of .25 bid
[14:35] {nemo} you mean 52.80?
[14:35] {cc_9} 53.08* sorry
[14:35] {nemo} don't go Les on us...can't take two of you
[14:37] {cc_9} SPY shitting the bed but EBAY trying hard to hold that 52.75 intraday support
[14:37] {nemo} 154.25ish is the 50 day, not sure SPY is gonna' give that up today
[14:38] {cc_9} nemo, SPY I got my support  @ 153.75 (3/19 & 4/5 + today)
[14:39] {nemo} yeah, but the 50 day is real important
[14:41] {dino} gap around 153
[14:42] {cc_9} Thanks for the alert on MELI dino, so far so good =)
[14:42] {dino} np, gl
[14:42] {nemo} so you have those levels pretty  close together..they ain't gonna' make it easy today
[14:42] {dino} i was waiting at s3, no go
[14:44] {nemo} unh
[14:44] {dino} lowered
[14:45] {cc_9} SPY hanging on to 154 with the skin of its teeth
[14:45] {nemo} the proverbial "hair"
[14:46] {nemo} believe it or not, they're is some upward pressure building on the higher time frames
01[14:47] {Threei}  when
01[14:47] {Threei}  C 1:1
01[14:47] {Threei}  when = whew
01[14:47] {Threei}  took its sweet time eh
[14:47] {Les} and no one told me :(
01[14:48] {Threei}  35 min since trigger
[14:49] {nemo} you should take the hint, Les
[14:49] {cc_9} $153.75ish, im going long there and grabbing my pack of smokes
[14:49] {Les} chose between GDX SLW reversal at 13:30, boy did I choose the wrong stock to short
[14:49] {cc_9} SPY
[14:49] {Les} good one Nemo
[14:50] {nemo} you provide more fertilizer than a herd of cows
[14:50] {Les} and you keep blowing it up
[14:50] {nemo} ?
[14:51] {Les} never mind
[14:51] {nemo} go practice mushin, it should come naturally
[14:52] {Les} naaah not since taking ritalin funnily enough
[14:52] {Les} before as ADD boy, not a problem dropping everything from the mind
[14:53] {cc_9} Lets see if this .70s holds for SPY, thick trendline. Long here, looking for slight reversal
[14:54] {cc_9} also, took the filter off the cig, time to get dizzy
[14:54] {dino} lol
[14:55] {Les} some big volume entering on SPY
[14:55] {nemo} trying to put in a bottom
[14:55] {nemo} yeah, that's serious
[14:55] {cc_9} it only counts when the 15min candle closes. Intraday capitulation
[14:56] {nemo} I've found that of late, over 1.5 million means the big boys are testing the wathers
[14:56] {nemo} over two minutes
[14:57] {cc_9} if by big boys you mean 100 GPUs crossfired, I agree
[14:57] {nemo} or SLI
[14:57] {nemo} no
[14:57] {nemo} institutions
[14:59] {Les} I hate myself for choosing the stronger of the two to short. gotta be able to drop further I says to myself
[14:59] {nemo} do you feel like you're talking to a stump?
[14:59] {Les} with u yes
[14:59] {cc_9} So far so good SPY
[15:00] {Les} good reminder of why we choose relative strength and weakness
[15:00] {nemo} not bad
[15:00] {nemo} what's this "we" shit Tanto?
[15:00] {Les} royal we
[15:01] {nemo} royal "we"
[15:01] {Les} pfff u wanna marry my wife carrying on with bullshit like that
[15:02] {nemo} ain't touchin' that one
[15:03] {Les} :)
[15:03] {cc_9} SPY :
[15:04] {nemo} ahhh crayon level
[15:04] {cc_9} Don't be mad bc you can't into bumblebee style
[15:04] {nemo} I what?
[15:04] {nemo} you sharin' ritalin with this dude, Les?
[15:05] {Les} hehehe yellow and black chart he means
[15:05] {cc_9} I'm his supplier
[15:05] {Les} lol
[15:05] {nemo} ahhhh, remember the days when....nevermind
[15:05] {Les} speaking of which cc
[15:05] {Les} how can I change my volume colour?
[15:05] {cc_9} .80s, bumblebee strong
[15:06] {nemo} yeah, well you guys are making like the dinosaur the last few years
[15:06] {Les} fusion only allows 1 colour for vol
[15:06] {cc_9} .90s, bumblebee strong like russian woman
[15:06] {dino} sndk sm l .51
[15:06] {cc_9} Les, in Das right click in the volume and edit the study, modify
[15:07] {nemo} yeah, it's easy
[15:07] {Les} DAS?
[15:07] {nemo} he's got Fusion
[15:07] {nemo} I think they put training wheels on it for him
[15:07] {cc_9} Fusion does not have bumblebee feature
[15:08] {Les} had templates with selling and buying colour volume, but lost it...
[15:09] {Les} can you send me a large screen template please?
[15:09] {cc_9} sure
[15:10] {Les} actually, is it really that important... Nemo and Vad?
[15:10] {Les} I've gotten use to seeing just volume bar in monocolour
[15:10] {Les} with price action
[15:10] {Les} is there something to be gleaned from colour?
01[15:10] {Threei}  I'd say, adds a little visual help but nothing crucial
[15:10] {nemo} after 4 do join me and share your screen Les, I'll figure it out
[15:11] {nemo} but first, go to Paypal and...
[15:11] {cc_9} EBAY XIV SPY, run you bastards run
[15:11] {nemo} run Forrest run!!!
[15:13] {cc_9} I got one of those electric cigartte things and emptied the liquid in my drink. I highly recommend this cocktail
[15:13] {nemo} Hey Vad, how much Vodka you go through a week?
[15:13] {cc_9} SPY 154, them .70s were delicious
[15:14] {cc_9} bumblebee strong
01[15:16] {Threei}  I am a social drinker
[15:17] {nemo} mmmhhh, I'm an anti-social drinker
01[15:18] {Threei}  I am anti-social when sober
[15:18] {Les} not to self, need to show up to Vad's house with at least 1 bottle
[15:19] {Les} probably 2
[15:19] {nemo} note to Les, do Vad a favor....don't show up at all
[15:19] {Les} if I'm allowed to set foot on continent
[15:22] {Will49} Les, we have an invasive species regulation here, so you'd be barred
[15:22] {nemo} nice Will
[15:22] {nemo} wish I'd thought of that
[15:22] {Will49} :)
01[15:23] {Threei}
[15:24] {Les} yeh right. I carry Aussie foot and mouth disease
[15:24] {Will49} yeah Vad, we also bar Swiss knothead
[15:24] {nemo} he's an aussie wombat poker
[15:25] {Will49} gawd, even that's on our list
[15:25] {Will49} so no chance Les
[15:25] {Les} guess I'll have to enter via the French speaking part
[15:26] {nemo} that's worse
[15:26] {Les} how many of u kanuks can speak froggo?
[15:26] {nemo} it's "
[15:26] {nemo} canucks
[15:26] {Les} whatever
[15:26] {Will49} with a capital C
[15:27] {nemo} frickin' phillistine
[15:28] {Will49} we Canucks can all speak french, but refuse to
[15:31] {cc_9} SPY, 154.30 on deck, well, that was my last trade for the day.
[15:34] {cc_9} pre :
[15:34] {cc_9} post :
[15:34] {cc_9} Have a good EOD fellas.
[15:34] {Will49} be good cc
01[15:34] {Threei}  take care cc
[15:35] {Les} cheers
[15:44] {Les}
[15:44] {Les} Chinese auditors no longer signing off on muni debt auctions...
[15:44] {Les} looks like someone's trying to take the punchbowl away
[15:45] {Les} doesn't sound very inflationary
01[15:45] {Threei}  heh
[15:45] {Will49} had a shaw failure here Vad, you?
01[15:45] {Threei}  no... looks ok
[15:46] {Will49} any alerts in last 8 minutes?
01[15:46] {Threei}  no
[15:46] {Will49} tks
01[15:46] {Threei}  not seeing anything reliable
01[15:48] {Threei}  well, diminished the damage but haven't made it into black
01[15:48] {Threei}  oh well, I guess we were due to a losing day
[15:49] {patel} take care.
[15:49] {Will49} can't win 'em all
[15:49] {thomcbell} take care all
01[15:49] {Threei}  thank you all, we will get them tomorrow
[15:49] {Will49} cheers
[15:49] {dino} out elli .03, +.08 from morning
01[15:49] {Threei}  have a good evening
[15:49] {Les} cheers
[15:50] {dino} out sndk .01, +.50
01[15:53] {Threei}  wtg
[15:53] {dino} calling it a day, thx all

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Apr 17 2013

I start sounding like a broken record but what can I do - we had another very strong day with a lot of nice juicy winners. This is our market.

Session Time: Wed Apr 17 00:00:00 2013
[08:51] {patel} Good Morning
[08:51] {nemo} personal opinion
[08:53] {patel} about what?
01[08:54] {Threei}  patel :)
[08:56] {nemo} Vad....please, take care of this
[08:56] {nemo} I have to get the vodka
[09:01] {dino} gm
01[09:02] {Threei}  foino :)
01[09:02] {Threei}  ummm
01[09:02] {Threei}  wow
01[09:02] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:06] {nemo} Vad?
01[09:06] {Threei}  umm?
[09:07] {nemo} oh, sausage fingers, I get it
[09:07] {nemo} your zephyr-like touch of the keyboard
01[09:08] {Threei}  lol
[09:08] {nemo} you make The Incredible Hulk look like a prima ballerina
01[09:08] {Threei}  he types?
[09:14] {Les} yo
01[09:15] {Threei}  hey Les... missed 1:3 on GLD yesterday
[09:15] {Les} you missed 1:3 on GDX and SLW
[09:16] {Les} read the log last night. can't believe I said I like receiving...
[09:16] {Les} Nemo must hve been on another planet
01[09:16] {Threei}  can you believe how retsrained we all were?
[09:16] {Les} good of you. much obliged
[09:17] {nemo} sorry, I was otherwise occupied...missed the juvenile banter
[09:17] {Les} I know I'm sick when I load up to the gills with booze before bed
[09:17] {Les} strangely though, best day I've had yet
[09:17] {nemo} mmmhhh, my modus operandi
[09:18] {Les} will have to look into correlation of killing brain cells with trade performance
[09:18] {dino} eliminates thinking
[09:18] {cc_9} Morning Gents.
[09:18] {nemo} don't bother, you're an outlier
01[09:18] {Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:18] {Les} hehehe
[09:19] {Les} ...and Nemo
[09:19] {nemo} poor
[09:20] {Alexs} good morning
[09:20] {Will49} gm
01[09:20] {Threei}  alex, will :)
[09:21] {cipher} gm
01[09:22] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:23] {jfjf64} mornin
[09:23] {jdetente} gm
01[09:24] {Threei}  jf, jd :)
01[09:24] {Threei}  jf, missed 1:3 on GLD yesterday
01[09:24] {Threei}  ok, mission accomplished:
01[09:24] {Threei}  [15:15] * Threei makes a mental note to tease les and jf tomorrow about 1:3er after they left
[09:25] {Les} Will, Vad not only provides fish, but also teaches how to catch
[09:25] {Will49} that's good
[09:25] {Les} GDX and SLW breakdowns from round number yesterday arvo
[09:25] {Les} both 1:3
[09:26] {Les} fooling around with other stuff keeping one eye on charts until they set up. SLW was so slow that I opened the trading platform while it was .98 and it still let me on
[09:27] {Les} best I keep away when market is moving so slowly
[09:28] {nemo} yeah, then he starts to think
[09:29] {Les} which is bad
[09:30] {thomcbell} kors vulnerable 
[09:30] {nemo} illiquid for the first 15 minutes or so
[09:31] {thomcbell} same with aapl new low for move 
01[09:32] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .80 break
01[09:32] {Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[09:34] {Threei}  stop to .86
[09:34] {thomcbell} wow kors got smacked 
01[09:34] {Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {Threei}  1:2
[09:35] {Les} out ty
01[09:35] {Threei}  yw
[09:35] {jfjf64} ty
01[09:35] {Threei}  :)
[09:35] {Alexs} ty vad
[09:35] {thomcbell} hah
[09:35] {Will49} tks vad
01[09:35] {Threei}  yw guys
[09:35] {thomcbell} got it 1:3 almost vad 
01[09:35] {Threei}  cool... nice breakdown
[09:35] {cipher} cbst l .84
01[09:36] {Threei}  rug pull is fun when you stay off the rug
[09:36] {backman} c puke...bounce?
01[09:37] {Threei}  no setup yet
[09:37] {Les} potential for bearish engulfing on C daily
[09:39] {thomcbell} not a bearish engulf on daily 
[09:40] {jfjf64} ya still in 3i
[09:40] {cipher} KRFT L .75
01[09:40] {Threei}  no, closed at 1:3
[09:40] {jfjf64} nice
01[09:43] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .50 break
[09:43] {patel} thanks Threei on FCX
[09:43] {patel} just closed it out
[09:43] {nemo} o.k. bill
01[09:43] {Threei}  yw
[09:43] {cipher} ACOR L .55
[09:44] {cipher} IBM L.23
01[09:44] {Threei}  1:1... and, shut up nemo
[09:44] {patel} way 2 fast
[09:44] {Les} wow
[09:44] {nemo} ;-)
[09:44] {Will49} missed
01[09:45] {Threei}  1:2... and, nemo, shut up
[09:45] {thomcbell} fb shinook
[09:46] {cipher} out IBM .38 +.15
[09:47] {dino} partial fill, l athn .70
[09:47] {jdetente} out .90
[09:47] {jdetente} thanks Vad
[09:47] {Alexs} nice call Vad
[09:47] {thomcbell} fabulous 
01[09:47] {Threei}  yw sir
01[09:47] {Threei}  oh, and nemo...
01[09:47] {Threei}  :)
[09:47] {patel} nice call. 
[09:47] {jfjf64} ty
[09:47] {dino} len sm l .01
[09:48] {Les} I spent too long looking at it
[09:48] {Les} I blame Nemo
01[09:48] {Threei}  thwe difference between calls and photos: photos are to look at, calls are to trade
[09:49] {Les} yeh .53 wasn't so expensive after all
[09:49] {dino} csv hl l .28
01[09:49] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .10 break hl
01[09:49] {Threei}  If holds  .20 
01[09:50] {Threei}  setup is here but a little bit against the grain at the moment, so hl
01[09:51] {Threei}  1:1
[09:51] {jfjf64} target
[09:51] {Les} mum and pop market day? cause FSC just don't wanna load
[09:51] {jfjf64} ??
01[09:51] {Threei}  not sure
01[09:51] {Threei}  just partial and trail
01[09:52] {Threei}  let it decide
01[09:52] {Threei}  1:2
01[09:52] {Threei}  kangaroo tail in all its glory
[09:52] {Les} ty out
[09:52] {Les} need to get around looking that setup up
[09:53] {thomcbell} which one is kangaroo vad 
[09:53] {dino} mktx spike
01[09:53] {Threei}  C
[09:53] {patel} thanks for C
01[09:53] {Threei}  btw, while both of them are in front of us... why did I call GDX long and not C, even though both jumped pretty well?
01[09:53] {Threei}  yw
[09:54] {Les} .50 as important number?
[09:54] {Les} tight setup too
01[09:54] {Threei}  look at the chart at the bottom
[09:54] {Les} hmmmm
01[09:55] {Threei}  on C, with these longish tails, stop woulf have to be about 20 vents
[09:55] {Les} right
01[09:55] {Threei}  and it gave no connsolidation which would allow for toghter range
01[09:55] {Threei}  thus no setup wothin our risk tolerance
01[09:55] {Threei}  unlike GDX which actually gave 5 cents stop
01[09:56] {Threei}  (that was my educational bit for the day)
[09:56] {Les} can I start drinking now?
01[09:56] {Threei}  you ever stopped?
[09:57] {thomcbell} mktx decent back and fill
[09:57] {dino} atls?
01[09:58] {Threei}  confusing news on it dino:
01[09:59] {Threei}  APL Atlas Pipeline Partners LP To acquire Eagle Ford Midstream business For $1B in cash from TEAK Midstream
01[09:59] {Threei}  Atlas Pipeline Partners is APL
01[09:59] {Threei}  but ATLS is mentioned as sympathy
01[10:00] {Threei}  ATLS is Atlas Energy
01[10:00] {Threei}  they are obviously connected but requires some investigation
[10:01] {dino} yeah, ty
[10:01] {dino} break of .00 will s sm
[10:02] {Les} fcx break of .30?
[10:02] {Les} if holding .40?`
[10:02] {Les} or maybe two way here
01[10:03] {Threei}  can't tell
[10:03] {Les} will watch it a little longer
[10:03] {nemo} watch BWA for short entry
01[10:04] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  29 break
01[10:05] {Threei}  stop .07
01[10:05] {Threei}  out
01[10:06] {Threei} Short Setup: LVS  .40 break
01[10:06] {Threei}  If holds  .50 
[10:06] {Les} 2 waqy?
01[10:06] {Threei}  nah
01[10:06] {Threei}  just invalidated
[10:08] {Les} C trying to hold on
[10:08] {Les} looks ready to drop again
01[10:09] {Threei}  LVS is valid again
01[10:11] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:12] {Threei}  1:2
[10:12] {Les} cover ty
01[10:12] {Threei}  yw
[10:12] {Alexs} ty vad
01[10:12] {Threei}  :)
[10:12] {thomcbell} prlb looks short 
[10:12] {jfjf64} cheers
[10:14] {thomcbell} aapl
01[10:15] {Threei}  1:3, out
[10:15] {cipher} cern l .33
[10:15] {Les} FCX
[10:15] {patel} thanks 
[10:15] {Les} consolidatoin followed by break of .30?
01[10:16] {Threei}  no read on it
[10:17] {Les} k
[10:18] {thomcbell} short setup splk 41.90 break if holding 42 half lot 
[10:19] {Les} CAT trading near lows
[10:19] {thomcbell} aapl 5% lower 
[10:20] {thomcbell} big pressure on market 
[10:21] {Les} RIG melting down to 47
[10:21] {Les} sm FCX short .28
[10:22] {Les} well that worked well
[10:22] {thomcbell} lvs at 50 sma 
[10:24] {thomcbell} out acor thanks dino
[10:25] {dino} np
[10:25] {cipher} out ACOR .93 +.38
[10:26] {cipher} tna l .55
[10:28] {dino} wbc sm l .80
[10:29] {Les} SLW at 23
[10:31] {cipher} out TNA -.18
[10:31] {thomcbell} kors look for DT here 
[10:31] {thomcbell} invalid 
[10:33] {Les} FCX rinse
[10:33] {thomcbell} kors at pivot 
[10:34] {thomcbell} nasty defense 200
[10:34] {thomcbell} short setup kors 53.30 break
[10:35] {thomcbell} target 1:4
[10:36] {thomcbell} kors 1:1
[10:36] {thomcbell} kors 1:2.5
[10:37] {thomcbell} lol
01[10:38] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .98 break hl
01[10:39] {Threei}  too fast
[10:39] {Les} VWAP is overhead
[10:39] {thomcbell} kors 1:3
[10:40] {Les} 2nd entry?
01[10:40] {Threei}  valid again, with stop above .08
[10:40] {thomcbell} kors flat
[10:42] {Les} 38.2% fib of entire 09-12 rally is .86 approximately for CAT
[10:43] {Les} half out ty
01[10:43] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:43] {Threei}  9-12?
[10:43] {Les} 2009-12
01[10:43] {Threei}  lol
01[10:43] {Threei}  come on
[10:44] {Les} useless things I know you're interested in
01[10:44] {Threei}  yuo can't really think this matters for an intraday trade
[10:44] {Les} ah no not trying to influence you. just a small tidbit
01[10:45] {Threei}  "interesting fact"
[10:45] {Les} :) you're welcome
[10:45] {jfjf64} vxx flyin
[10:45] {Les} certainly no suggestion of it wanting to stop here
[10:46] {Les} slw back to 23 again
[10:47] {nemo} they're trying to bottom with this spy volume...if it drops 155 could get Really nasty
[10:47] {Les} vxx showing market reversal potential here
[10:48] {thomcbell} flat splk -0.1
01[10:49] {Threei}  1:2
[10:51] {Will49} out C tks
[10:51] {Les} FCX teasing me
01[10:52] {Threei}  C?
[10:52] {Will49} sorry , CAT
01[10:52] {Threei}  ah
[10:53] {nemo} if market lets go, cat should test the whole
[10:53] {Will49} must be a tomcat
01[10:56] {Threei}  on top of everything else, it looks like goldbugs are about to have a fight with silverbugs
01[10:57] {Threei}  gold tries to hold while silver continues selloff
[10:57] {nemo} very uniform selling in iwm and spy
[10:57] {Les}
[10:57] {Les} $907 to clean out the newsletter writers ouch
[10:57] {Les} potential gold target
[10:58] {Les} talk about getting yer clocked cleaned
01[10:58] {Threei}  don't know abouyt exact 907, but my feeling that something under 1000 is going to happen too
01[10:58] {Threei}  let me offer simple metric:
[10:58] {Will49} clock cleaning must be a big business wjere you are Les
[10:58] {dino} \50% retrace standard
[10:58] {Les} good one will
[10:59] {Will49} :)
01[10:59] {Threei}  take a percentage of sellogg of oil from 150 to 35, apply it to gold, see what price you come up with
[10:59] {Les} want to sell what little I hold VAd, but I don't see a credible bounce to sell into
01[10:59] {Threei}  then tell me, if it can happen to oil which everyone needs, why can't it happen to gold?
[11:00] {Will49} Vad the Predictor?
01[11:00] {Threei}  nah
01[11:00] {Threei}  just identifying the patterns
[11:00] {dino} could be a few hedge funds as well as cypress. hedgies will have to sell everything w/this gold drop
[11:01] {dino} margin calls, raise cash where you can
01[11:01] {Threei}  plus funds like Paulson's, which is reported to have lost 1B over last week or two, faces possible redemptions
01[11:01] {Threei}  which will add fuel
[11:02] {dino} yes, anybody in trouble in sell what you can mode
[11:02] {Les} ok so I don't wanna hang around too long waiting for a bounce into resistance
[11:02] {Les} gotta better use for a kilo of metal than sitting in safety deposit box losing value
01[11:02] {Threei}  I don't know Les, I am niot a financial advisor
[11:03] {Les} sure
[11:03] {Les} but I know it will take months, if not a year for another base to develop from which new trend can emerge
01[11:03] {Threei}  but tell me what price you come up with if projecting oil decline on gold
[11:03] {Les} wait
[11:04] {dino} when there's blood les, the sharks circle (short)
[11:04] {Les} what is that, a 75% haircut?
01[11:04] {Threei}  what am I, your calculator? {G}
[11:04] {Les} I suck
[11:05] {Les} that's a serious haircut for gold
[11:05] {Will49} no advertising on this room
01[11:05] {Threei}  150 to 35 is 76%
[11:05] {Les} you said 140
[11:05] {Les} never mind
01[11:05] {Threei}  [10:59] {Threei} take a percentage of sellogg of oil from 150 to 35, apply it to gold, see what price you come up with
[11:06] {Les} ...
[11:07] {Les} $450 POG or thereabouts would have the 99% pulling out there hair
01[11:07] {Threei}  there you go
[11:07] {Les} oh come on I worked it out some time ago
[11:08] {Will49} true goldbugs will average down
[11:08] {Les} just shaking my head at the consequences of it
[11:08] {Les} somewhat stunning potential
01[11:08] {Threei}  it looks as incredible right now as oil $32 looked when it traded at 120-130
01[11:08] {Threei}  and they were arguing that it coulnd't go any lower
[11:11] {nemo} well, this is good risk area for index long
[11:11] {Les} cipher tna
[11:14] {cipher} missed it
[11:15] {Les} would be happier with index db
[11:15] {nemo} 50 sma on spy down around 154.12
[11:19] {cipher} CELG L .43
[11:22] {Les} GDX at vwap resistance
[11:22] {Les} slw woefully underperforming
[11:25] {dino} elli sm l .15
[11:25] {thomcbell} 1442 to 1440 ish spx cash is an enormous support level in imho
[11:46] {cipher} out CELG .73 +.30
[11:51] {cipher} UNFI L .67
01[11:52] {Threei}  been a while (about 2 days) since I got any hate mail, so let the new sh*tstorm begin:
01[11:52] {Threei}
[11:53] {Les} oh stop with the common sense will ya
01[11:53] {Threei}  I can't
01[11:53] {Threei}  I mourn its death
[11:54] {Les} well go emigrate to another planet
01[11:55] {Threei}  I might have to
01[11:55] {Threei}  Titan looks better by day
01[11:56] {Threei}  I just need to decide what to do about chronoclastic infundibula
01[11:57] {Threei}  and I need a pepelatz with working gravitsapa
[11:57] {Les} well I'd like to know more about he future. like when the precious metals bull is back on.
[11:57] {Les} off you go
01[12:00] {Threei}
01[12:02] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .70 break
01[12:02] {Threei}  If holds  .80 
[12:05] {thomcbell} aapl should hold 400 on first attempt 
[12:07] {cipher} out UNFI .72 +.05
[12:22] {dino} athn to .62
[12:23] {dino} to .75
01[12:24] {Threei}  no go SLW
[12:25] {dino} out athn .75, +1.05
[12:26] {dino} tough crowd today
01[12:27] {Threei}  just stunned :)
[12:27] {dino} took about 2 hours, but...
[12:27] {patel} SLW starting to look like a rinse
01[12:27] {Threei}  no kidding
01[12:27] {Threei}  rat bastard
01[12:28] {Threei}  don't you hate when they do that
[12:28] {patel} sucks
[12:28] {patel} but oh well. 
[12:28] {jdetente} SLW is just a creep lol
[12:29] {jdetente} no biggy
[12:29] {jfjf64} who does what
[12:29] {jfjf64} is there a who
01[12:29] {Threei}  lol
[12:29] {jfjf64} are ya sayin they see our stop
[12:29] {jdetente} what's the saying about another bus around the corner...
[12:31] {dino} c sm l .10
01[12:38] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .45 break
01[12:38] {Threei}  aggressive for .40
01[12:39] {Threei}  If holds  .55 
[12:40] {dino} bmi partial fill l .72
01[12:40] {Threei}  1:1
01[12:44] {Threei}  SLW rinse made me change a strategy a bit, take aggressive entry instead of regular
01[12:44] {Threei}  aggressive wprked, regular would have been a torture
01[12:44] {Threei}  adjust and adapt...
01[12:44] {Threei}  (and drink)
[12:45] {jfjf64} i got out flat 2nd piece  gdx
[12:45] {jfjf64} mistake
01[12:45] {Threei}  stop is trailed to .46
[12:46] {Alexs} ty gdx Vad
01[12:47] {Threei}  yw
01[12:49] {Threei}  1:2
[12:51] {backman} 1:1 AIG
[12:51] {cipher} BEAV L .45
01[12:52] {Threei}  frikin SLW
[12:52] {cipher} SCTY L .05
[12:54] {cipher} out BEAV .65 +.20
[12:55] {dino} gj
[12:55] {cipher} ty
[12:55] {dino} i prefer s beav
[13:04] {dino} unxl drop
01[13:08] {Threei}  1:3, out
[13:08] {jfjf64} good job
01[13:09] {Threei}  ty
[13:12] {Will49} well...that goes to show you
[13:12] {Will49} at 9:04 I took the SLW trade
01[13:12] {Threei}  ?
[13:13] {Will49} when it failed, went to have shave/shower
[13:13] {Will49} came back and see I missed 1:3 GDX
[13:13] {Will49} Guess I'll grow a beard
01[13:13] {Threei}  why do you think I grew one?
[13:14] {Will49} now I know
[13:15] {patel} I guess I will need to start bringing my lunch. 
[13:15] {patel} Missed that 1:3 trade during lunchtime slowdown.
[13:17] {Will49} I'm also going to have a big empty coffee cup ready for any bladder calls
[13:17] {dino} yuk
[13:17] {Will49} bathroom is 10 seconds away...too far
[13:19] {Will49} 10+10+10 =30 seconds..could miss two trades in this room
01[13:19] {Threei}  lol
[13:21] {patel} hahaha
[13:21] {patel} or just trade on the potty
[13:21] {Will49} now there's an idea
[13:21] {patel} Get a desk setup 
[13:22] {Will49} or a G suit like pilots wear
[13:22] {Will49} just go when you need too without moving
[13:22] {Will49} to
01[13:23] {Threei}
01[13:23] {Threei}  like my house?
[13:23] {Will49} nice view too
01[13:23] {Threei}  a bit windy but what a view
01[13:24] {Threei}  (US) Officials in Boston may have identified a possible suspect in the Marathon bombings, making substantial progress in the investigation - CNN- Authorities are said to have an image of a suspect carrying, and perhaps dropping, a black bag at the second bombing scene - Boston Globe - Another press conf to be held at 17:00ET
[13:26] {nemo} they want to bring them to will that stop it from happening again?
01[13:26] {Threei}  absence of claim of responsibility leads to two versions
06[13:27] * Les returns to work unburdened by last precious metal holdings...
01[13:27] {Threei}  one is, domestic imbecile
[13:27] {nemo} unburdened by a brain too
01[13:27] {Threei}  another, it's a dry run for bigger one
01[13:27] {Threei}  nemo is back to his usual self... whew
01[13:27] {Threei}  I was worried
[13:27] {Les} found a friend outside the PM shop holding a bottle of Oban.
[13:28] {Les} drowned what emotions I had left for the metals
[13:28] {nemo} did you say "friend"?
[13:33] {dino} \out bmi .55 -.17
[13:34] {dino} c to .40
[13:35] {cipher} GLNG L .82
[13:36] {Les} well it certainly wasn't you 
01[13:37] {Threei}  and here comes first hate mail
01[13:38] {Threei}  "Your defense of manipulators makes me think you are one of them"
01[13:38] {Threei}  Yesss! You got me!
[13:38] {nemo} yeah, you and that russian mafia you front
01[13:38] {Threei}  man, idiots come in so many many kinds, shapes and colors :)
[13:38] {dino} lol, you trade so huge that yo cn manipulate markets
01[13:39] {Threei}  yeah, last time I dumped 10 tins of gold... {GGG}
01[13:39] {Threei}  tons
[13:39] {dino} c to .55
[13:39] {dino} rally brewing
[13:41] {dino} the only markey vad could manipulate is pork bellies
[13:41] {dino} market
[13:41] {cipher} out GLNG .99 +.17
01[13:41] {Threei}  lol
[13:42] {dino} ll spike
[13:42] {Les} old friend I help out from time to time gave me a bottle of 'Riesling Auslese' today as a favor for helping round the house. Ten years old and it is frikin fantastic. you guys familiar with Hungarian Tokay or French Sauternes?
[13:43] {dino} beer, vodka, and tequila for me les
[13:44] {Les} damn dino west coast just dripping with good wines your way
[13:44] {dino} east coast, pennsylvania
[13:45] {Les} anyway, this is what Europe should stick to. Making great food and wine, less of these stalinist projects
[13:45] {dino} c to .60. like walking a dog
01[13:45] {Threei}  Hungarian Tokay, yes
01[13:45] {Threei}  wine of my student youth
[13:46] {Les} a lot of money moved in. great stuff made today
01[13:46] {Threei}  hadn't had it in ages
[13:46] {Les} dunno your epoch
[13:46] {dino} out c .60, +.50
01[13:46] {Threei}  quite unusual taste for a wine
[13:46] {Les} the ageing is particular
[13:47] {Les} methodology
[13:47] {dino} "live in sin, c'mon in"
[13:47] {Les} will have to educated you heathens when I come over
[13:47] {Les} educate
[13:48] {dino} ll again
01[13:49] {Threei}  GDX anoter leg down
01[13:50] {Threei}  gold makes another inside day
01[13:50] {Threei}  not a good sign
[13:54] {Les} .30 slw short?
[14:00] {Will49} isn't your dinner time yet Les?
[14:01] {Will49} it
[14:02] {Les} GDX .00 short?
[14:02] {Les} eating on the fly will
[14:02] {Will49} I have a coffee cup you can use
[14:03] {Les} C stuck between VWAP and a drop
[14:03] {nemo} dog dish better idea will
[14:04] {Will49} that'll do
[14:04] {nemo} too late to have him fixed
01[14:04] {Threei}  not sure about GDX
[14:06] {nemo}
01[14:06] {Threei}  SLW us beyond horrible
[14:10] {nemo} do you think taking up a collection to pay Les to LEAVE would work?
01[14:11] {Threei}  becareful, he might take the money and use it to buy out your room connection {GGG}
[14:11] {nemo} scary
[14:11] {Les} what sort of money we talking?
[14:11] {Les} enough to buy a hitman?
[14:12] {nemo} Les, I have many Russian friends between, oh London, Moscow, SWITZERLAND, and, well...keep it up
[14:13] {Les} all talk all talk
[14:13] {cipher} VPRT L .20
01[14:13] {Threei}  "Talk the Talk. Walk the walk. Or, at least drink the drink"
[14:13] {nemo} it's all talk, talk until the "knock,knock" especially if the accent is Bulgarian
[14:14] {Les} interesting article u posted numbnuts
[14:14] {nemo} thank you lepus gonads
[14:14] {Will49} So much for the civilized insults
[14:14] {nemo} at least mine was Latin
01[14:15] {Threei}  I give up... that was about as eye-pleasing as camel dancing salsa
[14:15] {nemo} little index short possible here
[14:16] {nemo} should check the other side of 155
01[14:16] {Threei}  some news networks start reporting arrest in Boston bombing
[14:16] {Les} homeless person?
[14:16] {Les} muslim?
01[14:16] {Threei}  not confirmed yet
[14:16] {Les} gay or othewise vilified minority?
[14:17] {Les} guess I could throw them a bone, a guy in Mass...
[14:17] {cipher} out VPRT .25 +.05
[14:18] {Les} GDX back to 28, yet SLW sits .10 higher
[14:18] {dino} out elli ave .27, +.12
[14:18] {dino} tol waking up
01[14:23] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .05 break
01[14:23] {Threei}  If holds  .10 
01[14:23] {Threei}  very low risk aggressive entry
[14:26] {dino} out tol +.20
01[14:26] {Threei}  nice scaping
[14:26] {dino} ty, that kind of day, untrusting
01[14:30] {Threei}  time for new low, GDX
[14:30] {jfjf64} yup
[14:31] {jfjf64} print .95
01[14:31] {Threei}  and die
[14:31] {dino} builders moving up, tol, len, ll etc
01[14:31] {Threei}  good boy
[14:31] {jfjf64} yes and die
01[14:31] {Threei}  1:1
01[14:31] {Threei}  now die
01[14:32] {Threei}  die more
01[14:32] {Threei}  1;2
[14:33] {Les} almost perfect day
[14:34] {Les} maybe even perfect. Nemo is back to normal.
[14:34] {Les} Darth Vader for my Obiwan
01[14:34] {Threei}  see nemo? we were all worried
[14:34] {jfjf64} wher is ya stop 3i
01[14:34] {Threei}  .96
[14:34] {jfjf64} .95
[14:35] {jfjf64} k
[14:38] {jfjf64} good job 3i
[14:38] {Les} gonna go cradle my late harvest riesling with a bit of WoW Vad
[14:38] {Les} another good day
[14:38] {Les} a+
[14:43] {cipher} QLIK L .95
[14:47] {cipher} out .09 +.14
[14:47] {dino} gj
[14:49] {cipher} ty, slim pickings
[14:49] {cc_9} Anyone wants to call the close on AAPL ? :)
[14:49] {thomcbell} 387
[14:49] {dino} 390
01[14:49] {Threei}  395.40
[14:50] {thomcbell} pretty muted bounce off first stab at 400
01[14:54] {Threei}  GDX... mama
[14:54] {cc_9} 400 around the corner, plenty time on the clock.
01[14:55] {Threei}  FBI denies arrest has been made
[14:55] {cc_9} FBI should arrest itself.
[14:56] {cc_9} first they want to take the guns, now they also want the rice cookers.
[15:00] {thomcbell} gdx atr trendline 
[15:00] {thomcbell} at trendline on 10 min
[15:01] {nemo} 405.90
[15:10] {dino} wow tol positive
01[15:11] {Threei}  {AAPL} I wish I could say the same..
[15:12] {nemo} we're at the bottom of important channels in iwm spy and finnies, not to mention we tested toe 50 day in finnies and spy today
[15:12] {dino} linkin park, new divide, rockin' out
[15:12] {nemo} I don't think they slam this into the close
[15:14] {thomcbell} long setup thc 39.51 break if holding 39.43 - didnt type it quickly enuf 
[15:14] {thomcbell} im a buyer on shallow pullback
[15:15] {nemo} so, they're at the bottom of the channel, do they try to shake out tomorrow, and get some more stops below, or start heading to the other side...this is a perfect setup for unemployment claims tomorrow morn ing
[15:15] {dino} drop and rock up imo
[15:15] {nemo} unemployment at 8:30 so yeah, maybe sell down the futes overnight
[15:16] {thomcbell} INTC 4% div yield and chatter of new CEO, usually good 
[15:16] {dino} staying away from intc, semis are dead for awhile
[15:17] {nemo} yeah, july or august
[15:17] {dino} better worlds, tbell
[15:18] {dino} len knocking hod
[15:22] {cc_9} $400.00 closing in on the bid $AAPL
[15:24] {dino} out len ,32, +.30
[15:24] {thomcbell} dino do u see what Elliott did to kors today - nasty bounce off the 200
[15:25] {dino} sohu spike
[15:25] {dino} i don't watch elliott, kiss system here
[15:26] {dino} vwaps, pivots, capits, spikes. pretty much it
01[15:26] {Threei}  thnat's about 4 things more than I watch :)
[15:27] {dino} :)
01[15:27] {Threei}  I am always so ashamed to admit the emptiness of my charts...
01[15:27] {Threei}  that look I get...
[15:28] {thomcbell} thc 1:3
01[15:28] {Threei}  what, nothing else?? no MACD, no stochastic,. no RSI?
[15:28] {dino} nor i
01[15:28] {Threei}  Chaikin? Breadth?
01[15:28] {Threei}  Ichimoku cloud?
01[15:28] {Threei}  waves?
[15:28] {dino} k(eep)i(i)s(imple)s(tupid)
[15:28] {dino} t
[15:29] {cc_9} Bounce off $400, algos hard at work.
[15:29] {thomcbell} i am fully on board how we do things here - however doing some of the other chart work culls good ideas that can be more explosive using our intraday methods
[15:30] {dino} sure. i just know my edge. not saying there aren't thousands of other ways to trade
[15:31] {dino} back in 10 or so
01[15:31] {Threei}  sure tbell
01[15:32] {Threei}  just gotta remember that under all the spices there must be food itself
01[15:32] {Threei}  too many get lost in those indicators while forgetting common sense and basic chart formations
01[15:32] {Threei}
[15:43] {jdetente} calling it a day. Heck of a day. Thanks Vad.
[15:43] {cipher} LBTYK L .31
01[15:47] {Threei}  take care jd
01[15:47] {Threei}  OK guys, thank you all
01[15:47] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:47] {Will49} peace
[15:48] {patel} take care. 
[15:48] {thomcbell} thc long watch tomorrow
[15:48] {dino} .
[15:48] {cc_9} Sad day to be NUGT
[15:49] {thomcbell} yes just incredible 
[15:50] {cc_9} ABX will radar for rest of week.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Apr 16 2013

Another very strong day with trade after trade working for 1:2, 1:3 and more. Just one 7 cents stop that couldn't even make a dent. Mostly those same characters: GLD (both long and short), GDX, SLW, C, CAT.

Session Time: Tue Apr 16 00:00:00 2013
[08:42] {patel} GM
01[08:53] {Threei}  morning patel
[08:56] {nemo} So, friend of mine lives a couple of blocks down from the finish line in Boston.  He was standing out in front of the building with his two kids when the bombs went off
[08:57] {patel} Is he okay?
[08:57] {nemo} Yeah, they're fine, but what a mess
[09:02] {nemo} I see our MENSA member has arrived
[09:03] {Les} and proud of it
[09:04] {Les} afternoon all
01[09:04] {Threei}  les :)
[09:05] {Les} what's MENSA?
[09:05] {nemo} as you can tell, I was jesting...and he proved it
01[09:05] {Threei}
[09:06] {Les}
01[09:07] {Threei}  actually, wrong link...
[09:19] {Les}
[09:20] {Les} lol Putin in photo
[09:20] {Les} call hime what you want
[09:20] {Les} but femenist he ain't
01[09:20] {Threei}  you know what's written on her back?
[09:20] {Les} no
[09:20] {Les} saw some english elsewhere
01[09:21] {Threei}  derogatory suggestion to him to go, ummm... well, very far
[09:21] {Will49} gm
01[09:21] {Threei}  will :)
[09:21] {Les} hehehe
[09:22] {jdetente} gm
01[09:22] {Threei}  jd :)
01[09:22] {Threei}  LOL: Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned.
[09:23] {Les} hehehe
01[09:24] {Threei}  oh boy
01[09:24] {Threei}  (EU) Eurogroup chief Dijsselbloem amends official biography after claiming to have received an MA from the University College Cork; Error being attributed to English translation - financial press (update)- Dijsselbloem did research at UCC for a few months but never received a degree
[09:24] {dino} gm
01[09:24] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:25] {backman} gm
01[09:25] {Threei}  bman :)
01[09:28] {Threei}  just to provide you some incentive to misbehave: our yesterday's trading log has been read by 325 people so far
[09:29] {Les} can do
[09:30] {Alexs} gm
[09:30] {cipher} gm
01[09:30] {Threei}  alex, cipher :)
01[09:30] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .20 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .30 
01[09:31] {Threei}  1:1
[09:31] {patel} damn way 2 fast for me. 
01[09:31] {Threei}  it gave second chance
[09:31] {Les} crap partialled twice and exited scalp ty anyway
01[09:32] {Threei}  1:2
[09:34] {Les} fcx stuck at 30
[09:35] {dino} out c from yesterday at .99, +1.09
01[09:36] {Threei}  wtg
[09:36] {backman} nice
[09:36] {Will49} a honey dino
[09:36] {dino} out wbc yesterday .58, +.48
[09:36] {Will49} out GDX tks Vad
01[09:36] {Threei}  yw
01[09:37] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .70 break
01[09:37] {Threei}  If holds  .80 
01[09:37] {Threei}  1:1 in a blink of eye
[09:39] {Les} c testing yesterday's intraday high
01[09:40] {Threei}  1:2
01[09:41] {Threei}  (EU) EU's Rehn: Banking union key to reversing fragmentation
[09:41] {Les} bankers of the world, unite!
01[09:41] {Threei}  reas: to prolong the agony but save our jobs for a little while
[09:43] {cipher} iINFI L.12
01[09:43] {Threei}  IMF chief economist Blanchard: Global economy is in better shape but not out of the woods- Japan needed a dramatic change in its monetary policy. - Only a fool would try to predict Gold price
01[09:43] {Threei}  lol
01[09:44] {Threei}  (US) US President Obama to visit Berlin, Germany after June 19-20th G-8 summit {--- in light of Les post on Putin visit, I can see why
[09:44] {Les} hehehe he should be so lucky
[09:45] {Les} should harness these girls for workers morale. Aiding the economy and all...
[09:46] {cipher} INFI stopped .17 +.05
[09:46] {dino} 07 red
[09:46] {Les} slw .40 short?
01[09:47] {Threei}  1:3, trailing the last piece
[09:47] {Les} doh
01[09:47] {Threei}  huh?
[09:47] {Les} homer simpson
01[09:47] {Threei}  we are short from .70
[09:47] {Will49} out SLW tks again Vad
01[09:47] {Threei}  yw sir
[09:47] {Will49} PMs good to you (us)
[09:47] {cipher} ARUN L .06
01[09:47] {Threei}  'cause we don't fight the trend
[09:48] {cipher} CHRW L .21
01[09:48] {Threei}  unlike goldbugs
[09:48] {Les} still, .40 short would have compensated me a little
[09:48] {cipher} out CHRW .29 +.08
01[09:49] {Threei}  where were you for .70 short?
[09:49] {Les} daydreaming
[09:50] {Les} saw it at. 68, was checking if it had crossed, too slow
[09:50] {Will49} Les was re-reading the log for the 326th time
[09:50] {Les} lol
[09:50] {cipher} CSTR L .30
[09:50] {Will49} admires his writing
01[09:50] {Threei}  rofl
[09:51] {nemo} nah, he was photoshopping his profile picture on facebook
[09:51] {dino} cavm sm l .51
[09:51] {backman} fb....ndl
[09:51] {Les} whattaya done with my profile pic?
[09:51] {cipher} out ARUN .29 +.23
01[09:51] {Threei}  1:4 close enough, out
[09:51] {thomcbell} fb looks vulnerable VAd
[09:51] {nemo} one could argue faz here
[09:52] {thomcbell} gs red after being up 
[09:54] {backman} stopped
[09:54] {thomcbell} kors could get ugly under yesterday low
[09:54] {cipher} out CSTR flat
01[09:56] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .30 break
01[09:56] {Threei}  If holds  .40 
[09:56] {thomcbell} kors short setup 54 break if holding 54.10 half lot 
[09:56] {cipher} ESRX L .18
[09:58] {thomcbell} kors invalidated 
[09:58] {thomcbell} technically but i didnt use a hard stop 
[09:58] {thomcbell} now a hard stop for me 54.12
[09:59] {Les} could be .50 recross or stop
01[09:59] {Threei}  Invalidated  
01[10:01] {Threei} Short Setup: C  .40 break
01[10:01] {Threei}  If holds  .50 
[10:01] {thomcbell} kors 1:1
[10:01] {thomcbell} 1:2
[10:02] {Les} water flows downhill tbell good call. I was umming an aahing over direction
[10:02] {dino} din sm l .20
01[10:02] {Threei}  sheesh, covered SLW too early
01[10:03] {Threei}  ditto GDX
[10:03] {jfjf64} mornin all
[10:03] {Les} but I am more brain dead than normal today
[10:03] {Will49} hey new person!
01[10:03] {Threei}  jf!
[10:03] {thomcbell} jfj for short 
01[10:03] {Threei}  welcome back
[10:03] {jfjf64} ty
[10:03] {thomcbell} jf better 
[10:03] {thomcbell} more concise
[10:04] {Will49} new to me anyway jf
[10:04] {dino} welcome back jf
01[10:04] {Threei}  he was slacking for a while, will
[10:04] {jfjf64} dino
[10:04] {nemo} apa and kors on short side
[10:04] {cipher} fFOSL L. 00
[10:04] {cipher} FOSL
[10:04] {jfjf64} where is crazy nemo
[10:04] {cipher} out .18
01[10:04] {Threei}  nemo... you OK??
[10:04] {thomcbell} kors stop on last qtr is 53.98 
[10:05] {Les} I've cut his hardlines
01[10:05] {Threei}  guys, something's wrong with nemo... he didn't take this up:
01[10:05] {Threei}  {Les} but I am more brain dead than normal today
[10:05] {nemo} I'm busy
[10:05] {Les} call 911
[10:05] {cipher} iINFI L .65
[10:05] {nemo} hope you took apa
01[10:06] {Threei}  trail C to .46
01[10:06] {Threei}  target 1:3
[10:07] {backman} long BBRY .06
[10:07] {cipher} out INFI .78
[10:07] {Les} lol slw .40 break 1:4 now
[10:07] {Les} oversolder
[10:08] {cipher} out ESRX .23 +.05
[10:09] {thomcbell} stop to 53.91 on kors
[10:10] {thomcbell} flat 
[10:11] {jfjf64} comon   c die
[10:12] {Will49} tks jf we needed that
[10:13] {Will49} louder jf
01[10:13] {Threei}  {C} oh, it's you jf! Long time no see. For you, 1:1!
[10:13] {jfjf64} wher is top 3i
[10:13] {jfjf64} .41
[10:13] {jfjf64} .46
01[10:13] {Threei}  .41 now
[10:13] {jfjf64} i see
[10:13] {Will49} excellent
01[10:13] {Threei}  you forgot the routine or what?
[10:14] {jfjf64} never
[10:14] {backman} out bbry -.04
01[10:14] {Threei}  partial at 1:1, trail to breakeven
01[10:14] {Threei}  insult nemo
01[10:14] {Threei}  partial at 1:2
01[10:14] {Threei}  listen to nemo's comeback
01[10:14] {Threei}  close at 1:3
01[10:14] {Threei}  etc
[10:15] {Les} I think Nemo should reapply for his job
[10:15] {Les} some serious failings this last week or two
[10:15] {KSystems} :-P
01[10:15] {Threei}  KS!
[10:15] {Will49} Les intimidates nemo
01[10:15] {Threei}  what is it, reunion day?
[10:15] {KSystems} why? who else appeared?
[10:15] {nemo} ?
[10:16] {jfjf64} boys  r back
01[10:16] {Threei}  btw, thanks for fixing server
[10:16] {KSystems} I did?
01[10:16] {Threei}  4th weekend in a row with no problem
01[10:16] {Threei}  whatever you did to it, keep doing
[10:16] {nemo} verdammten Deutscher!
01[10:16] {Threei}  it works
[10:16] {dino} csv sm l .64
[10:17] {KSystems} ah
06[10:19] * KSystems is in via mibbit as the firewall doesnt allow 6667 traffic
[10:19] {KSystems} tell you what, i start to like it
[10:19] {Les} slw .90? 
[10:19] {Les} b/d?
[10:19] {Will49} Vad, you told me these guys would come crawling back on hands and knees
01[10:20] {Threei}  1:2
01[10:20] {Threei}  lol will
[10:20] {jfjf64} still same old 3i
01[10:21] {Threei}  too old to change jf
01[10:21] {Threei}  but young enough to enjoy remaining the same
[10:21] {jfjf64} cheers
01[10:21] {Threei}  no Les, let's wait for something else
01[10:21] {Threei}  not sure about SLW here
[10:21] {patel} tks Threei
[10:21] {backman} out C 1:1
01[10:22] {Threei}  yw
01[10:22] {Threei}  why 1:1?
[10:22] {Les} k
01[10:22] {Threei}  10:06] {Threei} target 1:3
[10:22] {backman} missed it....duh
[10:22] {Les} backman has caught les syndrome
01[10:23] {Threei}  careful bman...
[10:23] {backman} oh, the shame
[10:23] {cipher} ESRX L .65
01[10:23] {Threei}  two of you will be too much for nemo
[10:23] {jfjf64} i was able to get .36
[10:23] {Les} and you were looking so promising as a trader bman :)
01[10:23] {Threei}  lol
[10:23] {backman} ....and i have miles to go be4 i sleep
[10:24] {dino} sina drop
[10:25] {dino} sm l .88
[10:25] {jfjf64} where is ya stop 3i on lasst piece   b/e
[10:26] {Les} covered .12 ty
01[10:26] {Threei}  C 1:3 target hit, out
[10:26] {Will49} out at 1:3 you're on fire Vad
01[10:26] {Threei}  no, at that point would be .31
[10:26] {jfjf64} ty
[10:26] {cipher} out ESRX .90 +.25
06[10:26] * Threei reaches for fire extinguisher
[10:26] {KSystems} :):(:D:s:/:P:O;)
[10:27] {dino} out sina .21, +.33
[10:27] {Les} thanks for the fish calling it a day
01[10:27] {Threei}  see you tomorrow :)
[10:27] {Will49} peace Les
[10:27] {Les} cheers
[10:27] {nemo}
01[10:27] {Threei}  we need to start calling him a dolphin
[10:28] {nemo} carp maybe
[10:28] {Les} couldn't pass into beautiful weather without catching last flu for season, could we?
[10:28] {Will49} aren't you teaching Les TO fish Vad?
[10:28] {thomcbell} gdx looking like a long setup vad 
[10:28] {thomcbell} 0.51 break 
01[10:28] {Threei}  I have different suggestion tbell
01[10:28] {Threei}  let's let it drop to or under .40
01[10:29] {Threei}  and go for double bottom on .40 recross
[10:29] {thomcbell} ok 
[10:29] {thomcbell} needs fuel
01[10:29] {Threei}  way less risk
01[10:29] {Threei}  .50 break, while formally valid setup, can turn a trap with too high odds for my taste
[10:29] {thomcbell} kors rats
01[10:30] {Threei}  I gavce up on teaching anything to anyone long ago, will
01[10:30] {Threei}  different philosophy:
01[10:30] {Threei}  I just lay out what I have, and those who want and need it pick it up
[10:31] {Will49} ok...isn't Les supposed to be learning to fish?
01[10:31] {Threei}  but he is a dolphin
[10:31] {Will49} ah
[10:31] {Will49} then thanking you for a fish is appropriate then
01[10:31] {Threei}  "so long and thanks for the fish" :)
[10:32] {nemo} mjn two way below .15 aove .20
01[10:33] {Threei}  (US) Evacuations at the La Guardia Airport in NYC due to suspicious package, bomb squad moving in to handle the situation - tweet
01[10:33] {Threei}  wtf
[10:34] {jfjf64} crazy sh  t
[10:34] {cipher} CALL L.21
01[10:39] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .40 break
01[10:39] {Threei}  If holds  .30 
[10:44] {cipher} NCLH L .11
[10:44] {thomcbell} kors double rats
[10:44] {thomcbell} 1:8
[10:45] {Will49} trader's regrats
01[10:45] {Threei}  octa-rats?
01[10:46] {Threei}  Mass. Gov. Patrick says '2 and only 2' explosive devices were found; no unexploded devices
[10:47] {jdetente} That's surprising
[10:47] {jdetente} I heard multiple reports that there more explosives that they found
[10:47] {jdetente} *were
01[10:48] {Threei}  yes, 5 more was yesterday's line
01[10:48] {Threei}  Invalidated  GDX 
01[10:48] {Threei}  accidental .50 break would have been a trap most likely
[10:50] {thomcbell} big bounce gs
[10:54] {cipher} out NCLH .25 +.14
01[10:54] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .30 break
[10:55] {cipher} out CALL .33 +.12
01[10:55] {Threei}  target 1:2
[10:55] {nemo} vad playing gold long
01[10:56] {Threei}  miners
[10:56] {nemo} that'll frost bill's ass
01[10:56] {Threei}  but hey... didn't we play GLD long yesterday?
01[10:56] {Threei}  for 1:4, and vbastrad moved to 1:10
01[10:57] {Threei}  jf would have strangled me for early exit
01[10:57] {Threei}  60 cents is nothing to sneeze at, but it moved to $1.50
01[10:59] {Threei}  1:1
[10:59] {thomcbell} this prlb i shocking what it has done in the last week 
01[11:00] {Threei}  1:2, out
[11:00] {Will49} out 1:2 egads Vad!
01[11:00] {Threei}  :)
[11:00] {thomcbell} i joined you vad tu
01[11:00] {Threei}  yw
[11:01] {dino} out gdx .51, +.20, ty vad
01[11:01] {Threei}  :)
[11:04] {Will49} is it a form of greed to quit now?
[11:04] {Will49} jk
01[11:05] {Threei}  what about the love for the game?? :)
[11:05] {Will49} I know....
[11:05] {nemo} classy by chicago:
01[11:05] {Threei}  apply the profit-preserving procedure for sure though
[11:05] {Will49} yes
01[11:06] {Threei}  everyone knows the procedure?
01[11:06] {Threei}  or anyone needs a refresher?
[11:07] {Will49} let's have it
01[11:07] {Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .20 break
[11:07] {nemo} grab ankles...
01[11:08] {Threei}
01[11:11] {Threei}  President Obama to make statement on Boston bombings at 11:30 a.m. ET, White House says
[11:18] {nemo}
01[11:19] {Threei}  a bit like pulling teeth on this one
01[11:19] {Threei}  but still looks good
01[11:19] {Threei}  drops while SPY spikes
[11:22] {jfjf64} im in
01[11:22] {Threei}  action slowed down somewhat
01[11:23] {Threei}  I have to say, PM/miners bounce looks very inconvicing to me
01[11:23] {Threei}  dead cat bounce most likely, more downside is ahead
01[11:23] {Threei}  selloff was really severe, so pause in selling and some relief was to be expected
01[11:23] {Threei}  but if goldbugs think they are out of the woods...
[11:28] {dino} tol open gap fill
[11:29] {dino} sm l .51
01[11:30] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .40 break hl
01[11:30] {Threei}  If holds  .50 
01[11:32] {Threei}  let's trail SLW to .26
[11:36] {jfjf64} cat still valid
01[11:36] {Threei}  yes
01[11:37] {Threei}  not anymore
01[11:37] {Threei}  out SLW
[11:39] {dino} out nclh ave .41, +.30. ty cipher
[11:44] {thomcbell} long setup hig 27 break if hlding 26.94
[11:45] {thomcbell} fidelity buy ticket general back from the marathon
[11:46] {dino} cavm to .81
[11:48] {thomcbell} hig invalid on this attempt still watching 
[11:48] {thomcbell} could make it 26.90 conditional low
[11:49] {dino} cavm to .91
[11:52] {dino} bro drop
[11:55] {dino} out cavm .05, +.54
[12:03] {thomcbell} hig triggered long 
[12:03] {jfjf64} nice dino
[12:03] {thomcbell} target 1:2 but will do normal procedure 
[12:05] {thomcbell} dino cipher - look at the ridiculous bounce on prlb
[12:15] {dino} its been a short killer tho
[12:17] {dino} scanners barely moving
[12:26] {thomcbell} hig - im bored to tears 
[12:29] {dino} same here w/din
01[12:30] {Threei}  hmmm... we need entertainment
[12:30] {backman} topless trading?
01[12:31] {Threei}  certainly not mine
[12:31] {Will49} better tha letting people see your double bottom
[12:32] {backman} uggh...or worse yet, a triple
[12:33] {thomcbell} oof
[12:34] {thomcbell} hig 1:1
[12:35] {thomcbell} for pete
[12:35] {thomcbell} s sake
[12:35] {dino} hom builders really not getting anything back from yesterdays drop, tol, dhi, len, etc
[12:35] {thomcbell} long setup splk 41.95 break 
[12:36] {thomcbell} if holding 41.85
[12:43] {thomcbell} kors looks vulnerable again here 
[12:43] {thomcbell} want sthe 200sma
01[12:45] {Threei}  noticed how active the market was throughout the day during selloff and how sleepy it went again during upward move?
01[12:45] {Threei}  tells you where the path of the least resistance is
[12:55] {Les} slw breaking down
[12:55] {Les} looking for new low in GDX to short
[12:56] {Les} Armstrong modelling a new low in gold futures today. 
[12:56] {thomcbell} hig 1:2
01[12:56] {Threei}  I doubt he will get it
[12:56] {Les} I'll wait fo the setup
01[12:56] {Threei}  inside day is more likely
01[12:56] {Threei}  tomorrow or later in the week, sure
01[13:00] {Threei}  btw Les, you missed 1:2 GDX long
[13:00] {Les} Bas Armagnac providing second wind
[13:01] {Les} The Ritalin's worn off
[13:01] {Les} uppers and downers
[13:01] {Les} like ying and yang
[13:03] {Les} here comes the low in GDX
01[13:03] {Threei}  as we all know, Volt for a smashing success for GM... so they build up on that:
01[13:03] {Threei}  General Motors Corp Initiates manufacturing of Spark electric vehicle in Baltimore, model to be sold in California and Oregon in summer 2013 - financial press- Sales to expand to Canada, Europe and South Korea later
01[13:03] {Threei}  for = was
[13:04] {Les} is US taxpayer gonna subsidise me for purchase of said vehicle?
[13:04] {thomcbell} hig trail to 27.18
01[13:04] {Threei}  the way things go, quite possibly
01[13:05] {Threei}  you may have to come to US and win against nemo in hand to hand combat though, as a quzlifying requirement
[13:05] {Les} ?
01[13:06] {Threei}  and nemo won't fight anyone who wouldn't win against jf first
[13:06] {Les} I forfeit said purchase
[13:06] {thomcbell} long setup kar 21 break if holding 20.90
[13:06] {Les} don't like yank vehicles anyway
01[13:06] {Threei}  no one does
[13:06] {nemo} probably wants a ute anyway
01[13:07] {Threei}  I honestly gavce a try to a few
[13:07] {Les} don't exist in Europe
01[13:07] {Threei}  then went Nissan Murano and never looked back
[13:08] {Les} due for a replacement soon
01[13:08] {Threei}  every 2-3 years
[13:08] {jfjf64} still hittin the vodka 3i
[13:08] {jfjf64} cheers
[13:09] {Les} nah no resales
01[13:09] {Threei}  resales?
[13:09] {Les} trash em over 8 years and 150K miles
01[13:09] {Threei}  I lease them
01[13:09] {Threei}  every 2-3 years get new one
[13:09] {jfjf64} agree
01[13:09] {Threei}  with better price and more of a car
[13:10] {jfjf64} love my sonata
01[13:10] {Threei}  latest iteration went leather, with 2-memory seats, heated steering wheel an d a lot of other luxuries, and for some reason about $100 a month less
01[13:12] {Threei}  sonata is beautiful... amazing how far Kia went since times thneir cars were a bucket of bolts partially coupled with nuts
01[13:12] {Threei}  reminded me Lada
[13:13] {jfjf64} lot of car for 189 month
[13:13] {jfjf64} great on fuel
[13:13] {Les} slw 24 short?
01[13:14] {Threei}  let's do half lot
01[13:14] {Threei}  formally yes, but action is too slow
01[13:14] {Threei}  can reverse easy
[13:14] {Les} k
[13:14] {Les} hmmm
01[13:15] {Threei}  GLD spikes
[13:17] {jfjf64} yup
[13:17] {Les} I guess even gurus can be wrong LoL
01[13:17] {Threei}  nooooooo!!
[13:17] {thomcbell} my guru was right 
[13:17] {Les} :)
[13:18] {Les} which guru?
[13:18] {thomcbell} vad
01[13:19] {Threei}  I am not really a good fit... gurus predict things
01[13:20] {Threei}  and I ridicule those who predict
01[13:21] {Threei}  that's why I am traditionally hated by folks with strong opinions
01[13:21] {Threei}  on both sides
01[13:22] {Threei}  while one side argues long and another short, I trade both ways and routinely point out how they are both wrong, because they all think things should move one way only
01[13:22] {Threei}  goldbugs think gold must be up up and away, which is ridiculous... and they think I am anti gold
01[13:23] {Threei}  anto goldbugs think gold has no value at all and should be at 100 or 300, and think I am a goldbug when I show chart with long bias
[13:23] {Les} slw
01[13:23] {Threei}  I think both are idiots
01[13:24] {Threei}  valid
01[13:24] {Threei}  but still, hl
[13:24] {jfjf64} hl
[13:25] {jfjf64}    ?
01[13:25] {Threei}  half lot
[13:25] {jfjf64} ahh  
[13:25] {Les} will skip it. supposed to be at dinner table. too slow
[13:25] {jfjf64} the old half lot
01[13:25] {Threei}  Les... don't eat every day... it may become a habit
[13:29] {jfjf64} gld short
[13:29] {jfjf64} ya like
01[13:29] {Threei}  not really...
01[13:29] {Threei}  no clear setup here
01[13:29] {Threei}  break of 134, could be, but there is no good consolidation to determine clear stop
[13:30] {jfjf64} correct
01[13:34] {Threei}  see how hectic and unmanageable it is?
[13:34] {thomcbell} splk 1:1
[13:35] {jfjf64} yes
[13:35] {thomcbell} splk got 1:2 too 
[13:36] {thomcbell} stop to 41.99
[13:40] {Les} fcdx at pivot and vwap resistance
[13:40] {Les} fcx
01[13:47] {Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  134 break hl
01[13:47] {Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[13:50] {Threei}  if I identify the mood right, should be 1:3er
01[13:51] {Threei}  and violent one at that
01[13:51] {Threei}  1:1
01[13:53] {Threei}  1:2
[13:53] {Les} that it's for me
[13:54] {Les} a little extra christmas cheer in my stocking
[13:54] {Les} ty sir c u's tomorrow
01[13:54] {Threei}  christmas?
[13:54] {jfjf64} thought yawere eating
[13:54] {Les} heck everyday is christmas here
01[13:54] {Threei}  yw of cousre
01[13:54] {Threei}  but heck... christmas?? :)
[13:54] {Les} the gift of giving.... and receiving :)
[13:54] {Les} I like receiving
[13:55] {Les} a+
[13:55] {jfjf64} oh boy
01[13:55] {Threei}  I'll shut up
[13:55] {jfjf64} me too
[13:55] {jfjf64} where is nemo9
01[13:55] {Threei}  probably dead drunk
01[13:55] {Threei}  he forgives Les everything today
01[13:56] {Threei}  this is not nemo we come to know and like
01[13:56] {Threei}  or dislike as case may be
[13:56] {jfjf64} where ya stiop
01[13:56] {Threei}  .09 now
01[13:57] {Threei}  trailed under 1:1 after it hits 1:2
01[13:57] {Threei}
01[13:57] {Threei}  refresher for you, jf
[13:57] {jfjf64} ty
[13:57] {jfjf64} you half out
01[13:58] {Threei}  two partials
01[13:58] {Threei}  half and 1/4
[13:58] {jfjf64} or still whole position
01[13:58] {Threei}  last piece left
[13:58] {jfjf64} after 1;2
01[13:58] {Threei}  half at 1:1
[13:58] {jfjf64} got ya
01[13:58] {Threei}  1/4 at 1:2
[13:59] {Les} cipher dcc
01[14:01] {Threei}  out last piece on a trail
[14:02] {Will49} tks once more boss
01[14:03] {Threei}  :)
[14:03] {patel} thanks on GLD
01[14:04] {Threei}  yw
[14:04] {patel} not a bad day to be back trading
01[14:04] {Threei}  yesterday was even better
[14:04] {patel} I was logged in 
[14:04] {patel} but didnt trade
[14:07] {thomcbell} splk out rest here about 42.19 avg
[14:08] {Will49} good trade tbell
[14:09] {thomcbell} i am looking for a kors setup long between here and the 200sma - nothing here yet 
[14:09] {nemo} just letting you know that's the weakest stock on my algo
[14:10] {thomcbell} i fully agree but i think its going to 200 will offer a possible good long trade when it is defended
[14:10] {nemo} might be here too
[14:10] {nemo} 52.60 that low last week
[14:11] {thomcbell} yup - for the elliott wavers that low should not be breached on a closing basis
[14:11] {nemo} oh, the kid in ET?
[14:12] {thomcbell} nice nemo
[14:12] {nemo} ;-)
01[14:17] {Threei}  (GR) Greece PM Samaras: The EUR is stronger and more stable now, nobody is talking about Greece leaving the eurozone- Greek banking system is being recapitalized, government is close to a primary surplus, despite Greece being in the middle of a recession. - The situation remains difficult but the light is visible at the end of the tunnel.
01[14:17] {Threei}  lol... thnat's train, you dufus!
01[14:18] {Threei}  27% uneployment
[14:18] {Will49} thier surplus is all bitcoin
[14:19] {jfjf64} see all tommorror  ty vad
[14:19] {Will49} peace jf
01[14:19] {Threei}  take care jf
01[14:19] {Threei}  good to have you back
[14:19] {Will49} whoever you are:)
01[14:20] {Threei}  troublemaker Will... our favorite type :)
[14:20] {Will49} :)
[14:21] {Will49} you sure jf isn't that hacker who tried to get a free ride a while ago?
[14:21] {thomcbell} a flush here in kors will be good especially if bears get all happy with volume 
01[14:23] {Threei}  well, if it's him and he went to such depths as to find oldtimer and use his nickname, he desrved his shot!
[14:23] {Will49} ha
01[14:23] {Threei}  I mean.. nickname, password, e-mail...
01[14:24] {Threei}  wow, I have to respect such work
[14:24] {Will49} yeah...was just kidding
[14:24] {Will49} that other guy was too dumb 
01[14:25] {Threei}  yeah
01[14:25] {Threei}  but entertained us for two weeks straight
[14:25] {Will49} that was funny
01[14:26] {Threei}  send an e-mail and request trial extension with some reasonable explanation, no problem
01[14:26] {Threei}  but try 5 different nicks?
01[14:27] {Threei}  pretend to be someone else to get second trial?
01[14:27] {Threei}  then try to blackmail me in "then I go elsewhere" style?
01[14:27] {Threei}  yikes
01[14:27] {Threei}  as if trading rooms are commodity, all the same
[14:28] {Will49} they aren't? :)
01[14:28] {Threei}  I dropped Trading Expos seminars when they tried to make me do it at my own expense, reasoning that "many speakers want this gig for exposure"
01[14:29] {Threei}  told them if you view a speaker as a commodity, all replaceable, I have no interest in speaking
[14:29] {dino} jazz
[14:29] {patel} hahaa
01[14:29] {Threei}  so, guy picked wrong person to blackmail
[14:29] {Will49} next time, just show them your double bottom
[14:29] {patel} does that rishi guy still try to show up
01[14:29] {Threei}  lol
[14:30] {dino} vvus
[14:30] {Will49} yeh...rishi, that's him
[14:30] {nemo} frickin' mushroom
[14:31] {Will49} could tell he was in the dark and eating s....
[14:31] {nemo} well, you can say that about Les also
[14:31] {Will49} ha
01[14:31] {Threei}  oh look, nemo's back
01[14:32] {Threei}  couldn't believe you let Les off the hook twice before
[14:32] {nemo} missed it
[14:32] {Will49} you just have to tease nemo with an insultable issue
01[14:32] {Threei}  well, the way Les put his chin out twice with no consequences...
[14:32] {nemo} Actually you have no idea how easy I go on Les
[14:33] {dino} jazz partial l .31
[14:33] {nemo} easy ones, not as much fun
[14:38] {dino} out din +.11
[14:38] {dino} thing won't move
[14:39] {thomcbell} hig was a stop at 0.18 
[14:39] {thomcbell} for last 1/4 
[14:41] {dino} out jazz .51, +1.20
[14:41] {backman} slw approaching dl...short from higher
[14:41] {Will49} good onya dino
[14:41] {dino} ty
01[14:42] {Threei}  beautiful one
01[14:42] {Threei}  jf left too soon, he loves this kind
01[14:42] {Threei}  VIVUS, Inc FDA Approves Qsymia REMS Modification Allowing Access Through Certified Retail Pharmacies
[14:42] {dino} they are happening later and later it seems. i don't do much between 11:30 and 2:00
01[14:48] {Threei}
[14:55] {thomcbell} thats it for me today guys
[14:56] {Will49} be good tbell
01[14:56] {Threei}  take care tbell
[14:57] {dino} cya tbell
01[15:01] {Threei}  I bounce off the couch after finishing bottle of whiskey with more enthusiasm than gold does
[15:01] {Will49} you OK Vad?
01[15:01] {Threei}  sure... why?
[15:02] {Will49} botle of whiskey
[15:02] {Will49} bottle
01[15:02] {Threei}  generalization
[15:02] {dino} the slowness of this market is going to drive me nuts this summer
01[15:02] {Threei}  analogy
[15:02] {Will49} never seen that brand of whiskey
06[15:03] * Threei pours Will a shot of Analogy Generalized, single malt
[15:04] {Will49} aaahh thanks
[15:04] {Will49} love single malt scotch
[15:06] {Will49} even the imaginary brands
01[15:10] {Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .50 break hl
01[15:10] {Threei}  If holds  .60 
01[15:12] {Threei}  1:1
[15:13] {dino} took hours but out tol .81, 
[15:13] {dino} +.30
01[15:13] {Threei}  profit is profit... even slow one :)
[15:13] {dino} indeed
01[15:13] {Threei}  1:2
01[15:15] {Threei}  1:3, out
06[15:15] * Threei makes a mental note to tease les and jf tomorrow about 1:3er after they left
[15:15] {Will49} magic
[15:16] {patel} thanks
01[15:16] {Threei}  yw
01[15:17] {Threei}  1:4... grrr
01[15:18] {Threei}  gold has lead weights tied to its ankles
[15:22] {nemo} mail vad
01[15:44] {Threei}  no more trades for today guys, no feel for the ending
01[15:44] {Threei}  gold made an inside day as foretold
[15:44] {Will49} tks Vad..brilliant day
[15:44] {backman} gnite all..thnk u
01[15:44] {Threei}  fun will continue tomorrow
01[15:44] {Threei}  thank you all, have a great evening
[15:44] {nemo} big gap up tomorrow
[15:46] {jdetente} thanks Vad. Have a good one
01[15:47] {Threei}  :)
[15:47] {dino} \thx for ideas, gn all
01[15:47] {Threei}  you too dino
[15:47] {patel} take care all
[15:48] {Alexs} ty good night

Monday, April 15, 2013

Apr 15 2013

GLD Catch of the Day  - 1:10 move off the well-timed bottom. We got 1:4 exit, and GLD proceeded to 133.5 from the 132 bottom call. Look at the chart to track the thinking and eventual call.

This is on top of 4 winning calls on FCX, SLW, CAT and C earlier, with just one stop on second FCX call. To finish the day, added 1:3 short on CAT, 1:2 on FCX... if Friday was one of our best days this year, today is pretty much repeated it.

Session Time: Mon Apr 15 00:00:00 2013
[08:57] {dino} gm
01[08:58] {Threei}  morning dino
[08:58] {dino} :)
[09:12] {jdetente} Good morning
01[09:12] {Threei}  jd :)
[09:16] {cipher} gm
01[09:17] {Threei}  cipher :)
[09:20] {Will49} gm
01[09:20] {Threei}  will :)
[09:23] {Les} afternoon
01[09:23] {Threei}  les :)
[09:24] {Les} FCX 52 wk low
[09:25] {backman} gm
[09:25] {Les} gave up strong support tis morn
01[09:25] {Threei}  gold and silver destruction continues
01[09:25] {Threei}  bman :)
[09:25] {Les} FCX sitting on 30 a little consolidation would be nice
[09:25] {dino} \slv wow, pall too. seems the world is ending (again)
01[09:26] {Threei}  fear not, the supply of stupid is endless:
01[09:26] {Threei}  (EU) Germany's "Five Wise Men" have proposed a wealth tax which could be used to help pay for future bailouts
01[09:26] {Threei}  and they are called wise men... what to say for the rest?? :)
[09:27] {dino} "get out of the way" and let capitalism work
[09:27] {Alexs} gm
01[09:27] {Threei}  alex :)
01[09:28] {Threei}  Moody's: Cyprus likely will require additional aid, debt restructuring in the future
01[09:28] {Threei}  who ever doubted that
[09:29] {Les} five wise men
01[09:29] {Threei}  ) Cyprus eases restrictions on depositors- financial press; Raises individual transfer cap to �3K from �2K
01[09:29] {Threei}  lol
01[09:29] {Threei}  and this one is the best:
01[09:29] {Threei}  Cyprus Pres Anastasiades offers bank depositors who lost at least �3M under EU bailout a Cypriot citizenship
01[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .20 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:31] {Threei}  change to .15 break
01[09:32] {Threei}  If holds  .05
01[09:32] {Threei}  Invalidated
[09:33] {jdetente} citizenship?? lol
01[09:33] {Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .10 break
01[09:33] {Threei}  If holds  30
01[09:34] {Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:34] {Threei}  that'll console them, I am sure
[09:35] {Will49} miners digging a big hole
01[09:36] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  30 break
01[09:36] {Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:40] {Threei}  trail to .06
01[09:42] {Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  24 break hl
01[09:42] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:43] {Threei}  SLW 1:1
01[09:45] {Threei}  FCX 1:1
01[09:50] {Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .10 break hl
01[09:51] {Threei}  If holds  83
01[09:51] {Threei}  CAT two-sided
01[09:53] {Threei}  long it is
[09:54] {cipher} NTWK L.50
01[09:54] {Threei}  1:1
[09:54] {cipher} ROSE L .16
[09:55] {dino} bcei sm l .57
01[09:56] {Threei}  oh boy... 5 inches of snow in Winnipeg, and gusting wind
01[09:56] {Threei}  1:2
01[09:56] {Threei}  out .35
[09:58] {Will49} tks for all those nice call Vad
01[09:58] {Threei}  :)
[09:58] {Alexs} ty vad
01[09:58] {Threei}  welcome guys
[09:58] {cipher} out ROSE .68 +.52
01[09:59] {Threei}  staying with relatively safe plays in turbulent opening
[09:59] {jdetente} starting out the week solidly. thanks Vad
01[09:59] {Threei}  it was easier to short GDX and SLW while whole world tried to go long
01[09:59] {Threei}  harder when everyone and their broter sells them
01[09:59] {Threei}  brother too
01[10:00] {Threei}  *(US) APR NAHB HOUSING MARKET INDEX: 42 V 45E
01[10:00] {Threei}  Comments: "Supply chains for building materials, developed lots and skilled workers will take some time to re-establish themselves following the recession, and in the meantime builders are feeling squeezed by higher costs and limited availability issues
01[10:01] {Threei}  recovery, my a$$
[10:01] {dino} bcei stop .31, -.26
[10:01] {jdetente} heavy red bar on CAT after it hit .39
[10:01] {jdetente} good call on getting out
01[10:01] {Threei}  spiked way too fast
01[10:01] {Threei}  euphoris
01[10:02] {Threei}  euphoria
[10:02] {cipher} CRZO L .59
[10:02] {Les} slw gdx consolidating for next potential drop
[10:03] {Les} BBRY ready to drop
[10:06] {cipher} bcei l .68
[10:07] {cipher} out -.18
01[10:08] {Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  30 break
01[10:08] {Threei}  If holds  .90
[10:08] {cipher} SFLY L .59
[10:10] {cipher} out .84 +.25
[10:11] {cipher} QLIK L .10
01[10:12] {Threei}  Invalidated
[10:12] {Les} price is diverging from my indicators today FCX SLW GDX flagging forced selling or opposite of squeeze
01[10:14] {Threei}  why forced, as opposite of just selling?
[10:15] {Les} a descriptive term I use for when topping action turns into squeeze action. Doesn't mean anything of itself
[10:16] {Les}  if 3 min MACD is upturned with green histos but price doesn't move, my next setup would be to await MACD return to red with price consolidating accordingly at the lows
[10:17] {Les} although GDX and SLW just popped a little
01[10:17] {Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .85 break
01[10:18] {Threei}  you are doing it again Les... sp[ices with no food
01[10:18] {Threei}  If holds  .95
[10:19] {Les} :P
[10:22] {Les} data feed issues here
01[10:23] {Threei}  need quotes?
[10:23] {Les} no FSC working ty
01[10:25] {Threei}  no go
[10:25] {dino} bcei sm l .88
[10:27] {cipher} CYBX L .70
[10:28] {cipher} ORLY L .56
[10:28] {dino} cavm sm l .90
01[10:30] {Threei}  rinse FCX
01[10:31] {Threei}  dirty rotten scondrel
[10:34] {Les} from Brandt: here is the good news, Silver bulls — the market is probably much closer to the lows than to the highs. After all, Silver is getting closer to zero than its 2011 high of $49.
01[10:34] {Threei} Long Setup:  C  46 break
01[10:35] {Threei}  lol
01[10:35] {Threei}  ruthless'
01[10:35] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[10:37] {Threei}  1:1
[10:39] {dino} irwd sm l .69
[10:40] {cipher} out ORLY -.12
[10:42] {Les} miners looking for new lows
[10:43] {cipher} out SHPG .30 +.15
01[10:43] {Threei}  1:2
[10:45] {dino} lnn sm l .40 hooker
01[10:47] {Threei}  lol
[10:47] {dino} din .60 trig long, turtle
[10:50] {dino} some serious pain going on for gold holders
[10:51] {Will49} out C... tks Vad
01[10:51] {Threei}  :)
[10:52] {dino} irwd stop .45, -24
[10:57] {Les} fcx .75 shorot?
[10:57] {Les} if holding .85?
[10:58] {dino} tol sm l .94
[10:58] {Les} might need to bounce first
01[10:58] {Threei}  it's a valid setup, but it's the same as earlier at .85
01[10:58] {Threei}  and that one was rinsed
01[10:59] {Threei}  I just don't want to step on the same rake twice
[10:59] {Les} doesn't bother me
01[10:59] {Threei}  heavens know there are enought rakes to step on, I'll look for a different one
[10:59] {Will49} nice metaphor Vad
[11:00] {Les} so women like my broken nose. They mistake me for a boxer
[11:00] {Les} some women
01[11:00] {Threei}
[11:00] {Will49} it's not your nose you should worry about
[11:01] {dino} "better worlds" huh vad?
01[11:01] {Threei}  exactly :)
[11:01] {Les} poor sideshow bob
[11:04] {dino} out lnn .39 -.01
[11:07] {dino} out din .98, +.38
[11:10] {Will49} poetic dino
01[11:10] {Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
01[11:10] {Threei}  If holds  .20
01[11:14] {Threei}  Invalidated
[11:14] {dino} wbc gap fill
[11:20] {dino} csv sm l .95
01[11:23] {Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  132 break hl
01[11:23] {Threei}  If holds  .85
[11:23] {dino} wbc sm l .10
01[11:23] {Threei}  1:1
01[11:24] {Threei}  1:2
01[11:25] {Threei}  1:3
01[11:26] {Threei}  1:4, out
[11:27] {Will49} nice
[11:28] {Will49} one for the books
01[11:28] {Threei}  :)
[11:28] {Les} slw crossed vwap at 24 slv is far short of vwap
06[11:34] * Les hits Nemo with a pan of rabbit fricassée
[11:34] {thomcbell} ooh vad
[11:34] {nemo} video card death this morning
[11:34] {Les} which model?
[11:34] {nemo} EVGA GTS250
01[11:34] {Threei}  did we exit GLD too soon or what
[11:35] {Will49} don't even look at it
[11:35] {Les} slw 24 short holding .10?
[11:35] {Les} lunch time
[11:46] {Les} GDX at vwap SLW .06 from its opening price
01[11:46] {Threei}
[11:48] {Will49} pretty
06[11:48] * Threei takes a bow
[11:50] {Les} SLW DT?
01[11:51] {Threei}  .25 break if holds .35, yeah
[11:51] {Les} k
[11:54] {backman} FB..ndl
01[11:54] {Threei}  World Gold Council: Buying of physical gold in China and India remains strong despite turbulence, long term fundamentals remain intact- Highlights that the same issues that drove central bank gold purchases are still around, gold has a diverse demand picture
01[11:54] {Threei}  sigh
[11:56] {Les} GDX vol. building here
[12:00] {backman} out FB 2:1
[12:04] {Les} looking for potential GDX DT if holding .75
[12:27] {Les} SLW at S3 resistance
[12:31] {nemo} How'd this morning go?
01[12:32] {Threei}  5 for 6 or somethong like that
[12:43] {Les} lower high in the miners
[12:50] {dino} athn sm l ave .52
01[13:45] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .55 break
01[13:45] {Threei}  If holds  .65
[13:47] {nemo} looks like the spy
[13:48] {dino} oak drop
[13:49] {nemo} timberrrrrrrr
[13:51] {Les} no luck of suckers Vad, or no LACK of suckers?
[13:52] {Les} you saying suckers can get lucky?
01[13:55] {Threei}  lack
[13:55] {Les} LOL readers might misinterpret you
[13:55] {Les} after metals crash, might be their lucky day :)
01[13:55] {Threei}  CAT valid
[13:58] {Les} GDX .40 b/d?
01[13:58] {Threei}  .40?
[13:59] {Les} sorry
[13:59] {Les} fcx
[13:59] {Les} picked up th eflu yesterday starting to flake out
01[13:59] {Threei}  FCX... nice chart
01[14:02] {Threei}  1:1
[14:08] {nemo} starting?
01[14:08] {Threei}  FCX 1:1 too
[14:08] {Les} C vad
[14:08] {Les} index pulling it back to earth
[14:09] {Les} .25 is a pivot support
01[14:09] {Threei}  man... 2 trades is not enough for you?
01[14:09] {Threei}  you want 3?
[14:09] {Les} just lining up the next duck
[14:10] {Les} dunno if relative strength is indicating something I should be wary of, but trying not to think about it
[14:10] {Will49} no thinking Les
01[14:10] {Threei}  CAT 1:2
[14:10] {Les} 1:2 me out cat ty sir
01[14:11] {Threei}  yw
[14:11] {dino} gj
[14:11] {Will49} tks Vad
01[14:11] {Threei}  :)
[14:12] {Les} .30 is piivot
[14:12] {Les} C
[14:13] {Les} .30 short holding .40?
01[14:14] {Threei}  hl
[14:14] {Les} k
[14:14] {Les} might call it aday actually on completion of FCX
01[14:17] {Threei}  CAT 1:3, out
[14:18] {Les} FCX covered .21
[14:18] {Les} c u's tomorrow
01[14:18] {Threei}  take care les
[14:18] {Will49} peace Las
[14:18] {Will49} Les
[14:18] {Les} cheers thanks for the fish
[14:18] {Les} pissed I missed GLD
[14:21] {backman} long FB .55
[14:33] {thomcbell} bcei is on a long radar been basing for a while here after alreay making a higher low intraday
[14:33] {thomcbell} but baby with the bathwater action still present
[14:34] {dino} still in it at .89
[14:37] {thomcbell} also hig looking kind of interesting to me long for trade back up to 27
01[14:44] {Threei}  nice entry on FB
[14:44] {backman} tu
01[14:44] {Threei}  getting this thing down eh
[14:44] {backman} :=)
[14:49] {dino} gld new lows
01[14:50] {Threei}  hard to believe
01[14:50] {Threei}  "safe asset," my a$$
01[14:51] {Threei}  remember Slovenia guy said they won't need a bailout and I offered him a bet?
01[14:51] {Threei}  (SI) Slovenia PM Bratusek: Budget situation is more serious than previously believed, 2013 budget projections were too optimistic; need more time to demonstrate Slovenia does not need a bailout
[14:52] {dino} when they say "no", go the other way
01[14:52] {Threei}  (ES) Moody's forecasts Spain real estate property prices decline for 5 additional years due to high unemployment, lack of available credit and weak economic growth
[14:54] {thomcbell} amazing what has happened to some of these energy names - cxo looked ok just 2 weeks ago - now 50sma rolling over slicing thru 200 with multiple gaps and down almost 20% in that time - goes with Vad's philosophy that selling comes out of nowhere and is fierce
[14:54] {dino} they always fall faster than they rise
01[14:55] {Threei}  (DE) Germany Chancellor Merkel: Basel III rules must be applied around the world, not just in Europe.
01[14:55] {Threei}  you conquer Europe first, OK? then we will talk about world
[14:56] {dino} out bcei .18, +.29
[14:56] {Will49} HAHA
[14:56] {Will49} re:Europe
[14:56] {thomcbell} we both hit sell at same time dino
[14:56] {dino} lol, had a stop on it
01[14:57] {Threei}  Headquarters of the Boston marathon reportedly is in lockdown following reports of multiple explosions near the finish line
[14:57] {dino} that must be whats dropping market
[15:00] {nemo} yeah, following it on
01[15:09] {Threei}  shit... this is not good
01[15:10] {Threei}  no word yet on the nature of explosion
[15:12] {dino} north koreans?
[15:28] {thomcbell} spx almost at lower channel
[15:35] {cc_9} Anyone here traded GLD/NUGT today ?
01[15:35] {Threei}  GLD, yes
[15:35] {cc_9} i have tears looking at the charts
01[15:35] {Threei}  got 132 long right after double bottom around 11:00
[15:42] {dino} any news on explosion?
[15:42] {nemo} no
[15:43] {nemo}
01[15:43] {Threei}  3 dead, dozens injured
[15:43] {dino} cause?
01[15:43] {Threei}  no official word yet
[15:44] {dino} i can't find anything eother
[15:44] {dino} either
01[15:44] {Threei}  preliminary is, explosive device in the litter can
[15:46] {backman} Fox news reporting at least 3 dead
[15:48] {thomcbell} boston globe said something about other devices are still being found
01[15:49] {Threei}  shotgun pellets in the device
[15:49] {thomcbell} heard that on bloomberg radio
[15:49] {Will49} sick, sick, sick
[15:51] {dino} what the hell's the matter with some people?
[15:51] {nemo} cmon' this is nothing compared to what goes on elsewhere
01[15:52] {Threei}  can you blame nemo for liking rabbits after that?
[15:52] {dino} it's cowardly
[15:52] {nemo} tactics and man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter
[15:54] {Will49} Thanks Vad, 6 of 7 makes one fine day (and one was a real doosey)
01[15:54] {Threei}  :)
01[15:56] {Threei}  OK guys, thank you all
[15:56] {nemo} gs reports after the bell
01[15:56] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:57] {jdetente} gn all
[16:00] {dino} thx all, gn