Friday, November 22, 2013

Nov 22 2013

Very strong day with 100% result as all trades worked perfectly for us. A bit boring second half of the day, although we had a few even then, and there was great entertainment as one of the room traders worked the stock to sell 25,000 shares. Most of the trades were with usual suspects (GDX, FB, JPM, CAT etc) with some random names like VNDA or SWK mixed in. All in all, that was a very good week.

Session Time: Fri Nov 22 00:00:00 2013
[08:54] {nemo} very low spy volume for this time of day
[09:05] {barbo} GM
01[09:06] {&Threei}  morning barbo
[09:13] {RonS} hi
01[09:13] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:13] {dino} gm
[09:13] {nemo} wow ddd
01[09:13] {&Threei}  dino :)
[09:14] {RonS} goog deal...ddd
[09:14] {Will49} gm
01[09:14] {&Threei}  will :)
[09:14] {+cc_9} Good morning.
01[09:15] {&Threei}  11/22/2013 8:51:41 AM 3-D Systems Corp Partners with Motorola for Manufacturing Modular Smartphone Components- 3D Systemshas entered into a multi-year development agreement with Motorola Mobility LLC, A Google Company, to create a continuous high-speed 3D printing production platform and fulfilment system in support of Motorola's Project Ara. Project Ara aims to develop highly-custom, modular smartphones that afford users the opportunity to make functional and aesthetic choices about their device.
01[09:16] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:18] {drewj} gm all
01[09:19] {&Threei}  drew :)
[09:19] {Les} gm
01[09:19] {&Threei}  les :)
[09:20] {drewj} hey les
[09:20] {mrcanada} g'day
[09:21] {mrcanada} a bit of freezing rain before the Santa Claus parade tomorrow....
01[09:21] {&Threei}  mrc :)
01[09:21] {&Threei}  our cold spell is over...
[09:21] {mrcanada} it is going up to 5 here today...
[09:22] {dino} going to get snow here this weekend
[09:22] {mrcanada} if you get a chance look at this hour has 22 minutes and their skit on "what does Rob Ford Say"....
[09:23] {+cc_9} ARIA - P - ONVO - SPLK on watch for today.
[09:23] {mrcanada} dino where are u?
[09:23] {dino} northeast pennsylvania
[09:23] {Les} FB tempting here
[09:23] {Alexs} gm
[09:23] {Les} but lacking premarket permission
[09:23] {drewj} Dino I live in PA too
[09:24] {mrcanada} as in Pennsylvania?
[09:24] {Les} PA... pain in ass?
[09:24] {dino} where you at drew?
[09:24] {drewj} yes...south west...over by Pittsburgh
01[09:24] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:24] {mrcanada} CC.. where do u get this watch list? or what is your criteria ?
[09:24] {drewj} I graduated from Pitt
[09:24] {mrcanada} so a Penguins fan?
[09:25] {dino} i graduated from bloomsburg u in '87
[09:25] {drewj} Yes...kind of obligitory though:)
[09:25] {drewj} wow...small world
[09:26] {mrcanada} he was for the 87th time in  his career 1st star the other night just like his numer
[09:26] {dino} you still in pittsburgh? i'm 30 miles north of scranton
[09:26] {mrcanada} number
[09:26] {drewj} I played soccer in highschool against a team from bloomsburgh
[09:26] {drewj} you ski?
[09:26] {dino} yeah
[09:26] {Will49} aren't we sociable this morning!
[09:27] {drewj} me too...mostly at seven springs
[09:27] {drewj} hi will
[09:27] {Will49} hey drew
[09:27] {drewj} it was all that talk of booze yesterday
[09:27] {Will49} ha
[09:27] {dino} elk mountain
[09:28] {drewj} nice
[09:28] {+cc_9} mrcanada, list of stocks that I think can get some decent intraday swings that don't need a market direction to move
[09:28] {+cc_9} on Fridays, i try to look for stocks that can move on their own without needing indexes
[09:28] {Les} CC VNDA might interest you
[09:29] {Les} popped, no might close the gap under 11.90
[09:29] {nemo} P active
[09:29] {Les} now, not no
[09:29] {dino} cc9, i like to call that "better worlds" list
[09:29] {+cc_9} I want to short the crap out of P, but analysts are getting suckers back in it
[09:30] {mrcanada} splk popped
[09:31] {Les} no thanks
[09:31] {mrcanada} aria popped too
[09:31] {Les} I'd like to short it but that spread'll destroy my day
[09:32] {+cc_9} ONVO looking for a breakout to $10.00 today
[09:32] {Les} HPQ noteworthy short
01[09:32] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .65 break
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .58
[09:33] {+cc_9} GDX looking good
[09:34] {mrcanada} Vad...stop at .58?
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:34] {&Threei}  juast under
01[09:34] {&Threei}  was
01[09:34] {&Threei}  .64 now
[09:34] {mrcanada} k
[09:34] {Les} hassa? joast?
[09:34] {Les} ENGLISH!
[09:35] {+cc_9} out GDX 22.83
[09:35] {Les} me2
[09:36] {Les} lot o enthusiasm there
01[09:36] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
[09:36] {+cc_9} nice one vad
[09:36] {+cc_9} good way to start day
[09:36] {mrcanada} half in
06[09:36] * &Threei takes a bow
[09:36] {robbers} Out in full, thanks.
01[09:36] {&Threei}  yw
01[09:36] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:36] {Les} FB
[09:37] {ese} gm
[09:37] {drewj} house money:)
01[09:37] {&Threei}  ese :)
01[09:37] {&Threei}  FB is untradeable for now
[09:37] {Les} k
01[09:37] {&Threei}  30 cents long candles on 1 min... let it calm down a little
[09:38] {+cc_9} VJET bouncing
01[09:38] {&Threei}  get caught on a wrong side, it'll kill you
[09:38] {+cc_9} long ONVO here 9.30 for a bounce to $10.00
[09:38] {+cc_9} stock has trouble @ yesterday's high of 9.55ish
01[09:39] {&Threei}  last 1/4 sdtopped on a trail
[09:39] {Will49} great start Vad
[09:39] {drewj} yes
[09:39] {+cc_9} love the chart reversal on VJET, but cannot get myself to buy this stock anymore.
[09:39] {Les} C 52 short?
[09:39] {Les} maybe not
[09:40] {Les} FAS grinding sideways
[09:40] {Les} JPM .30 might be long
[09:40] {+cc_9} DDD giving back all its morning run so far
[09:41] {dino} splk sm s .50
01[09:43] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .20 break
01[09:43] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
[09:43] {+cc_9} JCP fast dump
[09:44] {Les} FAS testing the lows
[09:45] {+cc_9} ONVO no follow through...
[09:45] {dino} cov splk .80, +.70
[09:46] {Les} indexes, JPM showing tight 15 min BB's. might be sit on hands until EoD
01[09:47] {&Threei}  stop to .14
[09:47] {Les} half ty
01[09:47] {&Threei}  half out
01[09:48] {&Threei}  to .19
[09:48] {+cc_9} ONVO bouncing off lows
[09:49] {dino} prlb dump
[09:49] {dino} adding dec calls tfm
[09:49] {Les} SPY cup without handle IWM nearly inverted H&s
[09:50] {ese} nice one vad
01[09:50] {&Threei}  ty
[09:51] {drewj} yea gj
[09:51] {ese} gonna have to be takin more of your trades I think vad.......less thinkin for me.....13 shows in the next weeks.....don't know if i'm comin or goin
[09:52] {Les} bit cold for doin shows ain't it?
01[09:52] {&Threei}  they are inside now
[09:52] {Les} ah
[09:53] {ese} oh ya......
[09:53] {Les} JPM makes new low here
01[09:54] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
01[09:54] {&Threei}  stop .24
[09:54] {ese} although we are doing one out side or the Cengregation Emanuel here in Victoria, Jewish Community....festival of lights. it's outside December 4th
[09:56] {Les} GLD .20 short?
[09:56] {Les} gap closure coming?
01[09:57] {&Threei}  not sure... a bit too slow for a confident read
[09:57] {Les} k
[09:57] {Les} half then?
[09:57] {+cc_9} ONVO stronk lyk oX
[09:58] {dino} splk going for hod
01[09:58] {&Threei}  I don't have a read on direction... soze change doesn't change that :)
01[09:58] {&Threei}  size
[09:58] {Les} yeh ok
[09:58] {+cc_9} ONVO going to $10.00 baby
[09:58] {+cc_9} lol...
[09:58] {Les} frikin logic of an engineer
[09:59] {Les} should sign Vad up for next film of Star Trek as Vulcan crew member
01[09:59] {&Threei}  lol
[09:59] {nemo} rig coming into yesterday support
[10:00] {+cc_9} SPY tank
[10:00] {Les} wow
[10:00] {Les} no handle for spy
[10:00] {Les} plunge
01[10:00] {&Threei}  (US) Fed publishes Q3 report
[10:00] {+cc_9} BTFD
[10:01] {+cc_9} w/e the news is
[10:01] {+cc_9} just buy
[10:01] {nemo} funny what we call a plunge in this bull market
[10:01] {+cc_9} you can trust me guys, im a certified dip buyer
[10:01] {+cc_9} with all the proper licenses
[10:01] {RonS} lol
[10:01] {Will49} certified anyway
[10:01] {nemo} banned in 30 states
01[10:02] {&Threei}  remittances to US Treasury total $55.6B in period to Sept 30
[10:02] {+cc_9} +$0.25 on TNA bounce
[10:02] {Will49} what goes well with Lays
[10:02] {Les} ok spike then ya whiney bastard
[10:02] {+cc_9} I FREAKING SAID BTFD
[10:02] {+cc_9} SPY back to where it was
[10:02] {Les} howzthat migraine
[10:02] {+cc_9} P dropping like a rock
[10:03] {nemo} feel almost nominal today
[10:03] {+cc_9} P ratings cut
[10:03] {nemo} spy low was the top channel line going back to
[10:04] {+cc_9} P downgraded at Morgan Stanley
[10:04] {Les} umming and aaghing over RIG .75 break doesn't make any money
[10:05] {nemo} hlf ripping
[10:05] {+cc_9} long P here for $0.20 bc why the hell not.
[10:05] {Les} see if 52 resistance presents new opportunity
01[10:06] {&Threei}  Vulcan or not, but GLD wouldn't have worked
[10:06] {Les} yeh right
[10:07] {+cc_9} IWM very weak vs SPY today
[10:07] {Les} mind you... here
01[10:08] {&Threei}  Swiss voters will weigh in on a referendum Sunday that would pass legislation to cap the pay of top executives at no more than 12 times the lowest-paid workers.
01[10:09] {&Threei}  oh boy
[10:09] {Les} f&%* off
[10:09] {Les} will never happen
01[10:09] {&Threei}  why... let ese in, he alone will outvote you all
[10:09] {Les} round up the red card holders and lock em up
[10:09] {Les} him and his sympathising army of teachers
[10:09] {+cc_9} P posts their numbers, i see them as total garbage, stock gaps and rallies hard....ok
[10:09] {+cc_9} MS downgrades the stock, it plunges
[10:10] {+cc_9} so...those #s now are out the window, NOW ?
[10:10] {+cc_9} lol...silly underwriters
[10:10] {Les} P was way outside 15 min's BB's at open and those BB's are flatlined
[10:10] {Alexs} 12 times too much, very big inequality in Swiss
01[10:11] {&Threei}  yes, make that 2
[10:11] {+cc_9} Ackman bashing HLF on Bloomberg
[10:11] {+cc_9} HLF rallying
[10:11] {+cc_9} lol
01[10:11] {&Threei}  and hello USSR
[10:11] {Les} yeh just need to look in France to see what happens when govt. makes the decisions
[10:11] {RonS} Canada, land of 3 million lakes, may soon start manufacturing new ones -- out of tar sand toxins |
01[10:11] {&Threei}  Ackman has totally turned in "fade indicator"
[10:12] {Les} RIG 52 break?
[10:12] {RonS} re-presented hlf short thesis...hlf ripped
[10:12] {nemo} ahhh
[10:12] {Les} yeh getting taken to the cleaners on that one
[10:13] {Les} I'm a numpty and I remember him bashing the HLF story once already
[10:13] {Les} shark meat
01[10:13] {&Threei}  RIG, yes, hl
[10:13] {Les} like RIG db following yesterdays low need entry
[10:14] {ese} I like the look of rig les
[10:14] {Les} and rig likes the cut of your jib ese :)
[10:14] {ese} they your next door neighbors in Switzerland
[10:15] {Les} do I look like a tax evading billionaire investment corp?
[10:16] {ese} can't answer that.......could be thrown off the board
01[10:16] {&Threei}  invalidated anyway, so even if you are...
[10:16] {Les} looking for aggressive entry
[10:16] {Les} half lot
[10:16] {Les} will hadd if 52 taken
[10:17] {Les} long .85
[10:17] {Les}  holdign .80
[10:18] {+cc_9} ONVO push push push
[10:19] {nemo} spy drifting upward on low volume day
01[10:19] {&Threei}  that article reminds me the whole gulf oil spill deal, ron
01[10:19] {&Threei}  "biggest enviromental disaster in history"
01[10:19] {&Threei}  "daddy, have you plugged that hole yet?"
[10:20] {+cc_9} P Trade }}}
[10:20] {dino} tfm sm l .88
[10:21] {Les} P DB?
[10:21] {Les} to fast
[10:21] {Les} cc stock not for me
01[10:22] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .90 break
01[10:22] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
01[10:22] {&Threei}  aggressive for .85
[10:23] {+cc_9} ONVO time for a breakout!
[10:24] {+cc_9} looking at another trade in P if can break $30.00 for $0.40
[10:24] {+cc_9} currently flat
01[10:24] {&Threei}  let's do it FB
01[10:24] {&Threei}  good girl
[10:24] {+cc_9} FB crashish
01[10:24] {&Threei}  1:1.5
[10:24] {+cc_9} lock'em!
[10:25] {+cc_9} Vad on fire today
01[10:25] {&Threei}  crashisher
01[10:25] {&Threei}  bees do it
01[10:25] {&Threei}  why not FB
01[10:25] {&Threei}  lol, now Ella's voice fills my ears
[10:25] {nemo} mlnx dino, ur type
[10:26] {dino} tfm stop .58 -.30
[10:27] {nemo} wfm looks short
[10:27] {Les} RIG stopped not ready
01[10:27] {&Threei}  that entry made no sense, les
01[10:27] {&Threei}  it wasn't aggressive
01[10:27] {&Threei}  it was in the middle of nowhere with no setup
[10:28] {+cc_9} P BPPM
[10:28] {+cc_9} P going baby
[10:28] {+cc_9} another $0.20
[10:28] {+cc_9} push!
[10:28] {+cc_9} all out P for another $0.33
[10:29] {+cc_9} ONVO 9.70 :D
[10:29] {+cc_9} 10:21 Les P DB?
[10:29] {+cc_9} ;)
[10:29] {drewj} great job vad
01[10:29] {&Threei}  ty
[10:29] {ese} Les...whats gonna be your trigger for rig
[10:30] {Les} saw the setup couldn't trade it
[10:30] {drewj} and with that awesomeness I'm calling it a day and taking an early start to the weekend
[10:30] {+cc_9} P $30.00 breakout easy money, flying now.
[10:30] {Les} wanted higher low ese don't have it
[10:30] {drewj} kids get out early today anyway
[10:30] {drewj} take care guys
[10:30] {Les} my god P what a money maker
[10:30] {ese} gotcha
[10:30] {+cc_9} Les }} 0:24 cc_9 looking at another trade in P if can break $30.00 for $0.40
[10:31] {+cc_9} i thot you were going to join me :)
01[10:31] {&Threei}  take care drew
[10:31] {ese} so basically were talkin move above 52...retrace to 52 then go long the uphook
[10:31] {Les} yeh needs to be bid up and consolidate now jellyfish here
[10:32] {Alexs} trail .91 FB?
[10:32] {ese} ok...i'll keep watchin too....have always liked that stock
01[10:32] {&Threei}  alex?
[10:32] {+cc_9} lol
01[10:32] {&Threei}  of course, 1:1 was hit
01[10:33] {&Threei}  why wouldn't you?
[10:33] {Les} because he's reading my book vad not yours :P
01[10:33] {&Threei}  ah
[10:33] {Alexs} I meant it broke .75 so may be .86?
01[10:33] {&Threei}  not yet...
01[10:34] {&Threei}  if it dives under .80, then yes
01[10:34] {&Threei}  to protect from double bottom
[10:34] {dino} tfm re-load .60 break l
01[10:35] {&Threei}  ese, is there a schedule of your shows online somwehere?
[10:36] {nemo} iwm new highs
[10:36] {dino} cx tfm
[10:36] {ese} not for the high school band but for my proband
[10:36] {Les} you got yer own commercial gig ese?
[10:37] {nemo} wfm weak also, should be a re-short in the .80 area
01[10:37] {&Threei}  those shows that you mentioned earlier, is it midnights or your school band? or mixed?
[10:37] {+cc_9} ONVO } 9.75 giddy up
01[10:37] {&Threei}  hey, that's my photo on the top of t'he site! :)
[10:38] {Les} sue his ass vad
01[10:38] {&Threei}  why, I got paid, fair and square
01[10:39] {&Threei}  although not at the rate of Swiss CEOs
[10:39] {Les} playing RIG DB .80 holding .70
[10:40] {ese} one tomorrow RBC Dominion Secrities, Monday Dec 9th Uplands Golf club for the Gyro Club, Saturday December 20th Nainamo Bc
[10:40] {Les} small. see if it can life to .90+
[10:40] {ese} just noticed the December 9th one is not on the website
[10:41] {ese} hey les.....what do you mean commercial gig?
[10:41] {Les} professional
[10:41] {Les} you have a paid gig that isn't yer school?
01[10:43] {&Threei}  ese, don't forget, when dp is back, let's show him this He is always crying when seeing that
[10:43] {ese} The Vic High Band.....Nov 30, Dec 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 17th 18th,,,,,Nov 30 and Dec 14 have a mix of Vic High Band and The Midnights
[10:43] {ese} ok
01[10:43] {&Threei}  this one was the hard one to shoot,
01[10:44] {&Threei}  girl on the right would close up her eyes all the time
[10:44] {ese} definitely les.....all The Midnights shows are corporate......all paid
01[10:44] {&Threei}  I ended up shooting a dozen frames in quyick succession, and swapping her head with open eyes to the shot with the best posing
[10:44] {Les} vad .75 short RIG?
[10:44] {RonS} lol
01[10:45] {&Threei}  not sure Les...
[10:45] {ese} I remember that
01[10:45] {&Threei}  RIG trades somewhat difficult today
[10:45] {Les} looking at DBI now
[10:46] {dino} rig gap 49ish
[10:47] {RonS} tfm sm l .41
[10:47] {+cc_9} ONVO $9.80 :D
[10:47] {+cc_9} chugging along baby
[10:48] {+cc_9} 09:39 cc_9 long ONVO here 9.30 for a bounce to $10.00
[10:48] {RonS} out tfm flat...will wait until 6 mil sh traded
[10:51] {+cc_9} stop taken, flat for +$0.35 :(
[10:51] {Les} oh be quiet will ya
[10:52] {ese} have a great weekend all.....early rehearsal with my high school kids.....cya monday
01[10:53] {&Threei}  take care ese
[10:53] {Les} a+ ese
[10:55] {RonS} sm l tts .38
[10:55] {Alexs} CAT long .70?
[10:56] {Les} don't you start with that dog Alex
01[10:57] {&Threei}  I'd skip this setup alex
01[10:57] {&Threei}  difficult to evaluate when it's this slow
01[11:02] {&Threei}  look how both CAT long and RIG short retreated
01[11:02] {&Threei}  at least CAT had a decency not to trigger
01[11:04] {&Threei}  Ackman: $JCP was a mistake, we were wrong and we took the loss. We are not wrong on $HLF, we will be vindicated
[11:04] {dino} lol
01[11:04] {&Threei}  hubris...
[11:08] {RonS} tts overhead supply endless out +.12
[11:09] {Les} gj
[11:12] {dino} yy drop
[11:16] {dino} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[11:16] {Les} RIG .95 holding .85?
01[11:17] {&Threei}  nah
[11:17] {Les} missed the .90 break for .05 r/r
[11:17] {dino} oh, and just so you know, all that scotch talk had me hitting the j&b last night
01[11:17] {&Threei}  wrong time and market for this setup
[11:17] {Les} no need for an excuse dino
[11:19] {dino} tfm cannot get thru .60
[11:20] {dino} ok sm l .60
[11:20] {nemo} did it hit back this morning?
01[11:20] {&Threei}  Real Optimist: Even if the pickle is falling in your coffee, the vividly contrasting colors are amazing!
[11:21] {dino} no, feel pretty good
01[11:21] {&Threei}  Real Pessimist: 8 hours of beauty sleep didn't help... I am so ugly, I probably need 10
[11:22] {nemo} you could probably use a coma
[11:22] {RonS} no offense but you can't drink enough of that dreck to hurt yourself...
[11:22] {dino} perhaps a bag over your head would help
[11:23] {RonS} always tasted brassy to me...
[11:23] {dino} out tfm .90, +.30
[11:24] {dino} smokey ron
[11:24] {RonS} prefer peaty
[11:24] {dino} ahh, thats it
[11:25] {dino} .00 break re-load tfm
[11:25] {dino} giddy-up
[11:29] {dino} well that was stupid, had .30, now flat
[11:35] {Will49} unlucky
[11:35] {nemo} mmmhhhh  85 seller de
01[11:38] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .70 break hl
01[11:38] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
[11:39] {+cc_9} P crashish
[11:41] {nemo} HLF C&H
[11:42] {Les} yeh right
[11:42] {Les} should have taken .70
[11:42] {Will49} sheeesh
[11:42] {Les} big block trades
[11:43] {Les} dump
[11:44] {Les} RIG short .85 holding .92
[11:46] {robbers} Nice call, Vad, am heading out to a meeting shortly so didn't take it.
01[11:46] {&Threei}  stop .76
[11:50] {Les} damn wasn't game for 2nd entry, but it s giving it
01[11:53] {&Threei}  1:1
01[11:54] {&Threei} Short Setup: P  .70 break hl
01[11:54] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
01[11:56] {&Threei}  eeck
01[11:56] {&Threei}  1:1
01[11:56] {&Threei}  lol
01[11:56] {&Threei}  can you say teleportation
[11:56] {Will49} crap...missed two in row inspite of "hover"
[11:56] {+cc_9} if breaks .50 gona sell fast
01[11:56] {&Threei}  FB gets crashisher
[11:57] {Les} shite
01[11:57] {&Threei}  P 1:2... damn
01[11:57] {&Threei}  1:3
[11:57] {Les} §:4
[11:57] {Les} 1:4
[11:57] {Les} too dangerous for me than a couple of hundred shares
[11:58] {dino} out tfm .33, +.33
[11:58] {nemo} .30 was pivot
[11:58] {RonS} gj
[11:58] {dino} thx, that thing is "pulp"
[11:59] {dino} brb
[12:01] {mrcanada} is P getting ready to drop again?
[12:01] {RonS} LL hit as tilson sees it short
01[12:01] {&Threei}  probably but there is no setup here
[12:01] {mrcanada} k
[12:02] {Les} no I wanna be MrK
[12:02] {Les} you're MrC
[12:02] {mrcanada} you're mrS
[12:02] {Les} hmmmm
[12:02] {Alexs} lol
06[12:03] * Les practises hover technique over the slap button
[12:03] {mrcanada} heheh
01[12:05] {&Threei}  P is near the crashisest
[12:06] {mrcanada} with P could one be looking for a long play?
01[12:07] {&Threei}  FB 1:2
[12:08] {Les} nice one vad good to see some trend setting in
01[12:08] {&Threei}  1:3
01[12:08] {&Threei}  out
[12:08] {Will49} Will practices controlling greed
01[12:09] {&Threei}  why didn't you guys take it into bounce?
01[12:09] {&Threei}  .70 recross with .76 stop
[12:09] {Will49} stupid
[12:09] {Les} FB tendancy to snap back
01[12:09] {&Threei}  it did - just enough for entry
[12:10] {Les} such heavy selling should have been enough to get in for the kill
01[12:10] {&Threei}  as long as 1:1 is not reached, secondary entry is valid
01[12:10] {&Threei}  and stop is even tighter than for the original entry
[12:10] {Les} RIG stopped flat this one is beyond me
[12:11] {Les} long FB for the bounce
[12:11] {Les} 1:1
[12:11] {Les} out for the scalp
01[12:11] {&Threei}  RIG I said no trade, you took it. FB, I said let's trade it, you skipped. What can I say... :)
[12:11] {Les} makes up for lost short
[12:12] {Les} yeh yeh.
[12:12] {Les} I DID look at the FB recross of trigger
01[12:12] {&Threei}  did I say "look at it"??? :)
[12:12] {Les} hehehe
[12:12] {Les} SIR NO SIR!
01[12:12] {&Threei}  there
[12:13] {dino} yy lod
01[12:13] {&Threei}  especially when I am on one of those "can do no wrong" streaks...
[12:15] {dino} hmmmm
[12:15] {RonS} LL dino...tilson short
[12:16] {dino} news/
[12:16] {dino} ?
[12:17] {Les} lol RIG long hre?
01[12:17] {&Threei}  Lumber Liquidators Inc Ticks lower on cautious comments from Whitney Tilson (Kase Capital) at the Robin Hood conference -
[12:18] {Les} actually 52 break is better. gotta break vwap first
[12:18] {nemo} QCOM .75 offer
[12:21] {+cc_9} anyone went long P on the $29.00 ?
[12:22] {Les} would have taken .80 recross with .75 support, but no not the whole number
[12:22] {Les} might retest support here
[12:23] {Les} Vad guessing with lunch time not time to buy FB .50 break
[12:23] {nemo} qcom at .75
[12:23] {Les} short .70? holsing here?
[12:23] {dino} ron, think i stay away from ll
[12:23] {dino} all over the place
01[12:24] {&Threei}  .50 break makes sense to me
01[12:24] {&Threei}  doubler bottom
[12:24] {Les} .45 long?
01[12:24] {&Threei}  if holds .40 of course
01[12:24] {&Threei}  .45, if holds .35
01[12:24] {&Threei}  less chance of working though
[12:25] {dino} what stock you talking about 3i?
[12:25] {Les} QCOM short .69
[12:25] {Les}  holding .75
01[12:25] {&Threei}  FB, dino
[12:27] {RonS} LL tilson short presentation at the R Hood Conf...
[12:33] {Les} FB valid?
01[12:35] {&Threei}  which one? too many setups at once
01[12:35] {&Threei}  .45 has triggered a while ago
[12:35] {Les} nah was waiting for .50
01[12:35] {&Threei}  .50 got invalidated earlier, need a few more min in the range for it to reestablish
[12:36] {Les} k
[12:36] {+cc_9} P volume
[12:37] {Les} QCOM JBE setting up
01[12:44] {&Threei}  looks nice..., if not lunch time doldrums I'd join
[12:44] {nemo} whack a mole
[12:44] {nemo} better Les' head
[12:44] {Les} index break might be coming here
[12:44] {nemo} indexes look down here
[12:44] {Les} i h piped down u
[12:44] {Les} oh
[12:44] {nemo} o.k.
[12:46] {Alexs} less you're trying to make most of the money before sunday referendum?
01[12:46] {&Threei}  lol
[12:47] {Les} hehehe not bad
01[12:48] {&Threei}  Alex, if hoi poloi wins that referendum, Switzerland will set firmly on the USSR path (which is undertaken by thwe whole EU anyway), with the same end
[12:48] {Les} nah polls preview solid defeat
[12:48] {Les} one thing can count on in switzerland
01[12:48] {&Threei}  good
01[12:49] {&Threei}  some islands of sanity still then
[12:49] {Les} conservative voting... i.e, not killing the cow that lays the golden chocolate
[12:49] {Les} took QCOM 1{:1 at .84
01[12:49] {&Threei}  in the sea of lumpen
[12:49] {Les} stop to be
[12:49] {Alexs} 54% - against it 36% for it. The figures are scaring anyway
[12:50] {Les} alas the hoi poloi are allowed to appeal to each other for popular votations
[12:50] {Les} creating initiatives etc
[12:51] {Les} other silliness this sunday includes
[12:51] {Les} national conservatives creating tax breaks for mothers if they stay at home to look aft er their kids rather than take them to daycare
[12:52] {Les} targets about 10% of the population today. Ain't the 19th Century anymore
[12:52] {Les} no family can afford to keep a parent at home
[12:52] {mrcanada} I like that one for stay home...that is great
[12:52] {mrcanada} Les...I am a domestic engineer....
[12:53] {Les} me2 until recently
[12:53] {Les} ten years at home and the single budget just don't cover it anymore
[12:53] {mrcanada} golf all summer....
[12:53] {Les} lol I wish
[12:53] {mrcanada} ski all winter
[12:53] {mrcanada} now I have to learn to scalp and pay for it
[12:54] {Les} mind you 20k ploughed into trading education over 5 years been a big factor
[12:54] {mrcanada} better to plow it in than to lose it
[12:54] {Will49} the whole province of Quebec should learn to pay their own way
[12:54] {Alexs} 1:12 gives everybody possibility ski all winter and golf all summer
[12:54] {Les} A better paid education than going to college IMO
[12:55] {Les} no
[12:55] {mrcanada} very true
[12:55] {Les} Switzerland closes up shop
[12:55] {Les} and Singapore becomes the cheese eating island in the orient
[12:55] {mrcanada} hehe
[12:55] {nemo} what will happen is there will be a TON more executive perks that are not reflected in pay
[12:55] {Les} Europeans need to remember who their daddy is
[12:56] {nemo} company will buy vacation homes in various places
[12:56] {nemo} company cars
[12:56] {nemo} company whores
[12:56] {nemo} automatic food delivery service
[12:56] {nemo} that kind of stuff
[12:56] {mrcanada} sounds like some of my neighbours
[12:56] {nemo} golf memberships
[12:56] {nemo} offices in Antigua, Rio, Cannes etc, etc
[12:57] {mrcanada} in kbec lots of Mercedes and beamers with commercial license plates
06[12:57] * &Threei reviews nemo's list and submits request for company whores to RealityTrader board of directors
[12:57] {Alexs} rofl
[12:57] {nemo} oh yeah, and knee pads
[12:57] {mrcanada} lol
[12:57] {Les} lol
[12:58] {nemo} probably cases of listerine too
[12:58] {nemo} make for some interesting board meetings
[12:58] {nemo} no more "bored" meetings
[12:58] {nemo} oh oh
[12:58] {nemo} too much coffee
[12:58] {Will49} don't we have a lady in the room?
[12:58] {nemo} no
01[12:58] {&Threei}  hey... coffee allows us type stupid things faster
[12:58] {Alexs} I wish 1:12 ratio would be for company whores too
[12:59] {Les} anyway, curious to see how all this plays out
01[12:59] {&Threei}  not right now will... I will post SLRT code abbrevviation when in
01[12:59] {&Threei}  stands for StopLocker Room Talk
[12:59] {Les} Europe thinking negative rates the way to go now
[13:00] {Will49} fair enough
[13:00] {Les} f&%çtards have pushed themselves into a corner
[13:00] {mrcanada} is it expensive to live in Switz?
01[13:00] {&Threei}  I just wish EY collapsed before next USA presidential election
01[13:00] {&Threei}  EU
[13:01] {Les} yeh big salaries don't go as far MrC
01[13:01] {&Threei}  may have served as shot across the bow
[13:01] {mrcanada} couple of neighbors just came back after working there for 3 years (world bank) and they said they didn't expect the culture shock coming home
[13:01] {Les} howso?
[13:01] {mrcanada} just so different in Switz....
01[13:02] {&Threei}  any details, mrc? interesting
[13:02] {mrcanada} nice.... that it
[13:02] {mrcanada} is
[13:02] {mrcanada} i'll see him tomorrow at basketball and i'll ask him what he meant
[13:02] {Les} in Switzerland your neighbours are looking over your shoulder. Keeps a lot of more extreme individuality from rearing its head here
[13:02] {Les} no loud parties... ever
[13:03] {RonS} but yodeling everywhere?
[13:03] {mrcanada} we could never live there....
[13:03] {mrcanada} it is always loud here....
[13:04] {Will49} yeah..the cry for more Federal money
[13:04] {Les} lol cliché Ron
[13:04] {Les} lot of folk singing and flag flying at local festivals
[13:04] {Les} still very nationalist, although lotta foreigners changing that scene quick
01[13:04] {&Threei}  lol will
[13:04] {Les} lot of resentment
[13:04] {Les} hehehe Will
[13:04] {Will49} sorry Mr...nothing personal
[13:05] {Will49} just get enraged at the "all take" province
[13:05] {mrcanada} no vote is for Canada....
[13:05] {Will49} good boy
01[13:05] {&Threei}  yodeling is nothing... just think of those Scottish parachutists to get perspective on some horrors possible
[13:05] {Will49} LOL
[13:05] {mrcanada} I live here....and the vote against is small....but the media is owned by them
[13:05] {Les} sm sso long .22
[13:05] {Les}  holding .15
[13:06] {nemo} hah! though indexes looked weak spy can't sell down next run on deck
[13:06] {Will49} yeah..the leftist media
[13:06] {Will49} problem everywhere
[13:06] {mrcanada} look in T.O....
[13:06] {Les} oh shut up and trade will ya
[13:07] {Will49} touche
[13:07] {mrcanada} If Ford doesn't have a heart attack before the next election....he will get in a gain...
[13:07] {Will49} your calls Les?...hahahahaha
[13:07] {Les} touché
[13:08] {RonS} dino here?
[13:08] {Les} might be false break up for reversal holding the long setup
01[13:08] {&Threei}  yes but he can't put down that JB bottle
[13:09] {Les} Nemo what was that picture sharing site u asked cc for
[13:09] {nemo} forgot
[13:09] {Will49} the 1.5 L bottle of Jack is coming out this weekend at my house
[13:09] {Les} somebody wake up cc
[13:09] {nemo} Imageshack
[13:09] {Will49} bought in AZ for half what we pay in Canada
[13:09] {nemo} let Knuckles sleep
01[13:09] {&Threei}  someone just phoned and said "meers chan... err, cheers man... dat's thino... err, that's dino" so I suspect it was him
[13:10] {Will49} lol
[13:12] {Les}
[13:12] {Les} does this work?
01[13:12] {&Threei}  yes
[13:12] {nemo} that's a lot of tumors in your cranial mri les
[13:12] {Will49} Les...send a picture of yourself
[13:12] {nemo} oh shit not that
[13:12] {Les} join FB Will
[13:12] {nemo} break your fffn monitor
01[13:12] {&Threei}  will, see this bottle of henessy on hawaiian hotel's balcony:
01[13:13] {&Threei}  $22 in Costco
[13:13] {Will49} ain't it a shame?
[13:13] {Les} DJIA struggling
[13:14] {Will49} my kids forbid me to use FB
[13:14] {mrcanada} what...$22 in Costco???
01[13:14] {&Threei}  yup
[13:14] {Will49} in USA
[13:14] {Les} thats ok will, you can disobey them this time
[13:14] {mrcanada} yep
[13:15] {mrcanada} we have beer in Gatineau....everyone from Ottawa comes to buy it they sell a million $$ a week of it
[13:15] {Les} indexes getting heavy
[13:15] {Will49} used to buy those great quarts of beer there
[13:16] {mrcanada} les what do u mean indexes getting heavy?
[13:16] {nemo} yeah, pull your head out Les
[13:16] {Les} DJIA been leader and it is about to break south
[13:17] {Les} Mr C put up FSC
[13:17] {Les} and divide one screen into 4 windows for watching four indexes
[13:17] {mrcanada} k
[13:17] {+cc_9} ONVO tank here
[13:18] {mrcanada} k
[13:18] {+cc_9} ONVO someone is dumping blocks here and there
[13:18] {+cc_9} they are not being picked up though
[13:19] {+cc_9} and the seller is dumping @ market, not caring much for the fill price
[13:19] {+cc_9} hence the sudden $0.30+ drops
[13:19] {Les} c'mon SPY back up you go
[13:19] {Les} QCOM 1:2
[13:21] {Les} out QCOM ty Nemo/Vad
01[13:22] {&Threei}  :)
[13:23] {Les} need to short RIG
[13:23] {nemo} you drinking already?
[13:24] {Les} just getting started
[13:24] {mrcanada} wouldn't RIG be a long setup?
[13:24] {nemo} I don't see anything yet
[13:24] {Les} well put on those beer glasses then
[13:24] {+cc_9} ONVO getting very thin with not enough volume, moves on air now
[13:24] {nemo} but given it's daily, and general market strength, likelihood is growing for a long
[13:25] {mrcanada} k
[13:25] {+cc_9} picked up another round 9.10 see if this drop gets bot...
[13:26] {+cc_9} needs to get through 9.25 bid here
[13:26] {+cc_9} its so thin u gotta like set your sells way up so they dont spook buyers
[13:27] {Les} cc dcc svp
[13:29] {Les} look at the Dow
[13:29] {nemo} 30 frickin' stocks
[13:29] {nemo} look at the spyh
[13:29] {nemo} spy
[13:29] {Les} SSO stopped - 04
[13:30] {Les} more important things to do anyway
[13:30] {Les} pizza
[13:31] {+cc_9} ONVO ran out of buyers...hmmm
[13:31] {+cc_9} will settle for 9.25 exit
[13:31] {nemo} fslr vad
01[13:33] {&Threei}  .40 break short?
01[13:33] {&Threei}  spread...
[13:33] {nemo} yeah, buyer, can't get off the floor
01[13:33] {&Threei}  not my cup of tea
01[13:33] {&Threei}  nice chart but spread is nasty
[13:35] {Les} VNDA looking to close the big gap up on any renewed weakness
[13:37] {+cc_9} ONVO getting thinner by the minute, not liking it the price action at all, any tiny pop gets dumped on hevy
[13:37] {nemo} friday afternoon
[13:38] {+cc_9} wow, another crash sub $9.00
[13:38] {+cc_9} big effing seller
[13:41] {+cc_9} ONVO burried
[13:42] {RonS} P losing q
01[13:42] {&Threei}  FSLR works
[13:42] {Les} vad VNDA .15 short?
[13:43] {Les} catch a test of the lows?
[13:43] {nemo} short closer to .30
[13:43] {nemo} imo
01[13:43] {&Threei}  nah
[13:43] {Les} i c what u r looking at
[13:43] {Les} k
[13:44] {+cc_9} adding some ONVO here for a slight bounce
[13:44] {RonS} yelp scorched dog...
[13:46] {nemo} was Les behind it?
[13:46] {+cc_9} ONVO not looking good...takes 10 minutes to move $0.15 and 5 seconds tto give it all back
[13:47] {+cc_9} sellers still in charge
[13:47] {+cc_9} still looking for a reversal, but buyers too shy
[13:47] {Les} read the log bunny boy beat you to it
[13:47] {nemo} [13:45] {RonS} yelp scorched dog...
[13:47] {nemo} [13:47] {nemo} was Les behind it?
[13:47] {Les} nah we talking days ago
[13:48] {Les} dino talking dogs.... :)
[13:48] {nemo} didn't know he was so interested in your family tree
[13:48] {Les} that is so childish
[13:48] {Les} mirror!
[13:48] {nemo} hey, still recovering from a migraine
[13:50] {Les} save it for the missus honey
[13:51] {Les} YELP vomiting here
[13:52] {+cc_9} ONVO cannot find a damn bottom to save its life...any small bounce gets dumped, jeez
[13:53] {Les} what you holding the bag?
[13:53] {nemo} given the week it's had, why hold into the weekend
[13:53] {nemo} ?
[13:53] {nemo} bohica
[13:54] {Will49} in memeory of DP
[13:54] {+cc_9} i made money on ONVO this morning buying the open for a pop, which worked
[13:54] {+cc_9} now im trying the same thing but from session lows, avg @ $9.05
[13:54] {nemo} well, this is pivot and two day vwap, but friday afternoon after it got creamed this week
[13:55] {nemo} and we ain't talkin' the good kind
[13:55] {+cc_9} the stock was initially bouncing after each downside, but from 12:55PM a big seller came into the picture, and started dumping large blocks
[13:55] {+cc_9} every time the bid tried to hold a little, you see him back selling large blocks
[13:55] {+cc_9} you can see this on ONVO 1min chart, if anything, its worth some T/A
[13:56] {+cc_9} VJET and DDD dropping here also not helping (same sector stocks, kinda)
06[13:57] * Les slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
[13:58] {Les} oops
[13:58] {+cc_9} ONVO lower highs/lower lows, somewhat of a double bottom on this last drop @ $8.87, but the bid is so weak, any large block sends the bid $0.20 under
06[13:58] * Les slaps nemo with a RIG chart
[13:58] {RonS} siro drilled
[14:00] {+cc_9} ONVO and VJET actually same exact charts on 15/30min
[14:00] {+cc_9} massive sell-off, next day bounce, next day same bounce @ same high, then fade
01[14:02] {&Threei}  just so no one could say this Friday was not educational enough:
01[14:02] {&Threei}  On average, male noses are about 10 percent larger than female noses, a new study says. The bigger noses enable men to bring more oxygen into their bodies, which in turn helps to grow and maintain their muscle mass.
01[14:02] {&Threei}  all I want to know is who financed this new study
[14:03] {RonS} cocaine cartel?
[14:03] {Les} hehehe
01[14:03] {&Threei}  I will apply for a grant for a study "why my fingernails are of different sizes on different fingers"
01[14:03] {&Threei}  lol ron'
[14:03] {nemo} thought it was rather juvenile
[14:03] {+cc_9} Here is the chart I was trying to explain }}}
[14:04] {+cc_9} ONVO trying again the $9.00 here
[14:05] {Les} god  man we aren't kindergarden students
[14:05] {Les} I saw the daily and agree with ya, without actually saying so
[14:05] {Les} block him will ya vad
[14:05] {Les} :P
[14:05] {+cc_9} its still good to show the visual, so others can see the same.
[14:06] {RonS} thinkin when cc not here, he's a flasher...
[14:06] {nemo} mmhhhhh....have no idea how you got there Ron
[14:07] {dino} wuba drop
[14:07] {RonS} dino, u missed prlb siro
[14:07] {+cc_9} what a piece of sh*t stock this ONVO is this afternoon
[14:08] {Les} lol Ron
[14:08] {+cc_9} absolutely no follow through
[14:08] {Les} oh crap
[14:08] {+cc_9} Lets see if its trying to "base" at least...needs through 9.10 to reverse and get some buyers back
[14:08] {Les} new terrorist organisation rears its head
[14:08] {Les} threatening the world
[14:08] {Les}
[14:08] {nemo} he's drunk
[14:09] {nemo} qcom going for the big 80
[14:09] {Les} man indexes really drunk here. getting ripped both ways
[14:09] {nemo} what,  oy 73
[14:10] {Les} drunk is as drunk says
[14:11] {Les} Mr C u there?
[14:11] {mrcanada} ONVO setting for a long?
[14:11] {Les}
[14:12] {Les} thought Quebec city was inland?
[14:12] {Les} that's a big body of water there
[14:12] {mrcanada} looks like the remains of last nights supper
[14:12] {mrcanada} it is...
[14:12] {Les} fresh or salt?
[14:13] {+cc_9} mrcanada, it needs to get through 9.10 first, if that big seller from the past hour is done, we could see buyers stepping back in, but just sideways for now
[14:13] {mrcanada} yes.changes to fresh about there on the St. Lawrence...
[14:13] {mrcanada} thanks CC
[14:14] {+cc_9} some volume coming in now @ 9.00 offer
[14:15] {+cc_9} the buying for now is not pushing it up, but any sells crash the bid, thats why needs 9.10 bid to strengthen
[14:15] {RonS} Z 80 day low
[14:15] {+cc_9} look at the 8.99 bids now
[14:15] {+cc_9} its about 4x1
[14:16] {+cc_9} 100x10 now
[14:16] {+cc_9} some bid support 9.00
[14:17] {+cc_9} breakout now is 9.05 and full reversal through 9.10
[14:17] {RonS} sounds like big bidness to me...
[14:17] {Les} somebody slap Ron
[14:17] {nemo} phewwwww
[14:17] {RonS} used ot work w/ a lot of Texans...
[14:18] {+cc_9} and there comes the seller again...back to 8.00s
[14:18] {+cc_9} jesus christ what a dog this damn stock
[14:18] {nemo} cat got going
[14:18] {mrcanada} thanks for the lesson...that's what I
[14:18] {mrcanada} 'm here for....
[14:19] {mrcanada} a lesson in typing might help too
[14:19] {nemo} dude, hanging around here it can only get worse
[14:19] {+cc_9} you can argue that the trend turned slightly now that you have the 5min candles closing at higher lows, but any large sell will crush it, hence needs through 9.05/9.10
[14:20] {Les} yeh ONVO not moving on FSC/BATS exchange, means light as hell
[14:20] {mrcanada} thanks
01[14:23] {&Threei}  [14:19] {mrcanada} a lesson in typing might help too - hey, are you in the right place! This is the only room on internet that teaches typing with swimming fins on!
[14:23] {mrcanada} my daughter would be impressed....
[14:23] {Les} c'mon Vad VNDA
[14:23] {Les} .15 short?
01[14:23] {&Threei}  actually, looks better now Lesa
01[14:23] {&Threei}  les
[14:23] {+cc_9} ok, i give up, new goal is to break even on ONVO....
[14:24] {+cc_9} i dont even want to make money
[14:24] {Les} aaargh cc getting squeezed
01[14:24] {&Threei}  worth a try
01[14:24] {&Threei}  half lot probably
[14:24] {Les} k
[14:25] {+cc_9} come on 9.05 bid...jeeeeeeeez!
01[14:26] {&Threei}  what's your average price cc9?
[14:26] {Les} not shzortable aaaargh
[14:26] {+cc_9} 9.05
[14:26] {+cc_9} gota be careful selling bc huge position
[14:26] {+cc_9} so need to liquidate small
[14:27] {mrcanada} 9.10
[14:27] {+cc_9} im loaded 25k
[14:27] {Les} show us afterwards cc
01[14:27] {&Threei}  offer with reserve
[14:27] {Les} would like to see how you do that
[14:28] {+cc_9} i put my sells, it drops
[14:28] {+cc_9} im offering 9.15
[14:28] {Les} SPY ripping now
[14:28] {+cc_9} saw me and retraced
01[14:28] {&Threei}  I'd spread them from .07 to .20 in portions with 100 to display and the rest in reserve
[14:29] {+cc_9} i got a block pending 9.12
[14:29] {Les} how many in the block?
[14:29] {Les} watching L2 on this
[14:29] {+cc_9} 2500
[14:29] {Les} k
[14:29] {+cc_9} im going to cancel them and wait for bid to come back
[14:30] {+cc_9} when it prints 9.08 ill put back
[14:30] {+cc_9} ok im back 9.12 ARCA
[14:31] {+cc_9} 9.05 sellers god damn it
[14:32] {Les} so those offering .08 are hitting the .05 bids I see
[14:32] {Les} ok firming up now
[14:32] {+cc_9} i setup another block 9.14
[14:32] {+cc_9} the mistake i made was to cancel my sell before that spike on the previous 5min
[14:32] {+cc_9} otherwise, i would have gotten a block out
[14:33] {+cc_9} i canceled as to not kill the offer
[14:34] {+cc_9} suspense is killing me
[14:34] {+cc_9} 1.5 hours, let me out already you dogs
[14:34] {mrcanada} is the volume falling off?
[14:35] {+cc_9} on onvo ?
[14:35] {mrcanada} yes
[14:35] {+cc_9} well, kinda
[14:35] {+cc_9} but its been steady low since 11:30AM
[14:35] {mrcanada} k...
[14:35] {+cc_9} other than the large block sells from 1PM until now
[14:35] {+cc_9} 9.10 offer
[14:35] {+cc_9} im gona stack 9.15s now
[14:36] {+cc_9} 4x19 blah
[14:36] {+cc_9} need 19x4
[14:36] {+cc_9} look @ the 9.12 offers
[14:36] {+cc_9} you see the size ? lol
[14:37] {+cc_9} thats me hanging out on ARCA
01[14:37] {&Threei}  who offers like this, sheesh
[14:37] {mrcanada} is that u?
[14:37] {+cc_9} i have a truck ton more to go...
[14:37] {+cc_9} i cant sell 100 shares at a time, it will take me 2 lifetimes
[14:37] {RonS} lol
[14:37] {+cc_9} im gona market sell it and crash the fucker
[14:37] {mrcanada} u must be young
[14:37] {+cc_9} dont do it cc_9!
[14:38] {mrcanada} hehehe
[14:38] {Les} yeh wanna see that too cc
[14:38] {Les} let's go
[14:38] {+cc_9} 9.10 bid is nice now
[14:38] {+cc_9} need 9.11 buyers
[14:38] {Les} important education for me
[14:38] {nemo} no problem....hold over the weekend
[14:38] {+cc_9} not holding shit
01[14:38] {&Threei}  your arca offer is out
[14:38] {+cc_9} ok
[14:38] {+cc_9} the .12s got taken
[14:38] {nemo} facetious
[14:38] {+cc_9} my next offer is .15
[14:38] {dino} gj cc9
[14:38] {+cc_9} let me stack some .17s
[14:38] {+cc_9} i got MORE
[14:38] {nemo} Vad ACN, drop of .86
[14:38] {+cc_9} hold on
01[14:38] {&Threei}  there
[14:38] {+cc_9} LOl
[14:39] {+cc_9} i crashed the bid
[14:39] {mrcanada} this is better than watching Dragon's den
[14:39] {+cc_9} selling market one chunk
[14:39] {+cc_9} ok, i got a block .16 now
[14:39] {+cc_9} dumped some @ market
[14:39] {nemo} cc kinda' like a lone fighter jet dodging AA fire
01[14:40] {&Threei}  just typed: hit .11 with whatever you have left if it drops to there again
[14:40] {+cc_9} i literally shot my own self in the foot
[14:40] {Les} lol cc big enough to move a stock
[14:40] {+cc_9} BUT, i want out
01[14:40] {&Threei}  and you did just that
[14:40] {+cc_9} soon as 9.10 bid comes
[14:40] {+cc_9} im dumping rest
01[14:40] {&Threei}  nope, you did the right move
[14:40] {nemo} I guess in this case, he's a B-52 on a bombing run
[14:40] {Les} if .05 your cost then all is good
[14:40] {nemo} we'll call him "Maverick"
[14:40] {+cc_9} look @ the 2min 2:38PM volume lol
[14:41] {nemo} that all you
[14:41] {+cc_9} well, guys, im gona dump the rest market here
[14:41] {+cc_9} watch the bid fall for the giggles
[14:41] {+cc_9} in 5
[14:41] {+cc_9} 4
[14:41] {+cc_9} 3
[14:41] {dino} more like iceman w/25k shares
[14:41] {+cc_9} 2
[14:41] {+cc_9} 1
[14:41] {+cc_9} all out
[14:41] {+cc_9} god damn it
01[14:41] {&Threei}  wtg
[14:42] {+cc_9} IM FREE
01[14:42] {&Threei}  good example of working the stock
[14:42] {+cc_9} i could have done way better
[14:42] {+cc_9} but i dont trust this garbage stock
01[14:42] {&Threei}  well, here is what you need:
[14:42] {Les}
[14:42] {nemo} In nomine Patre, y Fili, y spiritu Sancti
[14:42] {+cc_9} sometimes, u gotta take some on the upside, and use the strong bid to gtfo
[14:42] {Les} yeh don't think i've seen that before
01[14:42] {&Threei}  a buddy who would have bid with big size a level or two under the market
[14:42] {Les} flowing with energy
[14:42] {Les} that i understand
[14:42] {RonS} cc out: "onvo and upwards"...
[14:43] {Les} even if it is to disengage
[14:43] {nemo} oh jeez Les
[14:43] {+cc_9} 25k shares
[14:43] {+cc_9} if it goes up
[14:43] {+cc_9} i will cut myself throughout the weekend
[14:43] {+cc_9} with a dull knife
[14:43] {Les} btw Nemo, giving Aikido a break
[14:43] {+cc_9} all my sells }}}
[14:43] {Les} gonna learn to smack people good
01[14:44] {&Threei}  chewing off one finger at a time is better
[14:44] {+cc_9} i kinda screwed up the last 2 sells
[14:44] {+cc_9} by hitting the market, they lowered the bid $0.02, took me and put the bid back +$0.002
[14:44] {Les} ok so laying it out a couple of cents at a time
[14:44] {+cc_9} +$0.02
[14:44] {+cc_9} yes, if large size, layer it
[14:44] {+cc_9} but in my case,  i cant put 100 shares at a time
[14:45] {nemo} there it goes
[14:45] {+cc_9} oh god its going
[14:45] {+cc_9} oh god i need to walk away
[14:45] {RonS} lol
[14:45] {thomcbell} swk 81.69 long break vad
[14:45] {Les} hehehe
[14:45] {thomcbell} dont like time of day
[14:45] {+cc_9} every 1 cent it was going I was +/- $250.00
[14:45] {Les} at least you've earned enough to buy a new screen
[14:45] {+cc_9} watching the P&L go up down a couple grand is not fun
[14:45] {+cc_9} especially not Friday 2PM
[14:45] {+cc_9} 9.17 oh god
01[14:45] {&Threei}  half lot, owrth trying, tbell
01[14:45] {&Threei}  worth too
01[14:46] {&Threei}  we are in the final stretch, stocks start waking up
[14:46] {+cc_9} if ONVO goes to 9.20, i wont be here Monday
[14:46] {+cc_9} but my ghost will
[14:46] {+cc_9} cc_0
[14:46] {nemo} Ipad trading?
[14:50] {Les} VNDA worked without me
[14:50] {Les} son of a Rango
[14:54] {+cc_9} $#%^%&$&^$#%$@%^#&#%^%$^666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
[14:55] {Will49} that looks suspiciously like an emotional reaction
[14:55] {nemo} vad, give him a banana
[14:57] {+cc_9} ok guys, no worries, it did not get 9.20, it stopped short of it
[14:57] {+cc_9} maybe ill live after alll
[14:58] {mrcanada} cc...what was the key setup for your trade to begin with?
[14:58] {nemo} I've got 9.20 as a high
[14:59] {+cc_9} mrcanada, to me it was the fact ONVO was one of my first trades this morning, playing the bounce from downside day before
[14:59] {+cc_9} after i sold it i kept and eye for any weakness to get back in for a flip
[15:00] {+cc_9} @ 12:55PM ET when the seller came in, i stared to slowly absorb those shares
[15:00] {+cc_9} each time he came in dumping ~200k, i scooped up smaller blocks
[15:00] {+cc_9} then when it finally double bottomed @ 8.87, i kept an eye on the selling pressure (by the time it was gone)
[15:00] {+cc_9} let me show you a chart see if it helps, one min
[15:03] {+cc_9}
[15:03] {+cc_9} I tried to simplify it as much as possible, let me know if it makes sense.
[15:04] {Les} looks simple enough
[15:04] {+cc_9} Basically when the seller was out, the stock was slowly coming back, thats when i got aggressive on the buy side.
[15:04] {Les} but if your holding 25k I guess that gotta hurt
[15:07] {Les} CAT vad
[15:07] {Les} .80 short?
[15:08] {mrcanada} thanks
[15:08] {Les} FB :(
[15:09] {mrcanada} cc...makes for a good night at the movies for the weekend
01[15:09] {&Threei}  CAT, setup is right but only if SPY reverses down
01[15:10] {&Threei}  actually, take half lot on .85 break
01[15:10] {&Threei}  and add half lot on .80 break
01[15:10] {&Threei}  or get stopped on half
[15:11] {nemo} oy betting on spy going down with no overhead, eh
[15:12] {nemo} btw...this is the monthly R1
[15:13] {Les} stop is HoD?
[15:14] {dino} yy sm l ave.45
01[15:15] {&Threei}  yes
[15:16] {nemo} gmcr interesting on .60 break
[15:16] {nemo} short
01[15:16] {&Threei}  SWK 1:1
01[15:16] {&Threei}  good spot tbell
[15:17] {+cc_9} lol mrc, why
[15:17] {thomcbell} 1:1 swk
[15:18] {thomcbell} didnt see u wrote it sensai
01[15:18] {&Threei}  that's OK, everyone else is ignoring me, why wouldn't you too :)
[15:18] {mrcanada} good pocket change
[15:22] {dino} out yy .35 -.10
[15:27] {+cc_9} well folks, all in all solid week again, Vad & gang, ya'll have a great weekend
[15:27] {+cc_9} a+
[15:27] {Will49} peace cc
[15:27] {Les} cheers man
[15:29] {nemo} I figure 183-85 by next Friday on the spy
[15:30] {mrcanada} how hi can it go?
[15:30] {dino} ll drop
[15:30] {nemo} should run into the end of the year, all new highs, no overhead supply, no earnings till January, no gov't shutdown til January,   you'll get some tax selling probably, but there's nothing overhead
[15:31] {nemo} So, outside of exogenous news...
[15:32] {Will49} or erogenous news
[15:32] {Les} like Rob Ford's erotic news?
[15:32] {Will49} yuk
[15:33] {mrcanada} erotic....scary
01[15:33] {&Threei}  lord let me die before that hits the wires
[15:33] {Will49} lol
[15:34] {Will49} we should charge Yanks a tariff to get news on our idiots
[15:34] {mrcanada} how do u copy a pic and paste it here?
01[15:35] {&Threei}  you can link to it
[15:35] {mrcanada} is it just a copy and paste?
01[15:36] {&Threei}  link? sure
[15:38] {nemo} gap up Monday coming
[15:41] {dino} ll sm s .80
[15:41] {nemo} Greg Harmon, CMT @harmongreg
[15:41] {nemo} do yourself a favor and look at some weekly charts this weekend, you will want to buy almost everything $STUDY
[15:42] {mrcanada} Vad I sent it too info at reality trader
[15:42] {dino} stop .15 -.35
01[15:43] {&Threei}  that'll take some time before it gets to me
[15:44] {dino} l .84
01[15:44] {&Threei}  do you have the link to image location?
[15:44] {mrcanada} its on my email
01[15:44] {&Threei}  I won't have it for a while
[15:44] {mrcanada} its a Rob Ford cartoon
01[15:45] {&Threei}  info is not my personal e-mail
[15:45] {Les} imageshack MrC
[15:45] {mrcanada} I tried to copy and paste...but it won't do it
[15:45] {mrcanada} or I don't know ho
[15:45] {mrcanada} w
[15:51] {dino} out ll .35, =51
[15:52] {dino} +
[15:52] {Les} gj
[15:52] {dino} ty
[15:53] {dino} calling it a week, thx all
01[15:53] {&Threei}  have a good weekend dino
[15:53] {Les} cheers
01[15:53] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all, that was a good week
[15:53] {Will49} have a boozey weekend everyone
[15:53] {mrcanada},1287884,1287884
01[15:53] {&Threei}  havbe a great weekend, see you on Minday
[15:53] {mrcanada} try this Vad
[15:53] {Les} it works
01[15:53] {&Threei}  yup, that works
[15:54] {mrcanada} great
01[15:54] {&Threei}  easier yet:
[15:54] {Les} outta here a+
[15:55] {mrcanada} great
[15:56] {goinshort} Thanks V  cya monday
[15:56] {mrcanada} onvo is now over 9.22
[15:56] {nemo} somebody email cc
[15:57] {mrcanada} might like this scalping and daytrading...just have to find the time with no interruptions
[15:58] {mrcanada} vad if I was going to review something on the weekend....would it be chart pattern setups or scalps?
01[15:59] {&Threei}  I don't know... whaever you feel you are less familiar with :)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nov 21 2013

Nice start to the day, pullback entry setup. Followed by a few more decent hits, pretty much makes for a good day even if no more trades come along.

Very strong day with a lot of trades working in our favor to 1:2, 1:3 on both sides. GLD, FB, CAT a few times and whatnot. There were also quite interesting discussions on trading education so make sure to read through the whole log.

Session Time: Thu Nov 21 00:00:00 2013
[09:04] {barbo} GM
01[09:04] {&Threei}  morning barbo
[09:14] {mrcanada} g'day...hope I can stay for more than 10 minutes today....
01[09:14] {&Threei}  mrc :)
[09:14] {mrcanada} mrc?
01[09:15] {&Threei}  you, abbreviated...
01[09:15] {&Threei}  typing whole name leave too much room for mistypes :)
[09:15] {mrcanada} o I c
[09:15] {dino} gm
01[09:15] {&Threei}  dino :)
[09:15] {RonS} gm...high 20 today & snow...thanks mr canada
01[09:15] {&Threei}  lol ron
[09:16] {mrcanada} ron where are u located?
[09:16] {RonS} denver
[09:16] {mrcanada} best friend lives just south of Denver
[09:16] {RonS} me too
[09:17] {mrcanada} how long have u been trading?
[09:17] {RonS} too long to think about it so early
[09:17] {mrcanada} hey its only 7:17 there...not too early
[09:18] {mrcanada} u r lucky as u get to quit work at 2
[09:18] {Will49} gm
[09:18] {mrcanada} hi
01[09:19] {&Threei}  will :)
[09:20] {Will49} hi mrcanada
[09:20] {Will49} where do you live?
[09:21] {mrcanada} u asking me will?
[09:21] {Will49} yes
[09:22] {mrcanada} near quebec
[09:22] {Will49} aw...yes! I asked you that before
[09:23] {mrcanada} yes...u r in beautiful Victoria....where I'd love to live but my 100k shack would cost a Billion $$
[09:24] {Will49} it's not THAT bad
[09:24] {nemo} sell ur kids mrcanada
[09:24] {Will49} Vancouver is the really pricey place
[09:25] {mrcanada} no ....they are going to be pro baskeball players and are my retirement fund I will be their agent!
[09:25] {+cc_9} Good morning everyone.
01[09:25] {&Threei}  think of savings on heating, mrc
01[09:25] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:25] {Alexs} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:25] {mrcanada} so its not too expensive then?
01[09:26] {&Threei}  requires thorough comparison
[09:26] {mrcanada} hmmm
[09:26] {Will49} depends what are your comparisons
01[09:26] {&Threei}  property taxes for instance way lower than in some provinces
01[09:26] {&Threei}  utilties too
[09:26] {mrcanada} what about income tax?
01[09:26] {&Threei}  and that too
01[09:27] {&Threei}  it's not that simple to compare
[09:27] {mrcanada} true
[09:27] {mrcanada} i'd lose my french
[09:27] {Will49} for a senior like me with some dividend income, it;s best place in country
[09:27] {mrcanada} do u get snow?
[09:27] {Will49} hardly any
[09:28] {mrcanada} freezing rain?
[09:28] {Will49} can go 2-3 years without any
[09:28] {Will49} a bit
[09:28] {mrcanada} how often do u go to the mainland?
[09:28] {Will49} every couple months
[09:29] {Will49} have grankids there
[09:29] {mrcanada} kewl
[09:29] {Will49} it is a bit of a pain getting on/off island though
01[09:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .60 break
01[09:29] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[09:29] {nemo} why is gmcr up so much?
[09:30] {+cc_9} GMCR guidance nemo
01[09:30] {&Threei}  earnings yesterday
[09:30] {RonS} shorts...decent report but low guide
[09:30] {+cc_9} and a couple upgrades
01[09:30] {&Threei}  guidance, buyback
[09:31] {nemo} because they lost the moat with WFM selling kcup replacements
01[09:31] {&Threei}  quatrely dividends
01[09:31] {&Threei}  quarterly too
[09:31] {+cc_9} DDD going nuts
[09:32] {+cc_9} DDD huge bounce so far
[09:32] {Les} gm
01[09:32] {&Threei}  what's the holdup, GDX, die already
01[09:32] {&Threei}  les :)
[09:33] {Les} whats the setup?
01[09:33] {&Threei}  .60 break
[09:34] {Les} FB KABOOM
[09:34] {+cc_9} VJET continues the slide { $34.00
01[09:35] {&Threei}  let's trail GDX to .66
01[09:35] {&Threei}  takes too long
[09:35] {+cc_9} NQ news : possible investment from BIDU QIHU
01[09:35] {&Threei}  out
01[09:37] {&Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .35 break
01[09:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
[09:38] {+cc_9} long DDD here 70.26
[09:38] {+cc_9} target $72
[09:39] {thomcbell} short setup mu - 19.33 break if holding 19.40
[09:39] {dino} vjet blood continues
[09:40] {+cc_9} all out DDD +$1.03
01[09:40] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:41] {RonS} gme
01[09:41] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:42] {+cc_9} DDD boom :D
01[09:42] {&Threei}  1:3 close enough, out
[09:43] {Will49} good one Vad
01[09:43] {&Threei}  :)
01[09:43] {&Threei}  frikin GDX
01[09:44] {&Threei}  self-inflicted wound, shouldn't have rushed to tighten stop
[09:44] {Les} frikin GLD ignoring some good signals here
[09:44] {Les} I am ignoring
[09:44] {robbers} Out GDX, thanks Vad.
01[09:45] {&Threei}  yw... good thing you didn't follow my stop tighten
[09:45] {robbers} I actually re-entered.
[09:45] {robbers} Not talking about my sex life.
[09:46] {Les} sm sso short .68
[09:46] {Les} sholding .75
01[09:46] {&Threei}  lol
[09:46] {Will49} naughty boy
[09:46] {Les} ugh robbers
01[09:46] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .15 break
01[09:46] {&Threei}  If holds  .05
[09:48] {+cc_9} ONVO going
[09:48] {Les} SSO 1:1
01[09:49] {&Threei}  stop to .09
[09:49] {+cc_9} QCOR
[09:50] {Les} FB for a scalp .23 ty sir
01[09:50] {&Threei}  yw
[09:51] {+cc_9} long DVN 63.25
[09:51] {thomcbell} mu 1:1
01[09:52] {&Threei}  half out FB
01[09:52] {&Threei}  stop to .14
[09:52] {Les} 2ns half sso cover
[09:53] {+cc_9} Vad, what do you think about GDX long here ?
01[09:53] {&Threei}  dioesn't look ready to me yet...
01[09:54] {&Threei}  but starting to look at it
01[09:55] {&Threei}  FB 1/4 more out
01[09:55] {&Threei}  stop to .19
[09:55] {+cc_9} GDX long light 22.28
[09:55] {+cc_9} 22.40 tgt
01[09:56] {&Threei}  to .24
01[09:56] {&Threei}  closed
[09:57] {Will49} nice Vad
[09:57] {+cc_9} SCTY breaking out here
[09:58] {+cc_9} GME bouncing on defense at Oppenheimer
[09:59] {dino} z sm l .95
[09:59] {dino} trla sm l .67
[09:59] {+cc_9} out GDX +$0.12
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) NOV PHILADELPHIA FED BUSINESS OUTLOOK: 6.5 V 15.0E
[09:59] {thomcbell} flat mu
01[09:59] {&Threei}  wtg
01[10:00] {&Threei}  nice business outlook
[10:00] {+cc_9} thx vad, had to get some, too fast of a downside, needed a bounce
01[10:00] {&Threei}  components, mama mia
01[10:00] {&Threei}  look at this
01[10:01] {&Threei}  - Prices Paid: 29.9 v 21.7 prior - New Orders: 11.8 v 27.5 prior - Employment: 1.1 v 15.4 prior - Inventories: 15.3 v 7.3 prior - Future (6-month) Business Conditions Index: 45.8 v 60.8 prior
[10:01] {Les} inflation's a bitch
01[10:01] {&Threei}  where is ese, I need immediate injection of the optimism
01[10:01] {&Threei}  dose of optimism
[10:01] {nemo} mmmhhh...I better get a subscription to KY
[10:02] {Les} IWM wow
[10:02] {+cc_9} AEGR breaking out on 60min
[10:02] {+cc_9} no wall for now till high 67s
[10:02] {+cc_9} back in GDX here
[10:03] {Les} sso .85 short holding .95
[10:03] {Les} half at .77here
[10:03] {Les} IWM really rammed shorts up the KY factory
[10:03] {Alexs} now they blame shutdown for the bad PHILI numbers
[10:03] {Les} SSO not so enthusiastic
01[10:04] {&Threei}  they always have comeback, don't they
[10:04] {nemo} wow what up RIG
[10:04] {Alexs} lol
[10:05] {Les} IWm offering DT potential
[10:05] {+cc_9} GDX lets break 22.45
[10:05] {Will49} RIG looks like one of their drill holes
[10:06] {nemo} 51.90 support
[10:06] {Les} RIG around here is interesting for long
01[10:06] {&Threei}  dictatorship strengthens on that side of the pond:
[10:06] {+cc_9} MS on 60min @ massive wall / breakout levels
01[10:06] {&Threei}  (UA) Russia Pres Putin: Welcomes Ukraine's efforts to increase ties with Moscow- Reminder: Earlier the Ukraine Govt announced it was to halt preparations for EU association agreement
01[10:06] {&Threei}  and on this:
01[10:06] {&Threei}  (US) Senate aide: Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) expects to have enough votes to move ahead with taking away minority party ability to block President's nominees for federal posts
[10:06] {dino} z stop -.35
[10:07] {+cc_9} Les, did you know RIG is actually HQ'ed in Swtizerland ?
[10:07] {Les} yep
[10:07] {Les} can't remember if it's letterbox HQ or real deal
[10:07] {Les} 2nd half sso covered
[10:07] {Les} flat
[10:08] {+cc_9} its based out there, so i think real deal en suisse
[10:08] {Les} still a decent commodity centre switzerland, despite present implosion
[10:09] {+cc_9} RIG volume accelerating, bottom nearing
[10:09] {nemo} 51.20ish next support
[10:10] {+cc_9} DDD parabolix
[10:11] {nemo} offers still stepping down
[10:11] {+cc_9} RIG 5min all candles negative since the open
[10:14] {dino} z sm l .78
[10:14] {+cc_9} long RIG 51.75
01[10:16] {&Threei} Long Setup:  RIG  .80 break
01[10:16] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
01[10:16] {&Threei}  that was...
[10:16] {nemo} another break jump
01[10:17] {&Threei}  let's go with understatement of the day and say "fast"
01[10:17] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:17] {+cc_9} i feel good Vad is with me on the play :D
01[10:17] {&Threei}  :)
[10:18] {+cc_9} im looking for 52.20
[10:18] {Les} wanted in but was showing cleaner to the door following 10:16 doji
[10:18] {Les} now come back down for les entry
[10:18] {+cc_9} GDX making a move here
01[10:18] {&Threei}  that doji wasa what gave mne an antry
[10:19] {Les} happy to be looking at the same signals then
[10:19] {+cc_9} GDX volume spike
[10:19] {dino} f'in mhh partial fill 17.50, 50 shares ugh
[10:20] {+cc_9} RIG needs to consolidate here for next leg up
[10:21] {+cc_9} tehre we go
[10:21] {+cc_9} break of 52 should be good
[10:21] {+cc_9} :)
[10:21] {Les} small long .91
[10:22] {+cc_9} setting partial sell 52.08
[10:23] {Les} sold 73 shares
[10:23] {Les} .99
[10:23] {Les} now 100
[10:23] {Les} half out
[10:23] {+cc_9} 52 wall
[10:23] {+cc_9} it will break, just needs more consolidation
[10:23] {Les} 2nd half covered
[10:25] {+cc_9} any pring of 51.95 we break 52.00 this 3rd round
[10:25] {+cc_9} GDX double top 22.45
[10:26] {+cc_9} lets hope RIG goes through 52 before the Gas inventory numbers in 4 minutes lol
[10:26] {Les} hehe
[10:26] {nemo} that might be what's holding it here
[10:27] {nemo} well that and the spy is sputtering
[10:27] {dino} out z .52, +.74
[10:27] {+cc_9} GDX what are you doing here
[10:28] {Les} nice one dino
[10:29] {dino} ty
[10:29] {+cc_9} RIG vol on gas #s
[10:30] {nemo} ooohhh, lotsa supply here
[10:31] {+cc_9} 45 vs 38 consensus nemo
01[10:32] {&Threei}  CAT interestingly weak
[10:35] {nemo} index grind up day
[10:35] {Will49} wouldn'y you call that an up-trend?
[10:37] {+cc_9} RIG get ready for the pop gents
01[10:38] {&Threei}  RIG on the move
[10:38] {Les} finally got it right cc long .95
[10:39] {robbers} Out RIG, thanks cc & Vad.
[10:39] {Les} 1:1
[10:39] {+cc_9} All out RIG +$0.28
[10:39] {Les} taking 1:2 .13
[10:39] {Les} stop to .00
[10:40] {+cc_9} 10:18 cc_9 im looking for 52.20
[10:41] {+cc_9} there she is
[10:41] {Les} stop to .05
[10:42] {dino} nice one guys
[10:44] {Will49} good call on the RIG .20 cc
[10:44] {nemo} gmcr wow
[10:45] {Will49} oops...premature compliment
[10:45] {Les} all out .24 RIG ty cc/vad
01[10:45] {&Threei}  :)
[10:47] {+cc_9} wtg
[10:47] {+cc_9} this was my reasoning on it : 10:09 cc_9 RIG volume accelerating, bottom nearing
[10:47] {Les} RIG VWAP test here
[10:47] {+cc_9} thats why its handy to watch same chart on multiple time frames
[10:47] {+cc_9} ONVO breaking out
[10:47] {Les} always 1, 3, 5 and daily
[10:48] {mrcanada} les...u watch 1 min. 3 min 5min and daily?
[10:49] {mrcanada} rig
[10:49] {Les} yep
[10:49] {Les} FSC covers some time frames, the trading window some others
[10:49] {mrcanada} for patterns?
[10:49] {Les} god no, just makes me feel more important
[10:50] {Will49} lol
[10:50] {mrcanada} setting up for a cup and handle
[10:51] {nemo} if IWM gets to R3 on daily it'll be all time highs
01[10:52] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .10 break
01[10:52] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
01[10:53] {&Threei}  lol... "Home is... where WiFi conecta automatically"
[10:54] {Les} my kids would understand that
[10:54] {nemo} spy at channel trend high
[10:54] {nemo} and R1
[10:55] {Alexs} then NYC one big home lol
[10:56] {mrcanada} rig buy at 52.44
[10:56] {mrcanada} stop at 52.20 ? is that correct Vad?
01[10:56] {&Threei}  break of
[10:56] {mrcanada} 52.44
01[10:57] {&Threei}  .20, no, a bit too far down theree
01[10:57] {&Threei}  latest low is .30
[10:57] {mrcanada} k
01[10:57] {&Threei}  that's your support for stop placement
[10:57] {mrcanada} yes
01[10:58] {&Threei}  bu think of it also this way
01[10:58] {&Threei}  RIG dropped big earlier, became a reversal play for us,
01[10:58] {&Threei}  now it's up from the bottom good 80 cents
01[10:59] {&Threei}  it becomes harder for it to move up, as bottom buyers start taking profits
01[10:59] {&Threei}  and thoklse who missed short initially start looking for entry into bounce
[10:59] {mrcanada} I c
[10:59] {mrcanada} k
01[11:00] {&Threei}  52 break was decent ,long setup
[11:00] {mrcanada} yes
01[11:00] {&Threei}  .45 is much higher risk
[11:01] {mrcanada} my middle name
01[11:02] {&Threei}  not mine... I like my risk, umm, malnourished
[11:03] {+cc_9} 10:02 cc_9 AEGR breaking out on 60min
[11:03] {+cc_9} 10:02 cc_9 no wall for now till high 67s
[11:03] {mrcanada} me too sometimes
[11:04] {mrcanada} still getting use to my new brokerage
01[11:04] {&Threei}  CAT stop to .16
01[11:04] {&Threei}  btw, mrc
01[11:05] {&Threei}  we have zero C right now,
01[11:05] {&Threei}  and there is a good chance it will remain lowest temp of the winter :)
01[11:05] {&Threei}  certainly was the case last year
[11:05] {Les} oh go tell someone who is listening
[11:05] {Will49} +3 in sunny south island
[11:06] {Will49} Vad lives in the far north
[11:06] {mrcanada} sunny here snow...and plus 3
[11:06] {Les} bugger off
01[11:06] {&Threei}  well, I go by official temp... it's always a bit lower than actual since it's taken on the hill near airport
[11:06] {mrcanada} haha
01[11:07] {&Threei}  ok CAT... breakdown time
[11:08] {+cc_9} RIG :(
01[11:08] {&Threei}  1:1
[11:08] {Les} woohoo
[11:10] {Les} sm rig short .44
[11:10] {Les} let's test that vwap suppo0rt
[11:11] {mrcanada} does not look good
[11:12] {+cc_9} GDX higher lows
[11:18] {drewj} hey guys
[11:18] {+cc_9} GDX breaking out
[11:18] {drewj} how's it going?
01[11:19] {&Threei}  hey drew
01[11:19] {&Threei}  very nice day
[11:19] {drewj} good
[11:19] {Will49} sunny, nippy and profitable
[11:19] {mrcanada} Vad would it be a good idea to raise my stop to 52.35?
[11:20] {+cc_9} out GDX +$0.12
[11:20] {drewj} watching anything now?
01[11:20] {&Threei}  yes mrc
01[11:21] {&Threei}  nurturing second half of CAT short drew, partialed at 1:1
[11:21] {drewj} ty
[11:21] {drewj} ok
[11:22] {nemo} if iwm breaks this high, think it tries for all time
[11:22] {dino} lgnd drop
[11:22] {Les} CAT's a DOG and no mistake, nurture it with a steel capped boot
[11:22] {robbers} I was out CAT at .98, thanks.
01[11:23] {&Threei}  yw
01[11:24] {&Threei}  oh stop it Les
01[11:24] {&Threei}  real men love cats
[11:24] {Will49} i have a love-hate relationship with cats
01[11:25] {&Threei}
[11:25] {Will49} used to love
[11:25] {mrcanada} I am allergic but love my kids so I take medicine to put up with it
[11:25] {Les} ouch MrC
[11:25] {nemo} taking the wrong medicine
[11:25] {Les} hehehe
01[11:25] {&Threei}  allergic to kids??
[11:25] {Les} LOL
[11:26] {mrcanada} not kids....I have 7 of them
[11:26] {Les} rephrase that MrC :)
[11:26] {Will49} yikes
01[11:26] {&Threei}  wow
[11:26] {Will49} no wonder you need meds
[11:26] {nemo} oh jeez
[11:26] {mrcanada} we don't shoot blanks here
[11:26] {RonS} lol
[11:26] {Les} hehe
[11:26] {Will49} we need more of your kind mrC
[11:27] {Will49} cut down on immigration
[11:27] {mrcanada} to support the aging pop of canada
[11:27] {mrcanada} I have enough for basketball team now with 2 subs
[11:27] {Will49} lol
[11:27] {RonS} rotflol
[11:28] {Les} haha
[11:28] {mrcanada} Vad...could RIG now look like a JBE?
[11:28] {+cc_9} BBY breaking out
[11:28] {RonS} enough to guarantee entry into Mormon heaven, w/ two subs
[11:29] {mrcanada} ???
01[11:29] {&Threei}  it does,
01[11:29] {&Threei}  but time of the day is not conducive to this kind of setups
[11:29] {RonS} 5 kids = guaranteed entry into Mormon heaven...
[11:29] {Les} Mormon's have quotas?
[11:29] {Alexs} you have 7 kids and risk your middle name mrcanada?
[11:30] {mrcanada} what time is best?
[11:30] {mrcanada} hehe
[11:30] {Les} stop to .50 on RIG
[11:30] {RonS} no quota just do it...
01[11:30] {&Threei}  first couple hours, last hour and half
[11:31] {Will49} stop should be at 7 mrC
01[11:31] {&Threei}  we are mobing into lunch time doldrums
[11:31] {mrcanada} thanks...
[11:31] {dino} lgnd sm l .98 wide
[11:31] {mrcanada} yep
01[11:31] {&Threei}  breakout tend to fail now more often
01[11:31] {&Threei}  breakouts
01[11:32] {&Threei}  breakdowns have a bit better chance of working
[11:32] {Les} RIG 1:1 cover half
01[11:32] {&Threei}  although not the idea trades either
01[11:32] {&Threei}  fades are better bets
[11:32] {Les} frikin SOB made me wait, worse than CAT
01[11:32] {&Threei}  as Les demonstrated :)
[11:32] {mrcanada} out...
[11:32] {Les} well...
[11:32] {Les} ain't nothing so bad as a CAT
[11:33] {mrcanada} my good at he gets to stay....
[11:33] {dino} lgnd sm l .98 wide
[11:33] {dino} opps already posted
[11:33] {mrcanada} I let a cat in the they want a to the house...
[11:34] {Les} better work on yer trading skills MrC
[11:34] {mrcanada} yes...les
[11:34] {Les} not mocking you on the RIG trade, just sayin you got some expenses to cover there
[11:34] {mrcanada} that is why I am here
[11:35] {mrcanada} i live in kbec....tuition is cheap
[11:35] {Les} long and painfully learnt by yours truly over a number of very hard years for Vad
[11:35] {Will49} oh yeah... the ROC knows
[11:35] {Les} need to survive my first year this time round
[11:36] {Les} cover RIG .24 1:2
[11:36] {mrcanada} i have up until now been a swing trader and lived off dividends
[11:36] {Will49} same here mrC
[11:36] {Les} k, me still learning to pull my head out of my a$$ and manage money and risk more wisely
[11:36] {Will49} except divedends only bought lunch once in a while
[11:36] {mrcanada} interested in re-investing dividends with some scalps and daytrades...
[11:37] {Les} covered CAT .91 good riddance
[11:37] {Les} ty sir
[11:37] {Les} will wait until EoD now. Later a+
01[11:37] {&Threei}  1:2
[11:38] {mrcanada} RIG is going for a dump
[11:38] {+cc_9} 10:47 cc_9 ONVO breaking out
[11:38] {+cc_9} major bounce ongoing ONVO
[11:41] {Will49} out CAT tks Vad
01[11:41] {&Threei}  yw
[11:41] {Will49} love it:)
[11:42] {+cc_9} RIG waterfall, back to near $52.00
01[11:43] {&Threei}  "name of the next course: How I stopped worrying and learned to love cats
[11:43] {+cc_9} Miners tanking here
[11:43] {Will49} sign me up
[11:44] {robbers} Will, some day you'll have to teach me how to hold trades more than two minutes, big downfall on my part.
[11:45] {Will49} no kidding...i struggled withat too
01[11:45] {&Threei}  Taoist Trader
[11:45] {robbers} Any advice?
[11:45] {Will49} read Toaist Trader
01[11:45] {&Threei}  has everything you need, on that and more
[11:46] {robbers} Yeah, probably need to re-read it.  HAVE to re-read it.  Thanks.
01[11:46] {&Threei}  basically, comes to principle of Vu Wei
01[11:46] {&Threei}  why do you intrude in natural order of things?
01[11:46] {&Threei}  stock moves accordingly to that order,
[11:46] {+cc_9} Toadist*
01[11:46] {&Threei}  let it
01[11:47] {&Threei}  don't intervene
01[11:47] {&Threei}  there are road signs when to enter, when to ext, when to partial, when to trail
01[11:47] {&Threei}  follow them
[11:47] {Will49} I had to convince myself that holding on was one of Vad's rules
01[11:47] {&Threei}  don't do anything road signs don't tell you to
[11:47] {Will49} then I set a goal every morning to trade by the rules
[11:48] {nemo} Well, long as Les wasn't the guy who put up the sign
[11:48] {robbers} This is very helpful, guys, appreciate it.
[11:48] {Will49} didn't take long before I just did it
[11:49] {Will49} have a few pangs once in a while and want to bail but have proven now that it pays to go by rules
[11:50] {Will49} although I'm still not happy with my account, holding for 1:2 1:3 1:4 was biggest brakthru yet
[11:50] {Will49} breakethru
[11:50] {Will49} ???
[11:51] {Will49} whatever
[11:51] {drewj} breakthrough
[11:51] {Will49} that's IT
[11:51] {Will49} tks drew
[11:52] {drewj} so are you selling half at 1:1 then doing quarters after that?
[11:52] {nemo} new 5 year highs on the finnies
[11:52] {drewj} yw
[11:52] {robbers} Yeah, do realize that I have to make the adjustment, been taking baby steps in that direction.
[11:52] {Will49} yes
[11:52] {drewj} what were you doing before...if you don't mind me asking.
[11:52] {drewj} I'm trying to work on that too
[11:53] {robbers} Drew, as for me, I often partial half, then deal with the second half.
[11:53] {Will49} was fearing losing profits and would bail out way before i should
[11:53] {robbers} Same here, Will.
[11:54] {robbers} Nothing more frustrating than losing money on what was a winning trade.  Flaw in my thinking.
[11:54] {Will49} i still go by rules rigidly and when Vad uses his intuition and exits ahead of targets, it pisses me off:)
[11:54] {dino} robbers, i agree
[11:54] {Will49} that's my next challenge
[11:54] {Will49} slowly developing a feel for the market
[11:55] {mrcanada} how long have u used the trading room Will?
[11:55] {drewj} i'm going to start working on being strict about partialing
[11:55] {Will49} since sept 12
[11:55] {Will49} 2012
[11:55] {mrcanada} and has it improved your $$?
[11:56] {nemo} lok at the finnies go
[11:56] {Will49} going by the rules? mrC?
[11:56] {nemo} Monthly R1 just below 83 fas
[11:56] {dino} out mhh .53, +1.03 all dayer
[11:56] {Will49} nice dino
[11:56] {drewj} gj dino
[11:56] {robbers} WTG, Dino.
[11:57] {dino} ty
[11:57] {Will49} all your fans are applauding
[11:58] {mrcanada} dino where did u find this one?
[11:58] {drewj} dino do you partial out?
[12:00] {dino} trla bounce
[12:01] {RonS} dem bones:
[12:02] {nemo} it's even worse than that Ron,
[12:02] {dino} mrC, was watching it yeterday, dropped hard. from my 07 scanner
[12:02] {nemo} there was a skeleton found in Washington state in the 90's
[12:02] {nemo} It's at the Smithsonian, but nobody can do any studies on it
[12:03] {nemo} it's caucasian dna and predates any "Native American" prescence in the US
[12:03] {dino} lol, would throw all the indian claims out, huh
[12:03] {nemo} Department of the Interior, Brought several thousand metric tons of fill to the area where it was found
[12:03] {nemo} Yep
[12:04] {dino} the truth doesn't matter w/govt
[12:04] {nemo} never has
[12:04] {nemo} Well, funnything in China, oldest grave is mummified remains of caucasian dna too
[12:04] {nemo} not necessarily european mind you
[12:04] {dino} but we never hear of any of this
[12:05] {nemo} you have to dig
[12:05] {dino} need mulder and sculley back on the case
[12:05] {nemo} same with everything:  KAL 700, Damansky Island, Kursk, Chelabynsk
[12:05] {robbers} Governments always do what's in their narrow self-interest.
[12:05] {dino} agree
[12:06] {nemo} well in the interest of the power groups that take part in Gov't.   Tocqueville
[12:06] {RonS} had neighbor couple killed in that TWA flt, what?  800? cover up...
[12:07] {nemo} oh, in 2001?
[12:07] {RonS} think 1997
[12:07] {nemo} NY Harbor flight?
[12:07] {RonS} yep to France...funny thing is that she was UAL stew...
[12:08] {nemo} nah, no stingers got into the wrong hands
[12:08] {dino} yeah, had insurance rep lose his daughter on that flight, destryed him
01[12:08] {&Threei}  guys, that link to tradethenews from our homepage that wouldn't work a week ago is ficed now
01[12:09] {&Threei}  fixed too
[12:15] {nemo} vmw butting up against resistance
[12:24] {+cc_9} AEGR breaking out 15min chart
[12:25] {+cc_9} JOE tank
[12:26] {+cc_9} Einhorn "JOE shares are worth about $7.00"
[12:26] {dino} he's been saying that for a year
[12:27] {+cc_9} its not bouncing yet, but could snap back to 17.20 - 17.30
[12:29] {+cc_9} like so ;)
[12:30] {+cc_9} AEGR going ape on 15mins
[12:35] {+cc_9} look @ that volume surge on VJET today around 32.50 vs yesterday's volume, 30 min chart
[12:35] {+cc_9} GMCR dropping on Einhorn bash
[12:38] {+cc_9} AEGR still plenty upside on the 15mins
[12:39] {+cc_9} CMG drop on Einhorn bash
[12:39] {dino} tpx
[12:40] {+cc_9} hmmm, whats going on there
01[12:40] {&Threei}  TPC Einhorn likes
[12:40] {+cc_9} Einhorn pump
[12:40] {+cc_9} yes
01[12:40] {&Threei}  TPX
[12:40] {+cc_9} if $49.00 will short
[12:41] {dino} tpx sm s .31
01[12:41] {&Threei}  (US) Vote to change filibuster rules in the Senate (the so-called nuclear option) has enough votes to pass- Senate votes 52-48 to change voting rules on executive, judicial nominees, excluding Supreme Court
[12:42] {+cc_9} green eggs and ham
01[12:42] {&Threei}  some day this will come back to bite dems in the arse
[12:42] {dino} cov tpx .06, +.25
01[12:43] {&Threei}  anf they will damn Reid to hell
[12:43] {+cc_9} nice dino, wanted to short on the pop but needed to know reason, too late
[12:43] {dino} ty
[12:57] {dino} lgnd lod
[13:01] {+cc_9} JOE came back all the way
01[13:03] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .20 break
01[13:04] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
01[13:11] {&Threei}  1:1
01[13:17] {&Threei}  1:2
01[13:17] {&Threei}  Les, get back here and learn to love cats!
[13:17] {drewj} how  you doing will?
[13:17] {drewj} still holding out?
[13:17] {Will49} hangin tough
[13:18] {drewj} good me too
01[13:18] {&Threei}  robbers... how about you? :)
[13:18] {nemo} finnies new highs
[13:19] {robbers} I had 700 shares so didn't partial, got out in full at .04. Comments?
01[13:20] {&Threei}  why not do 400 at 1:1 and 300 and 1:2?
01[13:20] {&Threei}  view smaller lot as opportunity to practice,
[13:20] {robbers} Really good point, appreciate it Vad.
01[13:20] {&Threei}  and practice makes sense only if you imitate exactly what you'd do with full lot
[13:23] {Alexs} robbers trade made more money than 400/300 partial though
[13:24] {drewj} but partials lock in profit
01[13:24] {&Threei}  missing the point, Alex...
01[13:25] {&Threei}  hindsight is always 20/20, but you never know how the particular trade is going to develop
01[13:25] {&Threei}  1. it could have reversed after 1:1
01[13:25] {&Threei}  so profit would have evaporated while partialing at 1:1 locked it in
[13:26] {RonS} pm snuffed
01[13:26] {&Threei}  2. played right, second part would have been partialed at 82 rather than .04
01[13:26] {&Threei}  and 3., played very right it would have been partialed in 3 portions
01[13:26] {&Threei}  which in case of continuation brings even more at 1:3
[13:27] {Will49} which you have to have to overcome failed setups
[13:27] {Will49} and make money
01[13:27] {&Threei}  you don't structure the trade to maiximize the profit in each particular case
01[13:27] {&Threei}  you never know which one will do what
01[13:27] {&Threei}  you structure the trade to maximize the profit in average case
01[13:27] {&Threei}  and let each pazrticular case fall wherevr it may
01[13:28] {&Threei}  makes sense?
[13:28] {Will49} JFTFR
[13:29] {robbers} Yep, makes sense.
01[13:29] {&Threei}  ok will... I'll bite :)
[13:30] {Will49} just follow the rules
01[13:30] {&Threei}  ah
[13:30] {Will49} see...we Canucks are used to being governed so we follow rules easier than Yanks:)
01[13:31] {&Threei}  lol
[13:31] {Will49} but they're going to get used to it in a hurry
01[13:31] {&Threei}  what about Les then... Swiss are trained to follow the rules even narder
01[13:31] {&Threei}  yet...
[13:31] {Will49} exception
[13:31] {Alexs} I follow you strategy Vad, but I also calculate what would be my results if I close all trades just  1:1, the differnce for the last 5 month is 15%
01[13:32] {&Threei}  well, try it
01[13:32] {&Threei}  just keep in mind that it changes depending on the market
01[13:32] {&Threei}  choppy markets will make pure scalping more effective,
01[13:33] {&Threei}  then trending market comes and you will find it lacking
[13:33] {Will49} like today
01[13:33] {&Threei}  with pure scalping you need very high percentage of winning trades
[13:35] {robbers} Vad, that last statement makes it very clear.
[13:35] {nemo} mos
01[13:36] {&Threei}  lwt's see if CAT loses 82 and becomes, how cc_9 calls it... crashish?
01[13:36] {&Threei}  my version would be "crashisher"
[13:36] {Will49} kittykrash
01[13:37] {&Threei}  oh boy
01[13:37] {&Threei}  lol
01[13:37] {&Threei}  last drops of sanity flee this room in a hurry
[13:43] {drewj} just...can't...wait...have...too...sell...
[13:43] {drewj} out cat .02
01[13:43] {&Threei}  why?
01[13:43] {&Threei}  what's the hurry?
[13:43] {drewj} sorry will...i tried
01[13:43] {&Threei}  you have 5 other trades waiting?
[13:43] {Will49} :(
[13:44] {drewj} no
[13:44] {drewj} pop on spy
[13:44] {drewj} i'm trying vad:)
01[13:45] {&Threei}  hard ass that I am, I have to respond to this with "not trying hard enough!!"
[13:45] {+cc_9} 12:39 cc_9 AEGR still plenty upside on the 15mins
01[13:45] {&Threei}  although better one would probably be:
[13:45] {+cc_9} AEGR } $70.00 :D
[13:45] {drewj} you are right sensie
01[13:45] {&Threei}  there is no try. Do or do not
[13:45] {drewj} sensei
[13:45] {nemo} "ei"
[13:45] {drewj} yes master yoda
01[13:45] {&Threei}  lol
[13:45] {robbers} Yeah, Drew, it's difficult, I'm enrolling in the daytrading school for remedial learners.
[13:45] {nemo} could call him sharfu, or guru
01[13:46] {&Threei}  it's a valid point bout SPY spike,
01[13:46] {&Threei}  but look at it this way:
[13:46] {dino} just don't call him late for dinner
[13:46] {drewj} the idiots guide to day trading is calling me
01[13:46] {&Threei}  whole idea of this trade came from what, if you remember?
[13:46] {nemo} dino ;-)  or Johnson
[13:46] {dino} lol
[13:47] {drewj} double top
01[13:47] {&Threei}  yeas, and before that:
01[13:47] {&Threei}  [10:32] {&Threei} CAT interestingly weak
01[13:47] {&Threei}  which was an observation that it stayed near day's lows while SPY was rallying.
01[13:48] {&Threei}  So, it's a weak stock,
[13:48] {drewj} so weakness in spite of spy strength
01[13:48] {&Threei}  and weak stocks tend to stall when index goes up,
01[13:48] {&Threei}  and break down when index pulls back.
01[13:48] {&Threei}  so, SPY spikes now,
01[13:48] {&Threei}  and it's a test for CAT,
01[13:48] {&Threei}  whether it's still as weak as it was
01[13:48] {&Threei}  or it regainded strength.
01[13:49] {&Threei}  With 3/4 or p;osition covered and profits secured,
01[13:49] {&Threei}  why not give it a chance
01[13:49] {&Threei}  and see if there continuation in it
01[13:49] {&Threei}  you are playing with house money now
01[13:49] {&Threei}  no risk
[13:50] {drewj} interesting nuance about weak stocks
[13:55] {Alexs} interesting nuance about house of money
[13:55] {drewj} So vad will you take more risk with house money than your trading capital?
01[13:57] {&Threei}  more risk?
[13:57] {drewj} I just realized that it is no risk
01[13:58] {&Threei}  if I am playing with house money as a result of partialing, it means risk is not there at all anymore
[13:58] {drewj} yea
[13:59] {nemo} fyi:  mos S2 is 46.17  50 day is 46.09, methinks strong bounce likely there
01[13:59] {&Threei}  look how CAT barely raised its head while SPY made new highs, and immediately went back to test the lows as SPY merely pulled back
[13:59] {Alexs} Can't feel it as a house money though, lol
01[13:59] {&Threei}  why? yours is not at stake anymore
[13:59] {drewj} I see it now...opposite with strong stocks then
01[13:59] {&Threei}  you took profit, and the part still remaining in the game is guaranteed to be closed at profit as stop is trailed
01[14:00] {&Threei}  worst case scenario you will exit at .11
[14:00] {Alexs} yesterday I left something in a house :)
01[14:00] {&Threei}  with entry at .20
01[14:00] {&Threei}  shrug
[14:00] {dino} atlas
01[14:00] {&Threei}  each trade is to be seen independtly
01[14:01] {&Threei}  each day too
[14:01] {Will49} haha dino
[14:01] {dino} ;)
[14:02] {nemo} good think Dino is so good at his day job
[14:02] {Will49} the grinch chimes in
[14:02] {+cc_9}
[14:02] {+cc_9} Emperor is speaking
[14:02] {nemo} I've had a migraine for three days, whaddya' want, sunshine and roses?
01[14:03] {&Threei}  from you nemo, always
[14:03] {Will49}'re forgiven
01[14:03] {&Threei}  you are sushine and roses embodied
[14:03] {+cc_9} ONVO crashish
[14:03] {nemo} I sit here for a few minutes then assume the fetal position on the floor
01[14:03] {&Threei}  re-crashish
01[14:03] {&Threei}  re-crashisher
01[14:03] {&Threei}  until it becomes re-crashishest
[14:03] {Will49} nemo..i'd give you a hug if  i could
01[14:03] {&Threei}  then it reverses
[14:04] {nemo} I'd prefer being clubbed like a baby seal at the moment
[14:04] {nemo} frickin' hurts to type
[14:04] {Will49} we Canucks can do that
[14:04] {nemo} that's why I asked
[14:04] {+cc_9} looking for entry in ONVO for dead kitty bounce
01[14:04] {&Threei}  we club seals wherever we see'em
[14:05] {Will49} there were a couple in the harbour the other day but I couldn't reach them
[14:05] {Will49} need to carry a longer pike pole with me
01[14:05] {&Threei}  mayor of one major city even got clubbed when he tried to say "I give it a seal of approval" - couldn't finish the sentence
[14:06] {Will49} LOL
[14:06] {+cc_9} long ONVO 8.88 for chinese luck # and baby seal club bounce trade
[14:06] {nemo} iwm spitting distance from all time highs
[14:06] {+cc_9} 8.60 support if needed to re-crash-load
[14:07] {+cc_9} VJET setting up for a tank
01[14:08] {&Threei}  CAT 1:3 close enough
01[14:08] {&Threei}  out .92
[14:08] {Will49} I love cats
01[14:08] {&Threei}  Alex, want to do the math again? :)
[14:08] {drewj} gj guys
[14:08] {Will49} come on Vad...have a little patience
[14:08] {dino} lgnd death roll, but gap just filled
01[14:09] {&Threei}  I do Will, I just view these 1-2 cents at the end of the run as pure formality
[14:09] {Will49} see...Vad substitutes intuition for rules AGAIN:)
[14:09] {Alexs} I told you I play your game Vad ;)
01[14:09] {&Threei}  remember Jesse
01[14:09] {&Threei}  "last 1/8 is the most expensive"
[14:10] {Will49} of life?
01[14:10] {&Threei}  lol
01[14:11] {&Threei}  drew, now a question for you that might help put it in perspective:
[14:11] {Will49} sheeesh Vad, you gotta learn to wait
[14:11] {Will49} kidding
01[14:11] {&Threei}  during all this time since you exited and up to this moment, have you done something more substantial, useful, profitable?
[14:12] {drewj} I wish I had a funny answer...
[14:12] {drewj} no Vad...not really
01[14:12] {&Threei}  there you go
01[14:12] {&Threei}  Vu wei
01[14:13] {&Threei}  or how you spell it
[14:13] {nemo} wu wei
01[14:13] {&Threei}  right
[14:13] {drewj} which one is that?
[14:13] {nemo} pronounce Vu Vay
01[14:13] {&Threei}  principle of non-interfence
01[14:14] {&Threei}  by closing the trade before nature was allowed torun its course you interfered
[14:14] {drewj} if it ain't broke...don't fix it?
01[14:14] {&Threei}  can put it this way too
01[14:14] {&Threei}  whatever analogy helps you get a sense of the right way to act
01[14:15] {&Threei}  be lazy
01[14:15] {&Threei}  let things work as they are supposed to
01[14:15] {&Threei}  intervene only when they don't
01[14:15] {&Threei}  use road signs to determine whether they do
01[14:16] {&Threei}  road signs are included in setups' structure
[14:16] {drewj} It's work ethic that gets me in to hard = over trade for me
[14:16] {drewj} I know what you mean
[14:16] {dino} hardest part is the sitting
01[14:16] {&Threei}  jesse again :)
[14:17] {dino} boy plunger
01[14:17] {&Threei}  it was not my thinking that got me there. It was sitting tight
[14:17] {dino} great book
[14:17] {drewj} who are you guys talking about?
01[14:17] {&Threei}  Jesse Livermore
[14:17] {dino} livermoor
[14:17] {drewj} right
[14:17] {Les} choppedliver
[14:17] {drewj} still haven't got to that one
01[14:17] {&Threei}  Les, you missed 1:3er
06[14:17] * Les slaps drewj around a bit with a large trout
[14:18] {dino} reminsences of a stock operator
01[14:18] {&Threei}  and whole lot of discussions
[14:18] {drewj} hi les
01[14:18] {&Threei}  and jokes
[14:18] {Les} not as much as drew misses a slapping for not having read of Livermore
01[14:18] {&Threei}  non of which were funny
[14:18] {drewj} does it suck to be you today?
01[14:18] {&Threei}  except mine
[14:18] {Les} nah pretty tanked on good Italian wine, so I'm good
[14:18] {drewj} awesome
[14:18] {drewj} what kind?
[14:19] {Les} back in the bad old days of the 1970's
01[14:19] {&Threei}  look how disproportional this CAT bounce is
[14:19] {Les} some pioneers came along and revolutionised the wine industry
01[14:19] {&Threei}  trade has run its course
[14:19] {Les} giving us the red hot shit we drink today
[14:19] {Les} It's a small wine from one of the old revolutionaries
[14:19] {drewj} sounds good...
[14:20] {Les} If you know the house of Ornellaia, you know good Italian wine
[14:20] {drewj} no les...i'm more of a vodka person
[14:21] {drewj} more bang for the buck
[14:21] {Les} nobody's perfect
[14:21] {dino} tequila, vodka, beer, and scotch here
[14:21] {Les} :P
[14:21] {drewj} you're making me thirsty dino
[14:21] {Les} dumped all the scotch in the house dino
[14:21] {dino} tearing up
[14:21] {Les} got a bit too boozy
[14:21] {Will49} you bast****
[14:21] {Les} but before I did
[14:22] {Les} discovered wonderful American Kentucky Whisky
[14:22] {dino} scotch makes me lazy, tequila hypes me up
[14:22] {Les} scuse me, Bourbon
[14:22] {Alexs} have you tryed Sassicaia Less?
[14:22] {Will49} Jack?
[14:22] {Les} nah avoid those labels Alex. For dicks who have more money than sense
01[14:22] {&Threei}  Glenlivet guys... Glenlivet...
[14:23] {dino} indeed
[14:23] {robbers} Jack is made in Tennessee, just down the road from me.
[14:23] {Will49} mother's milk
01[14:23] {&Threei}  and Crown Royal if you want canadian one
[14:23] {Les} screw JB
[14:23] {Alexs} Can't agree Less
[14:23] {drewj} Me either
[14:23] {dino} i like jb
[14:23] {drewj} Crown is great
[14:23] {dino} chivas
[14:23] {drewj} yea
[14:23] {drewj} smooth stuff
[14:23] {Will49} now THIS is a great discussion
01[14:24] {&Threei}  lol
[14:24] {Les}
[14:24] {drewj} Next is cigars
[14:24] {Les} Blanton's
[14:24] {RonS} agree here Les...but the smoothest stuf ever had is Bushmill's premium, Black Bush
[14:24] {drewj} Going for some vodka...
[14:25] {Les} limited selection of yer finest in Europe Ron, will have to travel to taste em all
01[14:25] {&Threei}  speaking of trading and les and CAT:
01[14:25] {&Threei}  [13:17] {&Threei} 1:2
01[14:25] {&Threei}  [13:17] {&Threei} Les, get back here and learn to love cats!
[14:25] {Les} not a frikin CAT again.
[14:25] {Les} Hate the damned things
[14:26] {Will49} hey it!
[14:26] {Les} wow ugly daily chart on CAT
01[14:26] {&Threei}  Hertz Global Launches waterless Car washing (update)- Rolled out a waterless, non-toxic "green clean" car washing process at more than 220 neighborhood locations across the United States. As one of the largest car rental companies in the world, Hertz plans to expand this to all viable neighborhood locations in the United States and Europe in 2014, making waterless car washing available to nearly 3,700 locations which could save more than 130,000,000 gallons of car wash water annually. - An entire car can be washed with 6 to 8 ounces of a proprietary, environmentally friendly, fully biodegradable solution, in approximately 8 minutes. After the solution is sprayed onto the car, the specially formulated molecules envelop the dirt particles, lifting them away from the car's paint. A high quality microfiber towel is then used to wipe the lifted dirt particles off the surface. A second clean microfiber towel is used to polish the surface, leaving behind a shiny protective coating that preserves the clear coat and paint.
[14:26] {robbers} Heading out to a meeting.  Thanks for the good education and good trades. Great day to everyone.
[14:26] {Les} cheers robbers
[14:27] {drewj} take care
01[14:27] {&Threei}  take care robbers
[14:27] {Will49} see ya robbers
[14:27] {Les} noticed Philli housing index lifting on -100% volume
[14:27] {Les} or so says FSC. Ditto the NSDQ composite
[14:30] {Les} crap SPY DT'd
[14:33] {drewj} what book did jesse livermore write?
[14:33] {Les} didn't
[14:33] {Les} was biography of him
[14:33] {dino} remenices of a stock operator based on his life
01[14:33] {&Threei}  just read Reminiscences
01[14:34] {&Threei}  the one he penned himself is not really good
[14:34] {Les} Lefevre wrote it
[14:34] {drewj} ok...i just bought that to listen to on
[14:34] {dino} good read drew
[14:34] {drewj} just making sure
[14:36] {nemo} so...does mos bounce at this test of the lows, or head for the 50 day
[14:37] {Les} rather sick looking puppy MOS
[14:38] {+cc_9} come on ONVO, give me $9.00+
[14:39] {Les} 9 is VWAP cc
[14:40] {+cc_9} cute
[14:42] {+cc_9} all out VJET +$0.20
[14:43] {+cc_9} i mean ONVO
[14:43] {+cc_9} the hell with VJET
[14:43] {Les} gj
[14:43] {nemo} iwm new highs .10 cents away
[14:43] {+cc_9} calling it a day
[14:43] {Les} a+ tard cc
[14:45] {+cc_9} non je reste ici mais bon, j'ai fini pour la journee quoi
[14:49] {nemo} with light volume next week market should rip significantly higher
[14:49] {Les} hmmmm c'est quoi le semaine prochaine?
[14:49] {+cc_9} Apple vs Samsung verdict imminent
[14:50] {+cc_9} la semaine prochaine on bouffe la dinde comme des malades
[14:50] {nemo} so which way the pair trade?
[14:50] {+cc_9} there is none, unless you trade options
[14:51] {+cc_9} but this is all priced in and its not HUGE news anyways.
[14:51] {+cc_9} they will go back and forth with suits and counter suits
[14:53] {+cc_9} AMGN looks good here
[14:53] {Les} aapl a little over extended here
[14:54] {Les} but not playable for me
[14:54] {nemo} might be a short at vwap cc
01[14:54] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  120 break
01[14:54] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
[15:00] {dino} closing in 45, calling it a day, gn all
01[15:00] {&Threei}  take care dino
[15:00] {Les} a+
[15:01] {drewj} bye dino
[15:01] {Will49} peace dino
[15:01] {dino} ty
01[15:01] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:01] {mrcanada} back....thought I was gone all afternoon
01[15:01] {&Threei}  1:2
[15:02] {mrcanada} so what did Vad just trade?
01[15:02] {&Threei}  out
01[15:02] {&Threei}  GLD shprt
01[15:02] {&Threei}  short
[15:02] {drewj} missed 1:2
[15:02] {Will49} nice call Vad
01[15:02] {&Threei}  took .82 after .80 blinked very fast
[15:03] {drewj} should i get out?
[15:03] {+cc_9} UVXY all time lows lol
01[15:03] {&Threei}  keep stop at .91 drew
01[15:03] {&Threei}  see if it wants to continuye down
01[15:04] {&Threei}  if goes above .90, the trade is likely over
[15:05] {mrcanada} cc...with uvxy will they just do a reverse split when it gets below a certain level?
[15:09] {drewj} out.92
[15:09] {drewj} thanks vad
01[15:09] {&Threei}  yw
01[15:11] {&Threei}
[15:12] {Les} heh
[15:12] {Les} another false prophet
[15:12] {mrcanada} haha
01[15:13] {&Threei}  if ese reads today's log, tomorrow we are all going to be seals
[15:14] {Will49} and not Navy Seals
[15:14] {Les} oh
01[15:14] {&Threei}  no... just clubbed seals
[15:15] {Les} had my heart on being G.I Jane
[15:15] {nemo} spy setting up to break again
[15:15] {nemo} vmw too
[15:21] {drewj} Thanks for everything today guys/
[15:21] {drewj} Have a good evening.
01[15:21] {&Threei}  take care drew
[15:21] {Les} ciao man
[15:25] {nemo} the proverbial hair below all time highs in iwm
01[15:25] {&Threei}  The Goldman Sachs Group Inc Responds to press reports about a potential large loss in currencies unit; claims they did not suffer losses in FX trading, gains and losses frequently offset - press- Reminder: Yesterday press reports circulated that Goldman incurred a large loss on a trade in FX
[15:26] {nemo} probably find out GS in Japan was on the other side of GS USA
01[15:26] {&Threei}  Apple Inc Jury comes to a verdict regarding damages in case vs Samsung - press- Reminder: Apple was seeking $380M; Samsung claimed damages were as little as $52M
01[15:26] {&Threei}  lol nemo
01[15:27] {&Threei}  canadian dollar is my favorite currency today
01[15:27] {&Threei}  pff by almost half a cent
01[15:27] {&Threei}  off
[15:27] {nemo} it must be dropping
[15:28] {mrcanada} don't say that...not a good time to switch to u.s. then?
[15:28] {mrcanada} my acct. are all in Canadian $....
[15:28] {mrcanada} tired of getting hit to change back and forth
01[15:29] {&Threei}  since I trade in USD, every CAD drop is greatly appreciated
01[15:30] {&Threei}  I am sure will feels similarly
[15:30] {Will49} amen
01[15:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .90 break
01[15:31] {&Threei}  hl
01[15:31] {&Threei}  If holds  47
[15:31] {mrcanada} want to change to u.s. for one acct. if not 2...will they allow you to trade on an RRSP acct. in u.s. $$ ?
[15:31] {nemo} So, CC, what is the procedure if and when the market pulls back tomorrow?
01[15:31] {&Threei}  no idea mrc, you operate a broker we don't normally use for this kind of things
01[15:32] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:34] {nemo} .76 pivot Vad
01[15:34] {&Threei}  if it gets there, it will drop like a stone, IMO
[15:39] {nemo} looking at stocks that had bad earnings reports, unless the business model broke, they're all being bought back up
[15:39] {nemo} RIG C&H
[15:48] {Will49} like the last 30 seconds of an ebay auction
[15:48] {nemo} I have nothing to do with ebay anymore, what a waste of time
[15:50] {Les}  speaking of waste of time. beddy byes for me. a+
[15:51] {+cc_9} a+
01[15:54] {&Threei}  die FB
[15:54] {Will49} now
[15:55] {nemo} spy holding that upper channel line
[15:55] {nemo} back to June I think
01[15:57] {&Threei}  1:2 baby
[15:57] {mrcanada} nice call on FB
01[15:57] {&Threei}  out, and happy with this trade partiocularly and the whole day overall
[15:58] {Will49} for sure
[15:58] {mrcanada} gr8
[15:58] {Will49} excellent day Vad
01[15:58] {&Threei}  :)
01[15:58] {&Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:58] {&Threei}  see you tomorriw
[15:58] {mrcanada} k

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nov 20 2013

Not our day, as wins and stops came at different times of the day but stops outweighed a bit. Fed minutes day, a bit slow and random.

Session Time: Wed Nov 20 00:00:00 2013
[09:10] {Will49} gm
01[09:10] {&Threei}  morning will
[09:10] {Will49} hi Vad
[09:10] {barbo} GM all
01[09:11] {&Threei}  barbo :)
[09:15] {dino} gm
[09:15] {+cc_9} gm all
[09:15] {RonS} gm
01[09:15] {&Threei}  dino, cc9, ron :)
01[09:25] {&Threei}  labor market improvement they say?
01[09:25] {&Threei}
[09:25] {Alexs} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:29] {+cc_9} here we go
01[09:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .60 break
01[09:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .70 
[09:30] {+cc_9} SCTY
[09:31] {+cc_9} ONVO crashing out the gate
01[09:31] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
[09:32] {+cc_9} long ONVO 8.85
[09:33] {+cc_9} 9.20 tgt
[09:34] {+cc_9} GDX looks good for long
01[09:34] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  51 break
01[09:34] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[09:34] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
[09:35] {+cc_9} ONVO so far so good
[09:35] {+cc_9} } $9.00
[09:36] {+cc_9} .JCP nice fade, looking for intraday bottom for long scalp
[09:37] {+cc_9} ONVO } $9.10
[09:37] {+cc_9} $0.10 for target
01[09:37] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .40 break
01[09:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .35 
[09:39] {+cc_9} DDD going negative
[09:39] {+cc_9} VJET big drop here
01[09:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  .25 break
01[09:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .20 
01[09:41] {&Threei}  meh
01[09:41] {&Threei}  meh
[09:42] {+cc_9} VJET into the depth of hell it goes
[09:42] {dino} arcw w/it
[09:43] {+cc_9} 3D printing stocks crashing fast here : DDD / VJET / ONVO
[09:44] {nemo} bloom coming off the glamour stocks
[09:44] {dino} onvo no revs, targets 5.5
[09:44] {+cc_9} long VJET SMALL HERE 54
[09:44] {nemo} is this the first time in a while we had a "good" economic report and we're selling a bit?
[09:44] {+cc_9} VJET looking for 56 on bounce
01[09:45] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .85 break
[09:45] {dino} aegr more blood
01[09:45] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
[09:46] {+cc_9} VJET trying to hold a little here, need through 55 for bounce
[09:47] {+cc_9} nutty spread...VJET wow
01[09:47] {&Threei}  hmmm
[09:47] {dino} hooker
[09:48] {+cc_9} VJET volume spike 
[09:49] {+cc_9} VJET $7.00 tank since open, no bounce yet
[09:50] {dino} prlb drop
01[09:50] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .15 break
01[09:50] {&Threei}  late...
01[09:51] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
[09:51] {+cc_9} VJET first little bounce, still needs through $55.00
[09:52] {dino} careful, 07 red
[09:52] {+cc_9} come on VJET, get $55.00
[09:53] {+cc_9} meanwhile, DDD crashing hard
[09:53] {+cc_9} VJET got close to breakout, DDD dragged it lower, blah
01[09:54] {&Threei}  ok kitty, save the morning
01[09:54] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:54] {+cc_9} VJET possible R H&S on 1min
[09:54] {+cc_9} needs $55.00 to confirm breakout
[09:54] {dino} 07 red
01[09:55] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:56] {&Threei}  ok... that's all from the kitty
[09:57] {Will49} better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
01[09:57] {&Threei}  certainly
01[09:58] {&Threei}  and good for your mending fences with CAT
[09:58] {+cc_9} DDD trying to base, VJET needs a push, this will be my last time trading this stock...WAYYY too spooky
[09:58] {+cc_9} come on VJET get through 55 you dog
[09:59] {+cc_9} ONVO coming back strong
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) SEPT BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.6% V 0.3%E
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) OCT EXISTING HOME SALES: 5.12M V 5.14ME
[10:02] {nemo} oh, it's a Fed day
01[10:03] {&Threei}  minutes release
[10:03] {nemo} and meeting
[10:03] {+cc_9} ONVO coming back, VJET sideways, DDD falling 
[10:03] {nemo} with conference
01[10:04] {&Threei}  I don't know what the big deal is... "data dependent, we will begin taper whe labor market improves, rates will stay low even longer"
[10:04] {+cc_9} VJET about to breakout here
01[10:04] {&Threei}  there, that's what minutes will say
[10:04] {+cc_9} if DDD can hold its sh*t together and not crash completely.
[10:07] {nemo} wow de strong
[10:07] {+cc_9} DDD killing VJET bounce momo....sob
[10:09] {+cc_9} DDD wowza
01[10:10] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .60 break
01[10:10] {&Threei}  If holds  .50 
[10:12] {+cc_9} VJET so shy from $55.000 just push
01[10:12] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:13] {drewj} missed that entry
[10:13] {Will49} me too...even with hover trick
[10:13] {nemo} it basically jumped to .64
[10:14] {drewj} yes
[10:15] {+cc_9} VJET closing in on $55.00 but refuses to break it, when it does, it should be fast
[10:15] {+cc_9} looking for $1.50 on the trade (long from 54)
[10:16] {+cc_9} damn it VJET...its like a tease, offer gets $0.10 from $55.00 and gets rejected
[10:18] {dino} prlb sm l .65 wide
[10:20] {+cc_9} DDD another leg up
[10:20] {+cc_9} VJET lol...what a joke
[10:22] {+cc_9} all out VJET +$1.16
[10:22] {+cc_9} never again.
[10:22] {nemo} ecb considering -.1% deposit rates....gonna charge you to keep money in the bank
[10:23] {nemo} forcing money out of the banks into the markets
[10:24] {dino} how things change, couple yars ago needed funds for banks
[10:24] {+cc_9} CLF going on news
[10:25] {dino} out prlb .08, +.43
[10:26] {RonS} $CLF rallying on rumors that Icahn or another activist investor could be announcing a stake soon
[10:26] {dino} have to hand it to you cc9, that das is incredibly fast
[10:26] {+cc_9} Yes!
[10:26] {+cc_9} if you need INET book added for better depth, let me know, i use it to stack up the ecn orders so its easier to count
[10:27] {dino} cheap too on commissions. i'm averaging 1.60 for a trade
[10:27] {dino} yesterday alone saved me over $100 in commissions
01[10:28] {&Threei}  glad to hear it works for you dino :)
[10:29] {+cc_9} Low commission + Fast execution
[10:29] {+cc_9} if you finish the month green, we might even throw in a massage
[10:30] {RonS} lol
[10:30] {nemo} whoa!
[10:30] {dino} working well, it was just a matter of making the change and getting used to it.
[10:30] {dino} lol
[10:31] {+cc_9} VJET crashola
[10:31] {+cc_9} glad im out
[10:33] {+cc_9} REGR cascading on 15mins
[10:34] {dino} regr?
[10:35] {+cc_9} AEGR*
[10:35] {+cc_9} market tankish here
01[10:36] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .65 break
01[10:36] {&Threei}  If holds  .60 
[10:36] {nemo} wow look at $ on that ecb news
01[10:38] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Bullard (dovish, FOMC voter): A strong November jobs reports could increase the odds of a December taper - US economic data is looking somewhat better, GDP has been revised up somewhat
01[10:38] {&Threei}  - Economy has seen cumulative progress in creating jobs since September 2012, the question is whether this can be sustained. - This cumulative progress is the strongest argument for tapering. - If the Fed can taper due to strong data, everything will be fine, should not see another 'taper tantrum' in markets. - Fed is trying to push people to invest in riskier assets. - Not seeing signs of an asset bubble right now. - Does not buy into the argument that QE is driving diminishing returns, QE is still as effective as it has ever been.
[10:39] {Will49} blah blah blah
[10:39] {Alexs} somewhat... somewhere... the odds of... so transparent policy!
[10:39] {Will49} the big propoganda machine in action
[10:50] {dino} .
01[10:50] {&Threei}  watching FB for pullback entry
[10:53] {Alexs} bby short .15?
01[10:53] {&Threei}  nah
01[10:54] {&Threei}  missed .10 FB...
01[10:58] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IBM  186 break
01[10:58] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
[10:59] {Alexs} spread to high
01[10:59] {&Threei}  yeah, widened
[10:59] {Alexs} hl?
01[10:59] {&Threei}  yes
01[11:00] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
01[11:02] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .90 break
01[11:02] {&Threei}  If holds  122 
[11:07] {+cc_9} AEGR double bottom on 15mins, but weak 
01[11:08] {&Threei}  no go
[11:09] {+cc_9} lameduck session so far, nothing good going on
01[11:09] {&Threei}  no kidding
[11:09] {+cc_9} i lucked out on ONVO and VJET, crap else going on
01[11:10] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  47 break
01[11:10] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[11:12] {&Threei}  sigh
[11:13] {Will49} where's that sharp stick?
[11:13] {+cc_9} FB intraday support range 46.80
[11:14] {dino} not seeing anything
[11:14] {dino} ddd new lod
[11:14] {+cc_9} DDD plungeathon
[11:16] {dino} clvs spike
01[11:24] {&Threei}  GLD rinse
01[11:25] {&Threei}  1:2... grrr
[11:25] {Alexs} jpm short .85?
01[11:26] {&Threei}  looks plausible
[11:28] {Les} I spy with my little a room without Nemo
[11:28] {Les} eye
[11:28] {Les} cc you have anything to do with this?
[11:29] {+cc_9} u w0t m8 ?
[11:30] {Les} you been beatin up on bunny boy again?
[11:30] {+cc_9} CLVS nice call who ever alerted it
[11:30] {dino} i alerted but didn't pull the trigger
[11:34] {Les} tna looking like a JBE ready to break
[11:35] {dino} vrtx spike
01[11:35] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .10 break
01[11:35] {&Threei}  .c 110
01[11:35] {&Threei}  If holds  110 
[11:36] {Les} maybe aggressive entry if opportunity presents itself?
01[11:37] {&Threei}  not sure what would qualify as opportunity vs invalidation
[11:38] {Les} wondering if we could get .05 risk opp with .00 recross here
[11:38] {Les} .95 support
[11:38] {Les} setup looking 2 way
[11:39] {Les} how was morning?
[11:40] {dino} ave
01[11:40] {&Threei}  not ours, except for CAT 1:2
[11:40] {Les} k
[11:42] {dino} taking break
[11:43] {+cc_9} 11:14 cc_9 FB intraday support range 46.80
[11:43] {+cc_9} $0.35 bounce on that idea
[11:44] {+cc_9} Chart to match statement }}}
[11:49] {+cc_9} need SPY to just tank so we can get some trades in...sideways action boring me already
01[11:53] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  110 break
01[11:53] {&Threei}  If holds  90 
[12:02] {Les} GLD looking short here
[12:02] {Les} vwap support test
01[12:06] {&Threei}  we are not friends today, GLD and I
01[12:06] {&Threei}  it unfriended me
[12:07] {Les} yeh toeing the line on that vwap support and not budging yet
01[12:07] {&Threei}  half out IWM
01[12:07] {&Threei}  stop to .94
[12:13] {dino} no real follow through on things today, just as i want to enter, they reverse
[12:14] {dino} fed day action i guess
[12:15] {dino} is it a real fed decision day or just the minutes?
01[12:15] {&Threei}  minutes
[12:15] {Les} is there a real fed day?
[12:15] {dino} so really nothing then
[12:15] {Les} I thought Jumbo Janet was a rubberstamp?
[12:16] {dino} most likely she will be
[12:16] {dino} maybe we should call her jumbo mortgage janet
[12:16] {dino} or jetting janet
[12:17] {dino} too bad i can't think of a word beginning w/y
[12:18] {Les} half out here
01[12:19] {&Threei}  sll I can offer is Yeltsin, dino... not much help, I know
[12:19] {dino} to the tune of spiderman; janet can, janet can, does whatever bernie can, can she print, from a thread, just take a look overhead, hey there, there goes janets jet... 
[12:19] {Les} YoYo
01[12:21] {&Threei}  stop to .99
01[12:21] {&Threei}  come on IWM
[12:21] {Will49} good one dino
01[12:21] {&Threei}  do it
01[12:21] {&Threei}  we need 1:3
[12:22] {dino} should be, can she print, from the fed (not thread)
[12:22] {Alexs} missed IWM, forgot about it lol
01[12:22] {&Threei}  lol... it triggered at 110
[12:23] {Alexs} yeah i see
[12:25] {drewj} me too alex...taking a break
01[12:29] {&Threei}  usually Fed days had at least active morning... today not even that
[12:31] {+cc_9} DDD VJET printing 3D tears
[12:33] {+cc_9} VJET negative mention @ Citron 
[12:34] {+cc_9} they should start printing 3D coffins and sending them to their largest shareholders
01[12:34] {&Threei}  DDD 3D printing names experiencing additional weakness following cautious comments by CNBC Guest, shortseller Fitchthorn of Dialectic Capital Management - Also seeing a new "internet bubble" in SaaS/cloud software names and in solar sector.
01[12:35] {&Threei}  what was that recently in the news about home-made 3d printer for about 100 bucks
[12:35] {RonS} wow vjet Ciron report headline:  VJET is a total f**king joke
[12:35] {+cc_9} DVN swan dive from highs
[12:37] {+cc_9}
[12:39] {RonS} Citron says vjet sold 3 machines for $1 mil a piece and loaned the money for purchases to the companies that bought them...
01[12:39] {&Threei}  lol
[12:39] {RonS} insiders sold all the shares that they were allowed at $12
01[12:39] {&Threei}  that's one business model
[12:39] {Les} GLD
01[12:39] {&Threei}  IWM{ 1:1 was it
[12:40] {Les} stepped away from screen and kBLAM!
01[12:41] {&Threei}
01[12:44] {&Threei}  will... copy and paste this somewhere, to keep it for if you ever need something to provoke strong puking reflex: Saanich-Gulf Islands’ Elizabeth May voted Canada’s hardest-working MP
[12:45] {Will49} yeah...saw that...what a joke
01[12:46] {&Threei}  I am ashamed of co-habitants of this island
[12:46] {Will49} she needs to spend a couple of nights with Rob Ford
01[12:46] {&Threei}  lol
[12:46] {Will49} that'd straighten her up
01[12:46] {&Threei}  VJET is bottomless
[12:48] {robbers} For those of you interested in stress relief, meditation, etc., here's the link to the new version of my company's (TranquilityTV) app.  If you like it, please leave a review, that'd be greatly appreciated.     
[12:48] {robbers}     
[12:48] {robbers} Little bit of shameless self promotion.
01[12:49] {&Threei}  it's a really good one
[12:53] {+cc_9} DVN giving back all its gap
01[12:55] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  47 break
01[12:55] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
[12:56] {Les} s gld .69  holding .75
[12:56] {+cc_9} VXX @ yesterday's lows
[12:56] {Les} 1:1
[12:56] {Les} like Nemo
[12:57] {Les} psychopathic stalker of vulnerable things
[12:57] {+cc_9} DVN major profit taking on today's gap and now yesterday's gap
[12:58] {+cc_9} VJEt bouncing, no thanks
[13:00] {dino} z
[13:01] {Les} jay
[13:01] {Les}
[13:03] {+cc_9} long DVN here for a bounce
[13:03] {+cc_9} 63+ target
[13:03] {Les} 1:2 GLD or close enough at .51
[13:03] {Les} quarter off
[13:03] {Les} coveredc
01[13:03] {&Threei}  nice one
[13:03] {Les} crash baby crash
[13:03] {dino} gj
[13:04] {Les} such strange behaviour today, counted on it coiling up for a strong move
[13:06] {+cc_9} DVN so far so good
[13:06] {+cc_9} all out DVN +$0.30
[13:06] {+cc_9} good enough for me
[13:07] {Les} nice one
[13:07] {Alexs} VJET, company selling 3 printers/quoter costs $905M?
[13:08] {Alexs} great business lol
[13:10] {Alexs} quoter= quarter sorry
[13:12] {dino} z sm l .02
[13:15] {+cc_9} come on SPY, crash already
[13:15] {+cc_9} what a long day...
01[13:16] {&Threei}  Ben dietary diary is out soon
01[13:17] {&Threei}  "ate 20% of middle class in 2009... tasted good but elevated my blood sugar a bit"
[13:17] {+cc_9} DVN } $63
[13:17] {RonS} lol
[13:17] {+cc_9} she should get a little more upside till about 63.50
01[13:18] {&Threei}  "had Illinois for lunch in Feb of 2011... had to wash it down with some of Nevada"
[13:18] {dino} out z .48, +.46
[13:19] {Alexs} meh FB
[13:19] {RonS} took z .08 ave out .55 +.47  thanks dino
[13:19] {Les} small FB Short .94
01[13:19] {&Threei}  sholuld have taken a small scalp around .06 - .07... too bad I fell asleep at the time
[13:20] {Les} sitting under VWAP for the entire session
[13:20] {drewj} out z +.40
[13:20] {drewj} thanks dino
[13:20] {Les} the indexes had the potential, but they're frikin sleepwalking
[13:20] {RonS} znga into a volume pocket...should quick run to $5 btfd...
[13:20] {Les} half .83
[13:21] {Les} DIE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
[13:21] {RonS} batik man eh?
[13:22] {dino} drewj, good jo, yw
[13:22] {dino} job
[13:22] {drewj} ty
[13:30] {Les} incorrectly set 1:2 cover dumbass I am
[13:30] {Les} FB 1:2 without me
[13:30] {Les} 1 week off from real job gonna be nice
[13:30] {Les} done
[13:31] {Les} covered FB .75
[13:31] {dino} gj
[13:31] {Les} ty sir
[13:32] {Les} GLD needs a bit more rope
[13:32] {Les} fools thinking this has gotta be the bottom this time
[13:35] {Les} GLD stopped on trail
[13:40] {+cc_9} VJET drilling for diamonds
[13:43] {+cc_9} DVN flushing, watching again for trade
01[13:46] {&Threei}  I really can't see gold not going under 1000
[13:47] {Les} problem is the action is in the futures markets
[13:47] {Les} look at that gap down
[13:47] {+cc_9} DVN bouncing again
[13:48] {Les} or swinging it for longer time frame
[13:48] {Alexs} problem is too much paper money
[13:48] {Les} ?
[13:49] {Alexs} talking about gold
[13:49] {+cc_9} DVN still going
[13:49] {Les} not connecting the dots Alex...
[13:54] {+cc_9} FED in 5 minutes
[13:54] {+cc_9} flat everything, will trade the after birth
[13:56] {Les} will you provide me the secret of eternal direction following the announcement master?
[13:56] {+cc_9} no
[13:58] {+cc_9} buy VXX and place a limit to sell for $0.25
[13:58] {+cc_9} market will shoot up/down enough to take you out
[13:59] {+cc_9} TOLD YOU
[13:59] {+cc_9} :D
[13:59] {Alexs} nice call cc
[13:59] {RonS} gold mrdered
[14:00] {Les} GLD
01[14:00] {&Threei}  [13:21] {Les} DIE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
01[14:01] {&Threei}  your wish is granted
[14:01] {Les} lol wishing I was on board
[14:01] {Les} but don't like surfing tsunami's
01[14:01] {&Threei}  - A number of participants believed that making roughly equal adjustments to purchases of Treasury securities and MBS would be appropriate and relatively straightforward to communicate to the public. However, some others indicated that they could back trimming the pace of Treasury purchases more rapidly than those of MBS, perhaps to signal an intention to support mortgage markets, and one participant thought that trimming MBS first would reduce the potential for distortions in credit allocation.
01[14:02] {&Threei}  - participants discussed the financial market response to the Committee's decisions at its June and September meetings and, more generally, the complexities associated with communications about the Committee's current policy tools. A number of participants noted that recent movements in interest rates and other indicators suggested that financial markets viewed the Committee's tools--asset purchases and forward guidance regarding the federal funds rate--as closely linked. One possible explanation for this view was an inference on the part of investors that a change in asset purchases reflected a change in the Committee's outlook for the economy, which would be associated with adjustments in both the purchase program and the expected path of policy rates; another was a perspective that a change in asset purchases would be read as providing information about the willingness of the Committee to pursue its economic objectives with both tools
[14:02] {+cc_9} i sure hope someone made that VXX trade, because I did 
[14:02] {Les} so CC
[14:02] {+cc_9} GDX baby!
[14:02] {Les} tell me how you made that VXX Trade?
[14:02] {+cc_9} Les
[14:02] {+cc_9} 1 minute before the Fed 
[14:02] {+cc_9} I bot VXX
[14:02] {+cc_9} i set my sell right away for $0.25 above my price
[14:02] {+cc_9} announcement came, my limit was taken
[14:02] {+cc_9} i made $0.25 for doing absolutely nothing.
[14:02] {Les} ok spike up sell
[14:03] {+cc_9} u set your sell before it spikes
[14:03] {dino} nice idea cc9
[14:03] {+cc_9} so it sells you by the time it spikes
[14:03] {Les} u sound like a used car salesman cc
[14:03] {+cc_9} i sell bridges too
[14:04] {dino} i sell swamps
[14:04] {+cc_9} maybe we can work together
[14:05] {+cc_9} BridgeWater Car Sales
[14:05] {+cc_9} no credit, no problem, just bring the wife.
[14:05] {dino} lol
[14:06] {Les} DONE!
[14:08] {+cc_9} GDX deathing
[14:09] {+cc_9} feeling like buying some for a bounce
[14:10] {dino} everything dropping
[14:10] {dino} 07 running red for awhile
[14:10] {Les} hopefully some trend setting in
[14:11] {+cc_9} GLD / SPY crashing in tandem
[14:13] {+cc_9} TNA for a BTFD bounce ?
[14:13] {Alexs} yhoo long .60?
[14:14] {dino} 07 still red
[14:14] {Les} yeh ettreme bounce maybe tna
[14:14] {+cc_9} what is 07 ?
[14:14] {+cc_9} oh what the hell, long TNA 67.1
[14:14] {+cc_9} tgt 67.20
[14:14] {Les} kaboom
[14:15] {+cc_9} all out
[14:15] {+cc_9} got 0.13
[14:15] {+cc_9} better than digging ditches with a sharp stick in the eye
[14:15] {Will49} lol
[14:15] {Alexs} lol
01[14:16] {&Threei}  I'll join lols
[14:16] {+cc_9} TNA now 67.40
[14:16] {+cc_9} FK
[14:16] {Les} leave the screen along dude
[14:16] {Alexs} lol
[14:18] {dino} cc9, 07 is a scanner i use running a rolling 25 stocks
[14:18] {dino} if i told you the parameters, i'd have to kill you
[14:19] {nemo} what did Bennie say?
[14:19] {drewj} i have been wondering what 07 is too
[14:19] {+cc_9} dino
[14:19] {+cc_9} 10/4
[14:19] {+cc_9} got a screen shot of this thing ?
01[14:19] {&Threei}  actually, it was a bit surprising
[14:19] {dino} its my capitulation drop and euphoric spike scanner
[14:19] {dino} constantly changing
[14:19] {+cc_9} TNA 67.50
01[14:19] {&Threei}  thwey mostly discussed combination of cuts in purchases
01[14:20] {&Threei}  as if cut themselves was already determined
[14:20] {+cc_9} great, now i have to rely on obamacare to fix my broken fist
01[14:20] {&Threei}  that sent market in panic
[14:20] {dino} fed also discussed lunch plans and xmas party location
01[14:20] {&Threei}  and that calmed market down
[14:20] {nemo} what, you break the third or 4th knuckle?
[14:22] {Les} lol cc that brought Nemo back
[14:22] {+cc_9} lol
[14:22] {nemo} I just woke up
[14:22] {nemo} migraines
[14:23] {Les} leave the bunny alone I told ya
[14:23] {nemo} nah, was a long ago dispute with an 18 wheeler rearing it's ugly head again
[14:23] {Les} who won?
[14:24] {nemo} well, that was the last run of the 18 wheeler, but I've been kinda' paying for it ever since
[14:25] {+cc_9} 14:14 cc_9 TNA for a BTFD bounce ?
[14:25] {+cc_9} :( :( :(
[14:26] {dino} mhh blood
[14:26] {nemo} Used to have some great pictures, all the gears from the transmission were lying beside the road, because the housing melted, nothing left of the tanker, and the new car carrier it collided with after it hit me, was completely toasted, they had to disassemble it
[14:26] {+cc_9} VJET and DDD should team up with the Fed to print more "gold" to put in Fort Knox
[14:26] {+cc_9} someone put me on the board of one of those companies
[14:26] {nemo} lol
[14:29] {Les} hehehe
[14:29] {nemo} oh yeah, was a tanker full of gasoline, it went BOOM!
[14:30] {Les} that explains ya heh
[14:30] {dino} lucky to be alive
[14:30] {nemo} only partly
[14:30] {nemo} yeah
[14:31] {nemo} there were 4 of us, one guy was unconscious
[14:31] {nemo} we had to carry him away, because we were too close to the tanker and we could tell it was going to blow
[14:31] {nemo} I don't really remember much
[14:32] {nemo} I kinda got scalped
[14:32] {Les} that's the alzheimer's talking
[14:32] {nemo} they put like 180 or so stitches in my head
[14:32] {Les} will happen to all of us eventually
[14:32] {nemo} no, the impact
[14:32] {Les} oughta call you Franky
[14:32] {nemo} I vaguely remember trying to get back to the vehicle, but it was too hot to get near
[14:36] {+cc_9} SPY recrash
[14:39] {+cc_9} TNA { $67 :O
[14:39] {Les} hmmm to db or not to db
[14:40] {dino} 07 churning red again
[14:42] {+cc_9} why dont you call it HAL07 ?
[14:42] {nemo} ?
[14:42] {dino} afraid it would start talking to me
[14:42] {nemo} ahhh...Kubrick
[14:43] {Les} lol
[14:43] {dino} i only post it becuase its an indicator. when a constantly changing 25 stocks that all must move .07 to print, are all churning red, we have weakness
[14:43] {+cc_9} TNA btfd
[14:43] {nemo} 109.30 iwm is weekly s1
[14:44] {dino} tbt sm s .03
01[14:47] {&Threei}  big red circle in the middle of the screen, dino hits Buy button, soothing voice says "I am afraid I can't let you do that dino..."
[14:47] {nemo} lol
[14:47] {dino} lol
[14:48] {Les} anyone seen "Moon" by David Bowie's boy?
[14:48] {+cc_9} Indexes bouncey
[14:48] {Les} probably the best sci fi flick seen since Kubriks masterpiece
01[14:48] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  120 break
[14:48] {+cc_9} out TNA for another $0.21
01[14:48] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[14:49] {&Threei}  1:1
[14:50] {Les} good calls balked after buying SSO .15 from support
[14:50] {Les} a little slow entgering GLD in .05
[14:53] {+cc_9} "i dont usually trade, but when I do, I miss every trade" - Les
[14:53] {Les} didn't miss it
[14:53] {Les} bought
[14:53] {Les} then sold flat
[14:53] {Les} don't like being so far from support
[14:53] {+cc_9} "i dont usually take jokes, but when I do, I whine" - Les
[14:54] {Les} hehehe
[14:54] {+cc_9} Market needs to flush 500 points
[14:54] {Les} where's that big red button to fix cc vad=
[14:54] {Les} ?
01[14:54] {&Threei}  he is beyond repair
01[14:55] {&Threei}  just learn to accept him as he is
01[14:56] {&Threei}  think of him a car without steering wheel and brakes
[14:56] {Les} you can't give me a little hint of his physical address?
01[14:56] {&Threei}  sure
[14:56] {Les} Nemo and I could team up for this
01[14:56] {&Threei}  5th moon of Satrun,
[14:56] {nemo} I thought it was Io
01[14:58] {&Threei}  big beige building made of cryptonite near the equator
01[14:58] {&Threei}  5th floor underground
[14:58] {nemo} in the ammonia sea
01[14:59] {&Threei}  room with sign "leave all hope ye that enter"
[14:59] {dino} tbt cov/stop .20, -.17
[14:59] {nemo} was that the Bridge of Sighs?
[15:00] {dino} beyond here they be monsters
01[15:01] {&Threei}  or cc_9s
[15:01] {nemo} I think wlp about to drop
[15:03] {nemo} whoa
[15:03] {+cc_9} dont get me upset, ill start buying all these dips
[15:03] {Les} binge buyer
[15:03] {Les} yeh, do it
[15:03] {Les} do it cc
[15:04] {+cc_9} EOD smells tankish
[15:04] {+cc_9} i sure hope we get an all out crash for once
[15:04] {+cc_9} VXX moonshot
[15:05] {Les} crap nice jbe on vxx just broke
01[15:05] {&Threei}  quick someone, toss the toad in cc_9s general direction... thnat should take his mind off buying the dip
[15:05] {nemo} stick a handgrenade in it
[15:05] {nemo} oh said to stop the lockeroom banter
01[15:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .95 break
01[15:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .85 
01[15:06] {&Threei}  120 break should cement trend change
01[15:07] {&Threei}  let's go GLD
01[15:07] {&Threei}  1:3
01[15:07] {&Threei}  at least
01[15:07] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:08] {+cc_9} SPY flash crash
[15:08] {+cc_9} im starting to like UPRO more than SSO 
[15:08] {+cc_9} maybe look into it Les
[15:09] {nemo} why cc?
[15:09] {Les} faster mover hey
[15:09] {RonS} ebay drained
[15:10] {nemo} jeez Ron, how long do you work on these things?
[15:10] {Les} oh I get it
06[15:10] * Les slaps RonS around a bit with a large trout
[15:10] {+cc_9} short VXX small here 46.95
01[15:10] {&Threei}  1:2
[15:10] {+cc_9} see if can cover under 46.75
[15:11] {Les} took break off .00 gld all out .20
01[15:11] {&Threei}  why .00?
01[15:11] {&Threei}  .95 was legit setup
[15:11] {Les} cause I can
[15:11] {dino} \lol
[15:11] {Les} frikin tired
[15:11] {+cc_9} all out VXX +$0.20
[15:12] {Les} saw the setup missed your trigger
[15:12] {+cc_9} quick, nice, fun, no emotions
[15:12] {+cc_9} kinda like blablablabla, u get it
[15:12] {+cc_9} no locker room talk
01[15:13] {&Threei}  no holding dow the toad?
01[15:13] {&Threei}  down
[15:13] {Les} nice VXX action will remember this cc
[15:13] {Les} good morning, and if I don't see you's again good afternoon, good evening and good night
[15:13] {+cc_9} in addition to the Taoist Trader
[15:13] {+cc_9} i think you should add Toad Trader
[15:13] {+cc_9} Vad
[15:13] {Les} a+
01[15:13] {&Threei}  hmmm
01[15:13] {&Threei}  take care Les
[15:14] {+cc_9} VXX perfect short entry. yay me
[15:14] {+cc_9} i wish i had 1 more arm so i can pat myself on the back
[15:15] {nemo} careful...Vad has permanently injured his shoulder
[15:15] {+cc_9} lol
[15:15] {nemo} it constantly dislocates now
[15:15] {+cc_9} VJET no support on 60min till about $40.00
[15:16] {+cc_9} check on that nemo, tell me if you see it as well
[15:16] {nemo} try to high five him some time
[15:16] {+cc_9} 11/06 - 11/08 period
[15:16] {nemo} 39.75 looks like first suport
[15:16] {nemo} support
[15:16] {+cc_9} given its spread, lets just go with 40.00
[15:18] {+cc_9} SPY setting up for a suicide finish
[15:18] {+cc_9} VXX ticking up
[15:23] {+cc_9} headfake into the close, nobody buying this crap
[15:23] {+cc_9} QE baked in for ever...
[15:24] {+cc_9} Something has to give in, people cant hold on to equities for ever
[15:24] {+cc_9} profits gotta be taken, another bubble gotta form
[15:25] {nemo} or, QE stops "appearing" to work
01[15:28] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .05 break
01[15:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
[15:30] {+cc_9} TBT, how did we miss this beauty today...
01[15:34] {&Threei}  nah
[15:34] {+cc_9} VJET crushed 
01[15:36] {&Threei}  somg
[15:37] {Will49} tough dau for goats
[15:37] {Will49} day
[15:37] {nemo} why?  Les wasn't around that much was he?
[15:37] {Will49} lol
[15:37] {nemo} says the man with the rabbit
[15:38] {Will49} :)
[15:38] {Will49} both good eating
[15:38] {Alexs} lol
[15:38] {nemo} it's funny remington game loads have a picture of a rabbit on the box...a bit unnerving
[15:39] {Will49} had a good friend who bred show rabbits
[15:39] {Will49} the ones that failed went into the pot
[15:39] {nemo} TMI will
[15:39] {+cc_9} VJET submarining
[15:39] {Will49} he became quite a rabbit chef
[15:40] {dino} lots of dog food has rabbit
01[15:41] {&Threei}  misread last will's line as "he became quite a rabbi chef"
[15:41] {Will49} hahaha
[15:41] {nemo} kosher of course
01[15:41] {&Threei}  and wondered about how kosher that was
[15:41] {nemo} little slow there vad
[15:42] {dino} lol
01[15:42] {&Threei}  frikin GLD
01[15:42] {&Threei}  worked twice nicely before this one
01[15:43] {&Threei}  and decided to rinse this time
[15:44] {+cc_9} VJET losing $41.00
[15:44] {+cc_9} nemo
[15:44] {+cc_9} looks like it wants to test daily support today!
[15:45] {nemo} wow
[15:45] {nemo} s3 40.23
[15:47] {Alexs} if it's truth what is in Citron research about VJET that shares have no value at all
[15:48] {+cc_9} they have value
[15:48] {+cc_9} of 4.35
[15:48] {Will49} here's to a better tomorrow :)
[15:48] {+cc_9} i mean 40.12
[15:48] {Will49} see ya tomoorw
[15:48] {+cc_9} i mean 39.85
[15:48] {+cc_9} lol
[15:48] {Will49} tomorrow too
[15:48] {drewj} bye guys
01[15:48] {&Threei}  take care will
01[15:48] {&Threei}  drew
[15:48] {+cc_9} VJET byebye
[15:48] {+cc_9} Take care folks
[15:49] {dino} calling it a day, thx and gn