Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jan 06 2009

The market acted somewhat nervously today but still presented enough of opportunities. We got nice wins on RIMM, AMZN, PLD, HIG... and a few stops, weel controlled and tight enough not to make any difference to what shaped up as a very good day.

[08:01] {magoo} morning
[08:02] {Threei}  Good morning
[08:12] {Threei}  look at DRYS
[08:12] {magoo} isa there a play premkt'
[08:13] {Threei}  who knows... it has this manner to make a sizeable move before open but in terms of technical read, no
[08:13] {Threei}  it's above yesterday's high
[08:14] {Threei}  which can be considered a breakout
[08:15] {Threei}  already moved about 70 cents...
[08:16] {Threei}  will it pull back or just continue, no way to tell
[08:16] {Threei}  08:13am Dry Bulk Index +0.4% (first gain in 8 sessions
[08:26] {i2romantis} morning guys :)
[08:27] {Threei}  i2r :)
[08:28] {Threei}  how are you enjoying the courses?
[08:28] {i2romantis} really enjoying :)
[08:28] {i2romantis} went through scalping yesterday
[08:28] {Threei}  good to hear
[08:29] {i2romantis} I can't believe how great this stuff is
[08:29] {Threei}  whole thing??
[08:29] {Threei}  4 videodisks in one day??
[08:29] {Threei}  man
[08:29] {i2romantis} and I love the idea of the videos
[08:29] {i2romantis} almost, have a few pages left for scalping and one more CD
[08:29] {i2romantis} 3 so far :)
[08:29] {Threei}  yeah, I can't believe whole trading world doesn't rush to buy it {G}
[08:29] {i2romantis} just can't get yourself away from the computer, it's well explained
[08:29] {i2romantis} I've been waiting for this kind of explanation for years!
[08:29] {Threei}  I mean, where else do you find real trades recorded
[08:30] {i2romantis} exactly
[08:30] {Threei}  one after another, day after day
[08:30] {i2romantis} I think it should be advertised on facebook, with facebook group for reality trader
[08:30] {i2romantis} that would get an influx of buyers :)
[08:31] {i2romantis} But I sincerely appreciate what you've done so far, it's very helpful!
[08:31] {Threei}  ty, good to hear
[08:31] {i2romantis} ps: i just received the course stuff yesterday
[08:31] {Threei}  I wonder why not so many, or to be precise none, of "gurus" ever did that
[08:32] {Threei}  seems to be so obviious,
[08:32] {Threei}  if sitting next to a trader who knows what he is doing is the best way to learn
[08:32] {i2romantis} I agree, but a lot of them keep the "secret" so to speak, to themselves or something like that
[08:32] {i2romantis} i agree
[08:32] {Threei}  then this kind of course must be next best thing
[08:32] {i2romantis} yep
[08:32] {Threei}  granted, it's a tiresome process
[08:33] {i2romantis} the learning?
[08:33] {Threei}  and my memories of making it is a mix of joy and grunt
[08:33] {Threei}  no
[08:33] {Threei}  recording the plays
[08:33] {i2romantis} oh ok
[08:33] {Threei}  see, the problem is
[08:33] {Threei}  when a trade starts
[08:33] {Threei}  you never know whether it's going to be useful from educational point of view or not
[08:33] {Threei}  so you record much more than you use in final product
[08:34] {i2romantis} makes sense
[08:34] {Threei}  also, you can't record everything
[08:34] {Threei}  meaning, trades sometimes take much longer than expected
[08:34] {Threei}  if a stock doesn't do anything meanignful for an hour
[08:35] {Threei}  you won't be making your viewer to sit and watch it doing nothing for an hour, right?
[08:35] {i2romantis} yep
[08:35] {Threei}  you are going to skip this part,
[08:35] {Threei}  record couple minutes of with comment that it sat here for an hour
[08:35] {Threei}  but it's not possible to completely switch this process to editing
[08:36] {Threei}  first, some other play may come along meanwhile, and you want to record that
[08:36] {Threei}  and second, recording software is fairly heavy thing which slows down computer considerably
[08:36] {i2romantis} but that's in the end what's great about this, you are recording real sessions
[08:36] {Threei}  so, you have added element of pausing it and taking it off pause
[08:37] {i2romantis} of course editing is quite a bit of work, it's understood
[08:37] {Threei}  which can be very distracting
[08:37] {i2romantis} yep
[08:37] {Threei}  during real trading
[08:37] {Threei}  but whatever, it was great fun and the final result is absolutely unique course
[08:37] {i2romantis} i agree :)
[08:37] {Threei}  of which I am proud
[08:37] {i2romantis} and i'm glad you did it
[08:37] {Threei}  me too
[08:38] {Threei}  I like being p;ioneer
[08:38] {i2romantis} :)
[08:38] {i2romantis} have to step out, be right back
[08:49] {Onix} Good morning all
[08:49] {Threei}  onix :)
[08:51] {magoo} RTP newqs vad?
[08:52] {Threei}  01/05/09 07:15pm [RIO.AU] Has resumed iron ore mining operations in Pilbara region
[08:56] {Threei}  mags, if you grabbed DRYS, sell half at least here
[08:56] {hawkfan4} gm all
[08:56] {Threei}  hawk :)
[08:56] {ese} Harrrr  Maties.....
[08:57] {Threei}  ese :)
[08:57] {Threei}  watched some pirate movie yesterday?
[08:57] {ese} yup....
[08:57] {Threei}  parrot on my shoulder says Ahoy mate! while I readjust my wooden leg
[08:57] {ese} the kids got Pirates of The Caribean 
[08:59] {ese} vad.....whats dino's scan parameters for his DBI and JBI screens...do you know
[08:59] {dino} gm all
[08:59] {Threei}  he found and destroyed cameras I installed in his opffice... sorry
[09:00] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:00] {i2romantis} dino:)
[09:00] {dino} :)
[09:01] {Onix} hi dino
[09:01] {ese} dino......did you see my previous question.....I know it's 2 + or - but what else .....if you don't mind me asking
[09:03] {dino} ok es, here is the well guarded secret ...keep it simple.
[09:03] {wishbone} good morning
[09:04] {Threei}  wish :)
[09:04] {Onix} hi wish
[09:04] {dino} .06 jumps on scanner either up or down (cuts out noise), then look for multiples of them for spikes/capits.
[09:04] {Onix} hi hawk
[09:05] {dino} also, top 10 dji %gainers/losers and top 10 naz % gainers & losers.
[09:05] {wishbone} hi onix
[09:05] {dino} now you know it all
[09:05] {Threei}  little morning entertainment... e-mail overnight from one of readers of our trading log, essentially saying:
[09:05] {Threei}  I thought you guys run professional trading room,
[09:06] {Threei}  and I see so many jokes, how can you maintain focus... I am disapointed
[09:06] {dino} and then throw your bids/asks out a bit further than your mind thinks it could go for entries
[09:06] {geo} gm all
[09:06] {Threei}  geo :)
[09:07] {ese} tks dino.....
[09:07] {dino} "expect to lose" and move on to next trade
[09:07] {Threei}  I answered: if you don't enjoy the process, can you really count on a good result?
[09:07] {ese} am gonna try and reconfig DBI or JBI
[09:07] {Threei}  what's with taking themselves so seriously, sheesh
[09:07] {dino} in the end my "system" is simply a probabilities game
[09:07] {Threei}  "whistle while you work" comes to mind
[09:08] {Onix} :)
[09:09] {Threei}  and if light mood, enjoying trading and keeping some irony and self-irony about whole thing is a sin, I am guilty as charged
[09:09] {dino} aldn?
[09:09] {Threei}  who wants trading to be constipation... free to do so but I am not joining in
[09:10] {Threei}  don't see any news dino
[09:10] {dino} thx
[09:10] {dino} i am searching
[09:10] {dptl} good morning all
[09:11] {dawg} gm all
[09:11] {Onix} hi dp
[09:11] {dptl} :)
[09:11] {Threei}  dp :)
[09:11] {KSystems} Good morning :)
[09:12] {Threei}  ks :)
[09:12] {patience} good morning RT   :)
[09:13] {Threei}  patience :)
[09:14] {Onix} hi ks; patience
[09:19] {peterg} morning all
[09:19] {i2romantis} vad, does laser platform allow trading only on nasdaq or also nyse, tsx etc?
[09:20] {Threei}  NYSE, AMEX,
[09:20] {Threei}  TSX was introduced a while ago
[09:20] {Threei}  but I never looked
[09:21] {Threei}  peter :)
[09:21] {Onix} hi peter
[09:21] {Threei}  TSX wants much more for datafeed than US exchanges
[09:25] {ese} man DRYS up again....
[09:25] {peterg} the serious side of trading: traders as a group of nuclear scientists grimly staring at the bubbling mass that might explode any minute.....
[09:26] {peterg} Don't forget white coats
[09:26] {geo} bubbling mass
[09:27] {geo} sounds like my wife's cooking
[09:27] {peterg} lol
[09:27] {Onix} lol
[09:28] {Threei}  man, you guys can't be serious
[09:28] {geo} pun intended vad?
[09:29] {Threei}  I mean can't stay serious for one minute
[09:29] {geo} we only have one min before bell
[09:29] {peterg} And why should we?
[09:29] {geo} then we put game faces on
[09:29] {peterg} grim faces
[09:29] {Threei}  yes please
[09:30] * Threei stares at DRYS wth grim face
[09:30] {Threei}  watching for 15 break
[09:30] {Threei}  second break is long if stays above .90
[09:31] {Threei}  invalidated for now
[09:32] {Threei}  pullback is idea now
[09:32] {Threei}  closer to .60
[09:33] {peterg} RIMM
[09:33] {Threei}  not clear here
[09:33] {Threei}  DRYS that was
[09:33] {peterg} do you feel lucky?
[09:34] {peterg} ans: not that lucky
[09:34] {Threei}  RIMM, long on 44 break
[09:34] {Threei}  if stays above .80
[09:36] {ese} Ok dino.....how bout endp
[09:38] {Threei}  stop to .85 RIMM
[09:38] {Threei}  DRYS risky long .20
[09:38] {dino} v sm risky, s aldn .16
[09:38] {Threei}  if stays above 15
[09:40] {Threei}  half out RIMM
[09:40] {Threei}  .25
[09:41] {magoo} out .31 TY rimm
[09:41] {Threei}  offer 1/4 more above .40
[09:41] {Threei}  out 1/4 .45
[09:41] {geo} all out .41 TY  
[09:42] {magoo} oops..got .38 rimm
[09:42] {KSystems} rimm out 1/2 .22 and 1/4 .44 thanks you!
[09:42] {Threei}  welcome
[09:42] {dawg} all out RIMM ty sir
[09:42] {Threei}  last portin closer to .60
[09:42] {geo} thats serious greed
[09:42] {Threei}  me seriously greedy
[09:42] {Threei}  stop under .20
[09:43] {Threei}  out .57
[09:43] {dino} missed endp
[09:44] {KSystems} me too
[09:44] {Threei}  greed is good. G gekko
[09:44] {KSystems} beauty
[09:45] {geo} wow rimm
[09:46] {magoo} thats what it does
[09:46] {Threei} Long Setup:  GERN  5.15 break, stop under 5
[09:46] {Threei}  can be slow
[09:46] {magoo} all dayer?
[09:47] {Threei}  LLTC, pullback to .10 - .15 zone is long
[09:48] {dino} qdel
[09:49] {geo} bought the drys pullback
[09:49] {Threei}  around .80?
[09:49] {geo} .84
[09:50] {Threei}  :)
[09:50] {geo} out now
[09:50] {Threei}  not sure about LLTC anymore
[09:50] {Threei}  stalled
[09:51] {dino} algt sm l .20
[09:52] {geo} xto chk hal
[09:54] {Threei}  GERN, for scalpers stop is under day's low
[09:56] {magoo} target?
[09:57] {Threei}  it broke major resistance levels
[09:57] {Threei}  uncharted territory for quite a while
[09:58] {Onix} in gern .16
[09:58] {Threei}  watching ADBE
[09:59] {Threei}  pullback to .80 would be good, to .60 ideal
[09:59] {Threei}  but if market jumps again, 24 break can be a break trigger
[09:59] {Threei}  providing it holds above .85
[09:59] {ese} s ENDP 1/2 21.50
[09:59] {magoo} thoughts DRYS?
[10:00] {Threei}  holding well so far
[10:00] {Threei}  not sure about new 15 - 15.20 setup yet
[10:00] {Threei}  NOV PENDING HOME SALES M/M: -4.0% V -1.0%E
[10:00] {Threei}  - prior revised from -0.7% to -4.2%
[10:02] {magoo} RIMM news vad?
[10:02] {Threei}  nothing fresh
[10:02] {magoo} good sh scalp if mkt pullsbk
[10:04] {dino} algt stopped -.30\
[10:04] {geo} CELG punished bad today
[10:05] {ese} cover endp 21.32 +.18
[10:06] {Threei}  not much of pullback RIMM
[10:06] {magoo} i sh .55
[10:07] {magoo} waitingg .07
[10:07] {geo} nice magoo
[10:08] {magoo} covered
[10:08] {magoo} changed mind +.25
[10:08] {geo} cuz og Q?
[10:08] {magoo} it is strong
[10:09] {magoo} dam
[10:09] {dino} wina
[10:10] {magoo} dam..theres 07
[10:16] {KSystems} .
[10:17] {Threei}  no worky GERN
[10:17] {Onix} stopped gern
[10:17] {Threei}  BRCM... breaks while market drops
[10:17] * geo thanks magoo for dozing him into not entering
[10:17] {Threei}  interesting
[10:17] {geo} i only take trades that work
[10:18] {geo} pharma wierd today
[10:18] {geo} LLY and CELG getting beaten
[10:18] {geo} DNA rising
[10:18] {dino} risky v sm wina s .50, stop .03
[10:21] {Threei} Long Setup:  QQQQ  .31 if stays above .25
[10:24] {dino} gaps to fill 1st imo
[10:24] {Threei}  something's brewing on BRCM
[10:26] {geo} out
[10:26] {Threei}  pullback entry under .10 if goes there
[10:27] {dino} dji filled
[10:28] {Onix} stopped q's
[10:28] {Threei}  market is not very happy
[10:28] {wishbone} q's stopped
[10:30] {i2romantis} i agree, market is not happy at all :)
[10:31] {Threei}  pulled back to fill the gap
[10:31] {Threei}  now the question is, whether it bounces and proceeds making new highs or breaks down
[10:31] {magoo} 10:30 pullbk
[10:32] {magoo} 'very common
[10:36] {magoo} u in BRCM vad?
[10:36] {Threei}  no
[10:36] {Threei}  didn't pull back deep enough
[10:36] {magoo} me either
[10:36] {Threei}  and I am not sure this market is good for breaks
[10:36] {Threei}  if it goes without me, so be it
[10:37] {magoo} maverick, um, without US
[10:37] {dino} endp l .23
[10:37] {dino} sm
[10:38] {dino} stop is .93
[10:39] {i2romantis} although rcrc did a good run today
[10:41] {dino} wina bstop to .36
[10:42] {geo} MS
[10:49] {Larisa1} 9000 is good, do not be afraid { whispers gently }
[10:50] {Threei}  {DJI} you promise?
[10:51] {Larisa1} afraid to promise :)
[10:54] {Threei}  NDAQ
[10:54] {Threei}  - Expects to be able to clear interest rate swaps in non-US dollar denominations by end of 2009
[10:54] {Threei}  - Note: 1.06 NDAQ: Launches a derivatives clearinghouse - WSJ
[10:55] {dino} endp stopped -.30
[10:57] {dino} celg
[10:58] {dino} taking them to 5s and 0s; week before exp again
[11:03] {Threei}  market needs to decide something
[11:04] {Threei}  ALDN
[11:05] {dino} wina bstop to .06
[11:05] {dino} expect slippage
[11:05] {Threei}  RIMM
[11:05] {Threei}  want to see a little bounce, then 45 break for short
[11:06] {dino} aldn bstop to .23, thx vad
[11:06] {Threei}  no bounce... didn't want to short right away
[11:07] {dino} wina bstop to .92
[11:08] {Threei}  OK, either .90 break short if stays under 45
[11:08] {Threei}  or bounce closer to .15
[11:09] {dino} stopped slipped to .02,cov. +.48 wina
[11:09] {Threei}  in, stop 45.05
[11:10] {Threei}  cover half 1:1
[11:10] {Threei}  scapers take profit
[11:10] {dino} s&p gap filled
[11:10] {Threei}  stop to .95 for balance
[11:11] {peterg} ty got my .07
[11:11] {peterg} in late
[11:12] {Threei}  in hindsight, best entry would be near 45, conservative entry on retrace
[11:12] {Threei}  didn't think of it at the moment
[11:15] {geo} http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123125518158857415.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
[11:15] {geo} german billionaire committed suicide after the volkswagon short squeeze
[11:15] {geo} my question is where is the shame in wall street?
[11:16] {geo} they just palm off the losses to someone else
[11:16] {peterg} thank hank
[11:16] {peterg} he acts for all of us
[11:16] {Threei}  out balance
[11:16] {geo} i think its a more general malaise
[11:16] {geo} no sense of responsibility
[11:16] {peterg} end of the empire
[11:16] {peterg} and all that
[11:17] {peterg} in India, have seen ruins of temples from different eras, all gone with the wind
[11:17] {peterg} are we different?
[11:17] {peterg} Naaaaaaaaa
[11:17] {peterg} maybe this will be serious enough for overnight readers
[11:18] {geo} lets call it "who would have known" excuse
[11:19] {geo} for anything that goes wrong
[11:19] {dino} celg sm l .50
[11:19] {dino} stop .18
[11:29] {Threei}  market went boring and uneventful
[11:29] {Threei}  no fireworks
[11:31] {dino}  aldn bstop to .06 thing is stuck
[11:31] {dino} algt sm l .85
[11:33] {ese} outta here for the day all see ya tomorow
[11:33] {Threei}  take care ese
[11:33] {hawkfan4} cya es
[11:33] {dino} cya es
[11:35] {dino} syna
[11:37] {dino} getting chilli over there i bet
[11:37] {Threei}  AMZN looks salmonish
[11:38] {geo} hehehe yup chilli keeps me hot too
[11:39] {dino} :)
[11:39] {Threei}  half lot long AMZN .15 break
[11:39] {dino} hot wings today
[11:39] {Threei}  if stays above 56
[11:40] {magoo} in
[11:40] {Threei}  1:1 easy
[11:40] {Threei}  can do more, partial
[11:40] {geo} hmmm what was your entry vad?
[11:41] {geo} i got .18
[11:41] {tomg} thanks vad
[11:41] {Threei}  welcome guys
[11:41] {magoo} .15 here
[11:41] {jmb}  thanks
[11:41] {Threei}  jmb :)
[11:41] {wishbone} amzn 18 ty vad
[11:41] {geo} i waited for break
[11:41] {geo} half out thanks vad
[11:42] {Threei}  1:2
[11:43] {magoo} out here .52 TY bodss
[11:43] {Threei}  1:3, out in full
[11:43] {geo} all out .58
[11:43] {geo} thanks lord vader
[11:43] {Threei}  welcome
[11:43] {magoo} return of the king he he
[11:43] {geo} linking new year
[11:43] {geo} liking
[11:43] {Threei}  patient waiting for your game pays
[11:43] {Threei}  we got beasutiful early RIMM play,
[11:43] {Threei}  then couple small stops,
[11:44] {Threei}  then little RIMM scalp
[11:44] {Threei}  nothing stellar, right?
[11:44] {dino} out celg .95, +.45
[11:44] {Threei}  sit and wait for clean safe play to come along
[11:44] {Threei}  don't jump on anything that moves
[11:44] {dino} cov aldn .96, +.20
[11:44] {Threei}  that will only amass unneeded stops
[11:45] {Threei}  wtg dino
[11:45] {magoo} any read Q here aregon?
[11:46] {Threei}  who's aregon?
[11:46] {magoo} [11:43] {magoo} return of the king he he
[11:46] {magoo} u
[11:47] {Threei}  cultural references mostly get lost on me, ya know {G}
[11:47] {geo} eragon
[11:47] {geo} king of elves
[11:47] {magoo} no...king of men
[11:48] {magoo} hang on..dino went in our restroom to pee
[11:48] {magoo} mkt pulls back
[11:48] {geo} too much detail
[11:48] {Threei}  that's trading signal geo
[11:48] {geo} oh ok
[11:48] {magoo} its a heads u
[11:48] {Threei}  magoo tracks this pattern for a while
[11:49] * geo puts shorting hat on
[11:49] {magoo} magoo yellling get out DINOOOOOOOO
[11:49] {magoo} ok hes out
[11:49] {geo} lol
[11:49] {geo} amzn pullback vad?
[11:50] {Larisa1} PLD volume
[11:51] {Threei}  too late geo
[11:51] {Threei}  .50 was it
[11:51] {geo} yeah :(
[11:52] * laserdave1 slaps Threei around a bit with a large chart of uptrending market
[11:52] {dino} ohhhh mannnn
[11:52] {Threei}  look who got technologically advanced
[11:52] {dino} that kind of talk is just wrong
[11:53] * laserdave1 slaps magoo around a bit with a large Threei
[11:53] {Threei}  hey!
[11:53] {hawkfan4} lol
[11:53] {laserdave1} pulling out all the gems here
[11:54] {magoo} thats alot of smack u just hit magoo with bud :)
[11:54] {laserdave1} :)
[11:54] {laserdave1} wow is this market slowwww
[11:54] {magoo} did u get chaer DCC yesterdasy dave?he asked us to let u know
[11:55] {laserdave1} yup all good
[11:55] {laserdave1} ty
[11:55] {magoo} ok..
[11:55] {geo} snif AMZN
[11:56] {magoo} pass me tissue geo
[11:56] * geo hands out the box
[11:56] * magoo slaps geo around a bit with a large very discusting used tissue
[11:56] {geo} ewww
[11:57] {geo} that was a setup !
[11:57] {geo} in the meanwhile AMZN
[11:59] {dino} endp interesting
[11:59] {Threei}  i2r... laserdave here is your guy to ask about Laser
[12:00] {Threei}  in case you haven't gathered it from his nick :)
[12:00] {Threei}  you may have mistakenly think it means he is sharp and focused as laser
[12:01] {magoo} which would be wrong assumption
[12:02] {magoo} LASER is best system by far
[12:02] {Threei}  very
[12:02] {magoo} and i been in about 6
[12:03] {magoo} heres my progression.....
[12:04] {magoo} schwab..datek..ameritrade...TD...mbtrade...genesis...LASER
[12:04] {geo} welmostly retail magoo
[12:04] {geo} well mostly
[12:04] {magoo} yup..started there
[12:05] {geo} laser KILLS on nasdaq
[12:05] {magoo} can u imagine
[12:05] {geo} prob the only platinum certified partner available to us
[12:05] {Threei}  I don't see any difference between NASDAQ and listeds anymore
[12:06] {Larisa1} we missed HIG and BRCM breaks , that e-mail guy was right, you  guys ARE distracting :)
[12:06] {geo} oops
[12:07] {Threei}  and proud of it
[12:07] {magoo} WOW larisa:(
[12:07] {Larisa1} I know :)
[12:07] {geo} i am here for social networking
[12:08] {Threei}  I am here to tell you I don't know why I am here
[12:08] {geo} dino
[12:08] {geo} youre fav PRU
[12:10] {magoo} im here to keep vad honest lol
[12:11] {Threei}  yeah, I am known as a big liar when left unsupervised
[12:11] {magoo} no..not that...i just remind u of the trades i hate
[12:11] {geo} booohoohoo
[12:11] {geo} AMZN
[12:11] {geo} its going to the moon
[12:12] {magoo} vad hooked a pointer there
[12:12] {magoo} nice rerad aregon{king of men}
[12:13] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large book of slow cooker recipes and suggests to keep within this short list of reading
[12:13] {dino} endp sm l .40, stop .09
[12:14] {Larisa1} LLTC too smooth, just hanging at high doing nothing,  no matter what market does
[12:14] {Threei}  yeah, I am not delighted
[12:15] {dino} pcln
[12:17] {dino} hmm pru up cb down
[12:18] {geo} amgn
[12:19] {dino} pru taunting me to short it
[12:19] {Larisa1} PLD not happy
[12:19] {Threei}  HIG, bounce entry arounbd here on firast strength
[12:20] {Threei}  with stop under 19
[12:20] {Threei}  got .11
[12:21] {Threei}  half out
[12:22] {magoo} missed
[12:22] {Threei}  offer balance above .30
[12:22] {Larisa1} nice bounce call HIG
[12:22] {magoo} that was nice
[12:22] {Threei}  ty
[12:23] {Threei}  clean bounce off touching rising lower BB
[12:23] {geo} vad no trouts pls
[12:23] {geo} but what was the BB val again ?
[12:23] {Threei}  13 and 1.7
[12:23] {wishbone} amzn 12 ty vad
[12:23] {Threei}  save that layout finally, will ya?
[12:24] {geo} hehehe
[12:24] {Threei}  just now wish?
[12:24] {wishbone} no the bounce
[12:24] {Threei}  :)
[12:25] {Threei}  PLD
[12:25] {wishbone} soory that was hig
[12:25] {Threei}  oh... I was wondering why I was getting credit :)
[12:25] {Threei}  but I took it anyway
[12:25] {Threei}  lol
[12:26] {Threei}  anyway, who is Merril to downgrade anyone?
[12:28] {KSystems} do they actually rate themselves?
[12:30] {dino} ahh mother merrill, getting re-married
[12:34] {Threei}  this HIG bounce I missed totally... grrr
[12:35] {geo} NOV crazy strong
[12:42] {Threei}  if market shows new strength, RIMM .43 long if stays above .35
[12:42] {Threei}  want semi-aggressive entry with tight stop
[12:42] {Threei}  with .50 consequent break as launching paf
[12:43] {geo} nov 31 break vad?
[12:43] {Threei}  paf = pad
[12:43] {Threei}  can't tell geo
[12:44] {geo} TY
[12:46] * Threei tries to kick RIMM in the rear over .45 barrier
[12:48] {magoo} nice kickaroo
[12:48] * Threei , inspired by success, tries to kick RIMM in the rear over .50 barrier
[12:49] {magoo} magoo notices 3i getting tired..starts helping him kick
[12:49] * geo introduces himself to people as someone who benefits from vad's violence
[12:49] * Threei kicks RIMM just for the fun of kicking
[12:49] {magoo} ouch..3i kicks magoo
[12:50] {KSystems} wheres your first target if i may, vad?
[12:51] {geo} hmm i took some off at .53
[12:51] {Threei}  closer to .60
[12:51] {geo} as his top was less than 10
[12:51] * Threei endorses geo's endorsement of violence as legit trading approach
[12:51] {Threei}  hmmm
[12:51] {Threei}  ok, out half.54
[12:52] {Threei}  market may pull back here easily
[12:52] {Threei}  want to secure some
[12:53] {magoo} ditto
[12:54] {geo} out
[12:54] {geo} day went rather well.... nibbling is good
[12:55] {Threei}  sure... but it still looks strong, why not leave 1/4 to give it a chance
[12:55] {geo} q pulled
[12:55] {Threei}  exactly
[12:55] {geo} and rimm didnt
[12:55] {geo} sigh...
[12:56] {Threei}  Qs pulled back, and RIMM didn't even lose .50
[12:56] {magoo} vad..u following AMZN?
[12:56] {dino} algt stop to .19
[12:56] {Threei}  not right now mags
[12:56] {Threei}  kind of nursing RIMM
[12:56] {magoo} point pull here
[12:56] {dino} out .22, +.37
[12:56] {geo} short?
[12:57] {magoo} ok room..dino chant
[12:57] {magoo} dino
[12:57] {magoo} dino
[12:57] {magoo} dino
[12:57] {Threei}  it won't work magoo... I tried that, he is trading well anyway
[13:00] {dino} risky sm s pru .25, stop .53
[13:00] {Threei}  out balance
[13:01] {geo} its almost like the black box algos deided in RIMM that Q didnt rise so move on
[13:03] {geo} pullback vad?
[13:03] {Threei}  ?
[13:03] {geo} rinn
[13:03] {geo} mm
[13:04] {Threei}  nah
[13:04] {Threei}  gotta let it digest something
[13:04] {Threei}  no rythm
[13:04] {Larisa1} what rythm if you kick it all the time..
[13:05] {Threei}  AAPL
[13:06] {Threei}  sorry Larisa, I can't help it
[13:06] {Threei}  I like kicking things
[13:06] {Threei}  can you believe this bs?
[13:06] {dino} pru stopped -.33
[13:07] {Threei}  unnamed doctor "speculates" - AAPL and market with it drop like crazy
[13:07] {Threei}  no one een know whether this doctor saw Jobs
[13:07] {Threei}  maybe he is just sitting on the porch, speculating about this and that
[13:08] {geo} hey vad you wanna know trivia?
[13:08] {Threei}  is she pretty?
[13:08] {geo} sheesh
[13:08] {KSystems} sigh
[13:09] {geo} his dad is asyrian arab
[13:09] {geo} syrian
[13:09] {peterg} symmetric:asymmetric. Syrian: asyrian
[13:10] {geo} dad just gave him up for adoption and went back
[13:10] {geo} very barackish
[13:11] * geo was a triavia champion in high school
[13:11] {geo} trivia too
[13:12] {Threei}  if I were smarter I'd buy GERN under 5 and hold it all day
[13:12] {geo} you still in?
[13:12] {magoo} if i were more patient
[13:12] {Threei}  no
[13:13] {Threei}  still think this thing has a lot more upside
[13:13] {Threei}  but tough to get into its manner of moving
[13:13] {geo} wow more tha 25% up
[13:13] {geo} less than a month
[13:14] {Chaeron} Hi all... just checking in :)
[13:14] {geo} hiya chaer
[13:15] {Larisa1} hi Chaeron :)
[13:15] {Chaeron} Hi Geo! Laris :)
[13:15] {Threei}  - Article notes" most likely scenario, based on Steve's history and his description of his condition, is that his cancer has returned. If so, this news is not necessarily devastating, and the treatment could still be "simple and straightforward," as Steve suggested. "
[13:15] {Threei}  - "If a patient came to me with [Jobs’s] history, the two big questions that would come to mind are: 1) is this a [recurrent] tumor, and 2) was there sufficient pancreas removed with the original surgery that he’s gradually lost his ability to digest and absorb food,"
[13:15] {Threei}  - "The third option, when you take out the pancreas and see weight loss like this, is that it’s diabetes,"
[13:15] {Threei}  chaeron :)
[13:16] {dino} pru big old rinse
[13:16] {Threei}  so, this doctor is not seeing Jobs
[13:16] {Threei}  and it maybe diabetes
[13:17] {Threei}  and there are three options
[13:17] {Threei}  and it's not neccesary devastating
[13:17] {magoo} doesnt jobs need to tell the truth? as in he already said what it was
[13:18] {Threei}  whatever... I don't want to trade this story on any side
[13:18] {Threei}  geo, you are familiar with mirc, right?
[13:18] {geo} not too much
[13:18] {geo} ?
[13:19] {dino} magoo, when do the ceo's tell the truth
[13:19] {Threei}  just thinking, if there is a way to make my comments echo in #floor
[13:19] {Threei}  so they would be there distilled, without room noise
[13:19] {dino} think all of the banks that said they did not need capital
[13:19] {geo} Ksystems?
[13:19] {Threei}  or GM saying they don't conmtemplate bankruptsy
[13:19] {KSystems} :)
[13:20] {KSystems} not out-of-the-box
[13:20] {dino} rimm sm s .42
[13:20] {KSystems} but its a good point, I can build you something that does vad
[13:20] {dino} stop .76
[13:20] {geo} what i do is i have a sound for vad 
[13:20] {Threei}  ty... nothing urgent
[13:20] {geo} and i ignore the others 
[13:20] {KSystems} lol
[13:20] {geo} respectfully of course
[13:22] {dino} but of course
[13:22] {geo} problem is if i =dont get others i loose context of trade sometimes
[14:01] {Threei}  GERN...
[14:01] {peterg} dumpd
[14:01] {Threei}  sigh
[14:01] {dino} geo, ignore me don't boot me out
[14:01] {Threei}  geo has serious ignoring power
[14:01] {peterg} lets see who notices they are gone
[14:01] {Threei}  lol
[14:01] {geo} hehe
[14:01] {dino} rimm stopped -.37
[14:01] {magoo} bumped out
[14:01] {Threei}  geo did that mags
[14:01] {magoo} ty geo
[14:01] {dino} rate sm l .85
[14:01] {magoo} rimm animal
[14:01] {magoo} aapl losing it
[14:01] {peterg} tell me about it
[14:01] {peterg} made some, then lost some more
[14:01] {peterg} rrrr
[14:01] {peterg} sniff
[14:01] {magoo} very rumor sensitive
[14:01] {Threei} Long Setup:  TM  .40 break small shares
[14:01] {Threei}  stop under .20
[14:01] {wishbone} anyone there?
[14:01] {geo} got kicked out hard
[14:01] {KSystems} wooohoooo
[14:01] {wishbone} hello?
[14:01] {wishbone} man, what was that?
[14:01] {magoo} me too..out awhile
[14:01] {wishbone} it was like disconnected techno robot....:)
[14:01] {Threei}  sigh
[14:21] {Threei}  anyway... you can't say I don't make you money while disconnected
[14:21] {Threei}  TM worked like charm
[14:21] {Threei}  over 1:2
[14:22] {Threei}  - Reiterates claims that Ukraine is siphoning off gas meant for European customers.
[14:24] {Threei}  wow PLD
[14:24] {Larisa1} downgrade worked nicely for it :)
[14:24] {Threei}  yeah... case of "consider the source", lol
[14:24] {Larisa1} lol
[14:25] {Threei}  non-existing broker downgrades someone?
[14:25] {Threei}  buy the heck out of it
[14:27] {Threei}  anyone traded TM anyway?
[14:27] {KSystems} yes :)
[14:27] {Threei}  :)
[14:29] {Threei}  PLD
[14:29] {Threei}  half lot long .30
[14:29] {Threei}  if stays above .20
[14:30] {magoo} in
[14:32] {magoo} never recall bidu & goog so diverged
[14:32] {magoo} bidu should catch up
[14:33] {Threei}  dunno mags... could be reflecting country risk
[14:33] {dino} anything can happen
[14:33] {Threei}  no worky PLD
[14:34] {magoo} out pld - dime
[14:36] {Threei}  lol
[14:36] {Threei}  shakoeout
[14:37] {magoo} out BIDU + point
[14:37] {magoo} from my mention
[14:38] {Threei}  look at PLD
[14:38] {Threei}  or better don't
[14:39] {KSystems} Vad :) say something
[14:39] {Threei}  something
[14:40] {Larisa1} test if it filers me
[14:40] {Threei} Long Setup:  SOMETHING  at any price
[14:40] {Threei}  it works
[14:40] {Larisa1} KS, i love you
[14:40] {Threei}  everyone sees #floor?
06[14:40] * KSystems is melting away
[14:40] {Larisa1} vad too of course :)
[14:40] {magoo} where??
[14:40] {Larisa1} thanks guys
[14:41] {Threei}  that's OK larisa, I am comfortable with being unloved
[14:41] {Larisa1} lol
[14:41] {Threei}  thank you KS
[14:41] {KSystems} very welcome
[14:48] {magoo} we are rockin
[14:50] {dino} rate stop to .29
[14:51] {dino} tighten it
[14:51] {dino} out .35, +.50
[14:52] {Onix} beautifully done!
[14:52] {Threei}  very
[14:53] {Threei}  OK guys, realize limitations of #floor echo please
[14:53] {Threei}  if you want to track my call, it's fine
[14:53] {Threei}  scrolling with no surrounding noise for instance
[14:54] {Threei}  but when I answer someone's question on some stock, you may not get a context
[14:54] {Threei}  I will try to mention symbols when I answer, to keep it as uniform as possible
[14:56] {Geo} nice K
[14:56] {Geo} great job
[14:56] {dino} celg sm l .01
[15:00] {Threei}  ok... let me get a smoke and see if we get some esy scalp for the last hour
[15:01] {KSystems} thanks geo
[15:04] {Threei}  btw hawk, how do you like laser so far?
[15:05] {hawkfan4} i like it, just getting used to it a bit, but it really is incredibly fast
[15:05] {Threei}  told ya :)
[15:06] {hawkfan4} :), yeah, i'm impressed
[15:06] {Threei}  light years ahead of anything I traded with
[15:07] {Threei}  and I started with direct access when most still used datek etc
[15:07] {Threei}  most fond memories I have though are those of Castle... when they implemented NITE garanteed executions
[15:08] {Threei}  gosh, we robbed poor NITE blind
[15:08] {Threei}  Larisa must remember :)
[15:08] {Larisa1} i do :)
[15:08] {hawkfan4} :)
[15:08] {Threei}  on a quiet afternoon when we are bored, remind me... I'll tell the story
[15:12] {Threei}  one more leg down, and playable bounce should be in cards
[15:12] {Threei}  if this is the bounce I prefer to miss it, a bit too iffy
[15:13] {Threei}  want to see Qs near .30 or just under
[15:18] {magoo} .
[15:19] {Threei}  getting close
[15:20] {magoo} looks like .25 
[15:20] {magoo} aapl low
[15:21] {dino}  celg stopped
[15:22] {Threei}  in
[15:22] {Threei}  stop under .25
[15:22] {magoo} where? .31 here
[15:23] {Threei}  .30
[15:23] {magoo} dl?
[15:23] {Geo} sigh... now the vad highlight sound plays twice
[15:23] {Threei}  lol
[15:24] {Threei} Long Setup:  PLD  half lot 16.02
[15:24] {Threei}  stop under 15.95
[15:29] {Threei}  wow PLD... what a battle
[15:31] {magoo} we need dino 3:40 power up
[15:31] {magoo} in pld
[15:31] {magoo} 16
[15:31] {Threei}  half out .15
[15:32] {jmb} thanks pld
[15:32] {Threei}  :)
[15:32] {magoo} TY BOSS
[15:33] {Threei}  welcome guys
[15:33] {Larisa1} downgraded  from "king" ?
[15:34] {Threei}  out .23
[15:34] {Larisa1} nice call
[15:34] {Threei}  ty
[15:35] {Threei}  come on Qs, don't you know about dino
[15:35] {Threei}  s bounce?
[15:35] {Threei}  wow PLD... underestimated bounce a little
[15:36] {Threei}  MCGC?
[15:37] {Threei}  what happened there
[15:37] {Threei}  out Qs
[15:38] {Threei}  WFC
[15:38] {Threei}  - Cites closing of acquisition of Wachovia and complete ratings review
[15:38] {Onix} stopped Q's but got some $$ in PLD ty Vad
[15:38] {Threei}  yup... that's the dance we are doing
[15:38] {Threei}  keeping small losses, getting nice wins
[15:39] {Threei}  7 cents stop on Qs vs over 20 cents win on PLD
[15:39] {Threei}  same with our earlier RIMM, AMZN etc plays
[15:39] {Onix} excellent ratio
[15:39] {dino} ok time to move up
[15:39] {Threei}  my guess is, if not for this WFC news, Qs would have worked too
[15:40] {Threei}  look at WFC
[15:42] {dino} there's 28 pts
[15:42] {dino} rate sm l .11
[15:44] {dino} strange day for an up day, lots of stocks down coulpe points
[15:45] {Threei}  yeah, breadth must be questionable
[15:45] {Threei}  who is observing those TICKs and TRINs
[15:45] {Threei}  enlighten us pls
[15:45] {magoo} breath 2:1 positive
[15:46] {Threei}  whose breath?
[15:47] {magoo} dinos
[15:49] {dino} there's 45
06[15:49] * magoo slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large roll of cash
[15:51] {magoo} trading was jumpy today..players are nervous
[15:52] {patience} i'm thinking a really good pullback is waiting for us
[15:52] {Threei}  whatever... nice profitable day, that's all I care about :)
[15:53] {magoo} dcc quick vad
[16:00] {Larisa1} bye all :)
[16:02] {wishbone} great calls vad..good nite all
[16:02] {Threei}  thank you all
[16:02] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[16:02] {magoo} nite everybody
[16:02] {hawkfan4} thx all
[16:02] {KSystems} good night!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jan 05 2009

Very strong day, quite a few nice sizeable wins in the morning, then mostly scalps in the aftrenoon. RIMM, DRYS and a few others behaved well.

Session Time: Mon Jan 05 00:00:00 2009

[08:03] {magoo} morning
[08:03] {Threei}  good morning
[08:03] {Threei}  01/05/09 07:12am
[08:03] {Threei}  [NFLX] Netflix Inc Enters into pact with LG Electronics for broadband TV projects
[08:03] {Threei}  - Would enable the real-time viewing of Netflix films.
[08:04] {Threei}  DRYS is unstoppable
[08:04] {magoo} vad, i watched storm of century yesterday, it was on sci fi network
[08:05] {Threei}  I have dvd
[08:05] {magoo} forgot how good it is
[08:05] {Threei}  pretty powerful, isn't it
[08:10] {magoo} whats up with DRYS?
[08:11] {Threei}  no news
[08:11] {magoo} used to be shortable..not now
[08:14] {patience} good morning guys  :)
[08:15] {Threei}  patience :)
[08:15] {magoo} patience:)
[08:26] {magoo} what u stalking vad?
[08:27] {Threei}  DRYS, EGLE, PLD
[08:28] {i2romantis} morning guys!
[08:28] {Threei}  i2r :)
[08:28] {i2romantis} 3i:)
[08:29] {i2romantis} any thoughts on dds.to and gm?
[08:30] {Threei}  GM is stay away other than for scalps
[08:30] {Threei}  not playing TSX at all
[08:30] {i2romantis} yes, I was scalping GM 
[08:30] {i2romantis} If ind tsx stocks moving thinly
[08:31] {Threei}  AAPL
[08:34] {Threei}  .20 break DRYS, half lot for scalp with stop under .10 - for adrenaline-deprived
[08:36] {KSystems} argh too late
[08:36] {Threei}  no chasing
[08:36] {Threei}  there was a big offer at .20... scrolled through just as I typed
[08:36] {KSystems} are you out already?
[08:36] {Threei}  missed it while typed
[08:36] {KSystems} uck
[08:37] {Threei}  FMCN upgrade, 13 target
[08:38] {Larisa1} good morning :)
[08:38] {Threei}  Larisa :)
[08:39] {Larisa1} threei :)
[08:39] {Threei}  ugh... 1:1
[08:39] {Threei}  ok, let's consider it my call warm-up :)
[08:50] {ese} good morning all.....
[08:50] {Threei}  ese :)
[08:50] {Onix} Good morning all
[08:50] {Threei}  onix :)
[08:50] {ese} onix
[08:50] {Threei}  ese, you asked about MA crossover alert in iscan
[08:50] {ese} ready for the new year vad?
[08:50] {Threei}  you know it's there now?
[08:51] {Threei}  a few of them actually
[08:51] {Threei}  ready? we already made money on Jan 2nd :)
[08:51] {ese} yes awhile ago
[08:51] {cosmo} ... a brave new year...
[08:51] {Threei}  have a look at last 20 pics or so:
[08:51] {Threei}  http://www.flickr.com/photos/36948132@N00/
[08:52] {cosmo} gee ... ufo's on the runway..
[08:53] {Threei}  I want what you are smoking
[08:53] {cosmo} from yesterday?
[08:53] {Threei}  pics?
[08:53] {Threei}  Dec 31
[08:56] {cosmo}  do you have a special 'night light' auto setting?
[08:56] {Threei}  on camera?
[08:56] {cosmo} for exposure...?
[08:56] {Threei}  yes but I don't use that
[08:56] {cosmo} k
[08:56] {Larisa1} beautiful. is it naked woman  or just icicle on 16 :)
[08:57] {Threei}  naked woman, just a bit stony
[08:57] {Larisa1} poor girl, she is cold
[08:58] {cosmo} looks blue
[08:59] {Threei}  which is only natural, come to think of it
[08:59] {Threei}  although I believe your monitor needs calibration {G}
[09:00] {cosmo} violet?
[09:00] {Threei}  beige
[09:01] {KSystems} Good morning!
[09:01] {Threei}  ks :)
[09:01] {cosmo} oh..
[09:01] {Threei}  so weird to see snow in Butchart Gardens
[09:02] {Threei}  but the effect is to die for
[09:04] {dino} gm all
[09:04] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:05] {geo} gm and a happy new year all !
[09:06] {Threei}  geo :)
[09:06] {Threei}  ty, same to you
[09:06] {KSystems} happy new year geo, thank you
[09:06] {Onix} hi dino
[09:09] {Onix} hi geo
[09:09] -} *services* REGISTER wishbone maranello
[09:11] {geo} so vad ummmmm wheere are teh people in the pics?
[09:11] {geo} or is this how canada is?
[09:11] {Threei}  what people?
[09:11] {geo} dia ya take the pics 3 in the morning?
[09:12] {Threei}  lol
[09:12] {dawg} gm all
[09:12] {Threei}  if I photograph a place with no desire to have people in it, there won't be any people
[09:12] {Threei}  dawg :)
[09:14] {Onix} hi dawg
[09:16] {Threei}  for just-connected and too lazy to scroll up: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36948132@N00/
[09:17] {wishbone} good morning all
[09:17] {Threei}  wishbione :)
[09:18] {dawg} Hello Onix
[09:18] {Onix} hi wishbone
[09:18] {wishbone} hello onix
[09:24] {Threei}  intend to start with bounce scalps until we see that market repeats Frida's steady climb
[09:27] {Threei}  RIMM of 42 on watch
[09:28] {Threei}  DRYS doesn't want to pull back very much
[09:30] {cosmo} JASO holds 4.90   so far
[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  RIMM  42 break
[09:31] {Threei}  if stays above .80, half lot
[09:31] {Threei}  sorry, .90
[09:32] {Threei}  feel free to take scalp
[09:32] {Threei}  over 1;1
[09:32] {tomg} thanks vad
[09:32] {Threei}  good reflexes tom
[09:32] {tomg} ty
[09:34] {Threei}  sheesh DRYS
[09:34] {Threei}  if you went for RIMM second time, half out
[09:35] {ese} bstop QQQQ .87
[09:35] {Threei}  has chance for more this time
[09:35] {ese} small
[09:35] {magoo} out here vad TY rimm
[09:35] {Threei}  there... 1:3
[09:35] {magoo} .37
[09:35] {Threei}  I mean 1:5
[09:35] {ese} in
[09:35] {Threei}  I mean... oh, whatever
[09:35] {Onix} ty Vad, got some in RIMM
[09:35] {Threei}  :)
[09:36] {dino} whats up w/algt -8 pts in 2 days
[09:36] {geo} wow... all out .33
[09:40] {Threei}  bounce from under 42 again RIMM
[09:40] {ese} stoped QQQQ's  .75 -}10
[09:41] {Threei}  half lot, stop under .85 this time
[09:42] {dptl} good morning all
[09:42] {Threei}  dp :)
[09:42] {Threei}  out .25
[09:43] {geo} all out .34
[09:43] {geo} thanks vad
[09:43] {geo} good start to the new year
[09:43] {Threei}  a bit late though... we had one already on Friday :)
[09:43] {geo} yeah saw that...
[09:45] {KSystems} out .58 on rimm, amazing Vad. thank you
[09:45] {wishbone} rimm +48, 62 ty vad
[09:45] {Threei}  welcome guys
[09:45] {Threei}  DRYS bounce candidate off .40
[09:45] {Threei}  half lot
[09:45] {Threei}  no chasing
[09:46] {Threei}  touched .45 and jumped too fast
[09:46] {Threei}  should dip under .40 this time
[09:47] {Threei}  knowing its nature, I'd be hapy to catch it closer to .20
[09:47] {Threei}  otherwise too risky
[09:47] {ese} bstop AAPL 94.50 small
[09:47] {Threei}  try .25 or so, if doesn't go that low let it go for now
[09:49] {ese} has to stay above 94.00 AAPL
[09:49] {ese} invalidated
[09:49] {dino} is 9027 dji high correct?, dec high was 9026
[09:52] {KSystems} drys
[09:52] {Threei}  yes
[09:52] {Threei}  still valid off .20
[09:52] {Threei}  just keep shares reasonable
[09:52] {KSystems} stop under .10 ?
[09:52] {Threei}  volatile
[09:52] {Threei}  yes
[09:53] {Threei}  you caught it?
[09:53] {KSystems} not yet
[09:53] {Threei}  touched .25 precisely
[09:53] {KSystems} didnt want it above .25
[09:54] {Threei}  hmmm... not sure this time
[09:54] {Threei}  if dives again, likely to go lower than .20
[09:55] {Threei}  ok.. under 13 or not interested
[09:56] {Threei}  got 12.98
[09:56] {Threei}  stop under .90
[09:56] {Threei}  anyone caught it?
[09:56] {KSystems} no
[09:56] {Threei}  ok, no chasing, just a scalp
[09:57] {Threei}  out .18
[09:57] {magoo} looking at Q 
[09:59] {Threei}  ELON?
[09:59] {Threei}  what the
[09:59] {dino} algt sm l .95 stop lod
[10:02] {Threei}  10:01am [NTRI] Affiliating with Cosco, will make product available in all retail stores
[10:04] {geo} anr vad?
[10:04] {Threei}  underestimated DRYS strength
[10:05] {Threei}  not sure geo
[10:05] {geo} USO steady climb today
[10:06] {patience} i completely messed up entries into su (suncor) and cnq (canadian natural resources), kept waiting for pullbacks
[10:07] {wishbone} anyone from victoria get snow?
[10:07] {Threei}  no
[10:07] {patience} no
[10:08] {Threei}  that's local snowfall over your backyard, wish
[10:09] {wishbone} no none my way either, apparently Vancouver got it and duncan has a foot
[10:09] {Threei}  dp?
[10:13] {dptl} ye wet snow here
[10:13] {ese} dino ...you still L ALGT
[10:14] {magoo} DRYS read vad?
[10:15] {Threei}  if no pullback, then .50 break
[10:16] {Threei}  I'd prefer pullback to around .30
[10:17] {dino} y es
[10:17] {Threei}  half lot
[10:17] {Threei}  in, stop under .20
[10:18] {ese} i joined you.....small lot  at .99
[10:18] {ese} just wondering what your trigger is for getting out
[10:19] {dino} down $ was feeling a buck or so
[10:19] {dino} needs mkt help tho
[10:20] {dino} down$4
[10:20] {KSystems} drys half out .40
[10:20] {ese} yeow za......
[10:20] {Threei}  half out DRYS .41
[10:20] {Threei}  stop to .25
[10:20] {Threei}  let's see if we get .50 break
[10:21] {magoo} lil mkt help here
[10:21] {wishbone} drys =20 ty vad
[10:21] {magoo} waiting .54
[10:21] {Threei}  wish :)
[10:21] {wishbone} +20
[10:21] {dino} gj
[10:21] {ese} am gonna exit here at .50  
[10:21] {ese} out
[10:22] {ese} +.51...150 on 300 shs
[10:22] {dino} es trail stop to lock in something ok
[10:22] {ese} gonna watch you in action for the rest
[10:22] {dino} to .38 for me
[10:23] {dino} gj
[10:23] {dino} i took 300 too
[10:23] {dino} stopped .37, +.42
[10:23] {ese} dino what was you scan for finding this type of stock
[10:24] {dino} will watch again for pullback
[10:24] {dino} -$2+
[10:24] {ese} any volume requirement
[10:24] {dino} have separate scanner, top 10 up/downs
[10:25] {dino} no, you know me and vol.
[10:25] {dino} control w/size
[10:25] {ese} $2 either way  up & dn
[10:25] {dino} yes
[10:26] {ese} it's making another nice move to 41....well done dino
[10:26] {dino} vz interesting
[10:26] {Threei}  JRCC
[10:26] {Threei}  .35 half lot long if stays above .20
[10:26] {dino} i was too tight, thing jumps 25cents
[10:28] {magoo} SIGH JRCC
[10:28] {Onix} aaahhh missed it!
[10:28] {Threei}  thin one
[10:28] {wishbone} Wahh JRCC
[10:28] {dptl} +.15 jrcc ty
[10:28] {KSystems} wow
[10:29] {Threei}  wtg dp
[10:29] {KSystems} +.15 JRCC
[10:29] {KSystems} thanks
[10:29] {Threei}  ks :)
[10:29] {wishbone} nw dp
[10:30] {dino} es, look at kb, rcrc, gsic, hlnd
[10:31] {ese} will do
[10:31] {KSystems} JRCC out 1/4 more .65
[10:31] {wishbone} patience do you trade EWZ?
[10:31] {ese} I like rcrc
[10:32] {Threei}  market regained strength
[10:32] {ese} and gsic
[10:33] {KSystems} JRCC remaining 1/4 stopped at .70
[10:33] {Threei}  beauty
[10:34] {KSystems} (c) vad
[10:34] {dino} algt goes over 41
[10:35] {ese} ya just saw that
[10:35] {dino} me too, but where
[10:36] {ese} wow za  almost 41.50
[10:37] {ese} just think.....if you'd had a 10 000 shs lot ehhhhhhh
[10:37] {dino} crying
[10:38] {ese} opps........I know that must have hurt.......i'll be more sensitive next time
[10:38] {Threei} Long Setup:  ADBE  half lot first strength from here
[10:38] {dino} my own fault
[10:39] {Threei}  stop under .75
[10:39] {Threei}  DRYS babay
[10:39] {Threei}  out second half
[10:39] {Threei}  .55
[10:39] {magoo} out drys here .63
[10:40] {Threei}  offer half ADBE above .90, scalpers just grab your profit
[10:41] {Threei}  out DRYS second half ks?
[10:41] {KSystems} i want even in
[10:41] {KSystems} want=wasnt
[10:41] {Threei}  [10:20] {KSystems} drys half out .40
[10:41] {tomg} ty drys vad
[10:41] {Threei}  tom :)
[10:42] {KSystems} 2nd half was stopped b/e
[10:42] {Threei}  someone has early Alzheimer it seems
[10:42] {Threei}  :)
[10:42] {KSystems} :(
[10:42] {Threei}  too tight trailing, I suggested under .25
[10:42] {Threei}  ADBE over .90
[10:42] {Threei}  half out .92
[10:43] {Threei}  stop .79
[10:44] {Threei}  OK, over this one I am crying for real:
[10:44] {Threei}  thought of alert long CTDC 2.85
[10:45] {Threei}  and decided against it, was so thin
[10:48] {Threei}  PLD, I want 14.60 break tom
[10:48] {Threei}  but it's a bit too far from there
[10:48] {Onix} aaahhh!
[10:48] {tomg} ty
[10:48] {Threei}  not sure how to straucture it
[10:49] {Threei}  ADBE stop to .84
[10:50] {Threei}  not willing to give anything back
[10:51] {magoo} booted out there
[10:53] {dino} eqix pop
[10:56] {dino} kb sm s .74, stop .13
[10:58] {geo} .
[11:00] {Threei}  out balance ADBE
[11:01] {Threei}  YHOO
[11:01] {Threei}  lol
[11:01] {geo} that porridge is cold
[11:05] {geo} hmmm
[11:07] {Threei}  - Note that current expectations are for a loss of around 500K jobs.
[11:07] {Threei}  sobering?
[11:08] {geo} polite for panicwothy
[11:08] {geo} panicworthy
[11:08] {Threei}  as if we were merrily drunk about state of economy
[11:08] {dino} algt
[11:09] {Threei}  discretionary one:
[11:09] {Threei} Long Setup:  DRYS  .70 break if stays above .60
[11:10] {Threei}  kind of 50/50
[11:11] {Threei}  small stop and strength of stock make it worth a try - only if you are fine with equal odds of taking stop and making money on this one
[11:14] {Threei}  this consolidation feels to me like a forecast of explosion coming
[11:14] {Threei}  if my gut feeling is right 14 and above
[11:14] {Threei}  I mean seriously above
[11:15] {magoo} need dino gut confirmation
[11:15] {Chaeron} good morning all and stop talking about guts... we all need to lose that holiday weight, ok??
[11:16] {magoo} in btw
[11:16] {KSystems} got .72
[11:16] {Threei}  Chaeron :)
[11:16] {KSystems} small shares
[11:16] {magoo} chachachachaer
[11:16] {Larisa1} hi Chaeron :)
[11:16] {geo} hey chaer... sensitive arent we?
[11:16] {Chaeron} poke me in my gut and see how sensitive I am geo :)
[11:16] {Threei}  you would be too if you missed such morning as we had
[11:16] {geo} gross
[11:17] {Chaeron} hi everyone...
[11:17] {magoo} nice humility vad :)
[11:17] {Threei}  always
[11:17] {geo} he has the money to prove it
[11:17] {geo} lol
[11:17] {Chaeron} well, I'm in DRYS so make it up to me Vadster
[11:17] {magoo} read RIMM vad?
[11:17] {KSystems} drys stop...below 60?
[11:17] {geo} in drys .71
[11:17] {Threei}  yes
[11:17] {Threei}  none at this point magoo
[11:18] {dino} rcrc stopped -.38 slipped
[11:18] {Threei}  if drops into 43, I'll be interested
[11:20] {lisa_jay} .
[11:22] {Threei}  stopped
[11:23] {wishbone} blaaah stopped drys
[11:23] {geo} su
[11:24] {magoo} just when i was warming up to DRYS
[11:24] {geo} lol
[11:24] {geo} you still have a bone to pick with DRYS magoo?
[11:24] {Threei}  sheesh... thing made us pile of money, and you get upset over 15 cents stop??
[11:25] {magoo} its like when u havent seen someone u dislike in awhile...go out for beers and realize why u hate them lol
[11:25] {geo} lol
[11:25] {wishbone} lol
[11:25] {Threei}  {--- never goes for beer with magoo
[11:28] {dino} sm l algt, .60 forgot order
[11:29] {dino} kb stop to .34
[11:30] {dino} cov kb reverse slip .33, +.41
[11:32] {dino} out algt .00, +.40
[11:32] {Threei}  wtg
[11:32] {dino} ty
[11:32] {dino} just scalping around
[11:33] {Threei}  going to try DRYS .50 break
[11:33] {Threei}  again, highly discretionary
[11:33] {dino} rcrc broken
[11:34] {Threei}  as with last one, don't do it if not fine with 50/50
[11:34] {dino} micc strong
[11:34] {geo} missed
[11:35] {geo} man i feel rusty..... n just 10 days
[11:35] {dino} vz lod
[11:36] {Threei}  half out
[11:40] {Threei} Long Setup:  NFLX  31 nreak half lot
[11:40] {Threei}  stop under .85
[11:41] {KSystems} in
[11:42] {geo} in .0050 hmmmm
[11:44] {Threei}  {LVS}
[11:46] {Threei}  nice move LVS
[11:47] {geo} hmm my INET got stuck in NFLX for a sec
[11:47] {geo} wierd
[11:49] {geo} vad... whats you bod?
[11:49] {geo} shesh
[11:49] {geo} bid
[11:49] {Threei}  .88
[11:49] {geo} ok TY
[11:49] {Threei}  out
[11:49] {geo} out
[11:49] {KSystems} out
[11:50] {Threei}  OK, looks like easy money is made for now
[11:50] {geo} su unstoppable
[11:51] {geo} hi patience you there?
[11:51] {patience} yup, just kicking my self
[11:52] {geo} what were the gold stocks.... whose options you trade?
[11:52] {geo} :)
[11:52] {patience} mostly goldcorp right now
[11:52] {geo} call put buying or spreads?
[11:52] {patience} call put
[11:52] {geo} in the money with delta .8? or OTM?
[11:53] {geo} if you dont mind......
[11:53] {Threei}  I am not studying one more language... English was enough
[11:53] {patience} geo, you are totally out of my knowledge base...i just scalp them
[11:53] {geo} i used to trade options 5 yrs ago.....
[11:53] {patience} and your opinion of options is?
[11:54] {geo} scalp.... whaich strike price month?
[11:54] {peterg} hello all, late start today back in frozen land
[11:54] {Threei}  welcome back peter
[11:54] {geo} hey peter
[11:54] {geo} my opinion is vads 1:10 has nullified a lot of leverage advantage of options
[11:54] {patience} was in april, july is more my comfort zone now
[11:55] {Threei}  {--- always appreciates July, especially in th dead of the winter
[11:55] {geo} ahh so you hold..... in the money or out of money? 
[11:55] {geo} pm patience? please?
[11:55] {patience} usually buy just out of the money
[11:55] {geo} whenever you have time
[11:55] {patience} sure
[11:55] {patience} now works, i'm just sulking over my agrium trade
[11:55] {geo} lol
[11:56] {dino} ottr
[11:58] {dino} ottr?
[11:58] {Threei}  yup
[11:58] {dino} ty
[12:00] {dino} pcln smack
[12:04] {Threei}  NSTR, what do I miss
[12:04] {dino} algt held up better on that mkt drop
[12:04] {Threei}  got halted, announced liquidation, opened up?
06[12:13] * laserdave1 slaps Threei around a bit with a large book of Techniques of Tape Reading
[12:13] {dptl} lol
06[12:13] * laserdave1 slaps Threei around a bit with a large magoo
06[12:14] * magoo slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large big happy new year to ya buddy
[12:14] {laserdave1} u2 my friend   :)
[12:14] {Threei}  that's what I call dramatic entrance
[12:15] {laserdave1} Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!
[12:15] {geo} hey dave... happy new year
[12:15] {laserdave1} And hey Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!
[12:15] {KSystems} happy new year dave!
[12:15] {laserdave1} ty
[12:16] {magoo} nice to see u dave, been awhile:)
[12:17] {laserdave1} i have been lurking around
[12:19] {Threei}  out second half DRYS
[12:19] {Threei}  +.18
06[12:19] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large reminder that personal unpleasantness of some stocks is not a reason not to profit from them
[12:23] {dino} vz sm l .25, stop .96
[12:27] {dino} ottr sm l .80 gappy one
[12:29] {magoo} FSLR just nuts...up 13 friday..9 today
[12:30] {dino} or is it
[12:32] {dino} es, bottom on rcrc?
[12:36] {dino} ottr stop to flat mkt drop
[12:40] {dino} out ottr .90, +.10
[12:50] {Threei}  DRYS is back to high again
[12:53] {ese} first day back at school...see ya tomorow
[12:54] {Threei}  take care ese
[12:54] {magoo} boy he exits fast
[12:58] {patience} is the market even breathing?  is everybody asleep?
[12:59] {Threei}  no and yes
[12:59] {Threei}  SCO
[12:59] {Threei}  dino, could be your client
[13:07] {dino} client, lol
[13:08] {Threei}  :)
[13:09] {Threei}  TM
[13:09] {Threei}  REPORTS DEC US SALES -37%
[13:09] {dino} and asks us for $$$$$$$, :)
[13:10] {Threei}  lol
[13:11] {Chaeron} if anyone wakes up Dave, tell him to see his DCC... I have to go everyone... see you tomorrow. Thanks Threei, all
[13:12] {Threei}  take care chaeron
[13:14] {i2romantis} anyone watching rc2 by any chance?
[13:15] {Threei}  tell us what that is first
[13:15] {i2romantis} rcrc
[13:15] {Threei}  lol
[13:15] {i2romantis} dropped $2 today
[13:16] {Threei}  and doesn't look like done dropping
[13:16] {i2romantis} k
[13:17] {Threei}  believe it or not CTDC makes new highs...
[13:18] {patience} vad, if you still have that 2 x 4 around, agrium needs some momo please
[13:19] {Threei}  can we pick something faster? :)
[13:19] {Threei}  AG trades by appointment
[13:19] {patience} today it does, the sod
[13:19] {Threei}  yeah
[13:20] {Threei}  CTDC is going to bust through .80
[13:22] {dino} rcrc yes i2
[13:23] {KSystems} drys at hod *sigh*
[13:26] {patience} ty vad, nice buying now in agrium
06[13:26] * Threei drops 2x4 on the ground, wipes sweat
[13:26] {magoo} read RIMM vads?
[13:27] {Threei}  break, if holding above .30...
[13:29] {Threei}  DRYS should go over 14 with any market help
[13:30] {patience} out agu +.60    what a dumb trade
[13:31] {magoo} but will 14 launch it?
[13:40] {Threei}  if it consolidates here while market is retreating and breaks with market bounces, most likely yes
[13:40] {Threei}  NSANY
[13:45] {Threei}  GM
[13:45] {Threei}  REPORTS DEC VEHICLE SALES -31% V -41%E
[13:47] {Threei}  anone took it?
[13:47] {dptl} drys?
[13:47] {Threei}  yeah
[13:47] {dptl} me .00
[13:47] {Threei}  half out yet?
[13:47] {dptl} out +.15 ty
[13:47] {Threei}  :)
[13:49] {dino} gj
[13:49] {dptl} ty
[13:57] {dino} sm l ottr .80
[13:57] {dino} sm l rcrc .95
[14:07] {lisa_jay} .
[14:07] {Threei}  why did I listen to magoo and ignored GERN
[14:08] {i2romantis} what is "sm l", if I may ask?
[14:08] {Threei}  small
[14:08] {dino} no....lol
[14:08] {dino} sm-small size=300
[14:09] {Threei}  l = long
[14:09] {dino} l=long
[14:09] {i2romantis} oh ok thx :)
[14:09] {dino} s=short
[14:09] {i2romantis} so with 300 shares it's worth getting in?
[14:10] {dino} imo 
[14:10] {Threei}  dino usually plays for bigger moves than we do on average
[14:10] {i2romantis} I'm trying to figure this all out and the position sizing, so don't mind me asking, I'm still a newbie :)
[14:11] {dino} but rcrc stop is .78 because somethings' up
[14:11] {i2romantis} ok
[14:11] {dino} np, but understand i trade my own thoughts mostly. just throwing them out there
[14:12] {Threei}  also, unlike most of us dino does have thoughts
[14:12] {i2romantis} understood
[14:12] {i2romantis} :)
[14:12] {dino} my bread and butter are capitu;ation and euphoria plays
[14:12] {Threei}  as far as I am concerned, thinking is strictly prohibited
[14:12] {i2romantis} that's actually what I do mostly as well
[14:12] {i2romantis} capitulation most of the time
[14:13] {i2romantis} ic
[14:14] {dino} i like to get .40+ out of those
[14:14] {Threei}  and I've been told my "thinking face expression" is no different from toothache one
[14:14] {i2romantis} ic
[14:15] {dino} rcrc stopped
[14:15] {dino} 0for2 on it, off my screen
[14:27] {wishbone} djqreth
[14:30] {Threei}  this is family room wish
[14:31] {wishbone} oh sorry...dang kitty cat! :)
[14:31] {Threei}  lol
[14:33] {Threei}  14 break is valid setup on DRYS
[14:33] {Threei}  if holding above 13.90
[14:33] {Threei}  market is nervous
[14:33] {Threei}  hard to tell the odds
[14:34] {magoo} drys likes to pullk too
[14:34] {Geo} pullback? puke?
[14:35] {Geo} i guess puke it is
[14:35] {Threei}  pull back, but after magoo takes it out for beer all bets are off
[14:35] {Threei}  that's more interesting
[14:36] {Threei}  .60 zone is better support
[14:36] {dino} classic 2:00 drop
[14:39] {dino} dspg, ensg spikes
[14:46] {Threei}  wow
[14:46] {Threei}  we are dropping sharply why?
[14:47] {Onix} Cramer on CNBC?
[14:48] {wishbone} lol
[14:54] {Threei}  DRYS half lot ready to jump for a scalp
[14:55] {Threei}  in .55
[14:55] {magoo} shit .61
[14:55] {Threei}  out .66
06[14:56] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[14:56] {Threei}  sheesh... he is in the money and unhappy
[14:57] {Threei}  can I win at all?
[14:57] {Threei}  there
[14:57] {wishbone} laserdave DCC please
[14:57] {Threei}  1:1 even with your entry
[14:58] {magoo} out .74
[14:58] {Threei}  magoo the capricious
[14:58] {magoo} u were getting out where i was getting in
[14:58] {magoo} hence..grrrr
[14:59] {Threei}  so how is it my fault?
[14:59] {dino}  it just is vad, accept it
[14:59] {Threei}  solid reliable call, it went over 10 cents more even after your exit
[14:59] {Threei}  yeah dino
[14:59] {Threei}  my destiny
[15:00] {Threei}  abuse I take
06[15:00] * Threei removes himself to remote corner and stands facing the wall
[15:01] {wishbone} time out for Vad?
[15:01] {dino} lol
[15:02] {Threei}  shhh wish, this is how I get my smoking recess without telling anyone :)
[15:03] {patience} hey vad, my daughter bought cigarettes at organic health food store yesterday, you want me to get you some?
[15:03] {Threei}  CHRYSLER REPORTS US DEC SALES -53% Y/Y
[15:03] {Threei}  - Reports full-year sales -30% y/y
[15:03] {Threei}  hmmm... why?
[15:03] {Threei}  are they healthy?
[15:03] {patience} 3 bucks a pack
[15:04] {Threei}  that's cheap... question is, are they inhalable? :)
[15:04] {patience} don't know...they look like regular cigarettes...probably inhaling lemon balm or something
[15:04] {wishbone} ther's an oxymoron: ciggies at ahealth food store
[15:05] {patience} no kidding
[15:05] {patience} at the Lifestyle market wishbone
[15:05] {wishbone} do they have mint flavor?
[15:05] {Geo} lifystyle market.... apt name
[15:05] {wishbone} i'm gonna check that out....:)
[15:06] {Larisa1} do they sell cookies that make you lose weight too ?
[15:07] {dino} you guys smoke too much
[15:07] {KSystems} lol
[15:07] {KSystems} No, Larisa, but they have chocolate that does
[15:07] {wishbone} not professionally....just part time
[15:07] {Geo} smoke too much dino?
[15:08] {Larisa1} that will work KS, do not even want to know what its made off though :)
[15:08] {Geo} i thought one cig was too much......
06[15:08] * Geo is california healthy
[15:09] {Geo} man.... not even one trout..... what has the world come too
[15:09] {dino} it is geo, no cigs for me
[15:09] {Geo} only beer and red meat !!!!!
[15:09] {dino} indeed
[15:09] {wishbone} lol
[15:09] {Geo} i have a 2 vice only rule
[15:10] {hawkfan4} I'm Chicago healthy, ie, i can chew tobacco while eating a polish sausage
[15:10] {dino} you forgot the vodka and tequilla
[15:10] {Geo} as somene said....... if you give stuff up its not like you live longer......
[15:10] {Geo} IT just feels longer !!
[15:10] {dino} lol
[15:11] {wishbone} lol...hawk
[15:11] {Threei}  hawk, where have you been? :)
[15:11] {hawkfan4} :)
[15:11] {Geo} hiya hawk
[15:11] {Threei}  AAPL
[15:12] {hawkfan4} took a little time off, was helping out my dad.  It's been nice but i'm ready to get back to it
[15:12] {Threei}  :)
[15:12] {dino} giddy-up hawk
[15:13] {dino} in my cramer voice
[15:13] {hawkfan4} hey Geo, dino, and all :)
[15:13] {Threei}  DRYS will be ready again soon
[15:14] {hawkfan4} cool, cuz i want to test this Laser out finally
[15:22] {patience} here is an explanation supposedly for oil and gold moves  http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/2009/01/jp-morgans-forecast-of-commodity-price.html
[15:24] {dino} ottr stopped -.33
[15:24] {Threei}  in half lot
[15:25] {Threei}  could take a few tries
[15:25] {Threei}  stop under .35
[15:27] {i2romantis} can I ask, what software/brokerage is everyone using? I am open to trying different ones, as I'm having a few restrictions on the platform with TD active trader plus platform that I don't see in others, and I feel ready to explore others
[15:28] {Threei}  http://www.realitytrader.com/laser.html
[15:29] {Threei}  DRYS can't make up its mind
[15:30] {Threei}  takes too long for my taste
[15:30] {Threei}  stop to under .40
[15:30] {Threei}  better hunt for reentry
[15:31] {Threei}  out
[15:31] {wishbone} out drys
[15:33] {Threei}  .30 break if stays above .25
[15:33] {dino} cpla sm l .00
[15:33] {dino} thin one
[15:34] {Threei}  half out .40
[15:35] {Threei}  or grab scalp and let it be
[15:35] {Threei}  matter of taste
[15:36] {Threei}  out balance.47
[15:37] {Threei}  tightening stop and getting lower entry was right idea
[15:37] {dino} bounce time
[15:37] {patience} as usual
[15:38] {Threei}  wow
[15:38] {Threei}  that was case of out too soon
[15:39] {dptl} have a good evening all
[15:39] {KSystems} bye dp
[15:39] {Threei}  take care dp
[15:39] {wishbone} cya dp
[15:40] {Threei}  seriously... why did I sell it right before "dino's bounce"?
[15:41] {Threei}  40 cents move
[15:41] {dino} sqnm strong
06[15:41] * dino slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[15:41] {dino} 2-2:15 drops, 3:35-40 bounces
[15:54] {dino} .
[15:56] {Threei}  gotta remember dino's bounce from now on
[15:56] {Threei}  50 cents
[15:58] {Threei}  okay guys, thank you all
[15:58] {patience} in Teck Cominco
[15:58] {Threei}  very nice day all in all
[15:58] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:58] {patience} overnight hold
[15:58] {patience} thanks vad
[15:58] {KSystems} you too, bye!
[15:58] {Larisa1} bye all
[15:58] {dino} out vz .40, +.15
[15:59] {dino} out cpla .25, +.25
[16:00] {wishbone} good nite all
[16:00] {dino} thx all

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009

Perfect start of a new year. Noticeably more active trading, more trades, nice win ratio as well. Let's consider it a sign of things to come.

[08:32] {Threei}  Good morning
[08:33] {i2romantis} morning to all
[08:33] {Threei}  i2r :)
[08:33] {Threei}  impressive gap DRYS
[08:33] {Threei}  especially consiering this:
[08:33] {Threei}  08:03am Dry Bulk Index falls 0.1% (sixth straight decline)
[08:34] {Threei}  - 53% of those polled remain bullish on Obama
[08:34] {Threei}  - Give Bernanke a 'B' rating
[08:34] {Threei}  - 56% of those polled see oil in $50-$75 level
[08:34] {Threei}  - Analysts polled expected to see a 1.2% drop in Q4 earnings and a 9.5% drop in Q1 09 earnings
[08:34] {lisa_jay} HI Vad..you still have a position from Wed right? in Drys.
[08:34] {Threei}  no
[08:35] {Threei}  unforunately
[08:35] {Threei}  lol
[08:47] {lisa_jay} hope at least Magoo has one.
[08:51] {Onix} Good morning everybody
[08:52] {Threei}  onix :)
[08:54] {lisa_jay} hi onix
[09:01] {KSystems} Good morning!!
[09:01] {Threei}  KS :)
[09:02] {Onix} hi KS
[09:03] {KSystems} hey Vad, Onix
[09:06] {Larisa1} good morning :)                                                          [09:06] {cosmo} so far
[09:06] {Larisa1} hi cosmo :)
[09:07] {cosmo} brave new year, ya know ... :)
[09:07] {Threei}  Larisa, cosmo :)
[09:07] {cosmo} 3i:)
[09:07] {Larisa1} threei :)
[09:09] {Threei}  Butchart gardens Christmas lights are always magic display, but this year it was as I've never seen it, with some snow on the ground still
[09:10] {Threei}  I'll post photos in a few days, you won't believe it
[09:10] {cosmo} real snow?
[09:10] {Threei}  yes, lol
[09:10] {cosmo} :)
[09:11] {Raven}  Good morning ... and YUK on that snow :)
[09:11] {cosmo} DRYS hold 11.25   so far
[09:11] {Onix} hi Raven
[09:11] {Threei}  Raven :)
[09:11] {Raven}  O, T :)
[09:11] {Larisa1} morning Raven, onix :)
[09:11] {Raven}  L:)
[09:11] {Threei}  I am right there with you on YUCK on snow but in this case I appreciated rare imagery
[09:11] {Larisa1} THAT lazy ? :)
[09:12] {Onix} hi Larisa
[09:12] {Raven}  YUCK or YUK ?
[09:12] {cosmo} do you take along a baggy to pick it up?
[09:13] {Threei}  pick what?
[09:13] {cosmo} the yuk
[09:13] {Raven}  my cats take care of that issue themselves
[09:13] {Threei}  I am confused but that's my normal state
[09:13] {dptl} good morning all
[09:13] {cosmo} sorry....i'll focus
[09:13] {Threei}  dp :)
[09:14] {Raven}  focus is good
[09:14] {Onix} hi dptl
[09:15] {Raven}  dp:)
[09:15] {dptl} :)
[09:16] {dino} gm all                                                                              [09:16] {Threei}  dino :)
[09:17] {Raven}  d:)
[09:17] {dino} :) r
[09:17] {ese} god morning....
[09:17] {Threei}  ese :)
[09:17] {cosmo} i'll say
[09:18] {Threei}  lol
[09:18] {Onix} hi ese :)
[09:18] {ese} onix
[09:22] {gen} hello everybody :)
[09:23] {Threei}  gen :)
[09:23] {cosmo} DRYS tests pre mkt highs
[09:23] {Threei}  DRYS and EGLE look like potential plays so far
[09:23] {gen} Vad :)
[09:24] {Threei}  one more to keep an eye on:
[09:24] {Threei}  01/02/09 06:43am
[09:24] {Threei}  [CTDC] China Technology Dev Announces new JV with QNE to build 30MW solar power station in Qaidam Basin - filing
[09:24] {Threei}  - Have signed an agreement with local government of Qinghai Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan Autonomous Region to build a 30MW on-grid solar power station in Qaidam Basin of northwestern China.
[09:24] {Threei}  - Company is a provider of solar energy products and solutions in China focusing on a-Si thin film technology
[09:24] {Threei}  this is one of those that either fizzle out or become a big runner
[09:25] {Onix} hi gen
[09:26] {Threei}  broke resistance at 2 on Wed, topped out at 2.30 before dropping back into new support where it finished the day
[09:26] {gen} hi Onix
[09:26] {Threei}  if it gets good volume and momentum, 2.30 will be interim resistance, and then next, more important one is 2.50
[09:27] {Threei}  don't be in a hurry on this one, let's see first whether it gets real interest, not just daytraders scalping each other
[09:31] {Threei}  DRYS, drop into 11.20 is certainly of interest,
[09:31] {Threei}  and if not, .75 is risky long trigger
[09:31] {Threei}  aww, broke while I ytped
[09:31] {dino} utek
[09:32] {Threei}  don't chase
[09:32] {Threei}  11.50 - 11.60 zone is nearest support now
[09:33] {Threei}  EGLE half lot long
[09:33] {Threei}  great, this one upticked too before I could type the price
[09:35] {Threei}  try to bid it 7.30 - 7.35
[09:36] {Threei}  and DRYS around 11.90
[09:37] {Threei}  half lot as well
[09:37] {lisa_jay} still ok to bid egle
[09:37] {Threei}  yes
[09:37] {Threei}  UAUA
[09:37] {Threei}  .35 long
[09:37] {Threei}  half lot
[09:38] {Threei}  stop under .20
[09:39] {lisa_jay} in uaua
[09:40] {lisa_jay} sigh stopped (or rinsed) in uaua
[09:40] {Threei}  that was quick teleportation... we don't sell into those, remember?
[09:41] {ese} long DRYS .25
[09:42] {dino} hot sm s .50, stop hod
[09:44] {magoo} drys is gouing fr 13 imo
[09:44] {ese} DRYS stop to break even
[09:44] {ese} .25
[09:46] {Threei}  egle
[09:46] {Threei}  brewaks instead of pulling back
[09:47] {Threei}  UAUA 1:1
[09:47] {Threei}  half out or scalp
[09:47] {lisa_jay} :-(
[09:47] {lisa_jay} sob.
[09:47] {Threei}  if half, trail stop under .30
[09:48] {Threei}  offer balance above .60
[09:49] {ese} out DRYS .48 +.23 full lot
[09:49] {Onix} gj
[09:50] {ese} tks
[09:50] {dino} gj
[09:50] {Threei}  finally decent pullback DRYS
[09:50] {Threei}  should drop to about 12.20
[09:51] {Threei}  prepare half lot entry with 12.25 limit
[09:52] {Threei}  in
[09:52] {KSystems} in
[09:52] {lisa_jay} in
[09:52] {Threei}  stop under 12.10
[09:52] {lisa_jay} stop?
[09:53] {Threei}  market is still downticking
[09:54] {Threei}  Qs should start bounce now
[09:55] {dino} hot stopped -.27
[09:56] {Threei}  no worky DRYS
[09:57] {Threei}  right on que Qs bounce but DRYS needs a bit more selling
[09:57] {lisa_jay} stopped
[09:58] {Threei}  shakeout
[09:58] {Threei}  oh well
[10:00] {Onix} ty Vad, i got some $$ in EGLE, UAUA & DRYS
[10:00] {Threei}  *DEC ISM MANUFACTURING INDEX: 32.4 V 35.4E; PRICES PAID: 18 V 20.0E
[10:00] {lisa_jay} Nice Onix.
[10:00] {Onix} ty
[10:01] {Threei}  take 2 on DRYS: .30 long if stays above .20
[10:01] {Threei}  half lot
[10:01] {magoo} in agg
[10:03] {Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  .56
[10:03] {Threei}  slow one
[10:03] {Threei}  stop for hard core scalpers under .50
[10:03] {Threei}  for day trade under .45
[10:04] {KSystems} egle buy .30 still valid, Vad?
[10:05] {Threei}  half lot, yes
[10:05] {KSystems} stop {.10 ?
[10:06] {magoo} is it still following DRYS vad?
[10:06] {Threei}  on and off
[10:06] {Threei}  generally yes but not on tick by tick basis
[10:08] {dino} hot last try sm s .35, stop hod
[10:09] {Threei}  scalpers have 1:1 on SLW
[10:09] {cosmo} apwr
[10:10] {Onix} ty Vad, 1/2 out .64 SLW
[10:10] {Threei}  daytraders have 1:1 on SLW
[10:10] {Threei}  on EGLE I'd keep stop under .20
[10:10] {Threei}  don't want to get stuck in tired trade
[10:11] {KSystems} thx
[10:11] {lisa_jay} Thanks vad, got 10c in SLW.
[10:11] {Threei}  :)
[10:11] {Threei}  over 1:1 EGLE
[10:12] {Threei}  beautiful SLW
[10:12] {Threei}  start feeding the balance in portions intho these spikes
[10:13] {Threei}  1/4 more out .73
[10:14] {Onix} i took my 2nd 1/4 early on .67
[10:14] {Threei}  offer balance .81 - .83
[10:15] {Threei}  if you partial EGLE, try offer above .50
[10:15] {Threei}  should break it and jump
[10:15] {Threei}  stop under .30 now of course
[10:15] {Onix} you maybe see $7 for SLW today?
[10:16] {Threei}  DRYS .30 is valid again
[10:16] {KSystems} half?
[10:16] {Threei}  yeah
[10:16] {KSystems} in
[10:16] {Threei}  stop under .20 for scalpers, under .15 for sane traders
[10:17] {ese} long DRYS .34 lousy fill...wanted .29
[10:17] {magoo} hows volume so far anyone??
[10:17] {dino} hot stopped done w/it too strong
[10:17] {Threei}  don't know on SLW onix... I am not guessing that far on this one
[10:18] {Onix} tkx
[10:20] {Threei}  stop to under .70 or .65 SLW
[10:20] {Threei}  mine is under .70
[10:21] {ese} if DRYS gets through .50 this time...13 is real possibility imo
[10:22] {Threei}  DRYS 1:1, half out
[10:22] {Threei}  yes, want to try and hold second half for break
[10:22] {Threei}  scalpers know what to do
[10:23] {Threei}  pssst SLW... break that .80, I am waiting for you just couple cents above
[10:25] {Threei}  second part DRYS stopped
[10:25] {Threei}  scalping rules in the world of shakeouts
[10:28] {ese} if QQQQ's get by .30 DRYS will be OK if not i'm out
[10:28] {ese} that crappy fill is buging me just a little
[10:29] {lisa_jay} ese are you using Laser?
[10:29] {ese} not yet but the  plan is too
[10:30] {lisa_jay} Ok, thanks.
[10:31] {Onix} i used to be with QT as well ese, and find Laser way better
[10:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  HIG  .40 if stays above .25
[10:35] {Threei}  here is .50 break on EGLE
[10:35] {Threei}  out in full .55
[10:36] {Threei}  1:1 HIG
[10:36] {Threei}  half or scalp, your choice
[10:36] {dptl} ty   hig
[10:36] {Threei}  sure thing
[10:36] {Threei}  SLW, enough thinking
[10:36] {Threei}  move your behind
[10:36] {ese} come on DRYS.....get the%$#$ going
[10:36] {Onix} ty Vad, i took quick scalp of 14c in HIG
[10:37] {Threei}  :)
[10:37] {dptl} oh and ty for slw
[10:37] {Threei}  welcome
[10:39] {lisa_jay} Thanks Vad, took 8c in HIG.
[10:39] {Onix} any read on SNDK please Vad?
[10:39] {Threei}  if it gets closer to .50 I'd look for bounce sdcalp onix
[10:39] {Onix} tkx
[10:40] {magoo} crying here
[10:40] {magoo} i scalped 2k Q out 29.99
[10:41] {magoo} i took wqhen u called q bouince time vad
[10:42] {Onix} great job!
[10:42] {Threei}  good boy SLW
[10:42] {Threei}  full out
[10:42] {Onix} gj
[10:43] {ese} i'm out of DRYS   -.03
[10:43] {magoo} anywho...good Q call vad..TY
[10:43] {Threei}  welcome
[10:43] {Threei}  very nice strong steady move so far in the market
[10:43] {Threei}  nice to see
[10:43] {Threei}  I am not ready to trust it today to the degree of buy and hold,
[10:44] {Threei}  it's just a Friday between holiday and weekend
[10:44] {Threei}  but it's indicative of what we can expect
[10:45] {Onix} hope springs eternally                                                   [10:55] {dino} sm l optr .09, stop lod
[10:55] {Threei}  DRYS is trying
[10:56] {dino} sm s wlt .46
[10:57] {Threei}  if you feel like cowboy
[10:58] {Threei}  .50 meltdown is DRYS's springboard
[10:58] {Threei}  risky as
[10:58] {Threei}  ummm
[10:58] {Threei}  taking beer from magoo
[10:59] {dino} you must distract him
[11:00] {magoo} in .50
[11:01] {Threei}  offer half above .60
[11:03] {Threei}  1/4 above .70
[11:03] {Threei}  then close your eyes and pray
[11:04] {Threei}  while offering last portion above .90
[11:05] {Larisa1} praying is daytrading tool too ? :)
[11:05] {Threei}  with momo runner, certainly
[11:06] {Threei}  second target is reached
[11:07] {magoo} yup
[11:07] {Threei}  now let's see the power of that tool
[11:08] {Threei}  anyone else took this one? or magoo's hunger for adrenalin is unique?
[11:09] {KSystems} i didnt
[11:10] {magoo} vad, find  my earlier call on it please
[11:11] {Threei}  can I finish the trade first?
[11:11] {magoo} yup..of course                                                                [11:22] {ese} Long NIHD 3/4 .95   same apttern as the one dp and i were in yesterday
[11:24] {ese} need to use proper term...."SETUP"....there
[11:25] {dino} amag sm l .31
[11:28] {Threei}  oh come on already DRYS
[11:35] {Threei}  anyway...
[11:35] {Threei}  [09:44] {magoo} drys is gouing fr 13 imo
[11:38] {lisa_jay} .
[11:38] {ese} out NIHD .04 +.10
[11:39] {lisa_jay} Nice Ese.
[11:39] {ese} tks
[11:39] {lisa_jay} Vad, when things get a little slow, DCC please.  Thanks.
[11:40] {Threei}  they are slow :)
[11:46] {Onix} Vad, what settings do you use on your Bollinger Bands please?
[11:47] {Threei}  13
[11:47] {Threei}  and 1.7
[11:47] {ese} long HERO .03 full lot ....risky
[11:48] {Onix} ty
[11:56] {magoo} am i here?
[11:57] {Threei}  nash
[11:57] {Threei}  nah
[11:58] {magoo} nash bridges?
[12:00] {dino} denny crane
[12:01] {magoo} sonny crocket
[12:11] {magoo} then u say capt kirk
[12:16] {dino} captain pike
[12:19] {magoo} u are flunking the IQ test here dino
[12:20] {magoo} see...sonny and nash are played by don johnson
[12:20] {magoo} kirk and denny are played ny will shatner
[12:24] {dino} lol
[12:28] {wishbone} Russia's Gazprom accuses Ukraine of 'stealing' gas: reports 
[12:30] {Threei}  Ukraine accuses Gazprom of vague definition of the word "stealing"
[12:30] {wishbone} russia and ukraine not get along Vad?
[12:31] {Threei}  not really
[12:31] {wishbone} russia shot off gas supply to Ukraine yesterday?
[12:31] {Threei}  then again... try to list the states Russia does get along with
[12:31] {wishbone} lol
[12:31] {Threei}  going to be fairly short list :)
[12:37] {dino} vad, y9ou ever see "enemy at the gate"? good flick
[12:38] {Threei}  no... was going to but somehow never got around
[12:38] {dino} you'd like it
[12:39] {Threei}  ty, will do
[12:39] {dino} some historical stuff in it
[12:39] {Threei}  it's Stalingrad story, right?
[12:40] {wishbone} dino my brother was talking about that movie the other day...says it's awesome
[12:40] {dino} it is. 
[12:40] {wishbone} true story....apparently the rifle is on display in museum....
[12:41] {Larisa1} true "Hollywood" story :)  Jude law is sexy though :)
[12:41] {dino} lol
[12:42] {wishbone} lol
[12:43] {magoo} great war movie
[12:46] {magoo} big scalpers regrett day for me
[12:47] {Threei}  on Qs?
[12:47] {magoo} yes and aapl ..exited 87.87
[12:47] {dino} quit whining
[12:47] {dino} the day is not over yet
[12:47] {Threei}  nor is year
[12:48] {magoo} been awhile since we had follow thru like this
[12:48] {dino} 8961 12/17 hod
[12:48] {dino} 9026 for dec.
[12:51] {Threei}  if Qs continue this upward march, RMBS is .95 break long
[12:52] {Threei}  if pullback is the scenario, then entry near .80 is the one to watch for
[13:12] {lisa_jay} in tmbs
[13:12] {lisa_jay} sorry In RMBS
[13:12] {Onix} in
[13:13] {Threei}  PLD activity
[13:13] {Threei}  pullback to .20 area would be ideal
[13:15] {lisa_jay} Vad, RMBS stop would be where.  Thanks.
[13:15] {Threei}  depends on your objective
[13:15] {Threei}  if go for a scalp, under .90
[13:15] {Threei}  if more, .80
[13:15] {lisa_jay} ok, thanks.
[13:16] {magoo} man..strong mkt today boss
[13:16] {Threei}  very
[13:18] {Threei}  if PLD never loses .30, then break of .40 becomes long trigger
[13:23] {KSystems} in pld
[13:23] {Threei}  new high NQ
[13:25] {lisa_jay} in pld
[13:26] {Threei}  PLD has 14.60 resistance from its recent run, nicely shaped ascending triangle
[13:26] {Threei}  if it moves, consider exiting half closer to that resistance and attempt to let the other half run
[13:27] {Threei}  market is fairly strong for this
[13:27] {lisa_jay} ok thanks
[13:27] {dptl} 14.60? i have 14.75 on daily
[13:28] {dptl} dec 26
[13:28] {Threei}  14.59 high on my chart
[13:28] {dptl} on 26?
[13:28] {Threei}  yeah
[13:29] {dptl} hmm .73 here
[13:29] {Threei}  anyone with another data to verify?
[13:30] {dino} amag stop to .92
[13:30] {lisa_jay} .73 here too
[13:30] {dino} out slip ave .87, +.56
[13:31] {Onix} well done dino!
[13:31] {Threei}  ty, don't know why my chart shows .59
[13:32] {dino} ty, took awhile
[13:32] {Chaeron} Happy New Year all
[13:32] {Threei}  Chaeron :)
[13:32] {Threei}  let's go NQ
[13:32] {lisa_jay} Hi Chaeron
[13:33] {Chaeron} Hi Lisa - hope you're doing well
[13:33] {lisa_jay} Yes.  And you.
[13:33] {Chaeron} great thanks. PLD still valid on 40 break?
[13:33] {Threei}  yup
[13:34] {Threei}  wow
[13:34] {Chaeron} I helped break it I think..... sorry... put it on my tab
[13:34] {Threei}  I didn't mean for you to buy all PLD there is
[13:35] {Threei}  but while you are at it, feel free to take that .45 offer as well
[13:36] {Chaeron} ok
[13:37] {Threei}  thank you, you are real friend
[13:37] {lisa_jay} lol
[13:38] {Chaeron} sure thing, my pleasure... exit?
[13:38] {Threei}  now, don't dump all your position for 5 cents profit please :)
[13:38] {Threei}  either scalp around .55 which is over 1:1... or half
[13:38] {KSystems} in fact, Vad's gonna tell you where and when to exit ;)
[13:38] {Threei}  hehe
[13:38] {Threei}  here is 1:1
[13:39] {Threei}  here is .55
[13:39] {lisa_jay} half out at .55 Thanks Vad.
[13:40] {Threei}  sure
[13:40] {Threei}  btw RMBS
[13:40] {Threei}  get up from your own behind
[13:40] {Threei}  and go
[13:41] {Threei}  RMBS solidly above 1:1
[13:41] {Threei}  nice to see them listening and obeying
[13:41] {Threei}  spiked right on demand
[13:41] {dino} cpla sm l .75
[13:41] {KSystems} Chaeron, you can stop buying now
[13:41] {Onix} lol
[13:41] {Threei}  you exited any of RMBS lisa?
[13:42] {Chaeron} :) 
[13:42] {Threei}  and Onix?
[13:42] {KSystems} rmbs waiting 1/2 at .10
[13:43] {Onix} i was too impatient, grabbed a few $ in both RMBS & PLD thanks Vad
[13:43] {Threei}  welcome
[13:43] {lisa_jay} yes vad.  Thanks half out.
[13:43] {Threei}  cool beans
[13:43] {Threei}  we ended last year well, and starting this one fairly nice
[13:44] {Threei}  if I dislocate my shoulder with all the patting myself on the back, you know why I stopped typing
[13:45] {KSystems} out half rmbs .10
[13:45] {KSystems} thank you
[13:45] {Threei}  welcome sir
[13:45] {dptl} ty for pld...                                                                        [13:46] {Threei}  :)
[13:47] {Threei}  look to dump the rest of RMBS into the next spike
[13:47] {Threei}  and stop is trailed of course
[13:47] {Threei}  which is routine, I don't even mention it unless there are some modifications to a particular case
[13:49] {Threei}  same for PLD naturally
[13:49] {dino} gold sm l .02
[13:49] {Chaeron} Thanks for PLD Vad - took .16 out of it... in .40 out .56
[13:49] {Onix} gj
[13:49] {Threei}  in full?
[13:49] {Chaeron} yes
[13:49] {Threei}  ok
[13:50] {Threei}  welcome, glad I helped start out your year
[13:50] {Chaeron} have to go soon
[13:50] {Threei}  that's fine, as soon as you leave we intend to start discussing of the degree of your adorability
[13:51] {Threei}  and dynamics of its change from year to year
[13:52] {Chaeron} gag
[13:52] {Chaeron} I am going to strive to be more like magoo in 09
[13:52] {Chaeron} being a nice guy hasn't gotten me anywhere :)
[13:52] * KSystems slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[13:52] * Chaeron slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[13:53] {laserdave1} that was fast
[13:53] {laserdave1} nice
[13:53] {lisa_jay} you are popular with us ladies Chaeorn.
[13:53] {Chaeron} I am?????
[13:54] {lisa_jay} yes!
[13:54] {Chaeron} *faint*
[13:55] {Threei}  yes chaeron... I can confirm, they all dcc me asking for your phone number
[13:56] {Threei}  I naturally ignore requests, pretending that I guard your privacy but actually just out of jealousy
[13:56] {Chaeron} you must be guarding it with your life or giving them the wrong number.......
[13:57] {Threei}  and there is a dark secret I wasn't going to let you in...
[13:57] {Threei}  but I feel very open today so here goes
[13:58] {Threei}  some of men do the same...
[13:58] {Threei}  (heavy duty log editining in order)
[13:59] {lisa_jay} Out all rmbs at .17
[13:59] {Chaeron} oh geeeesh
[14:00] {Threei}  I guess your adorability knows no borders...
[14:01] {wishbone} lol
[14:01] {lisa_jay} out all pld at .48
[14:02] {Onix} gj lisa
[14:03] {lisa_jay} thanks Onix...
[14:12] {Chaeron} bye everyone... have a great weekend
[14:13] {Threei}  take chaeron, you too :)
[14:13] {Threei}  take care
[14:14] {dino} sm l dxd .15
[14:23] {Threei}  ugh
[14:23] {Threei}  missed ADBE break
[14:23] {Threei}  was easy scalp
[14:23] {dino} outdxd -.25
[14:23] {dino} too soon
[14:24] {Threei}  not sure about this NQ spike though, not many stocks followed
[14:32] {KSystems} .
[14:33] {Threei}  {USO OIH}
[14:41] {lisa_jay} .
[14:43] {Threei}  Dow over 9000
[14:44] {Threei}  not bad climb for this half-holiday friday
[14:44] {KSystems} bears still at home today
[14:45] {Threei}  and bulls are running free
[14:45] {Threei}  free range bulls
[14:45] {patience} vad, is day a full day?
[14:45] {Threei}  yes
[14:45] {patience} ty
[14:46] {dptl} well it's a year of bull...isn't it
[14:47] {Larisa1} lol
[14:47] {dptl} :)
[15:12] {dptl} ok...have a good weekend all :)
[15:12] {Threei}  take care dp :)
[15:12] {Larisa1} bye dp
[15:13] {Threei}  PLD 
 [15:13] {Threei}  long on first sign of strength for a scalp
  [15:13] {Threei}  with stop under .20
[15:14] {magoo} in .27
  [15:14] {Threei}  good reflexes
[15:15] {Onix} in .31
  [15:16] {Threei}  just a scalp
  [15:17] {Threei}  me out
[15:17] {KSystems} took .28 to .38 thank you vad
  [15:17] {Threei}  :)
  [15:17] {Threei}  easy money
  [15:17] {Threei}  sin not to grab
[15:17] {magoo} out .43 TY nice one
  [15:18] {Threei}  I prefer to be called profitable onw
[15:18] {Larisa1} how adorable :)
  [15:18] {Threei}  lol
[15:23] {dino} out gold .49, +.47
  [15:23] {Threei}  wtg
[15:25] {dino} ty
  [15:39] {Threei}  DRYS fast selling
  [15:39] {Threei}  looking for bounce scalp if makes another sharp leg down, to about .20 - .25
06[15:40] * magoo slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large a huge magoo hangover
[15:42] {lisa_jay} LASERDAVE if free DCC please.  Thanks.
[15:50] {dino} algt sm l .40
  [15:55] {Threei}  everyone made money today?
[15:55] {Onix} yes, thank you Vad
  [15:55] {Threei}  was kind of hard not to
[15:56] {dino} out algt .80, +.40
  [15:56] {Threei}  dino is killing it
[15:56] {lisa_jay} only an idiot like moi.
[15:56] {dino} not, went 0 for 3 on a.m.
[15:56] {Onix} wtg dino!
  [15:56] {Threei}  morning was a little shaky, then things stabilized and went smoothly
[15:57] {magoo} i made $$...but could have tripled it if let winners run
[15:57] {dino} yeah, 4/5 in p.m.
[15:57] {magoo} but, scalps have been the savor in 08
  [15:57] {Threei}  don't let it bother you yoo much
  [15:58] {Threei}  it's a first day of new year,
  [15:58] {Threei}  and inbetween holiday and weekend
  [15:58] {Threei}  was tought to go all out right out of the gate
[15:58] {magoo} but few easy days...and really it should or was easy
  [15:58] {Threei}  we were more active than all last week or two
[15:58] {magoo} straight up
  [15:59] {Threei}  just controlled risk tighter than we will when full blown bull arrives
  [15:59] {Threei}  thank you all
  [15:59] {Threei}  have a good weekend, see you on Monday
[15:59] {KSystems} thank YOU
[15:59] {magoo} there is a big brown bear lurking vad
  [15:59] {Threei}  got bear trap?
[15:59] {KSystems} enjoy the weekend everyone
[15:59] {magoo} u too va
[16:00] {dino} u2
[16:00] {wishbone} good weekend all:)
[16:00] {lisa_jay} thanks Vad.  Bye all