Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17 2014

Nicely profitable day with 2 stops and a lot of trades working like charm. No fireworks, just solid "another day if the office" type of trading.

Session Start: Mon Mar 17 00:00:00 2014

[08:54] {dino} gm
01[08:54] { Threei}  dino :)
[08:55] {nathan} gm
01[08:55] { Threei}  nathan :)
[08:56] {vasil} hey guys :)
01[08:56] { Threei}  vasil :)
[09:03] {fish_49} how much snow Dino?
[09:15] {dino} fish, none, it missed us. cold tho
[09:15] {fish_49} ahhh  4 inches and still coming down
[09:15] {fish_49} March Madness
[09:15] {dino} enjoy it, lol
[09:16] {fish_49} I hope it's our final 4
[09:16] {fish_49} lol
[09:17] {RonS} gm...A drop in U.S. government securities held in custody at the Federal Reserve by the most on record is fueling speculation that Russia may have shifted its holdings out of the U.S. as Western nations threaten sanctions.
[09:17] {dino} good one
01[09:18] { Threei}  fish, ron :)
[09:23] {munky} morn'
01[09:24] {Threei}  munky :)
[09:24] {mojo1} gd morning all
01[09:24] {Threei}  mojo :)
[09:24] {fish_49} gm all
01[09:24] {Threei}  fish :)
[09:25] {ese} gm
01[09:25] {Threei}  ese :)
[09:26] {dino} turn the big 49 today
01[09:26] {Threei}  happy birthday dino
[09:27] {ese} yo dino!!!!!1 happy BD!
[09:27] {KSystems} hey
[09:27] {fish_49} happy Birthday Dino... any plans?
01[09:27] {Threei}  hey ks
[09:27] {KSystems} thomcbell are you on?
[09:27] {KSystems} without services I cant override channel modes :-/
[09:27] {fish_49} You have another year  to say  your 40 something  Dino  enjoy it
[09:29] {dino} intend to
[09:30] {RonS} Earthquake shakes Los Angeles area, preliminary magnitude of 4.7
[09:30] {dino} ty guys
[09:30] {nathan} Happy Birthday Dino!
[09:30] {dino} ty
[09:31] {RonS} vrsn pressure
[09:31] {dino} lost contract i tink
01[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .20 break hl
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:31] {Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .60 break
01[09:31] {Threei}  If holds  .50
[09:32] {RonS} dino, no...US giving up internet control...downgrade over fear they lose .net .com
01[09:33] {Threei}  it's complicated
01[09:33] {Threei}  Verisign Inc Statement on National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Announcement of Its Intent to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions- The announcement by NTIA on Friday, March 14, 2014, does not affect Verisign's operation of the .com and .net registries. The announcement does not impact Verisign's .com or .net domain name business nor impact its .com or .net revenue or those agreements, which have presumptive rights of renewal. - The NTIA announcement involves Internet functions that are entirely different functions from those Verisign performs under its .com and .net agreements. The functions performed by Verisign involved in the NTIA announcement have been performed as a community service spanning three decades without compensation at the request of the Department of Commerce under the Cooperative Agreement.
[09:34] {dino} so, not money changing??
01[09:34] {Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  39 break
01[09:34] {Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:34] {Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:35] {Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .50 break
01[09:35] {Threei}  If holds  .40
[09:35] {dino} vrsn smr l .45
[09:36] {dino} no good
01[09:37] {Threei}  no go
01[09:37] {Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .50 break
01[09:38] {Threei}  rinse EBAY
01[09:39] {Threei}  somg
[09:40] {fish_49} JPM if holds .43?  .40?
01[09:40] {Threei}  .40 for now
01[09:40] {Threei}  will trail quickly
[09:40] {fish_49} didnt fill
[09:40] {dino} re-load vrsn smr l .15
[09:41] {fish_49} anyone get JPM?
01[09:41] {Threei}  1:1
[09:41] {nathan} 1:1
[09:41] {nathan} thanks VAd
[09:42] {nemo} oh
[09:42] {nemo} no internet bandwith this morning folks
[09:42] {fish_49} nathan  what price did you get on JPM?
01[09:43] {Threei}  1:2
[09:43] {nathan} 57,50
[09:43] {nathan} just 100 shares
[09:43] {fish_49} you get .52 or better Vad?
[09:44] {nemo} guess they caught everybody leaning short this morning...60 grit bohica treatment
[09:44] {nemo} poor bears have no fur left around their ankles
[09:44] {dino} double stop vrsn, hmmm
01[09:45] {Threei}  .52
01[09:48] {Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .40 break hl
01[09:49] {Threei}  If holds  .50
01[09:50] {Threei}  1:1
[09:52] { thomcbell} mu looks vulnerable here
01[09:52] {Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .10 break
01[09:52] {Threei}  If holds  98
[09:53] { thomcbell} mu 23.90 short break if holding 24
[09:54] {fish_49} out ebay on trail  ty
01[09:55] {Threei}  thing was half-breath from 1:2
[09:55] {fish_49} yea  I was gonna get out at .23  but was setting up MCD  and missed .23
01[09:58] {Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .90 break
01[09:59] {Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:59] {Threei}  *(US) MAR NAHB HOUSING MARKET INDEX: 47 V 50E
01[10:00] {Threei}  1:1
01[10:00] {Threei}  (UR) US Govt official: Currently making preparations for the possibility that Russia choses to enter Ukraine- Germany Fin Min: Still a risk of war between Ukraine and Russia, must be avoided
01[10:00] {Threei}  1:2
[10:00] {dino} what preparations, a cake?
01[10:00] {Threei}  balloons
[10:01] {dino} ukraine is f# ked
01[10:01] {Threei}  they mobilized 40K reservists
01[10:01] {Threei}  it so is
01[10:01] {Threei}  in each and every scenario
01[10:01] {Threei}  1:3
[10:01] {fish_49} out  ty
01[10:02] {Threei}  yw
[10:02] {dino} damn missed vrsn bottom
01[10:02] {Threei}  out
[10:03] { thomcbell} mu invalidated
[10:03] {dino} smacking vwap
[10:03] {dino} .01 trig smr l
[10:03] {dino} giddy-up
01[10:06] {Threei} Short Setup: MCD  ,90 break
01[10:06] {Threei}  If holds  98
[10:07] {dino} irish guy asks the hot bartender, "you have any irish in ya?" she replies, "no". he says, "you want some?"
[10:07] {nemo} see how long this lasts
01[10:08] {Threei}  something tells me dino started celebration {G}
[10:08] {fish_49} lol
[10:09] {nemo} why?
[10:09] {fish_49} [10:07] {dino} irish guy asks the hot bartender, "you have any irish in ya?" she replies, "no". he says, "you want some?"
[10:09] {nemo} ahhh
[10:09] {nemo} old one
[10:10] {fish_49} Dino is old now  Nemo
[10:10] {fish_49} turned 49
[10:10] {nemo} St. Patty's Day is not one of my favorite days
06[10:10] * dino slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
[10:11] {nemo} It was the day I learned being a good samaritan equates to "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
[10:11] {nemo} no frickin' bandwith
[10:12] {dino} the accident?
[10:12] {nemo} what the 18-wheeler?  no
[10:13] {fish_49} click click
01[10:13] {Threei}  1:1
[10:13] {nemo} I'd forgotten it was St. Patty's Day, which is a sin being half-irish
[10:13] {nemo} what fish?
[10:13] {nemo} oh...Comcast calling
[10:14] {fish_49} MCD short  Nemo  Click Click for 1:1 and half out
01[10:15] {Threei}  lol... US announces sanctions again 7 Russian officials
01[10:15] {Threei}  Russian economy trembles and collapses
01[10:17] {Threei}  they need to draw the red line: any more militaru moves, and they will sanction 2, yes 2 more!
[10:17] {dino} inmates running the asylum
[10:19] {fish_49} click click
[10:22] {fish_49} click click out on the trail Thanks Vad
01[10:23] {Threei}  )
01[10:23] {Threei}  :)
[10:24] {dino} gap up sit days, frustrating for me
[10:25] { thomcbell} yhoo fairly tight range considering the move and newsflow
[10:25] {ese} L ubnt .20
[10:25] {nathan} i have to leave for while
[10:25] {nathan} c u later
[10:25] { thomcbell} why are u buying ubnt ese?
01[10:25] {Threei}  we will be here nathan
[10:26] {ese} out ubnt .33 +.13
[10:26] { thomcbell} just curious
[10:27] {ese} for the quick hit thom and .13 cents profit...........every now and then I get this....."man i wanna be like dino thing"  and I go for it
[10:27] { thomcbell} ok
[10:27] { thomcbell} i didnt like the failure at the highs again
[10:28] {ese} are you watching it
[10:28] {dino} 07 red
[10:29] {ese} is that the doom and gloom sign dino?
[10:29] {dino} sometimes
[10:31] {dino} smr l viix .43
01[10:32] {Threei} Short Setup: MCD  .70 break
01[10:32] {Threei}  If holds  .80
[10:38] {nemo} ahhh...I can reload finviz, I see they
[10:38] {nemo} ve started to fade this
01[10:38] {Threei}  stop to .76
01[10:42] {Threei}  ugh
01[10:42] {Threei}  FB
01[10:42] {Threei}  was looking for another short setup
01[10:42] {Threei}  unobtainable breakdown
[10:43] {fish_49} blame it on Munky  he is the one assigned  to watch FB
[10:43] {munky} agree w/fish
[10:44] {munky} i wanted short .80 but did not
[10:44] {munky} crying
[10:44] {munky} pivot is 56.98
[10:44] {munky} that was target
[10:45] {munky} s1 56.43
[10:45] {fish_49} the grab it  at 66.80  whats a buck eh?
[10:45] {munky} s1 could be support for bounce
[10:45] {munky} nemo, look guns
[10:46] {munky} now i have ur attention, u got a theory target price for vxx?
01[10:47] {Threei}  (UR) US President Obama: Future of Ukraine must be decided by the Ukrainian people; confirms expanding sanctions and stand ready to do more
[10:47] {RonS} data pressure on secondary announcement
01[10:47] {Threei}  yup, looks like sanctions against 2 more officals are coming... way to go
[10:47] {fish_49} one more tick MCD  come on
[10:48] {fish_49} click click
01[10:48] {Threei}  1:1
[10:51] {nemo} back up for air
[10:51] {nemo} see how long this last
[10:52] {nemo} by the way, I'm running an experiment on whether rum drunk in the morning tastes different from that consumed at night
[10:53] {fish_49} tried that in Puerto Rico  Nemo
[10:53] {nemo} o.k. so we can peer review this
[10:53] {RonS} data sniffing the gap
[10:54] {fish_49} sure  I wont release the results until your finished with your scientific study
[10:55] {dino} hell of a gap on data
[10:56] { thomcbell} blow out earnings
[10:59] {fish_49} if MCD hits 1:3  I will go buy the Filet o fish special today
[11:02] {munky} rooflol fish, but u are being a cannibal
[11:03] {fish_49} didn't say I was gonna eat it Munk
[11:03] {ese} L ubnt .98
01[11:03] {Threei}  what can he do since he is afraid to touch bananas, not to deplete your food bank
[11:04] {ese} got filled it shot up too fast for me to sell....crap
[11:04] {ese} well we'll see what happens
01[11:05] {Threei}  cake is out question too, dino monopolized it for today
[11:05] {ese} lol
[11:06] {ese} this was a more conventional entry Thom
[11:06] {ese} although the spread on this one could kill me
[11:07] { thomcbell} stock been strong but its been nuts last few days
[11:07] {ese} spread can get dangerous i've noticed
[11:09] {ese} am into it sm for 400 shs....dino size
[11:09] {ese} we'll see what happens
[11:11] {nemo} see how long this lasts
[11:12] {RonS} what she said?
[11:12] {fish_49} lol
[11:12] {nemo} don't let the bitch talk
[11:12] {fish_49} Sorry toad  but it was funny
[11:13] { thomcbell} len - 39.80 might be long break
[11:13] {nemo} puerile infantalism
[11:13] { thomcbell} volume profile looks correct
[11:14] {RonS} ...isn't that soda?
[11:14] {fish_49} out the remainging MCD here thanks Vad
[11:15] {fish_49} Need to swim  for awhile  be back later
[11:15] {RonS} lol
[11:15] {nemo} mmmmhhhhh....
[11:18] {ese} man thom....don't think you can play ubnt with anything more than sm shares........jumps around like a jack rabit
[11:19] {nemo} the market still fading?
[11:21] {munky} a slight move up nemo
[11:21] { thomcbell} len 1:1
[11:28] {vasil} pfu today big red day haha
01[11:28] {Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .80 break hl
01[11:28] {Threei}  If holds  .70
01[11:29] {Threei}  1:1
01[11:29] {Threei}  nice and easy
[11:30] {vasil} it was fast
01[11:30] {Threei}  1:2
[11:30] {vasil} 1:2
01[11:31] {Threei}  worked fast but was easy to enter
[11:31] {vasil} yes no problem with entry point
01[11:31] {Threei}  my favorite kind
01[11:32] {Threei}  lets you in with no hassle and doesn't make you wait too lonf for action
[11:32] { thomcbell} yhoo on long watch
[11:32] { thomcbell} no setup yet
[11:33] {vasil} yes and no teeter and shaking legs :D
01[11:34] {Threei}  lol
01[11:35] {Threei} Short Setup: FB  .75 break
01[11:36] {Threei}  If holds  .85
01[11:38] {Threei}  stop to .81
01[11:38] {Threei}  .70 breakdown should crash it
01[11:40] {Threei}  crrrrrash
01[11:40] {Threei}  1:1
01[11:40] {Threei}  like violin
[11:42] {vasil} daaamnn fb
01[11:43] {Threei}  what?
[11:43] {vasil} stoped me out of the short position :)
01[11:43] {Threei}  it hit 1:1
01[11:43] {Threei}  cover, trail...
[11:43] {vasil} yes yes
[11:45] {fish_49} look who came in for lunch....
[11:45] {fish_49}
[11:46] {dino} 07 scrolling red
01[11:46] {Threei}  cardinal?
[11:46] {fish_49} yes
01[11:46] {Threei}  watching GM
[11:48] {dino} out vxx flat, not cooperating
[11:49] {dino} viix that was
[11:50] {nemo} yeah, not the time of day for it
[11:50] {dino} out vrsn .72, +.72
[11:50] {fish_49} nice
[11:50] {nemo} I see the fade is still on
[11:50] {dino} ty, took awhile
[11:52] {fish_49} GM being Squeezed?
01[11:52] {Threei}  GM got away
[11:54] {fish_49} MCD ready to serve lunch?
01[11:54] {Threei}  don't see any clear setups
[11:59] { thomcbell} fio 11.48 long break
[11:59] { thomcbell} if holding 11.38
[11:59] { thomcbell} sorry 11.46
[12:06] {dino} nor i 3i
01[12:09] {Threei}  well, you are probably drunk already :)
[12:10] {dino} no, was out friday, saturday, and sunday nights. taking it easy today. getting old ya know
[12:11] {dino} plus, r.e. closing at 3 today
[12:14] {fish_49} good call Thom
[12:16] { thomcbell} thank you paint dryer but ill take it
[12:17] { thomcbell} 1:1
[12:17] { thomcbell} fio
[12:17] { thomcbell} len 1:2
[12:19] { thomcbell} len 1:3
01[12:19] {Threei}  wtg
[12:20] { thomcbell} tu
[12:21] { thomcbell} fio not too enthused by the lack of enthusiasm - trailing stop to 11.49
[12:21] { thomcbell} on balance
[12:22] { thomcbell} data 89.70 short break if holding 90 half lot
[12:41] { thomcbell} cancelling data
[12:41] { thomcbell} its nice and stable all the sudden up here
[12:54] {ese} hmmmmmm...just realized i didn't post my ubnt sell......out 53.89 +.91
[12:54] {fish_49} nice  you held through that drop?
[12:55] {dino} wtg
[12:55] {ese} no was in at 52.98
[12:56] {ese} that was after the drop fish......I did a dino earlier for .13 cents then waited
[12:56] {fish_49} ahhhh
[12:57] {fish_49} i won't try those skinny stocks
[12:57] {fish_49} lol
[12:59] {ese} it's not too bad....almost 1mil volume to this point....but as I mentioning to Thom earlier this one has a tendency to put on some dangeous spreads........although those would be nothing in terms of dino standards
[13:00] {fish_49} yea that is what I call skinny (No Float)  big Spread...  I would be losing the second I got in  lol  No stomach for it yet
[13:00] {RonS} fish, get this...just traded cnet for 5 cents, 3k shares so I traded 10% of shares
[13:01] {dino} lol
[13:01] {dino} sm l mei .5
[13:01] {dino} .15
[13:02] {fish_49} you are the market then Ron  lol
[13:02] {fish_49} You and Dino selling to each other?
[13:02] {ese} perfect ron......yer got yer 1 hundred and errrrr 50 moneys der
[13:05] {fish_49} the Wife of the Cardinal showed up for Lunch
[13:05] {fish_49}
[13:08] {RonS} used to live in apt where some dude would dress up and say he was a cardinal...funnier than heck...the guy not bird...
[13:09] {ese} thats bizzare
[13:12] {fish_49} was he from St Louis?
[13:13] {fish_49} where were the Cards b4 St louis
[13:17] {RonS} flying around looking for home?
[13:19] {dino} nq spike
[13:20] {RonS} looked nq futes and thinkin wtf he talkin? then struck me...nq the stock
[13:21] {fish_49} lol  I did  same thing
[13:22] {dino} lol ron, yeah, the stock
[13:24] {nathan} take care mates
[13:24] {nathan} c u tomorrow
01[13:24] {Threei}  you too nathan
[13:25] {fish_49} enjoy your night Nat
01[13:25] {Threei} Short Setup: MCD  .55 break
01[13:25] {Threei}  If holds  .60
[13:28] {RonS} sheesh, just remembered everyone left and have baby upstairs napping...oops she's awake...
01[13:29] {Threei}  lol
01[13:29] {Threei}  {baby} I feel like Ukraine... nobody cares about me
[13:30] {RonS} lol
01[13:33] {Threei}  Obama: America stands ready 'to impose further sanctions' on Russia
01[13:33] {Threei}  YESSS! 3 more people will be sanctioned!
[13:34] {vasil} russia suffers  :D
[13:34] {RonS} saw new bumper sticker w/ rainbow O...JOKE....
[13:37] {fish_49} With all the money our gov spent studying why lesbians are fat, we could have bought new planes for Ukraine
01[13:38] {Threei}  come on fish, get your priorities straight
01[13:38] {Threei}  ummm... pan is intended
[13:38] {RonS} so they could escape?
[13:38] {fish_49} ok spend it on "Why are they ugly?
01[13:38] {Threei}  now, look at the face of a winning military brass:
[13:39] {fish_49} looks like a Russian to me
[13:39] {fish_49} I bet he talks like a Russian as well
01[13:40] {Threei}  most in Ukraine do
[13:40] {fish_49} so cousins will be killing cousins
01[13:41] {Threei}  very much so
[13:41] {RonS} didn't you have any you wanted to kill?
[13:41] {fish_49} no  but  had one I wished she was not my cousin....  lol
01[13:42] {Threei}  didn't have any I wouldn't
[13:42] {RonS} lol
[13:44] {vasil} so what happans with the referendum in Crimea
[13:45] {fish_49} they voted to stay with Russia
[13:45] {fish_49} as expected
[13:45] {fish_49} well lets  say that is what the results  say  not sure  how they voted actually
[13:45] { thomcbell} fio 1:2
[13:45] {dino} gj
[13:46] {vasil} Soo Obama say they want to be with Russia we must fight them back ?
[13:46] {fish_49} well  The world  is thinking  the vote was rigged
[13:46] { thomcbell} len was a goodie
[13:46] { thomcbell} gave it away
01[13:46] {Threei}  97% voted for reuniting with Russia... which is strangely low, way below usual 142% voting for Putin
[13:47] {RonS} rotflol
[13:47] {fish_49} lol  142%  where did the 42% come from?  China?
[13:47] {vasil} LOL
[13:48] {RonS} "vote early and often..."
[13:50] {vasil} But Crimea has its own parlament and it is sovereign part of Ukraine ?
01[13:50] {Threei}  in 1944-47, 240K Crimean Tatars were deported from Crimea and replaced with ethnic Russian
01[13:51] {Threei}  how can outcome be any different, especially undet the guns
01[13:51] {Threei}  let's deport americans from Alaska, replace them with russians and have referendum on rejoining Russia
01[13:52] {Threei}  care to guess the outcome?
01[13:54] {Threei}  take a look at this chart and it will all become abundantly clear:
01[13:54] {Threei}  (UR) US Govt indicates that while its focus remains on a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, it will review the request for military aid
[13:55] {fish_49} what is a Crimean Tatar? and how are they different from American Tatars?
[13:56] {RonS} Crimean tartars are sauced?
01[13:57] {Threei}  Tatars that inhabitated Crimea since always
[13:57] { thomcbell} wow that is some bounce on FB
[13:57] {RonS} wasted comment...nemo not here to groan...
[13:57] {fish_49} yea
[13:57] {fish_49} It was a joke Vad
[13:57] {ese} well ya know...ya got yer MacDonalds tatar sauces and ya got youfish and chip tatar sauces......
[13:57] {ese} and thats pretty much comes down ta taste reallyd
[13:58] {fish_49} In our country  the folks from the hills call a Potato  a Tatar  or Tater..  Slang for potato
[13:58] {RonS} ...vasil disgusted...leaves...
[13:58] {fish_49} lol
[13:58] {ese} opps......hope we didn't offend ?
[13:59] {fish_49} I don't think he understood it  to be offended
[13:59] {fish_49} vad  take a look
[14:00] {fish_49}
01[14:00] {Threei}  we can also use "tatters"
01[14:01] {Threei}  as in "Ukraine in tatters"
[14:05] {vasil} lol
[14:06] {vasil} sorry missed that conversation bad internet
[14:06] {vasil} connection
01[14:07] {Threei}  just slap them all, vasil
01[14:07] {Threei}  with frozen salmon
[14:07] {munky} SLAP??
01[14:08] {Threei}  uh oh
01[14:08] {Threei}  did I just wake uo a monster?
01[14:08] {Threei}  McCain says Obama response to Ukraine almost as weak as ‘doing nothing’
06[14:08] * munky slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
01[14:08] {Threei}  almost?
06[14:08] * munky slaps vasil around a bit with a large trout
06[14:08] * munky slaps mojo1 around a bit with a large trout
06[14:08] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
[14:09] {fish_49} do you guys recall the famous words from Nancy Pelosi when it came time to vote for Obamacare?
[14:09] {vasil} smack that :D
01[14:09] {Threei}  I'd say it's almost like purposefully doing nothing to demonstrate the new doctrine
[14:09] {fish_49} her words were "We have to approve the bill to know whats in the bill"
01[14:09] {Threei}  which comes to "we speak softly and carry no stick"
[14:10] {fish_49}
01[14:10] {Threei}  lol
[14:11] {vasil} pff haha
[14:11] {RonS} here i thought monica lewinsky said that about clinton, fish...
[14:12] {fish_49} yea  I thing  she got some of his Tater sauce
[14:12] {fish_49} I mean Tarter
[14:13] {RonS} do you spell "down hill fast..."
[14:13] {fish_49} lol  wonder where monica is today
01[14:13] {Threei}  I wonder why you wonder
[14:13] {fish_49} and I also want to know what was he thinking?  He was the president of the United States for Crying out loud.  He could have had much better
[14:13] {fish_49} lol
[14:17] { thomcbell} q 52.50 long break if holding 52.40
[14:18] {RonS} nlnk now broken link
[14:18] {munky} NEMO, U HERE?
[14:18] {munky} oopps caps
[14:18] {RonS} internet probls munk
01[14:19] {Threei}  yeah, his modem is acting up
[14:22] {vasil} Internet problems day
01[14:24] {Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .55 break
01[14:24] {Threei}  If holds  .45
01[14:25] {Threei}  (UR) Russia President Putin signs order recognizing Crimea as a soverign state
01[14:25] {Threei}  Obama: crap... I am not the only one with a pen and a phone
[14:25] {vasil} lol :D
[14:27] {munky} vad, u got read fb here?
[14:27] {munky} looks long
[14:29] {fish_49} looks short to me
01[14:33] {Threei}  can't tell really
[14:40] {dino} gotta hop, gn all and slawn-cheh
[14:41] {fish_49} enjy the birthday
01[14:41] {Threei}  have fun dino
[14:41] {fish_49} no nemo = feel free to make typos in spelling and grammer
[14:50] {munky} yhoo looks lkong vad, read?
01[14:51] {Threei}  doesn't look readable
[14:51] {munky} well, that smack goofed it
[14:52] {fish_49} now fb looks long
[14:52] {fish_49} too late
[14:52] {fish_49} lol
01[15:06] {Threei}  stop to .49
[15:07] {fish_49} it was a tough fight
[15:07] {fish_49} should go to the moon after that battle
01[15:08] {Threei}  hear that Alice?
[15:10] {fish_49} 400 plus  on the ask at .62  is that real?
[15:10] {fish_49} gone
01[15:11] {Threei}  1:1
[15:20] {mojo1} is GM done
[15:21] {fish_49} no
01[15:21] {Threei}  who knows
01[15:21] {Threei}  just playing by the book, not guessing
[15:21] {fish_49} oh  you mean is it going up?  lol  I thought you were asking if it stopped out
[15:22] {fish_49} awhile ago there were over 400 shares at the ask   .62 and they went away fast  so I was thinking it was gonna be a rocket.
01[15:23] {Threei}  let's see what happens if .65 is broken
[15:23] {ese} cya tomorrow
[15:23] {fish_49} take care ese
01[15:23] {Threei}  take care ese
[15:24] {vasil} bye
01[15:27] {Threei}  LOL
01[15:27] {Threei}  The USA could have just sanctioned Rommel and Kesselring instead of invading Africa in WW2.
[15:28] {fish_49} Vietnam is asking why they didn't get sanctions
01[15:29] {Threei}  and North Korea is asking where their $15B
01[15:30] {Threei}  and Hosni Mubarak is at loss what to ask
[15:31] {fish_49} jumping out here
[15:31] {fish_49} thanks Vad
01[15:31] {Threei}  yw
[15:34] {fish_49} no panic into the close?
[15:34] {munky} nah
[15:34] {munky} monday, the worlds saved by mccain
[15:34] {munky} allz good
01[15:38] {Threei}  pretty much
01[15:39] {Threei}  as we discussed last week... Crimea has been written off as lost cause, the only thing that matters now is whether Russia continues incursion in continental Ukraine
[15:40] {fish_49} Crimea who?
01[15:40] {Threei}  if so, it will put the world on the verge of war
01[15:40] {Threei}  if not, everything is back to business as usual
01[15:46] {Threei}  some selling... far from panic though
[15:46] {fish_49} yep
[15:52] {fish_49} have a good night all
[15:52] {fish_49} c ya  tomorrow
01[15:52] {Threei}  thank you all
01[15:52] {Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:53] {vasil} good night guys :)
[15:53] {munky} c u vas

Friday, March 14, 2014

Market Week Wrap-up  Weekly Market UpdateAsia Slowdown & Ukraine Weaken Global Markets

- Soft Chinese economic data and the Ukraine crisis drove a sell-off in global markets this week. In Asia, the Hang Seng closed out the week down 4% and the Nikkei was down 6%, while global copper prices plummeted again this week on China growth fears. In Beijing, the National People's Congress closed with a speech in which Premier Li tempered expectations about 2014. Li said the government was looking to raise the "quality" of growth and was more concerned with employment and living standards than GDP, a veiled reference to the "elastic" nature of the 7.5% GDP target set for 2014 at the start of the conference. US data was not especially good either. February retail sales rose a bit more than expected, however the negative back-month revisions to the January and December data more than offset the front-month beat. The March University of Michigan consumer confidence survey unexpectedly dropped to a four-month low, stoking fears that spending may be slow to pick up from weather-related setbacks earlier this year. For the week, the DJIA lost -2.3%, the S&P500 fell -2%, and the Nasdaq dropped -2.1%.

- The situation in Ukraine and Crimea has steadily deteriorated this week, and as of Friday Russia's MICEX index was down 20.4% YTD. The world awaits Sunday's Crimea referendum, when voters will be asked if they want to become independent or join the Russian Federation. There is no option on the ballot to remain part of Ukraine and observers outside of Russia are nearly unanimous in calling the effort illegitimate. Moscow continued to reinforce troops on the Crimea peninsula and also moved a very large force of troops, armor and artillery to Ukraine's northeastern borders.

- USTs saw big gains this week, with ten-year yields dipping 15 basis points to 2.63%, the biggest one-week move down since June 2012. Yields on 10-year UK gilts also dropped 15 basis points to 2.64%, the largest one-week decline this year. Weekly Federal Reserve data showed that foreign central bank holdings of US Treasuries fell to $2.86T, their lowest levels since December 2012. Most of the big move down was ascribed to the Russian Central Bank, which trimmed its holdings by a record $104.5 billion on the week, 3x the prior record.

- Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae shares tanked on Tuesday upon the release of a bipartisan Senate plan to wind down the GSEs and replace them with a new government insurer. The new organization, the Federal Mortgage Insurance Corporation (FMIC), would operate in a manner similar to the FDIC and wrap covered loans with a government guarantee.

- The business of selling US teen apparel continues to frustrate investors. Urban Outfitters shares fell more than 6% after Q4 results missed expectations on the topline and management noted they remained very cautious regarding Q1 performance. American Eagle Outfitters lost 10% after meeting already-lowered Q4 expectations and warning that Q1 SSS would be down in the high single digits. But by far the worst was Aeropostale, whose shares lost 15% after missing expectations in its fourth quarter and offering very weak first quarter earnings guidance.

- Herbalife shares dropped about 10% this week after receiving a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) from the Federal Trade Commission. Reports suggested the announcement took Herbalife executives by surprise, and that it could create a cloud of uncertainty for the company for the next year as the FTC investigates its marketing practices.

- The euro stabbed higher midweek, moving out to 2.5-year highs from around 1.3860 to 1.3970 between Wednesday and Thursday, just ahead of a scheduled speech by ECB's Draghi and the Bundesbank's annual press conference. With the euro close to breaking 1.40, Draghi declared that FX rates were becoming more relevant in assessing price stability. Just hours before, ECB hawk Weidmann had reiterated standard policy lines that the ECB should not react to changes in the FX rate. EUR/USD dropped back below 1.3850 after these remarks, but then made another go above 1.3900 through the end of the week. Analysts suggest that while Draghi's comments are not as big as the "whatever it takes" line two and a half years ago, they represent a material change in the ECB's outlook on currency and its implications for dis-inflation.

- Dollar weakness also impacted USD/JPY. The pair peaked late last week in the 103 handle and has sustained a very steady reversal this week, testing as low as 101.20 on Friday. Outflows from China plus sustained low interest rates are not helping Abenomics. The BoJ's Kuroda said rock bottom interest rates continue to incentivize the yen carry trade.

- Japan revised its Q4 GDP growth figures in the final reading to 0.7% on annualized basis from 1.0% preliminary. The corporate capex component experienced the biggest change in the revision, slowing to +0.8% q/q from +1.3% initial, raising real doubts about the efficacy of Abenomics and underscoring the glaring need for the "Third Arrow" of structural reform. An HSBC economist interviewed after the release of the final Q4 GDP also expressed concern about Japan's rising trade deficits. Despite the revisions, the Bank of Japan did not announce or even hint it would consider expanding its quantitative easing program.

- Soft economic data from China was a big negative this week. The February terms of trade contracted for the first time in nearly a year and included the biggest deficit in two years as exports fell 18.1%. Shipments to the US, EU, and Japan were all down by double digits, although officials were quick to attribute the deficit to distortions caused by the timing around the Lunar New Year celebration. CPI hit a 13-month low of 2.0% on an annualized basis. Other economic data hit multi-year low rates of growth, including industrial production, retail sales, and fixed-asset investment.

- After China's first ever corporate default last week, another Chinese company - Haixin Iron and Steel, the second largest steel maker in Shanxi Province - formally defaulted on its debt this week. There was more focus on the firm link between plummeting copper prices and defaults in China: 60-80% of the nation's copper imports over the past three years have been used as collateral for loans, a situation which could drive an accelerating wave of bankruptcies now that Beijing has signaled it will not swoop in to bail out every firm that stumbles. China Premier Li promised that the central government will not allow systemic risks to arise from defaults even as he called them unavoidable in some cases.

- On Wednesday the Reserve Bank of New Zealand became the first central bank of a developed economy to embark on a tightening campaign this year. The RBNZ justified the hike by warning that inflationary pressures are expected to continue to rise over the next two years and domestic expansion is becoming more broadly based amid very high consumer and business confidence. RBNZ governor Wheeler indicated that rates would likely rise another 75 basis points later this year.

March 14 2014

Classic setup, can't get any more textbook. Textbook being 111 TRADES of course.  

[16:02] {thomcbell} gn all
Session Time: Fri Mar 14 00:00:01 2014
[08:45] {vasil} good morning :)
01[08:47] {@Threei}  morning vasil
[08:49] {vasil} How are you
01[08:49] {@Threei}  too early to tell
[08:50] {vasil} yes it isand its friday..
[08:58] {fish_49} Copper Futures Big rally this am.  Just had good breakout of C&H
01[09:03] {@Threei}  Russia warned on Friday it was prepared to intervene in eastern Ukraine after clashes in which at least one person died
01[09:03] {@Threei}  yup... scenario plays out
01[09:04] {@Threei}  MOSCOW - Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Friday the events in Ukraine proved that Kiev’s authorities were unable to control the situation in the country.
01[09:04] {@Threei}  “Russia realizes responsibility for compatriots’ lives in Ukraine and reserves the right to protect these people,” the ministry said.
[09:04] {fish_49} so isn't there something we are waiting for  from Putin ?  something due Sunday?
01[09:04] {@Threei}  not what most think
[09:04] {fish_49} the US  response due Monday}
01[09:04] {@Threei}  Crimea referndum doesn't matter anymore, it's a foregone conclusion
01[09:05] {@Threei}  US response is going to be "you are wrong"
[09:05] {fish_49} yes  we know that
[09:05] {fish_49} but regarding markets  I was thinking there was some decisions to be made Sunday  and US Threat/Response to that on Monday
01[09:05] {@Threei}  next major development is whethter that's all for now, or Russia will continue pushing in, this time in Eastern Ukraine
[09:06] {fish_49} so my thought pattern is nobody wanting to hold positions oer the weekend
01[09:07] {@Threei}  that will make a difference between more or less peacefil tense awkward standoff and real war breaking out
[09:07] {fish_49} the news this am  was not too terrible  and now we have Mich sent  later in the morning
[09:14] {vasil} So Putin is going in to Ukraine ?
01[09:14] {@Threei}  we don't know yet but all the preparation are in place
[09:19] {munky} morn
01[09:19] {@Threei}  munky :)
[09:22] {RonS} gm...buster aprapos since bws reported this a.m.
[09:22] {mojo1} gd morning
01[09:23] {@Threei}  ron, mojo :)
[09:24] {nemo} lotsa' political uncertainty going into the weekend...vxx will likely be a trend trade long at least in the afternoon
[09:25] {Buster} Buster Brown shoes then?
01[09:25] {@Threei}  lol
[09:27] {RonS} worked for bws when a teenager selling women's shoes to the mexicans is east san jose...shoulda seen me trying to zip up boots over their elephantine calfs...ooof
[09:28] {vasil} does NSM got news or something ?
[09:28] {ese} morning
01[09:28] {@Threei}  NSM Hayman Capital (Kyle Bass) discloses 5.3% passive stake - filing
01[09:28] {@Threei}  ese :)
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  .80 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
01[09:32] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:32] {fish_49} missed
[09:33] {vasil} me2
01[09:35] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .45 break
01[09:35] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
[09:35] {dino} z hooker, smr l .00
01[09:36] {@Threei}  {Z} I had difficult childhood...
[09:36] {dino} lol
01[09:37] {@Threei}  stop .51
01[09:38] {@Threei}  1:2  FCX
01[09:38] {@Threei}  ugh C
01[09:38] {@Threei}  1 cent shy
[09:41] {ese} funny......the z is that......thats gotta be one of your all time great lines on this board and i've been watching you for 6/7 years now
01[09:42] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  57 break
01[09:42] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[09:46] {dino} lol
01[09:46] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .10 break hl
01[09:47] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:50] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .80 break
01[09:50] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:51] {@Threei}  1:3  FB
01[09:51] {@Threei}  out
01[09:52] {@Threei}  lol
01[09:52] {@Threei}  good luck getting WMT
[09:52] {fish_49} what happened?
01[09:53] {@Threei}  dam broken
01[09:53] {@Threei}  teleportation
[09:53] {vasil} wow it was fast trigger
[09:54] {vasil} wmt
01[09:54] {@Threei}  unless you entered at 9:51, there was no chance on this breakdown candle
[09:55] {munky} i caught wmt
[09:55] {munky} in it
01[09:55] {@Threei}  don't know whether it was actual break at 9:51 or out of market print at .79, was covering FB at the moment
01[09:55] {@Threei}  cool beans munky
[09:55] {fish_49} what Price did you fill at Munkee
[09:55] {munky} .80
01[09:56] {@Threei}  too early on FB...
01[09:56] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:56] {munky} fb was a great call vad on ur part
01[09:56] {@Threei}  ty
[09:57] {dptl} good morning all
01[09:57] {@Threei}  wow
01[09:57] {@Threei}  FB
01[09:58] {@Threei}  hey dp
01[09:58] {@Threei}  that's serious rug pull
[09:58] {munky} half out at .69
[09:59] {munky} stopped rest
[09:59] {munky} .77
[10:00] {RonS} ebix sm l .10
[10:01] {dino} hmin smr l .05
01[10:02] {@Threei} Short Setup: GM  .70 break
01[10:03] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[10:07] {RonS} ann sm s .08
[10:10] {ese} pbr
[10:11] {fish_49} no BBR left but have a few Bud Lites
[10:11] {fish_49} no PBR left
[10:11] {ese} lol
[10:12] {dino} out z hooker at .70, +.70
[10:12] {RonS} gj
[10:12] {fish_49} thk for sharig
[10:12] {dino} my pleasure
[10:12] {fish_49} sharin*
[10:12] {fish_49} Z that is ot the hooker
[10:13] {ese} nice one dino
[10:13] {dino} ty, should have stayed longer, but thought she was dropping
[10:14] {fish_49} ese what side are you on with PBR?  you going long until gap fill?
[10:19] {ese} non fish....was lookin at it  waiting for pull back to .42
01[10:19] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .40 break
[10:19] {RonS} out ann -.25
01[10:19] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
01[10:20] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:23] {ese} L pbr .43
[10:25] {thomcbell} long setup Q - 51.50 long break
[10:26] {thomcbell} Q 1:1
[10:28] {thomcbell} q: 1:2
[10:28] {fish_49} good trade Thom
[10:28] {fish_49} it already broke by the time I pulled up the chart
01[10:29] {@Threei} Short Setup: GM  .90 break
01[10:29] {@Threei}  If holds  34
[10:31] {thomcbell} out on a trail last quarter Q
01[10:36] {@Threei}  stop to .96
[10:37] {ese} RIG just takin a huge beating since Nov 13
[10:37] {thomcbell}     Credit Suisse, MS Said Ready to Lead Alibaba IPO: Reuters  10:35
[10:37] {thomcbell}     [MS US  31.39, -0.05 0.16%][CSGN VX  26.72, -0.63 2.30%]
[10:37] {thomcbell} yhoo worth watching i suppose
01[10:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .80 break
01[10:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
01[10:41] {@Threei}  meh GM
[10:42] {fish_49} 1:1
01[10:42] {@Threei}  1:1  YHOO
[10:42] {nemo} vxx showing breakout
01[10:44] {@Threei}  1:2
01[10:45] {@Threei}  1:3
01[10:45] {@Threei}  1:3
01[10:45] {@Threei}  out
01[10:45] {@Threei}  1:3
01[10:45] {@Threei}  grr1:4
[10:45] {ese} nice vad
[10:45] {ese} shot up there nicely
01[10:45] {@Threei}  ty
[10:47] {thomcbell} pivot is 37.49
[10:47] {thomcbell} nice tag team vad
[10:47] {thomcbell} i posted and you posted entry
01[10:47] {@Threei}  :)
[10:47] {thomcbell} perfect!
01[10:47] {@Threei}  YHOO becomes a stalpe trade
[10:51] {dino} tza l .39 stop lod
[10:55] {RonS} nemo when is europe close these days?
[10:55] {mojo1} dino any more hookers out there? i need a happy ending!
[10:55] {dptl} lol
01[10:55] {@Threei}  lol
[10:57] {dino} lol, but i'm sure there are more for today
[10:59] {dino} out tza .49, +.10
[11:00] {fish_49} Ron?  do you mean the London Exchange?
[11:00] {fish_49} I believe it would be 12:30 Est
[11:02] {RonS} ty, ya kinda figured it out to that time too...
01[11:10] {@Threei}  YHOO full round trip
[11:10] {fish_49} was watching that
[11:11] {fish_49} dreaming  wow  wished  I would have sold at Gap fill and gotten short
[11:12] {ese} out pbr driving me nuts .36 -.07
01[11:14] {@Threei}  mojo... I suggest a chant: "dino, don't hog all the hookers"
[11:14] {RonS} out ebix .40 +.30
[11:14] {fish_49} wanna splice into the FCX short
[11:15] {dino} lol, not seeing much today
01[11:18] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .52 break
01[11:18] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[11:21] {dino} hmin stop -.20
[11:25] {RonS} "The main delta appears to be lower price realizations" @ShitAnalystsSay
01[11:26] {@Threei}  what language is this?
[11:27] {RonS} db acting like Germany to be invaded
[11:27] {dino} no kidding
[11:28] {fish_49} I think he said  some dumb analyst are saying WMT is rolling back prices and will fall soon
[11:28] {dino} gap area around 41.90
[11:29] {RonS} not specific fish...this website just details the crap analysts spew...
[11:29] {fish_49} yea  I was just messing with Vad
01[11:33] {@Threei}  since when it's a good idea
[11:36] {thomcbell} DL 19.60 short break if holding 19.70 half lot
01[11:37] {@Threei}  stop to .56
[11:39] {fish_49} wow
01[11:39] {@Threei}  (UR) US President Obama: Still hopeful for diplomatic solution in Ukraine, there will be consequences if none is found- Follow up: Russia diplomat calls the US supported UN draft resolution regarding Crimea refendum as 'unacceptable'
01[11:39] {@Threei}  (RU) Russia Foreign Min Lavrov: Concerned that measures to ensure order in the Ukraine are not being undertaken; differences remain with the West- Feb 21 agreement that was reached in the Ukraine is not being fulfulled - Russia will respect the result of the upcoming Crimea referendum
[11:40] {thomcbell} gdx has a big inverse cup and handle on 1 min
01[11:40] {@Threei}  no news for this spike
[11:41] {thomcbell} data 90 long break if holding 89.80 -
01[11:43] {@Threei}  good stop tightening
[11:43] {fish_49} thanks for that keen eye 3eye
[11:43] {fish_49} saved alot there
[11:45] {thomcbell} dl 1:1
[11:45] {dino} gj
[11:47] {dino} athm hooker, starting to move, partial fill l .10
[11:47] {thomcbell} data
[11:48] {thomcbell} if anyone got any
[11:48] {thomcbell} 1:2
01[11:50] {@Threei}  so, as far as I see, this is what market went up on, and PMs dropped:
01[11:50] {@Threei}  (RU) Russia Foreign Min Lavrov: Have no plans to intervene in Eastern Ukraine; Concerned that measures to ensure order in the Ukraine are not being undertaken; differences remain with the West- Feb 21 agreement that was reached in the Ukraine is not being fulfulled - Sec of State Kerry did not threaten Russia with anything; Sanctions would be counterproductive and will not help relations.
[11:51] {thomcbell} data
[11:51] {fish_49} So the war is over?
[11:51] {thomcbell} please tell me someone got that
[11:53] {dino} gj tbell, you're having a nice day
[11:54] {RonS} yhoo gone pulp
[11:54] {thomcbell} tu
[11:54] {thomcbell} what just happened to yhoo
01[11:55] {@Threei}  YHOO Hearing strength attributed to chatter that Alibaba could be looking to IPO next month
[12:01] {fish_49} just a head fake?
[12:02] {fish_49} Is that what Nemo calls a Stop Run?
[12:02] {fish_49} lol
01[12:04] {@Threei}  I've no idea what market got so happy about... they haven't found any common ground
01[12:04] {@Threei}  all plans whatever they are continue
[12:07] {thomcbell} DL flatten if anyone has it
[12:12] {dino} vxx, viix dropping
[12:12] {dino} would think giong into weekend they would pop
[12:12] {nemo} it's early yet
[12:13] {nemo} youve got a double bottom here
[12:16] {munky} nemo, u thinking vxx hollds this level, resumes up into close?
[12:17] {munky} guns?
[12:18] {fish_49} nobody knows Munkee  but  think about it,  nervous investors holding through the weekend  with Ukraine Issues on the doorstep?  did  anyone say China was all ok now?
[12:18] {dino} figure china takes a japanese island this week
01[12:19] {@Threei}  at the same time, selloff into weekend is so obvious that I can't get rid of feeling that's a trap
[12:19] {nemo} yes munky
[12:19] {dino} isreal now knows obummer doesn't have its back, they are prepping for invasion
[12:20] {fish_49} yes  not to mention the missles theat mysteriously fell into Isreal
[12:20] {dino} and n. korea is going to attack a ship or two of s. korea's
[12:20] {fish_49} lol
[12:21] {dino} lastly, those canadians are going to take usa great lakes
[12:21] {fish_49} they could get away with testing a rocket and nothing would happen even if the rocket fell on Seoul
[12:21] {munky} jesus dino, and dont forget the zombie apoc is this weekend also
[12:22] {fish_49} I'm going to Alaska  to help take a stand against the Russians Taking back Alaska
[12:22] {nemo} that should be the last we hear from him...
[12:22] {nemo} ides of March
[12:22] {nemo} St. Patty's Day
[12:23] {nemo} Is Les threatening to come back next month?
[12:23] {fish_49} yhoo top
01[12:25] {@Threei}  (UR) Germany Govt official: Russia will not back down on its desire for Crimea annexation, concerned it may be only be the start
[12:25] {dino} if thats not saying "keep crimea" i don't know what is
[12:26] {fish_49} I honestly believe he will behave for a year or two after he takes Crimea and the rest of the world accepts it by ignoring it
01[12:26] {@Threei}  he is not backing down on Crimea no matter what
[12:26] {dino} i say he gets greedy and takes more within months
01[12:27] {@Threei}  his popularity shot over 70% first time in years
[12:27] {fish_49} take as much as possible while we have a democrat running our country?
[12:27] {nemo} communist
[12:27] {fish_49} running and ruining  can be exchanged at will
[12:27] {nemo} apparatchik
[12:27] {nemo} Manchurian Candidate
01[12:27] {@Threei}  with such popular support, why would he
[12:28] {nemo} Trojan Horse
[12:28] {nemo} virus
[12:28] {fish_49} speak english damn it  toad  I dont have time  to google your words
01[12:28] {@Threei}  to look weak in eyes of his population?
[12:28] {nemo} I'm so jaded
[12:28] {nemo} omfg
[12:28] {nemo} look up this one:  Lumpen
[12:29] {fish_49} stop or I give you a lumpen on your headen
[12:29] {fish_49} and yes  I sit in front seat of the short yellow bus
01[12:29] {@Threei}  one nemo drives?
[12:29] {nemo} I do have a penchant for pedantic sesquipedalianism
[12:30] {fish_49} yes Vad  he is a card carrying Member
01[12:32] {@Threei}  Kerry on TV
01[12:32] {@Threei}  "constructive dialog"
[12:33] {dino} vxx hl l .22
[12:33] {nemo} germany finished up .6%
01[12:33] {@Threei}  Kerry: what if.... Lavrov: No. Kerry: then maybe... Lavrov: No. Kerry: so, we are... Lavrov: No
[12:33] {fish_49} what did Kerry just say?
01[12:34] {@Threei}  that's constructive
[12:34] {fish_49} [09:04] {fish_49} so isn't there something we are waiting for  from Putin ?  something due Sunday?
01[12:34] {@Threei}  - Reiterates Crimea referendum is illegal under international law - Remain deeply concerned about Russian forces in Crimea and along the border of Ukraine
[12:34] {ese} ?....what is that nemo
[12:35] {dino} vxx to .52
01[12:35] {@Threei}  nice one dino
[12:35] {dino} out vxx.52, +.30, ty kerry
[12:35] {fish_49} nice
[12:35] {nemo} what's what ese?
01[12:35] {@Threei}  - There will be consequences if Russia does not change course
01[12:36] {@Threei}  contrast it with Lavrov: Kerry didn't threaten Russia with anything
[12:36] {dino} yes, obummer will take badly about them....ironically only thing obummer puts boot to neck on is a business company
01[12:36] {@Threei}  market can be very naive sometimes in interpreting these things
[12:37] {dino} take=talk
[12:37] {ese} sesqui??????whatever whatever
01[12:37] {@Threei}  yeah, guitar manufacturer is an enemy
01[12:37] {@Threei}  - Acknowledge that Russia has legitimate interests in Ukraine, need Russia to respect international community to meet interests through international and multinational legal norms
[12:38] {nemo}
[12:38] {fish_49} Kerry Playing it down
01[12:38] {@Threei}  they re just afirad to irritate Putin even more
01[12:39] {@Threei}  so they talk softly and drop any stick they ever had
01[12:39] {@Threei}  for obama all the enemies are within, and they are those who wants America to be powerful
[12:40] {fish_49} it's just military exercise
01[12:40] {@Threei}  can't forget how he ridiculed Romney for saying that Russia is a foe
[12:41] {fish_49} so the vote is sunday
01[12:42] {@Threei}  now, this is what we need to watch for now that the Crimea is done:
01[12:42] {@Threei}  Russia claims right to intervene in Donetsk after clashes as talks to solve Ukraine crisis falter
[12:42] {fish_49} did you know there was a vote in North Korea this week?  100% voted for Kim Jung Un
01[12:42] {@Threei}  yes fish but that doesn't matter anymore
01[12:42] {@Threei}  that vote is predetrmined
01[12:43] {@Threei}  here, it's a quick read:
01[12:43] {@Threei}
[12:43] {dino} wasn't dennis rodman running against kim jung un?
[12:44] {fish_49} Kim Jung Un was the only person on the Ballot....They have no other qualified politicians.  well they did  but it was the Uncle  and he killed himself
[12:44] {dino} was a joke fish, rodaman taking basketball team to n. korea last month
01[12:45] {@Threei}  we used to vote for Brezhnev the same way
01[12:45] {@Threei}  and don't think for a second you could sit it out at home
[12:45] {fish_49} yea  Rodman never even tried  to free the hostage
[12:46] {fish_49} said he was into basketball not politics
[12:46] {dino} vxx smr l .85
01[12:46] {@Threei}  knock on the door, 3 men, "our record shows you haven't registered your vote yet"
[12:47] {fish_49} that happened  in America,  Black Panthers did it  first time O  was elected
01[12:47] {@Threei}  well, it's a bit different
01[12:48] {@Threei}  extremist organization vs state itself
01[12:49] {@Threei}  - There are concerns about military exercises on the border of Ukraine, discussed a freeze of military deployments
01[12:49] {@Threei}  Lavrov: No
01[12:50] {@Threei}  you know what the most frigtening aspect of all this is?
[12:51] {fish_49} Russian names are hard to remember...  I vote  for changing  their names  to Smith,  Jones and Johnson
01[12:51] {@Threei}  for decades, historians and social psychologists argue about this mass hysterical lunacy in Germany under Hitler
01[12:52] {@Threei}  how come crowds were so taken with insane ideas
01[12:52] {@Threei}  etc.
01[12:52] {@Threei}  Well, this is exactly what happens in Russia
[12:54] {fish_49} what % of the world GDP is from Ukraine?
01[12:55] {@Threei}  176.3 billion USD
[12:55] {nemo} that's not the big deal...HUGE wheat growers, and transit for most of the ngas to Europe
[12:59] {thomcbell} DL 19 long break if holding 18.90
[12:59] {thomcbell} small lot
[13:00] {thomcbell} made a new low and there was no follow thru
[13:03] {RonS} @JeffMacke  "I am this close to issuing a firm finger-wag in Putin's general direction" - Kerry
01[13:04] {@Threei}  Obama: keep cool man, don't push too far
[13:04] {RonS} Andrew Coffey ‏@coffeygrinds
[13:04] {RonS} Drink: if Kerry says wrong side of history..
01[13:05] {@Threei}  to be fair to Kerry, there is not much he could do now
01[13:05] {@Threei}  we didn't get where we are in one day, a lot of mistakes were made before that made this possible
[13:05] {RonS} quiznos toast...filed bk...
01[13:07] {@Threei} Short Setup: YHOO  .65 break
01[13:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
01[13:08] {@Threei}  low risk atempt to catch change of the current
01[13:10] {@Threei}  US, international community will not recognize outcome of vote in Crimea, Secretary of State John Kerry says
01[13:10] {@Threei}  who cares
01[13:15] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .10 break hl
01[13:15] {@Threei}  If holds  47
[13:17] {dino} out athm .30, +.20, won't move
01[13:18] {@Threei}  nah
[13:19] {thomcbell} Q is firming up here
[13:19] {nemo} vxx C&H
[13:19] {thomcbell} like it on 10 min but not in our timeframe
[13:21] {nemo} wow pennants on spy finnies and IWM
[13:21] {fish_49} Markets remind me of nemo
[13:21] {fish_49} Wandering around with no Direction
[13:21] {nemo} nebulous
[13:21] {nemo} infinite
01[13:21] {@Threei}  (UR) Nato Sec Gen Rasmussen reiterates Crimea referendum would be a violation Ukraine's constitution and international law
01[13:21] {@Threei}  Putin: you all shut up or we will return to Alaska matter
[13:21] {nemo} I'm outside your Goedelian limits
[13:22] {fish_49} ohhh Noooo
[13:22] {nemo} VXX good me thinks
[13:22] {fish_49} good for the long side?
[13:22] {nemo} yes
01[13:23] {@Threei}  seems so
01[13:24] {@Threei}  there
[13:24] {fish_49} 1:1
[13:24] {dino} out vxx .25, +.40
01[13:24] {@Threei}  your turn YHOO
01[13:24] {@Threei}  wtg
[13:25] {thomcbell} dl 1:1
[13:25] {dino} ty
[13:25] {thomcbell} very nice one on vxx
[13:25] {thomcbell} it made sense
01[13:26] {@Threei}  can't same the same about YHOO yet
01[13:26] {@Threei}  it seems to be blind
01[13:26] {@Threei}  and deaf
01[13:26] {@Threei}  and stoopid
[13:26] {fish_49} out VXX on the trail  Thanks Toad
06[13:28] * @Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a Large Book of Polite Responses
[13:28] {nemo} huh?
[13:29] {nemo} I'm cleaning my guns
01[13:29] {@Threei}  you are thanked, you say "you are very welcome, my pleasure"
[13:29] {nemo} what I do
[13:29] {fish_49} not right for him to respond  to toad...  Was not an appropriate thanks
[13:29] {fish_49} lol
[13:29] {nemo} why was I thanked?
[13:29] {thomcbell} dl 1:2
01[13:29] {@Threei}  who cares
01[13:30] {@Threei}  take the credit
[13:30] {nemo} well, I'm catching shit for somethin'?
[13:30] {nemo} Road to Hell
01[13:30] {@Threei}  no, just the opposite
[13:30] {nemo} No good deed kinda' thing?
01[13:30] {@Threei}  fish... I know what's going on
01[13:30] {@Threei}  you assumed he could read
01[13:31] {@Threei}  apprently wrong
[13:31] {thomcbell} DL 1:3
01[13:31] {@Threei}  wtg thom
[13:31] {fish_49} I thanked him in a DCC and he responded with a soft  anything for you Fish your the best
[13:32] {ese} lol
[13:32] {nemo} [13:28] {fish_49} Thanks VXX Brother man
[13:32] {nemo} [13:28] {nemo} np
[13:32] {nemo} you're worth TWO letters
01[13:32] {@Threei}  is "soft anything" the same as "sweet nothing?"
[13:32] {nemo} getting personal here
01[13:33] {@Threei}  {GGG}
01[13:33] {@Threei}  ok YHOO... die
01[13:33] {@Threei}  die faster
[13:33] {nemo}
01[13:33] {@Threei}  die harder
[13:34] {dptl} have a good weekend all
01[13:34] {@Threei}  and no, it's not a Cialis ad
01[13:34] {@Threei}  take care dp
[13:34] {dino} cya dp
[13:34] {fish_49} loved the Bat pic
[13:35] {thomcbell} cleaned up DL at 19.19
[13:36] {fish_49} gj  I was gonna take it with you  but got tired of watching it
[13:38] {nemo} look at how the rainges have tightened on the indexes
[13:38] {nemo} ranges
01[13:38] {@Threei}  1:1
01[13:38] {@Threei}  finally
01[13:38] {@Threei}  took its sweet time, eh
[13:39] {fish_49} why is Munky behaving today?
[13:39] {nemo} new meds
01[13:39] {@Threei}  lol
[13:40] {munky} yuop 1;1 here
[13:40] {nemo} maybe he been slapping his namesake
01[13:40] {@Threei}  As diplomacy falters between US and Russia, Kerry warns Putin of consequences
[13:40] {nemo} opposable thumb and all
[13:40] {fish_49} glad we have no Chickens in the room
01[13:40] {@Threei}  Putin: Oh my god, another warning... what do I do now
[13:41] {nemo} yeah, can't do much with bunnies
[13:41] {nemo} frickin' bitch bit me last night in my sleep
[13:41] {fish_49} lol
[13:41] {fish_49} wanting food?
[13:41] {nemo} yeah
[13:41] {nemo} I went to push her away, took a nip at my hand
[13:41] {nemo} then swatted her with a pillow
[13:41] {fish_49} do you feed him pellets  or  veggies?
[13:42] {fish_49} her*
[13:42] {nemo} it's a these treats
[13:42] {nemo} "Nibble Rings"
[13:42] {fish_49} my neighbor kid has a bunny.  the other day I was walking outside  and asked  if her bunny does tricks...
[13:43] {fish_49} the girl is 7  she replies  "Nope  he just eats, sleeps and poos"
[13:44] {nemo} sounds about right
[13:46] {fish_49} FB short?
[13:48] {thomcbell} ubnt 52.10 break if holding 52.25 half lot
01[13:48] {@Threei}  half lot fish yes
01[13:48] {@Threei}  good setup but time of the day suggests cutting risk down
[13:50] {thomcbell} i didnt enter ubnt yet and am cancelling
[13:50] {thomcbell} bulls have upper hand in the name
[13:51] {thomcbell} DL - AHHHH!
[13:51] {fish_49} FB meh
01[13:52] {@Threei}  be back in 30
[13:55] {ese} L urbn .58
[13:56] {fish_49} aggressive entry on the expectation of breakout ese?
[13:58] {ese} ya......i think it may pull back though......but theres a couple higher lows here
[13:59] {ese} bull flag or ascending triange  take you pick on the 5 min chart
[13:59] {fish_49} looks like it closed gap from 3/12
[13:59] {ese} L BBRY .18
[14:00] {ese} both of these are gonna need mrkt help
[14:02] {ese} spyders look to be turnin up a little we'll see
[14:04] {fish_49} here we go  lets see if URBN  can break .62  this time
[14:04] {fish_49} I'm not trading it  but pulling for you ese
[14:04] {fish_49} nice BBRY
[14:05] {ese} i'll take that......
[14:05] {fish_49} cool both of them broke
[14:05] {nemo} vxx
[14:05] {ese} just give me another .05 and that'll be 300 moneys
[14:06] {ese} opps
[14:07] {fish_49} .40 break toad?  I dont see good place for stop
[14:07] {thomcbell} feye vulnerable
[14:07] {nemo} would have to be half lot
[14:07] {fish_49} yea
[14:08] {ese} out urbn .68 +.10
[14:08] {dino} gj
[14:08] {fish_49} cool scalp ese  good work
[14:08] {ese} that'll be 200 moneys thank you
[14:08] {fish_49} noneys or munkeeee's
[14:09] {fish_49} money's*
[14:09] {ese} moneys........muuuuuunnnnnnnneys!!!!!!
[14:09] {munky} heh lol
[14:09] {munky} watch it
[14:09] {fish_49} glad you clarified.  don't think we can handle  200 munkeeeee's  1 is enough
[14:10] {ese} indeed
[14:13] {ese} do it urbn!!!!! still goin that one
[14:13] {thomcbell} watching feye for a long entry hopefully closer to wed low at 72.25
[14:13] {thomcbell} 76.25
[14:14] {thomcbell} tends to rally hard in final 30 min
[14:15] {fish_49} ahhh VXX broke while I was making coffee
[14:15] {nemo} yeah, but it'
[14:15] {nemo} it's chop
[14:16] {fish_49} yea  hit 1:1  and fell like like my drunk one legged uncle
[14:16] {ese} chop chop!!!! or just chop
[14:19] {ese} out bbry .26 +.08
[14:20] {ese} thats 240 moneys.....less tax and commissions of course
[14:20] {fish_49} gj
[14:20] {ese} tks
[14:20] {fish_49} I will collect Alex's share
01[14:20] {@Threei}  back
[14:21] {fish_49} whereever he is
[14:21] {fish_49} wherever*
[14:21] {ese} ya......shouldn't let me sleep at the trading wheel.......i get up and thats what happens.......
[14:22] {ese} wow...what timing......vad will never know how good I was during that 30 min strech
[14:23] {fish_49} 31 minutes actually but who is counting
01[14:23] {@Threei}  28
[14:23] {ese} that was good run by urbn though......almost made it to .85
[14:23] {ese} lol
[14:25] {ese} and on that note...back to fixing my wet basement......just got the drywall back up by 11pm last........mudding and painting next....have great weekend all....cya monday
[14:25] {ese} last night
01[14:25] {@Threei}  (US) White House: regrettable Russian has not chosen to deescalate in Ukraine; stand ready to respond to Crimea referendum
[14:25] {dino} cya ese
[14:25] {thomcbell} idea on feye is to buy it back thru 76.25 if it goes below and settles down a bit
01[14:25] {@Threei}  take care ese
[14:25] {ese} later dino vad fish nemo
[14:25] {fish_49} take care ese
[14:26] {nemo} cya ese
[14:26] {fish_49} just feels like a rally in the brewing
01[14:27] {@Threei}  if no news, yes
01[14:28] {@Threei}  the line of thoughts it seems is: after successful referendum and with the foot firmly on Ukraine's neck, Putin will start negotiating and de-escalating
[14:33] {fish_49} [14:28] {@Threei}  the line of thoughts it seems is: after successful referendum and with the foot firmly on Ukraine's neck, Putin will start negotiating and de-escalating  HUH do you really think that is a possible outcome?  negotiate what?
01[14:34] {@Threei}  I don't know whether it's possible, I am talking about market behavior
[14:34] {fish_49} ahhh
01[14:35] {@Threei}  negotiate what: Ukraine backing down from becoming NATO member in exchange for peace
[14:35] {fish_49} that makes sense... Market behavior on the doubt that it will esculate
[14:35] {fish_49} why should they back down
[14:35] {fish_49} Nato stands for peace
01[14:35] {@Threei}  because if they don't he won't stop
01[14:36] {@Threei}  and they face country breaking in half
01[14:36] {@Threei}  and possible full-out war
[14:36] {fish_49} ok  for now  I would back down under 1 condition:  Get out of Crimea  stop the silly war games
01[14:36] {@Threei}  nope
[14:36] {thomcbell} now looking for some sort of setup to develop on feye
[14:36] {thomcbell} need a bit more emotion
01[14:36] {@Threei}  that's off the table
[14:36] {thomcbell} and there it is
01[14:36] {@Threei}  Crimea is gone
01[14:37] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .70 break hl
01[14:37] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[14:41] {dino} tza l .39
[14:43] {dino} out tza .44, +.05 size
[14:43] {fish_49} click clik
01[14:43] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:44] {munky} nice call
[14:45] {dino} wow z, wish i'd held, +4.83
01[14:47] {@Threei}  or to put it in original language, "I wish I kept that hooker"
[14:47] {fish_49} Hope she didn't whisper my name
[14:49] {munky} my wife read ur log and thinks this is a date chat site full of sluts, i cant renew next month
[14:49] {dino} lol
[14:50] {munky} she thinx some dude named dino is pimpin
[14:50] {RonS} lol
[14:51] {fish_49} ask at .82 is huge
01[14:52] {@Threei}  and what is this ask fish sells, advertising it as "huge"?
01[14:53] {@Threei} Short Setup: YHOO  .55 break
[14:53] {thomcbell} no setup yet feye
01[14:53] {@Threei}  If holds  .63
[14:53] {RonS} at 82 no asking here...pure begging...
01[14:53] {@Threei}  lol
[14:57] {fish_49} out fb on the trail  ty
01[14:57] {@Threei}  yw
06[14:59] * fish_49 slaps yhoo on the neck with a google seach bar
[14:59] {RonS} lol
01[15:04] {@Threei}  {YHOO} now, that really hurt, in more ways than one
06[15:04] * fish_49 slaps yhoo on the neck with a another google search bar this one is Bigger
[15:04] {fish_49} what hurt Vad?
[15:05] {fish_49} did Nemo insult you in DCC?
01[15:05] {@Threei}  asking me? that's what YHOO said
[15:05] {fish_49} so far Miss Yhoo shrugged it off
06[15:06] * fish_49 slaps yhoo on the neck with a pair of Munky's used briefs
[15:06] {fish_49} that should  do it
[15:07] {munky} dont u "monkey with the munky" fish
01[15:07] {@Threei}  NQ Hearing takeover chatter circulating- Baidu and Tencent rumored as potential acquirers
01[15:08] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .60 break hl
01[15:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[15:09] {thomcbell} nq takeover chatter - hehe
01[15:13] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:14] {fish_49} go figure.. I sat that one out
[15:15] {fish_49} I'm sure it will be 1:4
01[15:16] {@Threei}  nah, trail
01[15:16] {@Threei}  but you promised to stop choosing and picking
01[15:16] {@Threei}  and I thought you and FB were friends today
[15:16] {fish_49} I we are and I did
01[15:17] {@Threei}  that opening 1:3 in the morning was enought o make anyone friend FB
01[15:17] {@Threei}  like FB
01[15:17] {@Threei}  share FB
[15:17] {fish_49} lol
[15:18] {fish_49} it moved  fast
[15:18] {fish_49} do you know where I got out?
01[15:19] {@Threei}  let me check the camera I have installed in your office
[15:20] {fish_49} I had technical issue with montage and tried  to partial and could not get out.  I finally got it right after it hit 1:3  and I got out just shy of 1:1 on the retreat
[15:21] {fish_49} yhoo meh
[15:21] {fish_49} yhoo must have enjoyt the Munkeee Briefs
[15:22] {fish_49} my eyes tell me long into the close  my head says  short short short
01[15:23] {@Threei}  ypu have too many speaking body parts
[15:23] {fish_49} well there is one other  but  you dont want to know  about that one
[15:24] {fish_49} munky  how do you see the close?
06[15:24] * @Threei turns the camera in fish office off and duct-tapes over the button
[15:24] {fish_49} lol
[15:24] {fish_49} how far is the wifi range on EM-1
[15:24] {fish_49} lol
[15:25] {munky} well all day i been thinking red into close
[15:25] {munky} close at lows of day
[15:26] {munky} but who knows? only vad because its his room and his gut is biggest
01[15:26] {@Threei}  sigh
01[15:26] {@Threei}  abuse I take
[15:26] {dino} i've been thinking about the close too. best guess up or down
01[15:26] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .90 break hl
01[15:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[15:26] {nemo} 185
[15:27] {munky} so right here then nemo?
[15:27] {nemo} this is also the bottom of a channel in spy
[15:28] {munky} vad, can vxx (fear indicator) close at highs but mkt closes green? or that cant happen?
[15:28] {nemo} yes it can
[15:28] {nemo} vxx is based on option activity
[15:28] {munky} i was gonna ask u too nemo, ty
01[15:28] {@Threei}  yup
[15:29] {dino} nemo, put buying drives vxx up, right?
[15:29] {nemo} yes
[15:29] {nathan} have a nice weekend guys
[15:29] {dino} u2 nat
[15:29] {fish_49} take care Nat
[15:30] {nemo} hasta Lunes
01[15:30] {@Threei}  have a good one nathan
[15:30] {nathan} did u learn some spanish from Fernando nemo? ;-)
[15:30] {dino} slawn-cheh nat
[15:30] {nemo} school
[15:30] {nathan} did u go to schol?
[15:31] {nathan} :P
[15:31] {nemo} funny guy
01[15:31] {@Threei}  that's where gilrs were
01[15:31] {@Threei}  of course he did
[15:31] {nathan} lol
01[15:31] {@Threei}  meh
[15:32] {nemo} guess there not worried about Ukraine so far
01[15:32] {@Threei}  their?
[15:35] {fish_49} [15:32] {@Threei}  their?
[15:35] {nemo} there is no worry
[15:35] {fish_49} HUH?  Brother Nemo makes errors?
[15:36] {fish_49} and more suprising is Vad caught it
[15:36] {nemo} homonymistic issues
[15:36] {dino} c lod
[15:36] {fish_49} man that sounds contagious
01[15:36] {@Threei}  nothing surprising
01[15:37] {@Threei}  I am sensitive to "they'are-there-their" nationl debacle
[15:37] {nemo} and then there are articles
01[15:38] {@Threei}  HLF Fox Business Gasparino tweets: Company is worried that State's AGs could launch probes into the business model
[15:38] {fish_49} I like to use your and you're  as the same
[15:38] {dino} and sometimes it rains
01[15:38] {@Threei}  articles is ethnic issue
01[15:39] {@Threei}  slavic-apeaking disagree with articles as a matter of principle
01[15:43] {@Threei}  looks like market is going to disappoint both sides and end without any move
[15:43] {fish_49} shorts already covered  or their (There)  holding their short positions  lol
[15:44] {fish_49} we still have 15 minutes
[15:44] {fish_49} VXX at support
[15:47] {dino} mkt dropping
[15:48] {fish_49} faz breakout
[15:49] {nemo} mmmhhh...loooks down
[15:49] {nemo} market
[15:50] {thomcbell} good weekend everyone
[15:50] {fish_49} take care Thom
01[15:50] {@Threei}  Ok guys thank you all
[15:50] {fish_49} bye all
[15:50] {fish_49} enjoy the weekend
01[15:50] {@Threei}  have a great weekend, see you Monday
[15:51] {munky} u too vad
[15:51] {munky} thanx
[15:52] {thomcbell} vad this Q gives good patterns for us
[15:52] {thomcbell} just gave another one at 51.95
[15:52] {thomcbell} never thought it would work like this
01[15:52] {@Threei}  worth watching, yes

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13 2014

Panic - favorite market to play. Together with large VXX trade, that alone can make one's day, and there were more.

Session Time: Thu Mar 13 00:00:00 2014
[08:49] {fish_49} All the numbers are decent
[08:51] {fish_49} The Initial Jobless Claims 315K  instead of 330K
[08:51] {fish_49} retail sales was good   increase of 0.3% instead of expected 0.2%
[08:53] {fish_49} now we have business inventories at 10 am
01[08:53] {@Threei}  so... bull market continues
[08:54] {fish_49} yea
01[08:54] {@Threei}  Euro 2 year high
[08:54] {fish_49} providing Ukraine can stand their ground
06[08:55] * fish_49 slaps Vad upside the head with a with a good cup of Java
01[08:55] {@Threei}  timely
[09:03] {dino} gm. 10 degrees f and 30 mph winds. cold
[09:04] {fish_49} the winds ae something
01[09:05] {@Threei}  dino :)
[09:06] {RonS} gm. 50-65 here until week from tomorrow
01[09:07] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:08] {dino} lucky dog ron
[09:08] {RonS} little known fact is most of the time feels 10-15 degrees warmer here due to the low humidity and altitude (don't tell anyone)
[09:08] {fish_49} Nashville?
[09:09] {RonS} Denver...Nashville has low humidity?  lol, almost drowned there one summer just going outside...
[09:10] {fish_49} yea  high humidity..  I forgot your in Mile Getting High Country
[09:10] {fish_49} we have  someone  from TN  maybe Thom
[09:11] {RonS} ...have seen the streets melt snow here with 20 degrees and sun...
[09:12] {fish_49} I used to attend training  in Denver area.  I expierienced all 4 seasons  in just a couple days
[09:12] {fish_49} experienced
[09:13] {fish_49} glad nemo still sleeping and didn't catch that
[09:16] {munky} morn
[09:16] {fish_49} Hey Hey Munk
[09:16] {RonS} lol fish...
01[09:16] {@Threei}  munky :)
[09:16] {fish_49} doubt he heard that song
[09:17] {_vasil} Good morning :)
[09:18] {RonS} old phrase here fish...if you don't like the weather, just wait 2 minutes...
01[09:18] {@Threei}  vasil :)
01[09:18] {@Threei}  maui variation: don't like the weather, wait 2 min or cross the road
[09:19] {mojo1} gd morning all
01[09:19] {@Threei}  mojo :)
[09:20] {RonS} gogo stopstop
[09:25] {ese} morning
01[09:25] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:25] {nemo} at least he got the time of day right
[09:25] {ese} out bldp .91 +.26
[09:25] {nemo} Q looks intersting today
[09:25] {goinshort} morning all
[09:26] {ese} morning vad
01[09:26] {@Threei}  gs :)
[09:26] {ese} nemo short fish vasil ron et al
[09:28] {_vasil} :)
[09:28] {fish_49} gm ese
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .90 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .82
01[09:35] {@Threei}  tighten to .84
01[09:35] {@Threei}  SLW weakness undermines this play
01[09:36] {@Threei}  meh
[09:38] {dino} mei sm l .88 ave
[09:38] {dino} pulp
[09:38] {dino} urbn hl l .12
01[09:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY.40  break
01[09:39] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .40 break
01[09:39] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:40] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:44] {dino} 07 red
[09:44] {fish_49} out on trail ty
[09:44] {fish_49} Blue 44
01[09:45] {@Threei} Short Setup: JPM  .20 break
01[09:45] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:47] {@Threei}  2-sided
01[09:48] {@Threei}  stop .24
01[09:49] {@Threei}  meh
01[09:50] {@Threei}  rinse
[09:51] {munky} rinse long u mean?
[09:51] {fish_49} set up is still there .24 and .34
[09:52] {dino} dg sm l .50
01[09:53] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .50 break
01[09:53] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:54] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  .85 break
01[09:55] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:55] {nemo} I love late August trading
[09:56] {dino} out dg .90, +.40
[09:57] {fish_49} share
[09:57] {fish_49} gj
01[09:58] {@Threei}  FCX two-sided
01[09:58] {@Threei}  actuzlly, liking short side even more
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) JAN BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.4% V 0.4%E
01[10:00] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .75 break
01[10:00] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
01[10:01] {@Threei}  disregard FCX long side, short or no play
[10:04] {RonS} took dg 57.55 out 58.27  +.72  thanks dino big time
01[10:04] {@Threei}  gj
01[10:04] {@Threei}  let me put it this way: gj on dg
[10:06] {dino} gj, yw
01[10:08] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:08] {fish_49} wmt hit 1:1  but  I didn't fill on the cover
01[10:08] {@Threei}  take .66
[10:09] {ese} RON!!!!!!!!  nice one
01[10:09] {@Threei}  if it loses .65, ride second half
01[10:09] {@Threei}  but don't let it get away when you have 1:1
01[10:09] {@Threei}  there
[10:09] {fish_49} filled
[10:10] {fish_49} 1/2 out
01[10:12] {@Threei}  stop to .71
01[10:13] {@Threei}  FCX short is valid again
[10:13] {fish_49} out on trail
[10:13] {fish_49} ty
01[10:20] {@Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .40 break
01[10:20] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[10:28] {@Threei}  trail to .34
01[10:28] {@Threei}  either it goes now or forget it
[10:29] {mojo1} vad yhoo broke 38
[10:29] {mojo1} big gap up in start of day
01[10:29] {@Threei}  was good short setup
01[10:30] {@Threei}  (UR) Crimea Prime Minister: Vote is scheduled for Monday to determine whether to takeover Ukraine owned companies that operate within Crimea region
01[10:30] {@Threei}  right
[10:31] {fish_49} Bastards
01[10:31] {@Threei}  (UR) Crimea Prime Minister: Vote is scheduled for Tuesday to determine whether to takeover wives of Ukrainian tourists
01[10:33] {@Threei}  come on MCD... 1 cent to 1:1?
06[10:34] * fish_49 Kicks MCD in the bottle of Cholesterol with a
[10:34] {dino} hmin smr l .55 stop .29
06[10:34] * fish_49 Kicks MCD in the Butt with a With a bottle of Cholesterol
01[10:37] {@Threei}  YHOO bounce soon
[10:37] {thomcbell} same with ebay
[10:37] {fish_49} same with C
[10:38] {fish_49} but indexes keep falling
01[10:38] {@Threei}  we don't enter yet, we watch for setup
[10:38] {mojo1} after it fills the gap
[10:39] {fish_49} lets get in now so we are well prepared  lol
01[10:39] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .70 break
01[10:39] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:39] {thomcbell} ebay pivot is 57.67
01[10:40] {@Threei}  ok, valid again
01[10:40] {@Threei}  If holds  .62
01[10:42] {@Threei}  ok SPY
01[10:43] {@Threei}  show some spine
01[10:44] {@Threei}  nah... spineless slime
01[10:44] {@Threei}  YHOO is holding well thus far
01[10:45] {@Threei}  .75 should put it on the course to recovery
01[10:46] {@Threei}  out MCD
01[10:47] {@Threei}  not making new lows with index is good but sheesh, some help?
01[10:50] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .70 break hl
01[10:50] {@Threei}  If holds  65
01[10:51] {@Threei}  finally YHOO
01[10:51] {@Threei}  1:1  EBAY
01[10:52] {@Threei}  YHOO stop to .64
01[10:53] {@Threei}  let's take half off
01[10:53] {@Threei}  1:1  YHOO
01[11:00] {@Threei}  EBAY closed
01[11:03] {@Threei}  Western countries are warning Russia that it faces costs unless it changes course in Crimea, with U.S. President Barack Obama pledging to "stand with Ukraine" three days ahead of a controversial referendum.
01[11:03] {@Threei}  Putin: Oh no... another threat??
[11:03] {nemo} Putin moon him yet
01[11:04] {@Threei}  many times
[11:05] {fish_49} The interview Ron posted yesterday made it official,  Oboma deserves no respect and he has shamed this country
[11:05] {fish_49} Obama
01[11:06] {@Threei}  I really thought it was a parody at first
01[11:06] {@Threei}  couldn't believe that was actual sitting president
[11:06] {fish_49} I still have hope it was
01[11:06] {@Threei}  no
[11:06] {fish_49} I know  but  allow me to have some hope
[11:07] {fish_49} he ran on hope right?
01[11:07] {@Threei}  sure... how long do you need to grieve?
01[11:07] {@Threei}  5 min enough?
[11:07] {fish_49} Hopium is what it really is
[11:07] {RonS} took mei 29.65 ave out 30.65 +1.00 piker-ese size thanks dino
01[11:07] {@Threei}  wtg
[11:08] {ese} L plug .40
01[11:09] {@Threei}  In Moscow, the military acknowledged significant operations involving armored and airborne troops in the Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov regions abutting eastern Ukraine
01[11:09] {@Threei}  A day after a deputy minister denied any military buildup on the border, the Defense Ministry released a series of statements beginning early Thursday that appeared to contradict that. They outlined what was described as intensive training of units involving artillery batteries, assault helicopters and at least 10,000 soldiers.
[11:10] {fish_49} It's training  only
01[11:10] {@Threei}  that's more than whole Ukrainian army
[11:10] {dino} gj ron
[11:10] {dino} still in here
[11:11] {dino} wall .75 area
01[11:11] {@Threei}  YHOO balanca stop to .73
[11:11] {ese} L some plug pull back avg .44
01[11:11] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .60 break
01[11:12] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[11:15] {dino} out mei .68, +.80
01[11:16] {@Threei}  nice one
[11:16] {dino} ty
01[11:16] {@Threei}  Invalidated  EBAY
[11:17] {dino} ron takes 2 of my picks and gets about .20 more than i do out of each
01[11:18] {@Threei}  life is not fair
[11:18] {dino} after yesterday and today, he owes me a case of beer
[11:19] {RonS} ...Rolling Rock?
01[11:19] {@Threei}  and make it count... not some Heinecken crap
[11:19] {fish_49} coors  (Pee)
[11:19] {dino} thinking shock top, spring is coming
[11:20] {thomcbell} ebay 57.77 long break if holding 57.67 vad?
01[11:20] {@Threei}  oh, you haven't heard...
01[11:20] {@Threei}  they canceled spring this year
[11:21] {RonS} wow...wheat beer gives me a about something from here:
01[11:21] {@Threei}  if holds .70, thom
[11:21] {fish_49} If you get a chance Dino,  Try Burning River Pale Ale,  Brewed by Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I had it  a few weeks ago and loved it.  Would make a great summer beer,  great taste and not so filling
[11:21] {dino} if i see it, i will
01[11:21] {@Threei}  if loses it, I'd rather look for pullback entry
01[11:22] {@Threei}  likle .70 break
[11:22] {RonS} ...little known fact...more beer brewed in CO than any other state...
01[11:23] {@Threei}  this way .77 break will take you right to 1:1 now
[11:23] {RonS} ...Coors plant and huge Bud plant in Ft Collins...
[11:24] {fish_49} I can handle Bud .  However,  I found coors  to be terrible
[11:24] {RonS} ...2nd place state for craft brewries, after OR
[11:24] {RonS} +e
[11:25] {fish_49} Now you not only have alot of gold brew, you have gold hemp
[11:25] {nemo} oooohhhh....Aculpulco
[11:25] {nemo} Alcupuco
[11:25] {nemo} however you spell tht
[11:25] {fish_49} Nemo woke up
[11:25] {fish_49} 2 things that wake him for sure  Guns  and Weed
[11:25] {RonS} Coors must be bad that dreck co Molson bought them...  :)
[11:26] {dino} i pretty much like most beers
[11:26] {dino} winter time heavier ones, summer light ones
01[11:26] {@Threei}  Molson... yikes
01[11:26] {@Threei}  worse than Bud
[11:26] {nemo} skunk piss
[11:26] {nemo} Andechser Doppelbock
01[11:27] {@Threei}  wow SPY still hasn;t found the bottom
[11:31] {dino} db getting killed last 3 days
01[11:31] {@Threei}  out YHOO remainder
01[11:33] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .45 break
01[11:33] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
[11:34] {nemo} market inflection point here
[11:43] {fish_49} ese  still in PLUG?
[11:45] {ese} out PLUG .75 +.31
[11:45] {ese} not now fish
[11:45] {ese} 1600shs worth
[11:45] {fish_49} nice
[11:45] {ese} that felt goooooooooodddddddd!!!!!!!
[11:46] {ese} should have went ½ ¼ ¼  but have a basement to fix so no time
[11:46] {fish_49} get on the short side  around .88 and ride it back down ese ,  lol
[11:46] {ese} now theres a plan
01[11:48] {@Threei}  - Herbalife is down another 5% or so this morning after falling 10% during yesterday's session in the wake of receiving a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) from the Federal Trade Commission. Reports out last night suggested the announcement took Herbalife executives by surprise, and seem to feel that remedies could range anywhere from a slap on the wrist to a cease and desist order.
[11:48] {dino} basement? gotta luv it. thats where i trade from
[11:48] {dino} wet bar pool table, free weights treadmill and trading office
01[11:49] {@Threei}  Ackman: where do I hire a rain dance teacher?
[11:49] {ese} nice......
[11:53] {ese} ya almost called the top on that PLUG run fish .88, it made it to .85
[11:54] {fish_49} lol
01[11:57] {@Threei}  Ukraine's Premier Arseniy Yatseniuk during a working visit to the United States on Thursday met with Vice President of the United States Joe Biden and discussed the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine.
01[11:57] {@Threei}  yes... Biden is exactly the guy
01[11:57] {@Threei}  he will settle it all
[11:58] {nemo} It's a plot to by Obama to get him over, and then they'll assasinate him
[11:59] {ese} ya tak abut yer far fetched emagernation er what
[11:59] {dino} why, obummer lets them do what they want anyway
[11:59] {nemo} gotta' clear the way for Hillary
[11:59] {munky} could u imagine that dummy biden president
01[12:00] {@Threei}  after that interview, yes, I can
01[12:00] {@Threei}  stranger things have obviously happened
[12:00] {fish_49} Don't remind me of that interview
[12:00] {munky} anyone thinking mkt down big today by close, like 300?
[12:01] {fish_49} See if Hillary wins she can no longer say she is the first prez with a vagina
01[12:01] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .25 break
01[12:01] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[12:01] {fish_49} Munky  if It loses 299  I  think yoru right  300 will be it
01[12:01] {@Threei}  lol
01[12:01] {@Threei}  feels that way to me, munky
01[12:01] {@Threei}  this has all the makings of big panic coming
[12:02] {dino} no munky, not even close imo
[12:02] {dino} still btfd mode
[12:03] {nemo}
01[12:07] {@Threei}  1:1
01[12:07] {@Threei}  (UR) Ukraine acting President: There is a risk of war as it appears as though Russia is ready to invade Ukraine, hopeful international efforts can end the aggression
[12:08] {munky} here ya dino
[12:08] {fish_49} TZA hit 1:1?
[12:08] {fish_49} I lost power
01[12:09] {@Threei}  yes
01[12:09] {@Threei}  at .36 now
[12:09] {fish_49} hjalf out  ty
01[12:09] {@Threei}  yw
[12:10] {ese} hmmm spyders at S1 pivot
[12:11] {ese} no outta here.....gotta go fix a basement. cyou tomorrow
01[12:12] {@Threei}  take care ese
[12:15] {fish_49} Vad you watching Volume on TZA?
[12:16] {fish_49} that last push up on low volume
[12:16] {munky} mkts red 110
[12:16] {munky} BTFD lol
[12:16] {mojo1} VAD CAT?
[12:16] {munky} dino, u out MEI?
[12:16] {dino} yes hour ago, +.80 on it
[12:17] {munky} sorry, missed podst
[12:17] {dino} np
01[12:17] {@Threei}  I am not keen on playing bounces right now, munky
[12:17] {dino} watching db, mei, hmin, pega
[12:17] {munky} oh thats all lol
01[12:17] {@Threei}  fish... volume picks up...
[12:17] {nemo} gdx short perhaps
[12:19] {munky} if IF mkts reverse iwm could be points
[12:20] {munky} then again,mkts may bounce and crash into bell down 300
[12:20] {munky} what u think nemo?
[12:20] {nemo} meteor strike coming
[12:21] {nemo} if they can't force it down to 186 it'll go back and test 187 area where weekly pivot is
01[12:21] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  45 break hl
[12:21] {fish_49} down 300?  if the INX or the COMPX  is down 300 I will buy you a beer Munk
01[12:21] {@Threei}  If holds  .88
[12:21] {nemo} wow .12 stop
06[12:22] * munky slaps goinshort around a bit with a large trout
[12:22] {munky} the dow
01[12:22] {@Threei}  gs suffers because of alphabet proximity to fish
[12:22] {dino} dg lod
[12:22] {fish_49} loli was enjoying that  Vad
01[12:23] {@Threei}  1:2  TZA
[12:25] {goinshort} quiet guy takes a beating
01[12:25] {@Threei}  it's time to get armed, gs...
[12:25] {munky} caught some 09 vad
06[12:25] * @Threei hands gs a 5lb frozen trout
[12:25] {munky} ty
01[12:26] {@Threei}  yw
[12:26] {goinshort} lookin for a dolphin
06[12:26] * @Threei hands gs a 10t frozen whale
01[12:26] {@Threei}  1:1  VXX
[12:26] {munky} took rest .12
[12:26] {munky} ty
[12:26] {goinshort} lotta sea food abuse here
01[12:26] {@Threei}  yw... but should be capable of more
06[12:27] * fish_49 slaps GS upside the head with a Dolphin
01[12:27] {@Threei}  I live on the ocean, gs
01[12:27] {@Threei}  stuff is plentiful
[12:27] {goinshort} I got a second house in Panama City Beach
01[12:27] {@Threei}  killer whales all around
[12:27] {fish_49} really GS?
[12:27] {goinshort} really
[12:28] {dino} cool
[12:28] {munky} dow 124 downfish, 300 a possibility
[12:28] {fish_49} OMG  the first time I drove up to that beach I thought it was snow
[12:28] {fish_49} the sand is pure white
[12:28] {goinshort} not really sand - appalachian crystal
[12:28] {fish_49} TZA stop .38?
[12:29] {nemo} spy coming into 186 area, watch for bounce
01[12:29] {@Threei}  yup
01[12:29] {@Threei}  1:2  VXX
[12:31] {munky} fb looks like a lil panic hit chart
01[12:32] {@Threei}  remember a line a few days ago, that TZA and FAZ will become good players once market shows panic
01[12:32] {@Threei}  they got really supressed over the years of relentless bull
[12:32] {nemo} 185.89 yesterday's lows
01[12:32] {@Threei}  coil...
01[12:32] {@Threei}  1:3  TZA
01[12:33] {@Threei}  will try for 1:4 on small remainder
01[12:33] {@Threei}  not too shabby for 5 cents risk
[12:33] {munky} did u buy heavy shares vad/
[12:33] {munky} ?
01[12:33] {@Threei}  3K
[12:33] {munky} AH, 1500 HERE
[12:34] {mojo1} gj vad
[12:34] {fish_49} i only have 100 shares left  so I  am skipping 1:3  gonna hold out  (TZA)
01[12:34] {@Threei}  panicking market is my favorite
[12:34] {munky} oh mine too "kill'em all"
01[12:34] {@Threei}  I feel like dolphin in the water
[12:35] {munky} but look like orca
[12:35] {fish_49} a great white  is better
01[12:35] {@Threei}  1:3  VXX
[12:35] {fish_49} as long as you dont smell like a baluga
[12:36] {munky} i didnt realize it could run lke this
[12:36] {thomcbell} edu 27.80 short break if holding 27.90
[12:36] {munky} vxx
01[12:36] {@Threei}  out VXX
01[12:36] {@Threei}  +.45
[12:37] {fish_49} gj
01[12:37] {@Threei}  ty
[12:37] {nemo} mmmhghhh...women and children overboard time?
[12:37] {dino} gj
01[12:37] {@Threei}  TZA stop to .49
[12:37] {munky} where can it go vad, i have no recolection
[12:38] {dino} up and down
[12:38] {dino} :)
[12:38] {munky} no kit cant lol
01[12:38] {@Threei}  sky's limit
01[12:38] {@Threei}  it's not really about how high something can go
[12:38] {dino} munky, just pull up chart on it, that will tell you what it can do
01[12:38] {@Threei}  stop to .54
01[12:39] {@Threei}  chocking time
[12:39] {dino} urbn stop to .15 thing doesn't move
[12:40] {nemo} algo all red, not a green stock
[12:40] {fish_49} 2 ticks away from my first 1:4
[12:41] {fish_49} I blame it on Munkee
[12:41] {nemo} o.k that might be it, let's see if we get a DB
01[12:41] {@Threei}  closed
[12:41] {nemo} well we have one, but a double bottom
[12:41] {nemo} speaking of....Les just skyped me
[12:42] {dino} hows old mossback doing?
[12:42] {nemo} he posted a selfie of he and his wife on FB yesterday, sitting outside enjoying the sun
[12:43] {fish_49} out at .545
[12:43] {fish_49} thanks Vad
[12:43] {dino} wow wrld colapse
[12:43] {dino} collaspe too
01[12:43] {@Threei}  yw
[12:44] {nemo} basically yesterday's lows on IWM finnies and SPY corralled the action
[12:44] {dino} wrld financial protection bureau investigation
[12:44] {dino} out urbn .15, +.03
[12:45] {thomcbell} some report out there
[12:49] {thomcbell} tightened stop on edu to 27.85
[12:52] {thomcbell} ubnt on short watch -
[12:53] {thomcbell} huge run and big volume with vwap above
[12:54] {thomcbell} edu 1:1
[12:57] {thomcbell} edu 1:2
01[12:57] {@Threei}  wtg
01[12:57] {@Threei}  new low
01[12:58] {@Threei}  I don't believe this selling is caused by weak China economic data, as commenters suggest
01[12:58] {@Threei}  this is market smelling ww3 at the door
[12:59] {dino} its the crimea thing for sure
[12:59] {fish_49} why WW3i?
[12:59] {dino} wrld trying to bounce
[12:59] {fish_49} who would use forces to stop putin?
01[13:00] {@Threei}  no one if they have any choice
01[13:00] {@Threei}  but if he pushes beyond Crimea, what choice will they have?
[13:00] {fish_49} TZA 1:4
01[13:01] {@Threei}  also, in such tense situation, things break out by unfortunate accident
01[13:01] {@Threei}  one guy with frayed nerves, and blood is all over
[13:01] {thomcbell} edu 1:3
[13:01] {dino} russia can shut down 1/3 of eu gas
[13:02] {fish_49} nice thom  what was your entry?  I didn't see it
[13:02] {dino} gj tbell
01[13:02] {@Threei}  [12:36] {thomcbell} edu 27.80 short break if holding 27.90
01[13:02] {@Threei}  great trading guys
01[13:03] {@Threei}  in what majority considers a bad market I am sure
[13:03] {thomcbell} thanks  guys
[13:03] {fish_49} TZA 1:5  can I have my shares back?
[13:03] {dino} well munky so far you are looking right
01[13:03] {@Threei}  want to count VXX fish?
[13:03] {fish_49} I didn't take it
01[13:05] {@Threei}
[13:06] {fish_49} Thom Cleaned house
[13:06] {fish_49} Great trade  great set up
[13:07] {thomcbell} oh boy ubnt
[13:07] {thomcbell} not even red yet
[13:08] {fish_49} the spread scared me
[13:09] {thomcbell} yes ubnt crazy stock
[13:11] {dino} db blood
[13:13] {munky} everything blood
[13:14] {munky} end of world
[13:14] {munky} mayhem
[13:14] {munky} luvin it
[13:16] {dino} sc drop
[13:24] {munky} vad, u keepin eye on vxx for bouncer?
[13:24] {thomcbell} mu bounced right off a longer term trendline
01[13:26] {@Threei}  not sure abou8t next direction munky
[13:27] {munky} me neither
01[13:27] {@Threei}  initial downside impulse is exhausted, new event hasn't come about yet
01[13:27] {@Threei}  if nothing happens, more selling is likely closer to eod
[13:27] {nemo} and they are having a bitch of a time moving this up
01[13:27] {@Threei}  for now it's a shaky equilibrium
[13:27] {nemo} I like lithium
01[13:27] {@Threei}  no one is willing to commit
[13:28] {nemo} gdx
01[13:28] {@Threei}  never ever lick lithium
01[13:28] {@Threei}  that's ruin your lithium/potassium equilibrium
[13:29] {nemo} more vodka then
[13:29] {fish_49} don't carry it in your front pocket either  Vad
01[13:31] {@Threei}  good thought
01[13:31] {@Threei}  that would take place so necessary for a gun
[13:31] {nemo} I prefer appendix carry
[13:32] {fish_49} you carry  your appendix?
[13:32] {fish_49} had mine taken out when I was 9
06[13:32] * nemo slaps fish around with a SPAS-12
[13:32] {fish_49} lol
[13:32] {fish_49} lol
01[13:32] {@Threei}  ever since surgery he considers it his inalienable part
[13:32] {nemo} makes a great club
01[13:33] {@Threei}  and afraid of annexation by Russia
01[13:33] {@Threei}  everyone knows Putin is eager to get any appendix left unattended
[13:39] {munky} i think its newbie time...make the call mojo
[13:40] {mojo1} mojo slaps munky with his banana
[13:41] {munky} your banana or my banana?
[13:41] {fish_49} Ohhh My
06[13:41] * munky slaps mojo1 around a bit with a large trout
06[13:45] * munky slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[13:45] {munky} fish, dcc please
[13:45] {fish_49} I don't see it
06[13:46] * @Threei weighs a killer whale in one hand and a hyppo in another, trying to select a reciprocation weapon
06[13:55] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
06[13:56] * fish_49 slaps Munkee upside the head with a mIRC for Dummies Book
[13:57] {nathan} what's up?
[13:58] {RonS} utilities, miners...
[14:00] {munky} christ fish, u knocked me right the "f" out of the room
06[14:00] * munky slaps goinshort around a bit with a large trout
01[14:00] {@Threei}  (UR) OSCE Chairman: Russia now says it supports idea of an OSCE monitor mission in Ukraine, including Crimea; could be a "big step forward" - press **NOTE: over the last week OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) monitors who were requested by the Ukraine govt have been blocked from entering Crimea by military forces.
06[14:00] * mojo1 slaps munky around a bit with a large trout
01[14:02] {@Threei}  "step forward..." idiots
01[14:02] {@Threei}  all it says is Russia is 100% confident on the outcome and trying to legitimize the referendum now
01[14:02] {@Threei}  "OSCE observers were there, everything's OK, results are legit"
[14:03] {fish_49} sounds to me like they are painting the pig yellow to make it look like a flower
[14:11] {thomcbell} UBNT vulnerable again
[14:11] {thomcbell} pivot is 51.36
[14:12] {thomcbell} no setup
[14:15] {mojo1} 200 down fish, 100 to go munk
[14:19] {munky} munk?
[14:20] {thomcbell} ebay getting emotional here vad
[14:22] {thomcbell} ubnt 52.65 short break if holding 52.75 - half lot due to craziness
[14:23] {thomcbell} invalidated ubnt
[14:23] {fish_49} any other day we would be jumping on the EBAY long break of .65
[14:24] {fish_49} ooops  too late already broke
01[14:24] {@Threei}  well... let's see if it pulls back for double bottom
[14:24] {munky} mkts at their low of today here
[14:25] {munky} 212 neg
[14:33] {fish_49} nice find on Ebay Thom  1:2
[14:34] {fish_49} I didn't take it  but was fun to watch and learn
[14:34] {thomcbell} thanks
[14:41] {dino} zzzzz, drop and sit
[14:41] {fish_49} hurry up and wait?
[14:41] {dino} wrld stuck between 77.80s-78-60s
[14:41] {dino} csh, rm dropped w/it
[14:43] {munky} cat at s3
[14:43] {fish_49} chasing it's tail?
[14:45] {fish_49} ebay pull back
[14:48] {dino} ok munky, dji range 290 pts
01[14:49] {@Threei}  new low
01[14:50] {@Threei}  Payback is a bitch:
01[14:50] {@Threei}  For separatist groups in Dagestan, Tatarstan and other regions of Russia, the Kremlin's support of a referendum on independence in Ukraine's Crimea peninsula would seem to provide an opportunity for their own movements, which have long been repressed by Russian authorities.
01[14:50] {@Threei}  for each action...
[14:51] {fish_49} a reaction
01[14:55] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .20 break hl
01[14:55] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
01[15:01] {@Threei}  come on SPY let's recrash
01[15:01] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:02] {fish_49} Jumpy little bastard  isn't it
[15:02] {nemo} short covering fizzle or flop into the close?
01[15:03] {@Threei}  anyone's guess
[15:03] {thomcbell} im flat watching for something to jump out of the screen
01[15:03] {@Threei}  stretched enough to cease selling, fear is large enough to cease buying
[15:04] {thomcbell} these secondaries are killing the buyers - DL FEYE Q
[15:04] {thomcbell} all failed miserably
[15:04] {thomcbell} kind of interesting to me
01[15:05] {@Threei}  wow
01[15:06] {@Threei}  this one has news
01[15:06] {@Threei}  (UR) Clashes erupt between pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine protestors in Eastern Ukraine city of Donetsk, several participants wounded
01[15:06] {@Threei}  see... it's all about Ukraine
01[15:06] {@Threei}  this kind of clashes is exactly what is likely to launch next phase of escalation
[15:07] {dino} agreed
01[15:07] {@Threei}  watch names of these cities in the news: Donetsk, Kharkiv, Odessa
[15:07] {nemo} it's chop around time
01[15:07] {@Threei}  most probably centres of confrontation
[15:07] {nemo} gdx looks to breakout though
[15:08] {fish_49} GC Gold Futures  breaking out of a cup   had no handle Nemo
[15:09] {nemo} gdx did on 3 minute
[15:09] {nemo} probably 5 too
[15:09] {nemo} yep
[15:09] {nemo} you're a handle short of a cup yourself
[15:09] {thomcbell} ebay day low
[15:09] {fish_49} Love you Brother man
01[15:10] {@Threei}  lol
01[15:11] {@Threei}  with tensions rising by hour, feels selling into eod is the theme
[15:11] {nemo} oh, and gold futures do not always affect gold miners
[15:11] {fish_49} BTFD  (VXX)
[15:11] {nemo} these frickin' futures snobs
01[15:12] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .50 break
01[15:12] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[15:16] {dino} taking vsm l in wrld, wide
[15:17] {dino} watching csh too, they recently settled same type of investigation
[15:19] {munky} 47 points to go fish
[15:21] {dino} fishy fishy fishy
[15:21] {fish_49} 300 down on the INX is what my deal was  300 down on INX and I buy the beer
01[15:22] {@Threei}  Facebook CEO Zuckerberg: I've been so confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the US government- The US government should be the champion for the internet, not a threat. They need to be much more transparent about what they're doing, or otherwise people will believe the worst. I've called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform.
[15:22] {dino} lol, way to go zuck
[15:23] {nemo} never gonna' happen, it's all about really want your neighbors voting?....frickin' morons
06[15:24] * fish_49 slaps EBAY on the neck with a Samurai Sword Borrowed from Nemo
[15:24] {nemo} katana, tachi, or Wakizashi?
[15:25] {nathan} i got stoped int EBAY :-(
[15:26] {fish_49} Odachi so it won't come back up for awhile
[15:26] {nathan} .57
01[15:26] {@Threei}  why?
01[15:26] {@Threei}  stop is .61
[15:26] {nathan} my stop level was at .57
[15:27] {fish_49} .57 printed but it held
[15:27] {munky} u got read fb boss
01[15:27] {@Threei}  nope
[15:28] {munky} read vxx?
[15:29] {nemo} looks short munky,
[15:30] {nathan} now looks like a d botton
[15:30] {munky} vxx short?
[15:30] {munky} or fb?
06[15:30] * fish_49 slaps Munky on the neck with a copy of Techniques of Tape Reading and says Read page 117
[15:31] {fish_49} Ebay Son of  Yellow Horse
[15:31] {nathan} no happy ending today
[15:32] {mojo1} are u sure thats all he needs to read
[15:32] {munky} not unless u got to massage parlor after close
01[15:32] {@Threei}  (UR) Ukraine interim PM Yatsenyuk: Reiterates demand for Russian troops to pull back from Crimea; Conflict spilling over beyond Ukraine borders - comments at the UN Security Council
[15:32] {nathan} lol
01[15:33] {@Threei}  the day went well enough to have that happy ending provider come home
01[15:33] {@Threei}  and send wife shopping
[15:33] {nathan} much better
[15:35] {nathan} well have a good evening plenty of snow and cold weather ;-)
[15:35] {mojo1} my wife went down to salvo with $5 in hand
01[15:35] {@Threei}  snow?
01[15:35] {@Threei}  what snow?
[15:35] {fish_49} better giver her more money than that.  She will return  too fast
[15:35] {munky} ebay looks like new setup short
[15:36] {nathan} don't u have it?
[15:36] {munky} stopped atr .61
[15:36] {munky} at
01[15:37] {@Threei}  snow spent on the ground about 3 days here this winter
01[15:37] {@Threei}  and as far as I am concerned, it was 2 days too many
06[15:37] * fish_49 takes Munky to the floor with a Kotegaeshi
[15:38] {nathan} really? i though you were  having lot of snow over there
01[15:38] {@Threei}  where?
[15:38] {nathan} in victoria
01[15:39] {@Threei}  kidding?
01[15:39] {@Threei}  victoria is mediterranian climate
01[15:39] {@Threei}  snow is rarity here
[15:39] {nathan} really? talking serious?
01[15:39] {@Threei}  look it up
01[15:39] {@Threei}  palm trees
[15:39] {fish_49} send him your fb links  the one I asked if it was this year
01[15:39] {@Threei}  rhododendrons
01[15:40] {@Threei}  cherry blooms about two weeks already
[15:40] {nathan} today 9ÂșC
[15:40] {nathan} not that bad
[15:40] {nathan} almos like in Barcelona ;-)
[15:40] {nathan} almost
01[15:41] {@Threei}  this?
[15:41] {nathan} wow nice colours! looks like a paint
01[15:45] {@Threei}  some short covering
[15:45] {nathan} see you tomorrow
01[15:45] {@Threei}  take care nathan
01[15:47] {@Threei}  last small trade?
[15:47] {fish_49} yes
01[15:47] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  46 break hl
01[15:47] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[15:48] {nemo} two way
01[15:48] {@Threei}  just hl, to make sure it doesn't ruin the day
[15:49] {nemo} vwap @.45
01[15:49] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[15:50] {fish_49} good support  at .69
[15:50] {fish_49} but no time left
01[15:50] {@Threei}  crap... should have taken .90
01[15:52] {@Threei}  double crap
[15:52] {fish_49} yep
[15:52] {fish_49} safe with profits  never hurt anyone and never smells like crap
01[15:52] {@Threei}  5 cents to triple crap
[15:54] {dino} gn and slawn-cheh
01[15:54] {@Threei}  take care dini, even though I've no idea what you said
[15:54] {dino} irish cheers to "good health"
01[15:55] {@Threei}  ah
[15:55] {fish_49} OHHHHHHH
[15:55] {dino} tomorrow my last day trading
[15:55] {fish_49} Irish words got me in toruble
[15:55] {dino} at age 48
[15:55] {fish_49} quick true story
[15:55] {RonS} what?
01[15:55] {@Threei}  lol
01[15:55] {@Threei}  so on Mon will be first day trading at 49
01[15:55] {@Threei}  that's something to drink for
[15:56] {fish_49} Had an Irish freined who brought me a t shirt from Ireland when he visited.  I wore it one day in the gym not knowing what it said
[15:56] {dino} b-day on st pats day, monday ron
[15:56] {fish_49} friend*
[15:56] {RonS} ok, have a good one and thanks again...
[15:56] {fish_49} some Muscle dude approached me and said he was offended and suggested I go take the shirt off
01[15:56] {@Threei}  dino, just in case we forget tomorrow
01[15:56] {@Threei}  happy birthday
[15:56] {fish_49} He asked if I knew what it said and I said  "Yes  it says  Happy Day"
01[15:57] {@Threei}  (alzheimer is no joke, you know)
[15:57] {fish_49} come to find out the shirt said  "Go  F urself
01[15:57] {@Threei}  lol
[15:57] {nemo} pugh Mahon
01[15:57] {@Threei}  here comes triple crap on VXX
[15:57] {dino} its monday vad, but ty
[15:57] {fish_49} yeaaaa  something like that  Nemo
01[15:57] {@Threei}  we have double chance to forget till Monday
[15:57] {fish_49} you have 2 minutes left Vad  take it
01[15:58] {@Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:58] {@Threei}  have a good evening
[15:58] {fish_49} good night
[15:58] {fish_49} Vad?
01[15:58] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow
01[15:58] {@Threei}  yes?
[15:58] {fish_49} you never said you were impressed that I figured out the slap on my own
01[15:59] {@Threei}  you did?
[15:59] {fish_49} you noticed  I stayed last night for an hour figuring it out?
[15:59] {fish_49} lol
01[15:59] {@Threei}  well, I never knew whether it was with someone's help
06[15:59] * nemo slaps fish with a short bus
01[15:59] {@Threei}  but yeah, gj
[15:59] {fish_49} of course  someone  on the internet
[15:59] {fish_49} searched Google  for an hour
[15:59] {fish_49} good night  all
[16:00] {fish_49} You the driver of the short yeller Bus  Nemo?