Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 02 2014

Catch of the Day, beautiful double bottom on TWTR, right from 111 Trades page. Get it now:  

Session Time: Wed Jul 02 00:00:00 2014
[08:45] {dino} gm
01[08:45] {@Threei}  dino :)
01[08:56] {@Threei}  08:15 *(US) JUN ADP EMPLOYMENT CHANGE: +281K V +205KE (largest increase since Nov 2012)
[09:03] {nemo} don't any of you have a life?
01[09:03] {@Threei}  what's that?
[09:03] {nemo} I was kinda' asking because I don't know
[09:03] {dino} never sleep well nemo, always up early
[09:04] {nemo} Sleep?  what is that?
01[09:04] {@Threei}  this made my evening yesterday:
01[09:04] {@Threei}  Yong I was. Money I needed.
[09:04] {nemo} gpro shortable today
[09:04] {dino} sfly setting up for short
[09:04] {nemo} hehehehehe
[09:08] {nemo} wow, Tiger Direct has a $69 Western Digital 2TB hard drive
[09:14] {troub} good morning you all
01[09:14] {@Threei}  troub :)
[09:14] {nemo} you do that on purpose don't you...
01[09:14] {@Threei}  I'll wait till they sell solid state for that price
01[09:15] {@Threei}  unless my current dies on me of course
[09:15] {nemo} it's just somewhat amazing how much storage you can get for so little
01[09:15] {@Threei}  true
01[09:16] {@Threei}  so, looking at the market state, VIX etc...
01[09:16] {@Threei}  as we see, not the best time for day trading, but rather preparation for a great time
[09:16] {nemo} tomorrow morning should be interesting
01[09:16] {@Threei}  we always do the best in bear market and the worst in slow low volume climb
01[09:17] {@Threei}  with VIX being at all time low, it's only a matter of time
[09:17] {dino} depending on todays, i may blow tomorrow off. also, on vacation next week, so have fun w/o me
01[09:17] {@Threei}  tomorrow is a short day, right?
[09:17] {dino} yes 1 pm
[09:18] {dino} not allowed over 3 days banks closed
01[09:18] {@Threei}  IMO, worth 1-2 hoirs of trading in the morning, after that it's dead
[09:20] {dino} sfly filled that march gap up
[09:21] {RonS} gm...Curtis Mayfield stock...superfly
[09:21] {nemo} gag
01[09:21] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:22] {dino} dal drop
[09:22] {RonS} hearing others under pressure too
[09:22] {dino} ual yeah
[09:23] {RonS} stem could be a runner...already +11%
01[09:25] {@Threei}  STEM Brinson Patrick Initiates STEM with Market Outperform, price target: $7
01[09:26] {@Threei}  USU
[09:26] {nemo} we should look for high short interest stocks in a low volatility environment.  Those are the stocks receiving upgrades of late
01[09:26] {@Threei}  USLE
01[09:26] {@Threei}  ISLE
01[09:26] {@Threei}  CAMP
01[09:26] {@Threei}  list for you volatility lovers
01[09:27] {@Threei}  CAMP lowered guidance
01[09:27] {@Threei}  NLS, no news
[09:28] {cosmo} ah...four letter stocks...just like old times
[09:28] {dino} anet still rising
01[09:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .65 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  lol
01[09:31] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[09:31] {@Threei}  good luck getting it
[09:31] {dino} dal gap fill
01[09:33] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .20 break
01[09:33] {@Threei}  If holds  .10 
01[09:35] {@Threei}  change to .10 break
01[09:35] {@Threei}  If holds  68 
01[09:35] {@Threei}  two-sided
01[09:37] {@Threei}  1:1  
[09:38] {dino} sfly smr s .57
01[09:41] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .70 break
01[09:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .75 
01[09:41] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
[09:42] {dino} sfly to .07
[09:44] {dino} to .845
[09:45] {dino} cov .79 sfly, +.78
[09:45] {RonS} gj
[09:45] {dino} ty
[09:45] {nemo} first frickin' day gpro is shortable ALREADY on the uptick rule
[09:45] {RonS} Jimmy Carter moving up by default. RT @politico: Poll: Obama worst prez since WWII
[09:45] {nemo} can't make this shit up
[09:45] {dino} roflol
01[09:46] {@Threei}  lol
[09:46] {nemo} not like there are great barriers to entry in that biz
01[09:46] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .80 break
01[09:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .90 
[09:49] {nemo} Xone dino, opened at pivot, probably shortable there
[09:51] {dino} watching it
01[09:55] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .90 break
01[09:55] {@Threei}  If holds  .80 
01[10:00] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[10:01] {@Threei}  ok W{T
01[10:01] {@Threei}  die
01[10:01] {@Threei}  WMT
01[10:03] {@Threei}  1:1  WMT 
[10:04] {dino} well its a good day, just sold one of my condos in nc
01[10:05] {@Threei}  :)
[10:20] {dino} .
01[10:21] {@Threei}  [NQ] Ticking higher on rumor that its independent auditor may sign off on its financials - NQ has been working with its auditor and conducting its own internal audit in response to allegations from Muddy Waters earlier this year.
[10:24] {nemo} P running...and not into the toilet (homage to ron)
01[10:25] {@Threei}  lol
[10:25] {nemo} or into Ron's Depends
[10:28] {dino} lol
01[10:28] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .35 break
01[10:28] {@Threei}  If holds  .45 
01[10:33] {@Threei}  stop to .41
01[10:42] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:42] {@Threei}  1 cent from 1:1
[10:45] {dino} sfly smr s .90 jumpy
01[10:45] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  68 break
01[10:45] {@Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[10:53] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
01[10:58] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .05 break
01[10:58] {@Threei}  If holds  .95 
[11:00] {RonS} what?   Yellen: Acceleration Of Risk-Taking Concerns Could Require More Robust Macroprudential Response
01[11:02] {@Threei}  I was always a sztrong supporter of macroprudentialism
01[11:04] {@Threei}  this is one of the most nucleorogical forms of neurooscillating shamanism
01[11:04] {@Threei}  which has my robust respect
01[11:05] {@Threei}  especially when coupled with unequivocal defenestration
[11:05] {nemo} or intellectual onanism
01[11:05] {@Threei}  or that
[11:06] {nemo} that opposable thumb thing again
01[11:06] {@Threei}  (US) Fed Chair Yellen: monetary policy faces limitations and may not be the best tool to ensure financial stability - IMF lecture - Calls for macroprudential tools to be used to promote financial stability - low interest rates do have the potential to increase the incentives and reach for yield - have seen some pockets of risk taking across the financial system - dont see a need to shift monetary policy away from seeking price stability and maximum employment - increasing rates to promote financial stability would only serve to increase volatility in the employment and inflation sectors of the economy
01[11:06] {@Threei}  let's scratch C
01[11:07] {@Threei}  this speech upset the cart
[11:08] {dino} instead of trying to be celebrities, they need to shut the f up
01[11:09] {@Threei}  out .04
01[11:09] {@Threei}  Merkel warns Russia on sanctions ahead of Berlin talks on Ukraine
01[11:09] {@Threei}  Putin: this is what, 168th warning? I can't take it anymore
[11:10] {dino} putin;"stop teasing me"
01[11:11] {@Threei}  lol
01[11:11] {@Threei}  From one of russian forums, translating on the fly:
01[11:12] {@Threei}  "I don't know what we are waiting for, why are we not hitting USA with nuclear bombs? If we take them out, Ukraine will surrender at once"
[11:13] {dino} cov sfly .46, +.44
01[11:16] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .25 break
01[11:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .15 
[11:18] {dino} sfly hl s .22
[11:21] {dino} 07 red
[11:30] {dino} sfly b/s is .52
[11:31] {dino} stopped
[11:33] {dino} scanners slowed down
06[11:36] * @Threei kicks TWTR in the rear
[11:42] {nemo} now sfly hvaing trouble with vwap
[11:46] {dino} thru it
01[11:55] {@Threei}  TWTR, everyone exited at 1:3?
[11:56] {dino} gj
01[11:56] {@Threei}  ty
[11:57] {goinshort} got it- thanks!
01[11:57] {@Threei}  :)
01[11:57] {@Threei}  beautiful double bottom, right from 111 Trades page
[11:58] {dino} lorl smr s .60
[12:02] {dino} cov lorl 75.40, +1.20
[12:07] {troub} excellent dino
01[12:07] {@Threei}  frikin C worked after all
[12:07] {dino} ty troub
[12:10] {dino} king spike
[12:12] {dino} sfly l/h l/l
[12:13] {dino} .20 break s smr
[12:17] {dino} maybe just a wide channel
[12:25] {nemo} sfly more likely to sell off tomorrow...who wants to carry a rumor over a three day weekend
[12:26] {dino} surprised its holding up 5+ now, these usually jump 4 or 5 them come back to only 1 or 2 up
[12:48] {troub} .
01[12:57] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .60 break
01[12:57] {@Threei}  If holds  .55 
01[13:10] {@Threei}  Fresh Russia sanctions on hold as European foreign ministers meet in Berlin
01[13:11] {@Threei}  hmmm... I don't think they are fresh still
[13:12] {dino} sfly smr s .89
[13:19] {nemo} we're starting to get a lot of rumor buying and upgrades on high short interest stock
[13:19] {dino} sign of top
[13:20] {nemo} yes, or in such a low volatility environment, generating some volatility
[13:20] {nemo} algo's gotta' pay the bills you know
[13:20] {dino} so do i
01[13:21] {@Threei}  good algos would pay our bills too
[13:22] {nemo} says the man who just sold a condo
[13:24] {dino} just a small part of the plan nemo
[13:25] {nemo} next thing you know we'll see a news article about you next to a picture of Hillary talking poor mouth
[13:25] {nemo} sorry dino, no Les
[13:25] {dino} lol
[13:26] {nemo} setup looks good here, but that high becons
[13:26] {nemo} beckons
[13:26] {dino} b/s at .21
[13:33] {nemo} gpro letting go
[13:34] {dino} sfly stop
01[13:34] {@Threei}  does GPRO record the drop?
06[13:34] * @Threei slants at Ron
[13:35] {RonS} but that was funny...
[13:36] {nemo} yeah, like one of those wing suit flyers
[13:38] {nemo} yeah, sfly gonna test the high
[13:40] {dino} ns
[13:40] {nemo} wow gpro
[13:41] {nemo} look at the hft activity on gpro
[13:41] {nemo} holy shit
[13:42] {nemo} that frickin' LII is moving like a pornstar's vibrator
[13:42] {nemo} was that too extreme?
[13:42] {nemo} spwr looks short
[13:42] {RonS} knew the pros were involved when fidelity had no borrow
[13:42] {dino} lol
[13:43] {nemo} alot of people have no borrow on it
[13:43] {dino} none here
[13:43] {nemo} .45 break onf spwr. oops
[13:43] {nemo} stop above .50
[13:45] {RonS} fb selling on livewire purchase...
[13:46] {RonS} fb UK investigation...
[13:46] {RonS} liverail sorry
[13:51] {nemo} uno:uno
[13:51] {nemo} eins:eins
[13:51] {nemo} might be a quick hasta la vista
[13:52] {nemo} oh, indexes testing support
[13:52] {RonS} gwph pulp again
[13:53] {nemo} yeah, buddy of mine swing short on that one
[13:53] {dino} ballsy
[13:53] {nemo} yeah, he is
[13:54] {dino} agree w/it, but i'd do it thru options
[13:55] {nemo} that spwr.45 level
[13:55] {nemo} should probably hold to original .50 stop
[13:56] {dino} sfly hod, nce call nemo
[13:56] {nemo} probably melt-up time in the indexes
[13:57] {nemo} it just kept creeping
[13:58] {dino} not acting normally for company that hires investment bank, should drop $4 bucks
[13:58] {nemo} sob
[13:58] {nemo} look at that
[13:58] {dino} lol, thers .50
[13:58] {nemo} fornicate me
[13:58] {dino} theres
[13:58] {nemo} yeah, get in on that
[13:58] {dino} .00 break, my trigger
[13:59] {nemo} yeah and they ticked you
[13:59] {nemo} but then you'd still have to get shares
[13:59] {nemo} GFL
[13:59] {dino} happens alot last 45 days
[13:59] {nemo} lower volume, algo's right there short stepping new highs and lows inside of resting orders
[14:00] {RonS} jazz
[14:00] {nemo} singing the blues you didn't get in long Ron
[14:00] {nemo} hehehehehehehe
[14:01] {nemo} o.k. .50 confirmed stop in spwr
[14:08] {nemo} sheesh, everything is moving like an arthritic sloth
[14:09] {dino} yeah, getting to the point that i should just go play some golf
[14:09] {dino} out of here at 3 pm
[14:09] {nemo} 3-4 might have movement, you should have played 9 at lunch
[14:10] {dino} i like to tip a few beers while playing, no way i could get away from 19th hole in time for last hour
[14:10] {nemo} mmmhhhh...always thought of you as Mr. Discipline.  The kinda' guy that irons his underwear
[14:10] {dino} psix odd again today, been bouncing 68.80s-69.40s for hours, very thin
[14:11] {dino} work hard play hard 
[14:12] {nemo} frickin spwr
[14:12] {nemo} spy 32.7 mil
[14:12] {nemo} I play hard, play harder, take alka seltzer
[14:12] {dino} lol
[14:13] {nemo} vicodin helps too
01[14:13] {@Threei}  I am lost
01[14:13] {@Threei}  where is vodka in that?
[14:13] {dino} no drugs for me, tequila takes that place
[14:13] {nemo} alcohol is a drug
[14:13] {nemo} go iron your boxers will ya'
[14:13] {dino} nah
[14:14] {dino} sfly going to drop
[14:14] {nemo} I like to crease the center of the quadriceps and the rear of the biceps femoras
[14:15] {nemo} damn, spwr gonna' rinse me after 1:1
01[14:15] {@Threei}  word on the street, nemo, is: dino doesn't iron his underwear but his bootlaces are whole other matter - no coming out of the house without ironing those
[14:15] {nemo} it's a frickin' communist conspiracy
[14:15] {nemo} that's a bit extreme
[14:15] {dino} since trading from home, don't think i've used an iron
[14:15] {nemo} well to each his own
[14:16] {nemo} yeah, probably barely get dressed
[14:16] {nemo} shaving and showering become optional
[14:17] {nemo} All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack 
[14:17] {nemo} a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  All work and no 
[14:17] {nemo} play makes Jack a dull boy.  
[14:17] {nemo} Here's Johnnny!!!!
[14:18] {dino} red rum
[14:18] {nemo} But I don't want to be Mr. Pink!
[14:18] {nemo} "You alright?"  "I'm far from alright."  "...we're gonna' get medieval on his ass..."
[14:19] {nemo} "Stuck in the middle with you...."
01[14:20] {@Threei}  someone give nemo an iron
[14:21] {dino} "you tell him i'm coming, and hell's coming with me"
[14:21] {nemo} "We are the crack suicide squad of the People's front of Jedea!"
[14:21] {nemo} I'll be your huckleberry
[14:21] {nemo} "Judea"
01[14:21] {@Threei}  I am scared to think what kind of crackheads today's log will attract
[14:21] {dino} "thats ok, i got one gun for each of you"
[14:22] {nemo} "Don't do it..."
[14:26] {nemo} spwr again
[14:27] {nemo}  Why Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave.
[14:27] {dino} i beg to differ, we started a fight we never finished
[14:27] {nemo} O.k. lunger
[14:28] {dino} i ain't got the words
[14:29] {nemo} Poor soul. You were just too high-strung.
[14:29] {nemo}  I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear. Oh, I wasn't quite as sick as I made out.
[14:29] {dino} he walks on water
[14:29] {nemo} he's down there walking on water
[14:29] {dino} somebody get that dog outta here
[14:30] {dino} i was just funnin'. i wasn't
[14:30] {nemo} I wasn't. And this time...t's legal.
[14:31] {nemo} this time spwr going
[14:33] {nemo} I'm gonna' have to watch that again tonight
[14:33] {dino} "het ray, where do those stairs go?"  "up"
[14:33] {dino} hey
[14:33] {nemo} sorry, dont remember that one
[14:33] {dino} ghost busters
[14:34] {nemo} oh sheesh, THOSE braincells rotted a long time ago
[14:34] {dino} went off topic there
[14:34] {nemo} a tad
[14:34] {dino} dogs and cats living together, in sin
[14:34] {nemo} I think I saw that in Germany actually
[14:35] {dino} think this slow afternoon is more that i can bear
[14:35] {dino} or bare
[14:35] {nemo} melt up might have started
[14:35] {nemo} no, vid cam shots please
[14:35] {nemo} finnies look southward
[14:36] {nemo} too much for troub
[14:36] {nemo} did we stray from the path of decency?
01[14:36] {@Threei}  Ping timeout
[14:36] {RonS} path of mendacity?
01[14:37] {@Threei}  rion overloads my limited vocabulary
01[14:37] {@Threei}  ron
[14:37] {nemo} life is fiction
[14:37] {nemo} at least from a historical point of view
[14:37] {nemo} just ask my girlfriend, I never remember things correctly
[14:37] {dino} life's a game, money's the score, play to win
[14:38] {nemo} that's here dino...some places life is the game
[14:38] {nemo} IWM just been dripping away today
[14:39] {nemo} "a Royale with cheese"
[14:40] {nemo} stop above .45 on spwr
[14:40] {nemo} this could be the low though
[14:40] {nemo} especially if the indexes melt up
01[14:42] {@Threei}  half out TZA
01[14:42] {@Threei}  stop to .59
[14:48] {nemo} stop to .40 spwr
[14:52] {dino} tsla drop
[14:53] {nemo} stop to .36
[14:56] {nemo} stop to .22
[14:56] {nemo} look at that .10 bid
[15:02] {nemo} how come I can't get a dino trade
[15:02] {dino} 'cause you're not dino
[15:03] {nemo} wow, that's profound]
[15:03] {dino} anyway, gotta hop, gn all
[15:03] {nemo} shit
[15:03] {nemo} basically a .50 range in the spy today
[15:03] {dino} sfly on radar for tomorrow
[15:03] {nemo} sfly, gpro, spwr, fslr
[15:07] {RonS} lol...They should put today's tape on loop at Guantanamo
[15:07] {nemo} yeah,saw that
01[15:08] {@Threei}  I think we did pretty good for such narrow day
01[15:08] {@Threei}  although yeah, as we discussed in the morning... can't wait for the market to top out and reverse. That's when real fun begins
[15:11] {troub} your experience says most calls will be shorts or longs?
[15:12] {nemo} when?
[15:12] {RonS} w/ a few in-betweens...
01[15:12] {@Threei}  both, with shorts being safer and more numerous
01[15:12] {@Threei}  longs on bounces, a bit more risky
[15:12] {nemo} trade with the trend, but Vad has a tendency to hit counter trades
[15:13] {nemo} Gawd I miss those limit down openings
[15:14] {nemo} Vad cleans up in anarchy
01[15:14] {@Threei}  love anarchy
01[15:14] {@Threei}  panic
[15:14] {nemo} bring forth the dogs of war!!!!
[15:14] {nemo} He came riding on a pale horse
01[15:27] {@Threei}  stop to .64
01[15:28] {@Threei}  LOL;
01[15:51] {@Threei}  closing last TZA +.10
01[15:52] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a great evening, see you tomorrow

[15:56] {nemo} iwm retraced yesterday 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1 2014

Catch of the day: AAPL breakout, aggressive entry

Session Time: Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 2014
[09:04] {dino} gm
01[09:05] {@Threei}  dino :)
01[09:06] {@Threei}  TWTR large blobk 30 cents below the bid
[09:08] {dino} i pm close thirsday
[09:08] {dino} thursday too
01[09:09] {@Threei}  om?
01[09:09] {@Threei}  pm
[09:11] {dino} lol 1:00 om close est on thursday, friday closed
[09:11] {dino} my typing really was off on that one
01[09:11] {@Threei}  no kidding :)
[09:12] {RonS} i thought it was i om...
01[09:12] {@Threei}  ron :)
01[09:14] {@Threei}  TWTR runs
[09:16] {dino} tkr blood
01[09:17] {@Threei}  tat block did signal something
01[09:17] {@Threei}  that
[09:17] {troub} good morning you all
01[09:18] {@Threei}  troub :)
[09:18] {RonS} sheesh, power out
01[09:19] {@Threei}  1 dollar run, TWTR
[09:20] {dino} tkr spinoff
01[09:20] {@Threei}  06:36 [TWTR] TWTR Placing "buy now" buttons in certain tweets, suggesting that a shopping service could launch soon
01[09:29] {@Threei}  wow, vacation week?
01[09:29] {@Threei}  ron lost power
01[09:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .70 break
01[09:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:31] {@Threei}  grr
01[09:31] {@Threei}  1 cent from 1:1
01[09:34] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .65 break
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:38] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .50 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:40] {@Threei} Long Setup:  AAPL  .40 break
01[09:40] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:41] {@Threei}  looks heavy...
01[09:41] {@Threei}  .45 rejects twice
01[09:42] {@Threei}  let's trail to .34
01[09:44] {@Threei}  finally
01[09:44] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:46] {dino} rtn smr l .02
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:2
[09:52] {dino} dg l .95
[09:54] {dino} out dg .07, +.12
01[09:59] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .10 break
01[09:59] {@Threei}  If holds  120
[10:00] {nemo} iwm going for all time highs
01[10:01] {@Threei}  no go
[10:08] {dino} rtn to .52
01[10:08] {@Threei} Short Setup: AAPL  .50 break
01[10:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[10:09] {dino} to .62
01[10:09] {@Threei}  nemo lost connection too
01[10:09] {@Threei}  gremlins all over today
[10:10] {dino} rtn to .72
01[10:11] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:13] {dino} rtn to .82
01[10:14] {@Threei}  was two-sided...
[10:15] {dino} to .92
[10:15] {dino} slow walk
[10:17] {dino} our emes calls two weeks ago, +2.35/30%
[10:18] {dino} dadada rtn to .02
[10:19] {dino} to .12
01[10:21] {@Threei}  got power back Ron?
[10:21] {RonS} yes, finally
[10:22] {dino} to .22
[10:23] {dino} out rtn .22, +1.20
[10:23] {RonS} at least was able to pay for the $250 battery backup by trading camt for +.08 ese size
[10:23] {RonS} wtg dino
[10:23] {dino} ty
01[10:24] {@Threei}  we got nice long on AAPL meanwhile
01[10:24] {@Threei}  but frikin IWM rinsed
[10:24] {RonS} panw getting hit
[10:25] {RonS} usu halt
01[10:26] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .10 break
01[10:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[10:27] {@Threei}  change to .20 break
01[10:27] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[10:29] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[10:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  AAPL  .90 break
01[10:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[10:48] {dino} xone spike
01[10:49] {@Threei}  PLUG Ticking higher on circulation of chatter that BMW could use its technology in a new plant
01[10:52] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .65 break
01[10:52] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[10:55] {dino} dg hl l .55
[10:55] {dino} stop .37
[10:58] {dino} ddd spike
01[10:59] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[11:05] {nemo} this is incredible
[11:09] {nemo} fslr very weak
01[11:22] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .60 break
01[11:22] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[11:23] {nemo} vwap right at .60
[11:25] {RonS} wow prlb
[11:25] {RonS} 3d's squeezing
[11:26] {RonS} ddd xone ssys xone
[11:26] {dino} epam drop
01[11:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  ABBV  .70 break
01[11:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[11:31] {nemo} GS red
[11:34] {dino} gs isn't what it used to be
[11:35] {nemo} it's red today, odd
[11:35] {dino} scanners froze, rebooting
01[11:37] {@Threei}  1:1
[11:40] {nemo} think you just got euphoria in ddd
[11:52] {dino} guess not
[11:53] {nemo} 67.50ish is 61.8 retrace
[11:57] {RonS} sm l staa .36
01[11:58] {@Threei}  White House hints at new sanctions against Russia
01[11:59] {@Threei}  no way
[11:59] {nemo} Putin Pees Pants
[11:59] {nemo} laughing
[11:59] {RonS} lol
[12:03] {goinshort} out Staa - Thanks Ron
[12:04] {dino} still in ron
[12:06] {troub} .
01[12:07] {@Threei}  lost connection troub?
[12:07] {troub} yes.  router trouble
[12:10] {dino} added xone puts
[12:11] {troub} dino, still in DG?
[12:12] {dino} yes
[12:12] {dino} hard stop .37, never hit
[12:12] {dino} in from .55, round 2, first was .95 to .07
[12:13] {troub} thanks, getting broker back up now and see it starting to move.
01[12:14] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .27 break
01[12:14] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[12:14] {dino} ron, staa stuck, anything left in it, was thinking 200dma
[12:16] {dino} staa to .64
01[12:16] {@Threei}  nah
[12:20] {dino} dg to b/e
[12:24] {RonS} out staa .70 +.34
[12:32] {dino} gj
[12:34] {dino} out staa .64, +.20
[12:34] {dino} thx ron
[12:35] {RonS} yw np
01[12:52] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .25 break
01[12:52] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[12:53] {nemo} cat
[12:53] {nemo} oops
[12:54] {dino} damn staa did what i wanted, after my stop
01[12:55] {@Threei}  Israel reports that additional 5 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza
[12:55] {dino} anet spike
[12:56] {dino} these spikes are crazy, anet +8
[12:56] {nemo} gwph dino
[12:58] {dino} even i won't touch that one
[13:00] {RonS} jesus, another buck in staa...
[13:00] {nemo} wow
[13:01] {dino} yeah, had stop too tight on that one
[13:02] {dino} dg to .74
[13:03] {nemo} ali baba baby
01[13:07] {@Threei}  stop to .19
01[13:07] {@Threei}  touched 1 cent from 1:1
[13:10] {dino} dg stop .74, +.19
[13:18] {nemo} things are beginning to get frothy out there
[13:19] {dino} look at vxx, all time lows
[13:19] {nemo} no pullback until the ali baba payday
[13:19] {dino} when is that?
[13:20] {nemo} Think there shooting for august 8-9ish
[13:20] {nemo} they're
[13:20] {dino} we'll pull back before that, gut says next week while i'm away
[13:21] {nemo} look how 3-D printers moved today on printed blood vessels that are still YEARS away
01[13:21] {@Threei}  half out CAT
[13:21] {nemo} maybe a % or 2, but they aren't letting this come in until that payday
[13:21] {dino} i see they print food now, like star trek
[13:21] {nemo} how big a market will 3-d printing be?
[13:21] {dino} watched star trek last night, put some humor in that, i liked it
[13:22] {nemo} the original series?
[13:22] {dino} the movie
[13:22] {nemo} V'ger?
[13:22] {dino} newest one, called star trek
[13:22] {nemo} ahhhhh
[13:22] {dino} black hole creators. time travel
[13:23] {nemo} ahh the first reboot, yeah they did a nice job
[13:23] {dino} was on fx, good flick if you like trek
[13:24] {dino} nemo, how far does xone drop?
[13:25] {nemo} 43.50 bounce
[13:25] {dino} ok, getting out of puts around there
[13:25] {nemo} 44 possible too
[13:25] {nemo} should go back and try to test vwap
[13:26] {nemo} if the market comes in it might not
[13:26] {nemo} imo
[13:26] {nemo} of course
[13:27] {nemo} here's the hammer, let's see if it holds
[13:28] {nemo} that's a big doji
[13:28] {RonS} gogo l .07
[13:29] {dino} chart looks down to r1
[13:29] {nemo} bounced at 2 day vwap which was same level as that breakout
[13:30] {nemo} spy looks like it might come in a bit
[13:31] {dino} damn hell of a bounce
[13:31] {nemo} gonna' backtest vwap
[13:31] {dino} nice call hit around 43.50s
[13:31] {nemo} not as dumb as I look
[13:32] {dino} option spread was too wide to get out where i wanted
[13:32] {nemo} hit the two day vwap to the penny
[13:32] {goinshort} nice !  got in 43.98
[13:33] {dino} gj
[13:33] {dino} imo get out
[13:33] {nemo} yep, it can't get above vwap, it either flatlines or comes in
[13:33] {dino} lol i complain about optin spread, but stock is just as wide
[13:44] {dino} out covered july 45 puts, 3.70, +1.40 0r 61%
[13:46] {nemo} well rounded up
[13:47] {dino} :)
[13:52] {dino} still have 5 left
[13:55] {dino} damn 44 tough
[13:56] {nemo} unless indexes come in...3D is binky of the day
[13:59] {dino} psix drop
[14:04] {nemo} ESRX
[14:08] {dino} out remainder xone 3.67, +1.37
[14:10] {dino} psix still dropping
[14:12] {dino} kpti drop
[14:28] {dino} psix vsm l .00, wide
01[14:32] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .10 break
01[14:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[14:59] {@Threei}  grrr
[15:00] {goinshort} stupid cat
01[15:00] {@Threei}  really
[15:01] {goinshort} ok back to red
[15:01] {dino} psix stop
[15:06] {dino} kpti drop
01[15:06] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .40 break
01[15:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
[15:09] {dino} moves are getting funky/oversized
01[15:11] {@Threei}  what the deuce
[15:16] {dino} holiday trading seems to have begun
01[15:21] {@Threei}  ugh... .20 was it but happened a bit too fast
[15:23] {dino} reload psix vsm ave .00
[15:24] {dino} suckers all over the tape
[15:25] {nemo} watch spwr tomorrow
[15:26] {dino} why?
[15:26] {nemo} look at daily and other solars
[15:27] {dino} damn, usu kept going up
01[15:29] {@Threei}  can't believe this IWM treacherous trick
01[15:29] {@Threei}  I feel betrayed... sniff sniff
[15:29] {nemo} iwm spy and fas did the same thing
[15:30] {dino} anet spike
[15:31] {nemo} not shortable
01[15:35] {@Threei}  up or down for the closez/
01[15:35] {@Threei}  ?
[15:36] {dino} steady, +140-160
[15:41] {dino} pia trade psix, sucker ticks off some 68.59 then drops bid to 68.12
01[15:42] {@Threei}  last attempt
01[15:42] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .40 break
01[15:42] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
[15:42] {dino} anet continues, as does coo
[15:44] {dino} that sob, 68.50, now bids 67.74
01[15:49] {@Threei}  let't try it here instead
01[15:49] {@Threei}  .32
01[15:50] {@Threei}  stop .24
01[15:50] {@Threei}  hopefully scalp
[15:51] {nemo} coming in
01[15:51] {@Threei}  stop to .29
01[15:52] {@Threei}  shrug
01[15:53] {@Threei}  thanks guys, have a good evening
01[15:53] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:53] {nemo} thanks for the warning
[15:54] {dino} finally, out psix .60, +.60
[15:57] {goinshort} out Cat 1:2 almost -
01[15:57] {@Threei}  wtg
[15:57] {dino} gj
[15:57] {goinshort} everyones gone
[15:57] {goinshort} lol
[15:57] {dino} calling it a day, thx all and gn
[15:58] {goinshort} see ya sll -thanks
[15:58] {dino} best day in a month
01[15:58] {@Threei}  :)

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30 2014

Nice morning with 1:3 and a few scalps, followed by low volume seesaw with a few small stops.

 Session Time: Mon Jun 30 00:00:00 2014
[08:58] {dino} bk hl s .51
01[08:58] {@Threei}  morning dino
[09:07] {dino} gm
01[09:13] {@Threei}  FB, so far .55 break long
[09:15] {troub} good morning you all
01[09:15] {@Threei}  troub :)
[09:15] {RonS} howdy and good morning
01[09:15] {@Threei}  ron :)
01[09:18] {@Threei}  if FB waits for us and holds like this into open, .55 break long with stop under .45
[09:19] {nemo} I'm having clearinghouse issues again
01[09:19] {@Threei}  you tried to place an order?
[09:20] {nemo} oh yeah, there was also a system message...2 or 3 days a month been happening
01[09:20] {@Threei}  not all accounts are affected
[09:20] {nemo} nope
01[09:21] {@Threei}  West Africa Ebola epidemic is 'out of control'
01[09:25] {@Threei}  short week btw
01[09:32] {@Threei} Short Setup: TWTR  .10 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[09:32] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .45 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
01[09:33] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:34] {dino} bk stop, .70 -.18
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:3
01[09:35] {@Threei}  out
[09:36] {thomcbell} yhoo very firm
[09:36] {nemo} ali baba coming
01[09:36] {@Threei}  yeah, I am actually surprised by weak daily
01[09:37] {@Threei}  would expect it to run into IPO, and drop right after
01[09:40] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .90 break
01[09:40] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:41] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .15 break
01[09:45] {@Threei}  Copy limit is reached
01[09:45] {@Threei}  oops
[09:45] {dino} bk s .61
01[09:45] {@Threei}  *(US) JUN CHICAGO PURCHASING MANAGER: 62.6 V 63.0E
01[09:45] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
[09:47] {RonS} sale l 26.93
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:50] {RonS} tsl l 12.59
01[09:52] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .90 break
01[09:54] {@Threei}  If holds  50
[09:54] {nemo} spy .30 range
01[09:56] {@Threei}  still, we found 3 winning plays, one of them 1:3
[09:57] {dino} emes spike
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) MAY PENDING HOME SALES M/M: 6.1% V 1.2%E; Y/Y: -6.9% V -9.6%E
[09:59] {dino} cov bk .38, +.23
[10:06] {dino} \petm sm l .95
01[10:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  41 break
01[10:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[10:12] {@Threei}  issue's fixed, nemo
[10:12] {nemo} yep
[10:13] {nemo} mine was o.k. just before the open
[10:15] {RonS} out tsl 12.85 +.25
[10:15] {nemo} missed tna .30 break
[10:17] {dino} petm to .25
[10:19] {RonS} out sale 27.15 +.22
[10:19] {dino} gj
[10:19] {dino} out petm .28,
[10:19] {dino} +.33
[10:27] {RonS} BREAKING: Supreme Court overturns contraceptive mandate in Affordable Care Act
[10:27] {nemo} frankly, I like the idea of people not breeding
[10:28] {thomcbell} wuba looks vulnerable to profit taking
[10:28] {thomcbell} money is going into the other names YY BITA QIHU SINA ETC
[10:31] {dino} smr l emes .50 gappy sucker
[10:32] {dino} i'm w/ya on the not breeding thing nemo
[10:38] {nemo} agn looks short
01[10:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  P  .50 break
01[10:43] {@Threei}  If holds  .45
01[10:43] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:47] {nemo} twtr looks long over .60
[10:48] {nemo} made a liar out of me
[10:56] {nemo} tna above .90
[10:58] {nemo} wow got choppy out there
[11:03] {dino} emes to .00
[11:05] {dino} out emes .00, +.50
01[11:06] {@Threei}  wtg
01[11:07] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .65 break
01[11:07] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[11:07] {dino} ty
[11:08] {dino} axdx drop
01[11:10] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[11:14] {@Threei}  71% Think IRS Likely to Have Destroyed E-mails to Hide Guilt
01[11:14] {@Threei}  that obvious huh?
[11:15] {dino} surprsed not 100%
[11:15] {Raven} 75% don't have a clue that there is any issue with the IRS
01[11:15] {@Threei}  well, it's a very good correlation with 27-29% regularly answering that USA is heading in the right direction'
[11:16] {troub} actually is 100% dino, but 29% got lost.
01[11:17] {@Threei}  lol
[11:19] {dino} hain smr s .13 stop .31
[11:21] {dino} lol
[11:29] {thomcbell} what is driving HAIN
[11:29] {dino} dk
01[11:30] {@Threei}  nothing fresh on HAIN
01[11:30] {@Threei}  BBRY Strength may be attributable to article making positive comments about the future of BBRY
[11:44] {dino} gwph crazy
01[11:47] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .55 break
01[11:47] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
[11:49] {RonS} gwph reefer madness...
01[11:52] {@Threei}  (DE) Germany Fin Min Schaeuble: The EU needs both an energy union and a digital union
01[11:52] {@Threei}  it's a union galore
01[11:52] {@Threei}  unionfest
01[11:52] {@Threei}  the more unions the merrier
[11:58] {dino} hain to .93
[12:00] {dino} cov hain .83, +.30
01[12:07] {@Threei}  gotta switcvh to fades
01[12:07] {@Threei}  direct setups stopped working
01[12:24] {@Threei}  watching IWM for pullback entry
01[12:24] {@Threei}  between .35 and .40 most likely
[12:46] {nemo} Raven leaves and Corvus arrives...can't make this shit up
[12:49] {dino} lol
[12:49] {dino} axdx smr l .50 hooker
[12:51] {nemo} fang you're kinda' stock dino
[12:59] {dino} out axdx .93,.43
[12:59] {dino} +.43
[13:02] {thomcbell} have a good day guys - have to run
01[13:02] {@Threei}  take care thom
[13:19] {nemo} computer decided to go blue screenon me
01[13:20] {@Threei}  yuck
01[13:27] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .85 break
01[13:27] {@Threei}  If holds  .78
01[13:51] {@Threei}  meh
[13:51] {nemo} yeah, breakdown breakouts, iffy
01[13:59] {@Threei}  Russian tanks openly move to Luhansk, eyewitness says
[14:04] {RonS} good thing they don't have stealth tanks...
[14:04] {RonS} teachers still on strike?
01[14:04] {@Threei}  seems indefinitely
01[14:05] {@Threei}  there is no signs of an end
01[14:06] {@Threei}  labor board deemed summer school essential services so they are legislated back to work for that
01[14:06] {@Threei}  other than that, no slightest sign of negotiations moving anywhere
01[14:09] {@Threei}  Phrase assigned by internet jokers to russian propaganda masters: "we will drown in blood those who question our peaceful intentions"
01[14:10] {@Threei}  (US) President Obama plans to make a statement on immigration reform at 14:50ET - Will seek to fix as much as of the immigration system as is possible through executive orders - Reminder: earlier reports this weekend indicated Obama was seeking to ask Congress for $2B in efforts to handle the border crossings and security issues - Note: House Speaker Boehner (D-OH) has indicated in the past he does not plan a vote on immigration reform for this year
[14:33] {nemo} [2:31:45 PM] mark ierardo: anybody know what Dolly Parton looked like before her inflatables?
01[14:33] {@Threei}  do we want to?
[14:34] {nemo} Question floats through from time to time
[14:34] {nemo} I'm not much on augmentations in the first place
[14:34] {dino} betcha she floats w/them
[14:34] {nemo} Yeah...I remember talking a woman out of getting them one night
[14:35] {nemo} at a bar
[14:35] {nemo} think I had my priorities backwards
[14:36] {nemo} If we ever have what was once considered a normal market correction, people will be jumping out of windows
[14:37] {nemo} So, had the house torn apart to clean carpets this weekend.  Bunny was apoplectic.
[14:37] {nemo} Nothing was where it was supposed to be
[14:37] {nemo} I threw a coupla' valerian root capsules in with her food
[14:40] {nemo} bid pull, or did they  invade the Ukraine
[14:43] {dino} axdx smr l .50
01[14:43] {@Threei}  no news
[14:43] {nemo} an .18 pullback and no news?  wtf
01[14:44] {@Threei}  GM announced 6 additional recalls but what's the news in that
01[14:50] {@Threei}  (UR) Reportedly Ukraine military is moving large column of armor toward disputed city in Eastern Ukraine, ceasefire to officially end at 15:00ET - press - Reportedly President Poroshenko to address the nation and declare martial law in eastern Ukraine shortly
01[14:50] {@Threei}  knew that 2 hours ago
01[14:50] {@Threei}  didn't realize it was news to move the market
[15:06] {dino} .
01[15:07] {@Threei}  Live video: President Obama delivers statement on immigration reform from the White House
[15:08] {dino} thank god, must have been 24 hours without him on tv
01[15:08] {@Threei}  you mean he hasn't hit 6 daily talk shows yesterday?
[15:08] {dino} :)
[15:10] {dino} axdx to .85
[15:11] {dino} to .90
[15:13] {dino} to .98
01[15:17] {@Threei}  US) President Obama: To bypass Congress and act to make changes to immigration policy - Held off for a year on cajoling Boehner to try to move on immigration, but House will not move to vote on a bill. - To continue to reach out to House Republicans in hopes they will pass a comprehensive immigration bill.
[15:17] {dino} dictator obummer
01[15:17] {@Threei}  (IQ) Reportedly US security figures believe terror threat from ISIS against US targets is "extremely high" - NBC - ISIS developing bomb making skills and has recruited foreign fighters that would enable it to target US, UK and Europe interests.
[15:19] {dino} to .09
[15:20] {dino} out axdx .08 slip, +.58
01[15:20] {@Threei}  wtg
[15:20] {dino} ty
01[15:21] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  .90 break
01[15:21] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[15:24] {@Threei}  two-sided
[15:25] {nemo} .72 is pivot
01[15:29] {@Threei}  love the morning, hate the afternoon
01[15:29] {@Threei}  let's cancel afternoons
[15:29] {nemo} afternoons are like marriage
[15:29] {dino} agreed
01[15:40] {@Threei}  ok... drop now
[15:40] {dino} bph drop
01[15:40] {@Threei}  and die horribler death
[15:40] {dino} tbph
01[15:42] {@Threei}  California Gov Brown signs law repealing former ban on use of currencies that are not US legal tender in the state - press - Bill AB 129 covers not only bitcoin but also currencies that are specific to communities and also points for customer reward system
01[15:42] {@Threei}  right, let's open that wormhole
[15:42] {dino} govt has lost its mind giving up currency control, imo
01[15:44] {@Threei}  if you set a target of country destruction and setting the wolrd on fire, this govt is very focused and highly effective
[15:45] {dino} indeed
[15:45] {dino} and our current govt is very adept at giving away our hard won gains
01[15:48] {@Threei}  President Obama announces 'new effort' to do what he can independently to overhaul immigration while Congress stalls
01[15:48] {@Threei}  Cease-fire declared by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expires without any immediate word on extension
01[15:49] {@Threei}  Israeli prime minister in response to deaths of kidnapped teens: 'Hamas will pay.'
01[15:50] {@Threei}  let's trail TWTR to .86
01[15:54] {@Threei}  Ok guys, thank you all
01[15:54] {@Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:54] {dino} gn all

Friday, June 27, 2014

Market Week Wrap-up  Weekly Market UpdateSummer Doldrums Arrive Early

- The second quarter still has one session left to go on Monday, however there was very little quarter-end repositioning driving trading volumes or volatility any higher this week. The final reading of first quarter US GDP came in much lower at -2.9%, however markets ignored this well-trodden story to concentrate on more recent, more positive numbers: the May Markit manufacturing PMI reading pushed out to 61, its highest level since May 2010; May new home sales surged 18.6% from April to an adjusted rate of 504K, the highest level since 2008; and May core PCE at 1.5%. Similarly positive data were seen out of China and Japan, while European indicators held steady at a low level of growth and inflation. The S&P500 made an all-time intraday high on Tuesday and then edged lower, while European bourses moved lower all week. For the week, the DJIA dropped 0.6%, the S&P500 fell 0.1% and the Nasdaq gained 0.7.

- The annualized May core PCE, the Fed's preferred measure of inflation, grew 1.5%, right in line with consensus expectations. This is the highest rate of growth in the measure since February 2013, and the overall reaction to the data among analysts and the Fed was very measured this week. The headline PCE was a bit higher, at 1.8%. Fed dove Bullard said PCE inflation would not get above 2% until 2015 but warned that the Fed is much closer to achieving its goals and the economy is doing much better than most people realize. While Bullard also reiterated his view that rate hikes would not be appropriate until the first quarter of 2015, Bullard's firm tone helped force equity markets lower on Thursday morning. Fed hawk Lacker said the recent inflation data was not just "noise" and that inflation measures would head higher this year. Lacker also warned it would be a mistake to allow inflation to get out of control before the Fed started raising rates. Recall that last week, Fed Chair Yellen said "...recent readings on, for example, the CPI index have been a bit on the high side, but I think the data we're seeing is noisy."

- The final revision of the weather-impacted US first quarter GDP missed expectations and sank much lower, to -2.9% from the -1.0% preliminary figure. This was the fastest rate of decline since the Great Recession and the largest drop recorded since the end of World War II that wasn't part of an official recession. However, nearly every component of the final reading was very modestly adjusted with the exception of imports and exports (which more or less cancelled each other out), and the services PCE, which was revised to +1.5% from +4.3% in the preliminary data, driven entirely by updated estimates of health care spending. The feds had assumed medical services would be up sharply due to expanded access under the ACA, but the latest quarterly services survey showed few signs of acceleration. After the data, Barclays adjusted its call to +2.9% from +4% in its prior view, to reflect a more modest rebound in Q2 consumption growth. TD Ameritrade cut its Q2 GDP view to +3.0% from +3.6% prior.

- Oil prices spiked higher on Tuesday on reports the Obama administration had cleared the way for the first exports of US crude oil in 40 years. Federal officials informed two energy firms - Pioneer Natural Resources and Enterprise Products Partners - they can legally export ultra-light oil condensate, which is a product of shale drilling. The front-month WTI crude contract traded as high as $107.50 before the Commerce Department clarified that there had been no broad change in policy. Commerce said that the two companies were granted permission to export shale condensate only after it had been run through a distillation tower to become a petroleum product and only because of a large oversupply of condensate, clarifying that the move had no larger implications for crude exports. Nevertheless, refiners tanked on Wednesday, with Valero down 10% or so on the week.

- On Friday Ukraine signed the historic free-trade agreement with the European Union that has been at the heart of months of violence and upheaval in the country, drawing an immediate threat of "grave consequences" from Russia. Ukraine President Poroshenko declared a unilateral ceasefire for the week, however hostilities continued, with both sides exchanging fire on several occasions. The tentative ceasefire is expected to extend through Monday to allow of an attempt at peace talks. Western powers reiterated they stand ready to impose more sanctions if Russia fails to make a good faith effort de-escalate the tensions and return full control of Ukraine's border to the Kiev government.

- The US Supreme Court ruled against Barry Diller's Aereo streaming television service, calling it a broad violation of broadcaster copyrights. The sweeping and definitive ruling was split 6 to 3, and the majority opinion went out of its way to call out Aereo as the equivalent of a cable company, not merely an equipment provider. They also emphasized that the ruling does not endanger other technologies, including cloud computing technology. Mr. Diller said the ruling was the end of the road for Aereo, calling the ruling a big loss for consumers.

- In earnings, shares of Nike gained ground on impressive fourth quarter numbers, beating on the top and bottom line. Futures orders were up 11%, while even China - previously a soft spot - appears to have made a fully recovery from its inventory adjustment with a 4% rise in sales. Walgreen missed bottom-line expectations in its third quarter, but bevenue was up 6% y/y and met consensus views while Rx comps were up 6.3%. Walgreen also said it was considering reincorporating in Switzerland for tax reasons as part of its combination with Alliance Boots. Monsanto beat earnings expectations in its third quarter results and authorized a big new share buyback program. Note that earnings were down 5% y/y and revenue missed expectations, dragged lower by a 16% y/y decline in sales of genetically-engineered corn seeds. Homebuilders Lennar and KB Homes reported very strong quarterly results, with robust gains in new home sales and strong growth in backlogs.

- In M&A news, France's Alstom accepted General Electric's $13.5 billion offer to acquire the firm's power generation and grid businesses, with the additional caveat that GE enter three JVs with Alstom for grid infrastructure, renewable power equipment and nuclear power. The deal comes after the French government got an option to buy as much as 20% of Alstom from Bouygues following the closing of the deal, giving the government the guarantee it needed that Alstom will remain a French firm. Oracle reached a deal to acquire Micros Systems for $68/share in cash, in a total deal valued at $5.3B. This is the company's biggest buy since acquiring Sun Microsystems for $7.4 billion back in 2009. Midwest utilities Wisconsin Energy and Integrys Energy entered an all-stock merger valued at $9.1 billion.

- FX markets remained locked in tight ranges for yet another week as volatility declined even further. Analysts noted as long as US bond yields were in retreat and the US yield curve continued its bullish steepening, the greenback should stay offered, pushing volatility even lower and keeping the carry trade in play. Volatility in the EUR/USD pair matched all-time lows at 4.55%. GBP/USD saw a little profit-taking after failing to close above the pivotal 1.7050 weekly chart point. USD/JPY slid lower, dropping below its 200-day moving average to end the week around 101.34 largely due to US rates. Key support is at 100.70 and could ignite downside momentum if broken.

- China HSBC flash manufacturing PMI for June returned to expansionary territory for the first time in six months, signaling the "targeted mini-stimulus" measures orchestrated by policymakers are starting to gain some traction. The data showed an upward inflection in input prices and improvement in the employment component, although growth in new export orders slowed. HSBC chief China economist said he expects continued accommodative policy until the recovery is sustained. China Beige Book assessment of Q2 was more measured, indicating fewer companies had access to credit amid weakening investment environment. Shanghai Composite ended the week up 0.5%.

- Trading in Tokyo was decidedly more bearish as Nikkei225 fell 1.7%, weighed down by firmer Yen and even more fodder for the BOJ to stick to its guns on policy. May unemployment rate fell to a 17-year low of 3.5%, while job-to-applicant ratio hit a 22-year high of 1.09x. Inflation figures also maintained their upward trend, with core Japan-wide CPI reaching its highest point since 1982. Japan PM Abe formally unveiled his "3rd arrow" plans early in the week, announcing plans to cut the corporate tax rate from current 35%+ to below 30% over the next few years, enact portfolio management reforms for pension funds, and revise the tax system with intent on promoting the number of women in the workforce.