Thursday, August 9, 2007

August 9, 2007

Session Start: Thu Aug 09 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Thu Aug 09 00:00:00 2007

[05:21] {DaveG} morning
[05:41] {BillyD} Dave:)
[05:57] {DaveG} looking like a -500 day today
[05:57] {cosmo} lots of nice knives out there
[05:58] {BillyD} wow...that bad huh
[05:58] {cosmo} so far
[06:04] {Threei} Good morning
[06:05] {BillyD} Hi Vad :)
[06:05] {DaveG} hey vad
[06:05] {Threei} Billy :)
[06:05] {Threei} hey, who killed market?
[06:05] {DaveG} i went long
[06:05] {DaveG} kidding :)
[06:06] {DaveG} apparently, there was a funnel cloud in Schaumburg, my town, yesterday
[06:07] {cosmo} EU freezes $2B ...Fed adds $12B in response
[06:07] {DaveG} new nq lows
[06:08] {cosmo}
[06:09] {markweb} gm all
[06:09] {Threei} mark :)
[06:09] {markweb} :)
[06:09] {Threei} OK, I am officially scared and want day off
[06:09] {Threei} want to find big but not too noticeable rock and crawl under it
[06:10] {cosmo} gm = gory morning?
[06:10] {Threei} with bottle of Innis&Gunn
[06:10] {Threei} two better
[06:14] {DaveG} whats Innis&Gunn?
[06:15] {DaveG} oh, beer
[06:15] {Threei}
[06:15] {Threei} google era dave... get with the program
[06:15] {gabby} morning RT's. Not another up up up day???
[06:15] {DaveG} :)
[06:15] {magoo} morning rt
[06:16] {Threei} gabby, magoo :)
[06:16] {gabby} Good morning RT's Not another up up and up day ??
[06:16] {gabby} even twice
[06:16] {Threei} lol
[06:17] {Threei} that reinforces the point
[06:19] {cosmo} OMRI @ pre mkt high = 25.25 fwiw
[06:19] {BillyD} you use the standard capitulation alert window in Iscan
[06:20] {BillyD} the set up formula
[06:20] {cosmo} GGBM: Gigabeam received purchase order for two WiFiber links
[06:20] {cosmo} (Thu 8:40am)
[06:20] {Threei} hmmm... can't remember if I tweaked it at some point
[06:24] {magoo} vad, your turn this morn
[06:24] {DaveG} wait
[06:24] {DaveG} i've been good
[06:25] {Threei} how good?
[06:25] {DaveG} pretty good
[06:25] {cosmo} OMRI may try.... who knows why
[06:25] {Threei} sorry dave, not good enough
[06:25] * Threei slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:25] {DaveG} doh!
[06:26] {Roman} OMRI Omrix Biopharma upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Oppenheimer-tgt $35 (29.98 ) -Update-
[06:26] {cosmo} ah
[06:26] {Roman} Gapping down on weak earning/guidance/same store sales: AIRN -23.9%, CTRN -17.3%, OMRI -16.6%, SIRO -15.3%, INSP -12.2%, JOSB -10.3%, CELL -9.5%, NSTK -6.2%...
[06:26] {Roman} Major financials trading down after BNP Paribas suspended withdrawals in three funds; Bernstein cut ests on the group: BSC -4.8%, GS -4.0%, MS -4.0%, MER -3.6%...
[06:27] {Roman} Other news: RAS -14.2% (still checking for anything new), HD -6.4% (in discussions to restructure pending sale of HD Supply; could result in a reduction in the $10.325 bln purchase price).
[06:31] {cosmo} GGBM pre mkt high = 6 fwiw
[06:31] {magoo} i have no charts..anyone eklse?
[06:32] {BillyD} no
[06:33] {Roman} PEIX
[06:33] {Roman} long setup
[06:34] {cosmo} GGBM gonna test 6
[06:35] {Threei} I knew that crawling under the rock with beer in hand idea was a good one
[06:35] {DaveG} lol
[06:35] {Threei} 09:33:44 ADMIN7 --} (All): We are fixing the charts right now.
[06:37] {dino} gm all
[06:38] {Threei} dino :)
[06:40] {Roman} long XMSR
[06:40] {Roman} 1/3
[06:42] {cosmo} NOVC happy
[06:44] {Threei} charts are back
[06:44] {Threei} EGOV
[06:44] {Threei} 7.51 long
[06:45] {Threei} half lot
[06:45] {Threei} under 7.35 invalidated
[06:45] {BillyD} whew...just took ELON at 30.05 and out .59 and .74
[06:45] {BillyD} lucky
[06:45] {Threei} wtg
[06:46] {BillyD} ty
[06:47] {magoo} so EGOV invalid?
[06:48] {Threei} if sets up from here, still OK
[06:50] {BillyD} vol low
[06:53] {cosmo} OMRI wants green
[06:53] {Threei} small shares ELON over .50 long
[06:54] {magoo} remember how rug got yanked on ELON yesterday
[06:54] {magoo} 3 points down in 3 secs
[06:55] {BillyD} GGBM keeping an eye on
[06:55] {Threei} aggressive entry here with stop under 30, SMALL shares
[06:56] {BillyD} in GGBM .21
[06:58] {Roman} LEND
[06:58] {Threei} feel free to take profit ELON if you got it between .30 -.40
[06:59] {Threei} HOKU half lot long if 9.50 scrolls
[07:00] {Threei} stop under .35
[07:00] {magoo} ion hoku
[07:00] {magoo} out ELON now 31
[07:01] {magoo} THANX vad
[07:01] {Threei} welcome sir
[07:01] {Threei} HOKU stop to .39
[07:01] {dino} hl l ma .05
[07:02] {Threei} 1:1
[07:02] {magoo} out hoku .78, ty
[07:02] * Threei crawls from under the rock, throws away empty Innis&Gunn bottle and states that life is still good
[07:03] {Threei} 1:2
[07:03] {gabby} tks 3i. the winners are coming fast
[07:03] {magoo} only to find magoo there asleep, empty bottlre stoli on lap
[07:03] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:03] {Threei} rofl
[07:03] {BillyD} nic eHOKU Vad
[07:04] {Threei} mama mia ELON
[07:04] {Threei} I keep selling this sucker too soon
[07:04] {dino} clwr l hl .80
[07:04] {magoo} me too...i had a feeling
[07:05] {BillyD} out GGBM -.12
[07:05] {magoo} what about a short scalp somewhere?
[07:05] {Threei} scarier than trying to take desert from Roman with one hand while stealing my beer with another
[07:06] {magoo} although magoo has pulled that off
[07:06] {Threei} well, sometimes you eat bear...
[07:07] {Threei} sheesh HOKU
[07:07] {dino} dino seeing that one
[07:07] {Threei} if looking at this day at its beginning someone would have told me this is not the day to take quick scalps but to ride them...
[07:08] {Threei} TINY news?
[07:09] {magoo} sh pcln off 77
[07:10] {dino} fwlt stopped -.50
[07:11] {Threei} TINY half lot long on .50 break
[07:11] {Threei} .34 stop
[07:11] {dino} not fwlt, it was ma
[07:15] {Threei} TASR non-stop...
[07:16] * Threei kicks TINY in its tiny rear
[07:22] {Roman} LULU?
[07:23] {Roman} NOVC on radar
[07:23] {Roman} thin
[07:24] {Roman} Novacea upgraded by Bear Stearns
[07:24] {Roman} (Thu 8:49am)
[07:27] {Roman} VG Vonage CFO says new customers will exceed Q2 levels, sees net adds expected to be higher going forward- Bloomberg (2.47 +0.27) -Update-
[07:30] {Roman} AUXL going for another sqeeze
[07:32] {cosmo} oh gee ... here comes Bush
[07:32] {Threei} what's the topic?
[07:32] {cosmo} dunno yet
[07:33] {cosmo} vacation maybe
[07:33] {Threei} cool
[07:33] {cosmo} in TX?
[07:33] {Threei} no?
[07:33] {cosmo} hot
[07:33] {Threei} non-airconditioned rancho?
[07:33] {cosmo} hmm
[07:34] {dino} hl l fwlt .20
[07:35] {cosmo} econ pep talk happening
[07:36] {lklarson} out HOKU +1.04
[07:36] * Threei slaps lklarson around a bit with a large trout
[07:36] {lklarson} thx boss
[07:36] {Threei} you are very welcome
[07:36] {Threei} as indicated above {G}
[07:37] {dino} wtg lkl
[07:38] {Threei} TINY 1:1
[07:38] {lklarson} holding that long was hard for me:)
[07:38] {BillyD} ss EMMS .19
[07:40] {cosmo} BOBJ test hod
[07:41] {cosmo} 41.69
[07:42] {Roman} long TRMP
[07:42] {Roman} 7.88
[07:43] {Threei} out TINY
[07:43] {Threei} and let me warn you... first who posts 1 dollar gain on TINY long after I took my measly 25 cents gets slapped twice
[07:44] {lklarson} lol
[07:44] * Threei pretends he is not looking at lkl while saying that
[07:55] {Roman} IRSN Irvine Sensors: Federal Business Opportunities site discloses IRSN wins A-3D Modular Integration for massively stacked systems contract for $3.4 mln (1.56 +0.00)
[07:58] {dino} hl l fslr .60
[08:14] {BillyD} it's like time stopped
[08:15] {BillyD} and someone forgot to tell me
[08:15] {Threei} we are in chronosynclastic infundibula
[08:15] {Threei} you didn't know?
[08:15] {BillyD} oh boy
[08:19] {Threei} before dave asks...
[08:19] {Threei} Chronosynclastic infundibula are interesting locations in space-time, studied primarily by people known as quantum infundibulists, who are specialists in the mathematics of infinite probability.
[08:20] {BillyD} my EMMS not working so far
[08:20] {dino} clwr stop to .10
[08:22] {dino} out clwr +.30
[08:24] {BillyD} in HOKU .50
[08:26] {DaveG} i knew that vad
[08:26] {DaveG} yeah
[08:26] {Threei} whew
[08:31] {dino} fslr stopped -.45
[08:32] {BillyD} out 1/4 HOKU +.16
[08:33] {cosmo} I know that place....
[08:33] {cosmo} everyone is right all of the time, even when your mother-in-law is visiting
[08:34] {Threei} nice one billy
[08:34] {BillyD} out more +.35
[08:35] {BillyD} and rest +.35
[08:35] {BillyD} ty Vad
[08:36] {lklarson} nice billy
[08:36] {BillyD} thx still in
[08:37] {lklarson} no, took my profits and ran:)
[08:37] {BillyD} lol
[08:37] {lklarson} hiding under a rock now
[08:38] {BillyD} w/ money in hand :)
[08:38] {lklarson} yes:)
[08:39] {BillyD} it held the .40 area way too well
[08:39] {BillyD} I wanted to short it
[08:39] {BillyD} went long instead
[08:41] {lklarson} yes, was tempted to get in, kind of a cointoss at that point
[08:41] {BillyD} dino says: aren't they all
[08:42] {lklarson} yes:)
[08:44] {BillyD} expected more breathing on it
[08:45] {BillyD} shorts breathing heavy
[08:47] {dino} :)\
[08:53] {BillyD} cov'd 1/2 EMMS +.14
[09:00] {BillyD} anyone playing HOKU
[09:02] {BillyD} out rest EMMS +.19
[09:04] {Threei} cool beans
[09:04] {Threei} Roman, dcc please
[09:05] {BillyD} playing HOKU
[09:05] {magoo} nope
[09:05] {BillyD} maybe short thru .40 bid
[09:05] {magoo} avail?
[09:06] {BillyD} is here in prop acct
[09:09] {BillyD} it's holding so far
[09:10] {dino} risky, hl l ryaay .25
[09:15] {BillyD} ss hoku .37
[09:15] {magoo} not availretailt
[09:18] {BillyD} cov'd 1/2 +.08
[09:19] {BillyD} more +.12....
[09:20] {BillyD} not sure if it's me or stock still strong
[09:21] {BillyD} out rest here
[09:22] {Threei} great scalping footwork
[09:22] {Threei} very much in the zone billy
[09:22] {BillyD} thx vad
[09:22] {dino} yes bd, great job
[09:22] {BillyD} dino:)
[09:24] {Threei} I hate to do that but... BQI 5.01 long if stays above 4.90
[09:24] {BillyD} nice chart
[09:25] {BillyD} ohhh....AMEX
[09:25] {BillyD} very hated
[09:26] {Threei} that's why I hate to do that... but look at ECN participation, you'll see why I start considering those more
[09:26] {BillyD} makes sense
[09:26] {Threei} ARCA fills are as instant as we know and appreciate
[09:27] {BillyD} do you mainly use ARCA route out for trades or ISLD
[09:27] {Threei} on listeds, yes
[09:27] {Threei} ARCA
[09:27] {BillyD} ok
[09:27] {DaveG} order burgers, what'dyall want
[09:27] {DaveG} ordering
[09:28] {Threei} keep the vegetables... the rest doesn'tr matter
[09:28] {BillyD} white castle here
[09:29] {DaveG} i have never had wc
[09:30] {BillyD} memories....good every now and then
[09:30] {BillyD} greasy
[09:31] {DaveG} the guy outside my window is back
[09:31] {Threei} told you, cut the cable
[09:31] {Raven} is he still naked ?
[09:33] {DaveG} good lord raven
[09:33] {DaveG} thats just wrong
[09:33] {DaveG} hey Raven, the tornado sirens went off yesterday
[09:33] {Raven} just checking
[09:33] {Threei} Mikelandgelo(sp?) would disagree
[09:33] {DaveG} scared me
[09:33] {Raven} skeery, huh ?
[09:34] {DaveG} yeah
[09:34] {Raven} enjoy the midwest :)
[09:34] {DaveG} i love the weather, just no more sirens
[09:35] {BillyD} move out of the projects dave
[09:35] {Raven} you like the humidity ?
[09:35] {DaveG} it's not that bad
[09:35] {Raven} a lot worse than CA
[09:35] {BillyD} dave after don't mind humidity
[09:35] {DaveG} i'm inside more than not
[09:36] {Raven} hmmmm ... that is a point
[09:36] {DaveG} i like the rain, cleansing
[09:36] {Threei} I still prefer shower
[09:37] {Raven} CA boys don't shower, 3i ...
[09:37] {Raven} 'cept maybe for cosmo
[09:40] {magoo} aapl gonna lose 130 fwiw
[09:41] {magoo} i sh from .50 hl
[09:41] {dino} ryaay stopped -.50
[09:43] {Threei} to a fisrt?
[09:43] {Raven} third
[09:45] {Threei} HOKU is bounce point most likely
[09:46] {Threei} first sign of strength from here,
[09:46] {magoo} kick aapl down for me vad
[09:46] {Threei} desirabnly witgh NQ help
[09:46] {Threei} in
[09:47] {Threei} just a scalp
[09:47] {magoo} where??
[09:47] {Threei} .90
[09:47] {BillyD} same her
[09:47] {BillyD} here
[09:48] {magoo} in
[09:48] {DaveG} covered gs +.90 thank you TradeTheNews!
[09:49] {Threei} out
[09:50] {Threei} +.18
[09:50] {lklarson} out hoku 1:1 thx vad
[09:50] {Threei} :)
[09:50] {magoo} trying for .17
[09:51] {BillyD} out +.17
[09:51] {magoo} out .07
[09:51] {magoo} ty vad
[09:51] {Threei} welcome
[09:51] {BillyD} thx Vad
[09:51] {Threei} now, AAPL...
[09:52] {magoo} apply dat boot
[09:52] {magoo} das boot
[09:52] {Threei} there
[09:52] {magoo} keep kickin.keep kickin
[09:52] {Threei} lol... it's never enough
[09:52] {cosmo} back .... had a long shower
[09:52] {Threei} lol
[09:53] {cosmo} its the 'thing'
[09:53] {Threei} meanwhile dave just walks in the rain cutting water expenses
[09:53] {cosmo} good conservation messure
[09:54] {Threei} saves the planet too
[09:54] {cosmo} i do it ... when i can
[09:54] {Raven} lol
[09:55] {magoo} keep kickin............there must be more $$....there must be more $4
[09:58] {BillyD} BQI
[09:58] {BillyD} you in Vad
[09:58] {Threei} yeah
[10:03] {magoo} u still kickin aapl ole' man??
[10:04] {BillyD} in/out BQI -.02....just not my style...
[10:04] {Threei} huh? {Threei wakwes up, looks around with shocked expression) Oh, of course I do
[10:04] {magoo} desires a life commitment billy
[10:05] {BillyD} exactly magoo..I anguished over entry and realized why......those kind take me out of any rythmn
[10:06] {patience} we bought bqi a year ago billy...waiting for a takeover offer..but i am scalping it also
[10:15] {BillyD} hoku may break down here...tough area
[10:20] {BillyD} no hoku fill short
[10:21] {DaveG} triple nq bottom
[10:36] {DaveG} LEE
[10:43] {magoo} harvey
[10:43] {BillyD} wallbanger
[10:43] {magoo} oswald
[10:43] {BillyD} lol
[11:06] {BillyD} ss HOKU .76
[11:06] {BillyD} small
[11:07] {BillyD} cov'd 1/2 +.11
[11:07] {Chaeron} After the close look for BORL BRKS CPKI DESC FMD NFI and NVDA among others. UIC and DISH are the largest in a small group expected before tomorrow's open
[11:08] {Threei} I don't want to look at them after close
[11:08] {Threei} is that OK? or I have to?
[11:09] {BillyD} out rest +.09
[11:25] {BillyD} if HOKU con't go from here and breaks .50...short imo
[11:25] {Threei} Roman, dcc please
[11:37] {dino} hl l tecua .25
[11:44] {dino} stopped
[11:51] {magoo} see aapl...becoming my favorite trade
[12:04] {Threei} XLF .59 short
[12:04] {Threei} for a scalp only
[12:04] {Threei} .71 stop
[12:07] {Threei} 1:1
[12:07] {Threei} too fast for entry?
[12:08] {BillyD} for me yes
[12:08] {BillyD} already broke .59 when I saw
[12:09] {BillyD} if ELON breaks 30...but risky
[12:10] {Threei} FCEL is in its own universe
[12:11] {BillyD} yeah
[12:14] {Chaeron} PWER too... or did someone say that earlier?
[12:14] {BillyD} ELON down right mean
[12:14] {BillyD} not in...but takes folks to the woodshed in a blink of an eye
[12:15] {Threei} considering its character I'd say we've done exceptionally well on it
[12:15] {BillyD} yes...I am gracious
[12:16] {BillyD} hate to keep going back to the well on it
[12:18] {dino} hl l vsea .79
[12:22] {BillyD} looking good dino so far
[12:26] {dino} out .19, +.40
[12:27] {BillyD} nice
[12:28] {dino} ty too soon
[12:28] {BillyD} you don't partial right
[12:30] {dino} guess not, i trail my stops, so all or nothing
[12:30] {BillyD} works for you
[12:30] {dino} everybody has their own style
[12:31] {BillyD} key
[12:34] {Threei} ugh
[12:34] {Threei} ignored ORCC break
[12:34] {Threei} didn't trust it
[12:34] {DaveG} busted my butt to break even
[12:34] {BillyD} good work dave
[12:35] {Threei} what did I miss?
[12:35] {DaveG} nothing
[12:35] {BillyD} watching HOKU for long over .64
[12:35] {DaveG} made some mistakes early on, took all day to get it back
[12:35] {BillyD} have a seller here at .60
[12:36] {Threei} all I saw were +can't-count-that-far by you
[12:37] {dino} gj dave, i'm neg. today
[12:37] {DaveG} i think i fried my brain in the process
[12:38] {dino} i understand
[12:39] {DaveG} brain fried, done, even, have a nice night
[12:39] {DaveG} cyall am
[12:40] {BillyD} cya dave
[12:42] {dino} calling it a day, thx all
[12:42] {BillyD} bye dino
[12:42] {Threei} take care dino
[12:47] {BillyD} vad...what you do to FCEL
[12:47] {BillyD} kiss of death spike down
[12:47] {Threei} maybe PLUG bad report
[12:48] {Threei} REPORTS Q2 -$0.19 V -$0.15E - FILING
[12:48] {BillyD} I didn't wnat intelligent answer
[12:48] {Threei} oh
[12:48] {Threei} sorry
[12:48] {Threei} my fault
[12:48] {BillyD} some simple sarcasim would have done
[12:48] {Threei} coupled with pulling hair, scratching eyes out and kicking?
[12:48] {BillyD} lol
[12:48] {cosmo} ah...thx 3i... i was looking for that
[12:48] {Threei} :)
[12:49] {BillyD} much better
[12:49] {Threei} see, I never lost shape
[12:50] {Threei} just got tired of endless august profiting and started taking myself too seriously
[12:50] {Threei} thanks for getting me back
[12:50] {BillyD} np :)
[12:50] {Threei} new version of august outlook:
[12:51] {Threei} I moved my dartboard 1 feet to the left and what do you know, calls are much better
[12:51] {magoo} roflol
[12:54] {lklarson} take care all
[12:54] {Threei} bye lkl
[12:54] {Threei} thank you all
[12:55] {Threei} have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[12:55] {magoo} thanx vad
[12:55] {BillyD} bye all
[12:55] {magoo} bye everybody
[12:58] {cosmo} buy OMRI
[12:59] {cosmo} healer/gappa
[13:00] {cosmo} i think

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

August 8, 2007

Session Start: Wed Aug 08 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Wed Aug 08 00:00:00 2007

[05:40] {magoo} morning
[05:40] {BillyD} morning logged into Laser yet
[05:42] {magoo} i can not get
[05:42] {BillyD} no
[05:42] {magoo} so its them
[05:42] {BillyD} yup
[05:42] {dino} gm all
[05:42] {BillyD} dino:)
[05:43] {dino} :) bd
[05:44] {DaveG} morning
[05:45] {BillyD} dave :)
[05:46] {dino} gm dave
[05:58] {esemde} gm everyone, cisco ceo upstages Ben B looks like
[05:59] {Threei} Good morning RT
[05:59] {Threei} is it me or no connection to broker?
[05:59] {esemde} morning Vad
[05:59] {Threei} ese :)
[06:00] {Threei} oh I see above, not just me
[06:00] {Threei} good... I don't want to trade yet anyway
[06:02] {gabby} good morning all
[06:03] {Threei} gabby :)
[06:03] {magoo} yeah, figures, the only day this yrear i held one overnite
[06:03] {DaveG} if you need a quote lemme know
[06:04] {magoo} ty, i got dino (for better or worse he he)
[06:04] {Threei} lol
[06:04] {DaveG} :)
[06:04] {Threei} so, it's magoo's fault
[06:04] {DaveG} always is
[06:04] {Threei} next time you holding something, alert us... we can sleep in
[06:05] {BillyD} morn Vad, gabby
[06:05] {Threei} Billy
[06:05] {magoo} will do
[06:07] {markweb} gm all
[06:07] {Threei} mark :)
[06:07] {markweb} :)
[06:07] {dino} you see the abuse i take...better or worse
[06:07] {magoo} oh, that reminds me, u or me taday vad??
[06:08] {Threei} you
[06:09] {magoo} on it
[06:09] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:09] {Threei} (it's my turn but I know how much you enjoy it)
[06:09] {DaveG} don't worry dino, your not alone
[06:16] {Threei} billy, magoo... who is waking up laserdave?
[06:16] {BillyD} i went first last time
[06:17] {magoo} u vad
[06:18] {BillyD} you have the muscel Vad
[06:18] {magoo} gonna be hard to trade with laser
[06:18] {BillyD} they start to remind me on MB lately
[06:18] {magoo} huh?
[06:19] {cosmo} FNSR, BRCM test pre mkt highs
[06:19] {magoo} of or on?
[06:19] {BillyD} MB is another broker
[06:19] {cosmo} TT here
[06:20] {magoo} i know, used to use them with vad
[06:20] {cosmo} TrackTrade
[06:20] {BillyD} ok
[06:20] {magoo} mbtrading
[06:20] {magoo} hated the no charts
[06:20] {cosmo} i like mbsurfing
[06:21] {BillyD} yeah
[06:21] {magoo} really like laser charts
[06:21] {BillyD} Laser is great but inconsistent lately
[06:21] {DaveG} keep an eye on IMH
[06:21] {BillyD} scanner works though magoo
[06:21] {BillyD} lol
[06:22] {magoo} yeah, watching my hold on scanner come up repeatidly "new low" SIGH
[06:22] {BillyD} sorry man
[06:22] {DaveG} what stock is it?
[06:22] {magoo} HLYS
[06:22] {DaveG} oh
[06:22] {LaserDave} he guys Laser update
[06:23] {LaserDave} they are trying to get it up before the open
[06:23] {magoo} could have gotten out w/scalp profit too IF..............................
[06:23] {magoo} in 14.50
[06:23] {magoo} long
[06:23] {LaserDave} horrible wheather in new york last night
[06:23] {cosmo} HLYS beats est...but warns
[06:23] {LaserDave} flooking everywhere
[06:23] {LaserDave} related to problem
[06:23] {LaserDave} will give updates as i gt them
[06:23] {DaveG} hate that flooking
[06:23] {Threei} flooking = flooding?
[06:23] {BillyD} thx Dave
[06:23] {LaserDave} flooding everywhere that is
[06:23] {LaserDave} ya
[06:23] {Threei} ah
[06:23] {LaserDave} sorry
[06:24] {dino} da
[06:24] {LaserDave} its my personal language
[06:24] {LaserDave} da
[06:24] {dino} uh huh uh huh
[06:24] {esemde} HLYS will be sued big time enventually....they make those shoes with rollers on
[06:24] {dino} ok short day for me, tee time at 12
[06:25] {esemde} lots of kids getting seriously just down the block from me
[06:25] {esemde} dislocated shoulder after smacking into a tre because stop
[06:25] {esemde} becuase he couldn't stop sorry
[06:26] {cosmo} FNSR pre mkt high = 4.07 fwiw
[06:26] {cosmo} BRCM pre mkt high = 34.35
[06:27] {magoo} my kids luv their healys
[06:27] {magoo} fwiw
[06:27] {magoo} best stores toi wear them in are sams club and home depot
[06:27] {esemde} now thats my kind of day dino......a little bit of trading ... a little bit of golf.....relax
[06:29] {dino} :), should be fun
[06:31] {cosmo} brcm
[06:31] * Threei slaps LaserDave around a bit with a large trout
[06:33] {Threei} Laser is up
[06:33] {LaserDave} laser is up
[06:34] {dino} mtmd hl s .04, stop .27
[06:35] {Threei} ELON
[06:35] {Threei} small shares long .50
[06:35] {BillyD} watching
[06:36] {Threei} stop under .25
[06:37] {Threei} watching JNPR, want long on pullback
[06:37] {Threei} in ELON aggressively, stop under .10
[06:37] {magoo} well, nice to see hlys f#cked me while system down
[06:38] {Roman} vad, u long ELON?
[06:38] {Threei} yes
[06:38] {esemde} long Netc .81
[06:39] {dino} hlys bounce?
[06:39] {esemde} stop .69
[06:40] {Threei} JNPR first strength from here
[06:41] {cosmo} brcm 35 test coming
[06:41] {cosmo} wall
[06:42] {Threei} in
[06:42] {Threei} stop under .90
[06:42] {dino} mtmd bstop to .12
[06:43] {BillyD} Vad...looking for under .20 on JNPR
[06:43] {Threei} partial for me
[06:43] {dino} leap blood
[06:43] {BillyD} ok
[06:43] {Threei} with any market help this one is capable of more
[06:44] {Threei} let's go ELON
[06:44] {Roman} long OMTR small
[06:45] {Roman} 27.28 area, small
[06:45] {Threei} half out .49
[06:46] {Threei} joy of aggressive entries
[06:47] {Threei} stop to .15
[06:48] {Roman} NEXC speeze
[06:49] {Threei} {NEXC} am I?
[06:49] {Threei} come on Roman... spill it... what's speeze?
[06:50] {Roman} :)
[06:50] {Roman} MPEL long for continuation 1/2
[06:51] {Threei} time for 27 ELON... move your butt
[06:52] {Roman} ACAD looking good
[06:52] {dino} clwr l .00
[06:54] {Roman} nice CLWR dino
[06:54] {Roman} scalped it with u
[06:54] {dino} out clwr .43, +.43
[06:54] {dino} opps not
[06:54] {dino} ok now
[06:55] {Threei} JNPR stop to .94
[06:55] {dino} mtmd not moving bstop to b/e
[06:55] {Roman} stopped OMTR -.30
[06:56] {dptl} good morning all
[06:57] {Threei} dp :)
[06:57] * Threei kick ELON is the rear
[06:57] {Threei} JNPR signs of life
[06:59] {esemde} Vad which trading strategy does ELON fit?
[07:00] {Threei} aggressive entry on pullback
[07:00] {esemde} from your book...consolidation strategies on a pull back
[07:00] {Threei} initial call was .50 long,
[07:01] {Threei} it pulled back into lower limit of the range,
[07:01] {Threei} paused around support .25
[07:01] {Threei} strong uptreding stock
[07:01] {Threei} strong market
[07:01] {Threei} perfect fit for aggressive entry
[07:01] {esemde} TKS...
[07:02] {Threei} then if it works, you have very pleasant choice
[07:02] {Threei} grab scalp near resistance,
[07:02] {BillyD} wow...I just thought it looked like low risk buy
[07:02] {Threei} lety it ride with great cushion,
[07:02] {esemde} very pleasant indeed
[07:02] {Threei} partial out and let it trade
[07:03] {Threei} and all this for a very tight stop... love the deal
[07:03] {BillyD} c'mon JNPR
[07:03] {BillyD} Vad...raise stop to .29 on ELON
[07:03] {Threei} sure
[07:04] {Threei} no lose territory
[07:04] {Threei} JNPR baby
[07:04] {Threei} 1.5 :1
[07:05] {Threei} ummm... 1:1.5
[07:05] {BillyD} sold some .15 jnpr
[07:05] {Threei} ELON 1 : I can't count that much, exit as you please
[07:06] {esemde} out NETC. .96 average +.15
[07:07] {Threei} JNPR 1:2
[07:07] {gabby} out JNPR, elon tks 3i
[07:07] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:08] {BillyD} same here JNPR ty
[07:12] {magoo} thiswill drive vad crazy
[07:12] {BillyD} you were right JNPR Vad
[07:12] {magoo} still in jnopr
[07:12] {magoo} OUT .43 THANX vad
[07:13] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:14] {Threei} out 1/4 more
[07:14] {Threei} stop to .15
[07:14] {dino} risky hl l fwlt .30
[07:14] {Threei} with 10 cents stop... don't you love aggresasive entries in bull market
[07:15] {Threei} profit potential is beyond lucrative
[07:15] {dino} out .90, +.60
[07:15] {Threei} wtg
[07:16] {dino} ty
[07:16] {esemde} nj dino
[07:16] {Threei} stop to .25 JNPR
[07:17] {dino} lucky
[07:19] {Threei} out ELON in full
[07:20] {Threei} can't believe I held it that long
[07:20] {magoo} i still got it too
[07:20] {BillyD} gj
[07:20] {Threei} wow
[07:20] {magoo} long hold for me
[07:20] {Threei} I am not responsible for it anymore magoo
[07:20] * Threei is hiding under the nearest rock
[07:20] {magoo} oh sure be that way
[07:20] {Threei} hehe
[07:21] {Threei} stop to .35 JNPR
[07:23] {magoo} out ELON here .99 thanx vad
[07:23] {Threei} :)
[07:24] {magoo} u can come ouit from behind rock now
[07:24] {Threei} yessss
[07:24] {Roman} long XMSR
[07:25] {Roman} 11.75 , 1/2 size
[07:25] {Threei} done with JNPR
[07:25] {dino} fwlt l hl .15
[07:28] {Threei} MASI, small shares long 19.60 if melts, very risky
[07:29] {magoo} why aapl down?news?
[07:30] {dino} out .45, +.30
[07:32] {Roman} FCEL had news yesterday
[07:37] {Threei} out half MASI +.25
[07:37] {dino} synt spiking
[07:38] {Threei} stop under .50 for other half
[07:39] {Threei} out in full +.40
[07:40] {dino} gj
[07:40] {Threei} lucky
[07:41] {Threei} come on magoo... sell!
[07:41] {magoo} out .10 TY
[07:41] {Threei} whew
[07:41] {Threei} ask me how I knew you were in...
[07:41] {magoo} nice to know u still care lol
[07:41] {Threei} no, but I pretend well
[07:42] {magoo} how u know anyway?
[07:42] {Threei} 'cause I said magic word
[07:42] {Threei} "very risky"
[07:42] {Threei} no way you skip any call with that comment, lol
[07:42] {magoo} OY
[07:42] {dino} risky, s synt .08, hl, stop hod
[07:42] {magoo} i that predictavble?
[07:43] {Threei} well, you are adrenalin addict :)
[07:43] {BillyD} lol
[07:43] {magoo} hey, thats 2 magic words
[07:43] {Threei} I guess... my math is bad
[07:45] {dino} stopped
[07:45] {magoo} ex moto crosser vad
[07:45] {dino} -.42
[07:45] {Threei} it shows
[07:49] {magoo} actually...that part of my personna really not good for a trader occupation
[07:49] {Threei} I don't know
[07:50] {Threei} it can be if it's balanced by risk control
[07:50] {magoo} see, brothers..dino never raced..he was / is very disciplined..and much better trader than magoo
[07:50] {Threei} look at it this way
[07:51] {Threei} risk taking, well developed feel for favorable moment is very important for high level performance,
[07:51] {Threei} it's other side of the equation that is going to define how successful you are
[07:51] {Threei} risk control
[07:51] {magoo} i was always undisciplined in yoputh..a little crazy..hard partier...racer....although we BOTH were womanizers (and both good at that he he)
[07:51] {Threei} taking risk is one thing... controlling risk is another
[07:51] {dino} lgnd
[07:52] {magoo} LGND
[07:52] {Threei} combine the two, you have really winning combination
[07:52] {Threei} first without second, you have wild swings in account, flirting with disaster
[07:53] {Threei} second without first, you have steady growth but very slow
[07:53] {Threei} may make a living at best
[07:53] {Threei} bread with little butter and certainly no caviar
[07:54] {Threei} both together, well balanced = high performance
[07:54] {dino} its all about the risk control (stops), simple as that
[07:55] {dino} i tell him, accpt that you know nothing, then it gets easier
[07:55] {Threei} totally
[07:56] {Threei} next step is, realize that in order to make money trading, you DON'T have to know anything wither :)
[07:56] {Threei} either
[07:57] {Threei} what does MASI do?
[07:57] {Threei} no idea, and who cares
[07:59] {dino} exactly, the less i know coming into work, the better i do.
[07:59] {Threei} me too but I found out you can go just so far that path... not knowing your broker login can be particularly limiting
[08:00] {dino} my 2 mile 6:30 am walk does more for my trading than anything
[08:00] {magoo} well, not today he he
[08:00] {magoo} come "wither"?
[08:02] {dino} armhy
[08:13] {magoo} masi isn't a ipo today is it?
[08:13] {Threei} it is
[08:13] {magoo} shit
[08:13] {magoo} is it marginable?
[08:13] {Threei} hmmm... no idea
[08:13] {Roman} PEIX going again
[08:15] {dino} arry
[08:23] {magoo} aapl sh loss 134
[08:24] {magoo} noyt in yet..needs to trigger
[08:26] {magoo} sh pcln .50
[08:26] {magoo} 1 :1
[08:27] {magoo} out PCLN .20
[08:28] {BillyD} nice scalp magoo
[08:28] {magoo} quick
[08:28] {BillyD} best way
[08:28] {magoo} still like it short
[08:28] {magoo} stalking
[08:28] {magoo} loss 78 short
[08:29] {DaveG} CMG could be a good short here soon
[08:30] {magoo} aggressive short here
[08:30] {dino} gotta hop take care all
[08:30] {DaveG} later dino
[08:30] {BillyD} hit'em straight
[08:31] {dino} :)
[08:32] {magoo} 3 : 1
[08:34] {magoo} out .59 plus
[08:34] {magoo} ?/
[08:34] {magoo} in from .12..what is that vad
[08:35] {magoo} [11:31] {magoo} aggressive short here
[08:35] {magoo} [11:31] {dino} gotta hop take care all
[08:35] {magoo} that was the .12
[08:37] {magoo} sh again loss 78
[08:38] {magoo} going to 76 area imho
[08:38] {magoo} risky as calling vad a loyal communist
[08:39] {magoo} everyone leave with dino}???
[08:39] {patience} nope
[08:40] {magoo} hey patience
[08:40] {Chaeron} :)
[08:40] * magoo slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[08:40] {patience} so you were a womanizer were you?
[08:40] {magoo} lol
[08:41] {BillyD} be beack later
[08:41] {esemde} oh oh...I smelll trouble brewing .......
[08:41] {BillyD} patience have a long talk w/ magoo
[08:41] {patience} laughing
[08:41] {magoo} you heard that ? he he
[08:47] {Threei} OK, now that my blackout of this ({magoo} risky as calling vad a loyal communist) is over.....
[08:47] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:48] * Chaeron slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:48] {magoo} i can take it..anyone else??
[08:48] {magoo} c'mon..i dare ya
[08:48] * dptl slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:51] {magoo} any with me sh pcln off 78?
[08:51] {magoo} now i know how vad feels
[08:52] {Threei} welcome to my world
[08:53] {dptl} lol
[08:53] {magoo} no wonder u always so cranky
[08:53] {Threei} me??? cranky?!?!? I am calm as yesterday's cake!!!!
[08:55] {DaveG} vad if you have a minute, pm plz
[09:02] {DaveG} damnit, should held that PCR short
[09:02] {DaveG} aargh
[09:02] {magoo} out .15 pcln + .85
[09:03] {DaveG} wow, wtg mags
[09:03] {magoo} stalking...going down like aerosmith song "luv in an elevator..livin it up as its going downn
[09:03] {dptl} lol
[09:04] {magoo} 11:52] {magoo} any with me sh pcln off 78?
[09:05] {magoo} risky as trying to play with vads live crabs
[09:05] {magoo} aggressive sh here
[09:07] {magoo} [11:39] {magoo} going to 76 area imho
[09:07] {magoo} [11:39] {magoo} risky as calling vad a
[09:08] {Roman} what's your entry for PCLN?
[09:08] {magoo} .09
[09:08] {magoo} but, may be reversing now
[09:08] {DaveG} omg did i blow pcr
[09:09] {magoo} got 76.85
[09:09] {magoo} i not in now..carefu;l
[09:11] {magoo} sh here again..risky
[09:11] {magoo} .02
[09:46] {Threei} TASR
[09:46] {Threei} long scalp on new highscalp
[09:46] {Threei} stop under .20
[09:49] {DaveG} out PERY +.42, thank you TradeTheNews
[09:50] {DaveG} could go higher
[09:51] {DaveG} yup
[09:51] {DaveG} wow
[10:03] {magoo} anyone in TASRT?
[10:04] {Threei} I won't admit... want you to feel alone, abandoned, forsaken
[10:04] {magoo} i did it worked
[10:07] {magoo} any read JNPR here vad?
[10:08] {Threei} not really
[10:08] {Threei} aimless wandering
[10:09] {Threei} I still won't admit I am in TASR magoo
[10:09] {magoo} [13:09] {Threei} aimless wandering
[10:09] {magoo} no need to insult my behavior
[10:09] {Threei} just stating facts... {G}
[10:10] {Threei} also as aimless wanderer to aimless wanderer, gotta tell you... aimless wandering is nothing to be ashamed of as long as you wander truly aimlessly
[10:11] {Threei} (poor Raven)
[10:12] {DaveG} earthquake
[10:12] {DaveG} Jakarta
[10:12] {magoo} hey, anyoner in tasr lol
[10:13] {lklarson} i am
[10:16] {Threei} I am not
[10:16] {Threei} anymore I mesn
[10:16] {Threei} mean
[10:16] {Threei} back to aimless wandering
[10:17] {Threei} 1:2
[10:17] {lklarson} out half tasr
[10:18] {Threei} no single stop today
[10:18] {Threei} can I go home?
[10:18] {DaveG} you are home
[10:18] {lklarson} nice work boss:)
[10:18] {magoo} no, i took that big hit from hysl...i NEED U
[10:18] {lklarson} no, sorry!
[10:19] {Threei} I didn't call HYSL... don't lay blame at my feet :)
[10:19] {DaveG} magoo, it's ok, if vad goes home, i'll hold your hand
[10:20] {Threei} I hope never to see that
[10:20] {DaveG} lol
[10:20] {magoo} out tasr .42 btw
[10:20] {magoo} ty
[10:21] {Threei} yw
[10:21] {lklarson} out rest tasr thx boss:)
[10:21] {Threei} :)
[10:23] * Threei slaps LaserDave around a bit with a large trout
[10:23] {Threei} does this guy ever pays attention to his dccs
[10:23] {Threei} does pays... poor raven
[10:28] {patience} ok, blue skies, very good breeze
[10:28] {patience} i am wearing thick wool double socks, heavy black sweater and black sweats
[10:28] {patience} this is so f'ing wrong for summer
[10:28] {patience} not impressed
[10:29] {magoo} i try to picture image
[10:31] {patience} sorry magoo, i have nothing to complain about with a great market day today, but honestly it is cold in victoria
[10:32] {Threei} no it's not
[10:33] {Threei} you guys are spoiled by long stretches of great weather :)
[10:33] {Threei} with my base for comparison, weather is fantastic
[10:34] {Raven} 85.3F here and like a sauna
[10:37] {DaveG} 95 F, 95% humidity here
[10:37] {DaveG} long live air cond
[10:37] {Raven} sheesh ... I'll take this then
[10:55] {BillyD} back
[10:55] {BillyD} miss anything
[10:56] {BillyD} except aimless wandering
[10:56] {magoo} nah, only none of us in tasr
[11:03] {Threei} anymore
[11:07] {Threei} wow, did we sell TASR way too early
[11:07] {Threei} I can think of just one thing that could make me feel better about that
[11:07] {Threei} magoo, care to guess?
[11:09] {magoo} what?
[11:09] * Threei slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[11:09] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[11:09] {magoo} WOW u sooooooo right
[11:10] {Threei} feels better doesn't it
[11:10] {magoo} yep..everyone should feel it
[11:10] {DaveG} hey
[11:27] {esemde} ladies and gentlemen i'm off to work....have music to write for september..take care
[11:27] {Threei} take care ese
[11:29] {magoo} slacker
[11:30] {BillyD} bye ese
[11:30] {BillyD} ELON...give me my shares back from this AM
[11:31] {magoo} me trhee
[11:31] {magoo} er, um, threei
[11:31] {magoo} uh, er two
[11:31] {magoo} ah shit...2
[11:31] {magoo} er, um me too
[11:31] {magoo} THERE
[11:32] {Threei} that was tortutous
[11:33] {Threei} "but then again, everything about magoo is" ®dino
[11:36] {BillyD} LEND maybe thru .42
[11:36] {Threei} wow
[11:36] {Threei} that was one quick drop, ELON
[11:37] {BillyD} scary if on wrong side
[11:38] {Threei} serious rug pulling
[11:46] {dptl} ok.....have a good evening all see ya tomorrow or after tomorrow (i may go fishing tomorrow)
[11:46] {Threei} can I order some fresh fish?
[11:47] {dptl} sure
[11:47] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[11:47] {Threei} sigh
[11:47] {DaveG} lol
[11:47] {dptl} {("))))))){
[11:47] * magoo slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[11:48] {Threei} rofl
[11:48] {dptl} here we go
[11:48] {Threei} that was fine fish dp
[11:48] {Threei} took me a min to understand
[11:48] {dptl} lol
[11:48] {Threei} but then again, I am slow
[11:49] {dptl} see ya latter guys
[11:49] {BillyD} bye dp
[11:49] {lklarson} later dp
[11:50] {magoo} big ups rolling over here
[11:56] {magoo} as in bidu...elon...wynn
[12:03] {BillyD} LEND short here maybe if big bid taken
[12:04] {Threei} ELON worth a try here short
[12:04] {Threei} small shares
[12:04] {Threei} ugh... sropped while I typed
[12:04] {Threei} dropped
[12:04] {magoo} not avail sh to laserheads
[12:05] {Threei} it is
[12:05] {Threei} for props
[12:05] {magoo} it wasn't twice for me...mnow uit itir
[12:05] {magoo} is
[12:06] {DaveG} my brain is cooked
[12:06] {DaveG} i'm gonna take off
[12:06] {magoo} that was tirtous too
[12:06] {DaveG} y'all have a good one
[12:06] {DaveG} triple day goal
[12:06] {Threei} careful crossing thr stgreet dave
[12:06] {Threei} cooked brain tends not to notice traffic
[12:07] {magoo} slacker
[12:07] {DaveG} have a good night mags :)
[12:07] {magoo} u too..nice work dave
[12:09] {BillyD} so much for elon short
[12:16] {Threei} shorted a little .90
[12:16] {Threei} stop just over 30
[12:17] {BillyD} looks good
[12:18] {Threei} sheesh... come on
[12:20] {Threei} covered half .73
[12:24] {Threei} bidding .41
[12:26] {Threei} out
[12:26] {BillyD} nice
[12:26] {Threei} can't believe how strongly it held with such market selling
[12:26] {BillyD}'s crazy
[12:26] {Threei} could you think of better moment to short
[12:27] {Threei} huge resistance at 30, dropping market, top of sizeable bounce
[12:27] {magoo} good one bossasasuras vad
[12:27] {Threei} and it barely worked
[12:27] {Threei} you took it magooski?
[12:27] {magoo} dow red
[12:28] {magoo} wynn gave back 10 points
[12:28] {magoo} sh pcln
[12:28] {magoo} bidu gave back 8
[12:35] {BillyD} ELON a crapshoot
[12:42] {Threei} OK guys
[12:42] {Threei} great day
[12:42] {Threei} no need to trade last 15 min I guess
[12:42] {magoo} thanx vad
[12:42] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow :)
[12:42] {BillyD} thx Vsaad...great calls

August 8, 2007

Session Start: Wed Aug 08 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Wed Aug 08 00:00:00 2007

[05:40] {magoo} morning
[05:40] {BillyD} morning logged into Laser yet
[05:42] {magoo} i can not get
[05:42] {BillyD} no
[05:42] {magoo} so its them
[05:42] {BillyD} yup
[05:42] {dino} gm all
[05:42] {BillyD} dino:)
[05:43] {dino} :) bd
[05:44] {DaveG} morning
[05:45] {BillyD} dave :)
[05:46] {dino} gm dave
[05:58] {esemde} gm everyone, cisco ceo upstages Ben B looks like
[05:59] {Threei} Good morning RT
[05:59] {Threei} is it me or no connection to broker?
[05:59] {esemde} morning Vad
[05:59] {Threei} ese :)
[06:00] {Threei} oh I see above, not just me
[06:00] {Threei} good... I don't want to trade yet anyway
[06:02] {gabby} good morning all
[06:03] {Threei} gabby :)
[06:03] {magoo} yeah, figures, the only day this yrear i held one overnite
[06:03] {DaveG} if you need a quote lemme know
[06:04] {magoo} ty, i got dino (for better or worse he he)
[06:04] {Threei} lol
[06:04] {DaveG} :)
[06:04] {Threei} so, it's magoo's fault
[06:04] {DaveG} always is
[06:04] {Threei} next time you holding something, alert us... we can sleep in
[06:05] {BillyD} morn Vad, gabby
[06:05] {Threei} Billy
[06:05] {magoo} will do
[06:07] {markweb} gm all
[06:07] {Threei} mark :)
[06:07] {markweb} :)
[06:07] {dino} you see the abuse i take...better or worse
[06:07] {magoo} oh, that reminds me, u or me taday vad??
[06:08] {Threei} you
[06:09] {magoo} on it
[06:09] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:09] {Threei} (it's my turn but I know how much you enjoy it)
[06:09] {DaveG} don't worry dino, your not alone
[06:16] {Threei} billy, magoo... who is waking up laserdave?
[06:16] {BillyD} i went first last time
[06:17] {magoo} u vad
[06:18] {BillyD} you have the muscel Vad
[06:18] {magoo} gonna be hard to trade with laser
[06:18] {BillyD} they start to remind me on MB lately
[06:18] {magoo} huh?
[06:19] {cosmo} FNSR, BRCM test pre mkt highs
[06:19] {magoo} of or on?
[06:19] {BillyD} MB is another broker
[06:19] {cosmo} TT here
[06:20] {magoo} i know, used to use them with vad
[06:20] {cosmo} TrackTrade
[06:20] {BillyD} ok
[06:20] {magoo} mbtrading
[06:20] {magoo} hated the no charts
[06:20] {cosmo} i like mbsurfing
[06:21] {BillyD} yeah
[06:21] {magoo} really like laser charts
[06:21] {BillyD} Laser is great but inconsistent lately
[06:21] {DaveG} keep an eye on IMH
[06:21] {BillyD} scanner works though magoo
[06:21] {BillyD} lol
[06:22] {magoo} yeah, watching my hold on scanner come up repeatidly "new low" SIGH
[06:22] {BillyD} sorry man
[06:22] {DaveG} what stock is it?
[06:22] {magoo} HLYS
[06:22] {DaveG} oh
[06:22] {LaserDave} he guys Laser update
[06:23] {LaserDave} they are trying to get it up before the open
[06:23] {magoo} could have gotten out w/scalp profit too IF..............................
[06:23] {magoo} in 14.50
[06:23] {magoo} long
[06:23] {LaserDave} horrible wheather in new york last night
[06:23] {cosmo} HLYS beats est...but warns
[06:23] {LaserDave} flooking everywhere
[06:23] {LaserDave} related to problem
[06:23] {LaserDave} will give updates as i gt them
[06:23] {DaveG} hate that flooking
[06:23] {Threei} flooking = flooding?
[06:23] {BillyD} thx Dave
[06:23] {LaserDave} flooding everywhere that is
[06:23] {LaserDave} ya
[06:23] {Threei} ah
[06:23] {LaserDave} sorry
[06:24] {dino} da
[06:24] {LaserDave} its my personal language
[06:24] {LaserDave} da
[06:24] {dino} uh huh uh huh
[06:24] {esemde} HLYS will be sued big time enventually....they make those shoes with rollers on
[06:24] {dino} ok short day for me, tee time at 12
[06:25] {esemde} lots of kids getting seriously just down the block from me
[06:25] {esemde} dislocated shoulder after smacking into a tre because stop
[06:25] {esemde} becuase he couldn't stop sorry
[06:26] {cosmo} FNSR pre mkt high = 4.07 fwiw
[06:26] {cosmo} BRCM pre mkt high = 34.35
[06:27] {magoo} my kids luv their healys
[06:27] {magoo} fwiw
[06:27] {magoo} best stores toi wear them in are sams club and home depot
[06:27] {esemde} now thats my kind of day dino......a little bit of trading ... a little bit of golf.....relax
[06:29] {dino} :), should be fun
[06:31] {cosmo} brcm
[06:31] * Threei slaps LaserDave around a bit with a large trout
[06:33] {Threei} Laser is up
[06:33] {LaserDave} laser is up
[06:34] {dino} mtmd hl s .04, stop .27
[06:35] {Threei} ELON
[06:35] {Threei} small shares long .50
[06:35] {BillyD} watching
[06:36] {Threei} stop under .25
[06:37] {Threei} watching JNPR, want long on pullback
[06:37] {Threei} in ELON aggressively, stop under .10
[06:37] {magoo} well, nice to see hlys f#cked me while system down
[06:38] {Roman} vad, u long ELON?
[06:38] {Threei} yes
[06:38] {esemde} long Netc .81
[06:39] {dino} hlys bounce?
[06:39] {esemde} stop .69
[06:40] {Threei} JNPR first strength from here
[06:41] {cosmo} brcm 35 test coming
[06:41] {cosmo} wall
[06:42] {Threei} in
[06:42] {Threei} stop under .90
[06:42] {dino} mtmd bstop to .12
[06:43] {BillyD} Vad...looking for under .20 on JNPR
[06:43] {Threei} partial for me
[06:43] {dino} leap blood
[06:43] {BillyD} ok
[06:43] {Threei} with any market help this one is capable of more
[06:44] {Threei} let's go ELON
[06:44] {Roman} long OMTR small
[06:45] {Roman} 27.28 area, small
[06:45] {Threei} half out .49
[06:46] {Threei} joy of aggressive entries
[06:47] {Threei} stop to .15
[06:48] {Roman} NEXC speeze
[06:49] {Threei} {NEXC} am I?
[06:49] {Threei} come on Roman... spill it... what's speeze?
[06:50] {Roman} :)
[06:50] {Roman} MPEL long for continuation 1/2
[06:51] {Threei} time for 27 ELON... move your butt
[06:52] {Roman} ACAD looking good
[06:52] {dino} clwr l .00
[06:54] {Roman} nice CLWR dino
[06:54] {Roman} scalped it with u
[06:54] {dino} out clwr .43, +.43
[06:54] {dino} opps not
[06:54] {dino} ok now
[06:55] {Threei} JNPR stop to .94
[06:55] {dino} mtmd not moving bstop to b/e
[06:55] {Roman} stopped OMTR -.30
[06:56] {dptl} good morning all
[06:57] {Threei} dp :)
[06:57] * Threei kick ELON is the rear
[06:57] {Threei} JNPR signs of life
[06:59] {esemde} Vad which trading strategy does ELON fit?
[07:00] {Threei} aggressive entry on pullback
[07:00] {esemde} from your book...consolidation strategies on a pull back
[07:00] {Threei} initial call was .50 long,
[07:01] {Threei} it pulled back into lower limit of the range,
[07:01] {Threei} paused around support .25
[07:01] {Threei} strong uptreding stock
[07:01] {Threei} strong market
[07:01] {Threei} perfect fit for aggressive entry
[07:01] {esemde} TKS...
[07:02] {Threei} then if it works, you have very pleasant choice
[07:02] {Threei} grab scalp near resistance,
[07:02] {BillyD} wow...I just thought it looked like low risk buy
[07:02] {Threei} lety it ride with great cushion,
[07:02] {esemde} very pleasant indeed
[07:02] {Threei} partial out and let it trade
[07:03] {Threei} and all this for a very tight stop... love the deal
[07:03] {BillyD} c'mon JNPR
[07:03] {BillyD} Vad...raise stop to .29 on ELON
[07:03] {Threei} sure
[07:04] {Threei} no lose territory
[07:04] {Threei} JNPR baby
[07:04] {Threei} 1.5 :1
[07:05] {Threei} ummm... 1:1.5
[07:05] {BillyD} sold some .15 jnpr
[07:05] {Threei} ELON 1 : I can't count that much, exit as you please
[07:06] {esemde} out NETC. .96 average +.15
[07:07] {Threei} JNPR 1:2
[07:07] {gabby} out JNPR, elon tks 3i
[07:07] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:08] {BillyD} same here JNPR ty
[07:12] {magoo} thiswill drive vad crazy
[07:12] {BillyD} you were right JNPR Vad
[07:12] {magoo} still in jnopr
[07:12] {magoo} OUT .43 THANX vad
[07:13] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:14] {Threei} out 1/4 more
[07:14] {Threei} stop to .15
[07:14] {dino} risky hl l fwlt .30
[07:14] {Threei} with 10 cents stop... don't you love aggresasive entries in bull market
[07:15] {Threei} profit potential is beyond lucrative
[07:15] {dino} out .90, +.60
[07:15] {Threei} wtg
[07:16] {dino} ty
[07:16] {esemde} nj dino
[07:16] {Threei} stop to .25 JNPR
[07:17] {dino} lucky
[07:19] {Threei} out ELON in full
[07:20] {Threei} can't believe I held it that long
[07:20] {magoo} i still got it too
[07:20] {BillyD} gj
[07:20] {Threei} wow
[07:20] {magoo} long hold for me
[07:20] {Threei} I am not responsible for it anymore magoo
[07:20] * Threei is hiding under the nearest rock
[07:20] {magoo} oh sure be that way
[07:20] {Threei} hehe
[07:21] {Threei} stop to .35 JNPR
[07:23] {magoo} out ELON here .99 thanx vad
[07:23] {Threei} :)
[07:24] {magoo} u can come ouit from behind rock now
[07:24] {Threei} yessss
[07:24] {Roman} long XMSR
[07:25] {Roman} 11.75 , 1/2 size
[07:25] {Threei} done with JNPR
[07:25] {dino} fwlt l hl .15
[07:28] {Threei} MASI, small shares long 19.60 if melts, very risky
[07:29] {magoo} why aapl down?news?
[07:30] {dino} out .45, +.30
[07:32] {Roman} FCEL had news yesterday
[07:37] {Threei} out half MASI +.25
[07:37] {dino} synt spiking
[07:38] {Threei} stop under .50 for other half
[07:39] {Threei} out in full +.40
[07:40] {dino} gj
[07:40] {Threei} lucky
[07:41] {Threei} come on magoo... sell!
[07:41] {magoo} out .10 TY
[07:41] {Threei} whew
[07:41] {Threei} ask me how I knew you were in...
[07:41] {magoo} nice to know u still care lol
[07:41] {Threei} no, but I pretend well
[07:42] {magoo} how u know anyway?
[07:42] {Threei} 'cause I said magic word
[07:42] {Threei} "very risky"
[07:42] {Threei} no way you skip any call with that comment, lol
[07:42] {magoo} OY
[07:42] {dino} risky, s synt .08, hl, stop hod
[07:42] {magoo} i that predictavble?
[07:43] {Threei} well, you are adrenalin addict :)
[07:43] {BillyD} lol
[07:43] {magoo} hey, thats 2 magic words
[07:43] {Threei} I guess... my math is bad
[07:45] {dino} stopped
[07:45] {magoo} ex moto crosser vad
[07:45] {dino} -.42
[07:45] {Threei} it shows
[07:49] {magoo} actually...that part of my personna really not good for a trader occupation
[07:49] {Threei} I don't know
[07:50] {Threei} it can be if it's balanced by risk control
[07:50] {magoo} see, brothers..dino never raced..he was / is very disciplined..and much better trader than magoo
[07:50] {Threei} look at it this way
[07:51] {Threei} risk taking, well developed feel for favorable moment is very important for high level performance,
[07:51] {Threei} it's other side of the equation that is going to define how successful you are
[07:51] {Threei} risk control
[07:51] {magoo} i was always undisciplined in yoputh..a little crazy..hard partier...racer....although we BOTH were womanizers (and both good at that he he)
[07:51] {Threei} taking risk is one thing... controlling risk is another
[07:51] {dino} lgnd
[07:52] {magoo} LGND
[07:52] {Threei} combine the two, you have really winning combination
[07:52] {Threei} first without second, you have wild swings in account, flirting with disaster
[07:53] {Threei} second without first, you have steady growth but very slow
[07:53] {Threei} may make a living at best
[07:53] {Threei} bread with little butter and certainly no caviar
[07:54] {Threei} both together, well balanced = high performance
[07:54] {dino} its all about the risk control (stops), simple as that
[07:55] {dino} i tell him, accpt that you know nothing, then it gets easier
[07:55] {Threei} totally
[07:56] {Threei} next step is, realize that in order to make money trading, you DON'T have to know anything wither :)
[07:56] {Threei} either
[07:57] {Threei} what does MASI do?
[07:57] {Threei} no idea, and who cares
[07:59] {dino} exactly, the less i know coming into work, the better i do.
[07:59] {Threei} me too but I found out you can go just so far that path... not knowing your broker login can be particularly limiting
[08:00] {dino} my 2 mile 6:30 am walk does more for my trading than anything
[08:00] {magoo} well, not today he he
[08:00] {magoo} come "wither"?
[08:02] {dino} armhy
[08:13] {magoo} masi isn't a ipo today is it?
[08:13] {Threei} it is
[08:13] {magoo} shit
[08:13] {magoo} is it marginable?
[08:13] {Threei} hmmm... no idea
[08:13] {Roman} PEIX going again
[08:15] {dino} arry
[08:23] {magoo} aapl sh loss 134
[08:24] {magoo} noyt in yet..needs to trigger
[08:26] {magoo} sh pcln .50
[08:26] {magoo} 1 :1
[08:27] {magoo} out PCLN .20
[08:28] {BillyD} nice scalp magoo
[08:28] {magoo} quick
[08:28] {BillyD} best way
[08:28] {magoo} still like it short
[08:28] {magoo} stalking
[08:28] {magoo} loss 78 short
[08:29] {DaveG} CMG could be a good short here soon
[08:30] {magoo} aggressive short here
[08:30] {dino} gotta hop take care all
[08:30] {DaveG} later dino
[08:30] {BillyD} hit'em straight
[08:31] {dino} :)
[08:32] {magoo} 3 : 1
[08:34] {magoo} out .59 plus
[08:34] {magoo} ?/
[08:34] {magoo} in from .12..what is that vad
[08:35] {magoo} [11:31] {magoo} aggressive short here
[08:35] {magoo} [11:31] {dino} gotta hop take care all
[08:35] {magoo} that was the .12
[08:37] {magoo} sh again loss 78
[08:38] {magoo} going to 76 area imho
[08:38] {magoo} risky as calling vad a loyal communist
[08:39] {magoo} everyone leave with dino}???
[08:39] {patience} nope
[08:40] {magoo} hey patience
[08:40] {Chaeron} :)
[08:40] * magoo slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[08:40] {patience} so you were a womanizer were you?
[08:40] {magoo} lol
[08:41] {BillyD} be beack later
[08:41] {esemde} oh oh...I smelll trouble brewing .......
[08:41] {BillyD} patience have a long talk w/ magoo
[08:41] {patience} laughing
[08:41] {magoo} you heard that ? he he
[08:47] {Threei} OK, now that my blackout of this ({magoo} risky as calling vad a loyal communist) is over.....
[08:47] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:48] * Chaeron slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:48] {magoo} i can take it..anyone else??
[08:48] {magoo} c'mon..i dare ya
[08:48] * dptl slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:51] {magoo} any with me sh pcln off 78?
[08:51] {magoo} now i know how vad feels
[08:52] {Threei} welcome to my world
[08:53] {dptl} lol
[08:53] {magoo} no wonder u always so cranky
[08:53] {Threei} me??? cranky?!?!? I am calm as yesterday's cake!!!!
[08:55] {DaveG} vad if you have a minute, pm plz
[09:02] {DaveG} damnit, should held that PCR short
[09:02] {DaveG} aargh
[09:02] {magoo} out .15 pcln + .85
[09:03] {DaveG} wow, wtg mags
[09:03] {magoo} stalking...going down like aerosmith song "luv in an elevator..livin it up as its going downn
[09:03] {dptl} lol
[09:04] {magoo} 11:52] {magoo} any with me sh pcln off 78?
[09:05] {magoo} risky as trying to play with vads live crabs
[09:05] {magoo} aggressive sh here
[09:07] {magoo} [11:39] {magoo} going to 76 area imho
[09:07] {magoo} [11:39] {magoo} risky as calling vad a
[09:08] {Roman} what's your entry for PCLN?
[09:08] {magoo} .09
[09:08] {magoo} but, may be reversing now
[09:08] {DaveG} omg did i blow pcr
[09:09] {magoo} got 76.85
[09:09] {magoo} i not in now..carefu;l
[09:11] {magoo} sh here again..risky
[09:11] {magoo} .02
[09:46] {Threei} TASR
[09:46] {Threei} long scalp on new highscalp
[09:46] {Threei} stop under .20
[09:49] {DaveG} out PERY +.42, thank you TradeTheNews
[09:50] {DaveG} could go higher
[09:51] {DaveG} yup
[09:51] {DaveG} wow
[10:03] {magoo} anyone in TASRT?
[10:04] {Threei} I won't admit... want you to feel alone, abandoned, forsaken
[10:04] {magoo} i did it worked
[10:07] {magoo} any read JNPR here vad?
[10:08] {Threei} not really
[10:08] {Threei} aimless wandering
[10:09] {Threei} I still won't admit I am in TASR magoo
[10:09] {magoo} [13:09] {Threei} aimless wandering
[10:09] {magoo} no need to insult my behavior
[10:09] {Threei} just stating facts... {G}
[10:10] {Threei} also as aimless wanderer to aimless wanderer, gotta tell you... aimless wandering is nothing to be ashamed of as long as you wander truly aimlessly
[10:11] {Threei} (poor Raven)
[10:12] {DaveG} earthquake
[10:12] {DaveG} Jakarta
[10:12] {magoo} hey, anyoner in tasr lol
[10:13] {lklarson} i am
[10:16] {Threei} I am not
[10:16] {Threei} anymore I mesn
[10:16] {Threei} mean
[10:16] {Threei} back to aimless wandering
[10:17] {Threei} 1:2
[10:17] {lklarson} out half tasr
[10:18] {Threei} no single stop today
[10:18] {Threei} can I go home?
[10:18] {DaveG} you are home
[10:18] {lklarson} nice work boss:)
[10:18] {magoo} no, i took that big hit from hysl...i NEED U
[10:18] {lklarson} no, sorry!
[10:19] {Threei} I didn't call HYSL... don't lay blame at my feet :)
[10:19] {DaveG} magoo, it's ok, if vad goes home, i'll hold your hand
[10:20] {Threei} I hope never to see that
[10:20] {DaveG} lol
[10:20] {magoo} out tasr .42 btw
[10:20] {magoo} ty
[10:21] {Threei} yw
[10:21] {lklarson} out rest tasr thx boss:)
[10:21] {Threei} :)
[10:23] * Threei slaps LaserDave around a bit with a large trout
[10:23] {Threei} does this guy ever pays attention to his dccs
[10:23] {Threei} does pays... poor raven
[10:28] {patience} ok, blue skies, very good breeze
[10:28] {patience} i am wearing thick wool double socks, heavy black sweater and black sweats
[10:28] {patience} this is so f'ing wrong for summer
[10:28] {patience} not impressed
[10:29] {magoo} i try to picture image
[10:31] {patience} sorry magoo, i have nothing to complain about with a great market day today, but honestly it is cold in victoria
[10:32] {Threei} no it's not
[10:33] {Threei} you guys are spoiled by long stretches of great weather :)
[10:33] {Threei} with my base for comparison, weather is fantastic
[10:34] {Raven} 85.3F here and like a sauna
[10:37] {DaveG} 95 F, 95% humidity here
[10:37] {DaveG} long live air cond
[10:37] {Raven} sheesh ... I'll take this then
[10:55] {BillyD} back
[10:55] {BillyD} miss anything
[10:56] {BillyD} except aimless wandering
[10:56] {magoo} nah, only none of us in tasr
[11:03] {Threei} anymore
[11:07] {Threei} wow, did we sell TASR way too early
[11:07] {Threei} I can think of just one thing that could make me feel better about that
[11:07] {Threei} magoo, care to guess?
[11:09] {magoo} what?
[11:09] * Threei slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[11:09] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[11:09] {magoo} WOW u sooooooo right
[11:10] {Threei} feels better doesn't it
[11:10] {magoo} yep..everyone should feel it
[11:10] {DaveG} hey
[11:27] {esemde} ladies and gentlemen i'm off to work....have music to write for september..take care
[11:27] {Threei} take care ese
[11:29] {magoo} slacker
[11:30] {BillyD} bye ese
[11:30] {BillyD} ELON...give me my shares back from this AM
[11:31] {magoo} me trhee
[11:31] {magoo} er, um, threei
[11:31] {magoo} uh, er two
[11:31] {magoo} ah shit...2
[11:31] {magoo} er, um me too
[11:31] {magoo} THERE
[11:32] {Threei} that was tortutous
[11:33] {Threei} "but then again, everything about magoo is" ®dino
[11:36] {BillyD} LEND maybe thru .42
[11:36] {Threei} wow
[11:36] {Threei} that was one quick drop, ELON
[11:37] {BillyD} scary if on wrong side
[11:38] {Threei} serious rug pulling
[11:46] {dptl} ok.....have a good evening all see ya tomorrow or after tomorrow (i may go fishing tomorrow)
[11:46] {Threei} can I order some fresh fish?
[11:47] {dptl} sure
[11:47] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[11:47] {Threei} sigh
[11:47] {DaveG} lol
[11:47] {dptl} {("))))))){
[11:47] * magoo slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[11:48] {Threei} rofl
[11:48] {dptl} here we go
[11:48] {Threei} that was fine fish dp
[11:48] {Threei} took me a min to understand
[11:48] {dptl} lol
[11:48] {Threei} but then again, I am slow
[11:49] {dptl} see ya latter guys
[11:49] {BillyD} bye dp
[11:49] {lklarson} later dp
[11:50] {magoo} big ups rolling over here
[11:56] {magoo} as in bidu...elon...wynn
[12:03] {BillyD} LEND short here maybe if big bid taken
[12:04] {Threei} ELON worth a try here short
[12:04] {Threei} small shares
[12:04] {Threei} ugh... sropped while I typed
[12:04] {Threei} dropped
[12:04] {magoo} not avail sh to laserheads
[12:05] {Threei} it is
[12:05] {Threei} for props
[12:05] {magoo} it wasn't twice for me...mnow uit itir
[12:05] {magoo} is
[12:06] {DaveG} my brain is cooked
[12:06] {DaveG} i'm gonna take off
[12:06] {magoo} that was tirtous too
[12:06] {DaveG} y'all have a good one
[12:06] {DaveG} triple day goal
[12:06] {Threei} careful crossing thr stgreet dave
[12:06] {Threei} cooked brain tends not to notice traffic
[12:07] {magoo} slacker
[12:07] {DaveG} have a good night mags :)
[12:07] {magoo} u too..nice work dave
[12:09] {BillyD} so much for elon short
[12:16] {Threei} shorted a little .90
[12:16] {Threei} stop just over 30
[12:17] {BillyD} looks good
[12:18] {Threei} sheesh... come on
[12:20] {Threei} covered half .73
[12:24] {Threei} bidding .41
[12:26] {Threei} out
[12:26] {BillyD} nice
[12:26] {Threei} can't believe how strongly it held with such market selling
[12:26] {BillyD}'s crazy
[12:26] {Threei} could you think of better moment to short
[12:27] {Threei} huge resistance at 30, dropping market, top of sizeable bounce
[12:27] {magoo} good one bossasasuras vad
[12:27] {Threei} and it barely worked
[12:27] {Threei} you took it magooski?
[12:27] {magoo} dow red
[12:28] {magoo} wynn gave back 10 points
[12:28] {magoo} sh pcln
[12:28] {magoo} bidu gave back 8
[12:35] {BillyD} ELON a crapshoot
[12:42] {Threei} OK guys
[12:42] {Threei} great day
[12:42] {Threei} no need to trade last 15 min I guess
[12:42] {magoo} thanx vad
[12:42] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow :)
[12:42] {BillyD} thx Vsaad...great calls

August 7, 2007

Session Start: Tue Aug 07 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Tue Aug 07 00:00:00 2007

[05:33] {magoo} mornink
[05:33] {BillyD} magoo:)
[05:34] {magoo} :)
[05:53] {esemde} good morning guys and dolls......sorry I couldn't be with you all yesterday...had a great show with the Temptations on sunday night a was physically and mentally wiped out
[05:54] {magoo} glad u had good time
[05:55] {esemde} tks amazing experience for the high school band
[05:57] {cosmo} i try to avoid temptations
[05:58] {cosmo} NVTL pre mkt high = 23.50 fwiw
[05:59] {cosmo} QGEN pre mkt high = 18.26 fwiw
[06:00] {dino} gm all
[06:02] {esemde} dino
[06:02] {Threei} goooood moooorning
[06:02] {Threei} coooffffeee sloooowly kicks iiiin
[06:02] {markweb} gm all:)
[06:02] {Threei} maaaaark :)
[06:02] {markweb} :)
[06:02] {esemde} and a gooooood moooooorning to you as welll
[06:03] {Threei} ese :)
[06:03] {magoo} morn vad
[06:03] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:03] {cosmo} ONXX earnings soon ...est = -33c
[06:04] {magoo} u in cosmo?
[06:04] {cosmo} nope
[06:05] {cosmo} 32.25 pre mkt high far
[06:06] {DaveG} morning
[06:07] {Threei} dave
[06:08] {esemde} Dave
[06:11] {BillyD} morn rest of RT
[06:11] {magoo} ditto lol
[06:12] {BillyD} lol...late arrivers
[06:12] {BillyD} especially Vad
[06:12] {magoo} kiss ass lol
[06:13] {BillyD} I meant Vad is bad example being late for the rest
[06:13] {BillyD} hehe
[06:14] {Threei} Billy :)
[06:14] {BillyD} oh...hi Vad
[06:14] {Threei} being bad example is no news for me since 8th grade
[06:22] {DaveG} roac
[06:23] {BillyD} QGEN 52wk high is 18.62
[06:25] {dino} clwr drop
[06:29] {gabby} morning RT's
[06:29] {Threei} gabby :)
[06:29] {BillyD} hi gabby
[06:31] {magoo} vad, keep eye on WYNN
[06:31] {magoo} if mkt tanks it prolly can't hold
[06:32] {cosmo} onxx
[06:33] {magoo} ignoring me
[06:34] {Threei} who?
[06:34] {Threei} {trout ready}
[06:34] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:35] {Threei} after this spike WYNN should pull back
[06:35] {Threei} there
[06:35] {Threei} totally useless read
[06:36] {Threei} things happen in a blink of eye on this one
[06:36] {dptl} good morning all
[06:36] {Threei} 1 dollar drop in 10 seconds
[06:36] {Threei} dp :)
[06:37] {Threei} sorry magoo, I won't waste my time with WYNN, it's impossible to call it in time
[06:37] {esemde} long URBN
[06:37] {magoo} alrighty then
[06:38] {esemde} 22.56...stop .28
[06:38] {esemde} out URBN .82 +.26
[06:40] {Threei} nice start
[06:40] {esemde} tks VAD
[06:40] {dino} l hl clwr .00
[06:40] {Threei} ELON small shares long .60 if stays above .30
[06:40] {dino} out clwr .50, +.50
[06:42] {esemde} long VRTX .75
[06:43] {esemde} stop .50
[06:44] {cosmo} ONXX 32.8 hod
[06:44] {dino} l hl fwlt .64
[06:44] {cosmo} so far
[06:45] {Threei} ELON 1:1
[06:46] {esemde} nice one VAd
[06:46] {gabby} tks 3i
[06:46] {magoo} ty vad
[06:47] {Threei} welcome guys
[06:47] {esemde} a gooda joba boyza...
[06:47] {magoo} u had good participation there vad lol
[06:47] {Threei} for a change {G}
[06:47] {Roman} LOCM
[06:47] {Roman} bouncing a bit
[06:47] {magoo} i know...
[06:48] {Threei} ese... what dialect is that? Sounds like me after 14th shot of vodka
[06:48] {Threei} or dave after 3rd
[06:49] {esemde} was me celebrating sunday successful sunday night concert
[06:49] {Threei} gosh, you competed with Symphony Splash...
[06:49] {dino} out fwlt .26, +.62
[06:50] {Threei} dino, stop that... if you win every time noone will come out to play with you tomorrow
[06:50] {esemde} yes.....The Royal was almost sold out 9000 to 1000 seats
[06:50] {dino} just lucky bro
[06:50] {esemde} 900 to 1000
[06:51] {lklarson} keep it up dino, nice work:)
[06:51] {magoo} dino wants free membership vad....says he makes more calls than u
[06:51] {dino} ty lkl, lol magoo
[06:52] {Threei} I have alternative suggestion - he can have entire room, I am dreaming of retiriment for years {G}
[06:52] {dino} clwr fast fall
[06:52] {magoo} and of coarse....u must give complimentary free to brother
[06:52] {DaveG} l aapl .40
[06:52] {dino} risky, hl l clwr .44
[06:52] {Threei} what happened to {DaveG} AAPL evil
[06:52] {BillyD} ss aapl....everytime dave posts he loses
[06:53] {magoo} sh too lol
[06:53] {DaveG} out aapl 136.79 +.39
[06:53] {BillyD} hehe
[06:53] {DaveG} bite me
[06:53] {magoo} ha ha
[06:53] {BillyD} gj dave
[06:53] {BillyD} I was kidding
[06:53] {Roman} LOCM looking better
[06:54] {Roman} flippers following it
[06:54] {DaveG} buncha meanies
[06:54] {DaveG} make me cry
[06:54] {DaveG} :)
[06:54] {DaveG} ma moving
[06:55] {Roman} AUXL long setup
[06:55] {Roman} small off 20.50, thin, small shares
[06:56] {DaveG} l aapl .88
[06:56] {magoo} long aapl daves exit lol
[06:56] {magoo} really
[06:56] {Threei} ELON another long setup on 24 break if stays above .80
[06:56] {Threei} small shares
[06:56] {Roman} NEXC bouncing on daily
[06:57] {Roman} GRMN long setup small shares
[06:57] {Roman} wide stop
[06:59] {Roman} i am not convinced of market continuation today
[06:59] {Roman} IMO
[06:59] {Threei} watching COST
[06:59] {Roman} fed at 2 p.m.
[06:59] {Threei} pullback into .50 for long, or break of .75 if no such deep pullback
[07:00] {dino} clwr stopped -.35
[07:00] {magoo} 2:15 actually fed
[07:00] {Roman} MPEL
[07:00] {dino} rinsed
[07:00] {Roman} on the sqeeze watch
[07:01] {dino} l again .25'
[07:02] {esemde} out VRTX.. .95
[07:03] {esemde} +.20 +.45 for the Day am going to spend time watching you you all and build on the positives tomorrow
[07:03] {Threei} nice ese
[07:03] {esemde} tks
[07:04] {Threei} .59 COST stop
[07:05] {magoo} waiting .34 aapl
[07:06] {Threei} 1:1 COST
[07:06] {dino} clwr stop to .90
[07:06] {DaveG} out .20 apl +32
[07:06] {BillyD} out cost thx Vad
[07:06] * DaveG slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[07:06] {Threei} welcome
[07:07] {dino} make it .96
[07:08] {dino} out clwr .08, +.83
[07:09] {dino} need coffee
[07:09] {DaveG} i have broken the posting jinx
[07:09] {Roman} long HOKU
[07:09] {Roman} 7.85 area slow, looking for bounce with other solars
[07:10] {Roman} VDSI feels higher
[07:10] {Roman} out GRMN +.80 small shares
[07:11] {dino} wtg rfr
[07:12] {dino} 5 day on ffiv a bit bloody
[07:12] {Roman} long VDSI small
[07:12] {Roman} 29.44 , 1/3 size stop 29.2
[07:13] {Threei} COST 1:2, out in full +.38
[07:13] {Roman} LULU nuts
[07:13] {Roman} TRMP reported earnings yesterday
[07:14] {Roman} could be sqeezing today
[07:14] {Roman} 6.15
[07:15] {Roman} ZIXI spike
[07:17] {magoo} fast entry..took vads ELON
[07:19] {magoo} out here .35 THANX vad
[07:19] {Roman} out 1/2 AUXL +.30
[07:20] {Roman} out 1/2 VDSI +.32
[07:20] {dino} nice
[07:20] {Threei} welcome :)
[07:20] {magoo} huh??/
[07:20] {Threei} sigh'
[07:24] {cosmo} HCBK gonna test 13.50
[07:24] {cosmo} soon
[07:24] {cosmo} i think
[07:25] {dino} vlccf
[07:26] {dino} ffiv hl l .90, risky
[07:27] {dino} out .30, +.40
[07:29] {Threei} watching AUXL for long
[07:29] {Threei} small shares, with NQ resumptuion upward
[07:30] {Threei} .60 support
[07:31] {Threei} if loses .60, next support to watch is .40
[07:32] {Threei} ELON is bounce play too
[07:38] {cosmo} SIMG hod = 5.13
[07:38] {cosmo} may test
[07:39] {Roman} watching PEIX
[07:39] {Roman} popped over $13 yesterday on no news
[07:39] {gabby} out ELON bnounce +.20 tks 3i
[07:39] {Threei} :)
[07:40] {Roman} out HOKU -.03
[07:41] {Roman} out remaining VDSI
[07:41] {Roman} out remaining AUXL
[07:45] {cosmo} SIMG patiently waiting for mkt to turn up
[07:45] {BillyD} PAYX strong again
[07:48] {Roman} long OMTR small
[07:48] {Roman} 25, 1/3 size
[07:48] {cosmo} SIMG gets impatient
[07:49] {BillyD} if PAYX can take interesting
[07:50] {Roman} XMSR
[07:50] {dino} xmsr spike
[07:50] {dino} vtal too
[07:50] {Threei} news?
[07:51] {Roman} long ACAD
[07:51] {Roman} XMSR XM Satellite: FCCs Martin says Pleased With Sirius/XM A La Carte Proposal (11.27 +0.35)
[07:51] {Roman} i am glad i sold my HOKU ........NOT
[07:52] {Roman} SIRI & XMSR on radar
[07:54] {Roman} long PEIX
[07:55] {Roman} small, 11.62 in case repeats yesterday's spike
[07:58] {BillyD} Vad...that's the kind of XMSR move you were talkingh abvout weeks ago
[08:03] {Threei} you overestimate my memory
[08:03] {BillyD} yeah..took you long enough to respond
[08:04] {BillyD} for got that to
[08:04] {Threei} searched memory bank {G}
[08:04] {cosmo} clear your cache 3i
[08:04] {BillyD} need more RAMM
[08:06] {Roman} out 1/2 ACAD +.14
[08:08] {Threei} RADS .65 half lot long
[08:08] {Threei} if stays above .50
[08:10] {dino} cyno drop
[08:11] {cosmo} SIMG should hold .25
[08:11] {dino} nah
[08:12] {dino} nah to cyno
[08:12] {cosmo} i'd go for 2
[08:15] {Roman} out 1/2 OMTR +.30
[08:17] {Threei} I'll be back in 40 min guys
[08:17] {Threei} gitta drop a guest to ferry
[08:17] {Threei} we had great morning, gotta give it a pause anyway
[08:17] {cosmo} yea...mkt needs a nap
[08:18] {BillyD} come straight goofing off
[08:21] {dino} \fslr trig l 100, hl
[08:28] {dino} l hl cyno .97, stop .74
[08:30] {dino} out fslr .84, +.84
[08:30] {dino} too soon
[08:30] {BillyD} nice dino
[08:30] {DaveG} out fslr +1.06
[08:30] {DaveG} thx dino
[08:31] {dino} np dave
[08:31] {dino} i got out about a buck too soon
[08:32] {BillyD} dino...what was your stop on FSLR
[08:33] {dino} .49, hl
[08:33] {BillyD} ok...thx
[08:33] {dino} risk 250
[08:33] {dino} most that way for me bd
[08:34] {BillyD} was curious from chart where you saw it
[08:34] {dino} 250/shares=stop
[08:34] {BillyD} or if it was even from chart
[08:34] {dino} just the big whole enchallada100
[08:34] {BillyD} I see
[08:34] {DaveG} 102
[08:35] {dino} in this mkt, keep it simple working best
[08:35] {BillyD} sometimes we can make it more anal than it needs to be
[08:35] {dino} clwr interesting again
[08:36] {dino} ask magoo, when i come in w/o watching cnbc and turn the music one, its zone time
[08:36] {dino} on
[08:36] {BillyD} you trade what you see
[08:37] {DaveG} i see dead people
[08:37] {BillyD} no apprehensions
[08:37] {dino} me too dave, getting used to it, :)
[08:37] {BillyD} put the pillow over your head dave
[08:38] {dino} bd, remember, in the end nothing matters but the stop, so why overthink
[08:38] {dino} damn fwlt goes to 104
[08:38] {dino} opps wqrong stock
[08:38] {DaveG} fwlt doesn't like me
[08:40] {dino} its like pulp
[08:42] {DaveG} dont look at fslr
[08:42] {dino} clwr hl l .14, stop, .89
[08:43] {dino} make it .97, shouldn't go there
[08:44] {Roman} long HOKU small 8.10 area
[08:44] {DaveG} dont look at fslr
[08:45] {dino} it did do 104 wow
[08:45] {DaveG} 105 on deck
[08:46] {dino} cyno not moving, tighten to .84
[08:46] {BillyD} in ELON .29
[08:46] {BillyD} and CLWR .11
[08:49] {Roman} in TRMP small
[08:49] {Roman} 6.17
[08:49] {Roman} CSUN bouncer
[08:50] {Roman} don't want to chase it tho
[08:51] {BillyD} out 1/2 elon +.19
[08:51] {dino} gj
[08:51] {DaveG} out gs +.62
[08:51] {BillyD} ty
[08:53] {dino} wtg
[08:53] {BillyD} out rest ++.34
[08:58] {Threei} back
[08:59] {BillyD} you are quick
[08:59] {Threei} 40 min... punctual one ain't I
[08:59] {BillyD} no goofing off either
[08:59] {BillyD} I'm impressed
[08:59] {BillyD} and shocked as well
[09:01] {Threei} loss of .80 maybe a short trigger for HSIC
[09:01] {Threei} small shares
[09:01] {Threei} dino's style
[09:01] {Roman} out remaining OMTR +.65
[09:03] {Roman} out remaining ACAD +.40
[09:04] {Roman} out HOKU -.02
[09:04] {Roman} i got to leave early today, wishing all of you luck
[09:04] {Roman} remember fed 2:15 p.m.
[09:04] * Threei slaps Roman around a bit with a large trout
[09:04] {dino} gj rfr
[09:05] {BillyD} nice trades Roman
[09:06] {BillyD} out 1/2 CLWR +.27
[09:06] {Roman} ty
[09:06] {Roman} u guys are killing it today, DINO probably tripple over daily goal
[09:06] {Threei} dino stopped counting
[09:06] {BillyD} I wanna be like dino
[09:07] {BillyD} lol
[09:07] {dino} y
[09:07] {dino} no you don't bd
[09:07] {BillyD} like your trading's that
[09:08] {BillyD} you are right dino...then I would have magoo for brother and office partner
[09:08] {esemde} dino...I know this might be prying...but what is your daily goal? Obviously don't have to answer if you don't want too
[09:08] {dino} 600
[09:08] {Threei} rofl billy
[09:08] {dino} lol bd
[09:08] {dino} tbsi spike
[09:09] {esemde} well done...dino
[09:09] {Threei} mama mia ELON
[09:09] {Roman} out TRMP
[09:09] * Threei is looking in the drawers for some forgotten ELON shares... nah, no luck
[09:09] {esemde} i was looking at that as well Vad.....i guess there is no way to read that to stay in the trade
[09:10] {dino} cyno stop to .88, sleepy
[09:10] {dino} out -.09
[09:10] {BillyD} partials on it ese imo
[09:11] {dino} ty ese
[09:12] {esemde} hope to have that goal someday as well dino
[09:12] {DaveG} 105 fslr
[09:13] {BillyD} out rest CLWR +.24
[09:13] {BillyD} thx dino for heads up
[09:13] {dino} gj, having trouble w/.40
[09:14] {BillyD} figure I would try too see if .50 got taken
[09:14] {BillyD} but no go yet...still may
[09:14] {dino} you're like lkl, better entries
[09:15] {lklarson} lol
[09:16] {BillyD} it's firming up dino
[09:16] {Threei} 1:1 HSIC
[09:17] {Threei} what, no takers?
[09:18] {dino} i wanted one spike vad
[09:18] {dino} good call tho
[09:18] {Threei} JBE fade...
[09:18] {lklarson} sorry boss, but i was out and just got back:)
[09:18] {Threei} or what magoo used to call flatliners
[09:18] {dino} good movie
[09:21] {dino} out clwr .38, +.24. taking a break
[09:27] {BillyD} RADS still valid
[09:27] {DaveG} like totally, man
[09:28] {Threei} not sure
[09:28] {Threei} time of the day is not too good fit for this kind of breaks
[09:28] {BillyD} large offer at .70 plus lunch time
[09:29] {Threei} ty
[09:29] {Threei} saved me typing :)
[09:44] {Threei} oh boy
[09:44] {Threei}
[09:44] {DaveG} yeah
[09:45] {Threei} raven said long ago, one day this guy will blow a vein on TV
[09:45] {DaveG} guy lost it
[09:45] {Threei} EMKR .61 long
[09:45] {Threei} if stays above .50
[09:48] {BillyD} ROFLOL....cramer
[09:48] {BillyD} he should get an oscar
[09:49] {esemde} Holly Cramer always like that? I have to say that i don't watch him much but holy smoke...How do you do that on TV?
[09:49] {BillyD} only allowed on financial channels
[09:50] {esemde} wow!!!
[09:50] {DaveG} he's "special"
[09:50] {DaveG} like mags
[09:51] {esemde} I do believe we lock up people like that here in Canada
[09:51] {DaveG} lol
[09:51] {Threei} uh oh... I better not go out too much
[09:52] {BillyD} well have to say it
[09:52] {BillyD} put him into cell next to Vad
[09:52] {BillyD} vad use to be that same way years ago
[09:52] {BillyD} lock up does wonders
[09:52] {Threei} yeah, and now it's worse
[09:53] {DaveG} it was the electric shock that did it
[09:53] {BillyD} rfol
[09:58] {DaveG} crnt
[09:58] {Threei} LULU
[09:59] {Threei} break of 36 small shares long
[09:59] {Threei} stop under .80
[09:59] {DaveG} tutu?
[09:59] {DaveG} oh, sorry
[10:03] {DaveG} crnt continues
[10:04] {magoo} anyone going for LULU?
[10:05] {lklarson} i will:)
[10:05] {magoo} in
[10:06] {lklarson} no
[10:06] {DaveG} not i
[10:06] {lklarson} spread is so high
[10:06] {DaveG} AAPL
[10:08] {lklarson} ok, and that is bad news?
[10:09] {Raven} back ... Cramer blew his stack ... rofl ... thx 3i :)
[10:09] {Threei} :)
[10:09] {DaveG} he sure did
[10:10] {Raven} he should go to the corner, Dave
[10:10] {Raven} what a display
[10:10] {BillyD} PAYX gonna try 45 maybe
[10:11] {DaveG} l bcsi .12
[10:16] {DaveG} out .30 +.18
[10:19] {Threei} WRNC
[10:19] {Threei} .54 short small shares
[10:21] {DaveG} dia hod
[10:25] {dino} l hl hayn hl, risk 74.40
[10:25] {dino} out .94, +.50
[10:28] {dino} .54
[10:38] {magoo} LULU sure pulled a lulu
[10:53] {Threei} ELON just phoned
[10:53] {BillyD} phone off hook here
[11:05] {dino} ffiv approaches lod
[11:07] {Threei} 10 minutes till show starts
[11:07] {DaveG} 7 minutes till cramer's head explodes when there's no rate cut
[11:07] {Threei} got popcorn?
[11:09] {dino} cvgi spike
[11:10] {BillyD} news?
[11:12] {dino} not that i see
[11:12] {Raven} sheesh
[11:16] {BillyD} people really expecting a rate cut
[11:16] {BillyD} Cramewr on floor crying right now....hehe
[11:16] {DaveG} lol
[11:16] {dino} ffiv hl l .57
[11:18] {BillyD} Laser people getting bumped on/off??
[11:18] {Threei} looks ok here
[11:18] {BillyD} tried shorting LEND 7.36 and syas my connection bad
[11:19] {BillyD} drops over a pt
[11:19] {Threei} sent test order, went in fine
[11:19] {Threei} news LEND?
[11:20] {BillyD} thx....evrything else fine here
[11:20] {BillyD} no issues until drop in mkt
[11:30] {Threei} finally gravity in ELON
[11:31] {BillyD} watching LEND to see if continues south under 7
[11:36] {dino} out ffiv .71, +.24
[11:37] {cosmo} mkt pulling a cramer?
[11:43] {Threei} quite hysterical moves
[11:44] {Threei} ELON is tempted for a short on this spike
[11:45] {Threei} tempting
[11:45] {BillyD} they leap
[11:45] {BillyD} beyond jumping
[11:48] {BillyD} watching cramer again....roflol
[11:57] {dino} green
[12:02] {dino} hows a 200+ swing
[12:03] {Threei} wild
[12:04] {Threei} and very easy to read {G}
[12:04] {dino} stalking vads' hsic
[12:08] {Threei} short .57
[12:08] {Threei} stop above .60
[12:08] {Threei} sorry, .47
[12:09] {dino} partial at .50 s hsic
[12:09] {dino} ok, hl
[12:11] {Threei} come on HSIC, talk to sir Newton
[12:11] {dino} patience vad
[12:12] {Threei} I've got it
[12:12] {Threei} all 3 minutes of it
[12:12] {dino} my bstop is tight fwiw, .62
[12:12] {DaveG} 106 fslr
[12:12] {dino} ugh!
[12:13] {Threei} not time yet
[12:13] {dino} -.12 stopped
[12:13] {DaveG} 107 fslr
[12:14] {BillyD} finally got my PAYX scalp over 45
[12:20] {dino} ffiv hl l .80 risky
[12:20] {magoo} u bet it is :)
[12:20] {dino} lol
[12:23] {BillyD} vad..still short HSIC
[12:24] {Threei} no
[12:24] {BillyD} ty
[12:25] {magoo} any sh read ELON vad?
[12:25] {magoo} make it a good o ne
[12:25] {magoo} one
[12:26] {Threei} not really
[12:26] {dino} stopped. thats all for me today. good numbers, thx all
[12:29] {cosmo} rally
[12:34] {DaveG} mkt is on crack i tell ya
[12:34] {Threei} EMKR 9 break for a scalp
[12:35] {dino} i am mentally tired
[12:36] {lklarson} out ffiv +.57 thx dino
[12:36] {BillyD} lol
[12:36] {dino} gj lkl, again, you do better
[12:37] {lklarson} lol
[12:37] {dino} magoo, too
[12:37] {lklarson} did not want to rub it in, but got lucky on this one
[12:38] {Threei} {lklarson} ah who am I kidding, I loved to rub it in
[12:38] {dino} lol
[12:38] {lklarson} lol
[12:39] {dino} luck counts and i count on it
[12:40] {lklarson} sure helps
[12:45] {dino} s hayn small
[12:45] {dino} .00
[12:48] {dino} cov .65, +.35
[12:50] {dino} ok, this time really done. had fun, thx
[12:51] {Threei} take care dino
[12:51] {lklarson} take care dino
[12:51] {lklarson} nice work today!
[12:51] {dino} you too vad, lkl , checking the fridg for amuch earned brew
[12:55] {Threei} thank you all
[12:55] {Threei} have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[12:55] {BillyD} c everyone tomorrow
[12:55] {lklarson} take care vad
[12:56] {lklarson} have a good night all
Session Close: Wed Aug 08 00:00:00 2007

Monday, August 6, 2007

August 6, 2007

Session Start: Mon Aug 06 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Mon Aug 06 00:00:00 2007

[05:12] {DaveG} morning
[05:39] {BillyD} hi dave
[05:41] {gabby} morning RT's
[05:41] {BillyD} morning gabby
[05:52] {cosmo} LEND pre mkt high = 8.42 far ...who knows...
[05:52] {cosmo} FTEK misses/warns
[05:56] {cosmo} ... Fuel Tech, Inc. Earnings Conference Call (starting momentarily)
[05:57] {cosmo} fwiw
[05:58] {dino} gm all
[05:59] {cosmo} IDEV: Indevus Gets Sanctura XR Approval
[05:59] {cosmo} AP (Mon 8:52am)
[05:59] {markweb} gm all
[06:01] {Threei} Good morning RT
[06:01] {markweb} :)
[06:01] {gabby} Hi 3i
[06:02] {Threei} gabby :)
[06:06] {cosmo} ZOLT: Zoltek to Offer 4 Million Shares
[06:06] {cosmo} AP (Mon 8:42am)
[06:07] {DaveG} morning vad
[06:08] {DaveG} my office is on the third floor....there's a guy standing outside my window
[06:08] {Threei} hey dave
[06:08] {Threei} window washer?
[06:08] {cosmo} WFII: Awarded U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command Contract Valued At Approximately $46 Million
[06:08] {cosmo} PrimeNewswire (Mon 8:30am)
[06:09] {DaveG} i think he's looking for a leak
[06:09] {DaveG} spraying water all over
[06:09] {Threei} information leak?
[06:09] {DaveG} :)
[06:09] {Threei} make sure it's water, not gasolin
[06:10] {DaveG} hope not
[06:10] {Threei} in which case you may want to open the winodow and gently push him
[06:10] {DaveG} i'll pass
[06:10] {BillyD} morn Vad, Cos
[06:10] {cosmo} i'd run outside and start screaming
[06:10] {Threei} Billy :)
[06:11] {cosmo} BD:)
[06:11] {Threei} make sure you are directly under his platform, cosmo
[06:11] {Threei} 'cause when dave does push him...
[06:12] {Threei} trajectory says it will be the only safe zone
[06:13] {cosmo} there's would be some doubt about that
[06:13] {cosmo} there
[06:13] {Threei} well, of course dave could always option for cutting the cables... in which case yeah, you want to be away
[06:14] {DaveG} he's standing on a crane platform
[06:14] {cosmo} this could be troubling
[06:14] {Threei} you are going to need bigger cutters, that's all
[06:15] {cosmo} are the news choppers there yet?
[06:17] {DaveG} he's ruining my view
[06:17] {DaveG} spraying water all over
[06:19] {cosmo} it must be a hot day there
[06:20] {DaveG} supposed to be 95 here today
[06:20] {cosmo} humid too?
[06:20] {DaveG} very
[06:20] {cosmo} tell him that water is useless
[06:22] {lklarson} gm all
[06:23] {Threei} lkl :)
[06:23] {cosmo} ELOS: Syneron Medical beats by $0.02, ex items
[06:23] {cosmo} (Mon 6:17am)
[06:23] {cosmo} 26 high so far
[06:23] {dino} anybody watching lend re: takeover
[06:24] {cosmo} chapter 11 anouncment is the latest i believe
[06:25] {dino} that was amer.home
[06:26] {cosmo} FTEK
[06:26] {cosmo}
[06:27] {magoo} morning
[06:28] {BillyD} magooski
[06:28] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:28] {dptl} good morning all
[06:28] {Threei} dp :)
[06:28] {BillyD} dp, dino
[06:28] {gabby} wow FTEK
[06:28] {cosmo} its healing
[06:28] {cosmo} so far
[06:30] {magoo} u readsing LEND vad?
[06:30] {Threei} watching
[06:32] {BillyD} just scalped LEND scaling out from .30 to .64
[06:32] {Threei} nice start
[06:32] {BillyD} heart pumping too early though
[06:33] {BillyD} got lucky
[06:33] {BillyD} was watching in premkt and .30 was a break
[06:34] {dino} gj
[06:34] {BillyD} ty
[06:34] {cosmo} AVNR
[06:34] {cosmo} hod = 2..6
[06:38] {dino} ocnf l .15, stop .89
[06:39] {Threei} CTXS
[06:40] {Threei} if .60 is holding as a support, .70 meltdown is long
[06:41] {dino} hl l lend .15, stop .79 wide
[06:42] {Threei} .59 stop
[06:42] {gabby} out LEND +0.28
[06:43] {BillyD} Vad...CTXS??? at 36.06
[06:43] {magoo} yeah
[06:44] {Threei} sheesh
[06:44] {Threei} sorry, clicked on scrolling symbol in scanner
[06:44] {Threei} and never noticed different one
[06:45] {BillyD} np
[06:47] {cosmo} CTXS hod = 36.30 fwiw
[06:53] {Threei} PAYX half lot long
[06:53] {Threei} .26 trigger
[06:53] {Threei} stop under 43
[06:55] {Threei} stop to 43.09
[06:56] {lklarson} stopped ocnf
[06:57] {BillyD} out payx for scalp thx Vad
[06:57] {Threei} welcome
[07:02] {Threei} 8.10 long LEND
[07:02] {Threei} 7.90 stop
[07:02] {Threei} volatile one
[07:02] {Threei} as you probably know :)
[07:03] {BillyD} to say the least
[07:08] {BillyD} watching ALKS for long off .50 break
[07:08] {BillyD} if holds .40
[07:11] {Threei} NVDA half lot short
[07:11] {Threei} .39
[07:12] {Threei} stop .55
[07:17] {lklarson} stopped nvda
[07:20] {dino} fslr hl l .00, risky
[07:21] {cosmo} ZOLT
[07:22] {Threei} AVID short small shares
[07:22] {Threei} .09 selling is trigger
[07:23] {Threei} stop above .25
[07:23] {dino} l tm .25, hl
[07:25] {dino} fslr stopped
[07:26] {gabby} You were right too early 3i NVDA
[07:26] {Threei} yeah... oh qwell
[07:26] {Threei} die AVID
[07:28] {Threei} good boy
[07:31] {lklarson} out avid thx vad
[07:31] {Threei} :)
[07:32] {gabby} out AVID +.22 thks 3i
[07:33] {Threei} welcome
[07:40] {BillyD} GGBM some action
[07:40] {BillyD} choppy so far today
[07:41] {cosmo} ... needs to hold 5.10 imo
[07:45] {Threei} wow GGBM
[07:46] {Threei} MNST 33.05 long
[07:46] {Threei} half lot
[07:46] {Threei} .90 support
[07:46] {Roman} RADA RADA Electronic Industries announces it has received a $900,000 purchase orders for production and Delivery of Various Avionics Units (1.39 -0.03)
[07:50] {Threei} stop to .95
[07:56] {Threei} 1:1
[07:57] {Threei} exit as you see fit
[07:57] {Threei} me out +.23
[07:57] {gabby} tks
[07:57] {lklarson} out mnst +.30 thx vad
[07:58] {Threei} :)
[07:58] {Roman} PLUG
[07:58] {gabby} nice chart WFMI. wasnt in :-(
[08:05] {BillyD} gj guys on MNST
[08:12] {BillyD} Vad...see dcc when have a min
[08:14] {dptl} got to go..........see ya all tomorrow............
[08:14] {BillyD} bye dp
[08:14] {lklarson} take care dp
[08:17] {magoo} sheesh ggbm
[08:17] {BillyD} trade of envy GGBM
[08:20] {magoo} watching LEND (that sob lol)
[08:35] {dino} out tm .79, +.54
[08:37] {Roman} PEIX spike
[08:37] {Roman} don't see news
[08:37] {BillyD} PAYX Vad....
[08:38] {Threei} {shrug}
[08:40] {dino} cmed blood
[08:42] {Threei} sheesh
[08:42] {Threei} what's going on PEIX
[08:42] {LaserDave} news cmed?
[08:43] {Roman} long MGPI on PEIX
[08:43] {Roman} small
[08:44] {dino} l cmed hl .30-
[08:47] {Roman} Coal mine collapses after earthquake in Utah, trapping some miners, according to Fox News - Reuters
[08:49] {BillyD} nice CMED dino
[08:49] {Threei} LKQX half lot long .50
[08:49] {Threei} stop .34
[08:51] {dino} ty bd
[08:51] {dino} i need to stick to capits and spikes
[08:58] {DaveG} hey i just noticed, there's a football on the roof below me
[08:58] {dino} out cmed .26, +.96
[08:59] {Threei} beautiful trade
[08:59] {DaveG} nice dino
[09:00] {patience} very nice dino
[09:00] {dino} ty
[09:00] {dino} dropping again
[09:03] {dino} spec fast fall
[09:08] {DaveG} FULT
[09:09] {dino} fult, psec drop
[09:14] {LaserDave} what is with these stocks just dropping like that
[09:14] {LaserDave} crazy
[09:15] {dino} no idea
[09:18] {DaveG} covered fult +.52, thanks TradeThe News
[09:21] {dino} l fult hl .42 risky
[09:23] {dino} wtg dave
[09:27] {dino} out fult .12, +.70
[09:31] {BillyD} gj dino
[09:32] {dino} ty bd, lucky entry
[09:32] {BillyD} i saw the chart
[09:32] {lklarson} nice dino
[09:33] {dino} risky, hl l spec .98
[09:34] {dino} ty lkl
[09:35] {lklarson} out half lkqx
[09:37] {Threei} :)
[09:38] {lklarson} out rest lkqx +.32 thx vad
[09:40] {dino} spe stop is .88, fwiw
[09:40] {dino} spec
[10:03] {cosmo} ZOLT 41.50 test coming
[10:14] {cosmo} 42
[10:19] {BillyD} GGBM is holding .80 area
[10:19] {BillyD} may be setting up for later run
[10:21] {Chaeron} Notable earnings after the close are: BMC, CNO, JCOM, and WYNN and tomorrow prior to the US Equity market open: DF, DTG, EMR, HET, KG, MLM, PFGC, TAP, THC, TYC, and WMG
[10:35] {dino} ffiv
[10:35] {BillyD} LEND active
[10:36] {DaveG} nfi halted
[10:37] {Threei} AHM too
[10:37] {Threei} LEND all over the place
[10:37] {Threei} this sector is not for faint heart
[10:38] {BillyD} no...I mus be sick then....I played short twice
[10:38] {BillyD} BD off .50 and on spike at .86
[10:38] {BillyD} small shares
[10:39] {DaveG} AHM halt reason code, delisting
[10:39] {dino} spec stop to .27
[10:39] {BillyD} great patience dino
[10:40] {BillyD} it encourages me
[10:42] {dino} out spec .25, +.27
[10:42] {dino} lol bd
[10:45] {DaveG} out nfi +.52
[10:46] {dino} nice
[10:51] {Threei} you would think NFI should lift LEND
[11:09] {dino} ffiv hl .25 l
[11:16] {dino} stop to .75
[11:16] {dino} out .84 +.59
[11:17] {dino} hsic
[11:32] {dino} hl l fwlt .52, whippy
[11:35] {Threei} this is one funny august
[11:35] {Threei} usually I am bored to death and mostly flat
[11:35] {Threei} this time around, I am bored to death and nicely profitable
[11:35] {Threei} either it's different this August, or I finally learned how to trade them
[11:36] {Threei} after just 11 years of trading, lol
[11:36] {Threei} (nnone can accuse me of fast learning)
[11:38] {dino} don't kid yourself, this is one crazy and unusual august
[11:38] {Threei} too bad...
[11:38] {dino} lol
[11:38] {Threei} I hoped it was me :)
[11:39] {dino} just calling it the way i see it
[11:39] {magoo} i was just thinking that.dino just tagged u lol
[11:39] {dino} irinically, i'm profitable too, and my calander says take aug off
[11:39] {dino} ironically
[11:39] {Threei} and I was just thinking, this is unusual day in auguat... as in, we haven't heard from magoo since "good morning" :)
[11:40] {Threei} I even prepared trout
[11:40] {dino} no offense ment
[11:41] {Threei} none taken... I just had high hopes I have improved instead of markwet was kinder :)
[11:42] {BillyD} I think you been trading much better
[11:42] {BillyD} hehe
[11:42] {Threei} lol
[11:42] {Threei} you guys crack me up
[11:42] {BillyD} PAYX still going
[11:42] {BillyD} that's what we're here for
[11:43] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[11:43] {magoo} someone say trout?
[11:47] {DaveG} trout
[11:47] * BillyD slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[12:00] {dino} wow ffiv
[12:04] {dino} out fwlt .00, +.48
[12:04] {BillyD} dino the machine
[12:05] {dino} :), just having fun
[12:06] {Threei} NFI wants 8 or what
[12:06] {dino} dk
[12:08] {BillyD} or 7
[12:09] {BillyD} Mr. August
[12:12] {dino} risky, hl l ffiv .00
[12:14] {Chaeron} another bad PC virus out there... don't open "postcard" from anyone... verified on Snopes
[12:15] {Threei} sheesh...
[12:18] {Threei} 7.40 next NFI long trigger
[12:19] {dino} stopped ffiv flat
[12:24] {dino} enoc drop
[12:24] {Chaeron} I have to go all... it's been short but sweet. Be back tomorrow
[12:24] {dino} take care chaeron
[12:29] {BillyD} NFI trades wicked
[12:37] {dino} then you must have wicked ale
[12:37] {BillyD} fortunelt I didn't trade it just watched
[12:37] {BillyD} fortunately
[12:41] {dino} hl l fwlt .50, risky
[12:45] {DaveG} fwlt appears to be in its own little world
[12:45] {dino} yeah, usually a very strong stock
[12:45] {dino} ffiv same thing
[12:46] {dino} somebody has to dump them, and its a big holder
[12:46] {Threei} GGBM fallback is as impressive as runup earlier
[12:46] {dino} imo
[12:46] {DaveG} yeah
[12:47] {dino} wow dow up 260+
[12:47] {magoo} any read LEND?
[12:48] {Threei} kidding? :)
[12:49] {Threei} LEND chart is a drawing of crazy artist after two bottles of vodka followed by good dose of cocaine
[12:49] {DaveG} lol
[12:49] {Threei} and notice, he was crazy to begin with
[12:50] {magoo} roflol
[12:56] {dino} out fwlt .94, +.44
[12:56] {dino} thats all folks
[12:56] {Threei} thank you all
[12:56] {Threei} have a good evening
[12:56] {BillyD} flip a coin on that one
[12:56] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[12:56] {DaveG} laters
[12:56] {BillyD} bye all
[12:56] {dino} aren't they all
[12:57] {BillyD} yes ....some just weightier than others
[12:57] {BillyD} but ultimately yes
[12:57] {dino} indeed sir
[12:58] {BillyD} got to be willing to lose on the coin toss as well
[12:59] {dino} losses are skill my friend
[13:00] {BillyD} really have to learn how to lose gracefully
[13:00] {lklarson} good night all
[13:00] {BillyD} nite ikl
[13:14] {dino} later all, i'm beat