Thursday, July 12, 2007

Session Start: Thu Jul 12 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Thu Jul 12 00:00:00 2007

[05:40] {DaveG} morning
[05:45] {cosmo} SIFY
[05:45] {cosmo} 11
[05:46] {cosmo} Sify and Microsoft Work Together to Bridge Digital Divide in India
[05:46] {cosmo} Business Wire (Thu 8:27am)
[05:54] {markweb} gm winners!
[05:58] {Threei} wow... my yeaterday's scalp on SIFY doesn't look very brilliant this morning {G}
[05:58] {Threei} good morning guys
[05:58] {markweb} :)
[06:04] {dino} gm all
[06:05] {markweb} dino :)
[06:05] {Threei} dino :)
[06:05] {dino} morn' mark-o, 3iii
[06:06] {magoo} morn RT
[06:07] {Threei} magoooooo
[06:08] {magoo} now i could pull a dave vad, i cut loose 1k hoku afterhrs @ .19, but i was not going to risk it
[06:08] {DaveG} i'm sorry but "pull a dave" is copywrited
[06:09] {dino} lol
[06:09] {DaveG} :)
[06:09] {magoo} imcl trading now?was halted
[06:13] {cosmo} aria
[06:13] {cosmo} Ariad, Merck to jointly develop cancer inhibitor
[06:13] {cosmo} at Reuters (Thu 7:16am)
[06:14] {cosmo} ...$1B Development Pact
[06:14] {cosmo} fwiw
[06:14] {Threei} and it dropped all the way back to yesterday close?
[06:14] {Threei} sopmething's rotten
[06:15] {cosmo} profit taking is rotten?
[06:15] {magoo} watching imcl, anyone else?
[06:16] {Threei} not really magoo
[06:16] {cosmo} ARIA needs to hold 6
[06:17] {Threei} this stock can be beyond nasty... will have a look later of course but overall, I am not fond of it
[06:18] {magoo} i thinking more short vad, but could get a bouncer too
[06:18] {magoo} hoku today may be ther day vad...14 comith
[06:18] {magoo} u in??
[06:19] {Threei} no, not carrying it overnight
[06:19] {DaveG} awww cmon
[06:19] {Threei} will look for my chance to enter, this one gives a l,ot of chances
[06:19] {Threei} soryy dave, I should have said "not pulling a dave on it"
[06:19] {DaveG} :)
[06:20] {magoo} can't say that vad...patent violation
[06:21] {DaveG} he pays a royalty
[06:22] {magoo} vad, whats the read levels for amzn today? gonna go i think
[06:23] {Threei} range is wide, 70-72.35...
[06:23] {magoo} also, lets watch REDF as continuation or short, and NVDA too, OK????
[06:23] {Threei} right now it's in the middle of it so no indications
[06:24] {Threei} hey... what am I, Sixi or what
[06:24] {magoo} sixi??
[06:24] {cosmo} 60?
[06:24] {DaveG} six eye
[06:24] {cosmo} ah
[06:25] {Threei} thank you dave
[06:25] {DaveG} np
[06:25] {Threei} throw in SIFY, and it's going to be total overload :)
[06:27] {dino} you guys lost me already
[06:29] {cosmo} ARIA needs to hold 6.20 imho
[06:29] {dino} urbn
[06:31] {Threei} .65 HOKU long if stays above .50
[06:32] {Threei} 1:1
[06:32] {Threei} target 14 and above is intact
[06:33] {lklarson} out half
[06:33] {Threei} yup
[06:33] {lklarson} ok ,thx
[06:33] {magoo} in vad
[06:33] {Threei} protect half magoo
[06:33] {Threei} it's monkey
[06:34] {magoo} k
[06:34] {Threei} 14 on the nose
[06:34] {magoo} going thru
[06:34] {Threei} was I carping about that for a couple days or what
[06:35] {Threei} out 1/4 more
[06:35] {lklarson} out full monkey, thx vad
[06:35] {Threei} welcome lkl
[06:36] {magoo} out half 14
[06:36] {Threei} ARIA, something IS rotten
[06:37] {magoo} look amzn...i knew it
[06:38] {Threei} SIFY, half lot long
[06:38] {Threei} break of .40
[06:39] {Threei} stop under .20
[06:39] {Threei} volatile and overly risky, so let's keep it to half lot
[06:40] {Threei} HOKU, stop for the last p;ortion is 13.75
[06:40] {Threei} SIFY invalidated for now, never triggered
[06:40] {dptl} gm all
[06:41] {Threei} too bad, this one could go in a hurry
[06:41] {Threei} dp :)
[06:42] {Threei} price of slacking for you is missed HOKU trade, dp
[06:42] {Threei} that'll teach you
[06:42] {Threei} oh, and Dave wants to see a note from your parents
[06:42] {magoo} 14,60 area HOKU imho
[06:43] {Threei} 14.20 new barrier to take
[06:43] {Threei} ashould cut through it
[06:43] {Threei} like knife through butter
[06:43] {dino} hl l dna .20
[06:44] {magoo} we been on in alot of days, pttern is to fail around ,60
[06:44] {Threei} there... what barrier HOKU asks
[06:44] {Threei} break, breath, go
[06:44] {Threei} that's what HOKU the Monkey does
[06:46] {magoo} SIFY vad interesting
[06:46] {Threei} break and breathe parts are done, le't see a go
[06:47] {Threei} SIFY break of .40 magoo
[06:47] {Threei} valid again if holding above .20
[06:48] {dino} stopped dna
[06:48] {dino} -.23
[06:48] {Threei} HOKU, which part of GO don't you understand
[06:48] {DaveG} out drys +.34
[06:48] {Threei} Dave
[06:48] {Roman} ESLR looks good
[06:49] {magoo} calling DOLE banana right now
[06:49] {Threei} dptl won't show the note from parents
[06:49] {magoo} in sify aggr
[06:49] {Threei} it didn't trigger yet
[06:49] {magoo} aggr = aggressive
[06:50] {Threei} oh
[06:50] {magoo} took .30
[06:50] {Threei} I thought it was your expression of some emotion unknown to humanity
[06:50] {DaveG} whats up vad
[06:50] {Threei} [09:49] {Threei} dptl won't show the note from parents
[06:50] {dptl} :)
[06:50] * DaveG slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[06:50] {Roman} OMTR long small
[06:50] {Roman} 22.56 small
[06:54] {Threei} move already SIFY
[06:55] {Threei} for very very adventurous:
[06:55] {Threei} REDF .50 break
[06:55] {Threei} small shares
[06:58] {Threei} capable of reaching 26 in one gasp
[06:58] {magoo} out sify - dime
[06:58] {Threei} yeah, SIFY doesn't want to work
[07:00] {dino} fast s .25, stop .56
[07:03] {Threei} REDF getting ready
[07:03] {magoo} redf looks good to go
[07:03] {magoo} sorry
[07:03] {Threei} inhale
[07:04] {Threei} close your eyes
[07:05] {Threei} told you ARIA wasn't pretty
[07:05] {dino} fast bstop to .90
[07:05] {Threei} sheesh, shortable... why didn't I look earlier
[07:06] {dino} to .80
[07:07] {dino} to .67
[07:07] {dino} stopped ave .70, +.55
[07:09] {_trader100} what is the stop REDF?
[07:09] {Threei} under 25
[07:09] {Threei} that's why small shares alert
[07:09] {_trader100} ok
[07:12] {lklarson} nice one fast dino
[07:17] * Threei kicks REDF in the rear
[07:17] {magoo} where u waiting?
[07:17] {Threei} 26 or bust
[07:17] {dino} ty lkl, got lucky
[07:17] {Threei} I have just 300 shares
[07:17] {Threei} {shrug}
[07:18] {Threei} actually,
[07:18] {Threei} I'll change my mind
[07:18] {Threei} 200 at 26
[07:18] {Threei} 100 fore whatever
[07:18] {magoo} .97 for magoo
[07:19] {lklarson} out redf thx boss
[07:19] * Threei secretly changes his offer to .9699999
[07:19] {Threei} lkl :)
[07:19] {dino} imcl l .80
[07:19] {magoo} lol
[07:20] {Threei} that'lll teach you how to undercut me
[07:20] {magoo} OUT
[07:20] {Threei} actually... never mind, you know how to do it without my teaching :)
[07:20] {magoo} THANX BOSS
[07:20] {Threei} welcome sir
[07:20] {magoo} hoku alert
[07:20] {Threei} stop for the last 100 shares to 25.40
[07:21] {magoo} .60 area is resistance pattern
[07:21] {magoo} if breaks out here
[07:21] {Threei} trader100, you OK with REDF?
[07:21] {magoo} i'd wait there
[07:21] {_trader100} nice call Threei, thank you
[07:21] {Threei} sorry if causes you a heartburn... the nature of this stock :)
[07:21] {magoo} in hoku .05, waiting .64
[07:22] {_trader100} i sold at 26 from 25.20
[07:22] {magoo} round three
[07:22] {Threei} wtg
[07:22] {magoo} well, not yet ..dam monkey could fall out tree u know
[07:22] {Threei} not talking to you for a change, magoo {G}
[07:23] {magoo} sigh
[07:23] {Threei} lol
[07:23] {Threei} sorry sir
[07:23] {Threei} I am back sir
[07:23] {Threei} I am undividedly at your service sir
[07:24] {magoo} out hoku .28, have to pee so bad, brb
[07:24] {Threei} anyone needed this information badly?
[07:25] {Threei} I for one could do couple days without it
[07:25] {Threei} maybe three
[07:28] {magoo} BACK...better lol
[07:28] {Threei} trailing REDF to 25.70
[07:28] {Threei} offering 26.60
[07:29] {magoo} u never exited?
[07:29] {Threei} [10:18] {Threei} actually,
[07:29] {Threei} [10:18] {Threei} I'll change my mind
[07:29] {Threei} [10:18] {Threei} 200 at 26
[07:29] {Threei} [10:18] {Threei} 100 fore whatever
[07:29] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[07:29] {Threei} great... he won't pay attention to my posts, and I get slapped?
[07:30] {magoo} and this one for the attitude lol
[07:30] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[07:30] {magoo} oh forgot...u or me vad..u know what
[07:30] {Threei} hmmm
[07:30] {Threei} let me think
[07:30] * Threei slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[07:30] {magoo} ddcc quick
[07:31] {Threei} OK, I thought
[07:31] {magoo} THATS it forget dcc
[07:31] {Threei} lol
[07:31] {magoo} SIFY bounce to follow redf vad?
[07:32] {Threei} I don't want to touch it
[07:32] {Threei} out REDFG
[07:32] {Threei} REDF too
[07:32] {magoo} NICE boss
[07:33] {magoo} i like sify to go over 12 fwiw
[07:33] {magoo} RISKI
[07:33] {Threei} very well could, I just hate the way it trades today
[07:33] {Threei} it's uisualy REDF follower, pointed it out yesterday
[07:33] {Threei} together with IIJI
[07:34] {Threei} which doesn't do anything at all, lol
[07:34] {magoo} well, i took it there .69
[07:34] {Threei} good luck
[07:34] {Threei} it's a valid trade
[07:34] {Threei} just not my kind
[07:36] {lklarson} wow REDF
[07:38] {magoo} u win, out sify - dime
[07:42] {dino} imcl stop to .10
[07:43] {dino} out imcl +.30
[07:47] {magoo} hoku trying and trying vad
[07:47] {magoo} u got any left?
[07:48] {Threei} no, but will buy if/when I see the foam at mopnkey's mouth
[07:48] {magoo} agrre..gotcha
[07:48] {magoo} keep eye on AMZN for me would u pleasde
[07:50] {Threei} hmmm
[07:50] {Threei} why would I
[07:50] {magoo} man o man
[07:50] {Threei} lol
[08:00] {Threei} so far, feels like break of .30 should be an entry
[08:01] {magoo} now who u talking TOO
[08:02] {Threei} HOKU, sorry :)
[08:03] {Roman} CLWT spike
[08:13] {dino} sfly pop
[08:16] {Roman} SBEI some action
[08:17] {Threei} what was it yesterday that propped it?
[08:17] {Threei} I forgot :)
[08:18] {Roman} Neonode Adds a Substantial Deal to Its Expanding Order Book, This Time From Telenor
[08:18] {Roman} Wednesday July 11, 1:32 pm ET
[08:18] {Roman} STOCKHOLM, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Neonode, the Swedish developer of mobile devices and pioneer in buttonless, touch screen mobile phones, has received a considerable order from the operator, Telenor Sweden, for the new Neonode N2.
[08:19] {_trader100} Threei you guys use inteliscan ?
[08:19] {Threei} yes sir
[08:20] {_trader100} I am gonna use it
[08:23] {_trader100} thank you
[08:23] {magoo} AMZN vad..what u see?
[08:23] {Threei} sure, ask if need help
[08:23] {Threei} I see aimless wandering
[08:23] {Threei} and dead pixels
[08:25] {magoo} ok
[08:27] {magoo} vad, dcc
[08:38] {Threei} EBAY
[08:38] {Threei} .85 long
[08:38] {Threei} if stays above .75
[08:38] {Roman} solars again:
[08:38] {Roman} SOLF , JASO,
[08:39] {Roman} bidding small DSTI
[08:45] {Roman} long SIFY small
[08:45] {Roman} .23
[09:01] {magoo} ARIA trying vad
[09:02] {Threei} I don't understand it
[09:03] {magoo} do not trade ebay ...what we looking for? over 34?
[09:04] {Threei} largely depends on NQ... feeling is, partial out close to 34 and see if we get break
[09:04] {DaveG} ok, the Dow is on crack
[09:04] {Threei} 1:1
[09:04] {magoo} follows like NVDA?
[09:04] {Threei} not exactly but overall, yes
[09:05] {magoo} out half .97
[09:05] {Roman} add SIFY long
[09:05] {Roman} 11
[09:06] {Roman} small
[09:13] {DaveG} ok Dow, put down the pipe
[09:25] {magoo} out balance .07 vad here
[09:25] {magoo} THANX
[09:25] {Threei} 1:2 EBAY
[09:25] {Threei} welcome magoo
[09:25] {magoo} nice and easy, took dl
[09:26] {Threei} :)
[09:26] {dptl} account is up tomorrow
[09:26] * Threei slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[09:27] {dptl} yep a week of paper trading is over
[09:27] * magoo slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[09:28] * Chaeron slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[09:28] {dptl} maan i'll go take a shower..
[09:28] {Threei} please do
[09:28] {dino} indeed
[09:28] {Threei} meanwhile, we will keep windows open
[09:29] {Chaeron} I was going to say take Dave with you but prudently withdrew that idea
[09:29] {dptl} lol
[09:32] * DaveG slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[09:33] {Chaeron} I might have deserved that...
[09:34] {magoo} dave, u still here? he he
[09:34] {DaveG} yes
[09:46] {dino} ahh, magoo is delivering the pizza he lost to me
[09:47] {dino} aways tastes better that way
[09:47] {DaveG} are you going to tip him?
[09:48] {dino} yeah, use an umbrella in the rain
[09:48] {DaveG} :)
[09:54] {dino} fast s .90, stop .03
[09:56] {Threei} EBAY1: I can't count that high
[10:01] {dino} wierd, fast stopped .94??
[10:01] {lklarson} what
[10:02] {magoo} i could "pull a dave on ebay" i guess
[10:02] {DaveG} sheesh
[10:02] {dino} hard stop on fast was .03, triggered at .94, out
[10:03] {lklarson} strange
[10:03] {dino} oh well
[10:03] {magoo} :)
[10:04] {lklarson} a stealth stop
[10:04] {dino} perhaps, lol
[10:05] {dino} and now it drops, f'rs
[10:09] {lklarson} yes, sorry man
[10:10] {dino} you short it?
[10:10] {lklarson} yes
[10:10] {dino} lol, i tell magoo all the time, lkl trades my trades better than i do
[10:10] {lklarson} ok out now +.12 not to rub it in thx dino
[10:11] {dino} gj
[10:11] {magoo} i just paid up my bet with dino, delivered him a pizza delux
[10:11] {dino} tasty
[10:11] {lklarson} lol
[10:12] {magoo} hes hung over and eating like a REAL dinasour today
[10:12] {DaveG} what was the bet?
[10:13] {Threei} dino bet magoo will reenter EBAY
[10:13] {Threei} and won
[10:13] {magoo} mon i bet mkt end day green
[10:13] {DaveG} :)
[10:20] {dino} the bet ws worthb it
[10:23] {DaveG} locm
[10:23] {DaveG} maybe
[10:25] {DaveG} out locm +.19
[10:26] {magoo} nice catch dave
[10:26] {DaveG} omg
[10:26] {DaveG} a compliment
[10:26] {DaveG} ty :)
[10:26] {magoo} your pushing your luuck little man{soup nazi}
[10:27] {DaveG} lol
[10:29] {DaveG} well, everyone here in the office just left
[10:29] {DaveG} guess i'll go home for lunch
[10:29] {DaveG} i'll log in there, need to watch position
[10:29] {DaveG} biab
[10:29] {Threei} you scared them off?
[10:29] {DaveG} :)
[10:32] {dino} hows it going there dave?
[10:33] {Threei} wow LOCM
[10:33] {Threei} back to its former self
[10:35] {magoo} been awhile
[10:52] {Roman} out OMTR +.85
[10:53] {Roman} out SIFY -.60 ave
[10:53] {dino} omtr, ldsh, scor
[10:53] {markweb} scor
[10:53] {markweb} sorry
[10:54] {dino} grrrrrrr,...:)
[10:56] {dino} darn omtr, was waiting at .72
[10:57] {dino} scor hl s .54, risky
[11:00] {dptl} mm..yammm...rum & coke with fresh lime and few drops of amaretto...:)and its only 11am here
[11:01] {dino} grab me one too
[11:01] {dino} omtr hl s .84, risky
[11:02] {dino} scor stopped, too strong
[11:05] {dino} scor drops now
[11:06] {lklarson} so does omtr, wow
[11:06] {dino} omtr cov. .30, +.54
[11:06] {dino} ah man look at it drop
[11:06] {lklarson} hmm, interesting
[11:07] {dino} as lkl scathes his chin
[11:07] {lklarson} lol
[11:07] {Roman} VSCN Visual Sciences lowers guidance (18.06 +0.96) -Update-
[11:07] {Roman} VSCN a competitor of OMTR
[11:08] {_trader100} vscn
[11:08] {_trader100} sorry
[11:08] {Roman} VSCN Visual Sciences sees Q2 EPS of $0.11-0.12 vs $0.16 consensus; revs of $19.5-19.8 mln vs $21.69 mln consensus (18.06 +0.96) -Update-
[11:08] {markweb} he he:)
[11:08] {dino} ty rfr
[11:10] {Roman} TASR near low
[11:10] {Roman} kinda weak
[11:18] {_trader100} any read on ATML?
[11:23] {dino} no
[11:26] {dino} watcing E tv, no vol., but i must admit that Beyonce is pleasant to look at
[11:27] {dino} wow, you guys are dead, i thought for sure i'd get a comment on that
[11:27] {dino} scor nice spread
[11:28] {Threei} I am not dead (I think)... it's just that cultural references get lost on me :)
[11:28] {dino} let me see if i can explain... hottttttieee
[11:29] {dino} ldsh taunting me, but would like another bounce
[11:29] {dino} mtox blood
[11:39] {dino} jazz
[11:39] {Roman} long SIFY 10.35 trying for bounce again
[11:39] {dino} missed
[11:49] {dino} risky, mtox l .48
[11:49] {Roman} VEXP Velocity Express announces agreements to purchase 1 mln shares at $1.10 per share and Confirms Positive EBITDA for its June Quarter (1.05 +0.09)
[11:50] {Roman} VEXP radar
[11:51] {dino} stopped -.40
[11:54] {Roman} out SIFY +.17
[12:00] {magoo} good lil' revenge trade
[12:00] {dptl} ok....take care to you tomorrow
[12:00] {Roman} take care dptl
[12:01] {magoo} bye dp
[12:01] {Threei} slacker
[12:01] {dptl} :)
[12:01] {lklarson} take acre dp
[12:01] {lklarson} care
[12:07] {lklarson} frenzy market, eh
[12:14] {Chaeron} I'm making DOW 14,000 party hats for everyone
[12:15] {lklarson} nice:)
[12:16] {magoo} ref vad?/ hoku??
[12:16] {magoo} redf
[12:17] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[12:18] {Chaeron} haiku?
[12:20] {Threei} I don't know magoo
[12:20] {Threei} there is no pattern to these moves
[12:20] {Threei} crap shot
[12:20] {Threei} I can close my eyes and call long or short, and be 50/50
[12:23] {magoo} do it thgen :)
[12:24] {Threei} if you are fine with such chances, here goes:
[12:25] {Threei} HOKU long 14.01
[12:26] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[12:26] {magoo} are u that influyenced he he by loud mouth magoo
[12:27] {Threei} yeah, I am a real pushover
[12:47] {magoo} ok, i calling it a day here...thanx VAD, everyone
[12:47] {Threei} take care magoo
[12:47] {Threei} thank you all
[12:48] {Threei} have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[12:49] {lklarson} TAKE CARE VAD
[12:49] {lklarson} have a good one all
[12:54] {dino} later all

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Session Start: Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2007

Session Start: Wed Jul 11 05:39:56 2007
[05:47] {DaveG} morning, not good, just morning
[05:53] {markweb} gm winners!
[05:54] {cosmo} another day; another dollar ... question is:
[05:54] {cosmo} who gets the dollar
[05:55] {Threei} early bird?
[05:55] {Threei} dollar goes to dave then
[05:55] {cosmo} he's not here
[05:55] {Threei} good morning :)
[05:55] {DaveG} no
[05:55] {Threei} one you think of is not early bird cosmo, he is big bird
[05:56] {cosmo} R?
[05:56] {Threei} y
[05:56] {cosmo} ic
[05:57] {DaveG} i was long 500 CHAP yesterday, i thought earnings were last night, they weren't they were tonight, so at the close i had the decision on whether to hold it overnight, and play it tonight, or sell it at the close and re-enter to play it tonight, i sold it, it's gapping up 8 points, on a buyout.
[05:57] {DaveG} im going to my corner
[05:57] {cosmo} i think he's after worms at the moment
[05:57] {Threei} that's like getting upset about not winning a lottery dave
[05:58] {Threei} seriously... as if there was any chance to figure it out somehow
[05:59] {Threei} hold them and hope something good happens and pray nothing bad happens... or stop hoping and trade what you can read
[05:59] {cosmo} sounds hopeful
[06:00] {cosmo} DNDN: Dendreon Faces Possible Lawsuit, Inquiry
[06:00] {cosmo} AP (Wed 8:44am)
[06:01] {cosmo} 7.8 pre mkt high far
[06:03] {cosmo} VTAL: Vital Images sees loss in Q2, lowers 2007 revenue view
[06:03] {cosmo} at Reuters (Tue 6:07pm)
[06:03] {esemde} morning everyone...
[06:03] {Threei} ese :)
[06:03] {esemde} morning vad
[06:03] {esemde} cosmo
[06:04] {cosmo} ese :)
[06:04] -} *services* fdfd.
[06:04] {cosmo} VTAL pre mkt high = 20.7 fwiw
[06:05] {DaveG} {Scott1} you'll have to excuse me Im a little giddy, also long some CHAP equity and calls
[06:05] {DaveG} {Scott1} followed dave g in that
[06:06] {DaveG} think i'll go for a walk
[06:07] {esemde} have to agree with vad re earnings plays...
[06:07] {Threei} roll a dice
[06:07] {Threei} what are you getting so worked up about dave
[06:08] {DaveG} because i was so close
[06:08] {Threei} no you weren't
[06:08] {Threei} you can do it every night with any of 10000 stocks
[06:08] {esemde} they gap up on poor down on great news...then gap up on great news and down on poor news.......who %$#$#@ knows.
[06:08] {Threei} sooner or later you will either:
[06:08] {Threei} 1. make big money on a good luck
[06:09] {Threei} 2. lose everyuthing on a bad one
[06:09] {Threei} guess where the probabilities are
[06:09] {Threei} at least in lottery all you risk is a couple bucks
[06:09] {cosmo} CTIC: Pixantrone Combination Therapy for First-line Treatment of Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Results in Reduction in Severe Toxicities Including Heart Damage When Compared to Doxorubicin-based Therapy
[06:09] {cosmo} PR Newswire (Wed 1:45am)
[06:09] {DaveG} i know all that
[06:09] {Threei} what you are talking about here is pure gambling
[06:09] {Threei} it has nothing to do with trading whatsoever,
[06:09] {magoo} morn RT
[06:10] {Threei} and more than that, it's extremely harmful for your trading
[06:10] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:10] {esemde} I've had my share of more....
[06:10] {Threei} so, what's the problem if you know all that?
[06:10] {Threei} still upset that you rolled a dice and didn't get it?
[06:10] {Threei} {shrug}
[06:11] {esemde} speaking of duhhhhhh....for some reason i'm still long 200shs of AKAM that I bought 50.07
[06:11] {Threei} I've got my burn in 1997 ese... "once is enough" kind of burn
[06:11] {Threei} 3/4 of trading account gone overnight on a single trade
[06:11] {Threei} never since
[06:12] {DaveG} i got out because i did not want to risk a gap down
[06:12] {Threei} and that was right decision
[06:12] {esemde} thats good...
[06:12] {DaveG} i know it was right
[06:12] {Threei} if you are a trader
[06:12] {Threei} if you are a gambler, that's another thing
[06:12] {DaveG} no, im not
[06:13] {Threei} so, you did right thing, why are you upset?
[06:13] {DaveG} just......frusterating
[06:13] {Threei} let me tell you what happens next if you find this frustrating
[06:13] {Raven} Morning all :)
[06:13] {DaveG} hey raven
[06:13] {Threei} R :)
[06:13] {Raven} what you need Dave is :
[06:13] * Raven slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:13] {esemde} I won't mention the stock but i had one gap down $3.45 on me and i had 2700 shs of the^%^%$$#!!!
[06:13] {DaveG} lol
[06:13] {Threei} in order to avoid frustration and make it work fore you, you take next one overnight in similar situation
[06:14] {Raven} now then ... have a glass of whine and shaddup
[06:14] {Threei} it gaps 8 points against you
[06:14] {DaveG} lol
[06:14] {Raven} :)
[06:14] {Threei} how's that for an outcome of your current frustration?
[06:14] {cosmo} CTIC - 4.73 pre mkt high far
[06:14] {DaveG} yeah, i follow
[06:14] {Threei} instead of getting frustrated, be a trader
[06:14] {Threei} which in this case means:
[06:15] {Threei} I didn't gamble and that's reward in itself because it warrants my survival and long term success
[06:15] {Threei} or your other optionis:
[06:16] {Threei} stay frustrated, seek ways to amend your luck,
[06:16] {Threei} push it and get destroyed
[06:16] {Threei} you won't be first this happenas to, that's for sure
[06:16] {Threei} sorry if that sounds harsh
[06:16] {Threei} but that's the truth
[06:16] {cosmo} TRCA: Tercica Announces Agreement with Genentech for Worldwide Growth Hormone and IGF-1 Combination Product Development and Commercialization
[06:16] {cosmo} Business Wire (Tue 4:05pm)
[06:17] {cosmo} up 16%
[06:17] {DaveG} i follow
[06:17] {Threei} or, to put it in een closer perspective,
[06:17] {Threei} how about if you thought earnings were to be bad
[06:18] {Threei} and shorted it?
[06:18] {Threei} and held overnight
[06:18] {Threei} and it got bought
[06:18] {Threei} and gapped up 8 points on you
[06:18] {Threei} and gutted your account forever
[06:18] {Threei} how is this scenario less likely than if you held it long and got lucky on a buyout?
[06:19] {cosmo} like TSATA?
[06:19] {cosmo} sheesh
[06:20] {dino} gm all
[06:20] {esemde} how bout VTAL this morning...down $6
[06:21] {Threei} dino :)
[06:21] {cosmo} VTAL needs to hold 20
[06:22] {lklarson} gm all
[06:22] {cosmo} 20.7 high
[06:22] {Threei} lkl :)
[06:22] {Threei} 4.75 break CPSL
[06:22] {Threei} stock is wierd
[06:22] {Threei} a bit too volatile
[06:22] {Threei} daily looks great
[06:24] {DaveG} i understand vad
[06:25] {cosmo} CPWR
[06:25] {Threei} I'll believe it when I see you slapping yourself with a very big stinking trout
[06:25] {Threei} (in reality I just want to see you doing that)
[06:26] {DaveG} no
[06:26] {DaveG} i did the right thing
[06:26] {Threei} and?...
[06:27] {DaveG} move on to the next trade
[06:27] {Threei} {--- still want to see a self-trouting
[06:27] {DaveG} lol
[06:27] {Threei} :)
[06:28] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:29] {magoo} me and dino always 100% of time get the gap against us...almost wierd to the extent always hurts us
[06:29] {Threei} that's how it works
[06:29] {esemde} count me in that boat...
[06:30] {esemde} with magoo and dino
[06:30] {magoo} so as it applies to dave...he will definaterlyu lose on his next gamble
[06:32] {magoo} INFY vad
[06:32] {Threei} scary one
[06:32] {magoo} a dollar ago..5 sec ago..i said dino it looks short
[06:32] {Threei} HOKU again, sheesh
[06:33] {magoo} its gonna get 14 but prob is its gonna rinxse us 5 times first
[06:34] {Threei} this is what I hate about it... so tempting and so hard to read
[06:34] {magoo} amzn up vad
[06:34] {Threei} AMZN is easy... 71.20 long
[06:35] {Threei} 70.79 stop
[06:35] {cosmo} dndn
[06:36] {magoo} bidu bounce
[06:36] {Threei} ALNY
[06:37] {Threei} thin one, small shares play
[06:37] {Threei} pullback to 24
[06:37] {magoo} jumper?
[06:37] {Threei} yes
[06:37] {Threei} not my cup of tea, saying it in advance
[06:37] {magoo} 25 possible?
[06:38] {Threei} 23 too
[06:38] {Threei} if you like it get it now
[06:38] {magoo} think short too vad
[06:39] {magoo} u kllike AMZN here vad?
[06:39] {Threei} it was .20 buy
[06:39] {Threei} hit 1:1 a min ago
[06:39] {lklarson} out amzn thx vad
[06:39] {Threei} still a play with stop under 71
[06:39] {Threei} welcome lkl
[06:40] {magoo} wheres ALNY stop?
[06:40] {Threei} for long or short?
[06:40] {Threei} :)
[06:41] {magoo} shit ..i took long
[06:41] {Threei} .75
[06:42] {dino} gmtn s .70, stop .02
[06:43] {magoo} sh infy 51
[06:43] {Threei} if ALNY takes .10 should spike 30 cents in one gasp
[06:43] {magoo} hl
[06:44] {Threei} SGMO?
[06:45] {Threei} VTAL, feels like one more spike down and bounce
[06:45] {Threei} no price point for entry
[06:46] {Threei} pure gut play for those who get this "this is it" feeling and fast fingers
[06:46] {lklarson} man some serious panic in VTAL
[06:46] {Threei} I think panic comes
[06:46] {Threei} here is the spike down in the making
[06:46] {lklarson} ok
[06:47] {Roman} ELON
[06:47] {Roman} bouncer
[06:49] {Threei} and here is bounce
[06:50] {lklarson} in .20
[06:50] {Threei} in what?
[06:50] {lklarson} sorry VTAL
[06:50] {Threei} wow
[06:50] {Threei} that's very far from reversal point
[06:51] {Threei} too uch chasing for a capitulation play
[06:51] {lklarson} yes
[06:51] {lklarson} ok, thx
[06:51] {Threei} CPSL
[06:51] {magoo} alny bouncer or kill me?
[06:52] {magoo} INFY gonna lose 50 soon
[06:54] {dino} i believe magoo's buying lunch today
[06:57] {dino} gmtn bstop to .41\
[06:58] {dino} to .36
[06:59] {dino} slippage, cov .40, +.30
[07:00] {lklarson} nice one dino
[07:00] {dino} did i just hit one in the a.m., the curse may be over
[07:00] {dino} ty
[07:01] {Threei} SQNM?
[07:02] {esemde} long NOVC .61 stop .40
[07:03] {Threei} I can't believe HOKU is bothering me so much
[07:03] {Threei} such a strong feeling of imminent breakout and big run
[07:04] {Threei} and just can't find the way to play it
[07:04] {magoo} put down the banana and walk away
[07:04] {Threei} lol
[07:04] {cosmo} careful banana
[07:04] {Threei} nice NOVC
[07:05] {esemde} tks
[07:06] {dino} gj ese novc, i floundered on it
[07:07] {cosmo} sgmo tests
[07:07] {cosmo} 9.3
[07:07] {cosmo} 5.3
[07:07] {cosmo} oops
[07:09] {Roman} in CPSL small
[07:10] {esemde} out NOVC .07
[07:10] {Threei} wtg
[07:10] {dino} sweet
[07:11] {Threei} Laser users, switch to ARCA
[07:11] {Threei} INET is having peroblems
[07:11] {esemde} +.46
[07:12] {Threei} JRJC?
[07:12] {esemde} feels like it still wants to go up
[07:20] {Roman} SMSI near high
[07:20] {Roman} out CPSL -.02
[07:21] {cosmo} sgmo tests 9.3 again
[07:21] {cosmo} soon
[07:21] {Roman} TASR bounce
[07:22] {Roman} SMSI got more
[07:23] {Roman} in small 16.80
[07:29] {Threei} LOCM?
[07:30] {Threei} 9.75 long if stays above .60
[07:30] {Roman} oil numbers out
[07:31] {esemde} based on NOVC news am considering swing trading this one...
[07:36] {lklarson} out VTAL +.71
[07:37] {Threei} eeck
[07:37] {Threei} I think many will agree with me on this:
[07:37] * Threei slaps lklarson around a bit with a large trout
[07:37] {esemde} nice lkl..
[07:37] * magoo slaps lklarson around a bit with a large trout
[07:37] {lklarson} lucky
[07:38] {lklarson} just to use one of dino's
[07:38] {dino} wtg lkl!
[07:38] {lklarson} thx
[07:40] {dino} fstr?
[07:41] {Threei} looks like bounce in progress... too volatile for my taste
[07:41] {dino} not yet, wants lower imo
[07:42] {magoo} nice sgmo cos
[07:46] {esemde} EZPW.....nice set up
[07:49] {magoo} WFMI animal
[07:52] {Threei} IVAN, long time no see
[07:52] {Threei} any news with this one?
[07:55] {magoo} u got a read on TASR vad?
[07:56] {Threei} hesitantly .46 long
[07:56] {magoo} any read on AMZN?
[07:56] {Threei} with .38 stop
[07:58] {Threei} AMZN .66 long if stays above .50
[07:58] {magoo} what about ALNY?
[07:58] {Threei} no idea
[07:59] {magoo} VTAL short here?
[07:59] {Roman} EGLE mentioned on CNBC
[08:00] {Threei} no read on VTAL here either way
[08:00] {Roman} TRFX radar
[08:00] {Roman} CNBC mention
[08:01] {Roman} out 1/2 SMSI +.34
[08:01] {magoo} worked u hard there boss..ty
[08:01] {Threei} I gathered that was your intention
[08:02] {Threei} TRFX is one of those that can catch fire
[08:02] {Threei} but if fails, falls hard
[08:03] {Threei} half lot long
[08:03] {Threei} right here, stop under 5.90
[08:03] {magoo} in
[08:08] {Threei} stop to under 6
[08:10] {Threei} TRFX ready
[08:11] {magoo} where u thinking?
[08:11] {Threei} good question
[08:11] {Threei} if .25 is taken, .40 should be easy
[08:12] {Threei} you know how it is with frenzy movers... no telling where they get tired
[08:14] {Threei} 6.25 is high from february
[08:14] {Threei} looks determined to take it
[08:17] * Threei is providing TRFX with a swift kick in the rear
[08:17] {magoo} aboiut time ole man :)
[08:17] {Threei} like kicking an amoeba, lol
[08:19] {Threei} maybe a bit too much resistance for it to overcome...
[08:19] {Threei} move stop to under 6.10
[08:19] {Threei} let's keep it as risk-free as pssoible
[08:19] {magoo} what u do? reverse kick by accident?
[08:20] {Threei} lol
[08:20] {Threei} not every stock responds well to violence
[08:21] {magoo} OBCI
[08:22] {magoo} SHIT HOKU VAD
[08:23] {Threei} is there verb somewhere in there?
[08:23] {dino} s trfx .24, stop .51
[08:24] {esemde} Well gentlemen.. I'm off to Whistler BC to do some golfing..
[08:24] {esemde} have a great rest of the day..
[08:24] {Threei} for how long ese?
[08:24] {DaveG} strong dow
[08:24] {esemde} Be back monday morning
[08:24] {dino} gl ese, have fun
[08:24] {Threei} cool
[08:24] {Threei} have fun!
[08:24] {magoo} take care bro
[08:25] {magoo} long monkey .55 btw
[08:25] {esemde} If i can check in tomorrow I will...see ya
[08:26] {Threei} I got .56 magoo :)
[08:26] {magoo} getting that look vad
[08:26] {Threei} had it all along
[08:26] {magoo} off my alert?
[08:26] {Threei} just couldn't materialize
[08:26] {Threei} well, I was watching it for days :)
[08:27] {Threei} remember my endless blabbing about 14, lol
[08:27] {magoo} no
[08:27] {magoo} lol
[08:27] {Threei} OK TRFX
[08:27] {Threei} let's do it
[08:28] {Threei} here we go
[08:28] {Threei} half out
[08:29] {Threei} HOKU that was
[08:29] {magoo} which one?
[08:29] {Threei} here we go, half out for TRFX now
[08:33] {dino} fcsx l hl .15
[08:33] {Threei} 13.20 will take HOKU to 13.40 in a hurry
[08:33] {magoo} funny, waiting .37
[08:35] {dino} span fast fall, thin
[08:37] {Roman} DSTI
[08:38] {Roman} may participate
[08:38] {Roman} took some 6.15
[08:38] {Threei} catching strength on HOKU sympathy?
[08:38] {Roman} yes
[08:38] {magoo} dsti is a primate?
[08:39] {Threei} lol
[08:39] {Roman} long ESLR
[08:39] {Roman} small, this one oftern fails
[08:39] {Threei} HOKU may be tired for now... moves in spurts
[08:40] {magoo} out TRFX fulkl .34, thanx vad
[08:40] {Threei} weclome sir
[08:40] {Threei} Roman gets credit though
[08:40] {Threei} I just provided a read
[08:41] {dino} span stop is tight at .96
[08:41] {magoo} ty roman :)
[08:41] {magoo} or should i thank ben?
[08:41] {Roman} no need for more credit got to much already, VISA, MASTERCARD, etc. got them all
[08:42] {dino} lol
[08:42] {magoo} vad, whats the ARCA message mean?
[08:43] {dino} penx fast fall
[08:43] {Threei} problem with listeds
[08:43] {magoo} should we switch out arca now?
[08:43] {Threei} NASDAQ shouldn't be affected by this mesage
[08:43] {Threei} but if they have problems, who knows how far it can spread
[08:43] {Threei} INET is fine now
[08:44] {magoo} ok, inet it is
[08:44] {dptl} good morning all
[08:44] {DaveG} just use selectnet magoo
[08:44] {Threei} dp :)
[08:44] {Threei} here goes HOKU
[08:45] {Roman} SPIR another solar under radar, but no volume
[08:46] {Threei} all who thought I was crazy saying 14 was written all over HOKU... retracted your thoughts yet?
[08:47] {DaveG} not yet
[08:47] {magoo} u pushing your luck little man he he
[08:47] {Threei} well, some are slow {GGG}
[08:49] {magoo} is today the day?
[08:49] {Threei} quite possible
[08:49] {magoo} ewheres it gonna breathe?
[08:50] {Threei} I have troubles reading it blow by blow
[08:50] {Threei} admitted it over course of last days
[08:50] {Threei} it's more "general feeling of bigger picture" trade
[08:51] {DaveG} out hoku +.27
[08:51] {magoo} gotcha, prolly breathe .64 area first
[08:51] {Threei} sold half just above 13, holding half for closer to 14
[08:54] {DaveG} ty vad
[08:54] {Threei} welcome
[08:55] {Roman} long SWHC small 17.11 area
[08:55] {Roman} ALNY broke out
[08:55] {DaveG} today been one of my very best days ever here
[08:55] {Threei} share?
[08:56] {Threei} started out as if you were about to cry us a river
[08:56] {Threei} why change of heart? :)
[08:56] {DaveG} i was
[08:56] {DaveG} i went for a walk
[08:56] {magoo} u must be BI-POLAR
[08:56] {DaveG} thought it over
[08:56] * DaveG slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[08:57] {DaveG} came back and went with instincts on some puts and calls
[08:57] {DaveG} which are doing great
[08:57] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[08:57] {Roman} out 1/2 SWHC +.23
[08:57] {magoo} bi-polar it is
[08:58] {DaveG} at least its not dyslexic mags
[08:58] * DaveG ducks
[08:58] {magoo} TAHW?
[08:58] {DaveG} lol
[08:59] {magoo} i named my daughter HANNAH so i always get it right
[08:59] {dino} out span .60, +.56
[09:00] {Threei} then you are not true dislexic magoo
[09:00] {magoo} hoku takes .60, we get 14
[09:00] {Threei} we true dislexics would have no problem to spell it as NAHHAN
[09:01] {magoo} LOL
[09:01] {Threei} we also consider ourselves dixleksiks
[09:04] {magoo} i so bad i put my stop on hoku at 14.31
[09:05] {Threei} why not
[09:05] {Threei} we know how hard it cxan breathe
[09:05] {magoo} ah, because its above it
[09:06] {Threei} now it's below
[09:06] {Threei} feel better?? :)
[09:08] {DaveG} i do
[09:11] {magoo} how about now?
[09:11] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[09:11] {DaveG} bit dizzy
[09:12] {Threei} and just a tad stinky I bet
[09:12] {DaveG} :)
[09:25] {Threei} dptl, dcc please
[09:27] {dino} fcsx stop to .49
[09:29] {dino} stopped +.34
[09:31] {magoo} any read NVDA vad?
[09:32] {Threei} no
[09:32] {Threei} it's in a no-man's spot
[09:36] {magoo} how about 45 break?
[09:37] {dino} novc l .49, stop .23
[09:38] {Threei} if NQ helps, maybe
[09:49] {dino} span l hl .12, stop .96
[09:54] {dptl} Vad dcc,pls
[09:59] {Roman} TGEN Targeted Genetics Receives Patent on Method to Transfer Recombinant DNAs to Host Cell for Increased Carrying Capacity of AAV Vectors (2.98 +0.20)
[10:09] {dino} out novc .69, +.20
[10:11] {dino} penx hl l .65
[10:14] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[10:14] {magoo} wake up..get to work
[10:14] {Threei} why... oh why
[10:15] {Threei} you scalped NVDA btw?
[10:15] {magoo} still in 45
[10:15] {magoo} what...u think thats it a dime?
[10:16] {Threei} no idea
[10:16] {Threei} midday
[10:16] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[10:16] {Threei} and a stock is largely NQ-driven
[10:20] {Threei} BEAS?
[10:28] {dino} trfx bstop to b/e
[10:28] {Threei} isn't it funny
[10:28] {Threei} we went in opposite directions at roughly the same point
[10:28] {Threei} and both sides are fine
[10:29] {dino} yeah, strange things happen
[10:29] {magoo} long beas .39
[10:29] {dino} penx stopped -.35
[10:30] {magoo} waiting .54
[10:32] {magoo} OUT..scalp
[10:32] {Threei} wtg
[10:32] {dino} trfx stopped b/e3
[10:32] {magoo} your spot
[10:32] {magoo} ty
[10:37] {magoo} HOKU getting that way again vad
[10:38] {Threei} 14
[10:39] {magoo} i just rear entered @ .19
[10:40] {dino} yuk!
[10:40] {dino} nyx rockin'
[10:41] {Threei} wow... REDF?
[10:45] {dino} loop
[10:45] {dino} dsti
[10:48] {lklarson} adios all
[10:48] {Threei} take care lkl
[10:48] {Threei} (slacker)
[10:48] {lklarson} lol, got to go to the beach
[10:48] {Threei} boy, what a burden
[10:48] {Threei} how do you cope
[10:49] {lklarson} don't know:)
[10:50] {dino} cya lkl
[10:50] {lklarson} on vacation this week and got to keep the misses happy
[10:50] {dino} lol, i understand
[10:51] {magoo} out hoku .52 btw, was on phone
[10:51] {magoo} still like it
[10:52] {Threei} if that's a question you know my answer
[10:52] {Threei} 14
[10:53] {magoo} no question..i just rather go in anbd out than risk it
[10:53] {Threei} yup
[10:53] {magoo} i remember twice it fell 2 points in a blink
[10:53] {Threei} true
[10:53] {Threei} when it shakes, not many can hang onto branch
[10:55] {dptl} still in nvda,magoo?
[10:55] {magoo} yes in full still, 1k
[10:55] {dptl} nice...
[10:55] {Chaeron} Control tower at Miami Airport on fire... looks really bad on Fox
[10:55] {magoo} finger on eject button
[10:57] {Raven} prolly the vacuum tubes in the FAA Control System blew up
[10:57] {Raven} computers a little old ?
[10:57] {magoo} out here nvda, + .22
[10:58] {dptl} ok...take care all,,got to go talk to you tomorrow
[10:58] {DaveG} later
[10:59] {magoo} c u
[10:59] {magoo} wish dave would leave he he
[10:59] {DaveG} :)
[11:00] {Threei} number of slackers is staggering
[11:00] {Raven} lol
[11:02] {DaveG} my best day by far
[11:02] {magoo} 13:16] {magoo} what...u think thats it a dime?
[11:02] {magoo} [13:16] {Threei} no idea
[11:02] {magoo} what u xpect when room leader is slacker lol
[11:03] {magoo} [14:02] {magoo} [13:16] {Threei} no idea14:02] {magoo} [13:16] {Threei} no idea4:02] {magoo} [13:16] {Threei} no idea
[11:04] {Threei} OK, I got the idea
[11:04] {Threei} lol
[11:04] {dino} wtg dave
[11:04] {DaveG} ty sir
[11:04] {Threei} he made money off my read and he made me feel like sh*t... that's talent I am telling you
[11:04] {magoo} ROFLOL
[11:04] {Threei} :)
[11:04] {DaveG} see, at least dino's nice
[11:05] {magoo} u still here dave??
[11:05] {DaveG} bite me
[11:05] {Threei} Politometer off the chart
[11:05] {dino} i've been called alot of things, but "nice"?
[11:05] {DaveG} :)
[11:05] {Threei} happened to me once dino
[11:05] {Threei} horrible feeling
[11:06] {Threei} reputation I worked for over a course of many years desdtroyed in one second
[11:06] {DaveG} vads nice too
[11:06] {Threei} there
[11:06] {dino} not want these rumors flying around
[11:06] {Threei} winning reflect badly on Dave
[11:09] {magoo} mirrors reflect badly on dave he he
[11:09] {DaveG} :)
[11:24] {magoo} i think nvda goinng green, what u think vad?
[11:24] {magoo} {Threei} no idea
[11:25] {Threei} right... but I am flattered that you think I think
[11:27] {Threei} with REDF strength... SIFY may be of interest
[11:27] {Threei} and IIJI
[11:31] {dino} hitk
[11:36] {DaveG} drys real strong
[11:37] {dino} risky sm. l fcsx .11
[11:42] {Threei} DNDN
[11:42] {Threei} .91 long, risky
[11:42] {Threei} .79 stop
[11:51] {magoo} holy crap REDF
[11:51] {DaveG} not the vol
[11:51] {DaveG} re:dndn
[11:52] {Threei} SIFY follows slowly
[11:56] {dino} fcsx stopped -.15
[11:57] {magoo} mkts taking a hit here
[12:09] {DaveG} DNDN
[12:09] {Threei} DNDN 1:1
[12:09] {Threei} what did ou want to say re: vol?
[12:09] {DaveG} who me?
[12:09] {DaveG} :)
[12:09] {dino} immr
[12:10] {dino} brb
[12:11] {magoo} slacker
[12:12] {DaveG} your just full of compliments today huh mags :)
[12:17] {Chaeron} as opposed to any other day?
[12:17] {DaveG} :)
[12:22] {dino} nnbr
[12:22] {Threei} 88F right now
[12:22] {Threei} heat wave
[12:25] {Raven} lol ... 76.1 here ... finally beat ya
[12:25] {Threei} :)
[12:26] {Raven} but it was 92F yesterday
[12:26] {DaveG} gorgeous here today
[12:26] {Raven} enjoy it Dave ... won't last
[12:26] {Raven} stinkin' midwest
[12:27] {Chaeron} unless you move south 30 miles Dave :))
[12:27] {Raven} lol
[12:27] {DaveG} ?
[12:27] {Chaeron} Aren't you in LA Dave?
[12:27] {DaveG} uhhh, no
[12:27] {Chaeron} ohhhhh sorry
[12:27] {DaveG} i live in Illinois
[12:27] {Raven} it is not your fault Chaeron
[12:27] {Raven} that you are ignorant
[12:28] {DaveG} lol
[12:28] {Raven} :)
[12:28] {Chaeron} }{
[12:28] {Chaeron} {}
[12:28] {Raven} keep clam
[12:28] {Chaeron} I'm more crabby than clammy
[12:28] {Chaeron} :)
[12:28] {Raven} I'll make a note of that'
[12:29] {Chaeron} "keep clam".... sheesh... from all people too :)
[12:29] {DaveG} that may interest vad
[12:29] {DaveG} re:crabby
[12:29] {DaveG} oh nm
[12:29] {Raven} lol
[12:29] {Chaeron} naaaa... vad's a bit more picky... he's into lobster
[12:30] {Raven} damn I love lobster !
[12:30] {DaveG} me too
[12:31] {Raven} Maine Lobster a bit scarce around here ...
[12:33] {Chaeron}
[12:34] {Chaeron} das 'cuz I be ignorint
[12:34] {Chaeron} {{{ this one is better tho
[12:35] {Raven} lol ... funny, I looked at that very site a couple of days ago, Chaeron
[12:35] {Chaeron} heh... craving are we?
[12:35] {Raven} rofl ... I looked at both sites
[12:35] {Raven} and yes ... more like lusting
[12:36] {Chaeron} on shellfish withdrawls I see
[12:36] {Raven} YES!
[12:36] {DaveG} it's like 12$ a pound here at the local supermarket, live
[12:36] {Raven} that's not bad ... but are they Maine lobsters?
[12:36] {DaveG} yes
[12:36] {Chaeron} oh hell, splurge... don't you rate and deserve it?
[12:36] {DaveG} i checked :)
[12:37] {Raven} guess I better check ... maybe I'll go NOW !!!!!!!!!
[12:37] {DaveG} enjoy :)
[12:37] {Chaeron} don't forget the butter
[12:38] {DaveG} and crackers
[12:38] {patience} and wine
[12:38] {Raven} never ! I'll buy 10 pounds .... just to be safe
[12:38] {DaveG} patience!
[12:38] {patience} hi dave :)
[12:38] {Raven} arghhhh .... I'm starving
[12:40] {Chaeron} thinking of a nice butter-grilled kaiser roll with juicy lobster stacked high with golden fries and fresh coleslaw that's not runny, but juuuuuuuust right... the fries and sandwich with steam rising from them and a cold, frosty, 3/4" foamy headed bear on the side
[12:41] {DaveG} :)
[12:41] {Chaeron} beer that is
[12:41] {Chaeron} no bear
[12:41] {Raven} you know how to hurt me, Chaeron ...
[12:41] {Chaeron} yep... straight to the heart Raven... we're even lol
[12:42] {Raven} OK ... fair enough :)
[12:42] {Raven} damn ... wife cooking a chicken ... it'll have to do
[12:43] {Raven} "tastes like lobster" ... ?
[12:43] {Chaeron} yeah... if you're doing certain narcotics maybe
[12:43] {Raven} sheesh
[12:43] {cosmo} try tartar sauce
[12:45] {Threei} ok guys, have a great evening
[12:45] {magoo} thanx vad
[12:45] {DaveG} you too
[12:45] {Threei} thank you all, see you tomorrow
[12:59] {dino} out span -.04
[13:17] {dino} later all, tee time in 30

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Session Start: Tue Jul 10 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Tue Jul 10 00:00:00 2007

[05:40] {DaveG} morning
[05:48] {markweb} gm Winners!
[05:48] {cosmo} ATVI
[05:49] {cosmo} 19 far
[05:50] {cosmo} AKAM, GMST, OBCI
[05:51] {DaveG} CHTT gapping up on good earnings, it also has a 28% short interest (long calls)
[05:52] {magoo} gm rt
[05:53] {DaveG} morning mags
[05:53] {magoo} TASR continues...over 17
[05:54] {DaveG} wow, DEPO getting drilled
[05:56] {cosmo} pahse 3 trial gon seems
[05:56] {cosmo} phase
[05:57] {cosmo} placebo did better....
[05:57] {DaveG} lol
[05:57] {DaveG} thats never good
[05:58] {cosmo} i like placebos that work
[05:58] {cosmo} fewer side effects
[05:58] {DaveG} :)
[06:00] {Threei} I am debating what to say first, Good morning or What's OBCI news?
[06:01] {Threei} politeness wins... good morning
[06:01] {Threei} but... what's OBCI news?
[06:01] {DaveG}
[06:03] {Threei} ty
[06:03] {cosmo} pre mkt high = 3
[06:04] {esemde} Good mornings RT's...
[06:04] {Threei} ese :)
[06:05] {cosmo} HD
[06:07] {magoo} morn vad
[06:07] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:07] {magoo} hey, u hold your monkey overnite?
[06:07] {cosmo} ATVI: Activision Ships More Than Eight Million Units Worldwide During First Quarter Fiscal Year 2008
[06:07] {cosmo} Business Wire (Tue 7:30am)
[06:07] {cosmo} ... rises outlook too
[06:07] {cosmo} raises
[06:08] {Threei} jusr 300 shares leftover, scalped the rest
[06:08] {Threei} stop under .20
[06:08] {magoo} i didn't, but thought we might have seen a gapper
[06:09] {magoo} also, thought u would have slapped already "hold your monkey overnite lol"
[06:09] {DaveG} i was gonna say...
[06:10] {magoo} impressive restraint of late dave:)
[06:10] {Threei} for that I would have to be waaay more awakwe than I am now
[06:10] {magoo} ididn't hold my monkey last nite..but my wife did lol
[06:10] {DaveG} i'm trying to impress the girls mags
[06:11] {DaveG} yeah
[06:11] {DaveG} sshhh, Raven's here now
[06:11] {magoo} slaps for that? whats a magoo gotta doo?
[06:11] {DaveG} hi Raven!
[06:13] {esemde} GMST? whats up..earnings?
[06:13] {Raven} am I here?
[06:13] {DaveG} :)
[06:13] {Threei} that's debatable
[06:13] {Raven} I have a stone dead computer that I must fix
[06:13] {Threei} different schools of philosophy have different outl,ook on that
[06:14] {Raven} so I am almost here
[06:14] {Raven} maybe
[06:14] {Raven} sort of
[06:14] {Threei} here... and there...
[06:14] * Raven slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[06:14] * Raven slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[06:14] {Threei} nuclear phisycs often defy common sense
[06:14] * Raven slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[06:14] {Raven} now then
[06:15] {dino} gm all
[06:15] {Threei} heisengerb (sp?) principle of uncertainty, you know... this kind of stuff
[06:15] {Threei} wave-particle
[06:15] {Threei} dino :)
[06:15] {cosmo} GMST wants a buyer... i think
[06:15] {Raven} keep calm
[06:15] {Threei} tough
[06:15] {Threei} nuclear physics is exciting
[06:16] {cosmo} cold fusion, maybe?
[06:16] {dino} still using the mouse wheel here
[06:19] {magoo} N
[06:19] {magoo} E
[06:19] {magoo} V
[06:19] {magoo} A
[06:19] {magoo} R
[06:21] {esemde} well done magoo....ingenious way to use the display
[06:23] {esemde} AKAM replacing BMET in SP500 up 2.19 300,00shs
[06:25] {Threei} TASR back to close
[06:26] {esemde} what was tasr news yesterday by the way
[06:26] {lklarson} army contract i think
[06:28] {cosmo} akam
[06:28] {Threei} snow in argentina
[06:28] {Threei} global warming in action I guess
[06:29] {Threei} ugh... nice bounce TASR
[06:29] {Threei} right from the closing price
[06:29] {magoo} yeah, army, new weapon, shoots spread out beem, knocks out group of setting star trek phaser to wide
[06:29] {magoo} 17.50 pre mkt high vad
[06:30] {esemde} you thinkin of doing anything with tasr Vad?
[06:30] {Threei} watching for now
[06:30] {Threei} gotta see whether it's real continuation or just leftover's of enthusiasm
[06:30] {magoo} its iun prefreenzy here vad
[06:31] {magoo} not avail to laserheads sh
[06:31] {Threei} HOKU if stays above .30... interested in .50 break
[06:31] {Threei} if loses it, waiting, but not giving up on it
[06:32] {Threei} my yesterday's feeling is intact, 14 is HOKU's destiny
[06:32] {magoo} 3 is pre mkt high OBCI fwiw
[06:32] {cosmo} gmst
[06:33] {Threei} half lot TASR
[06:33] {Threei} .55 stop
[06:33] {Threei} in
[06:33] {Threei} .72
[06:34] {magoo} in .73
[06:35] {Threei} 1:1
[06:36] {lklarson} out half
[06:36] {magoo} waiting .09
[06:37] {magoo} out .05, slowing
[06:37] {cosmo} AKAM 50 test
[06:37] {lklarson} out full, thx vad
[06:37] {Threei} welcome
[06:37] {magoo} TY VAD
[06:38] {Threei} out .20
[06:38] {Threei} +.50 is a good way to start
[06:38] {Threei} can I go home?
[06:38] {lklarson} no:)
[06:38] {esemde} Long AKAM .07
[06:38] {esemde} half lot
[06:39] {Threei} HOKU
[06:39] {Threei} active again if holds .30 this time
[06:43] {lklarson} in hoku .52
[06:43] {magoo} me too
[06:47] {Threei} wow TASR
[06:47] {lklarson} wow
[06:47] {Threei} that 17.20 exit looks better by minute
[06:48] {Threei} OK HOKU, stop monkeying around
[06:55] {Threei} NVDA
[06:56] {Threei} 45.05 long, 44.89 stop
[06:58] {magoo} in nvda
[06:59] {lklarson} me too
[06:59] {dino} hban s .40
[07:00] {Roman} CPSL
[07:00] {Threei} no worky HOKU
[07:01] {lklarson} stopped hoku
[07:04] {Roman} long CHDX small
[07:04] {Roman} 1/3 size
[07:04] {Threei} NVDA stop to .95
[07:09] {Threei} need NQ over 2005 for NVDA all-out break
[07:09] {Threei} let's see
[07:10] {Threei} should go over .20 easy
[07:11] {Threei} hmmm... don't like this hesitance
[07:11] {cosmo} use a poker?
[07:13] {Threei} stop to .99 NVDA
[07:14] {lklarson} yes, whats up with NVDA
[07:16] {Threei} finally
[07:16] {Threei} out half
[07:18] {cosmo} depo
[07:19] {cosmo} 2.05 hod
[07:19] {cosmo} testing
[07:20] {Threei} out 1/4 more NVDA
[07:21] {Threei} offering the rest .55
[07:21] {Threei} stop .15
[07:23] {lklarson} out full nvda thx boss
[07:23] {Threei} welcome
[07:26] {magoo} vad, u fol,lowing HOKU?
[07:26] {magoo} this is kinda what it does
[07:26] {Threei} rather it's following me
[07:27] {Threei} really have this strong feeling it's going to run
[07:27] {magoo} takes .70 and we get 13 easy
[07:27] {dino} form s .80
[07:27] {cosmo} depo needs to hold 2
[07:27] {Threei} but to nail it as an entry is entirely different thing
[07:29] {dino} bbnd s .33, stop .53
[07:29] {Threei} OBCI
[07:31] {dino} form stopped -.30
[07:34] {magoo} how we miss OBCI?
[07:34] {magoo} its shotable vad
[07:35] {magoo} sh obci .32
[07:36] {Threei} NVDA stop to .29 for the balance
[07:36] {Threei} out in full
[07:36] {Threei} .55 as projected
[07:37] {magoo} prolly go .64 area vad
[07:40] {magoo} covered OBCI .14 FL
[07:40] {Threei} good one... gutsy too
[07:40] {magoo} gotta breathe boss
[07:40] {magoo} its a dino magoo setup, he went too
[07:43] {Threei} if it takes .30, has a shot at over 3.50
[07:43] {Threei} extremely risky
[07:43] {magoo} agree..just scalpin both ways
[07:45] {lklarson} vad, what you think of TASR
[07:46] {magoo} it sux lol
[07:46] {Threei} no read lkl
[07:46] {lklarson} ok, thx
[07:47] {DaveG} mkt sellin'
[07:48] {esemde} long GERN .62
[07:49] {dino} i think its going to 40 lkl. in a few months
[07:52] {lklarson} ok, thx dino might be a nice swing trade
[07:52] {dino} cavm again
[07:52] {dino} pulp one
[07:53] {magoo} mkt going green today
[07:53] {dino} bet ya lunch it ends red
[07:53] {magoo} mr .T "prediction?,..pain"
[07:54] {dino} chicken
[07:54] {magoo} no to
[07:54] {dino} deal
[07:54] {magoo} delux?
[07:54] {dino} supreme
[07:54] {dino} ok
[07:56] {magoo} out here .63 NVDA
[07:56] {magoo} TY VAD
[07:57] {magoo} [10:36] {Threei} .55 as projected
[07:57] {magoo} [10:36] {magoo} prolly go .64 area vad
[07:58] {Threei} :)
[07:58] {magoo} .66 as projected he he
[07:58] {Threei} OBCI
[07:58] {Threei} really feels over .50
[07:59] {magoo} over $%)..nuts
[07:59] {magoo} $50
[08:00] {magoo} if your crazy...which doesn'ty limit many in this room i might add....HOKU is a long here...gonna go
[08:01] {lklarson} lol
[08:01] {dino} bbnd bstop to b/e
[08:01] {magoo} and i ain't funnin' niether "curly bill brosis..tombstone"
[08:02] {magoo} in
[08:02] {magoo} .26
[08:03] {magoo} TASR long off ,38
[08:03] {magoo} late tpost
[08:03] {magoo} cause of curly post..sorry
[08:03] {lklarson} got .39
[08:04] {esemde} JNPR ...upside to the downside...break above .85 maybe
[08:04] {magoo} they both going for day high imho...BUT, u already good on tasr so its your risk
[08:05] {esemde} YHOO in the same boat if market comes around
[08:07] {esemde} buy stop jnpr .86 half
[08:09] {magoo} and when tasr takes 17 IK...u gonna owe me a favor ..."apollo creed
[08:10] {magoo} ik responds"what favor" in his best rocky slur
[08:12] {magoo} stop rasr .64
[08:12] {magoo} look to reload it
[08:12] {magoo} safer wtg
[08:13] {esemde} pulled buy stop on JNPR
[08:16] {dino} risky, hl s cedc .59
[08:17] {magoo} nvda going to 45.91 area ridsky
[08:18] {magoo} in .65
[08:18] {magoo} luvin hoku actuion
[08:19] {magoo} waiting @ .91 nvda
[08:20] {magoo} soon "mel gibson in the patriot"
[08:21] {Threei} if HOKU takes .50 probably going to just buy it and close my eyes
[08:22] {magoo} ill slap u when its time to exit, ok?
[08:24] {Threei} yes sir
[08:24] {magoo} vads eyes are closed already, he must have aggressive entry he he
[08:24] {Threei} lol
[08:24] {Threei} no, want to see that big offer by UBSS taken out
[08:25] {magoo} why don't u take it?
[08:25] {Threei} why would I
[08:25] {magoo} for me
[08:25] {magoo} i in @ .26
[08:25] {dino} cedc bstop to .22
[08:25] {Threei} I want stock action to indicate something for me, not me to become an indicator for others
[08:26] {magoo} OBCI coming back
[08:27] {dino} cedc to .14
[08:30] {dino} llnw
[08:31] {dino} cedc cov ave .16, +.43
[08:34] {Threei} well monkey... will ye or will ye not
[08:35] {magoo} look at OBCI offer vad
[08:35] {Threei} what offer?
[08:36] {Threei} :)
[08:36] {magoo} gone...fake?
[08:36] {Threei} don't know
[08:36] {magoo} it wa 1464.60
[08:36] {Threei} OBCI is crazy
[08:36] {Threei} look at another onew
[08:36] {Threei} at 3.09
[08:36] {Roman} let me take that .09 out
[08:37] {Threei} if it's taken, I buy all I can
[08:37] {Threei} thanks Roman
[08:37] {Threei} just don't scalp it for 1 cent
[08:40] {Threei} Ok Roman, I borrowed all I could
[08:41] {Threei} take it out now
[08:41] {Threei} or I'll spend it on HOKU
[08:41] {Roman} :)
[08:41] {Threei} HOKU it is
[08:43] {Threei} amazing as it is, OBCI is trading close to that offer...
[08:47] {Threei} not fair
[08:47] {Threei} offer just disappeared
[08:47] {DaveG} ..
[08:47] {Threei} let's go HOKU, you have 13 to take and 14 to hit
[08:48] {Threei} you full in still magoo?
[08:48] {magoo} and today paalllease
[08:48] {Threei} or partialling?
[08:48] {magoo} yeah
[08:48] {Threei} lol
[08:48] {Threei} ok then
[08:49] {magoo} sometimes u got to let the winner....WIN
[08:49] {magoo} i'll slap u when i exit
[08:50] * Threei sets up "exit on magoo's slap" button
[08:52] {dino} dino thinks, thats a good idea for an easy button
[08:52] {esemde} Vad...does GERN have a chance at 8.00...I don't think so lookin for your opinion
[08:52] {esemde} maybe by end of day?
[08:53] {esemde} I'm long .62
[08:53] {Threei} GERN is tough to read reasonably
[08:53] {Threei} it's a serial disappointer
[08:54] {esemde} ah ha!
[08:54] {Threei} goes when noone expects it, makes U-turn when everything looks in its favor
[08:54] {esemde} my target is .80 from approx 20 days ago
[08:55] {esemde} opening of that hammer candle
[08:55] {magoo} 20 days ago ,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT????????????
[08:55] {DaveG} stay calm mags
[08:55] {magoo} i feel sick..stuck/... confused a position 20 minutes ago
[08:56] {dino} hammers and candles...i'm lost
[08:56] {esemde} that where there seems to be resistance
[08:56] {dino} hammers and candles are for the weekends, :)
[08:56] {esemde} sorry 18 bars ago ..daily chart...
[08:57] {magoo} i can't remember where i parked truck 2 bars ago
[08:57] {esemde} true...for the weekends for sure...but thats where the resistance is
[08:57] {dino} lol
[08:58] {esemde} it's there now anyways
[08:58] {magoo} 18 bars ago..........i wanna party with u
[08:58] {esemde} Bars in Liverpool were bout there
[08:59] {dino} bbnd stopped flat
[08:59] {magoo} vad, this is my earlier point about OBCI...always fall...ALWAYS...may run back...but wuill fall again
[09:00] {Threei} you mean OBCI particularly or this kind of movers overall?
[09:00] {magoo} al of them..ask dino
[09:00] {magoo} all
[09:01] {magoo} my short was a safe bet
[09:01] {Threei} hmmm... just how many times we saw them going multipoints
[09:01] {Threei} before wilting
[09:01] {magoo} still ...wait ad pick post frenzy feel....shorts
[09:01] {dino} oh boy, dino thinks.....anything can happen, find your edge keep your stop
[09:02] {magoo} its opposite of how we ebnter
[09:02] {Threei} the trieckiest part is to find that point
[09:02] {magoo} see end of frwenzy..1 pt..3 [pt who knows
[09:02] {Threei} and calling it safe bet... a bit of exaggeration, IMO :)
[09:02] {dino} death and taxes, thats the safe bet
[09:04] {dino} shor
[09:07] {esemde} out GERN . 82 +20
[09:07] {esemde} don't want to press my luck
[09:08] {Threei} wtg
[09:08] {esemde} tks
[09:09] {markweb} Roman, u target CHDX?
[09:09] {Roman} very thin mark, but i would take 1/2 here, could go over $26 if u willinig to hold all day
[09:10] {markweb} Thank you.
[09:22] {dino} gj ese
[09:27] {esemde} tks
[09:37] {dino} hl l face .82
[09:44] {dino} stopped -.31
[09:57] {cosmo} ATVI persists
[09:57] {cosmo} wants 19
[09:57] {dino} ctsh drop
[10:06] {magoo} tasr doing it...granted, not easy
[10:08] {dino} tasr l .00
[10:09] {Threei} wow... gutsy
[10:09] {Threei} just spiked
[10:09] {dino} ctsh l .46
[10:13] {magoo} vad, u following obiwan konobi here?
[10:14] {Threei} who?
[10:15] {cosmo} ol' Ben
[10:15] {magoo} OBCI
[10:15] {Threei} not really
[10:15] {DaveG} blahblahblahblah
[10:15] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[10:16] {Threei} that huge ofer is dancing around instead of staying and waiting to get hit or not
[10:16] {Threei} nothing to show how string determination really is
[10:19] {DaveG} i was mocking Ben magoo, no need to get hostile
[10:19] {DaveG} ;-)
[10:19] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[10:19] {DaveG} lol
[10:19] {magoo} hows that?
[10:19] {Threei} needd has nothing to do with it. Fun does
[10:20] {Threei} magoo has no need for violence. He just enjoys it.
[10:22] {dino} tasr stopped -.20
[10:23] {dino} ctsh stop to b/e
[10:30] {dino} ctsh stopped flat
[10:46] {DaveG} mkt sellin
[10:46] {DaveG} hard
[10:49] {dino} vscn s hl .69\
[10:51] {Threei} market gets unhappy for a reason or just because?
[10:52] {Roman} PACT spike
[10:52] {DaveG} just because
[10:53] {Roman} PACT PacificNet Receives Interactive Gaming License in the Philippines (5.02 +0.11)
[10:54] {esemde} Bernackers...doesn't know how to speak to the market...people panic
[10:55] {Roman} DRYS short watch
[10:58] {Roman} i think market just needed a reason to pullback, healthy so far
[10:59] {DaveG} what roman said vad
[10:59] {esemde} what DAve said...
[10:59] {Threei} ok... back to sleep while you pass the ball :)
[11:00] {DaveG} :)
[11:08] {DaveG} im so tired
[11:08] {DaveG} difficult to sleep last night with this heat
[11:10] {esemde} how hot in your neck of the woods Dave?
[11:10] {dino} hban bstop to .20, all dayer
[11:10] {dino} hmmm ctsh actually holding up well
[11:11] {esemde} suppose to reach 37 celcius here in Vancouver tomorrow
[11:11] {esemde} Victoria will be a little cooler 32 celcius apparently
[11:12] {dino} 96 f here today
[11:12] {DaveG} about 95 here ese
[11:12] {esemde} thats hot..stick your hot dogs out the window for a babecue
[11:13] {DaveG} no kidding
[11:14] {dino} hey
[11:15] {esemde} 87 F here in Victoria
[11:17] {Chaeron} everytime Dave says "ese", I think he's speaking 'hood for "dude" (spanish version)
[11:17] {DaveG} i aint in da hud no mo
[11:18] {Chaeron} noone else will get that one Dave :)
[11:18] {DaveG} :)
[11:18] {esemde} went by me for sure
[11:19] {Chaeron} ("ese" in Spanish is slang for "dude" or "buddy"... pronounced Es-say)
[11:20] {esemde} thats cool to know....hmmmm
[11:20] {Chaeron} (nevermind... sorry for wasting bandwidth - going to the corner for first time)
[11:22] * DaveG slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[11:22] {dino} lol
[11:23] {Chaeron} heheheh.
[11:23] {Chaeron} dino - I guess Dave doesn't like to share... :)
[11:24] {DaveG} i spend my fish wisely
[11:24] {DaveG} i think my brain fell out
[11:25] {dino} me too, strange days
[11:29] {dino} vscn bstop to .36
[11:31] {dino} hban bstop to .15
[11:32] {dino} cov .33, +.36, vscn
[11:45] {markweb} Roman, Do you play PACT?
[11:46] {Roman} yes, sometimes
[11:48] {markweb} thanks
[11:48] {Roman} :)
[11:49] {Roman} hopefully, that comment "[14:46] {Roman} yes, sometimes" helps u to make money
[11:49] {markweb} :)
[11:54] {markweb} Thanks Roman, out PACT +.23
[11:55] {DaveG} wtg mark
[11:55] {markweb} :)
[11:55] {dino} hban cov. .12 +.28
[12:01] {Threei} CPSL may be not done yet
[12:02] {dino} cytx
[12:03] {Roman} SWHC
[12:03] {Roman} looks interesting
[12:03] {Roman} in .11 small
[12:06] {Roman} NQ not helping here
[12:09] {Threei} if CPSL is capable of taking 4.70...
[12:10] {magoo} u in?
[12:10] {Threei} not yet
[12:10] {Threei} want to see if it can eat through that
[12:10] {magoo} why don't u take it? lol
[12:10] {Threei} sigh
[12:10] {Threei} lol
[12:10] {dino} chtt l .00
[12:14] {Roman} LOOK spike
[12:14] {DaveG} where
[12:14] {DaveG} oh
[12:14] {DaveG} nm
[12:14] {Roman} :)
[12:14] {DaveG} :)
[12:15] {Roman} that heat is getting to u Dave
[12:15] {DaveG} it is
[12:15] {Chaeron} move to OC... it's 76F
[12:17] {DaveG} no thanks :)
[12:17] {dino} ocean city?
[12:17] {Raven} would OC be "Orange County"
[12:17] {DaveG} Orange County
[12:17] {dino} ok
[12:17] {dino} wrong coast
[12:17] {Raven} Chaeron and his perfect weather ... sighsigh
[12:18] {DaveG} boring weather
[12:18] {DaveG} had hail and lightning here yest, was awesome
[12:18] {Chaeron} Raven - don't hate me because I'm beautiful...
[12:18] {Raven} artghhh
[12:18] {DaveG} lol ch
[12:18] {Raven} oh please
[12:18] {Chaeron} I hated that commercial.....
[12:18] {dino} we get the same dave
[12:19] {Raven} me too dino
[12:19] {Raven} severall squall lines headed your way Dave
[12:19] {dino} :)
[12:20] {DaveG} i see them birdy
[12:20] {DaveG} i mean Raven
[12:20] {DaveG} sorry
[12:20] {cosmo} i like snow
[12:20] {Raven} you keep the hail and tornadoes ... just send me some rain
[12:20] {DaveG} okie dokie
[12:20] {Raven} and send snow to crazy cosmo if he wishes
[12:21] {DaveG} ok, lemme write this down
[12:21] {Raven} lol
[12:25] {dino} infn
[12:26] {Roman} IIJI volume inc
[12:30] {DaveG} ok, i've got some light showers for Raven, but i couldn't get any snow for cos, but i'm still working on that, he might have to settle for hail.
[12:30] {cosmo} aw hail
[12:30] {DaveG} DNDN
[12:30] {Threei} spike... news?
[12:31] {dino} no
[12:32] {DaveG} looking, but i dont see anything
[12:34] {Raven} all hail ?
[12:35] {cosmo} awe hail
[12:35] {Raven} those are baseball sized
[12:35] {cosmo}
[12:36] {Chaeron} Ceasar around? :)
[12:36] {Raven} if you are inside ... real hard on the noggin
[12:36] {Chaeron} Caesar, sorry
[12:36] {Raven} looking
[12:36] {Chaeron} [12:37] {Raven} all hail ? {{--- now do you get it? :)
[12:37] {Chaeron} ok ok... sorry... Dave, scoot over, I'm back in the corner
[12:37] {Raven} careful ...
[12:37] {cosmo} i'll be out in the hall
[12:38] {Raven} lol
[12:39] {DaveG} i'm not in the corner, i'm behaving
[12:41] {dino} chtt stopped -.33
[12:42] {DaveG} man, mkt sellin' hard
[12:42] {dino} vsec s .82
[12:48] {DaveG} out CHAP +1.43,
[12:48] {DaveG} i need sleep
[12:48] {DaveG} cyall am
[12:49] {DaveG} have a super evening
[12:49] {Threei} take care dave
[12:52] {Threei} thank you all
[12:52] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[12:52] {Threei} you too CPSL
[12:52] {esemde} see you Vad...
[12:52] {Chaeron} do I have to stay in corner overnight?
[12:53] {Chaeron} (don't know the proceedure)
[12:53] {Chaeron} *sigh* can you leave the light on at least? hello? hello?
[12:54] {Chaeron} heheheh... bye all
[12:54] {cosmo} ATVI gappa?
[12:55] {Chaeron} I just don't like the market overall overnight cosmo, but good spot
[12:55] {cosmo} i understand
[13:00] {dino} vsec cov .79, whoopie
Session Close: Wed Jul 11 00:00:00 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Session Start: Mon Jul 09 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Mon Jul 09 00:00:00 2007

[05:29] {DaveG} morning
[05:47] {esemde} morning Dave
[05:47] {esemde} we the only ones up this early
[05:48] {Threei} almost... I am trying to join you but deep coma is hard to get out from
[05:48] {Threei} good morning :)
[05:48] {esemde} try coke a cola....may work
[05:48] {Threei} too sugary
[05:49] {Threei} I am told to stay away from it
[05:49] {Threei} can't remember by who, doctor or parole officer
[05:50] {DaveG} Doctor Who
[05:50] {DaveG} sorry
[05:50] {DaveG} morning vad
[05:50] {Threei} hi
[05:51] {esemde} don't do it either....tried it once and it snapped me up....but the come down was probably worse at 5 in the morning
[05:51] {Threei} ah OK, remember now... by both actually. cola by doctor and coke by officer
[05:51] {esemde} ha ha ha ha......good one vad...sign of things to come this week?
[05:52] {Threei} we will see... I am not mucn into predicting, you know :)
[05:52] {markweb} gm Winners!
[05:52] {Threei} hi mark
[05:52] {esemde} morning mark
[05:52] {DaveG} morning mark
[05:53] {DaveG} hey mark, where are you from?
[05:53] {markweb} :)
[05:53] {esemde} alny
[05:53] {markweb} Russia
[05:53] {DaveG} cool
[05:53] {markweb} Russia-Canada
[05:55] {esemde} ALNY..Roche invests $1B in Alnylam
[05:55] {esemde} Agreement will give Swiss drug maker access to science that seeks to block formation of disease-causing proteins.
[05:59] {esemde} 54% up...1999 maybe Vad?
[06:00] {Threei} would be nice
[06:00] {cosmo} gee....are russians still coming over Bering Straits
[06:00] {Threei} there are pieces of that here and there... always were, always will be
[06:01] {Threei} yes cosmo, actually I and mark are building barricades on this side to prevent that
[06:01] {Threei} dptl is in workforce too
[06:02] {markweb} Roman?
[06:02] {Threei} Roman is in reserve
[06:02] {cosmo} hmm...fences/walls gonna be everywhere it seems
[06:02] {markweb} Good!
[06:02] {Threei} he guards south border
[06:03] {markweb} Vad, Where Katy888
[06:04] {magoo} morn rt
[06:04] {Threei} she went to taiwan a few months ago
[06:04] {Threei} haven't heard from her since
[06:04] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:04] {markweb} Sad
[06:04] {markweb} She was cool!
[06:05] {Threei} people are moving back and forth all the time
[06:05] {cosmo} ...with the tides...
[06:05] {Threei} like crabs
[06:05] {markweb} Like Russians
[06:06] {Threei} like russian crabs
[06:06] {markweb} lol
[06:07] {DaveG} not going there
[06:07] {Threei} you are maturing dave
[06:07] {Threei} more and more restraint shown lately
[06:08] {DaveG} trying to
[06:08] {Threei} self-imposed too
[06:09] {esemde} ahhhh...... coffee injected with hypodermic needle...i'm awake now1
[06:09] {cosmo} i use an IV
[06:10] {esemde} never thought of that....would be more effective
[06:10] {Threei} I get a feeling I use ineffective method by just chewing it
[06:11] {cosmo} CYTR
[06:11] {esemde} release time too long...
[06:11] {dino} gm all
[06:11] {Threei} dino :)
[06:11] {esemde} morning dino
[06:11] {Threei} keeping an eye on HOKU the monkey again
[06:12] {cosmo} CYTR = ALNY sympathy
[06:12] {esemde} i'll say
[06:14] {cosmo} ESLR breaks 10...on the daily
[06:16] {esemde} what does eslr avg trade per day?
[06:16] {cosmo} 2.3 m shrs
[06:17] {esemde} tks
[06:17] {Threei} FSLR props solars today
[06:17] {cosmo} ESLR pre mkt high = 10.12
[06:18] {esemde} JSDA seems to be making waves as well this morning 77,000shs so far
[06:19] {cosmo} are solars showing an Algore effect?
[06:20] {magoo} vad, keep one of your 3 eyes on amzn, looks poised to move
[06:21] {Threei} AMZN is a 70 break play
[06:22] {DaveG} 07/09/2007 09:16 DJ Possible Bird Flu Detected In 50,000 Turkeys At Virginia Farm
[06:22] {Threei} hopefully after some consolidation, not on a spike
[06:22] {DaveG} heads up on that
[06:22] {cosmo} gobble...gobble
[06:23] {magoo} hasn't done much lately vad....looks like getting ready...AMZN
[06:23] {esemde} turkey soup definately out for today
[06:25] {cosmo} MTLK pre mkt high = 6.6 fwiw
[06:27] {lklarson} gm all
[06:27] {Threei} lkl :)
[06:30] {cosmo} SGTL
[06:30] {Threei} what's with BCON?
[06:31] {Roman} SOLF long setup
[06:31] {Threei} AMZN, .50 break
[06:32] {Threei} stop under .30
[06:32] {Roman} long SOLF
[06:32] {Roman} .60
[06:33] {dptl} gm all
[06:33] {Threei} dp :)
[06:33] {magoo} hi dp:)
[06:34] {esemde} long JSDA 17.25..
[06:34] {DaveG} out SCHN calls +3.20
[06:34] {DaveG} out CME calls +16.50
[06:35] {Threei} SNDK small shares long 50.20 break
[06:35] {Threei} if stays above 50
[06:35] {Roman} HOKU
[06:36] {esemde} outJSDA ,57 +32 1:1
[06:36] {Threei} SNDK 1:1 in a hurry
[06:37] {dptl} so,there is no up tick rule anymore?
[06:37] {Threei} 1:2, done with it
[06:37] {magoo} out sndk .72, to fast to post
[06:37] {magoo} THANX vad
[06:37] {Threei} anyone got SNDK or was too fast on a trigger?
[06:37] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:38] {magoo} caufght your entry
[06:38] {markweb} no
[06:38] {Threei} HOKU 12 long if stays above 11.80, half lot
[06:38] {Threei} make that 11.85 actually if triggers from here
[06:39] {Threei} invalidated for now
[06:40] {Threei} on watch still
[06:40] {magoo} SNDK feels like more coming vad
[06:40] {Threei} .70 break agressive entry HOKUY
[06:40] {Threei} stop under .50
[06:41] {esemde} missed SNDK thinking about .90
[06:42] {magoo} careful w/sndk
[06:42] {magoo} wild animal ES
[06:43] {esemde} yes falling too much now...sndk
[06:43] {Threei} HOKU will be fast if triggers
[06:43] {Threei} be ready
[06:43] {Threei} half lot, volatile
[06:43] {magoo} in hoku hl
[06:43] {magoo} .70
[06:44] {magoo} sndk long trigger ,86 risky
[06:45] {magoo} half
[06:45] {lklarson} amzn!
[06:45] {Threei} .55 stop HOKU
[06:45] {magoo} if triggs
[06:45] {Roman} out 1/2 SOLF +.30
[06:45] {magoo} SHIT missed AMZN vad
[06:46] {magoo} man...i knew it
[06:47] {magoo} i was busy feeding bananas to the monkey
[06:48] {Threei} anyone went for AMZN?
[06:48] {Roman} watching CPSL today
[06:48] {lklarson} took it at .50 and got out at .55 +.05:(
[06:50] {Roman} DNDN high
[06:51] {Threei} no worky HOKU
[06:52] {Roman} LOCM approaching 13
[06:53] {Roman} CTDC
[06:53] {Roman} long CAAS small
[06:53] {magoo} in sndk
[06:54] {Roman} CTDC ready to rock
[06:56] {Roman} PEIX
[06:56] {DaveG} sheesh fslr
[06:57] {Roman} FFHL pop
[06:58] {magoo} sndk 1:2
[06:59] {Roman} MGPI feels higher, thin
[07:00] {magoo} get out SNDK if took
[07:01] {magoo} out .23
[07:01] {DaveG} in and out cme calls +1
[07:01] {magoo} oh..that reminds me
[07:01] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[07:01] {DaveG} :)
[07:02] {Roman} in MGPI small
[07:02] {Roman} in CPSL small 4.18
[07:02] {dino} usap spike
[07:02] {dino} thin
[07:03] {dino} ddup
[07:03] {magoo} phone ringing..magoo refuses to answer...i know its HOKU vad
[07:04] {Threei} tough read
[07:04] {Threei} CTDC getting ready it seems
[07:04] {Threei} looks explosive
[07:04] {Threei} Roman's read earlieer
[07:05] {Roman} JADE pop
[07:06] {Roman} JRJC animal
[07:07] {magoo} u in CTDC vad? entry?
[07:08] {Threei} 5 it seems to me... Roman has better grip on it
[07:08] {magoo} i believe roman took .80 artea
[07:09] {Roman} yes, in small 4.82 area
[07:09] {Roman} CHNR another small cap china going
[07:09] {DaveG} NOVC
[07:10] {dino} hal l .00, stop .79
[07:10] {Roman} SIMO poppable
[07:10] {Roman} CPST swinger
[07:11] {Roman} in CPST double swing 1.15
[07:11] {esemde} SSRI vol not big but setup looks good
[07:11] {esemde} buy stop .22
[07:11] {magoo} anyone in CHNR? animal
[07:11] {esemde} invalidated.....
[07:13] {Threei} got any target for CTDC Roman?
[07:13] {Roman} not really
[07:14] {Roman} just waiting for it to go nuts
[07:15] {Roman} CPSL near high
[07:17] {dino} mjs l .83, stop lod
[07:20] {dino} ms
[07:20] {dino} fcsx hmmm
[07:23] {magoo} on CHNR?
[07:24] {Roman} nope
[07:24] {magoo} ty bro
[07:26] {dino} ms stopped -.20\
[07:26] {Roman} out CPSL +.15
[07:28] {esemde} JADE approaching highs
[07:36] {DaveG} mkt sellin' a bit
[07:37] {dino} fizz s .79
[07:37] {dino} stop .03
[07:38] {Threei} watching how NVDA survives this market drop
[07:38] {Threei} seems to be a long scalp candidate on market bounce
[07:39] {Threei} no particular setup, just timing with NQ
[07:39] {magoo} as doc holiday wouls say..."say when"
[07:44] {magoo} mkt to a hit there
[07:44] {DaveG} MKT HARDER SELLIN'
[07:44] {DaveG} goddamnit
[07:44] {DaveG} sorry
[07:44] {DaveG} stupid capslok
[07:46] {Threei} .43 NVDA with .39 stop
[07:47] {magoo} full right?
[07:47] {Threei} 4 cennts stop? yes :)
[07:47] {magoo} well..its more about how fast it will drop
[07:48] {Threei} slippage on this one won't be more than couple cents
[07:48] {magoo} would be hard igf fast to cattch .-04
[07:48] {Threei} invalidated anyway
[07:48] {magoo} be that way he he
[07:48] {Threei} lol
[07:48] {Threei} see that big olffer chasing it down?
[07:49] {Threei} that's my indication for a long entry
[07:49] {Threei} at .41 now
[07:49] {magoo} ok..see it
[07:49] {Threei} if it's taken and NQ shows bounce
[07:50] {DaveG} new ym lows
[07:51] {Threei} NQ is trying for higher low... if stays above 2002 and trades at 204
[07:51] {Threei} 2004
[07:52] {DaveG} ym bounce
[07:54] {Threei} here we go NVDA
[07:54] {Threei} in
[07:54] {Threei} .42
[07:54] {magoo} in
[07:55] {Threei} want NQ to break 2005
[07:58] {magoo} allzzz i want is nvda to break .75 lol
[07:59] {Threei} shaky market
[07:59] {craigaudio} stopped
[07:59] {Threei} .37 stop
[08:02] {magoo} amzn very strong
[08:02] {magoo} 72 coming..risky
[08:03] {dino} nue l .50, stop lod
[08:04] {magoo} [10:59] {Threei} .37 stop
[08:05] {magoo} still amazes magoo :)
[08:05] {magoo} although trhats pretty easyy to do
[08:05] {Roman} ARIA some vol
[08:06] {Threei} feel free to take NVDA scalp as you see fit
[08:06] {magoo} .86 long trigg AMZN...risky to go 72.23 area
[08:06] {magoo} scalp
[08:06] {Threei} I am out
[08:06] {magoo} me too .59
[08:06] {magoo} TY
[08:06] {Threei} welcome
[08:07] {lklarson} out .60 thx boss
[08:07] {Threei} :)
[08:07] {magoo} your .37 stop was a beaut boss
[08:07] {Threei} bid at .38 was dead giveaway
[08:08] {magoo} you will have to put a blog up sometime on setting stop level
[08:08] {Threei} same indication as offer for entry
[08:08] {Threei} hmmm... I thought I did :)
[08:09] {Threei}
[08:09] {Threei}
[08:09] {Threei}
[08:09] {Threei} three posts on this topic, I think I am done with it forever :)
[08:10] {Roman} PXPL nuts
[08:12] {magoo} sigh...all i really wanted was a good slapping
[08:13] {Roman} MIVA spiked
[08:13] {Threei} my lawyer says I can't go around slapping people anymore
[08:13] {DaveG} well that stinks
[08:13] {Threei} yeah, I am changing a lwayer
[08:15] {dino} fizz bstop to .55
[08:18] {Threei} BCGI news?
[08:18] {Threei} and TASR
[08:22] {Roman} no news on BCGI
[08:22] {Threei} ty
[08:28] {Threei} wow TASR
[08:28] {cosmo} shocking
[08:28] {Threei} stunning
[08:30] {DaveG} new DE 52wk hi, (long calls from a ways back)
[08:30] {lklarson} CTDC at high
[08:31] {Threei} TASR frenzy
[08:32] {magoo} indeed
[08:37] {dino} nue stopped
[08:38] {dino} cov fizz .54, +.25
[08:38] {magoo} SNDK interesting
[08:38] {magoo} not in
[08:39] {dino} cypb
[08:44] {magoo} AMZN
[08:47] {magoo} tasr wall 15
[08:48] {magoo} nice
[08:49] {Threei} serious squeeze
[08:50] {magoo} indeed
[08:51] {DaveG} tasr cnbc
[08:51] {dino} kbh l .25, stop .97
[08:52] {Threei} eeck
[08:57] {dptl} need to slap LaserDave with a trout
[08:58] {Threei} he is offline for a while
[08:58] {Threei} he is away
[08:58] {Threei} accessible via e-mail though
[08:58] {Threei} or cell phone
[08:58] {dptl} i know
[08:58] {Threei} so, if it's about the need to slap, use the next best thing and slap DaveG
[08:59] {dptl} lol
[08:59] {DaveG} i'm here for you
[08:59] * dptl slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[08:59] {Threei} didn't have to ask twice eh?
[08:59] {DaveG} :)
[08:59] {dptl} lol...
[08:59] {Threei} you know it's all magoo's fault, right?
[09:00] {DaveG} 'course
[09:00] {Threei} his dedication to trout got everyone on board
[09:00] {esemde} long SOLF 12.15 ..
[09:01] {esemde} stop .00
[09:03] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[09:03] {dptl} here we go
[09:05] * magoo slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[09:05] * Chaeron slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[09:05] {Chaeron} hey... that was fun
[09:05] {Threei} troutfest
[09:06] * magoo slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[09:06] {esemde} I can hear and feel the smacks from here...ou ah ou ah...
[09:06] * magoo slaps esemde around a bit with a large trout
[09:07] {esemde} slimy too....
[09:07] {dptl} {())))){
[09:07] {Roman} CSIQ
[09:08] {esemde} SOLF at highs
[09:10] {Roman} CSIQ takeover chatter
[09:12] {dino} penx
[09:17] {Threei} TASR gets that look
[09:17] {magoo} indeed'
[09:17] {magoo} pre frenzy
[09:18] {magoo} prefrenzy is a registered trademark of vladimere and his subsideraries
[09:18] {magoo} etc etc
[09:20] {lklarson} monkey is back
[09:21] {magoo} lets tasr the monkey lol
[09:22] {Threei} use that .85 offer as frenzy strength indicator
[09:22] {magoo} new term
[09:22] {magoo} renzy strength indicator
[09:22] {magoo} [12:22] {magoo} new term
[09:26] {lklarson} go monkey
[09:26] {Threei} indicator works
[09:29] {magoo} out here now .09THANX vad
[09:30] {Threei} welcome
[09:30] {lklarson} out to thx vad
[09:30] * magoo slaps lklarson around a bit with a large trout
[09:31] {lklarson} nice
[09:31] {Threei} :)
[09:31] {Threei} see lkl... things go in packages... profit-slap
[09:31] {Threei} don't want a slap, forget profits
[09:31] {lklarson} ok, lol
[09:32] {markweb} pl. slap me!!!!
[09:32] {Threei} there... see? mark got his priorities straight
[09:32] * magoo slaps markweb around a bit with a large trout
[09:32] * magoo slaps markweb around a bit with a large trout
[09:32] * magoo slaps markweb around a bit with a large trout
[09:32] {markweb} Thanks.
[09:32] {Threei} as if magoo needs to be asked twice
[09:32] {magoo} welcome
[09:33] {esemde} 3 of em.....that would have really hurt
[09:39] {magoo} you're pushing your luck little man {soup nazi} to ES
[09:40] * DaveG slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[09:42] {Threei} .35 TASR, .19 stop
[09:42] {Threei} very risky
[09:48] {magoo} out .48 THANX
[09:48] {magoo} just a scalpin fool
[09:48] {DaveG} wtg mags
[09:49] {Threei} 1:1
[09:50] {magoo} out again .58
[09:50] {magoo} ty
[09:51] {magoo} foolish scalparious
[09:51] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[09:51] {magoo} finally
[09:55] {Threei} TASR has 16 in mind
[09:55] {magoo} indeed
[09:56] {magoo} wheres a good rear entry vad/
[09:57] {Threei} it's a frenzy play... it rarely has technical setups
[09:57] {Threei} buy when they have foam at their mouth
[09:57] {magoo} rear entry
[09:58] {DaveG} oh raven
[09:59] {magoo} no one got that huh, xcept dave??
[10:00] {Raven} {}
[10:03] {DaveG} no stopping fslr
[10:03] {DaveG} amazing
[10:09] {Threei} HOKU
[10:09] {Threei} i am getting interested
[10:11] {Threei} no technical read
[10:12] {esemde} stopped SOLF at .98
[10:14] {Roman} SPIR another solar been under radar
[10:14] {Roman} very thin
[10:24] {Threei} 16
[10:26] {Threei} 12.66 HOKU risky long
[10:26] {DaveG} dow highs
[10:26] {Threei} has potential to take it to 13
[10:26] {Threei} volatile
[10:26] {Roman} JASO JA Solar: Hearing tgt raised to $48 at Raymond James (41.12 +3.87) -Update-
[10:27] {Roman} not fresh
[10:34] {Threei} stop under .50 HOKU
[10:41] {Threei} 1:1
[10:46] {Threei} 13 is coming
[10:47] {magoo} waiting .99
[10:49] {magoo} out .92 RTY VAD
[10:49] {Threei} welcome
[10:50] {magoo} saw the stall
[11:00] {Roman} OXGN pop
[11:01] {Roman} OXGN OXiGENE Begins Pivotal Registration Study for ZYBRESTAT(TM) in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer (4.25 +0.17)
[11:04] {DaveG} i'm going to go to the guys' here charity golf tourney and meet some of the stars
[11:04] {DaveG} cyall am
[11:05] {Threei} tske care dave
[11:05] {Threei} don't give my phone number to those starrs anymore please
[11:05] {DaveG} lol
[11:05] {DaveG} ok :)
[11:05] {DaveG} have a great pm
[11:05] {magoo} bye dave
[11:06] {esemde} I'm with Dave...have to go into school this aft....have a great day everyone
[11:06] {Threei} take care ese
[11:08] {magoo} bye ES
[11:09] {magoo} i have apptmt, be back in hour or so
[11:09] {magoo} if miss u..thanx vvad for today:)
[11:09] {Threei} full room of slackers
[11:09] {Threei} welcome
[11:10] {Roman} out SOLF +.85
[11:14] {dino} wdfc s .24
[11:14] {dino} hl
[11:22] {dino} trma blood
[11:33] {Roman} COP ConocoPhillips announces $15 bln share repurchase program and declares quarterly dividend (82.29 +1.25)
[11:48] {dino} bstop to .00 wdfc
[11:50] {dino} to .91
[11:51] {dino} cov .90
[11:54] {Roman} VIAC pop
[11:54] {Roman} VIAC Viacell Prevails Over PharmaStem in Federal Circuit Patent Appeal ( 5.80 +0.16) -Update-
[11:56] {lklarson} take care all
[11:56] {Threei} take care lkl
[11:57] {dino} trma hl l .40, fast
[11:57] {dino} out .94
[11:57] {dino} +.54
[12:07] {dino} dcavm
[12:08] {dino} fat fingers, cavm
[12:11] {dino} hl s cavm .68
[12:15] {dino} stopped -.40
[12:19] {dino} rinsed
[12:25] {Threei} something about HOKU...
[12:26] {Threei} daily yells and screams 14
[12:27] {markweb} 14 or 13?
[12:27] {Threei} 14 :)
[12:27] {Threei} not today
[12:28] {markweb} oi
[12:28] {dino} lol
[12:35] {magoo} from pure joy that his drinkin buddy magoois back
[12:35] {Threei} yup
[12:35] {magoo} 95 here in north east PA
[12:35] {Threei} OK HOKU... show what you are capable of
[12:35] {patience} magoo....when are you going to come sit on the dock at Vad's place?
[12:35] {magoo} u in vad and where entry?
[12:36] {Threei} grabbed .55... and thinking about it for an overnight or even swing
[12:36] {magoo} i rrally hope too someday..truly
[12:36] {magoo} man tasr
[12:37] {Threei} TASR looks unstoppable too
[12:37] {magoo} been a dog of late...but today looks like the old tasr
[12:38] {cosmo} robotasr
[12:40] {magoo} l tasr .24
[12:40] {cosmo} isis
[12:40] {magoo} .58 area feels
[12:48] {dino} wdfc spikes again
[12:48] {Threei} come on TASR
[12:48] {Threei} you can do it
[12:48] {dino} earnings at close
[12:48] {Threei} this .30 seller really annoying
[12:48] {dino} wdfc that is
[12:49] {magoo} its cosmo seklling
[12:50] {magoo} or roman
[12:54] {magoo} out .32
[12:57] {magoo} out again .44
[12:57] {magoo} 2nd time
[12:57] {magoo} scalpalicious daty
[12:58] {Threei} here comes your .58
[12:58] {magoo} 15:40] {magoo} .58 area feels
[12:59] {magoo} yep
[12:59] {magoo} i made same scalpin twice, a little more commoision tho
[13:00] {magoo} thanx vad, everyone
[13:01] {magoo} have nice night
[13:01] {Threei} take care magoo
[13:02] {dino} thx all
[13:02] {Threei} thanks everyone
[13:02] {Threei} have a good evening
[13:02] {magoo} good day vad, wtg
[13:02] {Threei} :)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Session Start: Fri Jul 06 00:00:00 2007

Session Time: Fri Jul 06 00:00:00 2007

[05:18] {DaveG} morning
[05:18] {markweb} Good Morning Winners!
[05:35] {cosmo} ..not to be confused with whiners...
[05:35] {DaveG} wow, bonds getting hit
[05:45] {Threei} hopefully cosmo won't beat me to the pulp when I submit an opinion that this is a good morning
[05:47] {cosmo} PMTC
[05:48] {cosmo} might heal
[05:48] {Threei} PMTC is not having a good morning, that's for sure
[05:48] {Threei} but I still stand by my opinion, PMTC notwithstanding
[05:48] {cosmo} healing would be 'good'
[05:48] {DaveG} IBKR getting hit
[05:48] {Threei} yeah, but there is that little IF
[05:49] {Threei} have a look at NVDA daily
[05:49] {Threei} interesting one
[05:50] {cosmo} handle, yet
[05:50] {cosmo} double top maybe
[05:50] {Threei} that's what I am thinking
[05:50] {Threei} NQ made 52 week highs
[05:50] {cosmo} 44 pivot?
[05:50] {Threei} NVDA didn't, even though inched to the high
[05:51] {Threei} to become a short it would most likely require NQ selling day
[05:52] {Threei} if NQ makes new highs, I'd like to see NVDA staying put, maybe breaking and retreating
[05:52] {Threei} thwen it becomes clear sahort
[05:52] {Threei} ummm...
[05:52] {Threei} trying again
[05:52] {Threei} then it becomes clear short
[05:54] {cosmo} PMTC: Parametric sales miss, company cuts outlook
[05:54] {cosmo} at Reuters (Thu 7:56pm)
[05:58] {Threei} LOCM, what resilience
[06:07] {cosmo} PMTC pre mkt high = 17
[06:07] {cosmo} 17.75
[06:07] {cosmo} so far
[06:12] {magoo} morninK comrades
[06:12] {Threei} magoo :)
[06:13] {Raven} morn magoo
[06:14] {Threei} R :)
[06:14] {Raven} hey 3i :)
[06:15] {DaveG} morning raven
[06:16] {Raven} DaveG !!! :)
[06:19] {dptl} good morning all
[06:19] {esemde} good morning.....i'm late
[06:19] {Threei} dp, ese :)
[06:19] {cosmo} AMCC
[06:20] {esemde} whats your opinion of PMTC Vad?
[06:20] {Threei} want to let it trade and wait to see if it forms valid setup
[06:21] {Threei} gap seems excessive, but there are many instances when this kind of damage was just too much for a stock to recover
[06:22] {cosmo} AMCC warned too
[06:22] {cosmo} it's up 8%
[06:23] {dptl} playing around with laser at home today....getting ready to trade at home next week :)
[06:23] {dino} gm all
[06:23] {Threei} dino :)
[06:24] {Threei} dp, we are about to shed a tear... you are all grown up :)
[06:24] {dptl} trying not to miss swift to much..:)
[06:31] {Threei} sharp dive LOCM
[06:31] {magoo} careful with it vad
[06:32] {Threei} ain't I always
[06:32] {Threei} watching JSDA
[06:32] {Threei} pullback for long is the idea
[06:32] {magoo} realmoney really pushing jsda
[06:33] {Threei} hmm... no pullback
[06:33] {Threei} not chasing though
[06:34] {magoo} m,an...BIDU..i think i said 200 wass coming soon (on monday i believe)
[06:34] {magoo} 191
[06:35] {Threei} look at AAPL dropping
[06:35] {cosmo} gravity?
[06:35] {magoo} and goog down...interesting disconnect bidu goog
[06:36] {Threei} OK, JSDA half lot risky setup
[06:36] {Threei} .50 long if stays above .25
[06:38] {Threei} stop to .35
[06:39] {Threei} 1:1 JSDA
[06:40] {Roman} HOKU
[06:40] {dino} hl s ruth .03
[06:40] {Threei} wow
[06:40] {Threei} news HOKU?
[06:40] {Roman} nope
[06:41] {Threei} JSDA 1:2
[06:41] {Threei} me out
[06:41] {esemde} AMSC if it gets enough volume
[06:41] {Threei} me want go home
[06:41] {Threei} can me?
[06:41] {DaveG} you are home
[06:41] {magoo} resounding NO
[06:41] {Threei} sigh
[06:44] {magoo} what, u think half lot and .50 cent win is a day? no way hose'...only 250 bux
[06:44] {magoo} now if it was a full lot .........
[06:44] {Threei} lol
[06:44] {magoo} BIDU sheesh
[06:44] {magoo} up 8
[06:44] {magoo} news???
[06:46] {Roman} don't see any
[06:47] {magoo} ty
[06:47] {Roman} trades to pre-mkt highs, now up 1.6% in pre-mkt trading following positive article (184.99 ) :
[06:47] {Roman} 06-Jul-07 09:17 ET
[06:50] {magoo} vad, jsda a good bounce candidate somewhere, really pushing it to investors
[06:50] {magoo} like it under 17.50'
[06:50] {magoo} like too see it i mean
[06:51] {Threei} not sure magoo
[06:51] {Threei} unclear here
[06:52] {Roman} in small DSTI 5.80 are small & slow
[06:52] {Roman} observing CAAS , thin
[06:52] {Roman} ESLR looks good
[06:53] {Roman} long ESLR small 9.63
[06:54] {Roman} SIMO spike
[06:55] {Threei} NVDA .49 short with .66 stop
[06:59] {cosmo} JSDA pop
[06:59] {magoo} well..theres the bounce jsda ...,sigh
[07:02] {magoo} man...i slow to react today...haven't entered a single trade
[07:04] {Threei} HOKU
[07:04] {Threei} very risky, .60 break long
[07:04] {Threei} stop under .40
[07:05] {Threei} if NQ drops and NVDA still stays under .65, consider aggressive entry
[07:07] {Threei} NVDA invalidated, HOKU triggered
[07:07] {esemde} long HOKU .55
[07:07] {esemde} half lot
[07:09] {Roman} CTDC
[07:09] {Roman} very hard to read
[07:09] {Roman} JADE feels higher
[07:10] {Threei} 1:1 HOKU, half out, feels aiming for 12
[07:11] {Threei} here is 1:1
[07:11] {magoo} agree..12 ish
[07:11] {magoo} needs to eat .81 vad
[07:12] {Threei} it will
[07:12] {magoo} wow...resounding
[07:12] {magoo} like nuttin
[07:12] {Threei} yeah, you don't often see me that confident
[07:12] {magoo} thats secound time i used that word today...never used it before
[07:13] {Threei} hard breather though
[07:13] {magoo} thats cause you smoke
[07:13] {Threei} does HOKU?
[07:14] {Threei} you partialed any ese?
[07:15] {magoo} how come u didn't ask magoo?
[07:15] {Threei} 'cause you never said you entered? :)
[07:15] {magoo} oh sorry..i took it
[07:15] {Threei} kewl :)
[07:16] {Threei} ok, here goes: you partialed any magoo? :)
[07:16] {magoo} nah
[07:16] {Threei} see, I care
[07:16] {Threei} or pretend to
[07:16] {magoo} waiting .93
[07:16] {magoo} should get it
[07:17] {magoo} out
[07:17] {magoo} THANX
[07:17] {Threei} wtg
[07:17] {dino} gj
[07:17] {magoo} no..way to go to u
[07:17] {cosmo} HOKU smoke'n
[07:17] {Threei} waiting for above 12 with half lot
[07:17] {magoo} u to for to vad
[07:18] {Threei} sold first half at .85
[07:18] {dino} ruth stopped
[07:18] {esemde} out hoku
[07:18] {Threei} :)
[07:18] {magoo} nice SE
[07:18] {Threei} out 12.02
[07:19] {magoo} nice DAV
[07:19] {Threei} ty oogam
[07:19] {magoo} hey i got an idea............
[07:19] {Threei} amazing how they cut through those huge offers when frenzy comes
[07:19] {Threei} uh oh
[07:20] {Threei} I grew to become very afraid of your ideas :)
[07:20] {magoo} when we short..lets type everything backwards ??
[07:20] {Threei} lol
[07:20] {Threei} nice CTDC roman
[07:20] {esemde} nice job boys....
[07:20] {magoo} HOKU has more...just where to enter?
[07:21] {Threei} correct spelling is boyz I believe ese
[07:21] {Threei} according to roman anyway
[07:21] {magoo} what to do....what to do......
[07:21] {magoo} btw, i can NOT believe raven didn't whack me for that spelling
[07:21] {magoo} [10:17] {magoo} u to for to vad
[07:21] {Threei} oh, and according to me it's "korrekt"
[07:22] {esemde} dsti
[07:22] {magoo} well u come from the land of "k"
[07:22] {Roman} observing CAAS
[07:22] {Roman} very interesting area
[07:22] {esemde} opps....
[07:22] {Threei} that's not spelling magoo... that's grammar
[07:22] {Threei} no, I came from the land of 'R"
[07:23] {magoo} frenxzy hoku
[07:23] {Roman} long SOLF small
[07:23] {dino} l cop .10
[07:23] {dino} \
[07:24] {Threei} markweb, how are you adjusting?
[07:24] {markweb} GOOOOD
[07:24] {Threei} kewl :)
[07:24] {Threei} feel free to ask if get any questions
[07:24] {magoo} u trading markweb?
[07:24] {markweb} k
[07:24] {markweb} y
[07:24] {magoo} cewl
[07:25] {Threei} uh, and I wanted to do it earlier but forgot...
[07:25] * Threei slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[07:25] {dptl} lol....?
[07:25] {Threei} no reason
[07:25] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[07:25] {magoo} oh that reminds me.....
[07:25] {Threei} it's Friday
[07:26] {Roman} in CAAS
[07:26] {Threei} I don't need any reasons on friday to slap you
[07:26] {cosmo} seems like Tuesday tho
[07:26] {Threei} casual day, you know
[07:26] {magoo} boy that LOCM a nasty one
[07:26] {dptl} :)
[07:26] * magoo slaps dptl around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] {magoo} wipe that smile off he he
[07:27] {Threei} did I just unleash a monster?
[07:27] {DaveG} NO
[07:27] * magoo slaps Raven around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] * magoo slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] {Threei} yeah, I did
[07:27] * magoo slaps dino around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] * magoo slaps cosmo around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] * magoo slaps esemde around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] {Threei} dave duck
[07:27] * magoo slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[07:27] {magoo} OOPS
[07:27] {Threei} lol
[07:27] {DaveG} lol
[07:27] {dptl} lol
[07:28] {dino} dna l .30
[07:29] {Roman} out 1/2 DSTI +.30
[07:29] {dptl} speaking about monster.....mnst
[07:30] {magoo} alert JSDA
[07:31] {magoo} long trig .45
[07:31] {magoo} scalp risky all that
[07:31] {Raven} M A G O O O O O OO O O O O O
[07:31] {Raven} has lost it
[07:31] {DaveG} lol
[07:31] {dino} mnst l .75, hl
[07:32] {esemde} BPHX but stop .46
[07:32] {magoo} never really had "it" raven
[07:32] {Raven} hmmmm ... that could be
[07:32] {dino} out cop .43, +.33
[07:33] {Raven} slap woke me up ... think I'll take a hike before it gets too damn hot
[07:33] {Raven} stinkin' Midwest anyway
[07:33] {magoo} mkts GREEN
[07:34] {magoo} in jsda
[07:35] {magoo} 1 to 1
[07:38] {magoo} long the monkey .11
[07:38] {DaveG} i wont even go there
[07:38] {Threei} lol
[07:39] {Roman} BLDP long watch
[07:39] {Roman} slow
[07:40] {Roman} long JRJC
[07:40] {Roman} small 9.46 area
[07:40] {Roman} slow
[07:41] {magoo} dangling banana @ .69
[07:45] {magoo} stop hoku @ .99
[07:47] {magoo} dam monkey stopped
[07:47] {magoo} should have took scalp
[07:47] {magoo} had .15
[07:49] {esemde} cancelled buy stop on BPHX
[07:53] {dino} out mnst .98, +.23
[07:54] {Roman} CPST looking interesting
[07:55] {dino} ms l .00
[07:55] {magoo} dollar reversal LOCM
[07:56] {Roman} CNBD will mention "go green" pure plays next
[07:56] {Roman} CNBC
[07:56] {Roman} not sure which ones but that could produce nice play
[07:57] {Roman} LOCM pop
[07:57] {Threei} LOCM is beyond the reasonability as it known in this universe
[07:58] {dptl} to guys have a good to you monday.....
[07:59] {DaveG} take care
[07:59] {Threei} bye dp
[08:02] {magoo} bye DP
[08:02] {magoo} 13 comith locm
[08:03] {magoo} riski
[08:04] {magoo} and more...frenzy
[08:05] {magoo} 12 minutes
[08:05] {magoo} 2 min
[08:05] {Threei} LOCM redefines "risky"
[08:06] {Threei} 14 before it's over
[08:06] {magoo} out .13
[08:06] {magoo} plus whatever
[08:06] {magoo} 14 shit RISKI
[08:09] {magoo} enter .50
[08:09] {Threei} or 12.80
[08:10] {DaveG} have a nice weekend
[08:10] {DaveG} cyall mon
[08:10] {Threei} take care dave
[08:10] * magoo slaps DaveG around a bit with a large trout
[08:11] {magoo} long trigg hoku .35
[08:31] {esemde} long OVTI 19.02
[08:32] {magoo} take that .50 GGGOOOOOOOOOO
[08:33] {magoo} vad, any kick left from yesterday?
[08:33] {Threei} yes sir
[08:33] {Threei} watch me
[08:33] {Threei} there
[08:34] {Threei} ummm... are we talking same stock?
[08:34] {magoo} WOW
[08:34] {Threei} I was kicking LOCM
[08:34] {magoo} yes
[08:34] {Threei} cool
[08:37] {magoo} AGAIN vad
[08:49] {dino} ms stopped
[08:52] {dino} hl s miva .54
[08:59] {Threei} time for a bounce LOCM
[08:59] {Threei} can't call it really
[08:59] {Threei} not much technicals in this one
[09:02] {Roman} Germany finds H5N1 flu virus in domestic poultry according to officials- DJ
[09:08] {dino} cov miva .24, +.30
[09:15] {markweb} JRJC nice
[09:15] {markweb} Roman spasibo
[09:28] {Roman} pochaluista
[09:48] {magoo} .
[09:49] {Chaeron} I'll see that . and raise you ..
[09:49] {Threei} ...
[09:50] {magoo} in....
[09:50] {esemde} feel asleep almost...long HANS .26
[09:51] {esemde} half lot
[09:53] {dino} wbmd fast fall
[10:00] {Threei} HOKU long for a scalp if breaks .54
[10:00] {Threei} .45 support
[10:09] {dino} dwsn hl l .35
[10:17] {dino} out dwsn .35, +1.00
[10:18] {Threei} I need a foam or something... to have a cushion layer between my chin and keyboard
[10:18] {dino} you need to pay attention, :)
[10:19] {Threei} tough
[10:19] {dino} no respect
[10:22] * magoo slaps dino around a bit with a large trout
[10:23] {magoo} LOCM waking up
[10:23] {magoo} not in......yet
[10:32] {dino} wbmd hl l .95
[10:52] {esemde} out HANS .96 +.70
[10:53] {esemde} Ok I'm happy now!!
[10:53] {Threei} nice :)
[10:54] {magoo} nice
[10:55] {esemde} and that baby is still goin....
[11:07] {dino} glng
[11:09] {dino} out wbmd .41, +.46
[11:11] {magoo} jones bouncer vad?
[11:12] {Threei} who?
[11:12] {magoo} jones soda
[11:12] {magoo} jsda
[11:12] {Threei} lol
[11:13] {Threei} hard to tell, seems to be making random moves now
[11:13] {magoo} lol ultimate daytrader response...who?
[11:13] {Threei} hehe
[11:24] {dino} hl s glng .75
[11:38] {lklarson} ga all
[11:38] {Threei} ga?
[11:38] {Threei} oh
[11:39] {Threei} aftrenoon
[11:39] {Threei} me dense
[11:39] {lklarson} yes, lol
[11:39] {Threei} hi lkl :)
[11:47] {magoo} bidu hit 199.88
[11:47] {Threei} mpel
[11:48] {Threei} if holding .70, break of .80 is long
[11:48] {Threei} if losing it, look for bounce from around .60
[11:54] {lklarson} dino where are you keeping stop on glng?
[11:55] {dino} .99
[11:55] {lklarson} thx
[11:55] {dino} np
[12:04] {dino} that glng is a pain in the azz
[12:04] {dino} dna tagged
[12:05] {lklarson} yes, can't make up it's mind
[12:11] {dino} exbd
[12:38] {esemde} mpel
[12:39] {esemde} wrong screen again sorry bout that
[12:39] {Threei} worked for a scalp off .60
[12:42] {dino} regn stop to .12
[12:43] {dino} glng tighten bstop to .91
[12:45] {dino} out regn +.10
[12:51] {dino} glng tighten to .81
[12:51] {Threei} Ok guys
[12:51] {Threei} thank you all
[12:52] {Threei} I think we did great for a short week in the middle of summer
[12:52] {lklarson} take care vad
[12:52] {Threei} have a good weekend
[12:52] {Threei} see you on Monday
[12:53] {dino} to .70
[12:54] {dino} to .66
[12:55] {dino} to .61
[12:55] {lklarson} lol
[12:56] {dino} lol, stingy
[12:56] {dino} .01
[12:56] {dino} beer $
[12:56] {lklarson} can't let it get away no, almost in the bag
[12:57] {dino} give that man a prize
[12:58] {lklarson} two 12 packs of slitz, lol
[12:58] {esemde} have a great week end everyone.
[12:58] {lklarson} u2 ese
[12:58] {lklarson} out, tx dino
[13:00] {dino} cov .52, +.22
[13:00] {dino} lol, what a wierd one
[13:00] {lklarson} nice
[13:00] {lklarson} yes, almost sopped:)
[13:00] {lklarson} stopped
[13:01] {lklarson} have a good weekend
[13:01] {dino} ok, the evaluation on dino's last two weeks. i suck in the a.m., making all my money after 12:00, so pulling back in mornings
[13:01] {dino} u2 lkl
[13:02] {dino} i am george castanzza lately, doing opposit
[13:02] {lklarson} yes, lol
[13:03] {dino} makes for long days. have to straigten out myself
[13:03] {lklarson} yes, sleeping in might do you good
[13:04] {dino} couple hours/night is all i get in thelast 5 years. but oddly, not tired
[13:04] {lklarson} wow, you're a machine
[13:04] {dino} no, i'd rather sleep.
[13:05] {dino} damn magoo split, i wanted a beer
[13:05] {lklarson} yes, I hear you
[13:06] {lklarson} ok, have a good weekend, going to hit the golfcourse
[13:07] {dino} nice, have fun
[13:08] {lklarson} for sure:)

Session Close: Sat Jul 07 00:00:00 2007