Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19 2008

Session Time: Mon May 19 00:00:00 2008

[08:34] {magoo} morning
[08:36] {Threei} magoo :)
[08:40] {Threei} so far, CSUN SOLF CAAS activity
[08:40] {Threei} sorry, not CAAS
[08:40] {Threei} CPSL
[08:42] {magoo} good pre mkt volume on them
[08:43] {magoo} news on them vad?
[08:43] {esemde} mags jm onix peterg tom Vad.....mornin
[08:43] {Threei} ese :)
[08:43] {Threei} no mags
[08:43] {Threei} continuation of last week momo
[08:44] {Threei} CSUN ernings tomorrow morning, SOLF on Wed
[08:44] {Roman} 21 CTDC on radar too
[08:48] {Onix} morning esemde
[08:48] {dptl} good morning all
[08:48] {Onix} gm dpti
[08:50] {Threei} dp :)
[08:52] {Threei} CSUN was always regarded as ugly duckling among solars
[08:52] {Threei} amazing how things change
[08:54] {cosmo} CSUN also rises
[08:55] {Threei} deep
[08:56] {cosmo} well..its a start
[09:00] {cosmo} i'm looking for who is gonna make those thin film, PV beach umbrellas
[09:00] {pita} morning everyone
[09:00] {Threei} pita :)
[09:01] {magoo} crude spiking over 127..gas over 4 bux...rally vad?
[09:01] {fernp} gm all
[09:01] {Roman} 21 PEIX going on earnings
[09:01] {Threei} fernp :)
[09:02] {Roman} 21 got some 3.54 area to ride all day
[09:02] {Threei} 08:01am [PEIX] Reports Q1 $0.06 v -$0.09e (ex-items), R $161.5M v $154.6Me
[09:02] {Threei} no idea mags... sooner or later something's gotta give
[09:03] {Threei} I have hard time imagining market rallying endlessly in the face of such oil costs
[09:04] {esemde} was just looking at that Roman..
[09:06] {esemde} i rode CTSH all friday after I left you all and exited at around 2:00pm for +.39
[09:06] {Threei} nice
[09:07] {esemde} i worked out well
[09:07] {esemde} not "I" but "it"
[09:07] {Threei} can it be both?
[09:08] {esemde} yes indeed it can
[09:08] {esemde} CTSH is up again this morning
[09:08] {Threei} BUFFETT: SURPRISED TO WHAT EXTENT USD WEAKENED VS EURO AND ASIAN CURRENCIES- Says US policies to weaken US dollar over the longer term
[09:16] {Threei} PEIX is ethanol Roman...
[09:17] {Threei} think it's still "in"?
[09:17] {Roman} 21 if the co is profitable, why not
[09:17] {Roman} 21 there are alot of shorts in it
[09:17] {Roman} 21 so it's something to keep an eye on
[09:18] {Roman} 21 BCON on radar today too, swinging this one , took a while to move over 1.3
[09:18] {Threei} CPST
[09:18] {Threei} all thing alternative energy
[09:18] {Threei} things
[09:19] {Threei} some noises appear in hydrogen area lately
[09:19] {magoo} where u like cpsty in pullbk or breakout?
[09:19] {Threei} what stocks do we have in that?
[09:20] {Threei} CPST is heavy trader... pullbacks motsly
[09:20] {magoo} actually, i meant cpsl..sorry
[09:20] {Threei} slow climber with fruequent shakeouts
[09:20] {Threei} same thing
[09:21] {esemde} am liken the look of PEIX...might get some of that if it pulls back
[09:22] {dino} gm all
[09:22] {esemde} dino
[09:23] {Threei} dino :)
[09:23] {esemde}'s a holiday here in Canada...take the day off....
[09:24] {Threei} no rest for wicked, ese
[09:24] {esemde} I here ya on that one
[09:27] {tomg} good morning all
[09:28] {Threei} tom :)
[09:29] {Threei} will CSUN be kind enough to pull back closer to 14.50?
[09:29] {esemde} tom
[09:30] {dino} ravn, mtz
[09:31] {Threei} watching AKNS
[09:32] {Threei} wanted little pullback, then break of .70... not sure about entry without pullback
[09:33] {Threei} CSUN .10 long half lot
[09:36] {Threei} invalidated for now
[09:36] {Roman} 21 CPSL running
[09:36] {Roman} 21 EMKR radar
[09:36] {Roman} 21 long off 8.35
[09:42] {Roman} 21 PEIX breaking
[09:42] {Roman} 21 nice
[09:43] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 +.65
[09:43] {Threei} beauty
[09:43] {magoo} nice rfr
[09:43] {dino} sm risky s ravn .99
[09:43] {Roman} 21 BLDP
[09:43] {Roman} 21 CLWT
[09:43] {Roman} 21 doing it
[09:44] {Threei} SOLF spiking
[09:44] {Threei} time to look at CSUN again
[09:44] {Threei} 15 break
[09:44] {Threei} stop under .80
[09:45] {Threei} EMKR triggered
[09:47] {Threei} JASO joins the party
[09:47] {Threei} CSUN doesn't want to play
[09:48] {Roman} 21 ESLR
[09:48] {Roman} 21 okay, just buy all alternative entergy
[09:49] {Roman} 21 want to sell my peix here
[09:49] {Roman} 21 but will let it run
[09:49] {dino} ravn stopped
[09:49] {esemde} PEIX...up huge
[09:49] {magoo} weird vad...FSLR not with the others
[09:49] {esemde} 40%
[09:49] {Roman} 21 CTDC time to roll
[09:50] {Threei} yeah
[09:50] {magoo} news?
[09:50] {Roman} 21 in CTDC small
[09:50] {Threei} no, nothing on FSLR
[09:50] {magoo} ty
[09:50] {magoo} bounce somewhere?
[09:51] {Threei} I'd leave it alone
[09:51] {Threei} let's play strong ones
[09:51] {Threei} EMKR pure beauty
[09:51] {Roman} 21 GIGM
[09:51] {Roman} 21 got some room to run
[09:52] {Roman} 21 maybe will take small of 19
[09:52] {pita} csun valid?
[09:53] {Threei} not sure about CSUN
[09:53] {Threei} probably needs some consolidation
[09:53] {Threei} feels potential is still there, but trades nervously
[09:54] {Roman} 21 EGLE looks good
[09:54] {Roman} 21 in small 35.27 long
[09:54] {Roman} 21 area
[09:55] {pita} egle
[09:55] {esemde} long CTDC .09
[09:55] {esemde} full
[09:55] {Threei} CTDC ready
[09:55] {esemde} yes
[09:56] {Threei} 7.20 area last resistance on daily
[09:56] {dino} scsc
[09:56] {Threei} clear after that
[09:56] {esemde} yup
[09:59] {Roman} 21 in GIGM small 19.00
[09:59] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 EMKR +.30
[09:59] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 CTDC +.32
[09:59] {dino} optm
[09:59] {esemde} out CTDC .44
[09:59] {Threei} wtg
[09:59] {Roman} 21 out GIGM +.27
[10:00] {esemde} +.35 on a full lot
[10:00] {Threei} APR LEADING INDICATORS: 0.1% V 0.0%E
[10:01] {Threei} out EMKR
[10:01] {Threei} ty roman
[10:01] {Roman} 21 ym
[10:01] {Roman} 21 watching CDS
[10:01] {esemde} now thats BS for ya....i got the absolute high on that bar
[10:01] {magoo} out EMKR .75 TY roman
[10:02] {esemde} that never happens until today
[10:02] {magoo} es, emkr u mean?
[10:02] {esemde} no CTDC
[10:03] {esemde} it's heading back up though
[10:03] {esemde} there she blows
[10:04] {Roman} 21 BIDZ radar
[10:04] {Roman} 21 looks interesting
[10:04] {Roman} 21 checking , i think it had earnigs
[10:05] {Threei} 08:03am [BIDZ] Acquires $23.9M lot of finished jewelry from bankruptcy auction
[10:05] {Roman} 21 not interested
[10:06] {Roman} 21 CTS could be new china runner
[10:06] {Roman} 21 i wonder
[10:06] {magoo} waiting exit .67 CTDC
[10:07] {magoo} scratch that..out .45
[10:07] {magoo} redbar as i typed
[10:10] {dino} mxc
[10:10] {Roman} 21 CPST
[10:10] {Roman} 21 long off 3.70
[10:11] {Roman} 21 not the best setup but
[10:11] {Roman} 21 .
[10:12] {Roman} 21 CHNR
[10:12] {Roman} 21 breaking out, not chasing it here
[10:12] {Roman} 21 EFUT
[10:13] {Roman} 21 long small
[10:13] {Roman} 21 risky, 17.52
[10:14] {Threei} what with ROYL
[10:14] {Threei} no news that I see
[10:14] {Roman} 21 going with other oils
[10:14] {Roman} 21 remember GEOI
[10:14] {Roman} 21 ?
[10:14] {Threei} ahh
[10:15] {judijim} gm all
[10:15] {esemde} Mags what did you finally get with CTDC
[10:15] {Threei} jj :)
[10:15] {esemde} jj
[10:15] {Threei} [10:07] {magoo} scratch that..out .45
[10:15] {magoo} [10:07] {magoo} scratch that..out .45
[10:15] {magoo} ty vad
[10:15] {esemde} well done mags.....when were you in...
[10:16] {magoo} 7.21
[10:16] {esemde} full lot?
[10:16] {magoo} no
[10:16] {magoo} half
[10:16] {esemde} GJ
[10:17] {esemde} it still looks like it wants more
[10:19] {Threei} FCEL
[10:19] {Threei} .16 long
[10:19] {Threei} somewhat tricky stock but daily looks ready to explode
[10:19] {Threei} and in the right sector
[10:20] {Threei} stop under 9
[10:20] {Roman} 21 took CPST 1/2 3.70
[10:20] {Roman} 21 stop under 3.59
[10:22] {esemde} I take it back re CTDC
[10:22] {Roman} 21 long NCOC small
[10:22] {Roman} 21 7.26 area
[10:23] {esemde} your right Vad FCEL daily looks great
[10:24] {dino} ravn squeeze, cyber no more avail
[10:24] {dino} sm l de .40
[10:25] {esemde} what do you mean cyber no more available dino
[10:28] {dino} they are telling me none avail to short/borrow
[10:28] {dino} i shorted earlier, so.......
[10:28] {esemde} ahhhhh
[10:29] {Roman} 21 out EGLE +.20
[10:30] {Roman} 21 ESLR nice buying today
[10:32] {Threei} after 9.25 there is nothing up to 9.50 for FCEL
[10:33] {Threei} well, nothing but natural obnoxiousness of this stock
[10:33] {Threei} still, with 15 cents risk I consider it worth trying
[10:34] {Threei} or is it 17 cents
[10:34] {dptl} 15?...7i think
[10:35] {Roman} 21 'CROX looking good
[10:37] {magoo} long solf here
[10:37] {magoo} ,25
[10:37] {Threei} CSIQ new 52 week high
[10:37] {Threei} so maybe good idea mags
[10:37] {magoo} stop .97
[10:37] {magoo} half
[10:38] {magoo} to .85 area vad
[10:38] {Threei} CSUN flatlined
[10:38] {magoo} yeah..days disappointment
[10:38] {Threei} if holding .80 and breaks 15, I'll be interested again
[10:38] {Roman} 21 lJASO
[10:39] {Roman} 21 not in yet
[10:39] {Roman} 21 long BCON
[10:39] {Roman} 21 decent setup off 1.30
[10:40] {Roman} 21 full size BCON
[10:40] {dino} teloz crush
[10:49] {Roman} 21 NTES
[10:49] {Roman} 21 could be a decent bounce area
[10:52] {Chaeron} Good morning all
[10:52] {Threei} chaeron :)
[10:52] {Roman} 21 waiting on NTES , probably another spike down
[10:53] {Threei} CTDC isn't done it seems
[10:53] {Threei} needs general sector strength to resume probably
[10:53] {Threei} but holding near the high rather well
[10:53] {Roman} 21 keep an eye on NCOC
[10:54] {Roman} 21 in 7.26 but could bet volume over 7.5
[10:54] {Threei} yeah, 7.50 is catapult for it
[10:54] {magoo} l jaso .76
[10:54] {Threei} I wish it wasn't so thin
[10:55] {Threei} FCEL started chewing .25
[10:55] {Threei} correction
[10:55] {Threei} FCEL is done chewing .25
[10:55] {Threei} 1:1
[10:56] {Threei} almost... sorry, I continue forgetting it was .17 stop, not .15
[10:56] {Roman} 21 NTGR
[10:56] {Roman} 21 aiming over $20
[10:57] {Threei} OK, now FCEL is 1:1
[10:58] {Threei} half out for me
[10:58] {magoo} u out?
[10:58] {magoo} ok
[10:58] {Threei} stop to 9.09
[10:58] {Threei} or to 9.14, both are valid
[10:58] {Threei} depending on your risk tolerance
[10:59] {Roman} 21 RSOL
[10:59] {Roman} 21 been watching this one
[10:59] {Threei} recent IPO
[10:59] {Roman} 21 its SOLAR
[10:59] {Threei} yup
[10:59] {Roman} 21 MPET rollling
[10:59] {Roman} 21 looking good
[11:00] {tomg} ty vad, 2 for 2 and made my daily :)
[11:00] {Threei} cool beans tom
[11:01] {Threei} don't give anything back
[11:01] {tomg} i'm done, see you tomorrow. have a good day everyone
[11:01] {magoo} hmmmmmmmm..stingy
[11:01] {Threei} take care :)
[11:01] {magoo} bye bro
[11:01] {Threei} good boy FCEL
[11:01] {Threei} unusually disciplined today
[11:02] {magoo} and good girl jaso
[11:02] {Threei} used to be very tricky animal
[11:02] {Threei} I am still cautious about it
[11:02] {Threei} but risk is down to "playing with house money" here
[11:02] {esemde} see ya tom
[11:03] {Threei} VISN, 23 break long small shares if holding above 22.80
[11:04] {Roman} 21 BDCO
[11:04] {Roman} 21 wonder if that wakes up soon
[11:04] {Roman} 21 probably this week
[11:04] {magoo} SOLF finally this time i hope
[11:05] {Roman} 21 NTGR vad?
[11:05] {magoo} out jaso .96 + .20
[11:06] {Threei} as long as holding above .60, roman
[11:07] {Threei} solf
[11:07] {Threei} really needs to eat through .50 to get another sparkle
[11:08] {Roman} 21 SATC looking reat
[11:08] {Roman} 21 great
[11:08] {Roman} 21 swinger
[11:09] {Threei} if GEOI and ROYL are on the move, OMNI may wake up
[11:09] {magoo} SOLF needs a shot of tequila
[11:09] {Threei} just trying to remember this group
[11:10] {Roman} 21 we also have MPET & BDCO with the group vad
[11:10] {Threei} BDCO yes
[11:10] {Roman} 21 MPET looks better
[11:10] {Threei} MPET is totally out of my memory
[11:10] {Threei} will take your word for it :)
[11:10] {magoo} GEIO too right
[11:11] {Roman} 21 Olympix are this summer right?
[11:11] {Roman} 21 is
[11:11] {Threei} yup
[11:11] {magoo} can't remember..used tooplay about 5 of them
[11:16] {Roman} 21 JADE going to try out
[11:16] {Threei} CPSL nonstop
[11:18] {magoo} [11:04] {magoo} SOLF finally this time i hope
[11:18] {magoo} he he..3rd time ive thought this
[11:19] {magoo} hasn't stopped me
[11:19] {Chaeron} maybe if I join you on the trade...
[11:20] {magoo} u just mentioning that has killed it...look
[11:20] {magoo} .56 to .19
[11:20] {Roman} 21 where is your sto on SOLF magoo?
[11:21] {magoo} [10:37] {magoo} stop .97
[11:25] {esemde} NDX is about to bust out's made a serious move towards it's highs
[11:26] {magoo} jesus chaer..fess up...did u enter it?lol
[11:27] {Roman} 21 long EGLE
[11:27] {Roman} 21 small
[11:27] {Roman} 21 35.70 with a stop 35.40
[11:28] {Chaeron} dang magoo... I am going to get a complex
[11:28] {magoo} stopped
[11:28] {Chaeron} and no I didn't :P
[11:28] {magoo} fchrist it was running
[11:28] {magoo} no more jiokes
[11:34] {Threei} RSOL broke
[11:35] {Threei} scary thing
[11:37] {Threei} so... considering that we are starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel with these BDCO, MPET etc,
[11:37] {Threei} and that small ones are last to run usually and signify the end of bullish phase
[11:38] {Threei} quite likely that we approach oil top
[11:38] {Threei} My main concern though is, everyone's saying that for the last few days
[11:38] {Threei} which doesn't bode well for the drop
[11:40] {Roman} 21 PEIX
[11:40] {Roman} 21 go
[11:42] {dino} colm
[11:43] {magoo} CSUN returns
[11:46] {magoo} took 15
[11:46] {Threei} CSUN or you?
[11:46] {Threei} or both?
[11:46] {dino} teloz l .48
[11:47] {magoo} csun
[11:47] {magoo}
[11:47] {Threei} lol'
[11:48] {magoo} it took it and i took it
[11:48] {Threei} yup, now I understand
[11:48] {magoo} waiting .31..maybe top optimistic
[11:53] {magoo} kicking it ...kicking it.....
[11:54] {magoo} out .33
[11:54] {magoo} +.33
[11:55] {Threei} wtg
[11:55] {dino} auxl . sm .77 risky
[11:56] {magoo} kicked it too hard tho...went way past my exit
[11:56] {magoo} plus pulled hamstring
[11:57] {Threei} CPSL will never stop
[11:57] {Threei} it will go forever
[11:58] {magoo} ok chaer..let us stop it lol
[11:59] {Chaeron} take out the .10 :)
[11:59] {Chaeron} ?
[12:04] {magoo} look SOLF
[12:05] {dino} cov auxl .25, +.52
[12:06] {Threei} they take turns again
[12:13] {magoo} AMZN up 7 points
[12:20] {magoo} out fcel btw....37
[12:20] {magoo} ty vad
[12:20] {magoo} easy button
[12:23] {Threei} :)
[12:24] {Threei} AMZN... upgrade at Goldman...
[12:24] {Threei} nothing really
[12:25] {magoo} nothing? helluva arun
[12:26] {Threei} news wise I mean
[12:36] {dptl} my god.....pretty big celebration was in moscow after they won hokey
[12:40] {esemde} i'm done for the day all....see you all tomorrow
[12:40] {Threei} take care ese
[12:40] {esemde} see ya vad
[12:44] {dino} hokey, is that a dance or something?
[12:44] {Threei} yeah... huge muscular men in tutus
[12:45] {dptl} lol ....pretty much
[13:01] {Threei} BCON
[13:11] {Roman} 21 long MVIS
[13:11] {Roman} 21 1/2
[13:12] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 CPST +.17
[13:15] {Threei} CSUN again
[13:15] {Threei} .50 - .66 range
[13:25] {Threei} .51 CSUN long for scalp
[13:25] {Threei} stop under .40
[13:26] {Threei} if works, either scalp or half out around .60
[13:26] {Threei} SOLF trying for new highs so good chance for CSUN to follow if crosses back over .50
[13:28] {GeoArb} gm
[13:28] {Threei} Geo :)
[13:34] {dptl} are you in Vad csun?
[13:34] {Threei} yes
[13:35] {dptl} something fishi
[13:37] {dino} scsc s .31
[13:37] {Threei} morning was too good dp... gotta give 12 cents back
[13:37] {Threei} to stay on good side of markets
[13:38] {dptl} :)
[13:48] {Threei} yeah, that was charity event
[13:53] {Roman} 21 pit EG:E
[13:53] {Roman} 21 out EGLE -.07
[13:56] {dino} scsc bstop to .84
[13:56] {dino} to .71
[13:57] {dino} to .61
[13:57] {Threei} tempted to short PEIX
[13:58] {dino} cov .58, +.73
[13:59] {Roman} 21 well, then out remaining PEIX +1.1
[13:59] {Chaeron} wow... Csun
[13:59] {Roman} 21 now you may short vad, if u wish
[13:59] {Threei} took half lot .67
[14:01] {Threei} wow
[14:02] {Chaeron} that's what I said
[14:02] {Threei} that's some selloff CSUN
[14:03] {magoo} indeed
[14:03] {magoo} market
[14:03] {magoo} look rimm selloff
[14:04] {Threei} AAPL too
[14:04] {magoo} but aapl was weak..RIMM was up
[14:05] {magoo} can't believe amzn stood that sell off off
[14:06] {Threei} covered some PEIX .54
[14:07] {Chaeron} RIMM still not done
[14:11] {Threei} who tripped over market plug?
[14:12] {magoo} wow..sell from hell
[14:12] {Threei} no kidding
[14:13] {Roman} 21 long QQQQ
[14:13] {Roman} 21 49.83
[14:13] {Roman} 21 full size
[14:13] {Threei} looks news-caused but I don't see anything
[14:13] {Chaeron} not that OPEC release... no?
[14:13] {Threei} I doubt it
[14:15] {Roman} 21 long SO}}F
[14:15] {Roman} 21 24.39
[14:15] {Roman} 21 small
[14:16] {Roman} 21 out SOLF
[14:18] {Roman} 21 in JASO
[14:18] {Roman} 21 24.20
[14:21] {magoo} anything for a bounce vad?
[14:21] {Threei} looking to short QID for markert bounce
[14:22] {Threei} can take a few tries
[14:22] {Threei} so far, .88 short if stays below 38'
[14:23] {Threei} .95 stop
[14:23] {GeoArb} i am curious... any advantage over lon qqqq on bounce?
[14:23] {magoo} in
[14:23] {Threei} twice the volatility Geo
[14:23] {GeoArb} in QID?
[14:23] {Threei} yes
[14:24] {GeoArb} good to know thanks..
[14:24] {Threei} you can call it advantage or shortcoming though :)
[14:24] {GeoArb} :)
[14:24] {Threei} funni enough. 1:1 already
[14:24] {Threei} lol
[14:24] {Roman} 21 out JASO +.80
[14:24] {Threei} wtg roman
[14:25] {Threei} gutsy move
[14:25] {Roman} 21 someone's got to do it
[14:25] {Roman} 21 out QQQQs -.01
[14:26] {Threei} OK NQ, that's enough of silly selling
[14:26] {Threei} nope... not enough
[14:27] {Threei} something is spooking market seriously
[14:27] {Threei} this doesn't look like your garden variety sellinbg after big run up
[14:28] {Roman} 21 this is a professional scare tactic , nicely selling
[14:28] {Roman} 21 i think it will bounce back and probably come back higher in the next week or so
[14:28] {Roman} 21 scare all the longs, cause they (me included) were getting to comfortable
[14:29] {Roman} 21 I..................M...................O
[14:30] {Roman} 21 long SNDK
[14:30] {Roman} 21 29.58
[14:30] {Roman} 21 small
[14:36] {Threei} ok second try
[14:36] {Threei} .15 stop
[14:41] {Threei} covered half .87
[14:41] {Threei} +.13
[14:41] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 SNDK +.51
[14:42] {magoo} was wondering where..out too .16 TY rfr
[14:43] {magoo} SNDK talking
[14:44] {magoo} ty all...i have to go soon..good day
[14:44] {Roman} 21 take care magood
[14:44] {Threei} bye mags
[14:44] {magoo} TY vad..roman
[14:44] {magoo} nice reads guys
[14:49] {Threei} covered second half even
[14:50] {Threei} no faith in bounce
[14:50] {Threei} maybe wrong but heck... I prefer to control risk tightly
[14:50] {Threei} when market is like this
[14:53] {Threei} ugh
[14:53] {Threei} lol
[14:53] {Threei} sometimes I hate my discipline
[14:59] {Roman} 21 out remaining SNDK +.73
[15:04] {dino} gj
[15:07] {dino} pwrd l .06
[15:08] {judijim} taking off for today, take care everyone, be back tomorrow
[15:09] {Threei} take care jj
[15:15] {Threei} SOLF long with stop under .70
[15:15] {Threei} under .75 sorry
[15:17] {Threei} invalidated
[15:20] {GeoArb} ahhh you meant SOLF lon on 26.1
[15:20] {GeoArb} lol
[15:20] {Threei} hmm?
[15:20] {Threei} why that high?
[15:21] {GeoArb} i confused invalidated meaning you didnt enter
[15:21] {GeoArb} vs no worky meaning you got stopped out
[15:21] {Threei} 26 was clear trigger
[15:21] {GeoArb} sorry
[15:21] {Threei} resistance tried several times,
[15:21] {GeoArb} 26.01
[15:21] {GeoArb} oops
[15:21] {Threei} upper limit of ascending triangle
[15:22] {GeoArb} mistyped
[15:25] {Threei} .60 new trigger if holding above .45
[15:25] {Threei} half lot
[15:27] {Threei} can't regain footing
[15:34] {Threei} quite fascinating selloff
[15:34] {Threei} persistency is amazing
[15:34] {Threei} hard to imagine it's just a market movement
[15:34] {Threei} something is behind it
[15:42] {Threei} short QID.39 if stays under .50
[15:44] {Threei} who is more scared to hold overnight, longs or shorts?
[15:49] {Threei} 1:1
[15:50] {hawkfan4} nice vad, thx
[15:51] {Threei} trying for 1;2 here
[15:52] {Threei} covered .13
[15:53] {Threei} +.26 I guess
[15:53] {dino} pwrd stopped
[15:53] {Threei} waiting with interest what talking heads come up with for explanation
[15:54] {Threei} I will be disappointed if "profit taking" is all they are capable of
[15:54] {GeoArb} rally fades as oil sets a new record
[15:54] {GeoArb} wsj
[15:55] {GeoArb} oil 127.05
[15:56] {Threei} [09:02] {Threei} sooner or later something's gotta give
[15:56] {Threei} [09:03] {Threei} I have hard time imagining market rallying endlessly in the face of such oil costs
[15:57] {Threei} they look over my shoulder {G}
[15:57] {GeoArb} heheheh
[15:57] {Threei} I hoped for original explanation
[15:58] {Threei} morning was pure beauty and made whole day
[15:59] {Threei} NQ is down just 15 points,
[15:59] {Threei} but selloff from highs is quite sizeable
[15:59] {Threei} 40 points before 10 points bounce
[16:00] {dptl} have a good evening all ty:)
[16:00] {Threei} thank you all
[16:00] {Threei} have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[16:00] {GeoArb} thanks vd
[16:01] {Onix} thanks, bye

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16 2008

Session Time: Fri May 16 00:00:00 2008

[08:13] {Threei} CPSL
[08:13] {Threei} REPORTS Q3 $0.10, R$18.7M V $16.6ME - FILING- “We continue our strive to find an appropriate sales mix that provides us with improved profitability and stability of cash flows, along with the higher margin provided by high precision and individually customized cold-rolled steel products,” commented Dr. Li. “With the addition of the continuous annealing line, we will be able to expand our product line to include higher margin, cold-rolled stainless steel. Our strong R&D capabilities and ability
[08:13] {Threei} to develop precision products provide us with competitive advantages to continue to strengthen our position in the market and improve profitability in the long term.”
[08:27] {Threei} CSUN, I still see no news
[08:30] {Threei} *APR HOUSING STARTS: 1.032M V 939KE; BUILDING PERMITS: 978K V 915KE
[08:30] {Threei} what housing crisis?
[08:35] {magoo} morn
[08:39] {Threei} magoo :)
[08:39] {Threei} wow... look who is back from tech hell
[08:39] {Threei} hi cosmo
[08:40] {cosmo} ... still setting options...
[08:40] {cosmo} what a mess...
[08:41] {cosmo} they say it was my windows 3.11...
[08:41] {Threei} ahhh
[08:42] {cosmo} i needed it for netscape...ya know
[08:42] {Threei} yup
[08:42] {cosmo} now its a brave new world
[08:44] {Threei} •In energy news overnight Venezuelan President Chavez says that oil markets are well supplied, noting that the country does not have plans to nationalize any more companies. Chavez added that Venezuela would like to continue selling oil to the US. The Wall Street Journal overnight looked at a plan that would give federal regulators oversight of energy markets.
[08:44] {Threei} The measure is part of the farm bill that the Senate passed on Thursday. Traders cited the move to close the so-called Enron Loophole as a factor behind today's trading in energy markets. Under the government's plan, the CFTC will consider trading volumes and whether contracts are being used to establish a price reference for other contracts;
[08:44] {Threei} The plan also requires traders to maintain audit trails by supplying reports on any large trades to the CFTC, imposes record-keeping requirements and forces electronic exchanges to monitor trading behavior and prevent manipulation. Lawmakers are also mulling proposals to increase margins on energy futures.
[08:49] {Threei} 05/15/08 04:21pm [HOKU] Public utility commission approves photovolaic contract for Hawaiian electric company
[08:53] {magoo} news AAP vad?
[08:55] {Threei} 05/15/08 04:15pm [AAP] Reports Q1 $0.86 v $0.78e, R $1.53B v $1.51Be, authorizes $250M stock buyback (7.6% of market cap)
[08:57] {Threei} [FNM] Fannie Mae Update: Confirming adoption of a single national down-payment policy
[08:57] {Threei} - Says as of June 1 will require downpayments of 3-5% on some loans.
[08:57] {Threei} - Policy will replace old rules for higher downpayment in markets where home prices are falling.
[08:58] {Onix} Good morning all
[08:58] {Threei} onix :)
[09:04] {dptl} good morning all
[09:04] {Threei} dp :)
[09:05] {magoo} JRJC rocking
[09:05] {Threei} 06:01am [JRJC] Guides Q1 R $10.5M-10.8M v $10.35Me (previously guided $10.0-10.5M)
[09:12] {fernp} gm
[09:12] {Threei} fernp :)
[09:16] {dino} gm all
[09:16] {Threei} dino :)
[09:19] {dino} wow 3% downpayments, can you say "a new bubble is in the making"
[09:19] {Threei} no kidding
[09:19] {dino} sweet, now to get a few more foreclosures
[09:21] {Threei} so, CSUN spike remains a mystery
[09:22] {Threei} CPSL pullback
[09:23] {Threei} oil new highs?
[09:29] {dino} watching pcop, ga, jrjc
[09:34] {Threei} watching SOLF for long on pullback
[09:34] {Threei} .91
[09:34] {Threei} stop .79
[09:35] {magoo} in
[09:37] {Threei} 1:1
[09:37] {dino} pcop sm s .54
[09:38] {dino} stop is .81
[09:39] {Roman} 21 NCOC on radar
[09:39] {Threei} 1:2 SOLF
[09:40] {dptl} +.13 ty solf
[09:40] {Threei} :)
[09:40] {magoo} out SOLF TY
[09:41] {Threei} welcome
[09:42] {Threei} SOLF... another setup is .21 long if stays above 19
[09:43] {magoo} any read CSIQ?
[09:44] {Threei} no, too wide ranges
[09:45] {Threei} 70 cents in a single bar is not where you can control risk effectively
[09:45] {esemde} morning...i'm late
[09:45] {Threei} ese :)
[09:45] {esemde} can't log onto my broker
[09:45] {esemde} anybody else here use questrade?
[09:45] {Threei} CPSL
[09:46] {Threei} scary, but...
[09:46] {Threei} 6 break
[09:46] {Threei} very risky long
[09:46] {magoo} rimm disconnected strong to naz vad
[09:46] {magoo} u looking?
[09:47] {Threei} .50 break if holding above .30
[09:53] {Threei} CPSL is valid
[09:53] {Threei} remember very risky
[09:56] {Threei} hard to imagine more meaningless indicator
[09:59] {Threei} SOL again
[09:59] {Threei} yesterday CSUN moved with it
[09:59] {Threei} watching if there is correlation
[10:00] {Threei} CSUN very close to .55 support
[10:00] {Threei} lost it
[10:01] {Threei} SOL long small if breaks 26
[10:01] {dino} its like the dino indicator, today i feel better than yesterday
[10:01] {Threei} stop under .90
[10:01] {Threei} not holding
[10:02] {magoo} oh sorry late..took RIMM .50 vad and exited .95 TY
[10:02] {magoo} on phone.tenant issues
[10:03] {Roman} 21 SEED radar
[10:03] {Roman} 21 long small
[10:04] {dino} aap s sm .48
[10:04] {Roman} 21 7.05 stop 6.70
[10:04] {judijim} good morning all
[10:04] {Threei} jj :)
[10:09] {magoo} jj : )
[10:09] {magoo} SOL a bouncer vad?
[10:09] {Threei} SNDK .14 short if stays under .20
[10:10] {Threei} doesn't feel right SOL
[10:10] {Threei} likely to lose 25 before trying to bounce
[10:11] {dino} aap bstop to .30
[10:11] {magoo} in sndk
[10:11] {dino} stingy today
[10:12] {dino} stopped +.18
[10:12] {Threei} you are over 1:1 mags
[10:13] {Threei} 1:2
[10:13] {esemde} holly ZOLT batman.....!!!
[10:14] {esemde} it seems that you CYBS are right on robin....!!!
[10:15] {magoo} out TY vad..another phone ca;ll
[10:16] {Threei} aren't you chatty one {G}
[10:16] {tomg} have a nice weekend everyone
[10:16] {Threei} take care tom, have a good one
[10:16] {tomg} 3 for 3, vad, TY
[10:16] {Threei} wtg
[10:16] {tomg} :)
[10:16] {esemde} see ya tom
[10:17] {Chaeron} hi all... great to see you doing so well magoo and tom. Did you leave anything for me? :)
[10:17] {Threei} no chaeron
[10:17] {Chaeron} ok... I'm going home
[10:17] {esemde} CCCCCHHHHHH BABY!!!!!!!!
[10:17] {Threei} we were in a rush to get them all before you come in
[10:17] {Chaeron} hiya ese!
[10:18] {magoo} i was thinking same vad.......hit them quick befiore chaer gets here he he
[10:18] {esemde} i was late to the party as well problems ...seems like there is nothing left
[10:20] {dino} pcop bstop to .37
[10:21] {Threei} still keeping an eye on CPSL
[10:21] {magoo} where the other two?
[10:21] {Threei} if this thing holding well enough, then breaks with volume it's a buying frenzy candidate
[10:21] {Threei} coma mags... permanent state
[10:22] {esemde} i'm gonna join you dino but bstop it at .51
[10:23] {dino} pcop stopped .35, reverse slip, +.19
[10:24] {Roman} 21 long RGLD small , thin, 29.30 area stop 28.97
[10:26] {magoo} chaer, when u get chance...go results....scroll down 50 (7-8) and look at place # 2
[10:26] {dino} sutr s .34, stop .55
[10:26] {magoo} RIMM ..AAPL bounce zones vad? take a look
[10:27] {esemde} long CTSH 30.01
[10:27] {esemde} 1/2 lot
[10:28] {Chaeron} magoo - Josh with a 2-2?
[10:29] {Onix} what is 1/2 lot?
[10:29] {esemde} 500 shs Onix...
[10:29] {magoo} go bottom page
[10:29] {esemde} full lot 1000shs...
[10:29] {Onix} thanks
[10:29] {dino} es nice bstop pcop, i was too tight
[10:29] {magoo} past race results 5-3-08
[10:29] {magoo} the lorretta qualier
[10:30] {magoo} many more kids, lok at second moto
[10:30] {esemde} dino I'm going to bstop it .51 wait for a turnaround...not short
[10:31] {esemde} not in yet
[10:31] {esemde} i thought you were olong as well......
[10:31] {magoo} he advanced to regional final next weekend
[10:32] {Chaeron} 3rd? Podium! Huge!!! Wish I could go to LLynns... cheer him on... I'm proud for you
[10:32] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 SEED +.31
[10:32] {dino} s=short
[10:32] {esemde} ya...i miss read your post
[10:32] {magoo} thanx was quite a race
[10:33] {dino} np
[10:33] {dino} i'm only right about .666666666
[10:33] {esemde} i think my bstop will be filled closer to the afternoon
[10:33] {Roman} 21 CLNE on CNBC
[10:36] {dino} natural gas babby
[10:37] {magoo} dino supplies our office with abundance of nat'l gas lol
[10:37] {Roman} 21 :)
[10:37] {Roman} 21 good one
[10:38] {esemde} SOLF.....again
[10:40] {Onix} ATVI?
[10:41] {Threei} 33 break maybe
[10:42] {Onix} ty
[10:45] {dino} sometimes i think magoo doesn't appreciate me
[10:45] {Threei} lol
[10:48] {Roman} 21 RSOL
[10:49] {Roman} 21 solar play, going long small swing, very risky thin one, may get discovered with all the solar hype, who knows
[10:57] {dino} zolt
[11:03] {Threei} CSIQ gaining strength again
[11:03] {magoo} csiq may participate w/solf soon..risky..not in
[11:03] {Roman} 21 CSUN
[11:04] {Threei} CSUN feels like another violent spike is coming
[11:04] {magoo} ops sorry vads
[11:05] {Threei} if holding .90, worth a try .97
[11:05] {Chaeron} CSIA over 45.45?
[11:06] {Threei} .50, half lot CSIQ
[11:06] {Chaeron} CSIQ I mean
[11:07] {Threei} 13 be taken, CSUN
[11:09] {dino} gent, thin
[11:09] {Threei} that 12.90 buyer is real
[11:12] {magoo} aapl for a bounce vad?
[11:12] {Chaeron} in CSUN 12.98
[11:12] {magoo} oy.97 here lol
[11:12] {Threei} CSUN overcomes chaeron curse
[11:13] {Chaeron} volu8mn
[11:13] {Chaeron} volumn
[11:13] {Chaeron} sigh... I quit
[11:17] {Threei} - Spokesperson notes that Saudi Arabia stressed the "complexity" of the current oil market, Sauid Arabia sees no unmet demand for oil from customers, does not see enough demand to increase oil ouput
[11:17] {Threei} - Reminder: President Bush will fly to Saudi Arabia this weekend to meet with Saudi leaders.
[11:17] {Threei} - Reminder 5/8 OPEC Sec General noted that there was no shortage of oil in market, and OPEC weas ready to act if market shows the need for more supply.
[11:18] {magoo} out flat..blew that exit
[11:18] {magoo} was waiting .20
[11:18] {magoo} greedy b@stard
[11:18] {Roman} 21 long CLNE small
[11:19] {Roman} 21 14.40
[11:21] {dino} sutr bstop to .12
[11:23] {Roman} 21 CPST
[11:24] {Roman} 21 long off 3.5
[11:25] {dino} cov sutr .14 slip, +.20
[11:28] {dino} aap spike
[11:34] {magoo} vad..u like CSIQ?
[11:34] {Threei} CSIQ stop under .30
[11:34] {Threei} [11:06] {Threei} .50, half lot CSIQ
[11:35] {Threei} 1;1
[11:35] {magoo} WOW
[11:35] {Roman} 21 in CPST
[11:35] {Roman} 21 3.5
[11:35] {Roman} 21 long RCH off 11 break
[11:36] {magoo} out .86 TY vad
[11:36] {Threei} :)
[11:36] {magoo} took awhile he he
[11:36] {Threei} all 2 min?
[11:36] {dptl} +.20 csiq ty
[11:36] {Threei} welcome
[11:37] {Roman} 21 CAAS long setup
[11:38] {Threei} 1:2 CSIQ
[11:41] {Roman} 21 out CLNE +.15
[11:43] {magoo} here comes solf
[11:45] {Roman} 21 long JASO
[11:46] {Roman} 21 24.61 stop 24.49
[11:47] {esemde} everyone have a great weekend EHHHH!!!
[11:47] {Chaeron} bye ese!
[11:47] {magoo} u too ES
[11:47] {esemde} see ya CH
[11:47] {esemde} mags
[11:47] {magoo} WAIT
[11:47] {Threei} take care ese
[11:49] {Roman} 21 out RGLD +.03
[11:52] {magoo} weird..its like same buyers chasing solar in sell out csiq..go buy solf..sell solf go buy jaso
[11:52] {Roman} 21 long HOKU
[11:52] {Roman} 21 small
[11:52] {Roman} 21 8.5
[11:52] {dino} fstr l .00 stop .73
[11:53] {Threei} here comes next leg CSUN
[11:56] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 JASO
[11:56] {Roman} 21 +.36
[11:57] {Threei} SOLF tries to power up too
[11:58] {Roman} 21 in RCH
[11:58] {Roman} 21 small 11.02
[12:02] {magoo} in csiq .97
[12:03] {magoo} just bow
[12:03] {magoo} now
[12:12] {dino} sm risky l ncty .51
[12:15] {dino} nsph spike, thinny
[12:19] {Threei} I resign to the fact that SOLF will never stop
[12:19] {Threei} it will just go and go
[12:20] {dino} ncty stop to .19
[12:22] {dino} magoo could stop it
[12:23] {Threei} no
[12:23] {Threei} together with chaeron, maybe
[12:24] {magoo} i certainly stoppeed CSIQ
[12:24] {magoo} dino yellin at me to go get lunch here
[12:25] {dino} starvingggggggggggggg
[12:25] {dino} hey magoo, go long nsph, and tell me where.......i want to short it
[12:26] {Threei} lol
[12:26] {Threei} such power needs to be exploited
[12:26] {Threei} he buys 100 shares, damage is miniscule,
[12:26] {Threei} we short 10K
[12:27] {dino} indeed.............and there is nothing wrong w/that
[12:28] {magoo} where is the reference to proffit sharing guys?
[12:28] {Threei} hmm
[12:28] {dino} ncty stopped, slipped +.67 at .18
[12:28] {Threei} I thought you would be happy with the fact that were were caring enough to minimize your damage to jjst 100 shares
[12:29] {magoo} that was thoughtfull of u
[12:29] {dino} profit sharing is for communists
[12:29] {dino} greed, for lack of a better word, is good
[12:30] {Chaeron} out CSUN .35 +0.37
[12:30] {Chaeron} Thanks Vad!
[12:30] * Threei slaps Chaeron around a bit with a large trout
[12:30] {Threei} welcome
[12:30] {dino} gj chaer
[12:30] {Chaeron} and now it drops on the news that I'm out.... :)
[12:31] {dino} of course
[12:32] {Chaeron} yeah right
[12:35] {dino} magoo said stopped csiq flat, making lunch run
[12:47] {magoo} back
[12:48] {magoo} hoagie in hand
[12:48] {magoo} vad, u call it a hoagie, hero, sub ?
[12:50] {Threei} hmm
[12:50] {Threei} I don't call it
[12:50] {Threei} I eat it
[12:51] {magoo} i say heh..what u eating/ u say what?
[12:51] {Threei} I don't say... I show
[12:51] {Threei} "this"
[12:51] {magoo} roflol
[12:52] {Threei} SEED another break at .50?
[12:53] {magoo} no read here
[12:54] {magoo} vad, i need to use your other reality service now
[12:55] {dino} whats that called facts?
[12:55] {magoo} how much does 55 gallons of water weigh?
[12:56] {magoo} seriously
[12:56] {dino} 2.,2/gal.
[12:57] {Chaeron} 121 lbs
[12:57] {magoo} wrong ..weigh off
[12:57] {Chaeron} so is your grammar
[12:57] {magoo} lol
[12:57] {dino} then what is it smarty?
[12:58] {Threei} 208.1915
[12:59] {magoo} that sounds correct
[12:59] {dino} see i was off by about .66666666666666666666666
[12:59] {Chaeron} so 3.78#/gal?
[13:00] {magoo} 3.7853
[13:11] {Chaeron} whoa CSUN
[13:12] {dptl} getting disconected all the time
[13:12] {dino} ctrp l sm .55
[13:16] {Threei} ok dp... I'll stop leaning on "dump dptl" button
[13:16] {dptl} lol
[13:16] {Threei} but you can't blame fella for a little fun
[13:19] {Threei} I don't knowwnat to make of these CSUN spikes
[13:20] {Threei} they seem to be too consistent to write off as accident
[13:20] {Threei} but there is no way to nail the timing
[13:20] {Chaeron} I was thinking from bottom of this series, no?
[13:21] {Threei} it was my original assumption,
[13:21] {Chaeron} 0.17 . but no reason other than that
[13:21] {Threei} but look atg all those spikes from the point of view
[13:21] {Threei} where pullbacks bottom out and from where and to how high those spikes go
[13:21] {Chaeron} consistant bid stacks at .17, .18
[13:22] {Threei} they don't match ascending trend lines,
[13:22] {Threei} not horisontal lines of support
[13:22] {Threei} so how to get entry right?
[13:23] {Threei} 13:08 bar for instance
[13:23] {Threei} that pullback broke both,
[13:23] {Threei} ascending trendline support
[13:23] {Threei} and horisontal sopport
[13:23] {Threei} would have stopped you if you enetred at either
[13:24] {Threei} then just posted 40 cents spike out of nowhere
[13:33] {dino} nsph sm s .48
[13:46] {dino} fstr stopped =.27
[13:55] {dino} sm l ncty .00
[14:05] {Threei} VISN
[14:05] {Threei} half lot 22 long
[14:12] {dino} vrus
[14:23] {Chaeron} CSUN
[14:23] {Threei} yeah
[14:24] {magoo} ok, i heading out early..thank u vad..everybody
[14:24] {Threei} take care magoo, have a good weekend
[14:24] {Chaeron} bye magoo... have fun and congrats on Josh
[14:24] {dptl} is that a long weekend?
[14:24] {Threei} not in US dp
[14:24] {dptl} ty
[14:24] {Threei} Canadian only
[14:24] {Threei} next one is USA
[14:25] {magoo} ty
[14:25] * Threei slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[14:25] * Chaeron slaps laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[14:25] {laserdave1} howdy
[14:37] {dino} nsph stopped .76
[14:37] {dino} =.32
[14:37] {dino} -
[14:37] {Threei} SOLF .50 break... maybe worth a try
[14:37] {Threei} risky
[14:37] {dino} wrong -.28
[14:44] {Threei} dave, dcc
[14:45] {dptl} disconected 5-7 times a day can't figureout why
[14:45] -} [dptl] PING
[14:46] {Threei} ping is fine
[14:46] {Threei} [14:45] [dptl PING reply]: 0secs
[14:46] {Threei} -----------
[14:46] {Threei} are you behind router?
[14:47] {dino} sm s vrus .54
[14:47] {dptl} yes but was fine before's started last week like once every hour or so
[14:47] {Threei} try to reset it
[14:48] {dptl} i did
[14:48] {dptl} it s just chat room ...other programms running fine
[14:51] {hawkfan4} cpsl
[14:55] {dino} ncty stop tro .24
[15:01] {dino} ave .21 ncty slipped stopped +.21
[15:05] {dino} vrus bstop to .21
[15:08] {dino} to .15
[15:11] {dino} vrus stopped slippage at .18, +.36
[15:14] {Threei} CSUN again and again
[15:21] {dino} markets want green
[15:24] {Threei} CSUN will tag 14 today eh?
[15:26] {dino} ndx +
[15:35] {Threei} 14
[15:35] {Chaeron} 14
[15:35] {judijim} Have a great weekend all
[15:36] {Threei} have a good one jj
[15:37] {dino} u2 jj
[15:37] {dino} man slow afternoon
[15:40] {dino} ok s vrus .60
[15:40] {Onix} A great long weekend to all Canadians
[15:42] {Chaeron} CSUN 14.50 coing? ... geesh
[15:43] {Chaeron} coming
[15:44] {Threei} SOLF and CSUN report next week
[15:44] {Threei} it's a pre-earnings run on both
[15:47] {Threei} CSUN Tuesday before open,
[15:47] {Threei} so we will have fun Monday with it
[15:47] {Threei} SOLF Wed before open
[15:50] {Threei} here is your .50 chaeron
[15:54] {Threei} OK guys, thank you all
[15:54] {Threei} have a good weekend, see you on Monday
[15:54] {dptl} have a good weekend all:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15 2008

Session Time: Thu May 15 00:00:00 2008

[08:36] {magoo} morning
[08:36] {Threei} Good morning
[08:43] {magoo} sina up last nite and now
[08:44] {Onix} Good morning Vad, hawkfan4, jmb, magoo & tomg
[08:45] {magoo} onix:)
[08:48] {Threei} onix :)
[08:55] {Threei} SINA
[08:59] {magoo} not much of a was 60 this morn
[09:00] {magoo} cnet news..up 3 bux
[09:00] {fernp} good morning
[09:01] {Threei} fernp :)
[09:01] {magoo} wow..cnet thick stock vad
[09:01] {tomg} good morning
[09:01] {Threei} tom :)
[09:02] {Threei} buyout magoo
[09:02] {Threei} nothing to check
[09:04] {magoo} sorry..i meant i know news..not asking
[09:04] {magoo} just pointing its a big percent up
[09:04] {magoo} 7 to 11
[09:04] {Threei} I mean, nothing to look at, movement is over
[09:05] {dptl} good morning all
[09:06] {Threei} dp :)
[09:07] {magoo} ok
[09:12] {Threei} dave, look dcc
[09:12] {magoo} ytec drop
[09:13] {Threei} 05/14/08 05:35pm [YTEC] Reports Q1 $0.09 v $0.12e, R $16M
[09:13] {GeoArb} gm
[09:13] {Threei} geo :)
[09:15] {Threei} APR INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: -0.7% V -0.3%E; CAPACITY UTILIZATION: 79.7% V 80.1%E
[09:15] {dino} gm all
[09:16] {Threei} dino :)
[09:19] {Threei} REMINDER: FED'S BERNANKE TO SPEAK AT A BANKING CONFERENCE AT 9:30AMET*the topic is the Credit Market Turmoil. An advanced text and audience Q&A are expected.
[09:19] {Threei} great... just in time to mess up opening
[09:19] {dino} watching sona, slry, ctrp, meli wfmi
[09:19] {dino} sina
[09:20] {Threei} and just how advanced those Q&A are going to be unless they are "when do we abolish Fed"
[09:21] {Onix} abolishing FED today? ... GREAT!
[09:21] {Threei} why am I not holding my breath
[09:22] {Onix} market may be totally dead until he is finished speaking
[09:22] {dptl} fed today?
[09:22] {GeoArb} i might not be in this at wits end wit ATT dsl guys...
[09:22] {GeoArb} trade well for me :)
[09:22] {Threei} just ben speaking, dp
[09:23] {dptl} ok ty
[09:23] {magoo} sorry to hear on probs geo
[09:26] {esemde} morning......
[09:26] {Threei} ese :)
[09:26] {esemde} morning vad
[09:27] {esemde} have gotten up with a headache almost every morning since the kids and i got off band tour last week
[09:27] {Onix} news on CNET Vad?
[09:28] {Threei} bought out
[09:28] {Onix} ty
[09:32] {dino} ouch es
[09:32] {esemde} ya ...makes it hard to concentrate here....
[09:34] {Roman} 21 watching FEED long setup
[09:35] {Roman} 21 long off 19
[09:35] {Roman} 21 small
[09:36] {Threei} JASO
[09:36] {Threei} watching for bounce scalp
[09:37] {esemde} bstop BRCM 26.76 1/2
[09:38] {Threei} JASO moved away from .50 support a bit too fast for entry
[09:38] {Threei} not chasing
[09:40] {Threei} SOLF
[09:40] {Threei} cross back over .50 long
[09:40] {Threei} stop under .25
[09:40] {Threei} half lot
[09:41] {esemde} long BRCM .77
[09:41] {judijim} gm everyone
[09:41] {Threei} jj :)
[09:41] {esemde} jj
[09:42] {dino} ctrp l .30 sm
[09:44] {Threei} stop to .29 SOLF
[09:45] {esemde} BRCM stop is .61 by the way
[09:48] {Threei} AKNS 6.05 long if stays above 5.95
[09:49] {Roman} 21 EMKR long
[09:49] {Roman} 21 small 8.30
[09:50] {Roman} 21 long SIRF small
[09:50] {Roman} 21 7.55
[09:50] {dino} meli sm l .00, wide risky
[09:55] {magoo} '
[09:56] {magoo} dino knocked off line
[09:56] {magoo} says out CTRP 57.32 + 1.02
[09:56] {dino} back, yes
[09:59] {esemde} Vad you've traded BRCM alot....i'm in at should give 27.00 another shot....what do you think
[09:59] {Threei} pretty much NASDAQ-dependent today
[10:00] {esemde} yes does look like that doesn't it
[10:00] {Threei} should go now
[10:00] {Threei} *MAY PHILADELPHIA FED INDEX: -15.6 V -19E
[10:00] {esemde} just thinkin that
[10:00] {dino} opps, mistake stop not hit ctrp, out 58.82 +2.52
[10:00] {Threei} dino :)
[10:01] {magoo} that does it......................
[10:01] * magoo slaps dino around a bit with a large trout
[10:01] {esemde} ach aye lad!!!!! well done dino
[10:02] {Threei} - New Orders: -3.7 v -18.8 prior
[10:02] {Threei} - Employment: -1 v -11.1 prior
[10:02] {Threei} - Prices Paid: 53.8 v 51.6 prior
[10:02] {Threei} - Inventories: -13.1 v -26.2 prior
[10:02] {Threei} - Six-month business conditions outlook: 28.2 v 13.7 prior
[10:02] {magoo} jesus christ
[10:02] {magoo} schwab so bad on execution..blows dinos exits and he gets 2 bux on 2 stox
[10:02] {magoo} I QUIT
[10:02] {esemde} what do they mean by that..Vad conditions
[10:03] {esemde} things are lookin up???
[10:03] {Threei} I doubt they know
[10:03] {dino} ty es, i am having account issues/delays........
[10:03] {magoo} i was busy eslewhere..are we still in SOLF?
[10:03] {Threei} all this throwing numbers around lost all meaning
[10:03] {Threei} BRCM moves
[10:04] {Threei} yes magoo
[10:04] {esemde} out BRCM.01
[10:04] {magoo} ty,..see i use manuel stops so i could have missed it
[10:04] {esemde} +.24
[10:04] {magoo} was in FSLR..needs total attention
[10:05] {esemde} didn't like the look of the NDX
[10:05] {Threei} its own mother would like its look
[10:06] {magoo} when dino was born..he was so ugly..the doc slapped our mother
[10:06] {esemde} it'll probably go BRCM
[10:07] {esemde} i'll take my .24 and walk quietly
[10:07] {esemde} besides have a huge headache...hard to concentrate
[10:07] {Threei} sorry ese
[10:08] {dino} i'm booted out of cyber
[10:08] {Threei} for indecent profits?
[10:09] {magoo} call chuck comm'l says
[10:09] {dino} lol, system tech issues they im'd, then gone
[10:10] {Threei} Laser can trade canadian exchanges now
[10:10] {Threei} if anyone's interested
[10:10] {magoo} wheres canadian exchange located ? he he
[10:10] {dino} canada has an exchange?
[10:11] {Threei} see mags... if I say they are in Canada, you are going to ask where Canada is...
[10:11] {Threei} so I am not biting :)
[10:11] {magoo} no.i just wanted a fish
[10:12] {magoo} u been stingy dishihg them out of late
[10:12] {dino} heck, magoo just told me he's moving to canada
[10:12] {magoo} out .35 SOLF
[10:12] {magoo} mkt looks weak
[10:12] {Threei} and panicky
[10:16] {magoo} yep..bought lot next to vads shed
[10:16] {magoo} gonna barbi with the big guy
[10:18] {Threei} you know the housing conditions, right?
[10:18] {Threei}
[10:19] {dino} rfr, you having cyber issues?
[10:19] {Roman} 21 no
[10:19] {dino} i'm locked out
[10:19] {dino} re-booting again
[10:20] {Threei} what he
[10:22] {magoo} well vad..u saw where i moving from lol
[10:24] {magoo} grmn strong today vad
[10:24] {magoo} vad, bounce somewhere CSIQ?
[10:25] {Threei} can't read it here
[10:25] {Threei} something is spooky about market today
[10:26] {Threei} Roman, any take on QTWW? seems to be your kind
[10:27] {Roman} 21 swing
[10:27] {Roman} 21 RCH
[10:29] {Roman} 21 in FEED
[10:29] {Roman} 21 19.02 area
[10:32] {Threei} RCH feels like 10 is inevitable
[10:32] {Threei} not an easy player by any means
[10:35] {magoo} china construction right?
[10:35] {Chaeron} good morning all... sorry I'm late
[10:35] {magoo} took .55
[10:35] {Threei} yes
[10:35] {Threei} hi chaeron
[10:36] {magoo} chaer:)
[10:37] {dino} sina sm l .51
[10:38] {dino} stop lod
[10:38] {Roman} 21 out SIRF -.06
[10:38] {Roman} 21 out EMKR -.02
[10:38] {dino} stopped, that was fast -.30
[10:39] {magoo} waiting .95 vad
[10:41] {magoo} OUT TY + .40
[10:42] {Chaeron} which one was that magoo?
[10:43] {magoo} [10:32] {Threei} RCH feels like 10 is inevitable
[10:43] {magoo} [10:35] {magoo} took .55
[10:44] {Chaeron} oh you got the AMX feed? great job...
[10:44] {magoo} yes..tY on that...needed it
[10:44] {dino} asys sm l .97, stop .67
[10:44] {Chaeron} thank me... ? for what not joining you in a trade and jinxing it? :)
[10:45] {magoo} lol
[10:45] {Threei} wtg mags
[10:45] {magoo} no..u told me i need amex data feed
[10:46] {magoo} i told laserdave..and walla...quotes appeared like magic
[10:46] {Chaeron} good... hope it was tons of shares
[10:47] {Roman} 21 out FEED -.50
[10:48] {Threei} JNPR .80 long, stop under .70
[10:48] {magoo} solars losing ground today
[10:56] {dino} dudley do right
[10:57] {magoo} vad, jnpr invalidated?
[10:57] {Threei} yes
[10:58] {magoo} off screen
[10:58] {Threei} RCH over 10
[10:58] {Threei} it was under 6 when I expressed first interest
[10:59] {Threei} why didn't we just sell farm and family and bought it full margin
[10:59] {Threei} OK, is this funny or what:
[10:59] {Threei} 05/08/08 04:09pm [FVRL] Reports Q1 -$0.25 v -$0.25e, R $0.00 v $0.00e
[11:02] {magoo} the question on RCH is 11 iun caerds?
[11:02] {Threei} if market moves higher
[11:03] {Threei} pullbacks are brutal on it
[11:04] {magoo} we need to nail next pullbk
[11:05] {Threei} mama
[11:06] {dino} asys stopped -.30
[11:07] {Threei} VRSN pullback into support
[11:07] {Threei} watch for bounce off .50
[11:10] {esemde} i'm gone for the day all....have a good one...
[11:10] {Threei} take care ese
[11:10] {Chaeron} bye ese!
[11:10] {esemde} see ya vad
[11:10] {esemde} Ch
[11:11] {dino} s hayn .04
[11:14] {Threei} .61 long VRSN
[11:14] {Threei} stop for scalpers .54
[11:14] {magoo} in
[11:14] {Threei} for longer hold .49
[11:14] {Chaeron} in 0.61
[11:14] {magoo} oy
[11:14] {Chaeron} *sigh*
[11:15] {Threei} mags
[11:15] {Threei} if you really want RCH
[11:15] {Threei} .50 break
[11:15] {Threei} stop under .35
[11:15] {Threei} risky as hell, and market dependent
[11:16] {Chaeron} I won't take that one mags... I'll let you have it with no bad mojo
[11:16] {Threei} lol
[11:16] * Chaeron getting complex
[11:17] {Threei} market is very shcisofrenic today
[11:18] {Chaeron} stopped VRSN
[11:18] {fernp} me too. stopped
[11:19] {Threei} sudden NQ drop out of nowhere killed it
[11:19] {magoo} me too
[11:19] {Chaeron} no... *I* killed it, remember? :)
[11:20] {Threei} oil strong, yet solars sell off
[11:20] {Threei} what's up with that
[11:23] {dino} dogs & cats
[11:24] {dino} cov hayn .64 +.40
[11:33] {Threei} anyone went for RCH, take scalp
[11:34] {magoo} i did
[11:36] {dino} feed
[11:36] {Threei} sheesh
[11:37] {Threei} with all the wierdness we get to know and love lately, today is beyond wierd
[11:39] {Threei} you managed to get out in time magoo?
[11:39] {magoo} yeah
[11:39] {Threei} ok
[11:39] {magoo} ty
[11:39] {Threei} gotta be like cobra today
[11:40] {Threei} you know how they shoot cobras in desert?
[11:40] {magoo} huh
[11:40] {dino} no
[11:40] {Threei} veteran of Soviet war in Afghan told me once
[11:41] {dino} tell us
[11:41] {Threei} you don't have to aim precisely and hit it
[11:41] {Threei} you shoot approximately in its direction, desirable within half yard from it
[11:42] {Threei} the rest cobra does itself: it manages to SEE THE BULLET AND BITE IT
[11:42] {dino} wow
[11:42] {magoo} are u serious?
[11:42] {Threei} that's what he told me... I haven't had a chance to check it myself :)
[11:43] {Threei} if that's true, that is the ultimate definition of speed and reaction
[11:44] {dino} well, you know....superman
[11:44] {magoo} really got to give mongoose credit then
[11:47] {Threei} CATM?
[11:47] {Threei} I see no news
[11:49] {dino} the q is is the .50 ask real
[11:58] {dino} catm sm s .46
[12:03] {Threei} if RCH can't make new high on this market spike, .50 break becomes a short
[12:03] {Threei} stop would be .75 with slippage, so size accordingly
[12:11] {Threei} AAPL long as close to .60 as possible
[12:11] {Threei} with stop under .50
[12:12] {magoo} how about RIMM?
[12:13] {Threei} break of .50... but I am less jazzed about RIMM than AAPL
[12:13] {magoo} i confuesd{easy to do} u want 188.50? long?
[12:14] {Threei} hmm?
[12:14] {Threei} no way
[12:14] {magoo} aapl?187.50 ,ong or 188.50?
[12:14] {Threei} it traded 187.65 - .80 at the moment
[12:14] {Threei} why wouyld I call long 1 dollar higher
[12:15] {magoo} dunno?thats why confused me
[12:15] {magoo} but when i saw post it was already 188
[12:15] {Threei} that sets new definition of "confused easily" in my book {G}
[12:16] {Threei} RCH stop to .55
[12:26] {Threei} ARL
[12:26] {Threei} REPORTS Q1 $5.72, R$44.4M V $41.7M Y/Y
[12:28] {Threei} anyone went for AAPL on pullback?
[12:29] {magoo} long bbreak of 188.50 u mean?
[12:30] {Roman} 21 long CTIB small
[12:30] {Roman} 21 slow
- no real specific news for the sell-off thought it seems to have been helped by weakness in natural gas post weekly inventory data and further headlines out of Nigeria indicating this morning's pipeline explosion was likely NOT terrorist or sabatoge related.
[12:35] {Threei} - traders have also noted this may be the first of some of the much talked speculation premium coming out{
[12:40] {Threei} magoo... even if you went long AAPL 1 dollar higher you are in the money... that's what you can call loss-proof call
[12:41] {Threei} RIMM on the other hand acts like pos
[12:47] {Threei} RIMM short 138.90 if stays under 139.05
[12:48] * Threei is catering to magoo by typing all the handles
[12:51] {Threei} covered +.40
[12:51] {magoo} good one
[12:51] {Threei} ty
[12:52] {Chaeron} RIMM short 138.89 - covered 138.49 +.40 Thanks Threei
[12:52] {Threei} chaeron!
[12:52] {Threei} you broke the curse?
[12:52] {Chaeron} I did it stealthy so not to scare magoo
[12:52] {Threei} or is it a curse only when you both are in?
[12:52] {Chaeron} bingo
[12:53] {Threei} lovely move by RIMM.. smooth, not making us wait too long, and with miniscule risk
[12:53] {Chaeron} got me to zero today after VRSN stop
[12:53] {dino} catm...........dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[12:54] {Chaeron} yes... I should have doubled up size but didn't
[12:55] {Threei} is it oil options expiration today that causes such wird moves or what
[12:59] * Threei slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[13:00] * Chaeron slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[13:00] * magoo slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[13:04] {dino} catm bstop to .34
[13:06] {judijim} Judi's off to psychology practice, be back tomorrow, take are all
[13:07] {judijim} "care"
[13:07] {dino} later jj
[13:08] {Threei} bye jj
[13:09] {dino} catm to .21
[13:17] {dino} stoped catm ave .21, +.25
[13:17] {Laserdave1} thanks guys
[13:17] {dino} good spot vad
[13:18] {Threei} :)
[13:29] {Threei} look at RCH dump
[13:32] {Threei} this bounce worth re-short
[13:32] {Threei} with stop above .15
[13:33] {Threei} got .96
[13:34] {Threei} half lot
[13:37] {Threei} if NQ resumes upward, SNDK long with stop under .40
[13:39] {dino} avtr
[13:45] {Threei} covered +.25
[13:46] {Threei} wow, too soon
[13:46] {Threei} anyone's alive out there?
[13:47] {dptl} covered +.37 ty
[13:47] {Threei} cool
[13:47] {dino} rcn nice call
[13:47] {Threei} you have more patience
[13:47] {Threei} I continue underestimating the amplitude of RCH moves
[13:49] {dptl} wow too soon :)
[13:49] {magoo} should be a bouncer soon?
[13:49] {Threei} no kidding... covered 30 cents higher
[13:49] {Threei} imbecil
[13:49] {Threei} not sure mags
[13:49] {Threei} it changed its ways
[13:50] {Threei} instead of pullbacks being bought it's now "bounces being sold"
[13:50] {dptl} looking at sndk
[13:51] {Threei} {SNDK} looking back at ya
[13:51] {dptl} :)
[13:55] {Threei} {Housing market} dear senator Dod, while you are still working on it, I will probably heal myself
[14:03] {Onix} Settings on Laser to trade NYSE stocks please?
[14:04] {dptl} same as nasdaq
[14:05] {dptl} i didnt notice any difference
[14:05] {Onix} mine does not want to load them ... NQ's work fine?
[14:05] {Threei} yes
[14:06] {dptl} do you have nyse data?
[14:07] {Roman} 21 RIMM Research In Motion plans to introduce touch-screen Blackberry in 3Q - WSJ (139.80 +1.24)
[14:09] {dptl} sndk :)
[14:10] {Threei} {SNDK} don't just smile at me... flowers, dinner, movie, then we will talk
[14:10] {dptl} akzaktly
[14:10] {Threei} {Spelling} eeck
[14:11] {dptl} dahh:)
[14:13] {dino} lol
[14:14] {Threei} carbon tax comes in the center of political discourse in Canada
[14:15] {Threei} what a slippery slope...
[14:16] {Threei} chaeron
[14:17] {Threei} is your offer for me to immigrate to USA still standing, in case this brilliant idea wins?
[14:18] {dptl} answer.....makes you wonder
[14:19] {Threei} yeah...
[14:19] {dino} avtr sm l .91
[14:19] {Threei} these days you have to take the other part on their offer before they stop talking
[14:21] {dino} yes it is vad, but you know our politicians do the same dumb stuff
[14:23] {Threei} yeah... I'll wait till your election is over before deciding :)
[14:24] {Onix} dpti, sorry about that. yes i asked for nyse data, but maybe did not get it? new account
[14:25] {Threei} do you see quotes opn NYSE stocks Onix?
[14:25] {Onix} no, when i type them into my market watch no data appears next to them
[14:26] {Onix} and they do not load into the graphs/charts
[14:26] {Threei} nor level 2?
[14:26] {Threei} then your data is not on
[14:26] {Onix} yes, on the level2
[14:26] {Threei} hmm
[14:26] {Onix} sorry, no data on L2 either
[14:26] {Threei} OK
[14:26] {Threei} phone laserdave
[14:27] {Threei} make him get off of his rear
[14:27] {Onix} will do, ty
[14:27] {Threei} pull his roots out of his couch
[14:27] {Threei} and turn the darn thing on
[14:28] {Threei} and don't forget to have fun in the process, like this:
[14:28] * Threei slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[14:28] {Threei} btw, while you are at it, make sure you take care of AMEX too
[14:28] {Onix} OK lol
[14:28] {dptl} lol.....poor Dave
[14:29] {Threei} not sure if I want TSX quotes/trading
[14:29] {Threei} never observed those
[14:29] {Threei} dino, you did something with them... what's your experience?
[14:30] {dptl} will never got out of coma
[14:30] {Threei} that's not a consideration for me really... I never get out of it as it is
[14:30] {dptl} lol
[14:43] {dino} tsx? dk
[14:44] {Threei} I seem to remember you played some Toronto stocks a while ago
[14:44] {dino} not me, unless they were adr's
[14:45] {Threei} OK... my memory fails me then
[14:45] {Threei} which is not really anything new or suprizing
[14:45] {dino} patience i think does
[14:46] {Threei} yes but she is not using direct access for them
[14:46] {dino} ok
[14:46] {dino} but she does it from her car
[14:47] {dino} trades
[14:53] {Threei} didn't find guts to go for another RCH short off 10.50 resistance
[14:53] {Threei} chicken
[14:53] {dino} feels like a rally
[14:57] {Threei} RIMM long as close to .50 as possible
[14:59] {dino} sm l sina .60
[15:01] {dino} ctrp sm risky l .51
[15:03] {dino} sina stop to .85
[15:04] {dino} out sina .91 +.30
[15:04] {dino} .31
[15:06] {dino} ctrp stop to b/e
[15:07] {dino} out flat
[15:07] {Threei} if you got RIMM around .60 on this pullback, feel free to take profit here or partial out
[15:10] {hawkfan4} thx vad, +.47
[15:12] {Threei} hawk :)
[15:12] {dino} ctrp rinsed
[15:16] {dino} gj hawkster
[15:18] {magoo} 141 comith..i still in
[15:19] {dino} avtr stop to b/e
[15:19] {magoo} out here .76TY vad
[15:19] {magoo} + something good
[15:23] {dino} out avtr +.03 whooohooo
[15:24] {Threei} wow
[15:25] {Threei} beautiful job mags
[15:26] {Threei} SOL?
[15:26] {Threei} and CSUN
[15:26] {Threei} wierd disconnects in solars
[15:27] {Threei} some move, some don't
[15:32] {Threei} knowing the way CSUN moves, I'd prefer deep pullback
[15:33] {Threei} hmmm
[15:33] {Threei} no details
[15:34] {Threei} what was that on AMZN?
[15:34] {Threei} erroneous print?
[15:34] {dino} sina l sm .51
[15:36] {Threei} another spike SOL
[15:38] {dino} sina stopped -.30
[15:39] {Threei} coal stocks on a run: BTU, MEE, CNX, ACI
[15:40] {Threei} SOURCES SAYING SENATE HAS REACHED A DEAL ON MORTGAGE BAILOUT BILL - Deal would have FRE, FNM bear much of the costs of a mortgage insurance fund.
[15:40] {Threei} if CSUN move is related to SOL in any way, we may see another pop in it
[15:45] {Threei} SNDK, that's a whole lot more than I'd expect from it
[15:45] {dino} gotta hop, baseball game
[15:46] {Threei} take care dino
[15:49] {Threei} lol... yesterday's market move put things back to square one breakouit wise,
[15:49] {Threei} making it questionable
[15:49] {Threei} now,
[15:49] {Threei} today's move put things back to square one breakout wise,
[15:49] {Threei} making the significance of yesterday questionable
[15:50] {Threei} go ahead and decode this
[15:51] {Threei} but you all are in a coma anyway,
[15:51] {Threei} so have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:52] {dptl} lol...have a good evening all:)
[15:54] {Threei} there you go CSUN
[15:57] {magoo} sol report tonite?
[16:08] *** Disconnected
[16:08] *** Attempting to rejoin...
[16:08] {dino} lol
[16:08] {Threei} carbon tax comes in the center of political discourse in Canada
[16:08] {Threei} what a slippery slope...
[16:08] {Threei} chaeron
[16:08] {Threei} is your offer for me to immigrate to USA still standing, in case this brilliant idea wins?
[16:08] {dptl} answer.....makes you wonder
[16:08] {Threei} yeah...
[16:08] {dino} avtr sm l .91
[16:08] {Threei} these days you have to take the other part on their offer before they stop talking
[16:08] {dino} yes it is vad, but you know our politicians do the same dumb stuff
[16:08] {Threei} yeah... I'll wait till your election is over before deciding :)
[16:08] {Onix} dpti, sorry about that. yes i asked for nyse data, but maybe did not get it? new account
[16:08] {Threei} do you see quotes opn NYSE stocks Onix?
[16:08] {Onix} no, when i type them into my market watch no data appears next to them
[16:08] {Onix} and they do not load into the graphs/charts
[16:08] {Threei} nor level 2?
[16:08] {Threei} then your data is not on
[16:08] {Onix} yes, on the level2
[16:08] {Threei} hmm
[16:08] {Onix} sorry, no data on L2 either
[16:08] {Threei} OK
[16:08] {Threei} phone laserdave
[16:08] {Threei} make him get off of his rear
[16:08] {Onix} will do, ty
[16:08] {Threei} pull his roots out of his couch
[16:08] {Threei} and turn the darn thing on
[16:08] {Threei} and don't forget to have fun in the process, like this:
[16:08] * Threei slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[16:08] {Threei} btw, while you are at it, make sure you take care of AMEX too
[16:08] {Onix} OK lol
[16:08] {dptl} lol.....poor Dave
[16:08] {Threei} not sure if I want TSX quotes/trading
[16:08] {Threei} never observed those
[16:08] {Threei} dino, you did something with them... what's your experience?
[16:08] {dptl} will never got out of coma
[16:08] {Threei} that's not a consideration for me really... I never get out of it as it is
[16:08] {dptl} lol
[16:08] {dino} tsx? dk
[16:08] {Threei} I seem to remember you played some Toronto stocks a while ago
[16:08] {dino} not me, unless they were adr's
[16:08] {Threei} OK... my memory fails me then
[16:08] {Threei} which is not really anything new or suprizing
[16:08] {dino} patience i think does
[16:08] {Threei} yes but she is not using direct access for them
[16:08] {dino} ok
[16:08] {dino} but she does it from her car
[16:08] {dino} trades
[16:08] {Threei} didn't find guts to go for another RCH short off 10.50 resistance
[16:08] {Threei} chicken
[16:08] {dino} feels like a rally
[16:08] {Threei} RIMM long as close to .50 as possible
[16:08] {dino} sm l sina .60
[16:08] {dino} ctrp sm risky l .51
[16:08] {dino} sina stop to .85
[16:08] {dino} out sina .91 +.30
[16:08] {dino} .31
[16:08] {dino} ctrp stop to b/e
[16:08] {dino} out flat
[16:08] {Threei} if you got RIMM around .60 on this pullback, feel free to take profit here or partial out
[16:08] {hawkfan4} thx vad, +.47
[16:08] {Threei} hawk :)
[16:08] {dino} ctrp rinsed
[16:08] {dino} gj hawkster
[16:08] {magoo} 141 comith..i still in
[16:08] {dino} avtr stop to b/e
[16:08] {magoo} out here .76TY vad
[16:08] {magoo} + something good
[16:08] {dino} out avtr +.03 whooohooo
[16:08] {Threei} wow
[16:08] {Threei} beautiful job mags
[16:08] {Threei} SOL?
[16:08] {Threei} and CSUN
[16:08] {Threei} wierd disconnects in solars
[16:08] {Threei} some move, some don't
[16:08] {Threei} knowing the way CSUN moves, I'd prefer deep pullback
[16:08] {Threei} hmmm
[16:08] {Threei} no details
[16:08] {Threei} what was that on AMZN?
[16:08] {Threei} erroneous print?
[16:08] {dino} sina l sm .51
[16:08] {Threei} another spike SOL
[16:08] {dino} sina stopped -.30
[16:08] {Threei} coal stocks on a run: BTU, MEE, CNX, ACI
[16:08] {Threei} SOURCES SAYING SENATE HAS REACHED A DEAL ON MORTGAGE BAILOUT BILL - Deal would have FRE, FNM bear much of the costs of a mortgage insurance fund.
[16:08] {Threei} if CSUN move is related to SOL in any way, we may see another pop in it
[16:08] {Threei} SNDK, that's a whole lot more than I'd expect from it
[16:08] {dino} gotta hop, baseball game
[16:08] {Threei} take care dino
[16:08] {Threei} lol... yesterday's market move put things back to square one breakouit wise,
[16:08] {Threei} making it questionable
[16:08] {Threei} now,
[16:08] {Threei} today's move put things back to square one breakout wise,
[16:08] {Threei} making the significance of yesterday questionable
[16:08] {Threei} go ahead and decode this
[16:08] {Threei} but you all are in a coma anyway,
[16:08] {Threei} so have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[16:08] {dptl} lol...have a good evening all:)
[16:08] {Threei} there you go CSUN
[16:08] {magoo} sol report tonite?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

May 13 2008

Session Time: Tue May 13 00:00:00 2008

[08:02] {Threei} CSIQ
[08:02] {Threei} REPORTS Q1 $0.65 V $0.31E, R $171.2M V $151.9ME
- Guides Q2 Rev $185-190M v $167.6Me, Sees 45MW of shipments in the quarter
[08:02] {Threei} - Reaffirms FY08 GM target of 13-15%
[08:28] {_aosdaveg} morning
[08:29] {Threei} hi dave
[08:30] {Threei} APR IMPORT PRICE INDEX M/M:1.8 % V 1.6%
[08:30] {Threei} APR ADVANCE RETAIL SALES: -0.2% V -0.2%E; LESS AUTO: 0.5% V 0.2%E
[08:52] {fernp} good morning
[08:52] {Threei} fernp :)
[08:52] {Threei} CSIQ is today's wonder
[08:54] {dino} gm all
[08:54] {Onix} Good morning pilgrims
[08:54] {Threei} dino, onix :)
[08:55] {dptl} good morning all
[08:55] {Threei} dp :)
[08:55] {hawkfan4} morning
[08:55] {magoo} morning
[08:56] {Threei} hawk :)
[08:56] {Threei} mags
[08:57] {Threei} solar sector is maturing... starts to separate winners from losers
[08:58] {Threei} used to move in uniform, now some do move in sympathy to a winner and some underperform
[08:59] {magoo} CSIQ was best performer yesterday and look at good new
[09:00] {Threei} CSUN gaps with it
[09:00] {Threei} SOLF too
[09:01] {Threei} LDK in dumper
[09:01] {Threei} holding hands with HOKU there
[09:01] {Threei} JASO more or less trying
[09:01] {magoo} yeah..and report was not bad..or was it
[09:02] {Threei} HOKU was bad
[09:02] {Threei} LDK is confusing
[09:02] {Threei} it restated expectations earlier
[09:03] {magoo} FLR what sector? up 15
[09:04] {Threei} design, building, maintenance
[09:07] {Threei} Roman's CPST over yesterday's high
[09:14] {pita} morning
[09:14] {Threei} pita :)
[09:16] {tomg} gm all
[09:17] {Threei} tom :)
[09:20] {esemde} morning....
[09:20] {Threei} ese :)
[09:21] {Threei} In energy news overnight the IEA cut its 2008 world oil demand growth forecast by 390K bpd to 1.2% from last month's forecast of 1.5%.
[09:21] {esemde} Vad pita tomdino dpfern hawkmags....
[09:21] {dino} :)
[09:24] {pita} ola
[09:27] {Threei} so far, CSIQ CSUN SOLF on radar
[09:27] {magoo} and jaso
[09:34] {magoo} RIMM bounce candidate vad..somewhere
[09:35] {Threei} CSIQ around 40.50 should become a candidate
[09:35] {Threei} late alert, sorry
[09:35] {Threei} touched .56 and bounced too fast
[09:35] {Threei} ugh
[09:36] {magoo} look RIMM
[09:36] {magoo} all red bars
[09:37] {magoo} in 02
[09:38] {magoo} out .43
[09:38] {Roman} 21 FCEL
[09:38] {Roman} 21 long
[09:38] {Roman} 21 slow
[09:41] {Threei} ALTR 23 break long if stays above .85
[09:42] {Roman} 21 CSUN highs
[09:42] {Roman} 21 fmc
[09:43] {Threei} CSUN if catches momo: closest resistance is 11.15 level, if takes that - there is nothing up to 12
[09:47] {Threei} SOLF 16 break half lot long with stop under .80
[09:47] {magoo} in
[09:48] {Threei} CSUN broke
[09:48] {magoo} just in csun .73
[09:49] {Roman} 21 long NGA small,
[09:49] {Roman} 21 low volume, jumpy
[09:51] {Threei} no worky SOLF
[09:52] {Roman} 21 long SIRF small 7.20
[09:55] {Threei} what's with ARBA?
[09:55] {Threei} I don't see anything fresh
[09:55] {dino} boom s sm .13
[09:57] {Roman} 21 long SNDK
[09:57] {Roman} 21 30.18
[09:58] {Roman} 21 economic numbers due now?
[09:59] {Threei} at 10
[09:59] {Threei} business inventories and "optimism"
[10:00] {Threei} in whatever they measure it
[10:00] {Roman} 21 watching HOKU
[10:00] {Threei} MARCH BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.1% V 0.4%E
- prior revised from 0.6% to 0.5%
[10:00] {Roman} 21 for a reversal
[10:02] {Roman} 21 long CTDC
[10:02] {Roman} 21 71
[10:03] {Roman} 21 7.01
[10:04] {dino} boom stopped .17 -.04
[10:04] {Threei} RIMM 140 break long
[10:04] {Threei} if holding above .80
[10:05] {Roman} 21 out SIRF flat
[10:07] {magoo} in rimm .06
[10:08] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 SNDK
[10:08] {Roman} 21 +35
[10:10] {magoo} waiting .73 SNDK
[10:11] {Roman} 21 damit
[10:11] {Roman} 21 i want my SIRF
[10:11] {Roman} 21 back in
[10:12] {Roman} 21 NQ scraring me a bit
[10:12] {Roman} 21 MELI
[10:12] {Roman} 21 tearing shorts
[10:12] {Roman} 21 its got one more spike
[10:12] {judijim} good morning everyone
[10:13] {Threei} jj :)
[10:13] {magoo} ok.out sndk .61..+.42 TY RFRF
[10:15] {dino} gj
[10:15] {pita} out sndk +.41 ty
[10:15] {Threei} NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS (NAR): Q1 MEDIAN HOME SALE PRICES DOWN 7.7% Y/Y- One out of three of the metropolitan areas in the United States showed rising home prices in the first quarter, with only a small number of jumbo loan originations and higher foreclosures resulting in greatly mixed conditions around the country, according to the latest quarterly survey by the National Association of Realtors.
[10:18] {Roman} 21 CTCM
[10:18] {Roman} 21 very thin, but got more
[10:19] {Threei} market is jerky and nervous around this 2000 level
[10:19] {Roman} 21 JASO bouncing
[10:19] {Threei} needs to resolv it and move somewhere away from it to regain more or less stable moves
[10:19] {magoo} what would hurt most people here vad? longs or shorts
[10:20] {Threei} tough call
[10:20] {magoo} thats what it will do
[10:21] {Threei} still feels like long but with less confidence than a month or two ago
[10:22] {Threei} it was much easier back mid March
[10:22] {Threei} all headlines were total doom and gloom,
[10:22] {Roman} 21 GIGM
[10:23] {Threei} market showed strong support and started breaking resistances
[10:23] {Threei} so long was practically no brainer for a contrarian trader
[10:23] {magoo} rreally feels like powering up
[10:23] {Threei} now it;'s more complicated, many market commentators turned bullish
[10:24] {magoo} not rev shark
[10:24] {Threei} they kind of dilute smart money side by attracting crowd
[10:24] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 SIRF +21
[10:24] {Threei} yikes
[10:24] {Threei} are they going to bail out them all?
[10:25] {Threei} good one roman
[10:25] {magoo} out rimm .82,..+ 76
[10:25] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[10:25] {esemde} nice one mags ....nice
[10:25] {magoo} [10:07] {magoo} in rimm .06
[10:26] {Threei} OFHEO: FNM AND FRE COULD SECURITIZE $1TRILLION IN LOANS- Lockhart reiterates calls for more GSe oversight
[10:26] {magoo} that was a long long hold for me
[10:26] {magoo} 19 minutes
[10:26] {Threei} INDIAN TV REPORTS 4 EXPLOSIONS IN JAIPUR- no details reported yet
[10:27] {Threei} new wave in solars
[10:28] {Roman} 21 JASO
[10:28] {Roman} 21 want to catch it
[10:28] {Roman} 21 this could be all day runner
[10:28] {Threei} they all feels this way to me
[10:29] {Threei} CSUN, SOLF, JASO, CTDC
[10:29] {Threei} very hard to time, gotta enter pullbacks rathwer tyhan breaks
[10:29] {Roman} 21 JASO in
[10:29] {Threei} but the way they trade is hinting of much more to come
[10:29] {Roman} 21 22.92
[10:30] {Roman} 21 small
[10:30] {Roman} 21 SOLF here looks better
[10:31] {Roman} 21 long SOLF
[10:31] {Roman} 21 15.95
[10:31] {magoo} too
[10:31] {magoo} .97
[10:33] {Roman} 21 out JASO
[10:33] {Roman} 21 +.05
[10:33] {GeoArb} gm
[10:34] {Threei} Geo :)
[10:35] {hawkfan4} ASTI, thin, could be next
[10:35] {Threei} yup, 16 is resistance for it to take
[10:36] {Threei} .85 for CSUN,
[10:36] {Threei} .20 for CTDC
[10:36] {Threei} they all feel like far from being over
[10:37] {magoo} if mkt continues up..RIMM wqill go green
[10:37] {Threei} each pullback is supported and bought, new highs are being made on volume spikes
[10:38] {dino} zolt l .55
[10:39] {magoo} stalking CSIQ
[10:39] {magoo} vad..thoughts here?
[10:39] {Threei} SOLF new high
[10:40] {magoo} in csiq .3o
[10:40] {Threei} generally, up magoo... but timing on it is even tougher than on the rest of the group
[10:41] {magoo} [10:40] {magoo} in csiq .3o
[10:42] {dino} yeah, and i have some nice swamp land for sale
[10:42] {Chaeron} GM all
[10:42] {magoo} we do??
[10:42] {magoo} lol
[10:42] {Threei} no bridge dino?
[10:42] {Threei} chaeron :)
[10:42] {dino} no, bridges are getting valuable
[10:43] {Threei} ugh
[10:43] {magoo} any dams?or need the beaver crew
[10:43] {Threei} come on CSUN
[10:43] {magoo} looky RIMM
[10:44] {magoo} vad..get the trout ready
[10:45] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[10:45] {Threei} sell already
[10:45] {Threei} you have a dollar
[10:45] {magoo} out CSIQ .22 + .90
[10:45] {Threei} whew
[10:47] {magoo} solf stopped - .15
[10:47] {magoo} toughie solf
[10:48] {Threei} pullbacks mags
[10:48] {Threei} they trap you on breaks
[10:48] {magoo} yeah..i hit it with roman @ .97
[10:50] {Threei} RIMM back into entry zone for bounce
[10:50] {magoo} needs market vad
[10:50] {dino} sm s fwlt .48
[10:51] {dino} liz s .66
[10:59] {Threei} RIMM cross back over 134 long if holding .80
[10:59] {dino} surw
[10:59] {Chaeron} ?
[10:59] {Threei} 140
[10:59] {Threei} come on
[10:59] {magoo} why not short it and ride down 5 points?
[11:00] {magoo} come on....?no slap???
[11:00] {Chaeron} in .99
[11:01] {GeoArb} you have been forsaken
[11:01] {magoo} careful..feels down one more leg'
[11:01] {GeoArb} stopped
[11:01] {Chaeron} stopepd
[11:02] {Chaeron} heheh... stopped
[11:03] {Chaeron} -0.24 on that one
[11:03] {dino} cov fwlt .08, +.40
[11:04] {pita} gotta go - checking in later
[11:04] {Chaeron} bye pita
[11:05] {Threei} take care pita
[11:05] {magoo} c u pita
[11:05] {Threei} take care pita RIMM
[11:05] {Threei} ugh
[11:05] {Threei} typing getting worse
[11:06] {magoo} in rimm now .04
[11:07] {Threei} shakeout RIMM...
[11:07] {Chaeron} in again... .01
[11:07] {magoo} OY
[11:07] {Chaeron} make me feel loved magoo.....
[11:08] {magoo} its not that
[11:08] {magoo} u and i togrether can crash thge whole blackberry network
[11:08] {Chaeron} what, I am the kiss of death
[11:08] {Chaeron} ?
[11:09] {magoo} vad..put up yesterday post on chaer..magoo
[11:09] {Roman} 21 long BLBL
[11:09] {Roman} 21 GLBL
[11:09] {Roman} 21 18.68
[11:09] {Threei} CSIQ new highs
[11:10] {Threei} CSUN is honestly trying
[11:10] {Roman} 21 long JASO
[11:10] {Roman} 21 small
[11:10] {Roman} 21 still in SOLF
[11:11] {Threei} 11 is coming for CSUN
[11:14] {dino} cov liz .54, +.12
[11:16] {dino} zolt stop to .82
[11:17] {Roman} 21 out JASO flat
[11:17] {Roman} 21 no patience
[11:18] {magoo} stopped rimm - .34
[11:18] {dino} out zolt .82, +.27
[11:20] {Roman} 21 looking for over $19 on GLBL
[11:21] {magoo} big wall CSUN 11 vad
[11:28] {Threei} 11 be taken
[11:30] {hawkfan4} CSIQ new hod
[11:37] {Threei} AMAT
[11:42] {Roman} 21 long FRO small, slow
[11:43] {Roman} 21 61.58 area
[11:44] {Roman} 21 PTEN long setup small
[11:44] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 GLBL +.30
[11:46] {Roman} 21 PTEN here small 32.15
[11:47] {Roman} 21 PLLL looks good too, thin one
[11:48] {magoo} csiq goinmg 44.22 area soon
[11:48] {dino} v sm, cme l 458
[11:50] {Threei} ENER another follower
[11:56] {Threei} come on already CSUN
[12:02] {Roman} 21 long EGLE
[12:02] {Roman} 21 34.57 area small, slow , looking for $35.25 and over area
[12:03] {magoo} long aaple here .70
[12:05] {Chaeron} give me $$$ or I join you mags. :)
[12:05] {magoo} your price
[12:05] {Threei} blackmail
[12:05] {Chaeron} damn.. too easy.....
[12:05] {Threei} I am proud of you chaeron
[12:06] {Chaeron} learned from you Vad... thank you again
[12:09] {magoo} just the mention of it almost halted it
[12:09] {Roman} 21 FEED short
[12:10] {Roman} 21 very small, stop over 19
[12:10] {Threei} you are ready for our next topic chaeron... mixing cement for shoes manufacturing
[12:10] {Chaeron} :)
[12:11] {magoo} oh oh
[12:16] {Chaeron} bounce RIMM?
[12:18] {Roman} 21 long IVAN swing
[12:18] {Roman} 21 2.24
[12:24] {magoo} out aapl here .29 +59
[12:31] {Threei} nice one
[12:31] {Threei} boy, am I slow today
[12:31] {magoo} everyday he he
[12:31] {GeoArb} uh oh
[12:31] {Threei} true but why do you need to rub my nose in it
[12:31] {Chaeron} too much sand in this batch of cement vad?
[12:32] {Threei} oh, we are still at kneecap shooting stage
[12:32] {Chaeron} that I can do
[12:33] {Threei} wow PETD
[12:33] {Threei} spread is not for faint heart
[12:33] {Threei} dino... maybe your client
[12:34] {dino} petd
[12:40] {magoo} ok..i have to go to sons school for back
[12:41] {Chaeron} we'll be here for you
[12:43] {GeoArb} ummm is that a threat chaeron ?:)
[12:43] {GeoArb} looking at your tutelage under vad.... i am not sure anymore
[12:44] {Chaeron} it's ok Geo... I just look mean
[12:44] {GeoArb} lol
[12:44] {GeoArb} yeah
[12:44] {GeoArb} i havent heard of the newport bandits yet
[12:46] {Threei} Geo... with good training, routine "how can I help tou" or "pass me salt please" will sound like a threat
[12:46] {GeoArb} hehe
[12:46] {Chaeron} I look forward to meeting you Geo.... :)
[12:46] {Threei} lol
[12:47] {GeoArb} lol
[12:47] {Threei} {geo} ummm... I think I'll refrain
[12:48] {Threei} wow
[12:48] {Threei} US SENATE TO VOTE AGAINST $1.2B SAUDI ARMS DEAL TODAY- Reminder: The Senate has threatened to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia as a lever for getting the Saudis to consider raising oil production. President Bush is scheduled to go to Saudi Arabia later this month
[12:49] {Threei} EIA: US MARCH CRUDE IMPORTS 9.385M BPD, A 13-MONTH LOW- Preliminary March crude imports -9.3% y/y
[12:49] {GeoArb} not going to happen
[12:49] {GeoArb} nothing is going to change.........
[12:49] {Threei} this all is getting beyond ugly
[12:49] {GeoArb} till i make fusion work like it should
[12:50] {Threei} CSIQ
[12:50] {GeoArb} anyone know wh hpq falling?
[12:51] {Threei} that takeover is not really to investors' liking
[12:51] {GeoArb} hmm
[12:51] {Roman} 21 out PTEN +..10
[12:51] {Roman} 21 out FRO +.39
[12:52] {GeoArb} SOL
[12:57] {Threei} CSIQ... .25 closest support
[12:58] {Threei} looks like candidate for another run
[13:00] {Threei} really?
[13:01] {Threei} I'd say, Fed and curve didn't even exchange postcards
[13:01] {Threei} neither did markets and normal
- Inflation on high side
[13:03] {Threei} CSIQ is chewing through sizeable offers
[13:04] {Threei} new high
[13:04] {Threei} if you got it around .50, look for a spike over 44
[13:04] {Threei} you have 1:2
[13:05] {hawkfan4} .52, thx vad
[13:05] {Threei} :)
[13:05] {Threei} there youi go
[13:06] {Threei} Fed can not be complacent on inflation, but slack in labor, product markets likley to push inflation down, jobless rate likely to rise as economy stays sluggish
[13:06] {Threei} - US construction spending, house prices seem likely to continue to decline well into 2009, sees rays of hope credit troubles are waning
[13:06] {Threei} - Effects of credit crunch mitigated by lower rates, other Fed steps, sees monetary and fiscal stimulus lifting economy in 2H08
[13:08] {Threei} anyone has impression we are in some kind of twilight zone? behind the looking glass?
[13:08] {Threei} we are not in the same universe with Fed
[13:12] {Threei} good thing magoo left... he would have made full point on CSIQ and we would all feel jealous
[13:13] {Threei} as it stands, we get to tease him when he returns
[13:13] {hawkfan4} i keeping 100 shrs just for that purpose
[13:13] {GeoArb} lol
[13:14] {Threei} oh great
[13:14] {Threei} now we will be jealous of hawk
[13:14] {hawkfan4} :)
[13:14] {Threei} and in case you didn't know:
[13:14] {Threei} progress as in...?
[13:19] {dino} we are way off the lows
[13:28] {Roman} 21 out remaining GLBL
[13:31] {Roman} 21 COIN spike
[13:32] {Threei} OK, how's this for ultimate wisdom
[13:33] {Threei} and this is out of Sopranos:
[13:33] {Threei} shadow banking system?
[13:33] {Threei} am I back in USSR?
[13:38] {dino} i think he means "off ledger" liabilities
[13:40] {Threei} aka off balance sheet items?
[13:40] {Threei} which got "enormously out of control" exactly because they are off balance sheet/ldger
[13:40] {dino} y
[13:41] {dino} that is the shadow
[13:41] {Roman} 21 cover FEED +.59
[13:41] {dino} nice
[13:41] {Threei} beauty Roman
[13:41] {Roman} 21 probably lower
[13:41] {Roman} 21 out SOLF +.47
[13:41] {Threei} not sure about CSIQ further run... feels like maybe last spike for now
[13:42] {Threei} needs some rest
[13:42] {dino} gj rfr
[13:42] {Roman} 21 out EGLE -.20, still have hopes for it
[13:42] {Roman} 21 thanks
[13:43] {Roman} 21 JASO sqeezing those shorts
[13:44] {dino} np, the cme is working well
[13:44] {Roman} 21 LDK coming back
[13:44] {hawkfan4} ok Vad, out last CSIQ +1.32, thx :)
[13:44] {dino} gj
[13:45] {hawkfan4} thx
[13:46] {Roman} 21 ASTI
[13:46] {Roman} 21 long small
[13:46] {Roman} 21 16.25
[13:47] {Roman} 21 there is refresh seller at 16.25
[13:49] {dino} cme stop to 462.20
[13:51] {Threei} HPQ
[13:51] {Threei} .82 long if stays above .70
[13:52] {Threei} 1:1 easy... not done IMO
[13:54] {dino} to 463.20
[13:55] {dino} out +5.20
[13:55] {Threei} whew
[13:55] {Threei} wtg
[13:55] {dino} ty
[13:55] {hawkfan4} wow, nice
[13:55] {dino} thx
[14:02] {Threei} eeck
[14:03] {Threei} FSLR's turn it seems
[14:03] {Threei} runaway train
[14:03] {Threei} HPQ
[14:03] {Threei} CITIGROUP MAKES POSITIVE COMMENTS, WEAKNESS CREATES BUYING OPPORTUNITY (TIMING UNCERTAIN)- We would be aggressive buyers of HPQ shares on today's pullback.
[14:03] {Threei} YHOO
[14:05] {Roman} 21 DSTI ready
[14:05] {Roman} 21 in 4.22 area
[14:07] {magoo} bacjk
[14:08] {GeoArb} hawk?
[14:08] {hawkfan4} yes Geo?
[14:08] {GeoArb} something to say to magoo?
[14:09] {magoo} huh
[14:09] {Threei} missed full buck trade mags
[14:09] {GeoArb} hawk saved p a trade for you :)
[14:09] {Threei} but worry not, hawkf got it
[14:09] {hawkfan4} lol :) [12:44] {hawkfan4} ok Vad, out last CSIQ +1.32, thx :)
[14:09] {magoo} dino 5 bux
[14:09] {magoo} sigh
[14:09] {GeoArb} yeah
[14:09] {GeoArb} dino killed it :(
[14:10] {magoo} anything now vad?
[14:10] {Threei} not right now
[14:11] {Threei} Roman's DSTI looks good, not sure about chasing
[14:11] {Threei} same for HPQ, half is here still but too far from entry
[14:11] {magoo} ok
[14:12] {magoo} boy, some big point movers today
[14:12] {Threei} HPQ 1:2
[14:12] {Threei} me out
[14:13] {Threei} FSLR feels like not done
[14:14] {Threei} anyone took HPQ?? or you are all after 1-5 trades now?
[14:14] {Threei} $1-$5 that is
[14:15] {Threei} great, I won't even bother calling those 20 cents ones anymore {G}
[14:16] {Threei} wow YHOO
[14:16] {GeoArb} nooooo
[14:16] {GeoArb} i like 20 cents
[14:16] {GeoArb} pays the bills... 1-5 is vacation money
[14:16] {Threei} and you ignored HPQ why?
[14:16] {GeoArb} ummm
[14:17] {Threei} there
[14:17] {GeoArb} i asked about it !!!
[14:18] {magoo} if IF i was assured i would have taken it.SO be careful..i take 100% of your calls boss {and get mad at the losers bg time he he}
[14:22] {Roman} 21 CPST
[14:37] {Threei} guys, I'll make a quick dash to airport to retrieve a friend from the flight, will be back for the last 30-40 min
[14:58] {judijim} good bye "guys" be back tomorrow
[14:59] {dino} cya jj
[15:06] {Roman} 21 out 1/2 DSTI +.23
[15:12] {Threei} back
[15:13] {Threei} road police is still trying to determine whether it was a car or ghost... radars off chart
[15:13] {hawkfan4} lol
[15:13] {magoo} thats amazing.airport and back
[15:13] {GeoArb} dude he is a village :0
[15:13] {Threei} when I say "quick dash", I mean it :)
[15:14] {Threei} CPST new highs
[15:14] {Threei} that 3.50 is really within reach now, isn't it
[15:16] {Threei} HPQ, ouch
[15:16] {Threei} did I really sell at 44.01?
[15:21] {Threei} CSIQ as I thought, retreated nicely
[15:21] {Threei} worth watching for another runup
[15:21] {hawkfan4} JASO still squeezing
[15:21] {Threei} most likely bounce kind, not for new highs
[15:21] {Threei} they take turns
[15:26] {dino} liz s .75, stop .83
[15:27] {Threei} OK, let's see where CSIQ bottoms on this pullback from 43
[15:27] {Threei} if shallow enough, 43 break is long try
[15:29] {magoo} 42.50 area long?
[15:29] {Threei} I doubt it
[15:29] {Threei} if it goes that far, it's likely to continue
[15:31] {Threei} WHITE HOUSE OFFICIAL: SEE HIGH GLOBAL FOOD PRICES LASTING 2-3 YEARS WHILE STOCKS REPLENISHED- Bush supports more food aid funds but FY08 supplemental bill can not exceed $108B, notes that the US renewable fuels mandate not source of high food prices
[15:32] {GeoArb} hey vad there is a great article on ukrine i want to forward to you
[15:32] {Threei} CSIQ invalidated
[15:32] {Threei} sure geo
[15:32] {GeoArb} how british business men i going and buying land and aggregating them as its all fallow
[15:34] {magoo} i cutting out early..doubled daily
[15:34] {magoo} thanx vad
[15:34] {Threei} wait!
[15:35] * Threei slaps magoo around a bit with a large trout
[15:35] {Threei} take care mags
[15:35] {magoo} AHHHHH nice:)
[15:35] {Threei} sheesh
[15:35] {Threei} I need to stop doing it
[15:35] {dino} gj magoo
[15:35] {Threei} he enjoys it too much :)
[15:35] {Threei} see CSIQ?
[15:35] {hawkfan4} nice mags, room rocking, 11 daily goals in 2 day, Vad/Roman on fire
[15:36] {GeoArb}
[15:36] {Threei} hawk... this is really not fair
[15:36] {dino} over mine too
[15:36] {Threei} Geo, vad@
[15:36] {GeoArb} k
[15:36] {Threei} 11 goals in 2 days?
[15:36] {Threei} 5.5 goals a day?
[15:36] {hawkfan4} yes sir :)
[15:37] {GeoArb} amazing
[15:37] {Threei} you know you need to leave some money in the markets for others play, don't you?
[15:37] {hawkfan4} lol, you taught me how to do it you it's your fault :)
[15:37] {Threei} don't let me spoil your mood, I am master of that... :)
[15:37] {Threei} fantastic job, congratulations
[15:37] {GeoArb} (geoarb puts nose to grindstone)
[15:38] * magoo slaps hawkfan4 around a bit with a large trout
[15:38] {GeoArb} good to have people to emulate
[15:38] {GeoArb} not the trout i mean
[15:38] {Threei} lol
[15:38] {hawkfan4} thanks, lol, a trout slap...i feel like i've finally arrived!
[15:38] {Threei} {magoo, unholstering the trout} emulate this
[15:38] * magoo slaps GeoArb around a bit with a large trout
[15:39] {GeoArb} I will arrive one day
[15:39] {magoo} i can stop trading...just can not stop trouting he he
[15:39] {Threei} you made my day guys
[15:40] {magoo} my daily is $500 btw
[15:40] {magoo} so twice is 1240
[15:40] {magoo} er,um..carry the 2...uh........
[15:40] {Threei} hmmm
[15:40] {hawkfan4} lol
[15:40] {Threei} your math...
[15:41] {GeoArb} you trade 1k lot magoo?
[15:41] {Threei} even worse than your typing
[15:41] {Threei} and this does tell you something
[15:42] {GeoArb} hey vad
[15:42] {GeoArb} i had a suggestion/favor to ask
[15:42] {dino} liz stopped .82 -.07
[15:42] {GeoArb} is it possible to have a static page in the membership section?
[15:42] {Threei} static page?
[15:42] {GeoArb} where the collaboration URLs for scans are posted?
[15:42] {Threei} what's that?
[15:43] {GeoArb} ok ok normal page
[15:43] {Threei} I guess, why not
[15:43] {GeoArb} i always screw up mine by tweaking
[15:43] {Threei} just if you don't mind,
[15:43] {GeoArb} and then have to keep asking :)
[15:43] {Threei} can I do it after we migrate to new server?
[15:43] {GeoArb} sure
[15:43] {GeoArb} eta?
[15:44] {Threei} meanwhile, just save them somewhere, lol
[15:44] {GeoArb} k
[15:44] {Chaeron} man geo... I love your persistance..... :))
[15:44] {GeoArb} kind enuff to email em?
[15:44] {magoo} geo, only 300 share lots today
[15:44] {Threei} oh, depends on database migration which is not in my hands, I am not MYSQL specialist
[15:44] {GeoArb} hehehehe i was the younger child
[15:44] {Chaeron} hey vad... this cement too thick?
[15:44] {Threei} promised for this weekend
[15:44] {GeoArb} thats nice magoo
[15:44] {GeoArb} thanks vad
[15:44] {GeoArb} my email sent
[15:44] {GeoArb} interesting article
[15:44] {Threei} just right, chaeron
[15:45] {Threei} ty Geo
[15:45] {Chaeron} great.... thanks...Hey Geo... got a sec? :)
[15:45] {magoo} not getting rinsed as much...worx for now
[15:45] {GeoArb} sure
[15:45] {GeoArb} DCC?
[15:45] {Chaeron} no no... not getting joke
[15:45] {GeoArb} heheheheh
[15:45] {Threei} lol
[15:45] {GeoArb} maaaan
[15:45] {magoo} ok out TY
[15:45] {GeoArb} i work in downtown LA
[15:45] {GeoArb} anyone asks got a light
[15:45] {GeoArb} I RUN !!
[15:46] {dino} boom s .44, stop .52
[15:47] {Threei} CTDC didn't play out as I expected today
[15:47] {dino} cov. .40 +.04
[15:47] {Threei} CSUN moved nicely but still, I fully expected it to break 11
[15:49] {dino} ok, calling it a day. thx all
[15:49] {Threei} take care dino
[15:49] {Threei} amazing CME trade
[15:50] {dino} u2
[15:50] {Threei} NQ is like nailed to this 2000
[15:51] {Threei} dsancing within 10 points each way around it for the day
[15:51] {Threei} we need to move away from it, will be much esier to trade
[15:51] {Threei} no matter which way
[15:53] {Threei}
[15:54] {Threei} TD warns of 'dramatically lower' commodity prices
[15:54] {Threei} warns?
[15:54] {Threei} I am all for it
[15:55] {Threei} OK guys, thank you all
[15:55] {GeoArb} thanks vad
[15:56] {Threei} again, congratulations to those who juiced these runs to full extent
[15:56] {Threei} very rewarding to see how your work on studying this professions pays off
[15:56] {hawkfan4} thx vad, all
[15:56] {_lisa_jay} Thanks Vad.
[15:56] {Threei} lisa :)
[15:57] {Threei} have a good evening everyone, see you all tomorrow
[15:57] {Threei} ugh
[15:57] {Threei} one thing I totally forgot
[15:57] * Threei slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[15:57] * Chaeron slaps Laserdave1 around a bit with a large trout
[15:57] {Threei} now my day is complete
[15:59] {dptl} have a good evening all :)
[16:02] {Laserdave1} thanks
[16:02] {Laserdave1} noting like a trouting at the end of the day
[16:02] {Laserdave1} not used to that