Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan 14 2010

If you want to order any of our products or register for a trial, please hold your horses till Jan 25th. We will be back to full functioning upon my return from the Bahamas.

Good day with all trades working like charm, on both long and short side.

Session Time: Thu Jan 14 00:00:00 2010

[08:01] {nemo} seed dropped $1
[08:14] {nemo} I had important level on lvs at 18.35. Above it in the pre market. Holds above...could be good long today
[08:14] {nemo} mos
[08:21] {nemo} aone
[08:35] {strider} SNSS
[08:38] {strider} NFLX
[08:38] {strider} ARST--Cramer gapper
[08:39] {nemo} saw AVATAR yesterday....fantastic
[08:44] {Threei} AONE Signs multi-year battery system supply agreement with Fisker Automotive; expanding capacity due to customer momentum
[08:44] {Threei} - The supply agreement is for battery systems for the Fisker Karma Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). The Karma is scheduled to be launched in late 2010 and expected to be one of the cleanest, most fuel-efficient cars in the world while still offering industry-leading style and performance.
[08:45] {Threei} who cares? battery for Volt is expected to cost $15K
[08:47] {Threei} - A123 also announced today that it has begun to make investments in its 300,000 square foot plant in Livonia, Mich. to expand the final cell assembly capacity by up to 200MW hours once fully operational, inclusive of the previously announced 80MW hour expansion.
[08:53] {Threei} (EU) ECB's Trichet: Any talk of countries leaving the Euro Zone is "absurd hypothesis" - Q&A
[08:53] {Threei} - Euro Zone govt need to take "bold measures" on budgets.
[08:53] {Threei} - Maintaining confidence is key.
[08:53] {Threei} - ECB will not change the collateral rules for any one country.
[08:53] {Threei} - "No comment" on Greek ratings.
[09:01] {dino} gm all
[09:01] {Threei} dino :)
[09:01] {strider} morning everyone
[09:02] {billyc} gm everyone
[09:02] {Threei} strider, billy :)
[09:02] {strider} :)
[09:02] {Threei} CYTX small gap
[09:02] {dino} :)
[09:05] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:05] {Threei} fern :)
[09:06] {dino} amx?
[09:06] {Threei} 18:53 AMX Offers to enter into a share swap agreement with Carso Global Telecom, which controls Telmex
[09:06] {Threei}
[09:06] {nemo} nflx hanging at low
[09:07] {Threei} - Under the plan, America Movil would indirectly acquire a 59.4% stake of Telmex's shares and 60.7% of Telmex International.
[09:07] {Threei} - America Movil to offer 2.05 of its shares for every Carso Global share.
[09:07] {Threei} - Following the transaction, shares of Carso Global and Telint would be delisted.
[09:08] {Threei} Netflix Inc Lazard Cuts NFLX to Sell from Hold, price target: $41
[09:08] {Threei} - Despite encouraging public comments Wednesday, firm still sees noise potential in Q409 results and reasons to question Netflixs ability to meet expectations for continued torrid growth.
[09:10] {dino} med
[09:10] {nemo} figures...took that one off my screen a couple of days ago
[09:12] {ese} good morning........
[09:12] {Threei} ese :)
[09:12] {i2romantis} morning all!
[09:13] {ese} vad i2
[09:13] {i2romantis} ese
[09:13] {Threei} i2r :)
[09:13] {i2romantis} 3i
[09:14] {ese} somebody here should be R2D2
[09:14] {Threei} hmm?
[09:17] {i2romantis} yes :)
[09:17] {i2romantis} but then again, we resort to 3 letters
[09:18] {Threei} and to words with two syllables
[09:19] {Les} GM :D
[09:20] {fernp} breaking news: All flights to bahamas have been cancelled.
[09:20] {Les} did Trichet really say "maintaining confidence is key"?
[09:20] {Les} who is he kidding?
[09:20] {strider} more breaking news: In order to expedite boarding of plance, please report to airport naked.
[09:21] {strider} plane
[09:21] {Threei} another breaking news: I don't care.
[09:21] {Threei} yes Les
[09:21] {patience} ok, made me laugh hard strider :)
[09:21] {Les} you're all insane
[09:21] {fernp} lol
[09:21] {Threei} finally
[09:21] {Threei} Les figured us out
[09:21] {strider} morning, patience.:)
[09:21] {Threei} can you believe we fooled him for so long?
[09:21] {patience} morning :)
[09:22] {Threei} he actually thought he was dealing with normal sane bunch?
[09:22] {nemo} pot calling the kettle black Les
[09:22] {Les} yeh well I had a crisis of confidence recently trying to establish a framework of normality
[09:23] {Les} I clearly failed
[09:23] {Les} and have decided that when in rome...
[09:23] {nemo} you have to first define normal...
[09:23] {strider} ...don't knock over the pope.
[09:24] {nemo} like the amount of vodka I have to drink with my russian friends I wouldn't define as normal
[09:24] {Les} that's pretty good strider
[09:24] {strider} nobody else would, either, vad.
[09:24] {nemo} drinking beer at breakfast when living in which I adapted...I didn't consider normal
[09:25] {Threei} hmmm... I can't help but wonder... why is it as soon as we started discussing normal vs. insane i2r started disconnecting in a hurry?
[09:25] {Les} FAS
[09:25] {Les} cause he's not ready for the initiation
[09:25] {i2romantis} i know, the system can't handle it :)
[09:25] {Threei} yeah, blame it on the system
[09:26] {nemo} we back to Jack in "A few Good Men"?
[09:26] {Les} hey, "the system works" i2r
[09:26] {Threei} lol
[09:26] {i2romantis} and trying to connect, it says I'm banned, until a few mins later when it connects
[09:26] {i2romantis} :)
[09:26] {i2romantis} funny people
[09:26] {Threei} well, you are trying to reconnect under wrong username
[09:26] {Threei} must be coded somewhere on autopilot
[09:27] {Les} don't impersonate me i2r
[09:27] {Les} that'd be big mistake
[09:27] {Threei} [09:22] * i2r was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
[09:27] {Threei} -----------
[09:27] {fernp} welcome back i2
[09:27] {Threei} 09:24] * i2romantis has joined #discussions
[09:27] {Threei} -----------
[09:27] {lasertrev} morning
[09:27] {Threei} trev :)
[09:27] {strider} HRB
[09:27] {i2romantis} thx fern
[09:28] {i2romantis} 3i, i tried i2r just cause nothing worked, so I wanted to see a different result
[09:28] {i2romantis} but autopilot set for the full name
[09:28] {i2romantis} said that nick was already in use
[09:28] {Threei} huh
[09:28] {i2romantis} but it's all good now
[09:28] {Threei} oohhh
[09:28] {Threei} ghost
[09:28] {i2romantis} I get disconnected sometimes
[09:28] {i2romantis} and then it thinks I'm still connecte
[09:28] {Threei} right
[09:28] {i2romantis} connected*
[09:29] {i2romantis} same with my trading platform, sometimes have to call them to get them to reset me
[09:29] {Threei} if it continues for way rtoo long, you may have to send an e-mail asking to kick out the ghost nick
[09:29] {Les} when that happens to me i2r, I reboot the computer
[09:29] {Les} fixes broker problem
[09:30] {nemo} amzn tank
[09:30] {dino} med 5 day ugly
[09:30] {nemo} coyote ugly?
[09:31] {nemo} or double coyote ugly?
[09:32] {Les} FAS
[09:32] {Les} WFC
[09:32] {Les} MS showing continued weakness
[09:34] {Threei} ugh
[09:35] {Threei} AONE broke faster than I could type
[09:35] {Les} AONE
[09:36] {nemo} lvs
[09:38] {nemo} if lvs breaks .85 there
[09:38] {nemo} there's air up there
[09:38] {Threei} too sharp spike on intraday
[09:38] {Threei} needs pullback
[09:39] {Threei} .50 area should be interesting for entry
[09:39] {Threei} FITB 52 week highs
[09:39] {ese} ya
[09:39] {ese} just noticed that
[09:39] {Les} MS .85 B/D? .95 STOP?
[09:40] {nemo} might be looking to test DB at .70
[09:40] {Threei} hardf to tell les, two supports right under, .80 and .70
[09:41] {Threei} Long Setup: LVS .75
[09:41] {fernp} FITB .65 break is attractive
[09:41] {Threei} stop under .60
[09:41] {ese} missed
[09:42] {nemo} could consolidate around here for a bit
[09:45] {nemo} .70 new stop for lvs?
[09:46] {dino} fsys
[09:46] {Threei} Long Setup: AONE .60 break half lot
[09:46] {Threei} ugh
[09:46] {Threei} late again
[09:46] {Threei} let's see if we can get a pullback
[09:47] {Threei} .50 if holding .40
[09:47] {Threei} half lot, very volatile
[09:47] {ese} L seed .49
[09:48] {Threei} no play for now, AONE
[09:48] {Threei} LVS 1 cent of 1:1
[09:48] {nemo} lotta' offers at .89
[09:49] {ese} seed quote please.......system has shut dn
[09:49] {nemo} 13.48
[09:49] {nemo} .52
[09:49] {ese} tks
[09:49] {nemo} 54
[09:49] {nemo} 55
[09:49] {nemo} 50
[09:49] {nemo} 43
[09:50] {nemo} 48
[09:50] {ese} back tks nemo
[09:50] {nemo} it's looking short ese
[09:51] {nemo} well, so much for my opinion
[09:51] {dino} .
[09:52] {ese} out seed .75 +.26
[09:52] {nemo} lvs breaks this consolidation
[09:52] {Threei} LVS 1:1
[09:53] {ese} thanks again nemo.......was crapping there for a bit.......10k on the line
[09:53] {fernp} ty Vad
[09:55] {Threei} LEN "Fraud Discovery Institute" comments that Lennar has failed to pay a state tax lien of $88K while it awaits a $320M federal tax refund (timing uncertain)
[09:55] {nemo} makes sense to me
[09:56] {Threei} CEDC... people like their Zubrowka, eh
[09:57] {nemo} med
[09:58] {dino} thinking 23.60s
[09:58] {fernp} SYMC, Vad?
[09:58] {Threei} 2 day's high and 52 week high...
[09:58] {Threei} worrth a try I guess, with 10 cents stop
[09:59] {fernp} ty
[09:59] {Threei} CYTX again
[10:00] {Threei} *(US) NOV BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.4% V 0.3%E
[10:00] {Threei} - prior revised from 0.2% to 0.4% (related SPY SHY EUR/USD )
[10:03] {ese} looks like no more trading for broker Questrade is very irratic dn again
[10:04] {Threei} Long Setup: ENER .75
[10:04] {Threei} if stays above .60
[10:07] {Threei} US) SEC Chair Schapiro: It is important that govt moves toward removing references to credit ratings in rules
[10:07] {Threei} huh?
[10:08] {Les} out ener ty vad
[10:08] {Threei} ENER 1:1 is nigh
[10:08] {Threei} there
[10:08] {fernp} TY again
[10:09] {Threei} welcome guys
[10:09] {Les} dug myself a hole again at opening, but scalping much more confidently to recover
[10:11] {dino} haven't filled one yet
[10:12] {fernp} FITB 1:1
[10:13] {Threei} Short Setup: CAT .30 half lot
[10:15] {fernp} .50 invalidates the play?
[10:15] {Les} .40?
[10:15] {Threei} .45
[10:16] {ese} fern...did you get into fitb
[10:16] {fernp} y
[10:16] {fernp} from .66
[10:16] {ese} nice......i missed the .65 break following seed
[10:17] {ese} 50k hopefully
[10:17] {fernp} [15:41] {fernp} FITB .65 break is attractive
[10:17] {fernp} only 1000
[10:17] {Les} only?
[10:17] {ese} well done!!
[10:17] {fernp} ty
[10:18] {ese} we've got our accomodations booked in florence long does it take you to get there
[10:18] {Les} that's a long way away ese
[10:18] {Threei} CAT 1:1
[10:19] {Les} this is going well today. ty
[10:19] {Threei} welcome
[10:20] {Threei} readability returns slowly, as foretold
[10:20] {fernp} ty again again
[10:20] {ese} ahhhh.....ok.....
[10:20] {Les} rimm .60?
[10:20] {nemo} "nigh" and "foretold" in less than an hour...oh jeez
[10:20] {Threei} lol
[10:21] {Threei} not sure on RIMM
[10:22] {Les} fcx b/d
[10:23] {Les} almost took fcx and would have had a hell of a hole to dig out of
[10:24] {dino} mtl
[10:24] {Les} seed .30 b/d?
[10:24] {Les} .40 stop?
[10:25] {Threei} nah
[10:25] {nemo} support at 200 at .15 right where it bounced
[10:25] {Threei} it rather shapes up as a bounce
[10:26] {Threei} .30 break weith stop under .20
[10:28] {dino} sm l medv .75 risky
[10:28] {nemo} ou mean med?
[10:28] {dino} med, yes, typo
[10:28] {dino} stop .43
[10:29] {Les} ty. +.05 seed
[10:29] {Threei} SEED 1:1
[10:29] {Les} I'm with fern. I like scalping
[10:29] {Threei} this is fun
[10:30] {fernp} i am with Vad. I love scalping
[10:30] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:30] {Threei} - NYSE volume 175M shares, about 30% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.3:1.
[10:30] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 520M shares, about 8% above its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.4:1.
[10:30] {Threei} - VIX index -1.5% to just over 17.50
[10:31] {Threei} Bulletin of Atomic Scientists adjust DOOMSDAY CLOCK away from Midnight by 1 minute to 6 mins to Midnight
[10:31] {Threei} - They last adjustment in 2007 was towards Midnight by 2 minutes to stand at 5 minutes to Midnight, citing risks in nuclear proliferation and global warming
[10:31] {Threei} - Note: Furthest the clock was from midnight stood at 17 minutes to midnight following the end of the Cold War.
[10:31] {dino} naz has been kicking volume lately
[10:31] {Threei} idiots
[10:32] {Les} pretty pessimistic bunch
[10:32] {Les} we should put them in washington
[10:32] {Threei} the very concept is puke-inducing
[10:32] {Les} yeh. look at me. I predict your death.
[10:32] {Les} I am god
[10:32] {dino} and they get paid for that, i need govt job
[10:33] {dino} med stopped -.37
[10:33] {Threei} bunch of egg-headed enlightened thinkers (puke) sits around and discuesses whether humankind moves in the right directioon or not
[10:33] {Threei} using as criteria what exactly?
[10:33] {Les} "objective reality"
[10:33] {Threei} their enlightened ideas of right and wrong?
[10:34] {Threei} more puke-inducing details for your entertaiment:
[10:34] {Threei} - Citing a more "hopeful state of world affairs" in relation to the twin threats posed by nuclear weapons and climate change, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) is moving the minute hand of its famous Doomsday Clock one minute away from midnight. It is now 6 minutes to midnight. The decision by the BAS Science and Security Board was made in consultation with the Bulletin's Board of Sponsors, which includes 19 Nobel Laureates
[10:35] {Threei} I am sorry, if thery beliueve climate change is a threat, then what exactly changed to the better?
[10:35] {nemo} Obamanator
[10:35] {Threei} - BAS Board said: "It is 6 minutes to midnight. We are poised to bend the arc of history toward a world free of nuclear weapons. For the first time since atomic bombs were dropped in 1945, leaders of nuclear weapons states are cooperating to vastly reduce their arsenals and secure all nuclear bomb-making material.
[10:35] {Threei} And for the first time ever, industrialized and developing countries alike are pledging to limit climate-changing gas emissions that could render our planet nearly uninhabitable. These unprecedented steps are signs of a growing political will to tackle the two gravest threats to civilization -- the terror of nuclear weapons and runaway climate change."
[10:35] {Threei} ahha!
[10:36] {dino} idiots
[10:36] {Threei} they are pledging!
[10:36] {nemo} knew it had to be there some place
[10:36] {Threei} we are saved
[10:36] {nemo} seed vad
[10:36] {Threei} what about it?
[10:36] {Threei} let me guess
[10:37] {Threei} contemplating .50 break, aren;'t you
[10:37] {nemo} well.....
[10:37] {nemo} mmmmhhhh.....
[10:37] {nemo} ahhhhh.....
[10:37] {nemo} ....not sure
[10:38] {Threei} ok, then I am back to grim enjoyment of stupidity put on pedestal
[10:39] {nemo} frankly, seed could be a short here
[10:39] {Les} hig looking short with a little consolidation
[10:39] {Threei} I don't see anything indicative either way
[10:39] {Threei} on SEED
[10:42] {Threei} while nothing tradeable appears, let me treat you to probably last of new year decoration series, before sunny beaches take over:
[10:42] {Threei}
[10:44] {Threei} CFTC's Chilton: Planning to collect public comment with regards to position limits over the coming months (related ICE ISE NDAQ NYX CME USO EUR/USD )
[10:44] {Threei} position limits...
[10:44] {Threei} wtf is going on
[10:44] {Threei} limit positions to buying power
[10:44] {Threei} limit buying power to reasonable margin
[10:45] {Threei} make every entity invoplved responsible for the financial outcome of trade
[10:45] {nemo} aone short vad
[10:45] {Threei} let those who lose fail
[10:45] {Threei} end of story
[10:45] {nemo} 200 ma is .60
[10:45] {dino} plce sm l .00
[10:46] {Les} you can't be controlled with such liberal financial policies vad...
[10:46] {Threei} no need to control what is allowed to fail
[10:46] {Threei} it's when you decide that you will rescue losers that you must instill ciontrols
[10:47] {Threei} and forcrissakes, restore Glass-Steagall
[10:47] {nemo} aone tanking
[10:47] {Threei} White House: bank fee will continue for 10 years or more if necessary to fully repay the TARP monies
[10:48] {Threei} cool
[10:48] {nemo} so...there stock will go in the tank
[10:48] {Threei} taxpayer repays to himself what he lended, through taxing himself
[10:48] {nemo} how are they supposed to align bank officer interest with profitability?
[10:48] {Threei} - Reiterates that fees will be targeted at the most highly leveraged banks.
[10:48] {Threei} it's getting better
[10:49] {nemo} but not GMAC FNMA FRE
[10:49] {nemo} or the car companies
[10:52] {dino} the ones that started the mess
[10:56] {Threei} (IR) Major powers will meet on Saturday to discuss Iran nuclear issue
[11:08] {dino} med sm l .50
[11:09] {dino} sm l meli .00
[11:11] {dino} fsys lod
[11:13] {Threei} Long Setup: SEED .10 break
[11:14] {dino} meli stopped -.33
[11:16] {Threei} (GE) German reportedly plans to cut solar subsides for new roof and open field sites by 16-17%, effective mid-April - unconfirmed report
[11:19] {Threei} thinking partials
[11:19] {Threei} should be good fopr more than scalp
[11:19] {Threei} 1:1
[11:19] {fernp} ty
[11:19] {Threei} yw
[11:19] {jmb} Thanks Vad
[11:19] {Threei} 1:2
[11:20] {Threei} jmb :)
[11:20] {nemo} should go to .38 anyway
[11:22] {dino} fsys sm l .25
[11:23] {patience} .
[11:29] {dino} meli rinsed
[11:31] {ese} ok L seed .24
[11:31] {Threei} wow
[11:31] {Threei} that's 1:1.5 above original entry
[11:32] {Threei} a lot of chasing ese
[11:32] {Threei} Mongolia announces moratorium on death penalty
[11:32] {Threei} why do I find it funny...
[11:32] {nemo} me too
[11:33] {Threei} ok, nowe I knowe for syre something's wrong wityh mer
[11:33] {nemo} I get images of Ghengis Khan
[11:33] {ese} are my charts wrong....
[11:33] {Threei} oh boy... and with my typing
[11:33] {nemo} you need a vacation
[11:33] {Threei} ese,
[11:33] {ese} in after higher low
[11:33] {Threei} [11:14] {Alert} Threei Long Setup: SEED .10 break
[11:33] {ese} tired for .20 gilled .24
[11:34] {nemo} wtf...with spelling
[11:34] {ese} tried/filled
[11:35] {ese} maybe .30 break here would have been better?
[11:35] {nemo} voume was right
[11:35] {nemo} had old resistance as new support
[11:36] {ese} ohhhhhhh ....missed that call
[11:36] {nemo} you're still above the 13 ma
[11:36] {Threei} ese... my point is, stock started reversing at .10 where I called it
[11:36] {ese} just got back to my computor from being on the phone again
[11:36] {Threei} we are aslrteady out 1/2 and 1/4
[11:36] {nemo} who voted you king?
06[11:37] * Threei slaps nemo around a bit with a large , heavy and sharp-edged object of unknown origin
[11:37] {nemo} damn...I'll have to get a tetanus shot
[11:37] {ese} no
[11:37] {Threei} 32% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction
[11:38] {nemo} yeah, but 50% of the people are on the wrong side of the bell curve
[11:38] {dino} rino sm l .35
[11:44] {ese} my stop is .20 for seed by the way
[11:49] {ese} stopped .19
[11:49] {ese} yup.....should have taken it at .34
[11:54] {ese} ok....give me the I told you so trout
[12:08] {Threei} ok... I fought myself long enough and lost
06[12:08] * Threei slaps ese around a bit with a large banner I TOLD JA SO, bold font, red letters
[12:10] {ese} ahhhhhh tks .....i needed that
[12:16] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:16] {Threei} - NYSE volume 320M shares, about 28% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[12:16] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.01B shares, about 13% above its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.2:1.
[12:16] {Threei} - VIX index -1% to just over 17.50
[12:28] {dino} uthr?
[12:33] {Les} back and long WFC .92
[12:35] {ese} l seed .14
[12:35] {Les} I see the room is getting violent
[12:36] {nemo} ?
[12:36] {ese} out seed .2099
[12:36] {Les} Vad slapping people around
[12:36] {ese} +.06
[12:36] {Les} or perhaps I should see it differently...
[12:36] {nemo} you haven't been here long enough...nothing new...wait until he breaks out the army boots
[12:36] {Les} perhaps I should look at it like the three stooges
[12:36] {Les} then its funny
[12:37] {nemo} where you from in oz?
[12:37] {ese} neyuck neyuck neycuk...ack ack ack...neyuck neyuck neyuck......that'l teach it for taking me for .05
[12:37] {Les} born in darwin
[12:37] {Les} but spent much time in Brisbane
[12:37] {Les} got to know sydney with the army
[12:38] {nemo} yeah...I lived in Sydney for awhile before the Olympics
[12:38] {dino} med spike
[12:39] {Threei} MED Disavows Allegations as False, Misleading and/or Without Merit
[12:39] {Threei} - has been the subject of a series of fraudulent attacks on its stock in a case of outright, deliber... (5.26, +0.26, 5.20%) more...
[12:40] {Threei} deliberate, and possibly illegal market manipulation. Beginning February 17, 2009, Mr. Barry Minkow, a convicted felon, and his Fraud Discovery Institute (FDI) posted on the FDI website a "report" authored by his close associate, Mr. Robert Fitzpatrick, which accused Medifast through its direct selling subsidiary, Take Shape for Life, Inc., of being: 1) an illegal "endless chain" pyramid, and 2) a Ponzi scheme comparable to that perpetrated by Bernard Madoff.
[12:40] {Threei} - The attacks continued with subsequent "reports" and updates posted by Mr. Minkow, Mr. Fitzgerald and their co-conspirators in May and June 2009; and most recently January 8, 2010. The allegations are patently untrue. They were made with the intent to manipulate the share price of Medifast downward (which occurred) in order for Mr. Minkow and others to profit from his subsequently disclosed short position in Medifast stock, which he acquired prior to publishing his first fraudulent attack.
[12:40] {Threei} - These public allegations were made in mid- February 2009 and were immediately followed by significant short selling and short selling option puts that shaved more than $30 million from the market capitalization of Medifast.The companyhas demanded that this third party take down its website information containing false information or be subject to appropriate legal action.
[12:43] {Les} cool. can I avoid prosecution if I did that from Switzerland?
[12:44] {dino} out med +.75
[12:44] {Les} out wfc flat. it's behaving like a dog
[12:44] {Les} wtg dino
[12:44] {dino} 3i, that was from earlier right
[12:44] {dino} thx les
[12:45] {Threei} no
[12:45] {Threei} fresh
[12:46] {Threei} 12:38 time stamp
[12:49] {dino} seems like re-hash of 10:15 news
[12:50] {dino} ntri
[12:52] {nemo} pivot support at .46 dino
[12:53] {nemo} no other support until 25.80
[12:53] {Threei} I don't see anything at 10:15
[12:54] {Threei} nor reaction on chart
[12:54] {dino} ntri?
[12:54] {nemo} that's what I'm referring to
[12:54] {dino} cyber has 10:15, 11:44, 12:20, etc
[12:54] {dino} ok nemo
[12:55] {dino} could be sympathy drop
[12:55] {nemo} been dropping since 10:15
[12:55] {dino} ntri was mentioned in article as competitor
[12:56] {Threei} (SW) Sweden Fin Min Borg: Size of bonuses at Swedish banks 'provocative'; may examine measures on the bonuses
[12:56] {Threei} - could make sense to put a Euro referendum on the agenda; Swedish finances are better than previously thought
[12:56] {dino} so is their cheese
[12:56] {nemo} that's switzerland dino
[12:56] {dino} opps
[12:56] {nemo} ugly american
[12:56] {Les} cows freeze their udders off up in sweden dino
[12:57] {nemo} What happened to the cow that jumped over the barbed wire fence?
[12:57] {dino} dk
[12:57] {nemo} "Udder" destruction...
[12:58] {dino} lol
[12:58] {nemo} ntri at support
[12:59] {dino} feels like push down to high 25s for strike
[12:59] {nemo} 25.80 area
[12:59] {dino} alrighty then
[12:59] {nemo} o.k. Bill
[13:00] {nemo} look at joyg
[13:02] {nemo} ekg kinda' flatline
[13:03] {Threei} (US) Fed's Bernanke: Fed's regulatory activities helps it better perform its central banking functions - testimony
[13:03] {Threei} - Information gleened from bank supervision aids process of developing an exit strategy.
[13:03] {Threei} - Fed's supervisory role is critical for understanding emerging strains on banking system and the economy.
[13:04] {nemo} funny...didn't work before, why will it work now?
[13:05] {dino} hmmm as opposed to no regs? lol
[13:07] {nemo} short ntri? mmmmhhhh
[13:09] {dino} not i, down too much, odds for bounce imo
[13:13] {Les} LVS
[13:17] {Les} got a read on AIG vad?
[13:17] {Threei} other than A, then I, then, ummm, G... no
[13:18] {Threei} it needs some jolt
[13:18] {Threei} lost sparkle
[13:19] {dino} gmcr
[13:19] {nemo} DB
[13:19] {dino} gap 80.65
[13:22] {Les} short gmcr .28
[13:22] {Les} out +.10
[13:24] {Les} RIMM b/d .80?
[13:24] {Les} .90 stop?
[13:24] {Threei} chart looks nice and setup is valid, but
[13:25] {Les} always the but
[13:25] {Threei} market overall just doesn't look like anything downtrending any time soon
[13:25] {Les} k
[13:25] {Threei} thisd kind of perfect-looking setups not matching market overall feel is very likely to turn a trap
[13:26] {Les} k. I'm green for the day so happy to avoid traps
[13:26] {dino} amed
[13:26] {nemo} market probably waiting for intel
[13:29] {Les} gmcr approaching gap
[13:29] {dino} nah
[13:30] {Les} ooh that's ugly gmcr
[13:30] {nemo} not if you're short :)
[13:30] {dino} indeed
[13:31] {Les} well I missed that 81 trigger, so I'm criticising
[13:31] {nemo} no you got the right trigger when it dropped 30
[13:31] {nemo} .30
[13:32] {Threei} we need to thank RTIMM for a perfect illustration of the aforementioned trap
[13:32] {Les} I just saw it!
[13:32] {Les} you are right
[13:32] {Les} take that one to the bahamas...
[13:32] {Threei} disgusting eh?
[13:33] {Les} how dare they...
[13:33] {Les} fas seeing new hod
[13:33] {Les} seeking
[13:34] {dino} thin, sm l jst .84
[13:34] {Threei} Hearing Lazard defending solar names following news of German cut in solar subsidies (timing uncertain)
[13:34] {Threei} lol
[13:34] {Threei} defense comes to:
[13:35] {Threei} wait!!! we are full in still!! let us out!
[13:35] {Les} nice call dino
[13:36] {dino} thx
[13:36] {dino} and vad i was thinking just that.
[13:46] {Les} .20 b/o of fcx with .05 stop?
[13:46] {Threei} yes
[13:46] {Threei} don't chase, let it pull back
[13:46] {Les} had to chase that one
[13:46] {Les} hahah
[13:47] {Threei} there you go
[13:47] {Les} ouch
[13:48] {Threei} what's with chasing, it ruins your risk reward ratio
[13:48] {Threei} don't do that
[13:48] {Les} yes master
[13:49] {ese} hey done my watching for today......catch you tomorrow
[13:49] {Threei} take care ese, see you in a week and half
[13:49] {Les} les give jedi apprentice genuflection
[13:50] {ese} oh yeh.........have a great ttrip vad!!!! take care
[13:50] {Les} ciao ese
[13:50] {Les} you here tomorrow?
[13:50] {ese} yup
[13:52] {Les} same bat time, same bat channel...
[13:52] {Threei} FCX 1:1
[13:52] {Threei} nice and easy - if played by the rules
[13:53] {Threei} nerve-wrecking and debilitatingly painful if not
[13:53] {Les} I didn't get a fill...
[13:53] {Les} I saw one fill at .35
[13:54] {strider} AONE short?
[13:54] {Les} ok. dishes are done maaan.
[13:55] {Les} nice looking trade log today. I'm happy with the numbers I see in it
[13:55] {Threei} I hate the size of the stop strider
[13:55] {Threei} chart is right
[13:55] {Threei} risk parameters are a bit on a tough side
[13:55] {Threei} worked like charm though
[13:55] {strider} thanks. already in and out. +.13
[13:55] {Threei} cool
[13:56] {Les} why is size of stop a problem vad?
[13:56] {Les} I see 10 cent stop
[13:56] {dino} tsl
[13:56] {Threei} not really, consolidation was around .20, then dive into 21
[13:57] {Threei} so it was rather 25 cents
[13:57] {Les} ok. I was looking at .10 b/d
[13:57] {Threei} no sound resistance was established around .10
[13:57] {Les} ok. so not an appropriate trigger
[13:57] {Threei} well, at the moment of the question is was 21
[13:57] {Les} ok
[13:57] {dino} yge
[13:57] {dino} solars in general
[13:57] {Threei} that's mongolian sounding name dino
[13:58] {dino} risky fsys sm l .50
[13:59] {Threei} yeah, that move by Germany killed them good
[13:59] {Threei} and showed how viable whole industry is
[13:59] {Les} what's the canadian solar stock
[13:59] {dino} csiq?
[14:00] {Threei} no govt subdcidies, whole sector is dead
[14:00] {nemo} especially if they put those leverage limits in enegy futures
[14:00] {Les} ty
[14:00] {patience} kind of like uranium stocks, those use to be fun to trade
[14:02] {dino} what is the symbol for them
[14:02] {Les} fcx .30 b/o?
[14:02] {Les} .20 stop?
[14:02] {dino} patience do you remember us uranium symbol
[14:03] {Les} dnn
[14:03] {Les} ccj
[14:03] {patience} no, let me look at my list
[14:04] {Threei} Magnitude 5.6 earthquake reported near Hokkaido, Japan
[14:04] {nemo} lotta' that going on lately
[14:04] {Threei} hey hey... my dfaughter is in Japan right now
[14:04] {Les} the mayans were right! 2012
[14:05] {nemo} this summer will be fun
[14:05] {Threei} dino, Piper stuck in solars together with Lazard
[14:05] {Threei} FSLR Hearing Piper defending solar stocks (timing unceratin
[14:05] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:05] {Threei} - NYSE volume 465M shares, about 27% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[14:05] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.46B shares, about 12% above its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.2:1.
[14:05] {Threei} - VIX index --1.75% to just over 17.50
[14:06] {strider} Guess who's on TV?
[14:06] {Les} citizen kane
[14:06] {nemo} zoe saldana?
[14:06] {Threei} salma hayek
[14:07] {strider} Barney not-so-frank
[14:07] {dino} ty les and patience. my son asked me to buy some for him
[14:07] {dino} stock that is
[14:07] {nemo} kewl
[14:07] {Les} learning to make the bomb in science class is he?
[14:07] {Threei} says fees on banks is a great idea?
[14:07] {patience} sorry dino, didn't keep u.s. stock symbols..i track tsx ones, like u, pdn, uuu, dml, fiu, lam, usu, uex
[14:07] {strider} fees on EVERYTHING is a great idea.
[14:07] {nemo} what does salma know about banks
[14:08] {strider} That's the only idea democrats have.
[14:08] {Threei} actually they have two
[14:08] {dino} usu, thats the one
[14:08] {dino} thx
[14:08] {Threei} collect fees and taxes, and spend
[14:08] {patience} dino, my daughter is deeply into physics right now....a walking textbook of knowledge with liberal ideas......
[14:08] {Threei} whole right wing has one: spend
[14:09] {Threei} can we have thrid party?
[14:09] {Les} no
[14:09] {Threei} do NOT overtax and do NOT overspend one
[14:09] {nemo} it's all gotta' collapse first
[14:09] {Threei} how hard is that
[14:09] {dino} my niece is a senior at penn state university, w/paid internship at westinghouse nuclear propulsion
[14:09] {Les} wow
[14:09] {nemo} what happened to you?
[14:09] {patience} very nice, good future
[14:10] {nemo} yeah, she won't have to turn on the lights when she's at home at night
[14:10] {dino} good kid, and very smart w/numbers. she knows kids studying chaos theory
[14:10] {nemo} she should just meet me...I'm chaos incarnate
[14:10] {dino} lol
[14:11] {nemo} looks like spy wants to break
[14:12] {Les} lvs
[14:12] {Les} .60 b/d?
[14:13] {Les} .70 stop?
[14:13] {Threei} rather yes
[14:13] {Les} i like that cahrt
[14:13] {Les} chart
[14:13] {Les} les is salivating
[14:13] {Threei} I'd be more confident about iot if some more conssolidation occurs first
[14:14] {Les} k
[14:14] {Threei} or better yet, little bounce
[14:14] {Les} thinking likewise
[14:14] {Threei} like this
[14:14] {Threei} now, do not break .70
[14:14] {Threei} better yet, do not even break .65
[14:15] {Threei} lose .60 and we are golden
[14:16] {Threei} ADBE U.S. Cyber Security Alert issued on multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader ver 8 & 9 - update
[14:16] {Threei} - Please note the CERT Alert was out Wednesday evening however today the NYT speculated that the Chinese Military used, or may have created this vulterability, to hack and access the "dissident" gmail accounts. Google stated in the article that its security team had physically investigated a hacked laptop and found no sign of any virus or malware suggesting a potentially highly sophisticated vulnerability that not only provides outside access but also removes all traces.
[14:17] {strider} adbe short?
[14:17] {Threei} - Details of the vulnerability can be foudn at:
[14:18] {Threei} not on this story
[14:18] {strider} look at chart:)
[14:18] {nemo} guys...and ladies...if you want to check out the best anti-virus/malware protection out their, check out TASwatch at
[14:18] {Threei} pure technically, could be
[14:18] {nemo} out there
[14:18] {Les} better than Norton?
[14:18] {nemo} no comparison
[14:19] {Les} really? got subscription renewal coming up
[14:19] {Les} no go lvs
[14:19] {nemo} what operating system
[14:19] {Les} xp
[14:19] {nemo} perfect
[14:19] {nemo} when you download it, wait until you see how many infections you currently have you don't know about
[14:20] {nemo} you order the software, they send you a download link
[14:21] {strider} NFLX short?, .10
[14:23] {Threei} bulimic stock...
[14:24] {strider} meaning??
[14:25] {Threei} thin
[14:25] {strider} h
[14:25] {strider} ah
[14:25] {nemo} watch tck for a trend break down short
[14:26] {strider} the symbol tck?
[14:26] {nemo} yes
[14:27] {strider} short where?
[14:28] {nemo} at the moment, it would be a break below .34...watching for trend line break
[14:28] {nemo} it's forming a wedge
[14:28] {nemo} joyg also forming a wedge
[14:28] {patience} just bounced up on canadian side
[14:28] {nemo} here too, but within the wedge
[14:29] {Les} fcx .95 b/d with .10 stop vad?
[14:30] {Les} perhaps consolidating a little more
[14:30] {nemo} nite all
[14:31] {strider} you gone?
[14:31] {Les} ciao. u here tomorrow?
[14:31] {nemo} ja wohl
[14:31] {Les} alright. online porn party!
[14:31] {Threei} don't forget guys,
[14:31] {strider} no sprachen ze english?
[14:31] {Les} the mice will play...
[14:31] {nemo} frickin ozzies
[14:31] {Threei} Monday is day off, sdo tomorrow is fri before the long weekend
[14:32] {nemo} natuerlich...entweder oder
[14:32] {strider} what's Monday?
[14:32] {Les} milk day
[14:32] {fernp} LMK
[14:32] {nemo} mlk day
[14:32] {strider} geez
[14:33] {Les} so tomorrow could be slow day? or volatile cause of options exp?
[14:34] {Threei} slow most likely
[14:35] {Les} fcx .95 b/d?
[14:35] {Les} w .05 stop?
[14:38] {strider} AONE breakout?
[14:39] {Threei} FCX no
[14:39] {Threei} AONE, can't tell
[14:42] {dino} scanners all green
[14:44] {Les} H&S HIG?
[14:44] {dino} eqix spike
[14:44] {Les} .20 b/d?
[14:44] {Threei} HIG, .20 break is valid trigger...
[14:44] {Threei} market help is big unknown, but lkooks plausible
[14:45] {Les} ty
[14:46] {Threei} Fed's Fisher: recovery is underway, reiterates it will be a tepid recovery - CNBC interview
[14:46] {Threei} - Sees Slow Rate Of Growth For 2010.
[14:46] {Threei} - States recovery is palpable but "not enough"
[14:46] {Threei} - Independent Fed is crucial
[14:46] {Threei} - Continues to support current MBS purchases schedule
[14:46] {dino} fsys to .90
[14:46] {Threei} Independent Fed is crucial for Fed's well-being
[14:47] {Les} they'll keep spining that line until the cows come home...
[14:47] {Threei} now, this one I like:
[14:47] {Threei} ****Reminder: On 01/12 Fisher said that Impact of Fed efforts have started to be felt and that the economy was showing signs of "tepid" recovery. He warned that monetizing debt is not the way to improve deficit and called for a return to "fiscal sanity".
[14:47] {Threei} high five on that Fisher but
[14:48] {Threei} how did we deviate from fiscal sanity on Feds watch?
[14:48] {dino} out ave .88, +.38
[14:48] {Threei} maybe if you were an appropriate sctructure for the job, we wouldn't have to "return" to it now?
[14:49] {Les} s HIG .19
[14:52] {fernp} SANM 12.10 break, Vad?
[14:53] {Threei} hmmm
[14:53] {Threei} hard to tell
[14:53] {fernp} ok
[15:02] {fernp} FAZ breakdown?
[15:03] {dino} sm l fcn .31
[15:05] {fernp} covering here .52 +.08
[15:15] {Threei} VZ Aiming to lower phone and pricing plans effective Jan 18th
[15:15] {Threei} one thing I don't have particular answerr to:
[15:16] {Threei} looking at today's intraday chart, I see just the same slow and narrow,
[15:16] {Threei} yet, trades were so much easier to find and read
[15:16] {Threei} not sure what's this about
[15:17] {Threei} maybe my brain feels beach-inspired freedom
[15:17] {Threei} and enjoyment of 2-days long presdentation
[15:19] {fernp} dont talk about AGAM in your presentation Vad
[15:19] {Threei} say what?
[15:19] {Threei} about 70% of my presentation is about it
[15:20] {Threei} you leave me with no material
[15:20] {fernp} please, don't do it
[15:20] {Threei} but I have no time to prepare anything else
[15:20] {fernp} they are good persons
[15:22] {Les} fcx .30 b/o?
[15:22] {Les} .20 stop?
[15:22] {Threei} I think so
[15:25] {Threei} invalidated
[15:26] {Les} already moved on. was eyeing of GS when it decided to fall off a cliff...
[15:28] {billyc} gn all
[15:29] {Les} ciao billy
[15:30] {fernp} bye billy
[15:30] {Les} lvs .75 b/d?
[15:30] {Threei} Okay guys, let me bid you all good bye
[15:30] {Threei} share trades, satay safe
[15:30] {Les} behave yourself on the plane
[15:30] {strider} have a good time, vad
[15:31] {dino} have a good time vad
[15:31] {Threei} I'll see you all in two weekend
[15:31] {Threei} s
[15:31] {fernp} have a good trip, Vad
[15:31] {Les} ciao
[15:31] {Threei} thank you all
[15:31] {fernp} enjoy
[15:31] {Les} no sir. thank you
[15:31] {dino} vad, remember when life gives you lemons, grab the tequila and salt
[15:31] {lasertrev} have fun Vad!
[15:34] {Les} QID .43 b/o possible
[15:41] {strider} Anybody see any candidates for overnight?
[15:41] {strider} gap this morning......running up to the close?
[15:43] {fernp} watching LLL, GNVC, SANM, MHS, SYK or FRT for overnight
[15:44] {fernp} FRPT
[15:44] {strider} :)
[15:44] {dino} just things that are down big, imo
[15:44] {dino} meli, fsys, med, yge,
[15:45] {Les} GSIT, GKK
[15:45] {strider} thanks, guys
[15:45] {Les} not trading these stocks
[15:46] {strider} understood.
[15:47] {dino} tsl brutal
[15:49] {strider} MSPD maybe
[15:49] {Les} volume's there, looking at the last week of trading of MSPD
[15:51] {fernp} im long from 12.11 in SNMA, i think im going to hold it overnight
[15:51] {fernp} small shares
[15:51] {strider} SANM?
[15:51] {fernp} SANM
[15:52] {fernp} Qs falling a bit now and SANM holding on highs
[15:52] {dino} intc, jpm announce tonight
[15:53] {fernp} and SEED
[15:53] {fernp} no, SEED before open
[15:53] {fernp} sorry
[15:54] {dino} :)
[15:58] {strider} AEP is strong these days.
[15:58] {strider} Holding in IRA
[15:59] {strider} OK, fern. You're in charge tomorrow.
[15:59] {dino} out fcn -.11
[15:59] {dino} out rino flat
[16:00] {fernp} lol. have a good night everybody. Tomorrow I will be here
[16:00] {Les} night all
[16:00] {strider} see ya.
[16:02] {dino} gn all

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12 2010

Much better trading today as VIX raises and volatility returns, paired with first signs of trend. Most trades on a short side, most worked nicely. Some were capable of much more than a scalp, like DNDN short off $30.

Session Time: Tue Jan 12 00:00:00 2010

[08:01] {Threei} SNTA Presents Results at AACR-IASLC Demonstrating Potent and Synergistic Activity of STA-9090 in NSCLC Cell Lines Including Mutated EGFR, HER2, and KRAS (4.48, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:05] {Threei} NVAX Announces Positive Preclinical Results for its Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine Candidate (3.02, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:06] {nemo} I know Strider..."Shut up, nemo!"
[08:07] {strider} Just no psychoanalysis of word usage, please.
[08:07] {nemo} beyond my ken
[08:08] {nemo} do my eyes deceive me, or have things pulled back a bit?
[08:09] {nemo} having said that LVS basically flat
[08:10] {Threei} US) Preview: Nov Trade Balance due out at 8:30amET (13:30 GMT)
[08:10] {Threei} **consensus expectation: -$34.6Be v -$32.9B
[08:30] {Threei} *(US) NOV TRADE BALANCE: -$36.4B V -$34.6BE
[08:31] {Threei} CPST Receives Order for C1000 Power System (1.42, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:34] {Threei} HIG Announces Estimated 4Q 2009 Core Earnings Of Between $1.45 And $1.60 Per Diluted Shr (26.17, 0.00, 0.00%)
[08:37] {strider} from yesterday: out SEED, -.04. Out MMR, +.71
[08:40] {Les} and who said these setups don't work?
[08:40] {Les} gj strider
[08:41] {strider} thanks les, gm.
[08:41] {strider} Scattergun technique.
[08:42] {strider} Holding EXXI & MDRX for now.
[08:58] {strider} out EXXI +.165
[09:01] {nemo} exxi
[09:01] {nemo} kewl
[09:02] {nemo} med up this morning
[09:02] {Threei} NKTR Announces Positive Topline Results for NKTR-102 From First Stage of Phase 2 Study in Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer (9.50, 0.00, 0.00%)
[09:02] {Les} taking your meds are you Nemo, that's good
06[09:04] * nemo slaps Les around a bit with a large rusty nail laden 2X4
[09:04] {nemo} guess that was a bit over the top
[09:05] {Les} well you can keep wishing me on your disgruntled postal worker list or you can take action
[09:05] {Les} action is good
[09:05] {nemo} too far away les
[09:05] {Les} shows you care
[09:05] {nemo} and I don't feel like shelling out for the ticket to do it in person
[09:05] {nemo} :)
[09:06] {Threei} you can mail him 2x4 and ask him to do it himself
[09:06] {nemo} Switzerland would probably charge a big import duty
[09:06] {Les} US import?
[09:06] {Les} absolutely
[09:06] {Threei} still cheaper than airfare
[09:07] {Threei} and you can probably claim it as a gift?
[09:07] {nemo} lvs showing some life
[09:07] {Les} :)
[09:07] {Les} just declare it duly when you post it
[09:07] {Threei} HIG stays up
[09:08] {nemo} hig med lvs
[09:08] {Les} bear flag in HIG?
[09:08] {Threei} is it my english, or "teachable moment" is really not a very good grammar?
[09:08] {Les} or descending triangle?
[09:09] {nemo} it's fine...we'll just call you the Ukranian Obama
[09:09] {Threei} neither les
[09:09] {strider} A bear flag comes after a downtrend.
[09:09] {Threei} just consolidation
[09:09] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[09:09] {Threei} fern :)
[09:09] {Les} bull flag
[09:09] {nemo} debatable fern
[09:09] {Les} crap sorry
[09:09] {Threei} no really
[09:10] {Threei} moment that teaches or has potential to teach = teaching moment
[09:10] {Threei} teachable moment = moment which you can teach something
[09:10] {Les} ok ok
[09:10] {Threei} no?
[09:10] {Les} just consolidation
[09:10] {Les} I like that consolidation
[09:11] {nemo} mgm strong too
[09:11] {nemo} wynn not
[09:16] {Threei} hard to judge NVAX
[09:17] {Threei} normally this one fizzles out very quickly after some medocre news
[09:17] {Threei} but once in a blue moon it gets going
[09:17] {Threei} really can't tell which case it is today
[09:19] {Threei} Semiconductors Holders Trust Jeffries comments on expectations for semiconductor industry in 2010 (timing uncertain)
[09:19] {Threei} - Jeffries notes that "results and guidance are generally better all around yet expectations are high...and channel inventory levels are relatively healthy across the board." Expects the secular stories to outperform the cyclical names in 2010. Also notes that one concern is "stretched lead times."
[09:19] {Threei} - Top picks are BRCM, MRVL, QCOM, TXN, ATHR, SLAB, XLNX, CAVM, CY, NETL, and MLNX.
[09:21] {Threei} US) FL: Central Florida citrus growers fear more over night freeze damage
[09:21] {nemo} amzn
[09:23] {lasertrev} gm
[09:23] {Threei} trev :)
[09:24] {Threei} AA forms DBI
[09:24] {Threei} dpon't really want to rely on pre-market formations but will keep an eye
[09:25] {nemo} infy
[09:25] {nemo} pru got the hig
[09:25] {Threei} sos did MET?
[09:26] {nemo} afl
[09:26] {nemo} frickin
[09:26] {nemo} duck
[09:26] {nemo} goose
[09:26] {nemo} whatever
[09:26] {nemo} I know Strider...
[09:27] {Threei} meds nemo
[09:27] {nemo} cognac work?
[09:27] {Threei} diluted with vodka, maybe
[09:27] {nemo} what was I thinking...
[09:28] {Threei} ok, my mind is already on Bahamas... what's with you?
[09:28] {nemo} cabin fever
[09:29] {nemo} amzn popping
[09:29] {Threei} if we are lucky:
[09:29] {nemo} dude
[09:29] {dino} gm
[09:29] {fernp} mine in Mars, Vad
[09:29] {Threei} AA forms nice tight range just abiove 16
[09:29] {Threei} then breaks it for short entry
[09:30] {Threei} dino :)
[09:30] {Threei} I know fern...
[09:30] {Threei} I'll keep Venus jokes for now
[09:30] {ese} morning
[09:30] {Threei} ese :)
[09:31] {nemo} bids at .10
[09:31] {Les} b/d HIG in the making
[09:31] {dino} gps sm s .20
[09:33] {Threei} SEED
[09:34] {nemo} fdx
[09:34] {Threei} Long Setup: CYTX .90
[09:34] {Threei} if stays above .75
[09:36] {dino} jst
[09:36] {Threei} Long Setup: SEED .15 break
[09:37] {Threei} stop under 14
[09:37] {dino} fcn
[09:37] {dino} insurance
[09:37] {Threei} no go SEED
[09:38] {Les} you got a read on fcx vad?
[09:38] {Les} .90 b/d?
[09:38] {Threei} too wide stop
[09:39] {Threei} 86.15
[09:39] {Les} so its bearish. I might try small shares or await further consolidation
[09:40] {nemo} amzn crashing
[09:41] {Les} damn went for coffe
[09:41] {Les} FCX
[09:41] {Threei} how do you go for coffee while expecting a trigger?
[09:41] {Les} my boy just got home from school
[09:42] {Les} wanted some toast
[09:43] {Les} AA consolidation for a b/d?
[09:43] {Les} .90?
[09:43] {dino} amzn watch 125
[09:43] {Les} 16 stop?
[09:44] {strider} MDRX
[09:44] {Les} no go
[09:44] {dino} mflx blood
[09:44] {dino} jst sm .25 trig l
[09:45] {dino} mkt drop cx that
[09:45] {Threei} VNDA Hearing Jefferies making positive comments (timing uncertain) (10.99, +0.14, 1.29%)
[09:45] {Threei} Preview: Jan IBP/TIPP Economic Optimism Index due out at 10:00ET
[09:45] {Threei} **consensus expectation: 48.5e v 46.8 prior
[09:48] {dino} sm l fro .50
[09:50] {ese} L ctsh .81
[09:52] {ese} out ctsh .93 +.12
[09:52] {dino} gj
[09:53] {dino} gps bstop to b/e
[09:54] {Threei} Nevada reports Nov casino Rev $873M , +4.35% y/y; Las Vegas Strip rev +8.25% y/y (related MGM LVS PENN MPEL WYNN MNTG BYD BYI TRMPQ )
[09:54] {Threei} let's wsit out numbers at 10
[09:55] {strider} out MDRX +.55 overnight.
[09:55] {Threei} martket jumps up and down with no discernable pattern, can't find anything tradeable
[09:56] {fernp} PFE Vad?
[09:57] {ese} did another quick in out of time to post .96 to .10 +.14
[09:58] {ese} tks dino
[09:58] {dino} :)
[09:59] {dino} fast as can be can't cathc ese
[09:59] {dino} catch
[09:59] {ese} hmmmmmmm pondering that statement
[10:00] {dino} don't over think it
[10:00] {Threei} JAN IBD/TIPP ECONOMIC OPTIMISM: 48.8 V 48.5E
[10:00] {Threei} LVS... grrr
[10:01] {nemo} lvs going momo
[10:01] {Threei} US FDIC proposes possible plan to connect banker compensation to FDIC fees
[10:02] {ese} have our CAKE and eat it too vad .39 break?
[10:02] {billyc} gm all
[10:02] {Threei} doesn't look right to me ese
[10:02] {Les} hi billy
[10:02] {Threei} billyc :)
[10:03] {Les} vad HIG isn't holding up
[10:03] {ese} tks
[10:03] {nemo} afl is
[10:03] {fernp} LVS pullback, Vad?
[10:04] {Threei} LVS, I would start looking for pullback entry closer to .40- .30
[10:04] {fernp} uff. ok
[10:05] {nemo} big seller .62 lvs
[10:06] {nemo} lvs gonna make another run
[10:07] {Threei} .68 yesterday's high
[10:07] {nemo} .67 today
[10:07] {nemo} there it goes
[10:07] {Threei} if you want to try 2 days break, this is is trigger
[10:08] {nemo} I look like magoo
[10:08] {nemo} ?
[10:08] {dino} cov gps .95, +.25
[10:10] {dino} jst sm l .02 wide, risky
[10:10] {nemo} small spread for you
[10:11] {fernp} UNM any read, Vad?
[10:11] {Les} RIMM consolidating for possible b/o
[10:12] {Threei} UNM, no
[10:12] {Threei} anyone went for LVS?
[10:12] {Les} y
[10:12] {Les} .69
[10:12] {Threei} over 1:1 here
[10:12] {Les} i want more
[10:13] {nemo} settle for Les
[10:13] {Les} now i sound like magoo
[10:13] {Les} infectious character
[10:13] {Threei} poor dino
[10:13] {Threei} as if one magoo was not enough foer him
[10:13] {dino} it's good to be the king
[10:13] {nemo} yeah, but he doesn't have to worry about sitting next to Les
[10:13] {ese} ya know vad........if i'd just get the hang of selling 1/2 and letting half ride with break even stop.......i'd make my day more often.....still in the habit of selling it i look back at ctsh i smack myself on the side of the head and go "What were you thinkin!!!"
[10:14] {dino} same problem here
[10:14] {Threei} well
06[10:14] * nemo slaps ese around a bit with a large iguana
[10:14] {Threei} it works fine in trending environment
[10:14] {Threei} in a range or chop, your partials will be stoped
[10:14] {ese} single stock or whole market?
[10:14] {Threei} while stops will still be taken on a whole lot
[10:15] {dino} and lets face it, scalping is easier
[10:15] {ese} true
[10:15] {Threei} so it's a kind of matter of adjustment to particular market environemnt
[10:15] {Threei} it's all fine, just don't make either approach "once and forever" thing
[10:16] {ese} ya true
[10:16] {Threei} Short Setup: HIG .80 break
[10:16] {ese} hey nemo....theres a rumor out
[10:17] {nemo} I'll bite
[10:17] {ese} you may becoming to our neck of the woods
[10:17] {Threei} HIG invalidated
[10:17] {nemo} general intention...we'll see how the future plays out
[10:17] {nemo} wouldn't be until summer
[10:17] {dino} moving?
[10:17] {nemo} visit
[10:18] {dino} ahhh, cool
[10:18] {ese} great.....pinor noir or cab?
[10:18] {nemo} Canada would be out of their collective minds to let me immigrate
[10:18] {Les} well yes we can provide character references
[10:18] {dino} lol, we like the crazy ones
[10:18] {Threei} German President of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe, Wolfgang Wodarg, is issuing accusations against the pharmaceutical lobbies and the governments. He has intitiated the start of an investigation by that body concerning the role played by the pharmaceutical in the campaign of panic about the virus.
[10:19] {nemo} I wouldn't be able to bring my class 3s up there
[10:19] {Les} those are guns or drugs?
[10:19] {nemo} former
[10:19] {nemo} drugs have a letter designation in this country
[10:19] {dino} just say no
[10:19] {Les} LVS was stopped out flat
[10:20] {nemo} you guys get any of the Australian Margaret River wines out there ese?
[10:20] {nemo} HIG
[10:20] {Threei} let's see if HIG reestablishes
[10:21] {nemo} looking long now
[10:21] {dino} giddy up fnc
[10:21] {dino} fcn i mean
[10:21] {nemo} Canada's got those 222's...only thing ever worked on my headaches
[10:22] {ese} i'll have to check.....but patience and I have a wine specialty store near by
[10:22] {dino} i told you nemo, stop banging your head against the wall
[10:22] {ese} i see here in there frequently pass out
[10:22] {patience} which i haven't visited since my diet started
[10:22] {nemo} not large production...but if you can find "Ribbon Vale Estates" OMFG!!! Had it when I was in Sydney
[10:23] {nemo} amzn riding support
[10:23] {ese} done! will check this week
[10:23] {fernp} 28.00 break invalidates HIG?
[10:24] {Threei} yes
[10:24] {Threei} bit for the setup I'd like closer resistance
[10:24] {nemo} what's vix at Vad?
[10:25] {Threei} somewhere around 17.5
[10:25] {nemo} ty
[10:25] {ese} speaking of diets ntri
[10:26] {nemo} med too
[10:27] {nemo} look at that med break around 9:50...textbook if you don't mind the stop
[10:28] {nemo} volume beautiful
[10:28] {Threei} STEC?
[10:29] {Threei} oh rumor
[10:29] {Threei} STEC Hearing vague takeover chatter circulating
[10:29] {Threei} - IBM rumored as a potential acquirer.
[10:29] {Threei} - note: STEC formed a collaboration with IBM in Oct 200... (18.66, +0.05, 0.27%) more...
[10:29] {Threei} SPPI UPDATE: Morgan Joseph Raised SPPI to Buy from Hold, price target: $8
[10:29] {Threei} - pre-open
[10:29] {nemo} IBM has solid state technology
[10:30] {nemo} amzn volume spike in this consolidation
[10:36] {ilana} AA should go further down after a/h results?
[10:36] {nemo} marke trending upward though
[10:39] {strider} SNTA
[10:47] {dino} snda
[10:48] {strider} PFE trying again, fern
[10:49] {fernp} let's see if breaks .95
[10:49] {fernp} i took my 1:1 on UNM +.05
[10:49] {fernp} when broke 21.05 hod
[10:51] {Threei} Long Setup: SPY .20 break
[10:52] {Threei} if stays above .10
[10:52] {nemo} sso o.k.?
[10:53] {Threei} ssay what?
[10:54] {nemo} sso the double etf for spy
[10:54] {Threei} ahhhh
[10:54] {Threei} sure
[10:54] {nemo} ty
[10:54] {Threei} better even
[10:54] {nemo} not as dumb as I look
[10:54] {nemo} I know Strider...
[10:55] {Threei} what I don't get though:
[10:55] {Threei} if it's a double, how come it's narrower?
[10:55] {Les} UPRO? 3x the fun?
[10:55] {nemo} oh...maybe because they changed margin requirements last month
[10:55] {nemo} maybe it's not anymore
[10:56] {Threei} well, it's still a valid setup but keep in mind I just go off your info
[10:56] {dino} arb?
[10:56] {nemo} actually, it's about 1/3 the price with the same range as the spy, so the volatility is about 3:1
[10:56] {nemo} spy has a .50 range today
[10:56] {dino} gco, hmmm
[10:57] {nemo} sso has .65
[10:57] {fernp} stop is under .40 in SSO, no?
[10:57] {nemo} for you fern. .05
[10:57] {Threei} .35 SSO range
[10:58] {Threei} your math marks please nemo?
[10:58] {nemo} oh, right
[10:58] {nemo} that's arithmetic
[10:58] {dino} meli
[10:58] {nemo} saw that dino
[10:59] {dino} we screwed up
[10:59] {fernp} PFE broke .95
[10:59] {nemo} big time fubar, the pooch
[10:59] {dino} jst berlin wall at .21
[10:59] {Threei} SEED... this thing irritates me to no end today
[11:00] {Threei} I know it must have its run today and can't get an entry
[11:00] {dino} arb fires ceo for actions not related to company
[11:00] {nemo} secretary
[11:01] {dino} thinking same
[11:01] {nemo} Governor Lepetomain
[11:02] {Les} RIMM .80 b/d?
[11:02] {Les} .90 stop?
[11:02] {Threei} I doubt it les
[11:02] {Threei} all these breakdowns start look like traps to me
[11:03] {nemo} Qs and SPY running in a channel
[11:03] {Les} then I'll happily fade if it breaks out
[11:03] {Les} or just go long on .90 b/o
[11:05] {Threei} NC posrt area cleared
[11:06] {Threei} hazmat situatiopn
[11:06] {nemo} what
[11:06] {Threei} FRPT Ticking higher on reports the JROC has approved 4K vehicle increase in MRAP requirements
[11:06] {Threei} - Reports circulated that the increase was approved in an early January meeting (5.51, +0.06, 1.10%) (related NAV OSK )
[11:06] {Threei} no details yet nemo
[11:06] {Threei} something in NC port
[11:06] {dino} sm l arb .50 hooker
[11:07] {nemo} what do you mean by "hooker" dino?
[11:07] {dino} wide spread
[11:07] {nemo} ty
[11:07] {nemo} I see .03
[11:07] {dino} was .08
[11:08] {Threei} SEED prepares for the next momo run
[11:08] {nemo} break of .40?
[11:10] {Threei} I don't like breaks on momos generally
[11:10] {Threei} pullbacks yes
[11:10] {nemo} so the .20-.25 pullback was it
[11:10] {Les} seed for +.07 ty
[11:11] {nemo} look at resistance lvs
[11:12] {nemo} breaks out from here, looks like 20 next stop
[11:14] {fernp} stopped SSO
[11:15] {Threei} dino... is magoo there?
[11:15] {dino} out jst .82, +.80
[11:16] {dino} not yet
[11:16] {Threei} grrr
[11:16] {nemo} seed
[11:16] {Threei} SEED is his stock once again today
[11:16] {Threei} he cvomes in, instead of hello tell him Vad said SEED
[11:17] {dino} ok
[11:18] {dino} asei
[11:18] {dino} arb stopped -.32
[11:22] {dino} kss lod
[11:22] {Threei} 15 on the nose
[11:25] {dino} stst again
[11:25] {Threei} from the port
[11:25] {nemo} huh?
[11:25] {Threei} conteiners held explosive PETN
[11:25] {dino} up for sale
[11:27] {Threei} let's put defense stocks on the screen
[11:27] {Threei} ICXT
[11:27] {nemo} 200 ma at .15
[11:27] {Threei} and big offer at .14
[11:28] {Threei} if story starts catching up, possible mover
[11:28] {nemo} coincidence...I think not
[11:28] {Threei} don't you frikin hate it?
[11:28] {nemo} Favorite Paul Newman quote: "24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case...coincidence, I think not."
[11:28] {Threei} when we have to put this kind of news in such context
[11:28] {nemo} sndk
[11:28] {fernp} lol
[11:29] {nemo} veinte cuatro cerveza
[11:29] {Threei} 9 containers
[11:30] {Les} not full of the stuff I hope
[11:30] {nemo} explosives
[11:30] {Les} hidden sporadically throughout 9 containers one would think
[11:30] {Threei} not clear yet Les... containers were punctured, PETN found
[11:31] {Les} 9 containers full of that stuff.... goodbye NY
[11:31] {Threei} how much is not known yet
[11:31] {nemo} "terrorism" doesn't require much
[11:31] {Threei} residents are told to stay away from windows
[11:32] {Les} what is it with NY and terrorism?
[11:32] {strider} PFE is persistent. Having to make new daily high as well makes it tougher.
[11:32] {Les} someone shorting housing prices in the city?
[11:32] {Threei} Moorehead NC
[11:32] {Threei} not NY itself
[11:33] {Les} CNN site doesn't have your article
[11:33] {Les} but they do ask porn stars what they think of airport body scanners...
[11:33] {Les} go figure
[11:33] {Threei} weell, good to know they have their priorities straight
[11:33] {strider} What is this about Moorehead, vad?
[11:34] {ese} L exxi .80
[11:34] {dino} moosehead beer?
[11:34] {Threei} port where it's all happening strider
[11:34] {strider} what's happening?
[11:34] {dino} mkt does not care so far
[11:35] {Threei} hmmm...
[11:35] {nemo} market is having a Vad afternoon
[11:35] {Threei} put down the bottle... scvroll up...
[11:35] {ese} wrong
[11:35] {Threei} or:
[11:35] {ese} opps.....missed the
[11:35] {Threei} scroll up keeping bottle close
[11:35] {Threei} you may need it
[11:35] {Threei} and Maalox
[11:36] {nemo} sndk dino
[11:37] {Threei} btw, if anyone is still on the fence about driopping it all and booking last second tickets, here is video ferom the resort where conference is:
[11:37] {Threei}
[11:37] {nemo} If I hit megamillions tonight
[11:38] {Threei} SEED close to bottom
[11:38] {Threei} STEM Ticks higher on circulation of study that shows promising repair of bone injuries in rat model using stem cells (1.47, +0.06, 4.26%) (related GERN AVII )
[11:39] {Les} s RIMM .69
[11:39] {dino} tx nemo
[11:39] {nemo} what I do
[11:39] {Threei} jeez... containers were punctured ACCIDENTALLY, per latest TV report
[11:39] {Les} the system works
[11:39] {nemo} yeah, they were aiming for the boat at the pier
[11:39] {Threei} sure does
[11:40] {dino} sndk
[11:40] {nemo} oh, yeah, think it might break out...have to have that stop shakeout first
[11:41] {ese} stopped exxi .70 -.10
[11:42] {Threei} anyone went for SEED, start exiting
[11:43] {fernp} FAZ, Vad?
[11:44] {Threei} shorting didn't work much so far fern, but with this story slowly being spread, who knows...
[11:44] {Threei}
[11:46] {Threei}
[11:46] {ilana} which sectors it might affect?
[11:46] {Les} out RIMM +.10
[11:46] {Threei} morwe and more sitres pick up the story
[11:46] {Threei} general market down, airlines and travel stocks down
[11:47] {dino} fcn to .60
[11:47] {Threei} security stocks up
[11:47] {Les} not CNN. very slow. I thought these guys showed it first
[11:47] {Threei} CNN showed it on TV
[11:47] {Threei} not on the web
[11:48] {Threei} Short Setup: CAL .80 break if stays below .90
[11:49] {Threei} Short Setup: RCL .65 break
[11:49] {Threei} Long Setup: ICXT 8.15
[11:49] {dino} travel
[11:50] {Threei} all these alerts are for the case when a story starts hitting the market
[11:50] {Threei} PCLN looks shorty too but that's not for faint heart
[11:52] {Threei} NWSA Fox news chief Roger Ailes has been fired - Silicon Valley insider citing Michael Wolff (13.71, -0.37, -2.63%) (related CBS DIS VIA )
[11:53] {Threei} FDIC's Bair: Emphasizes new fees are not a bonus tax, but rather a premium burden on high risk pay structures - CNBC
[11:53] {Threei} - Says the premiums are not targeted toward raising revenue for the FDIC fund
[11:53] {Threei} imbecils
[11:54] {Threei} GS Near session lows as reports circulate that one of GS's unit could have shared ideas with the prop tradring before sharing with others (168.35, -3.21, -1.87%)
[11:54] {dino} out fcn .68, +.58
[11:55] {Threei} it just can't be
[11:55] {Threei} GS would never do that
[11:55] {Threei} no bank/broker ever would
[11:55] {Threei} right? right?
[11:55] {nemo} Next thing you know, they'll be saying there's no Santa
[11:56] {Threei} those scondrels
[11:56] {nemo} so LVS takes the hit on the news...go figure
[11:56] {fernp} RCL still valid, Vad?
[11:56] {dino} kss sm l .50
[11:57] {Threei} a bit too sharp in the trigger fvern... not my kjind
[11:57] {Threei} as if my last year near-miss heart attack was not enough, when they tried to tell me something about Easter Bunny not being real
[11:57] {Threei} LVS is one of vulnerable on this kind of news nemo
[11:57] {ilana} lol
[11:57] {nemo} yes
[11:58] {nemo} perfect targets for Islamic jihadists
[11:58] {nemo} guess that's redundant
[11:58] {Threei} yes, and generall travel/tourism related
[11:58] {nemo} check smith&wesson and Ruger
[11:59] {Threei} more details:
[11:59] {Threei} GS Near session lows as reports circulate from NYT's Dealbook that a senior exec at Goldman's Fundamental Strategies Group sent an email to clients acknowledging that the unit may have shared ideas with its prop trading desks before sharing information with clients and others
[12:00] {Les} sounds like a law suit to me
[12:00] {nemo} rcl consolidating a bit, at major support
[12:00] {nemo} next stop .50 as pivot support
[12:01] {Threei} CAL 1:1
[12:01] {fernp} ty
[12:01] {nemo} lvs at 200 ma
[12:01] {Threei} 1:2
[12:01] {Threei} things pick up
[12:02] {Threei} welcome... glad to share proftable moves with co-habitant of Red Planet
[12:02] {Threei} I haver to say, live and learn, always something new
[12:02] {Threei} I have never ever seen reaction on terrorism news being this delayed
[12:03] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:03] {Threei} - NYSE volume 400M shares, about 10% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 3.4:1.
[12:03] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 970M shares, about 8% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.1:1.
[12:03] {Threei} - VIX index +5% to just under 18.50
[12:03] {Les} out RCL +.10 ty
[12:04] {Threei} welcome les
[12:04] {Threei} ok, how about security stocks??
[12:05] {Threei} I'd expect ICXT rto be near 9 already
[12:05] {nemo} short lvs .54
[12:05] {Threei} and it didn't moved its tail 1 inch
[12:05] {dino} forgot one, sm l snda .80 just filled
[12:05] {Threei} didn't moved... nice grammar Threei
[12:07] {Les} I'll be calling Cambridge soon to request new additions to English language
[12:07] {Threei} please claim thwe word KRAKOZJABL on my behalf
[12:08] {Threei} by the time they come around to applications I'll come up with some meaning
[12:09] {Les} we gotta be able to say it without tearing out our tongues Vad. Maybe ok for you russians
[12:09] {Threei} let's see... Ilana, can you say that?
[12:11] {ilana} piece of cake
[12:11] {strider} that's how you say it?
[12:11] {Threei} yeah, I don't know what's with those europians... practice harder Les
[12:11] {ilana} huh?
[12:12] {Les} Vad, continue with RCL short if .50 is broken?
[12:12] {Les} RCL sitting on pivot point
[12:12] {Threei} Kra-Ko-Ziaabel
[12:12] {nemo} seed at it again
[12:13] {ilana} just do cut & paste, strider
[12:13] {Threei} Les, let's make sure market overall reacts
[12:13] {Threei} if continues dropping yes,
[12:13] {dino} caas
[12:13] {Threei} but overall, I have to say the reaction is so subdued, I don't know what to make of it
[12:14] {Threei} think of it: ports were named as the most vulnerable spot,
[12:14] {dino} kss stopped
[12:14] {Threei} discvussion about cargo not being searched is long on,
[12:15] {Threei} now this threat all but materializes,
[12:15] {Threei} it's obvious that explosive is found by pure accident,
[12:15] {Threei} and market doesn'/t even blink?
[12:16] {dino} snda to .24
[12:16] {ilana} didn't reach emergency line yet probably
[12:17] {Les} there you go. black swans don't move markets so easily
[12:17] {nemo} gotta' get rid of some of the surplus workforce anyway
[12:17] {dino} out snda .30, +.50
[12:18] {Threei} and I find white swans meat is nowhere that tasty
[12:18] {dino} arb spike
[12:18] {nemo} like the dirty ones, huh Vad?
[12:18] {Les} lol
[12:19] {Les} UAUA .65 b/d?
[12:19] {Les} .67
[12:20] {Threei} I think so
[12:20] {Threei} that was for Les, not for nemo
[12:20] {Threei} well... for nemo too, lol
[12:22] {dino} caas gap fill
[12:23] {Les} s UAUA .67
[12:24] {Les} market reacting now to news?
[12:25] {dino} arb last try sm .50 l
[12:25] {Threei} I don't know what is behind this selling
[12:25] {Threei} not sure it's this news
[12:25] {Threei} not exactly the right reaction sectors wise
[12:26] {Threei} semis sell harder than travels
[12:26] {Threei} and security ones do not move at all
[12:26] {nemo} everything is selling
[12:26] {Threei} not really
[12:26] {nemo} resources are
[12:27] {Threei} martket made new low, RIMM didn't
[12:27] {nemo} insurance
[12:27] {fernp} LIFE on highs
[12:27] {nemo} not yet amzn pretty low though
[12:27] {Threei} airlines didn't
[12:27] {Threei} some disconnect everywhere
[12:27] {Threei} can't put fingers on the pulse
[12:28] {Threei} DNDN CEO: expect FDA to adhere to its current PDUFA action data of May 1 on Provenge (30.28, -0.08, -0.26%)
[12:29] {Threei} ATVI Hearing Piper comments that if report that NTES has been ordered by regulators to stop charging for WoW is true, it could hurt ATVI earnings per share by $0.01 per quarter (timing uncertain) (10.82, -0.07, -0.64%) (related NTES )
[12:30] {dino} watching gco, asei, sndk, caas, meli, jst, fcn
[12:31] {Threei} I just figured out exact percentrage of masohists in USA
[12:31] {Threei} 31% Like Government Response to Airline Incident, 38% Dont
[12:33] {dino} ndx gap fill 12/31
[12:34] {Threei} Short Setup: DNDN 30 break half lot
[12:34] {Threei} if stays under .15
[12:34] {dino} and 12/24
[12:35] {dino} ndx -2% from fri close
[12:37] {Threei} Short Setup: NVDA 35 break
[12:37] {Threei} if stays under .40
[12:37] {Threei} come on DNDN
[12:37] {Threei} trigger and diwe
[12:37] {Threei} or dive
[12:37] {Threei} or die
[12:38] {nemo} volume for long
[12:38] {dino} meli, jst holding well
[12:39] {Threei} how do you figure nemo?
[12:39] {Threei} spike on red bar, decrease on green obes
[12:39] {nemo} red bar volume was dropping
[12:40] {Threei} 12:37
[12:40] {nemo} next green bar was for one cent
[12:40] {Threei} whatcha talking about?
[12:40] {nemo} nvda
[12:40] {Threei} 12:40] {Threei} 12:37
[12:40] {nemo} my chart looks different
[12:40] {Threei} ok... you need better chart
[12:41] {nemo} laser
[12:41] {nemo} just sent it to you
[12:41] {Les} out UAUA flat.{questionable joke edited out}
[12:42] {dino} mos blood
[12:43] {nemo} anyway my red bar was at 12:35 on decreasing volume. next green bar was .01 on decreasing volume. next green bar was .01 increasing volume. next bar green was .03 on increasing volume
[12:43] {dino} les, you're on the list now
[12:43] {Threei} 30 will be broken
[12:44] {Les} Vad, some cleaning tonight please
[12:44] {Threei} small admninistrative fee of $849.95 per line deleted
[12:45] {Les} {second questionable joke edited out}
[12:47] {Threei} that would be 1699.90 now
[12:47] {Les} lol
[12:47] {nemo} Strider, talk to Les
[12:47] {Threei} oh come on already DNDN, you know this cliff is waiting for you
[12:48] {Threei} you look into abyss, abyss is looking into you
[12:49] {nemo} sndk
[12:50] {dino} thats when you find your character
[12:51] {Threei} so, when was the last time yoyu observed conversation of two deaf men?
[12:51] {Threei} hint: within last 10 min
[12:51] {Threei} I talk about DNDN
[12:51] {Threei} nemo talks about NVDA
[12:51] {Threei} and we wander why out charts are different
[12:51] {nemo} just took sndk short
[12:52] {nemo} .75
[12:52] {nemo} .74
[12:52] {nemo} 1/2 out
[12:52] {Threei} nice
[12:52] {strider} short DNDN
[12:52] {dino} gj
[12:53] {nemo} pivot support .63
[12:53] {Les} buy volume has just returned to DNDN
[12:53] {nemo} next support just under .40, below that a long way to tipperary
[12:53] {Threei} not really Les
[12:54] {Threei} volume of this bar is what broke 30 support
[12:54] {Les} ah gotcha
[12:54] {dino} rino gap fill
[12:54] {Threei} bounce itself happend on fraction of voulme
[12:54] {Les} ok
[12:55] {nemo} Vad, look at lvs support on 15 minute chart
[12:56] {Threei} very temptting short on break
[12:56] {nemo} absotutely
[12:56] {nemo} market strengthening though
[12:57] {nemo} next market drop...if...should take it and dndn
[12:57] {Threei} and NVDA
[12:58] {dino} sm l rino .51
[12:58] {Threei} I think setup is reestablished
[12:58] {Threei} .34 is stays below .40
[12:58] {fernp} .35 break or .30?
[12:58] {fernp} ok
[12:58] {Threei} .30 was touched on long tail, I don't see it as support to use as a trigger
[12:59] {Threei} prefer this semi0aggresive entry
[13:02] {dino} nue
[13:03] {Threei} RU) Russian natural gas pipeline has been hit by a bombing in the southern province of Dagestan
[13:04] {dino} sxci lod-7 in 5 days
[13:04] {dino} not nue, but neu
[13:06] {strider} If DNDN doesn't go, it sure will have missed a good opportunity.
[13:07] {Threei} it looks like a doornail
[13:07] {Threei} dead like yesterday's cake
[13:08] {fernp} .15 is still the stop, no?
[13:08] {Threei} well
[13:08] {Threei} .10 can be considered new resistance
[13:08] {Threei} kind of discretionary call
[13:08] {fernp} ok
[13:09] {Threei} I'd say DNDN watched one too many vampire movies
[13:09] {Threei} AIG US House Committee on Oversight Chairman Towns issues subpoena to NY Federal Reserve related to AIG counterparty payments (28.59, -1.04, -3.51%) (related GS )
[13:11] {Threei} there is nothing but air for the next 50 cents on DNDN chart
[13:11] {strider} Well somebody's defending that's getting rare, you know.
[13:12] {strider} NVDA still good?
[13:13] {Threei} .40 was never violeated
[13:13] {Threei} so, yeah
[13:13] {Threei} stop is tight enough
[13:13] {strider} there was a .34 tick and I jumped in...maybe too soon.
[13:15] {fernp} me too strider
[13:15] {strider} we're fast, fern.
[13:16] {fernp} lol
[13:17] {Les} me too
[13:18] {Les} helping boy do his homework. passes the time
[13:21] {Les} out NVDA +.05
[13:23] {Threei} why not
[13:23] {Threei} know thy fate o vampires
[13:23] {fernp} ty vad
[13:23] {Threei} pesky scalpers
[13:24] {fernp} me???
[13:24] {Threei} no???
[13:24] {Threei} lol
[13:24] {fernp} lol
[13:25] {Threei} fern taking offense when called a scalper is like martian taking offense when told he has 7 legs 3 tails and 5 eys
[13:25] {Threei} die DNDN
[13:26] {fernp} definitely true
[13:26] {nemo} gotta go, see you guys tomorrow
[13:26] {fernp} even i've covered .90 DNDN
[13:26] {Threei} wait nemo, we were just preparing to describe martian wiomen
[13:27] {Les} ciao nemo
[13:28] {dino} cya nemo
[13:28] {fernp} bye nemo
[13:29] {ese} am not concentrating on much going on at school. See you tomorrow
[13:29] {Threei} take care ese
[13:29] {Les} pesky day job hey ese. ciao
[13:29] {fernp} bye ese
[13:29] {Threei} les... he has the best job ever
[13:29] {fernp} again green here
[13:29] {Threei} I can't believew they pay him to do that
[13:29] {Threei} he should be oaying for tyhe right to do it
[13:30] {Les} who pays me what?
[13:30] {strider} stopped NVDA
[13:30] {Threei} ese, not you
[13:30] {fernp} stopped?
[13:30] {Les} ah. music man
[13:31] {fernp} hit .29 st
[13:31] {Les} out DNDN +.06 gotta find a daughter
[13:31] {strider} I'm not playing for 5 friggin cents.
[13:32] {strider} Commissions are 1.5 cents.
[13:32] {fernp} ok
[13:32] {strider} NOt yelling at you fern:)
[13:32] {Threei} WHY NOT???
[13:32] {strider} just tired of this SOSO.
[13:32] {fernp} no problem. 5 dollars per 1000 here
[13:33] {strider} So you need ten cents to break even?
[13:33] {strider} out half DNDN
[13:33] {strider} thank god for small faovrs.
[13:34] {Threei} another one with great math skills...
[13:34] {fernp} umm? 5 cents x 2000 = 100 dollars
[13:35] {Threei} too much communication with nemo I guess {G}
[13:35] {fernp} and 20 dollars on commisions
[13:37] {strider} Don't know what you're explaining, fern.
[13:37] {Threei} lol
[13:38] {fernp} NVDA +76.11 dollars up after commissions
[13:38] {fernp} good scalp for me
[13:38] {fernp} commisions + ecn (I guess)
[13:38] {strider} good:)
[13:41] {dino} gtj
[13:41] {dino} gj
[13:44] {Threei} DNDN 1:1
[13:44] {fernp} ty
[13:45] {fernp} but i covered .90 lol
[13:45] {fernp} have to go. Good evening everybody. see u all tomorrow
[13:46] {Threei} more consistent day today
[13:46] {Les} ciao fern
[13:46] {Threei} take care fern
[13:46] {Les} nice one DNDN
[13:46] {Les} just one more like that to finish today Vad. would be great
[13:46] {Threei} 1:2
[13:46] {Threei} I am out
[13:46] {Threei} SEED
[13:47] {Threei} potential trend reversal here
[13:47] {Threei} .20 break
[13:48] {strider} stop 14.0?
[13:48] {Threei} I'd prefer to structure it dufferently
[13:48] {Threei} either try to buy it on pullback closer to 14 if loses .10
[13:48] {Threei} of if it doesn't, buy .20 break with stop under .10
[13:53] {Les} RIMM .10 b/d
[13:56] {Threei} [13:11] {Threei} there is nothing but air for the next 50 cents on DNDN chart
[13:56] {Threei} lookie where it is
[14:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 610M shares, about 4% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 5.1:1.
[14:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.53B shares, about 18% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.6:1.
[14:00] {Threei} - VIX index +10% to just under 19.50
[14:00] {Threei} look how trading becomes easier as sioion as VIX went up
[14:01] {Threei} not even reached any reasonable highs, just started upticking
[14:01] {Threei} remember our yesterday diascussion on that strider?
[14:01] {strider} yes.
[14:02] {strider} {--------------shaking a large bottle of Vick's Vapo-rub.
[14:02] {Threei} OK
[14:03] {Threei} let's see if SEED forms something
[14:03] {Threei} don't be in a rush
[14:03] {Threei} give it time to form a range
[14:06] {strider} gosh, 2romantis was kicked off.
[14:06] {strider} what's this world coming to?
[14:07] {Threei} that's OK, that's how process of resgistration of new username goes
[14:07] {Threei} connectuon, kick, password registration, reconnection
[14:07] {Threei} don't ask why
[14:07] {strider} ah.
[14:07] {strider} Why?
[14:07] {patience} and old bags who try to log on with insufficient coffee
[14:07] {Threei} world is strange enough without that
[14:07] {strider} Old bag? Oh, patience, no!
[14:08] {Les} oh patience my world has come to an end!
[14:08] {patience} pre coffee is a rought sight strider
[14:09] {strider} OK...I'm gonna need some translation on this one.
[14:09] {strider} SEED?
[14:10] {strider} Looks like a big honkin' short on 5min.
[14:11] {strider} patience: 'rought sight" ??
[14:11] {Threei} just couldn't catch enything recognizable in time on it strider
[14:11] {patience} rough
[14:12] {Threei} in retrospect, there was slight resemblence of the setup, but hindsight is, you know...
[14:12] {Threei} DNDN bottomless
[14:12] {Threei} why did we ever cover it
[14:12] {strider} I don't want to know.
[14:12] {Threei} gotta start correcting scalping habits of last weeks
[14:13] {Les} we covered cause it was holding out on us
[14:13] {Threei} things slowly become more consistnet and trending
[14:13] {Les} I'm green today. that's a first for long time
[14:13] {Threei} it's a bit farther than I'd expect it to dop, but 50 cents were clearly visible
[14:13] {strider} It's not easy being green.
[14:14] {Threei} dunno... fern is green almost all the time... of course it's easier for martians
[14:14] {Les} I'll become martian if it makes me more dough
[14:14] {strider} I thought he was deciduous.
[14:14] {Threei} he is deciduous martian
[14:15] {strider} I'll tell him you said that.
[14:15] {Threei} he knows... I just moved to the tent next to his, on Mars
[14:15] {strider} So.....martians are from Spain, coneheads are from France.
[14:16] {Threei} now I can wake him up to the market openoing by yelling just outside his tent "hey, pesky scalpers, wake up and go make money"
[14:19] {Les} is amzn tight enough for a .50 b/d?
[14:19] {strider} Vad, what do you think of EVK for overnight?
[14:19] {strider} Can't find any news.
[14:20] {Threei} stop above .65 Les... I'd feel stronger about it if it moved into that resuiatance oncve more and then fropped
[14:20] {Threei} or spent a few min more here before breaking down
[14:20] {Les} ok
[14:20] {Les} I've been playing with AMZN, trying to learn it a little
[14:21] {strider} fwiw, I think a .15 stop for AMZN is way too tight.
[14:21] {Threei} don't know what to say on EVK, no slightest idea
[14:21] {Threei} for you, americans:
[14:21] {Threei} (US) Fed is implementing rules in regards to Credit Card Act; consumers must comply with most aspects of the rule by February 22
[14:21] {Threei} - In December 2008, the Federal Reserve adopted final regulations prohibiting unfair credit card practices and improving the disclosures consumers receive in connection with credit card accounts. This rule amends aspects of those regulations to implement provisions of the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (Credit Card Act), which was enacted in May 2009.
[14:22] {Threei} - Among other things, the rule will:
[14:22] {Threei} - Protect consumers from unexpected increases in credit card interest rates by generally prohibiting increases in a rate during the first year after an account is opened and increases in a rate that applies to an existing credit card balance.
[14:22] {Threei} - Prohibit creditors from issuing a credit card to a consumer who is younger than the age of 21 unless the consumer has the ability to make the required payments or obtains the signature of a parent or other cosigner with the ability to do so.
[14:22] {Threei} - Require creditors to obtain a consumer's consent before charging fees for transactions that exceed the credit limit.
[14:22] {Threei} - Limit the high fees associated with subprime credit cards.
[14:22] {Threei} - Ban creditors from using the "two-cycle" billing method to impose interest charges.
[14:22] {Threei} - Prohibit creditors from allocating payments in ways that maximize interest charges.
[14:22] {Threei} and now for the better news:
[14:22] {Threei} CEDC Announces New Distribution Agreement for Zubrowka Vodka in United States with Remy Cointreau USA, Inc
[14:22] {Les} s AMZN .49
[14:25] {Les} out +.19
[14:25] {Threei} 1:1
[14:25] {Threei} now Les
[14:25] {dino} ahh my old friend cedc
[14:25] {Threei} how does it feel, to act automatically based on "see setup - take setup, accept outcome, execute with no thinking and wait for the next"
[14:26] {Les} gazing at my navel during long hours is sometimes frustrating...
[14:26] {Les} but it's getting easier
[14:26] {Threei} really? hmm... ZI find it rewarding
[14:26] {Threei} less headache caused by thinking
[14:26] {strider} It helps if you get a bag of celery and put salt in your navel.
[14:27] {Les} ?
[14:27] {dino} lol
[14:27] {Threei} he said gazing, not grazing, strider
[14:27] {dino} peanut butter on celery
[14:27] {Les} strider, would agree with you on stop size of AMZN, but the way it approached trigger was much more predictable this time
[14:27] {strider} Les, are you native Swiss?
[14:28] {Les} no
[14:28] {strider} Are you a native?
[14:28] {Les} like black native?
[14:28] {strider} I didn't say that.
[14:28] {strider} YOu did.
[14:28] {dino} lol
[14:29] {Threei} invasive spwecies?
[14:29] {strider} Let me guess. You're an Aussie.
[14:29] {Les} I'm Australian mate
[14:29] {Threei} like fern on Mars?
[14:29] {strider} Got it.
[14:29] {Les} but here is home
[14:29] {dino} fro hod
[14:30] {strider} Wicked daily: fro
[14:34] {dino} been in it all day
[14:35] {dino} snda app lod again
[14:36] {Threei} CIT Moving higher after reports ex Merrill/NDAQ CEO John Thain may become CEO (34.57, +0.78, 2.31%)
[14:37] {dino} cit is like a cat w/all those lives
[14:37] {Les} so is John Thain
[14:37] {dino} good point
[14:37] {Threei} reverse split, right?
[14:37] {dino} must be
[14:37] {Threei} I missed announcement
[14:38] {Les} when?
[14:38] {Threei} well... worked for AIG
[14:38] {Les} something to play with?
[14:38] {Threei} CIT les
[14:38] {Les} yeh I guessed that. I was saying we've got a reverse split to play with
[14:39] {Les} I've heard they're good trading toys
[14:39] {Threei} not really
[14:39] {Threei} most of them are jiss of death
[14:39] {Threei} kiss
[14:39] {Threei} AIG was rather exception
[14:39] {Les} ok
[14:39] {dino} jst app that berlin .20 wall again
[14:40] {Les} it was trading log where i read of Magoo's indecent profits last summer with AIG
[14:40] {Les} thought the good times could roll on
[14:40] {Threei} he hit a motherload with it
[14:40] {dino} good shorts usually, but cit and aig screwed that up
[14:41] {dino} 15k in one day
[14:41] {Les} music to my ears
[14:42] {Les} I have created off balance sheet trading arrangement
[14:42] {Les} in order to practise playing these momos
[14:43] {dino} yeah, you and the big banks
[14:43] {Les} when I go to real money account, will maintain paper account for continued learning of momo
[14:44] {Threei} Long Setup: CIT .50 break half lot
[14:44] {Threei} if stays above .30 - .35 area
[14:47] {Threei} invalidated
[14:52] {Threei} grrr
[14:52] {Threei} forgot about SEED .20 break
[14:53] {dino} rino to .19
[14:53] {dino} out +.695
[14:54] {Threei} nice
[14:54] {dino} ty
[15:00] {Threei} sheesh
[15:00] {Threei} NEXM
[15:00] {Threei} didn't think this piece of crap could mobve at all
[15:01] {Threei} I am telling you... bull market is over
[15:01] {Threei} if such POS moves
[15:01] {Threei} NexMed Inc. Announces the Ability of the NexACT Technology to Deliver Drugs Orally and with Enhanced Bioavailability (update)
[15:01] {Threei} - - pre-clinical results from its research and development group at Bio-Quant successfully demonstrated the ability of the NexACT technology to deliver an oral formulation of Taxol (paclitaxel) and to enhance the drugs bioavailability by approximately ten-fold through this oral administration. Taxol, a first line chemotherapy drug used to treat breast, lung and ovarian cancers, is currently administered through an intravenous infusion that can take up to 24 hours to complete.
[15:04] {Threei} Short Setup: HIG .20 break
[15:06] {Les} rimm squeezed between 50 and 200. watching for break
[15:06] {strider} stop?
[15:06] {Threei} top of this bounce
[15:07] {strider} k
[15:07] {dino} fro to .79, wearing me out
[15:10] {Threei} a bit too high HIG, masybe aggressive entry
[15:14] {Threei} nah, forget it
[15:14] {Threei} no setup
[15:14] {Threei} (CA )Canada Fin Min Flaherty is not planning fees on financial institutions (related USD/CAD )
[15:16] {Threei} States Canadian banks did not fail or cost money to taxpayers
[15:16] {Les} yeh, rub it in Geithner's face
[15:17] {Threei} that's a pleasant face to rub things in
[15:18] {Les} we should patent and sell ashtrays with Geithners face in it
[15:18] {Les} instant best seller
[15:18] {dino} hoser
[15:18] {dino} :)
[15:19] {dino} tighten fro
[15:22] {dino} to .86
[15:23] {dino} out fro .842, +.342
[15:26] {Les} nice way to finish
[15:28] {dino} thx that one took all day
[15:28] {dino} snda will watch for tomorrow
[15:29] {dino} meli stuck in pattern, .10-.60
[15:30] {dino} kss big rinse
[15:33] {dino} \lot of my list down 2 to 4 bucks, should make for interesting trades tomorrow
[15:33] {Threei} NEXM new high
[15:34] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:34] {Threei} - NYSE volume 790M shares, about 4% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 4.2:1.
[15:34] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.98B shares, about 18% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 2.7:1.
[15:34] {Threei} - VIX index +6.5% to just over 18.50
[15:37] {Les} CIT has e
[15:37] {Les} sorry, CIT .30 b/d?
[15:38] {Threei} coin toss
[15:39] {Les} RIMM's a b%ççh. shook me out at .31 and then crashed
[15:39] {Threei} can spike into eod just as well
[15:39] {Les} k
[15:46] {dino} meli sm l .07\
[15:50] {dino} stop is .98
[15:51] {Threei} lol
[15:51] {Threei} CIT does both, spikes and drops
[15:51] {Threei} how's that for a size
[15:53] {Threei} closing push NEXM
[15:53] {Threei} let's see if I can read minds... strider, contemplating taking NEXM home?
[15:53] {strider} already got it.
[15:54] {Threei} lol, really?
[15:54] {strider} yeah.
[15:54] {strider} And SPEC.
06[15:54] * Threei opens Psychic Line
[15:54] {dino} lol
[15:56] {Threei} wow, SEED got seripously smacked
[15:58] {strider} If I can't be a daytrader, I'll be a nighttrader.
[15:59] {Threei} makes sense
[15:59] {Threei} I'll be dawntrader
[15:59] {Threei} magoo will be twilight trader
[16:00] {Les} I'll be sleepy trader
[16:00] {Les} I'm off to bed
[16:00] {Les} cheers
[16:00] {billyc} gn all
[16:00] {Threei} okaym, and fvern will have tio decide whatever comes for sunsets on Mars
[16:00] {Threei} thank you all, have a good evening
[16:00] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[16:00] {strider} see ya.
[16:00] {dino} thx all good times
[16:02] {i2romantis} hello
[16:03] {Threei} hi i2r, welcome back
[16:03] {i2romantis} ok, it's working!
[16:03] {Threei} picked a good time, too, activioty returns
[16:03] {i2romantis} glad to be back!
[16:03] {i2romantis} that's good :)
[16:03] {Threei} fair day today after a lukewarm week
[16:04] {i2romantis} k

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11 2010

Quiet and boring once again, with the exception of SEED that got nice rocket-like move off the news. Other than that, setups mostly worked 50/50, maybe 51/49 at best.

Session Time: Mon Jan 11 00:00:00 2010

[08:02] {strider} ACI
[08:02] {nemo} pick a resource stock strider
[08:04] {nemo} many of them are breaking out of long=term bases
[08:04] {nemo} -
[08:09] {strider} Fly just gave the symbol for Helen of Troy as HELL
[08:09] {nemo} HELLenic
[08:10] {nemo} o.k....maybe it's a little early to have started drinking
[08:16] {nemo} cycc
[08:16] {strider} CYTX also
[08:17] {nemo} no vloume yet
[08:21] {nemo} huge offers appeared at .25 and .27, knocked cycc back a bit...they're gone now
[08:58] {fernp} Good morning everybody
[08:59] {Threei} good morning
[08:59] {fernp} Vad :-)
[09:00] {nemo} cycc...nice chart for .16 break
[09:00] {nemo} volume inconclusive
[09:03] {nemo} look at .15 offer cyccc
[09:03] {ese} good morning
[09:03] {Threei} ese :)
[09:04] {Threei} GNBT Major U.S. Pharmacy Chain to Market Generex's Crave-NX(TM) 7-Day Diet Aid Spray Throughout Its Nationwide Network of Over 7,000 Stores
[09:04] {Threei} - Reached an agreement with a major nationwide pharmacy chain to market the Company's proprieta... (0.61, 0.00, 0.00%) more...
[09:06] {nemo} .16 break worked great
[09:11] {Threei} lol
[09:11] {Threei} lookie ghere
[09:11] {Threei} CYCC To Raise Up to $9.5M in Registered Direct Offering (approx. 13% of market cap)
[09:11] {Threei} - The offering includes the sale and issuance of 2.85 million units, each unit consisting of one sha... (2.96, 0.00, 0.00%) more...
[09:11] {Threei} each unit consisting of one share of the Company's common stock and a cash warrant to purchase 0.25 shares of common stock, at a purchase price of $2.51 per unit.
[09:12] {nemo} that explains that
[09:14] {dino} gm all
[09:15] {strider} morning everyone
[09:15] {strider} So, how cold is it?
[09:15] {dino} 6
[09:15] {strider} IT's so cold I saw a Democrat with his hands in his own pockets.
[09:15] {Threei} dino, strider
[09:15] {dino} lol
[09:16] {fernp} lol
[09:16] {fernp} AA .50 break is interesting
[09:16] {lasertrev} morning
[09:16] {nemo} looking t that fern
[09:17] {Threei} trev :)
[09:19] {dino} tanker rates up
[09:21] {strider} out PALM from 12.39 Friday, +.31
[09:21] {dino} gj
[09:21] {fernp} wtg st
[09:22] {strider} it was starting to look kind of droopy.
[09:22] {strider} Holding VE from 36.37
[09:30] {Les} GM. DYAX is back tob/o levels again
[09:30] {Threei} Les :)
[09:30] {dino} jst drop again
[09:31] {strider} short CYCC 2.81
[09:31] {Threei} CAAS
[09:31] {Threei} Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:40:30 PM
[09:31] {Threei} China Automotive Systems, inc. Profiled in Investor's Business Daily's "New America" column
[09:31] {Threei} - The company is the top supplier of power-steering systems and components in China.
[09:31] {Threei} - CAAS has been entering into agreements to supply Chinese and foreign car manufacturers with components.
[09:31] {Threei} - According to an analyst at Rodman & Renshaw, most of the Chinese auto component players may grow faster than the overall auto market until demand and supply normalize.
[09:32] {Threei} nice entry strider
[09:33] {strider} hoping one more leg
[09:34] {nemo} no hoping strider
[09:34] {nemo} makes you think
[09:34] {Threei} Long Setup: CYTX 7.40
[09:35] {strider} out .75
[09:36] {strider} dumy...thought I was in for more than that.
[09:36] {strider} dummy
[09:36] {nemo} no, you were hoping, not executing a plan
[09:36] {strider} shut up, nemo.
[09:36] {fernp} invalidated CYTX?
[09:36] {nemo} o.i
[09:36] {Threei} not yet
[09:36] {nemo} o.k.
[09:37] {Threei} but I'd prefer different entry now
[09:37] {Threei} .30 break if stays above .20
[09:38] {dino} meli
[09:38] {Threei} idea is still .40 break, just prefer aggressive entry
[09:38] {fernp} ok
[09:39] {Threei} sdo what's wioth PEIX
[09:39] {Threei} does ethanol really come back?
[09:39] {dino} sm l .00 risky meli
[09:39] {patience} made me look
[09:39] {Les} FCX is sitting on 90 support, with a big ass $2 gap to fill if it falls
[09:40] {Threei} doubled in two days
[09:41] {nemo} [09:36] {strider} dummy {-----not
[09:41] {dino} option exp week
[09:43] {fernp} LM .95 break?
[09:43] {strider} in CYTX .31
[09:44] {Threei} yes fern
[09:44] {fernp} ty
[09:45] {Les} FCX .90 b/d with 90 stop Vad?
[09:45] {Les} nope
[09:45] {Threei} no :)
[09:45] {Threei} Long Setup: GLD .30 break
[09:45] {Threei} if stays above .20
[09:47] {Threei} TTWO Hearing renewed takeover chatter
[09:47] {Threei} - today's speculation revolves around possibility Icahn has entered talks with Time Warner (10.61, +0.19, 1.82%) (related TWX )
[09:48] {dino} meli stopped .33
[09:48] {dino} -
[09:49] {dino} aixg, hele
[09:51] {Threei} no go GLD
[09:51] {strider} stop GLD
[09:51] {ese} invalidated
[09:51] {Threei} 3 cents shy of 1:1
[09:51] {strider} out 1/2 CYTX
[09:51] {Threei} 1/2 out CYTX
[09:52] {fernp} ty
[09:53] {dino} ioc
[09:53] {Threei} BCRX Early strength attributed to a report circulating that several flu vaccines have been approved in early January by the Japanese Ministry of Health. Labor and Welfare (MHLW)
[09:53] {Threei} - The first reports on pandemic flu vaccines manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis being appr... (8.05, +0.20, 2.55%) more... (related GSK )
[09:54] {fernp} GRO takeover rumor
[09:55] {dino} ioc bloody
[09:55] {Threei} I am not sure anyone's interested in stock named CACA, but mnentioning it just in case
[09:56] {Les} my children would be amused by said stock
[09:56] {Threei} I know I am
[09:56] {fernp} caca = shit in spanish
[09:56] {Les} yeh but you're easily amused:)
[09:56] {Threei} true
[09:57] {Threei} I made a plea to keep my sense of humor at 14 years old level
[09:57] {Threei} anfd it turned out a plea amazingly easy to keep
[09:57] {nemo} gotta' add 10 years to it then
[09:57] {Les} well you are certainly more enjoyable to listen to than Ben Bernanke making a speech
[09:58] {Les} maybe everyone should aim for 14
[09:58] {Threei} that has easy explanation
[09:59] {Threei} in my view of humor, it's funny when a person falls in the paddle face first
[09:59] {Threei} in Ben's, it's funny when the whole country does
[09:59] {Les} lol
[10:00] {Threei} Long Setup: WFC .80 break
[10:00] {Threei} if stays above .70
[10:00] {nemo} .80 200 ma
[10:01] {dino} meli re-load .50 sm
[10:02] {strider} stop bal. C
[10:02] {Threei} CYTX stop is under b/e for the second half btw
[10:02] {strider} yTX +.02
[10:02] {strider} stop CYTX +.02
[10:02] {ese} in .81
[10:02] {ese} wfc
[10:02] {strider} short ASBC .21
[10:03] {strider} cover +.11
[10:03] {dino} ioc wants 75ish strike
[10:05] {dino} mmr
[10:06] {strider} out flat WFC, don't like the futs.
[10:06] {Les} short nvda .27
[10:06] {dino} amag
[10:08] {dino} ioc 75s
[10:08] {Threei} Attention: WFC stop to under .75
[10:08] {dino} sm l .25
[10:10] {dino} stopped -.28
[10:12] {Threei} WFC 3 cents shy of 1:1
[10:13] {Threei} is it a new pattern?
[10:13] {Les} out nvda +.10
[10:13] {Threei} let's take profits at .7:1?
[10:13] {Threei} or 1:.7
[10:13] {fernp} have to say that I sold .86
[10:13] {ese} almost stopped
[10:13] {Threei} good move
[10:14] {strider} long AMZN .75
[10:14] {Les} I followed strider out flat
[10:14] {ese} out wfc stopped .73 -.09
[10:15] {ese} should have taken it at .86 i'm my own worst enemy
[10:15] {Les} NVDA .17 b/d?
[10:15] {Les} .25 stop?
[10:16] {Threei} probably
[10:16] {Threei} prwetty much depewnds on market
[10:17] {Threei} what's with w
[10:19] {Threei} CYCC death march
[10:20] {dino} ioc rinsed
[10:20] {Threei} GLBL, pretty daily
[10:21] {Threei} CGEN?
[10:21] {Threei} no news here
[10:21] {strider} takeover speculation
[10:22] {ilana} RIMM db?
[10:23] {Threei} looks good for bouynce with stop under .50 if market helps, I just don't see clear trigger
[10:24] {ilana} on TEVA similar, trigger could be 59 break?
[10:24] {dino} fds sm l .55 thin
[10:24] {Threei} if holding above .90 TEVA...
[10:25] {strider} long FDS also., .55 stop lod
[10:27] {strider} FDS stop below .0
[10:27] {strider} 40
[10:27] {dino} meli capit, strange
[10:27] {Les} short teva .89
[10:27] {nemo} venezuela
[10:34] {fernp} LM cruel. stopped me out and now it is at 1:2
[10:34] {dino} ioc feels like re-test
[10:35] {strider} stopped FDS
[10:36] {strider} stopped AMZN
[10:37] {Threei} Market Internals update at 10:30amET
[10:37] {Threei} - NYSE volume 235M shares, about 6% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.2:1.
[10:37] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 565M shares, about 17% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[10:37] {Threei} - VIX index -4.25% to just over 17.00
[10:37] {Threei} AA sharp selling
[10:38] {Les} woha TEVA just blew out my stop
[10:38] {Threei} let's see if we get double bottom on AA
[10:38] {Threei} pullback, holding .20, breaking .25
[10:39] {nemo} .21 pivot support
[10:39] {nemo} here vad, or looking for pull back?
[10:40] {Threei} no pullback... not the way I want it to play out
[10:42] {dino} aa announces tonight i think
[10:42] {nemo} yes
[10:43] {Threei} let's see if we get an ebtry on pullback under .25
[10:43] {Threei} entry too
[10:44] {ese} L wfc .82
[10:44] {dino} ioc lod
[10:48] {fernp} AA vad? 30 break or dive under .25?
[10:48] {Threei} Long Setup: RMBS .50 break
[10:49] {Threei} I'll let .30 break go fern
[10:49] {Threei} don't view it as a valid setup
[10:49] {dino} tup
[10:49] {fernp} ok
[10:49] {fernp} RMBS stop under .40, no?
[10:49] {Threei} yup
[10:53] {ese} out wfc .94 +.12
[10:53] {ese} that evens the score
[10:53] {Threei} way to get revenge
[10:53] {Threei} TASR non-stop
[10:54] {ese} tks vad........too much politics going on at school i need someone to think for me this morning
[10:55] {Threei} RMBS will be decided by which side breaks, .42 or .44 big orders
[10:57] {Threei} so far so good
[10:59] {Threei} IOC Hearing defended at Natixis (timing uncertain) (72.75, -10.90, -13.03%)
[11:02] {Threei} XLF Obama may announce new fees on Banks to help reduce deficit in February budget plans (15.30, +0.08, 0.53%)
[11:02] {Threei} sure, why not
[11:03] {Threei} it's not like they would be passing those fees on customers
[11:03] {nemo} nah...never
[11:03] {ese} .50 break still good with Rmbs
[11:03] {Threei} if holding .40
[11:04] {Threei} fee aims to recover money taxpayers had lost in the financial system bailout
[11:04] {Threei} lol
[11:05] {Threei} no go RMBS
[11:05] {fernp} ufff no go
[11:05] {Threei} I hate mondays
[11:06] {Threei}
[11:06] {Threei} so, let me get this straight
[11:06] {Threei} 1. you taxpayer provide bailout money
[11:06] {Threei} 2. we want to repay you
[11:07] {Threei} 3. we charge you additional fee via banks
[11:07] {Threei} 4. that collected fee is how we repay you
[11:08] {Threei} essentially you've been robbed twice, but in one of robbery cases you get your money back
[11:08] {Threei} and we call it even
[11:09] {Threei} AA back to .20 sdupport
[11:10] {Threei} don't see an entry yet
[11:10] {fernp} long?
[11:10] {Threei} not even sure about that
[11:10] {Threei} could turn into short on .20 break
[11:11] {Threei} if market breajs down, that's what moist likely will transpire
[11:11] {nemo} watching for db on mos
[11:11] {nemo} I lied...joyg
[11:19] {nemo} db on Qs?
[11:20] {Threei} no way to tell
[11:20] {Threei} breakdown is just as likely
[11:20] {Threei} what's with INCY
[11:21] {nemo} well 2nd bottom looks like reverse H&S also
[11:23] {Les} GLD lod b/d? .05 stop?
[11:23] {nemo} so much for that brilliant (not) insight by moi
[11:23] {Threei} chart wise yes... GLD history wise, no
[11:24] {fernp} good answer :-)
[11:24] {Threei} it tend to drop sharply off more or less random points somewhere up there
[11:24] {Threei} but fails breakdowns of the low
[11:24] {Threei} look at its today's 1 min
[11:25] {Threei} you'll find a lot of those drops for which there is no real indicatiojn
[11:25] {Threei} and no sinhgle successful break of the low
[11:25] {Les} ok. missed the $2 gap on fcx. looking for GLD to pay up
[11:26] {Les} but yes, remember you and GLD
[11:33] {nemo} yeah, tht bottom seems to have heald on the Qs
[11:34] {nemo} two spelling many do I have to make to get the 3i reward?
[11:34] {nemo} award
[11:34] {dino} gpn sm l .50
[11:35] {fernp} PFE if breaks hod, Vad?
[11:37] {Threei} I like it...
[11:37] {Threei} my problem is, not much of what I like worked so far
[11:39] {Les} should have gone with your logic on GLD. would be rolling in it now
[11:46] {Les} X 63 b/d?
[11:46] {Threei} XING again
[11:46] {Les} this little bounce providing .20 stop?
[11:46] {Threei} what's with this little piece of crap
[11:47] {Threei} could be, X works nicely on a short side with market help
[11:48] {Les} would prefer .10 stop if it consolidates a little longer
[11:49] {nemo} volue supportive of a break up
[11:49] {Threei} no such luck
[11:55] {Threei} good read nemo
[11:56] {nemo} ty...but a tad lucky on that kinda' foggy
[11:56] {strider} dino, what's your target for GPN?
[11:59] {dino} .90 at least
[11:59] {dino} watching jst
[12:00] {nemo} watch the .82 level
[12:00] {nemo} tck
[12:00] {dino} i'm a bit off today, these drops are brutal
[12:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 12:00pmET
[12:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 405M shares, about 8% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 990M shares, about 10% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[12:00] {Threei} - VIX index -4.25% to just over 17.00
[12:01] {nemo} it might be going to test the low of 11
[12:13] {fernp} .
[12:14] {Threei} VRNM Hearing vague chatter of possible large contract (5.30, +0.21, 4.13%)
[12:15] {nemo} mmmhhh...joyg volume spikes just below .90 200 ma.
[12:15] {nemo} either a niche resting place before onward march, or possibly setting up for a short
[12:16] {nemo} .89 is vwap too
[12:16] {nemo} nice=niche
[12:16] {nemo} what a day
[12:17] {Threei} PEIX... mama
[12:18] {Les} another $2 stock going insane. where's the beef?
[12:20] {fernp} PFE worth a try, Vad?
[12:20] {Les} C&H AMZN?
[12:20] {Les} can't see entry point
[12:21] {dino} jst sm l .25
[12:21] {Les} looks like its a b/d
[12:23] {dino} stopped again, whooshed me
[12:24] {dino} should've stayed home
[12:25] {Les} possible db on FSLR. Nemo?
[12:28] {nemo} volume increasing into price...that's a good sign, but it's coming right into resistance here
[12:28] {nemo} even if it breaks .50 it has to get through .60
[12:29] {nemo} volume into .50 break go small, maybe add if it powers through .60...just a thought....I know strider...shutup, nemo.
[12:29] {fernp} 1:1 PFE double lot
[12:29] {Threei} Short Setup: AIG .29 if stays under .35
[12:29] {fernp} im green again :-)
[12:30] {dino} gj
[12:30] {nemo} we'll call you kermit
[12:30] {Threei} so you ARE from Mars
[12:30] {fernp} mars, yeah
[12:30] {nemo} oh, Les...don't forget...lunchtime
[12:31] {fernp} walking down Mars with money on my pockets :-)
[12:32] {ese} see you all tomorrow.......
[12:32] {Les} ciao ese
[12:32] {Threei} and eyeing possible visitors from Venus to spend money on
[12:32] {fernp} bye ese
[12:32] {nemo} tftw ese
[12:32] {Threei} take care ese
[12:32] {ese} les fern dude
[12:32] {nemo} good one 3i
[12:32] {ese} vad
[12:32] {strider} in AIG ,29
[12:33] {ilana} correction: to invest it
[12:33] {Threei} in visditors from Venus??
[12:33] {ilana} it=in
[12:33] {strider} Vad will you take 1:1 at .23?
[12:33] {ilana} yes
[12:33] {Les} aren't women from venus?
[12:33] {nemo} that's the joke Les
[12:33] {Threei} even at ,24, strider
[12:34] {Les} call me naive
[12:35] {Threei} we martians do not invest in venus habitants... we we spend on them with no appreciacable return
[12:35] {nemo} consumables
[12:37] {Threei} 1:1 AIOG
[12:37] {Threei} AIG
[12:37] {Les} lunch money on AIG +.05 ty
[12:37] {Threei} lunch on Les
[12:38] {Les} happy meals only
[12:38] {Threei} happy meal = drink with umbrella
[12:39] {Les} lol. Mcdonalds obviously different in Canada
[12:44] {Threei} (US) Fed's Lockhart: Sees US GDP at 3.0-3.5% in second half of 2010; consumer spending remains cautious
[12:44] {Threei} - Concerned about emerging proposals for measure that could politicize the input from regional banks
[12:44] {Threei} - "Reasonably comfortable" with projections noting inflation will remain in check for the immediate future
[12:46] {Threei} 17% Expect Health Care Plan To Lower Costs, 57% Expect Costs to Go Up
[12:47] {Les} AA might be a .20 b/d. 10 cent gap to fill from yesterday
[12:48] {strider} stopped balace AIG b/e
[12:49] {strider} short HOG .23
[12:49] {strider} stop .27
[12:52] {strider} cover HOG +.03
[12:54] {Les} out aa +.05. fighting for pennies today
[12:54] {Threei} oh great, now they discuss MRI scanners for each airport
[12:54] {Threei} weren't those recently shown to provoke cancer growth?
[12:54] {strider} save on medical costs.
[12:54] {Les} hey you're paying for it
[12:57] {Threei} I have three airport gates to go through on the way to Bahamas
[12:57] {Threei} so not looking forward
[13:00] {strider} cover XING short +.13
[13:07] {Threei} nothing even breathes, let alone moves
[13:11] {strider} DIA forming c&h 1min
[13:17] {Threei} GM CEO Promises Profit for Taxpayers
[13:17] {Threei} you excited?
[13:19] {nemo} frickin' computer froze
[13:19] {Threei} global warming in action?
[13:19] {nemo} ba da bum!
[13:20] {strider} dino, I think we've arrived at a fair price for GPN.
[13:22] {Threei} remember how CYTX caught us ioff guard by late day break of 7.50?
[13:22] {Threei} look at this consolidation
[13:23] {ilana} should we catch it this time?
[13:23] {Threei} certainly looks tempting for the break
[13:24] {dino} maybe strider, thing is slow
[13:24] {nemo} al of a what .04-.05 risk?
[13:25] {strider} Didn't CYTX close down yesterday?
[13:25] {Threei} at 7.25
[13:25] {Threei} +1.25, hardly down, lol
[13:27] {fernp} CYTX stop is under .40 or .45?
[13:28] {nemo} for you fern. .45
[13:28] {nemo} :)
[13:28] {Threei} lol
[13:28] {nemo} I know strider...shut up, nemo
[13:28] {Threei} he is right actually
[13:28] {Threei} both are valid
[13:28] {fernp} lol
[13:28] {nemo} yeah, fern a scalper
[13:29] {nemo} .40 is 200 period ma
[13:38] {Threei} if I see a setup, start typing it now 1 letter pwer line, and falling asleep for couple minutes between letters, I will npo doubt manage to type it in time anyway
[13:42] {strider} YOu could just give us one letter at a time vad.
[13:43] {nemo} lvs break .46
[13:43] {nemo} stop under .40
06[13:45] * nemo stabs lvs with a hot poker
[13:46] {strider} GPN actually has a decent setup now.
[13:50] {fernp} kick Vad, kick
[13:50] {Threei} who is is poor one who hears fern and tries to do that?
[13:51] {fernp} only need two cents more...
[13:53] {nemo} fdx strong today
[13:54] {nemo} scratching lvs
[13:56] {Les} PEIX at a b/o point
[13:57] {nemo} yep
[13:57] {nemo} big bid .68
[13:57] {nemo} oops
[14:00] {Les} fdx
[14:00] {Les} wrong screen
[14:00] {Threei} Market Internals update at 2:00pmET
[14:00] {Threei} - NYSE volume 570M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[14:00] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.38B shares, about 6% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[14:00] {Threei} - VIX index -3% to just over 17.50
[14:07] {Les} l small amzn .70
[14:09] {Threei} CA) BoC: Strength of the CAD is a drag on economic growth
[14:09] {Threei} you don't say
[14:11] {Threei} fern... your 1:1 arrived
[14:11] {fernp} ty very much
[14:15] {Les} stopped amzn .55
[14:16] {Threei} Cuomo Pushes Banks for Bonus Info
[14:16] {Threei} so it has become a legal issue now?
[14:17] {dino} swm
[14:17] {Threei} hard to believe it
[14:18] {strider} short AMZN .51
[14:19] {Les} amzn .50 b/d?. give it larger stop. .70?
[14:19] {Threei} cxan't tell Les
[14:19] {Threei} 50/50
[14:21] {strider} stop AMZN .59
[14:24] {Threei} for all practical intents and purposes, CYTX hit 1:1
[14:24] {nemo} I'll pop the champagne
[14:26] {Threei} wait for some species from Venus to pass by and aim at it (her?),
[14:26] {Threei} may be double benefit
[14:27] {Les} NFLX
[14:27] {Les} .95 b/d?
[14:27] {fernp} still in Mars but w/more money in my pockets :-)
[14:27] {Les} 53 stop?
[14:27] {Threei} I'd try it
[14:27] {dino} sxci
[14:28] {nemo} your in an area of major support though les
[14:29] {Les} ok seen it ty
[14:33] {nemo} hard to say, but might have just got a DB on nflx
[14:33] {dino} mstr
[14:34] {nemo} that's awful liquid for you...63k volume and only a .12 spread
[14:34] {dino} mr
[14:35] {nemo} chinese medical equpment...had forgotten all about this one...earnings today?
[14:36] {dino} out gpn thing won't move
[14:37] {Threei} Earnings
[14:37] {Threei} Before the Open: MDRX, HELE. After the Close: AA, WDFC.
[14:40] {Les} X might be a DB.
[14:41] {strider} out GPN +.03
[14:41] {strider} geez
[14:41] {Threei} lol
[14:41] {strider} penny an hour
[14:41] {Threei} strider... try not to spend it all at once
[14:41] {Threei} you may cause inflation spike
[14:43] {strider} you get the feeling something's gonna happen soon?
[14:43] {strider} Maybe not today, but soon.
[14:43] {nemo} define "soon."
[14:43] {Threei} yes but I have hard time telling gut fweeling from acid reflux
[14:45] {strider} I think I picked the wrong time to start trading.
[14:45] {Threei} kidding?
[14:45] {strider} no.
[14:45] {nemo} I picked the wrong time to be born
[14:45] {Threei} it's the best
[14:45] {strider} splain.
[14:45] {Threei} we are going through relatively quiet period,
[14:45] {Threei} volatility contracting to almnost unbelieavble degree,
[14:46] {Threei} VIX nears all time lows,
[14:46] {strider} how is this good?
[14:46] {nemo} 11
[14:46] {nemo} has to snap back
[14:46] {Les} cause you're learning when it is friggin difficult
[14:46] {Threei} you have an opportunity to parctice risk control and finding the opportunities during such quiet and easy to control time
[14:47] {Threei} mistake is not egetting punished by 200 points DOW drop
[14:47] {Les} hmm good point
[14:47] {Threei} When the band stretches too much
[14:47] {Threei} and volatility returns with the bang
[14:47] {strider} But hardly any setups work.
[14:47] {ilana} now it's about to lose less, not to earn more, i guess :-)
[14:48] {Threei} you'll be well prepared, witbn some flight hours under your belt.
[14:48] {Threei} nailed it Ilana
[14:48] {Les} I thought it'd be sugar and cream with big moves like a 200 point day
[14:48] {dino} chin up strider
[14:48] {Threei} imagine you started trading a year ago
[14:48] {Threei} last October
[14:48] {Threei} yeah, your setups would have worked
[14:48] {nemo} frickin' roller coaster
[14:49] {nemo} wake up in the morning to limit down on the futes
[14:49] {Threei} and those that didn't would have literally destroyed you
[14:49] {nemo} oy vay
[14:49] {Threei} to put it in simpler terms,
[14:49] {Threei} you prefer to learn swimming in the shallow near the shore or in the deep waters during the storm?
[14:49] {strider} I don't have trouble taking stops.......
[14:50] {strider} I paid for that lesson 6 years ago.
[14:50] {strider} I don't need any more practice taking stops, thank you very much:)
[14:50] {Threei} well, it's npot only stops
[14:50] {Threei} executions, spotting right setups,ight conditions for them to work
[14:50] {Threei} there are many moving parts
[14:51] {strider} yeah. I'm learning that stuff..true.
[14:51] {Threei} Things are fast anbd furious - enviroment is less conducive for kearning
[14:51] {dino} sm l sxci .30
[14:51] {strider} OK.....been learning for 4 months.......I'm ready for a decent market.
[14:52] {Threei} it will come
[14:52] {Threei} then it will stay with us for a while
[14:52] {Threei} then it will become indecently volatile
[14:52] {nemo} until 2012
[14:52] {Threei} then you'll start begging for calmer one
[14:52] {Threei} then it'll come
[14:52] {Threei} and whiole cycle will repeat
[14:52] {Threei} ask me how I know
[14:53] {nemo} mystic clairvoyant?
[14:53] {strider} mystic pizza guy?
[14:53] {Threei} psychic linew
[14:53] {Threei} -w
[14:53] {strider} $8/minute?
[14:53] {Threei} mine charges $12.50
[14:53] {nemo} anybody call?
[14:54] {dino} always does
[14:54] {dino} mmr wow
[14:54] {nemo} look at meli dino
[14:54] {Threei} but what choice do I have, I tried to steal magoo's crystal ball and found out he broke it long ago
[14:54] {dino} i just travel ahead
[14:55] {dino} i see it nemo, gets to about 46.20 and drops
[14:55] {Threei} I can't dino... magoo dropped his crystal ball on my time machine
[14:55] {nemo} .15 vwap
[14:55] {Threei} andf broke my flux capacitor
[14:57] {dino} we'll have to stay on meli tomorrow
[14:57] {Threei} shit
[14:57] {Threei} I need a gun
[14:57] {Threei} I want to shoot myself, now
[14:57] {nemo} need the janitor
[14:57] {Threei} anyone ha\d CNN on just now?
[14:57] {nemo} what, found your flux capacitor?
[14:57] {nemo} no
[14:57] {dino} no
[14:58] {Threei} 12 years old wrote an iPhone application teaching people how to trade stocks,
[14:58] {Threei} based on his experience
[14:58] {Threei} which was:
[14:58] {Threei} he ate goldfish creackers one morning
[14:58] {Threei} liked them,
[14:58] {Threei} lkooked up on google who makes them,
[14:58] {Threei} fiound out it was Campbell soup
[14:58] {Threei} and invested in it in some paper trading contest
[14:59] {Threei} stop the Earth, I want to get off
[14:59] {Threei} fern, I am coming to Mars, got a tent for me?
[14:59] {Les} I'd be happy if he shared his app
[14:59] {Les} just so long as people returned to stockmarket
[14:59] {fernp} ok, nice girls over here :-)
[15:00] {dino} lol, just need to know what he eats
[15:00] {Threei} really? they are not all on Venus?
[15:00] {fernp} here u can find girls with a single eye
[15:01] {Threei} oh good... with my looks, blind ones would be even better
[15:01] {fernp} lol
[15:02] {fernp} DOWS on highs, NASDAQ on lows and SP in nowhere
[15:02] {fernp} DOW
[15:02] {ilana} and deaf ones too... sometimes
[15:02] {nemo} dino 17% of meli revenue from Venezuela
[15:02] {fernp} thay are perfect, iliana
[15:03] {dino} that explains alot
[15:03] {Threei} now Ilana, that would be too giood,,, I go to Mars, not tio heaven...
[15:03] {dino} you see the new law that they will take over businesses that increase prices there?
[15:03] {dino} atlas shrugged
[15:03] {nemo} oh yeah
[15:04] {dino} next it will be illegal to change jobs
[15:04] {dino} that country is blowing up fast
[15:04] {nemo} where do you think Obama is getting his ideas?
[15:04] {dino} meli at the .20
[15:04] {dino} i fear that is true
[15:05] {nemo} see if it can hold it here dino, vwap at .15
[15:05] {fernp} GCI let's try a scalp
[15:05] {nemo} last time it made it to vwap it backed off
[15:05] {dino} problem is it drops fast
[15:05] {strider} SEED
[15:05] {dino} mmr and mr are unstoppable
[15:06] {nemo} frickin seed, took that off this morning
[15:06] {Threei} still n o news here
[15:07] {Les}
[15:08] {Les} Israeli approach to airport security - interesting
[15:08] {Threei} SEED FMR LLC discloses passive 13% stake - filing (12.70, +0.54, 4.44%)
[15:08] {strider} FMR cop reports passive 13% stake in SEED, fwiw
[15:08] {nemo} as passive as 13% can be
[15:09] {nemo} lotta' selling at market in meli
[15:09] {nemo} think fmr is selling into the spike?
[15:10] {nemo} :)
[15:12] {Threei} where is magoo
[15:12] {Threei} his stock
[15:12] {Threei} his move
[15:12] {Threei} he lives fior this sruff
[15:12] {nemo} something about sheep
[15:12] {dino} he's here
[15:13] {Threei} oh so he decided to ignore us
[15:14] {dino} guess so
[15:14] {Threei} did he get SEED?
[15:15] {Threei} bla, eh?
[15:15] {dino} look jst
[15:17] {Threei} VOXX Reports Q3 $0.55 v $0.26e, R$155M v $196M y/y (7.17, +0.15, 2.14%)
[15:21] {dino} stst
[15:21] {dino} 2 bucks
[15:22] {dino} c'mon retest hod
[15:29] {Threei} SEED looks like 14
[15:32] {Threei} watch for bounce off .50
[15:35] {Threei} here comne 14
[15:38] {dino} nemo meli
[15:40] {Threei} anyone got SEED?
[15:40] {fernp} not here
[15:40] {strider} fescue.
[15:41] {dino} no
[15:43] {Threei} Market Internals update at 3:30pmET
[15:43] {Threei} - NYSE volume 730M shares, about 11% below its three-month average; advancers lead decliners by 1.1:1.
[15:43] {Threei} - NASDAQ volume 1.75B shares, about 5% above its three-month average; decliners lead advancers by 1.1:1.
[15:43] {Threei} - VIX index -3% to just over 17.50
[15:51] {Threei} amazing strength into close, SEED
[15:58] {Threei} GOOG Hearing vague chatter regarding reports of a positive ruling over YouTube unit (601.73, -0.29, -0.05%)
[15:59] {dino} out sxci .70, +.40
[15:59] {Threei} okay guys, if I am a bit late tomorrow mnorning - that's because I am setting up things on Mars, fern helps me with internet connection from my tent, etc
[15:59] {Les} ok thanks vad. night all
[15:59] {Threei} thank you all
[15:59] {Threei} have a good evening
[15:59] {ilana} gn
[15:59] {nemo} cu
[15:59] {Threei} see you tomorrow
[16:00] {Threei} dino... tell me magoo got SEED
[16:00] {Threei} AA Halted: news pending (17.45, +0.43, 2.53%) \