Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb 04 2014

Less active day as the markets took some breather, but nicely profitable nonetheless. Most trades were on usual suspects, with FB, CAT and C being most useful.

Session Time: Tue Feb 04 00:00:00 2014
[08:46] {fish_49} GM Thom
[08:47] {thomcbell} gm
01[08:50] {@Threei}  morning fish, thom
[08:50] {fish_49} gm Vad
[08:54] {thomcbell} kors sold half here 92.60
[08:54] {thomcbell} hehe
[08:54] {fish_49} when did you get in?
[08:54] {thomcbell} kidding
[09:24] {munky} morn
01[09:25] {@Threei}  munky :)
[09:26] {RonS} top 'o the morning y'all
01[09:26] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:28] {RonS} ...thought will back in feb...
01[09:28] {@Threei}  still in Maui
[09:29] {ese} morning
01[09:29] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:29] {RonS} hi ese...
[09:29] {ese} morning vad am back from Red Deer but will be going again Friday
01[09:29] {@Threei}  and seeing how our temps are about to plunge under freezing, I wish I were too, lol
[09:29] {ese} Ron
[09:29] {RonS} kors wow
01[09:29] {@Threei}  uh ese...
[09:30] {RonS} not above freezinf here until sunday...heading to zero right now...
[09:31] {fish_49} Rons  your in Nashville?
01[09:31] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .40 break hl
[09:32] {thomcbell} vxx short small
[09:32] {RonS} denver
01[09:32] {@Threei}  change to .60 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
01[09:33] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:33] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:33] {@Threei}  1:3
01[09:33] {@Threei}  out
[09:33] {fish_49} out thanks
01[09:33] {@Threei}  :)
01[09:33] {@Threei}  GR) EU's Djissebloem: It is entirely possible that Greece may need more financial aid- Netherlands will not support more aid for Greece
01[09:33] {@Threei}  but...
01[09:33] {@Threei}  they are growing
01[09:34] {@Threei}  {Greece} and so are our needs
[09:34] {fish_49} everyone needs more
[09:35] {RonS} agco sm l 51.50
01[09:36] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .18 break
01[09:36] {@Threei}  ugh
01[09:36] {@Threei}  late
01[09:37] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .20 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
01[09:42] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:43] {@Threei}  1:2
[09:43] {fish_49} awesomne
[09:43] {fish_49} out
01[09:43] {@Threei}  :)
[09:43] {fish_49} got my hot keys working
01[09:46] {@Threei} Long Setup:  SPY  .50 break
01[09:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:46] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:47] {munky} u got any c left vad
[09:48] {thomcbell} akam 46.35 long break
01[09:48] {@Threei}  not anymore, .11 trailing stop
[09:48] {munky} yea, popped as i typed
[09:48] {munky} out too
01[09:48] {@Threei}  ugh, .40 was it for SPY
[09:48] {thomcbell} akam 1:1
[09:48] {thomcbell} 10am number careful
[09:51] {munky} fb more nasty than usual
[09:54] {thomcbell} akam briefly 1:2
[09:54] {thomcbell} now legit
[09:55] {thomcbell} akam 1:3
[09:56] {munky} do not even look at spy vad
[09:56] {thomcbell} akam 1:4
01[09:56] {@Threei}  grrrr
01[09:56] {@Threei}  such a clean double bottom
01[09:56] {@Threei}  and I was right there
[09:56] {munky} yea
[09:57] {munky} yup
[09:57] {RonS} out agco 52.55 +1.05
[09:57] {munky} nice one dino, er um i mean ron
01[09:57] {@Threei}  wtg
[09:57] {RonS} ty
[09:58] {munky} ron and dino are vactually same person
[09:58] {RonS} i wish...
[09:59] {fish_49} I thong Munky and CC9 were same
[09:59] {fish_49} thought*
[09:59] {RonS} bad visual...
01[10:00] {@Threei}  *(US) DEC FACTORY ORDERS: -1.5% V -1.8%E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  *(US) FEB IBD/TIPP ECONOMIC OPTIMISM: 44.9 V 44.5E
[10:00] {thomcbell} akam 1:7
[10:02] {thomcbell} watching spwr for a long
[10:02] {thomcbell} too wide here
[10:03] {munky} thong??roflol
01[10:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .65 break
01[10:10] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
01[10:13] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:15] {munky} unfortunately i have a committment to attend to...gotta run...be back after  
[10:16] {fish_49} laters
[10:16] {nemo} he's a test subject
01[10:18] {@Threei}  take care munky
[10:24] {RonS} recently released from Merck and getting new job?
01[10:24] {@Threei}  lol
[10:24] {nemo} zoo exhibit I think
01[10:24] {@Threei}  frikin incredible: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/orcas-hunt-and-kill-dolphins-off-b-c-coast-rare-attack-captured-on-video-1.1669537
[10:24] {RonS} comedy act wearing thong?
01[10:25] {@Threei}  oh, and read the comments
[10:25] {nemo} off your meds Ron?
01[10:25] {@Threei}  even more incredible display of stupidity
[10:27] {fish_49} Did you snap some pictures Vad?
01[10:29] {@Threei}  no, this is town about 2 hours drive from me
[10:41] {RonS} wow hca and they killed earnings...
[10:42] {nemo} that means Obama will be after them for excessive profitss
[10:44] {RonS} get this...son-in-law interview w/ dva...says 20% of biz is private insurance produces 105% of their profits...medicare is breakeven, medicaid loses 5%
01[10:45] {@Threei}  sounds about right
01[10:45] {@Threei}  btwe ron, how did his interview go?
01[10:49] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .20 break
[10:49] {RonS} had six on Thurs/Fri (said went well)...but yesterday met w/ guy who would be boss and did a mock presentation in the pm (did not hear about those yet). but get this...discussed an earlier position w/ them and they told him no way to get it sice he is tall and white...they wanted minority and/or gay for it (the world has officially gone upside down)
01[10:50] {@Threei}  oh jeez
01[10:50] {@Threei}  so, where does it sit now in regard to possible move back to USA?
01[10:51] {@Threei}  still in cards?
[10:51] {RonS} maybe, but these kind of corporate senior hires usually take 4-6 weeks
01[10:52] {@Threei}  ok... good luck, and let us know pls
01[10:56] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[11:01] {nemo} maybe he should tell them he's a transgender wannabe
[11:01] {fish_49} did anyone watch the movie We're the millers?
01[11:02] {@Threei}  frikin FB
01[11:02] {@Threei}  got away
[11:02] {fish_49} yea  I was just looking at that
[11:03] {fish_49} munky usually watches that for us
[11:13] {thomcbell} msft 36.57 long break
[11:13] {thomcbell} if holding 36.47 for scalp
01[11:13] {@Threei}  C setup is back
01[11:13] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .20 break
01[11:13] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[11:19] {@Threei}  1:1
[11:35] {thomcbell} tlt day low
[11:36] {thomcbell} vxx nearing prior lows
[11:39] {thomcbell} flattening msft virtually flat
[11:39] {thomcbell} no pop thru the level
06[11:44] * fish_49 slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
01[11:45] {@Threei}  have you guys seen O's interview with O'Reilly?
[11:45] {fish_49} part of it
[11:45] {RonS} part
[11:46] {fish_49} The problem is, The democrats that need to see their leader, do not watch Fox  they watch CNN only
[11:46] {nemo} leave my brethren out of this
[11:46] {nemo} and read Pravda
01[11:46] {@Threei}  all problems are caused by Fox it seems
01[11:46] {@Threei}  "this and that are not a problem, but Fox makes it a problem"
01[11:47] {@Threei}  IRS is all good
01[11:47] {@Threei}  Bengazi, what's the problem
[11:47] {fish_49} Yep  it's just Fox followers  are O haters  so they make shit up
01[11:47] {@Threei}  yep
[11:47] {RonS} O has phd in goebbels and lenin communication methods
[11:48] {fish_49} I have some younger cousins  living  in California
[11:48] {fish_49} all love Obama
01[11:48] {@Threei}  "the only reason folks think that is because you tell them"
[11:48] {fish_49} I tried to educate them before the first elections
[11:48] {fish_49} could not get thru to them
[11:48] {RonS} just like nazi youth...
[11:49] {fish_49} then months later  I hear them bitchin  about paying  so much in taxes  they cant afford to go out to eat  or  cant afford Child care
[11:49] {fish_49} they never get it
01[11:49] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .90 break
01[11:50] {@Threei}  anyway... one of the most difficult technically shots I've taken recently:
01[11:50] {@Threei}  https://www.facebook.com/VadymGraiferPhotography/posts/601633769916142
01[11:50] {@Threei}  If holds  63
[11:52] {fish_49} I was looking at that Vad  how did you get it without reflection or glare from glass. It appears that your not 90 degrees from the subject so I would have thought reflection or glare
01[11:52] {@Threei}  found position where there were no lights behind me so no reflections
01[11:53] {@Threei}  well, there was one, I moved my wife to block it :)
01[11:53] {@Threei}  thickness of the glass causing distrotions was a big problem
[11:53] {fish_49} lol  hope she dont read the room later Vazd
[11:53] {fish_49} lol
01[11:53] {@Threei}  and very low light
[11:53] {fish_49} Vad
[11:58] {RonS} very interesting:  http://www.businessweek.com/videos/2014-02-02/digital-light-revolution-a-world-without-shadows
01[12:01] {@Threei}  yeah
[12:01] {RonS} tick +1100
01[12:02] {@Threei}  market is back to slow creep-up mode
[12:04] {fish_49} RonS  did you invent the blue light remover yet?
[12:04] {thomcbell} spwr $30 long break if holding 29.90
[12:07] {thomcbell} spwr no go
[12:08] {thomcbell} time of day violation. Tinker bell
[12:09] {fish_49} lol
[12:09] {fish_49} eat lunch
[12:31] {thomcbell} qihu weak here
01[12:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .40 break
01[12:43] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[12:46] {@Threei}  (US) Fed's Evans (dove, FOMC 2014 alternate): Headwinds to the economy are fading, nothing right now in markets calls for a change in policy, Fed is still unlikely to raise rates until 2015- Inflation remains too low, unemployment is still too high. - Not seeing any surge in inflation. - Benefits of current Fed policy still outweigh the costs, not very great risk of policy creating asset bubble. - Best way to deal with bubbles is regulatory action. - Interest rate tool is too blunt to deal with risks from financial instability.
01[12:46] {@Threei}  Best way to deal with bubbles is regulatory action
01[12:47] {@Threei}  does his business card say "idiot"?
[12:47] {thomcbell} Where is the 2x4 on Cat Vad
01[12:48] {@Threei}  still have hope it comes to its senses and behaves on its own
01[12:55] {@Threei}  holding by fingertips
[12:57] {fish_49} I don't understand the part about inflation.  Too Low?
01[12:57] {@Threei}  per their measurements and standards at least
01[12:57] {@Threei}  deflation is their nightmare
01[12:58] {@Threei}  they consider 2% healthy
[12:59] {fish_49} well 2% is fine as long as GDP is 4 - 6  and unemployment is 5% or less
01[12:59] {@Threei}  even then I am not so sure
01[13:00] {@Threei}  what is so onherently good about slow creeping permanent tax on savings
[13:00] {nemo} keeps the banking system alive
01[13:00] {@Threei}  why can't bank live without inflation?
[13:01] {fish_49} they can if other economic indicators are fine
[13:01] {fish_49} if people are working  they are spending
[13:01] {fish_49} americans especially  Known for lack of saving
[13:01] {fish_49} spend spend spend
[13:01] {nemo} if there is no inflation, asset values fall
[13:02] {fish_49} Uncle Sam will bail us out if we spend too much
[13:02] {fish_49} Big Brother will take over our loan debt
[13:02] {nemo} if asset values fall, they become worth less than the loans
[13:02] {nemo} people walk away
[13:02] {nemo} reserve ratios disappear
01[13:02] {@Threei}  1:1  CAT
[13:02] {nemo} banks go out of business
01[13:02] {@Threei}  wait
[13:02] {nemo} no more fiat
[13:02] {fish_49} when did we get in CAT
[13:02] {fish_49} No more CR breaks for me
01[13:02] {@Threei}  why assets fall if there is no inflation?
01[13:03] {@Threei}  .40 break fish
[13:03] {fish_49} assets falling would indicate Deflation
[13:03] {nemo} inflation means rising prices
01[13:03] {@Threei}  I don't see this as necessary connection
[13:03] {fish_49} ahhh I was on the throne
[13:03] {nemo} keeps asset ahead of loan value
01[13:03] {@Threei}  wait
[13:03] {thomcbell} so on cat you did the hover stop and didnt do it vad?
01[13:03] {@Threei}  yes thom
01[13:03] {@Threei}  no prints under .30
01[13:03] {@Threei}  1 or 2
01[13:03] {@Threei}  no selling really, immediate recovery
[13:04] {thomcbell} only mine at 0.30 lol
[13:04] {fish_49} lol  Thom
01[13:04] {@Threei}  13:03] {nemo} inflation means rising prices
01[13:04] {@Threei}  this doesn't mean that no inflation means falling prices
[13:05] {fish_49} no it means stable prices
[13:05] {nemo} no, but it puts a floor under them
01[13:05] {@Threei}  what about steady prices, no inflation, no deflation
[13:05] {nemo} doesnt happen
01[13:05] {@Threei}  aside of seasonal and supply-demand caused changes
01[13:05] {@Threei}  local to sectors, assets etc
[13:06] {nemo} gawd I hate this price action
01[13:06] {@Threei}  there are cycles, sure
01[13:06] {@Threei}  let them work themselves out
01[13:06] {@Threei}  what's with forced permanent inflation?
[13:06] {fish_49} I agree
[13:06] {fish_49} let Greece fail also
[13:06] {fish_49} let the cards fall where they may
01[13:06] {@Threei}  that's a given
01[13:07] {@Threei}  it's just that for some reason this became a non-arguable default conclusion that permanent inflation is a part of healthy economy
01[13:07] {@Threei}  and I don't see how this is true
01[13:07] {@Threei}  1:2
[13:08] {nemo} vxx likely bottomed
[13:14] {thomcbell} nemo beastly vxx call
[13:15] {nemo} yes and no...vxx is insurance...this weak market, more than likely they're gonna' be buying some as we move towards the close
[13:15] {nemo} given the time...seemed about right
[13:16] {nemo} look at the indexes also
[13:16] {nemo} double top on iwm finnies having hard time getting back to the high and notice the inverted hammers over the last hour on the spikes in spy...
[13:17] {nemo} Vad....
[13:17] {nemo} should I tell him about the results of the live animal sacrifice?
01[13:17] {@Threei}  why not
01[13:17] {@Threei}  it's not like we sacrificed any munkies
[13:18] {nemo} and of course, no bunnies
[13:18] {nemo} the trick is making sure you get the blood in between the keys
[13:19] {nemo}  of course, causes issues later, so you have to get a dishwasher safe keyboard
[13:19] {fish_49} Rabbit  or monky  fine  for me
[13:20] {fish_49} http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/bkhmd/media/NemoBunny_zps3e070ed2.jpg.html
[13:20] {fish_49} great bunny
[13:23] {fish_49} is munky around?
[13:23] {RonS} no
[13:23] {nemo} this is bunny:  http://goo.gl/qXtqxw
[13:23] {fish_49} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzZqje04vLE&list=RDDzZqje04vLE
01[13:30] {@Threei}  FB
01[13:30] {@Threei}  want to try DKTK on it
01[13:30] {@Threei}  let it break 63, wait to see if it stops out early buyers by going under .90
01[13:30] {@Threei}  then buy recross of .90
[13:40] {thomcbell} wow gas names
01[13:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .80 break
01[13:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
01[13:45] {@Threei}  change to .75 break if holding .70
[13:45] {RonS} propane, butane, methane, natural, or fart?
01[13:47] {@Threei}  meh
[13:47] {nemo} indexes pulling in
[13:49] {thomcbell} upl 24.80 short break if holding 24.90
[13:53] {RonS} tick -900
[13:59] {thomcbell} upl 1:1
[14:00] {thomcbell} splk 75.80 short break
[14:08] {thomcbell} upl stopto 24.76
[14:15] {thomcbell} no wlulu looks like a short break 45.25
[14:16] {thomcbell} upl flat
[14:19] {thomcbell} splk 1:2
01[14:19] {@Threei}  wtg
[14:21] {thomcbell} lulu invalidated
[14:22] {thomcbell} in the ridiculous column jcp 5.09 break if holding 5
01[14:23] {@Threei}  another storm expected in north-east today
01[14:23] {@Threei}  sheesh
[14:23] {nemo} yep..about a foot
[14:23] {thomcbell} its been brutal
[14:24] {fish_49} yesterday was nasty but  roads are clean now
01[14:24] {@Threei}  apparently you guys sinned even more than you let on
[14:24] {fish_49} lol
[14:24] {nemo} define "sin"
[14:24] {nemo} not drinking enough?
[14:24] {nemo} not havig enough sex?
[14:25] {nemo} working too much?
01[14:25] {@Threei}  don't ask me
[14:25] {nemo} oh
[14:25] {nemo} one of them
[14:25] {fish_49} working too much?
01[14:25] {@Threei}  I am not setting standards for sending stporms
[14:25] {fish_49} you work Nemo?
[14:25] {nemo} define "work"
[14:26] {fish_49} [14:25] {nemo} working too much?
[14:26] {nemo} I do this, work part-time in a gun shop.  am writing one book, and editing two others, nah
[14:26] {nemo} don't know what to do with myself I have so much free time
[14:26] {fish_49} sounds like all fun projects  so it's not work
[14:27] {nemo} sometimes it's better than flossing with barbed wire
01[14:28] {@Threei}  well, I know for the fact that reading my texts delivers much joy to nemo - he still can't believe one can misuse "a" and "the" this severely
[14:28] {nemo} now c'mon Vad, I have extensive experience with Russians
[14:28] {nemo} you're all alike
01[14:29] {@Threei}  yup, that's our language signature
01[14:29] {@Threei}  haven't met single russian for whom it wouldn't be a problem
[14:30] {nemo} I haven't met a single Russian that wasn't a problem
01[14:30] {@Threei}  lol
[14:30] {fish_49} I did
[14:30] {fish_49} her name was  ..  well not important that I didnt get her name  but  damn she had a rack
01[14:31] {@Threei}  had you married her, you'd change your view of her being a problem or not
[14:31] {nemo} pictures?
[14:32] {nemo} anf looks short, just don't like it so close to 33
[14:33] {fish_49} she was already married  she married a shrink at work.  IDoc at work
[14:34] {fish_49} I'm sure he can keep her in check
[14:34] {thomcbell} splk flat on balance
[14:35] {fish_49} Tatianna  or something like that  but we called Her Tit Teeana
[14:35] {nemo} rather puerile group
[14:36] {fish_49}  pure ill
[14:46] {fish_49} slaps Les with a loud alarm clock
[14:47] {Les} and I'll show you my new elbow technique for close quarter self defence
[14:48] {nemo} oh boy
[14:48] {Les} want access to weapons training with my job. gotta pass thru SD courses provided by my employer
[14:50] {nemo} yawn
[14:50] {fish_49} SD?
01[14:50] {@Threei}  self defense
[14:50] {nemo} self defense
[14:51] {fish_49} ahhhhhhh
[14:51] {nemo} stupid douchebag?
[14:52] {nemo} so, roundhouse elbow, zuki elbow, back elbow, which?
[14:52] {thomcbell} stop to 5.06 on jcp
[14:52] {thomcbell} spwr looks like 29.51 short break
[14:52] {thomcbell} possible long squeeze
[14:53] {fish_49} No elbows can stop SW
[14:53] {nemo} nope
[14:53] {nemo} but you have to draw it first
[14:53] {fish_49} I can draw it  I got A's in Art Class
[14:54] {nemo} we used to do the 20 foot demo
[14:54] {nemo} almost nobody could clear and draw within 20 feet consistently
[14:54] {fish_49} see if u can draw b4  someone form 20 feet away rushes you?
[14:54] {nemo} yep
[14:55] {fish_49} only in a training environment
[14:55] {nemo} yep
[14:55] {nemo} under engagement stress, fuggetaboutit
01[14:55] {@Threei}  one more of an octopus: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601930403219812&set=a.488848774527976.1073741828.483178015095052&type=1&theater
[14:55] {fish_49} Nice Vad.  Do you hae any Wasabi?
[14:56] {fish_49} have*
01[14:56] {@Threei}  batteries?
01[14:56] {@Threei}  yes
01[14:56] {@Threei}  wow... as temp promises to drop 5C under freezing overnight, "The extreme weather protocol is in effect. "
01[14:56] {@Threei}  lol
[14:57] {nemo} we will rebuild
01[14:57] {@Threei}  only in Victoria
01[14:57] {@Threei}  the rest of Canada falls under the table laughing
[14:57] {fish_49} Batteries?
[14:57] {fish_49} is there a Battery brand name Wasabi?
01[14:57] {@Threei}  lol... yes
01[14:58] {@Threei}  much cheaper than brand name
[14:58] {fish_49} Wasabi is what I use with Ginger on my Octopus
01[14:58] {@Threei}  other than batteries, I hate that stuff
[14:58] {fish_49} lol
01[14:58] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .45 break
01[14:59] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
[14:59] {RonS} you have an octopus named Ginger?  guess you really are a fish...
01[14:59] {@Threei}  hehe
01[14:59] {@Threei}  Les, what you have walked onto...
[15:00] {fish_49} great Pic btw  Vad
[15:00] {Les} hold on, need to reread the scribble of this madhouse
01[15:00] {@Threei}  ty
01[15:00] {@Threei}  1:1
01[15:00] {@Threei}  I read it differently Ron
[15:01] {nemo} buy imbalances across the board
01[15:01] {@Threei}  he has an octopus which he uses somehow together with his, umm, Ginger... and in the process of that useage he applies wasabi for some purpose
[15:01] {Les} WTF are you talking about bunny boy?
[15:01] {Les} speaking imbecile for imbeciles like me
[15:02] {nemo} could u be a tad more specific?
[15:02] {fish_49} Titeeanna  likes it that way
[15:02] {Les} imbalances
01[15:02] {@Threei}  lol
[15:10] {thomcbell} fb 62.73 long break Vadym
01[15:11] {@Threei}  chart's right, but SPY...
01[15:11] {@Threei}  worth a try
[15:14] {fish_49} out  thanks for the 10 cents Thom
01[15:14] {@Threei}  good one
[15:15] {Les} vad like HD here
[15:15] {thomcbell} 1:1 for now
[15:15] {Les} short .75?
[15:15] {Les} if holding .85?
01[15:16] {@Threei}  yup, I do
01[15:16] {@Threei}  and feels like help from SPY is forthcoming
[15:19] {RonS} dang, this is the coldest winter can remember in Denver...damn Canadians who refuse to control their Artic air...
[15:20] {RonS} ...and all over a pipeline...
[15:20] {fish_49} yes  I agree Ron  and  Shame on them for not keeping their Freaking  geese at home also
01[15:20] {@Threei}  well, we warned you
[15:20] {RonS} no kidding, must be 100,000 here...
01[15:20] {@Threei}  that pipeline did matter for us
[15:20] {Les} switzerland feeling like sth of france. frikin love global warming
01[15:21] {@Threei}  and btw, sending you Justin Bieber was part of the revenge too
[15:21] {RonS} ...the horror...
[15:21] {fish_49} take your geese and justin back please
01[15:22] {@Threei}  geese, well... we might
[15:22] {fish_49} or  perhaps make justin  clean up all the friggin goose poop as part of his Community Service
01[15:22] {@Threei}  justin - no return of damaged merchandise, sorry
[15:23] {fish_49} lol
01[15:29] {@Threei}  fnally HD
[15:29] {fish_49} yea  Out here  thanks Less for the 9 cents
[15:30] {Les} yer a thankless bastard fish
[15:30] {Les} but i get yer drift
01[15:30] {@Threei}  lol
01[15:31] {@Threei}  (CN) Nikkei report questions the accuracy behind the employment data from China
01[15:31] {@Threei}  haha
01[15:31] {@Threei}  - Report noting the govt has also abruptly "stopped announcing the number of jobless workers in cities. It stood at 9.18M at the end of June 2012 and 9.17M at the end of 2012. But no figure was released last year. "
[15:31] {fish_49} I question any accuracy of any report from china
01[15:31] {@Threei}  I question report about China existence
[15:32] {fish_49} China:  Our economy will not grow as expected.
[15:32] {fish_49} USA  Markets  tank
[15:33] {fish_49} China  Buy Buy Buy
01[15:33] {@Threei}  (US) S&P cuts Puerto Rico GO rating one notch to junk status, to BB+ from BBB-; watch negative
[15:33] {fish_49} China  Our economy will double  in the next year
[15:33] {fish_49} USA Markets Rally rally rally
[15:33] {fish_49} China  Sel  sell sell
[15:33] {fish_49} I dont trust the commies
01[15:34] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  121 break
01[15:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[15:35] {fish_49} expecting rally into the close?
[15:35] {nemo} I'm expecting vwap and a doji on the day
01[15:35] {@Threei}  feels that way
[15:35] {nemo} all the indexes are near vwap
01[15:42] {@Threei}  here comes rally
[15:47] {nemo} imbalances: http://goo.gl/nCAkqV
[15:53] {Les} bit late for shorting gld me thinks
[15:53] {fish_49} really?
[15:54] {Les} unless u r hoping for final day dump
01[15:54] {@Threei}  ok, closing about breakeven
[15:54] {Les} a+
01[15:55] {@Threei}  thank you all, less active but nice day
01[15:55] {@Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow'
[15:55] {fish_49} Nice fake P/L here
[15:55] {fish_49} thanks Vad

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb 03 2014

Very active day with a lot of trades and nice profits. Stops were there but wins overwhelmed them in both numbers and size. FB behaved, so did GLD, and C, and a lot more.

Session Time: Mon Feb 03 00:00:00 2014
[08:21] {fish_49} testing Mirc
06[08:22] * fish_49 slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
01[08:47] {@Threei}  I'd say it's working
[08:48] {nemo} ?
[08:48] {fish_49} yes it's working
01[08:48] {@Threei}  08:21] {fish_49} testing Mirc
01[08:48] {@Threei}  [08:22] * fish_49 slaps Threei around a bit with a large trout
[08:48] {nemo} ahhh
06[08:49] * nemo stabs fish_49 with angelfish spines
[08:50] {fish_49} now I just need to make sure it makes sound when Vad types and changes any typing from nemo to polite true words like Fish Rules  or Fish is Best
[08:50] {fish_49} lol
[08:51] {nemo} stop using a mirror for a monitor
01[09:10] {@Threei}  Greece register growth for first time in 52 months
01[09:10] {@Threei}  eeck
[09:11] {Les} let me guess, new accountant doing the stats
01[09:11] {@Threei}  that was my first guess
01[09:11] {@Threei}  and second
[09:12] {Les} you can fool the people some of the time
01[09:12] {@Threei}  next paragraph:
01[09:12] {@Threei}  German Fin Min Schaeuble reiterates view that more aid for Greece is possible
01[09:12] {@Threei}  heh
[09:12] {Les} ah some clarity
[09:13] {Les} like Stalinist soap opera
[09:15] {fish_49} if they are showing growth  then why would they need more Aid
01[09:17] {@Threei}  well... after all, it was an accountant with strong creative side who coined a phrase "negative growth"
01[09:17] {@Threei}  maybe that's it
[09:20] {Les} lot of negativity in this room
01[09:22] {@Threei}  kidding? we are nothing if not a rose petal on the gentle wave lapping at the shore of serenity... especially nemo
[09:22] {Les} I think the following Colonel sums up Schaeuble nicely:
[09:22] {Les} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMEViYvojtY
[09:23] {Les} Inside every Greek there is a German trying to get out
[09:24] {Les} the same folly befalls us once again
[09:30] {munky} morning
01[09:30] {@Threei}  munky :)
[09:30] {RonS} gm
01[09:30] {@Threei}  ron :)
01[09:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .55 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .45
01[09:32] {@Threei}  no go
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  63 break hl
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:2
[09:35] {fish_49} missed it
01[09:36] {@Threei}  got .03
01[09:36] {@Threei}  hl...
01[09:36] {@Threei}  1:3
[09:37] {munky} out .37 ty
[09:37] {munky} got63
01[09:37] {@Threei}  wtg
[09:37] {munky} fast bugger
01[09:37] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .75 break
[09:38] {fish_49} wow  fast fingers
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
[09:38] {thomcbell} surprised this akam is working this well off barrons
[09:38] {nemo} 10 oclock numbers
01[09:40] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:41] {@Threei}  1:2
[09:42] {Les} vxx spiking into 50 resistance again
[09:43] {RonS} GM Jan US vehicle sales down 12% versus Street estimate of 2.5% drop $GM
[09:44] {fish_49} C Stop to .66?
01[09:44] {@Threei}  sure
01[09:44] {@Threei}  stanrdard operational procedure
[09:46] {fish_49} out in full here  Thanks Vad
01[09:46] {@Threei}  )
01[09:46] {@Threei}  :)
[09:47] {munky} gm smacked
01[09:48] {@Threei}  1:3
01[09:48] {@Threei}  out
[09:48] {munky} spy smacked
[09:49] {Les} IWM bottom of range here
[09:50] {Les} small scalp taken
[09:50] {Les} looking for retest
01[09:55] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .55 break hl
01[09:55] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
01[09:56] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:56] {fish_49} mised it
[09:56] {fish_49} missed it
01[09:56] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[09:56] {@Threei}  this time it gave enough time
[09:56] {fish_49} yea
[09:57] {fish_49} fat fingers
[09:57] {munky} whats at 10 am, numbers?
[09:57] {nemo} finviz.com
01[09:58] {@Threei}  S) Preview: Jan ISM Manufacturing expected at 10:00 ET (15:00 GMT)**Consensus expectations: - ISM Manufacturing: 56.0e v 57.0 prior - Prices Paid: 54.0e v 53.5 prior
[09:58] {nemo} home page
[09:58] {munky} nice bounce gm
[09:58] {munky} ty
01[09:58] {@Threei}  (US) Preview: Dec Construction Spending due out at 10:00ET (15:00 GMT)- Consensus expectations MoM: 0.0%e v 1.0% prior
[09:58] {Les} for december? weren't the US under snow in dec?
[09:59] {Les} frik me not even a retest yet. 1:6 IWM ugh
01[09:59] {@Threei}  US is large...
[10:00] {Les} here we go
01[10:00] {@Threei}  Nissan Motor Co Ltd Reports US Jan sales +11.8% y/y to 90.5K units v 88Ke
01[10:00] {@Threei}  *(US) JAN ISM MANUFACTURING: 51.3 V 56.0E; PRICES PAID: 60.5 V 54.0E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  yuck
01[10:01] {@Threei}  *(US) DEC CONSTRUCTION SPENDING M/M: 0.1% V 0.0%E
01[10:01] {@Threei}  Sub Indices: - New Orders Index: 51.2 v 64.2 prior (lowest since May) - Production index: 54.8 v 62.2 prior - Employment Index: 52.3 v 56.9 prior (lowest since June) - Inventories index: 44 v 47.0 prior - Spread (new orders to inventories): 7.2 v 17.2 prior - ISM's Holcomb: "The past relationship between the PMIand the overall economy indicates that the PMI for January (51.3 percent) corresponds to a 2.7 percent increase in real gross domestic product (GDP) on an annualized basis."
01[10:03] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .35 break
01[10:03] {@Threei}  ugh
01[10:03] {@Threei}  too fast
01[10:03] {@Threei}  ok, in
01[10:03] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
01[10:04] {@Threei}  1:1
01[10:04] {@Threei}  how nice of it to come back and pick us up
[10:04] {fish_49} i still missed it
01[10:04] {@Threei}  ??
01[10:04] {@Threei}  it traded at .36
01[10:04] {@Threei}  on pullback
[10:05] {Les} half out ty
01[10:05] {@Threei}  even if you simply left your entry order in place it would have filled you
01[10:05] {@Threei}  doing something wrong fish
01[10:05] {@Threei}  we have 4 winning trades in a row
[10:06] {fish_49} yea I had a stop limit entry at .35  and didnt get it in time
[10:06] {fish_49} user error on the montage
01[10:06] {@Threei}  .35 is wrong number, yes
[10:06] {fish_49} so was .37
[10:06] {thomcbell} akam
[10:07] {fish_49} had trigger at .37 limit at .35
[10:07] {munky} dont use that style to get in fish
01[10:07] {@Threei}  ah I see, other way around
[10:07] {fish_49} your using market orders?
01[10:07] {@Threei}  no
01[10:07] {@Threei}  just manual limit
01[10:07] {@Threei}  buy at .37
[10:07] {munky} just load ur price ahead of call, say .35 and hit buy
01[10:07] {@Threei}  that's it
[10:08] {munky} when it gets there
01[10:08] {@Threei}  .35 broken, hit buy
01[10:08] {@Threei}  pr use hover
01[10:08] {@Threei}  or
01[10:08] {@Threei}  but don't mess with these autotriggers
[10:08] {munky} also, use arcal
01[10:08] {@Threei}  they take more time
[10:08] {fish_49} yea  I will try that I prefer stop limit orders when there is time  but I can see in morning  that is not an option
[10:08] {munky} best executions
[10:08] {fish_49} yep
[10:09] {fish_49} I will create  a macro  to load the screen appropriately
01[10:09] {@Threei}  and I hate all those auto orders anyway
[10:09] {fish_49} lol
01[10:09] {@Threei}  any out of bounds print will set them off
01[10:09] {@Threei}  why do you need this headache?
[10:09] {fish_49} I gave up on auto stop loss
[10:09] {munky} auto orders are good for stops on slower stox, but not entries
01[10:10] {@Threei}  yup
01[10:10] {@Threei}  and even then they have severe limitations
01[10:10] {@Threei}  they are better than nothing if you must leave your computer
[10:10] {fish_49} yea  just provides me with peace of mind  in the case of a power outage  lol
[10:12] {Les} iwm breaking the range here
[10:14] {munky} when is fb gonnna dive, always does
[10:14] {munky} mkt divibng
[10:15] {munky} boy when c goes down, it really goes down
[10:15] {munky} coffee brb
[10:17] {Les} looking at IWM here or quick flush to .50
[10:18] {munky} fb dive
[10:19] {Les} GM DB potential at 35vad?
01[10:19] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .10 break
01[10:19] {@Threei}  If holds  35
[10:19] {Les} love the way his mind works
[10:20] {munky} crap fb, i knew it, i blew it
[10:20] {Les} we knew it, but finding a setup on it munky...
[10:20] {munky} loss of .00 classic setup
01[10:20] {@Threei}  nope
[10:21] {fish_49} loss of .35  but  the stop would have been .58  too big
[10:21] {munky} please explain vad
[10:22] {Les} another test of support would be ok?
[10:23] {Les} for entry GM?
01[10:23] {@Threei}  yes
01[10:23] {@Threei}  ecplain?
01[10:23] {@Threei}  what?
[10:24] {fish_49} half out
[10:25] {munky} sorry, i thought nope was at me
01[10:25] {@Threei}  no, at GM
[10:28] {munky} out gm .30 ty
01[10:28] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .20 breal
01[10:28] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[10:32] {fish_49} Munky  I was abale to get the Sound working  "Order Filled"  in the demo
[10:32] {fish_49} Will try live  later today or tomorrow if my account is turned on
[10:32] {munky} not a beep though, correct?
[10:32] {fish_49} the word Order Filled
[10:32] {munky} voice?
[10:32] {fish_49} yes
[10:33] {fish_49} but u will need the wav  file I can send to u
[10:33] {munky} was it difficult to set up
[10:33] {fish_49} or create your own wav  file saying "Order Filled"  or anything you want to hear  when order is filled
[10:33] {munky} oh oh, im a techno moron
[10:33] {fish_49} i can send to u  but wait until I test in live platform
01[10:34] {@Threei}  I have my favorite sound file for that... something inbetween csamera shutter click and gun shot
[10:34] {fish_49} lol
[10:34] {fish_49} lol
01[10:34] {@Threei}  used it for years
[10:35] {fish_49} not Clint Eastwoods "Go ahead make my day"
01[10:35] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:35] {@Threei}  (CA) IMF sees the CAD as overvalued; Canada has the ability to wait to raise interest rates- IMF calls on Canada Govt to lower its exposure to mortgage insurance - forecasts 2014 GDP at 2.25%; IMF sees first interest rate hike in 2015 - housing market has cooled - sees housing as overvalued by 10%
01[10:35] {@Threei}  idiots have spoken
[10:35] {munky} but vad, can it work with das
[10:36] {fish_49} what was meh?
01[10:36] {@Threei}  sound file is sound file
01[10:36] {@Threei}  whatever program calls it, it will produce sound
[10:36] {fish_49} yep
[10:39] {Les} sm all long wfc
[10:39] {Les} .12 holding .905
[10:39] {Les} 05
[10:40] {munky} so u can send me the "click" file?
01[10:41] {@Threei}  sure
[10:42] {munky} well that would be gggggggrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaatttt in my best tony-the-tiger
[10:42] {fish_49} u can use any wav file u want
[10:43] {fish_49} search internet for a wav file that u like and just tell DAS to call that file
[10:43] {Les} hullo? AT&T?
[10:46] {Les} scratch WFC -.02
[10:46] {Les} bankster aren't boucing
01[10:47] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .70 breK
01[10:47] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[10:48] {thomcbell} akam 46.48 long break
[10:48] {thomcbell} target 47
[10:48] {fish_49} plenty of time for a stop limit order
[10:51] {thomcbell} no go akam
[10:52] {munky} akam like a dino trader? not familiar with it
[10:52] {fish_49} it looked like a good set up
[10:53] {RonS} usually akam is really thick, today barrons pimp spike it and ism tanked it...
[10:53] {munky} ok
[10:54] {thomcbell} unreal
[10:54] {thomcbell} i shorted it at 49.40
[10:54] {fish_49} {----Slaps CAT in the whiskers
[10:55] {thomcbell} and then screwed up getting lon git
[10:55] {fish_49} .18 is the long entgry right?
[10:59] {Les} nice plunge on WFC
01[10:59] {@Threei}  munky, sent you the file
[11:00] {munky} great, ty
01[11:00] {@Threei}  fish, on what stock?
[11:01] {fish_49} AKAM  that was a bit ago  I was looking at a 5 min chart  looked like .18 would have been a good long trade  for a scalp
[11:02] {fish_49} but  now it looks more like a short  break of  .18  lol
[11:02] {fish_49} .17
01[11:04] {@Threei} Short Setup: KPM  .75 break
01[11:04] {@Threei} Short Setup: JPM  .75 break
01[11:04] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
01[11:06] {@Threei}  1:1
01[11:12] {@Threei}  1:2
01[11:14] {@Threei}  1:3
06[11:14] * @Threei sends flowers to JPM
[11:14] {fish_49} lol
01[11:16] {@Threei}  out
01[11:16] {@Threei}  .38
[11:16] {fish_49} great trade
[11:16] {thomcbell} akam getting footing as market weakens
[11:16] {Les} like JPM long here
01[11:18] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .80 break hl
01[11:18] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[11:18] {@Threei}  .70 of course
01[11:26] {@Threei}  1:1
[11:28] {Les} iwm final flush to .75 or .50 would be nice
[11:30] {Les} spy higher lower
[11:30] {Les} low if holds
[11:31] {Les} game on
[11:34] {Les} SPY trying to get its game face on
[11:34] {RonS} took +.20 C thanks 3i
01[11:35] {@Threei}  :)
[11:39] {munky} me too, out .94 ty
[11:39] {munky} and btw, no u may not
01[11:39] {@Threei}  lol
01[11:43] {@Threei}  we have just above freezing temp... severe cold for Victoria
[11:43] {fish_49} I was wondering where Dino is today.  I'm thinking he is getting hammered  with snow
01[11:44] {@Threei}  no, he is off for a few days
[11:44] {fish_49} Im a few hours south of him and it started as rtain  and now snowing
[11:44] {fish_49} n x coworker got stuck at the airport trying to go to work.  I dont miss travel on days like today
01[11:44] {@Threei}  [15:45] {dino} calling it a week guys. back on wednesday. heading south for some myrtle beach golfing. tired of the single digit temps here in pa
[11:45] {fish_49} yea  he missed a great day yesterday it hit 55
[11:45] {fish_49} lol
[11:46] {Les} rising IWM daily channel lower limit around .50
[11:47] {Les} and DOW kissing 200 daily
[11:47] {RonS} meantime market says:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJU81OBkFPk
[11:48] {fish_49} lol  Ron
01[11:49] {@Threei}  lol
[11:49] {fish_49} that was good enough to share on FB  Ron  lol
[11:50] {munky} the file did not show up in inbox vad, junk niether
01[11:51] {@Threei}  do you have alternate e-mail?
[11:52] {munky} no, but ill send over to u now, u reply
01[11:53] {@Threei}  check again
[11:53] {munky} got it
[11:53] {fish_49} http://www.soundescapestudios.com/Sound-category-pages/sound-effects-clicks.html
[11:54] {fish_49} 7 or 8 down are cameras
01[11:54] {@Threei}  I checked those fish... mine's better
01[11:54] {@Threei}  want to check it out?
[11:54] {munky} i c fish is out techno guru lol
[11:55] {fish_49} share it Vad
01[11:55] {@Threei}  sent
[11:55] {fish_49} ty
[11:57] {fish_49} I agree it's louder
[11:57] {fish_49} is anyone still In C?
01[11:58] {@Threei}  why, it went under trailed stop for the balance
[11:58] {nemo} F#
[11:59] {fish_49} ok then I can wish it to drop  lol
[11:59] {fish_49} I am testing something  with the montage
[11:59] {fish_49} I place a stop loss order  with POS as the share count
[11:59] {fish_49} then later used a hot key to scale out all but 1/4 of my position
[12:00] {fish_49} I want to see if the stop loss order is wise enough to calculate new position or will it sell 1/4  and go short the other 3/4's
[12:01] {munky} oy
[12:02] {munky} fish, u downloaded vads click into das?
[12:02] {fish_49} yes  but I have not had an order fill yet
[12:02] {munky} cool
[12:02] {thomcbell} finally going after the pretty girl FB
[12:03] {thomcbell} mu
01[12:03] {@Threei}  fish... if I tried to dso what you do, I'd feel like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iczw2jhdYZ4
[12:03] {fish_49} I prefer  the camera shutter sound  because my other platform uses "Order Filled"  and it's better to differentiate
[12:03] {fish_49} lol
[12:03] {fish_49} lol
[12:03] {thomcbell} qihu too
[12:04] {munky} mkts ugly
[12:04] {fish_49} ok I got my answer
[12:04] {nemo} unless u r an anarchist munky
[12:05] {fish_49} the remaining 1/4 of my position (250) filled as a sell then it took me short 750 shares
[12:06] {fish_49} lol  Vad
[12:06] {Les} F looks ready for .50 break long on market bounce
[12:06] {fish_49} Vad if I try the hover method   this is how I feel
[12:06] {Les} or lod short
[12:07] {fish_49} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HECa3bAFAYk
01[12:07] {@Threei}  lol
[12:10] {Les} potential index db here
[12:14] {munky} fb bounce time?
[12:14] {munky} fast
01[12:17] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .55 break
01[12:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
[12:22] {Les} sm. index long
[12:23] {Les} 1:1
[12:23] {Les} on spy
[12:24] {Les} 1:2
[12:24] {Les} great inverse GLD short
[12:24] {munky} nice,was wondering if anyone took index
01[12:24] {@Threei}  1:1
[12:25] {Les} finally gave me correct db signal
[12:25] {Les} 1:3
[12:31] {munky} if mkt continues bounce..shoiuldn't gld continue down?
[12:31] {nemo} depends on level of correlation
[12:31] {nemo} people may see it as a safe haven,
[12:31] {munky} i guess thats what im asking
[12:31] {nemo} what's price telling u?
01[12:31] {@Threei}  most likely, yes
[12:31] {Les} broken vwap support, which is what is important
[12:32] {munky} vwap+?
[12:32] {nemo} yeah, but it's lunch, expect lunch-time action to be stop testing in a range
[12:32] {munky} =
[12:32] {nemo} chunky
[12:32] {nemo} dumpy
[12:32] {nemo} lumpy
[12:32] {nemo} funky
[12:32] {nemo} stunky
[12:32] {nemo} drunky
[12:32] {munky} frumpy
[12:32] {nemo} flunky
[12:32] {fish_49} grease
01[12:33] {@Threei}  1:2
[12:34] {Les} https://imageshack.com/i/nhsq3g
[12:34] {munky} out .32 ty
[12:35] {munky} les vwap??
[12:35] {Les} Monkey, Volume Average Weighted Price... VWAP. see the dotted line in GLD as traders decide to dump it. VWAP loss is important
[12:35] {fish_49} LEs you give that alot of weight?  no pun intended
[12:35] {munky} i need to conf on my charts
[12:36] {fish_49} not trying to be a suck up But Damn Vad your in tuned with the markets today
[12:36] {RonS} fish is brown (nosed) trout?
[12:36] {munky} vad.....no u may not
[12:37] {Les} nah, just use it like other support/resistance levels
06[12:37] * munky slaps fish_49 around a bit with a large trout
[12:37] {Les} can be place to short stuff
[12:37] {Les} in chop chop
[12:37] {fish_49} why cant he Munky  you scared?
[12:37] {fish_49} if your scared.. It's  ok
[12:37] {fish_49} lol
[12:59] {Les} IWM triple bottom if holds the low here. other indexes are higher
[13:05] {thomcbell} pretty girl fb day low
[13:08] {fish_49} toad  check DCC
[13:12] {munky} .
01[13:25] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .55 break
01[13:25] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
[13:27] {thomcbell} lvs vulnerable here day low
[13:28] {fish_49} Munky did you get the sound to work sir?
[13:29] {munky} not yet, i may need help
[13:29] {fish_49} ok lets wait till lunch time tomorrow?
[13:29] {munky} ok,or after close
[13:30] {fish_49} sure but then you cant test until next day
[13:30] {fish_49} well perhaps you can in demo mode
[13:31] {munky} ah true
[13:32] {fish_49} do you have the file Vad sent you?
[13:32] {munky} yes
[13:33] {fish_49} actually better if I create a word file with pictures  and instructions
[13:33] {munky} stopped c
[13:33] {fish_49} did it trigger?
01[13:33] {@Threei}  it did
[13:33] {munky} yes
[13:33] {fish_49} wow  I didnt fill
[13:33] {fish_49} had order ready and in
[13:34] {munky} u gotta fill like we xplained earlier
[13:35] {nemo} are you in demo fish?
[13:35] {fish_49} yes
[13:36] {nemo} then it won't fill until you eclipse the price at which you sent the order
[13:36] {nemo} it doesn't compare the time of your order versus the time of the orders in the LII
[13:36] {nemo} which would happen if you were live
[13:36] {fish_49} let me try the load prepare function
[13:38] {Les} C svalida gain?
[13:39] {Les} DIA might hold here DB but indexes look like next leg down
[13:40] {Les} ah I c C triggered prior
01[13:40] {@Threei}  look how DKTK would have worked on C
01[13:40] {@Threei}  time of the day...
[13:40] {Les} was eating lunch
[13:41] {Les} sm DIA long
[13:43] {Les} not following IWM...
[13:46] {Les} no go
01[14:18] {@Threei}  frikin C
01[14:18] {@Threei}  rinsed us
[14:32] {fish_49} wb Les
[14:32] {fish_49} we are short FB  from 65.50
[14:32] {fish_49} u missed it
[14:32] {Les} short?
[14:33] {Les} took a break
01[14:33] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .65 break
01[14:33] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[14:34] {fish_49} I was joking Les  then Vad calls Short FB  lol  I was watching it short .65 or long .87
01[14:34] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:34] {Les} you want me to send nemo round to kneecap ya
01[14:34] {@Threei}  joking?
01[14:34] {@Threei}  joking??
01[14:34] {@Threei}  I made a call because of your joke!
[14:34] {fish_49} yea  I picked a number  65.50
[14:35] {nemo} why he got married too
[14:35] {fish_49} would u like to be short from 65.50?
01[14:37] {@Threei}  1:2
06[14:38] * @Threei intends to wait for the next fish joke to make another call
[14:38] {fish_49} lol
[14:38] {nemo} {fish_49} PCLN looks short
01[14:38] {@Threei}  making money is no joking matter, ya know
[14:38] {nemo} {fish_49) BRKA looks short
[14:39] {fish_49} I think it was lost in translation
[14:40] {nemo} what?
01[14:40] {@Threei}  out last piece on a trail
[14:40] {nemo} nobody want to trade 4 and 6 digit stocks?
[14:40] {fish_49} I took it on your call Nemo  but I only grabbed half lot
[14:40] {nemo} ahhh...that was your call fish
[14:41] {fish_49} PCLN  out
[14:41] {fish_49} lol
[14:41] {nemo} hehehehehe
[14:41] {fish_49} trades in increments of 4 dollars
[14:41] {fish_49} lol
[14:41] {nemo} yeah, I don't even like bringing it up on the montage lest I hit the wrong key combination
[14:42] {fish_49} ohhh good point
[14:42] {nemo} sheesh...remember when I was on Takion
[14:42] {nemo} keys only
[14:42] {nemo} didn't even think I was in a montage, next thing I know I shorted 1000 shares of aapl and didn't know it
01[14:42] {@Threei}  they are too risky even to papertrade
[14:43] {nemo} then there was some relatively illiquid stock I got short in the premarket by accident....that was fun
[14:43] {fish_49} yikes
[14:43] {fish_49} awhile ago, I let CC7 know  my account was funded
[14:44] {munky} getting caught in a halt is alot of laughs....not
[14:44] {nemo} oh yeah, and no sound keys...you look down at the order and position windows and your asshole locks shut
[14:44] {fish_49} he says  It dont work like that  we will let you know when its ready  lol
[14:44] {fish_49} I replied  Ohhh  Are you going to share your earnings  I mean the earnings you make on my money?  I dont think they have such a sense of humor
[14:44] {fish_49} lol
[14:45] {nemo} yeah, funny....didn't do #2 for a week
[14:46] {fish_49} Nemo that is why when I teach OSO and OCO orders  I tell  students  to make sure the oreders are GTC  
[14:47] {fish_49} they place a DAY OSO/OCO order thinking they have a stop in place  on a swing position  only to wake up to a nice fat red P/L column
[14:47] {nemo} well, they then need a liquidate on close order
[14:49] {nemo} be interesting to see if we get short covering nearer the close
[14:49] {fish_49} my bet is yes
[14:49] {nemo} watch the vix too...
[14:50] {nemo} that'll tell how much fear there is going into the overnight
[14:50] {munky} anyone here allowed the imbalances?
[14:51] {fish_49} imbalance in supply and demand?
[14:51] {fish_49} explain
[14:51] {munky} coming into closing, the market makers have to matchg up the buys and sells
[14:51] {fish_49} ahhhhh
[14:52] {nemo} I'll hear it and let you know
[14:52] {nemo} only slight buy side bias at the moment
01[15:00] {@Threei}  wow FB
[15:01] {munky} not surprised, i think it sees day low
[15:02] {munky} but it rinses constantly
[15:02] {munky} wow gld
[15:02] {fish_49} add C  to the wow list
[15:02] {munky} wow C lol
[15:03] {munky} wow 300 down dow'
[15:03] {munky} wow vads lost weight
[15:03] {fish_49} Ad  NQ  to the list  down 111  thats huge
[15:03] {fish_49} add
[15:04] {nemo} gawd...you haven't traded until you get up in the morning and see the market is below limit down before the open
[15:04] {nemo} huh Vad...
[15:04] {fish_49} days like today I wished my IRA was in cash
[15:05] {munky} so les, i have a rather straight blue line on charts now for vwap, correct?
[15:05] {munky} les?
[15:05] {nemo} munky....
[15:05] {nemo} Les is usually drunk by now
[15:06] {munky} lol
[15:06] {nemo} he's in Switzerland
[15:06] {RonS} les spanking his munky?
[15:06] {munky} ah poor bastard
[15:06] {fish_49} lol
[15:06] {fish_49} lol
[15:06] {nemo} nice Ron
[15:06] {nemo} kinda' a double insult
[15:06] {nemo} I'm jealous
[15:06] {RonS} lol
[15:06] {munky} us munky's vwatch alot of porn, be back in 3 minutes lol
01[15:11] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .20 break hl
[15:12] {munky} in
01[15:12] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[15:12] {@Threei}  a bit of 50/50ish here, so hl
01[15:12] {@Threei}  might be a double bottom bounce
[15:12] {munky} small here
01[15:13] {@Threei}  meh
[15:14] {munky} hhem
01[15:15] {@Threei}  double bottom it is
[15:15] {nemo} we're coming into short covering time
01[15:15] {@Threei}  then GLD should be a victim here
01[15:15] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .10 break hl
[15:16] {nemo} its real money Vad
01[15:16] {@Threei}  yes
01[15:16] {@Threei}  sound too
01[15:16] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[15:22] {munky} munky dangling banana to gld much lower
01[15:24] {@Threei}  you sute you determined its back and front correctly?
01[15:24] {@Threei}  sure
01[15:27] {@Threei}  meh
[15:28] {munky} crap, oh for two shorts in a row
01[15:28] {@Threei}  count how many were winners and for what kind of moves
[15:30] {munky} no problem...just cant hold my day high
[15:32] {munky} plus the lil bastard stole my banana
01[15:32] {@Threei}  and went the wrong way, adding insult to injury
[15:33] {fish_49} you may get a second chance around .40
[15:43] {nemo} 350 million net to buy
[15:43] {nemo} nothing special
[15:46] {nemo} dia imbalances:http://goo.gl/TMjyCh ugly
[15:47] {nemo} 19 out of 30 for sell
01[15:47] {@Threei}  no covering
01[15:47] {@Threei}  selloff
01[15:47] {@Threei}  C was our best short
[15:47] {nemo} tomorrow gonna' be ugly
[15:47] {nemo} uuuuuugggggllllllyyyyy
[15:48] {Les} yo mama
[15:48] {fish_49} tomorrow we rally
01[15:48] {@Threei}  {Tomorrow} I am not even here yet, and he already insults me
[15:48] {nemo} too obvious
[15:49] {munky} thanx nemo imbal
[15:49] {nemo} yw
[15:49] {nemo} I'll give you my paypal acct.
01[15:49] {@Threei}  last trade?
01[15:49] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .30 break
[15:49] {fish_49} yea
01[15:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
01[15:50] {@Threei}  small stop
01[15:50] {@Threei}  with closing scalp in mind
01[15:53] {@Threei}  move already C, time to cover some shorts
[15:53] {munky} already have it nemo lol
01[15:53] {@Threei}  SPY is bouncing
[15:53] {nemo} send a donation please...it's tax deductible.  I'm a 501c charity
[15:53] {fish_49} shorts are all down in warmer weather
[15:53] {fish_49} lets go C
[15:53] {nemo} Hah!  SPY bounced right at the weekly S3
01[15:54] {@Threei}  couple more cents please
01[15:54] {@Threei}  good girl
[15:54] {nemo} ?
[15:54] {fish_49} good call Vad
[15:54] {fish_49} great day
01[15:54] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:55] {munky} out .41 donka
[15:55] {goinshort} nice Vad!
01[15:55] {@Threei}  :)
[15:55] {thomcbell} gn all
01[15:55] {@Threei}  munky got his banana back
[15:55] {fish_49} have a great night all
[15:55] {fish_49} yea
01[15:55] {@Threei}  thank you all
[15:55] {munky} now...NOW...u can go home
01[15:56] {@Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow'
[15:56] {nemo} munky...
01[15:56] {@Threei}  lol
[15:56] {nemo} he is home
[15:56] {munky} i know lol
[15:56] {nemo} stop acting like Les
[15:56] {munky} thanx all
[15:56] {nemo} it will negatively affect your IQ
[15:57] {munky} ok, goodnite

Friday, January 31, 2014

Market Week Wrap-up

TradeTheNews.com  Weekly Market UpdateAs January Goes...

- Global equity markets saw even more turbulence this week, although the equity declines were more muted overall. The final week of January saw the Federal Reserve taper asset purchases for a second consecutive meeting, reducing the pace of monthly buys by $10 billion to $65 billion, split equally between US treasuries and MBS. There was little change in the Fed's language and no press conference, but the absence of any commentary on the emerging market currency rout was unsettling for some. Three of the "fragile five" nations (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Turkey, and South Africa) raised interest rates in an attempt to stem capital flight and bolster currencies, but the sense is that the emerging market situation will only be getting worse. US GDP and inflation data were pretty solid, while European unemployment and inflation data was anything but, which pummeled the euro and drove key UST-Bund spreads to their widest levels in six months. For the week, the DJIA dropped 1.1%, the S&P500 lost 0.4% and the Nasdaq declined 0.6%, leaving all three major indices down low-single digit percentages for the opening month of 2014.

- US advance fourth quarter GDP met expectations at +3.2% and the personal consumption expenditures component hit its highest growth rate since 2010. Recall that the Q3 final GDP figure was +4.1%; the Commerce Department said that the deceleration reflected lower nonresidential investment, a larger decrease in federal spending and weaker PCE and exports. It was estimated that the government shutdown subtracted 0.3% from the Q4 headline GDP growth, while Federal spending fell 12.6% y/y in the quarter, pushing total government spending down 4.9% y/y. Some analysts speculated that in the absence of Federal austerity measures, GDP would have been above 4%.

- The Fed's favored measure of inflation inched higher in December. The core PCE price index rose 0.1% from a month earlier, bringing the y/y core inflation rate to 1.2% from 1.1%. The core measure remains well short of the Fed's 2.0% inflation target. Contrast the US data with the Eurozone flash January CPI reading: headline inflation was 0.7%, matching the four-year low seen in October. The German state CPIs for January all sank lower. The ECB has vocally dismissed arguments that Europe is facing deflation, however the bank cut rates by 25 bps to 0.25% in the wake of the October CPI report. The next ECB rate decision will be on Thursday, and many analysts are now forecasting another 15-20 bps rate cut. Recall that after the bank's last decision, President Draghi stated two contingencies would force the ECB to act: a worsening inflation outlook or unwarranted money market tightening. In the wake of the two inflation reports, the US-German 2-year spread hit six-month highs, at a little more than 26 bps. EUR/USD dropped below the 1.3500 level for the first time in two months.

- Three emerging market central banks boosted interest rates this week in attempts to grapple with the volatility seen in currency markets. India hiked its base rate by 25 bps to 8.00%, Turkey raised its overnight lending rate by a huge 425 bps to 12.00% and the South Africa Central Bank raised its key rate by 50 bps to 5.50%. The moves have limited the decay of the three nations' currencies for now, but they have hardly reversed the ugly trend. USD/INR remains just shy of the 63.5 high seen before the decision. The Turkish Lira had spiked to a fresh all-time low of nearly 2.40 to the dollar and dropped to 2.16 after the decision, but weakened back to the 2.25 area in the second half of the week. The South Africa Rand got close to all-time lows, hitting 11.36 to the greenback before the decision, and has only strengthened slightly after the rate hike.

- Industrial names Boeing, Ford, and Caterpillar offered decent but not excellent results for the December quarter. Cat's Q4 earnings and revenue totals widely topped expectations, with profits higher y/y but revenue down 10% from last year's Q4. The firm's initial FY14 earnings outlook was also very good, although executives cautioned that the mining industry would remain weak in the near term. At first glance, Ford's earnings crushed the consensus view, but before a big tax benefit profits fell nearly 25% y/y. Likewise Boeing's EPS blew out expectations, but only because of a very low corporate tax rate. Ford warned that the launch of a big range of new models, including the new aluminum body F-150, would hold back North America earnings in FY14. Boeing's guidance for commercial deliveries around 715-725 planes indicates another year of growth for the firm.

- Revenue and weak production figures were the main focus in earnings out of Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and Exxon. Conoco's fourth quarter revenue declined 15% y/y, Exxon's fell 3% y/y while Conoco's declined 7%, and all three firms missed expectations. Profits were better, although COP's earnings were bolstered by asset sales and Chevron's fell by more than 30% y/y. The firms saw production fall Q4 and offered anemic production growth forecasts for 2014. In other sector news, the State Department's long-awaited statement on the stalled Keystone XL pipeline said it would have only a limited environmental and climate impact, removing one more roadblock for the project.

- Shares of Apple are down about 10% in the wake of Cupertino's Q4 report, thanks to perceptions that the company's iPhone business is leveling off. Apple sold 51 million iPhones in the quarter, +6.7% y/y, missing analyst expectations of 55-57 million. Executives hinted the low growth was due to a contraction in North American sales, but also highlighted rest-of-world sales up by double or even triple digits. Carl Icahn took the opportunity to buy the dip, acquiring another $500 million of the company's shares.

- After several quarters of tiny or zero profits, Amazon earned $510M in its fourth quarter on pretty decent margins, but its headline EPS and revenue figures missed tough consensus expectations. After running up 5% on Thursday in anticipation of the earnings release, the online retailer's shares dropped over 10% on Friday. Facebook's EPS and revenue saw very good y/y growth and beat estimates. Advertising revenue grew a whopping 76% y/y to $2.34B, while mobile users increased nearly 40% y/y, accomplishing the key goals laid out by both management and the analyst community. Google more or less met revenue expectations in its fourth quarter, on a solid 31% increase in paid clicks, but profits were a bit short. The day before reporting, Google agreed to sell the Motorola Mobility device business to Lenovo for $2.6B in cash and Lenovo stock (back in 2012, the company paid $12.5 billion for Motorola). Lenovo gets the Motorola brand, its portfolio of devices (Moto X and Moto G) and some patent assets. Google will hold on most of the patents it has extracted from the company.

- Walmart cut its Q4 and FY14 guidance to "slightly below" the low end of its prior ranges. The firm's outlook for Q4 SSS was bumped lower to slightly negative from flat. The retailer blamed cold, heavy winter storms and a steeper-than-expected impact from the reduction in certain welfare payments (namely SNAP, the government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

- In China, an unnamed investor stepped in to save ICBC's China Credit Trust Co. unit from defaulting on its high-yield "Credit Equals Gold" fund. The mysterious rescue prevented what could have been a very bad moment for China's creaking financial system but many commentators drew parallels to the rescue of Bear Sterns in early 2008, a precipitating moment in the Great Recession.

- There was contrasting January manufacturing PMI data out of China and Japan. In Japan, the Markit/JMMA report hit 56.6, the highest reading in the series since February 2006. The upcoming sales tax hike was a key factor driving the recent gains, as customers ordered early to avoid higher tariffs, but analysts suggest the continued expansion of employment indicates the depth of the upturn. The China HSBC/Markit manufacturing PMI entered contraction for the first time in six months, and the employment component showed the fastest rate of job losses since early 2009. The official Chinese government manufacturing PMI reading is due out Friday night (20:00ET), and could be an early indicator for next week's market action. The Yen ended the week around 102.2, more or less flat, after a brief run up to 103.4 mid-week.

Jan 31 2014

Quite amazing trading day actually. Started out very slow and looked dead for a while, with tiny profit and no activity. The trades started trickling in, making day brigther and brighter and finally amassed to solidly profitable day. Among others, 1:3ers on YHOO and near end of day C were especially nice - slow enough to be easy to execute and fast enough not to test our patience. Very good end to a very good week.

Session Time: Fri Jan 31 00:00:00 2014
[09:02] {RonS} gm...another fun day in the neighborhood
01[09:04] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:11] {mib_cuibnh} knock knock
[09:11] {nemo} we don't want any!
06[09:11] * nemo racks the slide
[09:11] {mib_cuibnh} why is my name nib_cuilbnh
[09:11] {nemo} Not In my Backyard
[09:11] {Les} cause you are Spanish?
[09:12] {Les} Swahili maybe
06[09:12] * nemo turns on the laser sight
[09:12] {Les} oh do grow up bunny boy
[09:12] {nemo} not in a good mood this morning
[09:13] {Les} you know where the bottle is
[09:13] {nemo} empty...that's why I'm not in a good mood
[09:14] {mib_cuibnh} this never happened  b4  I logged in just like I do every day
[09:14] {mib_cuibnh} not sure whats up
[09:14] {mib_cuibnh} this is Fish
[09:14] {nemo} should have let me shoot him
[09:14] {Les} fish is dead
[09:14] {Les} this is mib... whatever
[09:14] {nemo} long live fish
[09:15] {mib_cuibnh} ok I give in  whats the gig?
[09:15] {thomcbell} fb flush down to 59.20 to 58.75ish is a great spot - 3 day trailing pivot - 38% retrace and prior resistance becoming support
[09:15] {nemo} MA
[09:15] {thomcbell} dont know if it makes it there but......
[09:16] {fish_49} ok  No clue what that was all about
[09:16] {fish_49} seems fine now
[09:17] {Les} no you can shoot him
[09:17] {Les} now
[09:29] {RonS} lol nemo:   Photo released of @justinbieber's arrest. pic.twitter.com/XftoqgfQjn”
[09:29] {nemo} yeah
[09:32] {Les} someone drag vad away from the bacon
01[09:32] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .60 break hl
01[09:33] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:33] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .70 break hl
01[09:33] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:33] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .40 break
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:37] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .90 break hl
01[09:37] {@Threei}  If holds  61
[09:39] {thomcbell} fb feeling long to me
01[09:39] {@Threei}  meh
[09:39] {thomcbell} vad
01[09:39] {@Threei}  yes
[09:42] {thomcbell} fio vulnerable here
01[09:42] {@Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .80 break
01[09:42] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[09:43] {thomcbell} fb
[09:43] {thomcbell} darn
01[09:47] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .90 break hl
01[09:47] {@Threei}  If holds  94
01[09:49] {@Threei}  change to .95 break
01[09:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
01[09:50] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:50] {nemo} indexes look up, doubhtful cat will come in
[09:50] {fish_49} yea indexes finally getting a bounce
01[09:54] {@Threei}  frikin CAT got away
[10:01] {Les} smal cat long
[10:01] {Les} holding .20
[10:02] {Les} 1st payload away
[10:04] {Les} made 1:2 q off
[10:04] {Les} out on the trail
[10:05] {RonS} gj
[10:05] {Les} nailed fb long at pivot but too fast for me scalponly
[10:05] {Les} ty
[10:05] {thomcbell} ua very impressive
[10:06] {Les} getting there. was all over the place yesterday
[10:07] {Les} gld crapped itself without us
01[10:13] {@Threei} Short Setup: YHOO  .25 break
01[10:13] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[10:14] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:15] {Les} fb at resistance
[10:17] {Les} woud like to short CAT here dunno if ready
[10:17] {thomcbell} yhoo invalid but im still interested in finding a setup on this one  vad
01[10:18] {@Threei}  yup
01[10:21] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .40 break
01[10:21] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[10:22] {thomcbell} fio 11.34 long break
[10:25] {thomcbell} no go
[10:26] {thomcbell} now looks like a short setup
[10:26] {nemo} frickin' hurry up and wait day
[10:30] {thomcbell} wow yhoo a beast
[10:31] {RonS} the lure of alibaba...yhoo
[10:31] {thomcbell} fio 11.21 short setup
01[10:31] {@Threei} Short Setup: YHOO  .60 break
01[10:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
01[10:33] {@Threei}  no go CAT
[10:33] {nemo} that's pretty uniform buying in Yhoo
[10:35] {thomcbell} very big bid at 35.60
[10:36] {nemo} someone is buying a position in yahoo
[10:37] {nemo} kinda' like cat yesterday
[10:37] {nemo} 35.80ish resistance
[10:38] {nemo} bid thickening on yhoo
[10:39] {Les} CAT interesting again
[10:40] {thomcbell} lvs down to test pivot level
[10:40] {thomcbell} wynn still up well
[10:42] {Les} shoret cat
[10:42] {nemo} yhoo volume
[10:44] {Les} scratch that
[10:45] {nemo} LVS pivot
01[10:45] {@Threei}  DDD Citron research again makes cautious comments, citing a Motley Fool article
[10:50] {Les} CAT dam break coming
[10:51] {Les} yho spiking
[10:51] {RonS} rut hod w/ biggest positive tick in days
[10:53] {Les} sm yahoo cat short
[10:56] {Les} yhoo 1:1 without me
01[10:56] {@Threei} Short Setup: YHOO  .05 break
01[10:57] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
01[10:58] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:58] {Les} ty
01[10:58] {@Threei}  just don't be a scalp
[11:01] {Les} scaratch cat
[11:04] {Les} the inability to detach emotionally and go long... CAT. Perfect JBE
[11:05] {thomcbell} lvs great pivot play
[11:08] {Les} CAT spiking
01[11:11] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .50 break hl
01[11:11] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[11:13] {@Threei}  1:1
01[11:13] {@Threei}  come on YHOO, a bit more
01[11:14] {@Threei}  stop to .01 YHOO
[11:17] {Les} quarter here ty sir
01[11:17] {@Threei}  1:2
01[11:17] {@Threei}  yw
01[11:17] {@Threei}  finally nailed both
01[11:18] {@Threei}  one is just a scalp, another is nice
[11:18] {Les} 2nd entry cat
[11:18] {Les} .43
[11:19] {Les} stop to .45
[11:19] {Les} 1:1
01[11:19] {@Threei}  wtg
[11:19] {Les} ty sir
01[11:19] {@Threei}  :)
[11:19] {Les} if we're a little off, the charts usually tell me to get in again
[11:19] {Les} but patience ain't my strong suit
[11:22] {Les} stop to .40
[11:23] {Les} made 1:2 holding for more
[11:29] {Les} no dice bunced at  the quarter
[11:31] {thomcbell} vxx small long
[11:32] {thomcbell} fb looks like a short
[11:34] {nemo} vxx gonna' be a higher probability trade this afternoon
[11:35] {thomcbell} ok thanks for input
[11:35] {nemo} buying insurance into the weekend
[11:35] {Les} there goes CAT
[11:52] {Joebi_Wan} test
[11:53] {Les} shutting down for lunch a+
01[11:56] {@Threei}  market activity is nil
01[12:04] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  75 break
01[12:04] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
01[12:10] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[12:10] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  36 break
[12:10] {thomcbell} yhoo 36 long break if holding 35.90
01[12:10] {@Threei}  lol thom
[12:10] {thomcbell} why vad
01[12:10] {@Threei}  look one line up
[12:13] {nemo} vwap probably a good long now
[12:13] {nemo} vxx
[12:13] {nemo} sorry
[12:13] {nemo} duh
[12:13] {thomcbell} hehe
[12:13] {thomcbell} just saw vad
01[12:13] {@Threei}  :)
[12:16] {Joebi_Wan} what were your indicators for vxx, nemo?
[12:17] {nemo} spy looked like top, 50% retrace of vxx range, now we're getting close to where they'll want to buy insurance into the weekend so good time to start looking
01[12:17] {@Threei}  WMT is va;id again
[12:17] {nemo} if spy can't make new high, or iwm/finnies that will likely be it
01[12:17] {@Threei}  same setup
[12:18] {thomcbell} hmmm wmt
01[12:19] {@Threei}  if nemo is half right, that's the play
01[12:19] {@Threei}  and if he is 70% right it's The play
01[12:19] {@Threei}  1:1
[12:19] {fish_49} glass half full?
[12:19] {nemo} nah, I'm out
[12:20] {nemo} the glass that is
01[12:20] {@Threei}  we know about first 50% :)
[12:22] {thomcbell} msft want to buy it but no setup
[12:22] {thomcbell} could really go thru the highs with this overhang out of the way
[12:25] {Joebi_Wan} fcx short?
01[12:25] {@Threei}  don't see firm setup here... .40 break was much easier to read
[12:26] {Joebi_Wan} k
[12:31] {nemo} vxx boom
[12:32] {nemo} 48.10 the tuff spot for vxx
[12:35] {nemo} if vxx get's through this high 48.70 possible
[12:36] {thomcbell} MSFT 37.48 long break if holding 37.39
[12:36] {thomcbell} contrary to how im feeling about the indexes here
[12:36] {thomcbell} but like the setup
[12:46] {thomcbell} msft 1:1
01[12:46] {@Threei} Short Setup: SLW  .50 break
01[12:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
[12:48] {thomcbell} 1:2 msft
01[12:49] {@Threei}  nice
[12:50] {thomcbell} sold half at 37.68 - using a 36.60 stop on balance
[12:51] {thomcbell} 37.6 rather
[12:54] {thomcbell} msft 1:3
[12:55] {fish_49} Tinker  great trade great trade management  your stop .65 now?
[12:55] {thomcbell} yes 0.64
[12:56] {Les} incredible that CAT went straight back to the HoD. possibly big ascending triangle forming if market pushes higher
[12:57] {Les} FB incredible
[12:57] {thomcbell} FB annoying
01[12:59] {@Threei}  incredibly annoying?
[12:59] {thomcbell} y
[12:59] {Les} Mr incredibly annoying
[12:59] {Les} I see a sequel for disney
[12:59] {thomcbell} i was looking long all day and didnt trust the setups
[13:00] {thomcbell} stop to 37.74 msft
[13:00] {thomcbell} and out
[13:01] {Les} VXX forming higher bottom potential here
[13:01] {Les} probably too late here
[13:16] {RonS} going to take off...have a good weekend all...see you Monday...son-in-law in town from Shanghai interviewing (for 3 days) for Sr Director of Strategic Planning for DaVita which is now based here...would be real nice to have my daughter and grandkids around...had a real nice week, thanks everyone...
[13:16] {fish_49} ron  Good luck with that  and have a great weekend
[13:18] {nemo} getting them out of the pollution in Shanghai wouldn't be bad either
[13:19] {Joebi_Wan} vxx two girls, one cup and handle?
[13:36] {thomcbell} yhoo vad
01[13:36] {@Threei}  can't tell which way
[13:37] {thomcbell} 35.97 long break
[13:37] {thomcbell} but figure is right above
[13:38] {nemo} look at overhead supply you have to break
[13:38] {thomcbell} after the spike it really hasnt given up much
01[13:40] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  36 break
01[13:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[13:47] {thomcbell} yhoo 1:1 if using aggressive tinkerbell entry
01[13:48] {@Threei}  1:1
01[13:48] {@Threei}  we were eyeballing this one since forever thom :)
01[13:54] {@Threei}  1:2
[13:57] {thomcbell} perfect
01[13:58] {@Threei}  1:3
01[13:58] {@Threei}  nice, slow enough to enter and exit with no troubles, and not as slow as to test our patience too much
01[13:58] {@Threei}  my a$$ is out
01[13:58] {@Threei}  who else did it??
[13:58] {fish_49} great job
[13:59] {fish_49} I did not get in (Demo)   still creating hot keys  and when I went to get in had error message.  CC just cleared my error
01[13:59] {@Threei}  ty... look when we spotted it first:
01[13:59] {@Threei}  [12:10] {@Threei} Long Setup: YHOO 36 break
01[13:59] {@Threei}  [12:10] {thomcbell} yhoo 36 long break if holding 35.90
[14:03] {thomcbell} lvs 77.17 long break
[14:05] {thomcbell} nope
[14:17] {Joebi_Wan} X short .35 break?
01[14:18] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[14:18] {@Threei}  no
01[14:18] {@Threei}  came down 20 cents pretty fast
01[14:21] {@Threei}  now after some consolidation looks better
[14:23] {thomcbell} wmt looks vulnerable
[14:23] {thomcbell} cup and handle but looks failure prone
[15:02] {Joebi_Wan} msft holding up
01[15:03] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .70 break
01[15:03] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[15:03] {thomcbell} msft trades great
[15:03] {thomcbell} day high
01[15:16] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[15:16] {@Threei}  for noqw
01[15:16] {@Threei}  for now
01[15:16] {@Threei}  still watching
[15:20] {Joebi_Wan} wow vxx nemo
[15:20] {nemo} yep
01[15:20] {@Threei}  .s c .70 break
[15:20] {nemo} little later than I expected
01[15:20] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .70 break
01[15:20] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[15:21] {nemo} spy coming into yesterday's lows then vwap around .10 then the whole
[15:22] {fish_49} Missed C  on the first call got it on the way back down
[15:23] {thomcbell} vxx
[15:23] {thomcbell} beautiful
[15:27] {fish_49} Les no work tonight?
01[15:36] {@Threei}  1:1
01[15:38] {@Threei}  can you believe what we squeezed out of this day that looked so hopelessly emoty in the morning?
[15:38] {fish_49} :)
[15:39] {thomcbell} have a good weekend everyone -
[15:39] {Joebi_Wan} nice job
01[15:39] {@Threei}  you too thom
[15:39] {Joebi_Wan} Thanks everyone
[15:39] {fish_49} and my hot key got me out Half on the C trade like a champ
01[15:39] {@Threei}  cool
[15:39] {fish_49} c y tinker  have great weekend
[15:39] {Joebi_Wan} thanks Vad, talk to ya soon
01[15:39] {@Threei}  :)
[15:41] {Joebi_Wan} give nemo a truckload of JD Honey for that vxx call
01[15:42] {@Threei}  I would but his liver says please don't
[15:42] {Joebi_Wan} lol
06[15:42] * nemo told his liver to shutup
01[15:43] {@Threei}  sorry, I probably shouldn't have talked to it behind your back
01[15:43] {@Threei}  but it begged and yelled
[15:43] {nemo} It'll be screaming tonight, Chinese New Year
01[15:44] {@Threei}  which you have what to do with?
01[15:44] {@Threei}  besides absolutely nothing I mean
[15:44] {fish_49} justification to drink
[15:44] {nemo} ?
01[15:44] {@Threei}  C baby
[15:45] {nemo} nah, gotta' go to ceremony
[15:45] {nemo} then eating and drinking
[15:45] {fish_49} I will be out in full @ .53
[15:46] {fish_49} good call Vad  my hot keyes worked
[15:46] {fish_49} Im a happy camper
01[15:46] {@Threei}  1:2
01[15:46] {@Threei}  :)
[15:47] {fish_49} have a great weekend  guys
[15:47] {fish_49} thanks Vad
01[15:47] {@Threei}  people should stop exiting before thweir good bye can be answered
01[15:50] {@Threei}  1:3
01[15:50] {@Threei}  out
01[15:50] {@Threei}  thank you guys, have a great weekend
01[15:50] {@Threei}  see you Monday

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jan 30 2014

Another strong day with trades coming in from all walks in all directions. Just right market activity - volatile enough to give us room for profit but not as much as to make risk too difficult to control. Along with faster plays like FB and CAT there were nicely paced ones like SLW, FCX, GLD etc, wotking for nice and easy 1:2 and 1:3 and more.

Session Time: Thu Jan 30 00:00:00 2014
[08:35] {thomcbell} good lord fb
01[08:50] {@Threei}  wow
01[09:11] {@Threei}  oh, and... poor goldbugs
[09:11] {Les} what about poor me? Nemo's alive another day
[09:12] {nemo} may you live forever
01[09:12] {@Threei}  look at the bright side
[09:13] {nemo} spy 4.9 mill so far..another active day
[09:14] {dino} gm
01[09:14] {@Threei}  dino :)
01[09:14] {@Threei}  FB, most likely will be untradable at the open
[09:14] {nemo} notice Vad can't come up with a "bright side"
01[09:15] {@Threei}  no... thought of it long and hard
01[09:15] {@Threei}  and decided if Les asks, I'll just say "not sure"
[09:15] {nemo} looks like turn-around-thursday
01[09:16] {@Threei}  dino, ron... FB today might be your client
[09:16] {nemo} twtr as a sloppy second
[09:16] {nemo} oh shit...Germans are drinking less beer
[09:18] {Joebi_Wan} and having less children
[09:18] {nemo} Goog and V way up
[09:19] {nemo} yeah, a survey about 6 months ago:  39% of single males said the perfect family size was.....
[09:19] {Les} sloppy daily db's. good exit strategy yesterday dino
[09:19] {nemo} wait for it....
[09:19] {nemo} ZERO
[09:21] {nemo} think about it...
[09:21] {nemo} doesn't it scare you that Les has reproduced?
[09:22] {Les} well someone has to ying your nasty little yang
[09:22] {nemo} getting personal there Les
[09:23] {ese} morning
[09:23] {Les} bout bloody time
[09:23] {Les} starting to think you were emotionally brain dead
01[09:23] {@Threei}  hey ese
01[09:24] {@Threei}  how was your trip?
[09:24] {nemo} Les DCC
[09:24] {nemo} Les DCC
[09:24] {ese} The trip was good vad...Will be going a few more times...hey Les....been in Red Deer Alberta.....my mother is not doing well (cancer)
01[09:25] {@Threei}  sorry... :(
[09:25] {Les} aaagh shit, sorry to hear it ese
[09:25] {ese} Was back tuesday.....was laying low
[09:25] {ese} it's all good ...... it's one of them "it's a part of life things"
[09:27] {Les} true, but not a path I've yet had to tread. feel for ya buddy
[09:28] {ese} tks Les
[09:29] {dino} sorry ese
01[09:30] {@Threei}  sheesh FB
[09:30] {Joebi_Wan} going berserk
01[09:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .30 break
01[09:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
01[09:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .55 break
01[09:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .45
[09:32] {ese} tks dino
[09:33] {dino} tsco sm l .95
01[09:34] {@Threei}  1:1  GDX
01[09:36] {@Threei}  trail c to .49
01[09:36] {@Threei}  touched 1:1... too fast for exit
01[09:36] {@Threei}  but trail is in order
01[09:37] {@Threei}  meh
[09:38] {dino} tsco stop -.35
[09:39] {thomcbell} holy chowder look at that move in lvs
[09:41] {thomcbell} splk looks like a short setup there
01[09:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .50 break hl
01[09:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .35
01[09:43] {@Threei}  held by fingertips
01[09:43] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:43] {Joebi_Wan} dang, i stopped out
01[09:45] {@Threei}  out
01[09:45] {@Threei}  seriously volatile
01[09:46] {@Threei}  ugh
[09:47] {thomcbell} fio unreal
[09:47] {munky} out .91 ty
01[09:48] {@Threei}  wtg
[09:48] {munky} lil scary
[09:50] {dino} mur sm l .11
[09:51] {munky} fb closed like 53, could really fall
[09:51] {munky} dangerous
[09:54] {munky} coulda been a stellar short tho
01[09:55] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .10 break
01[09:55] {@Threei}  If holds  91
01[09:55] {@Threei}  1:1 if you caught it
[09:55] {dino} mur stop
01[09:59] {@Threei}  home sales in 1
01[10:00] {@Threei}  *(US) DEC PENDING HOME SALES M/M: -8.7% V -0.3%E; Y/Y: -6.1% V -0.3%E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  yikes
[10:02] {fish_49} Is that not a typical number for winter?
[10:02] {Joebi_Wan} y/y
01[10:03] {@Threei}  weather sure had an impact form m/m but for y/y it's too large
[10:03] {fish_49} ahhh  yea  I see that  now  y/y  I was reading wrong
[10:03] {fish_49} Hope improves  soon  My house going on the market in March
[10:03] {RonS} rsol l 4.0649
01[10:05] {@Threei}  anyone did CAT?
01[10:05] {@Threei}  1:3
[10:06] {Joebi_Wan} too fast
[10:06] {munky} missed it
[10:06] {RonS} missed
[10:06] {Les} this market too fast for me
01[10:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  .05 break
01[10:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .95
[10:08] {dino} aegr rockin
01[10:12] {@Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  .70 break
01[10:12] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[10:13] {@Threei}  1:1  SLW
01[10:13] {@Threei}  just right speed this time
01[10:14] {@Threei}  easy toexecute and didn't make us wait too long
[10:14] {munky} out .87 ty, nice one
01[10:14] {@Threei}  :)
[10:15] {goinshort} nice one !!! also in GLD long
01[10:15] {@Threei}  sibling play... nice
01[10:15] {@Threei}  from 120 break?
[10:15] {goinshort} 119.85
01[10:15] {@Threei}  wow
01[10:16] {@Threei}  gj
[10:16] {goinshort} stop just took me out +.28
[10:17] {Joebi_Wan} fcx still good?
[10:17] {fish_49} it triggered
01[10:17] {@Threei}  yes
[10:19] {dino} clb drop
[10:20] {nemo} stuff slowed down
[10:20] {nemo} wow
[10:24] {thomcbell} ryl looks like a short setup here
[10:24] {thomcbell} currently too wide
[10:25] {munky} com'on fcx
[10:25] {munky} sheesh
[10:25] {munky} there
[10:25] {Les} give that munky a banana
[10:25] {munky} just ask
[10:25] {Joebi_Wan} lol
[10:26] {RonS} ask again
[10:27] {munky} u btry it
[10:27] {munky} try
[10:28] {RonS} patience was the one that could kick this stock...
[10:28] {RonS} she was like a siren...
[10:31] {RonS} wow UA
[10:31] {munky} best i saw was .13, not quite 1:1
01[10:31] {@Threei}  let's tighten to .99
[10:32] {RonS} whr pulp
[10:33] {munky} if it hits .17 im outta here
[10:33] {munky} or there
[10:34] {thomcbell} ryl worked
[10:35] {RonS} heard UA signed Navy and Notre Dame...now they have guns & Jesus on their side
[10:36] {Les} sounds like a breakaway brance of the republican party ron
[10:36] {Les} branch
[10:37] {dino} c l .13
[10:37] {RonS} maybe since the dems use drones and the nsa...
[10:38] {munky} kickin fcx oiin rear
[10:39] {RonS} esi getting hit
01[10:39] {@Threei}  1:1  FCX
[10:39] {thomcbell} lvs 75.25 long break
[10:40] {thomcbell} sorry guys i was late
[10:40] {thomcbell} oh my god
[10:40] {munky} out .17 ty
[10:40] {thomcbell} and i didnt put my order in either
01[10:40] {@Threei}  yw
[10:41] {thomcbell} u see that vad
01[10:41] {@Threei}  yeah
01[10:42] {@Threei}  iksplozhion
[10:42] {Joebi_Wan} ha. phonetics
01[10:42] {@Threei}  :)
01[10:43] {@Threei}  btw, remember the professor from Princeton or whatever who claimed FB was about to eat itself or something like that? I hope he shorted it
[10:43] {RonS} out fcx .22 +.16 thanks 3i
01[10:44] {@Threei}  these imbeciles thinking their "virus dissemination" theories can be used in market deserve to be punished
01[10:44] {@Threei}  yw ron
[10:45] {Les} sounds imaginative, serious and sexy to me
[10:45] {Les} but then again, I've been in contact with nemo too long
[10:45] {nemo} Ahhh, your sexual orientation is my fault
[10:46] {Les} nah we talking intellectual attraction
[10:46] {Les} slw short
[10:46] {Les} .69
[10:46] {nemo} then you must be into amoeba
[10:46] {Les} holding .75
[10:46] {Les} no you don't
[10:46] {Les} can't use same descriptive twice in one week
[10:46] {nemo} fine...protozoans
[10:47] {thomcbell} splk 64.96 long setup
[10:47] {nemo} we'll lower the bar for you
[10:47] {Les} friking walking txt bok
[10:47] {Les} book
[10:49] {thomcbell} lvs 1:10 in 10 minutes
[10:49] {thomcbell} vad do i get extra credit even though i didnt catch it?
[10:49] {nemo} I would say crossopterygian ganoid, but that's much too far up the food chain for you
[10:49] {Les} now you are just being silly
[10:50] {Les} GLD letting go of vwap support
[10:50] {dino} out c .09 -.03
[10:50] {nemo} it's a lungfish of the Devonian period
[10:50] {Les} need to slw to follow
[10:50] {nemo} arguably our first ancestor to rise out of the oceans, since you're still in the slime, I can understand why you wouldn't know
[10:51] {Les} show some respect for your elders
01[10:51] {@Threei}  tbell... yes but it's not transferrable to cash
[10:52] {thomcbell} still feel good i suppose
[10:52] {thomcbell} i could have been somebody.....i could have been a contender
[10:52] {fish_49} Vad you have  to call him Thom not Tbell  Tbell reminds me of the Disney Fairy Tinker Bell
[10:53] {thomcbell} im long the splk will use a 74.74 stop - something not right
01[10:53] {@Threei}  hmmm
[10:53] {fish_49} no offense  Tbell
[10:53] {nemo} his subconscious identity
[10:53] {RonS} had a boss once who would say: "if you're not making money you are just jacking off"...  :)
[10:54] {Joebi_Wan} turn off your web cam
[10:54] {fish_49} Ron?  Which one feels better?
[10:54] {thomcbell} data just ripped
01[10:54] {@Threei}  some cultural associations don't exist for me for obvious reasons
[10:54] {Les} slw stopped
[10:54] {fish_49} lol  Vad
[10:54] {fish_49} I will just live with it  like Nemo lives with Joe
[10:54] {thomcbell} agree on making money as well as the Tinker bell
[10:55] {thomcbell} Tinker bell worse than Taco
[10:55] {fish_49} lol  that's my fav  fast food Thom
[10:55] {Les} wonder if tinker bell tastes nicer than tacos?
01[10:55] {@Threei}  ok... thom it is
[10:55] {fish_49} I heard  taste like plastic
[10:56] {thomcbell} splk 1:1
[10:56] {fish_49} http://fairies.disney.com/tinker-bell
[10:56] {thomcbell} actually more like .5 to 1
[10:56] {fish_49} that one Vad
[10:56] {Les} spy cup and handle forming
[10:57] {RonS} useless but interestg: taco bell founded by Don Bell, right down the road (US 66) from the McDonald bros place in San Bernardino CA
01[10:57] {@Threei}  yeah... definitely changing, this is as far from how I envision thom as it only possible
[10:57] {thomcbell} fio 11.50 long break if holding 11.40
[10:57] {fish_49} lol
[10:57] {fish_49} lol
[10:58] {fish_49} Taco Bell owned by YUM  right?
01[10:58] {@Threei}  argh
01[10:59] {@Threei}  how did we miss CAT .40 long??
[10:59] {Les} LVS smack into 50 day resistance here
[11:00] {munky} 13 red bars c
[11:01] {thomcbell} fio 1:1
[11:02] {thomcbell} out fio
01[11:02] {@Threei}  C .10 was very clean DBI...
[11:02] {Joebi_Wan} nice call thom
[11:02] {thomcbell} splk 1:1
[11:02] {thomcbell} not a scalp for me
[11:03] {thomcbell} fio got 1:2 for a second
[11:03] {thomcbell} ;vs ;ppls ;ole ot cpi;d breal tjri
[11:03] {thomcbell} wow
[11:03] {thomcbell} vad u cant beat that
[11:03] {thomcbell} lvs looks like its going to break thru
01[11:04] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[11:04] {@Threei}  this reminds me old soviet joke (Ron groans) about a girl seeking to be hired as secretary
[11:05] {munky} explicit content here?
01[11:05] {@Threei}  asked how many letters a minute she can type, she answers confidently: 15,876 a minute!
01[11:05] {@Threei}  then adds timidly: although what comes out is a total nonsense...
[11:06] {Les} hehe
[11:06] {munky} yea, but is she hot?
[11:06] {RonS} lol
01[11:06] {@Threei}  I think so but that's another joke
06[11:06] * Les throws munky an iced banana
[11:07] {thomcbell} didnt keep my word sold 1/3 splk at 75.18
[11:07] {ese} cya tomorrow.....1st day second semester......
01[11:08] {@Threei}  take care ese
[11:08] {thomcbell} lvs
01[11:09] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .90 break
01[11:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
[11:11] {dino} celg too fast, in 150.88 out 152
[11:11] {thomcbell} splk 1:4
[11:11] {thomcbell} or 1:2 if your being a stickler
[11:12] {dino} c l .90
01[11:12] {@Threei}  1:1
[11:13] {Les} half out .99 ty
01[11:13] {@Threei}  yw
[11:13] {Les} gotta rejig sound with speakers and Mirc instructions vad. missed half of your clalls today
[11:13] {thomcbell} sold another 1/3 splk 75.68
[11:13] {Les} lost the alarm
[11:15] {Les} hmmm GS underperforming today
[11:15] {Les} not so untouchable anymore these banksters
[11:16] {thomcbell} out splk 75.80
01[11:16] {@Threei}  they never were
[11:17] {dino} gj tbell
01[11:17] {@Threei}  just remember how GS was beaten during market drop in 2008
[11:17] {Les} oooph no memory
[11:17] {Les} was just beginning to ask questions
01[11:17] {@Threei}  this is just another conspiracy thoery
[11:17] {Les} like WTF is going on
[11:18] {Les} found B's place in 2008 I think
[11:18] {Les} like yesterday, like decades ago
[11:20] {Les} wellthey were looking pretty good when they didn't have a single losing day during a few quarters there
[11:20] {Les} taking 1/8 off fcx here at .31
[11:21] {Les} last quarter chopped in half again. looking for higher prices eod
[11:21] {RonS} ya, they were winning so consistently goldman was considering changing firm ane to:  dino
[11:21] {RonS} name
[11:21] {Les} lol
[11:21] {Les} is dino really dino?
[11:22] {thomcbell} how splk
[11:22] {thomcbell} wow
01[11:25] {@Threei}  1:2  FCX
01[11:25] {@Threei}  a ,lot of patience this one took
01[11:25] {@Threei}  but heck
[11:25] {dino} utek spike
[11:26] {fish_49} it gave me plenty of time  to play with order entry  and hot keys
[11:26] {dino} smr s .65
[11:32] {thomcbell} splk 1:19
[11:33] {thomcbell} gimme a break
[11:33] {dino} cov utek .10, +.55
01[11:35] {@Threei}  closed in full at 1:3
[11:41] {Les} C dirty rinser
01[11:42] {@Threei}  rinser of the dirt
[11:42] {Les} was tempted by 2nd entry but began looking at JPM. should have stuck with C
[11:43] {RonS} out rsol 4.25 +.1851 ese size
[11:43] {Les} gj
[11:46] {dino} out c .10, +.20
01[11:47] {@Threei}  it had even more in it
01[11:48] {@Threei}  and so did FCX
01[11:48] {@Threei}  interesting how these slow creepers sometimes have such potential
[11:51] {fish_49} Munky  did you get answers to the sound issue?
[11:51] {Les} was nice db in 15 time frame. should have reentered following the stop (which happily is becoming automatic). the 3 and 15 said it should keep going higher.
[11:52] {Les} similarly holding FCX, which tried to stop us out
[11:53] {Les} 200 day is overhead. wonder if it'll bust it EoD
01[11:55] {@Threei}  he did fish, it's not available
[11:55] {fish_49} ty
[12:14] {munky} fish, its not a feature avail to us
[12:14] {munky} sound
[12:16] {fish_49} ty Munky
[12:17] {fish_49} ok to show off some pics from my trip last week?
[12:17] {fish_49} http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/bkhmd/media/P1220183vad_zpsf59ab468.jpg.html
[12:17] {dino} monkeys, fish, dinosaurs, birds, what else will show up here?
[12:17] {fish_49} http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/bkhmd/media/P1230202_zps2a0bc9eb.jpg.html
[12:18] {Les} wher eis it fish?
[12:18] {fish_49} your forgot A$$ Holes Dino  ohhh wait  Nemo has that one covered
[12:18] {fish_49} the first one was Grand Turk Island
[12:19] {dino} roflol
[12:19] {fish_49} the second was Half Moon Cay Island
[12:19] {Les} ouch
[12:19] {fish_49} http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/bkhmd/media/P1200038_zpsd45fc6ea.jpg.html
[12:19] {fish_49} that one is Miami Florida
[12:20] {fish_49} http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/bkhmd/media/P1230266_zps102cfa2d.jpg.html
[12:20] {fish_49} that one Half Moon Cay
[12:29] {thomcbell} mu 23.60 short break if holding 23.70
[12:31] {thomcbell} cancelling that idea
[12:38] {dino} petx spike
[12:50] {thomcbell} lvs spike
[12:50] {thomcbell} shocking
[12:52] {Les} lol C u f&%k
[12:55] {Les} FB showing tradeable long setup
[12:55] {Les} 2 wy
[12:56] {Les} way
[12:57] {dino} same hear les on c, got out at .10, ugh
[13:00] {Les} last fcx out .44
[13:03] {RonS} gj
[13:04] {Les} ty
[13:09] {Les} FB says down
[13:09] {Les} nice tight setup too
[13:12] {dino} har crazy
[13:14] {RonS} hardy har har?
[13:14] {fish_49} dating yourself Ron
[13:15] {fish_49} I mean in the sense of age  not self pleasure
[13:15] {fish_49} lol
[13:15] {RonS} well, i am the only person who will go out with me...
01[13:15] {@Threei}  lol
[13:18] {dino} ozrk spike
[13:21] {nemo} why?
[13:29] {RonS} atk getting shot
[13:30] {Les} fb
[13:30] {Les} long .42
[13:30] {RonS} (atk military ammo)
[13:30] {Les} stop is clear
[13:30] {Les} not go
[13:30] {Les} no go
[13:31] {nemo} atk owns firearms company and civilian ammo companies too
[13:34] {thomcbell} wow cat vad
[13:36] {dino} ozrk smr s .30
[13:41] {dino} f#ck, ozrk halted
01[13:42] {@Threei}  OZRK Reportedly planning to acquire Summit Bancorp - local press
[13:43] {dino} ty
[13:44] {RonS} need amazon to deliver diapers?
01[13:44] {@Threei}  via dron
[13:45] {dino} yeah, halts always screw ya
01[13:46] {@Threei}  I remember dptl once getting incredibly lucky on one
01[13:46] {@Threei}  but that was rather exception
[13:46] {thomcbell} splk 1:30
[13:46] {dino} i usually lose on them
01[13:46] {@Threei}  lol thom
[13:47] {thomcbell} and i used your line SPLK not a scalp for me
01[13:47] {@Threei}  I usually stop counting at 10
01[13:47] {@Threei}  for obvious reason
[13:47] {thomcbell} yup
01[13:47] {@Threei}  huh... nemo still hasn't chimed in
[13:48] {Les} playin with bunny
[13:48] {RonS} lol
[13:49] {nemo} yeah, bunny wants me to leave the room
[13:49] {nemo} says it's not good for me to stay here
01[13:49] {@Threei}  we keep you sharp
[13:49] {nemo} as a butter knife
01[13:49] {@Threei}  well... Les does
[13:50] {nemo} nah, that's like swatting a half dead fly
01[13:50] {@Threei}  see?
01[13:51] {@Threei}  but I strill can't believe you haven't named exact reason why I stop counting r/r ratio at 1:10
[13:51] {nemo} you didn't take your shoes off
[13:51] {Les} c .50 long break?
01[13:51] {@Threei}  there
01[13:51] {@Threei}  not sure about C
01[13:52] {@Threei}  formally it's a double bottom
[13:52] {Les} was looking for DB
01[13:52] {@Threei}  but somehow feels a bit too random
[13:52] {Les} k, wanted below .40
01[13:53] {@Threei}  yes, with aggressive entry I'd be more comfortable with this setup
01[13:53] {@Threei}  TRP Canada Govt official indicates that the report on the Keystone XL pipeline from the US State DEpt could be ready by next week
01[14:00] {@Threei}  no time for resumption yet, dino
01[14:00] {@Threei}  know where to monitor that?
[14:00] {dino} no
01[14:00] {@Threei}  http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/Trader.aspx?id=Tradehalts
[14:01] {dino} thx
01[14:01] {@Threei}  better than stare at level 2 :)
01[14:01] {@Threei}  it'll give you time of reumption in advance
[14:02] {thomcbell} short setup syna 58.56 break if holding 58.65
[14:02] {dino} ty
[14:05] {thomcbell} talk tomorrow guys
[14:05] {dino} cya
01[14:05] {@Threei}  take care thom
[14:05] {thomcbell} have stuff to do with kids
[14:05] {fish_49} later tinker
01[14:05] {@Threei}  slap's in order
[14:05] {thomcbell} tatatatata
[14:05] {fish_49} lol
01[14:06] {@Threei}  there is something intriguing in fish being slapped with trout...
[14:06] {fish_49} cousin slap  lol
01[14:06] {@Threei}  it's alomst like slapping bunny with rabbit
[14:06] {fish_49} lol
06[14:06] * @Threei slants at nemo
[14:06] {fish_49} or vodka with ice
[14:07] {nemo} careful
01[14:07] {@Threei}  or munkey with gorilla
01[14:07] {@Threei}  or dino with t-rex
[14:07] {nemo} Les with a brain
[14:07] {fish_49} or ese with obama
06[14:08] * @Threei falls under the table laughing
[14:12] {Les} hopefully not at me
[14:12] {Les} I'm sensitive about my IQ
[14:12] {nemo} just remember your belt size, you'll never forget your IQ
[14:12] {Les} how the hell woudl I know that?
[14:13] {nemo} usually on the inside of the belt
[14:13] {Les} DIA potential db
[14:13] {nemo} maybe you should tattoo your name on your hand
[14:13] {Les} me things lower
[14:19] {dino} pran spike
[14:29] {Joebi_Wan} internet freakin out
[14:34] {Les} fas rams straight up to resistance while c doesn't move
[14:39] {Les} DIA cup and hanlde
[14:48] {dino} got lucky, cov pran .70, +.60
01[14:48] {@Threei}  OZRK
01[14:49] {@Threei}  quotes started
[14:49] {dino} opps ozrk covered, watching pran
01[14:49] {@Threei}  looks good dino
01[14:49] {@Threei}  ah
[14:49] {dino} covered
01[14:49] {@Threei}  congratulations
[14:49] {Les} gj
[14:49] {dino} lucky, could have gone eother way
[14:50] {dino} bounced to 63.80s at open
[14:55] {munky} vad, what r u watching
[14:56] {dino} pran
01[14:56] {@Threei}  CAT and FB
[14:56] {munky} ah, me too
[14:56] {munky} munky see...munky do
01[14:57] {@Threei}  hehe
[14:57] {fish_49} looking for long fb around .45?  or breakout above .78?
[14:57] {munky} wondering if IF fb will attempt to close at highs
01[14:58] {@Threei}  not sure yet about FB setup, just watching if it forms something
[14:58] {munky} u got 3 eyes, so use number 3 on C ok
[14:59] {Les} fb flirtin above below vwap
[15:03] {nemo} fb looks short
[15:06] {munky} missed cat
[15:06] {Les} FB back to vwap
[15:09] {munky} nice sh read
01[15:15] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .95 break
01[15:15] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
[15:26] {Les} CAT loosk short
[15:26] {Les} lower high
01[15:27] {@Threei}  .30 break yeah
01[15:27] {@Threei}  hl
01[15:28] {@Threei}  GLD stop to .01
[15:28] {Les} guess not
[15:30] {Les} they're going ballistic Mav!
[15:33] {Les} Vad how do I put alarm back on your name
01[15:33] {@Threei}  just run configurator again
[15:33] {Les} ?
01[15:33] {@Threei}  on our trading room page there is a mirc configurator
01[15:34] {@Threei}  aside of login it also puts a sound alert
[15:36] {Les} username and pw?
01[15:37] {@Threei}  ?
01[15:37] {@Threei}  you don't know yours?
[15:37] {Les} hmmmm
01[15:37] {@Threei}  username is... drum roll
[15:37] {Les} no I just get you to log me every year I come back
01[15:37] {@Threei}  Les
[15:39] {Les} speak, speak to us master!
[15:39] {Les} CAT looking close to dt
[15:40] {fish_49} took fb long at .97 and filmed the trade on my camera but then realized no sound  waaa
01[15:41] {@Threei}  1:1
[15:41] {Les} hmmmm no sound there
01[15:43] {@Threei}  setup
01[15:44] {@Threei}  any sound now?
[15:44] {Les} better
01[15:44] {@Threei}  there you go
[15:44] {Les} ty
01[15:44] {@Threei}  alert is on word setup typed by me
[15:44] {Les} K
[15:45] {dino} calling it a week guys. back on wednesday. heading south for some myrtle beach golfing. tired of the single digit temps here in pa
01[15:45] {@Threei}  have fun dino
01[15:46] {@Threei}  warm up a bit
[15:46] {Les} CHEERS
[15:47] {dino} thx all, gl over next few days
01[15:47] {@Threei}  die GLD
01[15:47] {@Threei}  die faster
01[15:47] {@Threei}  die harder
01[15:48] {@Threei}  (no "death by viagra" jokes please)
[15:48] {Joebi_Wan} aw
01[15:55] {@Threei}  3 min more
01[15:55] {@Threei}  good girl
[15:56] {Les} q .77
[15:57] {Joebi_Wan} out .76 Thanks vad.. have a good night all
01[15:57] {@Threei}  out too
01[15:57] {@Threei}  almost 1:2
[15:57] {Joebi_Wan} good enough
01[15:57] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:57] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:58] {Les} a+
[15:58] {fish_49} good night all
[15:58] {fish_49} great day
01[15:58] {@Threei}  :)
[15:59] {munky} thanx vad, everyoner