Friday, November 7, 2014

Nov 07 2014

Most of the trades were scalps today, with exception of the last long on FB. Finished positive although nothing significant enough to write home about. 

Session Time: Fri Nov 07 00:00:00 2014
[08:59] {RonS} gm... Ukraine says 32 tanks cross border as tensions intensify
01[08:59] {@Threei}  ron :)
01[09:00] {@Threei}  that's 32 after last 50, and 80 before that, etc
[09:01] {RonS} sheesh, hi of 70 today, next wed 31... thanks Canada
01[09:01] {@Threei}  dunno what you are on about (whistling and looking aside)
[09:03] {RonS} hehe... really pissed here...hail nicked up my siding so painted the spots, freaking paint doesn't match so now have to paint the whole goddam thing
01[09:04] {@Threei}  yikes
[09:08] {dino} gm
01[09:08] {@Threei}  dino :)
[09:22] {jfjf64} mornin
01[09:23] {@Threei}  jf :)
[09:24] {_jbones} testing.  Anyone here. I dont see anything.
01[09:24] {@Threei}  btw jf... to avoid addressing confusion, if you look at the list you will find that in thw room we have: jb, jg and jw. And then there is jfk
01[09:25] {@Threei}  see anything now?
[09:25] {_jbones} Oh.  There we go.
01[09:25] {@Threei}  :)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  Upside:
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -ECOM +28% (earnings)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -SHLD +24% (considering REIT conversion for 200-300 stores)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -RPRX +23% (earnings)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -AVG +24% (company said to be for sale, has reportedly been approached by buyers)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -CNET +13% (expands effort in Fujian in conjunction with govt redevelopment action plan)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -PGNX +10% (earnings)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -KING +9% (earnings)
01[09:26] {@Threei}  -ZNGA +8% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  Downside:
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -SLXP -35% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -MDRX -19% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -ICPT -19% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -UBNT -18% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -ANF -13% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -AVNR -7% (received preliminary FDA feedback on AVP-825 for migraines)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -FSLR -6% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -RIG -5.4% (delays release of Q3 results)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -HUM -4.7% (earnings)
01[09:27] {@Threei}  -GIS -4% (lowers FY15 Rev guidance)
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CCL  40 break
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:37] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:38] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .50 break
01[09:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:40] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:41] {@Threei}  that was nice and timely rug pull
01[09:42] {@Threei}  pure joy to be on the right side of such moves, all the gains and no effort
[09:45] {JoebiWan} shld sheesh
[09:46] {RonS} fast eddie loves putting on a squeeze
[09:47] {dino} dva sm l .02 stop lod
[09:48] {nemo} IWM should go to .20ish
[09:49] {dino} anet smr l .47 wide
[09:51] {dino} out dva .74, +.72
[09:52] {JoebiWan} +.50 anet thnks dino
[09:52] {dino} yw, gj
[09:52] {JoebiWan} and thnks vad for first 2 trades. nicely done
[09:52] {dino} anet=pulp
01[09:53] {@Threei}  yw
[09:57] {JoebiWan} brb
01[09:59] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .60 break
01[09:59] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
01[10:00] {@Threei}  change to .50 break
01[10:00] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
01[10:02] {@Threei}  no go
[10:10] {nemo} QCOM
01[10:10] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TWTR  40 break
01[10:10] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[10:11] {@Threei}  1:1
01[10:19] {@Threei}  did it hit 1:2 or was it out of bounds print?
01[10:19] {@Threei}  looked away for a second
[10:20] {RonS} never saw it here
01[10:20] {@Threei}  tail on the chart... erroneous print I guess
01[10:24] {@Threei} Short Setup: DAL  .60 break
01[10:24] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[10:29] {dino} anet smr l .76
01[10:29] {@Threei}  stop to .66
01[10:31] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:35] {nemo} FB
[10:35] {dino} anet stop .50 -.25
[10:41] {nemo} choppy
[10:41] {Jfjf64} Very
[10:42] {dino} fngn sm l .50
[10:42] {nemo} vwap rejection
[10:42] {nemo} nobody touching that
[10:49] {dino} pcrx smr l .78
[10:56] {dino} anet wants that 74 gap?
[10:57] {RonS} they had a lockup come off...dunno how many shares...
[10:58] {nemo} spy tests pivot twice and then goes to new highs
[10:58] {dino} thx ron, saw that
[10:58] {RonS} anet...hearing 5.5 mil shares
[10:59] {cosmo} sigh...back to the shop...
[11:00] {dino} beat and raise, seems extreme w/lockup
01[11:08] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .80 break
01[11:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[11:08] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[11:09] {RonS} what bs:  A Republican-controlled Congress may undercut Obama’s dealings with foreign leaders:
[11:09] {nemo} yeah, they might tell him to stop bending over
[11:10] {dino} anet smr l .75
01[11:11] {@Threei}  speaking if which... with all my jokes about 2 years of golf, he made this same joke himself at that same day
[11:11] {nemo} he's gonna' need a new job in a couple of years, so maybe he's practicing stand-up
[11:12] {RonS} ...but i thought you said bend over...
[11:12] {dino} fngn to b/e
[11:12] {nemo} bull falging again
[11:13] {nemo} flagging
[11:14] {dino} nog drop
[11:14] {nemo} oh gawd, here it comes...
[11:14] {nemo} Ron....dino was your queue
[11:15] {dino} ?
[11:15] {RonS} its head hurt...
[11:15] {nemo} perfect op for Ronism...nog dropped on it's noggin
[11:15] {nemo} they're u go
[11:15] {nemo} see
[11:15] {dino} ahh, i was talking symbol
[11:15] {nemo} no shit
[11:15] {RonS} lol
[11:15] {RonS} hilarious
[11:16] {dino} guess i'm not paying attention
[11:16] {nemo} wouldn't call that a negative dino
[11:16] {dino} lol
[11:17] {nemo} probably attests to your relative sanity
[11:17] {dino} relative, key word
[11:17] {nemo} something of which neither I nor Ron nor {insert here} can attest
[11:17] {RonS} ture dat
[11:17] {RonS} true
[11:18] {dino} ron getting "street" on us
[11:18] {nemo}  yeah, right wing ghetto grunt........right
[11:18] {nemo} talk about oxymoron
[11:18] {nemo} spy breakout
[11:19] {nemo} break .40 stop .30 Vad?
[11:19] {RonS} ranking w/ the fall of soviet union...unreal the dem reservation AR now has all republican congressmen...
01[11:20] {@Threei}  can't tell really
[11:21] {nemo} just a midterm Ron, there's no huge majority anywhere...
[11:22] {RonS} but they ran this state since the '30's... that's why it's so backward... just like New Mexico
[11:22] {nemo} think how I feel?
[11:25] {dino} indeed nemo
[11:26] {RonS} it was so my work group...the guy from Mississippi would give shit to the guys from AR about how even MS was superior to them
01[11:29] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .20 break
01[11:29] {@Threei}  If holds  .14
[11:29] {nemo} think they have to get Qs and IWM back to flat first
[11:33] {RonS} took anet 77.92 to 78.85 +.93 thanks dino
[11:34] {nemo} ahhh 2X4 spread
01[11:34] {@Threei}  valid again
[11:37] {RonS} need a net to trade anet...
[11:39] {dino} fngn stop flat
[11:41] {dino} rinsed
01[11:43] {@Threei}  looks perefect short setup on SPY
01[11:43] {@Threei}  move your butt VXX
[11:46] {Jfjf64} Let's go vex
[11:49] {Jfjf64} What ya using stop
01[11:55] {@Threei}  .11
[11:56] {RonS} wwww dead cat bouncing
01[11:59] {@Threei}  to .14
[12:00] {Jfjf64} Ty sir
01[12:00] {@Threei}  1:1
[12:09] {nemo} STX
[12:13] {dino} fngn l .06
[12:14] {dino} sheesh icpt going to drop 100 pts today
[12:14] {_jbones} Hi Dino.  What would your stop be on fngn
[12:15] {dino} .94
[12:15] {dino} fl
[12:15] {_jbones} thanks
[12:17] {JoebiWan} .10 stx short thanks nemo
[12:20] {dino} wtf fngn
[12:20] {dino} stop
[12:20] {dino} another rinse, adjusting
[12:21] {dino} pcrx to .88
[12:21] {dino} aaarrrgggghhhhhh
[12:22] {dino} !!!!!
[12:23] {dino} jbones hope you didn't stop
[12:23] {dino} out pcrx 87.87, +1.09
[12:24] {dino} wtf fngn, hits my stop and goes .50
[12:24] {JoebiWan} out fngn +.30 100 shrs only
[12:24] {JoebiWan} gj dino
[12:24] {dino} gj
[12:24] {RonS} took pcrx 87.06 to 87.95 +.89  thanks dino
[12:24] {dino} had 1k here so was tight, too tight
01[12:24] {@Threei}  gj guys
[12:25] {dino} gj ron
[12:25] {nemo} real tight stop at lunch, and you can see that support congestion donw to .82
[12:25] {_jbones} I got it Dino.  Thanks for that one.
[12:25] {nemo} 12:06-:09
[12:25] {dino} that pcrx has been pretty consistant lately, buy 86 area and ride
[12:26] {RonS} lottsa pressure in that group today so was a crap shoot...
[12:27] {RonS} slxp spike
[12:31] {RonS} cnq strength on Keystone expectation...
[12:32] {RonS} did i tell you guys the transfer stations went under construction in NE six months a go?
[12:32] {RonS} ago
[12:32] {RonS} actually 4 months
[12:32] {RonS} hired welders out of Denver in JULY
[12:36] {nemo} mmmhhh where's the trailer park girl today?
[12:38] {dino} lol
01[12:40] {@Threei}  decided that 4 days of nemo is her limit? :)
[12:40] {RonS} sheesh sn
[12:41] {nemo} not bad, took you long enough
[12:41] {dino} two trailer park girls walk
[12:41] {dino} 'round the outside...
[12:43] {RonS} poor dumb lab home alone next door going crazy w/ the Mexicans delivering roofing material to top of his house...throw him a burrito for chrissakes...
[12:43] {JoebiWan} i want some M&M's now
[12:44] {dino} joebi gets it
[12:48] {RonS} nuts...daughter gave her mother movie tickets for have to go watch some chick flick...ugh... where is censorship when you need it
[12:49] {nemo} aren't u due for a gall stone or somethin'?
01[12:49] {@Threei}  Some of analysts reviewing the developments in Russia/Ukraine war start questioning Putin's sanity, which in turn takes to the matter of nuclear arsenal and world's safety
[12:51] {RonS} health provider selling...hca lh cyh thc
[12:51] {RonS} uhs
[12:51] {RonS} hum
[12:51] {dino} he's sane. figures, "you got it and i want it, taking it until you stop me"
[12:51] {nemo} I'm sure the oligarchs are bullshit
[12:52] {RonS} hls
[12:52] {RonS} wlp
01[12:52] {@Threei}  some of latest developments don't fit into any reasonable line of thinking
[12:53] {nemo} agreed...think that's been an internal opinion for awhile
[12:53] {RonS} lpnt
[12:53] {dino} hls hl l .40
[12:54] {RonS} nemo these on the algo sell?
[12:54] {nemo} no
[12:54] {RonS} pretty coordinated
[12:55] {dino} uhs drop
[12:56] {dino} smr l .14
[12:57] {RonS} good catch all bouncing now
[12:58] {RonS} 'cept wlp
[13:00] {RonS} damn dino gj
[13:00] {dino} out uhs 98.14, +2.00
[13:01] {JoebiWan} hell yeah
[13:01] {dino} giddy-up
[13:01] {JoebiWan} gj
[13:01] {dino} ty, thats what they pay me for
[13:01] {dino} rgls spike
[13:03] {dino} ron, ty, out hls .70, +.30
[13:04] {RonS} np
[13:04] {RonS} don't look uhs
[13:04] {dino} i did
01[13:23] {@Threei}  Nemo defined in English vocabulary: Morose (mo-ro-se)
[13:24] {dino} they can't define nemo
01[13:24] {@Threei}  Nemo, Undefinable
01[13:26] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .50 break
01[13:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
[13:27] {nemo} mmmhhh, I like it short
01[13:28] {@Threei}  because morose?
[13:29] {Jfjf64} Morose
[13:30] {nemo} if you know what nemo means, it makes perfect sense
01[13:31] {@Threei}  it does actually
[13:32] {nemo} yep
01[13:32] {@Threei}  Ron... I'll have to redirect your blame so it's placed where it's due: superstorm from Alaska keeps Canada shivering
01[13:32] {@Threei}  see? you started it
01[13:32] {@Threei}  as in USA
[13:33] {RonS} Palin's fault?
01[13:34] {@Threei}  isn't she off that duty?
[13:41] {dino} palin, ah yes, in levi's for the campaign
[13:46] {nemo} airlines pulling out of Atlantic City
[13:47] {JoebiWan} gdxj?
[13:47] {nemo} looks good
[13:48] {nemo} what's the gdx leveraged long?
[13:50] {JoebiWan} not sure
[13:50] {nemo} not sure or don't know?
[13:50] {dino} dgp
[13:51] {nemo} wow, talk about thin trader
[13:57] {nemo} VXX
[13:58] {Jfjf64} Like morose
[13:59] {RonS} morose code?
[13:59] {RonS} def of nemo w/ an empty bottle...
01[14:04] {@Threei}  lol
[14:07] {Jfjf64} .05 break vex
[14:07] {Jfjf64} Ya lk vg
[14:07] {nemo} you mean vxx?
[14:07] {Jfjf64} Yes
01[14:08] {@Threei}  50/50
01[14:08] {@Threei}  SPY can go eother way easily
[14:08] {dino} airm b/s slipped smr l .08
[14:09] {Jfjf64} That's the problem
[14:09] {Jfjf64} What ya feelin morose
01[14:13] {@Threei}  rather up for SPY
[14:13] {nemo} can make an argument for index shorts now, but such a dull market easy to get jacked
01[14:13] {@Threei}  no... ip
01[14:13] {@Threei}  up
[14:15] {Jfjf64} Try typing with toes vg works better then elbows
01[14:16] {@Threei}  but demands more flexibity'
01[14:17] {@Threei}  SPY .45 break will start upward push
01[14:17] {@Threei}  .35 break will establish downward
[14:17] {nemo} u up me down, means flat
[14:18] {nemo} I'm going long vodka
[14:18] {dino} stopped
[14:18] {dino} airm .74 -.32
[14:22] {nemo} interesting getting this drop but vxx doing zip
[14:25] {dino} another rinse, that sucks
[14:26] {nemo} market frozen since 11
01[14:27] {@Threei}  no news
[14:28] {nemo} a little profit taking into the weekend after a helluva week
01[14:36] {@Threei}  Raven, see dcc pls
[14:41] {dino} pcrx drop
[14:44] {dino} anet smr l .15
02[14:46] * Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Nov 07 14:46:49 2014

Session Start: Fri Nov 07 14:46:49 2014
Session Ident: #discussions
02[14:48] * Attempting to rejoin channel #discussions
03[14:48] * Rejoined channel #discussions
[14:49] {dino} .
01[14:50] {Threei}  brief hiccup
[14:50] {nemo} oh jeez, missed vwap rejection on UNH, how perfect
[14:51] {JoebiWan} too busy being long vodka?
[14:51] {nemo} no, was just looking through some stocks and came across it
[14:52] {nemo} take a look
[14:53] {nemo} also coincided with opening low
[14:54] {JoebiWan} why is vwap so important?
01[14:54] {Threei}  it sounds cool?
[14:54] {nemo} institutions pay traders according to how they trade against vwap
[14:54] {dino} vwr drop
[14:54] {JoebiWan} ty
01[14:55] {Threei}  I like my idea better
[14:55] {nemo} if they want to get into a stock, the more a trader buys below vwap, the higher his commission and vice versa on the sell
[14:55] {JoebiWan} "vwahp" or "veewahp" vad?
[14:55] {nemo} it's a hint that institutions are involved when vwap gets rejected
01[14:55] {Threei}  whoop
[14:55] {JoebiWan} lol
[14:56] {nemo} depends on your accent
[14:56] {nemo} VWOP if you're an italian
01[14:56] {Threei}  vwahp if australian
[14:56] {@RonS} vbomb if you're German
01[14:56] {Threei}  lol
[14:56] {nemo} the other reason some profit taking makes sense is Putin's excursion
[14:59] {nemo} actually no Ron
[14:59] {nemo} VW in german is pronounce Fow Vay so I doubt they'd come up with that
[14:59] {JoebiWan} wie whap
[15:00] {nemo} oh the padawan is hiding something
[15:00] {JoebiWan} was meinst du?
[15:00] {nemo} genau
[15:02] {nemo} Moege di Macht mit dir sein...
[15:03] {nemo} oops...verzeihen Si mir...di=die
[15:03] {nemo} oops Si=Sie
[15:03] {dino} out anet .56, +.41
[15:03] {nemo} ach du lieber Gott!
01[15:04] {Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .25 break
01[15:04] {Threei}  If holds  .15
[15:04] {JoebiWan} aber immer
[15:04] {nemo} immer was?
[15:05] {JoebiWan} will the force be with me
[15:05] {nemo} interesting...vwap and the open are the proverbial hair apart in spy
01[15:05] {Threei}  and let nemo not to turn out beingyour father
[15:06] {nemo} Empfindlicheit
[15:07] {JoebiWan} forgot the k
[15:07] {nemo} I am unaware of any offspring
[15:07] {nemo} in what?
[15:07] {nemo} ahhh
[15:08] {nemo} o.k.
01[15:08] {Threei}  Invalidated
[15:08] {nemo} was thinking "heit" instead of "keit"
[15:09] {nemo} oh shit, the ex sent me a song
01[15:09] {Threei}  change to .20 break
01[15:09] {Threei}  If holds  .10
[15:09] {nemo} yah indexes look short here
[15:10] {nemo} took .18
[15:10] {nemo} vwap at .29ish
[15:11] {nemo} Hey Padawan, how you with all the den, die, das, die, dem, der, dem, den-stuff?
[15:14] {JoebiWan} not so great
[15:14] {nemo} yeah, when you get two or three adjectives in front of the noun I have issues
[15:15] {JoebiWan} parents moved here in early 80's from east germany...
[15:15] {JoebiWan} I learned both languages at a very early age
[15:15] {dino} where is here?
[15:15] {JoebiWan} utah
[15:16] {nemo} wow, I was in Koeln late 80's spent first few days with a family when they first came from East was amazing watching them look at the stores...they couldn't believe it
[15:16] {nemo} partial .28
01[15:16] {Threei}  1:1
[15:16] {nemo} looking for .45
[15:17] {nemo} u Young, Kimball, et al?
01[15:17] {Threei}  jbones, see private message
[15:17] {nemo} stop .19
[15:19] {dino} tcpi drop
[15:24] {JoebiWan} yeah nemo, my parents tell the same stories of grocery shopping in usa for first time
[15:25] {nemo} I made a visit East before the wall came was like going from a color tv to black and white
01[15:28] {Threei}  should have dropped by to USSR, it was like no TV at all
01[15:29] {Threei}  \just a window...with broken glass
01[15:31] {Threei}  ok VXX, let's do it
01[15:31] {Threei}  last run
[15:31] {nemo} stop below vwap
[15:32] {Jfjf64} Good weekend all
[15:33] {nemo} out
01[15:34] {Threei}  take care jf
[15:35] {dino} chrs spike
01[15:42] {Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .45 break
01[15:42] {Threei}  If holds  .38
01[15:42] {Threei}  the very last one
01[15:43] {Threei}  aggressive for .50
[15:44] {nemo} spy going back to vwap
01[15:46] {Threei}  1:1
01[15:51] {Threei}  1:2
01[15:51] {Threei}  close enough considering time
[15:53] {dino} calling it a week, gn all
[15:54] {JoebiWan} out thanks vad!
[15:54] {JoebiWan} whiskey time
[15:54] {JoebiWan} good weekend all
01[15:54] {Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:54] {Threei}  have a great weekend, see you Nonday
01[15:54] {Threei}  or M\onday