Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug 05 2013

Hitting 1:3 as I post it. BBRY, formerly known as a biggie... Who said August had to be boring?

And another 1:3er:

Session Time: Mon Aug 05 00:00:00 2013
[08:51] {dino} gm. i miss much last week?
01[08:52] {&Threei}  morning dino
01[08:52] {&Threei}  fantastic week actually
01[08:52] {&Threei}  surprisingly
01[08:53] {&Threei}  how was your cruise?
[08:55] {dino} cruise was awesome
01[08:55] {&Threei}  :)
[09:16] {RonS} gm...did everyone see the post by that supposed hard case Nemo?
01[09:16] {&Threei}  ron :)
01[09:16] {&Threei}  what post?
[09:16] {nemo} which one?  the singing doggie?
01[09:16] {&Threei}  ah
01[09:17] {&Threei}  have you seen mine, with underwater camera in crab trap, ron?
[09:17] {nemo} So, my bank's website has a listing of non-surcharge ATMs you can use outside of their ATMs.  Those institutions won't charge you, but my bank charges you for using their ATMs...go figure
[09:17] {RonS} have not
01[09:18] {&Threei}
[09:19] {ese} morning
[09:20] {ese} took friday off
01[09:20] {&Threei}  ese :)
01[09:20] {&Threei}  was a great day for us
[09:20] {ese} thats why I did it..........i've just been draggin you down
01[09:21] {&Threei}  umm, not really... whole last week was good, lol
01[09:21] {&Threei}  so you might have been trying... but failed
[09:22] {nemo} frickin' rabbit is hitting me up for raisins
[09:22] {nemo} and I thought tortilla chips were bunny crack
[09:23] {RonS} nice video 3i, good color and great resolution
[09:24] {nemo} Vad's got crabs!
01[09:24] {&Threei}  not my filming :)
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  cipher :)
01[09:25] {&Threei}  watching TZA as possible first play
01[09:26] {&Threei}  SPY looks breakdownish
[09:27] {RonS} those technical terms are so confusing...
[09:27] {Alexs} gm
01[09:28] {&Threei}  alex :)
01[09:28] {&Threei}  I am working of the dictionary Ron
01[09:29] {&Threei}  of = on
01[09:30] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .55 break
01[09:31] {&Threei}  If holds  .48
01[09:32] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .75 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .82
01[09:37] {&Threei}  no go GDX
03[09:37] * Retrieving #discussions modes...
[09:38] {nemo} think tna or sso are buys here
[09:38] {nemo} finnies not cofirming though
[09:39] {+cc_9} Morning folks.
01[09:39] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
01[09:39] {&Threei}  narrow opening
01[09:40] {&Threei}  trail TZA to under .50
01[09:42] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  41 break hl
01[09:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
[09:43] {+cc_9} SR, can we see sub $12 today...i've waited long enough
01[09:44] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:45] {&Threei}  TZA half out
01[09:45] {&Threei}  stop to .54
01[09:46] {&Threei}  MOS 1:2
[09:46] {+cc_9} STXS closing in on double digits
[09:49] {dino} idcc sm l .01 gappy
01[09:49] {&Threei}  crucial information:
01[09:49] {&Threei}  Zimbabwe's main stock exchange index plunges 11% in 1st trading day after official Mugabe victory - @Reuters
01[09:51] {&Threei}  OK, both are closed on trails
[09:52] {nemo} expe
01[09:53] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .40 break
01[09:53] {&Threei}  If holds  .50
[09:54] {dino} idcc stop .71 -.30
[09:55] {dino} hbc sm l .01
01[09:56] {&Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:56] {&Threei}  let's wait out the numbers
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY ISM NON-MANUFACTURING COMPOSITE: 56 V 53.1E
01[10:00] {&Threei}  argh... GLD got away
01[10:01] {&Threei}  had in mind changing trigger to .50 but numbers crushed it before I could finish the thought
[10:01] {dino} usu spike
01[10:07] {&Threei} Short Setup: BBRY  .50 break
01[10:07] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
[10:10] {+cc_9} SR continues to defy the simplest law of physics
[10:10] {+cc_9} All with a laughable volume
[10:11] {nemo} like trying to understand women
01[10:12] {&Threei}  actually, couple years ago one of IBM supercomputers did understand them. It's just that they changed their mind right that minute
01[10:12] {&Threei}  1:1 BBRY
[10:12] {dino} scty spike
[10:13] {nemo} spy the last to close the gap
[10:15] {RonS} took hbc .90 to .15 +.25  thanks dino
[10:17] {dino} out hbc .26, +.25
[10:17] {dino} np, gj ron
01[10:17] {&Threei}  nice one guys
[10:18] {dino} cboe drop
01[10:18] {&Threei}  1:2
01[10:18] {&Threei}  what a cute little reversal
01[10:18] {&Threei}  on a cute little stock that used to be big and intimidating
[10:18] {dino} idcc lod
01[10:18] {&Threei}  sic transit gloria mundi
[10:19] {dino} cboe sm l .60
[10:24] {+cc_9} SR / STXS 15min charts, feel like im looking at .pk stocks
01[10:24] {&Threei}  visual:
[10:29] {+cc_9} EXPE breaking out on the 30min chart.
[10:30] {nemo} yeah shook me out on the drop to vwap
[10:31] {+cc_9} plenty room on the upside once it clears $51
[10:31] {nemo} yeah,
[10:31] {nemo} coh too
[10:33] {+cc_9} Yup, same idea
[10:33] {dino} cboe stop -.16
[10:34] {dino} rinsed
[10:42] {dino} spex
01[10:43] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .10 break
01[10:43] {&Threei}  If holds  .15
[10:47] {+cc_9} SPY pulling back at Friday's highs
[10:49] {ese} L met .95
01[10:49] {&Threei}  stop is .13 now
01[10:50] {&Threei}  risk is negligible
[10:53] {dino} spex crazy
01[10:53] {&Threei}  half out
01[10:53] {&Threei}  1:1 is close enough
01[10:54] {&Threei}  stop to .11
[10:54] {dino} bah hl l .04
[10:56] {RonS} Booz Allen Hamilton sets lender call this afternoon, no details yet
[10:56] {nemo} BIDU bounce point
[11:09] {+cc_9} EXPE still pushing on 30min
[11:11] {ese} out met .81 -.14
[11:12] {dino} evep hl l .33
[11:12] {+cc_9} YELP fading on 15min
01[11:12] {&Threei}  poor GLD
[11:13] {ese} L bah .03
[11:14] {RonS} L oink  .??
[11:14] {ese} dino.....just noticed your in bah as well
01[11:16] {&Threei}  stop to .06
[11:18] {ese} dino.....ya also eyeing HST
[11:19] {ese} L hst .31
[11:19] {dino} i'm here, i will look at it
01[11:20] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .40 break
01[11:22] {&Threei}  If holds  .35
01[11:23] {&Threei}  1:1
01[11:24] {&Threei}  like fish in a barrel
[11:24] {ese} L met .83
[11:25] {nemo} wtf mlnx
[11:25] {dino} was just looking at that
[11:25] {dino} mlnx is a freak
01[11:26] {&Threei}  1:2
[11:27] {robbers} Another good call on GLD.
01[11:27] {&Threei}  can I go home?
01[11:29] {&Threei}  1:3, out
[11:29] {robbers} You are home, but we might let you take a bathroom break.
01[11:29] {&Threei}  sigh
06[11:30] * &Threei puts nemo down to "kill first" list
[11:30] {nemo} I'm honored
[11:30] {robbers} Kill him and pee on the remains.
[11:30] {nemo} can we be a bit more creative with corpses here
[11:31] {nemo} o.k. where'd this come from
[11:32] {+cc_9} BIDU @ session lows, major fade since open
[11:34] {dino} spex lighting up my 07 scanner like 4th of july
01[11:37] {&Threei}  lol
01[11:37] {&Threei}  visual:
[11:38] {ese} wow
[11:38] {ese} spex
[11:38] {+cc_9} before even checking, that looks like a tough one to borrow
[11:39] {dino} none avail for me
01[11:40] {&Threei}  US) Fed's Fisher (hawk, FOMC alternate): In favor of tapering in the fall, investors cannot rely upon a "Fed put"- Taper needs to be orderly, must gingerly unwind the balance sheet. - Fed owns a significant slice of critical markets at the moment, is at a delicate moment. - Excess liquidty could provide plenty of kindling for inflation, may also be inspiring the misallocation of capital. - Markets may be too used to having Fed stimulus.
[11:40] {nemo} significant slice of critical markets...we're fucked
01[11:40] {&Threei}  Une voix dans le desert
[11:41] {nemo} Think I'll see how Whitey Bulger's trial is going
[11:41] {RonS} on no...someone figured it out...Voting Fisher for rocket scientist
01[11:42] {&Threei}  nemo... this is one hawk against all the people with two left brains
[11:42] {dino} sds hl l .95 stop .73
01[11:42] {&Threei}  thewy will press until there is njothing to press anymore
[11:42] {nemo} I understand, but he just admitted, they're basically in the position of the London Whale
01[11:43] {&Threei}  and when collapse looms karge, their major effort will be about how to pin it on the right
[11:43] {dino} baby beluga
[11:43] {nemo} DDD sseting up short
01[11:43] {&Threei}  needless to say, right is doing fabulous job making themselves an easy target
01[11:44] {&Threei}  btw, someone posted an article in FT over the weekend with cute analogy: austerity during financial crisis is like prescribing a diet to anorexic
01[11:45] {&Threei}  to which I couldn't help but answer:
01[11:45] {&Threei}  borrowing more in debt crisis is like prescribing a cake to morbidly obese
01[11:46] {&Threei}  C 1:2
[11:47] {dino} bah st .82 -.22
[11:48] {nemo} .75 bid on ddd
[11:51] {robbers} Out C in full, thanks.
01[11:53] {&Threei}  :)
[12:00] {+cc_9} EXPE still flirting with HOD, very bullish 30min
[12:03] {ese} out met .60 -.25
[12:03] {ese} damn it
[12:24] {nemo} wow halfway through the day and spy has done 24.2 million
[12:32] {dino} epam spike
[12:32] {nemo} 20 day average is 102 million, 65 day is 134 mil
[12:32] {dino} hl s .56
[12:38] {dino} out evep .55, +.22
[12:44] {+cc_9} SR drop already you pos
[12:44] {+cc_9} Been waiting for days, time to flush
[12:45] {+cc_9} MOS @ session higs
[12:53] {ese} L some bah avg .02
[12:57] {dino} gmcr spike
[12:58] {dino} sm s .99
[12:59] {RonS} careful gmcr 25% float short and up after Barron's puked on them
[12:59] {dino} ok
[12:59] {nemo} yeah, looks like it wants to challenge the high on the daily
[13:03] {dino} gmcr stop -.25
[13:03] {nemo} I see 82 in it's future today
[13:08] {dino} sds to .99
[13:09] {ese} bah still alive and well dino
[13:09] {ese} holdin up against an spy tank
[13:11] {dino} got stopped bah earlier
[13:12] {dino} 3 rinses, that was 1
[13:15] {nemo} this is a reasonable bounce area for the indexes
[13:16] {nemo} that fed news kinda took the wind out of the sails today
01[13:16] {&Threei}  you mean Fisher's comments?
[13:17] {nemo} yeah...there wasn't much commitment anyway today
01[13:17] {&Threei}  I don't know if anyone takes it seriously
01[13:17] {&Threei}  he is but one voice... chairman will set the policy
[13:17] {nemo} really?  I had no idea
01[13:17] {&Threei}  and chairman will have two left brains, two left arms, two left legs
01[13:18] {&Threei}  you also had no patience to wait for the end of the sentence
[13:18] {nemo} and soon, maybe even a vagina
[13:18] {dino} epam stop/cov .70 -.14
[13:18] {nemo} Ron must not be paying attention
01[13:18] {&Threei}  now, this same fisher said:
01[13:19] {&Threei}  - Have not seen any name that has surfaced as a potential Fed Chair nominee that he woud not be happy to serve under, Bernanke has set a high bar, ultimate standard for a Fed chair is Volcker
01[13:19] {&Threei}  high bar eh?
01[13:19] {&Threei}  and the names floating are Yellen and Summers
01[13:19] {&Threei}  and he will be happy with them
01[13:19] {&Threei}  shrug
[13:21] {+cc_9} SPEX pulling off what SR needs to pulloff
[13:21] {+cc_9} a damn fade.
[13:22] {dino} out sds .00, +.05
[13:27] {dino} mcox?
01[13:28] {&Threei}  no news that I see
01[13:28] {&Threei}  1999-early 2000 all over again
01[13:28] {&Threei}  stocks triple in one day
[13:29] {+cc_9} BIDU nice comeback so far
[13:29] {+cc_9} SR closing in on $13, just tank already
[13:30] {nemo} yeah, BIDU bounced right at the 23.6 of recent swing low before the gap up
[13:31] {ese} bidu is one of the hardest stocks there is trade imo...spread is always huge
[13:31] {nemo} yeah, like a secretary's ass
[13:32] {dino} lol
06[13:32] * &Threei sends nemo a Good Manners, Volume 1 for study
[13:43] {dino} cboe hl ml .40
[13:44] {RonS} ml?
[13:45] {dino} long, typo
01[13:46] {&Threei}  "maybe long"
01[13:46] {&Threei}  come on Ron
01[13:47] {&Threei}  {nemo} Now, can you send me a secretary with big ass too, to read that Good Manners volume to me out loud?
01[13:47] {&Threei}  sigh
[13:48] {RonS}
01[13:49] {&Threei}  Les, where are you
[13:56] {+cc_9} Just a thought, but have you guys considered trading DUST as opposed to GDX/GLD ?
[13:56] {+cc_9} The intraday swings are unmatched.
[13:56] {+cc_9} even a couple hundred shares make a good trade.
[13:57] {nemo} volume a little thin
01[13:57] {&Threei}  20-30 cents wide spread stock is a very different trading style
01[13:59] {&Threei}  I prefer hunting for 20-30 cents move on a 1000 shares of thick stock to a dollar - dollar and half om 200 shares of this thinnie
[14:06] {ese} omg.............tooth decay......yes definitely more exciting
[14:11] {+cc_9} If you anticipate a move on GDX, you get the same exact move on DUST. Obviously if you are wrong, then you are wrong.
[14:12] {+cc_9} I understand what you're saying though.
01[14:14] {&Threei}  it's different ways of risk contr'ol
01[14:14] {&Threei}  and setups are much easier to see on thicvk stocks
[14:14] {RonS} ok, nemo...hit 'em
01[14:14] {&Threei}  thin ones can make an "accidental" move that tags your stop with more ease than thick ones
[14:15] {RonS} ...nemo:  same as on thick women...
01[14:15] {&Threei}  lol
[14:15] {nemo} eh...mouth's a mouth
[14:19] {ese} damn's them causing the liquidity issues her.....there all on flippin holiday
[14:20] {ese} out bah 2k worth .21 +.19
[14:20] {dino} gj
[14:20] {ese} tks
[14:28] {+cc_9} SR lol what just happened
[14:29] {+cc_9} 200k shares just moved it $2.25
[14:35] {dino} out cboe .69, +.29
01[15:00] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .45 break
01[15:01] {&Threei}  If holds  .50
01[15:07] {&Threei}  aggressive for .40
01[15:08] {&Threei}  (G20) White House Press Sec Carney: Decision on whether President Obama will attend the summit in Russia will be made within a few days- Note: Some Congressional members had called on President Obama to boycott the G20 summit in Moscow in protest of the Snowden asylum **Note: Russia hosts the G20 Leaders Summit in St.Petersburg this September
01[15:08] {&Threei}  not that Russia cares much if he doesn't go, but sheesh, show some spine and just don't go
[15:13] {+cc_9} A-Rod suspended for 211 games, market moving news
[15:13] {dino} how many games in a year
[15:13] {RonS} wow, thought it should be only 210...
[15:14] {RonS} ...thinking 183 or 186...
01[15:17] {&Threei}  I see no correlation between GDX and DUST on this call
01[15:17] {&Threei}  GDX drops, DUST went up from the moment of GDX trigger
[15:20] {dino} jack spike
[15:20] {dino} break .25 short btrig
[15:24] {RonS} gj
[15:29] {nemo} well this should be our daily run to all time highs
01[15:46] {&Threei}  covering high as time becomes an issue
01[15:47] {&Threei}  stop to .46
[15:47] {dino} \jack s .41
[15:49] {dino} cov jack .32, +.09
[15:50] {dino} calling it a day, thx all
01[15:51] {&Threei}  take care dino
[15:52] {dino} u2, gn
01[15:56] {&Threei}  closing the rest
01[15:56] {&Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:56] {&Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:57] {Alexs} thanks Vad you actually made a maximum of that day :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Market Week Wrap-up  Weekly Market Update: Mixed Data and Accommodative Monetary Policy Keeps Markets On Trend

- Global equity market sustained a solidly risk-on tone this week as investors coped with a heavy schedule of data, central bank decisions and earnings. The US Q2 GDP reading was better than expected even as July payrolls were weaker, while other US data was very good. China's official PMI reading came in better than expected, fighting off forecasts of a contraction. In Europe, final July PMI readings were a bit better than preliminary readings, while some other positive data provided more glimmers of hope that a bottom could be found under the euro crisis. ECB President Draghi reiterated his new "extended period" pledge as rates were left unchanged, while the Fed tinkered with the language of the statement - slightly downgrading its outlook on the US to "modest" economic expansion from "moderate". The Fed also acknowledged concerns about low inflation, allowing Governor Bullard to withdraw his dissent. The US earnings season is about two thirds complete, and some analysts are complaining about tepid earnings growth and very low revenue growth seen in corporate numbers. For the week, the DJIA rose 0.6%, the S&P500 gained 1.1% and the Nasdaq added 2.1%.

- The June US job reports underperformed expectations. The +162K NFP print missed expectations of +185K, however equity markets took the data in stride. Analysts highlighted that most of the job gains were concentrated in the low-paying retail and service sector. Both hourly wages and the average work week contracted, while the June NFPs were revised lower from +195K to +188K. Nevertheless, analysts suggested it would likely require another big payrolls miss to change the trajectory of Fed tapering plans. Former FOMC dissenter Bullard commented that the jobs data was "a little bit softer than expected but still consistent with a modestly improving economy we have seen in recent data."

- The first reading of Q2 US GDP at +1.7% was better than expected, although still lags below the +2.0% level that would likely provoke a self-sustaining recovery. Nonresidential investment, imports and exports were all much improved over final Q1 levels, although analysts said the decline in the PCE measure to +1.8% from final Q1 levels of +2.3% is not a very good sign. The July ISM manufacturing index topped expectations and hit its highest level since April 2011.

- Oil majors Exxon, Chevron, BP, and Shell all reported pretty terrible Q2 results. All four firms saw lower profits and production over last year and blamed soft oil prices for their terrible performance, plus a grab-bag of other excuses, including maintenance downtime and asset divestitures. Exxon's EPS missed expectations in its Q2 and reported its lowest profit in more than three years. Contrast these results with Conoco, which crushed earnings expectations on another incremental production increase and a raised FY production forecast.

- Shares of Facebook surpassed their initial offering price of $38 on Wednesday morning, a key milestone for the firm around 14 months after its deeply flawed IPO. The firm's shares have been on a tear since its excellent Q2 report, and press reports this week suggested Facebook would start further expand its growing advertising business by offering 15-second television-style spots in user news feeds.

- Major automakers reported another decent month of US sales in July. GM, Ford, Chrysler and Toyota saw double-digit percentage gains, with GM and Toyota sales up more than 16% y/y, though a bit below expectations. GM and Ford saw strong gains in truck sales. GM said its full-size pickup sales were up 44 percent, the best July figure since 2007. In the China market, Toyota reported July sales down 3.5%.

- Activist investor Bill Ackman has disclosed a 9.8%, $2.2 billion stake in Air Products, helping shares of APD trade up 3%. The company said it would "thoroughly review constructive input from shareholders" and noted that it had not yet been contacted by Ackman. Note that Herbalife, Ackman's big short position,hit one-year highs following a solid earnings report on Tuesday.

- The world's largest potash producer, Russian firm Uralkali, upended the industry by abandoning limits on production after it froze cooperation with major supplier Belarus. The decision sent shares of leading global potash producers down by 20-30% as investors speculated a flood of supplies will undercut prices. Note that the industry had run as an informal cartel that supported higher potash prices over shipped volumes.

- On the M&A front, the story of the week was Omnicom and Publicis Groupe agreeing to create the world's largest advertising firm in a merger of equals valued at slightly more than $35 billion. Analysts suggested the deal was an effort to restore the balance of power between traditional advertising firms and their online counterparts like Google. Perrigo agreed to buy Irish firm Elan for $8.6 billion, ending bitter takeover battle in which Elan rejected three lower bids from Royalty Pharma amid injunctions, court hearings and a war of words. Saks Fifth Avenue agreed to be acquired by Lord & Taylor owner Hudson's Bay Company for $16/share in cash, in a total deal valued at $2.9 billion.

- Michael Dell and Silver Lake have come very close to clinching their buyout deal for Dell after boosting their offer to at least $13.88 (and likely as much as $13.96) by offering to pay shareholders additional dividends after the deal closes. In exchange, the board will alter the voting rules to favor their deal, leaving Icahn out in the cold at the new special meeting, scheduled for September 12th.

- There were no surprises in either the BOE or ECB rate decisions. With some doubting the ECB's newly minted forward guidance ("key rates to remain at current level or lower for an extended period of time"), ECB President Draghi warned that there is no implicit deadline for the end of the "extended period" and that current market expectations for interest rate hikes in money markets were unwarranted. So far the ECB is struggling only slightly less than the Fed to lower expectations built into the front end of their curves. EUR/USD saw a 61.8% retracement of its 2013 range (1.3713-1.2746) on touching 1.3345 following the Fed statement on Wednesday. After dropping to around 1.3200 ahead of the US jobs report, it rose to 1.3280 on the disappointing payrolls.

- USD/JPY began the week at one-month lows below 98. Decisions regarding the timing and amount of consumption tax increase were a big catalyst, with PM Abe reported to have hired a team to evaluate a number of options to perhaps put off implementation of a 10% hike until 2015 (up from the current 5% consumption tax). On Thursday and Friday, USD/JPY marched right back towards 100, but fell short after the US payrolls report.

- AUD/USD weakness followed a double whammy from bad data down under. June building approvals showed an unexpectedly deep contraction and RBA Governor Stevens hinted at further easing was in the pipeline. The pair broke below the 0.90 handle for the first time since Sept 2010.


Aug 2 2013

Little (or not so little) pre-weekend treat. Looks nice on top of other nice winning trades and secures 5 juicy profitable days in one week... which consists of 5 days. Funny coincidence.  

Session Time: Fri Aug 02 00:00:00 2013
[08:25] {nemo} see what the bears have had to  regress to:
[09:22] {Alexs} gm
[09:22] {bbobr} gm
01[09:23] {&Threei}  alex, bbobr :)
[09:24] {RonS} hi everyone
[09:24] {cipher} gm
01[09:24] {&Threei}  ron :)
01[09:27] {&Threei}  Labor-force participation drops, discouraged workers up y/y, earnings & workweek dip
01[09:27] {&Threei}  recovery gains speed
01[09:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: IWM  .70 break
01[09:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:31] {&Threei}  stop to .76
01[09:32] {&Threei}  meh
01[09:33] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .25 break
01[09:34] {&Threei}  If holds  .31
01[09:36] {&Threei}  IWM rinse
01[09:38] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .60 break
01[09:38] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:39] {&Threei}  still valid
01[09:40] {&Threei}  with .53 stop
01[09:42] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:44] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .45 break
01[09:44] {&Threei}  If holds  .53
01[09:45] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:47] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:49] {&Threei}  let's go C, you owe us 1:2
01[09:51] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:52] {&Threei}  last piecer of GDX stopped on a trail at .36 btw
01[09:58] {&Threei}  ok, closed C as well
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JUN FACTORY ORDERS: 1.5% V 2.3%E
01[10:00] {&Threei}  where is ese
01[10:00] {&Threei}  I need this long therapeutic talk about recovery
01[10:01] {&Threei}  US) Jun Durable Goods revised lower from 4.2% to 3.9%
01[10:05] {&Threei}  LOL Twitter:
01[10:05] {&Threei}  What if the Fed just hired everyone directly? Cut out the middleman
[10:06] {+cc_9} Who wants to call the close on SR today ?
01[10:07] {&Threei}  11
01[10:08] {&Threei}  pleasant thought: dino's vacation is just about over
[10:09] {nemo} unpleasant thought:  Les might be back next week
01[10:16] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .50 break hl
01[10:17] {&Threei}  change to .60 break
01[10:18] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
01[10:19] {&Threei}  still valid
[10:20] {+cc_9} SR tanking
[10:20] {+cc_9} loses $14 and the bid takes a dirt nap
01[10:22] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:22] {nemo} NOW might be interesting short
01[10:22] {&Threei}  WHERE?
[10:23] {nemo} Ticker:  NOW
[10:24] {robbers} Out CAT in full, thanks.
01[10:25] {&Threei}  yw'
01[10:25] {&Threei}  those who decided to take Fri off will be crying
01[10:25] {&Threei}  shapes up decently
01[10:29] {&Threei}  closed at 1:3 btw
01[10:29] {&Threei}  Spain "will be stuck with an unemployment rate above 25% for at least five more years."
01[10:35] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .40 break
01[10:35] {&Threei}  If holds  .35
[10:35] {+cc_9} SR, here we go, 14 test again, needs to flush and it will
01[10:35] {&Threei}  SR is so out of 1998
[10:36] {nemo} oh, and you're so out of the 70's
01[10:36] {&Threei}  98-99, stocks were making moves like this routinely
01[10:36] {&Threei}  actually, I am from 60s
01[10:36] {&Threei}  I just preserve well
[10:37] {nemo} I know, you probably made your oats in the 70's
01[10:37] {&Threei}  half out GDX
01[10:38] {&Threei}  stop to .39
[10:39] {+cc_9} SR cracking $14 bid
01[10:41] {&Threei}  wow... first rain in 33 days or so
01[10:58] {&Threei}  break little GDX, break
01[10:58] {&Threei}  and run
01[10:58] {&Threei}  like forrest
01[11:01] {&Threei}  State Dept. issues worldwide travel alert for US citizens due to unspecified al-Qaida threat
01[11:01] {&Threei}  oh good
01[11:02] {&Threei}  whereevr you are, you are warned of some threat
[11:02] {+cc_9} SR losing 13.50
[11:03] {+cc_9} let it flush
01[11:04] {&Threei}  wow... did we cover CAT too soon
01[11:04] {&Threei}  closed GDX
01[11:14] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .90 break
01[11:14] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
[11:15] {Alexs} full lot?
[11:15] {+cc_9} the turrurists will get you
01[11:15] {&Threei}  with such stop, sure
01[11:16] {&Threei}  turrurists?
01[11:16] {&Threei}  what are those?
01[11:16] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[11:16] {+cc_9} people that live in north africa and the middle east who want to snatch your purse if you travel there
01[11:17] {&Threei}  wow...
01[11:18] {&Threei}  how do you call purse snatchers based in North America?
01[11:18] {&Threei}  wait, let me guess... purse snatchers?
[11:18] {nemo} the larger question:  does CC_9 carry a purse?
[11:18] {nemo} crissakes, wake me when the market opens
[11:19] {nemo} shit...this is slower then Les trying to add 2 + 2
[11:20] {RonS} if you were long or short yelp you would be awake...
[11:20] {nemo} yeah, mind bender that one
[11:20] {nemo} clear air on it
[11:22] {nemo} lulu OSNR
[11:26] {RonS} gotta be a Canuckian...
[11:28] {RonS} last Irishman named Devin in US passed away in 1899...
01[11:28] {&Threei}  lol
03[11:29] * Retrieving #discussions modes...
[11:29] {RonS} more proof of Irish heritage...
01[11:30] {&Threei}  what a pleasant e-mail:
01[11:30] {&Threei}  Dear client!
01[11:30] {&Threei}  You are receiving this email because of you have been received the money.
01[11:30] {&Threei}  too bad grammar makes me a bit hesitant to click...
[11:31] {RonS} lol...thought you mis-typed it...
01[11:31] {&Threei}  nope :)
01[11:37] {&Threei}  I though of posting link about 40 sexiest finanvial journalists but then decided you'd proboably not be interested
[11:37] {nemo} saw that last week  snoozer
01[11:38] {&Threei}  so, instead:
01[11:38] {&Threei}  President Mugabe's party has won two-thirds of seats in parliament in Zimbabwe's elections, the electoral commission announces
[11:38] {RonS} lol
01[11:39] {&Threei}  CFN...
[11:40] {RonS} some Brit co named smith pulled bid or squashed the rumor...
01[11:41] {&Threei}  yes but CFN was supposed to be a BUYER
[11:41] {RonS} ah
01[11:41] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CFN  .60 break hl
01[11:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .45
01[11:42] {&Threei}  change to .50 break
01[11:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[11:43] {&Threei}  crap
01[11:43] {&Threei}  got away
01[11:44] {&Threei}  double crap
01[11:45] {&Threei}  ok, in on pullback
01[11:45] {&Threei}  stop under .40
01[11:46] {&Threei}  1:1
01[11:46] {&Threei}  not trailing yet
01[11:47] {&Threei}  half out
01[11:47] {&Threei}  stop to .45
01[11:48] {&Threei}  come on CFN, you can do better that this
01[11:49] {&Threei}  oh well
01[11:49] {&Threei}  merely a scalp
[11:50] {+cc_9} SR the melting begins
[11:53] {+cc_9} getting slapped, losing 13
01[11:59] {&Threei}  CFN, son of a motherless goat
01[12:19] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CFN  .50 break hl
01[12:19] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[12:20] {&Threei}  change to .40 break
[12:22] {nemo} this should be the gap close
01[12:22] {&Threei}  1:1
01[12:28] {&Threei}  1:3
01[12:31] {&Threei}  1:5, out
01[12:33] {&Threei}  no? anyone?
[12:33] {nemo} here comes the gap close
[12:34] {nemo} might short it again here if it holds under 36
[12:34] {nemo} oops too late
[12:46] {_goinshort} nice call thanks!
01[12:47] {&Threei}  welcome :)
01[12:47] {&Threei}  good to see someone pays attention, lol
01[12:47] {&Threei}  these folks totally ignire me {G}
01[12:47] {&Threei}  ignore
[12:48] {_goinshort} trade was text book
01[12:48] {&Threei}  ... and I wrote it :)
[12:48] {_goinshort} lol
01[13:12] {&Threei}
01[13:20] {&Threei}  I call bs on this one:
01[13:20] {&Threei}  99% of people feel uncomfortable when the tv volume is an odd number
01[13:20] {&Threei}  never met anyone who would even pay attention
[13:27] {Alexs} 1% make money and pay taxes 99% care about tv volume
01[13:27] {&Threei}  lol
[13:50] {nemo} hpq dropping back on Icahn denial probably a short
01[13:55] {&Threei}  HPQ Icahn does not own shares of the company, contrary to earlier rumors - CNBC citing sources
[13:55] {nemo} .89 short?
[13:55] {nemo}  oops
01[13:55] {&Threei}  (IT) Former PM Berlusconi reportedly calls on his party to push for reform of judicial system or else it should seek new elections - press**Note: Berlusconi has called for changes to the justice system before, and remarks come following the Italy Supreme Court affirming his prison sentence in the tax fraud case. After the court decision yesterday Berlusconi denied all of the allegations and claimed that some members of the judiciary have been unfairly targeting him.
01[14:41] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  53 break
01[14:41] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
01[14:41] {&Threei}  just remember we are in profit preservation mode
[14:41] {nemo} I'm in consciousness preservation mode
01[14:42] {&Threei}  not too late for that?
01[14:42] {&Threei}  like, a decade too late?
[14:42] {nemo} for my conscience, yes, consciousness no
01[14:42] {&Threei}  ok... I am ahead of you then
01[14:43] {&Threei}  both are lost somewhere on the bottom of a very very deep and dark chasm
01[14:44] {&Threei}  made a wish once to get them back, and it was granted... but my accent was too thicvk, and somehow I got a bottle of cognack instead
[14:45] {RonS} lol
01[14:45] {&Threei}  (didn't regret it much either)
01[14:45] {&Threei}  I mean it was Hennessy Paradis for crissake
01[14:48] {&Threei}  try it once, and you will happuly trade your conscience for a bottle
01[15:20] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .60 break
01[15:23] {&Threei}  change to .70 break
01[15:23] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
01[15:33] {&Threei}  (US) Former Treasury Sec Geithner is said to have informed the Obama administration he is not interested in becoming next Fed chairman - press- Geithner is said to be advising the administration in its choice.
01[15:33] {&Threei}  I am in tears
01[15:34] {&Threei}  now, can the rest of those economists wth two left brains withdraw themselves too?
01[15:35] {&Threei}  half out GDX
[15:37] {Alexs} trail to .71?
01[15:37] {&Threei}  yeah
01[15:37] {&Threei}  time presses
01[15:41] {&Threei}  - Your marital status? - Don't even have a cat
01[15:44] {&Threei}  VRNG Hearing court documents suggest firm could be entitled to supplimental damages
01[15:54] {&Threei}  scratching C +.02
01[15:55] {&Threei}  closing GDX
01[15:55] {&Threei}  beautiful week with 5 nicely profitable days
01[15:55] {&Threei}  have a great weekend, see you Monday!
[15:56] {Alexs} thank you for great week Vad!
01[15:56] {&Threei}  :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 1 2013

Catch of the Day, FB double top short

One more 1:3, classic breakdown:

[15:51] {+cc_9} MOS $41.00 LOD banging with 7mins on the clock
[15:52] {+cc_9} now this is fun to watch
Session Time: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 2013
[09:14] {ese} morning
01[09:14] {&Threei}  morning ese
[09:14] {ese} hmmmmm intelliscan not working
[09:15] {RonS} morning ese, good morning non-ese
01[09:15] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:15] {ese} non ese?......i'm here I tell ya......right here
[09:16] {ese} vad ...your iscan working
01[09:16] {&Threei}  yeah but there are also others who, agree, are non ese
01[09:16] {&Threei}  one of the windows has one symbol - YELP in Social Networks
01[09:17] {&Threei}  can't tell other are empty because there is no activity or somnething isn't working
[09:18] {ese} the green bars at the bottom arn't flashing
01[09:18] {&Threei}  huh... mine di
01[09:18] {&Threei}  do
[09:18] {ese} am restarting computer
[09:19] {ese} see what happens
[09:19] {Alexs} gm
[09:19] {ese} its working now
01[09:19] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:20] {ese} perfect...working now.....morning A
[09:20] {cipher} gm
01[09:20] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:21] {ese} C
[09:24] {bbobr} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:25] {nemo} got ur 170 hats?
01[09:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
[09:30] {ese} nihd
[09:31] {ese} sorry ignore...wrong screen
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .15 
[09:34] {thomcbell} wow sndk
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:36] {robbers} Out in full, thanks.
01[09:39] {&Threei}  yw
01[09:41] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  .50 break hl
01[09:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .40 
[09:42] {nemo} oops
01[09:42] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
[09:44] {thomcbell} vxx 14.72 long break Vad?
[09:44] {thomcbell} or not enuf vol?
01[09:45] {&Threei}  tough read
01[09:45] {&Threei}  SPY looks breaky
01[09:45] {&Threei}  which means VXX is not really long
[09:49] {Alexs} CHK .80?
01[09:50] {&Threei}  not anymore
01[09:51] {&Threei}  but uinteresting one
01[09:51] {&Threei}  interesting
[09:52] {thomcbell} mos near day low looking for a setup here 
01[09:54] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  .05 break
01[09:54] {&Threei}  If holds  41 
[09:55] {Alexs} hl lot?
[09:55] {ese} slca
01[09:55] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:55] {&Threei}  with .05 stop, full
[10:00] {thomcbell} mos looks more breakdownish 
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY ISM MANUFACTURING: 55.4 V 52.0E; ISM PRICES PAID: 49 V 53.5E
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JUN CONSTRUCTION SPENDING M/M: -0.6% V 0.4%E
01[10:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .10 break
[10:07] {ese} Lspwr .81
[10:08] {nemo} gap and grind
01[10:10] {&Threei}  stop .02
01[10:12] {&Threei}  no go
[10:14] {ese} out spwr .37 +.57
01[10:14] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .60 break
01[10:14] {&Threei}  If holds  .54 
01[10:17] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:19] {thomcbell} oh mos 
[10:19] {thomcbell} breakdownish indeed
[10:19] {nemo} probably needs to retest lows, but s1 daily is .46
01[10:21] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .60 break
01[10:22] {&Threei}  deja vu setup
01[10:22] {&Threei}  If holds  .55 
01[10:26] {&Threei}  strangely jumpy
01[10:32] {&Threei}  meh
01[10:38] {&Threei}  a bit too random
[10:40] {nemo} esrx
01[10:40] {&Threei}  GDX SoMG
[10:41] {ese} watch out......for the last 2 weeks have been noticing when my 13 ma crosses below my 50 ma on my 1 min chart.....mrkt heads down until's like clock work....lookin that way again
[10:42] {ese} am watching spyders
[10:43] {ese} of course....unless it doesn't
01[10:45] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .15 break
01[10:45] {&Threei}  If holds  .25 
[10:50] {nemo} NOW probably short here under .00
01[10:51] {&Threei}  and HERE is a short now?
[10:51] {nemo} bored, huh?
01[10:51] {&Threei}  FB 1:1
01[10:51] {&Threei}  no, not really :)
[10:51] {RonS} Then always a short later...
01[10:51] {&Threei}  lol
[10:53] {nemo} Hey ese, what time Europe close?
01[10:54] {&Threei}  2014
[10:54] {RonS} lol
01[10:54] {&Threei}  @TheTweetOfGod
01[10:54] {&Threei}  First I created stupidity. Then, to give it some place to go, I created people.
[10:54] {ese} 11/11:30......something like that
[11:00] {robbers} Out FB in full, thanks.
01[11:00] {&Threei}  :)
01[11:03] {&Threei}  1:2
01[11:05] {&Threei}  1:3
[11:07] {nemo} yeah saw that last night
01[11:17] {&Threei}
[11:18] {ese} still hangin?   what do you think of cavm
01[11:20] {&Threei}  I tried to think of cavm but then this blonde walked by the window...
[11:20] {ese} L cavm .49
[11:20] {ese} lol
01[11:21] {&Threei}  which reminds me a moment from my last year seminar in Toronto
01[11:22] {&Threei}  was held in a large room on the first floor with front window taking whole wall
[11:22] {nemo} did you moon everybody outside?
01[11:22] {&Threei}  the screen was in the center of that window, and I was mostly facing the audience, sometimes turning to it to point something out at the screen
01[11:23] {&Threei}  so, I am talking about some chart, turning to the screen and see this absolutely gorgeois girl built like goddess walking by
01[11:24] {&Threei}  I lose my train of thoughts for a moment, make a bit awkward pause, then catch up and start talking again turing back the to the room
01[11:24] {&Threei}  and what do I see?
[11:24] {nemo} girl came in the room?
01[11:24] {&Threei}  everyone is looking at her, no one even noticed my pause
[11:25] {nemo} ahhhh
01[11:25] {&Threei}  and no one hears that I started talking again
[11:25] {robbers} Saved by the belle.
01[11:25] {&Threei}  totally
[11:25] {RonS} lol
01[11:25] {&Threei}  so I coughed, said, Hey, whenever you are ready
[11:25] {nemo} oohhhhh...nice one
01[11:25] {&Threei}  everyone laughed
[11:26] {robbers} Funny story.
01[11:26] {&Threei}  and I came out as the cleanest shirt in dirty laundry
[11:28] {ese} out cavm .73 +.24
[11:29] {ese} dino would have been proud
[11:29] {nemo} lie cog short here?
[11:29] {nemo} like
01[11:36] {&Threei}  not sure
[11:36] {nemo} it's not moving while market goes up
[11:36] {ese} Lspwr .45
[11:36] {nemo} market comes in, might be worth it
[11:37] {nemo} first stop looks to be .15
[11:45] {ese} out spwr .82 +.37
[11:46] {ese} MOS would have been a good one
01[11:51] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .70 break
01[11:51] {&Threei}  If holds  .80 
01[11:55] {&Threei}  1:1
[12:02] {ese} L fslr .79
01[12:05] {&Threei}  1:2
01[12:06] {&Threei}  see... those chicken entrails sacrificed to trading gods work
[12:06] {Alexs} lol
01[12:09] {&Threei}  1:3
[12:15] {nemo} sndk
[12:18] {ese} out fslr .98 +.18   good enough
[12:19] {ese} L spwr .48
[12:29] {ese} both of those nerds should be kicked
01[12:31] {&Threei}  lol
[12:41] {ese} nice face plant by facebook
01[12:44] {&Threei}  lol
01[13:00] {&Threei}  taking a break while things stalled
[13:12] {ese} L spwr avg .42
01[13:47] {&Threei}  (IT) Italy court confirms prison sentence in Berlusconi tax fraud case, but asks lower appellate court to clarify public office ban - press- Confirms that Berlusconi to serve four years of house arrest (in lieu of prison time due to age) - Asks lower court to "redefine" length of public office ban
01[13:49] {&Threei}  (RU) US Senator Schumer (D-NY): President Obama should boycott the G20 meeting in Russia as protest over granting Snowden asylum
01[13:49] {&Threei}  that'll show them
[13:56] {nemo} mon may have bottomed here and start up again for a few days
[14:11] {ese} damn stopped spwr .01 -.39
[14:11] {RonS} ya, 20% of float traded already and no end to the offers...
[14:11] {nemo} mos inflection point
01[14:15] {&Threei}  ese is moving into health care I see...
01[14:15] {&Threei}  Top-flight drummer to conduct clinics in Victoria
[14:15] {RonS} run for the hills, the O has named a Finn for IRS commissioner...John Koskinen
[14:17] {+cc_9} MOS, same range for 2 days " 41 - 42. 6x now
01[14:17] {&Threei}  you can always sit it out in Victoria ron
01[14:17] {&Threei}  good weather, cheap salmon...
[14:17] {RonS} ...and no taxes?
[14:17] {nemo} what about pussy?
[14:17] {RonS} oh no...
01[14:18] {&Threei}  it's an international university city nemo
[14:18] {RonS} swear to God he acted better w/ Les around...actually makes me miss the guy
[14:19] {nemo} what does that mean...come here to wouldn't want to tap anything
[14:19] {RonS} lol
[14:19] {nemo} crissakes, Hillary went there
[14:19] {RonS} hilarious
[14:20] {RonS} my high school class had at leat 40 legit babes...true A's
[14:21] {RonS} tried college in WA and 99% of the women were C's and below...worst part...they acted like they were A's...went back to CA
[14:21] {nemo} but no teeth, useful in some applications
[14:22] {RonS} ...couldn't take it...
[14:22] {nemo} they make you their bitch, Ron?
[14:22] {nemo} I need a vacation
[14:29] {RonS} lol...Chris Christie calls Rand Paul “juvenile” for calling him “king of bacon”
[14:31] {RonS} ...Chrisite says there is only one king and he lives somewhere in Canada...
01[14:31] {&Threei}  lol
01[14:32] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  ,25 break
01[14:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .32 
[14:34] {ese} L spwr .47
01[14:34] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
01[14:34] {&Threei}  but on watch
[14:35] {ese} serious capitulation spwr
01[14:35] {&Threei}  also, watching FB for long on pullback
[14:35] {nemo} wow, sr
01[14:40] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .30 break
01[14:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .35 
01[14:40] {&Threei}  same inverted C&H idea, aggressive entry
01[14:43] {&Threei}  not going to trigger I see
[14:49] {+cc_9} KBH hanging off its last intraday support
01[14:51] {&Threei}  FB is getting interesting
01[14:51] {&Threei}  want it under .10
01[14:51] {&Threei}  for recross if holding 38
[15:00] {nemo} mmmmmmhhhh MON
[15:01] {Alexs} FB valid?
01[15:01] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  .10 break
01[15:01] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
01[15:02] {&Threei}  let's keep it ery tight, and if it stops, look for another setup from under 38
01[15:02] {&Threei}  if works, look to par near .20, trail and go for a break of high
[15:08] {RonS} wow SFM ipo's at $18 going out at 39.25...
01[15:15] {&Threei}  ok FB, it's time. Move your butt
01[15:16] {&Threei}  wrong way, you idiot
01[15:16] {&Threei}  Google Inc Launches new Moto X smartphone- Moto X will be available in the US, Canada and Latin America starting in late August/early September. In the US, woven black and woven white models will be available at AT&T, Sprint, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless and at national retailers including Best Buy stores with a suggested retail price of $199 with a new two-year agreement.
[15:17] {ese} stopped spwr .17 -.30  quiten while i;m ahead....cya tomorrow
01[15:17] {&Threei}  take care ese
01[15:17] {&Threei}  morning was so good, no need to spoil the day
01[15:17] {&Threei}  no go FB
[15:23] {+cc_9} KBH ditto, punished.
01[15:30] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  38 break
01[15:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[15:33] {&Threei}  stop to .94
01[15:33] {&Threei}  touched 1:1
[15:37] {+cc_9} SR, how the f*** this has not yet tanked
01[15:38] {&Threei}  1:1 is close enough, half out
01[15:39] {&Threei}  time becomes an issue
01[15:40] {&Threei}  ok guys, very nice day (4th in row), meek ending
01[15:40] {&Threei}  no need to press anymore
01[15:41] {&Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:41] {+cc_9} im only watching SR for fun on how they will close this thing

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31 2013

Perfect way to start one's trading day. Not that continuation was any worse, with 4 wins out of 4 trades at the time of this post.

One more Catch of the Day to polish it off and finish third great day in a row, GM reversal

Session Time: Wed Jul 31 00:00:00 2013
[09:15] {cipher} gm
01[09:15] {&Threei}  morning cipher
[09:22] {bbobr} gm
01[09:22] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:22] {RonS} halo...morning offering to nemo...
01[09:23] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:23] {nemo} what u offerin'?
01[09:23] {&Threei}  finest wines and cheeses? I am in
[09:23] {nemo} I'll settle for a....nevermind
01[09:25] {&Threei}  I feel like I made a breakthrough into 21 century... my printer died, so I got a laser one, for under 100 dollars - and it's connected to all my comps wirelessly
01[09:25] {&Threei}  setup took all of 5 min
01[09:25] {&Threei}  I still remember hours of connecting computers into network and to internet
01[09:26] {&Threei}  configure this, configure that
01[09:26] {&Threei}  now all the pieces do it vy themselves, just let them
01[09:26] {&Threei}  miracles of technology...
[09:27] {Alexs} gm
01[09:27] {&Threei}  alex :)
01[09:27] {&Threei}  missed two great days
[09:28] {Alexs} :(
01[09:28] {&Threei}  MOS another gap down
01[09:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
01[09:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .15
01[09:33] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:35] {robbers} Out, great start.
[09:37] {RonS} chi pmi at 42...
01[09:39] {&Threei}  with official release for mortals at 45
[09:40] {Alexs} nice call Vad :)
[09:41] {Alexs} thanks
01[09:41] {&Threei}  yw
01[09:41] {&Threei}  out in full at 1:3
01[09:42] {&Threei}  just in time to sit out PMI
01[09:43] {&Threei}  meanwhile,
01[09:43] {&Threei}  I believe in a two-term limit for politicians. One term in office, one term in jail.
[09:43] {robbers} LOL.
[09:43] {Alexs} lol
01[09:44] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY CHICAGO PURCHASING MANAGER: 52.3 V 54.0E
01[09:45] {&Threei}  yikes
01[09:45] {&Threei}  look under the hood:
01[09:45] {&Threei}  - Prices Paid: 63.6 v 59.9 prior - New Orders:53.9 v 54.6 prior - Employment: 56.6 v 57.8 prior - Inventories: 37.7 v 41.4 prior - Supplier Deliveries: 51.0 v 46.9 prior - Production: 53.6 v 57.0 prior - Order Backlogs: 42.9 v 38.4 prior
01[09:46] {&Threei}  horrible pucture
01[09:46] {&Threei}  recovery my a$$
01[09:48] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  .40 break hl
01[09:48] {&Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:49] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:53] {ese} gm
[09:53] {nemo} everyone has an opinion
[09:53] {nemo} looks like we're already in Fed mode
01[09:54] {&Threei}  ese :)
01[09:55] {&Threei} Short Setup: MOS  .30 break hl
01[09:55] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:57] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:01] {nemo} mon 200sma and daily s2 in the low .20's likely bounce there unless market STBs
01[10:04] {&Threei}  (US) President Obama Aide indicates selection of new Fed Chair would be weeks away; no decision yet made
01[10:04] {&Threei}  stop the charades, Yellen is your gal - there is no one leftier
01[10:05] {&Threei}  lefter?
01[10:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .02 break
01[10:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
01[10:09] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[10:13] {ese} L sync .55
01[10:16] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .30 break hl
01[10:16] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
[10:20] {ese} opps thats symc...sorry
[10:22] {ese} I thought they put Carlos in jail in the seventies.....after he blew up everything there was to blow up.....not to mention the venerial disease he caught
[10:24] {nemo} well, mon isn't getting the bounce I thought it would, frickin' scalp
[10:24] {nemo} Frickin' Fed Day
01[10:26] {&Threei}  held by fingertips
01[10:26] {&Threei}  give us 1:1 now
01[10:27] {&Threei}  no news for SPY spike
[10:28] {nemo} inexorable assault on 170
01[10:28] {&Threei}  inexorable? I thought we banned all the words longer than 2 syllables till after the Labor day
01[10:28] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:28] {nemo} onward
01[10:29] {&Threei}  1:2
[10:29] {ese} out symc .35 -.20
01[10:33] {&Threei}  14:00EDT US FOMC Interest Rate Decision
01[10:33] {&Threei}  in case you forgot the time
01[10:37] {&Threei}  so far so good, 4 wins out of 4 calls
01[10:38] {&Threei}  let's move to profit preservation mode
01[10:39] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .80 break
01[10:39] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
06[10:45] * &Threei kicks GDX in the rear
01[10:53] {&Threei}  meh
[11:03] {robbers} Thanks for a good morning, Vad, see you this afternoon.
01[11:03] {&Threei}  take care robbers
01[11:20] {&Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .25 break
01[11:21] {&Threei}  If holds  .30
[11:29] {nemo} more weakness in the indexes
01[11:29] {&Threei}  much appreciated
[11:30] {nemo} frickin' rabbit sitting at my feet begging for raisins, sheesh
[11:30] {nemo} wmt vwap .16, likely bounce
[11:31] {ese} L symc .44
01[11:31] {&Threei}  GDX, should have continue with shorting on it... slides more
01[11:33] {&Threei}  Japan's industrial production drops at fastest pace since Fukushima
01[11:37] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .30 break
01[11:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
01[11:42] {&Threei}  aimless drifting
[11:52] {nemo} what's the news on V?
01[11:52] {&Threei}  Visa Inc. Judge said to have rejected Fed debit card swipe fees regulations in suit brought by retailer group over debit card rules - press
01[11:53] {&Threei}  ***Reminder: In June 2011, the Fed approved regulation 235.3(b), under which an issuer may not charge or receive any interchange transaction fee that exceeds the sum of 21 cents plus 5 basis points of the transactions value. The statute exempted any debit card issuer that, together with its affiliates, has assets of less than $10 billion. Later in 2011, a group of retailers filed a lawsuit against the Fed challenging new debit card fee rules.
01[11:53] {&Threei}  plus, decent earnings by MA
[11:53] {nemo} might get index bounce here
01[11:54] {&Threei}  (GR) Germany IFO's Carstensen: Greece needs another debt haircut- Believes the German government is mulling a plan to waive interest payments or extend maturities on existing debt.
01[11:55] {&Threei}  lose that .20 already, WMT
01[11:55] {&Threei}  good boy
[11:58] {ese} forgot to mention that i got stopped out even with my remaining position of acad .92 +/- .00
[11:58] {ese} from yesterday
[12:01] {nemo} mmmhhhh, this is unusual for a Fed day
[12:07] {ese} in what way nemo?
01[12:13] {&Threei}  WMT 1:1
01[12:28] {&Threei}  setting cover at 1:2 and stop at b/e, taking a break
01[12:28] {&Threei}  be back before FOMC
[12:34] {ese} ocz
[12:34] {ese} opps
[12:34] {ese} take over chatter
[12:35] {ese} was looking for info on the trade the news site....typed it into the wrong place
[12:41] {+cc_9} MA & V, crashity crash
[12:42] {nemo} this is amazing for a Fed day
[12:45] {nemo} db on FAS? spy at open
[12:45] {nemo} iwm just about to close gap
[12:50] {nemo} like fas .35 break?
[13:11] {RonS} really strange day...V $14 off low and no comment from cc...
[13:12] {nemo} that time of the month I guess
[13:12] {nemo} thanks for the setup Ron
[13:14] {+cc_9} V, monster comeback
[13:14] {RonS} lol
01[13:37] {&Threei}  back
01[13:37] {&Threei}  WMT gave 1:2
[13:40] {+cc_9} RIP Ackman, looks like this year will be his last
01[13:40] {&Threei}  lol
[13:41] {RonS} "Making money is always a lot of fun, making money when Bill Ackman is losing on the other side is like going to the circus" -Robert Chapman
[13:42] {ese} hmmmmmmmm possibly some money now with symc hmmmmmmmmm
01[13:42] {&Threei}  amazing how quickly he earned this horrid repitation after HLF fiasco
[13:42] {nemo} He became the tall tree
[13:42] {nemo} ripe for the woodsman's axe
[13:43] {nemo} the young buck, got violated
[13:54] {Will49} Weekly technical check-in. Good luck today guys
[13:54] {robbers} Thanks Will, appreciate it.
[13:55] {Will49} :)
[13:55] {nemo} oy vay...where are you?
[13:55] {Will49} on vacation
01[13:56] {&Threei}  hey qwill
[13:56] {nemo} that's more a condition than a location
[13:56] {nemo} where are you?
01[13:56] {&Threei}  missing good days
[13:56] {Will49} have daughter visiting from Taiwan
[13:56] {Will49} Yes, I see that Vad
[13:57] {Will49} Cheers
01[13:57] {&Threei}  see dcc
01[13:59] {&Threei}  FOMC time
01[14:00] {&Threei}  *(US) FOMC HOLDS FED FUNDS RATE TARGET AT 0.25% (AS EXPECTED): INFLATION POSES A RISK BELOW ITS OBJECTIVE- Vote: 11-1 (Fed's George lone dissenter)
01[14:01] {&Threei}  - To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative.
[14:04] {+cc_9} VXX on a free fall
[14:04] {nemo} the Bernanke Put is still in place
01[14:05] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
01[14:05] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
01[14:05] {&Threei}  1:1
01[14:06] {&Threei}  1:2
01[14:06] {&Threei}  like shooting fish in a barrel
[14:12] {robbers} Out in full, thanks for the fish sandwich.
01[14:13] {&Threei}  lol
01[14:14] {&Threei}  A rule requiring public companies to disclose how much their chief executives are paid compared to average workers will be issued “in the near future,” according to the chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
01[14:14] {&Threei}  “I hope that it is completed in the next month or two,” Mary Jo White said at a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday.
[14:23] {+cc_9} SSO teenies on fed day, a thing of beauty
01[14:26] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .70 break
01[14:26] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
[14:27] {Alexs} .80?
01[14:27] {&Threei}  no
01[14:27] {&Threei}  aggressive for .75
01[14:27] {&Threei}  tight stop
01[14:27] {&Threei}  ugh
01[14:27] {&Threei}  wait'
01[14:27] {&Threei}  wrong symbol
01[14:27] {&Threei}  too many stocks
01[14:28] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .70 break
[14:28] {Alexs} c
[14:28] {Alexs} ok
01[14:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
01[14:29] {&Threei}  valid still
01[14:29] {&Threei}  with .63 stop
01[14:30] {&Threei}  breakout time me thinks
01[14:34] {&Threei}  1:1
01[14:35] {&Threei}  see, me can think
01[14:35] {&Threei}  who would have though
01[14:35] {&Threei}  by now after years of thoughtless trading that avility should have become rudimentary
01[14:38] {&Threei}  1:2
[14:39] {robbers} Another dead fish, PETA will be looking into this.
01[14:39] {&Threei}  as long as they use naked girls to send their message, I will tolerate their bs
[14:40] {RonS} lol
01[14:41] {&Threei}
[15:00] {nemo} gotta' think they ram this over 170, or else tease us then gap it up tomorrow
01[15:04] {&Threei}  Australian fisherman fights his way OUT of a shark
[15:04] {nemo} hahaha saw that
[15:05] {nemo} think his name was Jonah
01[15:05] {&Threei}
[15:07] {ese} out symc .76 +.32
[15:07] {RonS} if it was ese size...good job
[15:11] {ese} not too big 1600 shs
01[15:14] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .45 break
01[15:14] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[15:16] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:20] {nemo} here's your index long setups
[15:23] {nemo} this is an interesting Fed day, usually it's a stall, but we had a range of movement, and now we're selling off
01[15:25] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .70 break
01[15:25] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
[15:26] {nemo} where'd that come from?
[15:26] {+cc_9} MOS heading back near day lows
01[15:26] {&Threei}  GM?
01[15:26] {&Threei}  sharp selloff
[15:26] {nemo} MON also
01[15:26] {&Threei}  bounce time
[15:26] {nemo} what, the big "O" visiting?
[15:26] {+cc_9} will be intredasting to see what it does @ $41.00, yes I said it
[15:27] {nemo} selfie 9?
01[15:27] {&Threei}  ffuuka? lol
[15:27] {+cc_9} you avin' a giggle mate ?
01[15:28] {&Threei}  this might become my favorite word of the day
[15:28] {+cc_9} MOS $0.35 from more intredast
01[15:29] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:30] {+cc_9} its trying to hold .35, but the bids are taking a dirtnap
[15:30] {RonS} took gm .698 to .86 +.1620000 (ese style)  thanks 3i...
01[15:30] {&Threei}  :)
01[15:30] {&Threei}  ese size too?
[15:31] {RonS} nah, piker 1k
[15:31] {Alexs} trading gods like you today Vad :)
01[15:31] {&Threei}  they like me this whole week'
[15:32] {nemo} like u long time
01[15:32] {&Threei}  it's all in knowing their favorite sacrifice
01[15:32] {&Threei}  finest wines and cheeses, you know...
01[15:32] {&Threei}  chicken works too
[15:32] {nemo} mmmhhhhh...things have really picked up since Les left
[15:32] {RonS} lol
[15:33] {nemo} must be they don't like Australians
01[15:33] {&Threei}  in fact, I need to try salmon fins and heads
01[15:33] {&Threei}  if that works, then trading gods are a lot like crabs
[15:33] {+cc_9} MOS bid splat, nearing LOD
[15:34] {RonS} at least fins and heads are cheap...
01[15:34] {&Threei}  chicken backs and necks are too
01[15:34] {&Threei}  $2 a tray, enough to fill two traps
[15:34] {nemo} fish heads fish heads, roly poly fish heads, fish heads fish heads eat 'em up , yum!
[15:35] {RonS} must be a Yankee song...
[15:35] {nemo} Monty Python me thinks
[15:35] {nemo} either that, or I heard it on Dr. Demento when I was a kid
[15:35] {RonS} explains a lot...
[15:36] {RonS} :D
[15:36] {nemo}
01[15:36] {&Threei}  1:2
[15:46] {nemo} big spy volume, trrying to bottom this thing
01[15:49] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:49] {&Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:49] {Alexs} thank you Vad, great day!
01[15:49] {&Threei}  :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30 2013

Very good day with a few nice juicy wins, on hero of the day MOST (1:4 to 1:3 to 1:2), WMT and something else. Not bad for a low volume July day at all. Actually not bad for any day of any month.

Session Time: Tue Jul 30 00:00:00 2013
[09:21] {RonS} gm
01[09:22] {&Threei}  morning ron
01[09:23] {&Threei}  wow MOS
01[09:23] {&Threei}  POT
[09:24] {bbobr} gm
01[09:24] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:24] {RonS} ya, really hard for me to understand how the Ukranian news will send potash prices down 25%
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:25] {nemo} broke up the cartel
01[09:25] {&Threei}  russian, not ukrainian
[09:25] {nemo} there used to be unified pricing across producers, not anymore
[09:25] {nemo} Ukraninas wants market share, you get that by lowering prices
01[09:27] {&Threei}  Uralkali Stopping sales of potash via Belarus Potash Company (BPC) potash consortium, now all exports to go through its own subsidiary Uralkali Trading; Expected to cause potash prices to decline as market shifts from a semi-oligopoly to a fully competitive one- To deliver an optional quantity of 500,000 tons of potassium chloride within the framework of a 2013 contract. - Global potash price may decline to below $300/ton in H2 due to its decision to leave BPC (current price is about $400), but prices should remain above the $200 production costs of some international producers (Uralkali's production cost is only $62/ton) }- This will break up the existing JV (BPC) which controls 43% of the global export market - CEO: Plan to run at full capacity next year; Guides FY14 production to 13M tons v 10.5M tons in FY13 **INSIGHT: Uralkali is the world's largest potash producer. BPC was a potash consortium between Uralkali and Belaruskali, which leaves the North American potash consortium Canpotex (Potash Corp, Agrium, and Mosiac) as the leading global potash export partnership.
01[09:33] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  .25 break hl
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .15 
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:4, out
[09:34] {nemo} you wanna' go home Vad?
01[09:34] {&Threei}  always
01[09:37] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  27 break
[09:37] {nemo} mos doesn't get to the 38.2 until 43.30 or so
01[09:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[09:40] {&Threei}  meh
01[09:40] {&Threei}  wow... MOS hammering is brutal
01[09:45] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .80 break
01[09:45] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[09:50] {&Threei}  stop to .86
[09:50] {ese} gm
01[09:50] {&Threei}  ese :)
[09:51] {ese} was out on my bike vad and was almost up at your place on the lochside trail.............i shoulda kept on goin and stopped in for coffee
[09:51] {nemo} you lucked out Vad
01[09:51] {&Threei}  what time was that?
[09:52] {ese} about 45/50 mins ago now
01[09:52] {&Threei}  well, between coffee and a gunshot, guess what was more likely {G}
[09:53] {ese} gunshot?
01[09:53] {&Threei}  A+
01[09:54] {&Threei}  some call it grumpiness... I call that morning sunshine
[09:54] {+cc_9} DDD strong comeback from LOD $2
[09:54] {nemo} missed on eps, should be bought all the way back up
[10:00] {+cc_9} AGU the best play so far in the ag gap down this morning.
[10:00] {+cc_9} Not being as tied down to the potash as POT/MOS are helps in this case
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY CONSUMER CONFIDENCE INDEX: 80.3 V 81.3E
01[10:03] {&Threei}  first MOS trade was relativel;y easy read... after that, kind of mirky
01[10:04] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  27 break
01[10:05] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
[10:08] {nemo} bp
01[10:13] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  83 break hl
01[10:13] {&Threei}  If holds  .10 
01[10:15] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
01[10:18] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  41 break hl
01[10:18] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[10:21] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:21] {nemo} ddd atpossible support
01[10:22] {&Threei}  1:2
01[10:22] {&Threei}  1:3
01[10:23] {&Threei}  out
[10:24] {RonS} got mos .96 to 41.26  thanks 3i
01[10:24] {&Threei}  :)
01[10:24] {&Threei}  MOS serves us well today... 1:4 and 1:3
[10:24] {RonS} took .96 after .00 break figuring a re-trace...
[10:25] {bbobr} very nice pick
01[10:26] {&Threei}  ty
[10:28] {ese} opps forgot to post this out spwr at the open .52 +.06
[10:29] {ese} and look at it now
[10:39] {+cc_9} DDD lovely
01[10:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .08 break
01[10:40] {&Threei}  If holds  78 
[10:51] {RonS} OMC short 63.60 break?
01[10:53] {&Threei}  .55 rather
01[10:53] {&Threei}  out WMT in full
[10:57] {RonS} gj wmt 3i, gj ese spwr
01[10:57] {&Threei}  :)
[10:58] {RonS} omc +.15 thanks 3i
[10:59] {RonS} so, is cc8 a one-off of cc9?
01[10:59] {&Threei}  :)
[11:21] {RonS} ...the world is saved:  NY appeals court upholds ruling striking down New York City's ban on large sugary drinks
01[11:22] {&Threei}  wooohooo
01[11:23] {&Threei}  if they ban wieners, world will be even happier
[11:25] {RonS} elect Hillary and watch it happen...
01[11:28] {&Threei}  I meant anothonies
01[11:28] {&Threei}  antonies
[11:32] {RonS} wow fb near 37
[11:33] {RonS} spwr 'nother new high...where is ese?...the bar 'cause he already sold?
[11:34] {ese}  i know .....this is one of them bite it situations that one learns from.....and does the same thing the next time
[11:35] {RonS} ...heard that's what Michael Douglas said...
[11:36] {ese} really?
[11:36] {ese} haven't seen those movies yet
[11:37] {RonS} oh boy...
[11:39] {RonS} Douglas blamed his throat cancer on cunnilingus re-read your post w/ that in mind...
[11:39] {RonS} :D
[11:41] {ese} gotcha
01[11:43] {&Threei} Short Setup: WMT  78 break
01[11:43] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
[11:43] {nemo} Ron seems to have added an edge to his commentary of late
01[11:44] {&Threei}  yes but the real question is, who serves as insipration - nemo or ese? {G}
[11:45] {ese} hmmmmmmmm
01[11:49] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
[11:50] {ese} i'll have you know that i am not invalidated!!!!!!
01[11:51] {&Threei}  duly noted
[11:51] {RonS} ...and here I always thought that was a drumbeat...
[11:55] {RonS} what a deal!...Lockheed reaches deal with Pentagon to produce 71 more F-35s, reduces costs per plane by 4%
[11:56] {RonS} ...doesn't even cover the sales taxes...
[11:56] {ese} ?
[11:56] {ese} go figur
[12:04] {RonS} Hearing Kerry offering 1 yr ketchup supply to both sides w/ peace agreement...
01[12:05] {&Threei}  kosher?
[12:05] {RonS} lol
[12:06] {RonS} Kerry syas then if war breaks out everything will be so red that it will scare them to stop...
01[12:07] {&Threei}  I see the plausible solution is manufacturing and wide distribution of bluish-tinted sunglasses
[12:07] {RonS} a Hamas plot?
01[12:08] {&Threei}  marketing slogan: Wear This and Be Warring
[12:08] {RonS} lol
01[12:08] {&Threei}  @TheTweetOfGod
01[12:08] {&Threei}  If I could give one piece of advice to help you avoid the hardships and misery of this world, I wouldn't.
01[12:14] {&Threei}  LOL: They say chocolate improves your mood. It's a half-truth: you also need a bottle of champagne
01[12:16] {&Threei}  today's winner: In a stunning new discovery, on the top of a new oil field geologists also found some arab country
01[12:17] {&Threei}  close second: My wife is racist, I suspect... just look at this separation she does at the time of laundry
01[12:19] {&Threei}  frikin WMT
[12:19] {RonS} ...pass the joint...:  US Secretary of State Kerry: 'When someone says Israelis and Palestinians can't find common ground, don't believe them' 
01[12:20] {&Threei}  Israelis and Palestinians: who do you suggest no one believe us??
[12:38] {+cc_9} C new lows
[12:39] {nemo} fas coming into daily pivot at 73.84 with gap close at 73.62ish
[12:40] {nemo} iwm and spy similarly positioned in relation to gap close, with spy's gap close and daily pivot the proverbial pubic hair appart
[12:40] {nemo} probably gonna' bounce soon
01[12:47] {&Threei} Short Setup: MOS  .60 break hl
01[12:47] {&Threei}  If holds  .70 
01[12:48] {&Threei}  1:1
[12:48] {nemo} oops
01[12:50] {&Threei}  1:2
[13:05] {ese} L acad .92
[13:08] {nemo} wouldn't want to bet, but think we're gonna' get a little rug pull here on fb
[13:10] {nemo} interesting candle here, drops the low probably goes to .25
[13:14] {nemo} mhhh, either algo's are faking it or there's sell pressure on fb
[13:34] {ese} spyders...serious dive
01[13:52] {&Threei}  poor greens in victoreia... up to yesterday, their life was relastively simple: deer and cyclists were good guys, car owners - bad, and each and every run-in was easy to take side on. Guess what happened yesterday
[13:53] {RonS} don't pray and do tell...
01[13:53] {&Threei}  cyclist run into deer
01[13:53] {&Threei}  and giot hurt badly
01[13:54] {&Threei}  whose side to take??
[13:54] {nemo} deer
[13:54] {nemo} rather see dead environmentalist
[13:54] {RonS} vehicle? got gored...
[13:54] {nemo} fb coming itno bounce
01[13:56] {&Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .70 break
01[13:57] {&Threei}  If holds  .75 
01[13:58] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
[14:13] {ese} it's about time ...out 1/2 acad .11 +.19
[14:22] {nemo}  coh question whether long here, or it checks .90 first
[14:24] {ese} is that our cc?
01[14:24] {&Threei}  yeah
[14:26] {ese} too funny
[14:27] {nemo} tsla looks short but support around .20
01[14:30] {&Threei}  there you go
01[14:36] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MOS  .15 break hl
01[14:36] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
[14:37] {nemo} mos me thinks two way
[14:51] {+cc_9} ALXN if anyone looking for beta
[14:51] {+cc_9} nice swings from initial pop, kinda like CF yesterday
[14:51] {nemo} got any gamma or sigma?
[14:55] {nemo} BP getting off the mat
01[14:56] {&Threei}  out MOS in full
01[14:56] {&Threei}  this is today's blessing
01[14:56] {&Threei}  made our whole day
01[14:57] {&Threei}  be back in 20 to see if there is something decent to polish the day off
[15:16] {nemo} fas bid, might be short
[15:16] {nemo} look .72
[15:18] {nemo} hey 9?  having any luck with your SSo trades today?
[15:25] {nemo} was it something I said?
[15:25] {nemo} 63.4 million spy shares today oy
01[15:31] {&Threei}  Facebook Reportedly planning to sell TV-like advertising on its site; pricing said to be around $1-2.5M per 15 second ad - financial press
01[15:32] {&Threei}  good luck
01[15:33] {&Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  78 break
01[15:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[15:38] {&Threei}  Invalidated  
01[15:38] {&Threei}  ok guys, no need to press and spoil very good day
01[15:38] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:42] {+cc_9} ditto

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 2013

Very nice day despite the low volume and that tormentingly slow climb. A few nice 1:3 and 1:2 winners, with just two 5 cent stops at the end of the day. Nice to start the day with our traditional GDX short and get 1:3 from ot; C short wasn't too shabby either.

Session Time: Mon Jul 29 00:00:01 2013
[09:21] {RonS} hi everyone
[09:21] {nemo} surely you don't mean me
01[09:21] {&Threei}  morning ron
[09:24] {RonS} $CAT announced a $1 billion accelerated stock buyback this morning
[09:25] {nemo} yeah, they must know they're screwed
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:26] {nemo} wow spy hasn't even done a millon shares pre market
[09:26] {nemo} "normal" is around 2.5 mil
[09:29] {ese} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  my favorite piece of news from the weekend:
[09:29] {ese} yawn
01[09:29] {&Threei}  (GR) Greece Parliament layoff its first employee after he failed to show up to work for 6-months - ekathimerini
01[09:29] {&Threei}  - Pay was suspended after he failed to show up for 4 months and was reported to the disciplinary council. Only after pay was suspended did he show up.
01[09:29] {&Threei}  - Note: He is the first worker in the House to be let go.
01[09:29] {&Threei}  ese :)
[09:30] {ese} that is funny
01[09:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .60 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  CAT lost almost all of the gap
[09:33] {bbobr} gm
01[09:33] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
01[09:34] {&Threei}  If holds  .67
01[09:36] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:36] {nemo} looks like spy to test 169
01[09:38] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .60 break hl
01[09:39] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[09:40] {nemo} cat going for the gap
01[09:41] {&Threei}  covering 1/4 more
01[09:41] {&Threei}  .44
01[09:41] {&Threei}  stop to .56
01[09:45] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:46] {&Threei}  stop to .51 for the last piece
[09:46] {nemo} cat closes gap around 83.48
01[09:46] {&Threei}  out in full
01[09:46] {&Threei}  .33
01[09:46] {&Threei}  not too bad for the start
01[09:47] {&Threei}  especially considering low volume and slim pickings
[09:47] {nemo} still got the sling in your drawer?
01[09:47] {&Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .40 break hl
[09:49] {nemo} cat gonna' close that gap
[09:53] {robbers} Thanks, GDX
01[09:54] {&Threei}  robbers :)
[09:57] {nemo} expe
01[09:57] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .65 break
01[09:58] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:58] {nemo} numbers coming
01[09:59] {&Threei}  June pending homes
[10:00] {nemo} bad number
[10:00] {nemo} ?
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JUN PENDING HOME SALES M/M: -0.4% V -1.0%E; Y/Y: 9.1% V 11.5%E
[10:00] {nemo} see if bad news is bought
01[10:00] {&Threei}  - Prior pending home sales revised lower to +5.8% from 6.7%
[10:01] {nemo} fb
[10:02] {robbers} Out C, thanks again.
01[10:02] {&Threei}  :)
01[10:03] {&Threei}  1:1
01[10:03] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .40 break
01[10:03] {&Threei}  If holds  .35
01[10:05] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:11] {nemo} fb looks short
01[10:15] {&Threei}  C 1:2
01[10:16] {&Threei}  good one FB
[10:20] {nemo} expe looks under 46, is it still on uptick?
01[10:20] {&Threei}  1:3 close enough, out
01[10:20] {&Threei}  2 1:3ers, 1 scalp... can I go home?
[10:21] {nemo} get the sling out yet?
01[10:22] {&Threei}  GAME...
01[10:23] {&Threei}  if pulls bacl under .70, will be interesting for double bottom
[10:30] {nemo} DVN
[10:30] {nemo} arguably long on a break of .70
[10:30] {nemo} stop would be under .60
01[10:31] {&Threei}  *(US) July Dallas Fed Manufacturing Activity: 4.4 v 7.3e
[10:33] {ese} bit of a brutal number
01[10:47] {&Threei}  AIG US judge reportedly rules that due to extraordinary circumstances former AIG Chairman Greenberg should be allowed to depose Fed Chairman Bernanke regarding the insurer's bailout
[10:49] {RonS} clambake?
[10:50] {nemo} FFIV looks short here below .40
[10:50] {nemo} got a gap fill below
01[10:51] {&Threei}  I don't mind at all watching their fistfight
[10:52] {nemo} Greenberg a tough bird
[10:52] {ese} l spwr .42
01[10:52] {&Threei}  I'd bet on Ben going down in first round
[10:52] {nemo} first punch
01[10:55] {&Threei}  wow... they are still discussing this:
01[10:55] {&Threei}  Bank of Cyprus (CY) Cyprus govt disagrees with the final Bank of Cyprus levy percentage of 47.5% - Greece press**NOTE: 07/29 Cyprus and international lenders finalize agreement to convert 47.5% of deposits over €100K to equity in the Bank of Cyprus in order to recapitalize the bank. The initial agreement was for a 37.5% conversion with an additional 22.5% held in a buffer account - press - On July 25th Bank of Cyprus Chairman: Deposit levy seen around 50% and no more than 60% on accounts over €100K
01[10:55] {&Threei}  I thought they already spent all that confiscated money
[11:00] {ese} i see a 1 min cup and handle forming with spwr if it gets back to .50.......vad can you give me some feedback on that
01[11:01] {&Threei}  looks tright to me
[11:01] {ese} tks
01[11:01] {&Threei}  just keep size reasonable, considering the spread
[11:05] {ese} definitely tks
01[11:05] {&Threei} Long Setup:  FB  35 brewak hl
01[11:05] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
[11:07] {ese} i like that term the "brewak"......gonna start uing that
[11:18] {nemo} IWM about to fill a gap
[11:22] {nemo} close to bounce time
[11:22] {nemo} fas break of .20 long, stop under .10
[11:22] {nemo} sso break of .40 stop under .30
[11:23] {nemo} btw, if this works, likely vwap runs
[11:25] {nemo} GS not bouncing though
[11:26] {nemo} Europe close in 5 minutes, how convenient
[11:26] {nemo} GS starting to bounce a tad
01[11:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .30 break
[11:32] {RonS} Cost of heart surgery in India: $1,583. Cost in U.S.: $106,385 |
[11:32] {nemo} that should be the bottom
[11:33] {RonS} Indian doctor Indian, US doctor Pakistani...
[11:33] {nemo} bbby likely long here
[11:45] {ese} You've just clued me into something i've never thought about nemo......the EU close happens between 11 and 12 ish....never thought about how that effexts he US markets but it does
06[11:50] * nemo faints
01[11:51] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .50 break
01[11:51] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
[11:54] {nemo} mnst very weak
[11:55] {nemo} mnst short under .50 stop above .60
[11:56] {nemo} little spready
[11:56] {nemo} offer coming down
[11:56] {nemo} 60.75 likely
[12:02] {ese} check out the 5 dollar retreat from OMC's gap up
01[12:02] {&Threei}  let's move stop to .44
01[12:18] {&Threei}  half out
01[12:18] {&Threei}  stop to .49
[12:51] {ese} L spwr avg .46
[12:58] {nemo} ctxs likely short to the .40's
[12:58] {nemo} if holds under high
[13:24] {nemo} tif likely short to 78.20
[13:27] {nemo} it just tested low, so if it holds this range and drops .60 reasonable bet
01[13:43] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .40 break
01[13:43] {&Threei}  If holds  .45
01[13:45] {&Threei}  Invalidated
01[13:59] {&Threei}  does C have enough will to live to reach 1:2?
01[14:04] {&Threei}  here it is
01[14:05] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
01[14:05] {&Threei}  takes a lot of patience but hey... it's not like there is much to do anyway
01[14:05] {&Threei}  100% day so far, with nice juicy winners
01[14:11] {&Threei}  stop to .65
01[14:11] {&Threei}  .64
01[14:14] {&Threei}  out in full
01[14:15] {&Threei}  quite nice day
01[14:16] {&Threei}  if only someone would talk to me
[14:20] {nemo} what do I look like, a psychiatrist?
01[14:21] {&Threei}  actually, anyone I can have a drink with, works for me as such
[14:24] {nemo} indexes turning into a repeat of Friday
[14:44] {ese} man this is psychologically taxing
[14:44] {nemo} don't stick your chin out like that
01[14:44] {&Threei}  eschew the anxiety
01[14:44] {&Threei}  embrace the serenity
01[14:45] {&Threei}  White House confirms Jimmy Carter is going to North Korea on a private visit
01[14:45] {&Threei}  they can keep him as far as I am concerned
01[14:55] {&Threei}  too bad we backed off of FB break
[14:58] {nemo} iwm at bottom of channel, could pop here
01[14:59] {&Threei}  from under .40 I'd be interested
[15:04] {nemo} mnst
01[15:05] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .40 bre35
01[15:05] {&Threei}  ummm
01[15:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .35 break
01[15:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .30
[15:06] {nemo} make up your mind
[15:06] {nemo} cavernous stop
[15:11] {+cc_9} CF blowing up on Loeb!
[15:11] {nemo} thought it was awful quiet today
01[15:11] {&Threei}  lol
01[15:20] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .35 break
01[15:20] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
[15:21] {+cc_9} CF no letting go, still cranking
[15:21] {+cc_9} there will be a short trade on this thing before the close
01[15:24] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .45 break
[15:33] {+cc_9} CF, all eyes on 198 ahead of the close
01[15:43] {&Threei}  OK guys, very nice day
01[15:43] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:46] {+cc_9} ditto
[15:47] {bbobr} gn