Friday, August 23, 2013

Market Week Wrap-up  Weekly Market Update: August is the Cruelest Month

- The summer doldrums continued this week, featuring sluggish, low volume trading plus a brief but exciting market outage. Handicapping the Federal Reserve's exit from QE asset purchases remains a major or the major theme. After rising sharply last week, the yield on the US 10-year leveled out, trading just shy of 2.9%. Higher interest rates in the US are having an outsized impact on emerging markets, as investors pull funds and drive currencies lower against the dollar. In China, shibor benchmark rates are spiking higher again and the PBoC is weakening the yuan. In Europe, stronger preliminary August manufacturing PMI readings suggested that a fragile recovery is possibly establishing itself. Finally there was a dramatic session for the Nasdaq on Thursday as routing errors just after midday forced a three-hour shutdown of its trading system.
For the week, the DJIA fell 0.5%, the S&P500 gained 0.5% and the Nasdaq added 1.5%.

- Little more than a year after it was embarrassed by the mishandling of the Facebook IPO, Nasdaq management was widely criticized for how it dealt with Thursday's trading outage. During the extended downtime, the company did little to inform customers and the media what was going on, leaving them to speculate that it might be a hacker attack or the result of high frequency trading overwhelming the system. The day after the incident, the company said it had found no system intrusions or unusual bursts of quotation activity, and that it will work to communicate better with the public. In a related story, BATS and DirectEdge were reported to be in advanced merger talks. Together the two electronic trading platforms would surpass Nasdaq as the second largest equity trading platform by volume.

- Higher mortgage rates are starting to impact the US housing market. Data out this week showed that US new home sales declined to their lowest level in seven months in July, widely missing expectations. The June new home sales data was revised lower as well, while median prices in July flattened and supply jumped to 5.2 months of inventory from 4.3 months in June. July existing home sales rose to their highest levels since late 2009, although that was attributed to nervousness about rising interest rates forcing potential buyers with a strong incentive to close deals.

- There was some debate about the real meaning of the FOMC minutes released on Wednesday. The WSJ's Hilsenrath asserted that the minutes reaffirm the Fed's existing timetable, which suggests the taper could begin as early as September. Others highlighted apparent growing uncertainty about the labor market and continuing low levels of demand. Many have pointed out that "a few" officials warned against putting too much attention on the "illustrative" 7% unemployment threshold and that "several" officials said they were "willing to contemplate lowering the unemployment rate threshold."

- The Kansas City Fed's Jackson Hole symposium got underway on Friday. Chairman Bernanke is skipping the conference as are many other global central bankers, making for a pretty low-key event. In interviews, Fed dove Bullard said the FOMC should be in no hurry to reduce QE purchases. Moderate, non-voter Lockhart said he would support a move in September if the data was still pointing toward sustainable improvements, but cautioned that numbers out so far do not point to a strong pickup in economic activity later in 2013. Hawk Fisher said the data makes him believe September is the time to begin the taper and said he was not alone in that belief.

- Just a month after Microsoft reported terrible Q4 results (with EPS at $0.52 versus expectations of $0.75), the company announced that it was looking for a replacement for long-serving CEO Balmer, who will serve until a successor is found. Rumors of the move had been circulating for some time. After years of consecutive mediocre and failed product launches under Balmer, investors responded with enthusiasm, sending shares of MSFT up as much as 9% in the immediate aftermath of the announcement on Friday. Elsewhere in tech, Hewlett-Packard reported troubling signs in Q2 results: the PC personal systems unit has seen slumping revenue for a while but the 9% slide in both the enterprise and enterprise services units - former islands of strength - was unexpected. CEO Whitman admitted that she no longer see a scenario in which revenue will return to year over year growth in FY14 because of the worsening market environment.

- More major retailers reported quarterly results this week. On the whole, teen apparel names reported terrible results. Troubled JC Penny blamed its 12% SSS decline on continuing fallout from the Ron Johnson experiments. Abercrombie & Fitch and Aeropostale both widely missed estimates and saw double-digit negative comps, due to the "challenging retail environment." Retailers catering to a more mature age bracket did better: Gap and Limited Brands both had solid quarters featuring positive comps. Best Buy surprised everybody by widely beating earnings expectations, although executives cautioned that most of the better outcome was due to cost savings. Target reported disappointing results and trimmed its outlook, citing slower than expected growth in its new Canada operations, and saying consumers were channeling their spending toward big ticket items like home improvement and autos. In their Q2 reports this week, home improvement names Lowe's and Home Depot continued to benefit from the positive housing market, though both warned about a tougher second-half environment.

- Rising interest rates in the US did little to benefit the greenback against the euro and yen this week, although most other global currencies have weakened against the dollar. Against the currencies of emerging market nations that run large current account deficits, the dollar remains king. Both the Turkish Lira and the Indian Rupee moved out to their worst levels ever against the dollar: USD/TRY passed the 2.00 level and USD/INR moved above 65.50. Brazil Central Bank Chief Tombini pulled out of the Jackson Hole symposium to confer with President Rousseff about the Brazilan Real, which hit five-year lows around 2.45 late in the week. Central banks in Turkey, India and Brazil were active in the market as they tried to stem the losses.

- EUR/USD mostly traded within the 1.32-1.34 range where it has spent the past two weeks. On Tuesday the pair broke out to 6-month highs around 1.3450. In its monthly report, the Bundesbank wrote that ECB forward guidance was not a change in policy and that a rate hike was possible if inflation pressures emerge. GBP/USD hit two-month highs near 1.5670.

- Confirming the Euro Zone crisis is not yet over, German officials admitted this week that there would most likely be a third bailout for Greece. During a campaign speech, Finance Minister Schaeuble said as much although many analysts had assumed the ruling coalition would wait until after the September elections to officially admit it. Chancellor Merkel repeated Schaeuble's admission but ruled out another debt haircut and said nothing would happen on the Greek issue until mid-2014 or even 2015. The Bundesbank's Assmusen said it would not be known until the spring whether Greece can achieve a primary surplus, which would dictate their potential aid requirements.


Aug 23 2013

Very jellyfish-like day with market lacking direction, energy and any kind of determination. Some stops, some wins, some rinses, finishing day slightly negative and breaking 7 day's winning streak. 

Session Time: Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 2013
[09:17] {nemo} wow spy just running
[09:19] {bbobr} gm
[09:21] {nemo} guess spy wants to close that gap in the premarket
01[09:22] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:23] {nemo} ahh, interesting, 167.08 is the weekly pivot
[09:23] {cipher} gm
01[09:24] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:25] {Alexs} gm
[09:25] {RonS} gm
01[09:27] {&Threei}  alex, ron :)
[09:29] {+cc_9} GM
01[09:30] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
01[09:31] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .35 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[09:33] {&Threei}  meh'
[09:34] {nemo} a little ky for that one
[09:36] {nemo} spy monthly pivot here
01[09:39] {&Threei} Short Setup: FCX  .60 break
01[09:39] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
[09:40] {dino} gm
01[09:40] {&Threei}  dino :)
01[09:41] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[09:41] {Alexs} actually it trriggered
01[09:41] {&Threei}  it did?
[09:41] {nemo} Dino sees dead people, Alex sees phantom quotes
[09:42] {+cc_9} P tanking
01[09:42] {&Threei} Short Setup: FB  .10 break
[09:42] {Alexs} and phantom stops
[09:43] {dino} missing mailboxes and plumbing leaks. chaos morning
01[09:43] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
01[09:44] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:52] {+cc_9} keeping close eye on P for entry
01[09:52] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .35 break
[09:52] {+cc_9} high .80s was pre-M candle close yesterday
01[09:52] {&Threei}  If holds  .43
01[09:52] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[09:53] {dino} hibb sm l .80 wide
[09:53] {dino} dllr sm l .98
01[09:56] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .90 break
01[09:56] {&Threei}  If holds  .83
[09:57] {+cc_9} P bouncing off its after-hours pps
[09:57] {+cc_9} $19} now
[09:58] {+cc_9} }$19.15
01[09:58] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY NEW HOME SALES: 394K V 487KE
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(EU) EURO ZONE AUG ADVANCE CONSUMER CONFIDENCE: -15.6 V -16.5E
01[09:59] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:59] {robbers} Out C in full, thanks.
01[09:59] {&Threei}  :)
[10:00] {+cc_9} Pandora, here is the chart I was talking about }}}
[10:00] {nemo} whoa, those housing numbers dampened things
[10:00] {nemo} spy at 50 sma
[10:02] {Alexs} in fact it's very good news for market
[10:02] {nemo} ?
[10:03] {dino} sure is, raytes stay low
[10:03] {Alexs} no tapering
[10:03] {nemo} that's starting to show pushing on a string dynamics
[10:04] {dino} it is what it is
[10:04] {nemo} yep
[10:06] {+cc_9} bad news = good news
01[10:06] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  30 break
[10:06] {+cc_9} if you say otherwise, you're a terrorist
[10:06] {nemo} if it were good news, the market would have gone up
01[10:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .05
[10:06] {nemo} no, I'm a racist
[10:06] {nemo} I hate everybody
01[10:06] {&Threei}  you mean you are indiscriminate rasist
01[10:06] {&Threei}  racist too
[10:07] {nemo} yeah,
[10:08] {nemo} spy fighting to hold the 50 day here
[10:08] {+cc_9} nemo thinks the market goes up on good news
[10:08] {+cc_9} get a load of this guy
[10:08] {nemo} wrong
[10:08] {nemo} I think the market reacts to the news
[10:09] {nemo} if market goes up on a bit of news, then it considers it good news
[10:09] {nemo} if the market goes down on the news, than it considers it bad
01[10:09] {&Threei}  ugh
[10:09] {nemo} I am impartial to news, all I care about is the reaction
[10:09] {nemo} when's the next Honey Boo Boo coming out?
[10:09] {dino} noah sm l .80
[10:11] {+cc_9} ugh dino, that's the ticket i was trying to remember for today
[10:11] {+cc_9} nice pick yesterday and looks like a follow-through
[10:13] {dino} hibb sm l .70
[10:15] {dino} we shall see, slow one
[10:15] {+cc_9} aaaaaaaaand, market going back up lol
[10:16] {dino} well, the markets always go up....unless they don't
[10:16] {nemo} at vwap here
[10:21] {Alexs} gdx looks like double top here
[10:25] {dino} dllr stop .71 -.27
[10:26] {nemo} look at tlt go
[10:27] {Alexs} is 1400 important level for gold?
[10:27] {nemo} look at the daily
[10:28] {nemo} looks like it's a gap fill area so yeah
[10:28] {nemo} gotta' get above 137.62 first
[10:31] {nemo} wow look at gld go
01[10:34] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .90 break
[10:35] {dino} ueps sm s .28
01[10:38] {&Threei}  If holds  50  of course
[10:39] {dino} ueps stop .41 -.13
[10:43] {dino} dllr sm l .80
01[10:46] {&Threei}  stop to .96
[10:53] {Alexs} spy doesn't help us
01[10:53] {&Threei}  no
01[10:53] {&Threei}  but what else is new... nothing ever helps us... everything is against us... sniff
[10:54] {nemo} spoken like a married man
01[10:57] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
01[10:57] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
01[10:59] {&Threei}  change to .20 break
01[10:59] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
01[11:01] {&Threei}  meh
01[11:01] {&Threei}  not really getting rhythm today
[11:01] {Alexs} spoken like a married man
01[11:02] {&Threei}  sigh... two of you now??
01[11:02] {&Threei}  I mean one nemo is bad enough
01[11:02] {&Threei}  but manageable
[11:02] {nemo} ahem....
[11:02] {nemo} There can be only one...
01[11:02] {&Threei}  lol
[11:03] {nemo} ok folks name that movie
[11:03] {RonS} rocky
01[11:03] {&Threei}  the one?
[11:03] {nemo} Highlander
01[11:03] {&Threei}  ah yes
[11:03] {nemo} 1st one was good, then......cliff
[11:04] {RonS} hilarious:
[11:04] {nemo} oh that was a good movie
01[11:04] {&Threei}  lol, yet another application of this parody
01[11:04] {&Threei}  there are dozens of them
[11:05] {RonS} gotta see the whole thing...the ending is classic
01[11:05] {&Threei}  Hitler hears about Nikon releasing new camera...
[11:05] {nemo} gld here
[11:05] {nemo} gdx hhere rather
[11:06] {nemo} monthly pivot on spy is 166.25
[11:22] {dino} wtf hibb
[11:22] {dino} reload sm l .49
[11:24] {cipher} wtg on hibb
[11:24] {dino} still down on it, 2 stops
[11:24] {cipher} was good for .50+ on this bounce
[11:25] {dino} y
[11:27] {+cc_9} P, finally reversing.
[11:28] {dino} bad report fwiw
[11:30] {dino} out hibb .25, +.76
[11:35] {+Raven} m
[11:35] {+Raven} m
01[11:36] {&Threei}  practicing, Raven?
[11:36] {RonS} lol
[11:37] {+Raven} cat?
[11:37] {RonS} dino target dllr?, in at .85...thinkin here .45 but could be more...
[11:41] {dino} stop to .20
[11:41] {dino} target, 13?
[11:41] {dino} stop .19, +.39
[11:46] {+cc_9} Stocktwits pre-market "MSFT at 37 would not surprise me today"
[11:46] {+cc_9} Stocktwits now "MSFT at 33 would not surprise me today"
[11:48] {dino} gotta luv the talking heads
[11:48] {dino} explaination for everything (after the fact)
[11:49] {dino} soda spike
[11:52] {+cc_9} you mean SODA pop, am I right guys
[11:52] {+cc_9} Vad, quick, I need a shittier joke to cover up
01[11:54] {&Threei}  hmmm
01[11:54] {&Threei}  sorry... I can't beat that
[11:59] {dino} lol
01[12:03] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .80 break
01[12:03] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
01[12:03] {&Threei}  I have to give it to you, cc9... you fif almost impossible
01[12:04] {&Threei}  made worse joke than I do
01[12:04] {&Threei}  fif? did that was
[12:05] {Alexs} Steve Ballmer today make for MSFT more money than for all his tenure
[12:13] {dino} out remainder hibb .65, +1.16
[12:13] {Alexs} stop .90 still?
01[12:15] {&Threei}  was so close to 1:1. let's trail to .86
01[12:20] {&Threei}  shrug
[12:20] {dino} atlas
[12:21] {nemo} cough
[12:21] {dino} have to read that again
[12:21] {dino} has a calming effect on me
01[12:25] {&Threei}  dino has to be the only person on earth for whom atlas shrugged is a lulabye
[12:28] {dino} if you lived my life it would make more sense to you on why i like it so much
[12:31] {Alexs} is it a good movie btw?
[12:32] {dino} didn't see it
[12:32] {dino} read book 3x
01[12:34] {&Threei}  no alex
[12:34] {nemo} if you lived my life you know why I like Dante's Inferno so much
[12:34] {Alexs} read just one book last 20 years '101 charts'
[12:34] {dino} ironically railroads out west are booming because of oil, as in book
01[12:35] {&Threei}  book is classic if you take it for what it is, manifest of a certain philosophy rather than novel
01[12:35] {&Threei}  movie is crap
[12:35] {dino} we could all use a dagney tagart or two
01[12:35] {&Threei}  lefties hate this book passionately
[12:36] {Alexs} sorry 111 charts
[12:36] {nemo} Alex is running for Les' spot
[12:36] {dino} a lot of the book is coming real
[12:36] {dino} less and less supporting more and more
[12:37] {dino} govt interference
[12:37] {nemo} technology forcing that issue also
[12:37] {Alexs} no that spot is sainted
01[12:37] {&Threei}  lol
[12:37] {nemo} you also have species dynamics
[12:37] {dino} class warfare based on envy
[12:37] {nemo} soiled is more like it Alex
[12:37] {nemo} yes, but there may also be an outgrowth of natural dynamics
[12:38] {nemo} at some point a species expands beyond the capacity of it's naturals support systems
[12:38] {Alexs} lol
[12:38] {nemo} our's are not natural in the sense some are imposed by the social dynamics at work, but the overriding principles win out eventually
[12:38] {dino} some point the welfare state destroys the producers
01[12:38] {&Threei}  honestly, when I read it, I thought, wow, she is describing USSR quite well
[12:39] {nemo} she was from Russia
01[12:39] {&Threei}  little did I know, this was all destined to repeat here
01[12:39] {&Threei}  I know
[12:39] {dino} she is describing obummer
[12:39] {dino} and he wasn't born when she wrote it
[12:39] {nemo} well, you also have the pyramid inversion of the population/income demographics
[12:40] {dino} you also have the ever expanding welfare state (poor me, i don't want to do that job, etc...)
[12:40] {nemo} yes, but you also have structural issues in the economy
[12:41] {nemo} technology has wiped out millions of jobs
[12:41] {dino} because of govt. they need to get out of the way
01[12:41] {&Threei}  "but I deserve a chance"
[12:41] {nemo} so what do you do with that population?
01[12:41] {&Threei}  hemlock?
[12:41] {dino} "deserve" is an evil word
[12:41] {nemo} 7.62X51
[12:41] {dino} nobody "deserves" anything
[12:42] {nemo} Vad...that line here
01[12:42] {&Threei}  or to put it other way, what you have is exactly what you deserve
[12:42] {nemo} society is a funny have to take care of the poor, so they're never held responsible for their actions and you reward them for bad behavior,
01[12:43] {&Threei}  no one is nailed to his place, his social layer, his intelligence level etc
[12:43] {nemo} and the rich and powerful, are rich and powerful, so the same with them
[12:43] {nemo} if you're in the middle, keep a barrel of KY handy and work on your flexibility
[12:43] {dino} agree w/both of you. but believe vads' statement more
[12:44] {nemo} true words are not fine sounding, fine sounding words are not true
[12:44] {dino} some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to
[12:45] {nemo} Well, Vad's incorrect about intelligence level
[12:45] {nemo} If we believe statistical science, 84% of the population have average to less than average intelligence at an organic level
[12:46] {dino} the world needs ditch diggers
[12:46] {nemo} With the other 16% it depends on the programming
[12:46] {nemo} Not really dino, less and less all the time
[12:46] {dino} 50% or more on welfare could be sweeping/picking litter, etc. they should be made to do something
[12:47] {nemo} I don't disagree, but it will never happen
[12:48] {dino} i believe it is a liberal conspiracy bto keep them down. tell them its not their fault. give them handouts. and they will vote liberal. they destroy generation after generation with this
[12:48] {nemo} Very practical from a liberal's point of view
[12:48] {dino} sure, the vote just gets larger
[12:48] {nemo} yep
01[12:48] {&Threei}  not a conspiracy, pure reality
[12:48] {nemo} yep
[12:48] {dino} indeed
[12:49] {nemo} lifecycle of empire
[12:49] {nemo} TweetOfGod again
[12:51] {Alexs} so doesn't make sense to resist just follow the trend
[12:51] {nemo} what are you talking about Alex?
[12:51] {Alexs} time to become liberal
[12:51] {nemo} fake it and drink more
[12:51] {Alexs} progressive
[12:51] {dino} the are broken alexs. they just don't know it. if yuo wake up in the morning, most of what happens is your fault
[12:52] {dino} accept that fact and your life gets better
[12:52] {nemo} well, it has the chance to get better
[12:52] {nemo} inner city neighborhoods are jungles and the schools are a joke
[12:53] {dino} sure and liberals continue the staus quo
[12:54] {nemo} and entrenched bureaucracies
[12:54] {dino} y
[12:54] {nemo} Tocqueville
[12:54] {nemo} The US has become more fascist than anything else
[12:55] {nemo} mmmhh looks like they're going to run spy again
[12:56] {dino} dllr lod
01[12:56] {&Threei}  I see you all got brazen in ese's absence... just you wait, he will show you, using Khruschev's expression, kuz'kinu mat'
[12:57] {Alexs} lol
[12:57] {dino} roflol
[12:57] {dino} ese needs to read atlas shrugged
01[12:57] {&Threei}  won't work... mind is made up
[12:58] {nemo} whose mind isn't?
01[12:59] {&Threei}  well, while it's true, I for one make a conscious effort to listen to the left message now and then, trying to see whether they come up with something constructive
01[12:59] {&Threei}  haven't succeeded yet in finding it... but it's good to keep one's brain exercised and mind flecible
[13:00] {nemo} even if your spelling sucks
01[13:00] {&Threei}  it's not spelling
[13:00] {+cc_9} I think its probably safe to call it a weel.
01[13:00] {&Threei}  it's blind typing
[13:00] {+cc_9} week*
[13:01] {Alexs} now after all that discussion i feel like i red atlass twice
01[13:01] {&Threei}  Nikita Khrushchev's promise to show the United States a "Kuz'kina Mat'" at the 1960 United Nations General Assembly. The famous Russian idiom, which has been problematic for translators, literally meaning “to show somebody Kuzka's mother”, equates roughly with the English “We’ll show you!”
[13:01] {Alexs} read
[13:01] {nemo} yeah, the "We will bury you" speech
[13:01] {dino} cya cc9
01[13:02] {&Threei}  I still want one 1:3er, to put the day to about even
[13:02] {dino} dllr sm l .53 stop lod
[13:03] {+cc_9} dino, i mean there is not much else to trade.
[13:03] {dino} lol, figured friday afternoon, start weekend early
[13:04] {dino} hibb doing the jig between 52.50-90
[13:04] {dino} .90
[13:07] {dino} dllr stop -.13
[13:08] {+cc_9} can't leave yet, punchcard will show i left early to drink
[13:08] {dino} could use a few drinks
[13:09] {nemo} don't you keep a bottle in your desk, Dino?
[13:09] {nemo} not like you have to drive home
[13:10] {dino} wet bar 20 feet away, pool table, darts, free weights, etc. remodelled basement is my office area. 10x10 room for trades
[13:10] {nemo} thus my statement
[13:11] {dino} yeah, but don't drink and trade. will wait for 4 pm.
[13:12] {dino} hibb takes .00 it may spike
[13:17] {+cc_9} A juvenile has been arrested by Spokane police in connection with the beating death of an 88-year-old World War II veteran this week, police said Friday.
[13:18] {dino} hibb sm l .00
[13:18] {nemo} what color is he?
[13:18] {+cc_9} white
[13:18] {+cc_9} racewar2013
[13:19] {nemo} big industry
[13:19] {dino} funny, no sharpton on the 2 guys that killed the college kid. reverse
[13:19] {+cc_9} The motive? Police don't have one. The teens appeared to have picked him at random, authorities say.
[13:19] {nemo} no sharpton, no Obama, no Jessie
[13:19] {dino} my point
[13:19] {nemo} I know
[13:19] {+cc_9} is this a coincidence that teens are randomly killing people just as school is about to start ?
[13:19] {dino} meanwhile zimmermans head was getting pounded into the sidewalk
[13:20] {nemo} thinning the herd
[13:20] {+cc_9} Netflix should play re-runs of that trial.
[13:20] {+cc_9} "it sound like wet grass sir"
[13:20] {+cc_9} "that's retarded, sir"
[13:20] {nemo} What I get a kick out of is all the bad information about that case taken as fact
[13:20] {dino} "could have been me" obummer. why? do you pound heads off of sidewalks
[13:21] {+cc_9} I wonder if the 3 black teens who killed that Australian guy could have also been Obama's sons.
[13:21] {nemo} one of the teens was white
[13:21] {+cc_9} No wait, there were no skittles involved.
[13:21] {dino} lol
[13:21] {+cc_9} Mullato
[13:22] {dino} suppose its not their fault they were bored
[13:22] {nemo} FB
[13:23] {dino} ueps spike
[13:24] {+cc_9}
[13:24] {nemo} now CC
[13:25] {+cc_9} P getting some bids
[13:25] {+cc_9} nemo, whats up
[13:25] {+cc_9} are you jealous that you cannot compete for those shekels ?
[13:26] {nemo} piece of work
[13:26] {dino} just looked at clock, wow, only 1:28
[13:26] {nemo} why is expe up so much today?
[13:27] {dino} travelocity deal or something
01[13:29] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .80 break
[13:31] {Alexs} is it you on the picture cc?
[13:31] {+cc_9} No, im the one taking it for you guys.
[13:33] {+cc_9} GMCR @ 3 year highs
[13:33] {dino} ueps sm s .03
01[13:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[13:37] {+cc_9} P trying to get a move here, last wall was .40
[13:39] {Alexs} so it's our 1:3er Vad?
01[13:39] {&Threei}  let me look in the future, be right back with you
[13:39] {Alexs} lol
01[13:40] {&Threei}  crap, who took my crystal ball wiping cloth
[13:41] {+cc_9} P closing in on 11:28AM wall
[13:42] {nemo} spy ready to pop, should help cat
[13:42] {dino} i can tell you, i'm 3 hours ahead
01[13:42] {&Threei}  chart shapes up roght so far
01[13:42] {&Threei}  really... unfair advantage
01[13:42] {&Threei}  we deserve it too
01[13:42] {&Threei}  someone should give us a chance
[13:43] {dino} icui drop
01[13:43] {&Threei}  should hold it here and pop up to 1:1
[13:43] {nemo} don't tell me, your proud to be a Canadian-American?
01[13:43] {&Threei}  downtrend us broken
[13:44] {nemo} Now I'm hearing Cat Stevens
01[13:44] {&Threei}  us = is
[13:46] {nemo} cmon cat don't be a pussy
01[13:47] {&Threei}  SPY is really jellyfishy
[13:47] {dino} now i'm hearing nugent (cat scratch fever)
01[13:47] {&Threei}  lol
[13:47] {nemo} hehehehe
[13:47] {nemo} met him at a hunting show...piece of work
[13:47] {nemo} liked his wife better
[13:48] {dino} :)
[13:48] {nemo} see where Duck Dynasty is the most popular show on Cable
[13:48] {nemo} wow
[13:48] {dino} crazy
[13:49] {nemo} Now I'm hearing Nero play the violin
[13:49] {nemo} boy Ron is awful quiet
01[13:52] {&Threei}  he is just wondering how come he feels confortable in this asylum
[13:53] {dino} because the inmates are running it
06[13:55] * nemo hides his head in shame
01[13:55] {&Threei}  1;1, finally
01[13:59] {&Threei}  oh well... not a 1:3er
[14:04] {dino} cov ueps .63, +.40
01[14:05] {&Threei}  wtg
[14:06] {dino} ty
[14:16] {Alexs} cat long again?
01[14:18] {&Threei}  no
01[14:18] {&Threei}  starts rather ,looking breakdownish
01[14:19] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .70 break
01[14:19] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
[14:20] {+cc_9} the clock has not moved for hours
[14:31] {dino}  hibb spike, out .49,. +.49
[14:38] {Alexs} stop .81 right?
01[14:38] {&Threei}  yes
[14:42] {RonS} Beatles sing ringing in head...
[14:43] {RonS} ...Hello Goodbye...
[14:44] {dino} icui drop, too fast
[14:47] {+cc_9} scary volume dino
[14:48] {dino} not really
[14:49] {+cc_9} 172k total volume
[14:49] {nemo} dino trades rorschach charts
[14:49] {+cc_9} by scary, i mean too light, big spread, get stuck
[14:49] {dino} thats ok w/my system. control thru size
[14:49] {+cc_9} yes, easy to manip the bid/ask
[14:53] {Alexs} adsk short .30?
01[14:54] {&Threei}  nah... too sharp drop into support
[15:07] {nemo} looks like they'll hold the spy above the 50 sma today
[15:07] {nemo} might be lowest volume day this year
01[15:08] {&Threei}  IMF's Lagarde: Unwind of unconvential monetary policies is likely to take longer than many think, there shouldnt be a rush to exit- the unconventional monetary policies were successful, any premature exit from the programs would be bad
[15:09] {nemo} yeah successful in blowing another bubble
01[15:09] {&Threei}  NYSE volume 290M shares, about 19% below its three-month average; - NASDAQ volume 980M shares, about 6% below its three-month average
01[15:09] {&Threei}  The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc Updates details of outage yesterday, notes there was no evidence of an attempted intrusion into systems, nor was there an unusual burst of quotation activity or trading messages (i.e. not an HFT problem)
01[15:10] {&Threei}  (US) President Obama: There is no urgent deficit crisis in the US
01[15:10] {&Threei}  reminds me: Al Capone: There are no gangsters in Chicago
[15:13] {Alexs} lol
[15:14] {Alexs} i forgot i'm progressive now
01[15:15] {&Threei}  good... we have whose sensitivities to insult while ese is away
01[15:16] {&Threei}  lol:
[15:17] {Alexs} nice one
[15:28] {Alexs} looks like gold didn't make it today
01[15:36] {&Threei}  veryy jellyfish day
01[15:37] {&Threei}  a few of them reversed after being a cent or two from 1:1
01[15:37] {&Threei}  working ones were scalps
01[15:37] {&Threei}  and no sense of determination whatsoever
01[15:38] {&Threei}  this is our first losing day in how long?
[15:38] {dino} slow day, but profittable, slightly under goal
[15:38] {Alexs} 7 days streak
01[15:38] {&Threei}  ok... well controlled, nothing extraordinary
[15:39] {dino} gj alexs
01[15:39] {&Threei}  just a tribute to gods of probabilities
[15:39] {dino} yesterday was neg for me. had 5 day streak going
[15:39] {nemo} looks like they want to go out on the highs
[15:43] {dino} calling it a week, thanks all
01[15:43] {&Threei}  ok guiys, let's have a great a weekend
[15:43] {Alexs} take care dino
01[15:43] {&Threei}  thank you all, see you on Monday!
[15:44] {dino} :)
[15:44] {Alexs} thank you for great week Vad
01[15:45] {&Threei}  very welcome

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Aug 22 2013

Another very nice day, even though without yesterday's fireworks but solidly in black. No complaints about boredom, we like it boring and profitable. 

Session Time: Thu Aug 22 00:00:00 2013
[09:18] {Alexs} gm
01[09:18] {&Threei}  morning alex
[09:27] {cipher} gm
[09:27] {RonS} gm
01[09:27] {&Threei}  cipher, ron :)
01[09:27] {&Threei}  ron, missed beautiful day yesterday...
[09:28] {nemo} maybe he was getting laid
01[09:28] {&Threei}  mazeltov, but... whole trading day??
[09:29] {nemo} good is Ron
[09:29] {+cc_9} gm everyone
01[09:29] {&Threei}  cc :)
01[09:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .35 break
01[09:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .42
01[09:31] {&Threei}  meh
[09:31] {+cc_9} SHLD battered, considering a trade if gets over $40
01[09:31] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .75 break
01[09:31] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
01[09:32] {&Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:32] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .65 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:33] {&Threei}  change to .60 break
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:35] {+cc_9} SHLD starter
01[09:37] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:37] {+cc_9} ANF i think is a trap, won't touch.
01[09:40] {&Threei}  1:3, out in full
01[09:41] {&Threei}  that was fruitful bottom fishing
[09:41] {Alexs} nice call
01[09:41] {&Threei}  can fish be a fruit?
01[09:44] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .75 break
01[09:44] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
[09:45] {+cc_9} ANF whoa, trap was only in my mind with these kind of gap down plays
[09:46] {+cc_9} out SHLD - $0.65
[09:46] {+cc_9} that was the trap ...
01[09:46] {&Threei}  so you picked wrong trap...
[09:47] {+cc_9} while trying to dodge one, i stepped on a mine
[09:49] {nemo} just call you stumpy
01[09:51] {&Threei}  come on already GLD
[09:52] {+cc_9} SHLD round 2, starter, $39 tested twice
[09:52] {nemo} c'mon vad how 'bout a coupla' 1:10ers
[09:52] {+cc_9} on daily and pre-M
01[09:53] {&Threei}  finally... 1:1
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY LEADING INDEX: 0.6% V 0.5%E
[10:00] {+cc_9} need .85 bid SHLD
01[10:00] {&Threei}  (IL) Reports of rockets being fired from Lebanon into Israel
01[10:05] {&Threei}  ugh GLD... why did you have to rinse second half
01[10:05] {&Threei}  why oh why
[10:07] {dino} noah, beat, drops hard
01[10:07] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .80 break
01[10:07] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
[10:08] {nemo} 59ish very important for DECK
[10:10] {dino} noah sm l .50
[10:10] {Alexs} gdx valid?
01[10:10] {&Threei}  yes
01[10:11] {&Threei}  with stop above high of course
01[10:12] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:13] {cipher} dino are you watching YY?
[10:13] {nemo} yep
[10:13] {dino} yes
[10:13] {dino} noah, swi, yy, bke
[10:14] {nemo} look to reshort in the .50 are imo
[10:17] {nemo} apa could be a niche short under .40 if it holds the high here
[10:17] {nemo} could go back to 78
[10:17] {nemo} nope
[10:18] {nemo} I guess until spy gets to 165.88-166 we go up
[10:19] {+cc_9} ANF, the trap that was not a trap
[10:20] {dino} bke sm l .74
01[10:20] {&Threei}  how inelegant
[10:20] {nemo} I'm seeing that scene from The Princess Bridge again
01[10:20] {&Threei}  "the trap that wasn't"
01[10:20] {&Threei}  now that's proper english
[10:24] {dino} swi .00 break l trig
[10:27] {+cc_9} SHLD for f**k sake, get through $40 before i pass out
[10:27] {+cc_9} nice!
[10:28] {+cc_9} out SHLD $0.75
[10:31] {dino} reload noah .00
01[10:33] {&Threei}  trail to .76
01[10:34] {&Threei}  1:2
[10:35] {Alexs} .71 now?
[10:35] {nemo} YY  next short area around 38
01[10:35] {&Threei}  yup
[10:37] {dino} out bke .44, +.70
[10:37] {dino} back in 15
[10:41] {+cc_9} SPY approaching 166 from yesterday
[10:42] {nemo} just touched the 50 day
01[10:48] {&Threei}  OH woman uses 50 stolen identities to collect unemployment in 8 states
01[10:48] {&Threei}  I don't get it... this must be full time job
01[10:53] {&Threei}  friking GDX... took 1:3 from us
[10:55] {+cc_9} nice call on NOAH dino
[10:55] {+cc_9} .30s bidding
[10:58] {+cc_9} SPY rejected at the 166 range
[11:09] {dino} thx cc9
[11:22] {dino} you guys finding anything?
01[11:22] {&Threei}  nope, stall
[11:26] {+cc_9} Market fade, that's about it
[11:36] {dino} swi sm l .01
01[11:37] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .50 break
01[11:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
01[11:43] {&Threei}  1:1
06[11:44] * &Threei sings "fiiish in a barrel" to the tune of "smoke on the water"
[11:48] {robbers} Out in full, thanks.
[11:48] {robbers} Nice call, again.
01[11:49] {&Threei}  :)
[11:57] {dino} out swi .49, +.48
[11:58] {Alexs} do you remember the begining of that song Vad?
01[11:58] {&Threei}  no... remind me
[11:58] {nemo} They all came out to Montreaux on the Lake Geneva shoreline
[11:58] {Alexs} We all came out to Montereax,
[11:58] {Alexs} On the Lake Geneva shoreline.
01[11:59] {&Threei}  oh boy
01[11:59] {&Threei}  Les
01[11:59] {&Threei}  lol
[11:59] {Alexs} devoted to Les
[11:59] {nemo} yep
[11:59] {nemo} yeah, they're keyboardist died earlier this year
[11:59] {nemo} their
[11:59] {nemo} wtf
01[12:00] {&Threei}  Analysts continue to debate the real meaning of the FOMC minutes out yesterday afternoon. The WSJ's Hilsenrath asserted that the minutes reaffirm the Fed's existing timetable, which suggests the taper could begin as early as September.
01[12:00] {&Threei}  Others highlighted apparent growing uncertainty about the labor market and continuing low levels of demand. Many have pointed out that "a few" officials warned against putting too much attention on the "illustrative" 7% unemployment threshold and that "several" officials said they were "willing to contemplate lowering the unemployment rate threshold."
01[12:08] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .80 break
01[12:08] {&Threei}  If holds  .74
01[12:08] {&Threei}  .75
[12:18] {dino} zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
01[12:20] {&Threei}  frikin GDX
[12:21] {+cc_9} volume dying, its about that time
[12:22] {Alexs} nsdq listed symbols halted
[12:23] {nemo}
01[12:23] {&Threei}
[12:23] {nemo} saw that
[12:24] {+cc_9} Alex, what do you mean ?
[12:24] {nemo} ?
01[12:24] {&Threei}  Nasdaq $NDAQ says halting trading in all tape C securities
01[12:24] {&Threei}  The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc Reports that the company is experiencing issues with stock quote dissemination- reference:
[12:26] {dino} that explains why my acct just said -1363 with a positive day going
[12:26] {bbobr} my Nasdaq orders are getting canceled by themselves
[12:27] {nemo} that's me
[12:28] {cipher} no issues here
[12:28] {dino} schwab reporting errors on quotes
[12:28] {cipher} what ecn bbobr?
[12:29] {+cc_9} QQQ frozen
[12:29] {cipher} time to dump uncle schwab
[12:29] {dino} option bids out of whack
[12:29] {cipher} they suck
01[12:30] {&Threei}  dino is luddite
[12:30] {nemo} better than a Phillistine
[12:30] {nemo} Les was both
[12:30] {nemo} is
[12:32] {cipher} Vad, you are forcing me to open a dictionary
[12:34] {bbobr} have changed route to ARCA, holding so far
[12:34] {cipher} :)
01[12:34] {&Threei}  sorry cipher... nemo made me a sadist
[12:34] {cipher} sometimes the solution is very simple bbobr
01[12:35] {&Threei}  vvovr, whole NASDAQ has troubles, why would you want to trade it now
01[12:35] {&Threei}  bbobr, sorry
[12:35] {Alexs} why are you dissatisfied with GDX Vad?
[12:35] {dino} always picking on dino
01[12:35] {&Threei}  you won't believe it Alex
01[12:35] {&Threei}  here goes:
[12:36] {nemo} my fault...sheesh...Vad going liberal, it's always somebody else's fault...frickin' twinky defense
01[12:36] {&Threei}  I forgot that trigger was .50, and when it went over .45 I closed second half
01[12:36] {&Threei}  than swore at it when it went to 1:2
01[12:36] {&Threei}  then realized if was my idiocy and not its fault
[12:36] {cipher} I thought no liberals were allowed here
[12:37] {nemo} ese's the token lefty
01[12:37] {&Threei}  then it went to 1:3 and I pretended I don't see it
[12:37] {nemo} unionized teacher
[12:37] {nemo} and musician
[12:37] {nemo} can't get much worse
01[12:37] {&Threei}  and then you had to remind me what an idiot I was
[12:37] {Alexs} sorry lol
[12:37] {nemo} don't worry Vad, I'm sure your wife will before the day is done
01[12:37] {&Threei}  sorry? I am about to dive into 3-days long drinking abyss... sorry won't cut it
[12:38] {nemo} why only 3?
[12:38] {dino} lol
[12:39] {cipher} I'm starting soon
[12:39] {cipher} martini time
01[12:39] {&Threei}  well, it may be longer but I can count to 3 only
[12:39] {nemo} Reminds me...I have to drink a bottle of Jack with a friend of mine on Saturday
01[12:39] {&Threei}  Jack? isn't it blended?
[12:39] {nemo} I just drink it
[12:39] {cipher} why not upgrade to a nice 18 yo scotch???
[12:40] {+cc_9} I wonder if they bring the data stream gradually or at once, it could feel like holding a piss for hours
[12:40] {nemo} It's his bottle
01[12:40] {&Threei}  no kidding... single malt or nothing
[12:40] {cipher} yep
01[12:40] {&Threei}  GDX, anyone played it to 1:3?
[12:40] {nemo} Frankly, I've become a rum fan
01[12:41] {&Threei}  and cipher... if you ever win a lottery or get inheritance, do your palate a favor and buy a bottle of Hennessy Paradis
[12:41] {cipher} Macallan 18 will do it for me every time
[12:41] {nemo} Got a funny story
[12:41] {nemo} My uncle was an oenophile
[12:42] {nemo} get your mind out of the gutter Vad
[12:42] {bbobr} I like 12 better
[12:42] {nemo} Anyway, so he used to always drink some nice wines when I'd visit
[12:42] {nemo} So, he got a Bernkastler Doktor Beerenauslesen from one of the premier vintages
[12:43] {nemo} Tells me we'll drink it after his wife goes to bed so we don't have to share it
[12:43] {nemo} my kinda' guy
[12:43] {nemo} Geez, hope she doesn't read this blog
[12:43] {cipher} lol
[12:44] {nemo} got a not so funny related story
[12:44] {cipher} luckily I don't have that problem
[12:44] {nemo} I was visiting him when he was stationed in Munich
[12:44] {cipher} my wife doesn't drink
[12:45] {cipher} not because she wouldn't want to...
[12:45] {cipher} she can't :)
[12:45] {nemo} His boss is coming to dinner, so he tells me to get this, a 1948 Chateau Lafite Rothschild around noon so it will be ready for dinner
[12:45] {cipher} as in she can't handle it
[12:45] {nemo} Ok so I get the bottle out
[12:45] {nemo} As I'm peeling the lead off the top of the bottle, I notice the cork looks pretty bad
[12:46] {nemo} So, I try to open it but the cork just crumbles into the bottle, and you can smell the vinegary smell
[12:46] {nemo} So I have to call him...never had heard him cry before
[12:47] {nemo} Oh another uncle story....
[12:47] {nemo} I'm visiting when they had moved back to the states down in Maryland in August, I had just gotten out of grad school
[12:47] {nemo} So, they want to go away to this thing for the weekend, so I offer to dog sit
[12:47] {nemo} Thing was ancient
[12:48] {nemo} Of course, their airconditioning dies in August in Maryland
[12:48] {nemo} So, I keep the dogs water filled and try to keep it in the shade
[12:48] {nemo} Wouldn't you know it gets heat stroke
[12:48] {nemo} Bring the thing to the vet
[12:49] {nemo} They say $1500 worth of steroids with no guarantees for such an old dog, or euthanasia
[12:49] {nemo} Oy frickin' vay...
[12:49] {Alexs} C reversal?
[12:49] {nemo} Well, chose the latter
[12:49] {dino} remind me not to have you watch my dog
[12:49] {nemo} That was a fun conversation when they returned home from their weekend
01[12:49] {&Threei}  not sure alex... 50/50
[12:49] {nemo} Eh, doing well with the rabbit so far
[12:51] {nemo} btw...dino, I much prefer animals to people
[12:51] {nemo} I'm happy to let people rot (is that harsh)
[12:51] {nemo} I always try to save animals
[12:52] {nemo} my kinda' guy:
[12:52] {+cc_9} Market coming down at last
01[13:40] {&Threei}  missed double bottom on GDX
01[13:40] {&Threei}  ugh
[14:00] {dino} .
[14:01] {Alexs} flash freeze
[14:03] {Alexs} now they blame hft for nsdq
[14:05] {dino} surprised they don't blame the shorts
[14:07] {Alexs} next step
[14:09] {Alexs} that goes 1%
[14:09] {Alexs} that=than
[14:10] {+cc_9} worst case
[14:10] {+cc_9} they open them under another exchange
[14:11] {Alexs} in china?
[14:12] {nemo} alex made a funny
[14:15] {Alexs} are you whatching GDX Vad?
01[14:15] {&Threei}  yes
[14:15] {nemo} how about a spy short?
[14:16] {nemo} finnies relative weakness
[14:17] {+cc_9} Egypt's Hosni Mubarak released from prison
[14:17] {+cc_9} oh boy, here comes another wave
[14:18] {Alexs} I knew that justice will prevail
01[14:20] {&Threei}  justice?
01[14:20] {&Threei}  what's that?
01[14:20] {&Threei}  oh wait... it's that blind woman with very promiscuous incilnations?
[14:21] {Alexs} no am serious
01[14:21] {&Threei}  so am I
[14:24] {RonS} hearing naz reopen at 45 on the hour...
01[14:28] {&Threei}  The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc To re-open trading in all Tape C securities with a 15-minute quote only period at 14:30ET, trading to begin at 14:45ET- NASDAQ intends to re-open trading in all Tape C securities with a 15-minute quote only period. All stale quotes have been cleared from the UTP SIP at this time and halts have been disseminated with a reason code of T6. NASDAQ will first re-open trading in symbols ZVZZT and AAIT with a 15-minute quoting period beginning at 14:30, with trading beginning at approximately 14:45. All other securities will then be released at 14:55 with a 15-minute quote only period with trading resuming at approximately 15:10. NASDAQ will not be cancelling open orders on the book prior to a re-open. Customers who wish to cancel their orders may do so and any customer who wishes to not participate in the re-opening should cancel their orders prior to the resumption of trading.
[14:28] {dino} flt spike
[14:31] {dino} flt sm s .89
01[14:35] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Fisher: Personally, the data I have seen makes me believe that Sept is the time to begin the taper; I am not alone in that belief- There is no QE infinity. - There are huge obstacles to job creation.
[14:36] {nemo} free stock charts all screwed up
[14:37] {RonS} unreal lack of movement...volatility to zero?
[14:37] {nemo} kinda' like Les' brainwave activity
[14:38] {dino} flt stop -.35
[14:38] {RonS} lol...L’Oreal barred by EU from testing on animals, while China requires it |
[14:39] {+cc_9} 2011 Mubarak tells people he will step down and let army run things while he goes to "jail" (jail = club med)
[14:39] {+cc_9} Military plays the joke of democracy, people vote
[14:39] {+cc_9} MB wins elections, 1 year later coup
[14:39] {+cc_9} Mubarak released, no charges stick
[14:39] {+cc_9} all heads of MB in jail
[14:39] {+cc_9} This was all a big farce.
[14:39] {+cc_9} A damn elaborate one.
[14:42] {Alexs} may be it's not so bad to get all heads of MB in jail
[14:42] {+cc_9} Why ?
[14:43] {+cc_9} If they were voted in power, isn't it democratic to let them serve their term ?
[14:44] {Alexs} yeah it's democratic
[14:44] {Alexs} but what's in that for america
[14:46] {RonS} ya well, in Japan in the '10's and 20's the militarists and rights literrally killed all of the moderate and liberal politicians...then elected themselves...
[14:47] {RonS} if the people had risen in Egypt...maybe there would not have been WWII
[14:48] {dino} flt sm s .10
[14:51] {Alexs} I think that the power of MB is the best way to WWIII
[14:53] {RonS} the real uprising was the initial against the MB...what is going on now is a minority, the MB, trying to turn a tide...
[14:55] {+cc_9} What is going on now is not a minority Ron
[14:55] {RonS} the military backed it because the direction of the MB was to get them involved in a war...and that gets them killed...
[14:55] {+cc_9} It is being portrayed as if it were only a minority rising, its not.
[14:55] {RonS} big country do you figure?
[14:55] {+cc_9} More and more people are seeing the brutality the army is using against civilians, regardless if they are bearded or clean shaven, still civilians.
[14:55] {+cc_9} They cannot trust an army that shoots live ammo at people in a tent
[14:56] {+cc_9} add to it the fact Mubarak was just released, which is an insult, I think more people will rise and unite.
[14:56] {RonS} meantime tgt 120 day low
[14:58] {dino} rnr odd
[15:00] {RonS} lol:  BREAKING: Obama Planned Speech this evening: "Osama Bin Laden is Dead and Nasdaq is Alive!"
[15:00] {+cc_9} here comes the short bus
[15:00] {+cc_9} " $AAPL $TSLA this wasn't a glitch @CNBC we have proof on video of MM's posting EXTREMELY LOW bid/ask skewing the price and scaring everyone "
01[15:00] {&Threei}  lol
[15:00] {Alexs} zvzzt and aait still halted
[15:02] {dino} flt stop again
[15:05] {+cc_9} AAME nasdaq stock opening
[15:06] {+cc_9} lol @ the volume
01[15:10] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .40 break
01[15:10] {&Threei}  If holds  .35
[15:17] {dino} flt sm s .84
[15:17] {Alexs} gdx works
01[15:18] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:19] {dino} stopped, done w/it, off screen
[15:19] {+cc_9} quotes scheduled to appear in 5 minutes.
[15:20] {RonS} dino seeing them all along...sees ghosts ya know...
[15:21] {dino} :)
[15:21] {+cc_9} watch how they push the index as we get close to get quotes
[15:33] {Alexs} how many days was your best winnig streak Vad?
[15:35] {nemo} 2 months +
[15:36] {Alexs} is it a joke?
[15:36] {nemo} Fall 2008 when the market was shitting the bed
01[15:36] {&Threei}  no alex, not a joke
[15:37] {nemo} we'd come in limit down on the indexes
[15:38] {nemo} jeez gonna' run this thing into the close
[15:38] {Alexs} ok than nothing to worry about :)
01[15:39] {&Threei}  lol
[15:40] {+cc_9} TSLA volume and momentum insane
[15:40] {+cc_9} 5 points pre-halt, 3 points post halt
[15:42] {dino} out noah .44, +.43
[15:44] {+cc_9} that was quite the investment dino
[15:44] {+cc_9} how long was that, 6 hours ?
[15:45] {dino} yeah, felt like a long term buy and hold
[15:45] {dino} but worked out in the end
01[15:54] {&Threei}  thank you all
01[15:54] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:54] {dino} ditto and gn
[15:55] {Alexs} ty Vad take care
[15:56] {Alexs} don't remember GDX
[15:56] {Alexs} lol
01[15:56] {&Threei}  grrr
01[15:56] {&Threei}  lol
[15:57] {bbobr} gn all
[15:57] {Alexs} gn

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aug 21 2013

FOMC minutes day, any winning trade is precious, 1:3er especially. This one has both, profit and some joking around part of which made a screenshot. The rest will be in the log as always.

And the continuation of this play, reversal and getting 1:3 again on another side - like a flute.

And how about this:

With 1:3 C short at the end of the day, it's as good as it gets on FOMC days. Or better.

Session Start: Wed Aug 21 00:00:00 2013

[08:48] {nemo} drat....looks like I'll have to be nemo again
01[08:49] {&Threei}  sorry
[08:49] {nemo} mmmhhh....doesn't sound heartfelt to me
01[08:49] {&Threei}  it wasn't {G}
03[09:08] * Retrieving #discussions modes...
[09:09] {dino} gm
01[09:09] {&Threei}  dino :)
[09:21] {dino} .
[09:26] {Alexs} gm
01[09:26] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:26] {cipher} gm
01[09:26] {&Threei}  cipher :)
01[09:27] {&Threei}  - FX markets were subdued ahead release of the FOMC minutes later today. Overall the USD has been somewhat dazed and confused the past few weeks and appeared to be a bit of a conundrum as the FED prepared itself to wean from easy money in contrast to the ECB, BOE, and BOJ
[09:28] {RonS} gm...wonder if ese plays one of those...
01[09:28] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:28] {dino} drums i think
[09:28] {RonS} ...conundrum...
01[09:28] {&Threei}  lol
01[09:31] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .65 break
01[09:31] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:31] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .85 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:32] {&Threei}  Invalidated  C
01[09:32] {&Threei}  ditto GDX
01[09:33] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .65 break
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:33] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .50 break
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .45
01[09:34] {&Threei}  GDX 1:1
01[09:34] {&Threei}  C 1:1
01[09:40] {&Threei}  GDX 1:2
[09:40] {dino} litb sm l .35
[09:41] {+cc_9} TGT about to test $66 again
[09:41] {+cc_9} first test held
01[09:44] {&Threei}  looks a good candidate for sizeable bounce to me
01[09:44] {&Threei}  if pulls bacl to about .15 - .20 I'll be interested
01[09:46] {&Threei}  closed last 1/4 GDX on a trail
[09:48] {+cc_9} TGT could get real bouncey if can catch some .80 bids
01[09:51] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBY  .50 break
01[09:51] {&Threei}  hl
01[09:51] {&Threei}  If holds  .45
[09:54] {dino} litb to .74
[09:54] {dino} out +.39
01[09:54] {&Threei}  nice
[09:55] {dino} ty
[09:56] {+cc_9} TGT sideways .40s-.50s, looking for a breakout
[09:57] {+cc_9} 67.20 target
01[09:59] {&Threei}  *(US) JULY EXISTING HOME SALES: 5.39M V 5.15ME
01[10:00] {&Threei}  meh
[10:03] {+cc_9} TGT .80 offer
[10:04] {dino} eog vsm l .35 gappy, wide
[10:05] {+cc_9} TGT .80s bid, looking good
[10:05] {RonS} dino, pet report bottom of hour...eog
[10:06] {+cc_9} TGT .90 offering
[10:06] {+cc_9} so far so good
[10:07] {dino} petm drop, gap 70.64 area
[10:07] {dino} ty ron
01[10:08] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .60 break
01[10:08] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
[10:09] {+cc_9} Out half TGT @ .85 for +$0.53
[10:10] {+cc_9} still think 67.20 doable
[10:11] {dino} gj
01[10:11] {&Threei}  nice one
[10:12] {+cc_9} thx
01[10:14] {&Threei}  meh
[10:14] {dino} air pocket
01[10:18] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .65 break
01[10:18] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
01[10:18] {&Threei}  change to .60 break if holds .55
[10:19] {nemo} we're into the tradewinds of Fedwait
[10:19] {nemo} Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink
[10:21] {dino} bofi sm l .80
01[10:23] {&Threei}  nice double bottom, GDX
01[10:23] {&Threei}  now move
[10:23] {Alexs} volume is not right
[10:24] {Alexs} your book Vad :)
01[10:24] {&Threei}  but I never read it
[10:24] {Alexs} lol
[10:27] {+cc_9} stop on rest TGT taken
[10:27] {dino} wo did i miss petm, was waitig at gap, not even close
[10:28] {Alexs} now it looks right :)
01[10:28] {&Threei}  oh, that was the source of thst evil laugh... I thought it was nemo as always, but this time it was PETM
[10:28] {dino} indeed
01[10:28] {&Threei}  break .65 and run GDX
01[10:29] {&Threei}  run like a gazelle
01[10:29] {&Threei}  hmmm... can gazelle have double bottom?
01[10:29] {&Threei}  and still run?
[10:30] {dino} a fat one can
01[10:31] {&Threei}  OK... this one is obviously overweight
[10:32] {nemo} gdx has .52 and then .46 as levels
[10:38] {+cc_9} IWM @ session lows
[10:39] {RonS} look
[10:39] {nemo} IWM did it yesteday, these lows are a longer term trned support
[10:40] {+cc_9} Ron, i think that tells us big hedged bets are taking place today ahead of the 2PM meeting
01[10:42] {&Threei}  half out GDX
01[10:42] {&Threei}  half gazelle left
[10:43] {Alexs} one bottom left
01[10:43] {&Threei}  lol
01[10:46] {&Threei}  1/4 of second bottom is off
[10:47] {Alexs} now it has nothing but run
01[10:48] {&Threei}  too bad it wasn't Pegasus... it could fly then
[10:48] {Alexs} lol
[10:48] {dino} msg drop
[10:49] {dino} sm l .55 gappy
01[10:49] {&Threei}  1:3
01[10:49] {&Threei}  out
01[10:49] {&Threei}  if that wasn't a thing of beauty, be it gazelle, pegasus or unicorn
[10:51] {Alexs} nice catch Vad ty
[10:52] {dino} gj
01[10:53] {&Threei}  :)
[10:57] {+cc_9} TGT tempting again
[11:01] {dino} bofi stop -.30
[11:05] {dino} out msg .60, +1.05
[11:06] {cipher} wtg
[11:06] {dino} thx
[11:07] {dino} pulp type
01[11:07] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .95 break
01[11:07] {&Threei}  If holds  30
[11:07] {dino} bofi re-load sm l .54
01[11:07] {&Threei}  let's see if this weird animal has double top too
[11:08] {dino} leftovers, out htwr .42, +.60
01[11:08] {&Threei}  wtg
[11:09] {dino} ty
01[11:09] {&Threei}  valid still
01[11:10] {&Threei}  ok... gazelle with wings, horn, double bottom and double top - this is going to be epic
[11:11] {Alexs} wings we don't need this time
[11:11] {+cc_9} TGT taking starter under $66
[11:12] {Alexs} fins are more useful
01[11:13] {&Threei}  ok, it can be wings with negative incline, sloping down... to create air flow pressing it down
01[11:13] {&Threei}  don't forget, this epic mythical creature
[11:13] {+cc_9} decent pick-up under $66, lets see if can dump .30s
01[11:13] {&Threei}  with platypus-like nose
[11:14] {+cc_9} out half TGT +$0.30, rest trying for 66.35
[11:14] {dino} out bofi .95, +.41
[11:15] {dino} gj cipher
[11:15] {dino} opps cc9
[11:15] {+cc_9} well, what the shit was that
[11:15] {dino} f#ck up
01[11:17] {&Threei}  1:1
01[11:18] {&Threei}  epic, I am telling you... legen-(wait for it)-dary
01[11:18] {&Threei}  I would imagine, such beasts populated area that on the map was designated as "here there be dragons"
[11:20] {dino} barney
01[11:21] {&Threei}  :)
01[11:23] {&Threei}  1:2
01[11:23] {&Threei}  like a flute
[11:25] {robbers} Out, thanks Vad.
[11:25] {+cc_9} IWM printing fresh lows
01[11:25] {&Threei}  1:3
01[11:25] {&Threei}  out
01[11:25] {&Threei}  yw
[11:26] {Alexs} :)
[11:29] {RonS} tgt 'ed
[11:32] {+cc_9} got a cost @ 65.68, not ideal
[11:36] {+cc_9} TGT vol still high and continues to increase @ LOD. Thanks Obama
[11:36] {RonS} what?  shops at wmt?
[11:37] {RonS} or dltr...
01[11:38] {&Threei}  US equity markets have slipped a little lower this morning ahead of the FOMC minutes. Trading volumes remain well below average while the VIX is above 16
01[11:39] {&Threei}  - Investors are ready to parse every word in this afternoon's FOMC minutes from the July meeting for any hint of whether or not the taper might begin in September. The chief casualties continue to be emerging market currencies, which slipped further against the greenback.
[11:40] {+cc_9} LODs flashing
[11:40] {+cc_9} If SPY loses Friday's LOD, it could get pretty nasty and fast
[11:40] {+cc_9} .70s key
[11:42] {+cc_9} For IWM, that's 100.60
[11:42] {+cc_9} TGT trying to put a bottom now
[11:44] {dino} bofi sm l .36
[11:44] {+cc_9} SPY Friday's low held for now
[11:46] {+cc_9} out TGT -$0.41 on last batch
[11:46] {+cc_9} gona sit tight till ~ 2PM
[11:50] {+cc_9} maybe silly to dump TGT given the fact its actually holding LOD while market tanking
[11:51] {+cc_9} meh
[11:52] {+cc_9} SPY broke all support on 60, now its a guessing game.
[12:20] {RonS} ...some calling selloff bears calling it 'bouttime-o...
[12:28] {RonS} ...guess the Chinese don't have tulips:  #Bitcoin spawns virtual IPOs in China as U.S. scrutiny intensifies |
[12:30] {RonS} crude selloff
[12:39] {RonS} understatement of the year: Ackman says retail investing has not been his 'strong suit'
01[12:40] {&Threei}  lol
[12:42] {Will49} Checking in
01[12:42] {&Threei}  hey will
01[12:42] {&Threei}  missing beautiful days
[12:42] {Will49} Hi Vad
[12:42] {RonS} lol...Twitter execs told bankers it wants an IPO that is 'low profile'
[12:42] {Will49} Yeah, I read the blog :(
[12:43] {Will49} and weep
01[12:43] {&Threei}  wait till you see today's
[12:43] {Will49} not gonna look
01[12:43] {&Threei}  you have to
[12:43] {Will49} ok ok
01[12:43] {&Threei}  we, erhhhhm, joked
01[12:43] {&Threei}  and invented new animals
[12:44] {Will49} see you live in a couple of weeks :)
[12:47] {dino} bofi drop
[12:48] {dino} sm l .05 ave
[12:57] {dino} out bofi .59, +.54
[13:54] {nemo} Hands away from the keyboard...time for the newsreading algo's to give us the Fed Minutes ChaChaCha
01[13:54] {&Threei}  yeah, let's wait for the first emotions to pass
[13:55] {dino} time for 30 minute nap
[13:59] {nemo} here's the first cha
[13:59] {nemo} here's the second cha
01[14:00] {&Threei}  things said "eeck" and died
01[14:01] {&Threei}  economic activity expanded at a modest pace during the first half of the year. Labor market conditions showed further improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remained elevated. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector was strengthening, but mortgage rates had risen somewhat and fiscal policy was restraining economic growth - The unemployment rate had declined considerably since then, and recent gains in payroll employment had been solid. However, other measures of labor utilization--including the labor force participation rate and the numbers of discouraged workers and those working part time for economic reasons--suggested more modest improvement, and other indicators of labor demand, such as rates of hiring and quits, remained low.
01[14:01] {&Threei}  - However, in the view of the one member who dissented from the policy statement, the improvement in the labor market was an important reason for calling for a more explicit statement from the Committee that asset purchases would be reduced in the near future. A few members emphasized the importance of being patient and evaluating additional information on the economy before deciding on any changes to the pace of asset purchases. At the same time, a few others pointed to the contingent plan that had been articulated on behalf of the Committee the previous month, and suggested that it might soon be time to slow somewhat the pace of purchases as outlined in that plan. At the conclusion of its discussion, the Committee decided to continue adding policy accommodation by purchasing additional MBS at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month and to maintain its existing reinvestment policies.
[14:02] {+cc_9} im here for the SPY pulpfiction
01[14:02] {&Threei}  In addition, the Committee reaffirmed its intention to keep the target federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and retained its forward guidance that it anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee's 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored.
[14:03] {nemo} I think the bond market has already told them to fuck off
[14:03] {dino} seems accomadation
[14:06] {nemo} bounce area spy
[14:06] {nemo} .25ish
[14:06] {nemo} if not fills gap down to 164
[14:09] {dino} 1639 gap july filled
[14:09] {+cc_9} God bless 3x ETFs
[14:10] {nemo} what you take?
[14:10] {dino} you're a crazy sob cc9. gotta luv it
[14:11] {dino} re-loaded bofi .00 ave
[14:11] {nemo} you had confluence between iwm at yesterday's pivot, spy at daily S2 and weekly S1, and finnies at long term trend, all at the same time
[14:13] {+cc_9} Dino }}}
[14:14] {+cc_9} try to click at the end of the } see if image opens up
[14:14] {nemo} yep
[14:14] {+cc_9} GOD DAMN LOOK AT HER RIP NOW
[14:15] {dino} nice
[14:18] {+cc_9} looks like thats all we have for today, and thats some damn good action for August
[14:18] {dino} should get re-test lows then up imo. fed days usually move around
[14:19] {+cc_9} we can only hope we tank again
[14:19] {nemo} this should be the direction into the close
[14:21] {dino} pcyc spike
[14:22] {dino} stml drop
[14:23] {dino} app lod
01[14:23] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .45 break
01[14:23] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
[14:23] {dino} up now
[14:24] {dino} sso hl l .85
[14:25] {+cc_9} went for it again dino }}}
[14:26] {+cc_9} this one was just for a quick $0.30 snag, nothing crazy
[14:26] {dino} stml blood
[14:28] {dino} out sso _.15
[14:28] {dino} +.15
[14:29] {dino} out bofi .50, +.50
[14:29] {+cc_9} TNA flying :D
01[14:29] {&Threei}  1:1
01[14:30] {&Threei}  1:2
01[14:31] {&Threei}  like fish in a barrel
[14:31] {+cc_9} God bless 3x ETFs
01[14:31] {&Threei}  1:3, out
01[14:31] {&Threei}  can I go home?
[14:32] {dino} gll drop
[14:32] {bbobr} amazing call !
[14:32] {dino} metals getting crushed
01[14:32] {&Threei}  1:4
01[14:33] {&Threei}  3 1:3ers on the same stock in one day
[14:33] {dino} alny spike
[14:33] {dino} wtfg vadster
01[14:33] {&Threei}  :)
[14:34] {dino} missed alny
[14:37] {dino} well, for fed day, it was damn good to me
[14:37] {nemo} 50 day spy at .82
01[14:37] {&Threei}  wtg, and ditto
[14:38] {dino} nice when a plan comes together
01[14:41] {&Threei}
[14:44] {+cc_9} Good day here over-all
[14:44] {+cc_9} good job everyone
01[14:47] {&Threei}  my yesterday night catch
[14:52] {dino} mpc spike
[15:01] {dino} damn, chickened out on mpc short
[15:12] {dino} insy spike
01[15:24] {&Threei}  no, trading software never created this
01[15:24] {&Threei}  sorry, wrong spot
01[15:32] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .65 brwak
01[15:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[15:41] {dino} tee time in 40 minutes. calling it a day. thx all for ideas. good time
01[15:41] {&Threei}  have fun dino
[15:42] {dino} will do
[15:42] {Alexs} perfect day Vad ty
01[15:46] {&Threei}  yw
01[15:46] {&Threei}  covered in full
01[15:46] {&Threei}  +.25
01[15:47] {&Threei}  missed 1:3 by closing my eyes for a min, lol
01[15:47] {&Threei}  here it is again
01[15:47] {&Threei}  4th 1:3er today
01[15:47] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:47] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
01[15:48] {&Threei}  this full moon gives me insomnia
01[15:48] {&Threei}  {nemo} what? you wake up under a tree with an animal carcass next to you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Aug 20 2013

Nicely profitable day, not as spectacular as yesterday but hey, if your "another day in the office" is solidly green, you have no reason to complain, right? Last hour is not recorded due to room server outage but we had no trades on anyway.

Session Time: Tue Aug 20 00:00:00 2013
[08:01] {nemo}
[09:21] {Alexs} gm
[09:22] {nemo} urbn
[09:22] {nemo} sorry
01[09:22] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:22] {nemo}
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:25] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:26] {dino} gm
01[09:26] {&Threei}  dino :)
[09:29] {+cc_9} oh hey, NUGT is not cheap anymore :)
[09:29] {+cc_9} also, gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:29] {nemo} 10:1 reverse split
[09:31] {dino} litb vsm l .64
[09:34] {nemo} bby looks short, but dramamine volatile
01[09:37] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .50 break
01[09:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:38] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .65 break
01[09:39] {&Threei}  change to .70 break
01[09:39] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:39] {nemo} GDX giving you the old mesodactyl
01[09:40] {&Threei}  valid still
01[09:40] {&Threei}  with stop above high
01[09:43] {&Threei}  held by fingertips
01[09:44] {&Threei}  if loses .70 again should be done like a dinner after 3 hours in 400F oven
[09:44] {nemo} bitchin' about the wife's cooking again?
01[09:45] {&Threei} Short Setup: FCX  31 breeak
01[09:45] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:47] {&Threei}  stop to .76
01[09:47] {&Threei}  and FCX stop to .06
[09:49] {dino} ntls sm l .07 ave
01[09:50] {&Threei}  meh
01[09:54] {&Threei}  (*$%^)
01[09:54] {&Threei}  was watching C for short entry
01[09:55] {&Threei}  thing just died with no setup
01[09:55] {&Threei}  FCX another meh
01[09:55] {&Threei}  not delighted
01[09:58] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .80 break
01[09:58] {&Threei}  If holds  70
[09:59] {nemo} your gdx setting up short
01[10:00] {&Threei}  1:2
01[10:01] {&Threei}  CAT decided to skip 1:1, lol
[10:05] {dino} htwr sm l .82
01[10:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .10 break
01[10:06] {&Threei}  If holds  49
01[10:07] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:16] {dino} puk sm l .80
01[10:17] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBY  .50 break hl
01[10:17] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[10:18] {&Threei}  lol
01[10:18] {&Threei}  1:1, and good luck getting that fill
01[10:23] {&Threei}  1:3... grrr
[10:29] {dino} puk stopp -.17
01[10:29] {&Threei}  I disliked that symbol from get-go
01[10:30] {&Threei}  what good can come out of PUK
[10:30] {nemo} I can think of some people I wouldn't mind puking on
01[10:30] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .85 break
01[10:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
[10:32] {dino} none
[10:36] {dino} rnet spike
01[10:40] {&Threei}  US Navy confirms explosion, fire in building at weapons station in NJ; injured taken to hospital
06[10:41] * &Threei kicks C in the rear
01[10:43] {&Threei}  A 21 year old Bank of America intern in London died after working 72 straight hours
01[10:43] {&Threei}  interns these days...
[10:44] {dino} rnet sm s .55 wide, pulp
[10:47] {dino} out ntls .48, +.40
01[10:48] {&Threei}  wtg
[10:49] {Alexs} C looks short now
[10:49] {dino} ty
01[10:49] {&Threei}  my latest thought on it alex... if it stops, let's try and reverse
[10:49] {nemo} short to where though, lotsa support into .75
[10:50] {nemo} spy not at the 50 day yet
01[10:52] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .80 break
06[10:56] * &Threei inserts toothpicks under his eyelids
01[11:00] {&Threei}  if SPY takes .70, slow climb is likely to resume
01[11:00] {&Threei}  in which case original C call remains on track
01[11:01] {&Threei}  short is invalidated
[11:01] {nemo} they'll want to reclaim the 50 day and hold it, but we'll see when Europe closes
[11:08] {dino} mkto drop
01[11:08] {&Threei}  will we get 1:2?
01[11:09] {&Threei}  yes
[11:10] {dino} out litb .14, +.50
01[11:12] {&Threei}  wtg
01[11:13] {&Threei}  ok C... give us 1:3
[11:14] {dino} ty
[11:17] {dino} bhp drop
[11:18] {Alexs} still holding last piece Vad?
01[11:19] {&Threei}  yes
01[11:19] {&Threei}  going by the book
[11:19] {Alexs} ok
01[11:20] {&Threei}  it helps defend my laziness against the assault of creative impulses
[11:20] {Alexs} good for you lol
01[11:21] {&Threei}  I feel proud every time laziness wins
01[11:21] {&Threei}  one small step for humanity...
01[11:22] {&Threei}  1:3 baby
[11:23] {robbers} Out in full, thanks Vad.
01[11:23] {&Threei}  yw
[11:23] {dino} gj
01[11:24] {&Threei}  ty'
01[11:24] {&Threei}  1:4 eh
[11:32] {nemo} too funny spy right up against the 50 day
[11:32] {dino} litb hl l .55
[11:47] {nemo} well, this looks like one of those V bottoms
[11:47] {nemo} that was the pullback
[11:58] {dino} cov rnet .40, +.15, things all over the place
01[11:59] {&Threei}  German Finance Minister Schaeuble admitted that Greece would probably need another bailout package
01[11:59] {&Threei}  awww... I suggested that bet just yesterday
01[12:00] {&Threei}  [09:28] {&Threei} - German Chancellor Merkel and Fin Min Schaeuble reiterate view that there would be no additional haircut on Greek debt
01[12:00] {&Threei}  [09:28] {&Threei} I'll take the other side of that bet
01[12:00] {&Threei}  doesn't take long for herr Schaeuble to change his mind, does it
01[12:01] {&Threei}  with this kind of flexibility he might make a good pole dancer
[12:02] {dino} yuk
01[12:02] {&Threei}  well, some kind of surgery might have to take place first
[12:23] {dino} out litb .79, +.24
01[13:04] {&Threei}  can we have out C back?
01[13:05] {&Threei}  can you believe we got it full dollar lower?
01[13:06] {&Threei}  looking at the chart though, perfect entry... right at the reversal off the low
01[13:13] {&Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .40 break
01[13:13] {&Threei}  If holds  .35
[13:15] {dino} away drop
[13:15] {dino} sm l .80
[13:19] {dino} stop to .00
[13:22] {dino} out .01, +.21
[13:24] {dino} fwm spike
[13:26] {Alexs} jcp long .10?
[13:31] {Alexs} bby long .80?
01[13:35] {&Threei}  BBY, maybe
01[13:36] {&Threei}  don't push Alex
01[13:36] {&Threei}  anxiety to trade during midday summer doldrums is not a good thing
[13:37] {Alexs} ok
[13:37] {nemo} vodka
01[13:37] {&Threei}  or very compelling setup
[13:38] {nemo} you see a compelling setup?
[13:38] {nemo} well?
01[13:38] {&Threei}  if I did I would call it
[13:38] {nemo} then.....?
01[13:38] {&Threei}  ok... vodka
[13:38] {nemo} thank you
01[13:38] {&Threei}  just trying to list the options
01[13:39] {&Threei}  see what BBY did?
[13:39] {nemo} trying to make him think?
[13:39] {nemo} wtf...
01[13:39] {&Threei}  this is typical action of these breakouts during this time of the day
01[13:39] {&Threei}  ditto JCP
[13:39] {nemo} yeah, markt bully takes your lunch money
[13:40] {nemo} one could argue spy short here
[13:43] {dino} lulu drop
01[13:44] {&Threei}  Lululemon athletica inc Hearing ITG makes cautious comments
01[13:45] {&Threei}  SRPT Hearing strength attributed to CEO buying 5K additional shares
01[13:45] {&Threei}  big spender, he is
[13:46] {dino} wtf lulu, missed at .35, hit .36 3x
[13:53] {+cc_9} wtf lulu
[13:53] {+cc_9} i just now see what dino alerted
[13:53] {+cc_9} sob
[13:53] {+cc_9} Dino, next time say it louder pls
[13:53] {+cc_9} cant keep missing these freebies
[13:55] {nemo} Fed tomorrow, so we'll have an hour of trading, 4 hours of boredom 15 minutes of cha cha cha, and then hopefully something tradeable till the close
[13:56] {dino} will do cc9
[13:59] {nemo} interesting retweet.  CLaudia Ochoa praising the "Pivot Boss'" foundation course.  His name happens to be Frank Ochoa...conflict of interest?
[14:02] {+cc_9} any news on that LULU ?
[14:09] {dino} see above cc
[14:16] {nemo} even bunny is bored...
[14:16] {nemo} all stretched out, head on ground, looking quite forlorn
[14:17] {dino} bobe spike
[14:18] {dino} partial fill s .26
01[14:37] {&Threei} Short Setup: SRPT  33 break hl
01[14:38] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
01[14:40] {&Threei}  1:1
[14:41] {robbers} Nice call.
01[14:41] {&Threei}  :)
01[14:44] {&Threei}  1:2
01[14:45] {&Threei}  I like as soon as it takes another level, bid plummets to the next one
01[14:45] {&Threei}  must be very disconcerting for the longs
01[14:46] {&Threei}  and I really like it when the trade feels disconcerting to those who are on the opposite side from me...
01[14:46] {&Threei}  must be too much time conversing with nemo
[14:47] {nemo} :-) spy can't get below the 50 day
01[14:49] {&Threei}  [14:47] {nemo} I am proud of you. All my teaching of how to inflict most pain and suffering really fell on the very fertile soil
01[14:50] {&Threei}  see how nemo doesn't deny authorship even though I faked his quote?
[14:50] {nemo} It's like I tell people when I'm fixing them.  I'm much better at taking a body apart, and enjoy it much more, than I am at putting it back together
[14:50] {dino} perhaps nemo made you write that
01[14:50] {&Threei}  :)
[14:51] {nemo} yeah, the grammar fart gave it away
01[14:51] {&Threei}  since recently I started calling this little green man appearing on my shoulder after 5th shot of vodka "nemo"
[14:52] {robbers} You must see him often.
01[14:52] {&Threei}  this room is where rammer comes to die
[14:52] {nemo} It's an affront that I pear as such an affable color
01[14:52] {&Threei}  grammar
[14:52] {nemo} and speling
01[14:54] {&Threei}  although I have to admit Twitter is a strong competitor
01[14:54] {&Threei}  and Facebook...
02[14:54] * Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Aug 20 14:54:42 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aug 19 2013

Not the worst way to start the day

With 4 wins out of 4 trades as of 11 am, you can call it a good morning, especially for a Monday.

11:40. Make that 5 for 5.
13:40. 6 for 6. 2 1:3ers, 2 1:2ers, 2 scalps. 
Finishing at 100% win.

[09:03] {dino} gm
01[09:03] {&Threei}  morning dino
[09:23] {Alexs} gm
[09:23] {cipher} gm
01[09:23] {&Threei}  alex, cipher :)
[09:25] {RonS} hi y'all...
01[09:26] {&Threei}  ron :)
01[09:28] {&Threei}  Market Focal Points: Summer vacations have kept market volumes light as traders have taken profits ahead of the release of US Fed minutes later this week and the Kansas City Fed's Jackson Hole symposium this weekend
01[09:28] {&Threei}  - German Chancellor Merkel and Fin Min Schaeuble reiterate view that there would be no additional haircut on Greek debt
01[09:28] {&Threei}  I'll take the other side of that bet
01[09:32] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:33] {&Threei}  let's trail to .76
01[09:35] {&Threei}  half out
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:36] {robbers} Out in full, thanks.
01[09:36] {&Threei}  yw
[09:37] {+cc_9} SPY reversing slightly here
[09:37] {nemo} it'll tag the 50 day
01[09:37] {&Threei}  1:3 close enough, out in full
01[09:38] {&Threei}  .43
01[09:38] {&Threei}  wow... even that too soon?
[09:39] {+cc_9} SPY rejected @ Friday's close.
[09:40] {nemo} 50 day 165.80
[09:40] {nemo} be interesting if it can't hold that today
[09:41] {+cc_9} SPY back to HOD test
[09:41] {dino} ntls sm l .65
01[09:41] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .90 break
[09:41] {+cc_9} SUPN fluff play
01[09:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
01[09:45] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:45] {dino} ntls stop .35, -.30
01[09:46] {&Threei}  come to think of it... can we go home?
01[09:46] {&Threei}  1:3, 1:1 (and still on)... and it's Monday for crisssake
[09:51] {dino} ntls sm l .20
01[09:52] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
01[09:52] {&Threei}  stop to .85
[09:53] {dino} gj
01[09:53] {&Threei}  to .81
01[09:53] {&Threei}  ty
[09:54] {+cc_9} SUPN fluff trying to curl
[09:55] {dino} efut?
[09:55] {+cc_9} QQQ ahead, SPY @ friday's close. DIA / IWM lagging behind
01[09:56] {&Threei}  Efuture Information Technology Inc. To Engage Rainbow Department Store on myStore Platform- Signed an agreement with Rainbow Department Store Company Limited (002419, "Rainbow Department Store") to launch myStore, a one-on-one engagement platform designed to facilitate easy access between sales clerks and their customers. - Source
01[09:57] {&Threei}  The platform also provides a social shopping network for consumers and their friends to connect to the consumer society at large.
01[09:57] {&Threei}  that's all I have on EFUT
[09:57] {dino} same, guess it deserves 100% pop
01[09:57] {&Threei}  hehe
01[09:57] {&Threei}  "It ain't gotta do nothin' with deservin'"
[09:58] {dino} indeed
[09:58] {robbers} Out C, thank you.
[09:58] {nemo} even if you butchered the quote
01[10:02] {&Threei}  :)
01[10:03] {&Threei}  well, kudos to you if you remember it's exactly... otherwise, I didn't have time to google it and you did {G}
[10:06] {RonS} took ntls .41 to .95 +.54  thanks dino
01[10:07] {&Threei}  wtg
[10:07] {nemo} Gene Hackman:  "I don't deserve this."
[10:07] {nemo} Clint: "Deservin' ain't got nothin' to do with it..."
[10:08] {nemo} I didn't google...favorite line in the movie
[10:09] {RonS} hlf pressure
[10:10] {dino} out ntls .10, +.90
[10:11] {RonS} gj
[10:11] {robbers} Nice Dino.
01[10:11] {&Threei}  good one
[10:16] {+cc_9} SUPN 40% float trading
[10:22] {+cc_9} HLF fresh lows
01[10:23] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .75 break hl
01[10:23] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
01[10:24] {&Threei}  1:1
01[10:24] {&Threei}  1:2
[10:25] {robbers} Out Cat, thx.
01[10:25] {&Threei}  yw
[10:25] {+cc_9} HLF another $1.00 crash
[10:28] {RonS} wow, this reported on Marketwatch this a.m.:  The suicide of a wealthy Herbalife distributor, who earned about $3 million last year, is grabbing upvotes on Reddit.
[10:29] {RonS} EPD sm l .40
[10:32] {nemo} hfc
[10:34] {dino} hlf sm l .60
[10:36] {+cc_9} Just reading that now Ron
[10:37] {dino} stop hlf .35 -.25
[10:39] {RonS} meltdown in India these days...does anyone care?
01[10:41] {&Threei}  ummm
01[10:41] {&Threei}  no
[10:42] {nemo} frickin' dot heads
[10:43] {+cc_9} HLF continues to flush
[10:43] {RonS} American Standard never stops...
[10:44] {RonS} ...flushing...
[10:44] {RonS} ...toilet manufacturer...
[10:44] {RonS} ...bada bing...
[10:44] {nemo} I remember there was a regional rock band when I was physiologically young called the American Standard Band....I didn't get the joke until I was puking in the bathroom of a club and saw the stencil on the porcelain god
[10:44] {RonS} lol
[10:46] {nemo} I remember the night.  It was "Jack's" in Cambridge (became a victim of Zionist lightning in 1988).  My college roommate was the bartender.  Everybody else got their drinks in glasses.  I got mine in mornings were never pretty
[10:48] {+cc_9} SUPN trying this dog L 7.70 with stop loss 7.45
[10:48] {+cc_9} first sign of reversal on the gap open fade
[10:49] {RonS} got an approval of an epilepsy drug...not a bad try...
[10:50] {+cc_9} 50% float already exchanged hands
[10:50] {+cc_9} and not 1 move up since the open
[10:50] {+cc_9} Make that since 8:20AM
[10:50] {+cc_9} HLF first bounce
[10:51] {+cc_9} some volume with it as well
01[10:51] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .90 break
01[10:52] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
[10:55] {RonS} supn...ever wonder that instead of 50% it might really be 5% 10 times?
01[10:57] {&Threei}  1:1 close enough
[10:57] {dino} hlf sm l .00
01[10:58] {&Threei}  that's 4:4 today... let me go home...
[10:59] {+cc_9} SUPN trying here for a reversal
[10:59] {nemo} that should go over well with the wife
[11:00] {dino} amap spike
[11:01] {+cc_9} HLF deep V. Back near 62.50
[11:02] {RonS} mst 3000:  "deeeep V"...
[11:03] {dino} out hlf .40, +.40
[11:04] {+cc_9} nice trade dino
[11:04] {RonS} AMAP & Alibaba Alliance to Create Maps Based eCommerce Ecosystem
[11:04] {dino} ty
[11:09] {nemo} rcl week
[11:09] {nemo} weak
[11:09] {+cc_9} SUPN no traction in mid .70s
[11:09] {+cc_9} NEeds 7.80 for reversal
[11:14] {dino} ntls sm l .15
[11:15] {nemo} len looks short here
[11:17] {dino} srpt sm l .01
[11:23] {+cc_9} SUPN no go, sl trigger
01[11:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .80 break
01[11:31] {&Threei}  hl
01[11:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
[11:33] {dino} onxx blood
[11:36] {RonS} wow:  Big put spread buyer in $EEM , Dec 35 - 27 just over 100,000 trade (contracts). Yowza
01[11:40] {&Threei}  1:1
01[12:19] {&Threei}  NYSE volume 210M shares, about 17% below its three-month average; - NASDAQ volume 585M shares, about 19% below its three-month average
[12:21] {dino} srpt to .12
[12:21] {dino} ntls to b/e
[12:23] {dino} out srpt +.11
[12:26] {dino} taho spike
[12:39] {dino} out ntls .55, +.40
01[12:39] {&Threei}  wtg
[12:40] {dino} ty
[13:01] {nemo} kss
01[13:01] {&Threei}  keep calm nemo
[13:01] {nemo} thik it might be nice short
[13:01] {nemo} fas too
01[13:20] {&Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .50 break
01[13:20] {&Threei}  hl
[13:27] {+cc_9} QIHU looking for a short on 74.40 break
[13:33] {+cc_9} ONXX racing down
01[13:33] {&Threei}  1:1
01[13:36] {&Threei}  6:6... you guys have no mercy at all
[13:36] {Alexs} yeah you are the best Vad
[13:36] {Alexs} ty
01[13:37] {&Threei}  yw, and thanks for the good word
[13:38] {goinshort} very nice!
01[13:39] {&Threei}  weekend's excitement:
01[13:40] {&Threei}  Engadget, allegedly accidentally, places online a 5 min video showcasing a new Olympus flagship camera that is supposed to be announced mid-Sept
01[13:41] {&Threei}  they don't link or index or mention url anywhere, probably assuming it makes it safe
01[13:41] {&Threei}  within 5 min it's found and propagated all over the net, lol
01[13:42] {&Threei}  They take it offline, make Youtube take down the one placed there by someone,
01[13:42] {&Threei}  but people place it in their dropboxes
01[13:42] {&Threei}  so the cat is out of the bag - abou8t a month before manufacturer was going to release it
01[13:43] {&Threei}  this is brutal world, lol... but I now know how my next camera looks
01[13:43] {&Threei}  1:2
01[13:44] {&Threei}  1:3 close enough, out
01[13:48] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Lacker: Data from first half of 2013 confirm that asset purchases did not help boost growth; US GDP growth should be around +2% annually for the next couple of years- Views on the FOMC are very different at times. **On July 28th, Lacker said QE has done little to aid the economy, forecasted US 2013 GDP at 2%, 2014 at 2.25%
01[13:48] {&Threei}  frikin imbeciles
[13:48] {Alexs} looks like you made a good sacrifice to the trading gods last weekend Vad
[13:49] {Alexs} a lot of bacon?
01[13:49] {&Threei}  ate it all myself
[13:50] {Alexs} lol
[14:33] {dino} ioc sm l .00
[14:40] {dino} psix drop
[14:46] {dino} psix vsm l .05
[14:53] {dino} .
[14:54] {dino} ioc stop .71, -.29
[14:59] {nemo}
[15:05] {nemo}
[15:06] {nemo} hey cc, 10:1 reverse split in nugt tomorrow
[15:07] {dino} out psix .85, +.80
[15:07] {nemo} might get index bounces here
01[15:18] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .60 break
01[15:18] {&Threei}  If holds  .55
01[15:23] {&Threei}  needless to say, invalidated
[15:45] {bbobr} Great calls today, Vad. To bad i was away most of the time.    Gn all.
01[15:45] {&Threei}  thank you all
01[15:45] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:46] {goinshort} thanks
[15:46] {goinshort} !!
[15:46] {goinshort} Thanks !!!
01[15:46] {&Threei}  :)
[15:46] {robbers} !!!
[15:46] {robbers} Great day.
[15:48] {dino} gj
[15:52] {dino} calling it a day, good one. thx all for ideas