Thursday, August 15, 2013

Aug 15 2013

Second 1:3er in first 30 min, first being C short. Variation of a Kangaroo tail reversal.

And one more, third in one morning:

Christmas come early?

Needless to say, with 4 1:3ers this day had no chance to be anything less than spectacular.

Session Time: Thu Aug 15 00:00:00 2013
[08:35] {nemo} sniff
01[08:35] {&Threei}  tough life?
[08:38] {nemo} looks like a sheep shearing day in the market, eco numbers are "good" too
01[08:39] {&Threei}  except empoure manufacturing
01[08:39] {&Threei}  empire
[08:43] {nemo} number was better than expected
01[08:44] {&Threei}  *(US) AUG EMPIRE MANUFACTURING: 8.24 V 10.00E - Source
[08:44] {nemo} interesting...Finviz has it wrong then
[09:20] {RonS} gm
01[09:20] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:20] {Alexs} gm
01[09:20] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:21] {cipher} gm
01[09:22] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:28] {bbobr} gm
01[09:28] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:28] {+cc_9} GM everyone.
01[09:28] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:28] {goinshort} gm all
01[09:29] {&Threei}  gs :)
01[09:29] {&Threei}  hope you don't mind abreviation
[09:29] {goinshort} not at all
01[09:30] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  51 break
01[09:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
01[09:31] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .15 break
01[09:31] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
01[09:31] {&Threei}  Invalidated  GDX
01[09:31] {&Threei}  C 1:2
[09:31] {+cc_9} Will be focusing on IWM reversal today as its a tad stronger than SPY
01[09:32] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .34 break
01[09:32] {&Threei}  .40
01[09:32] {&Threei}  C 1:3
[09:33] {+cc_9} SPY hitting lows, IWM off LOD
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .45
[09:33] {nemo} finnies at 50 day
[09:35] {+cc_9} IWM now on par with SPY, same range
[09:35] {nemo} spy at S3 daily and Weekly S2
[09:37] {+cc_9} IWm trying
[09:38] {nemo} numbers at 10 so we might not get any direction until then
01[09:38] {&Threei}  no go
01[09:39] {&Threei} Short Setup: JPM  .50 break
01[09:39] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
[09:42] {+cc_9} big prints so far
[09:42] {+cc_9} We should see one pop before the #s at 10:00AM
[09:42] {+cc_9} then real movement then
[09:44] {dino} de hl l .95
[09:44] {+cc_9} IWM poking its head out
[09:45] {dino} nhi thinny, sm l .22
[09:45] {+cc_9} 103.25 is b/o for now
[09:45] {+cc_9} but of course with 15 minutes on the clock, its a quick trade only
[09:46] {dino} de stop .66 -.29
01[09:47] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .80 break
01[09:47] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:48] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:50] {&Threei}  JPM = SoMG
[09:50] {+cc_9} SPY plunging, IWM holding its lows for now
01[09:52] {&Threei}  GDX 1:2
01[09:53] {&Threei}  1:3
01[09:53] {&Threei}  out
01[09:53] {&Threei}  finally decent one
[09:53] {robbers} Out also, thanks.
01[09:54] {&Threei}  :)
01[09:55] {&Threei}  JPM 1:2, &^%@#(^
[09:55] {+cc_9} relentless pressure on the SPY, 5 mins on eco data
[09:56] {nemo} sheep shearing day  BOHICA!!!!!
[09:56] {nemo} 166.30ish monthly pivot on SPY
01[09:59] {&Threei}  waiting numbers out
[09:59] {nemo} wuss
[10:00] {+cc_9} #s out any second
[10:00] {+cc_9} no market reaction yet
[10:00] {dino} de sm l .50
[10:00] {nemo} Ive got long signals but...I'm a wuss
[10:01] {+cc_9} CPI weaker than expected
01[10:01] {&Threei}  *(US) AUG NAHB HOUSING MARKET INDEX: 59 V 57.0E
[10:01] {+cc_9} jobless claims "better" than expected.
01[10:01] {&Threei}  *(US) AUG PHILADELPHIA FED BUSINESS OUTLOOK: 9.3 V 15.0E
[10:02] {+cc_9} any headfake & the market gets bot, even on the back of those numbers
[10:04] {+cc_9} SPY still no direction
[10:04] {+cc_9} needs 169.70 for slight bounce
[10:05] {+cc_9} top for intraday 167.40 from earlier
[10:08] {+cc_9} death
[10:11] {+cc_9} There goes the .30s nemo, lets see now
[10:11] {nemo} 166.26 Monthly Pivot .16 Daily S4
[10:11] {nemo} we only get to S4 10% of the time
[10:13] {nemo} trying to hold the monthly
[10:13] {nemo} I have buy signals on indexes
[10:14] {nemo} Having said that, would like to see double bottom formations first after this tumble
01[10:14] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .95 break hl
01[10:15] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
01[10:15] {&Threei}  stop to .89
[10:16] {+cc_9} long IWM here small
01[10:17] {&Threei}  nice lid keeping, NSXX
01[10:18] {&Threei}  there
01[10:18] {&Threei}  1:1
01[10:18] {&Threei}  1:2
[10:18] {+cc_9} CAT nice double bottom there Vad
[10:18] {nemo} spy bottomed at .17 .01 above daily S4
01[10:19] {&Threei}  ty
01[10:19] {&Threei}  I have my moments
[10:19] {nemo} looking at a cat's ass....weird
[10:21] {+cc_9} 167 on SPY, is that asking for too much ?
[10:21] {robbers} Out CAT, thanks Vad.
01[10:21] {&Threei}  1:3, out
01[10:21] {&Threei}  yw
[10:23] {+cc_9} come on SPY, just $0.50 more thats all...
[10:24] {+cc_9} hell, even 166.75 wall would be tolerated
[10:25] {dino} out de .05, +.55
[10:25] {robbers} wtg
[10:25] {RonS} builders mounting a reversal
[10:25] {+cc_9} IWM so far so good, staying with it
[10:26] {dino} dhi l .25
[10:26] {dino} builders positive
[10:29] {+cc_9} .70s first little wall on SPY
[10:30] {dino} ugaz spike
[10:33] {+cc_9} anyone here goes on LiveLeak for actual reality that media won't show ?
[10:33] {+cc_9} some stuff out of Egypt yesterday on LiveLeak looks very similar to Syria
[10:33] {+cc_9} Gov using snipers and police in civilian gear and saying they are the opposition, nuts
[10:34] {nemo} SOP  Hitler did it to start the invasion of Poland
[10:34] {nemo} Israel did it to start the 7 day war
[10:34] {nemo} We did it to start the Vietnam war
[10:35] {+cc_9} I wonder how long before the MB gets its first shipment of arms from Libya, the light weapons walmart of north Africa.
[10:39] {RonS} ...does this guy have a clue?...President Obama calls on protesters to act peacefully, says authorities should respect right of peaceful protest
[10:39] {+cc_9} send them tanks, tell them to be peaceful
[10:40] {nemo} of course he does  the sheep need to hold still so they can be shot
01[10:40] {&Threei}  he does now: "hey, this gives me a clue, maybe ousting Mubarak wasn't such a good idea..."
[10:41] {+cc_9} Mubarak is still in power
[10:42] {+cc_9} calling the shots from his club med joint
[10:42] {nemo} frickin' tsla
[10:42] {+cc_9} What most people don't realize is that Egypt's military controls all subsidies : food, heating gas, petrol etc...
01[10:42] {&Threei}  out of a few tin dictators of the region he pushed out the one who kept relative order and peace, and left well alone those who instill chaos and provoke war
01[10:46] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .30 break
01[10:46] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
01[10:47] {&Threei}  President Obama announces cancellation of upcoming 'Bright Star' joint US-Egyptian military exercise
01[10:47] {&Threei}  up to this point it was a go, eh?
[10:47] {nemo} optics
[10:48] {+cc_9} They need more Killdozer joint exercise
[10:49] {+cc_9} I know this is far fetched, but at one point, Egypt might contemplate leasing the pyramids...Suez can't pay for it all
[10:49] {+cc_9} Saudi can pressure Qatar to cut its loans to Egypt
[10:50] {nemo} pyramids were a Jewish plot
[10:51] {RonS} lol
01[10:51] {&Threei}  no go... too bad, looked very tempting and started out nicely
[10:57] {+cc_9} SPY going for another test
[10:57] {nemo} huge frickin' volume spike XLF
[10:58] {+cc_9} see it
[10:59] {+cc_9} SPY dodged the LOD bullet for now
[10:59] {nemo} Monthly Pivot and daily S4 within .10 of each other, pretty strong
[11:09] {+cc_9} vol spike SPY, some buyers
[11:10] {+cc_9} SPY trying for a leg up
[11:10] {+cc_9} b/o 166.80
[11:11] {+cc_9} .75 first wall, clears that should be god
[11:13] {+cc_9} giddy up
[11:14] {+cc_9} 166.75 wall test as expected.
[11:14] {nemo} vwap and price resistance
01[11:14] {&Threei}  giddy down?
[11:14] {+cc_9} No, it was a wall test, it gets through it, volume is there
01[11:17] {&Threei}  yeah, giddy up
[11:17] {+cc_9} SPY levels that I have for today :
01[11:17] {&Threei}  thern there probably is giddy sideways...
[11:18] {+cc_9} id like to first get the giddy up to 167 then the giddy sideways
[11:19] {+cc_9} @ wall, needs to crack. Vol still behind it...for 11:20AM, its half decent
[11:19] {dino} de hl l .01
[11:20] {+cc_9} SPY 2 min sitting right under the wall
[11:21] {+cc_9} somewhat of an I-H&S on 2/5 mins SPY
[11:23] {+cc_9} and through the wall. SPY .80s printing
[11:24] {+cc_9} :)
[11:24] {RonS} db nice reversal
[11:31] {+cc_9} all out IWM
[11:33] {dino} de to b/e stuck
[11:33] {dino} dhi to .57
[11:37] {+cc_9} And there goes IWM/SPY
[11:38] {dino} out dhi .65, +.40
01[11:45] {&Threei}  Egypt police to use live bullets to defend against attacks on buildings, security forces, interior ministry says
01[11:45] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .90 break
01[11:46] {&Threei}  If holds  .80
[11:46] {dino} out de .20, +.20
01[11:48] {&Threei}  1:1
[11:57] {robbers} Out GDX at .03
[11:57] {robbers} Thanks.
01[11:59] {&Threei}  yw
01[12:10] {&Threei}  Taper Jitters Drive Risk Appetite Away
[12:11] {nemo} I'd love to shoot the assholes that write financial story headlines
[12:11] {RonS} lol...but how do you really feel?...
[12:12] {nemo} well, you might find it a bit extreme if I said I wanted to wipe their genetic seed from the earth
[12:14] {+cc_9} If anyone checked out the SPY Chart I posted @ 11:17, here is the updated one :
[12:14] {dino} val hl l .50
[12:18] {nemo} imo finnies recapture the 50 day
[12:43] {nemo} wow de
[12:45] {RonS} Icahn on twitter:  NYT's thesis that Ackman's actions prove something is wrong with activism is specious. His actions prove only something is wrong with Ackman
01[12:47] {&Threei}  lol
[12:48] {nemo}
01[12:49] {&Threei}  GDX 1:3
01[12:49] {&Threei}  out
[12:49] {dino} out val .85, +.35
[12:49] {+cc_9} DE kind of needed that yesterday
[12:53] {+cc_9} wow GDX
[12:53] {+cc_9} and holy shit DUST
[12:54] {RonS}  $SLW CEO: "In the second quarter, our average cash cost for $SLV was $4.14 per ounce and for $GLD it was $350 per ounce.
[13:01] {nemo} gdx ;ppls sjprt jere
[13:01] {nemo} short here
[13:02] {RonS} slw 86 day high
[13:05] {+cc_9} SPY 167 multiple tests, great wall
[13:06] {+cc_9} looking for .30 - .40 range as support now
[13:06] {nemo} this does not look auspicious for spy
[13:09] {+cc_9} DUST { $50.00
[13:09] {+cc_9} putain de bordel
[13:09] {RonS} holy indicator remains weak...IBM
[13:10] {nemo} arguably indexes long here
01[13:11] {&Threei}  3 visuals:
[13:12] {dino} aegr sm l ave .13
[13:13] {+cc_9} indexes nearing session lows
[13:13] {+cc_9} This loks like some serious liquidation
[13:13] {nemo} get ready to throw the women and children overboard
[13:13] {nemo} sharks gotta' eat too
[13:14] {+cc_9} .30 so far holding SPY
[13:14] {nemo} some serious volume coming in
[13:15] {+cc_9} .20 last intraday support, below that its a toilet flush
[13:17] {+cc_9} SPY ~ triple intraday bottom for now, confirmation is above 166.70
[13:18] {+cc_9} not a full day for 1:20PM
[13:19] {+cc_9} I have a feeling we're about to see a wild print, either a stop eater sub 166.20 or a fast push to reverse the trend
[13:19] {+cc_9} volume picking up still
[13:20] {nemo} oh the melodrama
[13:22] {+cc_9} DIA already hitting fresh lows
[13:22] {+cc_9} IWM few cents shy, SPY fighting for that 166.20
[13:25] {dino} spy gap 165.20
[13:25] {nemo} yeah, but I would expect a bounce off the whole today
[13:27] {+cc_9} thats what I thought yesterday too, before we had a that nose dive and crash after hours
[13:27] {nemo} what time it crash?
[13:27] {+cc_9} but yes today looks like slight "capitulation" from yesterday, bounce is over due. Nothing crazy, at best 167.50
[13:28] {+cc_9} SPY went down another $0.30 after hours yesterday
[13:29] {+cc_9} IWM @ LOD, spy still hanging
[13:29] {dino} need another % imo, dji only down 2.5%, s/p 2.3%. usually 3.5% then bounce
[13:29] {nemo} monthly pivot iwm 102.04
[13:34] {RonS} nemo re retweet by northman:  because they have re-defined it into oblivion...
[13:34] {nemo} yep
[13:35] {nemo} I guess food and fuel don't count  not to mention if you can't afford steak, you'll buy hamburg.  If you can't afford hamburg, you'll buy dog food
[13:35] {dino} hmmm, was thinking hotdogs
[13:35] {nemo} so, that type of substitution is not considered in inflation
[13:35] {nemo} I wouldn't feed my dog hotdogs
[13:36] {nemo} .65-.74 key area for spy
[13:36] {dino} funny thing, my dog will not eat bologna
[13:36] {nemo} I can confirm rabbits LOVE raisins
[13:42] {+cc_9} SPY the suspense is getting lame
[13:43] {nemo} gdx at amptjer ga[
[13:43] {nemo} another gap
[13:45] {+cc_9} SPY trying, IWm slight lag, should get a delayed push
[13:47] {nemo} oh bummmer...the keyboardist from the Blue Oyster Cult died
[13:48] {+cc_9} GDX up 5 days out of the past 6...impressive.
[13:48] {nemo} 35% off the bottom
[13:51] {dino} aegr stop
[13:54] {+cc_9} GDX getting close to its daily resistance
01[13:54] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
01[13:54] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
[13:55] {nemo} that's a ballsy call
01[13:57] {&Threei}  1:1
[13:59] {+cc_9} IWM poking its head out ahead of SPY, first time today
[14:08] {nemo} oh boy
[14:15] {nemo} gap hell...release the hounds of war!!!!
[14:30] {+cc_9} SPY stop eater triggered, back to near 166.70
[14:39] {nemo} pretty good spy volume today
01[14:40] {&Threei}  yup, picks up
01[14:40] {&Threei}  9% above 3-months ave
01[14:40] {&Threei}  no wonfer we get 4 1:3ers
01[14:40] {&Threei}  wonder either
01[14:40] {&Threei}  and one of them actually went to 1:12
[14:41] {+cc_9} anyone dare to call the SPY close ?
[14:42] {+cc_9} we're about to test that 166.70 once again
[14:42] {nemo} red
[14:42] {+cc_9} I was thinking more along the lines of spy closes @ xxx.xx
[14:42] {nemo} one would think they would want to try and close it above 167 at a minimum
[14:44] {+cc_9} IWM trying
[14:47] {+cc_9} 166.70 denied again on SPY
[14:48] {nemo} rejection at vwap not good from an institutional point of view
[14:49] {+cc_9} PHM wowza
[14:58] {+cc_9} TOL nonstop since 10:00AM data
[14:59] {nemo} interesting, algo only has stocks on green side yet indexes not moving
[15:00] {nemo} spy volume
[15:00] {nemo} oops guess it was a mistake
[15:07] {+cc_9} another I-H&S on 5min SPY starting from 12:30PM
[15:10] {+cc_9} on triple digit down days, we tend to bounce around this time, especially coming from a sell-off yesterday. Mixed signals on various timeframes, can't read it other than watch the trendlines set on the SPY chart.
[15:11] {nemo} one would expect short covering, but this this range since 10:00 may have covered it
[15:12] {nemo} look at finnies iwm and spy, last assault on vwap unsuccessful
[15:12] {+cc_9} Back to the 166.20 test on SPY, IWM failing faster
[15:13] {nemo} H&S on spy if you look from 10:00 am on
[15:13] {nemo} this spy low here monthly pivot to the penny
[15:14] {nemo} xlf volume spikes
[15:15] {nemo} Here's a clean chart:
[15:15] {nemo} wtf
[15:15] {+cc_9} bunch of nonsense
[15:16] {nemo} my eyes can't take it
[15:16] {nemo} Vad's an Ichimoku groupie
[15:16] {nemo} kinda' good thing he can't reach me
[15:18] {+cc_9} LODs starting to flash
[15:18] {nemo} lo ticker's moving
[15:19] {+cc_9} SPY big candle about to form on the 5min
[15:19] {+cc_9} wick to wick should be about $0.25
01[15:20] {&Threei}  chart where you can't at once see what line is the price should be destriyed and its author culled
[15:20] {+cc_9} LOD stop eater algo on standby
[15:20] {+cc_9} VXX @ highs
[15:20] {nemo} think they save that spy gap for another day
[15:21] {+cc_9} SPY testing 166.20 for the 5th time today
[15:21] {nemo} like a Thai hooker with ghonnorhea
[15:21] {nemo} mmmhhh, where'd that come from?
[15:21] {+cc_9} highest volume bar on 5min SPY since 2:10PM
[15:22] {nemo} look xlf
[15:22] {dino} speaking of hookers, look at the spread on regn, .40
[15:22] {nemo} well, if the proverbial short covering is going to commence
[15:22] {nemo} clap...
[15:22] {nemo} I can't....
[15:22] {nemo} tight, huh?
[15:23] {nemo} pretty good battle here on spy
[15:23] {+cc_9} massive volume SPY = 0 action
[15:23] {+cc_9} cant even clear .40
[15:24] {+cc_9} get that order flow, get the suckers, buy the dip, etc....
[15:24] {nemo} oh oh
[15:24] {+cc_9} aaaaaaand headfake
[15:24] {nemo} slammed that right back down
[15:25] {nemo} might be trying to shake the longs before it goes
[15:25] {+cc_9} already shook them 4 times
[15:26] {nemo} yeah, was thinking the short covering meme
[15:26] {+cc_9} and those who bot the close yesterday for a reversal, well, still in
[15:26] {+cc_9} unless they hit the bids on that 10AM capitulation
[15:26] {nemo} an inverted hammmer, then a doji, what now
[15:27] {+cc_9} we should be ripping 50 points fast either direction, not this bs wash trading
01[15:28] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .10 break
[15:28] {nemo} woulda' shoulda' coulda'  now we should start hearing about the prom queen
01[15:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
[15:29] {+cc_9} up 3 cents, down 2
[15:29] {+cc_9} fun
[15:29] {nemo} yep was the shakeout, .45 next level
[15:30] {+cc_9} Paulson told investors last month to hold gold, this month he dumped 50% his position
[15:30] {RonS} ...shocked there is gambling in this establishment
[15:30] {+cc_9} IWM major lag
[15:30] {+cc_9} it actually just downticked while the SPY just pushed near .50
[15:31] {+cc_9} what a dog
[15:31] {nemo} Of all the gin joints
[15:31] {+cc_9} IWM volume spike on 5min
[15:32] {+cc_9} unreal...SPY prints near 166.50, IWM downticks
[15:32] {nemo} spy dropped the .45 this isn't looking good...cut up the women and children for chum
[15:32] {+cc_9} Even the DIA and the Qs upticked along, more pressure on the small caps
[15:33] {nemo} use your shift key
[15:33] {nemo} I can hear Vad now, "Oh Nemo, wtf..."
[15:34] {+cc_9} IWM @ LOD
[15:37] {nemo} is today op ex Thursday?
[15:37] {RonS} could call it that...
[15:38] {nemo} great TweetOfGod
[15:38] {dino} yes
[15:38] {nemo} the tweet?
[15:39] {+cc_9} Once again, all the move will be during the last 2 minutes, another EOD trap
[15:39] {+cc_9} lame...really lame
[15:40] {+cc_9} IWM fresh lows SPY $0.20 off
[15:41] {Alexs} Are you in GDX trade Vad?
01[15:41] {&Threei}  yes
01[15:41] {&Threei}  should have partialed near 30 but missed it
01[15:43] {&Threei}  half out
01[15:43] {&Threei}  stop .11
[15:44] {+cc_9} bottom to top of candle SPY in last 30 minutes ? $0.10
[15:44] {+cc_9} if this was all the bounce, its pathetic
[15:45] {+cc_9} anything sub 167.40 is a pathetic close
01[15:45] {&Threei}  the best day in the whole summer I think
[15:46] {Alexs} No best day was 7/31
[15:46] {nemo} 167  cc?
01[15:46] {&Threei}  ok... second best
[15:46] {Alexs} lol
[15:47] {+cc_9} 167.40 was pre-market range nemo
[15:47] {+cc_9} for a reversal, needs at least a close @ or above 167.40
[15:48] {+cc_9} we were unable to get/stay above 166.70 since 1PM. All we had was a $0.50 range with both top and bottom testing twice
01[15:50] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:50] {&Threei}  have a great evening, see you tomorrow
[15:50] {+cc_9} Here is the same SPY chart from earlier, but updated :
[15:50] {nemo} morituri te salutamos
[15:51] {nemo} didn't work cc
[15:51] {+cc_9}
[15:51] {+cc_9} click the square, even if shows broken it will open
[15:52] {+cc_9} just hosted
[15:52] {+cc_9}
[15:53] {+cc_9} works now ?
[15:53] {nemo} yep
[15:54] {+cc_9} last lap, now we get direction
[15:56] {+cc_9} Small caps ticking ahead
[15:56] {+cc_9} IWM small pop ahead of S&P

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug 14 2013

Another day in the office - solidly profitable and boring. What else is new. While CREE, DE etc delivered some entertainment, our usual breadmakers delivered profits.

Session Time: Wed Aug 14 00:00:00 2013
[08:55] {dino} gm
01[08:55] {&Threei}  morning dino
[08:59] {dino} cree blood
[08:59] {RonS} mohawk attack?
01[08:59] {&Threei}  lowered guidance
01[08:59] {&Threei}  lol ron
01[09:00] {&Threei}  actually, rolf
01[09:00] {&Threei}  rofl
[09:01] {RonS} tepid reaction to DE beat
[09:02] {RonS} classic...$M feeling good about back to school…. Adding inventory…. Annnnd we’re going to miss 2nd half” - Macy’s release
01[09:03] {&Threei}  never ppst negative press-release withiout adding some fluff that would allow bagholders to find something to feel good about
[09:07] {+cc_9} Good morning
01[09:08] {&Threei}  cc9 :)
[09:08] {+cc_9} Airlines on the menu today ?
[09:10] {RonS} airlines trading like market expects rule of 3 w/ UPS crash being number 1...on the other hand w/ their stocks crashing yest maybe that's no. 2...
[09:16] {+cc_9} Complete chaos in Egypt today
[09:16] {+cc_9} wild figures are coming out
[09:16] {RonS} Egypt's stock exchange, banks to close on Thursday following violence, official says
[09:17] {+cc_9} public transportation closed also
[09:17] {+cc_9} Figures are 100 to 2,000 dead
[09:17] {dino} religion is ruining the world, especially over in middle east
[09:18] {RonS} next up...O sends Egypt mo' money...
01[09:19] {&Threei}  miss mubarak yet?
[09:20] {+cc_9} Its not really "aid" when the money sent comes with strings attached that forces Egypt's military to use it only to buy American weapons. That money basically comes back in the pockets of defense contractors...
[09:20] {+cc_9} (in other words, US tax payers are indirectly paying the weapons manufacturers)
[09:24] {Alexs} gm
01[09:24] {&Threei}  alex :)
[09:26] {nemo} chopped liver again
[09:26] {cipher} gm
01[09:27] {&Threei}  cipher :)
01[09:27] {&Threei}  you have unrealistic expectations... never saying hello, yet expecting to be greeted? {G}
[09:27] {dino} ssni?
01[09:27] {&Threei}  watching C for a long setup
[09:28] {+cc_9} why can't market wait till the open to rip up from its gap down...sigh
01[09:28] {&Threei}  SSNI decent earning report
01[09:28] {&Threei}  aug 1
[09:28] {nemo} why don't you get in a little earlier?
01[09:28] {&Threei}  nothing new today
[09:28] {nemo} cree on KY patrol
01[09:28] {&Threei}  graphic... lol
[09:28] {dino} filling multpile gaps, cree
[09:29] {nemo} gonna' be some bruised ankles today
[09:29] {+cc_9} DE big gap up 86, back to 84 @ open. ER play
[09:29] {bbobr} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:30] {ese} am in.....forgot the new password
01[09:30] {&Threei}  right
[09:30] {+cc_9} DE this could get a reversal back up
01[09:31] {&Threei}  C jump before giving a chance for entry
[09:32] {nemo} de should bounce by 82.80
[09:33] {+cc_9} DE beat on report, tanking
01[09:33] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .45 break
01[09:33] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
[09:34] {dino} ssni sm l .30
[09:35] {+cc_9} wow DE, decimated
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1:1
[09:35] {nemo} wow, alliteration
[09:36] {+cc_9} DE small long here
01[09:36] {&Threei}  1:2
[09:36] {robbers} Out GDX, thanks Vad.
01[09:36] {&Threei}  yw
[09:37] {+cc_9} DE guidance raised, this thing bounces
[09:37] {dino} de, corn prices drop...?
[09:37] {+cc_9} Shotting for $84+ on reversal
[09:38] {+cc_9} so far so good.
01[09:38] {&Threei} Short Setup: C  .25 break
01[09:38] {&Threei}  If holds  .32
[09:40] {+cc_9} } $83 DE
[09:41] {RonS} took ssni 24.15 to 24.60 +.45  thanks dino
01[09:41] {&Threei}  1:1 close enough
01[09:41] {&Threei}  wtg guys
[09:42] {dino} gj, yw ron
01[09:42] {&Threei}  GDX out in full
[09:43] {+cc_9} good job on GDX
[09:43] {+cc_9} DE looking for second leg to break 83.50
01[09:43] {&Threei}  ty
[09:45] {+cc_9} FB nice comeback from yesterday EOD sell-off
[09:45] {+cc_9} UAL on the other hand continues to flush
[09:45] {+cc_9} DE bids coming in
[09:46] {Alexs} what trail stop on C?
[09:46] {+cc_9} DE having trouble @ 83
01[09:46] {&Threei}  .21
[09:47] {Alexs} k
[09:47] {robbers} Out C in full, thanks.
01[09:47] {&Threei}  :)
[09:47] {dino} cree lod
[09:50] {nemo} DE probably gonna drop .50
[09:51] {+cc_9} DE unreal
[09:53] {+cc_9} DE will be trading its entire avg daily volume by 10:30AM
[09:53] {+cc_9} some dip buyers stepping in again @ 82 area
01[09:53] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .90 break
01[09:53] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
01[09:54] {&Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:56] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  28 break
01[09:56] {&Threei}  If holds  .06
[09:57] {+cc_9} DE just cant seem to hold any level
01[09:58] {&Threei}  looks like stabilized here, DE
[09:58] {+cc_9} Needs to get through 82.50 and hold that bid
[09:59] {+cc_9} #s were good, guidance was good, pre-market high pushed near $87
[09:59] {nemo} wow look how tight the indexes are
[09:59] {dino} whining about corn crop, fwiw
[09:59] {dino} de sm l .30
01[09:59] {&Threei}  no go GDX
[10:00] {dino} cree .60 wall, trigger imo
[10:00] {+cc_9} DE repeating same pattern as earlier $83 wall, now 82.50 wall
[10:02] {+cc_9} IF DE was near daily highs, I would understand the drop...but its not
01[10:05] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBRY  .20 break
01[10:05] {&Threei}  If holds  .15
01[10:05] {&Threei}  (can't believe I am calling this POS long, lol)
[10:06] {+cc_9} out DE, what a piece of crap
[10:06] {+cc_9} will reload if another bounce over $82
[10:06] {nemo} not if you were short
01[10:07] {&Threei}  and it's immediately proving that it is POS
[10:07] {Alexs} lol
[10:07] {+cc_9} i wonder how DE would have traded had they reported an earnings loss and lower guidance...
[10:07] {nemo} they would have been up
[10:09] {+cc_9} stop loss triggers, stock double bottoms
[10:09] {+cc_9} blah...
[10:11] {RonS} only 1 block trade in de thus far...
[10:13] {+cc_9} in 45 minutes, DE traded its entire avg daily volume
[10:14] {+cc_9} cant even get through 82, what a damn shame
[10:14] {+cc_9} id like to revisit the long side, but all this volume and no confidence....
01[10:14] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .05 break
01[10:15] {&Threei}  If holds  25
[10:17] {+cc_9} DE bids falling, too close to LOD
01[10:17] {&Threei}  looks very breakdownish
[10:18] {+cc_9} the pop early near 83 was its biggest chance for a reversal as it brought it more bounce players
[10:18] {+cc_9} its gonna take some time now
[10:19] {+cc_9} will get back in 82
[10:19] {+cc_9} back in DE
01[10:20] {&Threei}  need SPY to lose .20
01[10:21] {&Threei}  oh boy... what a beautiful e-mail I've got
01[10:21] {&Threei}  exceeds all I quoted before
01[10:21] {&Threei}  wait till we are clear of trades and market activity dies down, you'll love this one
01[10:21] {&Threei}  meh TZA
[10:23] {+cc_9} ok DE....lets get this bounce going
[10:24] {nemo} 82.60 ish might be the limit
[10:24] {dino} cc9 target de?
[10:24] {dino} thinking 83
[10:24] {nemo} yep possible, would take some off at .60
[10:25] {+cc_9} I'm still aiming for $84
[10:25] {+cc_9} i know...crazy
[10:25] {+cc_9} but in all reality, the #s were solid and so was the guidance, i cannot find anything about this drop
[10:25] {dino} i can see that too
[10:25] {nemo} I hear that solvent rational quote going through my head
[10:25] {+cc_9} As I said, this drop would have made sense if the stock was trading near daily highs and today we see profit taking, but that was not the case.
[10:26] {nemo} nice grammar there 9
[10:27] {+cc_9} were*
[10:27] {+cc_9} w/e
[10:27] {+cc_9} DE 82.80s
01[10:27] {&Threei}  we're
[10:27] {nemo} no..."As I said"
[10:27] {+cc_9} pushing $83 at last
[10:28] {+cc_9} Moment of truth, $83 was a major wall
01[10:30] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .10 break
01[10:30] {&Threei}  If holds  96
01[10:30] {&Threei}  aggressive for .20
[10:30] {+cc_9} DE can't see a slowdown here, need 83.20
[10:31] {+cc_9} come on....
[10:32] {+cc_9} damn it , how many times does it need to test 83
[10:32] {nemo} that's it, back down
[10:32] {nemo} double top short setup
[10:32] {nemo} has to hold here vwap and support
[10:33] {+cc_9} that drop from 83 was on tiny volume...go figure.
[10:33] {nemo} interesting...price resistance but technical at 34 ema on 3 min
[10:34] {+cc_9} one desk is buying, another is dumping
[10:34] {nemo} spy holding under vwap,  needs to hold above daily pivot or we likely test 169
[10:36] {nemo} wow gdx running
[10:36] {+cc_9} meanwhile IWM has a nice range
[10:37] {+cc_9} 104.22 - 104.52 so far
[10:37] {nemo} a whole .38 cents
[10:38] {+cc_9} which translates to a nice $0.50 on TNA
[10:38] {RonS} DE:  "Analysts believe past quarter marked peak of current farm cycle"
[10:39] {+cc_9} Not in Brazil.
01[10:40] {&Threei}  come on MCD
01[10:40] {&Threei}  break and run
01[10:40] {&Threei}  so we could flip you
01[10:40] {&Threei}  (yeah, I borrowed cc9's horrible joke)
01[10:40] {&Threei}  (because mine are even worse)
[10:41] {nemo} here comes the 169 test, which means we'll bounce, because you gotta' turn around at 69
01[10:41] {&Threei}  what is it, contest of bad jokes?
[10:42] {RonS} ...there is worse and there is worser...
01[10:42] {&Threei}  because if it is, I'll be a judge
[10:42] {nemo} no...I would never think of challenging you Vad
01[10:42] {&Threei}  right
[10:42] {+cc_9} DE catching some bids, slowly, volume drying up for now (avg daily already traded)
[10:42] {nemo} Ron, I don't think there is "worser"
01[10:42] {&Threei}  no one's joke can be worser than mine, mine are the wortstest
01[10:43] {&Threei}  come on nemo... without worser how do you get to worstest?
[10:43] {+cc_9} IWM held its intraday support
[10:43] {nemo} 104.19 yesterday's pivot
[10:44] {+cc_9} big volume IWM
[10:44] {RonS} stupid q of the day:  how is it that worsted wool is the best wool there is?
[10:44] {+cc_9} biggest volume bar since open actually
[10:44] {nemo} actually, it's some stuff made from a South American animal
01[10:45] {&Threei}  you'd think it was destined to be a winner ron... but wait for the e-mail I'll post
[10:45] {nemo} O.K, How do you catch a unique bird?
[10:45] {nemo}   U   nique up on him...
01[10:46] {&Threei}  we might have a winner...
[10:46] {nemo} any coffee spitters?
[10:46] {nemo} that was courtesy  of my long dead grandmother
[10:46] {RonS} trying to figure if that is a 2nd or 5th grade joke...
01[10:46] {&Threei}  pre-school
[10:46] {nemo} depends on whether you're in the innercity
[10:47] {RonS} lol
[10:47] {+cc_9} DE back under $82...jeez
[10:48] {+cc_9} trading as if downgrades are pouring in
01[10:48] {&Threei}  Invalidated  MCD
[10:48] {nemo} market 9
01[10:48] {&Threei}  too bad, this looked ery promising
[10:48] {+cc_9} nemo, yes, but most of the time earning plays tend to have their own moves regardless of market direction (key word : most)
[10:49] {nemo} well, if you notice, DE moved up with the spy, and then the SPY doubletopped at the same time DE did
01[10:51] {&Threei}  lol:
01[10:51] {&Threei}  ‏@TheTweetOfGod
01[10:51] {&Threei}  I'm so sick of "damning it" for you people. Damn it yourselves, damn it.
01[10:52] {&Threei}  MCD is still on a radar
[10:52] {dino} qiwi drop
01[10:52] {&Threei}  held too well during SPY drop, and that .20 break is real prize
[10:53] {+cc_9} SPY reversing, DE nada
[10:53] {nemo} nichts nyet null zed zip
[10:56] {+cc_9} CREE death grind in full effect
01[10:56] {&Threei}  Attention:  MCD  is valid again
[10:57] {+cc_9} DE turning into an investment
[10:57] {ese} ok ...that was an interesting morning......vad i've been by your house via the highway twice.....5:30 am and just now7:00am....first to take the family to the airport and then go out again because they forgot there i'ds.....they wouldn't let them on the 7:00am flight to Calgary
01[10:58] {&Threei}  wow
[10:58] {ese} got rebooked on the 9 though....should have stopped in for coffee
01[10:58] {&Threei}  can't believe you made it in time
01[10:58] {&Threei}  oh, I see
01[10:59] {&Threei}  not sure about coffee at that time though {G}
01[10:59] {&Threei}  vodka is more likely as it doesn't require preparation time
[10:59] {+cc_9} The TSLA bubble slowly bursting if anyone still tracking this .com
[11:00] {nemo} DE can't get above VWAP
[11:00] {ese} you make strong coffee....i coulda used it
01[11:00] {&Threei}  come on SPY
[11:00] {ese} ok well trading day feels shot.....have no sense of whats going on at this time
[11:11] {+cc_9} DE flat lining
[11:15] {+cc_9} DUST 60min is one scary chart
01[11:16] {&Threei}  1:1q
01[11:16] {&Threei}  now break and run
[11:20] {+cc_9} SPY going, DE stuck
01[11:23] {&Threei}  junk food wprks for us, slowly but surely
01[11:24] {&Threei}  I actually regret not going aggressive on aggressive - buying 96
[11:27] {robbers} Out MCD in full, thank you.
01[11:27] {&Threei}  yw
01[11:27] {&Threei}  not fooling around, are you :)
[11:28] {robbers} As usual.
01[11:29] {&Threei}  ok, while MCD is chewing through levels back and forth...
[11:29] {+cc_9} DE .40s ? no way...
[11:29] {+cc_9} DE .50s ? no way...
01[11:29] {&Threei}  beginning of the e-mail is pretty much a cookie-cutter, nothing oustanding:
01[11:30] {&Threei}  Vad,
01[11:30] {&Threei}  I am 23. I have watched your free videos, read your logs and posts with trades. I really want to learn from u. So here are my questions.
01[11:30] {&Threei}  right?
01[11:30] {&Threei}  hold on to your seats as you read second paragraph
01[11:30] {&Threei}  How do I become room moderator? Where do I need to start to open my trading room? How do I know what stock to call? At what prices? Long or short?
[11:31] {+cc_9} DE .60s, this cant be...
[11:31] {RonS} lol 3i
[11:31] {dino} guess he's taking over
[11:31] {RonS} guy must really be 13...
01[11:32] {&Threei}  I wrote an asnwer but decided not to send it
01[11:32] {&Threei}  so I'll just post it here
01[11:32] {&Threei}  I understand your frustration. I too was shocked when found out that I can’t teach brain surgery without becoming a surgeon myself first. Such an unexpected obstacle. Bummers.
[11:33] {robbers} I think it was Ken Wolf in disguise.
01[11:33] {&Threei}  gosh... that's blast from the past, lol
[11:33] {+cc_9} Refer him to Timothy Sykes so he can learn all he needs to learn first
[11:34] {+cc_9} DE .70s, slow climb
01[11:35] {&Threei}  I am not sure if this is just an individual with serious lack of grey matter, or indicative of a certain culture
01[11:36] {&Threei}  after all, I see "life coaches" created in drives by courses about life coaching
[11:36] {robbers} Yeah, the culture of stupidity.
01[11:36] {&Threei}  never mind that you know zilch about life, you can take a course and become life coach
[11:36] {+cc_9} DE closing in on the wall
01[11:37] {&Threei}  I knew a gal who was going tp teach weight loss... guess whether she was overweight
01[11:37] {&Threei}  but hey, she read 15 books about weight loss
01[11:37] {&Threei}  so why not teach others
[11:38] {robbers} My brother was a marriage councelor without having been married.  And it cured him of any thoughts to do so.
[11:38] {dino} if you can't do it, teach (or write about) it
[11:38] {RonS} lol
01[11:38] {&Threei}  another plan by another gal was to teach people how to get anything they want by applying some spiritual tricks
[11:40] {+cc_9} Did she co-write the book "The Secret" ?
01[11:40] {&Threei}  when I asked her what she was going to answer those who ask why she meets them in 3rd floor apartment of half-wrecked building with 13 yearsd old honda civic in the parking lot, she said:
01[11:40] {&Threei}  well, I am happy with what I have and need nothing more
01[11:40] {&Threei}  no, she read it (or watched movie)
[11:40] {RonS} Henry Ford:  "Those that can, do;  those that can't, teach." (ese can, does, and teaches...what a prince!)
01[11:41] {&Threei}  well, I actually disagree with that saying
01[11:41] {&Threei}  but I see how it's applicable in these particular cases
01[11:41] {&Threei}  1:2 MCD
[11:41] {dino} out de .65, +.35
[11:42] {+cc_9} gj dino
[11:42] {+cc_9} got an offer pending .75 rest will ride out till $84+ or LOD stop
[11:42] {dino} thx. pia stock
[11:43] {+cc_9} agreed...
[11:44] {+cc_9} good exit dino, the .70s got denied
[11:44] {dino} cccr crazy ipo
[11:45] {+cc_9} you mean ccccrazy ipo
[11:45] {bbobr} most of trading coaches, teachers, book writers  have no idea how to trade profitable , including Marc Douglas and other famous
[11:46] {+cc_9} The one strategy that those books are missing is "buy low sell high"
01[11:46] {&Threei}  my experience and multiple encounters with them show this to be true
01[11:46] {&Threei}  what bbobr said I mean
01[11:46] {&Threei}  very few are actually traders
[11:46] {RonS} Kerry has “very frank” talk with Netanyahu about settlements in occupied territories
[11:47] {dino} out cree .00, +.40 took forever
01[11:47] {&Threei}  but when it comes to marketing ability, I am 9 years old among them, so... {G}
01[11:47] {&Threei}  they promise more or less easy money, I promise hard work
[11:47] {RonS} ...which begs the question:  how many centuries ago were the French very frank?...
01[11:47] {&Threei}  who do you think is more popular :)
[11:49] {+cc_9} dino, CCCR half the float already traded
[11:50] {bbobr} their promises match people's dreams better then your's
[11:51] {+cc_9} anyone tracking/trading MNKD today, some very nice swings
[11:52] {+cc_9} decent intraday double bottom
[11:54] {+cc_9} "Egypt's death toll increases to 149, health ministry says - Egyptian president declares state of emergency across Egypt for 1 month starting at 4pm local time
01[11:55] {&Threei}  true bbobr... my promises match reality, and who needs that
[11:59] {dino} ssni sm l .00
[12:00] {RonS} Egypt's VP Mohammed ElBaradei resigns from government over handling of sit-ins...what you mean killing them is not OK w/ him?
[12:00] {dino} trip drop
[12:00] {+cc_9} Bloomberg "Europe officially out of recession"
[12:07] {+cc_9} SPY very choppy here, no clear direction
01[12:08] {&Threei}  Europe: yaay....
[12:08] {+cc_9} meanwhile, DE trying to uptick, wall still .75 then 83 round
[12:12] {+cc_9} SPY uptick, DE downtick. meh...
[12:14] {RonS} trip 'ed
[12:21] {nemo} I thought you needed two quarters of positive growth to be out of recession?
[12:22] {+cc_9} SPY chop central
[12:22] {nemo} it's been consistently under MA today, probably going lower
[12:23] {Alexs} CREE long .20?
[12:23] {nemo} likely to get closer to the whole number, vwap there
[12:25] {+cc_9} $0.15 down, $0.10 up wash rinse repeat
[12:28] {+cc_9} DE not participating in this market bounce, frustrating
[12:31] {+cc_9} Just now looked @ comment
[12:31] {dino} htwr sm l .05
[12:31] {dino} trip hl l .55
[12:32] {+cc_9} Well of course DE does not go up with market bounce, but surely does with pullback
[12:32] {nemo} pair trading ;-)
[12:32] {nemo} looks short here btw
01[12:34] {&Threei}  sorry Alex, missed your q
[12:36] {nemo}
[12:37] {dino} out trip .64, +.14
[13:16] {+cc_9} DE now holding sideways while market dipping, I'm thinking DE gets through 83 before the bell
01[13:29] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Bullard: Fed is doing what it can to aid the US recovery
01[13:30] {&Threei}  market saud uhhu and dropped like a stone'
[13:30] {+cc_9} whoa dumpathon
[13:33] {dino} cree l .45
[13:35] {dino} out cree .60, +.15
[13:52] {dino} de l .05
01[13:56] {&Threei} Short Setup: BBRY  .90 break
01[13:56] {&Threei}  If holds  .95
[14:02] {dino} out de .35, +.30
[14:03] {+cc_9} IWM major lag behind SPY
[14:13] {dino} cree l .13
[14:18] {dino} out cree .24, +.11
[14:19] {nemo} whoa
[14:25] {nemo} think I'll get some velcro for my eyelids
01[14:26] {&Threei}  ugh
01[14:26] {&Threei}  wanted to call CREE short but never got decent tight setup
[14:26] {nemo}  did you get an indecent one?
01[14:26] {&Threei}  a lot
01[14:28] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Bullard: Fed is doing what it can to aid the US recovery; inflation has not appeared so far- There is a lot of risk in the future of higher inflation, Fed must maintain its credibility and hit the 2% inflation target it set for itself. - Actual GDP growth has not been that great in the last 3 quarters. Not seeing much impact from the sequester. - Too big to fail issue remains a large problem, US needs to think about making banks smaller so a failure does not require taxpayer intervention. - Unemployment, inflation, GDP and the size of the balance sheet are the key factors for taper decision. - Size of Fed balance sheet is not too big compared to those of other central banks. - QE program has not had a large impact on the USD thus far, on a trade weighted basis. - Japan is taking risks with its new economic policies. Japan is conducting a huge experiment with monetary policy.
[14:28] {nemo} obesity is relative
[14:30] {dino} cree l .88
[14:30] {nemo} I've got support at .66
[14:31] {+cc_9} Why do I keep reading Fed's Bulltard
[14:32] {nemo} like driving by a horrific accident
[14:35] {+cc_9} IWM flushing to new session lows, ahead of the SPY
01[14:36] {&Threei}  cognitive associations cc9
[14:36] {nemo} finnies seem to have a venereal drip
[14:36] {dino} razor blades
[14:36] {nemo} rather graphic for you dino
[14:37] {dino} you put the thought in my head
[14:37] {nemo} yeah, blame the degenerate why don't ya'!!!
[14:39] {+cc_9} SPY catching bids, held its lows
[14:39] {+cc_9} anyone brave enough to call the close on SPY ?
[14:39] {dino} out cree .04, +.16
[14:39] {+cc_9} today's seesaw makes it near impossible to have a single read on this tape
[14:40] {nemo} green
[14:40] {dino} good to hear cc9, i thought it was me, thats why scalp mode
[14:41] {+cc_9} cant read it, volume pours in, we snap back $0.20, next minute we flip and tank $0.30
[14:41] {+cc_9} Add to it the volume @ around 1:30PM
[14:42] {nemo} they're forcing you to take a position in middle distance, which is always a recipe for failure
[14:43] {+cc_9} I don't see we see much buying unless we can get over 169.30, anything below is chart noise
[14:43] {+cc_9} Not long ago, AAPL used to dictate market direction
[14:44] {nemo} algos will move it according to order flow
[14:44] {+cc_9} stocktwits indicator is bearish on SPY, so it would make sense that we head higher
[14:45] {nemo} if they're leaning short in this low volume, algos should push against it
01[14:45] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .80 break
01[14:45] {&Threei}  If holds  .75
[14:47] {nemo} spy should get vwap run here
[14:47] {+cc_9} Initiate first buy program in 5, 4, 3, 2...
[14:47] {+cc_9} lift off
[14:47] {nemo} I just wanna' know where your destruct button is
[14:48] {+cc_9} right on time
[14:48] {nemo} I know..."nemo, you're such a dick!"
[14:49] {nemo} did you install the dilithium crystals CC?
[14:50] {nemo} I"m losing it
[14:50] {nemo} I feel like Jack in the Shining
[14:50] {+cc_9} $VIX / VXX still too close to session highs
[14:51] {+cc_9} $IWM so many dead cat bounces should rename $ASPCA
[14:52] {+cc_9} 1 hour on the clock, still no direction
[14:53] {nemo}
[14:54] {nemo}
[14:54] {+cc_9} IWM @ session lows again...boy this is one long afternoon
[14:56] {nemo} .66 held in cree....actually .69, then it turned around
[14:56] {dino} cree ranging .80-.10
[14:57] {nemo} I have a low of .69
[14:57] {dino} \.10 goes it may pop
[14:57] {nemo} wow, a higher low
[14:58] {dino} issue is that gap 58.40s
01[14:59] {&Threei}  Egypt is now back in the state of emergency that started during the reign of Ramses II
[15:00] {+cc_9} Most boring 1.5 hours on SPY for days
[15:02] {+cc_9} IWM looks spookie at this level. Lower highs and Lower lows. SPY higher lows. Tough read.
01[15:03] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CREE  .80 break hl
[15:03] {nemo} i've got short signals on finnies and IWM can't tell SPY
01[15:03] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[15:04] {+cc_9} Indexes almost feel like a long trap
[15:05] {nemo} double top on spy at price resistance
01[15:09] {&Threei}  IMO, spu is about to break 169
[15:10] {+cc_9} it needs to break 169.10 and stay above it
[15:10] {+cc_9} otherwise, more chop and waste of time
01[15:10] {&Threei}  no go CREE
[15:11] {nemo} next stop 58.88, probably 59 if it doesn't bounce here
[15:11] {+cc_9} 169 knock knock
[15:12] {nemo} need a vwap run
[15:12] {dino} adding cree call for swing
[15:13] {+cc_9} alright, lets push SPY here
01[15:13] {&Threei}  1:1
[15:16] {+cc_9} out
[15:27] {+cc_9} TRIP
01[15:29] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .75 break
01[15:29] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[15:29] {nemo} one could make an argument to buy cree here for short covering
01[15:31] {&Threei}  one could also grab the nest of wasps with his bare hands and see how they like it
[15:32] {+cc_9} SKBI who the hell is buying this garbage
01[15:32] {&Threei}  look at its report
01[15:32] {&Threei}  Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Co Reports Q2 $0.49 v $0.23 y/y, R$11.3M v $8.9M y/y- Reaffirms FY13 Rev $40-45M (prior $40-45M)
[15:33] {+cc_9} oh
[15:34] {dino} cree close to gap
[15:34] {+cc_9} IWM session lows
01[15:34] {&Threei}  volume about 10% below 3 months ave
01[15:36] {&Threei}  change C to .70 break
01[15:37] {&Threei}  If holds  .65
[15:37] {nemo} so cree just about closes another gap
01[15:38] {&Threei}  Invalidated
[15:38] {+cc_9} DUST officially down 50% in 1 week
[15:38] {dino} close enough imo
[15:38] {+cc_9} bargain prices became basement prices and now turning into sink hole prices
[15:39] {+cc_9} Another shot at 169 before the close ?
01[15:42] {&Threei}  last try:
01[15:42] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .65 break
01[15:42] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
01[15:42] {&Threei}  oh well
01[15:42] {&Threei}  we have another "boring but profitable" day
01[15:43] {&Threei}  if you have enough buffer for one 5 cents stop, let's try C .60 break
01[15:43] {&Threei}  if not, leave it be
[15:43] {+cc_9} i got another SPY long trade going here
[15:43] {+cc_9} need 169 thats all
[15:48] {+cc_9} welp
01[15:49] {&Threei}  1:1
01[15:49] {&Threei}  hakf out
01[15:49] {&Threei}  scalpers be happy
[15:51] {nemo} Haven't seen a day like this since....mmmmhhhhh....last August
[15:51] {+cc_9} most are expecting an LOD close, so the algos need to turn on and start buying right here
[15:52] {nemo} they'll go against order flow, might not be any right now
[15:52] {nemo} basically pinned to a deviation around 169
[15:53] {+cc_9} Its been selling since 3:10PM
[15:53] {nemo} or just lack of bidding, don't see any momentum at all
01[15:53] {&Threei}  OK guys, thank you all
01[15:53] {&Threei}  have a good evening
[15:53] {+cc_9} IWM dropping @ a much faster rate
01[15:53] {&Threei}  see you tomorrow foranother boring and profitable day
[15:53] {nemo} pivot levels gonna' be tighter than (insert comparison here)
[15:53] {nemo} tomorrow
[15:57] {dino} gn all
[15:59] {+cc_9} SPY EOD volume nightmare

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aug 13 2103

About flat to slightly positive day, as decent morning was followed by scalp/stop pattern.

Session Time: Tue Aug 13 00:00:00 2013

[08:48] {dino} gm
01[08:49] {&Threei}  morning dino
[08:50] {nemo} I suppose I'm chopped liver
01[08:57] {&Threei}  hmm?
[09:20] {nemo} anybody ever watch the old cable tv show "Deadwood"?
[09:20] {dino} yes
[09:21] {nemo} Yeah, I started watching it...really excellent
[09:22] {dino} good show
01[09:25] {&Threei}  ASTM halt
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:26] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:26] {RonS} hello
01[09:26] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:28] {bbobr} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:29] {Alexs} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  alex :)
01[09:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .75 break
01[09:29] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
[09:31] {RonS} sm L val 66.10
01[09:32] {&Threei}  stop to .81
01[09:33] {&Threei}  ha;f out
01[09:33] {&Threei}  stop to .76
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
[09:34] {dino} oww hl l .43
01[09:35] {&Threei}  that painful?
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1"3
01[09:35] {&Threei}  out in full
[09:39] {+cc_9} at last GDX
[09:39] {dino} oww stop .33 -.10
01[09:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .15 breal
01[09:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .05
01[09:42] {&Threei}  change to .10 break
01[09:43] {&Threei}  If holds  51
01[09:44] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:44] {&Threei}  stop to .04
01[09:46] {&Threei}  to .09 now
[09:46] {+cc_9} IWM reversal
[09:47] {+cc_9} IWM weaker than SPY today fwiw
[09:50] {dino} ihs
[09:55] {dino} cst hl s .37
01[09:56] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
01[09:57] {&Threei}  half out
01[09:57] {&Threei}  stop .76
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JUN BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.0% V 0.2%E
[10:00] {dino} ihs sm l .30
01[10:03] {&Threei}  (US) Analyst note yesterday broke the embargo on Jackson Hole agenda (Aug 22-24) - financial press- Tier-1 firm analyst comments that the agenda does not feature speeches from any major fed officials, which will likely mean markets will pay less attention to the symposium than it has in the past.
[10:04] {dino} good
01[10:04] {&Threei}  lol
[10:05] {+cc_9} market falling off a cliff
[10:06] {dino} cov cst .97, +.40
01[10:07] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .95 break
01[10:07] {&Threei}  If holds  .90
01[10:10] {&Threei}  meh
[10:11] {+cc_9} SPY 168.75 = reversal in indexes
[10:11] {Alexs} GDX stop .71 now?
[10:11] {+cc_9} Lets see if catchs a bid
[10:12] {+cc_9} & 104.10 on IWM
[10:19] {dino} htwr sm l av .71, thinny
01[10:20] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .60 break hl
01[10:20] {&Threei}  If holds  .50
01[10:21] {&Threei}  any SPY help, easy 1:3er, maybe more
[10:23] {dino} dal drop
01[10:23] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:24] {dino} dal l .25 trig
01[10:24] {&Threei}  that's all?
01[10:24] {&Threei}  oh well
01[10:25] {&Threei}  dino, had your morning pain passed?
01[10:26] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TNA  .20 break hl
01[10:26] {&Threei}  If holds  .10
[10:26] {dino} out dal .80, +.55
01[10:27] {&Threei}  wtg
01[10:28] {&Threei}  .25 break should catapult it
[10:29] {dino} out htwr .21, +.50
01[10:30] {&Threei}  no go
[10:30] {dino} out ihs 108.94 +1.64
01[10:31] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBY  .45 break
[10:31] {dino} ahh, c'mon...
01[10:31] {&Threei}  [10:27] {&Threei} wtg
[10:32] {dino} they were 3 nice hits, .55, .50, 1.64
01[10:32] {&Threei}  they were
01[10:32] {&Threei}  but we are still sympathetic to that pain you experienced during first trades...
01[10:32] {&Threei}  you started two posts with "oww..."
[10:33] {dino} lol, i couldn't figure that out...
01[10:33] {&Threei}  {GGG}
01[10:34] {&Threei}  I really want to see a stock with symbol OUCH
01[10:34] {&Threei}  that would be a riot
01[10:34] {&Threei}  there was one named DURA... made all russian-speaking laugh
01[10:35] {&Threei}  BBY stop is .39 btw
[10:35] {dino} gass drop
[10:35] {dino} thats a funny one
01[10:35] {&Threei}  hehe
[10:35] {dino} lol, its called stealth gas
01[10:36] {&Threei}  oh boy
[10:36] {dino} silent but deadly i guess
[10:36] {RonS} omg the co name is funnier...stealth gas...
01[10:36] {&Threei}  it's getting better by minute
[10:36] {dino} builders getting nailed
[10:38] {+cc_9} SPY stuck @ range, needs to break that 168.75
01[10:38] {&Threei}  it should
01[10:41] {&Threei}  there you go
01[10:46] {&Threei}  goingshort, look pm pls
[10:46] {+cc_9} IWM major lag behind
[10:46] {+cc_9} stuck @ 104.2/3, needs 104.10
01[10:46] {&Threei}  SPY doesn't show much determination
01[10:47] {&Threei}  moves up haltingly
[10:51] {+cc_9} still think it gets back to yesterday's close
[10:51] {+cc_9} 169.10
[10:55] {+cc_9} any news?
[10:55] {+cc_9} lots of volume/chatter, other than the fed rates, not finding much
01[10:56] {&Threei}  nothing concrete
01[10:56] {&Threei}  more and mopre about taper happening, and soon
01[10:56] {&Threei}  volume is 13% under 3-months average
[10:57] {+cc_9} VXX has not moved much on this SPY drop either
[10:58] {RonS} curious as to why you pay any attention to the vxx?
[10:59] {+cc_9} To gauge volatility
[11:00] {RonS} then why not the vix since it is current
[11:00] {+cc_9} if VXX spiked up on this latest market drop, then people were hedging/betting against the market.
[11:01] {RonS} since the vxx is an average of all futures contracts how can it be a gauge of anything? is it not more important what is happening to specific contracts?
[11:01] {+cc_9} Over the long run there is a clear discrepancy, for intraday, the liquidity/prints on it are slightly clearer than VIX$
[11:02] {+cc_9} IWM back to 10:40s highs, SPY lagging now
[11:02] {RonS} just saying that a derivative of a derivative is really sketchy...imo
[11:05] {RonS} imo if you want a relatively real time reading on the vix futures for all months you should start wacthing the "Sonar Report" daily presentation from the floor of the CBOE via the Optionmonster website
[11:05] {dino} dal drop again
01[11:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .80 breal
[11:06] {RonS} they identify majot vix futures trades and trends and what the trader is likely trying to accomplish...
01[11:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .70
[11:06] {Alexs} hl CAT?
01[11:08] {&Threei}  narrowqed down enough for full lot IMO
[11:08] {dino} dal hl l .20
01[11:08] {&Threei}  say, 3/4?
[11:09] {Alexs} k
[11:09] {+cc_9} Ron, that is correct and I agree. From a liquidity point of view, it is still an indicator, maybe not as accurate as the underlying $VIX
01[11:13] {&Threei}  ok kitty, let's do it this time, don't be a scalp
01[11:13] {&Threei}  be a good cat and move like real feline
01[11:13] {&Threei}  1:1
[11:13] {+cc_9} SPY/IWM both at intraday tops, wall needs to break
01[11:13] {&Threei}  tbell, look dcc pls
01[11:15] {&Threei}  oh come on
01[11:15] {&Threei}  second time, just a scalp
[11:17] {+cc_9} SPY }}
[11:17] {dino} out dal .44, +.24
[11:17] {nemo} jpm looks short
[11:18] {+cc_9} Looking for an intraday top break and a tgt of yesterday's close (full reversal)
[11:21] {+cc_9} There goes SPY
[11:21] {+cc_9} $0.20 to go.
[11:21] {+cc_9} IWm now lagging, still not through 104.10
[11:25] {+cc_9} great reversal
[11:26] {+cc_9} UAL tanking
[11:27] {dino} wathing them
[11:27] {dino} watching
01[11:27] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .50 break
[11:28] {dino} taking a break
01[11:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .44
[11:29] {+cc_9} SPY $0.10 from target
[11:29] {+cc_9} monster turn around
01[11:30] {&Threei}  meh
[11:30] {nemo} indexes bottom between 10:30 and 11:00 every day
[11:32] {+cc_9} SPY full blown reversal to its closing price yesterday of 169.10 (call made earlier)
[11:32] {+cc_9} Trader out.
[11:32] {nemo} gdx ready to go here
01[11:32] {&Threei}  friking CAT
01[11:33] {&Threei}  turned twice into merely a scalp, then moved higher
[11:36] {+cc_9} UAL slight double bottom dino
[11:36] {RonS} the bots are all over the airlines...pure pulp
[11:38] {dino} missed it, microwaving soup
[11:38] {RonS} gonna go on all day...
[11:38] {dino} luv held well in relation to dal, ual
[11:38] {RonS} feds squashing the aa us air merger...
[11:39] {dino} which will keep capacity
01[11:39] {&Threei}  come on dino, freeze that soup and gnaw at frozen cubes all day, not to leave the computer
[11:39] {RonS} lol
01[11:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .70 break
01[11:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .60
[11:41] {dino} i've found i make (and keep) more cash when I trade less
[11:41] {dino} used to average 15+ trades/day, trying to keep it under 9
01[11:42] {&Threei}  best line from the article about weight loss I've ever seen: You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have
[11:43] {+cc_9} initial target on market reversal was 169.10 on SPY, it hit 169.09 on the nose before fading again
[11:43] {+cc_9} UAL fighting hard to put a bottom
[11:43] {dino} reminds me of the wife who asked hubby for boob job, he said rub tp on them, it worked for your ass
01[11:43] {&Threei}  lol
01[11:44] {&Threei}  I am not convinced on UAL...
01[11:44] {&Threei}  low volume bounce
01[11:44] {&Threei}  can easily break down again
[11:44] {dino} slightly higher low, but missing the higher hi
[11:45] {+cc_9} agreed, needs about 31.15 for convincing turn around (UAL)
[11:46] {dino} the progresso and chuncky soups are under-rated. they make a great lunch
[11:47] {+cc_9} UAL some volume
[11:47] {nemo} I like Progresso
[11:47] {nemo} btw fas looks short here
[11:47] {+cc_9} 350k+ on last 1min
01[11:49] {&Threei}  starts looking better, UAL
[11:51] {+cc_9} chatter/activity, no price action (UAL)
01[11:54] {&Threei}  no go
[11:54] {dino} triangle forming
[11:54] {+cc_9} another volume spike UAL on 1min
[11:55] {+cc_9} 380k+
[11:56] {+cc_9} UAL through 31.15
[11:56] {nemo} well, that short now looking iffy
[11:56] {dino} anybody get it?
[11:57] {nemo} iwm and spy reclaimed their daily pivots, so perhaps FAS has to also
[11:58] {+cc_9} UAL reversing at last
01[12:04] {&Threei}  watching MCD for dive and reversal
01[12:04] {&Threei}  want long entry
[12:06] {+cc_9} you mean you want MCD for a flip
[12:06] {+cc_9} best joke for the day, shameful
01[12:07] {&Threei}  congratulations cc9... you did impossible
[12:07] {nemo} funny as a rubber crutch
01[12:07] {&Threei}  made a joke worse than mine
01[12:07] {&Threei}  that's qiote an accomplishment
[12:07] {nemo} o fer crissakes Vad, Les' were the worst
01[12:07] {&Threei}  quite
[12:07] {+cc_9} pls add another + near my name
[12:07] {nemo} Oh Vad, about my nick...
01[12:08] {&Threei}  din't know nemo... problem is, les didn't view thwm as jokes {G}
[12:08] {+cc_9} UAL back to $31 if anyone looking for a reload
01[12:09] {&Threei}  leave that nick alone... database rebuilding keeps everyone busy enough to deal woth your caprices
[12:09] {nemo} wow, nice word
[12:10] {nemo} becoming quite sesquepadalian there Vad
06[12:10] * &Threei takes a bow
[12:11] {RonS} did that give him webbed feet?
[12:12] {dino} ual sm l .01
01[12:12] {&Threei}  being sesquepadalian?
[12:12] {nemo} standard Ukranian feature
[12:15] {+cc_9} UAL decent second bounce off $31
[12:18] {+cc_9} aaaaaaaaaaaand SPY green :)
01[12:19] {&Threei}  crap... .40 was it for MCD
[12:22] {dino} out ual .26, +.25
[12:22] {RonS} gj
[12:25] {dino} ty
01[12:26] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .50 break
01[12:26] {&Threei}  If holds  .40
[12:31] {+cc_9} funny how when market was melting, stocktwits was full of "told you it would crash!"
[12:31] {+cc_9} now they are magically long
[12:31] {+cc_9} lol cant get enough of that
01[12:31] {&Threei}  1:1
01[12:32] {&Threei}  I enjoy this "we all are winners" chorus for years
01[12:32] {&Threei}  a lot of people guess, then losers remain silent and winners scream on top of their lungs
01[12:32] {&Threei}  market reverses, thwe other side yells, while first one suts up
[12:33] {+cc_9} lol
01[12:33] {&Threei}  so it's like they win all the time
01[12:33] {&Threei}  on one forum there is a guy who makes the same call every year, around the same time:
01[12:34] {&Threei}  earnign season starts, it all tha matters for the nmarket, and it's not going to be pretty, I am short
01[12:34] {&Threei}  every year market goes up, he is nowhere to be seen, then he pops up a year later with the same call
01[12:34] {&Threei}  5 years in a row
[12:36] {+cc_9} when was making bullish calls on the market earlier @ the drop, everyone and their second cousin was screaming "this is the top, we go down from here"
01[12:37] {&Threei}  then there are those "bull market geniuses"
[12:37] {+cc_9} now that market is back where we left off yesterday "was a good time to buy SPY calls on that drop!"
01[12:37] {&Threei}  that make a name by repeating bullish calls during bull market, and continue doing that after market reverses...
01[12:37] {&Threei}  anyone remember the name Chhetah?
01[12:37] {&Threei}  1998 - 2000 hero
[12:37] {+cc_9} theoptiondon Aug. 13 at 10:10 AM $SPY 168 puts @ .61
[12:38] {+cc_9} theoptiondon Aug. 13 at 12:31 PM this market is totally irrational. cant get proper footing in either direction $SPY
[12:38] {+cc_9} this is just an example
01[12:38] {&Threei}  repeated gis "buy any pillback" all the way down after market reversed its tech boom
01[12:39] {&Threei}  one trick ponies...
[12:40] {dino} cheetah girls, yes
[12:40] {+cc_9} UAL back under $31
[12:40] {+cc_9} flag /  pennant forming on 2min
[12:43] {+cc_9} closing in on that 30.70s intraday support
01[12:44] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Lockhart (moderate, FOMC non-voter): Any change in QE should be a cautious first step
[12:47] {+cc_9} i.e no change
01[12:48] {&Threei}  - There will not likely be enough data on hand by September to be able to map a full phase-out of QE purchases. - Recent data does not paint a clear picture of the economy. Uneven economic data keeps the Fed from offering specific guidance. - US economy should pick up in the second half of 2013, with stronger consumer spending and housing
01[12:48] {&Threei}  (US) PIMCO's El-Erian: Risk markets are treading water and getting tired; major uncertainties ahead include debt ceiling, taper, new Fed chairman, European elections
[12:49] {+cc_9} UAL .70s support so far working
01[12:49] {&Threei}  speaking of next fed chairman, summers' name sounds more and more often
[12:50] {RonS} "getting tired" makes me crazy...pure pablum
01[12:50] {&Threei}  A soft breakfast cereal for infants?
[12:50] {+cc_9} UAL like clockwork
[12:51] {+cc_9} UAL Chart }}}
[12:51] {+cc_9} 12:44 cc_9 closing in on that 30.70s intraday support
[12:52] {+cc_9} FWIW, the market bounced 130 points from lows
[12:57] {Alexs} BBRY .94 long?
01[12:58] {&Threei}  I'd prefer to catch reversal on a deeper pullback
01[12:58] {&Threei}  like this
01[12:58] {&Threei}  dive under .80, getting intereasted in recross entry
[12:58] {Alexs} k
[12:59] {nemo} did you mean "pabulum"  or "pablum"?
[13:01] {RonS} Trite, insipid, or simplistic writing, speech, or conceptualization...pablum
[13:01] {Alexs} LCC .45?
[13:01] {nemo} look up pabulum
01[13:02] {&Threei}  LCC looks nice... late
[13:02] {dino} you guys are determined to educate me
[13:02] {RonS} already did...
[13:02] {nemo} wish you were Les, had a great insult
[13:02] {nemo} yeah, same words
[13:02] {nemo} same meaning
[13:02] {nemo} same root
01[13:03] {&Threei}  I still like mine interpretation better
01[13:03] {&Threei}  soft breakfast cereal for infants
[13:05] {RonS} apropos vis fedding the unwashed public...
[13:05] {RonS} feeding
01[13:05] {&Threei}  yup
01[13:05] {&Threei}  fits the bill perfectly
01[13:06] {&Threei}  data shows retai investor is back, with vengeance
01[13:06] {&Threei}  multiple increases in money flow
[13:07] {RonS} dal acting breakdownish...3i's technical term...
01[13:07] {&Threei}  how do you think it's going to end? :)
01[13:08] {&Threei}  5 years long bull market, getting parabolic and retail investor contributions jump multifold
01[13:08] {&Threei}  same story, every friggin time
01[13:10] {&Threei}  alex, LCC gets interesting
01[13:10] {&Threei}  get ready with hl
[13:10] {Alexs} despite "Learning is not compulsory.." what's the best book on technical analysis Vad?
01[13:10] {&Threei} Long Setup:  LCC  .10 break
01[13:10] {&Threei}  If holds  17
01[13:13] {&Threei}  if you want pure TA book, classic Edwards & Magee Technical Analysis of Stock Trends is the best, just try to find early edition without third author
[13:13] {Alexs} thanks
01[13:14] {&Threei}  not sure you need such a fundamenatl work though
01[13:14] {&Threei}  I mean no one trades all the setups
01[13:15] {&Threei}  or uses all the indicators
[13:15] {+cc_9} UAL off the .70s is just clockwork...
01[13:15] {&Threei}  ok LCC, it's time
01[13:19] {&Threei}  meh
01[13:19] {&Threei}  good morning, then one on one off
[13:19] {dino} keep it simple alexs
01[13:20] {&Threei}  yeah
01[13:20] {&Threei}  get too deep into this stuff, you soon find yourself either paralyzed by endless analysis or in constant contradiction with yourself
[13:20] {Alexs} lol
01[13:21] {&Threei}  seriously... see it all the time
01[13:22] {&Threei}  stochastic says buy but OBV say sell,
01[13:22] {&Threei}  while MACD crossover is not there, but MA turn up
[13:22] {RonS} ...and nemo says kma...
01[13:22] {&Threei}  Hindenburg omen
01[13:22] {&Threei}  cross of death
01[13:23] {&Threei}  dome with 5 peaks
01[13:23] {&Threei}  ichomoku cloud
[13:23] {dino} two scoops ice cream
01[13:23] {&Threei}  fan lines
[13:23] {Alexs} lol
01[13:23] {&Threei}  the list is endless
01[13:24] {&Threei}  there are thousands on indicators, and new ones are being invented daily
01[13:24] {&Threei}  who cares, basics remain uncanged and work for decades if not \centuries
[13:28] {nemo} what I say?
01[13:28] {&Threei}  ?
[13:28] {+cc_9} UAL updated chart from earlier (.70s still working) :
[13:43] {dino} things have slowed dwn
[13:45] {dino} calling it a day, very good one. thx all for ideas
[13:46] {+cc_9} take it easy dino
[13:46] {dino} u2 buddy
01[13:47] {&Threei}  take care dino
[13:50] {+cc_9} UAL one of the best patterns so far today, holding a perfect intraday support each time for a solid trade.
[13:53] {+cc_9} @ highest pps since 11:00AM ET
[13:54] {RonS} pps?
[13:54] {+cc_9} price per share
[13:55] {+cc_9} aka price.
[13:56] {RonS} furious volume in LLC over 30% of float already traded...
[13:56] {+cc_9} UAL updated chart }}}
[13:56] {+cc_9} you mean LCC ?
[13:57] {RonS} ya
[14:00] {+cc_9} JBLU ahead of the bunch
[14:02] {+cc_9} Done for today, 3 main trades : DUST on GDX drop @ open. TNA on IWM reversal (traded once), UAL off 30.70s support (traded twice)
01[14:13] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .90 break
01[14:14] {&Threei}  If holds  .85
01[14:18] {&Threei}  database restoration seems to be over, room is closed now to unregistered nick
01[14:18] {&Threei}  if next time you connect and can't, it means nemo sneaked in and crossed your name off the list
[14:18] {~KSystems} :)
[14:22] {RonS} aapl rip
[14:23] {Alexs} MU .80 break?
[14:23] {RonS} icahn in aapl
[14:24] {+cc_9} Looks good for a short
[14:24] {+cc_9} down to 481
[14:27] {+cc_9} { 481, good hype trade
[14:28] {+cc_9}
[14:28] {+cc_9} "Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. Me, I make money studying natural stupidity."
01[14:29] {&Threei}  yeah, loved it
[14:30] {nemo} phewww, was I worried:
01[14:33] {&Threei}  in TZA
[14:39] {+cc_9} with 1 tweet from Ichan, AAPL gains near $10B in market cap..
[14:39] {nemo} any interesting options movement recently in aapl
[14:45] {+cc_9} LCC tanked to session lows
01[14:47] {&Threei}  half out
01[14:49] {&Threei}  stop to .89
01[14:50] {&Threei}  be back in 10
[15:01] {+cc_9} LCC trying here
[15:08] {+cc_9} FB dumping
01[15:19] {&Threei}  ONXX Pfizer now said to have exited the bidding process for the company, following Novartis earlier - financial press
01[15:21] {&Threei}  here is how desperation looks:
01[15:21] {&Threei}  BlackBerry Discloses introduces new super social BlackBerry 9720 smartphone (update)- Designed for a premium look and available in a variety of vibrant colors, the new BlackBerry 9720 smartphone takes everything youd get from a starter smartphone to the next level, and comes packed with of all of your favorite social apps to let you spark the conversation.
01[15:22] {&Threei}  long list of great new features, then ends with this:
01[15:22] {&Threei}  Beginning in the coming weeks, the new BlackBerry 9720 smartphone will be available in select markets from retailers and carriers in Asia, EMEA and Latin America
01[15:24] {&Threei}  BBRY is almost ready for bounce
01[15:24] {&Threei}  watching
[15:25] {Alexs} LCC short .50?
01[15:26] {&Threei}  yup
01[15:28] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBRY  .30 break
01[15:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .25
01[15:30] {&Threei}  change to .25 break
01[15:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .20
01[15:32] {&Threei}  change to .20 break
01[15:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .15
[15:35] {+cc_9} Adding UAL/FB to watch list for tomorrow
01[15:37] {&Threei}  ok BBRY... before you sail into sunset, we still need to get some money off you. So breaks that .25 and run
01[15:40] {&Threei}  sone of a motherless goat
[15:43] {nemo} interesting, IWM and SPY basically at weekly pivots
01[15:43] {&Threei}  LCC finally broke down
01[15:44] {&Threei}  not sure there is time and room for it to work
[15:44] {Alexs} missed it
01[15:44] {&Threei}  but good spot nonetheless
01[15:44] {&Threei}  that's OK, I am not sure it's worth it at this point in time
[15:46] {nemo} serious volume spike in finnies and spy
[15:46] {+cc_9} better to wait for tomorrow to get some nice trades on the airlines
01[15:48] {&Threei}  wow
01[15:48] {&Threei}  BBRY
[15:48] {nemo}
01[15:48] {&Threei}  thank god for small stops
01[15:48] {&Threei}  as name implies, they stop your losses
[15:52] {+cc_9} Some buyers stepping in FB EOD
[15:52] {Alexs} LCC worked nicely
01[15:52] {&Threei}  yes
01[15:54] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:54] {&Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:54] {+cc_9} cya

Session Time: Tue Aug 13 00:00:00 2013

[08:48] {dino} gm
01[08:49] {&Threei}  morning dino
[08:50] {nemo} I suppose I'm chopped liver
01[08:57] {&Threei}  hmm?
[09:20] {nemo} anybody ever watch the old cable tv show "Deadwood"?
[09:20] {dino} yes
[09:21] {nemo} Yeah, I started watching it...really excellent
[09:22] {dino} good show
01[09:25] {&Threei}  ASTM halt
[09:25] {cipher} gm
01[09:26] {&Threei}  cipher :)
[09:26] {RonS} hello
01[09:26] {&Threei}  ron :)
[09:28] {bbobr} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  bbobr :)
[09:29] {Alexs} gm
01[09:29] {&Threei}  alex :)
01[09:29] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .75 break
01[09:29] {&Threei}  If holds  .85 
[09:31] {RonS} sm L val 66.10
01[09:32] {&Threei}  stop to .81
01[09:33] {&Threei}  ha;f out
01[09:33] {&Threei}  stop to .76
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1:2
01[09:34] {&Threei}  1/4 more out
[09:34] {dino} oww hl l .43
01[09:35] {&Threei}  that painful?
01[09:35] {&Threei}  1"3
01[09:35] {&Threei}  out in full
[09:39] {+cc_9} at last GDX
[09:39] {dino} oww stop .33 -.10
01[09:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .15 breal
01[09:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .05 
01[09:42] {&Threei}  change to .10 break
01[09:43] {&Threei}  If holds  51 
01[09:44] {&Threei}  1:1
01[09:44] {&Threei}  stop to .04
01[09:46] {&Threei}  to .09 now
[09:46] {+cc_9} IWM reversal
[09:47] {+cc_9} IWM weaker than SPY today fwiw
[09:50] {dino} ihs
[09:55] {dino} cst hl s .37
01[09:56] {&Threei} Short Setup: GDX  .70 break
01[09:57] {&Threei}  half out
01[09:57] {&Threei}  stop .76
01[10:00] {&Threei}  *(US) JUN BUSINESS INVENTORIES: 0.0% V 0.2%E
[10:00] {dino} ihs sm l .30
01[10:03] {&Threei}  (US) Analyst note yesterday broke the embargo on Jackson Hole agenda (Aug 22-24) - financial press- Tier-1 firm analyst comments that the agenda does not feature speeches from any major fed officials, which will likely mean markets will pay less attention to the symposium than it has in the past.
[10:04] {dino} good
01[10:04] {&Threei}  lol
[10:05] {+cc_9} market falling off a cliff
[10:06] {dino} cov cst .97, +.40
01[10:07] {&Threei} Long Setup:  C  .95 break
01[10:07] {&Threei}  If holds  .90 
01[10:10] {&Threei}  meh
[10:11] {+cc_9} SPY 168.75 = reversal in indexes
[10:11] {Alexs} GDX stop .71 now?
[10:11] {+cc_9} Lets see if catchs a bid
[10:12] {+cc_9} & 104.10 on IWM
[10:19] {dino} htwr sm l av .71, thinny
01[10:20] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .60 break hl
01[10:20] {&Threei}  If holds  .50 
01[10:21] {&Threei}  any SPY help, easy 1:3er, maybe more
[10:23] {dino} dal drop
01[10:23] {&Threei}  1:1
[10:24] {dino} dal l .25 trig
01[10:24] {&Threei}  that's all?
01[10:24] {&Threei}  oh well
01[10:25] {&Threei}  dino, had your morning pain passed?
01[10:26] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TNA  .20 break hl
01[10:26] {&Threei}  If holds  .10 
[10:26] {dino} out dal .80, +.55
01[10:27] {&Threei}  wtg
01[10:28] {&Threei}  .25 break should catapult it
[10:29] {dino} out htwr .21, +.50
01[10:30] {&Threei}  no go
[10:30] {dino} out ihs 108.94 +1.64
01[10:31] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBY  .45 break
[10:31] {dino} ahh, c'mon...
01[10:31] {&Threei}  [10:27] {&Threei} wtg
[10:32] {dino} they were 3 nice hits, .55, .50, 1.64
01[10:32] {&Threei}  they were
01[10:32] {&Threei}  but we are still sympathetic to that pain you experienced during first trades...
01[10:32] {&Threei}  you started two posts with "oww..."
[10:33] {dino} lol, i couldn't figure that out...
01[10:33] {&Threei}  {GGG}
01[10:34] {&Threei}  I really want to see a stock with symbol OUCH
01[10:34] {&Threei}  that would be a riot
01[10:34] {&Threei}  there was one named DURA... made all russian-speaking laugh
01[10:35] {&Threei}  BBY stop is .39 btw
[10:35] {dino} gass drop
[10:35] {dino} thats a funny one
01[10:35] {&Threei}  hehe
[10:35] {dino} lol, its called stealth gas
01[10:36] {&Threei}  oh boy
[10:36] {dino} silent but deadly i guess
[10:36] {RonS} omg the co name is funnier...stealth gas...
01[10:36] {&Threei}  it's getting better by minute
[10:36] {dino} builders getting nailed
[10:38] {+cc_9} SPY stuck @ range, needs to break that 168.75
01[10:38] {&Threei}  it should
01[10:41] {&Threei}  there you go
01[10:46] {&Threei}  goingshort, look pm pls
[10:46] {+cc_9} IWM major lag behind
[10:46] {+cc_9} stuck @ 104.2/3, needs 104.10
01[10:46] {&Threei}  SPY doesn't show much determination
01[10:47] {&Threei}  moves up haltingly
[10:51] {+cc_9} still think it gets back to yesterday's close
[10:51] {+cc_9} 169.10
[10:55] {+cc_9} any news?
[10:55] {+cc_9} lots of volume/chatter, other than the fed rates, not finding much
01[10:56] {&Threei}  nothing concrete
01[10:56] {&Threei}  more and mopre about taper happening, and soon
01[10:56] {&Threei}  volume is 13% under 3-months average
[10:57] {+cc_9} VXX has not moved much on this SPY drop either
[10:58] {RonS} curious as to why you pay any attention to the vxx?
[10:59] {+cc_9} To gauge volatility
[11:00] {RonS} then why not the vix since it is current
[11:00] {+cc_9} if VXX spiked up on this latest market drop, then people were hedging/betting against the market.
[11:01] {RonS} since the vxx is an average of all futures contracts how can it be a gauge of anything? is it not more important what is happening to specific contracts?
[11:01] {+cc_9} Over the long run there is a clear discrepancy, for intraday, the liquidity/prints on it are slightly clearer than VIX$
[11:02] {+cc_9} IWM back to 10:40s highs, SPY lagging now
[11:02] {RonS} just saying that a derivative of a derivative is really sketchy...imo
[11:05] {RonS} imo if you want a relatively real time reading on the vix futures for all months you should start wacthing the "Sonar Report" daily presentation from the floor of the CBOE via the Optionmonster website
[11:05] {dino} dal drop again
01[11:06] {&Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .80 breal
[11:06] {RonS} they identify majot vix futures trades and trends and what the trader is likely trying to accomplish...
01[11:06] {&Threei}  If holds  .70 
[11:06] {Alexs} hl CAT?
01[11:08] {&Threei}  narrowqed down enough for full lot IMO
[11:08] {dino} dal hl l .20
01[11:08] {&Threei}  say, 3/4?
[11:09] {Alexs} k
[11:09] {+cc_9} Ron, that is correct and I agree. From a liquidity point of view, it is still an indicator, maybe not as accurate as the underlying $VIX
01[11:13] {&Threei}  ok kitty, let's do it this time, don't be a scalp
01[11:13] {&Threei}  be a good cat and move like real feline
01[11:13] {&Threei}  1:1
[11:13] {+cc_9} SPY/IWM both at intraday tops, wall needs to break 
01[11:13] {&Threei}  tbell, look dcc pls
01[11:15] {&Threei}  oh come on
01[11:15] {&Threei}  second time, just a scalp
[11:17] {+cc_9} SPY }}
[11:17] {dino} out dal .44, +.24
[11:17] {nemo} jpm looks short
[11:18] {+cc_9} Looking for an intraday top break and a tgt of yesterday's close (full reversal)
[11:21] {+cc_9} There goes SPY
[11:21] {+cc_9} $0.20 to go.
[11:21] {+cc_9} IWm now lagging, still not through 104.10
[11:25] {+cc_9} great reversal
[11:26] {+cc_9} UAL tanking
[11:27] {dino} wathing them
[11:27] {dino} watching
01[11:27] {&Threei} Long Setup:  GDX  .50 break
[11:28] {dino} taking a break
01[11:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .44 
[11:29] {+cc_9} SPY $0.10 from target
[11:29] {+cc_9} monster turn around 
01[11:30] {&Threei}  meh
[11:30] {nemo} indexes bottom between 10:30 and 11:00 every day
[11:32] {+cc_9} SPY full blown reversal to its closing price yesterday of 169.10 (call made earlier)
[11:32] {+cc_9} Trader out.
[11:32] {nemo} gdx ready to go here
01[11:32] {&Threei}  friking CAT
01[11:33] {&Threei}  turned twice into merely a scalp, then moved higher
[11:36] {+cc_9} UAL slight double bottom dino
[11:36] {RonS} the bots are all over the airlines...pure pulp
[11:38] {dino} missed it, microwaving soup
[11:38] {RonS} gonna go on all day...
[11:38] {dino} luv held well in relation to dal, ual
[11:38] {RonS} feds squashing the aa us air merger...
[11:39] {dino} which will keep capacity
01[11:39] {&Threei}  come on dino, freeze that soup and gnaw at frozen cubes all day, not to leave the computer
[11:39] {RonS} lol
01[11:40] {&Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .70 break
01[11:40] {&Threei}  If holds  .60 
[11:41] {dino} i've found i make (and keep) more cash when I trade less
[11:41] {dino} used to average 15+ trades/day, trying to keep it under 9
01[11:42] {&Threei}  best line from the article about weight loss I've ever seen: You aren’t going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have
[11:43] {+cc_9} initial target on market reversal was 169.10 on SPY, it hit 169.09 on the nose before fading again
[11:43] {+cc_9} UAL fighting hard to put a bottom
[11:43] {dino} reminds me of the wife who asked hubby for boob job, he said rub tp on them, it worked for your ass
01[11:43] {&Threei}  lol
01[11:44] {&Threei}  I am not convinced on UAL...
01[11:44] {&Threei}  low volume bounce
01[11:44] {&Threei}  can easily break down again
[11:44] {dino} slightly higher low, but missing the higher hi
[11:45] {+cc_9} agreed, needs about 31.15 for convincing turn around (UAL)
[11:46] {dino} the progresso and chuncky soups are under-rated. they make a great lunch
[11:47] {+cc_9} UAL some volume
[11:47] {nemo} I like Progresso
[11:47] {nemo} btw fas looks short here
[11:47] {+cc_9} 350k+ on last 1min
01[11:49] {&Threei}  starts looking better, UAL
[11:51] {+cc_9} chatter/activity, no price action (UAL)
01[11:54] {&Threei}  no go
[11:54] {dino} triangle forming
[11:54] {+cc_9} another volume spike UAL on 1min
[11:55] {+cc_9} 380k+
[11:56] {+cc_9} UAL through 31.15
[11:56] {nemo} well, that short now looking iffy
[11:56] {dino} anybody get it?
[11:57] {nemo} iwm and spy reclaimed their daily pivots, so perhaps FAS has to also
[11:58] {+cc_9} UAL reversing at last
01[12:04] {&Threei}  watching MCD for dive and reversal
01[12:04] {&Threei}  want long entry
[12:06] {+cc_9} you mean you want MCD for a flip
[12:06] {+cc_9} best joke for the day, shameful
01[12:07] {&Threei}  congratulations cc9... you did impossible
[12:07] {nemo} funny as a rubber crutch
01[12:07] {&Threei}  made a joke worse than mine
01[12:07] {&Threei}  that's qiote an accomplishment
[12:07] {nemo} o fer crissakes Vad, Les' were the worst
01[12:07] {&Threei}  quite
[12:07] {+cc_9} pls add another + near my name
[12:07] {nemo} Oh Vad, about my nick...
01[12:08] {&Threei}  din't know nemo... problem is, les didn't view thwm as jokes {G}
[12:08] {+cc_9} UAL back to $31 if anyone looking for a reload
01[12:09] {&Threei}  leave that nick alone... database rebuilding keeps everyone busy enough to deal woth your caprices
[12:09] {nemo} wow, nice word
[12:10] {nemo} becoming quite sesquepadalian there Vad
06[12:10] * &Threei takes a bow
[12:11] {RonS} did that give him webbed feet?
[12:12] {dino} ual sm l .01
01[12:12] {&Threei}  being sesquepadalian?
[12:12] {nemo} standard Ukranian feature
[12:15] {+cc_9} UAL decent second bounce off $31
[12:18] {+cc_9} aaaaaaaaaaaand SPY green :)
01[12:19] {&Threei}  crap... .40 was it for MCD
[12:22] {dino} out ual .26, +.25
[12:22] {RonS} gj
[12:25] {dino} ty
01[12:26] {&Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .50 break
01[12:26] {&Threei}  If holds  .40 
[12:31] {+cc_9} funny how when market was melting, stocktwits was full of "told you it would crash!"
[12:31] {+cc_9} now they are magically long
[12:31] {+cc_9} lol cant get enough of that
01[12:31] {&Threei}  1:1
01[12:32] {&Threei}  I enjoy this "we all are winners" chorus for years
01[12:32] {&Threei}  a lot of people guess, then losers remain silent and winners scream on top of their lungs
01[12:32] {&Threei}  market reverses, thwe other side yells, while first one suts up
[12:33] {+cc_9} lol
01[12:33] {&Threei}  so it's like they win all the time
01[12:33] {&Threei}  on one forum there is a guy who makes the same call every year, around the same time:
01[12:34] {&Threei}  earnign season starts, it all tha matters for the nmarket, and it's not going to be pretty, I am short
01[12:34] {&Threei}  every year market goes up, he is nowhere to be seen, then he pops up a year later with the same call
01[12:34] {&Threei}  5 years in a row
[12:36] {+cc_9} when was making bullish calls on the market earlier @ the drop, everyone and their second cousin was screaming "this is the top, we go down from here"
01[12:37] {&Threei}  then there are those "bull market geniuses"
[12:37] {+cc_9} now that market is back where we left off yesterday "was a good time to buy SPY calls on that drop!"
01[12:37] {&Threei}  that make a name by repeating bullish calls during bull market, and continue doing that after market reverses...
01[12:37] {&Threei}  anyone remember the name Chhetah?
01[12:37] {&Threei}  1998 - 2000 hero
[12:37] {+cc_9} theoptiondon Aug. 13 at 10:10 AM $SPY 168 puts @ .61 
[12:38] {+cc_9} theoptiondon Aug. 13 at 12:31 PM this market is totally irrational. cant get proper footing in either direction $SPY
[12:38] {+cc_9} this is just an example
01[12:38] {&Threei}  repeated gis "buy any pillback" all the way down after market reversed its tech boom
01[12:39] {&Threei}  one trick ponies...
[12:40] {dino} cheetah girls, yes
[12:40] {+cc_9} UAL back under $31
[12:40] {+cc_9} flag /  pennant forming on 2min 
[12:43] {+cc_9} closing in on that 30.70s intraday support
01[12:44] {&Threei}  (US) Fed's Lockhart (moderate, FOMC non-voter): Any change in QE should be a cautious first step
[12:47] {+cc_9} i.e no change
01[12:48] {&Threei}  - There will not likely be enough data on hand by September to be able to map a full phase-out of QE purchases. - Recent data does not paint a clear picture of the economy. Uneven economic data keeps the Fed from offering specific guidance. - US economy should pick up in the second half of 2013, with stronger consumer spending and housing
01[12:48] {&Threei}  (US) PIMCO's El-Erian: Risk markets are treading water and getting tired; major uncertainties ahead include debt ceiling, taper, new Fed chairman, European elections
[12:49] {+cc_9} UAL .70s support so far working 
01[12:49] {&Threei}  speaking of next fed chairman, summers' name sounds more and more often
[12:50] {RonS} "getting tired" makes me crazy...pure pablum
01[12:50] {&Threei}  A soft breakfast cereal for infants?
[12:50] {+cc_9} UAL like clockwork
[12:51] {+cc_9} UAL Chart }}}
[12:51] {+cc_9} 12:44 cc_9 closing in on that 30.70s intraday support
[12:52] {+cc_9} FWIW, the market bounced 130 points from lows
[12:57] {Alexs} BBRY .94 long?
01[12:58] {&Threei}  I'd prefer to catch reversal on a deeper pullback
01[12:58] {&Threei}  like this
01[12:58] {&Threei}  dive under .80, getting intereasted in recross entry
[12:58] {Alexs} k
[12:59] {nemo} did you mean "pabulum"  or "pablum"?
[13:01] {RonS} Trite, insipid, or simplistic writing, speech, or conceptualization...pablum
[13:01] {Alexs} LCC .45?
[13:01] {nemo} look up pabulum
01[13:02] {&Threei}  LCC looks nice... late
[13:02] {dino} you guys are determined to educate me
[13:02] {RonS} already did...
[13:02] {nemo} wish you were Les, had a great insult
[13:02] {nemo} yeah, same words
[13:02] {nemo} same meaning
[13:02] {nemo} same root
01[13:03] {&Threei}  I still like mine interpretation better
01[13:03] {&Threei}  soft breakfast cereal for infants
[13:05] {RonS} apropos vis fedding the unwashed public...
[13:05] {RonS} feeding
01[13:05] {&Threei}  yup
01[13:05] {&Threei}  fits the bill perfectly
01[13:06] {&Threei}  data shows retai investor is back, with vengeance
01[13:06] {&Threei}  multiple increases in money flow
[13:07] {RonS} dal acting breakdownish...3i's technical term...
01[13:07] {&Threei}  how do you think it's going to end? :)
01[13:08] {&Threei}  5 years long bull market, getting parabolic and retail investor contributions jump multifold
01[13:08] {&Threei}  same story, every friggin time
01[13:10] {&Threei}  alex, LCC gets interesting
01[13:10] {&Threei}  get ready with hl
[13:10] {Alexs} despite "Learning is not compulsory.." what's the best book on technical analysis Vad?
01[13:10] {&Threei} Long Setup:  LCC  .10 break
01[13:10] {&Threei}  If holds  17 
01[13:13] {&Threei}  if you want pure TA book, classic Edwards & Magee Technical Analysis of Stock Trends is the best, just try to find early edition without third author
[13:13] {Alexs} thanks
01[13:14] {&Threei}  not sure you need such a fundamenatl work though
01[13:14] {&Threei}  I mean no one trades all the setups
01[13:15] {&Threei}  or uses all the indicators
[13:15] {+cc_9} UAL off the .70s is just clockwork...
01[13:15] {&Threei}  ok LCC, it's time
01[13:19] {&Threei}  meh
01[13:19] {&Threei}  good morning, then one on one off
[13:19] {dino} keep it simple alexs
01[13:20] {&Threei}  yeah
01[13:20] {&Threei}  get too deep into this stuff, you soon find yourself either paralyzed by endless analysis or in constant contradiction with yourself
[13:20] {Alexs} lol
01[13:21] {&Threei}  seriously... see it all the time
01[13:22] {&Threei}  stochastic says buy but OBV say sell,
01[13:22] {&Threei}  while MACD crossover is not there, but MA turn up
[13:22] {RonS} ...and nemo says kma...
01[13:22] {&Threei}  Hindenburg omen
01[13:22] {&Threei}  cross of death
01[13:23] {&Threei}  dome with 5 peaks
01[13:23] {&Threei}  ichomoku cloud
[13:23] {dino} two scoops ice cream
01[13:23] {&Threei}  fan lines
[13:23] {Alexs} lol
01[13:23] {&Threei}  the list is endless
01[13:24] {&Threei}  there are thousands on indicators, and new ones are being invented daily
01[13:24] {&Threei}  who cares, basics remain uncanged and work for decades if not \centuries
[13:28] {nemo} what I say?
01[13:28] {&Threei}  ?
[13:28] {+cc_9} UAL updated chart from earlier (.70s still working) :
[13:43] {dino} things have slowed dwn
[13:45] {dino} calling it a day, very good one. thx all for ideas
[13:46] {+cc_9} take it easy dino
[13:46] {dino} u2 buddy
01[13:47] {&Threei}  take care dino
[13:50] {+cc_9} UAL one of the best patterns so far today, holding a perfect intraday support each time for a solid trade.
[13:53] {+cc_9} @ highest pps since 11:00AM ET
[13:54] {RonS} pps?
[13:54] {+cc_9} price per share
[13:55] {+cc_9} aka price.
[13:56] {RonS} furious volume in LLC over 30% of float already traded...
[13:56] {+cc_9} UAL updated chart }}}
[13:56] {+cc_9} you mean LCC ?
[13:57] {RonS} ya
[14:00] {+cc_9} JBLU ahead of the bunch
[14:02] {+cc_9} Done for today, 3 main trades : DUST on GDX drop @ open. TNA on IWM reversal (traded once), UAL off 30.70s support (traded twice)
01[14:13] {&Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .90 break
01[14:14] {&Threei}  If holds  .85 
01[14:18] {&Threei}  database restoration seems to be over, room is closed now to unregistered nick
01[14:18] {&Threei}  if next time you connect and can't, it means nemo sneaked in and crossed your name off the list
[14:18] {~KSystems} :)
[14:22] {RonS} aapl rip
[14:23] {Alexs} MU .80 break?
[14:23] {RonS} icahn in aapl
[14:24] {+cc_9} Looks good for a short
[14:24] {+cc_9} down to 481
[14:27] {+cc_9} { 481, good hype trade
[14:28] {+cc_9}
[14:28] {+cc_9} "Some people get rich studying artificial intelligence. Me, I make money studying natural stupidity."
01[14:29] {&Threei}  yeah, loved it
[14:30] {nemo} phewww, was I worried:
01[14:33] {&Threei}  in TZA
[14:39] {+cc_9} with 1 tweet from Ichan, AAPL gains near $10B in market cap..
[14:39] {nemo} any interesting options movement recently in aapl
[14:45] {+cc_9} LCC tanked to session lows
01[14:47] {&Threei}  half out
01[14:49] {&Threei}  stop to .89
01[14:50] {&Threei}  be back in 10
[15:01] {+cc_9} LCC trying here
[15:08] {+cc_9} FB dumping
01[15:19] {&Threei}  ONXX Pfizer now said to have exited the bidding process for the company, following Novartis earlier - financial press
01[15:21] {&Threei}  here is how desperation looks:
01[15:21] {&Threei}  BlackBerry Discloses introduces new super social BlackBerry 9720 smartphone (update)- Designed for a premium look and available in a variety of vibrant colors, the new BlackBerry 9720 smartphone takes everything youd get from a starter smartphone to the next level, and comes packed with of all of your favorite social apps to let you spark the conversation.
01[15:22] {&Threei}  long list of great new features, then ends with this:
01[15:22] {&Threei}  Beginning in the coming weeks, the new BlackBerry 9720 smartphone will be available in select markets from retailers and carriers in Asia, EMEA and Latin America
01[15:24] {&Threei}  BBRY is almost ready for bounce
01[15:24] {&Threei}  watching
[15:25] {Alexs} LCC short .50?
01[15:26] {&Threei}  yup
01[15:28] {&Threei} Long Setup:  BBRY  .30 break
01[15:28] {&Threei}  If holds  .25 
01[15:30] {&Threei}  change to .25 break
01[15:30] {&Threei}  If holds  .20 
01[15:32] {&Threei}  change to .20 break
01[15:32] {&Threei}  If holds  .15 
[15:35] {+cc_9} Adding UAL/FB to watch list for tomorrow
01[15:37] {&Threei}  ok BBRY... before you sail into sunset, we still need to get some money off you. So breaks that .25 and run
01[15:40] {&Threei}  sone of a motherless goat
[15:43] {nemo} interesting, IWM and SPY basically at weekly pivots
01[15:43] {&Threei}  LCC finally broke down
01[15:44] {&Threei}  not sure there is time and room for it to work
[15:44] {Alexs} missed it
01[15:44] {&Threei}  but good spot nonetheless
01[15:44] {&Threei}  that's OK, I am not sure it's worth it at this point in time
[15:46] {nemo} serious volume spike in finnies and spy
[15:46] {+cc_9} better to wait for tomorrow to get some nice trades on the airlines
01[15:48] {&Threei}  wow
01[15:48] {&Threei}  BBRY
[15:48] {nemo}
01[15:48] {&Threei}  thank god for small stops
01[15:48] {&Threei}  as name implies, they stop your losses
[15:52] {+cc_9} Some buyers stepping in FB EOD
[15:52] {Alexs} LCC worked nicely
01[15:52] {&Threei}  yes
01[15:54] {&Threei}  ok guys, thank you all
01[15:54] {&Threei}  have a good evening, see you tomorrow
[15:54] {+cc_9} cya