Friday, April 4, 2014

Apr 04 2014

Choppy morning brought a few stops but most of the damage got fixed but a few strong trades on VXX and IWM. Ended slightly in the red though.

Session Time: Fri Apr 04 00:00:00 2014
[08:57] {dino} gm
01[08:57] {@Threei}  dino :)
[08:59] {RonS} howdy guys
01[08:59] {@Threei}  ron :)
[09:03] {dptl} good morning
01[09:03] {@Threei}  dp :)
01[09:08] {@Threei}  *(US) MAR AVERAGE HOURLY EARNINGS M/M: 0.0% V 0.2%E; Y/Y: 2.1% V 2.3%E; AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS: 34.5 V 34.4E
01[09:08] {@Threei}  so people work longer for less money
01[09:08] {@Threei}  nice
[09:09] {dino} lol 3i, 1/10 of hour more, whats that 6 minutes
01[09:10] {@Threei}  that's 6 more minutes of slavery {G}
[09:20] {ese} I'mmmmmmmm back
01[09:21] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:21] {nemo} give any "private" lessons yesterday ese?
[09:21] {ese} mornin vad......thought that i would try my horror movie hello.....see what kinda reaction i get
[09:21] {ese} nemo
[09:21] {ese} lol
06[09:21] * Les slaps ese around a bit with a large trout
[09:22] {nemo}'s "Heeeeeeres Jonnnny!"
[09:22] {ese} LLLLLLLEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your back buddy
[09:22] {Les} or just "Here's Nemo"
[09:22] {nemo} well, spy gonna' get 190
[09:22] {Les} nice JBE iwm pity too early
[09:22] {ese} am gonna be out your way again next year...Denmark
[09:23] {Les} oh here we go again
[09:23] {Les} don't count on it
[09:23] {Les} think Putin has plans on invading
[09:23] {ese} he'll use your house as his personel residence
[09:24] {ese} it's palacial I understand
[09:24] {ese} 14 bedrooms...something like that
06[09:24] * Les pulls whiskey bottle out of ese's fingers
[09:25] {thomcbell} mu looking for a short setup
[09:25] {ese} lol
[09:25] {ese} prys
01[09:27] {@Threei}  uh oh
01[09:27] {@Threei}  McDonald's quits Crimea as fears of trade clash grow
01[09:27] {@Threei}  famine?
[09:28] {dino} thats a good thing to get ridof mcd
[09:30] {nemo} whoa splk
[09:30] {nemo} 200 day and top pf gap bounce
01[09:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .60 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:32] {@Threei}  meh
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .95 break
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
01[09:37] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:42] {Les} GLD boncing into resistance
01[09:42] {@Threei}  FB tank
01[09:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  P  .90 break hl
01[09:43] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:43] {@Threei}  Invalidated
01[09:44] {@Threei}  US Dept of Justice AG Holder confirms that the dept is looking into whether high speed trading is being used in tandem with insider trading
01[09:44] {@Threei}  just the guy you want to meddle with markets
01[09:45] {@Threei} Long Setup:  P  .85 break hl
01[09:45] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[09:45] {dino} momo slapped again
[09:47] {dino} panw smr l .78
01[09:48] {@Threei} Long Setup:  SLW  .25 break
01[09:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[09:49] {thomcbell} about to start hearing takeover rumors on splk feye data now panw
[09:49] {ese} spyders steady downward slide
[09:50] {thomcbell} splk just touched 200sma
01[09:52] {@Threei}  sheesh FB
[09:53] {thomcbell} getting emotional here
01[09:53] {@Threei}  what's happening there
01[09:53] {@Threei}  no news
[09:53] {nemo} got a gap close on it's mind
[09:53] {nemo} social media out of vogue
[09:54] {nemo} look twtr
[09:54] {ese} its getting that way.......
[09:54] {nemo} lnkd hosed
[09:54] {Les} GLD
[09:55] {ese} it's not as cool as it was with the kids at school for sure because too many adults are using it
01[09:56] {@Threei}  it's not like it ceased to be cool this very morning
[09:56] {dino} last two days feels like momo fund blowing up/liduidating
01[09:56] {@Threei}  so I don't see how that explains the selloff
[09:56] {nemo} vxx might be a short
[09:56] {nemo} other indexes tyring to set up for a bounce
01[09:56] {@Threei}  change SLW to .20 break
[09:56] {ese} kcg
01[09:57] {@Threei}  stop .13
[10:01] {dino} gwph going to pot
[10:01] {nemo} fb reshort area
01[10:01] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:01] {@Threei}  not my morning so far
[10:02] {nemo} guess not on fb
[10:03] {ese} nemo...what do you think of RIG down here low 40's range....been following this along time
[10:03] {dino} gwph smr l .45 hooker
[10:04] {ese} 5 month slide
[10:04] {thomcbell} wow fb
[10:04] {dptl} watching GIS short idea
[10:05] {dptl} ok in
[10:06] {thomcbell} vad short setup watch here fb ?
[10:06] {thomcbell} or buy pullback
01[10:06] {@Threei}  short...
01[10:06] {@Threei}  but it's a bit hysterical
01[10:07] {@Threei}  not sure it's tradeable within nromal risk parameters'
01[10:07] {@Threei}  well, short it was
01[10:07] {@Threei}  lol
01[10:10] {@Threei}  watching VXX for long
01[10:10] {@Threei}  around .30 - .35
[10:14] {dino} panw to .19
[10:14] {Les} potential index cupa nd handle setup
[10:15] {dino} out panw .20, +1.41
[10:16] {RonS} gj
[10:16] {dino} ty
[10:16] {dptl} gis half out 1:1
01[10:16] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .80 break hl
01[10:16] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[10:17] {Les} lol
[10:17] {Les} that was quick
01[10:17] {@Threei}  d2, see private message
[10:18] {thomcbell} mu looking heavy now that the wildness is over
[10:19] {thomcbell} mu 24.36 short break if holding 24.46
01[10:21] {@Threei}  so, did social media get back in vogue at 9:57 am?
[10:21] {Les} dunno, let me check my fb status
[10:22] {nemo} think they moved you to Muzzlebook
[10:22] {nathan} enough for today. I reach my daily losses level
[10:22] {nathan} c u next week
[10:22] {Les} cheers n
[10:23] {dino} cya nat
[10:23] {thomcbell} mu 1:1
[10:23] {dino} 3i the hammer
[10:24] {thomcbell} 1:2
[10:25] {dptl} out gis balance
[10:26] {thomcbell} stop to 24.28 on mu
[10:27] {dino} panw smr l .20
[10:27] {ese} L hun .29
[10:27] {dino} gj tbell
[10:29] {dino} gpn smr l ave .90
01[10:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .60 break
01[10:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
[10:31] {dino} 07 scrolling green
01[10:31] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:32] {thomcbell} mu flat
[10:32] {thomcbell} 1:4ish
[10:32] {dino} beauty
01[10:33] {@Threei}  wtg
[10:33] {dino} out gpn .42, +.52
[10:36] {ese} out hun .19 -.11
[10:38] {ese} thought i was going to get a breakout there.....but alas poor Euoric.......ya got screwed over
[10:38] {nemo} yeah got skull.....
[10:38] {RonS} oof
[10:39] {nemo} paradoxical comment on a classical reference
[10:39] {ese} lol
[10:39] {ese} nemo...did you get my previous question re rig 7:04am
[10:40] {nemo} email?  no
[10:40] {ese} on this board
[10:41] {nemo} it's 10:42 here
[10:41] {thomcbell} akam looks double bottom ish here
[10:41] {thomcbell} big one on 1 minute
[10:41] {ese} here it is again....nemo...what do you think of RIG down here low 40's range....been following this along time
[10:41] {thomcbell} nearing low after blowout earnings
[10:41] {nemo} RIG is at it's 50 day average right here, which is also old support/new resistance....messy area
[10:42] {thomcbell} thing looks scary though
[10:42] {ese} hmmmmmmm tks
[10:42] {nemo} imo, it heads north, but travel to the 44 area might be difficult
[10:46] {dino} akam, one hell of a gap below
[10:48] {dptl} short cbs
[10:49] {dptl} aggresive for 62 break possibly
01[10:51] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .60 break
01[10:51] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[10:51] {dino} enta smr l .89 thin
[10:54] {dptl} no go cbs
[10:54] {dptl} out
01[10:58] {@Threei}  1:1
01[11:02] {@Threei}  (FR) EU's Rehn and the ECB's Weidmann have reportedly issued a warning against providing France any more time to reach its deficit commitments - germany press
01[11:03] {@Threei}  or tanks start rolling?
[11:04] {Les} and they propose to do what?
01[11:05] {@Threei}  invade
01[11:05] {@Threei}  1:2
01[11:05] {@Threei}  wow... did I finally get one or what
01[11:06] {@Threei}  just when you thought to write me off as utterly useless
[11:06] {Les} hmmm smelly french cheese, great wine and gorgeous women I see the German appeal
01[11:06] {@Threei}  I don't know about women...
[11:06] {ese} nice call vxx vad
[11:06] {Les} ty out 1:2 and stopping until at least 1pm
01[11:06] {@Threei}  ty
01[11:06] {@Threei}  should do 1:3
01[11:07] {@Threei}  there
01[11:07] {@Threei}  1:3
01[11:07] {@Threei}  out
[11:08] {ese} really nice call
01[11:09] {@Threei}  1:5
[11:12] {dino} panw smr l .25
[11:14] {dino} j
[11:14] {dino} gj
[11:15] {dino} comp crushed again
[11:17] {dino} panw stop -.28
[11:20] {nemo} looking for bottom here, but if not 188 is S1 whole number and yesterday low in spy
[11:27] {dino} 87.06 qqq gap
[11:28] {RonS} many of the intra charts reminding me of Beatles song...
01[11:28] {@Threei} Short Setup: CBS  62 break
01[11:28] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[11:28] {RonS} ...Day Tripper
01[11:28] {@Threei}  lol
[11:28] {dino} data smr l .35
[11:29] {dptl} in cbs
01[11:29] {@Threei}  Choppy Trading Follows March Jobs Report
01[11:29] {@Threei}  no kidding
[11:31] {dptl} stopped
01[11:35] {@Threei}  treacherous one
[11:35] {dptl} yeah
[11:36] {dptl} bastards
[11:37] {dptl} right idea but choppy
[11:44] {dptl} watching abbv for .50 break short
[11:49] {dptl} hmm really held that .50
[11:51] {dino} panw smr l .98
[11:54] {ese} have a great weekend off to see the wizard
[11:54] {nemo} groupie call
[11:54] {ese} take care nemo
01[11:55] {@Threei}  take care ese
[11:59] {dino} cya es
[12:01] {dptl} abbv same thing...chop chop, staying away for now
[12:04] {dino} comp -3.2% since yesterday
[12:05] {nemo} SEC charges against a trading firm naming Lightspeed as complicit...this might be some of what's going on
[12:05] {nemo}
01[12:07] {@Threei}  what an incredible bs
[12:08] {nemo} depends...there are order types that allow hfts to post only
01[12:08] {@Threei}  this is not hft
01[12:08] {@Threei}  read the artielce
[12:08] {nemo} I realize that
01[12:08] {@Threei}  guy places an order, he takes risk
01[12:08] {@Threei}  order can be executed against
01[12:09] {@Threei}  that can not be illegal
01[12:09] {@Threei}  they are picking easy victim to imitate activity
01[12:09] {@Threei}  meanwhile real fraud remains unpunished
[12:11] {RonS} so true 3i, imo 50% of the individual (non-index) issue option volume is off insider information
01[12:11] {@Threei}  think about it, any guy who placed and then canceled his order can be accused of the same as this SEC ruling does
[12:12] {RonS} they will have to pry the mouse from my cold, dead hand...  :)
01[12:12] {@Threei}  lol
01[12:13] {@Threei}  "lined his pockets by placing phony orders and tricking others into trading with him at distorted prices"
01[12:13] {@Threei}  seriously?
01[12:13] {@Threei}  there was any moment in history of Level 2 existence when it was not done?
01[12:13] {@Threei}  marketmakers did it every second of every trading hour
01[12:14] {@Threei}  any trader executing client's order did it
01[12:14] {@Threei}  suddenly it's a crime?
[12:15] {RonS} dems feeling the heat of the midterm...need to change the subject from nOcare...
01[12:16] {@Threei}  just hire Putin's advisors
01[12:16] {@Threei}  146% vote is guaranteed
[12:16] {RonS} amtd wants to break 30 today...
01[12:17] {@Threei}  and tell them no this Crimea failure when only 93% voted for you
01[12:23] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .35 break
01[12:24] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[12:24] {@Threei}  1:1
01[12:28] {@Threei}  1:2
[12:30] {thomcbell} vad aig has been giving some good moves again
[12:30] {thomcbell} one to watch again
01[12:31] {@Threei}  looks that way
[12:33] {dptl} Vad, doyou like altr long.20 break?
01[12:40] {@Threei}  .20?
[12:40] {dptl} lol...yes it was .20 :)
01[12:41] {@Threei}  not sure
[12:41] {dptl} i see
01[12:46] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .60 break
01[12:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
01[12:46] {@Threei}  SPY looks breakdownish
[12:46] {nemo} yeah, but maybe they'll hold off for awhile
[12:46] {nemo} lunch and all
01[12:48] {@Threei}  1:1
01[12:48] {@Threei}  1:2
01[12:49] {@Threei}  VXX saves the day
[12:56] {dino} lci gap fill
01[12:57] {@Threei}  ALTR was a trap, dp
[12:58] {dptl} yes it was ..good didt take it :)
[12:58] {dptl} seatting....waiting :)
[12:58] {dptl} ops
[13:00] {dptl} or is it sitting  
[13:00] {dptl} have to take english classes again
01[13:01] {@Threei}  well... if you work in restaurant, you are seating customers
[13:01] {Les} SPY DB?
[13:02] {dptl} :)
[13:02] {Les} .10 recross?
[13:02] {Les} or .00?
[13:02] {nemo} hard to say, this is alot of selling at lunch
01[13:02] {@Threei}  still feels breakdownish to me
[13:03] {nemo} yeah, nobody gonna' buy this up, you might get a wee scalp
[13:03] {dptl} ye and dont really want to short anymore
[13:04] {dptl} so what you do?
[13:04] {nemo} vodka
[13:04] {dptl} lol
[13:04] {nemo} just completed a gap in spy
[13:04] {dptl} i knew it :)
[13:08] {Les} more action in metals than in bonds
[13:10] {Les} db was good... sigh
01[13:24] {@Threei} Long Setup:  MCD  .15 break
01[13:24] {@Threei}  If holds  .05
[13:26] {dino} out lci +.50
01[13:27] {@Threei}  nice
[13:29] {Les} SLW weakening
[13:30] {nemo} market weakening
[13:33] {dptl} in mcd
01[13:38] {@Threei}  .20 break should catapult it to, umm, .22
01[13:38] {@Threei}  maybe even .23
[13:38] {dptl} it better :)
[13:39] {thomcbell} cien 21.46 long break
[13:39] {thomcbell} if holding 21.36
[13:39] {thomcbell} i wont be doing much
[13:42] {thomcbell} cien disregard
01[13:43] {@Threei}  .23
01[13:43] {@Threei}  as promised
01[13:44] {@Threei}  see dp... I am a man of my word
[13:44] {dptl} well where is
01[13:44] {@Threei}  ?
01[13:44] {@Threei}  [13:38] {@Threei} .20 break should catapult it to, umm, .22
01[13:44] {@Threei}  [13:38] {@Threei} maybe even .23
01[13:44] {@Threei}  haven't you seen .23?
[13:45] {dptl} oh ...missed it
[13:45] {dptl} offering .25 half
01[13:45] {@Threei}  trail to .09
[13:46] {dptl} k
01[13:48] {@Threei}  it's official: VXX s the only thing that works today
01[13:48] {@Threei}  1:3 and 2 1:2s
[13:48] {Les} outta here bon weekend
01[13:48] {@Threei}  the rest is pure unadulterated crap
[13:50] {dptl} out mcd
01[14:06] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .20 break
01[14:06] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
01[14:06] {@Threei}  fast 1:1...
01[14:11] {@Threei}  downtrend feels over for now
01[14:12] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .35 break
01[14:13] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
01[14:15] {@Threei}  1:1
01[14:16] {@Threei}  1:2
01[14:17] {@Threei}  1:3
01[14:17] {@Threei}  out
01[14:17] {@Threei}  one more like this, and day will be fixed
01[14:19] {@Threei}  anyone took it??
01[14:20] {@Threei}  everyone fainted or what?
[14:20] {nemo} playing with bunny
[14:28] {dptl} jpm
[14:28] {dptl} ?
[14:28] {nemo} oh oh
01[14:29] {@Threei}  60 break?
01[14:29] {@Threei}  tough call...
01[14:29] {@Threei}  not sure'
[14:29] {dptl} short you mean?
01[14:31] {@Threei}  yeah
01[14:31] {@Threei}  I assume that's what you meant
[14:31] {dptl} yes
[14:39] {dptl} how about mu short?
01[14:40] {@Threei}  bounce rather, if anything
01[14:40] {@Threei}  .05 break
[14:41] {dptl} hmm....i dont know
[14:44] {nemo} selling picking up
01[14:57] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .95 break
01[14:57] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
[14:59] {dino} xiv l .65
[15:01] {dino} tna l .10
[15:02] {dino} xiv stop -.11
[15:02] {dino} tna stop .99-.11
[15:02] {dino} too soon
[15:03] {nemo} yeah, I think more selling coming
[15:05] {nemo} the algo has nothing on the green side and is still strongly red
[15:07] {dino} comp is just brutal last two days
01[15:08] {@Threei}  NASDAQ beating is cruel
[15:09] {dino} yeah, thats what i mean w/comp
[15:12] {dino} xiv l .60
01[15:13] {@Threei}  bounce time
[15:13] {dino} qld higher low higher high
[15:13] {dino} l .65
[15:14] {dptl} abbv .30 break long
[15:15] {dptl} if holds above .20
[15:18] {dptl} in
[15:18] {dino} out qld .80, +.15
[15:19] {dino} damn, too soon
01[15:20] {@Threei}  sheesh
[15:20] {dino} out xiv .75, +.15
01[15:20] {@Threei}  looking at GLD instead
01[15:20] {@Threei}  wondering what's wrong wioth quotes, yours or mine
[15:21] {dino} lol
[15:22] {dino} happens to me when i get tired
[15:26] {dptl} half out
[15:26] {dptl} abbv
06[15:26] * @Threei kicks JPM in the rear
[15:33] {dptl} closed abbv
[15:43] {dptl} have a good weekend all...see ya monday
01[15:44] {@Threei}  take care dp
[15:52] {dino} cya dp
[15:53] {dino} calling it a week, thx all
01[15:53] {@Threei}  me too
01[15:53] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
[15:53] {nemo} trading early Monday
01[15:53] {@Threei}  and weekend
01[15:54] {@Threei}  see you Monday

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Apr 03 2014

GLD again saved the day. 1:3 and 1:2 shorts on it pretty much created the surplus over the balance of scalps and stops. Market is still slow, either expecting resolution of Ukraine tension or the "great HFT debate."

Session Time: Thu Apr 03 00:00:00 2014
[08:53] {dptl} good morning
01[08:59] {@Threei}  hey dp
[08:59] {dptl} hey Vad
[08:59] {dptl} :)
[09:11] {dino} gm
01[09:11] {@Threei}  dino :)
01[09:12] {@Threei}  your winter finally ends?
[09:12] {dino} yes, hitting 50s yesterday and today
01[09:13] {@Threei}  brutal year
[09:16] {dino} yeah, 50s feels awesome
[09:17] {cosmo} 50C?
[09:18] {cosmo} 50 deg C that is
01[09:18] {@Threei}  lol
01[09:18] {@Threei}  that would be a bit too warm
[09:18] {cosmo} agree
[09:18] {cosmo} :)
[09:20] {dino} not c, f
[09:20] {cosmo} so that's cold.... i c
[09:22] {cosmo} not enough CO2 is the problem, actually
[09:22] {RonS} gm, 4" of snow here after some rain, stops at noon, gone tomorrow...w/ 17" of precip/yr ave this is all good...almost had to turn on the sprinklers...
01[09:23] {@Threei}  Ron :)
[09:23] {ese} gm
01[09:23] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:23] {ese} morning vad
01[09:24] {@Threei}  this is how we look right now:
[09:24] {ese} sold my PLUG position at about 5:30 this morning hold from yesterday.79 +.24
01[09:24] {@Threei}  wtg
[09:25] {RonS} gj ese
[09:25] {ese} tks
[09:25] {ese} Butchart Gardens vad, Beacon Hill park?
[09:26] {dino} gj ese, my lqdt may calls getting thumped
01[09:26] {@Threei}  Butchart
[09:27] {ese} :)
01[09:29] {@Threei}  P
01[09:30] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  .80 break
01[09:30] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:31] {@Threei}  change to .90 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .95
01[09:34] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .40 break hl
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
01[09:37] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  77 break
01[09:37] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[09:39] {nathan} gm gents
01[09:39] {@Threei}  morning nathan
01[09:40] {@Threei} Short Setup: WMT  .10 break
01[09:40] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[09:46] {nathan} still valid?
01[09:46] {@Threei}  as long as it stays under .20
01[09:46] {@Threei}  1:1  GLD
[09:47] {nemo} looks like it'll test .30 then .55
[09:48] {dino} caci smr l .88
01[09:53] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:53] {@Threei}  been a while since GLD worked this well
[09:55] {thomcbell} etfc and amtd are under pressure because of the hfc stuff
01[09:56] {@Threei}  NVIDIA Corp Hearing strength attributed to circulation of financial blog chatter that Greenlight Capital (Einhorn) may be building a stake
01[09:57] {@Threei}  Charles Schwab Corp Issues Statement on High-Frequency Trading (HFT)- CEO Walt Bettinger posted the following statement on high-frequency trading: High-frequency trading is a growing cancer that needs to be addressed.
01[09:57] {@Threei}  yolku know if those guys complain, it's a great thing for us
[09:58] {cosmo} for now
[09:58] {nemo} too funny, hft companies are going out of business
01[09:58] {@Threei}  high-frequency trading has run amok and is corrupting our capital market system by creating an unleveled playing field for individual investors
01[09:58] {@Threei}  mama...
01[09:58] {@Threei}  so specialist system was level playing field?
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) MAR ISM NON-MANUFACTURING COMPOSITE: 53.1 V 53.5E
01[10:01] {@Threei}  1:3  GLD
01[10:01] {@Threei}  out in full
[10:04] {ese} just make money!
[10:04] {thomcbell} P 32.82 short break if hholding 33
01[10:05] {@Threei}  is that an order, ese?
[10:05] {ese} yes
01[10:06] {@Threei}  let's cut WMT in half
[10:07] {thomcbell} p 1:1
01[10:09] {@Threei} Short Setup: FB  .50 break hl
01[10:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[10:10] {@Threei}  meh
[10:12] {dino} out caci .68, +.80
01[10:12] {@Threei}  wtg
[10:12] {nathan} nice dino
01[10:12] {@Threei}  watching AMTD for pullback entry
[10:12] {dino} ty
[10:14] {ese} that was a good one dino
[10:14] {nemo} acn below .20
01[10:14] {@Threei}  no pullback
[10:14] {dptl} short cbs .14
[10:14] {dptl} half lot
[10:14] {dino} lci smr l .35 wide
[10:16] {nemo}
[10:16] {thomcbell} p 1:3
[10:16] {dino} amtd l .03
[10:16] {thomcbell} booked it
01[10:16] {@Threei}  wtg thom
01[10:17] {@Threei}  AMTD got away
[10:19] {dino} feye blood
[10:20] {dino} enta csmr l .40 wide
[10:20] {dptl} half out cbs
[10:21] {RonS} csmr = castrated smaller?
[10:21] {dino} lol, typo, smr
01[10:25] {@Threei} Long Setup:  AMTD  .90 break
01[10:25] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[10:25] {@Threei}  change to .80 break
01[10:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[10:26] {ese} good call P
[10:26] {thomcbell} yeah too jumpy for me
01[10:27] {@Threei}  no go
[10:29] {dino} amtd stop -.30
01[10:32] {@Threei}  .l vxx .30 break
01[10:32] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .30 break
[10:32] {dino} caci l .01
01[10:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
[10:34] {ese} in
01[10:34] {@Threei}  let's do panic, market
01[10:34] {@Threei}  nice juicy panic
[10:34] {ese} .305
01[10:36] {@Threei}  a bit juicier please
[10:36] {ese} indeed
01[10:37] {@Threei}  just crash already
01[10:37] {@Threei}  no these pathetic bounce attempts
[10:37] {ese} that id be me probably part of that 11K offer at .40
[10:39] {ese} daaaaaaaaaa
01[10:39] {@Threei}  come on
[10:39] {ese} bastard
01[10:40] {@Threei}  1 cent
01[10:40] {@Threei}  sheesh
01[10:41] {@Threei}  stop .24
01[10:43] {@Threei}  out
01[10:43] {@Threei}  that was....
[10:44] {ese} still hangin in stop at .20
[10:46] {ese} oh oh
[10:48] {ese} if it beats beat me on my rules
[10:48] {nemo} you mean your student dating rules?
[10:48] {RonS} amtd hl 32.40  s/l .30
[10:48] {ese} ha ha
[10:48] {nemo} wanna see my drumstick?
01[10:49] {@Threei} Long Setup:  AMTD  .50 break
01[10:49] {@Threei}  If holds  .40
[10:52] {dptl} cbs 1:2  ...out more
[10:53] {dino} gj
[10:53] {dptl} ty
[10:57] {RonS} bet nemo says that to his girlfriend all the time...
[10:58] {nemo} I don't have to say anything ;-)
[10:58] {RonS} lol
01[10:58] {@Threei}  and then hangs out with us after getting her rightful response
[10:58] {ese} sucre ray blu......stopped !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .20 -.10
01[10:58] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:58] {ese} vxx bastard!
[10:59] {ese} i'll get even......i'll get even
[10:59] {ese} !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
01[11:06] {@Threei}  AMTD setup is back
[11:06] {thomcbell} etfc is stretched to downside here too but no setup yet
[11:07] {thomcbell} could be a sharper retrace
[11:07] {thomcbell} when it bounces
[11:07] {ese} about stupid......i'm sitting here thinkin what are these guys talkin about there ain't no setup there amtd....jesus...i'm looking amat.....time to pack it in for the day
01[11:07] {@Threei}  looks tempting
01[11:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  ETFC  .60 break
01[11:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[11:10] {RonS} ese classic...
01[11:11] {@Threei}  valid still ETFC
01[11:11] {@Threei}  not AMTD though
[11:11] {ese} wha da ya mean classic!!!!!!!!! I'll have you know that I represent that remark!
[11:13] {dptl} cbs 1:3 ...out
[11:13] {ese} well done there dp
01[11:13] {@Threei}  wtg
[11:13] {dptl} ty :)
[11:14] {dino} gj
[11:14] {dino} whats the deal w/amtd down so much? can't find anything
01[11:15] {@Threei}  somehow attack on HFT reflects on them
01[11:16] {@Threei}  with all kinds of accusations and investigations coming
[11:17] {RonS} here i thought amtd and etfc was retail oriented...
[11:17] {ese} L Gstring....ah i mean gtat .92
01[11:17] {@Threei}  they are
[11:17] {RonS} hate long gstrings...
01[11:18] {@Threei}  bit the whole thing is beyond screwed up
[11:18] {ese} indeed
01[11:18] {@Threei}  this is celebration of idiocy
01[11:18] {@Threei}  when you have time, read this bit:
01[11:18] {@Threei}
01[11:21] {@Threei}  1:1  ETFC
[11:22] {ese} long as there celebrating idiocy with's ok......i can live with that....
[11:22] {ese} celebrating idiocy sober is a no go......
01[11:23] {@Threei}  sure... but I still prefer booze with some intellect
[11:23] {ese} ya ....yer right there
01[11:24] {@Threei}  now, if we are back to g-string topic, intellect is very optional
[11:24] {RonS} throw in some female anatomy and you gotta trifecta...
[11:24] {nemo} I prefer B and B
[11:24] {ese} lol
[11:24] {dptl} lol
[11:24] {nemo} yep
[11:24] {nemo} girlfriend sets up the bed chair
[11:24] {nemo} gives me a glass of wine
[11:24] {ese} alas lads....we digress
[11:24] {nemo} tells me to sit back and relax
[11:24] {nemo} slow day
[11:25] {ese} ya
[11:25] {ese} although i'm long Gstring here .92
[11:25] {ese} gtat rather
[11:25] {dino} lol
01[11:26] {@Threei}  we don't digress ese, we degenerate
[11:26] {ese} true......imensely
01[11:26] {@Threei}  well, those of us who still have room for that
[11:27] {nemo} it's genetic with musicians
[11:27] {ese} ouch
[11:32] {ese} not likien the look of spyders's not doin the health of my position any good
01[11:37] {@Threei}  (RU) Russia Govt removes its military envoy from relationship with NATO
[11:38] {RonS} pitcher or catcher?
01[11:38] {@Threei}  depends on time of the day
[11:39] {RonS} rotflol,,,
[11:39] {RonS} perfect
01[11:39] {@Threei}  :)
[11:40] {ese} out Gstring .06 +.14 with yer basic 2k position
[11:41] {ese} gotta go gents......cya tomorrow
[11:41] {ese} and possible not sure
[11:41] {RonS} cya ese
01[11:41] {@Threei}  take care ese
[11:41] {ese} oh ya we do have a lady........cya nemo
[11:42] {RonS} oof
[11:42] {nemo} wow...brutal
01[11:43] {@Threei}  he left before you could retaliate
[11:43] {RonS} smartest thing he did all day
01[11:43] {@Threei}  so I imagine you have your first point of order in tomorrow's "to-do" list
[11:51] {RonS} hmmm...Charles Schwab Corp ‏@CharlesSchwab  New statement from our CEO and our chairman regarding high-frequency trading:
01[11:51] {@Threei}  is it what I quoted in the morning?
[11:52] {thomcbell} wow etfc
[11:52] {nemo} yep
01[11:52] {@Threei}  incredible bs
01[11:53] {@Threei}  Lewis should be ashamed of himself, for providing firepower to these disgusting types
[11:55] {nemo} wait until they kill HFT and all the volume disappears
[11:55] {nemo} they should definitely eliminate some of these order types
01[11:56] {@Threei}  that would lead to spread windening
[11:56] {nemo} there is a "post only" order type
01[11:56] {@Threei}  widening
[11:56] {nemo} I ran into that in FAS last month
[11:56] {dino} if they kill it. i don't think it will happen. hft provide liquidity at portions of a cent, prior system was worse
01[11:56] {@Threei}  but there is even worse alternative,
[11:56] {nemo} hit the offer and no fill
01[11:56] {@Threei}  transaction tax
01[11:56] {@Threei}  a lot of imbeciles started yelling again for that
[11:57] {nemo} they will always yell for that
01[11:57] {@Threei}  and either of these outcomes, or both, if come, will be largely fault of this book
01[11:57] {@Threei}  they got new firepower
01[11:57] {@Threei}  just look how this non-issue exploded over last few days
[12:00] {dptl} leaving early....see ya tomorrow all
[12:00] {RonS} cya dp
01[12:00] {@Threei}  tale care dp
01[12:01] {@Threei}  AMTD more or less bounced finally
01[12:05] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .65 break
01[12:05] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
01[12:11] {@Threei}  SPY .65 break should do it
01[12:12] {@Threei}  grrr
01[12:16] {@Threei}  no news... just rug pull
[12:16] {nemo} algos went to lunch
[12:16] {dino} fete, data pretty bloody
[12:16] {dino} feye
[12:18] {thomcbell} crazy
01[12:26] {@Threei} Short Setup: GLD  124 break
01[12:26] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
01[12:35] {@Threei}  1:1
[12:37] {RonS} dino, u can throw lnkd in that feye data camp
[12:38] {RonS} and yelp
01[12:39] {@Threei}  GLD is just a hero last days
[12:44] {dino} brutal
01[12:46] {@Threei}  1:2
01[12:49] {@Threei}  (UR) White House Pres Sec Carney: Have seen no evidence that Russia has drawn down its troops near the Ukraine border
01[12:50] {@Threei}  Russia: No? hmmm... OK, how about that: Private Ivanov, make 3 steps back! Hey White House, good enough?
[13:00] {thomcbell} mu reports after the bell - looking for a long setup
[13:01] {thomcbell} for a chop
[13:03] {RonS} dino:  $FEYE receives caution rating in NSS Labs breach detection study. $FIRE and $FTNT both scored higher.Download Report:
[13:06] {thomcbell} when did that come out
[13:07] {dino} thx
[13:08] {RonS} dunno thom...just posted on stocktwits
[13:08] {RonS} Invensense $INVN mentioned positively at Wedge Partners
01[13:10] {@Threei}  (US) Senate Finance Committee rejects attempts to delay implementation of the medical device tax in the Affordable Care Act (obamacare)
[13:10] {RonS} from application? :  How many wedgies did you suffer in high school?
01[13:10] {@Threei}  of course
01[13:10] {@Threei}  they haven't met a tax they didn't like yet
[13:13] {thomcbell} mu 24.02 long break if holding 23.92
[13:26] {dino} apc spike
06[13:26] * Les slaps nemo around a bit with a large trout
[13:26] {Les} test 1 2
01[13:26] {@Threei}  that's a grand entrance
[13:26] {nemo} Vad, get out the fly swatter
01[13:28] {@Threei}  trout is not very impressive, Les... jackhammer, no less. But I understand you might be a bit rusty
06[13:29] * @Threei hands Les a jackhammer with NEMO engraved on the handle
[13:30] {Les} I blame the tradesman who didn't provide me with additional default tools to use
[13:30] {Les} what's there to break open with a jackhammer?
01[13:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  JPM  .66 break
01[13:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[13:40] {@Threei}  there you go
01[13:40] {@Threei}  imbecile from Senate financial committee on CNBC, for transaction tax
01[13:42] {@Threei}  1:1
01[13:42] {@Threei}  that was for you Les... welcome back trade
[13:45] {dino} data smr l .10, wide
[13:52] {dino} out caci .44, +.43
[13:54] {RonS} bofi barfing
[13:58] {dino} gap 76.69 area
[14:01] {thomcbell} mu 1:1
[14:01] {thomcbell} stop to 24.03 on rest in this madness
[14:04] {thomcbell} out mu
[14:05] {dino} lci to .55
01[14:07] {@Threei}  thom... I dunno how you managed to squeeze something out of that snail, lol
01[14:07] {@Threei}  I thought it was set to torture you for hours
[14:08] {dino} whole day like that
[14:10] {thomcbell} its stupid
[14:10] {thomcbell} lol
[14:11] {thomcbell} how about the P entry
01[14:12] {@Threei}  short
01[14:12] {@Threei}  30 break
[14:12] {Les} yeh got it thanks
01[14:12] {@Threei}  half lot
[14:12] {dino} out lci ave +.56
[14:14] {RonS} gj
[14:14] {dino} out enta flat
01[14:16] {@Threei}  half out P
01[14:17] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:17] {dino} ty
[14:19] {dino} apc smr s .81
[14:19] {thomcbell} what has gotten into this apc today
[14:20] {dino} no go, stopped
01[14:20] {@Threei}  APC Confirms settlement with US govt of Tronix claims; to pay $5.1B
01[14:21] {@Threei}  The Goldman Sachs Group Inc Have exited most proprietary trading positions as part of preparations to comply with the Volcker rule - annual shareholder letter
01[14:22] {@Threei}  so what's the catch?
01[14:22] {@Threei}  I mean, it's not like GS is going to quit trading
[14:22] {nemo} vxx
[14:28] {thomcbell} splk just got right near 200sma
[14:28] {thomcbell} might be one to look at dino
[14:28] {thomcbell} some poor guy upgraded the stock today
[14:29] {dino} been on screen, watching
[14:31] {thomcbell} feel like one more flush
[14:34] {dino} apc smr s .00
[14:35] {thomcbell} data too nearing the 200
01[14:38] {@Threei}  [14:22] {nemo} vxx
01[14:38] {@Threei}  could you be a bit more specific next time
[14:38] {nemo} bunny told me
01[14:38] {@Threei}  perfect timing
[14:39] {Les} well give us a frikin setup next time bunny
01[14:39] {@Threei}  have you also added "buy it here with all you have, sell farm, wife and kids
[14:40] {dino} splk gap way down still, 60
[14:41] {nemo} fur crissakes Les, look at it, plain as the cavern in your skull
[14:41] {Les} got anything plainer?
[14:41] {nemo} your IQ and my  belt size?
[14:42] {Les} I said plainer not plenty
[14:42] {nemo} I have a 30 inch waist dude
[14:42] {Les} what u obese?
[14:43] {Les} who the frik knows what 30 inches is outside of Americaland
[14:43] {nemo} you do
[14:43] {nemo} 2.54 cm=1 inch
01[14:43] {@Threei}  watching VXX for pullback entry
[14:43] {nemo} so, about 76 centimeters
01[14:44] {@Threei}  near .30 ideally
[14:44] {nemo} that better?
[14:44] {Les} goddam Vad has this been your conversation companion these last months
01[14:44] {@Threei}  yes
01[14:44] {@Threei}  thank you for your condolences
01[14:45] {@Threei}  now and then cosmo and ron chime in
[14:45] {nemo} now c'mon Vad, this is purely Les treatment
01[14:45] {@Threei}  but I am not sure they make it better
[14:45] {nemo} then there was fish face
01[14:45] {@Threei}  well, I am trying to slam only those who are here
01[14:45] {@Threei}  see, no munky business
[14:46] {nathan} gents have fun
[14:46] {nathan} c u tomorrow
[14:46] {Les} vxx .40 break holding .35?
01[14:47] {@Threei}  take care nathan
01[14:47] {@Threei}  no...
01[14:48] {@Threei}  this doesn't look to me reliable setup, can float either way with the sdame odds
01[14:48] {@Threei}  look at SPY
01[14:48] {@Threei}  similarly likely to continue up or reverse
[14:48] {nemo} yeah, methinks indexes likely to move up from here, we just breached yesterday's low in the spy
01[14:48] {@Threei}  around .40 - .50 is real resistance
01[14:49] {@Threei}  which should roughly give us VXX under .30
[14:50] {dino} apc to flat, can't break .65
[14:52] {nemo} spy setup just like vxx
[14:52] {nemo} here Les .25 break, holds .20
[14:53] {dino} apc bs to .76
[14:54] {dino} cov apc .40, +.60
[14:55] {nemo} apc has a ways to go dino
[14:55] {dino} sure, but its a bitch to trade, moves in quarter increments
[14:55] {dino} see back to 97
[14:55] {nemo} tomorrow likely better
[14:55] {nemo} keep that on your radar
[14:56] {dino} i cov 96.40
[14:56] {nemo} you bottom picker u
[14:56] {dino} glad i did
[14:56] {nemo} 97.36 first resistance
[14:56] {nemo} happy Les?
[14:56] {dino} was a tight trail nemo, wanted .50, once broke brought it to .40
[14:57] {nemo} ya' think one of Les's kids sits next to him and reads the IM to him?
[14:58] {dino} some serious damage to momos
[14:58] {nemo} people repositioning for earnings season
[14:58] {nemo} it's been unicorns and the belief in happy marriages so far
[14:59] {thomcbell} splk - i nibbled down there dino wasnt confident enough to post for the room
[14:59] {thomcbell} did u do it ?
[15:00] {thomcbell} the one more flush worked
01[15:00] {@Threei}  ok, watching VXX closer now
[15:01] {nemo} no bear in his right mind will stay short into the close with the employment report tomorrow
[15:01] {Les} I'll sell it
[15:01] {nemo} oh there u are
[15:01] {dino} tbell, no, apc had my attention, but on screen for tomorrow
[15:02] {nemo} indexes look iffy here
[15:03] {Les} why i didn't take yer spy offer earlier
01[15:03] {@Threei}  no clear setup yet, still waiting
[15:03] {Les} tis why
[15:03] {nemo} it worked Les
[15:03] {nemo} iwm broke north at the same time
[15:04] {Les} yeh it was good
01[15:07] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .25 break
01[15:07] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
01[15:08] {@Threei}  iskplozhion
01[15:09] {@Threei}  stop .19
[15:10] {nemo} shorts starting to cover me thinks
[15:12] {nemo} wow, spy trade with a .05 stop...
[15:13] {nemo} mmhhhh
[15:18] {nemo} spy breaks .50 should get vwap
01[15:19] {@Threei}  "When a mosquito lands on your balls, you suddenly realize the importance of non-violent solutions."
[15:20] {RonS} always wondered why a dog does i know...
01[15:21] {@Threei}  the sheer breadth of knowledge brought in this room...
[15:21] {cosmo} is that the problem with Crimea?
01[15:21] {@Threei}  no...
01[15:21] {@Threei}  Crimea IS the problem
[15:21] {cosmo} you kno... the mosquito thing...
01[15:22] {@Threei}  yes, but you have to look at it fropm different angles - for Ukraine, Crimea is balls, for NATO - mosquito
[15:22] {cosmo} y
[15:23] {cosmo} nato is the mosqito...?
01[15:23] {@Threei}  again... for whom?
[15:24] {cosmo} the elephant
[15:24] {Les} WTF? just kick em in the nuts
[15:24] {Les} no moer moustique
01[15:26] {@Threei}  problem is not so much this particular mosquito as the whole paddle from which they emerge
[15:26] {cosmo} ah... mosquitos are from a consortium of ologarchs
[15:27] {cosmo} oligarchs
01[15:27] {@Threei}  or kgb agents
01[15:27] {@Threei}  or both
[15:27] {nemo} indexes going to vwap
01[15:27] {@Threei}  meh
[15:28] {nemo} there u go Les
[15:29] {Les} oh put a bunny in it
[15:29] {Les} credit given as deserved
[15:30] {Les} nighty night
[15:30] {nemo} frickin' pussy
01[15:34] {@Threei} Short Setup: CBS  .55 break hl
01[15:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
01[15:39] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[15:40] {thomcbell} gn all
01[15:40] {@Threei}  take care thom
01[15:44] {@Threei}  - US and Canada notes that potential gases related to Bakken oil may be unaccounted for; some rules may require adjustment
01[15:44] {@Threei}  hmmm
01[15:44] {@Threei}  I'll let it slide
01[15:45] {@Threei}  ok guys, thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:45] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Apr 2 2014

Very nice day despite slow action. A few 1:2ers and scalps, with just one stop and one scratch. GLD, VXX, WMT, DAL...

Session Time: Wed Apr 02 00:00:00 2014
[08:58] {dino} gm 3i
01[08:59] {@Threei}  morning dino
[09:04] {dino} lqdt filled the gap below
[09:07] {dptl} good morning
01[09:07] {@Threei}  dp :)
[09:07] {RonS} gm...lqdt trading like somebody knows something, and it sure isn't me...
01[09:08] {@Threei}  ron :)
01[09:08] {@Threei}  FCX... quite restrained reaction on copper jump
[09:08] {thomcbell} esp with gold up
[09:08] {RonS} hearing gold jump on JPM blocking some sort of Russian transaction
01[09:09] {@Threei}  hah
01[09:09] {@Threei}  that was 5K transaction
[09:09] {nathan} gm gents
01[09:09] {@Threei}  originated by that bank that was sanctioned
01[09:09] {@Threei}  nathan :)
01[09:10] {@Threei}  if this kind of things is all goldbugs have left...
[09:11] {nathan} i asked day off so I can trade during the morning
[09:12] {dino} .
01[09:13] {@Threei}  LQDT Tier 1 Firm reiterates Underperform rating, price target $25
01[09:14] {@Threei}  Liquidity Services Apparent High Bidder for Non-Rolling Stock Surplus Contract with the U.S. Department of Defense- Has been determined the apparent high bidder for a contract with the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to purchase, manage and sell non-rolling stock surplus assets of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) (Surplus Contract). Liquidity Services, Inc.s high bid was equal to 4.35% of the DoDs original acquisition value (OAV). The Surplus Contract has a base term of two years with four one-year renewal options. - Bidding for the DoD surplus rolling stock contract will take place in a live auction being held by the DLA on April 2, 2014.
[09:15] {dino} fly on the wall, baird says it overbid
[09:17] {dino} thing has dropped from 27 to 20 in a day. 26% seems a bit extreme
01[09:17] {@Threei}  NATO suspends cooperation with Russia on Afghanistan projects
01[09:17] {@Threei}  16:09•
01[09:17] {@Threei}  NATO asks military commanders to draw up by April 15 plans to reinforce presence on Russian borders
01[09:17] {@Threei}  NATO feels renewed sense of purpose, eh?
[09:18] {RonS} lol, ya think...and if war breaks out lqdt will sell the same stuff back to the dod +50%
[09:19] {dino} lol
[09:26] {ese} morning
01[09:26] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:26] {ese} gtt
[09:27] {ese} morning....wrong cursor box again
[09:30] {dino} smr l lqdt .21
[09:30] {nemo} wow...thought you wait out the first 15
01[09:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  .30 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .20 
[09:33] {dino} usually do
[09:34] {dino} should have
[09:34] {nemo} broke your own rules
[09:35] {dino} yes and paid for it
[09:35] {thomcbell} watching dal for buy setup 
[09:35] {thomcbell} aal screaming 
01[09:35] {@Threei}  Invalidated  
01[09:35] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GLD  .50 break
01[09:36] {@Threei}  If holds  .40 
01[09:39] {@Threei}  let's tighten to .44
01[09:39] {@Threei}  takes too long
01[09:39] {@Threei}  especially for the morning, things should happen much faster
[09:40] {thomcbell} looking for a pattern in ayi on short side 
01[09:41] {@Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .40 break
01[09:41] {@Threei}  If holds  .30 
01[09:44] {@Threei}  1:1  GLD 
[09:45] {dino} adding lqdt calls
01[09:46] {@Threei}  WMT stop to .34
01[09:49] {@Threei}  1:1  WMT 
01[09:52] {@Threei}  closed WMT balance on a trail
[09:53] {dino} mkts feel heavy
[09:53] {dino} tza l .98
01[09:53] {@Threei}  1:2  GLD 
01[09:54] {@Threei} Long Setup:  FCX  .30 break
01[09:54] {@Threei}  If holds  .20 
01[09:57] {@Threei}  nathan, how are you doing?
[09:58] {nathan} not to bad, watching and following your calls
[09:58] {nathan} :-)
01[09:58] {@Threei}  ok... just making sure you didn't take day off for nothing :)
[09:58] {nathan} lol
01[09:58] {@Threei}  ok, FCX invalidated again, and dropping it
01[09:58] {@Threei}  not a player
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) FEB FACTORY ORDERS: 1.6% V 1.2%E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  closed last piece GLD
01[10:01] {@Threei} Short Setup: GG  .19 break
01[10:01] {@Threei}  If holds  .30 
[10:02] {dino} tza to flat
01[10:03] {@Threei} Long Setup:  DAL  .25 break
01[10:03] {@Threei}  If holds  .15 
01[10:04] {@Threei}  DAL stop to .19
[10:04] {nemo} probability is higher we do chop chop into the employment report on Friday
01[10:04] {@Threei}  GG stop to .26
[10:04] {nathan} nice DAL
01[10:05] {@Threei}  1:1  DAL 
01[10:06] {@Threei}  1:2  
01[10:07] {@Threei}  (US) Supreme Court strikes down limits on total donations to political campaigns
01[10:07] {@Threei}  out last piece DAL
[10:09] {nemo} FB
[10:09] {nemo} whoa
[10:09] {nemo} nevermind
[10:09] {ese} of course they would.......there the ones who probably received the most donations getting to the top
[10:11] {dptl} symc 20 short
01[10:13] {@Threei}  GG stop to .21
01[10:13] {@Threei}  minuscule risk
[10:13] {dino} ese, whats the vdiffenerece w/union donations?
[10:14] {nemo} yeah, unions are just big temporary employment companies
[10:14] {dino} forced deductions from pay used to support many candidates that the paytees don't want
[10:14] {dino} tza l .96
[10:16] {nemo} FB may be ready
[10:17] {dino} axe smr l ave .69
01[10:17] {@Threei}  feels like one more rug pull, FB
[10:18] {dptl} short tsn .75 break 
[10:19] {dptl} hlot
[10:19] {dptl} half lot
[10:19] {nemo} frig FB
[10:20] {ese} hmmmmmm ya
[10:21] {dptl} half out tsn
01[10:21] {@Threei}  DAL US Supreme court rules in favor of Delta in frequent flier lawsuit
[10:21] {ese} can't disagree with that......
[10:22] {ese} am eyeing plug again
[10:24] {ese} ya!!!!!! and i'm all for that man!!!!! forcing people to wear suits on an airplane.......lets get them standards back up there eh!!!
01[10:25] {@Threei}  lol
[10:25] {nemo} as long as ur in a straight-jacket ese, I'm good with it
01[10:25] {@Threei}  notice ese... they only require that from frequent fliers
01[10:26] {@Threei}  occassional ones still can travel in their swets
01[10:26] {@Threei}  sweats
[10:26] {ese} lol
[10:26] {dino} stuck in tight range again
[10:27] {dino} market range as tight as dal coach seat
[10:27] {RonS} lol and no kidding
[10:27] {ese} thats one way to look at it for sure
[10:27] {dptl} out some more tsn 1:2
[10:27] {dino} gj dp
[10:28] {thomcbell} dnr daily chart 
01[10:28] {@Threei}  nice find dp
[10:28] {dptl} ty
[10:28] {dino} dp, you played break of s2?
[10:28] {nemo} On a trip to Australia I was once drinking with a retired aeroengineer who helpe design some of the airliners
[10:28] {ese} mrkt participants gotta be treading lightly now that the S&P is at an all time high.....probably some skitishness going on
[10:28] {nemo} He said they allotted exactly the same width seat allotted to slaves on the slave ships
[10:28] {nemo} I think they had more legroom though\
[10:29] {dptl} yes Dino
[10:29] {ese} too funny
[10:29] {dino} nemo, my 26 year old niece areospace engineer for pratt/whitney in ct
01[10:29] {@Threei}  nemo... do they also plan to make us row?
[10:29] {nemo} I'm all of 5'6" and 170 pounds, and I'm uncomfortable in coach
[10:30] {nemo} Pratt & Whitney is primarily an engine manufacturer I think
[10:30] {ese} i'm about the same.....5 7 181lbs
[10:31] {ese} L plug sm .95
[10:31] {nemo} slow grind up
01[10:32] {@Threei}  Yanukovych doubts legitimacy of May 25 presidential election
01[10:32] {@Threei}  lol
01[10:33] {@Threei}  Hosnei Mubarak also doubts legitimace of Egypt government
[10:33] {dino} tza stop -.07
01[10:33] {@Threei}  much good it does for him
[10:38] {dptl} closed tsn on trail
[10:38] {ese} ya well......hes socked away a couple of 100mil for himself and the family
[10:39] {thomcbell} i think that is 100bb
[10:39] {thomcbell} definitely over 1b b
[10:44] {RonS} took axe 96.68 out 97.40 +.72 thanks dino
[10:46] {dino} gj
[10:53] {nemo} Might as well just play with bunny
[10:55] {dptl} long cmcsa .57..stop .49
[11:00] {dptl} half out
[11:03] {dptl} stop to .59
[11:04] {dptl} out
01[11:05] {@Threei}  good management
[11:05] {dptl} waited some more at.70 bastards didt fill me :)
01[11:05] {@Threei}  well... quiet time starts
[11:06] {dptl} yeah 
[11:06] {RonS} hearing sa hit piece out on PLUG
01[11:07] {@Threei}  Plug Power Inc Hearing Kerrisdale Capital making cautious comments
01[11:08] {@Threei}  this amazes me:
01[11:08] {@Threei}  IMF's Lagarde: There is an emerging risk of low inflation, especially in the eurozone; should see global GDP above +3% in 2014 and 2015- ECB needs to undertake more monetary easing to fight low inflation.
01[11:08] {@Threei}  how the hell did it become a norm to want to have high inflation
[11:12] {dino} out axe 97.89, +1.20
[11:12] {dptl} nice :)
[11:13] {nathan} nice dino!
[11:13] {dptl} i guess just got lucky again :) heh Dino...gj
[11:13] {dino} ty
[11:14] {RonS} ese got PLUG'd or did he get unPLUG'd?
01[11:18] {@Threei}  [10:31] {ese} L plug sm .95
01[11:18] {@Threei}  that was last we heard
01[11:26] {@Threei} Inc Unveils new video streaming device, Amazon FireTV- Says its product will address complaint they have heard about other streaming devices: difficulty with search, slow performance, and closed ecosystem [ie Apple iTunes] - Device features a quad-core processor with a dedicated GPU, 2GB of RAM, dual band wifi radio, bluetooth remote. - "ASAP" features loads movies faster. - Features an open ecosystem with a wide variety of content partners at launch, features HTML apps - Includes voice search by using a microphone in the remote
[11:27] {dptl} hmm...i just got that chromecast....really enjoing it nice little thing
[11:27] {thomcbell} alsn 30.72 long break if holding 30.65
01[11:28] {@Threei}  I looked at it... not sure whether I need it, got sony box that does the same and much more
[11:28] {RonS} lol...imagine nemo's place when his dad starts swearing at the will go ape
[11:28] {dptl} yeah if you have sony you dont really need it
[11:33] {dino} tza l .90
[11:38] {ese} My trade the news got cut off
01[11:38] {@Threei}  server problem
[11:39] {ese} It must be
[11:39] {thomcbell} ALSN invalid but i am still interested if something develops near the pivot 
[11:50] {dptl} ebay short .85 ? what do you think Vad?
01[11:50] {@Threei}  nah
01[11:51] {@Threei}  jelly fish
01[11:51] {@Threei}  can float either way, or stay put, with the same odds
[11:51] {dptl} i see 
[11:52] {thomcbell} look at mrvl Vad
[11:53] {thomcbell} for such a heady upmove yesterday this thing is trading very tightly in here 
01[11:54] {@Threei}  looking thom
01[11:55] {@Threei}  I'd say, yesterday was very out of ordinary for it... look at daily, it trades within one dollar for months...
01[11:55] {@Threei}  hardly a player, unless you are HFT robot scalping 1 cent :)
[11:58] {thomcbell} right 
[11:59] {RonS} didn't you see the mrvl ruling yesterday thom?
[12:00] {thomcbell} i did - i thought with the volume yest and percentagae move there could have been some follow thru
[12:12] {ese} L some plug avg .55   cya tomorrow....gotta go
[12:16] {dino} cya ese
[12:19] {nathan} watching JPM
[12:52] {nathan} i'm back in a while
[12:59] {dino} another dead afternoon
01[12:59] {@Threei}  I think we are in this pattern until some event comes
[13:01] {dino} pretty much sucks, no movement
01[13:07] {@Threei}  watching VXX for pullback entry
[13:08] {nemo} vxx lulled me to sleep
[13:10] {thomcbell} glog 25.17 short break if holding 25.26 
[13:10] {thomcbell} half lot 
[13:12] {thomcbell} ultimately i like it this long today but where it is in relation to its pivot and waning demand for shares makes it look a bit vulnerable 
[13:15] {thomcbell} scratching this 
[13:15] {thomcbell} vwap below 
[13:19] {dino} 07 red
[13:33] {dino} lqdt spike
01[13:33] {@Threei}  (UR) US sends one Navy destroyer into the Black Sea as a symbolic gesture of support for Ukraine and regional allies
01[13:33] {@Threei}  Ukraine: ah, if only symbolic gestures helped...
01[13:37] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .25 break
01[13:37] {@Threei}  If holds  .15 
01[13:44] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[13:54] {@Threei}  1/4 more out
01[13:54] {@Threei}  1:2 is close enough
[13:56] {dptl} watching fcx
[13:56] {dptl} short idea
01[13:57] {@Threei}  out last piece VXX
01[13:57] {@Threei}  pleasant and easy midday trade
[13:57] {nemo} I was napping
01[13:58] {@Threei}  too bad
[14:03] {dptl} hmm...just cant pull the triger on fcx....leaving it alone
[14:09] {nemo} vwap .41
[14:18] {dptl} my inner dp saves me lol
01[14:20] {@Threei}  ok... I'll leave that with no comment
[14:20] {dptl} lol
01[14:20] {@Threei}  but I am sure nemo started paying attention
[14:21] {dptl} o o 
[14:22] {nemo} oh yeah...I just left it alone
01[14:22] {@Threei}  thought so
[14:23] {dptl} saved again :)
01[14:23] {@Threei}  kind of "first time we will let it go"
[14:23] {nemo} don't be countin' ur chickens now there DP
[14:23] {dptl} lol
01[14:23] {@Threei} Long Setup:  P  .30 break hl
01[14:23] {@Threei}  If holds  .20 
[14:24] {nemo} AKAM looks short
01[14:25] {@Threei}  {AKAM} crap... they told me those lifts in my shoes would really help...
[14:25] {nemo} oy
[14:27] {dptl}  .leaving early..see ya all tomorrow 
01[14:27] {@Threei}  take care
[14:28] {dino} cya dp
[14:28] {nathan} bye dp
01[14:33] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .40 break
01[14:33] {@Threei}  If holds  .30 
[14:43] {nemo} iwm finnies and spy are walking the pivot
[14:43] {nemo} I lied....vwap
[14:45] {dino} axdx drop
[14:45] {nathan} so slow at this time
[14:46] {nemo} til Friday more than likely
[14:46] {nathan} why?
[14:46] {nemo} jobs report
[14:46] {nathan} ok
[14:46] {nemo} Fed Days Jobs Report  Retail Reports are becoming more and more important, so there always seems to be a pause
[14:47] {nemo} plus you just had two major-ass up days
[14:47] {nathan} :-)
[14:48] {nemo} Even Les could have anticipated this
[14:48] {nemo} well, that might be a stretch
[14:49] {nathan} some entertiment :
[14:50] {nemo} nobody better tell their homeowners insurance company
[14:51] {nathan} :-)
[14:51] {nemo} uri
[14:52] {nathan} Vad, i phoned my boss to tell him that tomorrow I got more important things to do
[14:52] {nathan} :-)
01[14:53] {@Threei}  and you told the truth...
[14:53] {nathan} I told him that..
[14:53] {nathan} i have a meeting somewhere in the afternoon
[14:55] {dino} ledmv spike
[14:55] {nathan} capitulation on MET?
[14:56] {dino} no
[14:56] {nathan} not yet?
[14:56] {nathan} can u consider this a volume explosion?
[14:57] {dino} no
[14:57] {nathan} ok, what else do u need?
01[14:57] {@Threei}  it's not something you can easily measure
[14:57] {dino} i like to see a few dollars drop w/volume
01[14:58] {@Threei}  there is no slioghtest sense of urgency to enter it yet
[14:58] {dino} look april 4 vol spike met
[14:58] {dino} apr 2 i mean
[14:58] {nathan} ok
[14:59] {dino} met is only a .30 fast drop. not capit imo 
[15:00] {nathan} thanks dino
[15:00] {dino} np, just my opinion
[15:07] {nemo} wow, spy volume not existent
[15:07] {nathan} gents have a good night
[15:07] {nemo} hasta loco
[15:07] {nathan} thanks Vad & team
[15:07] {nathan} hasta luego loco
[15:07] {dino} cya nat
[15:07] {nemo} vaya con Diablo
[15:08] {nathan} lol
[15:09] {nemo} vxx two way
[15:10] {nemo} althoug basically resting on pivot
01[15:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  41 break
01[15:32] {@Threei}  If holds  .95 
01[15:46] {@Threei}  half out .06
01[15:46] {@Threei}  time's pressing
01[15:46] {@Threei}  stop to .99
[15:52] {nemo} vxx should be more active tomorrow
01[15:53] {@Threei}  1:1  
01[15:53] {@Threei}  out .11
01[15:53] {@Threei}  nice day
01[15:53] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a great evening
01[15:53] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:54] {dino} gn
[15:54] {dino} holding that lqdt

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Apr 1 2014

Slowish day, with 3 larger wins (C, GM, WMT)  a a few small stops. Positive mostly thanks to a 1:3er on GM in the afternoon. DAL becomes quite a good trader lately

Session Time: Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 2014

[09:06] {dino} gm, spring must be here, i need my visor on this a.m, sun in my eyes
01[09:06] {@Threei}  morning dino
01[09:07] {@Threei}  still dark here
01[09:07] {@Threei}  Russia warned Ukraine against integration with NATO on Tuesday, saying Kiev's previous attempts to move closer to the defence alliance had had unwelcome consequences.
01[09:07] {@Threei}  no kidding
[09:16] {RonS} hello everyone
01[09:16] {@Threei}  Ron :)
[09:17] {dptl} good morning
[09:17] {thomcbell} gm
01[09:17] {@Threei}  dp, thom :)
[09:20] {ese} morning.....
01[09:20] {@Threei}  ese :)
[09:20] {ese} mornin vad
[09:24] {dino} as jesse livermore would say, "when you get lucky, take it". out data 78.08 leftover shares from yesterday, +1.78
01[09:25] {@Threei}  wtg
[09:25] {thomcbell} vrnt is up 4.5% after earnings
[09:25] {thomcbell} these guys could catch a bid
01[09:31] {@Threei} Short Setup: GM  .80 break
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[09:33] {@Threei}  trail to .86
01[09:33] {@Threei}  meh
01[09:35] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .70 break
01[09:35] {@Threei}  If holds  .80
01[09:35] {@Threei}  GM rinse
01[09:37] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:38] {thomcbell} aal great chart
[09:38] {thomcbell} looking for a setup long
[09:38] {thomcbell} too erratic
01[09:39] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .37 break
01[09:39] {@Threei}  If holds  .33
01[09:40] {@Threei}  valid
01[09:41] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[09:41] {nemo} market probably erratic until numbers
[09:43] {dino} markets leaving behind couple gaps down
[09:44] {nemo} Yellen put in place
[09:44] {thomcbell} wow aal
[09:44] {thomcbell} took off
01[09:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .80 break
01[09:46] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
01[09:48] {@Threei}  IWM non-stop
01[09:49] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:56] {@Threei}  1/4 more out
01[09:56] {@Threei}  stop .89
01[09:56] {@Threei}  1:2
[09:56] {dptl} out .99 ty
01[09:56] {@Threei}  yw
01[09:57] {@Threei}  stop to .94
[09:58] {dino} gj
01[09:58] {@Threei}  out in full
01[09:58] {@Threei}  too close to numbers
01[09:58] {@Threei}  and to 1:3
01[09:58] {@Threei}  ty
01[09:59] {@Threei}  slowish but smooth trade
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) FEB CONSTRUCTION SPENDING M/M: 0.1% V 0.0%E
[09:59] {dino} these gap higher opens are not my thing
01[09:59] {@Threei}  *(US) APR IBD/TIPP ECONOMIC OPTIMISM: 48.0 V 46.0E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  *(US) MAR ISM MANUFACTURING: 53.7 V 54.0E; ISM PRICES PAID: 59.0 V 59.5E
01[10:00] {@Threei}  to be fair, they are nobody's thing, dino :)
01[10:00] {@Threei}  except 401K holders
[10:01] {thomcbell} aal trades a lot of volume everyday
01[10:09] {@Threei}  ok... this relentless climb has to end somewhere
[10:10] {nemo} mutual fund day we'll nap soon
01[10:10] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  .15 break
01[10:10] {@Threei}  If holds  .10
[10:16] {ese} L plug
[10:16] {ese} .25
01[10:17] {@Threei}  (US) S&P 500 approaches all time high near 1883.50
[10:17] {ese} yup
01[10:19] {@Threei}  President Obama to give a statement on Obamacare at 4:15 pm ET in the Rose Garden
01[10:19] {@Threei}  victory lap?
[10:25] {dino} sheesh, we just going to sit all day like yesterday?
01[10:25] {@Threei}  god, I hope not
[10:25] {dino} ditto
[10:25] {nemo} well, you could always go spend time with your wife
[10:25] {dino} joined you on tza
[10:26] {dino} she's working nemo
01[10:26] {@Threei}  with 5 cents stop, as good pastime as any :)
[10:26] {dino} somebody has to
[10:26] {nemo} we're so close to all time highs, and monthly mutual fund money enters on the closing print today
01[10:26] {@Threei}  so we should see intraday pullback then
[10:28] {ese} don't know bout you all but PLUG is working fine for me
01[10:28] {@Threei}  SPY 188 loss would help us immenselly
01[10:28] {@Threei}  meh
01[10:31] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .95 break hl
01[10:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
[10:38] {ese} hmmmmmmmm interesting article.....KGB(now FSB) favorite method of elimination these days is poison..CBC News: 01,2014 5:00amThe mystery of Irwin Cotler's poisoning in Russia Canadian MP's strange and sudden illness was never investigated
01[10:39] {@Threei}  has been for many years already
[10:39] {ese} appears so
[10:40] {thomcbell} spwr looking long here
01[10:40] {@Threei}  famous spy pollonium poisoning in London
[10:40] {ese} tried to poison a former Ukrainian president in 2004
01[10:40] {@Threei}  yup
[10:40] {ese} ya remember that
01[10:41] {@Threei}  what was it Bush said? Looked in Putin's eyes and saw a soul?
[10:41] {ese} Dioxin.....the stuff backfired but it disfigured him
[10:41] {ese} idiot
[10:41] {cosmo} how about heart attacks?
01[10:41] {@Threei}  no more than Obama
[10:41] {cosmo} they gota be up there
[10:41] {ese} ya get that from being on this board
[10:42] {cosmo} :)
[10:42] {cosmo} i know the feeling
01[10:42] {@Threei}  at least unlike Obama, Bush never confused diplomatic niceties for reality
[10:43] {cosmo} he should said he saw his spirit
[10:44] {dino} bush gets blamed for everything
01[10:44] {@Threei}  haven't you heard? Crimea is his fault
01[10:45] {@Threei}  CAT stop to .89
01[10:45] {@Threei}  1 cent from 1:1
01[10:51] {@Threei}  frikin TZA works now
[10:56] {dino} still in
[10:56] {dino} market thoughts nemo?
[10:58] {nemo} I'm skittish about the mutual fund stuff today...having said that, watch finnies and spy when they get back to vwap, if they can't get above, then we might retrace further...Qs so frickin' strong today, and finnies so weak...crosscurrents
[10:58] {dino} thx, moving stop to .22
[11:02] {thomcbell} aal 37.50 long break if holding 37.40
01[11:03] {@Threei}  gj dino
[11:03] {thomcbell} cancelling that one - AAL
[11:06] {dino} prsc
[11:06] {dino} ty
[11:07] {dino} out tza .25, +.09
01[11:08] {@Threei}  better than my -.06
[11:09] {dino} .04 was stop, got lucky
01[11:09] {@Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .75 break
01[11:09] {@Threei}  If holds  .65
01[11:10] {@Threei}  (US) All cars are to have rear-view cameras by 2018
[11:10] {dino} smr s prsc .71 risky
[11:14] {dino} cov prsc 35.71, +1.00
01[11:15] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .80 break hl
01[11:15] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[11:17] {thomcbell} ko 38.61 short break if holding 38.70
01[11:27] {@Threei}  CAT to .86
01[11:28] {@Threei}  HLF Ticks lower on circulation of another China press article that discusses its MLM structure
01[11:30] {@Threei}  WMT to .69
01[11:33] {@Threei}  1/2 meh CAT
[11:37] {dino} prsc ranging 35.50-36.70
01[11:40] {@Threei}  1:1  WMT
[11:40] {thomcbell} im cleaning up ko flat here
[11:40] {thomcbell} not a mover
[11:43] {ese} cmon......lets get a move on here PLUG nickel
01[11:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .25 break hl
01[11:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
01[11:48] {@Threei}  1:2  WMT
01[11:48] {@Threei}  with patience, some of them work
01[11:48] {@Threei}  but heck... that's a lot of patience required, LOL
[11:49] {nemo} iwm spy finnies rejecting vwap
[11:52] {thomcbell} dal 35.31 long break
01[11:56] {@Threei}  give us 1:3 WMT
01[11:56] {@Threei}  as a blue light special
01[11:58] {@Threei}  stop to .99
01[12:00] {@Threei}  out
01[12:00] {@Threei}  1:2.5
01[12:01] {@Threei}  nice one DAL, thom
[12:03] {thomcbell} tu
[12:06] {thomcbell} 1:1 finally
[12:19] {dino} gj
[12:20] {ese} gotta go out plug .44 +.19  cya tomorow
01[12:23] {@Threei}  take care ese
[12:23] {dino} gj
[12:24] {thomcbell} taking the dal trader
[12:25] {thomcbell} trade
[12:30] {RonS} ha!  Colorado town considers letting residents shoot at drones:
01[12:31] {@Threei}  are amazon drones included?
[12:33] {thomcbell} thats awesome
[12:33] {thomcbell} truly
[12:40] {cosmo} it has to during drone season though
[12:40] {cosmo} has to be...
01[12:41] {@Threei}  are they hyperactive at certain time of year?
[12:41] {cosmo} you don't want them to breed...
01[12:42] {@Threei}  right
[12:59] {dino} prsc back to hod
[13:11] {RonS} htgc gone pulp
[13:24] {dino} axe drop
[13:27] {dino} news? can't find anything
[13:28] {RonS} hearing axe buyer balking over price...
01[13:28] {@Threei}  AXE Moves lower on report sales process has stalled out
[13:28] {dino} hmmm
01[13:32] {@Threei}  (US) House Democrat Leader Pelosi (D-CA): President Obama will announce later today that Obamacare has reached 7M enrollments
[13:46] {nathan} HI GENTS
01[13:47] {@Threei}  hey nathan
[13:47] {dino} hey nat
[13:52] {RonS} 1.  how many are paid?  2.  how many had insurance before?
01[13:53] {@Threei}  come on ron... all you need is faith
01[13:57] {@Threei} Long Setup:  DAL  .55 break
01[13:57] {@Threei}  General Motors Corp CEO plans press conference for 16:00ET, following House Commerce Panel hearing at 14:00ET
[13:57] {dptl} yhoo .50 long?
01[13:58] {@Threei}  yes but let's limit it to hl
01[13:58] {@Threei}  time of the day
01[14:05] {@Threei}  OK things... break out
[14:07] {nathan} in
01[14:16] {@Threei}  if DAL continues moving with this blazing speed it risks blisters on its skin
01[14:18] {@Threei}  I mean, just 8 min, and we are already up 4, yes FOUR cents!
[14:18] {nathan} :-)
01[14:18] {@Threei}  10 min
01[14:18] {@Threei}  but still
01[14:19] {@Threei}  anyway... that's faster than Russian troops withdrawal from Ukraine border
01[14:19] {@Threei}  and much faster than fixing Obamacare website
[14:21] {nathan} what happened with the site?
[14:21] {nathan} hacked?
01[14:21] {@Threei}  no... just built by 14 years old, since they were too cheap to hire 16 years old
[14:22] {thomcbell} aal looks like a 38.14 long break here
[14:22] {nathan} what a shame!
[14:22] {dino} axe smr l .63
[14:23] {nathan} dino what does smr means?
01[14:24] {@Threei}  1:1  DAL
[14:24] {nathan} 1:1 DAL
[14:24] {nathan} thanks Vad
01[14:24] {@Threei}  yw
[14:32] {dino} out axe .13, +.50
01[14:34] {@Threei}  wtg
[14:34] {dino} ty
[14:34] {nathan} gj
[14:38] {RonS} lqdt sm l .90
[14:43] {dino} i'll join ya ron
[14:43] {RonS} out flat seeing too much supply lqdt
[14:43] {dino} just bought your shares
[14:43] {RonS} lol...did you see that nathan axed you a question?
[14:44] {nathan} he just ignored me
01[14:44] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .50 break
[14:44] {nathan} lol
01[14:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .45
[14:45] {dino} no
[14:46] {dino} nathan, smr smaller shares = 300
[14:46] {nathan} many thanks!
[14:46] {dino} lqdt stop -.33
[14:50] {dptl} have to go...see ya tomorrow all
01[14:51] {@Threei}  take care dp
[14:51] {dino} cya dp
01[14:58] {@Threei}  wow DAL
[14:59] {nathan} what a pity not to keep some shares
01[15:00] {@Threei}  GM baby
[15:00] {nathan} wwowww
01[15:00] {@Threei}  1:2
[15:00] {nathan} you did that?
01[15:00] {@Threei}  1:3
01[15:01] {@Threei}  happily out
[15:01] {nathan} me too
[15:01] {nathan} thanks
01[15:01] {@Threei}  yw
[15:01] {nathan} happy ending
[15:01] {nathan} nice spike
01[15:01] {@Threei}  GM Reports March US sales +4% y/y to 256K units v 247Ke
[15:02] {nathan} well gents, have  a good night
[15:02] {nathan} dinner is waiting on the table
[15:02] {dino} gn
01[15:02] {@Threei}  you too
01[15:03] {@Threei}  so... nathan had a happy ending, then dinner??
01[15:03] {@Threei}  those europenas are weird...
[15:03] {dino} yeh, should be other way around
[15:03] {dino} lqdt smr l .40
[15:21] {dino} lqdt stop
[15:23] {dino} ron, lqdt a bit messed up
[15:23] {RonS} no kidding
[15:24] {RonS} strange, very few blocks
[15:25] {dino} no news
[15:25] {dino} be watching it tomorrow
[15:28] {dino} gap around 21.34
01[15:38] {@Threei} Short Setup: DAL  .70 break
01[15:38] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
01[15:45] {@Threei}  meh
[15:53] {dino} calling it a day, thx all, decent one
01[15:55] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:56] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31 2014

Profitable day thanks to couple 1:3ers, a few 1:2 and scalps. Afternoon still requires a lot of patience as action stops.

Session Time: Mon Mar 31 00:00:00 2014
[08:37] {dino} gm
01[08:49] {@Threei}  morning dino
01[09:17] {@Threei}
[09:23] {RonS} gm...hehe
01[09:23] {@Threei}  Ron :)
[09:28] {ese} morning
01[09:29] {@Threei}  ese :)
01[09:30] {@Threei} Long Setup:  YHOO  .40 break hl
01[09:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:33] {@Threei}  stop .34
01[09:34] {@Threei} Long Setup:  C  .65 break
01[09:34] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
01[09:35] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:37] {@Threei}  1:2
01[09:39] {@Threei} Long Setup:  EBAY  .70 break hl
01[09:39] {@Threei}  If holds  .60
01[09:39] {@Threei}  last piece C closed
01[09:40] {@Threei}  meh EBAY
01[09:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  WMT  .40 break
01[09:44] {@Threei}  If holds  .30
01[09:44] {@Threei}  *(US) MAR CHICAGO PURCHASING MANAGER: 55.9 V 59.8E
01[09:45] {@Threei}  1:1
01[09:46] {@Threei} Short Setup: GM  .05 break
01[09:47] {@Threei}  If holds  .15
[09:49] {thomcbell} vxx 43.10 long break if holding 43
01[09:49] {@Threei}  1:1
[09:49] {nemo} Yellen speaking in 5 then Dallas Fed 10:30
01[09:51] {@Threei}  1:2  WMT
[09:51] {thomcbell} vxx cancelled obviously
01[09:52] {@Threei}  1:3
01[09:52] {@Threei}  out
[09:52] {fish_49} gj
01[09:55] {@Threei} Short Setup: C  .65 break
01[09:55] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
01[09:59] {@Threei}  meh
[09:59] {fish_49} C sucks
01[10:02] {@Threei} Short Setup: EBAY  .90 break hl
01[10:02] {@Threei}  If holds  56
[10:03] {nemo} algo all green
[10:04] {ese} L pten .40
01[10:06] {@Threei}  Invalidated
[10:07] {fish_49} 3 mion chart on that very bullish
[10:07] {fish_49} we have light Volume on this push today  hmmmm
[10:07] {fish_49} DAL nice move
01[10:08] {@Threei} Long Setup:  TZA  16 break
01[10:08] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
[10:12] {thomcbell} cavm 43 short break if holding 43.10
01[10:16] {@Threei}  let's trail to .94
01[10:18] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:20] {thomcbell} cavm 1:1
[10:22] {ese} been watchin DAL as well...bodes well for breaking above 35
[10:22] {thomcbell} cleaning up cavm - too thin
[10:25] {fish_49} out TZA on the trail  ty
[10:30] {dino} dal smr s .65
[10:36] {ese} pten far a waste of my money and time
[10:37] {dino} dal bs to .46
[10:40] {dino} cov dal .44, +.21
[10:40] {RonS} gj
[10:40] {dino} ty
[10:40] {fish_49} out DAL also  thanks Dino got .21
01[10:43] {@Threei} Long Setup:  GM  .25 break
01[10:43] {@Threei}  If holds  .18
[10:44] {dino} thin, smr l geos .38
[10:44] {dino} gj fish
[10:47] {ese} yeoh......fishy!!!!! good job
[10:47] {fish_49} ty
[10:48] {ese} out pten .52 +.12 am takin my 120 bucks and am outta there
[10:48] {dino} gj
01[10:50] {@Threei}  1:1
[10:50] {fish_49} took a few tries  to hit 1:1  they partialed me
01[10:52] {@Threei}  they like partial people, don't they
[10:59] {fish_49} trailing GM to .33 or playing by the book?
01[10:59] {@Threei}  .29 makes sense
01[10:59] {@Threei}  .33 is way too tight
[11:06] {fish_49} out on trail
[11:07] {fish_49} TY
01[11:07] {@Threei}  yw
01[11:11] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .85 break
01[11:11] {@Threei}  If holds  .75
[11:16] {thomcbell} exas 13.78 long break if holding 13.68
[11:19] {thomcbell} exas 1:1
[11:21] {dino} geos stop .02
[11:25] {fish_49} nice pullback on the SPY
[11:25] {dino} data smr l .30 ave
[11:36] {dino} slow out there today
01[11:37] {@Threei}  new portion of snow for winnipeg
01[11:37] {@Threei}  this is beyond brutal
[11:37] {cosmo} miss it?
01[11:38] {@Threei}  let me think about it
01[11:38] {@Threei}  OK I thought about it
01[11:38] {@Threei}  not in the least
[11:38] {cosmo} got it
01[11:42] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .90 break
01[11:42] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
[11:46] {fish_49} still Valid?  I was away
01[11:46] {@Threei}  yes
01[11:47] {@Threei}  no
01[11:49] {@Threei}
01[11:51] {@Threei}  watching IWM for pullback entry
01[12:01] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  116 break
01[12:01] {@Threei}  If holds  .90
01[12:02] {@Threei}  1:1
[12:02] {cosmo} rocket
01[12:02] {@Threei}  1:2
01[12:05] {@Threei}  1:3
[12:07] {thomcbell} i took the trade exas if anyone followed
01[12:09] {@Threei}  1:4
01[12:09] {@Threei}  out
[12:10] {dino} gj
01[12:10] {@Threei}  ty
01[12:10] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .75 break
01[12:10] {@Threei}  If holds  .70
[12:13] {thomcbell} that was a nice one vad
[12:14] {thomcbell} nice immediate spike thru the level
01[12:14] {@Threei}  :)
[12:18] {fish_49} anyone ever get a call from a number 585-633-1814 some guy with indian accent claiming to be the IRS?
[12:18] {fish_49} He is very upset and wants me or my lawyer to call him back right away  lol
[12:19] {nemo} sure he's not Pakistani and with the ISI?
[12:19] {fish_49} perhaps
[12:19] {fish_49} lol
01[12:19] {@Threei}
[12:20] {fish_49} yea actually he asked for my wife
[12:20] {fish_49} nobody ever pronounces her name correctly but he did.
[12:20] {fish_49} scary
[12:20] {fish_49} lol
[12:22] {fish_49} getting ready to log out.  I'm gonna be away for a few weeks getting the house ready for market.  See you guys in May  Happy Trading.....Cheers
[12:22] {dino} take care fish
01[12:23] {@Threei}  take care fish
01[12:24] {@Threei}  WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today warned consumers about a sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants, throughout the country.
01[12:24] {@Threei}  Victims are told they owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If the victim refuses to cooperate, they are then threatened with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver’s license. In many cases, the caller becomes hostile and insulting.
01[12:30] {@Threei} Short Setup: CAT  .75 break hl
01[12:31] {@Threei}  If holds  .85
[12:39] {dino} tza l .57
01[12:40] {@Threei}  1:1
01[12:45] {@Threei}  1:2
01[12:52] {@Threei}  so... new internet meme in russia
01[12:53] {@Threei}  aged black and white photo of tanks on Prague streets,
01[12:53] {@Threei}  caption says:
01[12:53] {@Threei}  Our grandfathers knew how to enter EU. It's time we remember their lessons.
[13:04] {thomcbell} wow jks straight down for $1.30 over a few hours
[13:05] {thomcbell} looking doublish bottom here
01[13:11] {@Threei}  closed last piece CAT
[13:12] {nemo} mmmhhh..could take that the wrong way
01[13:12] {@Threei}  lol
[13:13] {nemo} can't tell if the indexes are a short, or they'll just tread along this way for the afternoon
01[13:15] {@Threei}  .10 break should push SPY down
01[13:15] {@Threei} Long Setup:  VXX  .60 break
01[13:15] {@Threei}  If holds  .55
[13:15] {dino} end of quarter nemo, they may hold them up
[13:16] {nemo} yeah, plus look at the daily's on the indexes...that would make sense too
01[13:23] {@Threei}  interesting
01[13:23] {@Threei}  SPY drops a bit, as told... VXX is not moving
[13:29] {dino} panw hl l .98
[13:37] {nemo} almost makes sense, hasn't hit a fear level
[13:46] {thomcbell} wow exas setup of 13.79 break really worked
[13:50] {dino} panw stop .62 -.36
01[13:51] {@Threei}  CXX worked after all
01[13:52] {@Threei}  VXX
[13:53] {dino} this is the deadest day in awhile
[13:53] {dino} panw rinsed
[13:58] {nathan} hi gents!
01[13:58] {@Threei}  hey nathan
[13:59] {nathan} did u have a good morning?
01[13:59] {@Threei}  not bad
01[13:59] {@Threei}  couple 1:3ers
[14:00] {nathan} good one morning so
01[14:01] {@Threei} Long Setup:  IWM  .35 break
01[14:01] {@Threei}  If holds  .25
[14:02] {dino} out tza .63, +.06
01[14:04] {@Threei}  change to .30 break
01[14:04] {@Threei}  If holds  .20
01[14:07] {@Threei}  1:1
[14:14] {nathan} is the markt taking a nap?
[14:14] {nemo} Das Markt schlaeft
01[14:15] {@Threei}  as became customary over last week, afternoons are inactive
[14:15] {nathan} nemo the polyglot
[14:16] {nemo} hardly  English and German, a smattering of Italian and Spanish, and a few Russian swear words
[14:17] {nathan} PG spike dino
[14:17] {nemo} a little Japanese too
[14:17] {nathan} really? where did u learn that?
[14:18] {nemo} I used to hang around with some Okinawans
01[14:19] {@Threei}  1:2
01[14:20] {@Threei}  closed last 1/4 on trail
01[14:21] {@Threei}  nathan... this one was for you personally
[14:21] {nathan} thanks very much!
01[14:21] {@Threei}  yw
01[14:22] {@Threei}  Wolfgang Schaeuble told a school group visiting his ministry Monday that Putin's contention Russian nationals were at risk in Crimea was like Hitler's claim ethnic Germans were being discriminated against in the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia before Germany annexed it in 1938, the dpa news agency reported.
[14:22] {nathan} i won't save the month but i appricate a lot ;-)
01[14:22] {@Threei}  a man knows his history facts
[14:25] {nemo} vxx
[14:25] {nemo} .58 level
[14:34] {nathan} 1:1 PG
[15:01] {dino} panw hl l .52
[15:05] {nathan} well gents have a good evening
[15:05] {nathan} hope to see u tomorrow
[15:05] {dino} gn nat
01[15:05] {@Threei}  take care nathan
01[15:10] {@Threei}  so... closing up, down or staying put
[15:11] {dino} put
[15:11] {dino} been stuck in tight range all day
01[15:11] {@Threei}  yeah... difficult to count on some kind of resiolution
01[15:11] {@Threei}  let alone figure out the direction
01[15:17] {@Threei} Long Setup:  CAT  .60 break
01[15:17] {@Threei}  If holds  .50
[15:19] {dino} hart spike
[15:29] {nemo} vxx
01[15:33] {@Threei}  so far, staying put
[15:33] {nemo} yeah
[15:33] {nemo} this EOQ mutual fund tuesday probably means markets stay up until Wednesday anyway
[15:35] {dino} hart smr s .11
[15:36] {dino} well that sucked
[15:36] {dino} bs is .31
01[15:36] {@Threei}  spike into last 30 min
01[15:36] {@Threei}  move your butt CAT
[15:36] {nemo} EOQ window dressing
[15:36] {dino} yes
[15:40] {nemo} spy volume 72 million shares...not impressive
01[15:44] {@Threei}  nah
[15:45] {goinshort} that cat looked long
01[15:45] {@Threei}  it really did
01[15:45] {@Threei}  this sudden SPY drop stopped it in its tracks
[15:45] {dino} out panw .65, +.13
[15:49] {goinshort} cya tomorrow!
01[15:50] {@Threei}  thank you all, have a good evening
01[15:50] {@Threei}  see you tomorrow
[15:50] {dino} hart cov/stop .20 -.09
[15:51] {dino} calling it a day, unfortunately slightly neg.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Market Week Wrap-up  Weekly Market UpdateMarch Goes Out Like a Lamb

- Global markets diverged this week as investors concentrated on vertical phenomena rather than cross-market influences. In Asia, the prospect of stimulus to support Abenomics and the slowing Chinese market sent Hong Kong and Japan equities broadly higher, although Shanghai was flat. In Europe, another round of decent economic reports reinforced hopes the continent was starting to pull itself out of the hole, epitomized by France's preliminary March PMI manufacturing data, which moved into expansion for the first time in more than two years. In the US, the S&P500 and DJIA traded sideways as traders continued to reposition after Yellen rearranged assumptions last week. The Conference Board's March Consumer Confidence survey unexpectedly jumped to 82.3 from February's upwardly-revised 78.3 reading, marking the highest level since January 2008. The advance durable goods report for February was mixed but on balance somewhat weaker than expected, showing the persistent impact of weather issues. Meanwhile the Nasdaq had its worst week since October 2012, dropping 2.8%, as many high-flying tech stocks saw stiff losses.

- The Federal Reserve released the second component - capital plan reviews - of its Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) this week. Twenty five of thirty large bank capital plans were approved. The Fed objected to capital plans from Citigroup, HSBC North America, RBS Citizens, Santander Holdings USA and Zions. Note that three of these are US branches of European banks, while Zions failed the earlier stress test. Citigroup shares took the biggest hit after the Fed rejected its request for a $6.4 billion stock buyback program and an increase of the quarterly dividend to $0.05. Bank of America and Goldman Sachs were forced to adjust their initial capital plan submissions to gain approval.

- Facebook announced another big acquisition, paying $2 billion in cash and stock for virtual reality gaming technology company Oculus VR. The company's immersive virtual reality technology headset, the Oculus Rift, has been lauded as a major breakthrough by the tech press. Facebook CEO Zuckerberg explained that he is looking ahead of Mobile to the next major computing platform interface, noting Oculus can be used as more than just platform for gaming, potentially becoming the "most social platform ever."

- Popular "momentum stocks" cratered this week in unison. Stocks of Facebook and Twitter tracked each other through the week, with the two names down more than 12% on the week by Thursday morning, although they retook some losses into the end of the week. Netflix gave up 12% on the week. Biotechs that set off the Nasdaq tumble last Friday saw additional losses this week, with Biogen leading the way down.

IPOs showed signs of oversaturation for the second straight week. King Digital Entertainment, the designer of the highly addictive Candy Crush mobile videogame, launched its IPO on the NYSE this week, opening for trading at 10% below the IPO price. Shares lost another 10% of their value through the end of the week, as investors worried the company is a one-hit-wonder.

- US Treasury markets spent the week consolidating after the post-FOMC recalibration. The long bond was the best performer with the yield briefly dipping back below 3.5% on Thursday. For the week the 10-year has traded up modestly, putting the benchmark rate back toward 2.7%. In the belly, yields barely budged after the recent cheapening helped demand easily gobble up this week's new supply in 5- and 7-year paper. Despite a raft of Fed speak emphasizing that last week's commentary did not signal any change to policy, 2015 fed fund futures contracts were little changed and continue to project the rate will rise by at least 50 basis points beginning sometime next summer.

- EUR/USD continued to back away from the ominous 1.40 area, helped along by plenty of verbal intervention. ECB President Draghi put a new spin on his same old positions by saying the ECB's forward guidance implies short-term real rates will fall in the future. ECB's Liikanen said a negative deposit rate was no longer a "controversial subject." But perhaps the biggest verbal bomb came from the Bundesbank's Weidmann, who surprised many observers by seeming to reverse Germany's longstanding opposition to ECB QE by saying the bank might consider purchasing euro zone government bonds or top-rated private sector assets. The ECB meets next week and some analysts believe the bank needs to do something more than talk to show it's dealing with ever-sharpening disinflation.

- China's March flash manufacturing PMI slid to an eight-month low and saw its third consecutive month in contraction territory. The March reading could not be shrugged off as easily as weak February data that was blamed on seasonal distortions caused by the Lunar New Year. Asia markets moved higher on Monday in the wake of the data as it seemed to further cement the case for government stimulus, however later in the week respected former PBoC adviser Li Daokui cautioned that the State Council would probably not undertake more stimulus spending.

- After widening its currency trading band earlier this month, the PBoC kept markets guessing on the yuan this week. Early on, the central bank's yuan midpoint fixing was stronger, taking USD/CNY back below the key 6.20 level on Tuesday. However the midpoint was weaker in the back half of the week, reversing the some of the gains. USD/CNY closed out the week around 6.21.

- Starting April 1st with the beginning of the new fiscal year, Japan's sales tax will rise from 5% to 8%. The hike is part of Prime Minister Abe's broad reform program, specifically to help fulfil his promise to achieve a budget surplus by 2020. Data out on Friday suggested that Abenomics saw a mixed performance in February: nationwide inflation accelerated to 1.5% from 1.4% in January, however overall household spending saw a 2.5% decline, its first slip in six months. While the government clearly wants the central bank to take action to help cushion the blow to growth from the tax hike, there were reports this week that BoJ Governor Kuroda does not share its pessimistic sentiment as of yet. USD/JPY was pretty tepid until Friday, when the currency ramped up to close the week just shy of 103.